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<strong>SCRIBAL</strong> <strong>FAMILIES</strong> <strong>OF</strong><br />

<strong>HATTUŠA</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>13</strong> th<br />

<strong>CENTURY</strong> <strong>BCE</strong><br />

A Prosopographic Study<br />

Tel Aviv University<br />

Faculty of Humanities<br />

Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures<br />

M.A. thesis<br />

by<br />


Under the supervision of Prof. Itamar Singer<br />

December 2008

To Father<br />

per diligo quod veneratio

Table of Contents<br />

List of Figures, Tables and Diagrams vii<br />

Acknowledgments x<br />

Abbreviations<br />

Bibliographical and Textual Material Abbreviations xi<br />

Frequently Abbreviated Terms and Conventional Markings xviii<br />

I. A Short Introduction to Hittite Prosopography 1<br />

1. Objectives, drawbacks and significance of the present study 2<br />

2. Previous literature on Hittite prosopography 4<br />

3. Overview of Hittite textual and glyptic sources considered 5<br />

4. Methodology and structure of the prosopographical study 7<br />

5. Chronological framework for the prosopographical study 8<br />

II. The Scribal Profession in Hattuša 12<br />

1. The archives of Hattuša: main work places of the scribes <strong>13</strong><br />

2. Organizing the archives: colophons, tablet catalogues and labels 18<br />

3. The scribal personnel 22<br />

III. The Chief Scribe (GAL DUB.SAR) and Chief Scribe on Wood<br />

(GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ) and their Families in Cuneiform Texts 38<br />

1. Family of Mittannamuwa 39<br />

a. Enter Mittannamuwa: Deposition of Hattušili III in favor of<br />

Mittannamuwa the chief scribe and his family (CTH 87) 39<br />

b. Prosopography of individual family members and affiliated scribes 46<br />

Mittannamuwa and affiliated scribes 46<br />

Family of Kuruntapiya 47<br />

Mittannamuwa in fragmentary context 54<br />

Purandamuwa 55<br />

Walwaziti and Alihešni, their descendants and affiliated scribes 57<br />


Administrative evidence 57<br />

Hieroglyphic Luwian evidence on LEO/LEO2-VIR.zi/a 62<br />

Walwaziti's scribal bureau 64<br />

Scribes of the (h)išuwa festival 65<br />

Hulanabi 70<br />

Talmi-Tešub 72<br />

Kuruntaili 80<br />

Son of Alihešni 81<br />

Summary: the chronology of the (h)išuwa festival<br />

scribes and the dating of its versions 87<br />

Other scribes in the bureau of Walwaziti 89<br />

Hiliya 89<br />

Pariziti 90<br />

Pihaziti 91<br />

Conclusions: the dating, function and possible location<br />

of Walwaziti's scribal bureau 95<br />

Nani(n)zi and affiliated scribes 100<br />

c. Summary of key arguments 109<br />

2. Families of Ziti (LÚ) and SAG 111<br />

3. Family of Šahurunuwa the chief scribe on wood 125<br />

4. Conclusions <strong>13</strong>2<br />

IV. The Chief Scribe (MAGNUS.SCRIBA) on Seals and Affiliated Scribes <strong>13</strong>4<br />

1. Matu: a single case of Early Empire Period MAGNUS.SCRIBA? <strong>13</strong>5<br />

2. Prosopography of Late Empire Period MAGNUS.SCRIBA <strong>13</strong>7<br />

a. Princes (REX.FILIUS / DUMU.LUGAL) <strong>13</strong>9<br />

Arnilizi 140<br />

Mahhuzzi 144<br />

The family of Halwaziti 150<br />


Penti-Šarruma 155<br />

Šahurunuwa 160<br />

Šauškaruntiya 161<br />

Armaziti 165<br />

Šakkapi 174<br />

Angulli 175<br />

Zuwa 176<br />

Taki-Šarruma 184<br />

b. Princes with fragmentary seals 192<br />

c. Muwaziti: a non-royal MAGNUS.SCRIBA? 194<br />

d. Uncertain evidence: Tarhuntapiya and TONITRUS.URBS+li 195<br />

Tarhuntapiya 196<br />

TONITRUS.URBS+li 198<br />

3. Conclusions 202<br />

V. General Conclusions 210<br />

Table of Correlations 214<br />

Prosopographic Index of the Hattuša Scribes 216<br />

Appendix: Hieroglyphic Luwian Titles and Professions 224<br />

Bibliography 231<br />


Figures<br />

List of Figures, Tables and Diagrams<br />

Fig. 2.1: Hattuša, the Hittite capital 15<br />

Fig. 3.1: Sealings of d LAMMA-SUM 49<br />

Fig. 3.2: Sealings of TONITRUS-BONUS2<br />

Fig. 3.3: The family of Kuruntapiya ( d LAMMA-SUM) and its connection with the<br />

scribal families of the chief scribes Mittannamuwa and Ziti<br />

Fig. 3.4: Seal impression of Pupuli found on a bulla from the north storerooms of<br />

T.1<br />

Fig. 3.5: Hand-copy of VBoT 87 made by Götze 61<br />

Fig. 3.6: Inscription of Walwaziti on a Bronze Spearhead 61<br />

Fig. 3.7: Sealings of Walwaziti 62<br />

Fig. 3.8: HL signs LEO and LEO2 on cuneiform tablets, signatures of Walwa(ziti)? 63<br />

Fig. 3.9: KBo 15.37 obv. II <strong>13</strong>-21, III 17-26 (photo) 74<br />

Fig. 3.10: KBo 35.260 rev. IV 5'-7' (photo) 76<br />

Fig. 3.11: Seal impressions of MAGNUS.TONITRUS 77<br />

Fig. 3.12: Seal impressions and seal of Ku(wa)lanaziti 85<br />

Fig. 3.<strong>13</strong>: Chronology of the (h)išuwa scribes and related scribal families 88<br />

Fig. 3.14: Seal impressions and seal of Pihaziti 93<br />

Fig. 3.15: HL stone inscription of Pi-ha-zi/a BONUS2 SCRIBA 94<br />

Fig. 3.16: The bureau of Walwaziti during the reigns of Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV 95<br />

Fig. 3.17: Seal impressions of Ana(n)zi/a 101<br />

Fig. 3.18: The career of Nani(n)zi and affiliated scribes parallel with the development<br />

in the work on CTH 616<br />

Fig. 3.19: Seal impressions of the scribe Halpaziti, father of GUR-Šarruma 118<br />

Fig. 3.20: HFAC 53 obv.? 2'-7' (photo) 121<br />

Fig. 3.21: The scribal families of the chief scribes Ziti (A) and SAG, their work<br />

relations and synchronisms<br />

Fig. 3.22: Seal impressions of Šahurunuwa 128<br />

Fig. 3.23: HL documents mentioning Tarhuntamana(wa) 129<br />

Fig. 3.24: The family of the chief scribe on wood Šahurunuwa and the marriage with<br />

the Mittannamuwa family<br />

Fig.4.1: Seal impressions of Matu <strong>13</strong>5<br />

Fig. 4.2: Seal impressions of Arnilizi 141<br />

vii<br />

51<br />

53<br />

60<br />

108<br />

124<br />


Fig. 4.3: Seal impressions of Mahhuzzi 145<br />

Fig. 4.4: L. 23 also transcribed LIS 147<br />

Fig. 4.5: Seal impressions of L. 417.5-wasa / Suwasa 148<br />

Fig. 4.6: TAŞÇI A 150<br />

Fig. 4.7: Career of Mahhuzzi and affiliated scribes 154<br />

Fig. 4.8: Seal impressions of Penti-Šarruma 156<br />

Fig. 4.9: Nis 381 162<br />

Fig. 4.10: Seal impressions of Šauškaruntiya 163<br />

Fig. 4.11: BOǦAZKÖY 22 165<br />

Fig. 4.12: KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA inscription of Labarna, probably Tudhaliya IV 168<br />

Fig. 4.<strong>13</strong>: A section of the obv. of Bo 2089 (photo) 175<br />

Fig. 4.14: A section of the rev. of Bo 2089 (photo) 175<br />

Fig. 4.15: Signets of Zuwa 177<br />

Fig. 4.16: Two name signet of Zuwa and Armaziti 178<br />

Fig. 4.17: Scribes in the "house of craftsmen" from the reign of Hattušili III to that of<br />

Šuppiluliuma II<br />

Fig. 4.18: Synchronisms between Šauškaruntiya and other scribal families 183<br />

Fig. 4.19: Nis 391 184<br />

Fig. 4.20: Seal impressions of Taki-Šarruma 186<br />

Fig. 4.21: Nis 250 191<br />

Fig. 4.22: Seal impressions of Pili 193<br />

Fig. 4.23: Seal impression of [...]-Šarruma and seal impression of a prince and<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA whose name was not preserved<br />

Fig. 4.24: Seal impressions of Muwaziti 195<br />

Fig. 4.25: Seal impression of Tarhuntapiya MAGNUS.SCRIBA? 196<br />

Fig. 4.26: Seal impressions of Tarhuntapiya A 196<br />

Fig. 4.27: Seal impressions of Tarhuntapiya B 197<br />

Fig. 4.28: Seals and seal impressions of TONITRUS.URBS+li A 199<br />

Fig. 4.29: Seal impression of TONITRUS.URBS+li MAGNUS.SCRIBA? 199<br />

Fig. 4.30: Seal impressions of TONITRUS.URBS+li B 201<br />

Tables<br />

Tab. 1.1: Chronological Sequence of Great Kings of Hatti and Kings of their Vassal<br />

Countries in the <strong>13</strong> th Century <strong>BCE</strong><br />

Tab. 2.1: Cuneiform titles and designations of the Hittite scribal personnel in Hattuša 25<br />

viii<br />

180<br />

193<br />


Tab. 2.2: HL designations, ranks of specialization and combined titles of the Hittite<br />

scribal personnel in Hattuša<br />

Tab. 2.3: Princes, dignitaries and other officials with SCRIBA numbered ranks, their<br />

combined titles and homonyms<br />

Tab. 2.4: Other titles of scribal personnel in Hattuša 31<br />

Tab. 2.5: Learned officials in Hittite HL seals and seal impressions 32<br />

Tab. 2.6: Learned officials in Hittite cuneiform texts 33<br />

Tab. 3.1: Seals of MAGNUS.TONITRUS, a.k.a Talmi-Tešub the scribe 78<br />

Tab. 3.2: Seals of Ku(wa)lanaziti 84<br />

Tab. 3.3: Seals of Pihaziti 93<br />

Tab. 3.4: Seals of Šahurunuwa 127<br />

Tab. 3.5: The chief scribes during the Empire Period as inferred from the cuneiform<br />

data<br />

Tab. 4.1: Seals of Arnilizi 141<br />

Tab. 4.2: Seals of Mahhuzzi 144<br />

Tab. 4.3: Seals of Penti-Šarruma 155<br />

Tab. 4.4: Seals of Šauškaruntiya 162<br />

Tab. 4.5: Seals of Taki-Šarruma 185<br />

Tab. 4.6: Titles and offices of Taki-Šarruma in cuneiform vs his Hieroglyphic titles 192<br />

Tab. 4.7: Seals of Tarhuntapiya B 197<br />

Tab. 4.8: Seals of TONITRUS.URBS+li B 200<br />

Tab. 4.9: The chief scribes in the <strong>13</strong> th century <strong>BCE</strong> 205<br />

Tab. 4.10: Archives in which sealed bullae with MAGNUS.SCRIBA seals were found 208<br />

Diagrams<br />

Tab. 5.1: Chronological sequence of the chief scribes 211<br />

Tab. 5.2: Main duties of the chief scribes 212<br />

Tab. 5.3: Main duties of the chief scribes on wood 2<strong>13</strong><br />

Diagram 2.1: Relation between the number of SCRIBA and number of DUB.SAR in<br />

Empire Period Hattuša<br />

Diagram 2.2: Schematic scribal hierarchy in Empire Period Hattuša 37<br />

ix<br />

26<br />

27<br />

<strong>13</strong>3<br />


Acknowledgments<br />

It is a rare occasion in academic life when one finds a mentor which has such an impact on his<br />

studies that he wishes to follow in his footsteps and learn from him all that he can. I do believe that<br />

I have found such a man in Itamar Singer, my supervisor and a master of all things Hittite and<br />

otherwise, who has devoted his experience, time and funds to support me throughout my studies.<br />

For all these my gratitude to him is deep and unabated. This work could not have been produced<br />

without his teaching and guidance. I wish him health and many more years of research.<br />

This master thesis is in part a derivative of a project on Hittite Prosopography of Itamar<br />

Singer, funded by the Israeli Science Foundation. It has been two years since I have commenced my<br />

study, during which time I have enjoyed the advice, encouragement, aid and critic of my friends,<br />

colleagues and teachers to whom I wish to thank: Shirly Ben-Dor Evian, Shlomo Bunimovitz,<br />

Yoram Cohen, Meir Edrey, Amir Fink, Nurith Goshen, Ze'ev Herzog, Meital Kaufman, Mario<br />

Martin, Jared Miller, Assaf Nativ, Shimrit Salem, Benjamin Sass, Deborah Sweeney, Giulia Torri,<br />

Jak Yakar, Assaf Yassur-Landau, and Ran Zadok.<br />

The research could not have been accomplished without the help and support of Leora Pick,<br />

secretary of the Jacob M. Alkow Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures in<br />

Tel-Aviv University, and Sarah Shachar Lev, head secretary of the Sonia and Marco Nadler<br />

Institute of Archaeology. Na'ama Scheftelowitz and Alexandra Shavit from the Institute Library<br />

deserve special credit as well in this matter for their helping hand and advice.<br />

To the research assistants of Itamar Singer throughout the years, but mainly my dear friends:<br />

Shatil Emanuelov, Amichay Findeling, Israel Kaner, and Or Siman Tov, I have a special gratitude<br />

for helping me with copying, scanning and cataloguing glyptic and textual material, and for their<br />

kind words and friendship.<br />

There is much to say about the wisdom of my collegeues throughout my Hittite studies, Ilan<br />

Peled and Boaz Stavi, their prespective and unfailing rapport are to be much appreciated and I thank<br />

them deeply.<br />

Guy Fisher, Roi Raz, and Daniela Ziering helped bring the database of Hittite officials to<br />

reality, for that and for their encouragement I am grateful.<br />

Sincere thanks are owed to Sivan Kedar, for all our discussions which have enriched this<br />

work so much. Also, I wish to thank Sharon Napchan for her editing of the fourth chapter.<br />

I am forever in the debt of the Dudkevitz family, Rivka, Aharon, and Yehudit, my father and<br />

mother, my sister Lital, and Sagi Zwirn, for all their help, love and support.<br />

It would have been impossible to take this journey without Limor, the love of my life, whose<br />

respect, support and devotion to me throughout my studies were unfailing and unmatched.<br />


Abbreviations<br />

Bibliographical and Textual Material Abbreviations<br />

AA Archäologischer Anzeiger. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut. Berlin<br />

ABoT Ankara arkeoloji müzesinde bulunan Boğazköy tabletleri. Istanbul<br />

ADTCFD Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi. Ankara<br />

AfO Archiv für Orientforschung. Berlin – Graz<br />

AHw W. von Soden,1965-1981, Akkadisches Handwörterbuch. Unter Benutzung<br />

des lexikalischen achlasses von Bruno Meissner (1868-1947). Wiesbaden<br />

AJA American Journal of Archaeology. Boston<br />

AMM Anadolu Medeniyetleri Müzesi. Ankara<br />

AnSt Anatolian Studies (Journal of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara).<br />

London<br />

AOAT Alter Orient und Altes Testament: Veröffentlichungen zur Kultur und<br />

Geschichte des Alten Orients und des Alten Testaments. Münster<br />

AoF Altorientalische Forschungen. Berlin<br />

ArAnat Archivum Anatolicum. Anadolu Arşivleri (Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-<br />

Coğrafya Fakültesi, Eskiçağ Dilleri ve Kültürleri). Ankara<br />

ArOr Archív Orientální. Praha<br />

AS Assyriological Studies. Chicago<br />

ASJ Acta Sumerologica. Hiroshima<br />

BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research<br />

BiOr Bibliotheca Orientalis. Leiden<br />

BLMJ Emar Tablets from the Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem<br />

bmsaes British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan<br />

(http://www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk/bmsaes). London<br />

Bo Inventory numbers of Boǧazköy tablets and glyptics excavated 1906-1912<br />

Bo year/… Inventory numbers of Boǧazköy tablets and glyptics excavated 1968ff.<br />

Bog. III Seal impression cited according to no. in Boğazköy III<br />

Bog. V Seal impression cited according to no. in Boğazköy V<br />

Boğazköy III K. Bittel et al., 1957, Boğazköy III. Funde aus den Grabungen 1952-1955.<br />

Berlin<br />

Boğazköy V K. Bittel et al., Boğazköy V. Funde aus den Grabungen 1970 und 1971.<br />

Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft und des Deutschen<br />


Archäologischen Institutes. Berlin<br />

BoHa Boğazköy-Hattuša, Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen. Berlin<br />

BYZAS 4 D. P. Mielke,U.-D. Schoop & J. Seeher (eds.), 2006, Strukturierung und<br />

Datierung in der hethitischen Archäologie. Instanbul<br />

CAD The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of<br />

Chicago. Chicago<br />

CAE J. C. Sasson (ed.), Civilizations of the Ancient ear East. New York<br />

CHD The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.<br />

Chicago<br />

CHM Cahiers d'Histoire Mondiale. Paris<br />

ChS Corpus der hurritischen Sprachdenkmäler. Rome<br />

CLL H. C. Melchert, 1993, Cuneiform Luwian Lexicon (Lexica Anatolica 2).<br />

Chapel Hill<br />

CM Cuneiform Monographs. Leiden – Boston<br />

CoS W. W. Hallo (ed.), 1997–2003, The Context of Scripture. Leiden – Boston<br />

CRAIBL Comptes-rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres<br />

CRRAI Compte rendu de la … Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale<br />

CTH Emmanuel Laroche, 1971, Catalogue des textes Hittites. Paris<br />

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DLL E. Laroche, 1959, Dictionnaire de la langue louvite. Paris<br />

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DŠ Deeds of Šuppiluliuma cited according to the edition of Güterbock 1956<br />

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EVO Egitto e Vicino oriente. Pisa<br />

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Seal impression/Seal cited according to no. in Glyptik<br />

Gs Forrer D. Groddek & S. Rößle (eds.), 2004. ŠARIKZEL. Hethitologische Studien<br />

zum Gedenken an Emil Orgetorix Forrer (19.02.1894-10.01.1986), (DBH<br />

10). Dresden<br />

Gs Güterbock K. A. Yener & H. A. Hoffner (eds.), 2002, Recent Developments in Hittite<br />

Archaeology and History. Papers in Memory of Hans G. Güterbock. Winona<br />

Lake, Indiana<br />

Gs Imparati S. de Martino & F. Pecchioli Daddi (eds.), 2002. Anatolia antica. Studi in<br />

memoria di Fiorella Imparati, (Eothen 11). Firenze<br />

Gs Jacobsen T. Abusch (ed.), 2002, Riches Hidden in Secret Places: Ancient ear Eastern<br />

Studies in Memory of Thorkild Jacobsen. Winona Lake, Indiana<br />

HdO Handbuch der Orientalistik. Leiden – Boston – Köln<br />

HED J. Puhvel, 1984ff., Hittite Etymological Dictionary. Berlin – New York<br />

HEG J. Tischler, 1977ff., Hethitisches etymologisches Glossar, (Innsbrucker<br />

Beiträge tur Sprachwissenschaft 20). Innscbruck<br />

HFAC Beckman & Hoffner 1985<br />

HKM S. Alp, 1991, Hethitische Keilschrifttafeln aus Maşat. Ankara<br />

HT L. W. King, 1920, Hittite Texts in the Cuneiform Character in the British<br />

Museum. London<br />

HW J. Friedrich, 1952–1966, Hethitisches Wörterbuch. Heidelberg<br />

HW 2 J. Friedrich, A. Kammenhuber & I. Hoffmann, 1975ff., Hethitisches<br />

Wörterbuch. 2nd ed. Indogermanische Bibliothek. 2. Reihe: Wörterbücher.<br />

Heidelberg<br />

HZL Ch. Rüster & E. Neu, 1989, Hethitisches Zeichenlexikon: Inventar und<br />

Interpretation der Keilschriftzeichen aus den Boğazköy-Texten, (StBoTB 2).<br />

Wiesbaden<br />

IBoT Istanbul arkeoloji müzelerinde bulunan Boğazköy tabletleri 1–4. Istanbul –<br />

Ankara<br />

ICH 1 1992, Uluslararası 1.hititoloji kongresi bildirileri (19-21 Temmuz 1990).<br />

Çorum, Ankara<br />

___ 2 1995, Atti del II congresso internazionale di hittitologia, Pavia 28 giugno - 2<br />

luglio 1993, (StMed 9). Pavia<br />


___ 3 S. Alp & A. Süel (eds.), 1998, III. Ulusrarası Hititoloji Kongresi Bildirileri,<br />

Çorum 16-22 Eylül 1996. Acts of the IIIrd International Congress of<br />

Hittitology, Çorum, September 16-22, 1996. Ankara<br />

___ 4 G. Wilhelm (ed.), 2001, Akten des IV. Internationalen Kongresses für<br />

Hethitologie, Würzburg, 4.-8- Oktober 1999, (StBoT 45). Wiesbaden<br />

___ 5 2005, V. Uluslararası Hititoloji Kongresi Bildirileri, Çorum 02-08 Eylül 2002<br />

– Acts of the Vth International Congress of Hittitology, Çorum September 02-<br />

08, 2002. Ankara<br />

___ 6 2007-2008, VI Congresso Internazionale di Ittitologia. Roma, 5-9 settembre<br />

2005. Parte I, (SMEA 49), Parte II, (SMEA 50). Rome<br />

JAES Journal of the Ancient ear Eastern Society of Columbia University. New<br />

York<br />

JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society. Baltimore, Maryland<br />

JCS Journal of Cuneiform Studies. New Haven<br />

JKF Jahrbuch für Kleinasiatische Forschung (=Anadolu Araştirmalari).<br />

Heidelberg – Istanbul<br />

JES Journal of ear Eastern Studies. Chicago<br />

KBo Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi. Leipzig – Berlin<br />

Košak, Konkordanz S. Košak, 2002-2006, Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln. In<br />

http://www.hethport.uni-wuerzburg.de/hetkonk/<br />

KUB Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi. Berlin<br />

Mainz, Portal G. W. Müller et al., 2002-2008, in http://www.hethiter.net/<br />

MAOG Miteilungen der Altorientalischen Gesellschaft. Leipzig<br />

MDOG Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin. Berlin<br />

MIO Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung. Berlin<br />

MSL <strong>13</strong> M. Civil et al. (eds.), 1971, Materialien zum sumerischen Lexikon <strong>13</strong>. Rome<br />

Mşt Maşat text, cited by inventory number<br />

MVAeG Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-ägyptischen Gesellschaft. Leipzig<br />

ABU .A.B.U. ouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires. Paris<br />

H E. Laroche, 1966, Les oms des Hittites. Paris<br />

H suppl. E. Laroche, 1981, “Les noms des Hittites: supplément“. Hethitica 4: 3–58.<br />

is Seal impression from Nişantepe cited according to no. in Herbordt 2005<br />

OA Oriens Antiquus. Rome<br />

OLZ Orientalistische Literaturzeitung. Leipzig – Berlin<br />


Onomastique<br />

on line M.-C. Trémouille, 2006, Répertoire onomastique. In http://www.hethport.<br />

uni-wuerzburg.de/hetonom/ONOMASTIdata.html (entered 14/05/2006).<br />

Rome<br />

Or Orientalia. Rome<br />

OrA Orient-Archäologie. Rahden, Westfalia<br />

Oxford Online<br />

Dictionary C. Soanes & A. Stevenson (eds.), 2005, The Oxford Dictionary of English<br />

(revised edition). Oxford Reference Online <br />

PIHASt Publication de l'Institut Historique et Archéologique éerlandais de<br />

Stamboul. Leiden<br />

PRU III J. Nougayrol, 1955, Le palais royal d'Ugarit III: Textes accadiens at<br />

hourrites des archives est, ouest et centrales. Paris<br />

PRU IV J. Nougayrol, 1956, Le palais royal d'Ugarit IV: Textes accadiens des<br />

archives sud. Paris<br />

PRU VI J. Nougayrol, 1970, Le palais royal d'Ugarit VI: Textes en cunéiformes<br />

babyloniens des archives du grand palais et du palais sud d'Ugarit. Paris<br />

RA Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie orientale. Paris<br />

RGTC Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes. Wiesbaden<br />

RHA Revue hittite et asianique. Paris<br />

RlA Reallexikon der Assyriologie (und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie). Berlin<br />

RS Ras Shamra text, cited by inventory number<br />

RSO Rivista degli Studi Orientali. Rome<br />

RSO 7 P. Bordreuil, 1991, Une Bibliotheque au Sud de ville. Les Textes de la 34e<br />

Campagne (1973), (Ras Shamra-Ougarit 7). Paris<br />

SBo I H. G. Güterbock, 1940, Siegel aus Boğazköy I (AfO Beiheft 5). Osnabrück<br />

SBo II H. G. Güterbock, 1942, Siegel aus Boğazköy II (AfO Beiheft 7). Osnabrück<br />

SCCH Studies on the Civilization and Culture of uzi and the Hurrians. Bethesda<br />

SCO Studi Classici e Orientali. Università degli Studi di Pisa. Istituto di<br />

archeologia e di storia. Pisa.<br />

SMEA Studi micenei ed egeo-anatolici. Rome<br />

StBoT Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten. Wiesbaden<br />

StBoTB Studien zu den Boğazköy-Texten: Beihefte. Wiesbaden<br />

StMed Studia Mediterranea. Pavia<br />


Tars. Tarsus seal impression cited according to inventory no. in Goldman et al.<br />

1956<br />

Tel Aviv Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University. Tel-Aviv<br />

THeth Texte der Hethiter. Heidelberg<br />

TÜBA-AR Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Arkeoloji Dergisi. Ankara<br />

UF Ugarit-Forschungen. Kevelaer<br />

Ugar. III Cl. F.-A. Schaeffer et al., Ugaritica III. Sceaux et cylindres hittites, épée<br />

gravée du cartouche de Mineptah. tablettes chypro-minoennes et autres<br />

découvertes nouvelles da ras shamra. Paris<br />

Ugar. V Cl. F.-A. Schaeffer et al., Ugaritica V. ouveaux textes accadiens, hourrites<br />

et ugaritiques des archives et bibliothèques privées d'Ugarit; commentaires<br />

des textes historiques (première partie). Paris<br />

VAT Inventory numbers of tablets in the Staatliche Museen in Berlin<br />

VBoT A. Götze, 1930, Verstreute Boghazköi-Texte. Marburg<br />

VO Vicino Oriente. Rome<br />

VS F L. Jakob-Rost, 1997, Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköy im Vorderasiatischen<br />

Museum (Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmäler der Staatlichen Museen zu<br />

Berlin, eue Folge, Heft XII). Mainz<br />

WdO Die Welt des Orients. Göttingen<br />

ZA Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete. Leipzig – Berlin<br />

ZAR Zeitschrift für altorientalische und biblische Rechtsgeschichte. Wiesbaden<br />

Frequently Abbreviated Terms and Conventional Markings<br />

Akk. Akkadian<br />

Arnu. Arnuwanda<br />

bib. bibliography<br />

Bk. Büyükkale (with A, B, etc. designates a specific building on Büyükkale)<br />

cun. Cuneiform<br />

CL Cuneiform Luwian<br />

dupl(s). duplicate(s)<br />

ed(s). edition(s)<br />

GN Geographical Name<br />

HaH House am Hang (House on the Slope)<br />

Hatt. Hattušili<br />


Hitt. Hittite<br />

HL Hieroglyphic Luwian<br />

Hurr. Hurrian<br />

IE Indo-European<br />

lit. literally<br />

LNS Late New Hittite Script<br />

Luw. Luwian<br />

MH Middle Hittite<br />

MS Middle Hittite Script<br />

Mur. Muršili<br />

Muw. Muwattalli<br />

n. footnote<br />

NA Neo-Assyrian<br />

NB Neo-Babylonian<br />

NS New Hittite Script<br />

OA Old Assyrian<br />

OB Old Babylonian<br />

obv. obverse<br />

pers. comm. personal communication<br />

PN Personal Name<br />

pret. preterite<br />

rev. reverse<br />

Sum. Sumerian<br />

St. T.1 Storerooms Temple 1<br />

Šupp. Šuppiluliuma<br />

translit. transilteration<br />

Tudh. Tudhaliya<br />

Ur.-T. Urhi-Tešub<br />

= equivalences in dupls., lexical texts, etc.<br />

⸗ marks clitic boundaries<br />

( ) in lemma encloses omissible part of the stem<br />

in translation encloses words not in the Hittite but needed to make sense in English<br />

[ ] encloses material lost in break<br />

[( )] encloses material restored from a duplicate<br />

< > encloses material omitted by scribal error<br />


I. A Short Introduction to Hittite Prosopography<br />

During the <strong>13</strong> th century <strong>BCE</strong> the main organizational body under the Hittite King was an intricate<br />

structure made up of the Royal family members, circles of the nobility, craftsmen and artisans.<br />

These persons fulfilled the tasks of officers, palatial and religious title holders as well as lowly<br />

officials. It is usually the role of the social historian to trace the person, Greek prosōpon, 1 behind<br />

each office, in order to map out the administrative structure. Prosopography, its name derived from<br />

the above mentioned Greek term, is the historical discipline which engages in such a collective<br />

study of officials, their duties and position in the state hierarchy (Stone 1971). A dictionary<br />

definition of prosopography is “a description of a person's appearance, personality, career, etc., or a<br />

collection of such descriptions” (Oxford Online Dictionary). The Prosopographical approach is<br />

mainly used in Classical studies, but has found its way into the study of Ancient Near Eastern texts<br />

as well. 2 Specifically, the integration of prosopography into the study of Hittite society and history<br />

has already retained some fascinating results (see I.2).<br />

The main tool of prosopography is onomastics, or in other words the research of the<br />

structure and origin of proper names, mainly personal names. The onomasticon of the Late Bronze<br />

Age Ancient Near East is quite large and has been studied extensively. Whether names found in<br />

documents from Anatolian and North-Syrian venues (Laroche 1966, 1981a; Gröndahl 1967;<br />

Tischler 1982; Beckman 1983a; Pruzsinsky 2003; Trémouille 2006a), or those known from other<br />

sources, such as Egyptian (Helck 1971; Schneider 1992; Hess 1993) and Mesopotamian (Saporetti<br />

1970; Freydank & Saporetti 1979).<br />

Hittite sources, which include cuneiform inscribed clay tablets, and Hieroglyphic Luwian<br />

(henceforth HL) inscriptions on seals, seal impressions, stone and various objects, attest to around<br />

1,800 Hittite nobles, officials, title holders and craftsmen. Most of the documents originate from the<br />

palace, temples and state archives of the Hittite's capital Hattuša – near modern day Boğazköy, 150<br />

km east of Ankara. This corpus significantly expanded with the 1990-91 discovery of an enormous<br />

bullae depot at an area of Hattuša named Nişantepe, inside a basement of a burnt down building<br />

called simply the Westbau (Neve 1992: 52–63). Approximately 3,500 Imperial seal impressions on<br />

1 Πρόσωπον has a wide semantic field ranging from “face” to “personality” (Liddell & Scott 1996: 1533).<br />

2 Principally one may cite here the many studies made on first Millennium individuals, especially the<br />

prosopographies of Radner (1998; 1999) and Baker (2000; 2001; 2002) on the enormous NA corpus of<br />

texts, and those of Bongenaar (1997) and Zadok (2002) on the NB documents.<br />


clay bullae, the remnants of sealed wooden writing boards and containers, along with several older<br />

land donation texts were found in the basement and on the slope west of it. Herdbordt (2005: 75),<br />

who published the sealings of the Hittite officials from this venue, 3 notes that out of 1,364 such seal<br />

impressions one can count up to 280 names of nobles and officials. This substantial update in the<br />

glyptics and onomastics of officials dating to the Hittite Empire Period (<strong>13</strong> th century <strong>BCE</strong>) was the<br />

main impetus for a fresh prosopographic study, the present study.<br />

The following introduction describes the aims of the research, its drawbacks and<br />

significance, and provides a short look into the literature on Hittite prosopography, the sources used<br />

for the present undertaking, the methodology of the study and its chronological framework.<br />

1. Objectives, drawbacks and significance of the present study<br />

Since the present thesis could not encompass all the different profession groups attested in the<br />

Hittite documents of the Empire Period, a specific group had to be chosen. The group finally<br />

selected was the scribes of Hattuša, for two main reasons. First, in contrast to most Hittite officials<br />

mentioned in our sources, the scribes share a feature with members of the Hittite royal family: their<br />

patronyms can be retraced (van den Hout 1995: 2f.). 4 This is accomplished through the genealogical<br />

data the scribes inserted in their signatures on cuneiform texts they copied and archived. This helps<br />

avoid the inherent difficulty of homonymy in Hittite texts and seals. Namely, persons who bear the<br />

same name but are in fact different altogether. Therefore, a better dating scheme of the scribes could<br />

be established. Second, since most of the scribes identified were the ones who actually wrote the<br />

texts, I was able to study not only their kinship ties and duties but also look at the final products of<br />

their daily work. Mind you, this was done in a limited way, because I had no access to the tablets<br />

themselves, and had to rely chiefly on photographs published on the website of the Hethitologie<br />

Portal Mainz (www.hethiter.net); invaluable to the work of modern day Hittitologists. An added<br />

bonus in this matter was the Konkordanz der hethitischen Texte of S. Košak and G. G. W. Müller<br />

(henceforth Košak, Konkordanz), published on the same internet site, which traces the find-spots of<br />

many Hittite texts found to date. This allowed me to attempt locating where signed tablets were<br />

copied, consequently giving general indications on the possible location of scribal schools and<br />

bureaus in Hattuša.<br />

3 The royal impressions will be published in Herbordt, Bawanypeck and Hawkins forthcoming; see also<br />

Otten 1993; 1995; Bawanypeck 2006.<br />

4 On the general significance of genealogy in prosopography see Thornton 1997: 23f.<br />


Given the advantages of the scribal material just described, my objectives in this study are<br />

three fold: 1. Consider the evidence on the scribal personnel of Hattuša: their archives, structure of<br />

their colophons, tablet catalogues and labels, and study their titles and professions on cuneiform and<br />

HL documents based on a quantitative study of the identified scribes; 2. A selective individual<br />

prosopography of the highest members of the scribal class, the chief scribes, and their known family<br />

members and associates. When possible it is also my wish to pinpoint their main bureaus; 3. Present<br />

the social matrix of the scribal personnel as studied in the prosopographical examination in a<br />

tangible form, along with an index of the scribes of Hattuša identified in the cuneiform colophons.<br />

One main drawback in studying Hittite families is paponymy, the custom of naming a<br />

newborn after the father or grandfather. When trying to date certain family members I encountered<br />

some difficulty in separating the son from his ancestors. Another problem lies in the nature of the<br />

Hittite cuneiform texts. Unlike many of those uncovered in Mesopotamia, they have no dating<br />

system and originate almost entirely from state archives (Singer 1997: 416). Therefore, there are<br />

virtually no private documents and specific information on the activities of officials, and in our case<br />

of the scribes, outside the administrative sphere of Palace, Temple etc. One more problem worth<br />

mentioning is the mobility within the Hittite officialdom between offices (van den Hout 1995: 3–5;<br />

Herbordt 2005: 75), which is even greater with regard to the scribal professions. Many persons<br />

seem to hold the scribal titles next to other professions, thus making it difficult to decide whether it<br />

is their primary occupation or a secondary title, which indicates on their added scribal skills and<br />

literate abilities.<br />

A study of the scribes of Hattuša is significant, first and foremost, as a reference work.<br />

Although Hittite prosopography was studied from the very beginning, the basic literature on Hittite<br />

scribes was somewhat limited to specific groups of scribes (Laroche 1949; Mascheroni 1984;<br />

Beckman 1983b; van den Hout 1995: 148f., 151–154, 172–178, 180–193, 216–226, 235–242;<br />

Houwink ten Cate 1998; Miller 2004: 37–39; Torri 2007a). Therefore, I believe a more cohesive<br />

study of this profession group is needed, specifically of the many scribal families known from<br />

Empire Period colophons. 5 Furthermore, the importance of this study could be considered on three<br />

levels: (1) Historical. Dating of the scribes helps to date other officials mentioned in the texts beside<br />

them, resulting in new historical and chronological information; (2) Social. Processing of the<br />

prosopographical data will provide a possible social matrix of the Empire Period scribal class, their<br />

organization and hierarchy; (3) Administrative. Some titles and duties of scribes and officials<br />

5 Note also the recent remarks made by Miller (2004: 37 n. 62) and Torri (2007a: 772 n. 6) on the need of<br />

such a study or monograph.<br />


connected with them are not wholly understood. This study can suggest new venues towards a<br />

clearer definition of some of them.<br />

2. Previous literature on Hittite prosopography<br />

As said above, there is no definitive study, either monograph or article, which deals with the<br />

prosopography of Hittite scribes in the Empire Period. Nevertheless, the accumulation of Hittite<br />

sources, textual and glyptic, during the past two decades, has given rise to studies which deal with<br />

officials from a specific profession group or social class in this period of Hittite history, many of<br />

them either scribes themselves, or connected to the scribal class.<br />

The most prominent study on Empire Period officials is certainly van den Hout's (1995)<br />

prosopography of the witnesses to the three important state documents of Hattušili III and<br />

Tudhaliya IV, namely, the Ulmi-Tešub treaty (Hatt. III), the Bronze Tablet and the Šahurunuwa<br />

decree (both Tudh. IV). 6 Otherwise, one should note d'Alfonso's recent study of Syrian legal<br />

sources and the many officials appearing in them (2005), Beal's monograph on the Hittite military<br />

(1992), Beckman's studies of Mesopotamian officials in Hattuša (1983b), the Hittite administration<br />

of Syria (1992a), and Hittite provincial administration (1995), Cohen's studies on the scribes of<br />

Emar (2004; forthcoming), the research on seals of officials made by B. Dinçol (1998a;1998b;2001)<br />

and A. Dinçol (1983; 1993; 2001; 2007) and their joint studies (1987; 2002), Imparati's reviews of<br />

augurs and scribes (1985) and Hittite princes (1987), Mascheroni's study of Hurrian scribes (1984),<br />

Mora's insights into the Hittite administration of Carchemish and its major players (2004a; 2004b),<br />

Singer's study on the Hittite princesses (1991) and many more. 7<br />

Another interesting aspect of Hittite prosopographical literature is the existence of many<br />

studies focused on certain major historical characters, or studies on different persons that seem to<br />

share the same name in different venues and sometimes at different periods of time (homonyms).<br />

Among these studies, one should note for example Bryce's on Telepinu the 'Priest' of Aleppo<br />

(1992), del Monte's on Mašhuiluwa (1974), Freu's on Kantuzili (2004), Hawkins's on Kuzi-Tešub<br />

(1988), Heinhold-Krahmer's on Piyamaradu (1983; 1986) and Šahurunuwa (2002), Imparati's on<br />

Armaziti (1988), Klengel's on Nerikkaili (1989) and Tudhaliya (1991), Mora's on Halpaziti and<br />

Kukulana (1988), Singer's on Takuhlinu (1983b), Kantuzili (2002a), Danuhepa (2002c) and Taki-<br />

6 See also the debate on their dating scheme under I.5.<br />

7 Note many of the studies used throughout the present undertaking.<br />


Šarruma (2003), Tani's on Hešni (2001) and many others. Therefore, the road is already paved for<br />

the present undertaking which can incorporate the results of such a vast array.<br />

3. Overview of Hittite textual and glyptic sources considered<br />

The sources at our disposal can be divided into two main groups:<br />

1. Cuneiform Texts written mainly in Hittite, Akkadian and Hurrian which are predominantly<br />

found in the archives of the Hittite capital, Boğazköy–Hattuša. These texts and their data can<br />

also be cross-referenced with what we know from documents found in archives of the two main<br />

cities under Hittite rule in North-Syria, Ras-Shamra–Ugarit and Meskene–Emar. As regarding<br />

the texts of Hattuša, most of the preliminary data, including editions and secondary literature can<br />

be found in the Košak, Konkordanz already mentioned above.<br />

The main body of texts which is of interest are the Empire Period texts copied by the scribes<br />

of Hattuša, that can be dated to this period either on the basis of their ductus being NS or LNS<br />

(also IIIb/c or jh./sjh.), 8 or on prosopographical grounds. 9 The majority of these texts are Late<br />

Hittite copies of older rituals and festivals. Otherwise many other officials connected with the<br />

scribes were dated based on their appearance in administrative documents of the Late Empire<br />

Period, which survived from the latter half of the <strong>13</strong> th century <strong>BCE</strong> that include:<br />

A. Economic and administrative lists such as government censuses of certain persons, families or<br />

estates (CTH 231-239; Souček 1959), inventory lists (CTH 240-250) of items such as raw<br />

materials, tribute, and products of palatial workshops (Košak 1982; Siegelová 1986), and cult<br />

inventory lists prepared mainly in the wake of Tudhaliya IV's cult reform (Carter 1962;<br />

Hazenbos 2003).<br />

B. Court depositions (CTH 293-297) which record statements of witnesses in court proceedings<br />

against persons who misappropriated palace property (Werner 1967; Tani 2002; Hoffner 2003a).<br />

C. Oracle inquiries (CTH 561-582) which are divine counsel on matters ranging from political to<br />

personal, for example note an intense series of inquiries performed during the days of Tudhaliya<br />

IV (van den Hout 1998).<br />

8 On the dating of Hittite texts according to their ductus, namely, the sign forms they exhibit see Neu &<br />

Rüster 1975, Singer 1996a, Hoffner 1997, van den Hout 1995, Miller 2004; for the Hittite cuneiform<br />

signs and their classification see HZL.<br />

9 Some are based on previous studies of Empire Period officials, such as the one cited under I.2. Other<br />

synchronisms were established in the process of the research (mainly chapters III and IV).<br />


D. Vows and dream records (CTH 583-590) which document lists of objects and estates<br />

promised by a certain member of the royal family, usually the king or queen, to a certain deity in<br />

order to win its favor (Otten & Souček 1965; de Roos 1984; 1998; 2007).<br />

E. Correspondence (CTH 151-210) is a very important source of information about officials in<br />

contact with the royal family and its representatives in other kingdoms of the Ancient Near East<br />

(Hagenbuchner 1989; Edel 1994; Beckman 1999; Mora & Giorgieri 2004), and of the scribes<br />

that wrote them, who seem to append a personal note from time to time to their letters (Otten<br />

1956).<br />

F. Treaties, instructions and land concessions which might contain lists of witnesses or the<br />

names of court officials from Hattuša as well as from other vassal states of Hatti (Beckman<br />

1999; Singer 2001a).<br />

Outside Hattuša the archives of Ugarit and Emar have already been noted upon for their<br />

ample reference to Hittite officials, some of them are also scribes. Among the texts found in<br />

Ugarit one should mention treaties and edicts, as well as correspondence with the kings of Hatti<br />

and Carchemish found in the southern palace archives (PRU IV), legal issues decided by Hittite<br />

intervention found in the central palace archives (PRU III), administrative texts which may refer<br />

to Hittite officials (PRU III; PRU VI), and correspondence with Hittite officials found mainly in<br />

private archives of important persons such as Rapanu (Ugar. V) and Urtenu (Malbran-Labat<br />

2004; Lackenbacher & Malbran-Labat 2005b). In Emar most of the documents relating to Hittite<br />

officials are legal documents and letters uncovered in the archives of the palace (Arnaud 1986),<br />

Temple (Arnaud 1991) and in private archives, such as that of the Zu-Bala family (Cohen 2005).<br />

2. HL documents which include predominantly seal impressions on bullae, but also the actual<br />

seals and a several inscriptions on stone and other items, 10 usually carry the name of an official<br />

with one or more of his titles and/or professions inscribed in HL. 11 In the glyptic tradition of<br />

Anatolia the seal used is usually a stamp seal, and it is rarely found impressed on the clay tablet<br />

itself; from Hattuša only three such cases of officials are known (Herbordt 2005: 26). The<br />

majority of impressions were made on clay bullae or container sealings found in two major<br />

archives in Hattuša: Building D on the Büyükkale (SBo I; SBo II) and the above mentioned<br />

Nişantepe in the Upper City (Herbordt 2005). Smaller numbers of sealed bullae were uncovered<br />

in the storerooms of the Great Temple in the Lower City (Güterbock 1975a) and the Temples of<br />

the Upper City (Herbordt 2005: 21).<br />

In the courts of Ugarit and Emar the officials of Hattuša and Carchemish as well as local<br />

10 As regarding the Stone inscriptions see recently Dinçol & Dinçol 2002.<br />

11 For the titles of Hittite officials in HL see Appendix.<br />


officials seem to follow the Mesopotamian tradition by sealing on the tablets, frequently using<br />

seal forms more common in this area such as the cylinder seal and later the signet ring (Gonnet<br />

1991; Beyer 2001; Herbordt 2006). At Ugarit, only several seal impressions of Hittite officials<br />

were found, almost exclusively on tablets from the southern palace archive (Ugar. III). In Emar,<br />

on the other hand, there is a great number of tablets sealed by Hittite as well as local officials<br />

(Gonnet 1991; Singer 2000; Beyer 2001), some of them Hittite scribes (Cohen forthcoming).<br />

Apart from these two sites, the bullae and seals of Hittite officials, including many scribes, may<br />

be found in various other venues (Mora 1987; 2000), such as Korucutepe (Güterbock 1973) and<br />

Tarsus (Gelb in Goldman et. al 1956), as well as in private collections (Poetto & Salvatori 1981)<br />

and Museums (Dinçol 1983; Dinçol & Dinçol 1987).<br />

4. Methodology and structure of the prosopographical study<br />

There are two kinds, or levels, of prosopographical research methods utilized in the present study. 12<br />

The first, undertaken in the second chapter, treats the Hittite scribal profession as a whole, and<br />

therefore coincides with what is called "collective prosopography". Collective prosopography gives<br />

an overhead picture of the social institution in which a person operated. Thus, chapter two considers<br />

some key elements of the Hittite scribal profession or community: the archives of Hattuša and their<br />

organization, and the scribal personnel. Basically, it provides the background for the second level of<br />

prosopography, employed in chapters three and four, which is the "individual prosopography". This<br />

level of prosopography gives the classic focus on the person (prosōpon), as considered above,<br />

dealing mainly with specific textual sources. In this case, who were the chief scribes, when did they<br />

operate, what titles did they hold, and who were their relatives, co-workers and students. Chapter<br />

three deals specifically with the chief scribes (GAL DUB.SAR MEŠ ), chief scribes on wood (GAL<br />

DUB.SAR.GIŠ), and related persons, as reflected mainly from the Hittite cuneiform texts. Chapter<br />

four deals specifically with the chief scribes (MAGNUS.SCRIBA) appearing in HL evidence, and<br />

tries to clarify their chronology and specific scribal duties. Chapter five, the final one, considers the<br />

main conclusions and displays a schematic diagram of scribal relationships, i.e. kinship ties,<br />

hierarchy, etc., established in the course of the individual prosopographies. Throughout the chapters<br />

there are references to the individual prosopographies or sections within the study in the form of<br />

CHAPTER.SECTION(.SUB-SECTION.NAME), for example: II.3 or III.1.a.Mittannamuwa.<br />

12 Cf. Bulst 1986: 3–5.<br />


5. Chronological framework for the prosopographical study<br />

Houwink ten Cate (1973a: 257) has defined a classical 'starting-point' for a prosopogrphical study<br />

of the Hittite Empire Period: the two large witness lists of the Ulmi-Tešub treaty (KBo 4.10+) and<br />

Šahurunuwa land concession (KUB 26.43), now supplemented by the witnesses of the later<br />

discovered Bronze Tablet (Bo 86/299). <strong>13</strong> One can be certain that the witnesses, who were of the<br />

highest echelons of the court such as the crown prince ( LÚ tuhukanti) and chief of the royal guard<br />

(GAL MEŠEDI), lived and operated during the reigns of Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV. Although<br />

there is an ongoing controversy regarding the chronological sequence of these three texts and other<br />

fragments connected with them which needs attention.<br />

Two of the lists recorded in KBo 4.10+ and Bo 86/299 are gatherings of witnesses to the<br />

signing of treaties between Hatti and its vassal state Tarhuntašša, which was given by Hattušili III<br />

to Kurunta, son of Muwattalli II, in gratitude for his support against Urhi-Tešub (Singer 1996b:<br />

64). 14 The first text refers to a king of Tarhuntašša named Ulmi-tešub and an unknown Hittite king,<br />

the second mentions Tudhaliya IV and Kurunta of Tarhuntašša. The third list in KUB 26.43 records<br />

the witnesses to a land grant of Tudhaliya IV, with Puduhepa at his side, to a high state official by<br />

the name of Šahurunuwa. 15 Other texts which concern the dating sequence of the lists are ABoT 57,<br />

a parallel of KBo 4.10+ containing a decree on the military obligations of Kurunta (Beckman<br />

1989/90), KUB 31.32, a historical fragment (Rosi 1984: 124 n. 62), and KUB 48.119, a fragment of<br />

a royal vow to the storm-god of Nerik (del Monte 1978: 180f.).<br />

One group of scholars believes, based on the content, orthography and prosopography of the<br />

texts mentioned, that the king referred to in KBo 4.10+ is Tudhaliya IV and the document is<br />

roughly based on the earlier Bronze Tablet. Their main argument identifies Ulmi-Tešub as third son<br />

of Muwattalli II and brother to Kurunta, hence his heir to the throne of Tarhuntašša (van den Hout<br />

<strong>13</strong> See also the preface to van den Hout's study (1995: 1f.). The first two witness lists were initially studied<br />

by Laroche (1947/48: 40–48). KUB 26.43 was edited by Imparati 1974, KBo 4.10+ by Korošec 1943<br />

and van den Hout 1995, and the Bronze Tablet, discovered in 1986, was published and edited by Otten<br />

1988.<br />

14 Van den Hout has argued that the setting of these events is to be assigned to the domain of royal family<br />

private legal affairs as in the case of land grants for example (van den Hout 1995: 6–7). For a different<br />

interpretation see Gurney (1983: 98–99).<br />

15 See NH 1076 and a detailed profile in van den Hout 1995:151–154; see also here under III.3.<br />


1989; Heinhold-Krahmer 1991/92; Houwink ten Cate 1992; Imparati and Pecchioli Daddi 1991;<br />

Stefanini 1992; Mora 2003). More convincing, on my account, is the evidence raised by a second<br />

group derived from a suggestion made by Güterbock long ago (1961: 86 n. 3) that Kurunta is the<br />

Luwian name Ulmi-Tešub adopted after his accession (Klengel 1991; del Monte 1991/92; Beal<br />

1992: 387 n. 1466; Sürenhagen 1992; Gurney 1993; Hawkins 1995: 62; Singer 1997; A. Dinçol<br />

1998; Beckman 1999: 102). 16 Therefore associating KBo 4.10+ with Hattušili III and clarifying<br />

some unexplained changes of office manifested as a result of the former theory. 17<br />

Following the latter dating scheme, ABoT 57, which might have been an earlier composition<br />

of the scribe of KBo 4.10+, 18 is to be associated with Hattušili III and Puduhepa. A reference to<br />

them is made in ll. 10-11: [kinun⸗ma LUGAL SAL.]LUGAL⸗ya m d LAMMA-an [I-A URU d ]U-<br />

da[šš]a [LUGAL-un i-e-er], “[But now the king] and [Qu]een [made] Kurunta [king in]<br />

Tarhuntašša” (Beckman 1989/90: 292). 19 Not accepting the sequence proposed by van den Hout<br />

(1995: <strong>13</strong>–15), which relates KUB 31.32 and KUB 48.119 with Tudhaliya IV, the dating of the first<br />

fragment remains uncertain while the latter is to be assigned to Hattušili III and Puduhepa, as<br />

already proposed by Beal (1992: 387 n. 1466) and Gurney (1993: 24 n. 35).<br />

With regard to the third list the question of its dating is still complicated (Pecchioli Daddi<br />

1997: 172), but I see no reason to place it twenty years after the Bronze Tablet, c. 1220 B.C., as van<br />

den Hout (1995: 14–19) suggests. The more sensible assumption, taking into account Puduhepa's<br />

age at the time, would be to place it some time after the events of the Bronze Tablet, thus<br />

concurring also with the information given by the oracular inquiry KUB 22.70 (Imparati 1992: 63;<br />

Pecchioli Daddi 1997: 173). 20 The final outcome of this discussion would be the following<br />

16 A third hypothesis not accepted, based on the current evidence, but still not altogether refuted, identifies<br />

the unknown king of KBo 4.10+ with Ur.-T. (del Monte 1991/92: 141; Mora 2003: 295).<br />

17 For example, the demotion of Tattamaru while his father promoted (Beal 1992: 387 n. 1466) or the case<br />

of Nerikkaili named tuhukanti a second time by Tudh. IV, his half-brother (Singer 1997: 421f.).<br />

18 Van den Hout (1995: 10–11) suggests it was an earlier composition incorporated later into KBo 4.10+<br />

and places both texts under CTH 106. Contra his opinion see Imaparti and Pecchioli Daddi 1991: 51ff.<br />

19 Kurunta describes in Bo 544/f (=SBo II Text 1: 10f.), sealed by him as Prince (REX.FILIUS), how Hatt.<br />

III and Puduhepa placed him on the throne of Tarhuntašša when he was a prince (Beckman 1989/90:<br />

291f.). For a possible depiction of his coronation scene told by Hatt. in the fragmentary text KUB 21.37<br />

(ll. 37'-44') and its relation to the former sealed fragment see Singer 2001b: 401–403.<br />

20 On the dating of KUB 22.70 to Puduhepa see Ünal 1978: 36–52; Singer 1991: 331. For a dating of KUB<br />

26.43 before the Bronze Tablet suggesting that Puduhepa was not alive when the latter was signed see<br />

del Monte 1991/92: <strong>13</strong>5.<br />


chronological sequence of texts: KUB 48.119 – ABoT 57 – KBo 4.10+ – KUB 31.32(?) – Bronze<br />

Tablet – KUB 26.43.<br />

A chronological table (Tab. 1.1) is further supplied here to facilitate the discussions made in<br />

the following chapters. It incorporates the Hittite great kings, vassal kings and a few major events,<br />

some considered throughout this study, of the <strong>13</strong> th century <strong>BCE</strong>. The chronology used is based on<br />

the chronological tables and synchronisms supplied in three major historical studies: Klengel (1999:<br />

388–393) on the Hittite sources, Singer (1999a: 734) on the political history of Ugarit, and<br />

d'Alfonso (2005: 209 Tab. 2) on the legal documents from North-Syria.<br />


Tab. 1.1<br />


II. The Scribal Profession in Hattuša<br />

Hittite scribes, like their Mesopotamian counterparts, 21 traced their origin back to prestigious<br />

patronyms. While some Mesopotamian patronyms had no grasp in reality, merely used to enhance<br />

a particular scribe’s invented lineage, Hittite scribal lineages seem to be genuine; at least those<br />

cited in Empire Period colophons. For example, one might refer to the lineage of the <strong>13</strong> th century<br />

scribe Hanikkuili, 22 restored by Beckman (1983b: 103–106) from the colophons of two tablets<br />

(KBo 19.99, KBo 6.4): the first member in his lineage is the Babylonian scribe Anu-šar-ilāni, who<br />

lived in the 15 th century. Such scribes, like Anu-šar-ilani, brought from Mesopotamia their writing<br />

system 23 as well as the current schooling curriculum, 24 which was studied at the É.DUB.BA.A<br />

“Tablet House” – the archival institution and scribal school whose offices were situated both in the<br />

palace and temples of Hattuša and in other provincial centers (Archi 1973: 214; CAD Ṭ: 149). A<br />

21 Hattuša is considered one of the largest schooling centers of Akk. in the periphery, studies in<br />

Boğhazköy Akk. are in much need of an update, see Labat 1932 and also the unpublished 1976 diss. by<br />

Durham. Other noted centers were Syrian Ugarit (Huehnergard 1989; Van Soldt 1991) and Emar<br />

(Seminara 1998), and to a much lesser extent El-Amarna (Izre'el 1997), Ammuru (Izre'el 1991),<br />

Alalakh, Nuzi, Qatna, Susa and Cannan (Izre'el 2005).<br />

22 H and H suppl. 272; Onomastique on line. His activities are dated by Beckman (1983b: 106f.) to the<br />

later reign of Tudh. IV or Arnu. III's reign (cf. also Salvini 1980: 165 who prefers Arnu. III). Note,<br />

however, the redating of his career by Miller 2004: 37f., and also in the present study under III.2.<br />

23 Borrowing of the cun. script took place sometime in the late 17 th cent. (OH) probably from a Syrian<br />

center (Gamkrelidze 1961; Beckman 1983b: 100), which could very well be Alalakh VII (Güterbock<br />

1954: 393 apud Speiser; Klinger 1998: 371), although the OA colonies in Anatolia have also been<br />

suggested as a possible source (Hecker 1992).<br />

24 On Mesopotamian curriculum see Michalowski 1991. The curriculum of the OH period seems to have<br />

been influenced by the Akk. Sargonic tradition and OB narû literature (Beckman 1983b: 100f.; Cohen<br />

forthcoming). Other influenced genres include for instance Akk. versions of Hitt. historical texts and<br />

heavily Akkadographic land grants (Easton 1981; Beckman 1983b: 102f.). In MH times Hurr. scribes<br />

introduced their elements into the learning material in the form of vocabularies, mythological<br />

compositions, omina etc. (Güterbock 1954; Kammenhuber 1976: 60ff.; Hoffner 1992; on the scribes see<br />

Mascheroni 1984). The Hurr. material extended well into the LH period followed by an increasing<br />

influence of Luw. on scribal works (i.e. Luwianisms), studied recently by Melchert 2005, van den Hout<br />

2006a and Singer 2005:444–447. Moreover, on the learning material of Ugarit and Emar see van Soldt<br />

1995; Cohen forthcoming.<br />


shared religious world incorporated into the scribal tradition manifested in the cult of the patron<br />

deities of the profession: Nisaba, Nabû and Ea (Oppenheim 1965: 256), though more evident in<br />

Ugarit and Emar, 25 this cult was also introduced to the Hittite world through Hurrian mediation, as<br />

evident in a number of festivals from Hattuša (Lebrun 1983: 56; Haas 1994: 8<strong>13</strong>f.; Archi 2006:<br />

154, 156). The scribal community just described, during the <strong>13</strong> th century at least, was certainly<br />

biscriptual if not bilingual, using HL script on seals and monumental inscriptions adjacent to<br />

cuneiform writing on clay tablets (Melchert 2005; Singer 2005; van den Hout 2006a).<br />

The present chapter aims to be both a short introduction into scribal society in Hattuša and a<br />

collective prosopography of the scribes in the city. First, the character and organization of the main<br />

work places of the scribes will be explored, namely, the buildings which housed clay tablets, and<br />

those where in all likelihood wooden writing boards were stored, in which only clay bullae<br />

remained as evidence. Second, the ways in which the scribes documented the organization of the<br />

archives are treated, through a brief review of colophons, tablet catalogues and shelf labels. The<br />

third and last part of the chapter includes a survey of the titles held by Hittite scribes and educated<br />

officials (as those officials who held scribal titles but did not perform any scribal duty per se [i.e.<br />

drafting texts, supervising, etc.] are called here), and the results of a statistical study made on the<br />

scribes of Hattuša in the Empire Period; namely, the abovementioned collective prosopography of<br />

all scribes and educated officials which I could find in cuneiform and HL documents of the <strong>13</strong> th<br />

century <strong>BCE</strong>.<br />

1. The archives of Hattuša: main work places of the scribes<br />

Studies into the organization of Ancient Near Eastern archives have become a main issue in the<br />

scholarship over the past decades, ever since archaeological missions began to methodically<br />

document the find spots of archival finds, such as clay tablets and seal impressions. This approach,<br />

sometimes termed "archival", is nicely described by Posner in his 1972 book on archives in the<br />

ancient world: "A cursory study of the more recent excavation reports–those on Mari, Ugarit,<br />

Pylos, and Nimrud, for instance–reveals that the archival approach to the tablets has been accepted<br />

de facto: the exact spots where the tablets were found are entered on survey maps, and the tablets<br />

themselves are numbered as found so that the original relationships between them are on record,<br />

even if the texts are published in a different, possibly a subject arrangement." In the Hittite capital<br />

Hattuša (Fig. 2.1), however, excavated since the beginning of the 20 th century, the find spots of at<br />

25 Vita 1999: 473; Cohen forthcoming<br />


least a third of the clay tablets, those found during the early excavations, were practically lost due<br />

to lack of documentation (Alaura 2001; van den Hout 2002a: 858f.; 2006b: 77). Nevertheless,<br />

owing to improved methods employed by the excavators from the 1930's onwards, and the efforts<br />

of scholars to retrace the find spots in several buildings, 26 we have a much better view on the<br />

organization of the tablet collections in Hattuša, specifically during the last few decades of the<br />

Empire Period. 27<br />

The major tablet collection were found in and around buildings A, B, D, E and K on the<br />

acropolis, 28 also known as Büyükkale, and in the Lower City of Hattuša in the area of the Great<br />

Temple (henceforth Temple 1); more specifically in some of the storerooms which surround it and<br />

in a building to its south-west known as the Haus am Hang (henceforth House on the Slope). 29<br />

Smaller tablet collections were unearthed in some of the Upper City temples and at the Westbau of<br />

Nişantepe, the latter holding primarily large amounts of sealed clay bullae (see below).<br />

The premise of such ancient archives is that they grow from the ruling body and the officials<br />

serving under it, who daily cared after, copied and studied the documents stored within them<br />

(Veenhof 1986: 9). Therefore, it is no surprise that the Hittite scribes seem to distinguish between<br />

records with long term significance, 30 which were recopied and edited, sometimes over a period of<br />

centuries, and records of a short term relevance, 31 which were as a rule discarded, recycled or<br />

destroyed after only one or two generations (van den Hout 2002a: 863–865; 2005: 282f.; 2006a:<br />

219f.; 2006b: 78f.). Nevertheless, since these genres are found mixed within the major tablet<br />

collections, it is problematic to impose the modern notions of "archive" or "library" on any of them<br />

(van den Hout 2005). 32 In any case, this characteristic of some of the tablet collections is what, in<br />

my opinion, indicates on the multi-functionality of the buildings which housed them as<br />

administrative bureaus, archives and perhaps scribal schools.<br />

26 Especially Güterbock 1991/92; Košak 1995; Alaura 1998; 2001 and the invaluable Košak, Konkordanz.<br />

27 See for example the reconstruction of the "paper trail" in the administrative offices in the reign of Tudh.<br />

IV as suggested by van den Hout 2006b.<br />

28 Tablets were also found in buildings C, F, G, H, J, M and N, most likely in secondary context (van den<br />

Hout 2006b: 83).<br />

29 For a review of the archives of Hattuša see Pedersén 1998: 44–56.<br />

30 Historigraphical compositions, instructions, laws, prayers, festivals, rituals, mythology, lexical lists etc.<br />

31 Primarily administrative documents: letters, court depositions, non-celestial oracles, vows, cult<br />

inventories, etc.<br />

32 On the definitions of archive and library see the bib. cited in van den Hout 2002a: 876 n. 69.<br />


Fig. 2.1: Hattuša, the Hittite capital<br />

(adopted with my additions from www.hattuscha.de/Deutsch/stadttour.htm)<br />

For example, building A on Büyükkale (henceforth Bk. A) seems to have been both an<br />

archive and bureau where texts of long term relevance were stored, copied and edited, such as<br />

important festivals, rituals, and celestial and non-celestial omens (Singer 1983a: 21f.; Košak 1995;<br />

Alaura 2001: 25f.; van den Hout 2005: 288; 2006b: 96; Klinger 2006: <strong>13</strong>f.). 33 The presence of such<br />

an archive in this building finds further support in archaeological evidence: charcoal traces and<br />

pillar bases, which suggest the use of shelves (van den Hout 2002a: 860). Evidently, Bk. A had also<br />

the function of a library, since it seems to have housed the bulk of the Sumero-Akkadian literature<br />

33 For more on this archive see under III.1.b.conclusions.<br />


(van den Hout 2005: 287f.), which was probably kept of scholarly interest and also played a role in<br />

scribal education, thus implying, in my view, the presence of a scribal school at one point, 34 as<br />

already suggested by Neve (1982: 107) based on the presence of several long halls in this building.<br />

A further example of such multi-functionality of venues housing large tablet collections is<br />

that of the storerooms surrounding Temple 1 and the House on the Slope. Both van den Hout<br />

(2006b: 97) and Torri (2007a: 780f.) seem to find a connection between the more general<br />

administrative function of the storerooms around Tample 1 and the more specific function of the<br />

nearby House on the Slope, namely, that texts copied in the latter venue were moved to the former.<br />

Archaeological evidence supports the activities of many scribes in the Südareal, south of Temple 1,<br />

where 12 bronze styli were found in several rooms of complex XIII (Boehmer 1972: <strong>13</strong>3f., 196f.).<br />

Both this latter location, which is sometimes referred to as the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI, 35 and the House on<br />

the Slope have been suggested to accommodate also a scribal school (Güterbock 1975b: <strong>13</strong>2; Bryce<br />

2002: 65; Torri 2007a: 776 and n. 31). Supporting the existence of such a school in the É<br />

GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI, at least, is the fact that the primary find spot of lexical texts – the building blocks of<br />

the scribal curriculum – in Hattuša is the storerooms around Temple 1 (van den Hout 2005: 288);<br />

among them one Izi=išatu vocabulary found in the Südareal itself. 36<br />

Certain venues also housed archives of a more administrative/economic nature, in which one<br />

finds grants of land, recently redated to the Middle Kingdom (15 th century; Wilhelm 2005), issued<br />

to prominent individuals, written in formulaic Akkadian and sealed with a royal tabarna seal<br />

(Herbordt 2005: 27f.; Bawanypeck 2006: 117f.). Such land grants were as a rule not copied, but as<br />

long as they were valid it deemed necessary to keep them, sometimes for several centuries (van den<br />

Hout 2002a: 871). The land grants were found in two archives next to large collections of sealed<br />

clay bullae, which generally date from Šuppiluliuma I onwards: building D on Büyükkale (the so<br />

called Siegeldepot, henceforth Bk. D), 37 and the Westbau in Nişantepe, 38 and next to a smaller<br />

collection of sealed bullae in some Upper City temples. 39 A fair amount of clay bullae, not related<br />

34 See also the evidence under III.1.b.Walwaziti which seems to support this notion.<br />

35 According to Bittel 1976: <strong>13</strong>1–<strong>13</strong>4; cf. also Neve 1975: 79 and Güterbock 1975b: <strong>13</strong>1f.<br />

36 KBo 26.49 (CTH 303); for the find spot see the Košak, Konkordanz. More evidence supporting the<br />

existence of such as a school is discussed under IV.2.a.Šauškaruntiya.<br />

37 The c. 200 bullae were published as SBo I and II.<br />

38 Roughly 3,500 sealed bullae were uncovered, the largest such find in the Hittite Empire to date. The<br />

official sealings were published by Herbordt 2005. On the royal seal impressions see Otten 1993; 1995<br />

and Bawanypeck 2006.<br />

39 Herbordt 2005: 21.<br />


with the land grants, was uncovered in some of the storerooms surrounding Temple 1 (Güterbock<br />

1975a). Outside Hattuša sealed bullae were found almost in every site with a Hittite presence, such<br />

as Maşat-Tapikka, Kuşakli-Šarišša, Tarsus, Korucutepe, Kaman Kalehöyük and more (Mora 1987;<br />

2000; Herbordt 2005: 21f.; 2006). The bullae were sealed primarily with three types of seals: 1. di-<br />

graphic royal seals, which portray in the center the HL name of the king or queen flanked by royal<br />

titular and on the outside field a cuneiform legend with name, titles and blessings, 2. anonymous<br />

royal Labarna seals (Otten 1995; Bawanypeck 2006), and 3. HL seals of officers, court officials,<br />

temple personnel and other title holders (Herbordt 2005: 91–112; Hawkins 2005a). As we will see<br />

further below, out of the bullae sealed by officials, the most were sealed by scribes (HL SCRIBA)<br />

of various rank and status, thus hinting on the large numbers of scribes, or persons with a certain<br />

degree of scribal education (educated officials), in all levels of the administration.<br />

It is generally assumed that in Empire Period Hattuša the bullae were attached to strings<br />

bounding wooden writing boards which recorded land grants, because of the bullae's close affinity<br />

in the archives to the Middle Kingdom land grants (Bawanypeck 2006: 115f.; Marazzi 2000; 2007).<br />

A wooden writing board was recovered from the Late Bronze shipwreck of Ulu-Burun (Payton<br />

1991), and the use of such writing boards is further attested in Late Bronze Age texts from Hittite<br />

Anatolia and North-Syria (Symington 1991), as well as in contemporary Assyria (Postgate 2003:<br />

<strong>13</strong>3–<strong>13</strong>6). 40 However, this was certainly not the only function of these wooden writing boards, as<br />

they were also likely used to record content lists and other economic activities, later summarized on<br />

the more durable clay tablets (Mora 2007). Furthermore, the Hittite scribes also used wooden<br />

writing boards to record letters, festivals, 41 and during army campaigns (Symington 1991: 116–<br />

123).<br />

Apart from being attached to Middle Kingdom land grants and Empire Period writing<br />

boards, bullae were also likely attached to important state treaties, which were at times written on<br />

metal such as bronze or silver (Herbordt 2005: 27–29). State treaties were also one of those<br />

exceptional tablets that the Hittites from time to time sealed; otherwise, only rarely does one find<br />

sealed tablets at the archives of Hattuša, as was the custom in sites under Hittite control in North-<br />

Syria, such as Ugarit and Emar (Ugar. III; Beyer 2001; Herbordt 2005: 30–32). Lastly, we have<br />

sealed clay bullae and sealings not used for archival purposes, but for economic and administrative<br />

uses: container sealings, which sometime have residue on their back side of leather or other<br />

40 The common terminology used is Sum. GIŠ.HUR, Akk. lēʾu, Hitt. gulzattar (Symington 1991: 1<strong>13</strong>).<br />

41 Note the phrase in the colophons: ANA GIŠ.HUR-kán hāndan "according to the wooden writing board"<br />

(Mascheroni 1983; Singer 1983a: 41f.; Torri 2007a: 778f.), for which see also under II.2.<br />


materials hinting on their use, and storeroom door sealings (Herbordt 2005: 34–36; Bawanypeck<br />

2006: 115; Hagenbuchner 2007).<br />

So in conclusion, it would seem that the tablet collections of Hattuša were organized<br />

according to a certain system which reflects the multi-functionality of the buildings that housed<br />

them as archives, bureaus and from time to time also as libraries and schools. Sealed bullae<br />

archives were probably large archives of land grants, but also of other types of economic and<br />

administrative texts, as well as various sealed containers, which indicate of the involvement of<br />

scribes in such tasks, and their versatility with other types of tablets such as wood and even metal.<br />

Next, we shall touch upon some of the important textual tools used by the scribes in the<br />

organization of the tablet collections that also help to identify their daily tasks.<br />

2. Organizing the archives: colophons, tablet catalogues and labels<br />

In order to facilitate their daily tasks in the tablet archives, and organize the tablet collections, the<br />

Hittite scribes utilized three main tools: colophons, tablet catalogues and shelf labels. Colophons<br />

were the primary means of Mesopotamian scribes to record key archival information on the tablets<br />

themselves, usually on their last column, such as the name of the composition, the number of its<br />

tablets, the title of the series, the number of the lines and so on (Leichty 1964; Hunger 1968; Borger<br />

1970; Gesche 2000: 153–166). This method was taken up by the Hittite scribes as well, 42 but<br />

seemingly in their own style, which is less detailed than that of their Mesopotamian counterparts<br />

(Karasu 2001). 43 The position of the colophon, on the back of the tablet or its left edge (Laroche<br />

1949: 7; Otten 1980-83: 187), facilitated the tablet's retrieval from a shelf or a container without<br />

having to read through its entire content (Karasu 1996: 54f.). Therefore, the wording of the<br />

colophon was certainly important for the daily copying work. However, this was not the case from<br />

the very beginning of the Hittite Kingdom, as the following chronological review shows. 44<br />

It appears that already during the Old Hittite Kingdom the scribes entered a brief remark<br />

regarding the state of the composition: "finished" or "not finished" (QATI / TIL.LA or ŪL QATI /<br />

42 On Hittite colophons see the studies of Laroche 1949; Mascheroni 1983; Otten 1980-83; Singer 1983a:<br />

40–43; Karasu 1995; 1996; 2001; Torri 2007a; Cohen forthcoming.<br />

43 Other close contemporary colophons are those of Ugarit (Van Soldt 1988) and Emar (Cohen<br />

forthcoming).<br />

44 Such a review does not seem to exist in the present literature (cited in n. 42).<br />


NU.TIL), or a short title of the work (Otten 1980-83: 188). From the Middle Hittite Kingdom<br />

onwards the colophons evolved and more data was inserted, including, for example, the signature of<br />

the scribe and his supervisor, 45 the sources used and the purpose of the copy. 46 During this period<br />

we find in the colophon of the prism of the Naram-Sîn epic (KBo 19.99, side b; CTH 819) the only<br />

occasion, which is known to me, where the scribe mentions the patronage of the scribal deities, both<br />

the Mesopotamian and Anatolian (Beckman 1983: 103f.).<br />

In the Empire Period, the colophons are even more elaborated on the procedure of the<br />

copy, 47 its purpose 48 and the disposition of the tablet. 49 One of the most noteworthy procedures<br />

documented in the colophons of this period is found in the festival colophons, which from time to<br />

time denote that the texts were copied or collated according to a wooden writing board (ANA<br />

GIŠ.HUR-kán hāndan). 50 The work on some of these texts seem to have been performed by a team<br />

of scribes, a scribe of clay tablets and a scribe of wooden writing boards, 51 working in a sort of<br />

collaboration denoted in the colophons with the ambiguous term KASKAL "road, journey, mission"<br />

45 See for example KUB 32.19+++ (CTH 777.8) signed by AMAR-ti (Hubiti?) and copied in front of<br />

NU.GIŠ.SAR (Mascheroni 1984: 157 [note, however that her dating of the colophon to the Empire<br />

Period is incorrect]).<br />

46 See KUB 29.8++ (CTH 777.2.A) in Salvini 1980: 157f.<br />

47 Namely, in the presence of whom the text was copied (PAI PN), who was perhaps the proofreader or<br />

dictator, or both (Singer 1996a; Karasu 2001: 253). Some scribes denote in the colophon who copied the<br />

text before them, see for example: KBo 23.1+++ (CTH 472.A; Mascheroni 1984: 163f.; Strauß 2006:<br />

264); KBo 42.28 (CTH 616; ed. of the colophon under III.1.b.Nani(n)zi).<br />

48 For example, note the famous (h)išuwa colophons which describe how Puduhepa ordered the chief<br />

scribe Walwaziti to search for the tablets of Kizzuwatna in order to reedit the festival in honor of Hatt.<br />

III (Salvini 1980: 163; Salvini & Wegner 1984: 177–179; Wegner & Salvini 1991: 3–6; see also under<br />

III.1.b.Walwaziti). Another pertinent example is the colophon of KUB <strong>13</strong>.7 (CTH 258.2) which<br />

indicates that the tablet was made anew by the scribe after the previous copy was destroyed (Karasu<br />

2001: 250). At least in two other cases the colophon indicates that the tablet was previously refurbished<br />

by another scribe who was not the copyist (Güterbock 1979: 141).<br />

49 Note for example parkui tuppi "pure tablet", namely, a corrected tablet (CHD P: 166a) or a final<br />

(literally genuine) copy (Singer 1983a: 4); see also under III.1.b.Nani(n)zi.<br />

50 For these colophons see Mascheroni 1983; Singer 1983a: 41f.; Houwink ten Cate 1973b: 187 and n. 41;<br />

Karasu 1995; see also under III.2.<br />

51 There are a few instances in which another scribe of clay tablets is mentioned, thus resulting in a team<br />

of three scribes (Mascheroni 1983; Torri 2007a: 778; see also under III.2).<br />


(Mascheroni 1983; Singer 1983a: 41f.; CHD P: 77; Torri 2007a: 778f.). 52 Colophons of festivals<br />

and rituals also frequently enumerate the number of the tablet which is copied, and sometimes have<br />

more elaborated titles, which include not only that of the festival but also that of a specific daily<br />

celebration (Otten 1980-83; Cohen forthcoming).<br />

As for scribal signatures, they become much more frequent in the Late Empire Period,<br />

containing longer genealogies, additional titles, reference to instructors, and even the scribe's city of<br />

origin. 53 Apart from the frequent signature of ŠU + PN "hand of PN" to designate the hand of the<br />

copyist, one finds also a unique use of EME by a certain Attanalli, probably meaning "(thus) speaks<br />

Attanalli", 54 in the colophon of the very late tablet VS NF 12.58+ (CTH 495). 55 Very rare are<br />

signatures in HL, of which I could recognize at least three instances. 56 In two of these cases it is not<br />

certain if the HL signatory was the copyist, since the tablet also contains a cuneiform signature of a<br />

different name, 57 whereas in the third case it seems likely the HL signatory is the scribe, since his<br />

signature follows a colophon containing only the title of the work. 58<br />

Finally, the following entries show the most common traits of Empire Period colophons<br />

discussed above, more or less in the order in which they usually appear on the tablet. 59 Be aware,<br />

however, that there is no one formula, all entries are entirely optional and may or may not be<br />

included by the scribe (nos. 1, 2, 4 and 7 frequently appear):<br />

1. Tablet number, status of the work (completed / not completed)<br />

2. Title of the series, specific tablet, daily celebration (of a festival or ritual)<br />

52 Note Doǧan-Alparslan 2007: 248, which follows Karasu in interpreting KASKAL as referring to the<br />

title of the scribes, thus "Wandertafelschreiber" or "Wanderholtztafelschreiber", which seems unlikely<br />

given its position before the name of scribe.<br />

53 See the various colophons edited throughout this study and the titles studied in the next section (II.3).<br />

54 Maybe indicating on dictation?; on EME see HZL no. 147, and its attestations and uses under the Hitt.<br />

phonetical reading lala- in CHD L-N: 21–25.<br />

55 For a translit. of the text and the dating of its ductus see Groddek et al. 2002: 98; the peculiar<br />

characteristics of the rituals to the deities of the city of Arušna that are described in it were recently<br />

presented by Miller in the VII. Uluslararası Hititoloji Kongresi Bildirileri, Çorum, 25-31 Ağustos, 2008.<br />

56 The signatures in KBo <strong>13</strong>.62 rev. (CTH 209.23), KBo 22.214 VI (CTH 620) are listed in Ünal 1989; cf.<br />

Mascheroni 1983: 102 and Torri 2007a: 779f. A third signature on VBoT 87, listed by Ünal as<br />

"unidentified hieroglyphic signs", is suggested under III.1.b.Walwaziti to be a scribal signature.<br />

57 KBo <strong>13</strong>.62 rev. and KBo 22.214 VI.<br />

58 VBoT 87.<br />

59 Cf. Karasu 2001: 252–254.<br />


3. Purpose; disposition; source<br />

4. Name of the copyist (usually denoted with ŠU PN "hand of PN") / team of scribes (only<br />

festival texts copied from wooden writing boards, denoted with KASKAL) / EME ("(thus)<br />

speaks", only once by Attanalli)<br />

5. Titles (most common DUB.SAR); genealogy; city of origin (almost exclusively URU Ukkiya)<br />

6. Name of instructor (the copyist is usually denoted as GÁB.ZU.ZU ŠA PN "student of PN")<br />

7. Name of Supervisor + titles (usually denoted with PAI PN "in front of PN")<br />

Moving to the issue of tablet catalogues and labels, these can provide us with pertinent<br />

information of how certain shelves in the archive may have looked at some point. The catalogues,<br />

or shelf-lists, as they are commonly called, are stock taking lists of tablets in the archive, which<br />

generally record one or more of the following information under each entry: the title of the<br />

composition, usually the first line of the text; the author of the text, if there was one; the number of<br />

the tablets in a given series; the physical disposition of the tablet (for example IM.GÍD.DA "long<br />

tablet"); and whether or not the composition on the shelf is complete (Laroche 1949: 14–23; van<br />

den Hout 2002a: 860–862; Hoffner 2003c; Dardano 2006). These catalogues originate from several<br />

buildings on Büyükkale, the Temple 1 storerooms and the House on the Slope, and generally date to<br />

the Late Empire Period, with only a few MH pieces (van den Hout 2002a: 860f.; Dardano 2006:<br />

12). Whether the catalogues are inventories of the tablets in the buildings where they were found is<br />

still a matter of some debate, 60 but what is certain is that they record the texts in a very selective<br />

fashion, focusing on genres which were as a rule copied, but even then not all of this material, thus<br />

suggesting it was stored in a specific shelf or room separated from the other genres (van den Hout<br />

2002a: 877f.).<br />

As for the labels (Etiketten), they are small elliptic shaped pieces of clay which contain the<br />

title of a tablet or a series of tablets, thus facilitating their recognition when placed on the shelf in<br />

front of them (Karasu 1996: 55–59). Their use does not seem to be widespread, since only a small<br />

number of these labels were uncovered, mainly in room 5 of Bk. A (Güterbock 1933: 38f. and Abb.<br />

19; 1991/92: <strong>13</strong>2f.). Perhaps this indicates on a use with a specific set of tablets.<br />

In conclusion, the day-to-day work of the copyists and supervisors in the bureaus, archives<br />

and schools required the organization of the compositions. Already during the MH kingdom came<br />

into use the more elaborate colophons and shelf lists, which seem to be tools for selective<br />

60 Regarding the situation in Bk. A see Otten 1986: 189, Güterbock 1991/92: <strong>13</strong>3–<strong>13</strong>7; Košak 1995: 175<br />

and van den Hout 2002a: 861f.<br />


organization of the tablet collections in the buildings of the Hittite capital. During the Late Empire<br />

Period this evidence becomes much more solid, as we identify in the colophons many of the tasks<br />

performed by the scribes, such as the renewing of older tablets, the transferring of wooden writing<br />

boards onto clay tablets and more. However, the evidence of the tablet catalogues is much more<br />

limited and may relate to specific archival collections. This certainly seems to agree with the<br />

possibility that buildings housing large tablet collections had several functions, as concluded in the<br />

previous section. Next we will conclude our brief review of the scribal work in the Hittite capital by<br />

studying the titles and professions of the scribes in the tablet colophons and on HL seals and seal<br />

impressions, according to a statistical study of the title holders.<br />

3. The scribal personnel<br />

Scribes were identified in the various Hittite sources according to established cuneiform and<br />

Hieroglyphic professional designators (Tab. 2.1, 2.2). 61 Most common are the general designations<br />

for "scribe": sumerographic title DUB.SAR in cuneiform sources, 62 and SCRIBA(-la) (L. 326 (– L.<br />

175)) in HL documents, 63 which is phonetically read as Hittite/Luwian tuppala- (Laroche 1956c:<br />

61 Cf. Herbordt 2005: 98–100 and Doǧan-Alparslan 2007: 247–249.<br />

62 For DUB.SAR see HZL no. 99 and textual attestations in Pecchioli-Daddi 1982: 161–166. This term for<br />

a scribe was widespread in the Ancient Near East starting from the Ur III and OB periods. During these<br />

earlier periods it has been suggested that such a title held an honorific designation of one that graduated<br />

from the scribal school (Hallo 1972: 88 n. 7). Another term used in connection with the scribal school in<br />

Mesopotamia is the DUMU É DUB.BA(.A), maybe connected more with accounting, administrative<br />

duties and registration of goods (Sasson 2002: 2<strong>13</strong>–214; CAD Ṭ: 149f.). Note that in Hittite Ugarit (RS<br />

17.28/76) we find also the use of the sumerogram ZA A.BA for "scribe" (Laroche 1956a: 147).<br />

63 The SCRIBA sign is one of the earliest HL signs used as a profession or title marker on seals already in<br />

the OH period quite frequently, sometimes accompanied by the added blessings BONUS "good,<br />

wellbeing" and VITA "life" (Glyptik: 43–46; Hawkins 2003: 167; Bolatti Guzzo 2004: 233). BONUS2 is<br />

also sometimes added to SCRIBA as part of the logographic title on seals, thus BONUS2 SCRIBA,<br />

which was interpreted by Hawkins (1979: 153) on the Late Period MEHARDE stele as "noble scribe".<br />

Hawkins (2005a: 311), however, has since abandoned this translation, and follows Güterbock (1975a:<br />

73f.; cf. Herbordt 2005: 91) in perceiving BONUS2 as merely wishing the title bearer good fortune, as<br />

was established for BONUS2 VIR2 "good (to) the man"; mainly since cuneiform does not show any such<br />

hierarchy between "noble scribe" and any other type of scribe.<br />


27f.). Whereas the DUB.SAR's who signed the colophons seem to copy clay tablets, another type of<br />

scribe was associated with wooden writing boards: the scribe on wood (DUB.SAR.GIŠ). HL has no<br />

specific title for this position, and though all three scribes on wood identified in the cuneiform texts<br />

of Hattuša had HL seals, only Pihawalwi has seals with the title SCRIBA combined with number<br />

signs, which may or may not have a bearing on his cuneiform title (Herbordt 2005: 98; see also<br />

Tab. 2.3 below). A different set of titular was reserved for the overseers of scribal activities, known<br />

as chief scribe (GAL DUB.SAR) and chief scribe on wood (GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ), both phonetic<br />

tuppalanuri-. 64 Again, HL does not seem to distinguish between these two positions, designating<br />

both 'chiefs' as MAGNUS.SCRIBA (L. 363 – L. 326) (Herbordt 2005: 98; Singer 2006b: 243f.).<br />

In Empire Period cuneiform documents we find other rarely attested combinations with<br />

DUB.SAR which designate various ranks of scribal specialisation or status (Tab. 2.1), such as:<br />

"junior / apprentice scribe" (DUB.SAR.TUR), 65 "scribe on wood of the army camp"<br />

( LÚ DUB.SAR.GIŠ KARAŠ), scribe on wood of the border post ( LÚ DUB.SAR.GIŠ auriuš) and<br />

"overseer of scribes on wood" (UGULA LÚ.MEŠ DUB.SAR.GIŠ). In comparison, markers of scribal<br />

status or specialisation occur more often in HL documents (Tab. 2.2). Starting from the Early<br />

Empire Period onwards we find combinations of SCRIBA with number signs, such as II, III or IV<br />

line strokes, or a less frequent 'Haken' like sign (Herbordt 2005: 98f.). A reasonable explanation for<br />

these number signs was given by Güterbock (Glyptik: 61, 76; cf. A. Dinçol's 1993: 129), who<br />

suggested they were scribal ranks. However, the actual relationship between these SCRIBA<br />

numbered ranks and the sporadically attested cuneiform ranks of scribal specialization mentioned<br />

above lacks any reasonable explanation. 66 For example, out of 27 Empire Period officials who bear<br />

the titles SCRIBA II, III, IV or 'Haken' (Tab. 2.3), only five are found drafting cuneiform texts.<br />

Among these five, two are seemingly scribes on wood (Pihawalwi and perhaps also Ukkura 67 ), thus<br />

suggesting that the numbered ranks of SCRIBA do not distinguish between DUB.SAR and<br />

64 The latter term composed from OH gen. pl. tuppalan with a Hitt./Luw. suffix ura- “great” (Laroche<br />

1956c: 27f.). Symington (1991: 122 n. 81) cautiously suggested that tuppa(la)nuri may refer to the<br />

reading of GAL ( LÚ.MEŠ )DUB.SAR.GIŠ-ri (KBo 16.58 II 3) based on its phonetic compliment. This,<br />

however, only shows that, as MAGNUS.SCRIBA, also tuppa(la)nuri does not differentiate between<br />

chief scribe and chief scribe on wood.<br />

65 These title holders were perhaps used from time to time as messengers (Houwink ten Cate 1998: 170).<br />

66 Cf. Herbordt 2005: 100.<br />

67 Although Ukkura does not bear the title DUB.SAR.GIŠ in any document, he is attested handling<br />

wooden writing boards in the deposition KUB <strong>13</strong>.35++ (CTH 293), issued against him by Puduhepa;<br />

see n. 69.<br />


DUB.SAR.GIŠ, indicating that we will likely not find any one-to-one cuneiform equivalents of<br />

these HL ranks.<br />

Nevertheless, there seems to be a differentiation in the HL documents between the SCRIBA<br />

ranks and those of another specialised scribe, which is designated with the HL title<br />

SCRIBA.EXERCITUS or EXERCITUS.SCRIBA "army scribe" (Herbordt 2005: 101; Hawkins<br />

2005a: 309). Among these army scribes we find one in Nişantepe bearing the title<br />

SCRIBA.EXERCITUS II (Ukkura) and another among the Temple 1 bullae with two seemingly<br />

separate titles: EXERCITUS.SCRIBA and SCRIBA III (Armazi(ti?)) (Tab. 2.3). Their seal<br />

impressions clearly show that "army scribe" was also a ranked title and that one can be on one level<br />

as a scribe and on a different level as an army scribe. There are two other known army scribes:<br />

Lupakki from the TAŞÇI A stone inscription (Hawkins 2005a: 292f.), 68 and a certain Pitikus[a ? ],<br />

owner of a biconvex seal found in Malatya (Mora 1987: 309 no. XIIb 1.32). Indeed, these four<br />

cases can be argued to be sporadic attestations, nevertheless, one should consider that such scribes<br />

spent most of their time with the army camp or on various missions, 69 as also indicated from the<br />

biconvex seal found in Malatya, and therefore had less to do with the capital's daily administration<br />

(A. Dinçol 1993: 129 n. 7; Herbordt 2005: 101). It is clear to me that these army scribes worked on<br />

wooden writing boards. This is also suggested from a possible cuneiform parallel of<br />

SCRIBA.EXERCITUS in the abovementioned title "scribe on wood of the army camp" (Hawkins<br />

2005a: 309). 70 Other rare HL specialised scribal titles, perhaps related to the military, seem to be<br />

attested only in the Nişantepe archive: SCRIBA L. 400, which Hawkins (2005a: 270) interprets as<br />

"thousand / army scribe", and AS<strong>IN</strong>US2A.DOMUS.SCRIBA "scribe of the É targassanas"<br />

(Herbordt 2005: 101).<br />

68 Likely father of Halwaziti, scribe of the Bronze Tablet; see under IV.2.a.Mahhuzzi.<br />

69 Note for example the famous court deposition KUB <strong>13</strong>.35++ (CTH 293), in which queen Puduhepa<br />

prosecuted Ukkura the "overseer of ten" ( LÚ UGULA 10) and his son GAL- d U on the misappropriation<br />

of horses, mules and equestrian equipment while on a diplomatic expedition to Babylon (Werner 1967:<br />

3–20; Hoffner 2003a). This Ukkura is surely to be identified with Ukkura the holder of SCRIBA<br />

EXERCITUS II seals mentioned above (cf. Hawkins 2005a: 277), since from the deposition it seems<br />

evident that he handled writing boards (Symington 1991: 120); see n. 67.<br />

70 On the relationship of the scribes on wood with the army see Symington 1991: 119.<br />


Title (logogram)<br />

Identified<br />

officials 71<br />

Scribes (generally work with clay tablets)<br />

DUB.SAR.TUR 2 -<br />

Title (Hitt./Luw.) Translations Ref.<br />

25<br />

junior / apprentice<br />

scribe<br />

DUB.SAR 83 tuppala- scribe, educated 72<br />

GAL DUB.SAR MEŠ 5 tuppa(la)nuri chief scribe<br />

Scribes on wood (specialize in writing on wooden writing boards)<br />

DUB.SAR.GIŠ 3 - scribe on wood<br />


KARAŠ<br />


auriuš<br />

UGULA<br />


1 -<br />

0 (1 73 ) -<br />

0 (2 74 ) -<br />

GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ 2 -<br />

scribe on wood of<br />

the army camp<br />

scribe on wood of<br />

the border post<br />

supervisor / chief<br />

of scribes on wood<br />

chief scribe on<br />

wood<br />

Singer 1983a: 33f.; Torri 2007a:<br />

773<br />

Laroche 1956c: 26–29;<br />

Pecchioli-Daddi 1982: 161–<br />

166; HZL: 140 no. 99; HEG 10:<br />

445<br />

Laroche 1956c: 27f.; HEG 10:<br />

444f.; Arnaud 1996: 58–61;<br />

Singer 2003; Marizza 2007a:<br />

271–275<br />

Bossert 1958; Pecchioli-Daddi<br />

1982: 166–168; Klengel 1996:<br />

266f.; Symington 1991<br />

Symington 1991: 119<br />

Symington 1991: 119<br />

Marizza 2007a: 283<br />

Pecchioli-Daddi 1982: 527f.;<br />

Symington 1991; Marizza<br />

2007a: 271–275<br />

Tab. 2.1: Cuneiform titles and designations of the Hittite scribal personnel in Hattuša<br />

71 When a title is attested, but has no identified bearers, the unnamed attestations are entered in brackets<br />

with references to their location in footnotes.<br />

72 On this translation see Herbordt 2005: 98f. and more below.<br />

73 KBo <strong>13</strong>.207 obv. 2', a festival fragment (Otten & Součeck 1965: 28 and n. <strong>13</strong>).<br />

74 VS NF 12 106 15-20 (Groddek et al. 2002: 150–152); KUB 11.21a VI 11' (CTH 598.1.B).

HL Title Rendering<br />

General scribal designations<br />

L. 326<br />

(- L. 175)<br />

L. 326 + II<br />

L. 326 + III<br />

L. 326 + IV<br />

L. 326 -<br />

'Haken' (Late<br />

L. 400?)<br />

L. 363 -<br />

L. 326<br />

(- L. 175)<br />

Identified<br />

officials<br />

SCRIBA(-la) 141<br />

Cun. Hitt./Luw. Translation Ref.<br />

DUB.SAR<br />

(.GIŠ)<br />

26<br />

tuppala-<br />

SCRIBA II 5 - -<br />

SCRIBA III 11 - -<br />

SCRIBA IV 1 - -<br />

SCRIBA.<br />

MILLE ?<br />

MAGNUS.<br />

SCRIBA(-la)<br />

Specialized scribal designations<br />

L. 101 -<br />

L. 247 -<br />

L. 326<br />

L. 326 -<br />

L. 269<br />

AS<strong>IN</strong>US2A.<br />

DOMUS.<br />

SCRIBA<br />

SCRIBA.<br />


1 - -<br />

10 75<br />

GAL<br />

DUB.SAR<br />

(.GIŠ)<br />

tuppa(la)n<br />

uri<br />

1 - -<br />

3 76<br />

LÚ DUB.<br />

SAR.GIŠ<br />

KARAŠ?<br />

scribe or<br />

scribe on<br />

wood<br />

2 nd degree<br />

Scribe?<br />

3 rd degree<br />

Scribe?<br />

4 th degree<br />

Scribe?<br />

Thousand /<br />

army scribe?<br />

chief scribe or<br />

chief scribe on<br />

wood<br />

scribe of the É<br />

targassanas<br />

- army scribe<br />

Laroche 1956c:<br />

26f.; Herbordt<br />

2005: 98–100<br />

Glyptik: 61, 76;<br />

Herbordt 2005:<br />

98–100<br />

Hawkins 2005a:<br />

270<br />

Laroche 1956c:<br />

27f.; Herbordt<br />

2005: 97<br />

Hawkins 2005a:<br />

301<br />

Hawkins 2005a:<br />

309<br />

Tab. 2.2: HL designations, ranks of specialization and combined titles of the Hittite scribal personnel in Hattuša<br />

75 Two uncertain attestations were not considered here, see chapter IV.2.d.<br />

76 Considering only those identified in Hattuša.

SCRIBA +<br />

ame (BOUS2) SCRIBA(-la ) SCRIBA II SCRIBA III SCRIBA IV MAGUS. SCRIBA Additional Titles Homonyms<br />

'Haken'<br />

Princes<br />

Šauškamuwa Nis 366-367; 368-370 Nis 371 REX.FILIUS (Nis 365) Nis 372 (BONUS2 x)<br />

Nis 670-674;<br />

VITA+RA/I Nis 173<br />

Beran, Glyptik Nis 675-676 REX.FILIUS, SCRIBA? (Nis 665-666)<br />

no. 142<br />

Kuni-lara / L<strong>IN</strong>GUA+CLAVUS Nis 177 Nis 179-180?<br />

Nis 45-48 (Nis 47=Bog V<br />


Nis 29-38 (-); Nis 39 (BONUS2 VIR2) = Nis 40<br />

Armanani Nis 42-44<br />

9=Glyptik 246); Bog III 11<br />

MAGNUS.HATTI .DOM<strong>IN</strong>US (Nis 47-48, Bog V 9) (CULTER, BONUS2 VIR2) Nis 141(=Glyptik 217)-142;<br />

144-149; Glyptik 189α<br />

Inimuwa<br />

Dignitaries<br />

DEUS CERVUS3-ti REX SERVUS (Nis 497),<br />

HASTARIUS (Nis 498), AVIS3+MAGNUS (Nis 494-496) Bog III 23 (BONUS2 VIR2) Nis 491-493; 494-496<br />


Ukkura Nis 497-498<br />

Nis 247?? MAGNUS.PASTOR<br />

Nis 243-246, 248-249, SBo II<br />

80-81<br />

Mizrimuwa<br />

Scribes III and 'Haken'<br />

Pirinkirwasu(?) SBo II 160; Nis 682-685 Nis 686<br />

Nis 309; SBo II<br />

94-95<br />

Pihawalwi Nis 308, 558 Nis 310-311<br />

Armapiya Nis 58-60; Glyptik 187 SBo II 102 Nis 61 (URCEUS); Nis 62 (BONUS 2 VIR 2)<br />

Talmi-Tešub Nis 626-629; SBo II 109 Nis 630 L. 414-DOM<strong>IN</strong>US+MI (Nis 628) Nis 625 (-), same man?<br />

Malaruntiya Nis 224-226 Nis 227<br />

Armapihami Nis 53 Nis 54 EUNUCHUS2 (Nis 55-57); no title (SBo II 20)<br />

L. 125-iaziti SBo II 205 Nis 679<br />

*521-L. 461-L. 398 Nis 698-699 Nis 700<br />

Armazzi / Armazi(ti) Glyptik 247 SCRIBA.EXERCITUS (Glyptik 247)<br />

RS 18.20+17.371 (merchant of Ura/BONUS2 L.<br />

443); SBo II 106 (-)<br />

Kummayaziti Bog V 26 L. 414-DOM<strong>IN</strong>US (Nis 174)<br />

AURIGA-niya Nis 446 Nis 444 (EUNUCHUS2) Scribes II<br />

SBo II 56; Nis 112; Glyptik<br />

Halpaziti<br />

SBo II 57<br />

193 (Bog V 26)<br />

Tuwa Nis 471 Nis 486?<br />

Tapaziti SBo II 93 SBo II 90<br />

TONITRUS-L<strong>IN</strong>GUA+CLAVUS Nis 648<br />

L. 417.5-wasa Nis 580; SBo II 1<strong>13</strong><br />

Fragmentary ames<br />

[Tu]wani? Nis 579<br />

Penti-[...] ANKARA silver bowl L. 414-[DOM<strong>IN</strong>US?]<br />

]muha[ Nis 250<br />

Ziti? Glyptik 157=Bog V 40<br />

Ukkura – persons who are also DUB.SAR<br />

27<br />

Tab. 2.3: Princes, dignitaries and other officials with SCRIBA numbered ranks, their combined titles and homonyms

In a similar fashion to the Mesopotamian scribal profession (Hunger 1968: 8–11), the Hittite<br />

scribal personnel were not made up only of various types of DUB.SAR's. One finds in Hittite<br />

cuneiform sources several other types of officials performing scribal duties, such as drafting texts or<br />

supervising other scribes (Tab. 2.4). One such title which refers to social class is LÚ SAG, 77 carried<br />

by three scribes, all from the Empire Period. The most prominent of these is the supervisor<br />

Anuwanza, dated to the reigns of Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV (van den Hout 1995: 238–242;<br />

Miller 2004: 38; Torri 2007a: 777). The question of how to translate the title LÚ SAG is still<br />

debatable, 78 while Hawkins (2002) believes that the Late Empire Period social group relates to<br />

eunuchs as its Mesopotamian counterpart, Starke (1996) would rather see it as a group of<br />

"Vorrangige", part of the princes and lords. Nevertheless, their position in the scribal circles as well<br />

as in other profession groups was quite prominent during the <strong>13</strong> th century (Starke 1996: 163). The<br />

HL equivalent of LÚ SAG, EUNUCHUS2 (L. 254), also seems to appear quite frequently together<br />

with SCRIBA on seals of officials (Tab. 2.5). The most common status marker which, in the case of<br />

SCRIBA and SCRIBA II at least, seems to appear only on the seals is that of REX.FILIUS<br />

"prince". 79 Less common are the combinations with VIR2 "man" and DOM<strong>IN</strong>US "lord", of which<br />

the latter title is easily confused with the three strokes in SCRIBA III. 80<br />

Returning to scribes attested in the cuneiform colophons, we find titles which directly relate<br />

with levels of proficiency in the scribal circles, such as GÁB.ZU.ZU or the unicum ŠAGAN.LÁ,<br />

both terms for "trainee", or EN GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI "master of craftsmen", a title for a teacher attested up<br />

till now only from the reign of Tudhaliya IV onwards. 81 Although the use of these designations is<br />

sporadic, it gives us at least some clue as to standards of education and cursus honorum in the<br />

scribal schools of Hattuša. 82<br />

First, it seems that at least during the level of GÁB.ZU.ZU (or ŠAGAN.LÁ) the scribes<br />

were educated either in tutorial style or in groups no larger than two, since the latter is the<br />

77 On the reading of the LÚ as determinative rather than part of the title see Miller 2004: 318f. and more<br />

evidence cited under III.2.b.Nani(n)zi.<br />

78 Since we still lack clear evidence on the matter, I have avoided translating this title throughout the<br />

study.<br />

79 Cf. Hagenbuchner 2006: 3.<br />

80 Note the ambiguous case of Kuni-L<strong>IN</strong>GUA+CLAVUS/-lara (Nis 179-180; Herbordt 2005: 145).<br />

81 See references to previous bib. on these titles in Tab. 2.4.<br />

82 For more on possible locations of scribal schools in Hattuša see under II.1; III.1.b.Walwaziti;<br />

IV.2.a.Mahhuzzi; Šauškaruntiya.<br />


maximum number of students attested for a certain teacher. 83 In some cases the teacher could also<br />

be the supervisor of the student, but, there was an obvious pedagogic difference between teaching<br />

and supervising, because there seems to be no real limit to the number of scribes one could<br />

oversee. 84<br />

As for the teachers, it has been suggested that they were the fathers of the scribes (Bryce<br />

2002: 60). Mainly because the genealogies in the colophons show that the scribal profession was<br />

passed from father to son, thus indicating that the education was done within the family circle, as<br />

was the custom in Mesopotamia. 85 Otten (1956) has even suggested that the kinship terms of<br />

endearment, such as "sweet father", "sweet son" or "sweet brother", with which scribes seem to<br />

address each other in several scribal letters, indicate on the continuation of the OB É.DUB.BA.A<br />

tradition in the scribal schools of Hattuša. Ultimately, this evidence does not prove that the use of<br />

the term DUMU in the colophons was to indicate student-teacher relationship instead of actual<br />

kinship (Hagenbuchner 1989: 10–14). Though the fathers of the scribes likely had a prominent part<br />

with their education, the fathers of the GÁB.ZU.ZU (or ŠAGAN.LÁ) are never attested as their<br />

teachers, but could, nevertheless, be their supervisors. 86<br />

Thus, hypothetically the first stages in a scribe's education would be the following: as a boy<br />

he receives most of the curriculum from his elders. At a certain point he becomes GÁB.ZU.ZU (or<br />

ŠAGAN.LÁ), and his education is given to a scribal expert outside the family circle, 87 usually a<br />

supervisor. My tentative suggestion receives further weight from two trainees who bear the titles of<br />

DUB.SAR.TUR "junior scribe" and A.ZU.TUR "junior physician", respectively. To a certain<br />

extent, they are already considered trained in their profession, but are still "young" or "junior" title<br />

holders, namely, lacking a crucial part of their education and professional experience.<br />

As can be seen from the example just given, we know of other specific professions, such as<br />

LÚ A.ZU "physician" or LÚ SANGA "priest", who seem to copy documents, and therefore have<br />

received a certain degree of scribal training, for obvious purposes, since they also needed to write<br />

83 Teachers with two students each are: Ziti B (III.2) and Halwaziti (IV.2.a.Mahhuzzi).<br />

84 The most prolific scribal supervisor of the Empire Period seems to be Anuwanza the LÚ SAG, with 15<br />

scribes, as could be observed from his prosopography in van den Hout 1995: 238–242.<br />

85 On this Mesopotamian OB tradition see Veldhuis 1996: <strong>13</strong>f.; Cohen forthcoming.<br />

86 See for example the case of Talmi-Tešub and his father Walwaziti (III.1.b.Walwaziti).<br />

87 Cf. Imparati 1999: 353 n. 122; for similar cases in Mesopotamia when they invite an instructor to a<br />

certain house in order to educate the scribes see Robson 2001: 40, 62; Tanret 2002: 455f.; Cohen<br />

forthcoming.<br />


and consult the cuneiform documents. 88 Though their attestations are quite rare in the colophons, at<br />

least in the case of SANGA, which is attested only once in the colophon of KUB 4.17 (Akk. ritual<br />

fragment; Schwemer 1998: 147f.), we find HL evidence of scribal training in the form of the<br />

combination SCRIBA and SACERDOS2 "scribe and priest" (Tab. 2.5), which appears on the HL<br />

seal impression of HEROS, probably read Hastali (Nis 610; Herbordt 2005: 221).<br />

Beside the above mentioned professions, whose bearers obviously copied documents, there<br />

are other Hittite dignitaries and officials, who bear scribal titles but did not sign any documents,<br />

working in the palace and temple bureaus, as well as stationed in the army ranks. Only seven are<br />

known from cuneiform Empire Period evidence (Tab. 2.6), but many more are attested as SCRIBA<br />

on their seals (Tab. 2.5). 89 Whether these officials received scribal training essential for their duties<br />

(Beckman 1995: 25; Herbordt 2005: 98), or were actually at some point during their career scribes<br />

(Marizza 2007c: 168f.), is yet to be determined. Many studies actually support the notion that<br />

various types of officials, such as the LÚ MUŠEN.DÙ “augur” (Imparati 1985: 290; Bawanypeck<br />

2005: 206f.; Hazenbos 2007: 106f.), or GAL LÚ.MEŠ MUBARRÎ "lord of declarations" (Singer 1999b;<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 299f.), needed to consult written documents and possibly produce written reports.<br />

Indeed, in the case, for example, of the two professions mentioned, we find among the SCRIBA<br />

also AVIS3+MAGNUS "chief of augurs" and LIS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US "lord of declarations".<br />

88 Especially regarding the physicians in Hittite sources see Burde 1974; Beckman 1987-90; Imparati<br />

1999: 353f.; Haas 2003: 7–10; in Egyptian sources see Nunn 1996: 1<strong>13</strong>–<strong>13</strong>5.<br />

89 Cf. examples in Doǧan-Alparslan 2007: 248f; on the HL titles, their classification and translation see<br />

here Appendix.<br />


Title (logogram)<br />

Identified<br />

officials<br />

Title (Hitt./Luw.) Translations Ref.<br />

Ranks of scribal proficiency without DUB.SAR and other professions who drafted texts<br />

GÁB.ZU.ZU 9 - trainee, assistant<br />

ŠAGAN.LÁ 1 - trainee, assistant<br />

EN GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI 2 -<br />

LÚ SANGA 1<br />

šankunni /<br />

šakkunni<br />

31<br />

master of<br />

craftsmen<br />

priest<br />

Güterbock 1946: 40f.; CAD K:<br />

29; Pecchioli-Daddi 1982: 168;<br />

Mauer 1988: 190–194; HZL:<br />

115 no. 49; CAD T: 103<br />

(talmīdu); Torri 2007a: 776 n.<br />

31; Cohen forthcoming<br />

Hunger 1968: 9f.; CAD Š/1:<br />

291–294; HZL: 228 no. 270<br />

Güterbock 1975b: <strong>13</strong>2; HZL:<br />

110f. no. 40; Torri 2007a: 774<br />

n. 18<br />

HZL: 208 no. 231; Klinger<br />

2002; Tagar-Cohen 2006: 140–<br />

228<br />

LÚ<br />

A.ZU.TUR 1 - junior physician Burde 1974: 10; HZL: 274–276<br />

no. 364; Beckman 1987-90:<br />

LÚ<br />

A.ZU 1 - physician 630f.<br />

(ŠA) LÚ SAG(-uš) 3 -<br />

Uncertain officials with scribal duties or education<br />

-<br />

-<br />

LÚ ašušatalla-<br />

LÚ halipi-<br />

either eunuch(?) or<br />

chief (dignitary)<br />

Tab. 2.4: Other titles of scribal personnel in Hattuša<br />

HZL: 183f. no. 192; Starke<br />

1996; Hawkins 2002; Pecchioli<br />

Daddi 2006: 121–125<br />

cultic functionary<br />

(bard?, performer?) HW2 6/7: 538f.; HED 1: 221<br />

-<br />

AHw 1: 312; Beckman 1983b:<br />

105 n. 44



EUNUCHUS 2<br />

DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

(BONUS 2) VIR 2<br />


MAGNUS.HATTI .DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />



Nis 42-44 (Armanani); 177, 179-180 (Kuni-<br />

L<strong>IN</strong>GUA+CLAVUS / Kunilara); 223<br />

(Mahhuzzi); 366-367 (Šauškamuwa); 463, Bog<br />

III 12 (Tiwataura); Nis 524 (x-zi/a-na ); 610<br />

(Hastali); 666? (VITA+RA/I ); 771-773 (-);<br />

SBo II 16 (Hešmi?-Šarruma); 31 ([…]-AVIS-<br />

BOS 2); 23, Bog III 10 (Tarhuntapiya);<br />

Nis 82-84 (Azatarhunta); 162 (Kilani?); 205<br />

(Lulaku/Kulalu?); 622 (L<strong>IN</strong>GUA+CLAVUSi(a)<br />

); 774? (-); 775 (Kukku?); SBo II 92, Bo<br />

82/84, RS 17.231 (Taprammi);<br />

Nis 179-180? (Kuni-L<strong>IN</strong>GUA+CLAVUS /<br />

Kunilara); 240? (Miramuwa);<br />

Nis 50? (Armananiya); 418 (Tarhuntapiya);<br />

469? (Tutuwa); 582 ([…]-wa/i-zi/a ); 616<br />

(L<strong>IN</strong>GUA+CLAVUS-a );<br />

Nis 243-246, 248-249, SBo II 80-81<br />

(Mizrimuwa); Bo 82/202 (Anatali);<br />

Tab. 2.5: Learned officials in Hittite HL seals and seal impressions (on the HL titles see Appendix)<br />

32<br />

Nis 45-48 (Nis 47=Bog V<br />

9=Glyptik 246), Bog III 11<br />

(Armanani); Nis 144-148<br />

(Inimuwa);<br />

Nis 45-48 (Nis 47=Bog V<br />

9=Glyptik 246), Bog III 11,<br />

Bo 84/575 (Armanani);<br />

Nis 45-48 (Nis 47=Bog V<br />

9=Glyptik 246), Bog III 11<br />

(Armanani);<br />

Nis 247? (Mizrimuwa);<br />

AVIS 3+MAGNUS Nis 286 (Nanuwa); Nis 494-496 (Ukkura);<br />

SBo II 28-29 ([…]-Pili); 8, 67,<br />

30, Nis 376-378<br />

(Šauškaruntiya); 72, 74<br />

(Arnilizi); 221 (Mahhuzzi); 323-<br />

326 (Penti-Šarruma); 571 ([…]-<br />

Šarruma); Nis 394-403 (Taki-<br />

Šarruma); 770 (-); Tars II 40,<br />

Bog III 15 (Šahurunuwa);<br />

SBo II 8, 30, Nis 376-378<br />

(Šauškaruntiya); 324-326 (Penti-<br />

Šarruma);<br />

LIS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US Nis 222 (Mahhuzzi); RS 17.109 (Ana(n)zi/a); Nis 219-220 (Mahhuzzi);<br />

PITHOS.VIR.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US RS 17.231 (Taprammi);<br />

PITHOS SBo II 36? (AS<strong>IN</strong>US 2-sà?);<br />

URBS?-x Nis 755 (-);<br />

SACERDOS 2<br />

Nis 610 (Hastali);<br />

VIR.TONITRUS SBo II 36 (AS<strong>IN</strong>US 2-sà / Šauška[…]);<br />

CRUS 2.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US Nis 416-417 (Tarhuntamuwa);<br />

HASTARIUS Nis 498? (Ukkura);<br />


SCRIBA.EXERCITUS II Nis 494-496 (Ukkura);<br />

AS<strong>IN</strong>US 2A.DOMUS.SCRIBA Nis 634 (Nini);<br />

L. 414-DOM<strong>IN</strong>US(+MI )<br />

Nis 76-77 (Atta); 160? (ka- G. 195-i(a) ); 382<br />

(Šauškawalwi); 628 (MAGNUS-TONITRUS);<br />

SBo II 36 (AS<strong>IN</strong>US 2-sà?); Bo 84/412<br />

(Kuniapiya);<br />


SERVUS<br />

Nis 497 (Ukkura);<br />

FEM<strong>IN</strong>A Nis 203?? (Lara);<br />

MAGNUS L. 402 SBo II 63 (L<strong>IN</strong>GUA+CLAVUS-su / Hata);<br />

L. 402 Nis 439 (Tarkasnatali); Bo 83/994 (Malasu)<br />

L. 490<br />

Status<br />

Chiefs/Greats<br />

Palace/Civilian<br />

Temple/Religious<br />

Army<br />

Uncertain affiliation<br />

Glyptik 247<br />

(Armazi(ti)?);<br />

Bog III 15, Tars II 40<br />


Date ame Titles Text<br />

Tudh. I or<br />

Tudh. II/III 90<br />

Muw. II<br />

Beginning of<br />

Tudh. IV<br />

Kukkuwa<br />

Kuruntapiya<br />

( d LAMMA-SUM)<br />

Kammaliya<br />

ŠEŠ-zi<br />

EN-tarwa<br />

[Palla]<br />

Kammaliya<br />

Mahhuzzi<br />

Anuwanza<br />

DUMU.É.GAL,<br />

DUB.SAR<br />

LÚ antuwašalli LUGAL,<br />

DUB.SAR<br />



LÚ DUB.SAR MEŠ ,<br />


DUB.SAR,<br />


[EN URU H]urme,<br />


DUB.SAR,<br />


DUB.SAR,<br />


DUB.SAR, EN URU Nerik,<br />

LÚ SAG<br />

33<br />

KUB 34.45+KBo 16.63 obv. 11<br />

(Legal Protocol)<br />

KBo 1.6 rev. 21'f. (Aleppo Treay)<br />

Bo 86/299 IV 41 (Bronze Tablet)<br />

Bo 86/299 IV 41 (Bronze Tablet)<br />

KUB 26.43 rev. 32 // 50 rev. 25'<br />

(Šahurunuwa Decree)<br />

KUB 26.43 rev. 32 // 50 rev. 26'<br />

(Šahurunuwa Decree)<br />

KUB 26.43 rev. 33 (Šahurunuwa<br />

Decree)<br />

Tab. 2.6: Learned officials in Hittite cuneiform texts<br />

KUB 26.43 rev. 33 // 50 rev. 27'<br />

(Šahurunuwa Decree)<br />

KUB 26.43 rev. 34 // 50 rev. 28'<br />

(Šahurunuwa Decree)<br />

Note the frequent combination of SCRIBA with various chiefs of the army, 91 as well as with<br />

the title L. 414-DOM<strong>IN</strong>US(+MI); the latter used by six different seal bearers (Tab. 2.5). The title is<br />

interpreted by B. Dinçol (2001: 101) as EN hekur, since L. 414 could also be read as L. 4<strong>13</strong>, the<br />

sign hi, which could stand for an abbreviation of NA 4hekur "eternal peak". 92 However, there is no<br />

such combination attested in cuneiform titles. The only scribal related title with logographic EN,<br />

equivalent of HL DOM<strong>IN</strong>US, is EN GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI "master of craftsmen". In any case, this is likely a<br />

90 The dating of this text was controversial. First dated to the Empire period by Werner (1967: 79), now<br />

most scholars agree on a MH dating based on paleography (van den Hout 1998: 64f.), perhaps in the<br />

reign of Tudh. I or II/III, taking into consideration the persons it mentions (Marizza 2007a: 174); cf.<br />

Alaura 1999a: 492.<br />

91 Cf. Marizza 2007c: 169.<br />

92 For this institution see van den Hout 2002b: 74–80, 86–89 with bib.

dead end since a phonetic reading of EN GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI is unknown and the seal bearers of L. 414-<br />

DOM<strong>IN</strong>US do not coincide with the two known EN GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI, Miramuwa and Zuwa.<br />

Among the very few attested cuneiform title combinations with DUB.SAR, LÚ antuwašalli is<br />

quite interesting. It has been equated, without much supporting evidence, to two other known titles.<br />

Archi (1973: 216) following an analysis of the title as šalli- “grand” + antu- “goods”, suggested<br />

originally by Neu, opted for a correspondent in EN É ABUSSI “master of the storehouse”, matching<br />

semantically a writing of LÚ antubšalli documented in Ugarit (RS 17.227 = PRU IV: 40–44). This<br />

view was the dominant one until recently (del Monte 1975: 9; HED 1: 84f., “inventorial chief,<br />

storemaster”). However, the discovery of the Bronze Tablet, where the LÚ antuwašalli appears 7 th in<br />

the witness list, while the EN É ABUSSI is mentioned closer to the end of it, raised serious doubts<br />

regarding the equation between the titles. The current view follows two courses, both relating to the<br />

military office of the UGULA LÚ.MEŠ KUŠ7.GUŠK<strong>IN</strong> “overseer of golden chariot fighters” (Beal<br />

1992: 410–4<strong>13</strong>). One is that of van den Hout (1994: 326 n. 69; 1995: 171; cf. Beal 1992: 411) who<br />

takes LÚ antuwašalli as a career advancement of UGULA LÚ.MEŠ KUŠ7.GUŠK<strong>IN</strong>, the other is that of<br />

Pecchioli Daddi (1997: 177; 2003: 91f.) who sees these two offices as one and the same. In any<br />

case, the scribal relation of this title compliments the frequent attestations of SCRIBA with military<br />

titles in HL documents (see above).<br />

There are also at least two other phonetically written titles: LÚ halipi and LÚ ašušatalla, which<br />

are related with scribes and their family members, but the exact nature of this connection is yet to<br />

be determined. Whereas the LU halipi has no attestation which hints on its character, apart from a<br />

connection to the KUR.UGU "upper land" (Beckman 1983b: 105 n. 44; HED 5: 32f.), the<br />

LÚ ašušatallaš is documented once in a colophon signature:<br />

KBo 35.198(++) rev. IV (Groddek 2004c: 76)<br />

9' [ (x LÚ )]˹a˺-šu-ša-tal-la-aš<br />

10' [ ( URU Hur-mi)] IŠ-ṬUR<br />

The LÚ ašušatallaš, perhaps of the city Hurma (mentioned in a dupl.; Groddek 2004c: 76), whose<br />

name is lost in a break, seems to have signed this tablet which has been pre-lined by the scribe. The<br />

text is the second tablet of the ritual of king Palliya from Kummanni/Kizzuwatna to the erection of<br />

a statue of Tešub of Kummanni (CTH 475.c.2.A), 93 which recounts the events of the <strong>13</strong> th day of the<br />

ritual. Trémouille (1999: 117) suggested that the anonymous LÚ ašušatallaš was the scribe of the<br />

text. But is there any evidence that the LÚ ašušatalla had scribal education?<br />

93 For the find-spots see Košak, Konkordanz under the relevant CTH number.<br />


From looking in the dictionaries we find that the LH title LÚ ašušatalla seems to be an<br />

Empire Period form of an OH Luwian title LÚ ašušala, perhaps a cultic dancer (HW 2 6/7: 538f.;<br />

HED 1: 221). The LÚ ašušatalla participates as a functionary in the festivals of the cult of Ištanuwa<br />

(Starke 1985: 294), an important Luwian cult centre in the Lower Land (Hutter 2003: 239–243).<br />

The festivals connected with Ištanuwa have a central theme of dancing and singing, and the<br />

LÚ ašušatalla is indeed documented singing in KUB 53.15+ in the language of Ištanuwa (HW 2 6/7:<br />

539a; Schuol 2004: <strong>13</strong>6b), most likely a Luwian dialect. The relation of the LÚ ašušatallaš<br />

functionary with oratory suggests that the anonymous LÚ ašušatallaš of the above mentioned<br />

colophon rather dictated the text than actually copy it in his own hand. The use of the frozen<br />

Akkadogram IŠṬUR "(he) wrote" does not actually prove that the causative form in Š-stem ušašṭir<br />

"to have (PN) write/copy a tablet (for PN)" was not perhaps meant by the scribe. Although this form<br />

of Akkadian šaṭāru is not documented in the archives of Boǧazköy (HZL: 369; CAD Š/2: 238–240).<br />

From the availabel evidence the LÚ ašušatalla appears to be a kind of bard or performer and not<br />

specifically an official who had scribal education.<br />

Consequently, from the material at hand two basic lists of scribes could be compiled:<br />

cuneiform texts yielded a total of 93 officials – 83 scribes, 3 scribes on wood, 5 chief scribes and 2<br />

chief scribes on wood 94 ; stone inscriptions, seals and seal impressions from Hattuša yielded a total<br />

of 153 officials – 141 SCRIBA and 10 MAGNUS.SCRIBA. The discrepancy between the two lists<br />

became even greater when the names on both were compared. It would seem that out of the 93<br />

attested names in cuneiform only about 27% (25 names) appear to have scribal seals (Diagram 2.1).<br />

This further proves the wider use of SCRIBA, encompassing not only the scribes working in the<br />

tablet archives, but all Hittite officials educated in a scribal school. From another point of view, this<br />

discrepancy could be explained within the context of personnel lists enumerating scribes in the<br />

capital during this period. For example, the famous list of 19 scribes and 33 scribes on wood listed<br />

in KBo 19.28 (CTH 237), the personnel list of the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI (Güterbock 1975b: <strong>13</strong>1f.). Since<br />

we know only three scribes on wood by name from the texts, part of the SCRIBA seals must<br />

somehow also belong to the rest of these scribes on wood. 95<br />

94 For the list of scribes in cuneiform texts see Prosopographical Index.<br />

95 Note also the street scribes operating in Hattuša, whose names and titles in HL writing were found<br />

etched on stone blocs lying in the street near several temples (Müller-Karpe 1980: 304f. and Abb. 23;<br />

Dinçol & Dinçol 2002).<br />


1. Scribes<br />

2. Scribes on wood<br />

3. Educated officials<br />

In conclusion, three groups of officials could be distinguished:<br />

(1) Scribes who appear almost exclusively in colophons of cuneiform texts indicating they spent<br />

most of their time copying them. General layout of these colophons is "hand of PN (+title<br />

+patronyms) in front of PN (+title) wrote". There are also few exceptional cases of Hieroglyphic<br />

signatures on cuneiform texts. The colophons present us with a schematic scribal hierarchy<br />

(Diagram 2.2). In most cases texts are written in the presence of a supervisor who is an experienced<br />

scribe. Commonly a chief scribe or scribe and LÚ SAG, but he can also be designated simply scribe.<br />

The most frequently attested supervisor is Anuwanza, scribe, LÚ SAG and lord of Nerik, who served<br />

at his post under Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV. The young scribes were perhaps first taught the<br />

basic phases of education from the father, after which they were entrusted to an expert from outside<br />

the family circle. The trainees could have been designated as inexperienced title holders in their<br />

profession (DUB.SAR.TUR / A.ZU.TUR). A specific type of teacher who instructed some trainees<br />

(GÁB.ZU.ZU) was titled "master of craftsmen" (EN GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI). The exact counterparts of all<br />

these cuneiform scribal ranks in HL cannot at present be established. However, a ranking of scribes<br />

on seals is attested: SCRIBA with number signs (II, III and IV) and 'thousand' SCRIBA<br />

(2) Educated Officials, primarily attested on seals, seem to combine the scribal titles as second<br />

branch to their main profession, perhaps indicating on their scribal education. These include princes<br />

(REX.FILIUS), various dignitaries such as the "chief palace attendant" (MAGNUS.DOMUS.<br />

FILIUS), palace / civilian officials such as the "lord of declarations" (LIS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US), temple /<br />

religious officials such as the L. 414-DOM<strong>IN</strong>US and army personnel such as the army scribe<br />


(3) Scribes attested only on seals, classified according to the number of different seals they own.<br />

Commonly, scribes held up to three different seals, although higher numbers are also attested (the<br />

ten seals of Tuwarsa for example). These officials could have been scribes, scribes on wood (see<br />

above) or educated officials.<br />

SCRIBA<br />

36<br />

DUB.SAR<br />

DIAGRAM 2.1: Relation between the number of SCRIBA and number of DUB.SAR in Empire Period Hattuša

Supervisors<br />

GAL DUB.SAR (tuppa(la)nuri), LÚ SAG<br />

DUB.SAR<br />

Teachers<br />

DUB.SAR<br />

Trainees / Drafting Scribes<br />

DUB.SAR<br />

DUB.SAR.TUR,<br />

LÚ A.ZU(.TUR)<br />

LÚSANGA (position unclear)<br />

37<br />

Teacher / Supervisor? (Tudh. IV – Šupp. II)<br />

EN GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI<br />

DIAGRAM 2.2: Schematic scribal hierarchy in Empire Period Hattuša

III. The Chief Scribe (GAL DUB.SAR MEŠ ) and<br />

Chief Scribe on Wood (GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ)<br />

and Their Families in Cuneiform Texts<br />

This chapter deals with the Empire Period GAL DUB.SAR MEŠ "chief scribe" and GAL<br />

DUB.SAR.GIŠ "chief scribe on wood" of Hattuša, their relatives and colleagues. As already seen in<br />

the previous chapter, cuneiform evidence does not list so many of them, five chief scribes are<br />

mentioned in Empire Period cuneiform texts: Mittannamuwa, his sons Purandamuwa and<br />

Walwaziti, LÚ (henceoforth Ziti) and SAG, and only two chief scribes on wood: Šahurunuwa and<br />

[…]-Šarruma. Chief scribes in HL seals are more numerous, but since the HL title for chief scribe,<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA, is ambiguous, 96 they will be dealt with separately in the following chapter.<br />

In the present chapter four large families of chief scribes are considered, those of<br />

Mittannamuwa, Ziti, SAG and Šahurunuwa. The remaining chief scribe on wood […]-Šarruma is<br />

now considered by most scholars to be a high dignitary, found also in two letters from Ugarit,<br />

named Penti-Šarruma, rather than Taki-Šarruma as previously believed. 97 The latter Taki-Šarruma<br />

probably also held the cuneiform title of chief scribe, however, since it is fragmentary, 98 we must<br />

rely more on his glyptic evidence, which is treated in the next chapter (IV.2.a.Taki-Šarruma).<br />

An overview of what is known from previous studies on the titles and office of the chief<br />

scribe and chief scribe on wood has already been given in the previous chapter (II.3). The following<br />

more personal prosopographic inquiries go into specific textual and glyptic sources on each chief<br />

scribe, in order to reconstruct their careers and recognize their next of kin and possible colleagues.<br />

Namely, identifying their main body of literary works, characterizing their administrative duties,<br />

and if possible locate their bureaus.<br />

The work and didactic relations between chief scribes and the scribes they supervised are<br />

checked through their collaboration in the various colophons and references in other sources, textual<br />

96 It does not distinguish between GAL DUB.SAR and GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ (II.3).<br />

97 See Singer 2006b: 243f. with previous bib. on the issue.<br />

98 The seal impression of Taki-Šarruma on RS 17.403 gives his title as MAGNUS.SCRIBA, therefore the<br />

equivalent title in the text is restored by Singer (2003: 343) as GAL L [ Ú.MEŠ DUB.SAR], rather than GAL<br />

L [ Ú.MEŠ DUB.SAR.GIŠ]<br />


and glyptic. 99 The chief scribe on wood is never mentioned in colophons. As for the chief scribe, it<br />

is interesting that he never appears as a drafter of texts, only as supervisor of other scribes. 100<br />

Otherwise, one commonly finds him mentioned in passing in the genealogical data inserted into the<br />

colophons. This genealogical data also provides another important facet of each chief scribe: their<br />

elaborate family trees. These family trees helped retrace at least fifteen other first degree family<br />

members in total, most of whom were scribes themselves. Marriage connections between the scribal<br />

families are reflected through the only example known thus far: the marriage between Alihešni, son<br />

of Mittannamuwa the chief scribe, and Tarhuntamanawa, daughter of Šahurunuwa the chief scribe<br />

on wood (III.1.b.Walwaziti).<br />

1. Family of Mittannamuwa<br />

Previous Literature: Laroche 1947/48: 44; 1949: 10f.; del Monte 1975: 6; Salvini 1980: 164–166;<br />

Mascheroni 1984: 160f.; Siegelová 1986: 535; van den Hout 1995: 172–178; Singer<br />

2001: 396f.; d'Alfonso 2005: 77; Herbordt 2005: 83; Mora 2006: 141f.; Doǧan-<br />

Alparslan 2007: 249–254; Marizza 2007a: 277f.<br />

a. Enter Mittannamuwa: deposition of Hattušili III in favor of Mittannamuwa,<br />

the chief scribe, and his family (CTH 87)<br />

This document, issued by Hattušili III, describes in some detail the background and family history<br />

of Mittannamuwa, 101 noted in the text as the GAL DUB.SAR MEŠ of Muršili II and his descendants.<br />

It revolves around the intimate relationship between Hattušili III and Mittannamuwa, which began<br />

when the latter cured an illness that struck Hattušili III as a child (Klengel 1999: 239; Doğan-<br />

Alparslan 2007: 252). As del Monte (1975: 6; cf. Doğan-Alparslan 2007: 252) states in his study on<br />

Mittannamuwa, the deposition was in all likelihood written when Mittannamuwa was already dead<br />

and his sons inherited his estate.<br />

99 The basic corpus of Empire Period sources used in this study is reviewed under I.3.<br />

100 Cf. the rab ṭupšarrī in the Mesopotamian colophons who according to Hunger (1968: 9) never appear as<br />

actual copyists. Most of the references are in Genealogical lists.<br />

101 On Anatolian names incorporating the lexeme muwa- “vigor, power” see most recently Tischler 2002:<br />

76f. with bib.<br />


KBo 4.12 was edited quite impeccablly by Götze (1925: 40–45) long ago. 102 But for the sake<br />

of the historical discussion on the career of Mittannamuwa and his sons, I supply here a new<br />

transliteration and translation of the entire text:<br />

Obv.<br />

1 UM-MA d UTU ŠI m Ha-at-tu-ši-li LUGAL.GAL LUGAL KUR URU [Ha-at-ti]<br />

2 DUMU m Mur-ši-li LUGAL.GAL LUGAL KUR URU Hat-ti UR.SAG [ ]<br />

3 Ù DUMU.DUMU-ŠU ŠA m Šu-up-pí-lu-li-u-ma LUGAL.GAL UR.SAG<br />

4 NUMUN m Ha-at-tu-ši-li DUMU URU Ku-uš-šar LUGAL.GAL UR.SAG<br />

5 A-A PA-I A-BU-YA-mu kap-pí-in DUMU-an HUL-lu<br />

6 GIG.GIG-at nu-mu-kán A-BU-YA A-A m Mi-it-tan-na-A.A GAL DUB.SAR[ MEŠ ]<br />

7 ŠU-i da-a-iš na-aš-mu-kán an-da da ! -a-ri-ia-at<br />

8 nu-mu-kán GIG-az TI-nu-ut m Mi-it-tan-na-mu-u-wa-aš-ma<br />

9 IŠ-TU A-BI-YA ka-ni-eš-ša-an-za UKÙ-aš e-eš-ta<br />

10 am-mu-uk-ka ku-wa-pí GIG-az TI-nu-ut na-an-kán am-mu-uk-ka<br />

11 an-da ka-ni-eš-ta nu-ut-tak-kán a-pát-ta ka-ni-eš-šu-u-wa-ar<br />

12 ha-an-ti te-ik-ku-uš-še-eš-ta<br />

<strong>13</strong> ma-ah-ha-an-ma-za A-BU-YA D<strong>IN</strong>GIR LIM -iš DU-at m NIR.GÁL[-iš-ma-ká]n ŠEŠ-YA<br />

14 LUGAL-iz-na-an-ni e-ša-at am-mu-uq-ma-za GAL ME-ŠE-DI<br />

15 e-šu-un nu m Mi-it-tan-na-mu-u-wa-an m NIR.GÁL-iš [ ]<br />

16 ŠEŠ-YA ka-ni-eš-ta na-an pa-ra-a hu-it-ti-ia-at<br />

17 nu-uš-si URU Ha-at-tu-ša-an pí-eš-ta am-me-el-la-aš-š[i a]-aš-šu-ul<br />

18 tu-uk-ka-a-at m Pu-ra-an-da-A.A-an-ma DUMU m Mi-it-tan-na-mu-u-wa<br />

19 da-a-aš na-an GAL DUB.SAR MEŠ i-ia-at<br />

20 GIM-an-ma-za ŠEŠ-YA D<strong>IN</strong>GIR LIM -iš DU-at m Úr-hi- d U-up-an-ma DUMU ŠEŠ-YA<br />

21 ša-ra-a da-ah-hu-un na-an LUGAL-iz-na-an-ni ti-it-ta-nu-nu-un<br />

22<br />

m Mi-it-tan an -na-mu-u-wa-aš-ma 103 ka-ru-ú ir-ma-li-an-za e-eš-ta<br />

102 A translation of obv. <strong>13</strong>-33 is given in Singer 2001: 396. CHD L-N: 155b, 261b, 416b supplies<br />

translation for ll. 24-27. Another short passage from the end of the text is quoted in translation by<br />

Knoppers 1996: 689; for general remarks see Klengel 1999: 221, 239 and Doǧan-Alparslan 2007: 249–<br />

253.<br />

103 The scribe changed the spelling of Mittannamuwa's name three times throughout the text. First writing it<br />

in a partial logographic manner with the suffix -muwa written A.A (l' 6), then switching to a full<br />


23 nu-uš-ma-aš-kán GAL DUB.SAR-UT-TA da-a-ma-uš UKÙ.MEŠ-uš<br />

24 ar-nu-uš-ki-ir m Úr-hi- d U-up-aš-ma-mu ma-a-an HUL-lu-uš-ša<br />

25 e-eš-ta am-mu-uq-ma IŠ-TU <strong>IN</strong>IM m Mi-it-tan an -na-mu-u-wa<br />

26 Ú-UL-pát ka-ru-uš-ši-ia-nu-un nu A-A DUMU.MEŠ m Mi-it-tan an -na-mu-u-wa<br />

27 še-ir me-mi-ia-ah-ha-at nu-uš-ma-aš-kán GAL DUB.SAR-UT-TA<br />

28 ku-i-e-eš da-a-ma-uš ar-nu-uš-ki-ir nu-uš-ma-ša-at Ú-UL<br />

29 É a-ra-an-nu-uh-ha 104 nu A-A GAL DUB.SAR-UT-TI<br />

30<br />

m UR.MAH-LÚ-in DUMU m Mi-it-tan an -na-mu-u-wa ti-it-ta[-nu-nu-un]<br />

31 [GIM-an-ma am-mu]-uq LUGAL-iz-zi-ih-ha-at am-mu-u[q ]<br />

32 [<strong>IN</strong>IM 105 m Mi-it-ta]n an -na-mu-u-wa-aš ŠÀ-ta-pát 106 e-eš-ta [ ]<br />

33 [ m Mi-it-ta]n an -na-mu-u-wa-aš ar-ha Ú-UL [ ]<br />

34 [ ] nu m M[i-it-tan an -na-mu-u-wa]<br />

Rev.<br />

1'<br />

m [Mi-it-tan] an [-na-mu-u-wa ]<br />

2' a-ra-an-ta-ru nu[ ]<br />

3' pa-ah-ha-aš-du-ma-at [na-at]-ma 107 [DU]MU.MEŠ [ d UTU ŠI ]<br />

4' DUMU.DUMU.MEŠ d UTU ŠI QA-TAM-MA pa-ah-ša-an-du nu[ ]<br />

5' nu d UTU ŠI GIM-an m Ha-at-tu-ši-li-iš f Pu-du-he-pa-aš-ša [MUNUS.LUG]AL.GAL<br />

6'<br />

m A-li-ih-hi-eš-ni-in LÚ ha-li-pí-en m UR.MAH-LÚ-in GAL DUB.SAR MEŠ<br />

7' m Ad-du-wa-an m ŠEŠ-zi-na DUMU.MEŠ m Mi-it-tan an -na-A.A 108<br />

8' ka-ni-eš-ta kat-ta-ma DUMU.MEŠ-I DUMU.DUMU.MEŠ-I DUMU d UTU ŠI<br />

phonetic spelling of the name (ll' 8, 15, 18). From a certain point the scribe decided for some reason<br />

(clarity perhaps?) to add into the name an extra -an following the KAL sign, indicating that it should be<br />

read DAN (GHL: 18).<br />

104 For the meaning translated here see HW 2 : 250 and HEG 1: 53, “verlängern”, both denote that arannu- is<br />

derived from Luw. ara(i)- following Laroche (DLL: 30). Puhvel (HED 1: 126f.) does not mention this<br />

under his treatment of the Luw. lexeme, translated there as “raise”. Whereas Melchert (CLL: 25) rather<br />

states that it cannot be derived from ara(i)- and leaves it untranslated.<br />

105 Following Singer 2001: 396.<br />

106 A missed sign by Götze.<br />

107 Götze restored [nu-uš]-ma.<br />

108 Although he has room to spare at the end of the line the scribe suddenly returns here to write the sufix -<br />

muwa logographically (see also n. 103).<br />


42<br />


9' NUMUN f Pu-du-he-pa MUNUS.LUGAL.GAL PAP 109 -an-du nu-kán ŠA d UTU ŠI<br />

10' da-li-ia-an-zi nu-uš-ma-aš-kán aš-šu-la-aš<br />

11' A-ŠAR-ŠU-U-ia li-e ú-e-ih-ta-ri<br />

(blank space of about 23 lines)<br />

12' ki-e-da-ni ud-da-ni-i d U URU Hat-ti d UTU URU PÚ-na-ia<br />

Obv.<br />

1 Thus (speaks) my Sun, Hattušili, great king, king of the land of [Hatti],<br />

2 son of Muršili, great king, king of the land of Hatti, Hero<br />

3 and grandson of Šuppiluliuma, great king, Hero,<br />

4 offspring of Hattušili the son of the city Kuššar, great king, hero<br />

5 During the reign of my father, as a small child, an evil<br />

6 illness happened to me. My father placed me in the hand of Mittannamuwa<br />

7 the chief of scrib[es]. He invoked (a deity) 110 for me<br />

8 and cured me from the illness. Whereas Mittannamuwa<br />

9 was (already) a man favored by my father,<br />

10 when he cured me from the illness, he rewarded<br />

11 him on my account also. For that reason he<br />

12 accordingly showed you 111 recognition.<br />

<strong>13</strong> When my father died (lit.: became a god), Muwattalli, my brother,<br />

14 sat himself in kingship, while I was chief of the royal bodyguard.<br />

109 Götze erroneously reads DU.<br />

aš-su-la-an an-da li-e<br />

110 For this meaning see HEG 9: 171f., “anreden, anrufen (einen Gott)”, though the translation of this<br />

specific line there is somewhat different and less clear: “und mein Vater gab mich dem Mittannamuwa,<br />

dem Vorsteher der Schreiber, in die Hand, und der sprach auf mich ein und heilte mich von der<br />

Krankheit” (the bold parts are my addition). Another feasible translation, already suggested by Otten<br />

(1975: 10 n. <strong>13</strong>), would be to choose the second known meaning of dariya- (cf. HEG 9: 172–174) “sich<br />

anstrengen, müde werden”, thus: “...He (Mittannamuwa) exerted himself for me and cured me from the<br />

illness”.<br />

111 To whom did Mur. II show his recognition? Singer suggested one of Mittannamuwa's sons later<br />

mentioned in the text, either Purandamuwa or Walwaziti (pers. comm.).

15 Muwattalli, my brother, favored Mittannamuwa,<br />

16 promoted him,<br />

17 and gave Hattuša to him. Furthermore, my good will towards him<br />

18 was patent. He took Purandamuwa, son of Mittannamuwa,<br />

19 and made him the chief of scribes.<br />

20 But when my brother died (lit.: became a god), I took up my nephew Urhi-Tešub<br />

21 and installed him in kingship.<br />

22 And Mittannamuwa was formerly ill.<br />

23 Other men seized for themselves the office of the chief scribe.<br />

24 But when Urhi-Tešub was hostile towards me,<br />

25 I was, nevertheless, not indifferent about the matter of Mittannamuwa,<br />

26 and spoke up on behalf of the descendants of Mittannamuwa.<br />

27 As for the others, who seized for themselves the office of the chief scribe,<br />

28 I did not extend ? it for them.<br />

29 I installed in the place of the chief scribe<br />

30 Walwaziti, son of Mittannamuwa.<br />

31 [And when] I became king, I [ ]<br />

32 [And the matter of Mitta]nnamuwa was as before 112 with (my) heart [ ]<br />

33 [ Mitta]nnamuwa not [ ] away [ ]<br />

34 [ ] and M[ittannamuwa? ]<br />

Rev.<br />

1' [Mitt]an[namuwa? ]<br />

2' They should stay and [ ]<br />

3' Whereas he should protect them. [They] should likewise protect the sons of my Sun<br />

4' and the grandchildren of my Sun [ ]<br />

5' And as my Sun, Hattušili, and Puduhepa, [the Great que]en,<br />

6' favored Alihešni the LÚ halipi, 1<strong>13</strong> Walwaziti the chief of scribes,<br />

7' Adduwa and Nani(n)zi, sons of Mittannamuwa,<br />

8' so will our sons and grandsons protect the sons of my Sun and the grandsons of my<br />

112 See this meaning of -pat in CHD P: 219b.<br />

1<strong>13</strong> For this office see II.3.<br />

43<br />


9' the progeny of Puduhepa the Great Queen. Let them not waste the good will of my Sun<br />

10' and let (that) good will<br />

11' and their position not change for them 114<br />

(Blank space of about 23 lines)<br />

12' In this matter (witnessed) the Storm-god of Hatti and Sun-goddess of Arinna<br />

Hattušili III recounts in chronological order historical and political events, pertaining to<br />

Mittannamuwa and his descendants, which occurred during the reigns of the three kings who<br />

preceded him. Towards the end of the text he reaches the present time, where a reciprocal obligation<br />

for loyalty and support between the remaining Mittannamuwa clan and the royal line of Hattušili III<br />

is made in the presence of the Sun-goddess of Arinna and the Storm-god of Hatti. 115<br />

Several stylistic features of this text resemble those of treaties signed between the Great<br />

King and his vassals. For example, the historical introduction that takes up most of the obverse, and<br />

the list of divine witnesses at the end. 116 However, the tone is much more personal and establishes<br />

the connection between the families of Hattušili III and Mittannamuwa. The dividing lines placed<br />

by the scribe between the different historical sections build up this long standing connection to its<br />

climax manifested in the reciprocal obligation:<br />

(§1) Genealogy of Hattušili III (obv. 1-4) / (§2) Reign of Muršili II (obv. 5-12):<br />

Mittannamuwa, already an honored chief scribe, cures the illness of Hattušili III and<br />

receives the favor of the royal family / (§3) Reign of Muwattalli II (obv. <strong>13</strong>-19):<br />

Following the transfer of the capital to Tarhuntašša, Hattuša is left under the<br />

supervision of Mittannamuwa. His first born son, Purandamuwa, succeeds him in the<br />

position of chief scribe / (§4) Reign of Urhi-Tešub (obv. 20-30): Mittannamuwa<br />

became ill, and his descandents lost the post of chief scribe to other men. 117 Hattušili<br />

III, possibly during his coup d'etat, 118 removed them and places in their stead<br />

Walwaziti, a son of Mittannamuwa 119 / (§5) Reign of Hattušili III (obv. 31-?): The<br />

114 For the translation of ll' 9-11' see CHD P: 334a.<br />

115 On the importance of this divine couple see Haas 1994: 425f.<br />

116 For the features of such treaties see Backman 1999: 2–6.<br />

117 In all likelihood the family of the chief scribe LÚ (Ziti), for which see van den Hout 1995: 148f. and<br />

further below.<br />

118 On the other events leading to this dramatic historical event ending with the banishment of Ur.-T. see<br />

Parker 1999 and Bryce 2005: 259–262 with bib.<br />

119 See more under III.1.b.Walwaziti.<br />


text becomes fragmented, but it seems as though Hattušili III emphasizes that the<br />

matter of Mittannamuwa and his family never left his heart. Perhaps the break in the<br />

text mentions the reason for the issuing of the deposition, or lists provisions/land given<br />

to the family of Mittannamuwa for their loyal service to the king / (§6) Reciprocal<br />

obligations (rev. 3'-11'): The two families promise to sustain the long standing mutual<br />

relationship between them. 120 Note the sons of Mittannamuwa are probably listed<br />

chronologically / (§7) Divine witnesses (rev. 12').<br />

Five sons of Mittannamuwa are listed in §6, as noted, probably in chronological order. They<br />

are: Purandamuwa, Alihešni, Walwaziti, Nani(n)zi (ŠEŠ-zi) and Adduwa. What appears to be either<br />

a mixed use of Luwian elements and Hurrian toponyms in some names, such as Purandamuwa 121<br />

and Mittannamuwa, or a good Luwian name such as Walwaziti, led Salvini (1980: 164, 166), and<br />

later Mascheroni (1984: 171f.), to place the origins of this family in Hurrian-Luwian Kizzuwatna.<br />

Indeed, scribal work on Hurrian-Luwian material, specifically kizzuwatnaen, 122 attested for some<br />

members of this family corresponds with this origin.<br />

The scribal nature of the work carried out by the members of the Mittannamuwa family is<br />

obvious. According to KBo 4.12 Purandamuwa and Walwaziti followed their father in becoming<br />

chief scribes. Walwaziti, Alhešni and Nani(n)zi appear in tablet colophons. From some of these<br />

colophons we learn on their scribal tasks, from others on their families and workers. For example,<br />

Walwaziti had two sons, Hulanabi and Talmi-Tešub, both scribes (Salvini 1980: 164–166; van den<br />

Hout 1995: 175; Doğan-Alparslan 2007: 253f.). Adduwa is the only member of Mittannamuwa's<br />

family nowhere else attested.<br />

In the following section five family members are considered in chronological order:<br />

Mittannamuwa, Purandamuwa, Walwaziti, Alihešni, and Nani(n)zi. Since most of their<br />

prosopographic elements have been treated in previous studies, 123 my main focus will be scribal-<br />

administrative duties and relations with other scribes.<br />

120 Note that neither Mittannamuwa nor any of his descendants are titled DUMU.LUGAL, here or in any<br />

other source. Alihešni, one of Mittannamuwa's sons, did marry into the royal line through the scribal<br />

family of Šahurunuwa (see III.1.b.Walwaziti).<br />

121 Note however, that I disagree with the notion that this name is made of Puranti, the Hurr. name of the<br />

Euphrates, but rather with Puranda, a city Mur. II subdued in Arzawa (see III.1.b.Purandamuwa).<br />

122 See especially Walwaziti's work on the (h)išuwa under III.1.b.Walwaziti.<br />

123 See those listed in the Previous Literature above.<br />


. Prosopography of Individual Family Members and affiliated Scribes<br />


Most scholars agree that Mittannamuwa was elevated to the position of chief scribe in the time of<br />

Muršili II (del Monte 1975: 6; Mascheroni 1984: 160; Houwink ten Cate 1998: 177; Bryce 2005:<br />

231f.; Doğan-Alparslan 2007: 251). In this period we learn of his activities only from the deposition<br />

of Hattušili III (KBo 4.12). The text describes how Mittannamuwa invoked a deity in order to<br />

remedy a disease of the young Hattušili III (l. 5-8). Otten (1975: 10) interprets this passage as a<br />

literary topos: service to Mittannamuwa equals cure of illness, the same way a service to a deity<br />

equals long life. Otherwise, taking this information literally, Beckman (1987-90: 630) suggested<br />

that Mittannamuwa was trained as a LÚ A.ZU "physician".<br />

In fact, there is a strong connection between physicians and scribes. 124 Some physicians also<br />

had scribal training since they are found drafting texts. 125 Magical healing rituals were also part of<br />

the scribal curriculum in Hattuša. For example, we know of two school tablets which incorporate<br />

medical literature. The first is KUB 4.53 (CTH 537), 126 an exercise tablet 127 written in Akkadian,<br />

dated to the Empire Period, which has on its reverse a diagnostic medical omen (Wilhelm 1994:<br />

73f.). The second is the school tablet KUB 37.1 (CTH 808), an Akkadian medical recept glossed in<br />

Hittite and Luwian (Torri 2007b: 679f. with bib.).<br />

Finding a cure for Hattušili III could have been done in various means. The deposition states<br />

that a deity was invoked by Mittannamuwa, but not how this was performed. One common way to<br />

do this was via oracle, 128 an active way of communicating with the gods. 129 Many oracles concern<br />

illnesses of Hattušili III, some particularly involving his later eye sickness, in which physicians<br />

played a key role (Kammenhuber 1976: <strong>13</strong>8–140; Alaura 1999b). If indeed Mittannamuwa had the<br />

knowledge and skills of a physician, I belive that he could have conducted an oracle inquiry to find<br />

a cure for young Hattušili III.<br />

124 Cf. Imparati 1985: 280f.<br />

125 See also under II.3 and under III.1.b.Nani(n)zi.<br />

126 This is how the text was catalogued by Wilhelm 1994. In the Košak, Konkordanz this fragment is<br />

attributed to CTH 8<strong>13</strong>.<br />

127 "Die Vorderseite der Tafel enthält isolierte Wörter und Wendungen...” (Wilhelm 1994: 5 n. 28).<br />

128 For oracles concerning sickness of the Hittite king in general see Beal 2002: <strong>13</strong>–19.<br />

129 As opposed to more passive/one sided ways of divine communication such as prayers and natural and<br />

celestial omens (van den Hout 2003a: 118); on the different oracle techniques in Hittite texts see van<br />

den Hout 2003b: 118–120.<br />


Further evidence indicates that the chief scribe had a specific role in conducting important<br />

oracle inquiries (Doğan-Alparslan 2007: 249). Walwaziti, Mittanamuwa's son and the chief scribe<br />

under Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV, performed an oracle using patta- stones in a dream the queen<br />

had regarding a military campaign of the king (KUB 48.118). The stones were scattered, recollected<br />

and the oracle came out favorable. Van den Hout (1995: 176) has already commented on<br />

Walwaziti's role in the process of this oracle, which lies in conjuncture with his knowledge of<br />

Akkadian oracle literature. Apparentlly, at least two Akkadian omen texts were written under his<br />

supervision (KUB 8.9 and KUB 37.164; see also III.1.b.Walwaziti). This coincides with the role of<br />

scribes as diviners elsewhere in the Hittite Empire, for example at Emar (Durand 1988: 63f.; Cohen<br />

forthcoming).<br />

During the reign of Muwattalli II the capital was moved to Tarhuntašša and the deposition of<br />

Hattušili III informs that Mittannamuwa was appointed governor of Hattuša (Singer 2006a: 44).<br />

Prior to this, Mittannamuwa witnessed KBo 1.6, the treaty which Muwattalli II reestablished with<br />

Talmi-Šarruma king of Aleppo, after the first treaty drawn in the days of Muršili II was lost (obv. 3-<br />

4). <strong>13</strong>0 The new treaty, incorporating parts from the older lost version of the text, was witnessed by<br />

some other known dignitaries and high officials of Muwattalli II's time (del Monte 1975). Among<br />

these nobles one might note Šahurunuwa (rev. 18'), son of Šarri-Kušuh and viceroy of Syria during<br />

the reigns of Muršili II and Muwattalli II (Klengel 1992: 123–124). At the end of the witness list we<br />

find two scribes, <strong>13</strong>1 the name of the latter, probably the drafter of the text is unfortunately broken.<br />

The name of the preceding scribe is d LAMMA-SUM (Kuruntapiya), also LÚ anduwašalli of the king.<br />

Since this colleague scribe of Mittannamuwa is also known from other sources, it is interesting to<br />

review his career and family in more detail.<br />

FAMILY <strong>OF</strong> KURUNTAPIYA: d LAMMA-SUM, which should phonetically read Kuruntapiya, <strong>13</strong>2<br />

bears the interesting title LÚ anduwašalli of the king, which is connected in some way with UGULA<br />

LÚ.MEŠ KUŠ7.GUŠK<strong>IN</strong> “overseer of golden chariot fighters” (Beal 1992: 410–4<strong>13</strong>; van den Hout<br />

1994: 326 n. 69; Pecchioli Daddi 1997: 177). It seems to be among the military positions which had<br />

scribal training, some of which were considered in the previous chapter (II.3).<br />

<strong>13</strong>0 KBo 1.6 was edited by Weidner 1923: 80–89; cf. Götze 1928/29 and Klengel 1964. A recent translation<br />

may be found in Beckman 1999: 93–95.<br />

<strong>13</strong>1 Rev. 21-22 ... m d LAMMA-SUM LÚ a[n-t]ù-wa-šal-li LUGAL DUB.SAR [o o ] DUB.SAR IŠ-ṬU[R].<br />

<strong>13</strong>2 Although first element d LAMMA is rare in personal names (Hawkins 2005a: 290).<br />


Kuruntapiya is also known from several Empire period texts. Only two colophons, however,<br />

refer to the known scribe of Muwattalli II. <strong>13</strong>3 The first is the colophon of KBo <strong>13</strong>.240 (CTH 470), a<br />

ritual found in the House on the Slope, in which he appears as the drafter of the text: rev. x+1<br />

˹ m ˺ d ˹LAMMA-SUM˺ IŠ-ṬUR (Torri 2007a: 775). According to Torri (2007a: 776) he is the oldest<br />

scribe documented in the House on the Slope. The second is the descriptive colophon of the known<br />

song of Kumarbi or "Kingship in Heaven" (KUB 33.120+++, CTH 344.A), in which Kuruntapiya<br />

emergaes as the grandfather of Ašhapala, drafter of the text (Mascheroni 1984: 153f.). A join made<br />

by Corti (2007: 111f.) updates this genealogy as follows:<br />

KUB 33.120 + KUB 33.119 + 1194/u + KUB 48.97<br />

Rev. IV<br />

28' DUB I KAM ŠÁ SÌR GÁxÈ.A ˹NU.TIL˺ [<br />

29' ŠU m Aš-ha-pa-la DUMU md U-ta-aš-šu<br />

30' DUMU.DUMU-ŠU Š[Á] ˻ m ˼ d LAMMA-SUM<br />

31' Ù DUMU.DUMU-ŠU ŠÁ m Wa-ar-ši-ya<br />

32' GÁB.ZU.ZU ŠÁ m LÚ ki-i ṬUP-PU<br />

33' ar-ha har-ra-an e-eš-ta<br />

34' na-at am-mu-uk m Aš-ha-pa-aš<br />

35' PA-I m LÚ IŠ-ṬUR<br />

Before looking more closely at the genealogy in this colophon, I wish to consider two Late<br />

Empire Period seal impressions with the name d LAMMA-SUM (Fig. 3.1). The first is Nis 604, a<br />

ring seal impression found at Nişantepe which bears the name CERVUS2-zi/a-pi-i(a) ? and titles<br />

MAGNUS.PITHOS and EUNUCHUS2 (Herbordt 2005: 220, Taf. 47). The name is likely read<br />

Runzipiya (Hawkins 2005a: 283), <strong>13</strong>4 a possible equivalent of the wiriting d LAMMA-SUM. <strong>13</strong>5<br />

<strong>13</strong>3 KBo 41.218 rev. 7' (CTH 582, Bk. E) is an oracle fragment which mentions a certain “dream of<br />

d LAMMA-SUM” reported to an unknown king. Van den Hout (1995: 240) dates the text to Muw. II,<br />

based on the appearance of Kuruntapiya. But since in the previous line appears the name of Anuwanza,<br />

LÚ SAG and scribe of Hatt. III and Tudh. IV, this must be either a later Kuruntapiya, or a historical<br />

reference to the known scribe of Muw. II. Note that in 473/z and its dupl. KUB 60.117 (CTH 530, T.1;<br />

Groddek 2006: 114f.), where temples and other objects are listed as the property of several deities,<br />

primarily Ištar, Kuruntapiya is found listed as part of the cult of Ištar (right col. 32' // 14'); although his<br />

title is not mentioned he must have been an official in the temple of that deity.<br />

<strong>13</strong>4 Whether the flanking lions on the seal represent another name with the element LEO2 is uncertain<br />

(Hawkins 2005a: 283).<br />

<strong>13</strong>5 On the reading of CERVUSx, cun. d LAMMA, as Luw. Runtiya and late Runza see Hawkins 2005a: 290;<br />


However, both titles, "chief of the pithos (house)" and "eunuch", <strong>13</strong>6 do not seem to parallel the<br />

scribe under Muwattalli II. Also, the use of the ring seal dates this official to the later half of the<br />

<strong>13</strong> th century at least (Herdbordt 2005: 43f.), the reign of Hattušili III onwards. The second seal<br />

impression, Tars. 36/19, was found on a conical bulla from Tarsus (Gelb in Goldman et al. 1956:<br />

247 no. 3, Fig. 401, 405). The name on the seal should read CERVUS3-ti-pi-i(a), and not CERVUS2<br />

/ Rú-ti-pi as previously suggested. <strong>13</strong>7 As indicated long ago by Laroche (1958: 254), both the name,<br />

equivalent of Kuruntipiya, and the SCRIBA title on the seal correspond with the above mentioned<br />

scribe of Muwattalli II. It is interesting to find this scribe attested in Tarsus, apparently he had<br />

activities in Kizzuwatna, perhaps attending the local archive. <strong>13</strong>8<br />

Returning to the elaborate colophon of the "Kingship in Heaven" composition we find that<br />

the entire family of Kuruntapiya is documented. All the names mentioned belong to scribes attested<br />

in other sources. Ašhapala appears to be a trainee who recopied this text under the supervision of<br />

Ziti (LÚ), also his teacher, after the existing archive copy became worn. Ašhapala's ancestor,<br />

Waršiya, is likely a distant forefather, since a known scribe by that name served under Huzziya II<br />

and Muwattalli I (Marizza 2007a: 286, 337). Kuruntapiya, his grandfather, is the above mentioned<br />

scribe of Muwattalli II. The name of his father, identified in the join as Tarhuntaššu, was until<br />

recently fragmentary.<br />

the second element piya- is the known equivalent of SUM (CHD P: 40).<br />

<strong>13</strong>6 These titles are treated in Hawkins 2005a: 303, 306; see also here under Appendix.<br />

<strong>13</strong>7 For previous readings of the name as CERVUS2 / Rú / RUNTA-ti-pi see Mora 1987: 304 XIIb 1.11.<br />

Note that she erroneously identifies the i(a) sign at the base of the seal impression as BONUS2.<br />

<strong>13</strong>8 On "tablets of Kizzuwatna" see the colophons of the (h)išuwa festival (Wegner & Salvini 1991: 3; also<br />

under III.1.b.Walwaziti); on the glyptic evidence suggesting that there was an archive in Tarsus see<br />

Mora 2000.<br />


Originally, prior to Corti's join of the text (see above), the name of Ašhapala's father was<br />

restored as [Hanti]taššu (Mascheroni 1984: 154), a person otherwise unknown. Now we can safely<br />

read his name d U-aššu or Tarhuntaššu, who could be identified with d IM.SIG5, <strong>13</strong>9 an official listed<br />

among the addressees of the double letter KBo 18.101 (CTH 190, Bk. A), 140 likely a scribal letter as<br />

suggested from the post scriptum on its reverse (Hagenbuchner 1989: 12 n. 37, 14f.). This letter is<br />

dated based on paleography to the Late Empire Period, both in the Košak, Konkordanz and by de<br />

Martino (2005: 306). 141 An earlier Tarhuntaššu, probably an augur, is known from the MH letter<br />

KBo 15.28 (CTH 195, Bk. D) and several other texts from the time of Arnuwanda I and Tudhaliya<br />

II/III (Corti 2007: 114f.). 142<br />

The name d U/IM.SIG5 is also known from several HL seals (Fig. 3.2). The reading of the<br />

name was first established by Laroche (1956a: 144) as logographic TONITRUS-BONUS2. He listed<br />

at least six sealings of this name found in Bk. D: SBo II 116-119, 121, 210 (cf. Hawkins 2005a:<br />

288). Out of these, three (SBo II 117-119) are of distinct MH style, 143 and must belong to the<br />

abovementioned official from the reigns of Arnuwanda I - Tudhaliya II/III. To these seals one might<br />

add a MH type seal (Esy 73-82) found in Eskiyapar (Corti 2007: 114f.). One of the Bk. D sealings<br />

(SBo 210) is in the Late Empire Period style bearing the title PITHOS.VIR (B. Dinçol 2001: 100).<br />

A title which should perhaps read “pithos man”, but does not seem to have a good cuneiform<br />

equivalent. Laroche suggested LÚ( MEŠ ) UTÚL “pot man” (Hawkins 2005a: 306). In any case,<br />

<strong>13</strong>9 Although note that the reading of this name could also be Tarhuwaššu (Imparati 1985: 281–284; Corti<br />

2007: 114 n. 46).<br />

140 Ed. in Hagenbuchner 1989: 169f. no. 114 (rev.), 174f. no. 121 (obv.)<br />

141 But cf. Klinger 1995: 101 who opts for a MH date.<br />

142 KBo 5.7 (CTH 223): the LSU of Arnu. I to the Hierodule Kuwattalla (Imparati 1985: 275); KBo 32.197<br />

rev. 5, 9, 11: an unidentified historical fragment; KBo 32.198 rev. 5: a list of persons; HKM 99: an<br />

administrative text from Maşat (Corti 2007: 115).<br />

143 SBo II 117 has the “grid triangle” elements encompassing the border of the sealing. These were studied<br />

by Mora (1987: 109f.), who has established that they are not so common and may have originated from<br />

a single production center. She dates them to the Early Empire Period. Moreover, the flat surface of the<br />

impression and the fact that the triangle elements take up most of the seal concur with some elements<br />

dated recently by Herbordt (2006: 101–106) to the MH period; for other examples of such seals cf.<br />

Glyptik: 63 n. 17 and abb. 47. These triangle elements, also referred to by Güterbock (SBo II: 30f.) as<br />

“Zackenkranz”, can be found on Kassite seals as well. SBo II 118-119 are both of similar style, bearing<br />

the MH form of VITA (L. 369) “life, well-being” (Herbordt 2006: 104).<br />


Tarhuntaššu PITHOS.VIR was probably a type of storehouse official, and can not be securely<br />

identified with the Empire Period scribe Tarhuntaššu.<br />

Since the exact term of Tarhuntaššu could not be dated, in order to chronologically place<br />

Ašhapala one must explore the last person named in the colophon of the "Kingship in Heaven"<br />

composition: the teacher and supervisor Ziti (LÚ). Ziti is a rather common anthroponym that will be<br />

studied further below (III.2). Initially, Laroche (1949: 12) dated Ziti to the later reign of Tudhaliya<br />

IV, but this dating needs to be revised following Miller (2004: 38). Both van den Hout (1995: 148)<br />

and Miller (2004: 38 n. 66) now identify the teacher of Ašhapala with Ziti the son of the scribe<br />

NU.GIŠ.SAR, and grandson of Ziti, chief scribe of Urhi-Tešub. At the early stages of his career Ziti<br />

seems to have worked under the guidance of Anuwanza, the known scribe and LÚ SAG active during<br />

the reigns of Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV (van den Hout 1995: 238–242; Miller 2004: 38; Torri<br />


2007a: 777). Therefore, the career stage represented in the colophon of the "Kingship in Heaven"<br />

text is somewhat later, probably during the second half of Tudhaliya IV's reign.<br />

To conclude the evidence on Kuruntapiya, it seems the anthroponym was quite popular<br />

during the Empire Period. The scribe of Muwattalli II and contemporary of Mittannamuwa, was<br />

part of a large family of scribes whose generations span a very long period in Hattuša; from the<br />

days of Arnuwanda I till the end of Tudhaliya IV's reign. The names of the various family members<br />

do not seem to indicate on a Hurrian origin, as previously indicated by Mascheroni (1984: 154 and<br />

n. 23). Corti (2007: 116) calls them "typically Anatolian names", and notes on their earlier MH<br />

parallels. In my opinion, the long documented history of the family in the archives of Hattuša, as<br />

well as its use of good Anatolian names, shows that we are dealing with a local family of Hittite<br />

scribes. The structure and dating of this family in relation with the families of the chief scribes<br />

Mittannamuwa and Ziti is summarized in the following schema (Fig. 3.3).<br />


Fig. 3.3: The family of Kuruntapiya ( d LAMMA-SUM) and its connection with the scribal families of the chief scribes Mittannamuwa and Ziti<br />


Mittannamuwa in Fragmentary Context<br />

As for Mittannamuwa, I wish to conclude by considering his appearance in two further fragmentary<br />

texts, KBo 50.180 and KUB 60.81.<br />

In KBo 50.180, a small fragment classified by Miller in the Inhaltübersicht under CTH 215<br />

(cf. Mainz, Portal, “Undifferenzierte Fragmente historischer Texte”), Mittannamuwa is mentioned<br />

in broken context in l. 4'. At the beginning of the next fragmentary line a MEŠ sign is visible<br />

prompting that his title [GAL DUB.SAR].MEŠ should be restored, identifying him as the known<br />

chief scribe. Here is my transliteration and discussion of the fragment:<br />

x+1 -a]l-la x[<br />

2' -]iz ? -it na-a[t<br />

3' ]x ha-an-ti-i Ṭ[UP-PU 144<br />

4' m ]Mi-it-tan-na-mu[-u-wa<br />

5' GAL DUB.SAR] MEŠ ha-lu-ki AŠ-P[UR ?<br />

6' ] ar-ku-wa-ar i ? [-ya-aš(?)<br />

7' x-]e ? ka-ru-ú f? [<br />

8' ]x an-ne-eš-x[<br />

9' ]x-iš-tén [<br />

10' ] x[<br />

The contents of ll. 3'-6' might be restored in the following manner: “...]the t[ablet] copy [...]<br />

I s[ent] Mittannamu[wa the chief of scrib]es a message [...asking him], to m[ake(?)] a prayer 145 [...“.<br />

The context of this hypothetical translation suggests that Mittannamuwa received a messenger on<br />

behalf of an unknown sender. I would suppose that such a high dignitary must have received his<br />

orders from the king himself, probably the first person speaker in l. 5'. This king could be either<br />

Muršili II or Muwattalli II, for Mittannamuwa was the noted chief scribe during their reigns. Singer<br />

proposed that this king could be Muwattalli II, who sent a message to Mittannamuwa asking him to<br />

144 The sign near the lacuna is barely visible in the copy, however, it might be ṬUP (see HZL: 140f.) for<br />

two reasons: first, the use of hanti, dat.-loc. sg. adverb of hant-, with tuppi/ṬUPPU to denote “copy<br />

tablet” is known from other texts (note the examples in HED 3: 92f.); second, the next line mentions the<br />

“chief scribe”, thus, the context hints toward such a restoration. Another common NH use of hanti- is<br />

with tiya- (Dardano 2002: 354f.). Because the sign after hanti can also be Ú, it brings up a second less<br />

likely restoration hanti [Ú-UL / le-e ti-ia-mi?] “I did not accuse PN”, choosing here first person tiyami<br />

following AŠPUR in the next line.<br />

145 Otherwise "make a plea, present one's case" (Melchert 1998: 45–47).<br />


pray for the health of his brother Hattušili III (pers. comm.). Indeed, this would coincide with<br />

Mittannamuwa's care for the health of Hattušili III from a young age, as attested in KBo 4.12.<br />

KUB 60.81 (CTH 470) is a ritual fragment. 146 The first passage is followed by a single<br />

paragraph dividing line and three broken lines of text at the bottom (ll. 15'-17'). Mittannamuwa<br />

(Spelled Mi-tan-na-A.A) is mentioned three times, once in each of the broken lines. Perhaps this is<br />

a colophon with genealogy of one of Mittannamuwa's descendants. It is certainly not a text written<br />

by Mittannamuwa himself, since his appearance in colophons is mainly limited to genealogical data<br />

of his offspring (del Monte 1975: 6). The contents of the text itself is irrelevant here, except for a<br />

reference to a “father of his majesty” made in l. 12'. Klengel suggested in the Inhaltübersicht of<br />

KUB 60 that this king is Hattušili III (cf. CHD P: 270a, “Hattušili III?”). If this is correct then the<br />

father of his majesty would be Muršili II, under whom Mittannamuwa was chief scribe.<br />

Summary. The main source on the life of Mittannamuwa is the deposition issued to his<br />

family by Hattušili III (KBo 4.12; see III.1.a). It informs us of Mittannamuwa's intimate connection<br />

with this king, and on the key political role he played in the reign of Muwattalli II during the<br />

transfer of the capital to Tarhuntašša. Nothing is actually mentioned on his scribal activities. We<br />

only learn that he treated an illness of Hattušili III, suggesting that he had medical training. It was<br />

further considered that Mittannamuwa performed this treatment via oracle, such as those<br />

documented later in the life of Hattušili III aimed at curing his eye sickness. A contemporary scribe<br />

of Mittannamuwa, whose family members are known from other sources, is Kuruntapiya, a scribe<br />

of Muwattalli II. The ultimate fate of Mittanamuwa is unknown, due to a break in KBo 4.12. We<br />

only know that he was ill during the reign of Urhi-Tešub perhaps dying shortly after.<br />


From the deposition of Hattušili III (KBo 4.12) we learn that Muwattalli II placed Mittannamuwa as<br />

overseer of Hattuša upon moving the capital to Tarhuntašša (obv. 15-17). Following this step,<br />

Purandamuwa, first born son of Mittannamuwa, was placed in his father's position (obv. 18). This<br />

must have happened only after the signing of the Aleppo treaty (KBo 1.6) in which Mittannamuwa<br />

is still titled chief scribe.<br />

When Urhi-Tešub reinstated the capital in Hattuša, after the death of his father, it becomes<br />

clear from KBo 4.12 that other men seized the office of the chief scribe (obv. 23-24). Who are these<br />

146 A translit. and previous bib. is found in Groddek 2006: 82.<br />


other men? And what might have happened to Purandamuwa who was until that moment the chief<br />

scribe?<br />

Several scholars have argued that a rival family headed by a man named Ziti (LÚ), whose<br />

name is sometimes written by mistake SAG, took over with Urhi-Tešub's support (Hagenbuchner<br />

1989: 84; van den Hout 1995: 147–149; Marizza 2007a: 278). It is preferable, in my opinion, to<br />

separate Ziti from SAG (see III.2). Ziti had a large scribal family which will be considered further<br />

below. SAG was probably a different chief scribe who replaced Walwaziti in the reign of Tudhaliya<br />

IV. As will be shown later on his term of office was probably very short and not much is known of<br />

his family.<br />

As for the fate of Purandamuwa, practically nothing is known, only what is portrayed so<br />

laconic in KBo 4.12. One can deduce, though, that Purandamuwa was not alive during the writing<br />

of KBo 4.12, i.e. during the reign of Hattušili III, because his name is omitted from the list of<br />

Mittannamuwa's sons in the reverse (ll. 6-7).<br />

The name Purandamuwa is a geographical compound as described by Larcohe (H: 274). It<br />

is currently more probable to identify the first element of this name with URU Puranda, the Arzawan<br />

refuge-city subdued by Muršili II as described in his Annals, 147 than with Puranti (Hitt. Mala-), the<br />

Hurrian appellative of the Euphrates, as Laroche and others previously assumed (Salvini 1980: 166;<br />

Mascheroni 1984: 162). 148<br />

Purandamuwa does not appear in any other document found in Hattuša or any other location<br />

thus far. The only reasonable conclusion is, as Marizza (2007a: 278 n. 64) now believes, that he<br />

moved together with Muwattalli II to Tarhuntašša, perhaps modern Kizildağ (Singer 2006a: 42f.<br />

with bib.), acting as the chief scribe from the new Hittite capital.<br />

147 Most likely nowadays Bademgediği Tepe (Hawkins 2005c)<br />

148 The name itself is quite unique and could have been given by Mittannamuwa to his son upon the<br />

occasion of Mur. II's victory on the Arzawan city. If this is so, one can very cautiously suppose that he<br />

was born around the time of that battle, the spring of Mur. II's 4 th year (KBo 3.4 II 57-86 // KBo 16.1 IV<br />

7-37; Götze 1933: 62–67).<br />



Walwaziti, son of Mittannamuwa and one of the most documented chief scribes, was subjected to<br />

many prosopographical reviews, the most thorough of which by van den Hout (1995: 173–178).<br />

The points considered here focus on Walwaziti's term of office, administrative issues, HL evidence<br />

and a detailed examination of his scribal bureau.<br />

The beginnings of Walwaziti as chief scribe are recounted in KBo 4.12: following a short<br />

interlude in the reign of Urhi-Tešub - during which others filled the office of chief scribe - the<br />

position returned into the hands of the Mittannamuwa family (see III.1.a) and was given by<br />

Hattušili III to Walwaziti (spelled UR.MAH 149 -LÚ). Walwaziti was the younger brother of<br />

Purandamuwa, chief scribe of Muwattalli II in Tarhuntašša (see III.1.b.Purandamuwa). According<br />

to KBo 4.12 this happened already in the reign of Urhi-Tešub, probably backed up by political<br />

pressure from Hattušili III (Doğan-Alparslan 2007: 253; de Roos 2007: 35).<br />

Walwaziti was an integral part of the highest circles of state nobility during the reign of<br />

Hattušili III and most of the first half of Tudhaliya IV's reign (Siegelová 1986: 535). He witnessed<br />

Ulmi-Tešub's treaty with Hattušili III, Tudhaliya IV's Bronze Tablet and Šahurunuwa's land<br />

concession (van den Hout 1995: 172). Since he was already a grown man when nominated as chief<br />

scribe, his appearance in the latter land concession must be very late in his career, which possibly<br />

ended shortly afterwards; sometime in the second quarter of Tudhaliya IV's reign. Pecchioli Daddi<br />

(1997: 178) rightfully dismisses the extreme longevity ascribed to Walwaziti by van den Hout<br />

(1995: 175–178), according to his dating of the Ulmi-Tešub treaty to Tudhaliya IV. 150<br />

Administrative evidence<br />

Walwaziti's political activities are only outweighed by his documented scribal and administrative<br />

duties. Whereas his scribal bureau is extensively treated later on, his administrative activities should<br />

now be briefly considered.<br />

These revolve around three main issues: religious, judicial and economic. The first issue is<br />

documented in two depictions of vows made in dreams (KUB 15.5+; CTH 583 151 , KUB 48.118;<br />

CTH 584.7 152 , KUB 15.30; CTH 590 153 ) and an oracular inquiry (KUB 52.44; CTH 582 154 ), most of<br />

149 On the established equation of UR.MAH (cun.) = LEO (HL) = walwi- (Luw.) see the evidence<br />

summarized in Hawkins 2005a: 293–295 with bib.<br />

150 For the dating of this important treaty see discussion under I.5.<br />

151 Ed. in de Roos 1984: 203–214, 341–353; 2007: 71–88.<br />

152 Ed. in de Roos 1984: 295f., 434f.; 2007: 123–125; on the town of Ušša see recently Lebrun 2001: 328–<br />

330 with bib.<br />


which are related to Hattušili III and Puduhepa. 155 The majority of these texts are not so descriptive<br />

about the role Walwaziti played in the cult. However, in some instances he is depicted<br />

communicating to the gods on behalf of the king and queen.<br />

Such a case is the vow KUB 15.30, which informs us that the queen was told about a chest<br />

of unspecified material Walwaziti sent to Ištar of Šamuha in exchange for her care regarding the<br />

health of the king (van den Hout 1995: 176f.). In another text, KUB 48.118, a dream of the queen<br />

which took place in the city of Ušša, Walwaziti performs an oracle inquiry using patta- stones about<br />

a dream the queen had on a military campaign of the king. The stones were scattered, recollected<br />

and the oracle came out favorable. This last piece of evidence further indicates on the knowledge<br />

Walwaziti had in literature of divine signs and oracles, which is also apparent from two Akkadian<br />

omens copied under his inspection (van den Hout 1995: 176). 156 Such knowledge was also<br />

considered above to have been shared by his father, Mittannamuwa, who is most likely depicted in<br />

KBo 4.12 performing an oracle inquiry on behalf of Hattušili III's health (III.1.b.Mittannamuwa).<br />

While most of the duties just described seem to involve acitivities in the court of Hattuša,<br />

Walwaziti did not spend his entire career at the Hittite capital. He appears to have acted also as a<br />

high civilan official on behalf of the royal court of Hattušili III in the North-Syrian principalities.<br />

This was suggested by two Italian scholars, who identify Walwazidu the mākisu, 157 arbitrator of the<br />

court case RS 17.<strong>13</strong>5+ (= PRU IV: 235) from Ugarit, 158 and UR.MAH, 159 witness to the Emar<br />

153 Edited by de Roos 1984: 264f., 402f., 2007: 198f.<br />

154 The text is an oracular inquiry fragment concerning the reasons to the anger of Šarruma of Urikina<br />

towards the king (Trémouille 2006b: 207).<br />

155 Excluding KUB 15.5+, a vow or requisition protocol described in a dream of the king, mainly dealing<br />

with Danuhepa, which is dated by most scholars to Ur.-T. (de Roos 1984: 55–62; 2007: 33–36;<br />

Houwink ten Cate 1994: 251; Klengel 1999: 219).<br />

156 The two omens, KUB 8.9 and KUB 37.164, are treated further below.<br />

157 A title probably denoting "tax collector" (CAD M-1: 129f.; Arnaud 1996: 61f.), which might coincide<br />

with some of the duties Walwaziti exercised in inventories from Hattuša (see below). For a possible<br />

reading of the title mākisu as hand holding a silver pocket on the HL seal impression of Zazzalla(?) in<br />

RS 17.232, a verdict from Ugarit, see d'Alfonso 2007: 164.<br />

158 The other Hittite official who cooperated with Walwaziti Tuttu the kurniyalu, probably the known<br />

Hattuša dignitary (Mora 2006: 140f.).<br />

159 Abbreviated writing of Walwaziti's name as UR.MAH is surely a hypochoristicon (d'Alfonso 2000:<br />

284); see also Beckman 1982: 23 on the colophon of Iluyanka (KBo 3.7).<br />


verdict ASJ 10/B (= Tsukimoto 1988: 157–160), 160 with Walwaziti the chief scribe (d'Alfonso<br />

2000: 284; 2005: 77; Mora 2006: 141). Less likely, in my opinion, is the proposal of van den Hout<br />

(1995: 175) and Malbran-Labat (2004: 84 n. 140) to dismiss the identification of the Ugarit mākisu<br />

official with the chief scribe.<br />

The last of Walwaziti's administrative duties to be considered are those of the economic<br />

aspect. They are inferred chiefly from inventory texts, in which Walwaziti is found either inspecting<br />

(KUB 40.96+; CTH 242.5 161 ) or handling (KBo 18.153; CTH 242.2.B 162 ) goods and precious<br />

objects of the Hattuša storehouses. 163 On both occasions he appears next to several known officials<br />

of the time of Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV (Siegelová 1986: 285–291). Two officials, a certain<br />

KI- d UTU, 164 and a metal worker names Pupuli, specifically collaborated with Walwaziti.<br />

It has been known that scribes collaborated with craftsmen and metal workers in some<br />

inventory texts (Siegelová 1986: 121). I presume that this was meant in order to document the<br />

outcome of the work and later bear witness to the process of transactions. The scribes recorded the<br />

various products and transactions on wooden tablets which were thereafter sealed with tin bullae,<br />

and only later made into clay hardcopies which contained only summary data (Mora 2007: 537–<br />

541).<br />

160 The other two Hittite dignitaries who witnessed the case are Puhi-šenni of Carchemish and prince<br />

Hišmi-Šarruma, son of Hatt. III (d'Alfonso 2000: 284f.). Skaist (2006: 610–614) offers a new<br />

interpretation of several texts from Emar, mainly Emar 201, re-dating the accession of Ini-Tešub to the<br />

reign of Mur. III/Ur.-T. or even that of Muw. II. This changes d'Alfonso's (2000: 274) dating of ASJ<br />

10/B to the reign of Ur.-T., at least.<br />

161 Eds. by Košak 1982: 81–84 and Siegelová 1986: 276–281. This type of inventory is known for its<br />

recurring scheme of entries always ending each one with the name of the official(s) who inspected<br />

(Akk. ĪDI) the various goods (Mora 2006: <strong>13</strong>8); Kempinski & Košak (1977: 88), and now also Mora<br />

(2006), suggest these goods were incoming tribute from various provinces directed personally to each of<br />

the inspecting officials. Contra them Siegelová (1986: 258–261) prefers that these goods are shipments<br />

of final commodities to the diverse communities mentioned, each under the jurisdiction of the<br />

inspecting official.<br />

162 Dupl. KUB 26.66; see the eds. of Košak 1982: 66–75 and Siegelová 1986: 96–108 and the translit. in<br />

Groddek 2006: 1f. with previous bib. on the text.<br />

163 The receipt FHL 31 (CTH 247.5) in which a large amount of bitter peas and emmer wheat are rationed<br />

to Walwaziti could be a scribal exercise (III.1.b…Pihaziti).<br />

164 d UTU is not usually attested as final element in local Anatolian names; see HZL: 250f. and Hawkins<br />

2005a: 296. The only other such name is md AMAR.UTU and its variations (HZL: 164).<br />


But it appears that also some craftsmen were scribes themselves. 165 Palla, scribe, LÚ SAG and<br />

lord of Hurma under Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV was identified by van den Hout (1995: 223)<br />

with his namesake, a goldsmith. Also Pupuli, the metal worker who collaborated with Walwaziti,<br />

was suggested by Siegelová (1986: 121) to be a scribe, as indicated from the title BONUS2<br />

SCRIBA he bears on a seal impression, found in the north storerooms of T.1 (Bog. V 12; Fig.<br />

3.4). 166<br />

Fig. 3.4: Seal impression of Pupuli found on a bulla from the north storerooms of T.1 (Güterbock 1975a: 56f.)<br />

A possible HL signature of Pupuli on a tablet, previously not recognized, might further<br />

indicate on Pupuli's scribal education. On the fragment VBoT 87 IV (CTH 503), colophon of an<br />

inventory of a certain Arnuwand[a] which lists items of the "seal-house" (É NA 4KIŠIB), 167 three HL<br />

signs are evident (Fig. 3.5). Ünal (1989: 506), who studied these signs, comments that the pair of<br />

identical hieroglyphs on the left are unidentified and the sign on the right resembles an animal head.<br />

After close examination of Götze's hand copy of the tablet, I believe the left signs should be<br />

identified as two HL pu (L. 328) turned 90° counter clockwise. They compare quite nicely with the<br />

double pu used in Pupuli's seal impression Bog. V 12 (Fig. 3.4). The interpertation of the remaining<br />

animal head which resembles in the drawing a caprid head, HL sà (L. 104), is still problematic. But<br />

I belive it should be a peculiar form of li (L. 278) turned 90° counter clockwise. Perhaps a further<br />

inspection of the tablet photograph can yield better results, but this was not possible here.<br />

Thus, the present reading of the name signature on VBoT 87 reads either pupusa or better<br />

yet pupuli, likely the above mentioned metalworker. Since the signature follows the colophon,<br />

Pupuli might even be the scribe who copied/composed the inventory. Interestingly enough, this list<br />

of items which belongs to the "seal-house" is comparable in content with the above mentioned<br />

inventory KBo 18.153, in which Pupuli and Walwaziti collaborate, that deals with the removal of<br />

165 Note that scribe Penti-[…] who signed his name on the ANKARA silver bowl (Hawkins 1997; 2005b),<br />

could he have been also a silver smith?<br />

166 This seal impression was found next to that of another known metal worker called Zuzuli (Güterbock<br />

1975a: 55–57); on the attestations of Zuzuli and Pupuli see Siegelová 1986: 118f.<br />

167 Ed. in Siegelová 1986: 453.<br />


objects from the "seal-house".<br />

Fig. 3.5: Hand-copy of VBoT 87 made by Götze (Ünal 1989: 512 Fig. 3, 2)<br />

As for the objects handled by Walwaziti in the inventories, Mora (2006: 141f.) suggests that<br />

many of them were personal tribute which he received in the form of precious metal gifts, that were<br />

often sent to the nobility of Hattuša from vassal countries. One of these precious metal objects may<br />

have been the unique Aegean type bronze spearhead (Fig. 3.6), which bears Walwaziti's name and<br />

titles in HL: LEO-VIR.zi/a MAGNUS.SCRIBA-la "Walwaziti chief scribe" (A. Dinçol 1989b).<br />

This is the only confident HL evidence of Walwaziti's knwon cuneiform title, GAL DUB.SAR.<br />

Nevertheless, his name is attested on several seal impressions, let us further consider them.<br />

Fig. 3.6: Inscription of Walwaziti on a Bronze Spearhead (Bilgi 1989: 30 fig. 2)<br />


Hieroglyphic Luwian evidence on LEO/LEO2-VIR.zi/a<br />

Three seal impressions, SBo II 99, 100 from Bk. D and Nis 515 found in Nişantepe, bear the name<br />

Walwaziti, 168 but carry either uncertain scribal titles or no titles at all (Fig. 3.7). SBo II 100, a<br />

partial seal impression of Walwaziti (spelled LEO2-VIR.zi/a) on a tablet, either a legal text or land<br />

grant, 169 is particularly striking and according to Mora (2006: 142) must belong to our chief scribe.<br />

Its rare context implies on the high status of the Walwaziti who signed it, since such tablets in<br />

Hattuša were usually signed by royal seals (Herbordt 2005: 30; Mora 2006: 142). 170 Van den Hout<br />

(1995: 177) believes SBo II 99 might carry the title SCRIBA. But this is less certain, since the HL<br />

title situated in the left portion of the middle field is quite eroded. Nis 515 has the title BONUS2<br />

VIR2, and was therefore attributaed by Herbordt (2005: 83) to an earlier phase in Walwaziti's caeer,<br />

during the reign of Urhi-Tešub, prior to his nomination as chief scribe.<br />

168 Note the alternating use of the sign LEO (L. 97a) and LEO2 (L. 97b) in the spelling of the first element<br />

of the name.<br />

169 See SBo II: 19 and Herbordt 2005: 30.<br />

170 Only three other such cases are known: two of them are registered by Herbordt (2005: 30), the sealing<br />

of Kuruntiya on a treaty fragment (SBo II: 65), and that of Taprammi the LÚ SAG on a festival tablet<br />

(CTH 681, McMahon 1991: 53–55). Another extremely worn tablet, Bo 2006/09, was discovered in<br />

2006 at a house southwest of Sarıkale. It is a rare Hittite legal text or land grant sealed four(!) times<br />

with cylinder seals of witnesses (Wilhelm 2007: 89f.).<br />


Apart from appearing on seal impressions, LEO and LEO2, the alternating HL signs which<br />

make up UR.MAH "lion", the first and main element in the HL spelling of the name Walwaziti, 171<br />

are also found inscribed on two tablets (Fig. 3.8): an unidentified fragment SBo II 239 and KUB<br />

28.4 (CTH 727), a fragmentary Hattic-Hittite bilingual which describes the old Anatolian myth on<br />

the attempts of the gods to retrieve the Moon-god who fell from the sky on the gate complex. 172 Can<br />

we interpret these LEO signs as abbreviated signatures of Walwa(ziti)?<br />

171 See n. 168.<br />

172 See translation in Hoffner 1998: 34–36.<br />


The first instance of LEO on the fragment SBo II 239 (VAT 7766) seems to be most<br />

definitely a scribal signature, since it is accompanied by the HL title SCRIBA-la. It could be further<br />

suggested that this LEO sign displays a “canine” shape, similar to the LEO used on the bronze<br />

spearhead and Nis 515 of Walwaziti (see above). Since the title on the tablet fragment is only<br />

SCRIBA, this would be an earlier attestation of Walwaziti's scribal career probably from Urhi-<br />

Tešub's reign. 173<br />

The second instance of LEO2 on KUB 28.4 is generally regarded not as a HL sign, but as a<br />

clever drawing of a lion (Ünal 1989: 508), perhaps the sacred animal of the Moon-god mentioned in<br />

the text (Güterbock 1957b: 70). 174 Assuming that it is in fact a nicely depicted LEO2 it might be<br />

taken as a scribal signature, although a title is not visible. Note that the clever word play and story<br />

telling techniques found in this text could be compared to other old Anatolian myths such as<br />

Iluyanka and Telepinu (Haas 2007b: 311). It might therefore be no coincidence that Walwaziti<br />

wrote his name in the abbreviated manner UR.MAH in the colophon of Iluyanka (KBo 3.7, CTH<br />

321.A) which he supervised. 175<br />

Walwaziti's scribal bureau<br />

As his predecessors - the chief scribes Mittannamuwa, Purandamuwa and Ziti - Walwaziti did not<br />

seem to copy any texts himself, 176 unless of course we should interpret his HL signatures presented<br />

above as evidence for texts which he copied. His main duty was supervising the writing of other<br />

scribes, a duty in which he was very active, appearing in at least 26 colophons (Mascheroni 1984:<br />

173 Another possible attestation of Walwaziti as scribe (UR.MAH-˹ZA-iš˺ LÚ D[UB.SAR]) is found in KUB<br />

60.102 (CTH 237), a list of officials or more likely a government census of their property/estates (van<br />

den Hout 1995: 174; Groddek 2006: 101; Marizza 2007a: 278 n. 65); other dignitaries known from the<br />

reigns of Hatt. III and Tudh. IV, such as Maraššanta, Alalimi and Hešni, appear next to Walwaziti in the<br />

text (Van den Hout 1994: 321–327; 1995: <strong>13</strong>8–142, 206–211). Similarly to Walwaziti, Alalimi - better<br />

known as a GAL LÚ ŠU.SILÀ.DU8.A and GAL UGULA LIM MEŠ under Hatt. III and Tudh. IV - is titled<br />

with the lower designation UGULA L[IM MEŠ? ]. This supports the dating of KUB 60.102 to Ur.-T. or the<br />

end of Muw. II's reign, otherwise dated by some to the later years of Hatt. III (Siegelová 1986: 231; van<br />

den Hout 1995: <strong>13</strong>8), and by others as late as Tudh. IV's reign (Kempinski & Košak 1977: 91; Singer<br />

1985: 114 n. 80).<br />

174 The lion is also considered the attribute of the Sun-god and of the Hurr. Storm-god Šarruma (Herbordt<br />

2005: 62f.).<br />

175 For the text see Beckman 1982 and Haas 2006: 97–103 with bib.; the colophon is also discussed below.<br />

176 Note that in the matter of Purandamuwa we have no actual data to prove this point.<br />


167–169; van den Hout 1995: 175f.). Mostly those of the (h)išuwa festival, which he reedited under<br />

the orders of queen Puduhepa, 177 and of a few other texts (van den Hout 1995: 175f.). According to<br />

these colophons six scribes can be identified as his workers: his two sons, Talmi-Tešub and<br />

Hulanabi, and the scribes Hiliya, Pariziti, Pihaziti and LAMMA-D<strong>IN</strong>GIR LIM (Salvini 1980: 164–<br />

166; Mascheroni 1984: 167–169; van den Hout 1995: 175f.).<br />

Salvini (1980: 166) called the group of (h)išuwa scribes who worked under the inspection of<br />

Walwaziti: "scuola di UR.MAH-ziti". Was there actually a scribal school under Walwaziti? What<br />

was the nature of the work done under his inspection? It is my wish to devote the rest of this<br />

prosopography of Walwaziti to examine these questions more closely, considering the scribes, their<br />

main body of work, their chronology, and finally the function and supposed location of Walwaziti's<br />

bureau.<br />

Scribes of the (h)išuwa festival<br />

One of the most documented scribal endeavors of Walwaziti as chief scribe is the redaction of the<br />

Kizzuwatnean Hurrian-Hittite (h)išuwa festival (CTH 628). 178 The festival is celebrated in honor of<br />

the Storm-god of Manuz(z)i from Kummanni/Kizzuwatna and his close circle. 179<br />

The “standard” version of the festival drafted under the supervision of Walwaziti is written<br />

in LS and is enumerated by tablets: <strong>13</strong> six-columned tablets which describe 9 days of diverse rituals<br />

(Salvini & Wegner 1984: 176; Wegner & Salvini 1991: 1f., 8–10). 180 Other versions of the festival<br />

also existed, arranged as two-columned 181 and four-columned 182 exemplars. The tablet series of the<br />

“standard” version was divided into two main parts by Salvini and Wegner (1984: 177–179):<br />

177 See Haas 1994: 848f. and further below.<br />

178 An ed. and discussion of the Hitt.-Hurr. tablets of the festival are found in Wegner & Salvini 1991; see<br />

also Salvini & Wegner 1984 and A. Dinçol 1989a. Haas 1994: 848–875 has a review of the entire<br />

festival.<br />

179 On the town/mountain of Manuz(z)i in Kizzuwatna see del Monte & Tischler 1978: 259f.; for d U<br />

URU/HUR.SAG Manuz(z)i see van Gessel 1998: 797, 804f., 811, and for its epithet d Ešuwa see van Gessel<br />

1998: 69 referring inter alia to other linguistic variations such as d Išuwa etc.<br />

180 Another festival enumerated by tablets is for example the KI.LAM (Singer 1983a: 40–43).<br />

181 KUB 47.74 is the 2 nd tablet, KUB 47.75+ is the 3 rd tablet, and KUB 27.19 is the 4 th tablet (Salvini &<br />

Wegner 1991: 2; Haas & Wegner 2001: 702)<br />

182 KBo 15.50(+)15.49, belonging to the 5 th tablet which has also been uniquely “pre-lined” by the scribe<br />

(Trémouille 1999: 116f.), KUB 44.49+, which is manuscript B of the 8 th tablet (Groddek 2004c: 81–83),<br />

KBo 35.260, dupl. of the 12 th tablet, and KBo 39.43.<br />


1. 2 nd -3 rd tablets (1 st not preserved): these tablets describe the first two days of the festival, are<br />

mainly written in Hurrian, and have three parallel versions which differ in their<br />

wording and some other elements (A. Dinçol 1989a: 42–46; Salvini & Wegner<br />

1991).<br />

2. 5 th -<strong>13</strong> th tablets (4 th is fragmentary): these tablets describe the remaining seven days of the<br />

festival, and are written in Hittite apart for some Hurrian termini, namely<br />

individual words and geographical names, such as rivers and mountains (Otten<br />

1969; Groddek 1997).<br />

The surviving colophons are almost entirely those of Walwaziti's “standard” version. 183<br />

They are arranged on the tablets of the festival in three different styles, 184 perhaps according to<br />

where the text ended and also with regard to symmetry. 185 Each colophon in turn can be generally<br />

divided into three sections according to the reconstruction of Wegner and Salvini (1991: 3–5; cf.<br />

Salvini 1980: 163). First comes the formula which contains the tablet number, the name of the<br />

festival and the state of the composition (DUB x KAM ŠA EZEN4 (h)išuwaš Ú-UL QA-TI), with some<br />

variation. In several instances it is followed by a short description of the ritual acts performed. 186<br />

The second part of the colophon recounts how Puduhepa commissioned the writing of the festival<br />

on Walwaziti. 187 The third, and final part, names the scribe who copied the tablet in the presence of<br />

Walwaziti, rarely the scribe refers to his genealogy. For example, here is the colophon of the 5 th<br />

tablet as restored by Karasu (1992: 337):<br />

183 Two surviving colophons of the four columned version were also found in KBo 35.260 and KBo 39.43<br />

for which see further below.<br />

184 Wegner & Salvini (1991: 4f.) divide the colophons to Type a which takes up all of column VI, Type b<br />

written on column VI and on the l.e. of the tablet, and Type c written on the end of column V and most<br />

of column VI.<br />

185 See also the note of Haas (1994: 848) on the strict symmetry of the text.<br />

186 For instance on the 8 th tablet, KUB 40.102 VI 20'-23', and on the 6 th tablet, KUB 20.74 VI and KBo<br />

33.181 VI (Wegner & Salvini 1991: 3f.).<br />

187 See the restored colophon in Otten 1951: 225; following him Salvini 1980: 163, Mascheroni 1983: 96<br />

and Wegner & Salvini 1991: 4.<br />


KBo 33.175 + ABoT 2 188 (CTH 628.5.T.G, Bk. A)<br />

Rev. VI<br />

2' DUB 5[ KAM Ú-UL QA-TI]<br />

3' ŠA EZE[N4 hi-šu-wa-a-aš]<br />

4' MUNUS.LUGAL f Pu-d[u-hé-pa-aš-kán]<br />

5' ku-w[a-p]í [ m U]R.[MAH-LÚ-in GAL.DUB.SAR.MEŠ]<br />

6'<br />

7'<br />

URU Ha-a[t-tu-ši A-A ṬUP-PA HI.A ]<br />

URU Ki-iz-z[u-wa-at-na ša-an-hu-wa-an-zi]<br />

8' ú-e-ri-ia-[at na-aš-ta ki-e ṬUP-PA HI.A ]<br />

9' ŠA EZE[N4 hi-šu-wa-a-aš a-pí-ia]<br />

10' UD-at [ar-ha a-ni-ia-at]<br />

11' ŠU [ m Hu-la-na-bi 189 LÚ DUB.SAR]<br />


<strong>13</strong>' DUMU.DUMU-Š[U ŠA m Mi-it-tan an -n]a-mu-u-wa<br />

14' PA-[I m UR.MAH-LÚ] GAL DUB.SAR.MEŠ<br />

15' [IŠ-ṬUR]<br />

Rev. VI<br />

2' 5 th tablet of the [(h)išuwa] festiv[al,]<br />

3' [not complete.]<br />

4' Wh[e]n queen Pud[uhepa]<br />

5' instructed [U]R.[MAH-LÚ, the chief scribe,<br />

6' [to investigate] at Ha[ttuša into the tablets]<br />

7' from Kizz[uwatna.]<br />

8' [Later on, on the same] day,<br />

9' [he copied (lit.: redid) 190 these tablets of]<br />

10' [the (h)išuwa] festival.<br />

11' Hand [of Hulanabi the scribe]<br />

12' son [of Walwaziti, the chief scribe]<br />

<strong>13</strong>' grandson [of Mittann]amuwa.<br />

188 Formerly joined as ABoT 2 + 2520/c (+) KUB 32.100 by Salvini & Wegner 1984: 182. For the<br />

rearrangement of the manuscripts belonging to the 5 th tablet of the festival see Trémouille 1999: 117.<br />

189 Restored according to Salvini & Wegner 1984: 182 and n. 20.<br />

190 On the meaning of arha an(n)iya- see HED 1: 66–69.<br />

67<br />

Part I<br />

Part II<br />

Part III

14' In the presenc[e of Walwaziti] the chief scribe<br />

15' [he wrote.]<br />

It would appear that in order to write this festival Walwaziti searched the archives of Hattuša<br />

for older tablets, originally from Puduhepa's homeland in Kizzuwatna (Cilicia). This perhaps even<br />

prompted a search in the archives of Kizzuwatna (Güterbock 1964: 1<strong>13</strong>). Indeed, there are at least<br />

ten sealings of SCRIBA from the site of Tarsus in Kizzuwatna, which indicate that scribes from<br />

Hattuša had contact with the local administration or resided there (Mora 2000: 67f.). Note that<br />

Šahurunuwa the chief scribe on wood, a contemporary of Walwaziti, is among the Hittite scribes<br />

who signed the Tarsus bullae (Tars. 40; see III.3).<br />

Wegner and Salvini (1991: 3) expect that no Kizzuwatnean model text (Archetypus) served<br />

Walwaziti's cause. They cite several points which indicate that Walwaziti newly constructed the<br />

“standard” version of the (h)išuwa from the older Hurrian-Luwian tablets of Kizzuwatna, and most<br />

likely other sources, in a genuine scholarly fashion (Wegner & Salvini 1991: 1–3): (1) Evidence<br />

that some of the festival texts were dictated 191 ; (2) Alternating use of the term for an individual<br />

ritual (SISKUR) and a festival (EZEN4) in the colophons 192 ; (3) The existence of some rituals<br />

performed within the scope of the festival as separate texts outside the <strong>13</strong> "standard" version tablets;<br />

(4) Mixture of Hurrian and Luwian terminology throughout the festival. 193<br />

Some of Walwaziti's sources can be traced to their MH origins, 194 and a few of the rituals<br />

ascribed to the festival also have MS copies in the archives of Hattuša. 195 One source is even<br />

191 See for example the erasures in KBo 33.173++ V 4' and its dupl. KUB 47.75+ rev. 20', and other<br />

evidence cited here below and in Wegner & Salvini 1991: 2; cf. also the suggestion that the Hurr.<br />

corpus of texts was dictated in Klinger 2001: 200f. However, one should not dismiss the possibility that<br />

the erasures were not made in the course of dictation and rather signify corrections made later by the<br />

supervisor, in this case Walwaziti. For such evidence on proofreading by a person other than the<br />

original scribe see CTH 381, the prayer of Muw. II to the assembly of gods (Singer 1996a: 141f.).<br />

192 See for example Dinçol 1989a: 7f., who counts four appearances of SISKUR.<br />

193 Dinçol (1989a: 8f.) notes on the various Luw. and Hurr. terminology common also in other rituals of<br />

Kizzuwatna.<br />

194 See most recently Klinger 2001: 208 and n. 48 with bib.<br />

195 Six MS fragments are documented in the Košak, Konkordanz: KBo 34.235 (CTH 628.IV?, Bk. A); KBo<br />

41.10 (CTH 628.?, Bk. A); KBo 46.143 (CTH 628.8.T, Bk. A); KBo 33.<strong>13</strong>1 (CTH 628, Bk. E); KUB<br />

54.48 (CTH 628, -); KUB 55.29 (CTH 628, -). Other nine fragments listed in the Košak, Konkordanz<br />

are considered as possible MS: KBo 43.200 + KBo 24.64 (CTH 628.10.T.B, Bk. A); KBo 8.84 (CTH<br />

628.12.T.B, Bk. D); KBo 53.125 (CTH 628, T.1); KUB 47.74 (CTH 628.II.3a.B, -); KUB 25.43 (+) VS<br />


attributed to Muwattalli II, possibly in retrospect, according to notes inserted in the 8 th tablet of the<br />

festival. These tell us that some of the offerings, those of zammuri-bread (KUB 40.102 rev. 5'-7')<br />

and beer vessels for the feast (KUB 51.21 rev. 16'-17'), were “made by the Great King Muwattalli”<br />

(Wegner & Salvini 1991: 6; Haas 1994: 848).<br />

At least three scribes signed colophons of the “standard” version of the (h)išuwa festival:<br />

Hulanabi and Talmi-Tešub the trainee (GÁB.ZU.ZU), who according to their genealogies are the<br />

sons of Walwaziti, and a certain Kuruntaili (LAMMA-D<strong>IN</strong>GIR LIM ). Salvini (1980: 164–166,<br />

especially Schema 3) dated these scribes approximately to the end of Hattušili III's reign, and made<br />

a rough division of their work on the festival according to the tablets they drafted. He associated the<br />

first tablets with Hulanabi, the 10 th tablet with Kuruntaili and the final tablets with Talmi-Tešub.<br />

Several “standard” festival colophons survived partially without the scribal signature. All of<br />

them identified as colophons of this composition based on the surviving name of Walwaziti. Two of<br />

these colophons can be ascribed to a specific tablet: the colophon of KUB 40.102, which is<br />

manuscript A of the 8 th tablet, 196 and the colophon of KBo 15.58, identified by A. Dinçol (1995:<br />

118) as belonging to the 9 th tablet. Three more festival fragments contain a colophon which can not<br />

be ascribed to a certain tablet: KBo 33.178 (Bk. D), KBo 41.66 (Bk.) and the unpublished Bo<br />

5921. 197<br />

Apart from the many colophons of the “standard” version, there are also two instances I<br />

found of colophons belonging to the four-columned version of the festival. 198 At least two scribes<br />

copied this version: Talmi-Tešub, who also worked on the “standard” version as a trainee, and a<br />

certain son of Alihešni, whose name is lost in a lacuna. This Alihešni is one of the brothers of<br />

Walwaziti (see III.1.a), what makes the latter unknown scribe a nephew of Walwaziti.<br />

The new data supplied by the colophons of the four columned version and new fragments<br />

and joins of the "standard" version, 199 make it necessary to update Salvini's results on the dating and<br />

NF 12.22 (CTH 628.II.1.G); IBoT 2.45 (CTH 628, -); KUB 45.52 (CTH 628, -); Bo 5241 (CTH<br />

628.10.T, -); Bo 5601 (+) Bo 7006 + KUB 47.72 (CTH 628, -).<br />

196 Dupls. are listed under text no. in the Košak, Konkordanz; see also Haas 1994: 862 n. 63.<br />

197 Cf. van den Hout 1995: 174 n. 314.<br />

198 KBo 35.260 and KBo 39.43; another such colophon which did not survive belongs to KBo 40.65, see<br />

van den Hout 1995: 174 n. 314.<br />

199 New fragments of CTH 628 are continuously identified: 267 is the current number listed in the Košak,<br />

konkordanz; for recent joins of (h)išuwa fragments see Trémouille 1998, 1999.<br />


division of the work on the (h)išuwa festival tablets (see above). Therefore, a brief consideration of<br />

the scribes who worked on the festival and the tablets they copied is in order 200 :<br />

HULANABI: the most prolific scribe of the (h)išuwa and one of the sons of Walwaziti. He<br />

signed the colophons of at least four “standard” version exemplars, and in five more his name may<br />

be restored. He positively copied the 3 rd Hurrian-Hittite tablet 201 and the 5 th tablet of the festival,<br />

and most likely also the 2 nd Hurrian-Hittite tablet. 202 In what must have been a later stage in his<br />

career, likely during Tudhaliya IV's reign, Hulanabi trained his own student: NU.GIŠ.SAR, son of<br />

SAG the chief scribe, who copied the medical text KUB 44.61 designating himself in l.e 5<br />

GÁB.ZU.ZU of Hulanabi "trainee of Hulanabi" (Salvini 1980: 166; Mascheroni 1984: 157). Next is<br />

a more specific commentary on the texts Hulanabi copied and supervised during his career:<br />

3 rd (h)išuwa tablet (Third parallel version): the drafting of this tablet testifies of<br />

Hulanabi's knowledge in Hurrian. 203 His signature is found on KUB 12.12 204 and KBo 33.173++, 205<br />

manuscripts A and E, respectively, of the third parallel version of the 3 rd festival tablet. 206 The 3 rd<br />

tablet describes mostly in Hurrian the purification rites held in the temples of the Storm-god of<br />

Manuz(z)i and of d Malia. 207 Another colophon of the same tablet belongs to the duplicate Bo<br />

10293. 208 Though the name of the scribe is broken, it could also be restored Hulanabi. 209 In the<br />

above mentioned KBo 33.173++ (=E) and its duplicate KUB 47.75+, Wegner and Salvini (1991: 2)<br />

noted erasures and corrections, which they recognize as evidence for dictation (see also above). The<br />

200 Unless otherwise specified, all the (h)išuwa tablets discussed below were copied under the inspection of<br />

Walwaziti.<br />

201 Third parallel version (Salvini & Wegner 1984: 181).<br />

202 First parallel version (Salvini & Wegner 1984: 180).<br />

203 Although Salvini (1980: 166f.) is skeptic about the actual use of Hurr. by Hitt. scribes, suggesting that<br />

only the Hurr. incantations in the (h)išuwa tablets were copied word by word, not actually understood.<br />

Since his article, however, there is plenty of evidence that Hittite scribes translated Hurr. works into<br />

Hittite, see Hoffner 1992: 98f.; Klinger 2001; Corti 2007: 120f.<br />

204 For the dupl. Bo 6051 see under text no. in the Košak, Konkordanz.<br />

205 See under KBo 33.194 (+) 33.173 (+) 14.<strong>13</strong>1+30.159 with dupl. Bo 5519 in the Košak, Konkordanz.<br />

206 For the various manuscripts of this version see Salvini & Wegner 1984: 181.<br />

207 The events of this tablet are more thoroughly discussed in Haas 1994: 851–855.<br />

208 See ed. in Wegner & Salvini 1991: 193f. (text no. 30).<br />

209 According to the number of broken lines it must contain genealogical information (Wegner & Salvini<br />

1991: 194). For its dupl. Bo 5519 see under text no. in the Košak, Konkordanz.<br />


similar type of mistakes found in both texts might suggest that Hulanabi also copied the duplicate<br />

KUB 47.75+, which unfortunately lacks a colophon.<br />

5 th (h)išuwa tablet: Hulanabi drafted KUB 32.128 210 and KBo 33.175 + ABoT 2, 211 whose<br />

colophons contain his extended genealogy. These texts are manuscripts A and G, respectively, of<br />

the festival's 5 th tablet, which describes the keldi and ambašši offering rites, held in several temples,<br />

including those of the Storm-god and of d Malia. 212 Some fragments belonging to KBo 7.45+++ (=<br />

C), an almost complete manuscript of the 5 th tablet, are according to Trémouille (1999: 116) strewn<br />

with corrections supplemented by a few errors. In her opinion this exemplar was made by the hand<br />

of an inexperienced scribe. But because the text has a broken colophon we cannot tell which scribe.<br />

I believe that since Hulanabi wrote other manuscripts of the 5 th tablet, he may have copied also KBo<br />

7.45+++. The corrections and errors it contains, in fact, could be compared with those evident on<br />

manuscript E of the 3 rd festival tablet (KBo 33.173++), known to have been copied by Hulanabi. If<br />

this is correct, then dictation or proofreading seem more logical explanations for the characteristics<br />

of KBo 7.45+++, than Trémouille's abovementioned assumption on the scribe's lack of proficiency.<br />

A further investigation of the actual tablets would probably lead in the right direction; however, it is<br />

beyond the scope of the present study.<br />

(h)išuwa tablets of uncertain ascription: two more (h)išuwa festival documents can<br />

possibly be ascribed to Hulanabi, though the scribe's name in them is lost. The first is KBo<br />

23.28+++, 2<strong>13</strong> manuscript B of the first parallel version of the 2 nd tablet (Wegner & Salvini 1991:<br />

57–63, text no. 2). Since the extant colophon of the text refers to a grandson of Mittannamuwa, and<br />

we know that Talmi-Tešub did not draft any of the Hurrian-Hittite tablets of the festival (see<br />

below), it should be Hulanabi. He certainly possessed the required knowledge in Hurrian, which<br />

allowed him to draft the 3 rd tablet of the festival (see above). The second text is KBo 15.60,<br />

manuscript B of the 5 th tablet (Salvini & Wegner 1984: 182). Only the first and second parts of the<br />

extant colophon survived, but considering Hulanabi's work on other manuscripts of the 5 th tablet<br />

(see above), it is possible he also wrote this one.<br />

210 KUB 32.128 (+) 32.99 in Trémouille 1999: 116; the colophon is found in Mascheroni 1984: 156; for the<br />

dupl. Bo 5593 see under the text no. in the Košak, Konkordanz.<br />

211 See this colophon above. Hulanabi's name is restored in the colophon according to Salvini & Wegner<br />

1984: 182f. and n. 20.<br />

212 For this tablet see Haas 1994: 857–860 with bib.<br />

2<strong>13</strong> See under KBo 33.191 + KUB 32.65 + 32.61 + KBo 23.28 in the Košak, Konkordanz.<br />


Medical text (KUB 44.61): the colophon of KUB 44.61 (CTH 461.A) indicates that<br />

Hulanabi was the teacher of the scribe who drafted the text, NU.GIŠ.SAR, son of SAG the chief<br />

scribe. 214 According to van den Hout (1995: 148) the mixed ductus of many older and some<br />

younger sign forms suggests the text is a LH copy from an older forerunner (Vorlage). But this fails<br />

to give a more precise dating scheme of the later stage in Hulanabi's career. Several scholars have<br />

suggested that the name of the chief scribe SAG could be a scribal mistake for the name of the chief<br />

scribe Ziti (which is written with LÚ) who also had a son by the name of NU.GIŠ.SAR<br />

(Hagenbuchner 1989: 83f.; van den Hout 1995: 148; Torri 2007a: 779 n. 47). However, a<br />

prosopographical study of NU.GIŠ.SAR and his father SAG, the chief scribe, which is presented<br />

under section III.2, contradicts their assessment. How else can one chronologically explain<br />

Hulanabi, Walwaziti's son, as the teacher of the son of SAG? If SAG was indeed the same as Ziti,<br />

this could not have been possible, since Ziti was likely the chief scribe under Urhi-Tešub, and his<br />

son NU.GIŠ.SAR already a fully educated scribe under Hattušili III. Certainly, SAG was a chief<br />

scribe after Walwaziti. This would date the drafting of KUB 44.61, and Hulanabi's later career<br />

phase, to the second quarter of Tudhaliya IV's reign at least, but only some time after the signing of<br />

the Šahurunuwa land grant, in which Walwaziti is still the chief scribe.<br />

TALMI-TEŠUB: this is the other son of Walwaziti, brother of Hulanabi, who worked on the<br />

(h)išuwa as first established by Otten (KBo 15, Inhaltübersicht p. VI). Otten restored his name in<br />

the colophon of KBo 15.37 according to the colophon of KBo 35.260, then not yet published. Van<br />

den Hout (1995: 157–164, 1998: 71) separated this scribe from the other bearers of the common<br />

Empire Period anthroponym Talmi-Tešub, spelled either Tal-mi- d U/IM-ub/p, 215 or GAL- d U/IM. 216<br />

214 An ed. of the text is found in Burde 1974: 18–25; for more on the nature of the gastro-intestinal disease<br />

described in it see Melchert 1983: <strong>13</strong>7f.<br />

215 A certain Talmi-Tešub, not titled, who is dated to Ur.-T. by de Roos (1984: 308 n. 7; cf. van den Hout<br />

1995: 164), appears in KBo 16.22 1 and KUB 48.123++ III 10 (CTH 590); another Talmi-Tešub<br />

LÚ ŠÀ.TAM (“chamberlain”), from the reigns of Hatt. III or Tudh. IV, is listed among groups of palace<br />

administrative workers in KUB 31.62 I 8 (CTH 232.1); most famous is Talmi-Tešub the known king of<br />

Karkemiš, son and successor of Ini-Tešub, during the reigns of Arnu. III and Šupp. II (Klengel 1992:<br />

127; Mora 2004b: 428–432); lastly, a broken name Talmi- d [...] in the inventory protocol KUB 42.84 20<br />

(CTH 247.1) was suggested by Siegelová (1986: 125) to read either Talmi-Šarruma or Talmi-Tešub,<br />

opting for the latter option.<br />

216 These were separated from the scribe mainly for reasons of different patronyms (their father was not<br />

Walwaziti) or irrelevant office (their title was far removed from the scribal occupation). Three are listed<br />

in van den Hout (1995: 157f.). One is GAL- d U son of Kantuzzili the ABU BITI (“estate manager”) who<br />


The earlier stage in Talmi-Tešub's career is designated in the colophon of KBo 15.37 (CTH<br />

628.II.1, Bk. A), 217 the <strong>13</strong> th tablet of the "standard" version of the (h)išuwa festival, in which he is<br />

the GÁB.ZU.ZU "trainee" of a certain MAH.D<strong>IN</strong>GIR MEŠ -na, likely a Hurrian scribe (Mascheroni<br />

1984: 167). 218<br />

In what should be the later stage of his career, since he can not be titled student (see below),<br />

Talmi-Tešub appears as the copyist of KBo 35.260 (CTH 628.12.T.K, Bk. M), 219 the 12 th tablet of<br />

the four-columned version of the (h)išuwa. This indicates that at least some of the four-columned<br />

exemplars were, as the “standard” version, written under the supervision of Walwaziti. It also<br />

means that this 12 th tablet of the four-columned version was written after the "standard" version <strong>13</strong> th<br />

tablet, on which Talmi-Tešub worked in his school days.<br />

To his attestations in colophons one may add the two seals impressed on bullae from Bk. D<br />

of the scribe MAGNUS.TONITRUS (SBo II 55, 109), already noted by van den Hout (1995: 158),<br />

and four seals with scribal titles which sealed bullae from the Nişantepe archive (Nis 625-630;<br />

was the protagonist in KUB 26.58 (CTH 224), a land concession issued by Hatt. III in his favor.<br />

Another GAL- d U was son of Ukkura the LÚ UGULA 10 of the queen, both accused by Puduhepa of<br />

embezzlement and misappropriation of palace property (mostly of equestrian sphere) in the court case<br />

KUB <strong>13</strong>.35+ (CTH 293; Werner 1967: 3–20). Third is GAL- d U, a KARTAPPU of his majesty sent to<br />

Ugarit in order to inspect the ranks of Ibiranu's army in RS 17.289 (= PRU IV: 192), who was later<br />

promoted to GAL KARTAPPU and witnessed the signing of the Bronze Tablet. The specific identity of<br />

this last GAL- d U is debated, some believe he could be the same as the above mentioned son of<br />

Kanttuzzili (Archi 1971: 214 n. 84; Imparati 1974: 145), whereas, van den Hout (1998: 71) recently<br />

supported Klengel's original suggestion that chronologically speaking he could better be Talmi-Tešub,<br />

son of Ini-Tešub king of Karkemiš, prior to his accession. There is, however, a third option: he was the<br />

son of Ukkura who seems also connected to equestrian equipment in KUB <strong>13</strong>.35+. Note that van den<br />

Hout (1995: 163) already dismissed the latter option, since he believes that after Puduhepa's prosecution<br />

there could be no option that this GAL- d U found himself promoted to one of the highest positions in the<br />

military hierarchy, that of GAL KARTAPPU.<br />

217 A list of dupls. may be found in the Košak, Konkordanz. The colophon is edited by Karasu (2001: 251f.)<br />

and is also transliterated here below.<br />

218 For the reading of D<strong>IN</strong>GIR MEŠ -na as Hurr. enna see Laroche 1978/79: 80–82. Attestations of Hurr.<br />

D<strong>IN</strong>GIR MEŠ -na may now be found in van Gessel 1998: 1002–1017; the phonetic compliment of<br />

D<strong>IN</strong>GIR MEŠ -na may also render it as Akk. pl. ilūna, but this is not otherwise attested as a reading of<br />

D<strong>IN</strong>GIR MEŠ in names (H: 221) or in van Gessel.<br />

219 Bo 5296 is a dupl. of col. IV <strong>13</strong>'ff.<br />


Herbordt 2005: 223–225, Taf. 49–50). Simliarly to the two stage career Talmi-Tešub exhibits in his<br />

colophons, the seals tell a story of promotion to a higher scribal rank, from SCRIBA to SCRIBA<br />

III. 220 Some of the bullae he signed were also signed by other officials, most of them scribes.<br />

In light of the two chronologically distinguished stages in Talmi-Tešub's career, let us<br />

compare a few characteristics of his earlier and later work, followed by a short discussion on his<br />

seal impressions:<br />

<strong>13</strong> th (h)išuwa tablet: KBo 15.37, copied by Talmi-Tešub, is the most comprehensive<br />

exemplar of the <strong>13</strong> th tablet of the festival. 221 The tablet was joined from several fragments to a near<br />

complete state. 222 The colophon according Karasu (2001: 252) reads as follows:<br />

KBo 15.37 VI (CTH 628.II.1, Bk. A)<br />

12 [ŠU m Tal-mi]- d IM-ub<br />

<strong>13</strong> [DUMU] m UR.MAH-LÚ GAL DUB.SAR.MEŠ<br />

14 [DUMU.DUM]U-ŠU ŠA m Mi-it-ta-an-na-mu-u-wa<br />

15 GÁB.ZU.ZU ŠA m MAH.D<strong>IN</strong>GIR MEŠ -na<br />


17 IŠ-ṬUR<br />

Fig. 3.9: KBo 15.37 obv. II <strong>13</strong>-21, III 17-26 (exerpt of photo no. B0325, Mainz, Portal)<br />

KBo 15.37 was written by Talmi-Tešub early in his career when he was still in school,<br />

maybe as an exercise. This is not the place to perform an autopsy of Talmi-Tešub's handwriting and<br />

its development. 223 However, one could draw some preliminary conclusions about the process of<br />

220 On the interpretation of these titles as scribal ranks see Güterbock in Glyptik: 61, 76 and A. M. Dinçol<br />

1993: 129 and n. 8; see also under II.3.<br />

221 For the events of the <strong>13</strong> th tablet see Haas 1994: 872–875.<br />

222 Its fragments are: 710/b+787/b+789/b+793/b+2712/c+AnAr 9154+MAH 16870.<br />

223 Though such a thing could perhaps be performed given that one can compare Talmi-Tešub's texts with<br />


writing and other mistakes made by the Talmi-Tešub from looking at a section of the text cut from a<br />

photograph supplied in the Mainz, Portal (Fig. 3.9).<br />

The writing process could be inferred from looking at features of the tablet such as writing<br />

habits and division lines. The advantage of clay is that the various “layers” of the scribal work are<br />

evident: namely, each action performed by the scribe is visible in the order it was made on the wet<br />

surface. For example, in KBo 15.37 one might notice that the writing supersedes the paragraph<br />

dividers. On many occasions the cuneiform wedges cut through them. This means that someone,<br />

perhaps Talmi-Tešub, or either his teacher or supervisor, first segmented the tablet as needed and<br />

only afterwards did the process of etching the cuneiform signs began. 224 One could compare<br />

Singer's (1996a: 141) study on manuscript B of Muwattalli's prayer to the Storm-god of lightning<br />

(CTH 381), in which he suggested that the paragraph dividers, as well as numerous corrections,<br />

additions and erasures in the text may have been inserted by the person who dictated it.<br />

More features adhering to Talmi-Tešub's lack of experience are the many erasures and<br />

corrections strewn throughout the text. Some are visible in the photograph supplied above (Fig.<br />

3.9): two erasures in II 19, 21 (arrow) and a correction in III 18 (circle). Based on the copy of the<br />

texts another erasure is found on obv. II 6, corrections are found, for instance, on rev. IV 10, <strong>13</strong>, 14,<br />

21, 47, 48, 55, and a scribal mistake appears on rev V 31, -iš- instead of -uš-. Such features do not<br />

seem to occur in KBo 35.260, the 12 th tablet of the four columned version of the (h)išuwa written<br />

by Talmi-Tešub, most likely at a later stage, as we shall observe next.<br />

12 th (h)išuwa tablet (four-columned version): KBo 35.260 is a fragment which contains<br />

most of column IV of the four-columned version 12 th festival tablet. The fragmentary colophon on<br />

the board left edge is restored by me in the following manner:<br />

KBo 35.260 l.e. (CTH 628.12.T.K, Bk. M)<br />

1 ŠU m Tal-m[i- d IM-ub DUB.SAR(?) DUMU m UR.MAH-LÚ GAL DUB.SAR.MEŠ]<br />

2 DUMU.DUMU-ŠU ŠA [ m Mi-it-ta-an-na-mu-u-wa]<br />

3 PA-I ˹ m U˺[R.MAH-LÚ GAL DUB.SAR.MEŠ IŠ-ṬUR 225 ]<br />

other manuscripts of the (h)išuwa, identifying his hand in other tablets lacking a colophon; on (h)išuwa<br />

texts with a broken colophon see also under III.1.b...Hulanabi.<br />

224 Another explaintion to the phenomenon just mentioned, might be the need to write on six columns. This<br />

surely demanded from the scribe to write smaller, in order to squeeze more signs into the line,<br />

sometimes going over the paragraph dividers.<br />

225 Though the IŠṬUR appears in a separate line in the colophon of KBo 15.37, I tend to believe that there<br />


Considering the colophon of KBo 15.37, if Talmi-Tešub was still a GÁB.ZU.ZU when he<br />

wrote KBo 35.260, it should have been noted immediately following the genealogy; either at the<br />

end of l. 2 or the beginning of l. 3. Since the beginning of l. 3 is occupied with PAI, this leaves<br />

room only at the end of l. 2. But there is simply not enough space to insert both the name of<br />

Mittannamuwa and the title GÁB.ZU.ZU with the name of a teacher in the break of this line. 226 So,<br />

KBo 35.260 must be a text written by Talmi-Tešub sometime later in his career when he was<br />

already a formally trained scribe.<br />

Other features of KBo 35.260, inferred from a section of the tablet cut from a photograph in<br />

the Mainz, Portal (Fig. 3.10), might support this hypothesis. In contrast to KBo 15.37, it seems that<br />

the paragraph dividers of KBo 35.260 were made after the initial writing process, since the dividing<br />

lines cut through the cuneiform signs. It indicates perhaps that Talmi-Tešub first wrote the text and<br />

only then inserted the dividing lines.<br />

Fig. 3.10: KBo 35.260 rev. IV 5'-7' (exerpt of photo no. B1042a, Mainz, Portal)<br />

The difference between KBo 15.37 and KBo 35.260 might indicate on how a student writes<br />

a tablet as opposed to how a trained scribe does his work: in school Talmi-Tešub first prepared the<br />

entire outline of KBo 15.37, or it was prepared for him, 227 and only then started to write. When he<br />

was already capable to write a text by himself, he entered the outline of the tablet after the writing<br />

process as is the case in KBo 35.260.<br />

Scribal seals: two seal impressions of a MAGNUS.TONITRUS, the HL equivalent of<br />

cuneiform GAL- d U, from Bk. D were attributed to Talmi-Tešub the scribe, son of Walwaziti, by<br />

van den Hout (1995: 158). He was followed in this manner by Herbordt (2002: 56; 2005: 83) who<br />

later identified a group of Nişantepe seal impression of MAGNUS.TONITRUS with the same<br />

scribe. Hawkins (2005a: 284), on the other hand, has reservations regarding the reading of<br />

MAGNUS.TONITRUS as Talmi-Tešub stating that: “But there exists no digraphic evidence for<br />

reading Hier. MAGNUS as Hur. Talmi, which is normally rendered by Hier. TALA-mi”.<br />

was no reason for Talmi-Tešub to do the same here since the length of the lines on the left edge of KBo<br />

35.260 is longer.<br />

226 There is only room for about 8 to 10 signs.<br />

227 By MAH.D<strong>IN</strong>GIR MEŠ or Walwaziti (see above).<br />


Indeed, Talmi-Tešub the scribe does not write his name in cuneiform as GAL- d U (see above<br />

n. 216), and therefore should not spell his HL name MAGNUS.TONITRUS. But it seems<br />

preferable to follow the view of van den Hout and Herbordt, since both depend in their<br />

identification on the titles on the seals, all variations of SCRIBA, instead of identifying another<br />

homonym named GAL- d U, who was also a scribe.<br />

Seven different seals were used by MAGNUS.TONITRUS along his career (Fig. 3.11; Tab.<br />

3.1). They indicate two lines of profession: a distinct main scribal career and another title, perhaps<br />

denoting a secondary profession, L. 414-DOM<strong>IN</strong>US+mi. This title, based on the identification of<br />

the sign L. 414 as hi/e, was read by B. Dinçol (2001: 101) as EN NA 4he(kur) "lord of the eternal<br />

peak". 228 Unfortunately, this title does not find corroboration in the cuneiform titles of Talmi-Tešub,<br />

who is termed either student or scribe in his colophons studied above. A further promotion in the<br />

228 The "eternal peak" was a kind of mausoleum which also held estates, see Imparati 1977; van den Hout<br />

2002b; see also under II.3.<br />


scribal profession is indicated by a seal bearing the title SCRIBA III, most likely denoting<br />

occupational rank. 229<br />

Seal<br />

o.<br />

HL Titles Seals and Seal<br />

Impressions<br />

Remarks<br />

1 SCRIBA-la III Nis 630 Signet ring impression; a spear carrying deity opposite a<br />

2 BONUS2 SCRIBA, L. 414-<br />

DOM<strong>IN</strong>US+mi<br />

3 BONUS2 SCRIBA Nis 627<br />

4 BONUS2 SCRIBA SBo II 55<br />

tutelary deity of the King (DEUS CERVUS 3 REX),<br />

holding a bird and shouldering a crooked staf (adoration<br />

scene); appears with two other scribes on the bulla Bo<br />

91/1201: Armapiya SCRIBA (Nis 60) and *521-L. 461-<br />

L. 398 SCRIBA III (Nis 700)<br />

Nis 628 Signet ring impression<br />

5 SCRIBA-la Nis 626 Signet ring impression; Bogenträger opposite a winged<br />

6 SCRIBA-la Nis 629, SBo<br />

II 109<br />

Ištar-Šaušga followed by her servants Ninatta and<br />

Kulitta (adoration scene); appears on the bulla Çorum/7<br />

with four other SCRIBA: Lukkamuwa (Nis 204), Puni<br />

(Nis 343), Kuruntiya (Nis 191) and Wa/i-[…] (Nis 528)<br />

Bogenträger scene; appears on the bulla Bo 91/1911<br />

with two SCRIBA: Tarkasnatakalana(?) and Hattili,<br />

and the BONUS2 CRUX Luwa<br />

7 - Nis 625 Signet ring impression; sword wearing deity opposite a<br />

winged Ištar-Šaušga followed by her servants Ninatta<br />

and Kulitta (adoration scene).<br />

Tab. 3.1: Seals of MAGNUS.TONITRUS, a.k.a Talmi-Tešub the scribe<br />

Several features of Talmi-Tešub's seals are surveyed below: seal form, artisitic features and<br />

the appearance of other scribes together with him on the same bullae.<br />

It is interesting that the majority of seals used by Talmi-Tešub are signets, while the<br />

common Anatolian seal form is the stamp. Signets are primarly found in North-Syrian sites, such as<br />

Ugarit and Emar (Herbordt 2005: 43f.; 2006: 100f.). Perhaps Talmi-Tešub spent some time in<br />

North-Syria together with his father Walwaziti, who is documented in judicial texts from that area<br />

(see p. 58f.).<br />

229 See under II.3.<br />


Another feature in Talmi-Tešub's seals is the so-called image of the Bogenträger clad in<br />

short skirt wearing a horned cap. The Bogenträger figure is common in Late Empire Period art both<br />

on seals and rock-carved reliefs. Interpretations for its meaning range from a depiction of the<br />

tutelary deity of the seal owner to a depiction of a vassal king or prince as on the known carved rock<br />

reliefs (Beyer 2001: 347–351; Herbordt 2005: 57f.). In the Nişantepe corpus it is very common on<br />

scribal seals but not exclusively so (Herbordt 2005: 58).<br />

Variations of the classic Bogenträger appear on the seals of Talmi-Tešub. On stamp seal no.<br />

6 this figure appears fully armed, shouldering a bow on his right side, holding a spear in his left<br />

outstretched hand, and wearing a sword at his waist. On three signets, nos. 1, 5 and 7, the same<br />

figure appears – not in the common Bogenträger form, only wearing one of his weapons in each of<br />

the scenes (Fig. 3.11) – in adoration scenes opposite another deity. Twice (nos. 5 and 7) this deity is<br />

a winged Ištar-Šaušga followed by her servants Ninatta and Kulitta, similar to her appearance on the<br />

rock reliefs in Yazılıkaya. Once (no. 1) the deity holds the name DEUS CERVUS 3 REX, read by<br />

Herbordt (2005: 63–65) as the "Tutelary deity of the King" associated with Tudhaliya IV. This<br />

latter deity sometime appears on other Nişantepe seals perched on a stag as attribute.<br />

A dating of signet no. 1 to the reign of Tudhaliya IV is indeed possible, since also the title of<br />

Talmi-Tešub on this seal is SCRIBA III, which must have been used at the later phase of his career.<br />

The same signet was used to stamp the bulla Bo 91/1201 together with the scribes Armapiya (Nis<br />

60) and *521-L. 461-L. 398 SCRIBA III (Nis 700), who should, therefore, both also be dated the<br />

reign of Tudhaliya IV. In the earlier phase of Talmi-Tešub's career we find four scribes appearing<br />

with him on the bulla Çorum/7: Lukkamuwa (Nis 204), Puni (Nis 343), Kuruntiya (Nis 191) and<br />

Wa/i-[…] (Nis 528), and two scribes on the bulla Bo 91/1911: Tarkasnatakalana and Hattili,<br />

together with the BONUS2 CRUX 230 Luwa.<br />

Only one of all the above mentioned scribes signed a colophon. Armapiya, who was dated<br />

above to the reign of Tudhaliya IV based on the title and iconography of Talmi-Tešub's signet no. 1,<br />

copied KUB 19.44 (CTH 63.D), one of the exemplars of the text now termed by Miller (2007) as<br />

"Mursili II's Dictate to Tuppi-Teššub's Syrian Antagonists". The main exemplar of this text, KBo<br />

3.3++ was written by a scribe called Tatigganna, who also copied two other texts, KBo 32.<strong>13</strong>9<br />

(CTH 670, T.VII) and KUB 10.21 (CTH 669.2.A, Bk. K) under the supervision of Anuwanza, the<br />

230 CRUX2 (L. 399), which looks like a St. Andrew's cross, is attested for the first time as a title on seals in<br />

Nişantepe. According to Herbordt (2005: 101f.) it is the equivalent of LÚ GIŠ ŠUKUR "spear man", who<br />

guards the palace (Beal 1992: 224–231). Hawkins (2005a: 302) on the other hand suggests the oblique<br />

title "hundred".<br />


well known scribe, LÚ SAG and lord of Nerik active under Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV. 231 This<br />

dates Tatigganna to the same period, roughly the end of Hattušili or more likely the first half of<br />

Tudhaliya IV's reign, when Anuwanza was at his prime as scribal supervisor. 232<br />

Consequently, the HL evidence of Talmi-Tešub tells us little about his earlier career, during<br />

which he seems to have cooperated with several scribes, unfortunately, none of whom attested in<br />

cuneiform texts. On the other hand, much more is known on his later career phase, about which not<br />

much can be inferred from cuneiform texts. Talmi-Tešub's seal impressions indicate that he was<br />

working during this phase, in the first half of Tudhliya IV's reign, together with Armapiya, most<br />

likely as the latter's supervisor, since he outranked Armapiya. Another scribe, Tatigganna, was<br />

Armapiya's, and thus also Talmi-Tešub's, close contemporary, as he worked on the same text that<br />

Armapiya copied and did this roughly at the same time, according to the mention of Anuwanza as<br />

his supervisor. This Tatigganna does not seem to have any direct work relation with Talmi-Tešub.<br />

KURUNTAILI: the third scribe who worked on the (h)išuwa festival under Walwaziti is<br />

LAMMA-D<strong>IN</strong>GIR LIM (Neu & Rüster 1975: 7; Salvini 1980: 164–166; Mascheroni 1982: 167), now<br />

likely read Kuruntaili. 233 He was not one of Walwaziti's sons, so it seems Walwaziti did not limit<br />

the choice of employees on the festival to his inner family circle. Kuruntaili wrote the joined tablet<br />

KBo 15.52+++, 234 manuscript A of the 10 th "standard" version festival tablet, most of which was<br />

recovered from Bk. A (Trémouille 1998: 265, 268–270):<br />

KBo 15.52+++ VI (CTH 628.10.T.A, Bk. A)<br />

46' PA-I m UR.MA[H-LÚ GAL DUB.SAR.MEŠ]<br />

47'<br />

m LAMMA-D<strong>IN</strong>GIR LIM IŠ[-ṬUR]<br />

The various fragments of this tablet contain several corrections and erasures apparent from<br />

the copies. 235 This evidence of dictation or perhaps proofreading also finds an analogy in the<br />

festival manuscripts written by Hulanabi and Talmi-Tešub.<br />

231 See van den Hout 1995: 238–242; Starke 1996: 160f.; Miller 2004: 38f.; Torri 2007: 777.<br />

232 Note that in the case of KBo 3.3++ and KUB 10.21 Klinger (1996: 38f.) shows that the dating of the<br />

texts on prosopographical grounds to Tudh. IV is more reliable than the dating on grounds of ductus,<br />

which is not typical IIIc.<br />

233 On the reading of d LAMMA as Kurunta and its other cognates see most recently Hawkins 2005a: 290.<br />

234 See under KBo 15.52 + 34.183 + 15.64 + 15.68 + 40.62 + 30.71 + 41.67 + 35.256 + 33.196 + 15.55 +<br />

16.95 + KUB 34.116 + VBoT 116 in the Košak, Konkordanz and dupls. listed there.<br />

235 See for example the corrections in KBo 40.62 III 19', KBo 39.74 II 24', KBo 15.64 obv. 19' and KBo<br />

34.116 obv. I 4'.<br />


Although no other festival texts written by Kuruntaili were recovered, one can deduce<br />

contents wise, that he may have worked also on the 6 th tablet of the (h)išuwa. Mainly because a<br />

large part of the 10 th tablet, which Kuruntaili copied, describes offerings made to various rivers and<br />

mountains, which are paralleled by river offering lists described in the 6 th tablet. 236 The 6 th tablet<br />

has one existing colophon, KUB 20.74 (628.6.T.B; Groddek 2004b: 125–127), 237 in which the name<br />

of the scribe is unfortunately completely broken off.<br />

Regarding the term of Kuruntaili, it should be contemporary with the early phase of<br />

Hulanabi and Talmi-Tešub, in which both copied tablets of the "standard" version of the (h)išuwa,<br />

namely, sometime during the reign of Hattušili III, perhaps in its second half.<br />

Not much else is known on Kuruntaili, but he may have had a son, who is mentioned in a<br />

legal protocol from the reign of Hattušili III. The text, KBo 8.30 (CTH 297, Bk. D), is dated by<br />

Klengel (1999: 250; cf. van den Hout 1995: <strong>13</strong>4) to Hattušili III based on the reference to Bentešina<br />

of Amurru and the land of Išuwa. It reads in line 7: x-i]a ? -annin DUMU m LAMMA-D<strong>IN</strong>GIR LIM<br />

"…y]anni son of Kuruntaili". After surveying the Hittite personal names in the retrograde glossary<br />

of Jie (1994) and various onomasticons, I could find only two possible male names which end with<br />

-yanni: Pulliyanni (H 1046) and Puriyanni (H 1057; Onomastique on line), an author of a ritual.<br />

SON <strong>OF</strong> ALIHEŠNI: the colophon of KBo 39.43 (CTH 628), 238 a tablet found in a fill at Bk. A,<br />

indicates further involvement of members of Walwaziti's extended scribal family with the writing of<br />

(h)išuwa tablets of the four-columned version, although it cannot be ascertained which tablet. The<br />

colophon is thereby given in the transliteration of Groddek (2004a: 56) with my restorations, which<br />

follow the common form of geneaological data in (h)išuwa colophons (see above p. 66f.):<br />

KBo 39.43 rev. IV<br />

x+1 [ŠU m PN DUMU] ˹ m A-li-ih-hi-iš˺-n[i<br />

2' [DUMU.DUM]U-ŠU ŠA m Mi-it-ta-an-˹na˺-[mu-wa<br />

“ x+1 [Hand of PN, son of] Alihešni, 2' [grands]on of Mittanna[muwa]”<br />

This colophon was interpreted erroneously twice before. First by Otten and Rüster in KBo<br />

39 (Inhaltübersicht P. IV) who identified Alihešni as the scribe of the text, whereas it is obvious<br />

from the preserved genealogy that the writer is his son, also termed grandson of Mittannamuwa.<br />

236 The contents of these lists were studied by Otten 1969; Groddek 1997.<br />

237 For the dupl. IBoT 4.88 see under text no. in the Košak, Konkordanz.<br />

238 It has a partial dupl. Bo 6004, see p. IV in the Inhaltübersicht of KBo 39.<br />


Secondly, Haas and Wegner (1996: 573) read Mittannamuwa's name for some reason as<br />

Mittannuwa.<br />

If my restoration of the colophon of KBo 39.43 is correct then the surviving genealogical<br />

data immediately raises two notions. First, the drafter of this four-columned tablet of the festival is<br />

not one of the three known scribes who copied the (h)išuwa under Walwaziti. Furthermore, it can<br />

not even be ascertained that Walwaziti supervised the writing of this tablet of the four-columned<br />

version of the (h)išuwa, since the colophon seems to end after l. 2'. Nevertheless, the scribe of the<br />

text is designated son of Alihešni and grandson of Mittannamuwa. Therefore, he must be a nephew<br />

of Walwaziti. No other known colophon lists the genealogy of his father Alihešni. So, in order to<br />

identify the unknown scribe, we must look elsewhere for evidence on Alihešni and his family.<br />

Two different persons by the name Alihešni are known from Empire Period sources. One is<br />

the afformentioned son of Mittannamuwa also titled LÚ halipi in KBo 4.12 rev. 6' (III.1.a). 239 The<br />

other is Alihešni Prince of Karkemiš, son of Ini-Tešub, and brother of Upparmuwa, Miṣramuwa and<br />

Tili-Šarruma, known mostly from Ugarit (Imparati 1987: 195–197; Singer 1997: 421; Mora 2004b:<br />

433; Roche 2003: 126). 240<br />

Alihešni son of Mittannamuwa was identified by Imparati (1974: 115) as the husband of<br />

Tarhuntamanawa ( d U-manawa) in KUB 26.43, Tudhaliya IV's land concession to her father<br />

Šahurunuwa. Van den Hout (1995: 177) further strengthend this hypothesis, referring to the court<br />

proceeding KBo 16.58 II 2-6 (CTH 297.18), in which Walwaziti reports he is the LÚ HADAU<br />

"relative in marriage" 241 of a certain chief scribe on wood, likely the same Šahurunuwa. This<br />

marriage is certainly that of Alihešni with Tarhuntamanawa. The same Alihešni is also identified by<br />

Siegelová (1986: 180f.) in the court case against Kuniapiya KUB 31.76(+) VI 16-20 (CTH 294.1,<br />

Bk. E) as the beneficiary of gold objects, and in the inventory KBo 18.161 rev. 11 (CTH 242.<strong>13</strong>,<br />

Bk. D) operating together with a man called Šanda ( d AMAR.UTU). She further equated this Šanda<br />

with his namesake, a scribe, father of the scribe Zuzzu, 242 who copied the ritual for the tutelary deity<br />

of the hunting bag under the inspection of Anuwanza (KUB 36.83 rev. 12', CTH 433.6.A).<br />

239 On this problematic title, mostly awarded to scribes and their relatives see Beckman 1983: 105 and here<br />

under II.3.<br />

240 I wish to thank A. Fink for referring me to the article by Roche.<br />

241 See CAD H: 148.<br />

242 For the homonyms of Zuzzu the scribe see Miller 2004: 39 n. 68.<br />


In addition, Zuzzu copied two other texts under Anuwanza which help establish his general<br />

term of office (Neu & Rüster 1975: 8f.; Mascheroni 1984: 164f.). These are manuscript B of the<br />

Kizzuwatnean Maštigga ritual (CTH 404.3.B, Bk. E), dated to the second half of Hattušili III's reign<br />

by Miller (2004: 39), and a manuscript of the month festival KUB 10.89 (CTH 591.III.A), copied<br />

either under Hattušili III or Tudhaliya IV. 243 Thus, Šanda's term dates roughly to the reigns of Urhi-<br />

Tešub and Hattušili III, and the term of Zuzzu, his son, to the end of Hattušili III and most of<br />

Tudhaliya IV.<br />

As a matter of fact, the generations of this scribal family are synchronised with those of the<br />

family of Alihešni. Since Šanda cooperated with Alihešni, his son Zuzzu must be the contemporary<br />

of Alihešni's known descendants. According to the land grant of Šahurunuwa, Tarhuntamanawa and<br />

Alihešni had two sons: Tulpi-Tešub and Kuwalanaziti, both not bearing any title in the text. One of<br />

them must be the abovementioned scribe of the (h)išuwa four-columned version fragment KBo<br />

39.43, but who?<br />

Houwink ten Cate (1973a: 256) identified an Early Empire Period prince Tulpi-Tešub in<br />

several MH texts. 244 Tulpi-Tešub is otherwise unknown from Late Empire Period sources, and<br />

therefore, it is less likely he was the scribe of KBo 39.43. His brother Kuwalanaziti, on the other<br />

hand, bears a name common in Empire Period cuneiform texts and HL seals. 245 During the Early<br />

Empire Period it is depicted in the DŠ fragment no. 28, 246 how the king sent out Urawanni and<br />

Kuwalanaziti the GAL NA.GAD to attack another district (Güterbock 1956: 91). Given the Hittite<br />

custom of paponymy, Imparati (1974: 48) suggested that this earlier Kuwalanaziti was the great-<br />

grandfather of Alihešni's son. Further support of her hypothesis is Šahurunuwa's title GAL<br />

NA.GAD, perhaps handed down from his father?<br />

In the Late Empire Period, during the reign of Tudhaliya IV, we find a certain Kuwalanaziti<br />

who handles wooden writing boards mentioned in the famous Milawata letter (KUB 19.55+ ll' 38-<br />

243 Neu & Rüster 1975: 9 state that "Allein bei URU ist zu beobachten, daß Zuzzu in KUB X 89 die relativ<br />

ältere..."; in the Košak, Konkordanz the script of the text is described as "sjh.".<br />

244 Ritual for the Moon-goddess N<strong>IN</strong>.GAL (KUB 45.57, CTH 494.A); SU oracle (KBo 16.97, CTH 571,<br />

Bk. A); tablet catalogue (KUB 34.58, CTH 275, Bk. A); instructions for dynastic succession (KUB<br />

36.119, CTH 271, Bk. A).<br />

245 The main lexem of the name is kuwalana- (once thought to be kuwatna-), Luw. “army”. Several graphic<br />

forms of this name are found in Hittite sources: phonetic Ku(wa)lanaziti, logographic KARAŠ.ZA/LÚ<br />

and HL EXERCITUS.VIR.zi/a (Hawkins 2005a: 292).<br />

246 Dupl. KBo 14.11.<br />


39, CTH 182). 247 Since the exact context is fragmentary we can not ascertain whether Kuwalanaziti<br />

was the messenger carrying the wooden writing boards as Hoffner (1982: <strong>13</strong>2; cf. Beckman 1999:<br />

145) suggests. 248 Van den Hout (1995: 91) restores this passage in a manner which indicates that the<br />

messenger was a certain Kurunta. In any case, the involvement of this Kuwalanaziti with wooden<br />

writing boards would suit nicely if we were to identify him as the abovementioned scribe of KBo<br />

39.43, grandson of Šahurunuwa the chief scribe on wood.<br />

The same scribe appears among three seal impressions which bear the name EXERCITUS.<br />

VIR.zi/a, read Ku(wa)lanaziti, 249 and the title SCRIBA. Otherwise, the name appears to be quite<br />

common on seal impressions (Fig. 3.12), attested using as many as seven different seals (Tab. 3.2).<br />

Seal<br />

o.<br />

HL Titles Seals and Seal<br />

Impressions<br />

1 REX.FILIUS,<br />


Nis 195<br />

2 REX.FILIUS, L. 490 SBo II 21<br />

84<br />

Remarks<br />

3 REX.FIL[IUS], PITHOS? Glyptik 265 Two name seal? Perhaps has also the name<br />

[x]sati-Šarruma on the right hand side<br />

4 REX.FILIUS SBo II 19, Tars. 54 SBo II 19 appears on the same bulla with a seal<br />

impression bearing a deity in the centre flanked<br />

by two fragmentary names: Armapiha[…] and<br />

Tutalip[i…]<br />

5 REX.FILIUS BLMJ C 22 Signet ring impression<br />

6 SCRIBA Nis 196-198 On three occasions Halparuntiya the scribe (Nis<br />

110) sealed the same bulla: Bo 91/100, 91/201<br />

and 91/894<br />

7 ?.VIR2 AO 11753 Biconvex seal<br />

Tab. 3.2: Seals of Kuwalanaziti<br />

247 It was shown by Hoffner (1982: <strong>13</strong>4) that the letter is to be dated after Mur. II's reign; for the dating<br />

specifically to Tudh. IV see van den Hout 1995: 82 and most recently Hawkins 2005a: 261. A<br />

translation of the entire text is found in Beckman 1999: 144–146.<br />

248 In fact, if Kuwalanaziti was acting as a messenger to the courts of nearby lands, it would fit nicely with<br />

the theory of van den Hout (1995: 91 n. 112) that a messenger to Egypt named Kulaziti appearing in<br />

corresspendce with Rameses II (KUB 3.67 obv. 9'; KUB 3.34 rev. 1, 4; KBo 28.27 1') is the same man.<br />

249 The reading long thought to be *kuwatna-ziti (Bossert 1954b: 140), was finally established by Poetto<br />

(1982) based on the sealed Emar tablet BLMJ C 22.

Five of his seals belong to a prince who also carried additional titular: he was a<br />

MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS "chief palace attendant", 250 according to a seal impression from<br />

Nişantepe (seal no. 1), the bearer of the obscure title L. 490, according to a seal imprssion found in<br />

250 On the interpretation of the HL title MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS see Hawkins 2005a: 304, and also<br />

under IV.2.a.Arnilizi.<br />


Bk. D (seal no. 2), and some kind of storeroom official according to a third seal impression from<br />

Hattuša (seal no. 3). Singer (2000: 81) identifies this prince from Hattuša with the abovementioned<br />

grandson of Šahurunuwa and the prince Kulanaziti, who witnessed and sealed a legal matter in<br />

Emar (seal no 5). The same Kulanaziti also appears in another purchase contract from Emar, Emar<br />

VI 211, which is dated by d'Alfonso (2000: 277f.) to the later part of Ini-Tešub's reign.<br />

Accordingly, d'Alfonso (2005: 69f.) suggests that Ku(wa)lanaziti's term of office is to be dated to<br />

between 1250 to 1230 <strong>BCE</strong>, i.e. the later part of Hattušili III and the first half of Tudhliya IV.<br />

Consequently, the seals indicate that Ku(wa)lanaziti, son of Alihešni and grandson of<br />

Šahurunuwa, who was probably the scribe of KBo 39.43, cooperated on several occasions with<br />

another scribe, otherwise unkown, called Halparuntiya. Furthermore, Ku(wa)lanaziti's seals tell us<br />

he was a prince, chief palace attendant, and the bearer of two other obscure HL titles: L. 490 and<br />

PITHOS.X. 251 His seals actually find at least three points in common with those of Šahurunuwa,<br />

supposedly his grandfather.<br />

For one thing, Ku(wa)lanaziti appears among the seal impressions from Tarsus (seal no. 4),<br />

where a seal impression of Šahurunuwa was also found (Tars. 40). Further support on the family's<br />

connection with Kizzuwatna comes from the Šahurunuwa decree of Tudhaliya IV, which describs<br />

how the king granted Šahurunuwa and his family lands in Cilicia (Imparati 1974: 28f.; Mora<br />

2000:70).<br />

Secondly, Ku(wa)lanaziti likely inherited his princely status from Šahurunuwa, who also<br />

held the title of prince on his seals. As it will be shown later below, also Ku(wa)lanaziti's mother<br />

Tarhuntamanawa bore the title of princess. Interestingly enough, his father Alihešni, was not of the<br />

royal line, nor any other direct descendant of Mittannamuwa.<br />

Lastly, L. 490 is a very rare title on seals. In fact, it happens to appear only in two other seal<br />

impressions produced from the same seal of Šahurunuwa (Bog. III 15, Tars. 40), and a seal<br />

impression of a certain Asuta (Bo 83/597; B. Dinçol 2001: 102). Therefore, it could be suggested<br />

that L. 490 was used mainly within the family of Ku(wa)lanaziti, and was passed on by<br />

Šahurunuwa to Ku(wa)lanaziti. The possible meanings of this title will be briefly discussed below<br />

when the family of Šahurunuwa is dealt with in III.3.<br />

251 Contra to this assumption Hawkins (2005a: 261) prefers to see the scribe as a different person (or<br />

persons) altogether.<br />


Summary: the chronology of the (h)išuwa festival scribes and the dating of its versions<br />

It was one of my initial aims that, on the grounds of a prosopographic study of the (h)išuwa scribes,<br />

I could update and revise Salvini's (1980: 164–166) results on their chronology and division of their<br />

work. A diagram appearing in the following page suggests a more firm chronology of these scribes<br />

based on their titles and synchronisms with other officials and which (h)išuwa tablets each copied<br />

(Fig. 3.<strong>13</strong>). Next, I will try to propose a date for the versions of the (h)išuwa festival on the basis of<br />

this prosopographic study.<br />

The dating of the (h)išuwa festival versions which Walwaziti edited and supervised is<br />

generally considered to be during the reign of Hattušili III. 252 This is based on the notion that<br />

Puduhepa reestablished the festival not only in honor of the Storm-God of Manuz(z)i but also in<br />

honor of her husband (Haas 1994: 849). According to Wegner and Salvini (1991: 10f.) the Sitz im<br />

Leben of this notion lies in the great drinking ceremony held at the last 9 th day in honor of the king.<br />

During this ceremony, recounted in the <strong>13</strong> th tablet, “The land sits before the king” meaning that all<br />

the high officials of the state gather to pay homage to the royal family. 253 Contra this specific dating<br />

van den Hout (1995: 176) has already expressed the opinion that: “Wer zu dieser Zeit regierender<br />

König war, ist unbekannt”, leaving it also open for a dating of the text to Tudhaliya IV.<br />

It now stands to reason that the dating scheme of the various manuscripts of this festival is<br />

somewhat more complicated then was once believed. In part, the analysis made above on the<br />

scribes of the festival exemplars indicates that the “standard” festival composition, i.e. the six-<br />

columned exemplars, is to be dated to sometime during the beginning of the second half of Hattušili<br />

III. At least one of Walwaziti's sons, Talmi-Tešub, was still a young student when he worked on the<br />

<strong>13</strong> th “standard” tablet (KBo 15.37). Moreover, the fact that so many members of Mittannamuwa's<br />

descendants were involved in the work on the various versions of the festival could be related to the<br />

special bond this family had with Hattušili III, upon which this king elaborated in his deposition<br />

dedicated to Mittannamuwa and his family (KBo 4.12, see III.1.a). Such close ties of this family<br />

with his son Tudhaliya IV are not known.<br />

252 See Wegner & Salvini 1991: 6.<br />

253 For a summary of the events in this great gathering see Haas 1994: 872–875.<br />


Fig. 3.<strong>13</strong>: Chronology of the (h)išuwa scribes and related scribal families<br />


For the moment it seems that the four-columned version of the (h)išuwa was composed only<br />

later. It post dates the “standard” version because one can place the known scribes who copied it,<br />

Talmi-Tešub (KBo 35.260) in his later career phase and likely Alihešni's son Ku(wa)lanaziti (KBo<br />

39.43), in the final years of Hattušili III or the first half of Tudhaliya IV. This perhaps indicates that<br />

the scribes of the four-columned version based their work on the “standard” version, but this,<br />

however, remains to be proven. 254<br />

Other Scribes in the Bureau of Walwaziti<br />

As one may recall at least three other scribes copied texts under the inspection of Walwaziti: Hiliya,<br />

Pariziti and Pihaziti. Following is a brief prosopographical review of the name bearers.<br />

Unfortunately, I lack a chronological anchor to date the term of the first two scribes, which I<br />

assume, as a working hypothesis, to be sometime during the reign of Hattušili III, when Walwaziti<br />

is known to have been most active.<br />

HILIYA: this scribe copied an omen regarding diverse behaviours of the moon. 255 The<br />

colophon reads as follows:<br />

KUB 8.9+ l.e. (CTH 533.1)<br />


2<br />

m Hi-li-ia-aš IŠ-ṬUR<br />

The text was treated by Riemschneider (2004: 76f., 155). The work of Hiliya on this moon<br />

sign must be connected to a general interest of Walwaziti in omens of natural catastrophes, such as<br />

the one copied under his inspection by a scribe whose name is lost save an […]iš in KUB 37.164<br />

254 Since no colophons of the two-columned version of the (h)išuwa survived we can not date its<br />

composition based on prosopography. One might assume, in the manner which follows the redaction of<br />

the “standard” version into a four-columned version, that the two-columned version was even later.<br />

However, in order to prove this one must compare the contents of the various versions, identifying<br />

omission or additions, which is outside the scope of this specific study.<br />

255 The Astrological omens passed into Anatolia via Syria or through direct connection with later<br />

Babylonian scribes. In Babylonia the original series did not survive in copies from the old Babylonian<br />

period but from later times in the very large known astrological omen series Enūma Anu Enlil. The<br />

connections between the 2 nd millennium <strong>BCE</strong> copies of Hattuša and the later copies of Enūma Anu Enlil<br />

in the Aššurbanipal library are clear. The scribe of the Assyrian version, Nabû-zuqup-kēnu, cited his<br />

sources as tablets from Babylon and Borsippa which were brought to Assyria from Babylonian temples.<br />

Enūma Anu Enlil is very identical in nature and wording to the first century collection iqqur īpuš. The<br />

monthly omens makeup the oldest parts of Enūma Anu Enlil (Riemschneider 2004: XXX–XLI).<br />


(CTH 541). This fragment is a copy of an Akkadian omen likely relating earthquakes (Ünal 1977:<br />

469f.). Riemschneider (2004: 94–96, <strong>13</strong>2f.) suggests that another Akkadian copy of an earthquake<br />

omen found in Hattuša, KUB 37.163, has a Hittite translation in the iqqur īpuš omen KUB 8.28, 256<br />

which, incidently, also recorded moon omens according to its surviving colophon. One can not<br />

imagine the name of the second scribe mentioned in KUB 37.164, but he is likely not Hiliya, thus, it<br />

can be tentatively suggested that both he and Hiliya worked on omen literature under Walwaziti.<br />

as follows:<br />

PARIZITI: two known texts were copied by this scribe under Walwaziti, their colophons read<br />

KBo 23.93 + 30.102 IV (CTH 495.II, Bk. A)<br />

20'' PA-I m UR[.MAH-LÚ GAL DUB.SAR.MEŠ]<br />

21''<br />

m Pa-ri-LÚ [IŠ-ṬUR]<br />

KBo 34.245 + 40.276 l.e. (CTH 763, Bk. A)<br />


2<br />

m Pa-ri-LÚ I[Š-ṬUR]<br />

The first colophon belongs to a manuscript depicting a substitution dupšahi- ritual, which is<br />

part of five rituals with aparent Hurrian character conducted for the royal couple in the city of<br />

Šamuha, perhaps originally to Tudhaliya II/III (Haas 2003: 39f.). 257 A correction in the text, either<br />

made by Pariziti or after proofreading by Walwaziti, is noticeable in the hand copy of KBo 30.102<br />

IV 8'.<br />

The second colophon belongs to a ritual filled with Luwianisms (van den Hout 1995: 174 n.<br />

314). So, it could arguably be suggested that Pariziti had some knowledge in Hurrian and Luwian<br />

termini, unless he was only dictating what was said by Walwaziti. Perhaps such knowledge was the<br />

reason why Pariziti copied both this and the former ritual, which belong to the Hurrian-Luwian<br />

milieu.<br />

256 He deduced that the Hitt. term for an earthquake is d ingaš ninikzi based on the notion that it is a figura<br />

etymologica of Akk. rību irūb (Riemschneider 2004: XLIV, 246); cf. already Haas (1994: 295 n. 10)<br />

apud Otten " (D) Ninga – „Erdbeben‟". Contra this the common grasp of d inga in the CHD L-N: 88 is of<br />

a “drenching, cloudburst” and following this Tischler in his HEG 7: 333 also translates "Regen(gott)".<br />

257 A partial translit. of the text appears in Groddek 2002a: 144. Other treatments of this ritual, especially<br />

with regard to its mention of the use of NA 4kirenni-, girenni- "carneol" are Polvani 1988: 29–36 and<br />

Haas 2003: 205.<br />


PIHAZITI: this scribe copied under Walwaziti the old Anatolian Iluyanka myth, which is said<br />

to be the word of Kella the LÚ GUDÚ priest of the Storm-god of Nerik, suggesting it has a long<br />

standing oral tradition (Haas 2006: 97). 258 Unless Kella is a hypochoristicon, 259 one may find<br />

support to the notion of a long standing oral tradition in the fact that the name Kella does not appear<br />

anywhere else in Hittite documentation, but only in the Cappadocian tablets. 260 The colophon reads<br />

as follows:<br />

KBo 3.7 IV (CTH 321.A)<br />

29' DUB.1.KAM QA-T[I]<br />

30' ŠA m Ki-el-la LÚ GU[DÚ u]d-[d]a-na-aš<br />

31'<br />

m Pí-ha-LÚ [ LÚ DUB.SAR]<br />

32' PA-I m UR.MAH GAL DU[B.SAR.ME]Š<br />

33' IŠ-ṬUR<br />

Beckman (1982), who edited the text, indicated that Walwaziti's name is written with the<br />

hypochoristicon UR.MAH. This writing of his name was also later attested in an Emar verdict by<br />

d'Alfonso (2000: 284). 261 The myth is comprised of two different tales of the struggle between the<br />

Storm-god and the serpent. Its sources are in the OH literary Hattian-Hittite tradition, and it played<br />

an important part in the Hittite new-year puruli festival which ended with a reference to the sacred<br />

kingship (Haas 2006: 97). Haas (2006: 97) dates the copying of the text to the reign of Hattušili III.<br />

Two administrative texts from Boǧazköy also mention a Pihaziti, one is the person list HT<br />

32 (CTH 214.10) and the other is the receipt FHL 31 (CTH 247.5). The second text is more helpful<br />

for our prosopography since it lists other officials next to Pihaziti, among them also Walwaziti,<br />

positively indicating that this Pihaziti is the same as the abovementioned scribe. Apart for this the<br />

receipt has other interesting qualities.<br />

The odd small tablet certifies goods, primarily large quantities of wheat (ŠE) and bitter peas<br />

(GÚ.ŠEŠ), rationed to state officials, perhaps by the men of the city Tapputa. Practically the same<br />

seven line list is written on both sides of the tablet, but clearly in different hands and in a different<br />

layout according to the excellent photographs of Durand and Laroche (FHL: 107). The scribe of one<br />

side copied the list inside a clearly defined square, whereas the scribe of the other side used the<br />

258 These priests play an important role in the myth and the ritual connected with it, see Beckman 1982: 23;<br />

on the LÚ GUDÚ priests in general see Tagar-Cohen 2006: 229–278.<br />

259 Note the name Kiliya (NH 576) of a priest of Zinzara found in Ugarit (RS 18.02).<br />

260 H 574 (kila).<br />

261 ASJ 10/B (= Tsukimoto 1988: 157–160).<br />


entire surface of the tablet, writing in a larger script, squeezing his final line on the bottom side.<br />

Another example of the difference between the two hands is the use of a different MAH sign in l. 4<br />

on each side. All these traits lead me to belive that FHL 31 is a scribal exercise of some sort.<br />

Nevertheless, it seems that the names in the list are genuine and they are either persons the<br />

scribe who copied the list may have known, or otherwise simply names copied from an existing<br />

ration list. The other officials named are Kaštanili, Šunaili and Uttikiapi. The first two can further<br />

be identified as contemporaries of Walwaziti and Pihaziti.<br />

Kaštanili appears as a tax payer from a certain city, whose name is lost, in the MADATTU<br />

tribute list KUB 42.29+ (CTH 244.2; Siegelová 1986: 141–158). The same text also mentions<br />

Walwaziti's brother Nani(n)zi (ŠEŠ-zi), what places it to approximately in the same period of FHL<br />

31. There are numerous references to a Šunaili in the texts of Hattuša, 262 but I would identify<br />

Šunaili son of Hayamuli, KARTAPPU of his majesty (Malbran-Labat 2004: 75), with Šunaili of<br />

FHL 31 based on his high title.<br />

In HL seal impressions and seals we find many seal holders bearing the name Pihaziti (pi-<br />

ha-VIR.zi/a, Tab. 3.3, Fig. 3.14). At least one is a scribe, owner of a biconvex seal from Norşuntepe<br />

(seal no. 2), perhaps to be identified with the abovementioned scribe under Walwaziti. Other seal<br />

impressions of Pihaziti belong to likely three, or even four, different persons from Hattuša and at<br />

least one seal holder from Ugarit also known from other texts as an official of Carchemish<br />

(d'Alfonso 2005: 76; Hawkins 2005a: 268). In Hattuša we have a bearer of the title hilami (no. 1), 263<br />

an URCEUS (no. 3), 264 and two different Pihaziti seals without any title, either of the same person,<br />

or used by homonyms (nos. 5-6). The Pihaziti from Ugarit sealed with his cylinder seal the tablet<br />

RS 17.248 (no. 4).<br />

262 See the references in H and H suppl. 1177.<br />

263 In cun. one finds a correspondant in the title LÚ hilammi-, which is a sort of temple official (Herbordt<br />

2005: 103; Hawkins 2005a: 304). From comparing the phonetical spelling of this title in HL: hi-la-mi<br />

(L. 4<strong>13</strong>–L. 175–L. 391) with the HL logographic title: L. 414-DOM<strong>IN</strong>US+mi (L. 414–L. 390+L. 391),<br />

it comes to mind that a connection may exist between the two. Mainly since L. 414 is very similar to, if<br />

not another form of writing, the sign hi (L. 4<strong>13</strong>).<br />

264 The HL equivalent of cuneiform LÚ SILÀ.ŠU.DU8.A (Hawkins 2005a: 310 with bib.)<br />


Seal<br />

o.<br />

HL Titles Seals and Seal<br />

Impressions<br />

1 Hilami Nis 316<br />

93<br />

Remarks<br />

2 BONUS2 SCRIBA Norşuntepe 2 Biconvex seal<br />

3 BONUS2 URCEUS,<br />

BONUS2 VIR2<br />

Nis 314, 315<br />

4 - RS 17.248 Cylinder seal impression<br />

5 - Nis 312<br />

6 - Nis 3<strong>13</strong><br />

Tab. 3.3: Seals of Pihaziti

RS 17.248 (= PRU IV: 236), dated to Ibiranu, is a legal case ratified by Pihaziti<br />

remunerating Maššanaura for damages caused by Yarimma of the city Maˁraba and Ulṣina of the<br />

city of Ugarit (d'Alfonso 2005: 153f.). The same Pihaziti, identified as the " LÚ ur[…] of the king of<br />

Carchemish", also sent the letter RS 25.461 to the king of Ugarit regarding ṣaripu workers<br />

(Lackenbacher 1989: 317-8). This official of Carchemish active in Ugarit is dated to the second half<br />

of Tudhaliya IV's reign (Singer 1999a: 653f. n. 142; Malbran-Labat 2004: 86f.; Mora 2004b: 441;<br />

d'Alfonso 2005: 76). Perhaps the same Pihaziti is identified in another text from Ugarit, RS 17.319<br />

(= PRU IV: 182–184), as the son of Hašamili and merchant from the town of Ura.<br />

At last we come to one final piece of evidence, a stone block (Fig. 3.15) found in 1979 at a<br />

house near temple IV in the upper city of Hattuša, signed in HL by a pi-ha-zi/a BONUS2 SCRIBA<br />

(Müller-Karpe 1980: 304f.; Dinçol & Dinçol 2002: 209). This prompted Müller-Karpe apud<br />

Masson to identify the name as a hypochoristicon of the scribe named Pihaziti, mentioned here<br />

above. This could be the case, but as already mentioned by Dinçol & Dinçol (2002: 209) the writing<br />

of the name can also stand for Piha(n)za. 265 Perhaps this last suggestion is more plausible, since one<br />

does not find signatures of Walwaziti, or any other scribe connected with him, on the inscribed<br />

stone blocks found in Hattuša. 266 This also prompts me to belive that the function of the scribes who<br />

signed the stone blocks was quite different than that of the scribes working in the office of<br />

Walwaziti.<br />

Fig. 3.15: HL stone inscription of Pi-ha-zi/a BONUS2 SCRIBA (Müller-Karpe 1980: Abb. 23)<br />

265 For -zi/a at the end of a name as representing either -(i)zzi or -(a)nza see Hawkins 2005a: 249.<br />

266 See all the names cited in Dinçol & Dinçol 2002.<br />


Conclusions: the Dating, Function and Location of Walwaziti's Scribal Bureau<br />

It is high time to conclude the results of our investigation into Walwaziti's scribal bureau. First,<br />

regarding its life span, it is already established that Walwaziti became the chief scribe already at the<br />

beginning of Hattušili III, if not a short time before the ascension of this king. However, his major<br />

project, which was the redaction of the (h)išuwa, seems to have begun during the middle of<br />

Hattušili III, when his son, Hulanabi evidently began copying the first tablets of the so called<br />

"standard" version of the festival. We cannot place with certainty any of the other scribes who<br />

copied texts under Walwaziti before that time. It is not my wish, however, to assume a void during<br />

a period of ca. 12 years from which not one piece of evidence remained. So, I wish to suggest here<br />

that all the scribes who are known to have copied texts under Walwaziti beside the (h)išuwa scribes,<br />

i.e. Hiliya, Pariziti, Pihaziti and […]iš, actually worked in his office during the first half of Hattušili<br />

III. Therefore, the (h)išuwa scribes worked mainly from the middle of Hattušili III till the end of<br />

Walwaziti's term of office, sometime in the second quarter of Tudhaliya IV's reign. The time span<br />

of the bureau is summarized in the following diagram which includes only the scribes working<br />

under Walwaziti, the division of their work and their family members:<br />

Fig. 3.16: The bureau of Walwaziti during the reigns of Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV<br />

As for the function of the office, one can raise the following points: Walwaziti's major<br />

scribal work was the redaction of the Hurrian-Hittite (h)išuwa festival. He also supervised the<br />

copying of various other types of texts: a celestial moon omen written in Hittite (KUB 8.9+, CTH<br />

533.1), an earthquake omen written in Akkadian (KUB 37.164, CTH 541), a copy of the local<br />

Iluyanka mythological composition (KBo 3.7, CTH 321.A), two rituals: a dupšahi- ritual (KBo<br />


23.93, CTH 495.II) and a ritual with Luwianisms (KBo 34.245+, CTH 763), and lastly an undefined<br />

text out of which only the colophon remained (Durham 2462 no. 73 267 ; Postgate 1972: 175).<br />

For obvious reasons, in terms of the archive most of these texts constitute as group A<br />

defined by van den Hout (2002: 864): “Texts with duplicates”. 268 The only exception is the<br />

Akkadian earthquake omen termed with the second group of omen material, the non-celestial<br />

omens. These omens for the large part have been kept in single copies, sometimes for several<br />

centuries, possibly for academic purposes (van den Hout 2003a: 89). The fact that KUB 37.164 was<br />

copied by a scribe in the presence of Walwaziti indicates that it is a school exercise of some sort.<br />

The only other Akkadian earthquake omen fragment known from Hattuša, KUB 37.163, has now an<br />

identified Hittite translation.<br />

The translation is KUB 8.28, recognized as such by Riemschneider (2004: 94–96, <strong>13</strong>2f.,<br />

246) based on the identification of the compound d ingaš ninikzi as meaning “earthquake” (see<br />

under III.1.b…Hiliya). According to the colophon of the text, apart from the earthquake omens, it<br />

also contained a depiction of lunar signs which were possibly on its lost reverse (Dardano 2006:<br />

158). In this aspect it is interesting that Walwaziti also supervised the writing of a lunar omen<br />

written in Hittite (KUB 8.9+).<br />

I found two more parallel fragments of KUB 8.28 in the Košak, Konkordanz: KBo 47.62 and<br />

the fragment HFAC 84. Notwithstanding the lack of complete colophons in all of these non-<br />

celestial omen fragments, the fact that this sort of omens were copied and also translated into Hittite<br />

shows a sparked interest in them by the scribes. Based on the surviving name of Walwaziti in the<br />

colophon of the Akkadian earthquake omen fragment KUB 37.164, we can perhaps date this<br />

renewed interest regarding the consequences of earthquakes to sometime during his tenure, possibly<br />

the first half of Hattušili III's reign. 269<br />

So, returning to what was said on the type of documents copied in the bureau of Walwaziti,<br />

267 This small fragment, stored in the Gulbenkan Mueseum, defies a reasonable translation:<br />

x+1<br />

m ]UR.MAH-LÚ GA[L] DUB[.SAR.MEŠ]<br />

2' ]ar-pa ? -ši ? -an li-iš[<br />

3' ] IŠ-ṬUR<br />

268 See also under II.1.<br />

269 Ünal (1977: 471) has interpreted two passages in KBo 6.29 (CTH 85.1.A), a text parallel to Hatt. III's<br />

Autobiography, as accounts for an earthquake. The first is II 12-<strong>13</strong> where Ištar “shook heaven and<br />

earth” (HED 4: <strong>13</strong>5). The second is II 32-33 when Hatt. comes to siege the town of Šamuha in search of<br />

Ur.-T. and its walls are toppled down. If his interpretation is correct then maybe this event is what<br />

instigated the interest of Walwaziti, Hatt.'s chief scribe, to copy and study earthquake omen signs.<br />


all of them represent vast scholarly knowledge required from him as the supervisor of the<br />

composition. Each of the scribes who copied these documents may have had their special field of<br />

expertise (see Fig. 3.16). But the supervisor of the writing process needed to have at least the basic<br />

understanding of Akkadian omen literature (celestial), 270 folk literature (Iluyanka), Hurrian (the first<br />

tablets of the (h)išuwa festival) and Luwian (the ritual KBo 34.245+), in order to be able to check<br />

the work of his scribes. That is in the case he only proofread their copies vis-à-vis an original. In the<br />

case he dictated the text or even needed to edit it, his knowledge of the local and foreign corpus<br />

needed to be much greater.<br />

In conclusion, I would surmise that the main function of the office which Walwaziti headed<br />

was threefold: 1. the copying of texts requested by the royal family for specific purposes; 2. the<br />

copying of texts for archival and educational purposes; 3. a scribal school (see also the remarks<br />

made under III.1.b…Talmi-Tešub, and here below).<br />

As for the location of Walwaziti's scribal office, it would seem that the find spots of most of<br />

the texts which were copied under his supervision is Bk. A. The majority of texts containing the<br />

colophons of the (h)išuwa discussed above, according to the Košak, Konkordanz, were found in the<br />

rooms inside building A on Büyükkale: Hulanabi's copies of the 5 th tablet, KUB 32.128, KBo<br />

33.175+ABoT 2 also including most of KBo 7.45+++, which he may have copied; Talmi-Tešub's<br />

copy of the <strong>13</strong> th tablet, KBo 15.37 and several of its duplicates, KUB 32.77, KBo 38.15, KBo<br />

40.172 and KBo 43.78; and Kuruntaili's copy of the 10 th tablet, namely KBo 15.52+++.<br />

Three more (h)išuwa texts with only fragmentary colophons which mention Walwaziti, KBo<br />

33.177, KBo 33.179 and KBo 33.180 were also recovered at Bk. A, as was KBo 39.43, which<br />

contains a colophon of the four-columned version of the festival signed by a certain son of Alihešni,<br />

likely Kuwalanaziti. A further inquiry in the Konkordanz revealed that most of the (h)išuwa festival<br />

fragments, 72 out of 154 fragments whose find spots are known, were found in and around Bk.<br />

A. 271<br />

270 Walwaziti may have even applied this knowledge (omen praxis) in a certain occasion on behalf of<br />

queen Puduhepa (van den Hout 1995: 176; cf. also here above). It could have been handed down to him<br />

by his father, Mittannamuwa, who may have consulted an oracle in order to cure sick Hatt. III when he<br />

was still a prince (see under III.1.b.Mittannamuwa).<br />

271 A total of 261 fragments are listed under CTH 628 in the Košak, Konkordanz (03.2008). Apart from<br />

those found in Bk. A their find spots can be distributed thus: 20 from Bk. D; 10 From Bk. C; 8 From<br />

T.1; 6 from Bk. H; 6 from Bk. E; 5 from Bk. F; 4 from Bk. M; 3 from the HaH; 3 from Bk. K; 2 from<br />

Bk. N; 2 from Bk. G; 1 from Bk. B; 1 from the Upper City; 1 from the Lower City; 7 fragments are<br />

stray finds within Bk.; The find-spot of 107 fragments remains unknown.<br />


From what we know by now on the textual material stored in Bk. A, it has been established<br />

both as archive and library where important documents were mostly accumulated. A large<br />

percentage of the texts found in this location are old copies of texts or important texts transferred to<br />

it from other buildings for safe keeping (Košak 1995: 178f.; Alaura 2001: 26; van den Hout 2006b:<br />

96). 272 As maintained by van den Hout (2006b: 94) many festivals and rituals were stored in Bk. A.<br />

The high number of colophons belonging to the (h)išuwa festival found there suggests that the other<br />

fragments of the festival were not only stored at that location, but also copied there under<br />

Walwaziti's watchful eye.<br />

Interestingly enough the scribes who wrote the stock taking lists of the tablets stored in Bk.<br />

A did not incorporate the (h)išuwa festival in them, and in fact the festival does not appear in any<br />

known shelf list (Dardano 2006: 3–7). If indeed the shelf lists from Bk. A were stock takings from<br />

the time of Tudhaliya IV, as some would believe, 273 and the copying of the (h)išuwa festival was<br />

done during the reign of Hattušili III (see above), then the absence of even a single entry of the<br />

(h)išuwa tablets from these shelf lists shows that at least this festival was not moved to storage in<br />

building A, possibly supporting one of two scenarios.<br />

The more probable one is that the festival texts were written under Walwaziti's supervision<br />

in one of the upper rooms in Bk. A, maybe even in the long halls (rooms 7-10) where perhaps a<br />

scribal school resided (Neve 1982: 107), likely Walwaziti's scribal school. 274 It may even be no<br />

coincidence that many of the older sources which he needed to compile the festival, namely the<br />

Hurrian and Luwian texts from Kizzuwatna, stemmed from this building. 275 The less probable<br />

scenario would be that the (h)išuwa tablets were written somewhere else and at some later stage<br />

transferred to Bk. A.<br />

Moving on to other texts copied under Walwaziti, we know of at least three which stem<br />

from Bk. A according to the Košak, Konkordanz: the earthquake omen (KUB 37.164) and the two<br />

rituals (KBo 23.93, KBo 34.245+). One cannot tell the origin of the other two: Manuscript A of the<br />

272 Cf. also above under II.1.<br />

273 Košak 1995: 179; Dardano 2006: 12. Note, however, that archaeologically speaking building A itself is<br />

no longer believed to date from the reign of Tudh. IV but earlier (Seeher 2006: <strong>13</strong>8–140). In fact if the<br />

(h)išuwa festival was written under Walwaziti in this building than it supports this earlier dating of the<br />

archive.<br />

274 For a colophon of Talmi-Tešub where he is titled “trainee” see under III.1.b…Talmi-Tešub.<br />

275 See Košak 1995: 176f. and n. 23 where he states that the texts from Kizzuwatna are highly represented<br />

in Bk. A.<br />


Illuyanka myth (KBo 3.7) and the lunar omen (KUB 8.9+). Nonetheless, some clues can be gleaned<br />

on their find spots from other data.<br />

From among the various fragments of the Illuyanka myth, of which find spots are known,<br />

none seem to stem from building A at all. Three come from the House on the Slope 276 and two were<br />

found in T.1. 277 So I would presume that the copy made under Walwaziti had a specific purpose,<br />

perhaps an academic one. As for the find spot of the lunar omen KUB 8.9+, it may be traced to Bk.<br />

A. Let us take a look into a shelf list found in that building.<br />

KUB 30.55, 278 one of the LH tablet catalogs found in building A, lists many types of omen<br />

series texts, some of which can be traced to building A itself. 279 The shelf list contains among its<br />

records two interesting tablets as follows: 5' 1 ṬUPPU mān d ŠÎ GISKIM-ahz[i / 6' 1 ṬUPPU<br />

d ŠUR-ga-aš nininku[waš “1 tablet: when the moon giv[es] a sign / 1 tablet: of the earthquak[e”. 280<br />

In reality, Bk. A housed three fragments of moon sign tablets according to Dardano (2006: 158), 281<br />

and two Akkadian fragments of earthquake omens, KUB 37.163 and 37.164, according to the<br />

Košak, Konkordanz. Although we have no information on who wrote or supervised the lunar omens<br />

found there, we do know that Walwaziti supervised the writing of at least one of the earthquake<br />

omen fragment, KUB 37.164. He could have used as a basis for KUB 37.164 the full tablet of an<br />

earthquake omen stored in this building according to the catalog mentioned above. 282<br />

In analogy to the abovementioned process the full lunar omen tablet stored in Bk. A,<br />

according to the same catalog, may have been used as an exemplar for Hiliya who copied KUB<br />

8.9+ under Walwaziti. The added fact that the shelf list KUB 30.55 records the two omen tablets<br />

one after the other, first the lunar sign tablet then the earthquake omen tablet, reveals something<br />

about their close nature in the eyes of the scribes' catalouging of the archive in Bk. A. 283<br />

276 KBo 12.84(+)<strong>13</strong>.84 (=G) and KBo 12.83 (=F).<br />

277 KBo 34.33+ (=D) and KBo 22.99 (=H).<br />

278 See ed. in Dardano 2006: 156–160 with bib.<br />

279 See the commentary of Dardano (2006: 157 – 160), where she shows how many omen texts mentioned<br />

in this shelf list have accordingly the same type of omen texts found in Bk. A.<br />

280 According to the translation of d inga ninikzi to the “earth quaked” by Riemschneider 2004: 246 and<br />

not following the translation of the CHD L-N: 445 as “One tablet: [of] the outbreak of a cloudburst”.<br />

281 KUB 34.8, 34.9 and 34.10.<br />

282 Perhaps KUB 37.163?<br />

283 Without a doubt following the Babylonian scribes who included the earthquake omens in the known<br />

astrological series Enūma Anu Enlil as part of the signs of Atmospheric occurrences (Riemschneider<br />

2004: XXXI).<br />


Taking into consideration that most of the texts written under Walwaziti's direction stem<br />

from Bk. A, leads me to believe that it was the main center of Walwaziti's scribal activities.<br />

Furthermore, I only scraped here the surface but it would seem that most of the material which he<br />

and his scribes used as reference resided in Bk. A. For instance, part of the celestial omen literature<br />

used in writing the earthquake omen text KUB 37.164 and the lunar sign KUB 8.9+, and many of<br />

the Kizzuwatnean texts used in editing the “standard” version of the (h)išuwa. I would even<br />

cautiously suggest that at least in several rooms of this building his bureau and school resided. If he<br />

indeed was active in another part of the city it is not evident from the find spots of the tablets which<br />

were copied under his supervision and from the source material for his compositions.<br />

Admittedly, Walwaziti led a long career which saw the lives of two kings, Hattušili III and<br />

Tudhaliya IV. He was an important state secratery in the Hittite capital, whose duties included not<br />

only scribal functions but also main economic and judicial roles.<br />


In this section we shall focus on the scribal work of Nani(n)zi, the last of the sons of Mittannamuwa<br />

mentioned in the deposition of Hattušili III (KBo 4.12), whose career can be retraced. 284 Since he<br />

was not a chief scribe, Nani(n)zi is not a central part in this chapter. Nevertheless, some aspects of<br />

his scribal work are important for the reconstruction of the bigger picture of the scribal work of the<br />

Mittannamuwa family. I will first give a brief prosopographic overview of Nani(n)zi and then dwell<br />

on some colophons which he signed.<br />

The major prosopographic study on Nani(n)zi's life, also known as ŠEŠ-zi the scribe and<br />

UGULA MUBARRÎ who witnessed the Bronze Tablet of Tudhaliya IV, was made by van den Hout<br />

(1995: 180–186). 285 He has likely identified the same Nani(n)zi, titled GAL (LÚ.MEŠ) MUBARRÎ,<br />

recording or witnessing the declaration of a Pallariya in the deposition RS 17.109, 286 next to Tehi-<br />

Tešub. This Tehi-Tešub is the son of the Gilgameš scribe Ipizzi (KBo 10.47c+, CTH 341.III.E, Bk.<br />

K), and also has a good synchronism to the first half of Hattušili III's reign (Singer 1999a: 650). 287<br />

284 As already said under III.1.a nothing is known about Mittannamuwa's remaining son called Adduwa.<br />

285 Cf. also Doǧan-Alparslan 2007: 250.<br />

286 For an ed. of the text see Salvini 1995.<br />

287 He is the same official who impressed his seal on RS 17.<strong>13</strong>7 (=Ugar. III: 39, <strong>13</strong>5–<strong>13</strong>7) next to Tili-<br />

Tešub, a well known diplomat sent to Egypt during the period postdating the signing of the silver treaty<br />

in 1258 B.C.<br />


RS 17.109 was further ratified with what Singer (1999b: 651) identified as the seal of na-ni ! -zi/a the<br />

L. 23.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US (Fig. 3.17). Following Hawkins (2005a: 300) the name on the seal impression<br />

should now most likely read Ana(n)zi/a, as also supported by seals of the same person found in<br />

Nişantepe (Fig. 3.17). It would seem that Nani(n)zi used the seal of Ana(n)zi/a, who according to<br />

Hawkins (2005a: 300) can be his predecessor. 288<br />

As for the titles GAL (LÚ.MEŠ) MUBARRÎ and L.23.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US, they seem to be equivalents<br />

of each other. 289 Van den Hout (1995: 185) already suggested that the GAL (LÚ.MEŠ) MUBARRÎ is a<br />

kind of legal official (Richter). Singer (1999b: 651) further dubbed the title as “lord of declarations /<br />

litigations”. L. 23 is now recognized by Hawkins (2005a: 300) as the Empire form of Late Period L.<br />

24, “disagreement, lawsuit”, and is transcribed LIS. Not surprisingly, all three known lords of<br />

declarations: Nani(n)zi, Mahhuzzi and Ana(n)zi/a, also possessed a scribal education concurrent<br />

with their judicial roles as writers of court declarations. 290<br />

Van den Hout (1995: 180–186) has also identified the same Nani(n)zi, scribe and legal<br />

official, in other sources: several court depositions from the time of Hattušili III, 291 one of them also<br />

mentioning his unnamed daughter, 292 a prayer fragment probably relating to Kilušhepa, daughter of<br />

Puduhepa and queen of Išuwa, 293 and perhaps as an already dead person in the oracle inquiry KUB<br />

22.40+ III 27' (CTH 577). Either the same son of Mittannamuwa, or a homonym, is Nani(n)zi the<br />

288 But definitely not his father as Hawkins (2005a: 300) also suggests, presumably forgetting that this<br />

Nani(n)zi is without a doubt the son of Mittannamuwa.<br />

289 See also a more thorough debate on this matter under IV.2.a.Mahhuzzi.<br />

290 Cf. already the remarks on Nani(n)zi made by Singer 1999b: 651.<br />

291 KUB 31.68 42' (CTH 297.8); KUB <strong>13</strong>.35++ III 20 (CTH 293).<br />

292 KUB 40.80 11 (CTH 297.11).<br />

293 KUB 54.1+ I 27 (CTH 389, T.1).<br />


tax payer associated with Mizamizana in KUB 42.28+ obv. 8 (CTH 244.2), a tribute inventory<br />

(Siegelová 1986: 141–158).<br />

Next we turn to the scribal work of Nani(n)zi, who possibly signed two documents. One of<br />

these signatures may be found on the fragment KUB 54.4 6' (CTH 691) which likely records the<br />

witaššiyaš festival "festival of the year" as it mentions the Luwian deity Huwaššana. 294 The text<br />

contains the formula ŠU + PN and thus could be a colophon (van den Hout 1995: 181 n. 330). Not<br />

many exemplars of this festival are preserved, two fragments come from Bk. A and one larger<br />

restored manuscript originated likely in T.1. 295<br />

The second more securely read colophon is KUB 20.59 l.e. (CTH 616.2.A) which has the<br />

following signature: m a-ni-in-zi-eš DUMU m x[… IŠ-ṬUR]. The traces of the sign before the lacuna<br />

could not have been positively established by either Mascheroni (1984: 161f.) or van den Hout<br />

(1995: 181). Neverthelss, it seems reasonable to concur with their suggestion to restore the broken<br />

name as M[ittannamuwa], thus identifying the scribe of the text with the abovementioned Nani(n)zi.<br />

The tablet Nani(n)zi copied, which is divided into six columns, is the first of two tablets that<br />

describe the rituals performed during the 29 th day of the AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR spring festival (CTH<br />

616; Popko & Taracha 1988: 87; Haas 1994: 814). According to the outline tablet of the festival on<br />

the morning of the 29 th day the king and queen go into the temple of Ea. 296 Nani(n)zi's copy (KUB<br />

20.59) is edited and discussed by Popko and Taracha (1988: 87–95) who date it to the <strong>13</strong> th century.<br />

Groddek (2004b: 102) and Košak (Konkordanz) point out that its ductus could even be late <strong>13</strong> th<br />

century. KUB 20.59 has also an older copy, KBo 9.140 (CTH 616.2.D, Bk. G), 297 which is a<br />

somewhat different four columned tablet, 298 dated by Popko and Taracha (1988: 87f.) to the 14 th<br />

century, thus belonging to the MH version of the AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR festival. 299<br />

294 For the group of texts, possibly of Luw. origin which concern this deity see Taggar-Cohen 2006: 301–<br />

307.<br />

295 See the Košak, Konkordanz under CTH 691: KUB 32.105, KBo 29.68 (Bk. A) and KBo 45.168+++<br />

(T.1).<br />

296 KBo 10.20 III 41 (Popko & Taracha 1988: 83; Haas 1994: 8<strong>13</strong>).<br />

297 Ed. and list of dupls. are found in Popko & Taracha 1988: 95–99.<br />

298 For example the list of deities is shorter here than in the LH copy (Archi 2006: 156).<br />

299 The first manuscript of the outline tablet of the AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR festival of spring (CTH 604.B),<br />

celebrated for the Sun-goddess of Arinna and for the deities of the land of Hatti, was composed, at the<br />

earliest, during the reign of Šupp. I, while the other manuscripts (604.A to F) can be dated as late as the<br />

reign of Tudh. IV (Houwink ten Cate 1983: 108–110; Haas 1994: 772f.; Archi 2006: 155). In the MH<br />

version (604.B) the festivities and rituals continued for 34 days, while in the later NH versions they<br />


As for the find spot of KUB 20.59 nothing is known. If one looks at the general find spots of<br />

the tablets recording the 29 th day of the AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR , namely CTH 616, he may find some<br />

general ideas about the division of its older and later copies in the archives of Hattuša during the<br />

later <strong>13</strong> th century. While the older MH copies originate only from Büyükkale, in which also LH<br />

copies were found, the House on the Slope contains only LH copies. 300 Although this division says<br />

practically nothing about the ultimate find spot of KUB 20.59, it hints towards one of these two<br />

venues.<br />

The find spot and contents of one specific fragment stood out among the AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR<br />

tablets booked under CTH 616. The text, KBo 42.28, comes from the debris/fill of a wall on<br />

Büyükkaya according to its entry in the Košak, Konkordanz. We shall dwell again on the<br />

importance of this matter somewhat later, after discussing more on the contents of the text.<br />

KBo 42.28 records a very interesting colophon found on its reverse, which, to the best of my<br />

knowledge, was never edited before. The ductus of the fragment is LH and based on similar<br />

phrasing found in a manuscript of the second tablet of CTH 616, KUB 58.43 (CTH 616.II.1.A), 301 it<br />

was recognized as such by Groddek (2002c: 588). The colophon of KUB 58.43 contains the catch<br />

line which did not survive in the colophon of KBo 42.28. Here are the two colophons in<br />

transliteration and translation back to back:<br />

KUB 58.43 VI (Popko & Taracha 1988: 105, 109)<br />

6 DUB II.KAM ma-a-an LUGAL-uš<br />

7<br />

URU Ha-at-tu-ši I-A É d É.A<br />

8 ha-me-eš-hi EZEN4 AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR<br />

9 MU-ti me-e-ia-ni pa-iz-zi<br />

10 QA-TI pár-ku-i tup-pi<br />

" 6 Second tablet: “When the king 7 enters the temple of Ea in Hattuša 8 in the<br />

spring 9 annually for the AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR festival” 10 Finished. Clear copy<br />

(lit.: pure tablet)"<br />

were extended into 38 days (Haas 1994: 775); for a short survey of the ductus of the various<br />

manuscripts of the festival's outline tablets see Haas 1994: 774 with previous bib. A complete catalog of<br />

all the tablets of the AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR festival, their find-spots and scripts is found under CTH 604-625<br />

in the Košak, Konkordanz.<br />

300 For the find-spots see CTH 616 in the Košak, Konkordanz (27/08/2007).<br />

301 Ed. and a list of dupls. of KUB 58.42 may be found in Popko & Taracha 1988: 99–110; a recent translit.<br />

in Trabazo & Groddek 2005: 1<strong>13</strong>–116 with bib.<br />


KBo 42.28 rev.<br />

x+1 [...]x-˹x˺[...]<br />

2' [pa˺-iz-zi QA-˹TI˺ [... ]<br />

(blank line)<br />

3' [Š]U m Ha-pa-ti-UR.MAH erasure 302<br />

4' [DU]MU m Tu-u-wa-at-ta-LÚ LÚ A.ZU LÚ S[AG]<br />

5' PA-I m A-nu-wa-an-za LÚ SAG I[Š-ṬUR] 303<br />

6' ki-i-ma ṬUP-PA HI.A A-A PA-[I PN DUMU]<br />

7'<br />

m Mi-it-tan-na-mu-u-wa GAL [DUB.SAR.MEŠ]<br />

8' a-an-ni-iš-ki-ia-u-an ? d[a-iš 304 ]<br />

9' […]x x[…]<br />

" x+1 [Second tablet: “When the king] enters [the temple of Ea in Hattuša in the<br />

spring annually for the AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR festival] 2' Finished […]. 3' [Ha]nd of<br />

Hapati-walwi, 4' son of Tuwattaziti, the physician and LÚ S[AG]. 5 'He w[rote] in<br />

the presence of Anuwanza the LÚ SAG. 6'-8' But [he began(?)] to copy (lit.: work)<br />

these tablets in the presence of [PN son of] 7' Mittannamuwa the chief [scribe],<br />

9' […]"<br />

The colophon of KUB 58.43 terms the tablet as a "clear copy", literally parkui tuppi "pure<br />

tablet". This scribal terminus technicus, extensively treated before, 305 defines the tablet either as one<br />

free of errors, corrected (CHD P: 166a) or a final literally genuine copy (Singer 1983a: 4). 306 If KBo<br />

42.28 was also such a copy cannot be established, since the text breaks after QATI and resumes<br />

again with the scribal genealogy. However, this colophon names both the scribe and its supervisor,<br />

adding also an interesting comment on previous handling of the text.<br />

302 NI or LÚ are inscribed over the erasure.<br />

303 Otherwise van den Hout (1995: 239 n. 460, Bo 93/45 5') renders here LÚ SAG.U[Š. Although Anuwanza<br />

does appear as a LÚ SAG.UŠ in one colophon where he is the supervisor (KUB 15.31 IV 43'), this can<br />

not be taken as an existing title without clearer attestations.<br />

304 Needs further collation, suggested here to be a supine construct of the verb anneške-, the iterative of<br />

an(n)iya- “work, carry out, perform”, with dai- in the 3 rd person, sg., pret. form. The duplication of the<br />

first a vowel in anneške- is unusual, only one other such writing is found in KBo 2.11 rev. 17, pret. sg. 1<br />

a-an-ni-iš-ki-nu-un ! (HW 2 : 88), and in the Luw. writing of the verb anni-/an(i)ya (CLL: 17).<br />

305 Previous bib. found in Karasu 2001: 254 n. 21.<br />

306 See also under II.2.<br />


First, the scribe, Hapatiwalwi, designates his patronym Tuwattaziti, 307 followed by the titles<br />

physician ( LÚ A.ZU) and LÚ SAG. 308 Then the name of his supervisor, Anuwanza, is stated. This man<br />

is a noted scribal authority who supervised the drafting of numerous religious compositions during<br />

the late reign of Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV's reign (Laroche 1949: 11f.; van den Hout 1995:<br />

241f.; Miller 2004: 38f.; Torri 2007a: 777).<br />

As a matter of fact, Hapatiwalwi (Hapati-UR.MAH/PÌRIG) is also known as the scribe of<br />

two other texts. One is KUB 20.8 (CTH 610), another corrected or final copy of an<br />

AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR tablet, which he also copied under Anuwanza, recording the 12 th -<strong>13</strong> th days of the<br />

festival. 309 It could be imagined that it was copied quite contemporary to KBo 42.28. 310 The second<br />

text is a copy of the autumn and spring festivals for Išhara, KBo 21.42 (CTH 641.2), 311 written<br />

under a different scribe called Šipaziti. 312 Therefore, this text likely post dates Hapatiwalwi's work<br />

on the AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR tablets, but only by a very short period, since Šipaziti and Anuwanza were<br />

close contemporaries of each other, both supervising also the work of Karunu(wa). 3<strong>13</strong><br />

The latter mentioned Išhara festival was edited by Güterbock (1979: <strong>13</strong>8–142) who seems to<br />

have followed the interpretation of Burde (1974: 10f.), 314 as all later commentators, 315 in reading the<br />

titles in the colophon (VI 5') as LÚ A.ZU.SAG "chief physician", and attributing them to<br />

Hapatiwalwi's father Tuwattaziti. Burde showed that this reading stood in apposition to<br />

307 The name is attested in only one other text where it is spelled phonetically, KUB 18.63 IV 6 (CTH 574,<br />

T.1), a MUŠEN HURRI oracle. Outside Hattuša the name is attested in Emar, for which see Pruzsinky<br />

2003: 262 and n. 71.<br />

308 On the scribal training of physicians see above under II.3 and III.1.b.Mittannamuwa.<br />

309 The colophon is edited in Karasu 2001: 251.<br />

310 It would be interesting to make a separate study of the scribes of this festival, as it has various types of<br />

colophons. Some of them state the tablet was written "according to the wooden writing board" (AA<br />

GIŠ.HUR-kan handān) by the known pair of scribe on wood Pihawalwi and scribe Palluwaraziti, who<br />

also copied some KI.LAM festival texts (Mascheroni 1983; Singer 1983: 41f.; Torri 2007a: 778f.).<br />

311 Note here the different spelling of Hapati-UR.MAH as Hapati-PÌRIG.<br />

312 This scribe witnessed the Šahurunuwa land grant and supervised the writing of several other scribes. He<br />

further renewed (after the archival copies were worn out?) at least two rituals of similar character<br />

(Güterbock 1979: 141; van den Hout 1995: 237); see also more on his work under III.2.<br />

3<strong>13</strong> See van den Hout 1995: 237 (under Šipaziti), 240 (under Anuwanza).<br />

314 Although for some reason his edition nowhere refers to her study.<br />

315 Beckman 1987-90: 630; Haas 2003: 7f.; Trémouille 2004b: 208 n. 15.<br />


(LÚ) A.ZU.TUR "junior physician", 316 appearing as the title of the scribe Lurma(ziti) 317 in the<br />

colophon of KBo 11.1, Muwattalli II's prayer to the Storm-god (CTH 382). 318 However, the<br />

colophon of KBo 42.28 clearly shows that Tuwattaziti's titles in the colophon of KBo 21.42 are to<br />

be read LÚ A.ZU (LÚ) SAG, and thus I suggest relinquish the older reading of a hapax title "chief<br />

physciain" in the form LÚ A.ZU.SAG. 319 This also concurs with the same suggestions made by<br />

Starke (1996: 161 n. 89) on the grounds that SAG is not the apposition of TUR, and it can also<br />

appear written without the determinative LÚ.<br />

Next, the second part of the colophon in KBo 42.28 regards who inspected the copying of<br />

the tablet prior to Anuwanza. Since the verb describing what was done is almost entirely lost in a<br />

break, there is room for speculation. If my interpretation of this passage is correct, 320 then the<br />

tablets were first copied in front of one of the sons of Mittannamuwa, the known chief scribe. 321 It<br />

is, however, debatable to which of his sons we can attribute this work.<br />

316 For a different interpretation of the title as “junior incantation priest”, namely that LÚ A.ZU is<br />

interchangeable here with LÚ AZU (Akk. bārû or āšipu), as in other cases where their meaning seems to<br />

have been confused based on similar context and overlapping duties see Houwink ten Cate & Josephson<br />

1967: 127; Otten & Rüster 1993: 540 n. 14; Singer 2002b: 85. The ideogram LÚ A.ZU in Hitt. (literally:<br />

“knowledgeable of water”, Burde 1974: 2 n. 3) is derived from Akk. asû, “medical practitioner” and its<br />

Hitt. writing is still unknown (Haas 2003: 7 with extensive bib.); on the title LÚ AZU see most recently<br />

Haas 2003: 11f.<br />

317 The LÚ sign likely refers to the name of the scribe rather than to his title A.ZU (Singer 1996b: 162 n.<br />

353). Perhaps this Lurmaziti is the son of the scribe Aki-Tešub who signed the HL inscription ALEPPO<br />

1 (Mascheroni 1984: 153 n. 14; van den Hout 1995: 243); though, note that Singer (1996b: 162) does<br />

not seem to think so.<br />

318 The colophon specifies that the prayer was dictated to Lurma(ziti) by the king; for eds. of the text see<br />

Houwink ten Cate & Josephson 1967; Lebrun 1980: 256–293, a translation can also be found in Singer<br />

2002b: 81–85.<br />

319 We do know of an UGULA LÚ A.ZU "overseer of physicians" and a GAL LÚ.MEŠ A.ZU "chief physician"<br />

(Beckman 1987-90: 630f.). Evidently LÚ A.ZU.TUR is also a hapax, but it cannot be entirely devoid of<br />

truth as it may be found in a much later NB colophon from Huzirīna (Hunger 1968: 117).<br />

320 For a different interpretation of this colophon see van den Hout 1995: 240, suggesting that Anuwanza<br />

and Mittannamuwa were contemporary.<br />

321 Otherwise one might ponder whether it was not Mittannamuwa himself who inspected the writing<br />

process. However, he is not attested as a supervisor and thus this would be the only evidence of such a<br />

case and so less acceptable.<br />


There is enough room to insert in the break after AA PA[I (l. 6') at least three signs,<br />

compared to the space at the end of the following line (7'), where the title of Mittannamuwa must be<br />

reconstructed as GAL [DUB.SAR.MEŠ]. Therefore, the break of l. 6' should contain a male<br />

determinative and a name with either two, or, less likely, three signs. Among the sons of<br />

Mittannamuwa studied above, 322 only two names can fit this space, both written logographically:<br />

Walwaziti (UR.MAH-LÚ) or Nani(n)zi (ŠEŠ-zi). Walwaziti is the better attested supervisor (see<br />

above), but I believe the latter possibily is correct, for two reasons: (1) Walwaziti's name is usually<br />

followed by his title chief scribe; (2) We know from the colophon of KUB 20.59 that Nani(n)zi<br />

already copied a tablet of CTH 616. That colophon can further be compared to the one of KBo<br />

42.28 since it also mentions Mittannamuwa as his father, though in broken context.<br />

Given this tentative reconstruction of the writing process of KBo 42.28, let us return to the<br />

issue of its unusual find spot, i.e. the fill of Büyükkaya. It has already been noted by Seeher (1998:<br />

230f.), apud tablet joins made by Otten, that most text fragments found in the area of Büyükkaya<br />

arrived there with earth fill transported from the Lower City. If, as shown here above, the likely find<br />

spot of the LH copies of CTH 616 is the House on the Slope, then the colophon of KBo 42.28 may<br />

be evidence for the process during which the authority over the copying of CTH 616 transferred<br />

from Nani(n)zi, operating in some venue, to Anuwanza in the House on the Slope. Evidently, this<br />

simplified reconstruction should be much more complicated, mainly since the work of Anuwanza as<br />

supervisor does not seem to stem from the House on the Slope at all (Torri 2007a: 777 n. 33). In the<br />

following chapter I suggest that at least some of the scribes Anuwanza supervised worked in a part<br />

of the building opposite Temple 1 called in Hittite texts the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI (IV.2.a.Šauškaruntiya).<br />

Therefore, another possible solution to the problem might be that the copies of CTH 616 found in<br />

the House on the Slope were stored there during the reign of Šuppiluliuma II, when this building<br />

was still very active. 323<br />

Ultimately, the above studied colophons give a very unique testimony to the chronological<br />

process which the tablets of the 29 th day of the AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR went through, as the career of<br />

Nani(n)zi (Fig. 3.18). It began during the reign of Hattušili III in the bureau where Nani(n)zi, son of<br />

Mittannamuwa, supposedly copied texts of CTH 616, later also supervising the writing process<br />

itself. During the end of Hattušili III, or more likely the beginning of Tudhaliya IV's reign, the<br />

inspection authority over the copying process transferred to Anuwanza who supervised<br />

Hapatiwalwi, the son of the physician and LÚ SAG Tuwattaziti. Hapatiwalwi documented the name<br />

322 Purandamuwa, Walwaziti, Alihešni, Nani(n)zi and Adduwa.<br />

323 Regarding the dating of this building see the remarks made by Torri 2007a: 780f.<br />


of his previous supervisor, likely Nani(n)zi. Finally, at some later stage, perhaps during the reign of<br />

Šuppiluliuma II, the work on CTH 616 was relocated again to the House on the Slope, where<br />

several LH copies of this composition were found during excavation. 324 KUB 20.59 V 2-6 actually<br />

tells us that at some point during this day of the festival the scribe himself reads from a tablet to<br />

which deities they sacrifice a sheep (Haas 2007a: 344). So, it is reasonable to assume that the<br />

final/corrected copies of CTH 616 came into use during the celebration.<br />

Fig. 3.18: The career of Nani(n)zi and affiliated scribes parallel with the development in the work on CTH 616<br />

324 According to the Košak, Konkordanz there are also several copies of CTH 616 written in LNS, but these<br />

lack a specific find spot.<br />


c. Summary of Key Arguments<br />

The following points recap the key arguments in the above prosopographies of the Mittannamuwa<br />

family members, which take up the majority of the present chapter. This summary intends to<br />

organize the main results of the study, strengthening previous opinions as well as stressing my own<br />

suggestions:<br />

1. Previous studies mentioned the role of the chief scribe in conducting important oracle inquiries<br />

for the health and well being of the king. 325 For example, the case of Walwaziti checking the<br />

success of a royal campaign with patta- stones in a dream of the queen. Here I have stressed this<br />

point, also suggesting that Mittannamuwa consulted an oracle in order to find a cure for the<br />

illness of young Hattušili III (KBo 4.12 obv. 5-8).<br />

2. Kuruntapiya ( d LAMMA-SUM), contemporary scribe to Mittannamuwa, was member of a family<br />

of local scribes in Hattuša whose generations span a very long time period: from the days of<br />

Arnuwanda I till the end of Tudhaliya IV's reign. The origin and chronology of this family was<br />

suggested following Corti (2007: 116), who shows that most of the names born by its members<br />

have earlier MH parallels.<br />

3. Some scholars have argued that a rival family of Mittannamuwa, headed by a man named Ziti<br />

(LÚ) who sometimes writes his name by mistake as SAG, took over the position of chief scribe<br />

during Urhi-Tešub's reign with the king's support (Hagenbuchner 1989: 84; van den Hout 1995:<br />

147–149; Marizza 2007a: 278). While this scenario is probably correct, it needs to be slightly<br />

emended, separating Ziti from SAG, as will be further considered in the following section (III.2).<br />

4. As for Mittannamuwa's successor and first born son, Purandamuwa, several suggestions<br />

regarding his fate, name, and main place of operation were suggested: He was probably not alive<br />

during the issuing of KBo 4.12, i.e. during the reign of Hattušili III, because his name is omitted<br />

from the list of Mittannamuwa's sons in the reverse (ll. 6-7); The name Purandamuwa is a<br />

geographical compound with URU Puranda, the Arzawan refuge-city subdued by Muršili II as<br />

described in his Annals, rather than with Puranti (Hitt. Mala-), the Hurrian appellative of the<br />

Euphrates, as previously assumed (Salvini 1980: 166; Mascheroni 1984: 162); It is reasonable to<br />

presume, as does Marizza (2007a: 278 n. 64), that Purandamuwa moved together with<br />

Muwattalli II to Tarhuntašša acting as the chief scribe from the new capital.<br />

5. I have stressed the point that several craftsmen were also scribes. For example, Palla, scribe,<br />

LÚ SAG and lord of Hurma under Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV was identified by van den Hout<br />

(1995: 223) with his namesake, a goldsmith. Also Pupuli, the metal worker who collaborated<br />

325 See Doğan-Alparslan 2007: 249 with bib.<br />


with Walwaziti, was suggested by Siegelová (1986: 121) to be a scribe, as indicated from the<br />

title BONUS2 SCRIBA he bears on a seal impression found in the north storerooms of T.1 (Bog.<br />

V 12). Corroborating the latter proposal is a possible HL signature of Pupuli (pu-pu-li ? /sa ? )<br />

which I suggest to read on the fragment VBoT 87 IV (CTH 503), colophon of an inventory of a<br />

certain Arnuwand[a] which lists items of the "seal-house" (É NA 4KIŠIB).<br />

6. Apart from appearing on seal impressions as LEO/LEO2-VIR.zi/a (equivalent of cun. UR.MAH-<br />

LÚ), I suggest that Walwaziti signed his name as LEO and LEO2 on two tablets: an unidentified<br />

fragment SBo II 239 and KUB 28.4 (CTH 727), a fragmentary Hattic-Hittite bilingual of an old<br />

Anatolian myth on the Moon-god who fell from heaven, respectively. Such a hypochoristic<br />

signature of Walwaziti is also known from cuneiform evidence, a copy of Iluyanka which he<br />

supervised (KBo 3.7, CTH 321.A).<br />

7. The scribes of the bureau and school of Walwaziti, possibly located in Bk. A, and their work<br />

were extensively studied; for a summary of the results see pp. 95–100.<br />

8. Lastly, two colophons give a very unique testimony to the chronological process of the copying<br />

of the LH tablets of the 29 th day of the AN.TAH.ŠUM SAR festival. From the reign of Hattušili III<br />

in the bureau where Nani(n)zi, son of Mittannamuwa, supposedly copied them, later also<br />

supervising the writing process itself, through Tudhaliya IV's reign, when the inspection<br />

authority transferred to Anuwanza supposedly somewhere in the Lower City, 326 to the reign of<br />

Šuppiluliuma II, when the work on the tablets was relocated again to the House on the Slope,<br />

where several LH copies of this composition were found during excavation.<br />

326 Perhaps the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI?<br />


2. Families of Ziti (LÚ) and SAG<br />

Previous Literature: Laroche 1949: 11f.; Neu & Rüster 1975: 11; Salvini 1980: 165f.; Beckman 1983b: 103–<br />

106; 1992: 176; Mascheroni 1984: 153–157, 166; Hagenbuchner 1989: 83f.; Starke<br />

1992: 808f.; van den Hout 1995: 148f.; Frantz-Szabó 2001; Miller 2004: 38; Corti 2007:<br />

115f.; Marizza 2007a: 278; Torri 2007a: 778f.<br />

This section will deal with other chief scribes not linked to the Mittannamuwa patronym. At least<br />

two such families were identified, their patronyms written logographically. These are the lineages<br />

of the chief scribes LÚ (henceforth Ziti (A)) and SAG. Fortunately, several scholars already made<br />

the first approach in the study of these families (see Previous Literature), whose scribal work and<br />

chronology we intend to probe. But first, let us establish, when during the <strong>13</strong> th century the<br />

Mittannamuwa family did not occupy the position of chief scribe.<br />

The Mittannamuwa scribal family was indeed a central part of the Hittite state<br />

administration for decades. Twice during the <strong>13</strong> th century, however, it seems to have lost its<br />

position. The first instance is described in the deposition of Hattušili III in favour of<br />

Mittannamuwa. 327 According to the order of events described in the deposition, when<br />

Mittannamuwa became ill and the capital was reinstated in Hattuša by Urhi-Tešub, Purandamuwa,<br />

the first born son of Mittannamuwa and the chief scribe under most of Muwattalli II's reign,<br />

disappears from the scene. Under Urhi-Tešub, perhaps with his support, other men seize the<br />

position of chief scribe from the Mittannamuwa family. While their names are in fact not mentioned<br />

in the deposition itself (ll' 20-23), it seems quite clear that Urhi-Tešub would not have wanted a<br />

member of the Mittannamuwa family, evidently allies of his political rival Hattušili III, in such a<br />

high administrative position.<br />

The second instance, when the Mittannamuwa family seemed to have lost its hold of the<br />

position of chief scribe for good, was after the death of Walwaziti. Although he has produced two<br />

living heirs, Hulanabi and Talmi-Tešub, neither of them followed in his foot steps to become chief<br />

scribe. 328 It seems as though Tudhaliya IV had in mind to promote some new scribal family. Next,<br />

we shall dwell on what is known of the scribal families who held the chief scribe position during<br />

the periods when the Mittannamuwa family fell from grace.<br />

327 KBo 4.12, see above III.1.a.<br />

328 See above under III.1.b.Walwaziti.<br />


As stated at the beginning of this chapter, two men of other families also held the title GAL<br />

DUB.SAR(.MEŠ), their names are Ziti (A) and SAG. Similarly to the other chief scribes they have<br />

not copied any text by themselves, and we actually know of them from the colophons of tablets<br />

written by their descendants, Hanikkuili (B) and NU.GIŠ.SAR (B). 329 The following<br />

prosopographical reconstruction closely follows the works of Beckman (1983b: 103–106; 1992:<br />

176) and van den Hout (1995: 148f.). However, some of the aspects of these studies need revision,<br />

such as the chronology of the scribes, and by and large the identification of the chief scribe SAG as<br />

separate from Ziti (A).<br />

The genealogy of Hanikkuili (B) was retraced by Beckman (1983b: 103–106) to a likely<br />

Mesopotamian scribe of the 15 th century named Anu-šar-ilāni, who was father of the GAL<br />

NA.GAD Hanikkuili (A). Hanikkuili (A) himself was the scribe of the prism recording the epic of<br />

Narām-Sîn and of two land grants of Hantili II (Rüster 1993: 69f.; Miller 2004: 37 n. 63). 330 A Late<br />

Empire Period scribe, Hanikkuili (B), likely given the name of his ancestor, copied at least four<br />

texts: a LH parallel text of the first law code series (KBo 6.4, CTH 291.III), 331 a sammeltafel with<br />

two rituals of tutelary deities ascribed to Anniwiyani (VBoT 24, CTH 393.A), 332 a LH copy of the<br />

first tablet of a MH enthronement ritual for Tešub and Hebat which describes the rise to the throne<br />

of Tudhaliya III (KBo 10.34, CTH 700.1), 333 and a ritual for domestic quarrel ascribed to Maštigga<br />

of Kummani/Kizzuwatna (KBo 12.105+, CTH 404.1.II.B). 334 At a glance, all these texts seem to be<br />

newly created or edited LH copies of older MH manuscripts, thus indicating something about the<br />

329 The sigila (B) is used to separate the name bearers from their earlier homonyms termed as (A).<br />

330 For another possible colophon of the MH Hanikkuili (B) see KBo 31.48 obv. (CTH 825, T.1). In the<br />

Inhaltsübersicht of this KBo volume Otten and Rüster remark that the fragment contains some old<br />

signs. Later it was dated by Rüster (1993: 60f. and n. 21) to MH along with the phonetic spelling of<br />

Hanikkuili's name in the text. Note that the Košak, Konkordanz leaves the script of the text undated.<br />

331 Hoffner 1997 (sigila PT); 2000<br />

332 Most recently edited by Bawanypeck 2005: 51–70 and in the Mainz, Portal (http://www.hethiter.uni-<br />

mainz.de/wrap/cth_393/, entered on the 05/07/2007).<br />

333 The text seems to have been copied in the presence of someone whose name is broken: KBo 10.34 IV<br />

16' ŠU m Ha-ni-ku-D<strong>IN</strong>GIR LIM DUMU m NU.GIŠ.SAR 17' PA[I m PN]. It remains to be seen if this obscure<br />

supervisor could very well be Anuwanza, since another LH copy of the same MH ritual, KBo 34.195<br />

rev. (CTH 700), was written in front of a certain LÚ SAG, a title usually designating this supervisor.<br />

Furthermore, Ziti (B), likely Hanikkuili's brother, copied several texts under Anuwanza (see p. 115).<br />

334 Ed. in Miller 2004: 61–124.<br />


duties of Hanikkuili. 335 Topics dealt with in at least three of the texts, such as domestic quarrel<br />

(Maštigga), sexual potency (Anniwiyani), and naturally the law code, suggest the interest of the<br />

scribe or his superiors in copying texts dealing with social issues.<br />

As for the dating of Hanikkuili (B), it was Laroche (1949: 11f.) who initially placed him in<br />

the reign of Arnuwanda III. Later scholarship seemed to follow in his footsteps suggesting a date<br />

very late in the reign of Tudhaliya IV or that of Arnuwanda III (Rüster & Neu 1975: 11; Salvini<br />

1980: 166; Beckman 1983b: 106; Mascheroni 1984: 154f.). Miller (2004: 37f.), on the other hand,<br />

has shown that this does not concur with the dating of the manuscripts Hanikkuili (B) copied on<br />

paleographical grounds. Acording to this, he dated Hanikkuili (B)'s term to the late reign of<br />

Hattušili III and the reign of Tudhaliya IV. Other prosopographical elements seem also to support<br />

Miller's view.<br />

Hannikuili (B)'s father was a scribe called NU.GIŠ.SAR (A), 336 who appears in the extended<br />

genealogy recorded in the colophons of KBo 6.4, VBoT 24, and likely also of KBo 12.105+, 337 as<br />

the son of Ziti (A) the chief scribe. At least three other persons named NU.GIŠ.SAR should be<br />

separated from this scribe based on their different dating, affiliation or titles. The earliest known<br />

NU.GIŠ.SAR is an augur and scribe of the 14 th century, 338 probably under Tudhaliya III (Marizza<br />

2007c: 160). 339 The second NU.GIŠ.SAR is a military official connected with the chariotry in the<br />

time of Urhi-Tešub as documented in the prayer KUB 31.66+, 340 attributed by Houwink ten Cate<br />

(1994: 240–243) to that king. 341 The third, refered to here as NU.GIŠ.SAR (B), is the scribe of<br />

335 For example, Anniwiyani's text is a sammeltafel, a collection of texts, and KBo 6.4 is known as a<br />

parallel text of the LH copies of the first law series, not a one-for-one copy (Hoffner 1997: 229).<br />

336 Some scholars prefer the logographic writing NU. GIŠ KIRI6; see for example Beckman 1992: 176;<br />

Frantz-Szabó 2001; Miller 2004: 38; Bawanypeck 2005: 206. I, however, belive that since the name<br />

may be spelled also as GIŠ.SAR.NU and GIŠ.NU.SAR (see HZL nos. 11, 178 and below), there is no<br />

reason to think that the GIŠ defined the KIRI6 thus referring to the logogram for "garden" as the basic<br />

root of the name (HZL no. 353).<br />

337 Such a restoration is indicated by Miller 2004: 107 n. 277.<br />

338 Appearing in the famous augur letter KBo 15.28 (CTH 195, Bk. D), and as the supervisor(?) of Hubiti<br />

in KUB 32.19+; both texts incorrectly dated to the Late Empire Period by Imparati 1985: 257 and<br />

Mascheroni 1984: 157, respectively. For the correct dating of these texts to the MH period see de<br />

Martino 2005: 295; Marizza 2007c: 160 and n. 59, both with bib.<br />

339 Contra this dating see Frantz-Szabó 2001 who suggests Tudh. I.<br />

340 For the ed. of the prayer see Houwink ten Cate 1974: 129–<strong>13</strong>4.<br />

341 Note that van den Hout (1995: 148) rather ascribes this reference to NU.GIŠ.SAR (A) son of Ziti.<br />


KUB 44.61, the son of a chief scribe named SAG and a student of Hulanabi, otherwise known as<br />

the son of Walwaziti the chief scribe. 342 We shall further dwell on the identity of this SAG<br />

somewhat later on, but first there is place to address two other issues with regard to NU.GIŠ.SAR<br />

(A): his work and the identity of his other sons, brothers of Hanikkuili (B).<br />

Relating to the first issue, GIŠ.NU.SAR identified in the colophon of KBo 48.<strong>13</strong>3 (CTH<br />

670) was equated by Otten, Rüster and Wilhelm with NU.GIŠ.SAR (A) in the Inhaltsübersicht (p.<br />

VIf.):<br />

Rev. IV<br />

2' [ŠU m ]Pikku<br />

3' [ LÚ GÁB.]ZU.ZU<br />

4' [ŠA m ]GIŠ.NU.SAR<br />

5' [PAI m ]Anuwanza<br />

6' [ LÚ SAG]-uš 343<br />

7' [ IŠṬUR ? ]<br />

The scribe of the text, a certain student named Pikku, was also identified by the authors with his<br />

namesake Pikku (B), brother of Pihhuniya, son of Tatta and grandson of Pikku (A), since he copied<br />

KBo 48.<strong>13</strong>3 under Anuwanza the LÚ SAG, as he did in his later career as DUB.SAR. 344 Although<br />

the authors indicate that the relationship between GIŠ.NU.SAR/NU.GIŠ.SAR (A) and Pikku (B) is<br />

unclear, I have restored the colophon as though GIŠ.NU.SAR/NU.GIŠ.SAR (A) was Pikku (B)'s<br />

teacher, what also complies with the chronological setting of NU.GIŠ.SAR (A) as the father of<br />

another scribe who worked under Anuwanza named Ziti (B).<br />

This Ziti (B), not to be confused with his grandfather the chief scribe Ziti (A), 345 has copied<br />

at least four known documents during his first career stage as DUB.SAR. 346 Two were inscribed<br />

under the supervision of Anuwanza: the Kizzuwatnean ritual for the expansion of the cult of the<br />

342 See also above under III.1.b…Hulanabi.<br />

343 On the question whether UŠ is part of the logogram or a phonetic compliment see van den Hout 1995:<br />

241 and Starke 1996: 161f.; I personally believe it to be a phonetic compliment, mainly because it<br />

appears only twice, likely in this colophon, and in KUB 15.31 IV 43' (see also n. 209 above).<br />

344 On the texts of his later career (KUB 29.11+; KUB 10.18; KUB 29.1; KUB 7.53+) and his family see<br />

Rüster & Neu 1975: 9f., and van den Hout 1995: 240f.<br />

345 As does Laroche 1949: 11f.<br />

346 The texts Ziti (B) inscribed are listed in Beckman 1992: 176 and Miller 2004: 38 n. 66.<br />


Goddess of the Night (KUB 29.4+, CTH 481.A), 347 dating back to the reign of Tudhaliya II/III and<br />

ascribed originally to the Babylonian scribe NÍG.BA- d U and the priest Ulippi (Archi 2001: 22), and<br />

the 8 th tablet of the extensive dupaduparša Luwian ritual (KUB 35.41, CTH 759.3), 348 dating back<br />

to the days of Arnuwanda I and ascribed originally to the old woman ( MUNUS ŠU.GI) Šilalluhi and<br />

the hierodule Kuwattalla. Another LH copy of the 3 rd tablet of the latter ritual was inscribed under<br />

Anuwanza by a certain Duwa, 349 who therefore should be contemporary with Ziti (B).<br />

A third text, KBo 14.86+++ (CTH 330.1.A), 350 which is a second tablet of the mugawar 351<br />

ritual describing the invocations to the Storm-god of Kuliwišna, was copied by Ziti (B) after the<br />

original worn-out/damaged(?) manuscript was renewed by the known scribe Šipaziti. This latter<br />

scribe also witnessed the Šahurunuwa land grant, worked as a supervisor, and was responsible for<br />

the restoration of KBo 45.168+++, a damaged Huwššanna ritual tablet also copied by Ziti (B),<br />

comparable to the mugawar ritual (Güterbock 1979: 141; van den Hout 1995: 237). Šipaziti must<br />

have been a close contemporary of Anuwanza, perhaps even in the same office, since at least two<br />

scribes he supervised worked also under Anuwanza: Hapatiwalwi and Karunu(wa). 352 With regard<br />

to the origins of the mugawar ritual they are likely MH, as the oldest exemplars are from the second<br />

half of the 15 th century at least (Glocker 1997: <strong>13</strong>–15).<br />

347 For a recent ed. see Miller 2004: 273–310 and a translation in Collins 1997.<br />

348 The "Ritual of the Beating" (for the linguistic development of the name from the root dup- 'to beat' see<br />

Warkins 1995:335) is a Luw. ritual aimed against evil doing and for purification performed by a<br />

MUNUS ŠU.GI, "old woman". It was edited and thoroughly studied by Starke (1985: 104–<strong>13</strong>4) and later<br />

somewhat differently transliterated by Melchert (2001: 31–51). The ritual is a mixed composition of<br />

Hitt. and Luw. passages, which spanned at least nine tablets according to the colophon of KUB 35.40+,<br />

but is only partially preserved on around 18 text fragments. Of these Starke (1985: 104f.) listed five<br />

exemplars of ritual tablets numbered by colophons, to which Roszkowska (2007: 176f.) now adds<br />

another in MS. All other texts lack colophons or cannot be orderly placed in the sequence of the ritual.<br />

The origins of the ritual are considered by Starke (1985: 79–81, 109–111; Watkins 1995: 335) to date<br />

back to the 15 th cent., since Kuwattala the hierodule was granted land by the royal couple Arnu. I and<br />

Asmunikal in KBo 5.7, and MH paleographical traits such as plene writing are abundant in the text.<br />

349 KUB 9.6+ (CTH 759.2). Duwa (tu-wa/i-a) is also attested on two HL seal impressions from Nişantepe<br />

with the title SCRIBA (Nis 471 and 486, see Herbordt 2005: 197; Hawkins 2005a: 276).<br />

350 See the ed. of Glocker 1997: 26–39.<br />

351 On mugai- see HED 6: 180–182.<br />

352 For the work of Hapatiwalwi see above under III.1.b.Nani(n)zi; on the work of Karunuwa see van den<br />

Hout 1995: 237 (under Šipaziti), 240 (under Anuwanza).<br />


The fourth, and last text copied by Ziti (B) during his DUB.SAR career phase, is the<br />

abovementioned KBo 45.168+++ (CTH 691.1), which is a fragmentary tablet of the witaššiyaš<br />

festival relating the cult of the Luwian deity Huwaššana. Interestingly enough, the cult of this<br />

goddess, also known as the queen of Hupišna (her main cult venue), was also venerated at<br />

Kuliwišna (Hutter 2003: 243, 246); the main cult city of the aforementioned mugawar ritual copied<br />

also by Ziti (B).<br />

So, the texts inscribed by Ziti (B) during this stage of his career are connected with the<br />

mixed Luwian-Hurrian cult of Kizzuwatna, perhaps more with the Luwian sources, and are mostly<br />

if not exclusively of MH origin. It would seem that Ziti (B), or the scribe ordering him (perhaps<br />

Anuwanza?), had a main interest in reproducing copies of texts connected with this cult, which date<br />

back to the influx of Luwian-Hurrian religious texts into Hattuša during the 15 th and 14 th<br />

centuries. 353 As for the dating of this phase in Ziti (B)'s career, his work under Anuwanza and<br />

synchronism with Šipaziti suggest the very end of Hattušili III's reign and the beginning of<br />

Tudhaliya IV's. This would concur with Miller's view of the dating of his brother Hanikkuili (B) to<br />

this period (see above).<br />

In the later phase of his career, sometime during the second half of Tudhaliya IV's reign, Ziti<br />

(B) was the supervisor of at least four scribes. Two of them were also students or assistants of Ziti<br />

(B): Ašhapala, 354 scribe of the known song of Kumarbi or "Kingship in Heaven" 355 composition<br />

(KUB 33.120+++, CTH 344.A), and GUR-Šarruma, 356 scribe of KUB 10.96 (CTH 825), which is<br />

only a tablet colophon. Whereas Ašhapala is termed with the usual GÁB.ZU.ZU "trainee", 357 GUR-<br />

Šarruma is titled with the rare Sumerogrphic writing ŠAGAN.LÁ (= U.GAN), 358 which I have not<br />

found anywhere else in Hattuša. This title, loaned from Sumerian into Akkadian, usually appears in<br />

Mesopotamian colophons designating an apprentice scribe or scholar, not only in scribal<br />

professions (Hunger 1968: 9f.; CAD Š/1: 291b–294). Its meaning is not neceserily "student" but<br />

likely "assistant", since in one NA colophon from Sultantepe the title appears beside the designation<br />

mār mummi "student" (Hunger 1968: 111 no. 354).<br />

353 On this see in general Starke 1985; Popko 1995: 86–95; Hutter 2003.<br />

354 For Ašhapala see Mascheroni 1984: 153f. and here under III.1.b…family of Kuruntapiya.<br />

355 For the name of the song and the colophon see Corti 2007.<br />

356 On GUR-Šarruma see most recently Singer 2007: 717f.<br />

357 See also under II.3.<br />

358 HZL no. 270<br />


Ziti (B) further supervised GUR-Šarruma in two other texts, 359 in which this scribe has the<br />

title DUB.SAR: KUB 51.12 (CTH 670), a festival fragment concerning something given to the men<br />

of the É he[šta] from the palace and the ABU BĪTI, 360 and likely also KUB 12.15 (CTH 720), a<br />

fragment of an Ištar festival, in which the name of Ziti (B) was restored by Mascheroni (1984: 166).<br />

As mentioned, we know of two other scribes whose work Ziti (B) supervised: scribe of KUB 55.59<br />

(CTH 706), 361 a fragment of a festival for Tešub and Hebat, whose name is ZA.HUM-ZA, perhaps<br />

to be read Halwaziti according to a suggestion made by Košak (1986: <strong>13</strong>3; cf. HZL no. 366), 362 and<br />

another scribe whose name is lost in a break who inscribed KBo 39.41 (CTH 470).<br />

The term of office of all four scribes, Ašhapala, GUR-Šarruma, ZA.HUM-ZA and the scribe<br />

of KBo 39.41, should be dated to the second half of Tudhaliya IV's reign at least, according to the<br />

redating of Ziti (B)'s term of office. 363 This dating scheme gives a more accurate picture of the<br />

chronology of the scribes working under Ziti (B), than, for example, the general dating to Tudhaliya<br />

IV's reign of Ašhapala and GUR-Šarruma given by Mascheroni (1984: 154, 166).<br />

As for the genealogies of these four scribes, we have quite extensive lists in their colophons<br />

identifying their ancestors. Ašhapala is known as the son of Tarhuntaššu, grandson of Kuruntapiya<br />

and descendant of Waršiya, all scribes known from other sources. 364 Following Corti (2007: 116)<br />

this lineage was identified as a local family of Anatolian scribes in Hattuša. Another extended<br />

genealogy is that of GUR-Šarruma, found in KUB 10.96, in which he is designated as the son of<br />

359 Note that recently Torri (2007a: 773) suggested, among other known Šarruma names, that the<br />

GÁB.ZU.ZU […]-Šarruma, who inscribed KUB 57.110, could also be restored as GUR-Šarruma,<br />

reviving a suggestion of Archi in the Inhaltübersicht of KUB 57. However, as already shown by van<br />

den Hout (1990: 430f.) in his review of Archi this suggestion is less likely since Halwaziti, the teacher<br />

of […]-Šarruma in the text, is not to be equated with Halpaziti the father of GUR-Šarruma; see also<br />

discussion under IV.2.a…the family of Halwaziti. Another […]-Šarruma, who sent the scribal note KBo<br />

18.6 to an unknown official and the scribe Palla, is suggested to be either Penti-Šarruma or GUR-<br />

Šarruma by Hagnebuchner (1989: 14, 190).<br />

360 See translit. in Groddek 2004d: 19f.<br />

361 Cf. also KBo 40.106 (CTH 825); translit. in Groddek 2002b: 109f.<br />

362 Certainly not to be confused with Halwaziti from the city Ukkia, son of Lupakki, scribe of the Bronze<br />

Tablet (IV.2.a…the family of Halwaziti).<br />

363 Namely, that the beginning of Ziti (B)'s career should now be dated to the end of Hatt. III at least (see<br />

above).<br />

364 See under III.1.b…family of Kuruntapiya.<br />


Halpaziti and grandson of Zuwanni. 365 According to the dating scheme of Ziti (B)'s family and the<br />

family of Ašhapala, it can be estimated that Halpaziti was active during Hattušili's reign, and<br />

Zuwanni at least a generation before, during the reigns of Muwattalli II and Urhi-Tešub.<br />

Therefore, it could be that the same Zuwanni appears in KBo 18.76, 366 a letter dated to the<br />

first half of the <strong>13</strong> th century based on its ductus. 367 This name is otherwise attested in at least one<br />

other undated cuneiform letter, 368 and on two Late Empire Period HL documents, which likely refer<br />

to a later person(s): a seal impression from Nişantepe with the title AURIGA2 (Nis 544) and the<br />

AKP<strong>IN</strong>AR 2 (SIPYLOS) inscription bearing the title EUNUCHUS2. 369 Halpaziti is a very common<br />

anthroponym, 370 out of which one is probably to be equated with the father of GUR-Šarruma, since<br />

365 As already shown by Mascheroni (1984: 166) this GUR-Šarruma is to be separated from another scribe<br />

by that name who copied KUB 37.210 (CTH 560.I), signing the text as the son of a certain EN-<br />

UR.SAG.<br />

366 The letter was sent from some governor/city lord who resided in the area between Carchemish and<br />

Aleppo to a higher ranking person, perhaps the priest of Aleppo or the viceroy of Carchemish. The<br />

sender must have been of a rank under that of the receiver since he calls him my lord (BĒLIYA, obv. 8;<br />

Hagenbuchner 1989: 153f.). The letter speaks of an enemy in this area. Zuwanni writes that he is in the<br />

land of Aleppo.<br />

367 Cf. Hagenbuchner 1989: 154; van den Hout 1995: 217f. (IIc doctus).<br />

368 KBo 18.110 (CTH 190), for which see Hagenbuchner 1989: 476.<br />

369 See Hawkins 2005a: 280, 298 for references and discussion.<br />

370 On the name bearers see Imparati 1985: 266–269; Mora 1988; van den Hout 1995: 186–193; 1998: 55–<br />

59; Marizza 2007c: 158–161.<br />


he has two Empire Period HL seal impressions with the title SCRIBA, 371 and one from a later phase<br />

in his career with the title SCRIBA II 372 (Fig. 3.19).<br />

Much less can be said about the family members of ZA.HUM-ZA and the scribe of KBo<br />

39.41. ZA.HUM-ZA was the son of Iuni and grandson of Tehup-ŠEŠ, otherwise not attested as<br />

scribes or on HL documents. Note that the name Iuni occurs also as a feminine name, namely, the<br />

wife of the Mittanian king Tušratta (Popko 1988: 90), and the name Tehup-ŠEŠ, finds a curious<br />

parallel in the name Tehupšena listed among the personal names in IBoT 4.2 III 5' (Ünal 1987:<br />

486). The scribe of Kbo 39.41 is connected somehow to a certain Nenuwa, either as his grandson or<br />

his student, if this Nenuwa is really a name since it has no determinative.<br />

Having reviewed the extensive work and scribal relations of the two sons of NU.GIŠ.SAR<br />

(A): Hanikkuili (B) and Ziti (B), let us turn our attention to his third son. In the colophon of KUB<br />

<strong>13</strong>.9+ (CTH 258.1), Alihhini the scribe of the text listed his extended genealogy thus: son of<br />

Šaušgaziti ( d ŠUR-LÚ) and grandson of GIŠ.SAR.NU. Since the latter name is likely another<br />

metathesized writing of NU.GIŠ.SAR (A)'s name, 373 Beckman (1992: 176), following Laroche<br />

(1949: 12), suggested that they are one and the same scribe. Consequently, Alihhini is also the<br />

great-grandson of Ziti (A) the chief scribe and his last known descendant. This would date his term<br />

at least to the reign of Arnuwanda III, if not to that of Šuppiluliuma II. Alihhini further mentions in<br />

the colophon his teacher Zuwa the EN GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI. This Zuwa is the son of Uza (KBo 23.97),<br />

brother of Šakkapi and worker of Angulli (KBo 20.107); a scribal family treated in the following<br />

chapter.<br />

To conclude the results of the prosopography thus far, it would be quite safe to position Ziti<br />

(A) as the chief scribe who seized the position from the Mittannamuwa family during the reign of<br />

Urhi-Tešub. But what about the chief scribe SAG, who appears in only one colophon (KUB 44.61)<br />

as the father of NU.GIŠ.SAR (B). If my dating is correct then he should be placed after Walwaziti.<br />

Can this be proven?<br />

371 SBo II 56, Nis 112; HL spelling TONITRUS.HALPA-VIR.z[i/a].<br />

372 SBo II 57.<br />

373 This phenomenon further suggests that the order of the signs in the name NU.GIŠ.SAR is irrelevant, and<br />

that the sumerogram as a whole might stand for some other idea which we cannot at the moment<br />

comprehend.<br />


Laroche (1949: 11f.), not yet aware of SAG at that time, placed Ziti (A) during Tudhaliya's<br />

reign as the last known chief scribe. Later, Pecchioli Daddi (1982: 526) already listed the two chief<br />

scribes, Ziti (A) and SAG, separately, but without any dating scheme. First to actually address the<br />

problem was Hagenbuchner (1989: 83f.) offering that: (1) SAG was a scribal mistake of the<br />

inexperienced student NU.GIŠ.SAR for the actual name of his father Ziti (A), or more likely (2)<br />

SAG was the father of an earlier NU.GIŠ.SAR and Ziti (A) of a later one. She then equated SAG<br />

with the unidentified chief scribe who took the place of Purandamuwa during Urhi-Tešub's reign.<br />

So, according to her scheme SAG came before Walwaziti and Ziti (A) after. Van den Hout (1995:<br />

148), not mentioning Hagenbuchner's suggestion, also opted that SAG is a scribal mistake or an<br />

alternative writing for the name Ziti (A), and this notion is taken up again in the recent study of<br />

Torri (2007a: 779 n. 47).<br />

Why would NU.GIŠ.SAR (B) make such a mistake in writing his father's name? Taking of<br />

course into consideration that it is written with one sign only – LÚ, a fairly plain sign which is<br />

otherwise not attested mixed up with SAG in Hittite texts (Rüster 1988: 295, 299–303). So, in my<br />

opinion, it is better to prefer a simpler solution, which basically follows one of Hagenbuchner's<br />

(1989: 84) earlier suggestions. Namely, that one should separate SAG from Ziti (A), but in<br />

accordance to my revised dating scheme of Ziti (A), it seems that SAG came after Walwaziti and<br />

not before. Supporting this latter hypothesis is an already known fragmentary colophon.<br />

HFAC 53 (CTH 825) is a colophon fragment of a garden festival. Only the end portion of<br />

about 7 lines survived, containing the components of several known scribal names. Beckman and<br />

Hoffner (1985: 4) restored three names: Pihawalwi, Palluwaraziti and NU.GIŠ.SAR. The first two<br />

have worked together on several descriptions of festivals copied according to original wooden<br />

tablets (Mascheroni 1983; Singer 1983a: 41f.; Torri 2007a: 778f.), of which the most known is the<br />

KI.LAM festival (Singer 1983a: 33–36). HFAC 53 is not an exception in this matter, for it is also a<br />

festival text (EZEN4). The last scribal name in the end of line 6' is of interest here since it is<br />

NU.GIŠ.SAR, either son of Ziti (A) or of SAG.<br />

The photograph of HFAC 53 supplied in the on-line Portal Mainz (Fig. 3.20) clearly shows<br />

that in what remained of line 7' there is an almost complete top section of one of the later variants of<br />

the cuneiform sign SAG (two vertical and three horizontal wedges; HZL: 183):<br />


Fig. 3.20: HFAC 53 obv. ? 2'-7' (A12234, Mainz, Portal)<br />

From a glance at the copy of Beckman and Hoffner (1985: 36) it would seem that they<br />

recognized the SAG correctly. But for some reason no evidence of this is in the notes on the text<br />

found in part VII of their “catalogue of fragments”, neither as a name nor as title. Torri (2007a: 779<br />

n. 47), in her remarks on this text, seems to recognize it, but as already noted above suggests that it<br />

is a mistake for LÚ. In any case, the photograph of HFAC 53 is quite revealing. The colophon<br />

might now be restored in the following manner:<br />

HFAC 53 obv. ? (CTH 825)<br />

x+1 [ -a]š EZEN4 GIŠ KIRI6<br />

2' [ ]x-eš-hi<br />

3' [A-A GIŠ.HUR-kán ha-an-]da-a-an<br />

4' [KASKAL m pí-ha-UR].MAH<br />

5' [ LÚ DUB.SAR.GIŠ m pal-lu-wa-ra]-LÚ<br />

6' [ LÚ DUB.SAR m NU].GIŠ.SAR<br />

7' [ LÚ DUB.SAR DUMU m S]AG<br />

8' [GAL DUB.SAR.MEŠ 374 ]<br />

The sign SAG is unlikely to stand here for the title LÚ SAG, 375 which is not evident in any<br />

other colophon with the formula: KASKAL Pihawalwi LÚ DUB.SAR.GIŠ Palluwaraziti<br />

374 This title is only a tentative restoration based on what is known on SAG from the colophon of KUB<br />

44.61.<br />

375 Recent evidence noted by Miller (2004: 318f.) indicates that one should transcribe the LÚ as<br />

determinative. Contra this transcription see the arguments of Hawkins (2002: 217f., 222) for reading it<br />

as LÚ SAG supported also by Pecchioli Daddi (2006: 119 n. 23).<br />


LÚ DUB.SAR. 376 Therefore, it could only stand for the personal name SAG. So, it is plausible to<br />

identify the present NU.GIŠ.SAR as NU.GIŠ.SAR (B), son of this SAG, and to further restore<br />

SAG's title chief scribe, parallel to the colophon of KUB 44.61.<br />

The newly restored colophon of HFAC 53 shows that SAG existed, that he is not to be<br />

confused with Ziti (A) and that both had sons whose name was NU.GIŠ.SAR. Moreover, there are<br />

presently two stages discernible in the career of NU.GIŠ.SAR (B): (1) KUB 44.61, when he was a<br />

pupil of Hulanabi, signifies the earlier stage and (2) HFAC 53, where his title should be restored<br />

DUB.SAR as his counterparts in the colophon, signifies the later stage.<br />

As for the dating of NU.GIŠ.SAR (B)'s term of office, it seems to be parallel with some<br />

scribes whose activities could be dated to the reign of Tudhaliya IV at least. Hulanabi mainly<br />

copied (h)išuwa texts under Walwaziti during the reign of Hattušili III, and therefore his term as<br />

teacher of NU.GIŠ.SAR (B) could be at least sometime during the first half of Tudhaliya IV's reign<br />

(see III.1.b…Hulanabi). Further support of this dating scheme comes from Mascheroni's (1983:<br />

102–104) dating to Tudhaliya IV of Pihawalwi and Palluwaraziti, 377 NU.GIŠ.SAR's partners in<br />

HFAC 53.<br />

In conclusion, SAG should be placed in the sequence of chief scribes only after Walwaziti.<br />

Walwaziti must have ended his term of office as chief scribe only sometime after the issuing of the<br />

Šahurunuwa land concession, in which he still appears bearing this title. Namely, SAG was chief<br />

scribe starting from sometime after the first quarter of Tudhaliya IV's reign. This leaves Ziti (A) as<br />

the only known chief scribe dated to Urhi-Tešub's reign, and thus, more agreeable with the fact that<br />

376 The scribal names may alternate their position in the formula, see Mascheroni 1983: 97–98 and also in<br />

all such known colophons which I could find: AN.TAH.ŠUM. KBo 45.34 rev. (CTH 625, HaH), KBo<br />

46.102 IV (CTH 615.<strong>13</strong>, Bk. E), KUB 2.8 VI (CTH 617.1); KI.LAM. KUB 55.<strong>13</strong> (CTH 627), Izmir<br />

1274 (CTH 627.1.l.2), KBo 30.15 (CTH 627.1.l.1, Bk. E); other festivals. KBo 45.11 rev. (CTH 597,<br />

HaH), KUB 20.29+ IV (CTH 750.2), KBo 23.62 rev. (CTH 670), KUB 60.28 (CTH 670), KBo 35.144<br />

IV (CTH 705, Bk. E); with other scribes. KUB 44.24 VI (CTH 685, with Hulla), Bo 6780 Rev. (CTH<br />

825, with Ulmi-Šarruma).<br />

377 Torri (2007a: 778f.), based on the colophon of HFAC 53, concluded that the work period of Pihawalwai<br />

and Palluwaraziti started already during Hatt. III's reign. She, however, recognizes a single<br />

NU.GIŠ.SAR son of Ziti (A)/SAG who was the student of Hulanabi. It does not explain, however, how<br />

this Ziti (A)/SAG could have been the chief scribe when it is evident that Walwaziti already fills this<br />

position under Hatt. III.<br />


we have a single chief scribe during each term. 378 This whole intricate scenario is summarized,<br />

along with the scribes discussed above, in the following page (Fig. 3.21).<br />

378 The witness lists of the three major Empire Period political documents, i.e. the Ulmi-Tešub treaty,<br />

Bronze Tablet and Šahurunuwa land concession, actually prove this view. Each of them, at least for<br />

their period of time, contains only one official titled GAL DUB.SAR.MEŠ (i.e. Walwaziti).<br />

Furthermore, KBo 4.12 issued by Hattušili tells of the GAL DUB.SAR.MEŠ who preceded Walwaziti.<br />

According to this text there was only one at each period of time in the following order: Mittannamuwa<br />

(Mur. II and Muw. II) → Purandamuwa (Muw. II in Tarhuntašša) → unnamed men (Ur.-T.) →<br />

Walwaziti (Hatt. III). Note that MAGNUS.SCRIBA can not be identified with a certain GAL<br />

DUB.SAR.MEŠ, apart for Walwaziti and Taki-Šarruma, so these chief scribes are not incorporated in<br />

this discussion but only in the following chapter.<br />


124<br />

Fig. 3.21: The scribal families of the chief scribes Ziti (A) and SAG, their work relations and synchronisms

3. Family of Šahurunuwa the Chief Scribe on Wood<br />

Previous Literature: Imparati 1974: 11–15; Mascheroni 1984: 162; Mauer 1986; Klengel 1992: 123f. ; van<br />

den Hout 1995: 151–154; Heinhold-Krahmer 2002; Herbordt 2005: 82; Marizza 2007a:<br />

302–306.<br />

After inspecting the families of the three chief scribes (GAL DUB.SAR), we turn now to the only<br />

GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ "chief scribe on wood (tablets)" whose family is known: Šahurunuwa. He is<br />

certainly not the only chief scribe on wood documented in cuneiform. At least one later chief scribe<br />

on wood is a certain […]-Šarruma, the protagonist of KUB 26.32 (CTH 124) who swore an oath of<br />

allegiance to Šuppiluliuma II. Likely, he is to be identified as [Penti]-Šarruma, a known prince,<br />

owner of MAGNUS.SCRIBA and MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS seal impressions found in Hattuša,<br />

and LÚ tuppinura huburtinura in two companion letters from Ugarit (Singer 2006b: 243f.). Penti-<br />

Šarruma is dealt with in the next chapter on the MAGNUS.SCRIBA because he is more clearly<br />

attestated on HL seal impressions.<br />

Turning to a survey of the anthroponym Šahurunuwa, one may notice it is actually quite<br />

common in cuneiform and HL sources from the MH kingdom and Empire Period (van den Hout<br />

1995: 151–154; Heinhold-Krahmer 2002: 365f.): 1. a MH official from the Maşat correspondence<br />

and a Hurrian text from Hattuša, 379 2. son of Šarri-Kušuh/Piyaššili, grandson of Šuppiluliuma I,<br />

who was nominated king of Karkemiš on the 9 th year of Muršili II, and 3. the chief scribe on wood<br />

under Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV, who also held several high military posts. Obviously, the titles<br />

and duties of the latter person and his family members will be explored next.<br />

The main source which reveals the titular of Šahurunuwa, the names of his descendants and<br />

son-in-law is CTH 225, the land concession granting estates to his descendants, mostly in the area<br />

of Cilicia and in part Lycaonia, issued by Tudhaliya IV and his mother Puduhepa (Imparati 1974;<br />

Archi 1984: 206). 380 According to this text, Šahurunuwa had two sons, Tattamaru and<br />

Duwattannani, and one daughter, Tarhuntamanawa ( d U-manawa), who was married to Alihešni,<br />

identified by Imparati (1974: 115) with the abovementioned son of Mittannamuwa the chief scribe.<br />

Van den Hout (1995: 177) further showed that the relation between these two scribal families is<br />

indicated in the court proceeding KBo 16.58 II 2-6 (CTH 297.18), in which Walwaziti reports he is<br />

the relative in marriage of a certain chief scribe on wood, likely Šahurunuwa. Tarhuntamanawa and<br />

379 Mşt 75/91 (HKM 67), Mşt 75/108 (HKM 88) and KBo 33.5.<br />

380 The date of CTH 225 has already been addressed under I.5: likely sometime during the second quarter<br />

of Tudh. IV's reign, perhaps after the signing of the Bronze Tablet.<br />


Alihešni had in turn two sons, also mentioned in CTH 225: Tulpi-Tešub and Ku(wa)lanaziti, who<br />

were dealt with above. 381<br />

During the drawing of CTH 225 Šahurunuwa was already an old man, close to the end of his<br />

days, after faithfully serving at least two kings, Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV. According to the text<br />

Šahurunuwa held three titles: the civilian/administrative post of chief scribe on wood (GAL<br />

DUB.SAR.GIŠ), and at least two military commands, perhaps simultaneously, the commander of<br />

UKU.UŠ 382 troops (GAL LÚ UKU.UŠ) and commander of the shepherds (GAL NA.GAD) (Imparati<br />

1974: 11). Beal (1992: 382) further suspects that both his positions were of the right flanks, since<br />

two witnesses to the land concession, LUGAL- d LAMMA and Mizramuwa, are titled commander of<br />

left flank UKU.UŠ troops and commander of left flank shepherds, respectively. At any rate, from<br />

looking at divintory texts which mention Šahurunuwa, it might be suggested that he indeed held his<br />

military commands concurrently to his civilian post already in the reign of Hattušili III; since he<br />

appears in a campaign, seemingly associated with this king, mentioned in the SU oracle KUB<br />

49.103 (CTH 570), 383 and in another military context in a vow fragment associated with queen<br />

Puduhepa (KUB 48.119; CTH 584). 384 Otherwise, as a witness to the two important state treaties of<br />

the Empire Period, the Ulmi-Tešub treaty (Hatt. III) and the Bronze Tablet (Tudh. IV), Šahurunuwa<br />

appears only with the title chief scribe on wood. It is clear from Šahurunuwa's titular that the duties<br />

of the chief scribe on wood, as those of the scribe on wood (DUB.SAR.GIŠ), were connected with<br />

the military (Symington 1991: 118f.; Beal 1992: 382–385; Negri Scafa 1995: 290).<br />

In similar fashion Šahurunuwa (sà+huru-nu-wa/i) used three titles on his HL seals,<br />

sometimes depicted on the same seal together. He seems to have had at least four, or even five,<br />

different seals during his career (Tab. 3.4; Fig. 3.22). On all of them he appears with the title prince<br />

(REX.FILIUS), revealing his connection with the royal line, perhaps through blood or through<br />

marriage. 385 Two very similar seal impressions of Šahurunuwa, one from Hattuša (Bog. III 15) and<br />

one from Tarsus (Tars. 40), perhaps of the same seal (if we follow the recently amended reading of<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 269), 386 carry the additional titular: MAGNUS.SCRIBA and the obscure HL title<br />

L. 490. 387<br />

381 See III.1.b…son of Alihešni.<br />

382 For the translation "Schwerbewaffenten" see HZL no. 96 and Heinhold-Krahmer 2002: 366.<br />

383 See Marizza 2007c: 164–167 with previous bib.<br />

384 See van den Hout 1995: 152.<br />

385 On the issue of Hittite princehood see Singer 1997: 418f.<br />

386 See also the remarks in tab. 3.4.<br />

387 The title on the Tarsus impression is most likely not EUNUCHUS2 (L. 254) as originally drawn by Gelb<br />


Seal<br />

o.<br />

HL Titles Seals and Seal<br />

Impressions<br />

1 REX.FILIUS,<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA, L. 490<br />

Tars. 40, Bog. III<br />

15<br />

2 REX.FILIUS Nis 346<br />

3 REX.FILIUS Nis 347<br />

4 REX.FILIUS SBo II 9<br />

127<br />

Remarks<br />

Hawkins (2005a: 269) has amended the previous<br />

readings of these two sealings, suggesting that<br />

they bear similar titles; unfortuantly no photos<br />

seem to be availabel, only the older somewhat<br />

incorrect drawings presented below.<br />

5 - SBo II 78 Name spelled with initial CAPRA2 rather then<br />

with usual CAPRA.<br />

Tab. 3.4: Seals of Šahurunuwa<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA must stand here as the equivalent of Šahurunuwa's cuneiform title GAL<br />

DUB.SAR.GIŠ, designating his administrative function. The other title, L. 490, is somewhat more<br />

problematic to understand. Hawkins (2001: 169 n. 17) noted on its resemblance to PR<strong>IN</strong>CEPS<br />

(*525), the HL sign for tuhkanti. B. Dinçol (2001: 99) rather takes L. 490 to be “Grosser der<br />

LÚ SAG” meaning that it stands for EUNUCHUS2+MAGNUS, however, since both titles are<br />

considered separate entities in cuneiform I would not rush to relate them in such fashion. Otherwise,<br />

Singer (2003: 347 n. 40) pointed out that L. 490 could stand for one of Šahurunuwa's two military<br />

titles, either GAL NA.GAD or GAL LÚ UKU.UŠ. The former already has the identified equivalent<br />

MAGNUS.PASTOR (L. 363 – L. 438), whereas the latter might stand as a good candidate.<br />

Interesting in this context is that L. 490 is otherwise found only on the seals of Šahurunuwa's<br />

grandson, Ku(wa)lanaziti (EXERCITUS-VIR.zi/a; SBo II 21), and a certain Asuta (Bo 83/597; B.<br />

Dinçol 2001: 102). Perhaps L. 490 was a HL title used mainly on the seals of Šahurunuwa's family?<br />

It seems that Tattamaru, Šahurunuwa's son, inherited from his father the title of GAL UKU.UŠ (of<br />

the left flank however) with which he appears in the witness list of the Bronze Tablet. Therefore,<br />

why not assume that also the son of Tarhuntamanwa and grandson of Šahurunuwa, namely<br />

Ku(wa)lanaziti, later earned this title through his lineage. The only crux still remains proving the<br />

connection between L. 490 and UKU.UŠ, which is at the present time unattainable. 388<br />

in Goldman et al. 1956: Taf. 406, no. 40, see the remark of Hawkins 2001: 169 n. 17.<br />

388 The resemblance of L. 490 to the sign EUNUCHUS2, as pointed out by B. Dinçol (2001: 99), may not<br />

be a coincidence. From looking at the cuneiform sign for UKU in the HZL (no. 96): , one could not

It can be further shown that the title of prince appearing on the seals of Šahurunuwa was<br />

inherited by his various descendants. Tattamaru was already a prince (DUMU.LUGAL) when he<br />

witnessed the Ulmi-Tešub treaty in the reign of Hattušili III, probably at quite a young age (van den<br />

Hout 1995: 117f.); 389 this also places the beginning of his career in the second half of Hattušili III.<br />

Perhaps his higher status was what later instigiated a marriage with a niece of queen Puduhepa.<br />

Tattamaru's anonymous wife is mentioned in KUB 23.85 (CTH 180), a letter sent to him by the<br />

queen herself (Imparati 1974: 44f.). Otherwise, it is uncertain if Tattamaru was also a scribe<br />

following his father. 390 As nothing is further known regarding his brother Duwattannani, we turn to<br />

miss the striking resemblance it shares with the sign SAG (HZL no. 192): . The scribes might have<br />

searched for a HL sign which is close to UKU in form and therefore took up EUNUCHUS2 which is<br />

also LÚ SAG.<br />

389 For a thorough prosopography of this anthroponym see Mauer 1986 and van den Hout 1995: 116–124.<br />

390 In favour of this is Mauer 1986: 193 (cf. also Beal 1992: 386 n. 1464), contra see van den Hout 1995:<br />

117–124.<br />


his sister, Tarhuntamanawa, 391 who also inherited the title of princess (REX.FILIA) which she bears<br />

in the HL inscription ALAÇA HÖYÜK 4 (Poetto 1995; Fig. 3.23). The same woman is probably<br />

also the owner of a seal impression from Nişantepe (Nis 414; Fig. 3.23) with the title FEM<strong>IN</strong>A, as<br />

agreed by both Hawkins (2005a: 273) and Herbordt (2005: 188), although, note that their<br />

restoration of a final wa/i on this seal impression is somewhat forced. Tarhuntamanawa's title<br />

certainly passed down the line to her son Ku(wa)lanaziti, who also has princely seals (see above).<br />

The princely status of this family stands in stark contrast to that of the families of the chief scribes,<br />

of whom practically none are princes.<br />

In conclusion, it is evident from the sources at hand that the Šahurunuwa family signifies<br />

something different altogether from the families of the chief scribes (GAL DUB.SAR). We find no<br />

professional connection with other scribes (apart from a marriage), nor does Šahurunuwa exercise<br />

any of the administrative activities common to the chief scribes. On the other hand, we find other<br />

activities more accentuated, such as military endeavours. The chief scribe on wood combined<br />

during his career several posts, and lines of proffesion, whereas the chief scribes seem in this aspect<br />

to concentrate on their administrative duties. At least in the case of Šahurunuwa, his family is<br />

391 Note that in CTH 225 her name appears from time to time with a masculine determinative. Imparati<br />

(1974: 47f.) explains this as confusion on the part of the scribe with the determinative of the first<br />

component of her name, d U, the Strom-god, who is a typical male deity. A different man named md U-<br />

mana is cited in two inventory fragments (KBo 31.50 Rev. 6'; Bo 6911 Rev.? 7') according to Siegelová<br />

(1986: 274f., 291f.); in one text he is bearing the title EN[ ... ].<br />


separated from other scribal families of the chief scribes by their obvious connection to the royal<br />

line, either by blood or through marriage (Fig. 3.24).<br />


Fig. 3.24: The family of the chief scribe on wood Šahurunuwa and the marriage with the Mittannamuwa family<br />


4. Conclusions<br />

The aim of this chapter was to study the chief scribes who appear in cuneiform sources as GAL<br />

DUB.SAR and GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ. Though the main protagonists were identified to begin with as<br />

only a handful, the study of their families, work and personal relations encompasses a wide array.<br />

Since various midway summaries and conclusions are strewn throughout this chapter, I take space<br />

here at the end only to make a chronological summary of the cuneiform evidence on the chief<br />

scribes (Tab. 3.5), which will be completed after reviewing the HL material (under IV.3).<br />

Going back to the beginning of the <strong>13</strong> th century <strong>BCE</strong>, we find Mittannamuwa, as the loyal<br />

chief scribe of Muršili II. Prior to that period we are in fact quite in the dark from the cuneiform<br />

sources (cf. however IV.2), albeit the Maşat texts which mention a chief scribe and (on wood?)<br />

named Hattušili. 392 Returning to Mittannamuwa, his endevours to save the life of young prince<br />

Hattušili III are inferred from a deposition in his favour later issued by that king. The deposition<br />

describes the life and offspring of Mittannamuwa, it also informs us that after Mittannamuwa<br />

became the administrator of Hattuša in the reign of Muwattalli II, his eldest son, Purandamuwa,<br />

replaced him as chief scribe. The fate of this person is, however, unknown, since he probably did<br />

not come back from Tarhuntašša, where he served Muwattalli II.<br />

In the reign of Urhi-Tešub a family of local scribes headed by a man named Ziti (A), which<br />

is said to be descandent from the Mesopotamian scribe of the 15 th century Anu-šar-ilāni, probably<br />

seizes the post of the chief scribe. Nevertheless, Hattušili III assumes power after a short while and<br />

reinstates the Mittannamuwa dynasty in their old office, this time by another son of Mittannamuwa<br />

called Walwaziti. Walwaziti is very active, and is actually one of the most documented officials of<br />

the Empire Period. Among his endevours one may note the redaction of the (h)išuwa Hurrian-<br />

Hittite festival, and likely the strengthening of building A on Büyükkale as a centre for scribal<br />

teaching and lore, where he supervised the work of several scribes. During the reign of Hattušili III<br />

we find also a chief scribe on wood named Šahurunuwa, who was a prince and holder of two other<br />

important military commands. His duties seems to be somewhat different from those of the chief<br />

scribe, as does his princely status. His daughter, Tarhuntamanawa, married the brother of<br />

Walwaziti, Alihešni, and they had two children, Tulpi-Tešub and Ku(wa)lanaziti; the latter also a<br />

scribe.<br />

In the reign of Tudhaliya IV Walwaziti is still the chief scribe, but seems to be working in<br />

parallel to another very important scribal character, that of Anuwanza, who is the most active<br />

392 Not studied here since he is MH; for this person see Beckman 1995; Houwink ten Cate 1998.<br />


scribal supervisor known, overseeing mainly the drafting of religious texts already from the second<br />

half of Hattušili III's reign. Among his workers one may note the descendants of Ziti (A), and some<br />

other scribal families, but he does not supervise any of the scribes under Walwaziti, what perhaps<br />

indicates that they are running different offices, perhaps even competing for supremacy. It may be<br />

tentatively suggested that since Walwaziti was the supervisor of the Büyükkale main office at that<br />

time situated in building A, Anuwanza was working in one of the Lower City centers, such as the<br />

Temple 1 or the House on the Slope. We shall return to this point again in the following chapter.<br />

After Walwaziti, the Mittannamuwa dynasty falters and a certain SAG is placed as chief<br />

scribe. Walwaziti must have ended his term of office sometime after the issuing of the Šahurunuwa<br />

land concession, in which he still appears bearing this title. Namely, SAG was chief scribe starting<br />

from sometime after the first quarter of Tudhaliya IV's reign, but only for a very short while. His<br />

son NU.GIŠ.SAR (B) seems to be a student of Hulanabi, who is one of the sons of Walwaziti.<br />

Logically, the descendants of the Mittannamuwa dynasty continued to be influential scribes even<br />

after Walwaziti's death.<br />

Hittite King Chief Scribe Additional<br />

Titles<br />

Mur. II – Muw. II Mittannamuwa -<br />

Muw. II Purandamuwa (s.<br />

of Mittannamuwa)<br />

Ur.-T. Ziti (A) (LÚ) -<br />

End of Ur.-T. Walwaziti (s. of<br />

Mittannamuwa)<br />

Hatt. III – 1 st quarter<br />

of Tudh. IV<br />

Middle of Tudh. IV SAG -<br />

-<br />

-<br />

<strong>13</strong>3<br />

Chief Scribe on<br />

Wood<br />

Additional Titles<br />

Šahurunuwa GAL LÚ UKU.UŠ,<br />

GAL NA.GAD,<br />


L. 490<br />

Tab. 3.5: The chief scribes during the Empire Period as inferred from the cuneiform data

IV. The Chief Scribe on Seals (MAGUS.SCRIBA)<br />

and Affiliated Scribes<br />

The aim of this chapter is to attempt a prosopographical study of all the officials mentioned in the<br />

glyptic evidence from the Empire period of Hattusa whose titles include MAGNUS.SCRIBA (L.<br />

363 – L. 326) “chief scribe”. The objective of this study is threefold: (1) To place the<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA in chronological order, (2) Determine their administrative role and (3)<br />

Establish synchronisms and/or relations with other scribes/officials. For the purposes of this study<br />

all the anthroponyms appearing in the Boğazköy HL material of the Empire period have been<br />

collected and tabulated according to their position and number of different seals each possessed (see<br />

below). A. Dinçol (1993) has shown that the number of seals possessed was of particular<br />

importance with regard to the various administrative roles played by the scribes. Evidence for<br />

scribes using several seals throughout their career, perhaps sometimes contemporaneously, is<br />

attested as early as the MH period (Herbordt 2006: 105f.). Having possession of several different<br />

seals at the same time is not common among low ranking officials, but only among scribes,<br />

dignitaries, princes and great kings. 393<br />

In this study the MAGNUS.SCRIBA will be treated separately from the GAL DUB.SAR<br />

and GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, mainly because the meaning of the title MAGNUS.SCRIBA seems<br />

broader than first thought. 394 As indicated under II.3, MAGNUS.SCRIBA seems to relate to both<br />

types of chief scribes attested in cuneiform: 'chief scribe' (GAL DUB.SAR) and 'chief scribe on<br />

wood' (GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ). However, as recently noted by Hawkins (2005a: 308f.), the majority<br />

of known MAGNUS.SCRIBA, whose seals were recovered from Nişantepe, do not seem to bear<br />

either of these cuneiform designations. Therefore, an exact translation of MAGNUS.SCRIBA has<br />

been avoided where no connection with one of the cuneiform titles has been established.<br />

393 On the variety of seals held by Hittite kings see Otten 1993: 39, Beckman 1997: 215 and more recently<br />

Bawanypeck 2006. Another common characteristic shared by Hittite scribes and kings is the constant<br />

reference to ancestry (see under I.1).<br />

394 See Laroche 1956c: 28f. and most recently Herbordt 2005: 98 on the evidence from the Nişantepe<br />

archive; cf. also Singer 2006b: 243f.<br />


1. Matu: A Single Case of Early Empire Period MAGUS.SCRIBA?<br />

Before analyzing the use of MAGNUS.SCRIBA in the Empire Period it is necessary to explore the<br />

title's initial appearance during the Early Empire Period. The first attested use of the title<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA is on several seal impressions of Matu, found in the Upper City of Hattuša and<br />

published by A. Dinçol (1993: 128f. with Pls. 24-25). On all of his seals Matu's title is written<br />

MAGNUS next to SCRIBA and not in the usual superimposing manner: MAGNUS over SCRIBA<br />

(Fig. 4.1), 395 common in Empire Period. Perhaps the small central field of the seal did not permit<br />

the writing of the MAGNUS over the SCRIBA. Alternatively, Matu might have been the first to use<br />

this title and therefore the later, more common, form was not yet established.<br />

Matu used five different seals which were stamped on to container sealings Bo 84/20 and<br />

84/358, and bulla Bo 84/30 (Fig 4.1). It must be noted that the stamping of container sealings may<br />

395 The signs are lined up in such a way that the seal could also read L. 110 – L.88 – L. 363, Matu-ura (on<br />

MAGNUS as a component in PNN see most recently Hawkins 2005: 275f.) which does not have a<br />

cuneiform parallel.<br />

Fig. 4.1: Seal impressions of Matu (Herbordt 2006: 105 Fig. <strong>13</strong> apud Dinçol 1993)<br />


have something to do with the economic duties of the MAGNUS.SCRIBA with regard to goods, of<br />

either the temple or palace. A similar function was recorded in the seals of the Empire Period<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA discussed below. All of Matu's seals show different styles employed along his<br />

career. These were arranged chronologically by Herbordt (2006: 105f.), demonstrating that at least<br />

one of Matu's seals, a disc seal (Bo 84/30), can be dated to the first half of the 14 th century <strong>BCE</strong> at<br />

least when compared to disc seals coming from level III of Maşat. 396 This gives us a terminus post<br />

quem for some of his other seal impressions: Bo 84/358a and b which show styles known from<br />

Maşat (Mşt 78/61; Özgüç 1982: 117, pl. 57, 6). Thus, Matu's term of service roughly spanned the<br />

later reign of Tudhaliya II/III, potentially including the beginning of Šuppiluliuma I's reign.<br />

Clearly one can not rely in this matter on glyptics alone and it is necessary to look for this<br />

person in the cuneiform data. This is problematic owing to the fact that Matu was probably a<br />

hypocoristicon, 397 based on other onomastic evidence where the Luwian stem maddu- is always<br />

paired with other elements, for example: f Hilamaddu (H and H suppl. 352a), Maddunani (H<br />

793 and Onomastique) and Madduwatta (H and H suppl. 794). 398 Hilamaddu was a woman,<br />

Maddunani was an Arzawan augur ( LÚ IGI.DÙ/ LÚ MUŠEN.DÙ) and performer of a mūra(nza)- ritual<br />

against epidemics in the army (KUB 7.54; CTH 425.A), 399 and Madduwatta was the known “man<br />

396 Disc seals coming from the level III destruction at Maşat and other stylistic data, like the use of the<br />

cuneiform sign TI and HL Ankh (L. 369), confirm her dating of this type to the period immediately<br />

preceding Šuppiluliuma I (Herbordt 2006: 104).<br />

397 With regard to other base name stems attested in this use see H: 349f., and the latest discussions of<br />

Hawkins (2005a: 293–295) on the Luw. stems piha- and UR.MAH/walwi-; The hypocoristicon<br />

UR.MAH was used by UR.MAH-ziti in the writing of his name as attested by several texts originating<br />

in Hattuša, Ugarit and Emar (van den Hout 1995: 172, 174 1b; d'Alfonso 2000: 284f.; accepted recently<br />

by Mora 2006: 142); on Walwaziti see under III.1.b.Walwaziti.<br />

398 This stem is also attested on seals from the Empire Period used by a Matunata (Nis 235, see Herbordt<br />

2005: 155, Taf. 19) not attested in cuneiform (on the use of maddu- in names see H: 326); CL maddu-<br />

has been shown to be a descendant of IE *médhu- “honey” and is a substantivised adj. meaning “sweet”<br />

(HEG 5, 6: 165f.). It is also found in HL with the determinative V<strong>IN</strong>UM translated by Hawkins and<br />

Marpurgo Davies (1987) as “(sweet) wine”, cf. Starke (1990: 191 n. 624) “(süßes) Getränk”, all lately<br />

accepted by Hawkins (2005a: 265f.). Contra this see Melchert (CLL: 144f.), followed by Bawanypeck<br />

(2005: 249), who prefers only “wine” remarking that an adj. maddu(i)- does not exist, thus not accepting<br />

its suggested translation “sweet” in CL: Refer also to a bread named N<strong>IN</strong>DA madu[; HEG 5, 6: 165f. thus<br />

“honey bread” and contra see CHD L-N: 211, where it is related with URU Maddunašša, a town on the<br />

border of Mira, thus “bread of Maddunašša”; on this city see most recently van den Hout 2003c.<br />

399 This ritual survived in a LNS copy as part of a sammeltafel, documenting two Luw. rituals performed by<br />


of Ahhiawa” from KUB 14.1+ who conspired against Arnuwanda I (Klengel 1999: 108, 115f.). It is<br />

unfortunate that none of the above can be equated with the chief scribe Matu based on their known<br />

title or other affiliations.<br />

2. Prosopography of Late Empire Period MAGUS.SCRIBA<br />

The names of Late Empire period MAGNUS.SCRIBA included here come from the three main clay<br />

bullae archives of Hattuša, Nişantepe (Herbordt 1998; 2002; 2005), Building D on Büyükkale (SBo<br />

II) and the north magazines of T.1 (Güterbock 1975a). 400 Outside of these main archives many<br />

scribal seals and impressions were found in various places throughout Boğazköy (Beran 1957;<br />

Glyptik: 61–77), and specifically in the area of the Upper City (A. Dinçol 1993; Neve 2001: 59). 401<br />

Seven complete anthroponyms with the MAGNUS.SCRIBA(-la) title were identified in<br />

Hattuša. 402 Three additional names are fragmentary or completely lost. Two more names,<br />

Tarhuntapiya and TONITRUS.URBS-li, have very uncertain attestations. The 12 officials attested<br />

are tabulated here according to their social status and onomastic elements, and listed on the right is<br />

the approximate number of different seals they used:<br />

LÚ MUŠEN.DÙ, and has several fairly identical manuscripts in NS; see under CTH 425 in Mainz, Portal<br />

and the latest ed. of the text in Bawanypeck (2005: 126–<strong>13</strong>6). She dates the manuscripts to the second<br />

half of the <strong>13</strong> th cent. noting that they were probably composed in Mur. II's time, following the plagues<br />

brought by the army back from the Syrian campaigns during the years of his predecessors Šuppiluliuma<br />

I and Arnu. II (Bawanypeck 2005: 295). If her hypothesis is correct then we could place Maddunani the<br />

augur in the time of Mur. II, which negates him from corresponding with Matu.<br />

400 On the circumstances of the find and the contents of the bullae archives see Herbordt 2005: 19–21 and<br />

Bawanypeck 2006: 114–117; summary of the previous studies is presented under chapter II.1.<br />

401 The sealing material from the upper city is to be published by A. Dinçol & B. Dinçol.<br />

402 Phonetic compliment -la is sometimes added to SCRIBA giving its Luw. reading tuppala (see also II.3).<br />


Princes o. of seals 403<br />

Hurrian<br />

Penti-Šarruma 6+<br />

Taki-Šarruma 7+<br />

[...]-Šarruma 1<br />

Hurrian?<br />

Šahurunuwa 5+<br />

Hurrian-Luwian<br />

Šauškaruntiya ↑ 7+<br />

Type Unknown<br />

Arnilizi 6<br />

Mahhuzzi ↑ 7<br />

Fragmentary<br />

Pili / Pi[...]li 2<br />

[...] (Nis 770) 1<br />

on-Royal?<br />

Luwian<br />

Muwaziti ±2<br />

Evidence Uncertain<br />

Tarhuntapiya<br />

TONITRUS.URBS+li (Nerikkaili?)<br />

403 The entries are the total number of different seals each person used. Namely, similar seal impressions<br />

were classified as one seal. A o.+ means the actual number of different seals is probably higher then<br />

that shown. A ±o. means the actual number of different seals may vary than that shown.<br />

<strong>13</strong>8<br />

Legend<br />

Promoted to MAGNUS.SCRIBA ↑

Excluded from this tablet is the famous GAL DUB.SAR Walwaziti, who bears the title of<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA on an arrow-head inscription and not on a seal. 404 A large social group attested<br />

is that of the princes (REX.FILIUS). Only Muwaziti was perhaps a non-royal official. Not including<br />

the fragmentary attestations and uncertain evidence, each prince used between five and seven seals,<br />

sometimes more. This might suggest a connection between the number of different seals used and<br />

the MAGNUS.SCRIBA's royal status. Namely, princes could, and perhaps even needed, to use a<br />

large number of different seals (see conclusions under IV.3). As for the persons themselves, apart<br />

from Šahurunuwa and Taki-Šarruma, most of the names listed do not correspond with any chief<br />

scribe or chief scribe on wood known from cuneiform texts (Hawkins 2005a: 308). 405 In relation to<br />

this, it is striking that almost all of the MAGNUS.SCRIBA attested are princes, a title which,<br />

excluding probably Taki-Šarruma, chief scribes do not bear in cuneiform. Chief scribes on wood,<br />

however, are attested as princes according to their seals. 406 Another interesting contrast between HL<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA and cuneiform GAL DUB.SAR is apparent in the onomasticon. Whereas most<br />

names of MAGNUS.SCRIBA are Hurrian in origin or contain Hurrian elements, names of attested<br />

GAL DUB.SAR are predominantly Luwian. More will be noted on this in the concluding section of<br />

the chapter. These preliminary results show that the picture drawn from the cuneiform evidence on<br />

the GAL DUB.SAR and GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ presented in the previous chapter is somewhat<br />

limited and needs further revision. The following prosopographical analysis of the<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA will attempt to elucidate the situation. First the princes will be treated,<br />

followed by the officials who were either non-royal or the evidence on them was inconclusive.<br />

a. Princes (REX.FILIUS / DUMU.LUGAL)<br />

Two of the highest social classes in Hittite bureaucracy were the “princes”, cuneiform<br />

DUMU.LUGAL, and the “greats/chiefs”, cuneiform LÚ.MEŠ GAL TI (Starke 1996: 143–146). 407 This<br />

is more so apparent in that many princes held the position of chiefs in the civilian administration, 408<br />

temple sector and military (Hagenbuchner-Dresel 2006: 3). It is now widely accepted that the<br />

404 Walwaziti was treated extensively under III.1.b.Walwaziti.<br />

405 The scarce HL evidence on the GAL DUB.SAR and GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ was discussed in the previous<br />

chapter.<br />

406 The only two GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ attested by name are Šahurunuwa and [...]-Šarruma, the latter whom<br />

I believe to be [Penti]-Šarruma (following Singer 2006b, see under IV.2.a.Penti-Šarruma).<br />

407 Also the “Lords” (BELU HI.A ), see most recently Pecchioli Daddi 2006: 121–125 with bib.<br />

408 In the Nişantepe archive for instance the princes make up 21.3% of the civilian officials (Herbordt 2005:<br />

106f.)<br />


DUMU.LUGAL were descendants of royal lineage, either of the Great King himself, or of one of<br />

his sons, viceroys or vassal kings married into the royal house (Singer 1977: 184f.; 1997: 418f.;<br />

Herbordt 2005: 106f.; Hagenbuchner-Dresel 2006). The HL equivalent of the logogram<br />

DUMU.LUGAL is REX.FILIUS (L. 17 – L. 45 = L. 46), expressed by some also as REX.<strong>IN</strong>FANS<br />

(Hawkins 2005a: 307). 409<br />

The MAGNUS.SCRIBA were inevitably part of the “chiefs”, but most of them, as shown in<br />

the list above, were also princes. In our case out of the 12 attested MAGNUS.SCRIBA, nine of<br />

them use the title REX.FILIUS on their seals as well. These names are discussed below in<br />

alphabetical order for convenience sake. Evidence of a princely title is uncertain in the case of<br />

Tarhuntapiya and TONITRUS.URBS+li, while Muwaziti was certainly not of royal descent; these<br />

three persons are treated in separate sections.<br />


Arnilizi (ara/i-ní-li-zi/a 410 ) used six different seals on several bullae (Fig. 4.2), recovered from three<br />

different areas of Hattuša: Nişantepe (Herbordt 2005: 125f., Taf. 5–6), the area of the T.1 north<br />

storerooms (Glyptik: 74f., Taf. 29), and the Upper City (B. Dinçol 2001: 103f., Taf. IV). Three seals<br />

with the titles REX.FILIUS and MAGNUS.SCRIBA were found impressed on bullae from<br />

Nişantepe (nos. 1-2) and the area of the T.1 north storerooms (no. 3). The other three seals of<br />

Arnilizi bearing the titles REX.FILIUS and (BONUS2) MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS were found<br />

impressed on Tonversclüsse 411 (no. 5) and bullae from Nişantepe (no. 4), and on another bullae<br />

from the area of the T.1 north storerooms and the Upper City (no. 6). The following table presents a<br />

summary of the different seals he used:<br />

409 For more reserved views on the equation of REX.FILIUS with DUMU.LUGAL see Poetto 1992: 435<br />

and van den Hout 1995: <strong>13</strong>3f.<br />

410 Correct reading of the name here as Arnili(z)zi follows Herbordt (2005: 125). Reading of the signs was<br />

already established in Glyptik (p. 74), where the name was suggested to spell Arnili(n)za (but cf.<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 250). Laroche's reading ar-ná-li-i from the T.1 sealing Bog. III 14 (= Glyptik 239)<br />

noted in his H under no. 144 is now obsolete. Singer (1977: 182 n. 9) later corrected this reading to ar-<br />

ná-li-za/i suggesting also Arnaziti (ar(i)-ná-VIR ! .zi/a). Both, however, are to be dismissed since the<br />

signs he read as ná and VIR are clearly ní and li, respectively.<br />

411 For this sealing type see below.<br />


Seal o. HL Titles Seals and Seal Impressions Remarks<br />



3 REX.FILIUS, MAGNUS.SCRIBA Glyptik 239<br />

4 REX.FILIUS,<br />




6 REX.FILIUS,<br />


Nis 73<br />

Nis 71 Stamped on Tonversclüsse<br />

Glyptik 240, Bo 85/89<br />

Tab. 4.1: Seals of Arnilizi<br />

Interpretation of the title MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS is somewhat problematic. It is the<br />

exact HL equivalent of the writing DUMU.É.GAL “palace attendant”. 412 However, seal holders<br />

412 Literally “son of the great house”, for the cuneiform references see Pecchioli Daddi 1982: 91–104; on<br />


who bear MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS seem to be prominent princes with elaborate seals, who also<br />

combine it with the title of MAGNUS.SCRIBA from time to time (see below). Therefore, Hawkins<br />

(2005a: 304; cf. Herbordt 2005: 97) suggests that MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS should stand for<br />

GAL DUMU.É.GAL “chief of palace attendants”, 4<strong>13</strong> assuming that a redundant HL writing<br />

MAGNUS MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS for GAL DUMU.É.GAL was avoided. For the moment<br />

Hawkins's hypothesis seems most reasonable and is, therefore, employed here.<br />

It was Güterbock (Glyptik: 74f.) who initially suggested that the alternating titles on<br />

Arnilizi's two known seals at that time (Glyptik 239–240) were of the same official. He further<br />

added that Arnilizi must have been promoted from one title to the other – namely from palace<br />

attendant to the higher chief scribe. But as we have seen, according to Hawkins,<br />

MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS should probably stand for “chief of palace attendants”. It was also<br />

Hawkins (2005a: 250) who indicated that Arnilizi's two alternating titles,<br />

MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS and MAGNUS.SCRIBA, tend to appear together on other seal<br />

impressions of MAGNUS.SCRIBA found in Nişantepe, such as those of Penti-Šarruma and<br />

Šauškaruntiya. Frankly, these are the only two persons who combine MAGNU.DOMUS.FILIUS<br />

with MAGNUS.SCRIBA on seals. In cuneiform the lower equivalents of these HL titles,<br />

DUMU.É.GAL and DUB.SAR, respectively, tend to be combined. Examples of such persons may<br />

be found under II.3, where MH Kukuwa, DUMU.É.GAL and DUB.SAR, 414 and Empire Period EN-<br />

tarwa, DUB.SAR, UGULA É.GAL (hapax!) and LÚ SAG, 415 are mentioned. This evidence further<br />

supports Hawkins's notion that Arnilizi contemporaneously used his different seals for different<br />

purposes. The question that arises is whether it is possible to reveal the purpose of this.<br />

In the case of seal no. 5 this appears possible. It would seem that both Arnilizi and another<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA named Šauškarunitya (see below), specifically used at least one of their seals,<br />

combining only REX.FILIUS and MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS, to stamp what Herbordt (2005:<br />

32f.) defines as Tonverschlüsse. 416 These are clay sealings which have on their front side a seal<br />

impression and on their back the imprint left by the material on which they were stamped. Most<br />

commonly this material is either leather or cords with one exception of cloth. 417 Leather and cords<br />

the Hittite palace see Güterbock 1974.<br />

4<strong>13</strong> Pecchioli Daddi 1982: 529–535; on the position of the GAL DUMU.É.GAL and its bearers see also<br />

Marizza 2007a: 83–112.<br />

414 KBo 16.63 obv. 11 (CTH 295.5; Werner 1967: 50–53).<br />

415 KUB 26.43 rev. 32 // 26.50 rev. 25' (Šahurunuwa land concession).<br />

416 Šauškaruntiya's seal no. 5 (Nis 374) and Arnilizi seal no. 5 (Nis 71), both used in Nişantepe.<br />

417 Sealed by the scribe Atta (Nis 78; Herbordt 2005: 34 n. 273).<br />


were used to tie leather bottles or sacks prior to their sealing. 418 In the present case residue of<br />

leather was found in the Tonverschlüsse sealed by Arnilizi and Šauškaruntiya (Herbordt 2005: 125,<br />

180). Therefore, the purpose of at least some of their seals combining REX.FILIUS and<br />

MAGNU.DOMUS.FILIUS would have been to seal containers holding goods.<br />

In order to find out to what the purpose of sealing these goods was, the Tonverschlüsse must<br />

be given a closer look. Most Tonverschlüsse were stamped with what is known as an anonymous<br />

“Labarna” seal, bearing only the HL title LABARA (IUDEX+la) usually referring to the great king<br />

Tudhaliya IV or his successors. 419 From time to time Hieroglyphic signs, usually used as titles, are<br />

added to the Labarna seal, indicating perhaps that they were used as administrative sealings on<br />

containers belonging to the palace and its various offices: some bear the HL term<br />

MAGNUS.DOMUS meaning probably “(of the) palace”, others the SCRIBA sign, perhaps “(of the)<br />

scribes” (Herbord 2005: 35). Only few Tonverschlüsse were stamped with the seals of officials,<br />

almost all of them belonging to princes or scribes of various rank (Herbordt 2005: 34–36).<br />

Chief scribes, as well as other high officials, inspected incoming tribute and were also<br />

known to have been themselves recipients of tribute from time to time (Singer 2003: 345; 2006b:<br />

245; Mora 2006: 143). The role of observing, which also included the sealing, of goods received by<br />

the palace magazines, or by specific officials, is recorded in several Hittite inventory texts. 420<br />

However, chiefs of palace attendants are not referred at all in these records. 421 According to<br />

Marizza's (2007a: 95) recent study the chief of palace attendants was intimately involved in the<br />

organization of many festivals and cult offerings. Also, LÚ.MEŠ É.GAL are frequently entrusted in<br />

cult inventories with the distribution of cultic offerings to the various temples (Hazenbos 2003:<br />

206). So, it would seem that the MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS inspected and sealed goods given to<br />

the cult for the organization of various rituals or festivals.<br />

There are no cuneiform attestations of Arnilizi. This might suggest his term of office to be<br />

dated to the late period of Arnuwanda III or Šuppiluliuma II, from which not many texts have<br />

survived. Alternatively, since he was also a chief of palace attendants, and there were other main<br />

palaces involved in the redistribution of goods known from the economic records, in venues such as<br />

418 See the reconstruction in Herbordt 2005: 38 Abb. 18e.<br />

419 On the interpretation of this royal title see Hawkins 1995: 108–1<strong>13</strong>.<br />

420 Tribute lists are designated either as MADATTU or IGI.DU8.A (Siegelová 1986: 559–564; Mora<br />

2006); for the sealing process recorded in them see Mora 2007: 537–541.<br />

421 Note the officials treated in Siegelová 1986: 288–291.<br />


Šulupašši, Kašiya and Gazzimara, 422 he might have been active outside Hattuša. If he was stationed<br />

in the palace of Hattuša he may have fulfilled duties close to those of Šauškaruntiya. Both officials<br />

used MAGNUS.SCRIBA and MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS seals, and both signed their<br />

MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS seals on Tonverschlüsse. Marizza (2007a: 108) in his dissertation<br />

raised the hypothesis that Arnili of the Instructions to the Palace Servants (KUB <strong>13</strong>.3 III 27; CTH<br />

265.1) could perhaps be identified with Arnilizi. But even he admits that since this LH copy of the<br />

Instructions text is based on a MH original, 423 the names appearing in it could well belong to MH<br />

period officials. 424 In short, evidence has yet to turn up allowing the chronologically placing of a<br />

chief scribe and chief of palace attendants named Arnilizi at Hattuša. Perhaps after considering the<br />

evidence of the similar Šauškaruntiya more could be said on the matter.<br />


Mahhuzzi (ma-hwi-zi/a) used seven different seals, all produced from multiple impressions found at<br />

Nişantepe (Herbordt 2005: 81, 152–153, Taf. 17–18). 425 Mahhuzzi's choice of titles, HL name<br />

spellings 426 and scene designs on these seals all seem well planned (Tab. 4.2; Fig. 4.3).<br />

Seal o. HL Titles Seals and Seal Impressions Remarks<br />

1 SCRIBA-la Nis 217 Signet ring impression;<br />

144<br />

digraphic<br />

2 SCRIBA-la, REX.FILIUS Nis 223 Signet ring impression<br />

3 SCRIBA-la, LIS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US Nis 222<br />

422 See Hazenbos 2003: 206.<br />

423 Apud Pecchioli Daddi 2004: 451.<br />

424 I would note for example that Zuliya, appearing next to Arnili in KUB <strong>13</strong>.3 III 28-33, is a name attested<br />

solely in MH texts: Instructions of Arnu. I and Ašmunikkal for the LÚ.MEŠ DUGUD (KUB 31.44 I 21;<br />

CTH 260.1), a list of families (KBo 16.65 I 4; CTH 233.4) and a letter from Maşat (HKM 103 rev. <strong>13</strong>).<br />

425 VA 10942 is a biconvex seal of Mahhuzzi BONUS2 VIR2 with a second illegible title. This title was<br />

recognized by Singer (1999b: 652, Fig. 2) perhaps as a mutilated L. 23. I believe this seal is to be<br />

excluded from belonging to the prince, scribe and lord of litigations, later MAGNUS.SCRIBA, studied<br />

here, mainly because the sign VIR2 is not among his titular.<br />

426 Hawkins 2005a: 263 noted on the alternating use of the “Ram head” and the full body of the Ram to<br />

write ma (L. 110). This stylistic Ram appears also in reliefs from Alaça (Herbordt 2005: 152 with ref.).

Seal o. HL Titles Seals and Seal Impressions Remarks<br />

4 MAGNUS.SCRIBA-la Nis 218<br />

5 MAGNUS.SCRIBA-la, REX.FILIUS Nis 221 Stamped on Tonversclüsse<br />

6 MAGNUS.SCRIBA-la,<br />

LIS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

7 MAGNUS.SCRIBA-la,<br />

LIS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

Nis 220<br />

Nis 219 Mann im Mantel scene 427<br />

Tab. 4.2: Seals of Mahhuzzi<br />

To begin with, Mahhuzzi used three different SCRIBA-la seals (nos. 1-3), two of which<br />

were signets (nos. 1-2). Signet no. 1 is digraphic, its cuneiform legend reads [ma-hu]-uz-zi. 428 Since<br />

427 A man wearing an elongated robe, sometimes with the front leg bared, or a short robe, either with a<br />

round cap or a horned head piece, is common in Empire period glyptics, both in Hattuša and North-<br />

Syria (Beyer 2001: 347–351; Herbordt 2005: 58–60).<br />

428 For this reading see also Hawkins 2005a: 263.<br />


Mahhuzzi is attested as an overseer of a scribe in at least one colophon, 429 as will be shown below,<br />

the digraphic seal was perhaps aimed at expressing the proficiency of Mahhuzzi in cuneiform<br />

writing. 430 The cuneiform legend on signet no. 1 has helped in recognizing the value of *508 or<br />

CURRERE – known from YALBURT to correspond with hwi – with cuneiform hu (Hawkins<br />

2005a: 427). Signets no. 1 and 2 are most likely contemporary but have different purposes, since<br />

no. 2 uses the additional REX.FILIUS title. Seal no. 3 bears a new title: LIS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US “lord of<br />

declarations” (L. 23.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US, see below), which is either a later promotion or an additional title<br />

held contemporaneously with those referred to on signets nos. 1 and 2. Seals nos. 4-7 definitely<br />

indicate a promotion from SCRIBA to MAGNUS.SCRIBA. These seals abandon altogether the<br />

style of the previous signets. A similar phenomenon appears in the promotion of Šauškarunitya<br />

from SCRIBA to MAGNUS.SCRIBA, which is discussed below.<br />

In cuneiform sources, Mahhuzzi is known as the overseer of the scribe Duda (see below),<br />

and chief of MUBARRÛ men, who witnessed both the Ulmi-Tešub treaty of Hattušili III 431 and the<br />

land concession issued by Tudhaliya IV to Šahurunuwa 432 (van den Hout 1995: 225f.). His title,<br />

GAL (LÚ.MEŠ) MUBARRÎ, was in the past mistakenly understood as “chief butcher” (Gurney 1993: 24<br />

apud Kümmel). The correct meaning of the Akkadogram MUBARRÛ seems to derive either from<br />

the third weak verb burrû “announce, usher in” (CAD M/2: 158b), or second weak D-stem burru<br />

“legally establish, prove, convict” (Hawkins 2005a: 300). Van den Hout (1995: 185) already<br />

suggested that the GAL (LÚ.MEŠ) MUBARRÎ is a kind of legal official (Richter). Singer (1999b: 651)<br />

further dubbed the title as “lord of declarations / litigations”. This translation was based on the<br />

function of a Nani(n)zi GAL (LÚ.MEŠ) MUBARRÎ, 433 who recorded the declaration of a Pallariya in<br />

the deposition RS 17.109. 434 This deposition was further ratified with what Singer identified as the<br />

seal of Nani(n)zi L. 23.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US. Whereas the name on the seal impression should now most<br />

likely read Ana(n)zi/a following Hawkins (2005a: 300), Singer's interpretation of the HL title L.<br />

23.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US remains correct. L. 23 shows two heads opposing each other in between them one or<br />

429 KUB <strong>13</strong>.7 IV (CTH 258.2).<br />

430 Mahhuzzi is one of a selected few who used such seals. More digraphic seals from Nişantepe are for<br />

example those of Pihatarhunta (Nis 305; Herbordt 2005: 168, Taf. 24), Alalimi (Nis 3; Herbordt 2005:<br />

114, Taf. 1), the playful writing of d UTU-mu on the seal Nis 460 of Tiwatamuwa (Hawkins 2005a:<br />

275), and Nis 281 of Nanuwa (Herbordt 2005: 163–164, Taf. 22).<br />

431 KBo 4.10+ rev. 32.<br />

432 KUB 26.43 rev. 33 // 50 rev. 27'.<br />

433 This Nani(n)zi is the same scribe and son of Mittannamuwa treated under III.1.b.Nani(n)zi.<br />

434 For an ed. of the text see Salvini 1995.<br />


two circles (Fig. 4.4). This HL sign should be interpreted as a depiction of a dispute between two<br />

men, and is now recognized by Hawkins (2005a: 300) as the Empire form of Late Period L. 24,<br />

“disagreement, lawsuit”, transcribed LIS.<br />

Fig. 4.4: L. 23 also transcribed LIS<br />

In light of the established equation LIS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US = UGULA/GAL MUBARRÎ, Mahhuzzi,<br />

owner of the HL seals nos. 1-7, must correspond with Mahhuzzi DUB.SAR and GAL<br />

(LÚ.MEŠ) MUBARRÎ from the cuneiform documents (Singer 1999b: 651f.; Hawkins 2005a: 263). It<br />

would seem that all three known lords of declarations: Nani(n)zi, Mahhuzzi and Ana(n)zi/a, also<br />

possessed a scribal education concurrent with their judicial roles as writers of court declarations. 435<br />

When analyzing Mahhuzzi's scribal endeavors, from the glyptic point of view, two distinct<br />

stages in his career can be distinguished. He was first SCRIBA and later MAGNUS.SCRIBA. Both<br />

of Mahhuzzi's SCRIBA signets are impressed alongside other seals on the same bullae. Digraphic<br />

signet no. 1 (Tab. 4.2), for example, is impressed three times on Bo 91/999 together with an<br />

administrative, anonymous “Labarna” seal. As indicated under IV.2.a.Arnilizi (p. 143), this royal<br />

HL title usually refers to the great king Tudhaliya IV or one of his successors. In this case, since we<br />

know Mahhuzzi was a witness of the Šahurunuwa decree, the “Labarna” on Bo 91/999 must be<br />

Tudhaliya IV. This is the only known example of an official's seal and an anonymous “Labarna”<br />

seal appearing together on the same bulla (Herbordt 2005: 152). It may have a unique bearing on<br />

the understanding of Mahhuzzi duties as a scribe, which unfortunately cannot yet be determined.<br />

According to signet no. 2 (Tab. 4.2; SCRIBA-la and REX.FILIUS) Mahhuzzi was already a<br />

prince in the earlier stage of his scribal career, before his MAGNUS.SCRIBA seals were issued.<br />

There is evidence of at least one other contemporary scribe at this point in his career. Bulla Bo<br />

91/500 is impressed with Mahhuzzi's signet no. 2 and with the seal of a SCRIBA II (Nis 580; Fig.<br />

4.5) whose difficult name may be read as L. 417.5-wasa or Suwasa. 436 L. 417.5-wasa or Suwasa<br />

SCRIBA II is previously attested using the same seal in a more complete impression recovered<br />

from Bk. D (SBo II 1<strong>13</strong>; Fig. 4.5). On the seal a Mann im Mantel is depicted wearing a horned cap<br />

and adorned with a long robe which exposes the front leg. 437 This scribe is not attested elsewhere in<br />

435 Cf. already the remarks on Nani(n)zi made by Singer 1999b: 651 and here under III.1.b.Nani(n)zi.<br />

436 Hawkins (2005a: 281) classifies the first sign of the name under L. 417: “miscellaneous triangles with<br />

interior markings”, offering to transcribe it as su based on the Late Period value of L. 417.<br />

437 For bib. see n. 427 above.<br />


cuneiform or HL. Since Mahhuzzi is indicated on the bulla as prince, he is the official with the<br />

higher status, but the designation of SCRIBA II, carried by L. 417.5-wasa, might imply that he was<br />

more educated, or had a higher rank in the scribal profession. 438 In any case, the bulla indicates that<br />

L. 417.5-wasa / Suwasa was either a colleague of Mahhuzzi or more likely his teacher.<br />

Turning to the cuneiform evidence, Mahhuzzi's earlier SCRIBA stage has at least one<br />

attestation dating to the reign of Tudhaliya IV, where he bears the title DUB.SAR in the<br />

Šahurunuwa decree. Therefore, at least at the beginning of Tudhaliya IV's reign he was still<br />

DUB.SAR. Mahhuzzi has no exact parallel cuneiform title to his later MAGNUS.SCRIBA.<br />

However, there is evidence he co-supervised, together with Halwaziti, the work of a scribe named<br />

Duda 439 who copied KUB <strong>13</strong>.7 (CTH 258.2):<br />

Rev. IV 440<br />

x+1 DUB II KAM m Tu-ut-ha-li-ya L˹UGAL.G˺AL<br />

2' Š́A MA-ME-TI (ers.) QA-TI<br />

3' ki-i ṬUP-PU ar-ha har-ra-an e-eš[-ta]<br />

4' na-at ! A-A PA-I m Ma-ah-hu-zi<br />

5' Ù A-A m Hal-wa-LÚ<br />

6' ú-uk m Du-da-aš<br />

7' EGIR-pa ne-wa-ah-hu-un<br />

438 For more on the bearers of ranked SCRIBA seals see under II.3.<br />

439 The anthroponym Duda is otherwise unrecorded.<br />

440 Translit. follows Karasu 2001: 250.<br />


Duda refurbished this second tablet of a MH edict of a certain great king Tudhaliya, likely<br />

the II/III, 441 after the previous copy was destroyed (kī ṬUPPU arha harran ēš[ta]), perhaps for the<br />

use of the current reigning king Tudhaliya IV. It is unusual that both Mahhuzzi and Halwaziti as the<br />

supervisors of the work are without title. On many occasions DUB.SAR is omitted from colophons<br />

when referring to the copyist, for example, when we have only with the signature “hand of PN<br />

wrote”. Professional scribal markers of those inspecting the copyist's work, such as GAL<br />

DUB.SAR, LÚ SAG, and even few instances of DUB.SAR, 442 are rarely omitted. Also in the case a<br />

teacher is mentioned, the copyist is designated PN GÁB.ZU.ZU PN, meaning “so-and-so trainee of<br />

so-and-so”. 443 Nevertheless, since Mahhuzzi is mentioned before Halwaziti in the colophon, he was<br />

probably the senior scribe of the two. It seems appropriate to assume that, considering he acts here<br />

as the supervisor, that he was the MAGNUS.SCRIBA at this stage as his seals tell us. However, it<br />

cannot be established if this means that he was also the acting GAL DUB.SAR.<br />

The duties and chronological reconstruction of the GAL DUB.SAR's considered in the<br />

previous chapter emphasized their function as high ministers, and established that only one person<br />

could bear the title at a given point in time. However, large gaps remain in the chronological<br />

reconstruction, especially following the reign of Hattušili III. Two GAL DUB.SAR's were active<br />

during Tudhaliya IV's reign: Walwaziti at the beginning of his reign and SAG for a short period<br />

afterwards, leaving a gap to be filled after SAG. If Mahhuzzi the MAGNUS.SCRIBA was a GAL<br />

DUB.SAR in Tudhaliya IV's reign, three possible scenarios arise: (1) Mahhuzzi was GAL<br />

DUB.SAR after SAG, filling the gap till the next chief scribe, but his title is only documented in HL<br />

seals; (2) Mahhuzzi was MAGNUS.SCRIBA at the same time SAG was GAL DUB.SAR. In this<br />

case it is possible that (a) The GAL DUB.SAR lost its prestige as a title in the reign of Tudhaliya IV<br />

and was given to more than one functionary simultaneously, 444 or (b) The title MAGNUS.SCRIBA<br />

was not only the equivalent of cuneiform GAL DUB.SAR or GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, but also<br />

designated scribes who reached the highest level of scribal proficiency, namely something<br />

equivalent to “master scribe”. In this case there was only one GAL DUB.SAR but several<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA, some of which lived at the same period of time.<br />

441 For the dating of the original text to this king see Otten 1979; cf. also van den Hout 1995: 192 (MH) and<br />

Karasu 2001: 250 (Tudh. II/III).<br />

442 Šipaziti for example, see van den Hout 1995: 237.<br />

443 On the structure and characteristics of the colophons see also under II.2.<br />

444 A similar case was indicated recently by Marizza (2007c: 164–167) regarding a possible loss in prestige<br />

of the office of GAL GEŠT<strong>IN</strong> in the Bronze Tablet, where two such officers are mentioned: Hattuša-<br />

d LAMMA and HAR-šaniya.<br />


These scenarios have implications regarding all the MAGNUS.SCRIBA treated in this<br />

chapter and will be considered in the concluding section. For the moment, the simplest scenario will<br />

be used, i.e. the first, in which case Mahhuzzi was the GAL DUB.SAR who filled the shoes of SAG<br />

sometime during the latter half of Tudhaliya IV's reign.<br />

FAMILY <strong>OF</strong> HALWAZITI: When looking for a key moment in Halwaziti's career one might<br />

note that he was the known scribe of the Bronze Tablet (IV 43), man of the city Ukkia, son of<br />

Lupakki. This Lupakki has also been discussed by van den Hout (1995: 192). In contrast to what is<br />

assumed here, he prefers to see the city Ukkia as pertaining to the origin of Lupakki and not of<br />

Halwaziti. In the colophons of Hattuša the appellative LÚ URU Ukkiya seems to refer specifically to<br />

the copyist, as it does in at least two other cases: Lilawalwi (KUB 7.20 rev. 6'-7'; CTH 475.a.1.A)<br />

and Pihamuwa (KBo 12.95 rev. 2'; CTH 825). 445 Perhaps all were members of the same scribal<br />

circle or this city had a part in their scribal training (Otten 1988:53; Torri 2007a: 772).<br />

The same Lupakki is probably the EXERCITUS.SCRIBA, “army scribe”, mentioned in the<br />

TAŞÇI A inscription, if it is indeed from the reign of Hattušili III (Kohlmeyer 1983: 77f.; Herbordt<br />

2005: 77). Hawkins (2005a: 292f.) reads the genealogy of a Manazi in the inscription so: ... ma-na-<br />


HATTI+li MAGNUS.REX HEROS SERVUS “...Manazi, daughter of Lupaki the Army-Scribe son<br />

of(?) Zida the MEŠEDI-man, servant of Hattušili, Great King, Hero” (Fig. 4.5). He therefore<br />

reaches the conclusion that Lupakki is a descendant of Zida, most likely the GAL MEŠEDI, brother<br />

of Šuppiluliuma I. This makes Manazi and her brother Halwaziti second cousins of Hattušili III and<br />

Muwattalli II. 446<br />

445 Note also Duwazi LÚ URU […] scribe of KUB 31.49 (CTH 233.2).<br />

446 For a recent study of the TAŞÇI A and B inscriptions see Kohlmeyer 1983: 74–80; see also Ehringhaus<br />

2005: 65–70 with good photos of the inscriptions and their riverside environment.<br />


Other homonyms bearing the name Lupakki 447 include (in chronological order): (1) UGULA<br />

10 ŠA KARAŠ under Šuppiluliuma I (Houwink ten cate 1973a: 254; Beal 1992: 409f.); (2) Owner<br />

of seal impressions SBo II 54 and Nis 207, both of similar design and bear the title SCRIBA, dated<br />

to Šuppiluliuma I by Herbordt (2005: 46 n. 351, 77 and Abb. 301) based on the connection of SBo<br />

II 54 to an Early Empire impression of Izzummiziti (SBo II 53) on the same clay bulla. Herbordt<br />

also attributes this Lupakki with a bronze seal from a storehouse near temple I (Glyptik no. 214)<br />

bearing the title SCRIBA; (3) Lupakki GAL DUMU MEŠ É.GAL of Muwattalli II (KBo 1.6 obv. 21');<br />

(4) KARTAPPU of Hattušili III, owner of a seal impression from Korucutepe (Güterbock 1973: 142<br />

and n. 24; Beal 1992: 448) and perhaps also included in the “Hešni conspiracy” (KUB 31.68 obv.<br />

39'; Tani 2001: 158 and n. 26). Kohlmeyer (1983: 80) wishes to equate this KARTAPPU with the<br />

TAŞÇI army scribe, father of Halwaziti and Manazi.<br />

Other sporadic attestations of the name Lupakki include a Late Empire seal impression with<br />

the title URCEUS (Nis 208, see Herbordt 2005: 150, Taf. 16) and a seal impression of a cylinder<br />

seal from the Upper City of Boğazköy (Bo 78/35), probably of the late Empire Period. This latter<br />

seal shows a scene close to that portrayed on the FIRAKT<strong>IN</strong> relief, which is dated to Hattušili III or<br />

immediately afterwards (Kohlmeyer 1983: 69–71, Fig. 25), and mentions a Lupakki without title<br />

(B. Dinçol 1998a: 168f, Abb. 1, Taf I 1).<br />

As for Halwaziti, he was also the teacher of two students ( LÚ GÁB.ZU.ZU): [...-Šarru]ma 448<br />

and Pihami 449 the junior scribe. 450 In both cases the texts copied were festivals, the first regarding<br />

the cult of Underworld deities, the second regarding the cult of Zippalanda. I believe the main<br />

447 For an exhaustive review of all cuneiform attestations see H and H suppl. 708 with more ref. under<br />

no. 6. Lupakki was recently subjected to a prospographical inquiry by Hawkins (2005a: 262) and<br />

Marizza (2007a: 101).<br />

448 Restored by Archi as GUR-Šarruma (Inhaltsübersicht KUB 57) and similiarly by Trémouille<br />

(Onomastique on line: “GUR-Šarruma”). Van den Hout (1995: 192f.) believes a Šarruma name other<br />

then GUR-Šarruma is in order. Recently Torri (2007a: 773 n. 15) suggested also Ulmi-Šarruma, but<br />

since the latter scribe usually works together with Palluwaraziti and Piha-Walwi (Mascheroni 1983:<br />

102; Torri 2007a: 778f.), it seems to me less likely that he would appear with connection to Halwaziti.<br />

No other good suggestion springs to mind. From the copy it seems that a maximum of three signs fit the<br />

gap at the beginning of the name, not counting the determinative.<br />

449 The name Pihami is otherwise unknown, aside from a certain seal holder from Nişantepe bearing the<br />

title URCEUS (Nis 298, see Herbordt 2005: 166, Taf. 23); on the stem piha- see now Hawkins 2005a:<br />

293.<br />

450 KUB 57.110 III 5 (CTH 645) and KBo 45.69 VI 6 (CTH 647) respectively.<br />


venue of Halwaziti could have been the House on the Slope, mainly because the text copied by<br />

Pihami comes from that location, 451 and a parallel of the text copied by [...-Šarru]ma was found in<br />

the Lower City, 452 hinting that it too was perhaps originally kept close by. The text copied by<br />

Pihami, which concerns the cult of Zippalanda, displays the mark of two different hands, one on<br />

each side of the tablet. For this reason, Torri (2007a: 773) recently speculated whether one side was<br />

copied by Halwaziti, while the other was by Pihami, or one side copied by Pihami and the other by<br />

a colleague of Pihami who left out his signature. In order to determine whether this is the case a full<br />

review of the texts copied under Halwaziti needs to be carried out, however such an investigation is<br />

beyond the scope of the present study.<br />

Using the above evidence a reconstruction of the duties of Mahhuzzi and Halwaziti in KUB<br />

<strong>13</strong>.7 seems possible. Mahhuzzi was the supervisor, as can be seen from his MAGNUS.SCRIBA<br />

seals that indicate that he most likely replaced SAG as chief scribe. Halwaziti was the teacher, a<br />

position he is attested to in two festival colophons. Such a cooperation between a supervisor, who<br />

was the chief scribe, and a teacher is also documented in a colophon of a text written by Talmi-<br />

Tešub, son of Walwazit. This colophon presents Walwaziti, the chief scribe , as the inspector of the<br />

work, and a certain MAH.D<strong>IN</strong>GIR MEŠ as the teacher of Talmi-Tešub (see under III.1.b…Talmi-<br />

Tešub). 453<br />

It was suggested under III.1.b.Walwaziti that Walwaziti ran a bureau and school in Bk. A,<br />

where he mainly supervised the writing of the (h)išuwa festival texts, but also many other texts<br />

written by a group of scribes who worked there. In a similar fashion one can reconstruct a bureau or<br />

school operated by prince Mahhuzzi lord of declarations and MAGNUS.SCRIBA. His partner<br />

Halwaziti was acting as student instructor and co-supervisor. In this school, perhaps situated in the<br />

House on the Slope or somewhere close by, 454 several lower echelon scribes were recognized: Duda<br />

a scribe, Pihami a junior scribe and student, and [...-Šarru]ma a student. The everyday work in the<br />

school involved, for example, the renewal of destroyed tablets (by Duda), and the re-copying of<br />

needed festival texts (by Pihami and [...-Šarru]ma). Since the latter work was done by students, it<br />

would seem that copying cult festival texts was an important part in the curriculum of Hittite<br />

scribes. 455<br />

451 KBo 45.69 was found in the House on the Slope see Košak, Konkordanz and Torri 2007a: 773.<br />

452 KBo 27.59 is a dupl. of KUB 57.110, see Košak, Konkordanz.<br />

453 Colophon of KBo 15.37 (CTH 628.II.1).<br />

454 Considering the location of the texts written under the inspection of Halwaziti (see above).<br />

455 See also the recent remarks of Christiansen 2006: 29f. on the tradition of recopying ritual texts as part of<br />


Summary. Mahhuzzi was a prince (REX.FILIUS) trained as a scribe, who earned, sometime<br />

during the second half of Hattušili III's reign, the title of GAL (LÚ.MEŠ) MUBARRÎ. This title was of<br />

high judicial profile and likely required him to continue his scribal training. At least one other<br />

higher scribe, whose name is either L. 417.5-wasa or Suwasa, was involved with Mahhuzzi at this<br />

stage, perhaps as his teacher. As a high dignitary of the court Mahhuzzi became a part of, or<br />

perhaps received charge over, a scribal office or school in the capital, which I believe to be in the<br />

Lower City, possibly in the House on the Slope. This office also controlled the school of an<br />

instructor named Halwaziti, man of the city Ukkiya, son of Lupakki. It seems correct to identify this<br />

Lupakki with his namesake from the TAŞÇI A HL inscription. If one follows the interpretation of<br />

Hawkins (2005a: 292f.) for this inscription, Lupakki was a descendant of Zida, brother of<br />

Šuppiluliuma I, and loyal servant of Hattušili III. Halwaziti was himself a loyal servant of<br />

Tudhaliya IV being the scribe who produced the important Bronze Tablet. Furthermore, TAŞÇI<br />

informs us that Lupakki was an army scribe and had a daughter named Manazi. Halwaziti in this<br />

case inherited his father's scribal role, but the question concerning his royal blood remains. There is<br />

no tentative evidence suggesting that Halwaziti or Lupakki bore the titles DUMU.LUGAL or<br />

REX.FILIUS. Therefore, whether Lupakki was a direct descendant of Zida is yet to be determined.<br />

During the reign of Tudhaliya IV several scribes and students worked and studied under the<br />

joint supervision of Mahhuzzi and Halwaziti, perhaps in their bureau/school in the House on the<br />

Slope. At a certain point in the second half of Tudhaliya IV's reign, sometime after the signing of<br />

the Šahurunuwa decree, Mahhuzzi is granted the title of MAGNUS.SCRIBA, which he bears on<br />

several HL seals. He most likely also replaced SAG as GAL DUB.SAR at this point too. A less<br />

likely option would place both persons as GAL DUB.SAR's simultaneously. His career, scribal<br />

schools and other affiliations have been reconstructed in the following diagram (Fig. 4.7).<br />

Hittite scribal education.<br />


Fig. 4.7: Career of Mahhuzzi and affiliated scribes<br />



Penti-Šarruma (pi-ti-SARMA) used at least six seals all found impressed on bullae from Nişantepe<br />

(Herbordt 2005: 171f., Taf. 25–26) and from Bk. D, one of which is fragmentary (SBo II: 66, 69).<br />

His seals present a clear progression over time in titles, size and use of fillers (Tab. 4.3; Fig. 4.8).<br />

Seal o. HL Titles Seals and Seal Impressions Remarks<br />

1 MAGNUS.SCRIBA Nis 322, SBo II 68<br />











Nis 325<br />

Nis 326<br />

Nis 324<br />

SBo II 17 Fragmentary<br />

Tab. 4.3: Seals of Penti-Šarruma<br />

The seals used by Penti-Šarruma at Bk. D were identified only recently following the<br />

reading of his name in the Nişantepe bullae. 456 Seal no. 1 was used both in Nişantepe and Bk. D.<br />

Another seal was used in Bk. D: SBo II 17 (not numbered). It is, however, quite fragmentary and<br />

displays the title REX.FILIUS and the remnants of another title, perhaps [MAGNUS.SCRIBA,<br />

MAGNUS.DOM]US.FILIUS, likely corresponding to the titular of seals nos. 4-6 used in Nişantepe.<br />

The majority of Penti-Šarruma seal impressions come from the recent Nişantepe corpus. Seal no. 2<br />

adds the title REX.FILIUS to MAGNUS.SCRIBA found on seal no. 1. Seals nos. 4-6 add to these<br />

titles also MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS, the equivalent of GAL DUMU.É.GAL “chief of palace<br />

attendants” (see IV.2.a.Arnilizi). Seal no. 3 is unique because it bears the military title<br />

456 Reading of the first name element pi-ti as a variant of the writing pa-ti, recognized as the Hurr. lexeme<br />

P/Benti- (= fanti(p), “right”) in the HL writing of the name Bentešina (pa-ti-si-na), was ascertained by<br />

Hawkins (2005a: 268) apud Gonnet.<br />


MAGNUS.AURIGA equivalent of GAL KARTAPPU “chief of equerries” (Laroche 1956c: 29–32;<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 301). 457 According to Singer (2006b: 244) this seal could belong either to a<br />

homonym or to a different stage in the career of Penti-Šarruma the MAGNUS.SCRIBA.<br />

The titles on the six Penti-Šarruma seals imply two possible scenarios (cf. Hawkins 2005a:<br />

268). On the one hand, the seals might express a chronological development from a chief scribe to a<br />

prince (or vice versa), with a later addition of the title and most likely duties of a chief of palace<br />

attendants and charioteer. On the other hand, a case where Penti-Šarruma held all four titles at the<br />

same time, choosing to omit certain titles from certain seals could also be imagined. The first<br />

scenario, which suggests that Penti-Šarruma was given the title prince, seems problematic, unless<br />

he married into the royal line or was adopted in some way by the king. 458 In support of the second<br />

scenario, that of title omission, there are the somewhat similar cases of Arnilizi and Mahhuzzi (see<br />

above). Both dignitaries seem to have used seals contemporaneously, but bearing different titles,<br />

using each seal depending on their needs.<br />

457 On the GAL KARTAPPU see Pecchioli Daddi 1977; Singer 1983b: 10; Beal 1992: 446–450.<br />

458 The ways of becoming DUMU.LUGAL / REX.FILIUS were discussed under IV.2.a with bib.<br />


In the cuneiform texts from Hattuša not one document attesting to Penti-Šarruma has been<br />

discovered (Singer 2006b: 243). 459 However, he is now assumed by Singer (2006b: 244) to be [...]-<br />

Šarruma, the GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ who swore an oath to Šuppiluliuma II in KUB 26.32 (CTH<br />

124). 460 Previously, [...]-Šarruma was associated with Taki-Šarruma (Singer 2003: 345), another<br />

known MAGNUS.SCRIBA and GAL L [ Ú.MEŠ DUB.SAR] treated below. However, Penti-Šarruma<br />

chronologically corresponds to the period of Šuppiluliuma II, since a high dignitary by that name<br />

appears now in two companion letters from Ugarit dated to the days of Ammurapi, last king of<br />

Ugarit (see below). Furthermore, according to Singer (2006b: 244 n. 7), the space in the lacuna<br />

before the element Šarruma in col. I 2 better fits a writing of the logogram ZAG, which corresponds<br />

to Hurrian P/Benti- “right”. In the text Šuppiluliuma II recounts how he adopted [Penti]-Šarruma<br />

from his parents and cared for him like a puppy dog (I 5-8). In the reign of Arnuwanda III,<br />

Šuppiluliuma II's brother, [Penti]-Šarruma is already a Grandee (I 5-15). Next, as his adopting<br />

father becomes king he swears to him an oath of fealty (III 10'-15').<br />

Considering Penti-Šarruma's role as chief scribe on wood one might understand his<br />

MAGNUS.AURIGA seal (no. 3). A similar case would be that of Šahurunuwa, the only other GAL<br />

DUB.SAR.GIŠ in Hattuša recorded in Empire Period texts. Šahurunuwa was the holder of several<br />

military titles, perhaps at the same time. Among these were the GAL LÚ UKU.UŠ and [GAL<br />

N]A.[G]AD, 461 both high military positions (Imparati 1974: 11). It is not certain at which stage in<br />

his career he held these positions, but it is clear that as a chief scribe on wood he was connected<br />

with the military (Beal 1992: 382–385; Negri Scafa 1995: 290). Therefore, Penti-Šarruma could<br />

have been given, at a certain point, a further military or otherwise diplomatic post, depending on<br />

how one interprets the responsibilities of the MAGNUS.AURIGA / GAL KARTAPPU. 462<br />

In Ugarit Penti-Šarruma was recently identified as the sender of RS 94.2523. The text is one<br />

of two companion letters found in the Urtenu archive, the other being RS 94.2530, both dealing<br />

with several related subjects (Lackenbacher & Malbran-Labat 2005b: 230–240; Singer 2006b).<br />

459 Apart for a reference to a fragmentary name Pint[i...] appearing next to an unidentified Palla in a<br />

historical fragment cited by Singer 2006b: 243 n. 4; cf. van den Hout 1995: 218.<br />

460 An ed. of the text was made by Giorgieri 1995: 278–280; for earlier discussions see the bib. cited in<br />

Singer 2003: 346 n. 35.<br />

461 KUB 26.43 rev. 49 (Imparati 1974: 30).<br />

462 The majority assume that the GAL KARTAPPU was in fact a kind of diplomat or foreign affairs<br />

secretary (Pecchioli Daddi 1977: 173f.; Singer 1983b: 10; Malbran-Labat 2004: 76; Herbordt 2005: 96).<br />

Whereas Beal (1992: 449–450 and n. 1675) instead sees him as a military officer.<br />


Both letters were sent by Penti-Šarruma to the last king of Ugarit, Ammurapi, 463 chronologically<br />

parallel to Šuppiluliuma II in Hatti. In the text Penti-Šarruma bears the titles LÚ tuppinura<br />

huburtinura LÚ GAL-ú DUGUD ša KUR ha-at-ti, “chief scribe (and) chief huburti, grandee,<br />

dignitary of Hatti”. The title tuppa(la)nura is the equivalent of GAL DUB.SAR and of<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA (Laroche 1956c: 27–29; Singer 2006b: 243f.). 464 As a result Lackenbacher and<br />

Malbran-Labat (2005a) identified the sender of the companion letters with his namesake on the<br />

seals from Hattuša. Still problematic is the title huburtinura, on which opinions differ.<br />

Lackenbacher and Malbran-Labat concluded that, based on the seal impression of Penti-Šarruma<br />

bearing the title MAGNUS.AURIGA (seal no. 3), corespondent of GAL KARTAPPI (see above),<br />

huburtinura should be recognized as its phonetic writing and therefore mean “chief equerry”. 465<br />

Singer (2006b: 244) alternatively suggested to take LÚ tuppinura huburtinura as a compound title<br />

equivalent to the HL titles MAGNUS.SCRIBA and MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS, which Penti-<br />

Šarruma bears in combination on seals nos. 4-6. The latter hypothesis is quite convincing, but lacks<br />

corroborating evidence from other sources.<br />

There are also at least three other references to a tuppa(la)nura in Ugarit whose name is not<br />

explicitly mentioned. But since these texts date to Ammurapi, Lackenbacher and Malbran-Labat<br />

(2005a: 96f.) and Singer (2006b: 243 n. 5, 244), attribute them to Penti-Šarruma and not to Taki-<br />

Šarruma as speculated before (Singer 2003: 345f.). Two of these texts also originated in the Urtenu<br />

archive where the above mentioned companion letters were found. 466 RS 34.<strong>13</strong>6 (= RSO 7, no. 7) is<br />

a letter addressed to an unnamed king of Ugarit, identified as Ammurapi, sent by the viceroy of<br />

Carchemish, then Talmi-Tešub. The latter expounds on his lack of satisfaction from the gifts<br />

Ammurapi sent several high Hittite officials (Singer 1999a: 694f.). Most interesting are the wanting<br />

gifts given to the tuppalanuri. RS 92.2007, dealt with by Arnaud (1996: 58f.), which reveal the<br />

principal role of the tuppat(a)nuri 467 in the text as responsible for tax payments on incoming<br />

merchants to the Syrian principalities (Singer 1999a: 708). The third and last text is RS 19.080 (=<br />

463 For the reign of Ammurapi see Singer 1999a: 706–731 and Freu 2006: 158–164.<br />

464 See also on tuppal(a)nura under II.3.<br />

465 Following an equation between LÚ IŠ and huburtinura formulated long ago by Götze (1952: 5; cf. HED<br />

2: 298f.).<br />

466 On the texts from the Urtenu archive see Lackenbacher & Malbran-Labat 2005b and Singer 2006b:<br />

242f. with bib.<br />

467 Arnaud suggests that the unusual spelling is made of a first element tuppāt, Akk. fem. pl., with a Hitt.<br />

gen. pl. suffix -an. Singer (1999a: 708 n. 350) rather opts that the use of at in RS 92.2007 is a spelling<br />

variant of la, as the case happens in some Hitt. texts where la and at are confused with one another.<br />


PRU VI: 2–5) from the southwest archive. It tells the case of Anani-Nikkal, who asks for the help<br />

of a lady named [...]-nuwiya in turning to the tuppanuri who has the power to save her children<br />

from a dreaded fate (Singer 1999a: 708).<br />

Summary. If we identify [Penti]-Šarruma in KUB 26.32 with his namesake in Ugarit and the<br />

owner of HL seals from Hattuša, then the following scenario could be imagined. Penti-Šarruma was<br />

adopted as a boy by Šuppiluliuma II, son of Tudhaliya IV. He was then nominated the GAL<br />

DUB.SAR.GIŠ either in the short reign of Arnuwanda III or in the reign of Šuppiluliuma II. I<br />

believe that this is also corroborated from the seal impressions of Penti-Šarruma found in Hattuša. It<br />

is not yet entirely clear if he took over the position held previously by Taki-Šarruma, as suggested<br />

by Singer (2006b: 244; see also below), but since Taki-Šarruma was also active at a very late stage<br />

in the <strong>13</strong> th cent. (cf. Singer 2003 and below), it seems more likely that both operated<br />

simultaneously. Namely, Penti-Šarruma was the chief scribe on wood and Taki-Šarruma was the<br />

chief scribe during the reigns of Arnuwanda III and Šuppiluliuma II. 468 As were for example<br />

Walwaziti and Šahurunuwa, who were the chief scribe and chief scribe on wood, respectively, in<br />

the reign of Hattušili III and the beginning of Tudhaliya IV (see under III.4). The differentiation<br />

between Taki-Šarruma and Penti-Šarruma is of course not evident at all from their seal impressions,<br />

as HL does not distinguish between the titles of chief scribe and chief scribe on wood (Singer<br />

2006b: 244f.; cf. also above). Penti-Šarruma was known in Ugarit as an important official, titled LÚ<br />

tuppinura huburtinura “chief scribe and chief huburti-”. High involvement of both Taki-Šarruma<br />

and Penti-Šarruma in Syrian affairs shows that they held considerable jurisdiction over that region<br />

(cf. Singer 2003: 347), perhaps even operating from time to time in the Hittite center of<br />

Carchemish. One might recall in this context the involvement of Walwaziti (spelled UR.MAH) in<br />

Hittite Syria as arbitrator in cases both from Ugarit and Emar (d'Alfonso 2005: 77 and previous<br />

chapter). 469 Evidence found at Emar shows that the title GAL LÚ.MEŠ DUB.SAR was attributed to<br />

several Hittite officials at that location, one of whom was also a prince (Cohen forthcoming). In this<br />

case, it could be further suggested that the main venues of Hittite Syria, such as Ugarit or<br />

Carchemish, were important stages of operation for the chief scribes of Hattuša, while there were<br />

other Hittite chief scribes stationed in some of the smaller Syrian centers, such as Emar. 470 Lastly,<br />

468 Contra Singer (2003: 347) who suggested that Taki-Šarruma held both the office of GAL DUB.SAR<br />

and GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ which is otherwise not attested in the Empire period.<br />

469 RS 17.<strong>13</strong>5+ (= PRU IV: 235) and ASJ 10/B (Tsukimoto 1988: 157 –160).<br />

470 A parallel example might be drawn from the MH period when a chief scribe (perhaps both of scribes<br />

and of wooden tablet scribes) named Hattušili appears in many letters from the provincial center of<br />

Maşat. Though it is clear that his main base of operations was Hattuša (Beckman 1995: 24–26;<br />


from Penti-Šarruma's seals we learn that he also held two other posts – MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS<br />

and MAGNUS.AURIGA. The latter appears on a separate seal and might be conversely a different<br />

stage in his career. In analogy, Šahurunuwa, the only other known GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, was also<br />

the holder of two important military posts, bearing them either simultaneously or at different points<br />

in his career (see under III.3 and below).<br />


The prosopographic profile of Šahurunuwa along with his seals was thoroughly treated in the<br />

previous chapter. He is the known chief scribe on wood (GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ) from the reign of<br />

Hattušili III and the first half of Tudhaliya IV. Šahurunuwa (sà+huru-nu-wa/i) used at least four<br />

different seals during his career (see III.3, fig. 3.22). On all of them he appears as prince<br />

(REX.FILIUS). In a similar fashion to other MAGNUS.SCRIBA, such as Arnilizi, Šauškaruntiya<br />

and Taki-Šarruma, Šahurunuwa sealed a Tonverschluß (Nis 347), suggesting that he too inspected<br />

economic activities or received tribute (see IV.2.a.Arnilizi). However, in the present case, unlike<br />

other MAGNUS.SCRIBA, Šahurunuwa chose to use a seal carrying only the title REX.FILIUS<br />

lacking any other designation of his present office or function.<br />

Two very similar seal impressions of Šahurunuwa, one from Hattuša (Bog. III 15) and one<br />

from Tarsus (Tars. 40), perhaps of the same seal, 471 carry the additional titular: MAGNUS.SCRIBA<br />

and the obscure HL title L. 490. 472 MAGNUS.SCRIBA must stand here as the equivalent of his<br />

cuneiform title GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, designating his administrative function. But it would seem<br />

that, apart from administrative duties in Hattuša, Šahurunuwa was somehow connected with similar<br />

activities in the area of Kizzuwatna. Though several MAGNUS.SCRIBA, such as Penti-Šarruma,<br />

Taki-Šarruma and Šauškaruntiya, performed various functions outside Hattuša, the Tarsus bulla of<br />

Šahurunuwa is an unicum. The only other MAGNUS.SCRIBA who actually used his seal outside<br />

the Hittite capital is Taki-Šarruma on tablets found in Ugarit (see IV.2.a.Taki-Šarruma), for what<br />

must have been a different purpose altogether then the aforementioned Tarsus bulla. So, how can<br />

one explain an administrative bulla of Šahurunuwa in faraway Tarsus at Cilicia?<br />

Mora (2000: 70) suggests that Šahurunuwa controlled villages and territories in various parts<br />

of Anatolia, some in the area of Cilicia and more specifically Tarsus. Plainly, her notion gains<br />

Houwink ten Cate 1998: 174–178; Marizza 2007a: 286–301)<br />

471 See discussion under III.3.<br />

472 The title on the Tarsus impression is most likely not EUNUCHUS2 (L. 254) as originally drawn by Gelb<br />

(Goldman et al. 1956: Taf. 406, no. 40), see Hawkins 2001: 169 n. 17.<br />


support from the famous land grant that Tudhaliya IV and Puduhepa issued to Šahurunuwa, in<br />

which estates were promised to his descendants, some of which were situated in the land of<br />

Kizzuwatna (KUB 26.43+, for example obv. 40; Imparati 1974: 28f.).<br />

The third HL title on the Tarsus bulla, L. 490, might indicate on another part of<br />

Šahurunuwa's duties in the area. It could perhaps be the HL equivalent of one of the other two<br />

cuneiform military titles held by Šahurunuwa, GAL NA.GAD or GAL LÚ UKU.UŠ, as suggested by<br />

Singer (2003: 347 n. 40). However, L. 490 is certainly not the equivalent of GAL NA.GAD, which<br />

has the established HL reading MAGNUS.PASTOR (L. 363 – L. 438). It therefore could only be<br />

the equivalent of GAL LÚ UKU.UŠ, but this lacks any safe corroboration in other sources. The only<br />

other seal impressions with the title L. 490 belong to a certain Asuta (Bo 83/597; B. Dinçol 2001:<br />

102) and to prince Ku(wa)lanaziti (EXERCITUS-VIR.zi/a; SBo II 21), likely grandson of<br />

Šahurunuwa (Singer 2000: 81). As suggested in the previous chapter (III.3), this latter occurrence<br />

indicates that L. 490 passed within the family from Šahurunuwa to Ku(wa)lanaziti, and given that<br />

his uncle Tattamaru was also GAL UKU.UŠ, it might seem possible to equate both titles.<br />


Prince and MAGNUS.SCRIBA Šauškaruntiya (sà+us-ka-CERVUS3-ti) 473 used at least seven<br />

different seals which are distinguished below (Tab. 4.4). The HL writing of his name was first read<br />

by Meriggi on seal impressions from Bk. D (SBo II: 12 n. 38; seals nos. 3, 6-7). Presently, the<br />

majority of Šauškaruntiya's seals have been found impressed on multiple bullae from Nişantepe<br />

(Herbordt 2005: 180–182, Taf. 29–30). His other attested impressions were found on three bullae<br />

from Bk. D (SBo II: 65f., 69 nos. 8, 30, 67) and on a bulla from the area of the T.1 storerooms<br />

(Glyptik: 75 no. 241). The same Šauškaruntiya is also attested in two HL inscriptions:<br />

BOĞAZKÖY 22, a stone block from Hattuša signed by various scribes (Dinçol & Dinçol 2002:<br />

209f.), and KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA, an inscription of Tudhaliya IV originally discovered in 1884<br />

by M. Sokolowski (Masson 1980: 109–111).<br />

There are also bullae from Nişantepe bearing the seal of a homonym named Šauškaruntiya<br />

(Nis 381; Fig. 4.9). Hawkins (2005a: 271) tends to separate this person from the prince and<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA mentioned above. The style in which the name is written seems different<br />

(CERVUS3 is positioned below the CAPRA), as are the size and format of the seal (small middle<br />

473 Šauška, the first element of the name, is written in the angle created behind the CERVUS3 (stag antler)<br />

and the sign ti (foot). This graphic phenomenon is common in names formed with CERVUS3 and to<br />

some extant also those formed with CERVUS2 (full body stag), see Hawkins 2005a: 290.<br />


field, large outer rim). The title as well is not similar to any of those appearing on other seals of<br />

Šauškaruntiya and is URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US HATTI.URBS, probably the equivalent of EN/BĒL(U)<br />

URU Hatti “lord of Hatti” (Hawkins 2005a: 309f.).<br />

Seal o. HL Titles Seals and Seal Impressions Remarks<br />

1 SCRIBA Nis 379 Signet ring impression<br />

2 SCRIBA Nis 380 Signet ring impression; no<br />


4 REX.FILIUS,<br />


5 REX.FILIUS,<br />


4 / 5 ? REX.FILIUS,<br />







Nis 373<br />

162<br />

availabel photograph or<br />

Illustration<br />

Nis 374 Stamped on Tonversclüsse<br />

Nis 375 Fragmentary; no availabel<br />

SBo II 8, Nis 378<br />

SBo II 30, Nis 376-377<br />

- REX.[FILIUS], MAGNUS.[...] Bog V 28 (Glyptik 241) Fragmentary<br />

Tab. 4.4: Seals of Šauškaruntiya<br />

Fig. 4.9: Nis 381 (Herbordt 2005: Taf. 30)<br />

photograph or Illustration

Returning to Šauškaruntiya the prince and MAGNUS.SCRIBA, his HL titles show a<br />

development of at least three career branches, perhaps simultaneously (Fig. 4.10; Tab. 4.4). From<br />

time to time certain titles were omitted and others added when there was a need (e.g.<br />

KÖYLÜTOLU below). In the more limited corpus of impressions found in Bk. D we find at least<br />

three different seals, all from Šauškaruntiya's later MAGNUS.SCRIBA stage (nos. 3, 6-7). These<br />

designate him either as prince and MAGNUS.SCRIBA (no. 3), or with more elaborate titular:<br />

prince, MAGNUS.SCRIBA and chief of palace attendants (nos. 6-7). Seal no. 7 even more<br />

specifically adds that he was prince of TONITRUS.U[RBS] / RE[GIO] (on this see more below).<br />

Šauškaruntiya impressions from Nişantepe hold the longest record of his activities and the most<br />


extensive. Starting from two SCRIBA signets (nos. 1-2), 474 moving on to REX.FILIUS<br />

combinations on stamps, either with MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS (nos. 4-5), or<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA (no. 3), or both (nos. 6-7). One fragmentary seal impression (Bog V 28) of<br />

Šauškaruntiya seems to resemble seal no. 7, but this can not be stated with certainty.<br />

Starting with the earlier stages of his career, similarly to Mahhuzzi, Šauškaruntiya used<br />

signet rings (nos. 1-2) while transferring to stamp seals during his later MAGNUS.SCRIBA career<br />

phase (nos. 3, 6-7). 475 This recurrent change from signet rings to stamp seals in both their scribal<br />

seals might be significant with regard to how scribal status was understood through the<br />

administrative use of seals, mainly because all attested MAGNUS.SCRIBA seals are stamps (see<br />

also under IV.3).<br />

During the same period Šauškaruntiya BONUS2 SCRIBA appears among at least three<br />

scribes who signed their name in HL graffito on the quadratic stone block BOĞAZKÖY 22, found<br />

in the area of T.4 (Dinçol & Dinçol 2002: 209f.; Fig. 4.11). As opposed to bullae or other types of<br />

HL inscriptions, such graffiti is not necessarily a contemporary act. Meaning that the various<br />

scribes could have signed their names on the stone block at different time periods. In order to<br />

establish whether the other scribes were contemporaries, perhaps colleagues, of Šauškaruntiya, one<br />

must explore the prosopographic elements of their names. Unfortunately, only one other name<br />

could be clearly read, that of Armaziti (LUNA-VIR.zi/a), positioned at the top half of the inscribed<br />

face of the stone block. His titles are not completely preserved, 476 but since both Šauškaruntiya and<br />

474 Although the name here is written somewhat differently, using CAPRA2 (full caprine) instead of<br />

CAPRA (caprine head), I believe this is an earlier stage in the career of Šauškaruntiya. Note that<br />

Hawkins (2005a: 271) separates this person as inferior to the prince. There are no good reasons to do<br />

this, in light of the case of Mahhuzzi, who omits his princely status from his SCRIBA signets and<br />

likewise writes the ma in his name alternatively with Ram head or a full body Ram (see above).<br />

475 Contra to this notion see Hawkins (2005a: 271) proposing that the SCRIBA was a different inferior<br />

official.<br />

476 The HL sign positioned to the left of Armaziti's name resembles a wheel with a protuberance at its<br />

bottom. It is read by Dinçol & Dinçol (2002: 209) as Late Period sign L. 290 hara/i, and is interpreted<br />

as part of another name graffito. However, this reading seems problematic, since L. 290 is no where else<br />

attested in the Empire Period, and its close proximity to Armaziti's name leaves only the possibility that<br />

it was at least part of his titles, not another name. The third partially preserved name on the stone block,<br />

positioned on the right side of its inscribed face, seems also to posses a similar HL sign as title. This<br />

'wheel', if it is one, should probably be read as L. 292 which Hawkins (2005a: 426) transcribes as hala,<br />

also attested once as a title of Pazuwa on a sealing from Nişantepe (Nis 296; Herbordt 2005: 166, Taf.<br />


the third partial name on the block bear the title SCRIBA, it seems logical to assume that Armaziti<br />

was also a scribe. This is further supported by other sources mentioning Armaziti, in both<br />

cuneiform and HL.<br />

ARMAZITI: Armaziti ( d 30/GE6/SÎ-LÚ) has been extensively treated by Imparati (1987:<br />

197–199; 1988), who identified him as scribe, augur, and supervisor of temple construction from<br />

Hattuša in the days of Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV, and a prince attested in Ugarit in the days of<br />

Ibiranu, contemporary of Tudhaliya IV (cf. Singer 1999a: 685f.; Hazenbos 2003: 54f.; Malbran-<br />

Labat 2004: 78; d'Alfonso 2005: 66f.). 477 Mora (2004b: 434) further assumes the prince had strong<br />

connections with the court of Carchemish.<br />

Armaziti the scribe copied three rituals, two of which, KBo 19.128 (CTH 625.2.A, T.1) and<br />

KUB 7.1+ (CTH 390.A), 478 were written under the inspection of Anuwanza, the well known scribe,<br />

LÚ SAG and lord of Nerik active under Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV. 479 Noteworthy is the fact that<br />

both KUB 7.1+ and KUB 4.1 (CTH 422), the third text Armaziti copied, are Sammeltafeln, each<br />

recording more than one text (Otten 1971: 50). It is further interesting that all three texts copied by<br />

Armaziti are Empire period versions of MH originals. KUB 7.1+ is a copy of five MH Luwian<br />

23). A similar sign also appears as the logographic title L. 181 PANIS, perhaps “baker?” (Hawkins<br />

2005a: 305; Herbordt 2005: 105). It is not certain, however, to which of Armaziti's cuneiform titles<br />

either of these suggestions might refer.<br />

477 Contra Imparati van den Hout (1998: 70f.) does not see fit to identify the scribe with the augur.<br />

478 KUB 19.128 was edited by Otten 1971; KUB 7.1+ is edited by Kronasser 1961; Oettinger 2004: 348–<br />

352.<br />

Fig. 4.11: BOĞAZKÖY 22 (Dinçol & Dinçol 2002: Abb. 4)<br />

479 See van den Hout 1995: 238–242; Starke 1996: 160f.; Miller 2004: 38f.; Torri 2007a: 777.<br />


ituals and invocations of the women Šušumanniga, Ayatarša and Wattiti. KUB 4.1 records a MH<br />

invocation ritual of Arnuwanda I against enemies at the border, specifically the Kaška, 480 and an<br />

Akkadian-Hittite bilingual liver omen (KAM). 481 KBo 19.128 is a second tablet of a festival-ritual,<br />

perhaps part of the AN.TAH.ŠUM festival, 482 copied according to a wooden tablet. 483 Since the<br />

latter text was found in T.1, it may be suggested that the process of transferring the wooden tablet to<br />

the clay “hard copy” by Armaziti took place at that location. The involvement of Armaziti with<br />

wooden texts does not end here, as he is further connected in a tablet catalogue text to the house of<br />

Šahurunuwa, 484 likely the known chief scribe on wood (Dardano 2006: 121, 123f.). In another tablet<br />

catalogue he is indicated as the author of a ritual (Dardano 2006: 153, 155), 485 a task most likely<br />

connected with his function as augur (Imparati 1988: 90f.). 486<br />

Armaziti further bears the title SCRIBA on at least five different HL seals, with which he<br />

signed several bullae from Bk. D, and one without a find-spot from the Schlumberger collection<br />

(Mora 2004b: 434). 487 The latter bulla was also stamped with the seal of a REX.FILIUS, whose<br />

name was not preserved. 488 Most interesting is a signet ring impression from Nişantepe (Nis 68),<br />

which is in fact a two name seal of Armaziti and Zuwa, from which only the title of the latter<br />

survived as SCRIBA (Hawkins 2005a: 250; Herbordt 2005: 125). The seal indicates an important<br />

synchronism of both these scribes, which will be considered below.<br />

480 This part of the text was edited by von Schuler 1965: 168–174, cf. also recently Trémouille 2004a: 174.<br />

481 For an ed. of this omen see Riemschneider 2004: 43–46.<br />

482 The first part of the colophon reads: “The second tablet finished. Regarding the Great House of the<br />

spring. With it finished the second day. Copied following the wooden text. The tablet of Hattuša.”<br />

(Taggar-Cohen 2006: 416).<br />

483 AA GIŠ.HUR-kan handan, for discussion and bib. under II.2 and III.1.b.Nani(n)zi. Otten (1971: 52)<br />

suggested the language of the text indicates it is based on an older forerunner text. This might be<br />

corroborated by a duplicate fragment of KBo 19.128, recently published as KBo 57.145, listed under the<br />

Košak, Konkordanz as “mh.?”.<br />

484 KUB 30.54 II 7'-8' (CTH 277.3, Bk. C).<br />

485 KBo 31.27++ II 19'-20' (CTH 277.4.B, Bk. A). Note that Imparati's restoration here to LÚ D[UB.SAR<br />

(Imparati 1988: 80 n. 7) is not accepted by van den Hout (1998: 70).<br />

486 On scribes as augurs see the evidence in Imparati 1985.<br />

487 SBo II 44-46; Mora 1987 XIIa 1.6. For other seal impressions and seals of Armaziti see Mora 2004b:<br />

434; Herbordt 2005: 125.<br />

488 Mora 1987 XIIb 1.62 reads Ma ? -x+ra/i ? .<br />


To conclude the scribal evidence on Armaziti, it is obvious he copied mainly MH ritual texts<br />

and may have specialized in writing Sammeltafeln. He had knowledge of Luwian, and possibly also<br />

Akkadian and HL. The latter could be indicated from his name graffiti written on BOĞAZKÖY 22,<br />

and also from the fact that he copied a religious text from a wooden tablet. 489 His term of office is<br />

dated in accordance with Anuwanza, his inspector, who was active as supervisor during the final<br />

years of Hattušili III and the first half of Tudhaliya IV's reign. 490 Therefore it is possible to date his<br />

shared appearance with Šauškarutniya on BOĞAZKÖY 22 to sometime during that period.<br />

Returning to Šauškaruntiya, we move on to his later HL titles, on which several observations<br />

can be made. The middle field design of seals nos. 4-5 seems to have only a slight difference.<br />

Whereas seal no. 4 displays a rosette filler, seal no. 5 displays an Ankh sign (Herbordt 2005: 180).<br />

For some unknown reason it was the latter seal (with Ankh) that was chosen to seal, on two separate<br />

occasions, 491 Tonverschlüsse, probably sealing containers of goods. These goods were most likely<br />

used in rituals and festivals, considering the title on the seal is MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS (see<br />

under IV.2.a.Arnilizi). A possible connection between the middle field design and the functionality<br />

of the seal might have existed. Furthermore, seal no. 7 is most interesting as it adds to the title<br />

REX.FILIUS a possible designation of toponym written either TONITRUS.U[RBS] (Nis 377 and<br />

376? 492 ) or RE[GIO] (SBo II 30). Tentatively, Hawkins (2005a: 271) suggests to read the name of<br />

this city (or area) as Tarhuntašša, 493 thus translating this title as “prince of the city (land?) of<br />

Tarhuntassa”. It might just be an honorific title, but Hawkins further cites the appearance of a<br />

Šauškaruntiya with a relatively similar titular: REX.FILIUS, MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS and L.<br />

283.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US, 494 on the HL inscription KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA situated on the Hatti-<br />

489 It is not certain these tablets were indeed written in HL (Symington 1991: 115f.).<br />

490 For the dating of Anuwanza's term see most recently Torri 2007a: 777.<br />

491 Bo 91/386 and 91/2398.<br />

492 Note that in Nis 376 the title is completely broken off but since it has the same design of Nis 377 and<br />

SBo II 30, both Herbordt and Hawkins suggest to restore here TONITRUS.URBS as well.<br />

493 Note that in another context, that of the name TONITRUS.URBS-li (Nis 651-659, SBo II 106-108), also<br />

treated here below, Hawkins (2005a: 286) now offers alternatively that the compound<br />

TONITRUS.URBS could also be read as Nerik, thus Nerikkaili.<br />

494 L. 283 was recently shown to be read tuzzi- by A. Dinçol (2001: 92–94), thus the title L.<br />

283.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US would mean tuzziyaš išha or EN.KARAŠ (Hawkins 2005a: 312); see also further<br />

discussion on these titles below.<br />


Tarhuntašša border (Fig. 4.12), 495 meaning Šauškaruntiya could have been a noble representative of<br />

Tarhuntašša at Hattuša.<br />

The inscription KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA possibly describes a conquest of a town read by<br />

Hawkins (2005a: 431) as Alatarma (TA5-tara/i-ma;§1, §3). 496 Masson (1980: 109; cf. Hawkins<br />

2003: <strong>13</strong>9; 2006b: 62) relates the conquest and the inscription to Tudhaliya IV based on the use of<br />

the title LABARA (IUDEX+la;§1). 497 A battle in a city named Alatarma is further related with<br />

Tudhaliya IV in KBo 4.14 (CTH 123) – the well known “battle of Nihriya” text – if the text is<br />

indeed to be attributed to this king. 498 This text mainly revolves around the complaints of a certain<br />

495 The most recent reliable edition of the text is found in Masson 1980, but since then new readings have<br />

been introduced and the inscription needs a thorough reexamination; a more recent discussion of the<br />

inscription with all the outcomes of previous attempts at reading summarized is found in Woudhuizen<br />

2004: 15–25. Unfortunately his own reading of the text is full of imagination and interpretation with<br />

little basis.<br />

496 Previously the name of this city was read by Masson (1980: 111; cf. Woudhuizen 2004: 19) as Titarma,<br />

which she identified with Attarima, in the area of the Lukka lands. In light of the Empire reading of TA5<br />

as (a)la and TA4 as lix (Hawkins 1995: 114–117 ; 2005a: 289f.), her hypothesis should now be ruled out.<br />

497 It was Tudh. IV who reinstated this royal titular in his HL inscriptions, after which the title continued to<br />

be in use also by Šuppiluliuma II (Hawkins 1995: 108–1<strong>13</strong>; Woudhuizen 2004: 19f.).<br />

498 For a recent ed. see Mainz, Portal (http://www.hethport.uni-wuerzburg.de/SVH/intro.php?xst=CTH123)<br />

with bib. There the text is attributed to Šuppiluliuma II, as by some recent commentators (e.g.<br />

Bemporad 2002); for the reasons dating the text to Tudh. IV, with which I concur here, see Singer 1985.<br />


Hittite king to an anonymous vassal, 499 who broke his oath to the Great King, disappearing from the<br />

scene, in a critical moment of an Assyrian advance. 500 In II 7-12 the Hittite king is distraught with<br />

how the vassal abandoned him first in Nihriya and later in Alatarma. The latter town according to<br />

Singer (1985: 110 n. 61) is situated east of the Euphrates. Therefore the KÖYLÜTOLU inscription<br />

could be a dedication to the conquest of this faraway city. Alternatively, Hawkins (2005a: 431;<br />

2006: 62f.) suggests now a second city of Alatarma, its d LAMMA and Ala deities are mentioned in<br />

the festival for all the tutelary deities (KUB 2.1 I 45). If this is true, then this city could perhaps be<br />

closer to where the inscription was originally found. Consequently, Hawkins even postulated that<br />

the inscription had something to do with the cult of the Stag-god of Alatarma, and is not at all<br />

related to the battle of Nihriya.<br />

As for the role Šauškaruntiya plays on KÖYLÜTOLU, the style in which his name and<br />

titular take up most of the end of the inscription, not in any specific context, 501 implies that he was<br />

not only its dedicator. The resemblance to a sort of colophon, such as that of the scribe Aki-Tešub<br />

on the ALEPPO 1 HL inscription, 502 together with his seals, telling us of his scribal profession,<br />

suggest Šauškaruntiya also helped design the inscription, if he did not write it down for the<br />

engravers to carve. 503 Furthermore, we learn that Šauškaruntiya held another title. His third title in<br />

KÖYLÜTOLU, L. 283.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US or tuzziyaš išha = EN KARAŠ “army lord”, 504 is not<br />

documented on his known seals. Therefore, it was most likely inserted because of the active<br />

military role he must have played in the battle of Alatarma, and not because it was part of his<br />

permanent titular. 505 More will be said on his military activities below.<br />

To conclude the evidence thus far, the HL titular of Šauškaruntiya was extensive and<br />

occupied at least three lines of profession, one military and two of administrative nature. He was<br />

first a scribe, later promoted to a chief of palace attendants and MAGNUS.SCRIBA. 506 At this stage<br />

499 Likely the king of Išuwa, see Singer 1985; Klengel 1999: 276; Bryce 2005: 318.<br />

500 The historical chain of events which led up to the battle in Nihriya is portrayed in Bryce 2005: 3<strong>13</strong>–319.<br />

501 Cf. Hawkins 2006: 62, “Line 3 appears to be the last clause of the text...”.<br />

502 On this HL inscription see SBo II: 22f.; Bossert 1954a; Laroche 1956b.<br />

503 Hawkins (2005a: 271; 2006b: 62) also implies that the inscription was the work of Šauškaruntiya.<br />

504 See n. 494.<br />

505 This concurs with the opinion of Beal (1992: 417–422), that the EN.KARAŠ was a ad-hoc generic term<br />

of an officer acting as field commander. Note that Beal shows that the form tuzziyaš išha-/EN-a occurs<br />

mostly in OH texts referring to foreign generals.<br />

506 Note that I separate also one other homonym, a lord of Hatti. Whereas Hawkins (2005a: 271) separates<br />

three: (1) a scribe, (2) a prince, palace attendant and chief scribe, and (3) a lord of Hatti.<br />


we also become aware of his status as prince on all of his seals, specifically a prince of<br />

TONITRUS.URBS – a city identified by Hawkins as Tarhuntašša. In a similar way to Arnilizi (see<br />

above), Šauškaruntiya used his chief of palace attendants seals to sign two container sealings<br />

(Tonverschlüsse), implying an important role with regard to the economic milieu of the cult.<br />

Šauškaruntiya was also probably the author of the KÖYLÜTOLU inscription, from which we learn<br />

that he was an army lord in a military expedition of Tudhaliya IV to the city of Alatarma. However,<br />

it is clear that his field position was not a permanent one. As of yet his term of office and specific<br />

duties as MAGNUS.SCRIBA and military commander remain unclear. These might perhaps be<br />

further elucidated in the cuneiform data.<br />

Laroche (H: 293) first recognized the reading of the logograhic name d LIŠ- d LAMMA as<br />

the Hurrian-Luwian hybrid theophoric compound Šaušgaruntiya. 507 The name appears in this<br />

logographic writing, and once also in the writing d IŠTAR- d LAMMA (see VS NF 12.125 below), in a<br />

number of Empire Period texts. 508 In the oracle inquiry IBoT 1.32 (CTH 577) the gods are asked<br />

about the possible identity of the military commander who would lead an expedition to the country<br />

of Azzi. 509 The candidates were laid down in the following order: the Great King (obv. 1),<br />

Šauškaruntiya (obv. 11), the king of Tumanna (obv. 14), 510 king of Tumanna and Šauškaruntiya<br />

together (obv. 17), and finally the king of Išuwa and the king of Carchemish (obv. 29). 511 Beal<br />

(1992: 472) stressed the high rank which Šauškaruntiya must have held, as he was considered to<br />

have led the military expedition next in line to the Hittite king. As for the dating of the oracle<br />

507 Also supplying the correct reading order of the HL name sà+us-ka-CERVUS3-ti (Hawkins 2005a: 271);<br />

for d LIŠ as a writing of d IŠTAR / d Šauška see HZL: 232 no. 286; on the established readings of<br />

d LAMMA as Kurunta or In(n)ara and its various name compounds, also common in HL (CERVUSx),<br />

see Hawkins 2005a: 290f.<br />

508 References are cited in H and H suppl. 1144; van den Hout 1995: 324a (Index B); see also<br />

Onomastique on line ( d IŠTAR- d LAMMA).<br />

509 Situated north-east of the Hatti homeland, in the location of present day northeastern Turkey, see del<br />

Monte & Tischler 1978: 59f.<br />

510 According to Forlanini (1977: 202) Tumanna lay in what is now the province of Kastamonu, on the<br />

Black Sea coast. For the title king of Tumanna see now Marizza (2007a: 105 n. 161), who identifies<br />

only two of its rulers by name: Hutupiyanza, nephew of Šupp. I, appointed governor of countries Pala<br />

and Tumanna by his uncle; later Tumanna was included in the territory governed by Hatt. III as<br />

appointed king of the Upper Land.<br />

511 A translit. and translation of these lines is found in Beal 1992: 318 n. 1217.<br />


inquiry, it is certainly written in LS, 512 and was therefore issued in the Late Empire Period. The<br />

reference to a military expedition to Azzi narrows down the dating possibilities to the reign of<br />

Tudhaliya IV (Marizza 2007a: 105). 5<strong>13</strong> In this period animosity with the Lukka lands, the country of<br />

Azzi and the Kaška is depicted in the instructions for princes, lords and LÚ SAG (KUB 26.12+ II 14'-<br />

15'; CTH 255.1.A). 514 Marizza (2007a: 106) duly noted that one should not rule out a later dating of<br />

the text, to either Arnuwanda III or Šuppiluliuma II. However, in light of the military position held<br />

by certainly the same Šauškaruntiya in the KÖYLÜTOLU inscription of Tudhaliya IV cited above,<br />

it is likely that prince Šauškaruntiya was on more then one occasion a military commander under<br />

Tudhaliya IV.<br />

If Šauškaruntiya indeed held such a prestigious title already at the beginning of Tudhaliya<br />

IV's reign, he would at least be mentioned in one of the king's two famous decrees. But<br />

Šauškaruntiya appears neither in the Bronze Tablet, nor in the land concession to Šahurunuwa.<br />

This, likely places his term of office as “chief” mainly in the second half of Tudhaliya IV's reign.<br />

Alternatively, if Šauškaruntiya was a prince of Tarhuntašša (or another Storm-god city), as<br />

documented on some of his seal impressions (see above), he may have spent part of his adult career<br />

in Tarhuntašša. This would explain his absence from the decrees of Tudhaliya IV. Considering this<br />

relation to Tarhuntašša, Marizza (2007a: 108) further proposed that Šauškaruntiya might have been<br />

either a son of Kurunta or his relative. At least one other text mentioning Šauškarunitya, considered<br />

next, suggests that he was in fact a son of Hattušili III.<br />

Two texts, KUB 50.72 I 2' and VS NF 12.125 4', mention Šauškaruntiya in questionable<br />

contexts. 515 KUB 50.72 (CTH 575.7, T.1?) is a snake oracle in which Šauškarunitya appears in a list<br />

of favorable outcomes (I 1'-4'), some of which pertain to a certain GAL MEŠEDI. He is listed in the<br />

512 “sjh.” in the Košak, Konkordanz.<br />

5<strong>13</strong> Previous encounters with the kingdom of Azzi-Hayaša included its first subjugation during the reign of<br />

Tudh. II/III by a military force under the shared leadership of the Hittite king and his son Šuppiluliuma I<br />

mentioned in the DŠ fragment <strong>13</strong> (Güterbock 1956: 66, IV 40-4). Later in the reign of Šupp. I this<br />

kingdom was established as a vassal of Hatti, and its ruler married the sister of the Hittite king, as<br />

depicted in the Hukkana treaty (CTH 42; Beckman 1999: 27–34). In the reign of Mur. II Azzi had to be<br />

reconquered, the first attempt was during Mur. II's 7 th year, the second during his 9 th year by the general<br />

Nuwanza. Finally, Azzi was regained during Mur. II's 10 th year (Klengel 1999: 182–185; Bryce 2005:<br />

201–204).<br />

514 See Bryce 2005: 304.<br />

515 Šauškaruntiya son of ÌR-li (Hutarli) from the legal protocol KUB 40.88 is surely a different person; for<br />

the phonetic reading of ÌR see HZL: 98 no. 16; cf. Marizza 2007a: 106 n. 170.<br />


text after Nerikkaili (Neiqqa-D<strong>IN</strong>GIR LIM ), but before an anonymous GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ and<br />

a man named Šaggabi. Nerikkaili in this text has been identified by van den Hout (1995: 104) as the<br />

prince and tuh(u)kanti, son of Hattušili III and step brother of Tudhaliya IV. 516 He based this on a<br />

possible synchronism of Nerikkaili with Šauškaruntiya in an instruction text of Tudhaliya IV (KUB<br />

26.18; CTH 275). In ll. 8'-12' of this text Tudhaliya is warning his subjects not to follow other royal<br />

offspring, specifically three sons of Hattušili III: Ner[i]kk[aili], Huzziya and [...]- d LAMMA. 517 The<br />

third name was subsequently restored by van den Hout (1995: 101, 104) to [ d LIŠ]- d LAMMA. Other<br />

commentators have suggested [ m ] d LAMMA, or [ m LUGAL]- d LAMMA (Otten 1988: 8 n. 29; Beal<br />

1992: 382 n. 1445). 518 All three proposals seem likely, but van den Hout's seems the most<br />

reasonable as will be shown below.<br />

As stated by Beal (1992: 382 n. 1445), restoring the name in the lacuna as d LAMMA, would<br />

imply that Kurunta, son of Muwattalli II, was adopted by Hattušili III. On the other hand, LUGAL-<br />

d LAMMA, GAL UKU.UŠ of the left, appears together with Nerikkaili and Huzziya in the witness<br />

list of KBo 4.10+, and again with Nerikkaili in the witness list of the later Šahurunuwa land grant<br />

(Imparati 1974: 144). 519 However, Tudhaliya IV was naming not only his (half-)brothers, but also<br />

the highest officials of the court who were closest to him and therefore posed a threat. Nerikkaili<br />

was the crown prince at a certain point before Tudhaliya IV, and Huzziya was Tudhaliya IV's GAL<br />

MEŠEDI “head of the royal bodyguard”. Kurunta, as much as he was a political threat to Tudhaliya<br />

IV, does not seem to fit the profile of the other two contenders. And LUGAL- d LAMMA seems too<br />

low in the ranks of court dignitaries compared to Nerikkaili and Huzziya. Of the three possible<br />

names restored, Šauškaruntiya ( d LIŠ- d LAMMA) remains the only likely candidate to pose a threat<br />

to Tudhaliya IV. As MAGNUS.SCRIBA and son of Hattušili III, he held one of the higher court<br />

positions, had access to the archives and offices of the capital, and was likely also an officer with<br />

516 Nerikkaili was most likely born before Hatt. III met Puduhepa (Singer 1997: 422). On his career see van<br />

den Hout 1995: 96–105, and later remarks made by Pecchioli Daddi 1997: 175f. and Singer 1997: 422.<br />

For the unlikely possibility that there was also a MAGNUS.SCRIBA by that name see below; the<br />

various persons bearing the anthroponym Nerikkaili are listed in van den Hout 1998-2001: 231f.<br />

517 For a translit. and translation of this passage see van den Hout 1995: 100–103, cf. also the discussion in<br />

Singer 1997: 422.<br />

518 Cf. also other bib. on the matter cited by van den Hout 1995: 101. Note that van den Hout, as Beal<br />

(1992: 382 n. 1445) before him, state that collation suggests the lacuna has room for more then just a<br />

name determinative sign.<br />

519 Note that Hattuša- d LAMMA GAL GEŠT<strong>IN</strong>, who witnessed both the Ulmi-Tešub treaty and the<br />

Šahurunuwa land grant, was excluded as a further possibility by Marizza 2007a: 107 n. 177.<br />


some influence in the military. Perhaps Šauškaruntiya's service at Tarhuntašša was aimed to keep<br />

him away from the court and Tudhaliya IV's throne.<br />

Returning to KUB 50.72, which was attributed to Hattušili III by Heinhold-Krahmer (2001:<br />

194 n. 65), who proposed that the anonymous GAL MEŠEDI was Tudhaliya IV prior to his<br />

ascension to the throne. Van den Hout (1995: 104) suggested that the GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ could be<br />

Šahurunuwa, thus placing KUB 50.72 either in the reign of Hattušili III or the beginning of<br />

Tudhaliya IV. However, the reference to Šaggabi, a scribe in the latter part of Tudhaliya IV's reign<br />

(see below), appears to date this text specifically to Tudhaliya IV. The next and last piece of<br />

cuneiform evidence will shed more light on the scribal position of Šauškaruntiya in the latter half of<br />

Tudhaliya IV's reign.<br />

VS NF 12.125 (CTH 275), the final text citing Šauškaruntiya, is a badly preserved historical<br />

fragment (Groddek et al. 2002: 178). It mainly deals with the suffering or pain inflicted – by<br />

someone described in the 3 rd person pl. – chiefly on the men of Hatti (LÚ MEŠ URU HATTI, 2', 9'-10').<br />

Also mentioned there, in broken context, are Šauškaruntiya ( d IŠTAR- d LAMMA, 4'), Maššanaura<br />

(D<strong>IN</strong>GIR MEŠ -˹GAL˺, 8') and an anonymous ˹GAL˺ DUB.SAR.GIŠ (9'). Since l. 8' is broken near its<br />

end after naming Maššanaura and the next line opens with the title GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, d'Alfonso<br />

(2005: 153 n. 547) assumed that the title refers to Maššanaura. But, it seems that in the copy there is<br />

room for at least three or four more signs in l. 8' after Maššanaura's name. Besides, Maššanaura is<br />

likely the Hittite official known from a bulla found in court V at Ugarit bearing the title<br />

URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US “city lord”. 520 He was possibly active at Carchemish parallel to Pihaziti, 521 a<br />

high ranking official of the king of Carchemish who served during the later part of Tudhaliya IV's<br />

reign (Singer 1999a: 653f. n. 142; d'Alfonso 2005: 76). 522 Therefore VS NF 12.125 should be dated<br />

to this period, including Šauškaruntiya and the GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, certainly the successor of<br />

Šahurunuwa.<br />

Interestingly enough Šauškaruntiya is mentioned in both KUB 50.72 and VS NF 12.125 next<br />

to an anonymous GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, who must be Šahurunuwa's successor during the second<br />

half of Tudhaliya IV's reign. Bearing in mind the MAGNUS.SCRIBA seals of Šauškaruntiya, two<br />

520 RS 18.070 (= Ugar. III: 62, fig. 87, 156–157; Mora 1987: 287 [XIIa 2.19]). Note that d'Alfonso<br />

erroneously reads here BONUS2 DOM<strong>IN</strong>US-wa; on URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US see more recently Hawkins<br />

2005a: 309.<br />

521 RS 17.248 (= PRU IV: 236), dated to Ibiranu, is a legal case ratified by Pihaziti remunerating<br />

Maššanaura for damages caused by Yarimma of the city Maˁraba and Ulṣina of the city of Ugarit<br />

(d'Alfonso 2005: 153f.).<br />

522 Not Pihaziti the scribe who worked in the bureau of Walwaziti (see under III.1.b…Pihaziti).<br />


tentative suggestions can be made: (1) As scribe Šauškaruntiya was connected to the anonymous<br />

GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, later even replacing him; (2) The anonymous GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ is actually<br />

Šauškaruntiya himself. Against the second hypothesis speaks the fact that in both texts the GAL<br />

DUB.SAR.GIŠ and Šauškaruntiya are mentioned separately in different lines. Especially in KUB<br />

50.72, where Šauškaruntiya has “four(?) good years”, while the GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ has “nine<br />

good years” (van den Hout 1995: 104). On the other hand, it should be argued that there are cases in<br />

which a scribe of a certain text seems hesitant to repeat the name of the same official twice in close<br />

context, alternatively using the person's title instead of his name. 523 Therefore, in both texts the<br />

anonymous GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ could also be Šauškaruntiya. Further support for Šauškaruntiya's<br />

position as GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ is received from his military functions. This stands in analogy to<br />

the known militaristic endeavors of Šahurunuwa, the aforementioned chief scribe on wood (see<br />

previous chapter). Now I wish to return to the identity of Šaggabi from KUB 50.72, in order to<br />

support my claim for dating him, and so the text, to the late reign of Tudhaliya IV.<br />

ŠAKKAPI: Šaggabi of KUB 50.72 I 4' is to be identified with the scribe Šakkapi of KBo<br />

5.11(+)50.270(+)KUB 26.23 (CTH 263.A), a LH copy of the MH instructions for the gate<br />

watchmen. In the colophon of the text Šakkapi added his genealogy, naming himself son of a<br />

certain person whose name is probably read Uza, 524 and as the grandson of Mauiri. It is further<br />

specified that the text was written under the guidance of Angulli. 525 Another LH manuscript of this<br />

instruction text (KUB 26.28, CTH 263.B) was written by a certain GIŠ.GI.PÌRIG-i under<br />

A[nuwanza], who was a supervisor at least one generation before Šakkapi, since he supervised<br />

Šakkapi's own overseer Angulli. 526<br />

523 Such a case was noted for example by Pecchioli Daddi (1978/79: 210f. and n. 44) for Walwaziti the<br />

chief scribe in CTH 242.2. In KUB 26.66 III 9 Walwaziti appears next to Pupuli with his full name (and<br />

in the duplicat also title), whereas in the following section III 15 only his title is used to designate him<br />

next to the same Pupuli.<br />

524 For this reading see Tischler 1982: 452. Other possibilities are Nuza and U-ZA, both previously<br />

suggested by Laroche (1949: 11; H suppl.: 55). The latter case would of course also imply a reading<br />

U-ziti for which see H suppl.: 30. One would say that the U sign might stand for the Storm-god with<br />

omitted determinative. But against this stands to reason the appearance of Uza written in the same<br />

spelling in KUB 23.97 rev. 21.<br />

525 Although GUL and IŠTAR are the same sign the name is based on the GN Angulliya and therefore not<br />

to be read as d IŠTAR-li, see H: 268 and Neu & Rüster 1975: 8 n. 19.<br />

526 On the dating of the script of both KBo 5.11 and KUB 26.28 to the Late Empire Period see Košak,<br />

Konkordanz under CTH 263 (“jh.”).<br />


Šakkapi's text, apart from containing some use of Hattic, 527 seems to have been inscribed in<br />

a peculiar manner. The lines on the obverse (Fig. 4.<strong>13</strong>) show an upward inclination which is<br />

continued over the board on the reverse. (Fig. 4.14). This phenomenon even caused the lines of the<br />

colophon to be written in indent. Furthermore, the signs on the reverse are packed more densely<br />

than those on the obverse. These traits might suggest that Angulli and Šakkapi both wrote on the<br />

tablet.<br />

Fig. 4.<strong>13</strong>: A section of the obv. of Bo 2089 (excerpt of photo No. 1242 from the Mainz, Portal)<br />

Fig. 4.14: A section of the rev. of Bo 2089 (excerpt of photo No. 1243 from the Mainz, Portal)<br />

ANGULLI: Angulli was the son of Palla, the scribe, LÚ SAG and lord of Hurma. 528 Prior to<br />

becoming a supervisor, Angulli himself copied at least three other documents, all rituals. One is a<br />

fragment of a DUMU.LUGAL festival ritual, 529 the other two – a medical Hurrian ritual and a<br />

Kizzuwatnean ritual to the goddess of the night – were performed under the supervision of<br />

Anuwanza. 530 The latter, well known supervisor under Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV, was also<br />

527 As well as Hattic titles among the palace personnel to which the doormen call out loud, see Beal 1988:<br />

284 and Klinger 1996: 201f.<br />

528 See van den Hout 1995: 216–225.<br />

529 The colophon of KUB 56.35 (CTH 647) is quite fragmentary but still visible is the line: kī ṬUPPU<br />

m Angu[lli, see Neu & Rüster 1975: 8 n. 19 and Košak 1988: 147.<br />

530 KUB 30.26 (CTH 783.1) and KUB 32.<strong>13</strong>3 (CTH 482, Bk. A), see Laroche 1949: 11 and Neu & Rüster<br />

1975: 8.<br />


mentioned above as the inspector of Armaziti. Therefore, it could be surmised that the term of<br />

Angulli and of Armaziti was quite contemporary. Furthermore, it seems both scribes worked on<br />

ritual/festival texts. As supervisor, Angulli inspected the aforementioned work of Šakkapi on the<br />

instructions for gate watchmen, the work of a scribe called Zuwa on a festival for the Hattian<br />

goddess Tetewatti, 531 and a third scribe whose name survived in a tiny colophon fragment as<br />

[...]ni. 532 It is interesting that at least in the cases of Šakkapi and Zuwa the texts copied are LH<br />

versions of MH originals. 533 The same was observed with regard to the texts copied by the<br />

aforementioned Armaziti (see above p. 165f.). Another common trait found in the texts of Šakkapi<br />

and Zuwa is the use of Hattian termini, either administrative (in the text of Šakkapi) or cult related<br />

(in the text of Zuwa). One could propose that Angulli knew at least some Hattian, and was in charge<br />

of supervising the copying of MH texts into LH versions.<br />

ZUWA: Zuwa is relevant here since in his genealogy, appearing in the colophon of the<br />

festival to Tetewatti, he calls himself son of Uza, 534 and therefore must be a brother of Šakkapi. The<br />

same Zuwa 535 should be the owner of two rather similar signets from Nişantepe (Nis 539-540, fig.<br />

4.15), both bearing the name L. 285-wa/i-á and the title SCRIBA, stamped on several bullae. 536<br />

531 KBo 23.97 (639, Bk. D), ed. by Pecchioli Daddi 1992: 102–106.<br />

532 KBo 57.224 (CTH 825, T.1).<br />

533 In the case of Zuwa, KBo 23.97 is a dupl. of KUB 54.73, the MH original of the Tetewatti festival (see<br />

Mainz, Portal under CTH 639)<br />

534 See translit. in Pecchioli Daddi 1992: 105 with additional restoration: ] m Zuwā DUMU m Uza [PAI]<br />

m Angulli IŠṬUR.<br />

535 Other Empire Period attestations of Zuwa in cuneiform sources refer to some kind of messenger<br />

appearing in correspondences dated to the reign of Hatt. III. He is the addressee of a letter sent by the<br />

Hittite king (KBo 8.21, CTH 185; Hagenbuchner 1989: 36), a messenger sent to Rameses II in Egypt by<br />

Hatt. III (KBo 7.11; Edel 1994: 94f.), and appears in two other fragmentary letters. One is ABoT 64<br />

from Alaça Höyuk where he is reported to be in Ha[kmiš] (Hagenbuchner 1989: 236). In the other,<br />

KUB 3.61 (CTH 208.3; Hagenbuchner 1989: 455f.), the writer complains that Zuwa has disappeared<br />

and needs to be found. The writer also refers to some old mules(?) that Zuwa had (rev. 5). It seems most<br />

reasonable that this Zuwa is also the owner of AURIGA seals found in Nişantepe (see next footnote),<br />

namely he must be a KARTAPPU – a title held by messengers of the crown (Singer 1983b: 31–33).<br />

Three other persons bear this name in legal proceedings: Two Zuwa are listed among officials in KUB<br />

<strong>13</strong>.35+ 41, 44 (CTH 293, T.1; Werner 1967: 3–20), a lawsuit of Puduhepa during the reign of Hatt. III.<br />

Since they handle equestrian equipment one of them might be the aforementioned KARTAPPU. A third<br />

Zuwa appears in KUB 38.37 (CTH 295.7.A; Werner 1967: 56f.), a proceeding dealing with the<br />

whereabouts of personal cult objects. Since most of the persons giving statements in the text are titled<br />


Nis 539<br />

Fig. 4.15: Signets of Zuwa (Herbordt 2005: Taf. 43)<br />

A third signet, again with similar design, attested on a single bulla is even more interesting,<br />

since it bears the name of Zuwa and the name of Armaziti on the same seal. 537 Thus providing us<br />

with a synchronism between them. But what was the relationship between the two scribes? It is<br />

clear that Armaziti was older than Zuwa, since he was probably the contemporary of Angulli,<br />

Zuwa's supervisor (see above). Thus, the relationship between Zuwa and Armaziti could be of<br />

scribe and supervisor or of scribe and teacher. In any case, since the seal is not complete it is hard to<br />

determine the exact title of Armaziti.<br />

LÚ SANGA “priest”, it is reasonable to assume that this Zuwa held such a title. The anthroponym Zuwa<br />

is amply attested in the MH period, for updated references see Marizza 2007a: 339; a prosopographic<br />

inquiry of the MH name bearers is given in Klinger 1995: 105.<br />

536 The reading of the name L. 285-wa/i-á in HL as zuwa was established based on the identification of L.<br />

285 as zu(wa) in the HL inscription FRAKTĐN in the title of Puduhepa: ká-L. 285-na REGIO FILIA<br />

“daughter of Kizzuwatna Land” and other attestations, see Hawkins 2005a: 298 for a full discussion. In<br />

Nişantepe the name Zuwa is quite common and besides the aforementioned scribe, also an AURIGA<br />

(Nis 536), a BONUS2 CRUX2? (Nis 537) and a PITHOS and BONUS2 VIR2 (Nis 538) are attested there<br />

on sealed bullae (Hawkins 2005a: 279f.; Herbordt 2005: 209f.). The AURIGA is also possibly attested<br />

in cuneiform (see previous footnote) and on a biconvex stamp seal housed in Berlin (Mora 1987: 320<br />

[XIIb 1.74]), its title read by Herbordt (2005: 209) as BONUSs AS<strong>IN</strong>US-x BONUS2 AURIGA(?).<br />

Recently published are seal impressions of a Zuwa BONUS2 VIR2 and L. 402 found on vessel shards<br />

from in and around T.30 of the Upper City in Hattuša (A. Dinçol 2007: 227f., Abbs. 1-6). He may be<br />

the same as Zuwa BONUS2 VIR2 and PITHOS from Nişantepe, since their seal designs are very similar.<br />

This resemblance might also have implications regarding the reading of L. 402, but this is out of the<br />

scope of the present study; for recent suggestions on how to read this HL title see A. Dinçol 2007.<br />

Another Paris seal bearing the name Zuwa has no title (Masson 1975: 215 no. 2, 231, Fig. 2).<br />

537 For the function of two name seals see Güterbock 1980: 62f.; Mora 1988; for a list of two name seals in<br />

Nişantepe see Hawkins 2005a: 250.<br />

177<br />

Nis 540

Fig. 4.16: Two name signet of Zuwa and Armaziti (Herbordt 2005: Taf. 5)<br />

Zuwa was promoted later in his career, as he is designated an EN GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI “master of<br />

craftsmen” in the colophon of a later copy of a MH Edict of Tudhaliya II/III, 538 KUB <strong>13</strong>.9+ (CTH<br />

258.1; Westbrook & Woodard 1990). In this text he is a teacher who supervises the work of a<br />

student named Alihhini, son of Šaušgaziti, grandson of NU.GIŠ.SAR and descendant of Ziti (A) the<br />

GAL DUB.SAR. 539 Three other duplicates of this tablet originated in the Lower City, one of them<br />

specifically in the House on the Slope. 540 Is this evidence of a connection between the EN<br />

GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI and the Lower City? I believe it is, and we should begin with the evidence on a house<br />

in this part of Hattuša called the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI.<br />

In the Lower City of Hattuša, at the area south-west of Temple 1, also known as the<br />

Südareal, 16 large multi-roomed complexes built around an inner courtyard were unearthed in<br />

squares J/18 and J/19, during the 1967 and 1968 excavations directed by Bittel. 541 The structure,<br />

which spanned the Hittite Empire Period strata 2 and 3, was later identified by Bittel (1976: <strong>13</strong>1–<br />

<strong>13</strong>4) as the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI, Akkadian bīt kiškattî, "house of the craftsmen/labour". Where the<br />

Temple's cult personnel performed various administrative activities and perhaps even lived. Bittel<br />

compared this to the Egyptian workers village near the Rameses-Temple in Deir-el-Madineh.<br />

Leading to the identification was KBo 19.28 (CTH 237), a personnel list of the "sons of the É<br />

GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI" found in 1968 at room 12 of complex XIV. It lists 205 officials divided into<br />

profession groups: 18 priests, 29 katra women, 19 scribes , 33 scribes on wood, 35 incantation<br />

priests and 10 singers of Hurrian (Güterbock 1975b: <strong>13</strong>1f.; Klinger 2002: 102f.). The remainder is<br />

broken off.<br />

538 On the dating of CTH 258 see Otten 1979.<br />

539 See under III.2.<br />

540 99/p and Bo 77/165 come from the Lower City, 1/u originates in the House on the Slope. See remarks<br />

on their find-spot in Otten 1979: 274 and the Košak, Konkordanz under CTH 258.<br />

541 See report on the excavation in Boǧazköy V.<br />

Nis 68<br />


In the mind of Neve (1975), who published the material from the Südareal, this list cannot<br />

indicate the function of the entire structure, which must have been to service the Great Temple and<br />

cult. Most likely the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI was part of it, but also other cultic institutions. Whether it<br />

actually occupied the entire Südareal or not, the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI housed a large amount of scribes as<br />

indicated by its worker list, and by tablet colophons which name two scribal instructors titled EN<br />

GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI "master of the craftsman": the above mentioned Zuwa and a certain Miramuwa 542<br />

attested in the House on the Slope. This led Güterbock (1975b: <strong>13</strong>2) to suggest that the profession<br />

groups of the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI studied in a scribal school located there. From his point of view the<br />

Hittite meaning of GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI was wider than that of Akkadian kiškattû, who are not usually<br />

connected with literacy, but to crafts which involve the use of a furnace or kiln, such as smiths,<br />

armourers and potters, or as a type of military soldiers (CAD K: 453f.). In support of Güterbock's<br />

identification are two further points: first, the find of 12 Styli – the writing tool of a scribe – in<br />

several rooms in complex XIII at the Südareal, interpreted by Boehmer (1972: <strong>13</strong>3f., 196f.) as<br />

evidence for a scribal school. Second, the primary find-spot of lexical texts in Hattuša, as already<br />

noted by Theo van den Hout (2005: 288), is the storerooms of T.1. I counted 44 such fragments in<br />

the Košak, Konkordanz, including one Izi=išatu vocabulary found in the Südareal itself. This also<br />

suggests a connection between the archive in the storerooms of T.1 and the possible scribal school<br />

in the nearby Südareal. 543<br />

Therefore, given the title of Zuwa in KUB <strong>13</strong>.9+ (“master of craftsmen”), it is likely that this<br />

text was written under his instruction at the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI. It could be even further hypothesized<br />

that the aforementioned Angulli, who supervised Zuwa, also worked in the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI during<br />

the early part of his scribal career. This is based upon the colophon of KUB 30.26 (CTH 783.1), a<br />

Hurrian medical ritual text written by Angulli. In the colophon, Anuwanza the supervisor is titled<br />

LÚ DUB.SAR ŠA É x[ (Torri 2007a: 777). KBo 22.114 (CTH 783), a different fragment belonging to<br />

the same Hurrian ritual, was found in a good context at the Südareal, 544 close by to where it is<br />

suspected the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI was situated. Considering this, it could be surmised that Anuwanza's<br />

542 Identified by Torri (2007a: 774f.) as the instructor of an unknown scribe who copied the treaty between<br />

Šuppiluliuma II and Talmi-Tešub of Carchemish (CTH 122), and also owner of a seal impression from<br />

Nişantepe no. 240 (Herbordt 2005: 264) with the titles SCRIBA and a fragmentary DOM<strong>IN</strong>US.[…].<br />

D'Alfonso (2007: 219) suggested that this title is somehow connected with EN GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI, but there is<br />

no real evidence to support this; note the titles combined with SCRIBA on seals under II.3.<br />

543 Cf. van den Hout 2006b: 97 and Torri 2007a: 780f.<br />

544 As noted in the Košak, Konkordanz “Grosser Tempel, Südareal, Yoklama II/Süd, über heth. Mauer”.<br />


title in KUB 30.26 should be restored to LÚ DUB.SAR ŠA É G[IŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI]. 545 If this hypothesis is<br />

correct then not only was Zuwa connected with that institution, but also Angulli and Anuwanza, at a<br />

certain point during their career. So, one could recreate a tradition of scribal bureau which later also<br />

occupied a scribal school in the É GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI for at least three generations of scribes, beginning<br />

from Anuwanza through Angulli to Zuwa to Alihinni (Fig. 4.17). Namely, from the second half of<br />

Hattušili III's reign to the reign of Šuppiluliuma II.<br />

Fig. 4.17: Scribes in the “house of craftsmen” from the reign of<br />

Hattušili III to that of Šuppiluliuma II<br />

Summary. In the early days of his career Šauškaruntiya was trained to become a scribe, as<br />

attested by the two scribal signets. During that period he was the contemporary of another known<br />

scribe named Armaziti, with whom he signed, in HL graffiti, the stone block BOĞAZKÖY 22<br />

found in T.4 at Hattuša. Armaziti's correlation with Anuwanza helps to date this stage in<br />

Šauškaruntiya's career to either the end of Hattušili III reign or the beginning of Tudhaliya IV's.<br />

Šauškaruntiya later climbed up in the ranks of the administration, bearing stamp seals with more<br />

elaborate titular, designating himself royal prince, MAGNUS.SCRIBA and chief of palace<br />

attendants. Some of these seals also connect him with the city or region named<br />

TONITRUS.URBS(/REGIO), “Storm-god city(/region)” perhaps to be identified with the city of<br />

Tarhuntašša. 546 Marizza (2007a: 108) has therefore postulated that he may have been in some way<br />

545 Pecchioli Daddi 1982: 165 preferred to restore LÚ DUB.SAR ŠA É.G[AL]. In the lacuna there is plenty of<br />

room for both proposals.<br />

546 Singer suggestes that other venues are equally likely to be storm god cities: Nerik and Hattuša itself<br />

(pers. comm.). A noteworthy parallel title to the present one is that of the prominent official Hešni<br />

attested in RS 17.403 as DUMU.LUGAL KUR URU Ka[rgamiš] “prince of Carchemish” (Singer 1997:<br />


elated by blood to Kurunta, cousin of Tudhaliya IV. On the other hand, an instruction text of<br />

Tudhaliya IV probably lists him among the sons of Hattušili III. His administrative duties included<br />

the approval of goods for the milieu of the cult or festivals, since his seal with the titles prince and<br />

chief of palace attendants was found stamped on container sealings (Tonverschlüsse) from the<br />

Nişantepe bullae archive. 547 He also held a position in the military for there was one occasion – the<br />

oracle inquiry IBoT 1.32 – in which he was considered, among other persons, to lead a military<br />

expedition together with the Hittite king against the county of Azzi. On another occasion he was a<br />

military commander who took part in a campaign of Tudhaliya IV to the city of Alatarma, described<br />

in the HL inscription KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA. Since the inscription seems to be signed by<br />

Šauškaruntiya it was postulated above that he was its author, which coincides with his scribal titles<br />

appearing on seals and on the inscribed block BOĞAZKÖY 22 (but for some reason not on the<br />

KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA inscription itself). Apart from this, the reconstruction of Šauškarunitya's<br />

scribal duties relies mainly on tentative evidence. In the earlier stage of his scribal career<br />

Šauškaruntiya seems to have been connected with Armaziti, who copied religious texts. This<br />

Armaziti had duties involving the use of wooden tablets, but was probably not a wooden tablet<br />

scribe himself. He copied a text from a wooden tablet, and is also connected in some way to<br />

Šahurunuwa, the chief scribe on wood. Šauškaruntiya is later mentioned in some texts next to an<br />

anonymous GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ. Thus raising the hypothesis that in these texts either<br />

Šauškaruntiya is connected with the GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ or he was himself the GAL<br />

DUB.SAR.GIŠ, alternatively referred to by name and by title. This is supported not only by the<br />

seals which refer to Šauškarunitya as MAGNUS.SCRIBA, but also by his apparent role as a<br />

military commander. In comparison, the GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ Šahurunuwa held seals bearing the<br />

title MAGNUS.SCRIBA as well as prominent offices in the Hittite military, GAL UKU.UŠ and<br />

GAL NA.GAD (van den Hout 1995: 151–154). The accumulated evidence hints that Šauškaruntiya<br />

was related to wooden tablet scribes, from the early stage of his scribal career, perhaps being one<br />

himself. If this is correct then he might have, in the latter half of Tudhaliya IV's reign, replaced<br />

Šahurunuwa at his post as GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ. Other officials contemporary with Šauškarunitya,<br />

such as Maššanura and Šaggabi in VS NF 12.125 and KUB 50.72, respectively, have been shown to<br />

be active in this time frame.<br />

420).<br />

547 On the position of the GAL DUMU.É.GAL in the handling of cult paraphernalia see under<br />

IV.2.a.Arnilizi.<br />


The family and activities of Šaggabi the scribe have been further explored here since they<br />

provide a synchronism for the career of Šauškaruntiya. The results can be summarized as follows:<br />

Šaggabi had a brother named Zuwa, also a scribe. Both scribes were the sons of Uza(?) and<br />

grandsons of Mauiri, none of whom are known from other sources. Šaggabi and Zuwa copied texts<br />

under the scribe Angulli during the latter half of Tudhaliya IV's reign. Angulli himself began his<br />

career as scribe under the supervision of Anuwanza, who supervised at least 15 scribes during the<br />

late reign of Hattušili III and the initial phase of Tudhaliya IV's reign (van den Hout 1995: 240).<br />

Angulli must have possessed some knowledge of Hattian since at least two of the three texts he<br />

inspected (KBo 5.11(+) and KBo 23.97) contained Hattian termini, either administrative<br />

(professional titles) or cult related (a festival to a Hattian deity). Lastly, Anuwanza, Angulli, Zuwa<br />

and a student of Zuwa named Alihhini are suspected to have been part of a tradition of scribes<br />

studying and working in an office and school located in the institution south of T.1 known as the É<br />

GIŠ.K<strong>IN</strong>.TI. 548 The synchronisms between Šauškaruntiya and these scribes could be restored in the<br />

following manner (Fig. 4.18).<br />

548 Otherwise, one might suppose that there was a contemporary hierarchy of Anuwanza (top) → Angulli<br />

(middle) → Šaggbi, Zuwa and [...]ni (bottom). But this is chronologically less favorable, and besides<br />

since Angulli was already a supervisor himself he had no reason to return to the menial task of copying<br />

documents; see also my lecture given in the VII. Uluslararası Hititoloji Kongresi Bildirileri, Çorum, 25-<br />

31 Ağustos, 2008 to be published in a forthcoming Festschrift (Gordin forthcoming).<br />


Fig. 4.18: Synchronisms between Šauškaruntiya and other scribal families<br />



Taki-Šarruma (tá-ki-SARMA) the MAGNUS.SCRIBA sealed multiple bullae recovered solely from<br />

the Nişantepe archive in Hattuša (Herbordt 2005: 184–186; cf. Hawkins 2005a: 272). Nevertheless,<br />

he was also active outside this archive, since his seal impressions appear on two tablets from Ugarit,<br />

RS 17.251 and RS 17.403 (Laroche 1956a: <strong>13</strong>7–<strong>13</strong>9), 549 and a biconvex seal found in the region of<br />

Konya, now housed in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (Mora 1987: 293 [XIIa 2.37]).<br />

Another impression on a Nişantepe bulla, Nis 391, belongs to Taki-Šarruma the<br />

URCEUS. 550 Here both Herbordt (2005: 82) and Hawkins (2005a: 272) are followed in identifying<br />

this Taki-Šarruma as a homonym of the prince and chief scribe. His seal displays an entirely<br />

different configuration, showing a Man im Mantel wearing a horned cap of a deity (Fig. 4.19).<br />

Fig. 4.19: Nis 391 (Herbordt 2005: Taf. 31)<br />

As for Taki-Šarruma the MAGNUS.SCRIBA, Herbordt (2005: 82) counted 12 seals of<br />

different designs in his seal impressions from Nişantepe, whereas Mora (2004b: 438) alternatively<br />

suggested that the same impressions were produced from only some four different seals. In my<br />

opinion, a collective look at the different designs of Taki-Šarruma's seal impressions (Fig. 4.20),<br />

including those outside Hattuša, show at least seven different seals (Tab. 4.5). 551<br />

549 RS 17.251 = PRU IV: 236f.; Around eleven lines on RS 17.403 were restored after cleaning of the<br />

tablet, see Malbran-Labat 1995: 37f.<br />

550 URCEUS is interpreted as the HL equivalent of cuneiform LÚ SILÀ.ŠU.DU8.A (Hawkins 2005a: 310<br />

with bib.). As already noted by Hawkins (2002: 228) URCEUS never seems to be combined with<br />

SCRIBA in Nişantepe, and I could not find such a combination anywhere else in Hattuša. Truthfully, no<br />

such combination could be found regarding MAGNUS.SCRIBA either. Excluding SCRIBA, URCEUS<br />

is one of the titles most widely attested on seals of officials since the OH period (Bolatti Guzzo 2004:<br />

230, Fig. 3; Hawkins 2005a: 310); another quite effaced seal of a Taki-Šarruma is perhaps NBC 11017<br />

in the Yale Babylonian collection (Mora 1987: 262 [XI 1.14]; cf. van den Hout 1995: <strong>13</strong>2 [3c]).<br />

551 Note, however, that since some imprints show variations in size and general layout of the HL titles and<br />

fill motives, the true number could have been higher, perhaps 9.<br />


Seal o. HL Titles Seals and Seal impressions Remarks<br />

1 REX.FILIUS Nis 393<br />

1? REX.FILIUS Ashm. 2 Biconvex seal<br />

2 REX.FILIUS RS 17.251 Signet ring impression; Bogenträger<br />

3 MAGNUS.SCRIBA Nis 392<br />

4 REX.FILIUS,<br />


4? REX.FILIUS,<br />


5 REX.FILIUS,<br />


6 REX.FILIUS,<br />


7 REX.FILIUS,<br />


Nis 394<br />

Nis 403<br />

Nis 397, 401, 402, RS 17.403<br />

185<br />

opposite a winged Ištar-Šaušga<br />

(adoration scene)<br />

Nis 395, 396, 398, 399 Large seal configuration; stamped<br />

on Tonversclüsse<br />

Nis 400 Bogenträger scene<br />

Tab. 4.5: Seals of Taki-Šarruma<br />

At least two different seals (nos. 1-2) include only the title REX.FILIUS. Another seal (no.<br />

3) includes only the title MAGNUS.SCRIBA. Lastly, four seals (nos. 4-7) were either a later<br />

development or had a different purpose since they combine both titles. It could be imagined that he<br />

chose to omit certain titles from certain seals, as in the cases of Arnilizi, Mahhuzzi and Penti-<br />

Šarruma (see above), and was not promoted from one title to the other. Considering that some of the<br />

glyptic evidence is fragmentary, it was possible to identify at least six stamp seals of Taki-Šarruma<br />

which were primarily used in Hattuša (nos. 1, 3-7) and one signet ring which was used solely in<br />

Ugarit (no. 2). At least one seal (no. 5) was used in both cities. Taki-Šarruma must have used<br />

different seals for various administrative purposes. For example, since he already frequently used<br />

several stamp seals in Hattuša, he might have chosen to issue a signet ring for his duties in Ugarit

(no. 2). The sealing tradition of the signet ring was more common in North-Syria and is especially<br />

attested on Syro-Hittite tablets from Emar (Beyer 2001: 422).<br />

A connection between the iconography of seal no. 2 used in Ugarit and seal no. 7 used in<br />

Hattuša is particularly striking. Central to the scenes on both seals is the image of the Bogenträger<br />


clad in short skirt wearing a horned cap. 552 In seal no. 2 the characteristically Hittite Bogenträger<br />

stands in adoration opposite a winged Ištar-Šaušga holding out in her left hand a triangle, which<br />

stands for BONUS2 “good, wellbeing”; SIG5 or aššu in Hittite texts (Laroche 1956a: 143f.). Such<br />

scenes of adoration, where a Bogenträger worships a deity, sometimes holding a Hieroglyph in his<br />

outstretched hand, are most common on cylinder seal and signet ring impressions of Hittite officials<br />

found in North-Syria (Ugar. III: Fig. 70; Beyer 2001: 27–30, Tab. 6), but also at Nişantepe in<br />

Hattuša (Herbordt 2005: 63–66, Abb. 42–43). Evidently, Nişantepe is also where seal impressions<br />

of Taki-Šarruma are chiefly attested. A further point regarding seal usage should be mentioned<br />

regarding seal no. 6 which is an especially large stamp seal impressed on several Tonverschlüsse.<br />

Hoever, first the cuneiform evidence on Taki-Šarruma will be considered with reference to how it<br />

corresponds with the glyptic data.<br />

Prince and chief scribe Taki-Šarruma was subjected to several prosopographic studies, of<br />

which Singer's (2003) is the most comprehensive. 553 He was active mainly in Hittite Syria, therefore<br />

Singer (2003: 347) concludes that he was: “...some sort of high commissioner in Syria, empowered<br />

to supervise and report to his sovereign about the activities of the Viceroy of Kargamiš”. In Ugarit<br />

he is known as a GAL L [ Ú.MEŠ DUB.SAR] who signed RS 17.403 (seal no. 5), 554 and, together with<br />

Tulpi-Šarruma, a son of a haštanuri in RS 17.251. This latter term is most likely not a name but a<br />

title denoting “royal prince of the first rank”. 555 Taki-Šarruma is also a “governor of the land”<br />

(šākin māti) mentioned in a MA letter from Tell Šēḫ Ḥamad (Dūr-Katlimmu). 556 His main activities<br />

in Syria date to the last quarter of the <strong>13</strong> th century, according to the līmu of this MA letter.<br />

Additional evidence concerning his exploits in Syria come from KBo 18.25 (+) 31.69 (CTH<br />

187), a letter most probably sent from Šuppiluliuma II to either Tukulti-Ninurta I or his successor,<br />

552 Common in Late Empire Period art both on seals and on rock-carved reliefs. Interpretations for its<br />

meaning range from a depiction of the tutelary deity of the seal owner to a depiction of a vassal king or<br />

prince as on the known carved rock reliefs (Beyer 2001: 347–351; Herbordt 2005: 57f.). In the<br />

Nişantepe corpus it is very common on scribal seals but not exclusively so (Herbordt 2005: 58).<br />

553 Cf. Laroche 1956a: <strong>13</strong>7–<strong>13</strong>9; van den Hout 1995: <strong>13</strong>2–<strong>13</strong>6; Mora 2004b: 437f.; Herbordt 2005: 82f.;<br />

Singer 2006b: 243f.<br />

554 Restoration of the cuneiform title offered by Singer (2003: 343) based on the HL title of the seal<br />

impression.<br />

555 See Laroche 1956a: <strong>13</strong>7, <strong>13</strong>9; Singer 2003: 344. Less probable is the hypothesis of van den Hout (1995:<br />

<strong>13</strong>3–<strong>13</strong>5), that Taki-Šarruma and Tulpi-Šarruma were two sons of Arnu. II, named in this text<br />

haštanuri; see Pecchioli Daddi 1997: 178 and Singer 2003: 344.<br />

556 Cancik-Kirschbaum 1996: 117–122, text no. 6.<br />


that was recently joined and edited by Mora and Giorgieri (2004: 99–106). The editors suggested<br />

that since Carchemish and Taki-Šarruma are mentioned in the letter it must deal with a border<br />

dispute between Hatti and Aššur, very similar to the one portrayed in KBo 18.48 (CTH 186)<br />

arbitrated by Hešni, a prince of Carchemish. 557 Taki-Šarruma's conjoined work with the same Hešni<br />

in RS 17.403, and further connection with Carchemish in the aforementioned KBo 18.25 (+)<br />

recently led Mora (2004b: 437) to propose that he was at some point a functionary at that court. If<br />

he was stationed at Carchemish it would certainly fit well with his title “governor of the land” in the<br />

MA letter from Dūr-Katlimmu (see above). These Hittite functionaries were known in the court of<br />

Carchemish, mainly via texts from Emar (Mora 2004a; d'Alfonso 2005: 72–75) – where one<br />

“governor of the land” was also given the title of top scribe. 558<br />

Lastly, other references from the reign of Ammurapi to an anonymous tuppanura<br />

huburtinura considered before to belong to Taki-Šarruma (Singer 2003: 345f.), should in fact<br />

belong to Penti-Šarruma, who bears these titles in two companion letters recently treated by Singer<br />

(2006: 243f. with bib.; see also under IV.2.a.Penti-Šarruma).<br />

Turning now to the evidence from Hattuša, prince Taki-Šarruma is known mainly as the<br />

DUMU.LUGAL who witnessed the signing of the Bronze Tablet (IV 35) sometime in the first<br />

quarter of Tudhaliya IV's reign. The same prince is the supervisor of economic activities<br />

documented in three inventory texts. 559 In the economic administration the role of inspector is<br />

typical for a chief scribe, 560 therefore van den Hout (1995: <strong>13</strong>3) has further equated Taki-Šarruma<br />

557 His domicile was proved by a restored line in RS 17.403, titling him (DUMU).LUGAL KUR<br />

URU Ka[rgamiš], see Singer 1997: 420 and Mora 2004b: 434f. Previously, prince Hešni, witness of KBo<br />

4.10+, was assumed to be a son of Hatt. III by van den Hout (1995: 206–211). But doubts regarding<br />

Hešni's relation with this king were already raised by Pecchioli Daddi (1997: 179). Hešni was also<br />

involved in a conspiracy to overthrow Tudh. IV (Tani 2001). Several homonyms of Hešni are a<br />

treasurer ( LÚ ŠÀ.TAM; KUB <strong>13</strong>.33 II <strong>13</strong>) and a Priest (KUB 38.37 III 5'), which Tani (2001: 155)<br />

suggested were all the same person. But this seems highly unlikely, unless his relation with Carchemish<br />

implicated a priestly function (cf. Imparati 2003: 240f.).<br />

558 This Hittite official from Carchemish named Puhi-šenni was both top scribe (dub.sar.mah) and<br />

“governor of the land” ( LÚ UGULA.KALAM.MA); see Cohen forthcoming.<br />

559 He is titled DUMU.L[UGA]L only in KBo 31.50 III 1', but performs similar tasks in KUB 40.95 II 4'<br />

and Bo 6754 r. col. 10', what led Siegelová (1986: 286) and van den Hout (1995: <strong>13</strong>3) to attribute these<br />

likewise to the same person.<br />

560 See under III.1.b.Walwaziti the example of Walwaziti, also given by van den Hout (1995: <strong>13</strong>3).<br />


the prince from Hattuša with his namesake documented in Ugarit. 561 [...]-Šarruma the GAL<br />

DUB.SAR.GIŠ swearing a loyalty oath to Šuppiluliuma II in KUB 26.32 (CTH 124) was previously<br />

supposed to be Taki-Šarruma by Singer (2003: 346). Now he is more likely to be identified with<br />

Penti-Šarruma the above mentioned tuppanura huburtinura (Singer 2006: 244; see also<br />

IV.2.a.Penti-Šarruma).<br />

Two further points are worth mentioning. First, with regard to Taki-Šarruma's economic<br />

activities one should consider if the goods in the type of inventory records mentioning Taki-<br />

Šarruma were either sent from, or better yet, received by the high officials supervising the process<br />

(Mora 2006: <strong>13</strong>8f., 143). 562 It has been recently suggested by Mora (2007: 546–548) that the bullae<br />

from the archive of Nişantepe were used not only in the usual manner of sealing wooden tablets<br />

recording land deeds. 563 According to her reconstruction, and following Herbordt (2005: 36–39), at<br />

least some of the bullae sealed containers of goods in approval of their acceptance by persons or<br />

families with influence in the Hittite court. The sealings of Taki-Šarruma found in Hattuša strongly<br />

substantiate this hypothesis. Seal no. 6 is of unusually large configuration in comparison with other<br />

known seals of Taki-Šarruma, and was used to stamp four Tonverschlüsse. As considered above<br />

(under IV.2.a.Arnilizi) these clay sealings were mainly used to clamp leather cords or ropes binding<br />

bottles or sacks. 564 Consequently, the four Tonverschlüsse signed by Taki-Šarruma prince and chief<br />

scribe could have been clamped on leather sacks containing goods he received as tribute. Chief<br />

scribes, as well as other high officials, were known to have been the recipients of such presents<br />

from time to time (Singer 2003: 345; 2006b: 245; Mora 2006: 143). Alternatively, Hagenbuchner<br />

(2007: 363) has now raised the possibility that such Tonverschlüsse were also used to clamp the<br />

knot of cords wrapping letter envelopes made of leather or cloth. 565 Since a letter sent by Taki-<br />

Šarruma to the Hittite king is also known (KUB 57.123, CTH 205; Hagenbuchner 1989: 20–22),<br />

one could suggest that the Tonverschlüsse of Taki-Šarruma were used to seal off ropes or leather<br />

561 Singer (2003: 344f.) takes a more cautious approach in attributing all the inventories to the same person,<br />

and also with the identification of the prince from the Bronze Tablet who he thinks was much too<br />

young.<br />

562 On this type of inventory texts (Ausgaben) see Kempinski & Košak 1977 and Siegelová 1986: 257–291.<br />

563 This was long presumed ever since the actual MH sealed land deeds were found next to caches of bullae<br />

which signed the unpreserved wooden tablets; first in Building D on Büyükkale and later also in Temple<br />

8 (Upper City) and in the Nişantepe archive (Marazzi 2007 with bib.).<br />

564 Cf. Herbordt 2005: 38 Abb. 18e.<br />

565 The clay envelopes used in Mesopotamia were not found anywhere in the Hittite home land<br />

(Hagenbuchner 2007: 363).<br />


cords wrapping such envelopes. However, there is no apparent way of deciding which is a better<br />

assessment, whether container sealings or envelope sealings, therefore both are possible. In my<br />

opinion, the scales might sway a little more towards a sealing of letter cases since almost all the<br />

officials who signed the Tonversclüsse were SCRIBA of various ranks, as seen from looking at<br />

Herbordt's publication of Nişantepe (Herbordt 2005: 36 Tab. 8).<br />

Second, regarding work relationships and known family members not much can be said. It is<br />

interesting that prince Hešni, with whom Taki-Šarruma cooperated in Syria, is also a supervisor of<br />

economic activities in the inventory KUB 40.96+ r. col. 11' (CTH 242.5). 566 Therefore, Taki-<br />

Šarruma and Hešni, both working also in the court of Carchemish, seem to have been the recipients<br />

of tribute. At least one person working close with Taki-Šarruma, possibly under his supervision,<br />

was certainly a scribe. In the first section of the letter KUB 57.123, sent to the Hittite king by Taki-<br />

Šarruma (see above), it is communicated that something might have been sent to Šamuhaziti, the<br />

scribe who is in a certain city in the area of Kummani/Kizzuwatna. 567 It is implicated from the tone<br />

of the sentence and its position in the beginning of the letter that Šamuhaziti was on a mission for<br />

Taki-Šarruma.<br />

This Šamuhaziti 568 is known also as the drafter of the trilingual vocabulary list (Sum.-Akk.-<br />

Hitt.) KBo 1.42. KBo 1.42 is a Post OB Proto Izi=išātu lexical list organized thematically (MSL <strong>13</strong>:<br />

3–4; Güterbock 1971: <strong>13</strong>2–143). Šapuhaziti (Šapuha-ZA) signed its mostly uninscribed rev. VI. The<br />

first element of the name is understood by most as a variant writing of the city Šamuha (Tischler<br />

1982: 449), therefore the name of the scribe should be understood as Šamuhaziti. Since scribe<br />

Šamuhaziti was a colleague of Taki-Šarruma his tenure should be dated to the second half of<br />

Tudhaliya IV's reign at least; as should the compilation of the lexical list. Miller (2005: <strong>13</strong>7) also<br />

566 Edited by Košak 1982: 81–84 and Siegelová 1986: 276–281.<br />

567 For a recent account of the text see d'Alfonso 2005: 49.<br />

568 An earlier homonym of Šamuhaziti is a plaintiff in the judicial protocol KBo 16.61 obv. 1, rev. 4', 14<br />

(CTH 295.9; Werner 1967: 60–63). Though most, if not all, these judicial protocols are dated to the Late<br />

Empire Period (Werner 1967: 1f.; Hoffner 2003b: 57), the plene writing of the name (Ša-mu-u-ha-LÚ)<br />

is different from the Empire spelling (ša-mu/pu-ha-ZA/LÚ), the ductus of the text and a person accused<br />

therein, named Marašša, are attributed to the MH period. See the dating of this text in the Košak,<br />

Konkordanz (mh.?) and CHD Š2: 301 (MS). At least three other Marašša are known from Hittite texts,<br />

two of which are MH (H and H suppl. no. 756; Marizza 2007a: 324[MH references only]): (1) An<br />

OH equerry named Marašša is mentioned in the palace chronicles (KBo 3.34 II 22, 24); (2) An uriyanni<br />

of Huzziya II (VAT 7436 rev. 11; KBo 32.187 rev. 4'); (3) A LÚ KUŠ7.GUŠK<strong>IN</strong> is mentioned in a Maşat<br />

text (HKM 107 obv. 7).<br />


dated KBo 1.42 to the latter part of the <strong>13</strong> th century. Likely, the same Šapuhaziti (Šapuha-LÚ) is<br />

mentioned in KUB 50.33 I 6 in relation to an oracle inquiry regarding modifications made to a<br />

tablet of the haduri spring and autumn festival (Lebrun 1994: 44, 59f., 75; Beal 2002: 22f.). Based<br />

on the late form of the sign NAR in the text, Lebrun (1994: 43) dated KUB 50.33 (his “manuscrit<br />

H”) to the late <strong>13</strong> th cent., most likely in the later reign of Tudhaliya IV; which is again consistent<br />

with the synchronism of Šamuhaziti with Taki-Šarruma in KUB 57.123. Lastly, a fragmentary Late<br />

Empire sealing from Nişantepe (Nis 250; Hebordt 2005: 158) reads either [...]muha[...] or Muha[...]<br />

with the title SCRIBA II (Fig. 4.21). Hawkins (2005a: 265) tentatively suggested that it could have<br />

belonged to the scribe [Ša]muha[ziti].<br />

Fig. 4.21: Nis 250 (Herbordt 2005: Taf. 20)<br />

Finally, a wife of Taki-Šarruma can perhaps also be identified. KUB 40.83 is a court<br />

proceeding dealing with the misappropriation of harmful magic (Werner 1967: 64–67). In obv. 2 a<br />

Taki-Šarruma is mentioned together with a woman named Mana-DUGUD, 569 who seems to be the<br />

one blamed in the ordeal. If this Taki-Šarruma is the known prince and chief scribe, it is possible in<br />

my opinion, although lacking any further proof, that Mana-DUGUD was Taki-Šarruma's wife.<br />

Finally, since we lack any colophons referring to his work, any descendants Taki-Šarruma might<br />

have had are otherwise unknown. 570<br />

Summary. Taki-Šarruma began his career as a prince at the court of Hattuša during the first<br />

quarter of Tudhaliya IV's reign, perhaps at a very young age. 571 Sometime later, in all likelihood<br />

after Tudhaliya IV's reign, he was given the position of chief scribe. As chief scribe he supervised<br />

economic activities in the court of Hattuša. He further sent a letter to the king reporting on a certain<br />

mission of the scribe Šamuhaziti to the area of Kizzuwatna. His career is further amply documented<br />

in at least seven different seals, most of which were found impressed on bullae in the Nişantepe<br />

569 Starke (1990: 547 n. 2027) apud Meriggi reads her name as Luw. Manakuwanzi.<br />

570 In all likelihood, [T]aki-Šarruma father of an Alalimi merchant of Ura in RS 17.319 (= PRU IV: 182–<br />

184), is a totally different person (cf. van den Hout 1995: <strong>13</strong>5).<br />

571 Cf. also Marizza 2007a: 280.<br />


archive in Hattuša. During the reign of Šuppiluliuma II he concurrently held the titles of chief<br />

scribe, prince and “governor of the land” in Ugarit, and probably at Carchemish as well. Not all of<br />

Taki-Šarruma's cuneiform titles find their equivalents in his HL titles (Tab. 4.6). His term of office<br />

most likely covered Šuppiluliuma II's reign, as indicated by his appearance in a MA letter from the<br />

end of the <strong>13</strong> th cent., and a synchronism with Šuppiluliuma II in the letter KBo 18.25(+). Therefore,<br />

Taki-Šarruma was also the contemporary of Penti-Šarruma, who was the chief scribe on wood at<br />

that time (see under IV.2.a.Penti-Šarruma). His activities, however, spanned not only the Hittite<br />

capital but also various sites throughout Syria.<br />

Cuneiform Title Text HL Title Seal no. (Tab. 4.5)<br />

DUMU.LUGAL Bronze Tablet; KBo 31.50 REX.FILIUS 1-2, 4-7<br />

GAL L [ Ú.MEŠ DUB.SAR] RS 17.403 MAGNUS.SCRIBA 3-7<br />

Haštanuri RS 17.251 -<br />

šākin māti Cancik-Kirschbaum 1996 no. 6 -<br />

Tab. 4.6: Titles and offices of Taki-Šarruma in cuneiform vs his Hieroglyphic titles<br />

b. Princes with Fragmentary Seals<br />

The last three princes bearing the MAGNUS.SCRIBA title are attested on fragmentary seals. Only<br />

in one instance could the name of the prince and MAGNUS.SCRIBA be possibly read as Pili. He<br />

used two seals imprinted on bullae from Bk. D (SBo II 28 and 29). Both seals have on their outer<br />

rim an alternating triangles and globes theme and bear in the left portion of the middle field the<br />

titles REX.FILIUS and MAGNUS.SCRIBA (Fig. 4.22). Pili's name, situated on the right portion of<br />

the middle field, is badly preserved in both cases. Visible in SBo II 29 is perhaps the sign pi (L. 66),<br />

as the first element of the name, and in SBo II 28 the sign li (L. 278) as the last element of the<br />

name. It is uncertain if another sign was placed in between them. Marizza (2007a: 277) suggested to<br />

read a sign before pi, thus naming the seal owner x ? -pili. However, since it is clear that in SBo II 29<br />

there is no sign preceding the pi, making Marizza'a hypothesis seem less viable.<br />

Sadly, Pili is a rather short name which is not attested anywhere else. Nevertheless, the most<br />

likely parallel seems to be a name of a Kizzuwatnean king from the 15 th cent. known as Pi/alliya.<br />


This Pi/alliya, 572 a contemporary of the Hittite king Zidanza II, was the author of a ritual dedicated<br />

to the Storm-god (CTH 475). Therefore, Pili could also be of the same Kizzuwatnean Hurrian-<br />

Luwian milieu as many of the scribes known from Hattuša (Mascheroni 1984). Nevertheless, it is<br />

uncertain when to place his term of office chronologically (see under IV.2.c).<br />

SBo II 28<br />

Fig. 4.22: Seal impressions of pili (SBo II: 66)<br />

The names of the next two princes and MAGNUS.SCRIBA could not be read (Fig. 4.23).<br />

An owner of a very worn seal from Nişantepe (Nis 571; no illustration) might be read as [...]-<br />

Šarruma. Herbordt (2005: 215) reads on the seal the titles REX.FILIUS and MAG[NUS.SCR]IBA.<br />

It is better to suppose this seal belongs to one of the other chief scribes bearing Šarruma names<br />

(Taki-Šarruma or Penti-Šarruma), rather than assuming another, unknown, chief scribe.<br />

Nis 770<br />

Fig. 4.23: On the right seal impression of [...]-Šarruma (Herbordt 2005: Taf. 45), on the left seal impression of a prince<br />

and MAGNUS.SCRIBA whose name was not preserved (Herbordt 2005: Taf. 58)<br />

The name of the last prince and chief scribe, which appears on a fragmentary sealing from<br />

Nişantepe (Nis 770), is broken off almost completely. Apart from the titles REX.FILIUS and<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA on the left part of the seal, most of what remained of the middle field is part of<br />

a beautifully detailed Bogenträger scene (Fig. 4.23). It depicts a manly figure with a prominent<br />

nose shouldering an arch to his right and hanging on to the elbow of a larger deity figure with his<br />

572 On this individual see Freu 2001: 15.<br />

193<br />

SBo II 29<br />

Nis 571

left hand. Although most the deity's face and headdress are broken off, this type of large bearded<br />

deity clad in a short skirt and an elongated multi-horned cap, featuring a long locket of hair falling<br />

on his back, and shouldering a mace with his right is usually identified as a Storm-god figure<br />

(Herbordt 2005: 244). Herbordt (2005: 60) has shown that the same deity holding the Storm-god<br />

hieroglyph (TONITRUS) appears elsewhere at Nişantepe on the seals of Ini-Tešub, king of<br />

Carchemish. In fact, this type of Storm-god figure, sometimes lifting his mace in a striking motion,<br />

appears on many of the known seals of the kings of Carchemish and members of its royal line found<br />

at Ugarit and Emar. 573<br />

It is possible that the depiction of the Storm-god figure suggest that the seal owner of Nis<br />

770 had the deity's theophoric element in his name, namely, either Tešub or Tarhunta, a notion<br />

previously raised by Güterbock regarding similar evidence on earlier known seal material from<br />

Hattuša. 574 Herbordt (2005: 60) however recently dismissed this notion. Evidently, many of the seal<br />

holders whose seal bear the Storm-god figure do not attest its theophoric component in their name.<br />

Another possibility would be to link the Storm-god figure on Nis 770 with its common depiction on<br />

seals of individuals from Carchemish. But, apart from Taki-Šarruma and Penti-Šarruma, none of the<br />

other known chief scribes from Hattuša seem to have been active in this area. Furthermore,<br />

iconographical scenes are scarce on the seals of chief scribes from Hattuša. Only three other<br />

examples can be registered, a signet (RS 17.251) and a stamp seal of Taki-Šarruma (Nis 400), and a<br />

stamp seal of Mahuzzi (Nis 219).<br />

c. Muwaziti: a Non-Royal MAGNUS.SCRIBA?<br />

Only one MAGNUS.SCRIBA not bearing any princely titles is known. One seal found impressed<br />

on a bulla from Nişantepe (Nis 273) bears the name spelled mu(wa)-VIR.zi/a, read Muwaziti, and<br />

the title MAGNUS.SCRIBA-la in a clear context. The connection of this Muwaziti with another<br />

appearing on a sealing from Nişantepe bearing the title VIR2 (Nis 272) seems less likely. Mainly<br />

because the orientation of the name and its spelling (mu(wa)-VIR) is different on the latter seal (Fig.<br />

4.24). Consequently, it could be that although Muwaziti MAGNUS.SCRIBA has no REX.FILIUS<br />

on his seal that he chose to omit it, as did other MAGNUS.SCRIBA on their seals (see<br />

IV.2.a.Arnilizi, Mahhuzzi, Penti-Šarruma, Taki-Šarruma), or that the title was broken off.<br />

573 Where he is frequently depicted in the company of other important deities, see Mora 2004b: 428–432,<br />

443–446, Figs. 1-6, 8-9, 15, 19.<br />

574 See the seal Glyptik 176.<br />


Therefore, it is not necessarily the case that there was a non-royal MAGNUS.SCRIBA, considering<br />

that this single piece of evidence is ambiguous (see under IV.3).<br />

As for cuneiform evidence, the name Muwaziti is poorly documented in the Empire<br />

period. 575 He possibly has only one namesake from Ugarit attested in RS 17.244 (=PRU IV: 231).<br />

This legal proceeding was acted out in the presence of a Muw[a]ziti, 576 son of Yaraziti, and bêl bīt<br />

abūti together with a certain qartappu of his majesty (Malbran-Labat 2004: 73). As of yet, there is<br />

no evidence to establish a connection between the bêl bīt abūti of Ugarit, and the VIR2 and the<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA from Hattuša (Marizza 2007a: 281). Therefore, one cannot establish a dating<br />

scheme for Muwaziti the MAGNUS.SCRIBA. Possible solutions would then be either to place him<br />

at the very end of the Empire Period, or for a short period in between other MAGNUS.SCRIBA, or<br />

as a contemporary of other MAGNUS.SCRIBA.<br />

d. Uncertain Evidence: Tarhuntapiya and TONITRUS.URBS+li<br />

The two remaining MAGNUS.SCRIBA, Tarhuntapiya and TONITRUS.URBS+li, do not bear this<br />

title in any clear context. As will be shown, these persons should be dismissed from the list of<br />

known MAGNUS.SCRIBA.<br />

575 The name has good entries in the MH period, see KBo 18.69 rev. 11' (CTH 209) and the list of persons<br />

and soldiers HKM 100 (CTH 236) from Maşat. This Muwaziti must have been, according to KBo<br />

18.69, the contemporary of Hulla the known GAL LÚ.MEŠ KUŠ7 ZAG-az of Arnu. I in the land grant KBo<br />

5.7 (cf. de Martino 2005: 299).<br />

576 Read by Nougayrol (PRU IV: 231f.) as Mutaziti and by Malbran-Labat (2004: 73) as Mutziti.<br />



A much worn seal impression from Nişantepe recently read by Herbordt (2005: 189) and Hawkins<br />

(2005a: 273) is suggested to bear the name Tarhuntapiya and the title MAGNUS.SCRIBA (Nis 419;<br />

Fig. 4.25). As I will show, this highly tentative reading can not be proven from Tarhuntapiya's<br />

known seals and cuneiform attestations.<br />

Fig. 4.25: Seal impression of Tarhuntapiya MAGNUS.SCRIBA? (Herbordt 2005: Taf. 33)<br />

This name appears on multiple seal impressions originating mostly from Bk. D and<br />

Nişantepe. In a recent prosopographical study of Tarhuntapiya, van den Hout (1995: 211–215)<br />

identified all attestations of this name with a single Tarhuntapiya: a prince and scribe, brother of<br />

Tudhaliya IV, also active in oracle texts as augur. 577 In contrast to van den Hout I prefer, following<br />

Hawkins (2005a: 273), to separate the prince from the scribe. 578 The prince (REX.FILIUS),<br />

designated here Tarhuntapiya A, appears as TONITRUS-pi-i(a) on two different seals (Fig. 4.26),<br />

one also bearing the SCRIBA title (Bog III 10).<br />

Fig. 4.26: Seal impressions of Tarhuntapiya A<br />

577 On the equation between the scribe and the augur cf. Imparati 1985: 258. She further suggested that<br />

Tarhuntapiya was first a scribe who only later in his career attained the higher status of prince.<br />

578 I also support here the more skeptical view of Marizza (2007a: 281) regarding Tarhuntapiya's kinship to<br />

Tudh. IV: “Lo studioso ipotizza, inoltre, che Tarhuntapiya possa esser stato un fratello di Tuthaliya IV,<br />

ma non vi sono elementi sicuri per sostenere questa proposta”.<br />


The name of the scribe (SCRIBA), designated here Tarhuntapiya B, was spelled either<br />

TONITRUS-pi-i(a) or TONITRUS-tá-pi-i(a) on at least four different seals (Tab. 4.7; Fig. 4.27),<br />

one of which is fragmentary (SBo II 145). These seals are discerned from those of Tarhuntapiya A<br />

by the title VIR2 which they bear (Nis 418 and SBo II 145), 579 and the antithetic writing of the name<br />

appearing on seals nos. 1 and 2.<br />

Seal o. HL Titles Seals and Seal Impressions Remarks<br />

1 SCRIBA, VIR2 Nis 418<br />

2 SCRIBA SBo II 141-143, Nis 420<br />

3 SCRIBA SBo II 144<br />

- SCRIBA, VIR2 SBo II 145 Fragmentary<br />

Tab. 4.7: Seals of Tarhuntapiya B<br />

In Late Empire period cuneiform texts Tarhuntapiya's name is usually spelled<br />

logographically d U-SUM (van den Hout 1995: 212). A prince (DUMU.LUGAL) by this name, most<br />

579 On the apparent difference between “prince” and a non royal official usually designated with “man”<br />

(VIR2) see recently Herbordt 2005: 106 with bib.<br />

Fig. 4.27: Seal impressions of Tarhuntapiya B<br />


likely to be identified with the prince and scribe Tarhuntapiya A, witnessed the signing of the Ulmi-<br />

Tešub treaty and inspected incoming/outgoing goods in two inventory texts. 580 According to other<br />

officials mentioned in these texts the term of Tarhuntapiya A must have spanned the second half of<br />

Hattušili III and the beginning of Tudhaliya IV at least. Other Empire period attestations of a<br />

Tarhuntapiya in cuneiform include various appearances in oracle inquiries, 581 one of which belongs<br />

to an augur ( LÚ IGI.MUŠEN), 582 and another to a priest ( LÚ SANGA). 583 Since both Tarhuntapiya A<br />

and B bore the title scribe, which is combined on seals both with “augur” (AVIS3+MAGNUS) 584<br />

and with “priest” (SACERDOS2), 585 it would be tentative at best to identify a certain Tarhuntapiya<br />

with the augur and priest attested in cuneiform. 586 Returning to the question of the identity of<br />

Tarhuntapiya MAGNUS.SCRIBA on Nis 419. Since there is no evidence supporting such a case<br />

and the face of the seal impressions are almost completely obliterated, it seems problematic to insert<br />

into the already dense list of chief scribes another chief scribe not attested anywhere else.<br />

Therefore, it seems preferable here to dismiss Herbordt's reading of the title on Nis 419 as<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA(?). 587<br />


TONITRUS.URBS+li, designated here as person A, holds four different seals bearing the title<br />

SCRIBA (Fig. 4.28). Three were found impressed on bullae from Bk. D (SBo I 106-108), and one<br />

button seal was found outside the Hittite capital in the territory of Adana (Dinçol & Dinçol 1987:<br />

83–85, no. 3).<br />

580 KBo 16.83+ III 6 (CTH 242.8); KUB 40.95 II 10 (CTH 242.4).<br />

581 KUB 5.24+ IV 26 (CTH 577); KUB 50.35 rev. 2', 5' (CTH 570); KBo 44.216 I 23', 32' (CTH 577)<br />

582 KUB 22.41 rev. 12' (CTH 582).<br />

583 KUB 12.2 IV 8, 14, 18 (CTH 511).<br />

584 Once on the seal of Nanuwa impressed on a bulla from Nişantepe (Nis 286; Herbordt 2005: 164f., Taf.<br />

22).<br />

585 Once on the seal of HEROS (Hastali), also together with REX.FILIUS, impressed on a bulla from<br />

Nişantepe (Nis 610; Herbordt 2005: 221, Taf. 48).<br />

586 Perhaps it would be best here to follow Imparati (1985: 258) in identifying the prince and scribe<br />

(Tarhuntapiya A) as both priest and augur.<br />

587 Could another title be read on this seal? I would cautiously suggest AVIS3+MAGNUS, since we already<br />

know of a Tarhuntapiya augur from cuneiform texts.<br />


A recent seal impression uncovered at Nişantepe (Nis 659; Fig. 4.29) bears the same name.<br />

But is there justification from other evidence for Herbordt's (2005: 229) uncertain reading of the<br />

title as MAGNUS.SCRIBA(?).<br />

Fig. 4.29: Seal impression of TONITRUS.URBS+li MAGNUS.SCRIBA? (Herbordt 2005: Taf. 52)<br />

First, the name TONITRUS.URBS+li literally means “Storm-god city” with a phonetic<br />

complement li (see under IV.2.a.Šauškaruntiya). Hawkins (2005a: 286) opted first to read the name<br />

Tarhuntaššali, but since it is nowhere attested he later thought of Nerikkaili. 588 The well known<br />

tuhukanti Nerikkaili, son of Tudhaliya IV, considering this is how the name TONITRUS.URBS+li<br />

should be read, was a known prince. 589 But whether he and the scribe TONITRUS.URBS+li were<br />

588 There are, however, other cities of the Storm-god, as Singer suggested to me, like Hattuša for example<br />

(pers. comm.). Could TONITRUS.URBS+li be another form of writing Hattušili, usually written<br />

HATTI-li? Or perhaps we should simply read Tarhuntaili?<br />

589 See the exhaustive prosopography of the name in van den Hout 1995: 96–105.<br />


one and the same person is yet to be established (Hawkins 2005a: 286). As in the case of<br />

Tarhuntapiya, I would suggest that the reading of MAGNUS.SCRIBA on Nis 659 as an unicum<br />

between the other seals of TONITRUS.URBS+li is less likely. An alternative proposition adds Nis<br />

659 to the multiple Nişantepe seal impressions of another homonym named TONITRUS.URBS+li,<br />

designated here as person B, bearing various titles (Tab. 4.8; Fig. 4.30). This homonym bears the<br />

same name but a set of different titles, revolving mainly around URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US, appearing on at<br />

least seven different seals impressed on multiple bullae from Nişantepe (Herbordt 2005: 228–229).<br />

Therefore, the fragmentary title on Nis 659 could be MAGNUS.PI[THOS], which is attested on<br />

many of the seals held by TONITRUS.URBS+li B.<br />

Seal o. HL Titles Seals and Seal Impressions Remarks<br />

1 URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US Nis 651<br />

2 URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US Nis 652 Square signet ring<br />

3 URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US,<br />


DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

4 URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US,<br />


DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

Nis 654<br />

Nis 655<br />

200<br />

impression<br />

5 REX.FILIUS, URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US Nis 653 Square signet ring<br />

6 REX.FILIUS, I.I-DOM<strong>IN</strong>US,<br />


7 REX.FILIUS, URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US,<br />


Nis 656<br />

Nis 657-658<br />

Tab. 4.8: Seals of TONITRUS.URBS+li B<br />


Fig. 4.30: Seal impressions of TONITRUS.URBS+li B (Herbordt 2005: Taf. 51-52)<br />

These impressions can be divided into several different seals according to the titles they<br />

feature. Seals nos. 1 and 2 have URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US. Seals nos. 3 and 4 have URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US,<br />

MAGNUS.PITHOS+RA/I and I.I-DOM<strong>IN</strong>US, each with its own design. The last four seals are<br />

all various combinations of the previous titles with REX.FILIUS: Seal no. 5 combines REX.FILIUS<br />

with URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US; Seal no. 6 combines REX.FILIUS with I.I-DOM<strong>IN</strong>US and<br />

MAGNUS.PITHOS+RA/I; Seal no. 7 combines REX.FILIUS with URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US and<br />

MAGNUS.PITHOS+RA/I. It cannot be determined if this means the seal bearer was promoted to<br />

the position of prince or he chose to omit it from his first set of seals. Strengthening my hypothesis<br />

to include among these seals Nis 659 are the horror vacui and style of fillers, which appear to be<br />

characteristic to all seals of TONITRUS.URBS+li B.<br />


3. Conclusions<br />

The aim of this chapter was to study the bearers of the HL title MAGNUS.SCRIBA “chief scribe”<br />

in the glytpic evidence from Hattuša. The various bearers were collected, their prosopographical<br />

elements studied, and their duties delineated. This was made in continuation to a similar treatment<br />

made in the previous chapter on the chief scribes appearing in the cuneiform data. The cuneiform<br />

and HL chief scribes were chosen to be treated separately, mainly because the logografic<br />

combination MAGNUS.SCRIBA is the single HL equivalent of the two known cuneiform titles of<br />

chief scribes, either GAL DUB.SAR “chief scribe” or GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ “chief scribe on wood”.<br />

And so it happens, that one cannot identify, from HL seals alone, which type of chief scribe was the<br />

seal holder. To make this matter even more complicated, apart from Šahurunuwa, Taki-Šarruma and<br />

Walwaziti, all the other known GAL DUB.SAR(.GIŠ) do not bear the title MAGNUS.SCRIBA in<br />

HL. To name those treated in the previous chapter: Mittannamuwa, his son Purandamuwa, LÚ (Ziti)<br />

and SAG. Since all these names were in fact GAL DUB.SAR, chief scribes, the simplest solution to<br />

the problem (already considered in the previous chapter), would be to identify most of those using<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA seals as GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, chief scribes on wood. As the way of simple<br />

solutions, it is not entirely accurate, but nonetheless seems to be quite close to the conclusion of the<br />

prosopographical study made in the present chapter. This being said, it is now time to complete the<br />

chronological picture of the empire period chief scribes, which began to be formulated in the<br />

concluding section of the previous chapter.<br />

During the Early Empire period the title MAGNUS.SCRIBA was used by Matu. Sadly, the<br />

name is not attested in cuneiform, but the style of his seals allows to establish his term of office in<br />

the later reign of Tudhaliya II/III and well into the reign of his son Šuppiluliuma I. It would seem<br />

that during this period the use of the HL title MAGNUS.SCRIBA had not yet been constituted,<br />

given the peculiar horizontal writing of the title on the seals of Matu. Perhaps even Matu was the<br />

first to put this title into use on his seals. His cuneiform designation is not known, namely, one<br />

could not say if he was GAL DUB.SAR or GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ. Could he have been the successor<br />

of Hattušili the GAL DUB.SAR(.MEŠ) during the reign of Arnuwanda I and the beginning of<br />

Tudhaliya II/III? 590 In a recent prosopographic study of this Hattušili, Marizza (2007a: 300f.)<br />

cautiously suggested that he was both GAL DUB.SAR and GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ. Perhaps in the<br />

Early Empire period there was no distinction between the two offices. Already in this early period<br />

590 For the dating of Hattušili the chief scribe and his activities see Beckman 1995: 25f.; Houwink ten Cate<br />

1998: 174–177.<br />


we see the later attested function of the chief scribes in supervising goods in the economic milieu<br />

(see also under V). In the case of Matu his seals were found stamped on a few container sealings.<br />

Moving on to the Empire Period, seven MAGNUS.SCRIBA were studied in the main<br />

section of this chapter. The most significant conclusion made is their specific roles as chief scribes<br />

(see also under V). Probably all of them were princes (REX.FILIUS). The only ambiguous case of<br />

Muwaziti can be dismissed for lack of evidence, considering only one of his seals was found. All<br />

other MAGNUS.SCRIBA used an average of between five to seven seals, some perhaps more, with<br />

alternating titles. Thus, Muwaziti's single attested seal could not be a good representation of all his<br />

titles. The princely title was not recorded among the chief scribes studied in the previous chapter:<br />

Mittannamuwa, his sons Purandamuwa and Walwaziti, Ziti (A) and SAG. Only Šahurunuwa, the<br />

chief scribe on wood, was shown to have been a prince, but only on his seals. The only chief scribe<br />

who seems to bear the title of prince in cuneiform (DUMU.LUGAL) is Taki-Šarruma in the witness<br />

list of the Bronze Tablet. It was therefore proposed in the previous chapter that only chief scribes on<br />

wood were princes, while chief scribes, excluding the exceptional case of Taki-Šarruma, were not<br />

of the royal line. However, as I will now show, the prosopographical reconstruction of the careers<br />

of the MAGNUS.SCRIBA indicates a better solution.<br />

Prince Arnilizi was both chief scribe and chief of palace attendants. He, however, chose not<br />

to combine his titles together, alternatively using only one of them on each of his seals in<br />

combination with REX.FILIUS. It has not been possible to chronologically place his career,<br />

suggesting either it was very late in the reign of Arnuwanda III and Šuppiluliuma II, or that he was<br />

active outside Hattuša, at some other palace. Nevertheless, perhaps we could identify which type of<br />

chief scribe Arnilizi was. His duties seem to resemble those of Penti-Šarruma and Šauškaruntiya,<br />

who combined on their seals the titles of chief scribe and chief of palace attendants. Both are<br />

considered here to be the chief scribes on wood (GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ): Penti-Šarrum is [...]-<br />

Šarruma the GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ from KUB 26.32 who swore an oath to Šuppiluliuma II, and<br />

Šauškaruntiya is perhaps either the anonymous GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ of KUB 50.72 and VS NF<br />

12.125 or his successor holding the position during the latter part of Tudhaliya IV's reign.<br />

Šauškaruntiya is also connected at the earlier part of his career with the scribe Armaziti, which<br />

supplies a synchronism to either the end of Hattušili III's reign or the beginning of Tudhaliya IV's.<br />

Both Penti-Šarruma and Šauškaruntiya also performed military functions, as seems to be required<br />

from the chief scribe on wood. Penti-Šarruma has a MAGNUS.AURIGA seal and Šauškaruntiya<br />

was considered in the oracle inquiry IBoT 1.32 to lead a campaign against Azzi, and appears as a<br />

military commander in the KÖYLÜTOLU YAYLA inscription of Tudhaliya IV. Therefore one<br />

could suggest that Arnilizi was also GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, either succeeding Penti-Šarruma, in the<br />


end stages of the Empire Period, or succeeding Šauškaruntiya, during the short reign of Arnuwanda<br />

III. We could establish a chronological sequence of Šahurunuwa – Šauškaruntiya – Penti-Šarruma –<br />

Arnilizi (Tab. 4.9).<br />

As for the chief scribes, it was considered that prince Mahhuzzi, the GAL (LÚ.MEŠ) MUBARRÎ<br />

of Hattušili III and Tudhaliya IV was in the later part of his career a GAL DUB.SAR, replacing<br />

SAG at some point during the second half of Tudhaliya IV's reign. His early scribal training is<br />

somewhat obscure, but he has a synchronism with a higher scribe named L. 417.5-wasa / Suwasa,<br />

who was perhaps his teacher. Mahhuzzi later supervised together with Halwaziti the scribe Duda.<br />

Halwaziti being the known scribe of the Bronze Tablet from the city of Ukkiya. His term of office<br />

should be dated mainly to the reign of Tudhaliya IV. Mahhuzzi, as supervisor, and Halwaziti, as<br />

teacher, ran an office and scribal school, perhaps from the House on the Slope or from some other<br />

location near by in the Lower City. Walwaziti possibly ran his office and school from Bk. A; his<br />

son Hulanabi succeeded him as instructor of NU.GIŠ.SAR, the son of SAG, the chief scribe after<br />

Walwaziti. It therefore seems that Mahhuzzi moved the main school, probably to the House on the<br />

Slope, when he became chief scribe, sometime in the latter half of Tudhaliya IV's reign. I would<br />

imagine this has something to do with the important role this building played in the reign of<br />

Šuppiluliuma II, when this building became an important centre for copying texts, as considered by<br />

several scholars (van den Hout 2006b: 88f.; Torri 2007a: 781f.). The chief scribe after Mahhuzzi<br />

was likely prince Taki-Šarruma, who appears in a late <strong>13</strong> th cent. MA letter, and has a possible<br />

concurrence with Šuppiluliuma II, in a letter this king sent either to Tukulti-Ninurta I or his<br />

successor (KBo 18.25(+)). Both chief scribe Taki-Šarruma, and his contemporary(?) chief scribe on<br />

wood Penti-Šarruma, were very active in Ugarit and Syria. This might have something to do with<br />

Assyrian aggression in this area towards Hatti, during the last stages of the <strong>13</strong> th cent, which<br />

culminated in the notorious battle of Nihriya. 591 Thus, the established chronological sequence of<br />

chief scribes after SAG might be: Mahhuzzi – Taki-Šarruma (Tab. 4.9).<br />

591 On which see for example Singer 1999a: 686–690; Bryce 2005: 3<strong>13</strong>–319.<br />


Hittite King GAL DUB.SAR Additional Titles GAL<br />

Mur. II – Muw. II Mittannamuwa -<br />

Muw. II Purandamuwa<br />

(s. of<br />

Mittannamuwa)<br />

Ur.-T. Ziti A (LÚ) -<br />

End of Ur.-T. Walwaziti (s. of<br />

Hattušili III – 1 st<br />

quarter of<br />

Tudhaliya IV<br />

Middle of<br />

Tudhaliya IV<br />

Latter half of<br />

Tudhaliya IV<br />

Arnu. III –<br />

Šuppiluliuma II<br />

Mittannamuwa)<br />

SAG -<br />

Mahhuzzi<br />

Taki-Šarruma<br />

GAL<br />


-<br />

-<br />


LIS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />


haštanuri, šākin<br />

māti, REX.FILIUS<br />

205<br />


Additional Titles<br />

Šahurunuwa GAL LÚ UKU.UŠ, GAL<br />

Šauškaruntiya??<br />

Penti-Šarruma<br />

Arnilizi??<br />

Tab. 4.9: The chief scribes in the <strong>13</strong> th century <strong>BCE</strong><br />


L. 490<br />




LÚ tuppinura huburtinura,<br />





Returning now to answer the dilemma posed on the princely status of the chief scribes<br />

above, the summary table, which incorporates the chronological reconstruction made in the<br />

previous chapter and the present chapter, in fact shows that both chief scribes after SAG were<br />

princes. Thus it would appear the status of the GAL DUB.SAR changed for the better during the<br />

latter half of Tudhaliya IV's reign. This change seems surprising, when in fact during the days of<br />

Walwaziti, in the reign of Hattušili III and more specifically in the initial phase of Tudhaliya IV,<br />

there is another very important and influential supervisor in the figure of Anuwanza the LÚ SAG,<br />

who was not a chief scribe. Evidently, there was no replacement for the title of chief scribe as it<br />

regained power again afterwards.<br />

An important remark must be said on the onomasticon of the chief scribes. Whereas up until<br />

SAG the names of chief scribes were markedly Luwian in origin, the name of Mahhuzzi is yet to be<br />

identified, and Taki-Šarruma bears a Hurrian name, which in fact coincides with the notably<br />

Hurrian (or Hurr.-Luw.) names of the chief scribes on wood. This change could be explained in that<br />

exactly after SAG, the chief scribes become princes. But then again, it could be pure coincidence.<br />

The functions of the identified MAGNUS.SCRIBA as suggested above, confirm the roles of<br />

the GAL DUB.SAR and of the GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, established in the conclusions of the previous<br />

chapter. The GAL DUB.SAR is involved mainly with supervising the drafting of texts,<br />

administrative-economic functions and scribal education. The GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, on the other<br />

hand, is more involved in cult, most likely supervising the recording of religious rituals and<br />

festivals on wooden tablets, and takes part in military campaigns. Another interesting administrative<br />

difference between the two types of chief scribes is apparent from looking at the bullae archives<br />

where seals of MAGNUS.SCRIBA were used (Tab. 4.10).<br />

Particularly striking is the fact that those suggested here to be chief scribes on wood, namely<br />

Arnilizi, Penti-Šarruma and Šauškaruntiya, and the already known Šahurunuwa, signed bullae also<br />

outside the Nişantepe archive, the Storerooms of T.1 and Bk. D. Those suggested to be chief<br />

scribes, Mahhuzzi and Taki-Šarruma, signed bullae only in the Nişantepe archive. If this is in fact a<br />

criteria for identifying the cuneiform equivalent of a certain MAGNUS.SCRIBA, then one could<br />

also suggest that the ambiguous Pili, if his name is indeed read in such a way, was a GAL<br />

DUB.SAR.GIŠ, since he sealed bullae found only in Bk. D. But, I would not rush to such a<br />

conclusion. The combination of titles on the MAGNUS.SCRIBA seals did, however, help<br />

determine more about their sealing habits/use of seals.<br />

During the Late Empire period the seals of MAGNUS.SCRIBA usually combined more than<br />

one title. But on many occasions, it seems that they chose to omit certain titles from certain seals. In<br />


some cases it was shown that particular seals were used for specific tasks. The most obvious<br />

example is that of the chief scribes (on wood?) Arnilizi and Šauškaruntiya. Both issued seals with<br />

the title combination prince and “chief of palace attendants” (MAGNUS.DOMUS.FILIUS),<br />

deliberately omitting the title chief scribe, to seal Tonverschlüsse, which are sealings of containers,<br />

such as sacks or bottles. Since the chief of palace attendants usually appears in connection with the<br />

appropriation of various goods in festivals and the cult in general, it was suggested that these seals<br />

were specifically used to seal containers of such goods. In contrast, when chief scribe Taki-Šarruma<br />

sealed several Tonverschlüsse he used a seal combining prince and MAGNUS.SCRIBA. Therefore,<br />

I conclude that the purpose of this seal was different, namely, connected with his role as chief<br />

scribe. Considering that chief scribes handled goods in the economic records, sometimes receiving<br />

tribute, or inspecting outgoing goods, it was proposed that these Tonverschlüsse sealed such goods.<br />

Alternatively, since we also know of a letter sent by Taki-Šarruma, these Tonverschlüsse might<br />

have been used to clamp cords/ropes wrapping letter envelopes made of leather or cloth. 592<br />

Finally, a note should be said about the use of signets. Herbordt (2006:101) has recently<br />

noted that signet ring impressions found in the Nişantepe archive in large quantities belonged<br />

chiefly to scribes (SCRIBA). In comparison to the rather massive use of this seal type in Nişantepe,<br />

its presence is rare in other bullae archives at Boğazköy and in glyptic finds from Anatolia in<br />

general (Herbordt 2005: 43f.). The signet was more common at Hittite centers in North-Syria, such<br />

as Emar and Ugarit, 593 and its use by Hittite functionaries is attested as far south as Canaan. 594 It<br />

was therefore concluded that Empire signets may have originally come into use in Syria before<br />

spreading further into Anatolia in the later Empire Period (Herbordt 2006: 100f.). The late date of<br />

the signets might have implications with regard to the chronological sequence of the Hittite scribes<br />

using them in Nişantepe. But, I have noticed a further element about the usage of such signets by<br />

the chief scribes. The title MAGNUS.SCRIBA is not documented on any signet ring, namely chief<br />

scribes did not employ this type of seal. Moreover, two chief scribes in particular, Mahhuzzi and<br />

Šauškaruntiya, had first SCRIBA signets, and during their MAGNUS.SCRIBA stage stamp seals.<br />

The case of Taki-Šarruma is also interesting, since in Ugarit he used a signet with the title<br />

REX.FILIUS whereas all of his other seals which combine in some manner the title<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA are stamps. All this would imply that when promoted to the status of chief<br />

592 This function of the Tonverschlüsse was suggested recently by Hagenbuchner 2007: 363.<br />

593 At both venues the signet was employed primarily by Hittite officials; for Ugarit see Ugar. III: 41f., 56,<br />

78–86; on signets from Emar see for instance Gonnet 1991; Singer 2000; Beyer 2001: 120–145 (nos.<br />

B1-B70).<br />

594 See Glyptik: 76 and Singer 2006c: 738f., Fig. 1b-d.<br />


scribe officials deliberately issued their new seals in the Anatolian stamp seal tradition, rather then<br />

in the imported style of the signet ring. The question arises as to why the chief scribes chose not to<br />

use signet rings. Perhaps it was due to its insufficient space, since many of them concurrently held<br />

other titles, or it was the higher prestige of the more ornate and large stamp seal. 595 Other possible<br />

solutions would be either the different purposes of the signets as compared to the stamps, or<br />

otherwise a convention set by the royal court in Hattuša. From a chronological point of view the<br />

late date of the signets help to corroborate what is also supported from the prosopography. Namely,<br />

that at least Mahhuzzi, Šauškaruntiya and Taki-Šarruma, who hold signets in the initial stage of<br />

their career, were MAGNUS.SCRIBA at a very late phase of the Empire Period (Tab. 4.9).<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA Titles Bk. D St.T.1 işantepe<br />

Arnilizi REX.FILIUS,<br />



Mahhuzzi REX.FILIUS, SCRIBA-la,<br />

LIS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US,<br />


Muwaziti MAGNUS.SCRIBA + 596<br />

Penti-Šarruma REX.FILIUS,<br />






208<br />

+<br />

Bullae Ton.<br />

Upper<br />

City<br />

+ + + +<br />

Šahurunuwa REX.FILIUS + + +<br />

REX.FILIUS, L. 490,<br />


595 Both suggested to me by Singer (pers. comm.).<br />

596 Has a single attestation, without REX.FILIUS.<br />

+<br />

+<br />


MAGNUS.SCRIBA Titles Bk. D St.T.1 işantepe<br />

Šauškaruntiya SCRIBA +<br />






209<br />

+ +<br />

REX.FILIUS, MAGNUS.[...] +<br />

Taki-Šarruma MAGNUS.SCRIBA +<br />

Bullae Ton.<br />

+ +<br />


Pili / Pi[...]li REX.FILIUS, MAGNUS.SCRIBA +<br />

[...]-Šarruma REX.FILIUS, MAGNUS.SCRIBA +<br />

[...] (Nis 770) REX.FILIUS, MAGNUS.SCRIBA +<br />

Tab. 4.10: Archives in which sealed bullae with MAGNUS.SCRIBA seals were found<br />

Upper<br />


V. General Conclusions<br />

When one embarks on a journey such as taken here one seldoms finds it to be as planned. Many<br />

points were covered but others still need attention, in this section I will look back at the goal of the<br />

study and its immediate results, including topics which still require further research.<br />

The general aim was more or less clear: to map out the scribal families of <strong>13</strong> th century<br />

Hattuša documented in the colophons of its scribes in order to establish their chronology and work<br />

relations. This was carried out through a prosopographical study divided into two main parts:<br />

1. Statistical study of all the scribes and officials with SCRIBA seals segmented according to the<br />

different titles and professions associated with the scribal class.<br />

2. Individual prosopographies of the highest members of the scribal class, the chief scribe (GAL<br />

DUB.SAR) and chief scribe on wood (GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ), both expressed in HL by<br />

MAGNUS.SCRIBA. This group of scribes was specifically chosen because of its centrality in<br />

the scribal world of Hattuša. Through their attested duties, connections with other scribes and<br />

family members, I could better understand the hierarchy and structure of the archives, schools<br />

and offices in the Hittite capital.<br />

Following the statistical study three main groups of officials were distinguished within the<br />

scribal profession of Hattuša:<br />

1. Approximately 100 scribes appearing almost exclusively in the colophons of cuneiform tablets,<br />

making them perhaps the backbone of the professional scribes, whose life was devoted to the<br />

copying, renewing and storing of the texts, as well as to creating new compositions, supervising<br />

and teaching other scribes. It would seem that they had an inner hierarchy attested both in<br />

cuneiform and HL ranks. However, the relation between these two outwardly different ranking<br />

systems is yet to be established and requires further study.<br />

2. Scholarly officials who are persons holding titles and professions which render them in need of<br />

scribal education, either basic reading and writing skills or more complicated knowledge<br />

involving medical treatments, magic, divination etc. These are found mainly on seals holding the<br />

title SCRIBA next to their main occupation. It seems as though status was also an important<br />

factor when it came to scribal education, since the majority of this group of officials are princes<br />

and dignitaries, many of them officers in the army, but some are also palatial, judicial and temple<br />

personnel.<br />

3. About 150 officials who have one or more SCRIBA seals and are not attested as DUB.SAR in<br />

the Hittite cuneiform texts of the <strong>13</strong> th century. Therefore this group must represent either those<br />


scribes who are dated to the periods from which very little cuneiform texts were found, such as<br />

the reigns of Arnuwanda III and Šuppiluliuma II, or scribes on wood (DUB.SAR.GIŠ) who are<br />

in fact very scarce in our cuneiform documentation; only two are known by name. There are<br />

some examples of work relations between the colophon scribes and the SCRIBA officials, such<br />

as that between Mahhuzzi and L. 417.5-wasa/Suwasa the SCRIBA II on the bulla Bo 91/500. In<br />

any case, it is clear that further study of the individual officials is needed in order to establish the<br />

exact nature of their title and relationship with the colophon scribes.<br />

A major part of this study was devoted to the prosopographical inquiry of the chief scribes<br />

and their families which produced some important results. First, the chronological sequence of the<br />

chief scribes, both GAL DUB.SAR and GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ, was better established than before<br />

using synchronisms between the various scribal families and new HL data:<br />

Tab. 5.1: Chronological sequence of the chief scribes<br />

As might be noticed, in the first half of the <strong>13</strong> th century the Mittannamuwa scribal line was<br />

in control of the office of GAL DUB.SAR, whereas from the latter half of the <strong>13</strong> th century the<br />

position switched hands between various scribal families. This might hint on the political turmoil in<br />

the capital from the second half of Tudhaliya IV's reign, perhaps connected somehow with the<br />

dynastic struggle with the royal line in Tarhuntašša. There are some question marks remaining with<br />

regard to the sequence of chief scribes on wood, mainly the length of Šauškaruntiya's term of office,<br />

which is also related to the exact position of Arnilizi, about who we know very little.<br />

It should be stated that the scribal profession in Hattuša, as in the rest of the cuneiform<br />

world, was passed from father to son, for many of the descendants of chief scribes pursued this<br />

intellectual course. However, it does not seem as though the fathers were responsible for the entire<br />

training process of their sons, since in some cases it is clearly stated that the teacher was someone<br />

else, outside the immediate family circle. Another point in this matter is that the chief scribes are<br />


never attested as teachers, only as supervisors of the copying process. Therefore, it is implied that<br />

every member of the scribal professional hierarchy had his own specific duties. It would be<br />

interesting to give a summary of the duties exercised by the highest members of this hierarchy, i.e.<br />

the chief scribes.<br />

In the case of the GAL DUB.SAR(.MEŠ) or chief scribe, the duties inferred from the textual<br />

evidence are the following: divination, arbitration, economic control, scribal supervision and<br />

control over civilian/administrative sector; the duties of a civilian administrator and state secretary<br />

(cf. Houwink ten Cate 1998: 177).<br />

chief scribe Divination Arbitration<br />

economic<br />

control<br />

212<br />

scribal<br />

supervision<br />

control of civilian<br />

sector<br />

Mittannamuwa + +<br />

Purandamuwa Not enough evidence<br />

Ziti (A) Not enough evidence<br />

Walwaziti + + + +<br />

SAG Not enough evidence<br />

Mahhuzzi + +<br />

Taki-Šarruma + + +<br />

Tab. 5.2: Main duties of the chief scribes<br />

This summary tablet, arranged chronologically, shows that the most recurrent aspect of the<br />

chief scribe's duties is arbitration (Tab. 5.2). In this aspect, it seems very interesting that both<br />

Walwaziti and Taki-Šarruma exercised this authority mainly in the Hittite principalities in North-<br />

Syria, Ugarit and Emar. So, I think that this aspect of the chief scribe should receive more attention.<br />

Otherwise, not all chief scribes made their mark on this important office. It is therefore likely that<br />

the power and influence of the chief scribe came not only from the duties and status of the office,<br />

but also from historical circumstances, political connections and even, I would guess, personality.<br />

In the case of the GAL DUB.SAR.GIŠ or chief scribe on wood, the duties inferred from the<br />

textual evidence are the following: control over military units, diplomatic activities, chief of palace<br />

attendants, religious/cultic control (documentation of festivals and rituals); in some ways this<br />

official is the counterpart of the chief scribe, taking his scribal skills into the field.

chief scribe on wood<br />

control of military<br />

units<br />

Diplomatic<br />

activities<br />

2<strong>13</strong><br />

chief of palace<br />

attendants<br />

control of cultic<br />

activities<br />

Šahurunuwa + + +<br />

Šauškaruntiya?? + + +<br />

Penti-Šarruma + + + +<br />

Arnilizi(?) + +<br />

Tab. 5.3: Main duties of the chief scribes on wood<br />

The main duties related with the chief scribes on wood are indicated by the military titles<br />

most of them bear beside their scribal titular (Tab. 5.3). We have attestations which describe their<br />

participation in campaigns; perhaps their scribal knowledge also suggested better strategic<br />

capabilities. It would seem that their travels with the army gave them also another duty, which was<br />

carrying out various diplomatic assignments on behalf of the king. Apart from traveling, the chief<br />

scribes on wood also had other palatial duties, which were connected with their role in documenting<br />

cultic activities on wooden writing boards prior to their transfer to more durable clay tablets. In any<br />

case, also this role eventually had a connection with their maneuverability, since many festivals and<br />

rituals did not take place in the Hittite capital but in other important cultic centres, such as Šamuha<br />

or Nerik.<br />

The final point, and perhaps the most rewarding one, is the identification of several areas<br />

and structures in Hattuša as Late Empire Period scribal centres related with certain chief scribes,<br />

teachers and / or other scribes. The tentative results are summarized in the following tablet:<br />

Walwaziti – Bk. A<br />

(Hatt. III – First half of Tudh. IV)<br />

Copying Scribes<br />

Hulanabi (son of W.); Talmi-Tešub<br />

(son of W.); Kuruntaili; Hiliya;<br />

Pariziti; Pihaziti<br />

Scribal School<br />

MAH.D<strong>IN</strong>GIR MEŠ (teacher)<br />

Tamli-Tešub (trainee)<br />

Major texts copied<br />

(h)išuwa festival; Luw. rituals; Akk.<br />

omens literature; local mythology<br />

É GIŠ.KI.TI<br />

(Hatt. III – Šupp. II)<br />

Supervisor<br />

Anuwanza (Hatt. III – Tudh. IV)<br />

Angulli (Tudh. IV)<br />

Copying Scribes<br />

Angulli (Hatt. III – Tudh. IV)<br />

Zuwa (Tudh. IV)<br />

Scribal School (second half of<br />

Tudh. IV – Šupp. II)<br />

Zuwa (teacher)<br />

Alihhini (trainee)<br />

Major texts copied<br />

MH texts into LH copies<br />

(especially texts with Hattian<br />

termini?)<br />

Duda<br />

Mahhuzzi – HaH?<br />

(Second half Tudh. IV)<br />

Copying Scribes<br />

Scribal School<br />

Halwaziti (teacher)<br />

Pihami; […-Šarru]ma (trainees)

Table of Correlations<br />



Prosopographic Index of the Hattuša Scribes<br />

In the following index the colophon scribes of <strong>13</strong> th century Hattuša are listed in alphabetical order. Kinship terms are abbreviated as follows:<br />

b. – brother; d. – (non-direct) descendant; g. – grandson; gg. – great-grandson; ggf. – great-grandfather; gf. – grandfather; f. – father; s. – son<br />

ame Affiliation(s) Scribal Role(s) Colophon(s) SCRIBA Pp.<br />

Aki-Tešub f. of Lurma(ziti)? teacher? KBo 11.1 rev. 27 ALLEPO 1<br />

106 n. 317, 169<br />

copyist ALEPPO1<br />

Alalimi copyist KUB 9.21a = KBo Nis 6, 8-10<br />

22.214 VI 3<br />

copyist, trainee of Zuwa KUB <strong>13</strong>.9+ IV 10<br />

119, 178, 182, 2<strong>13</strong><br />

Alihhini s. of Šaušgaziti ( d ŠUR-LÚ), g. of<br />

NU.GIŠ.SAR (A), gg. of Ziti (A)<br />

Anatšar s. of Ganušta copyist under Anuwanza KUB 7.25 IV 8<br />

174-180, 182<br />

Angulli s. of Palla supervisor KBo 5.11(++) IV 28;<br />

KBo 23.97 22'; KBo<br />

57.224<br />

copyist KUB 56.35 IV 6'<br />

copyist under Anuwanza KUB 30.26 IV <strong>13</strong>'; KUB<br />

32.<strong>13</strong>3 IV 7'<br />

28, 33, 36, 51, 79-83, 104-<br />

107, 110, 114-116, <strong>13</strong>2f.,<br />

165, 167, 175, 179-182, 206<br />

Anuwanza f. of Tummani supervisor, copyist passim (see van den<br />

Hout 1995: 238f.)<br />

79f.<br />

Armapiya ( d 30-SUM) copyist KUB 19.44 IV 15 Nis 58-59, 60?; SBo II<br />

102; Glyptik 187<br />

SBo II 44-46; Kennedy<br />

1959: 158 no. 32<br />

copyist KUB 4.1 IV 42<br />

Armaziti (GE6-LÚ/ d 30-LÚ/<br />

d<br />

SÎ -LÚ)<br />

164, 165-167<br />

copyist under Anuwanza KBo 19.128 VI 36; KUB<br />

7.1+ IV 15<br />

48-51, 116-119<br />

copyist and trainee under Ziti (B) KUB 33.120+++ IV 20<br />

Ašhapa(la) s. of Tarhuntaššu, g. of Kuruntapiya, d.<br />

of Waršiya<br />


Adda f. of Nananza - KBo 23.44 IV 10 Nis 76-79<br />

Attanalli copyist VS NF 12.58+ rev. 9' 20f.<br />

copyist under Muwa KUB 28.7 rev. 4<br />

118<br />

Nis 112; SBo II 56-57<br />

Halpaziti s. of Zuwanni, f. of GUR-Šarruma A - KUB 10.96 2; KUB<br />

12.15 l.e. 1<br />

supervisor KUB <strong>13</strong>.7 IV 5'<br />

Halwaziti b. of f Manazi, s. of Lupakki, d. of Zida,<br />

man of Ukkiya<br />

117, 148-153, 204<br />

teacher KBo 45.69 VI 6; KUB<br />

57.110 III 5<br />

copyist Bo 89/299<br />

Hamša copyist KBo 53.5+<br />

copyist KBo 6.4 l.e. 4; KBo<br />

10.34 IV 16; KBo<br />

12.105+ IV 6'; VBoT 24<br />

IV 38<br />

b. of Ziti (B) and Šaušgaziti, s. of<br />

NU.GIŠ.SAR (A), g. of Ziti (A), d. of<br />

Karunu(wa) (A), Hanikkuili (A) and<br />

Anu-šar-ilāni<br />

Hanikkuili (B) (Hanikkuili A is<br />

MH)<br />

112-114, 119<br />

s. of Tuwataziti copyist under Šipaziti KBo 21.42 VI 4<br />

Hapatiwalwi (Hapati-<br />


105, 107, 115<br />

copyist under Anuwanza KUB 20.8 VI 7; KBo<br />

42.28 rev. 3'<br />

Hešni s. of Naniya copyist KUB 25.10 IV 6; KUB<br />

44.24 VI 12'<br />

Hiliya copyist under Walwaziti KUB 8.9 l.e. 2 65, 89f., 95, 99, 2<strong>13</strong><br />

Hillu copyist KBo <strong>13</strong>.106 l.e.<br />

teacher KUB 44.61 l.e. 5<br />

Hulanabi b. of Talmi-Tešub, s. of Walwaziti, g. of<br />

Mittannamuwa<br />

45, 65, 67, 69-72, 80f., 95,<br />

111, 114, 122, <strong>13</strong>3, 204, 2<strong>13</strong><br />

copyist under Walwaziti KUB 12.12 l.e. 2; KUB<br />

32.128 VI 2; KBo<br />

33.173++ rev. <strong>13</strong>; KBo<br />

33.175+ VI 11'[]; KBo<br />

7.45+++?<br />

Hulla member of a scribal team KUB 44.24 VI 11'<br />

Huzziya scribe on wood KUB <strong>13</strong>.35+ IV 28 (not<br />

in colophon)<br />


Ipizzi f. of Tehi-Tešub copyist KBo 10.47c 100f.<br />

Iuni s. of Tehup-ŠEŠ, f. of ZA.HUM-ZA - KUB 55.59 l.e. 1 119, 124<br />

105, 115<br />

Karunu(wa) (B) copyist under Šipaziti KBo 20.77 rev. 4<br />

copyist under Anuwanza KBo 30.165 rev. 2'[<br />

copyist? KBo 39.43 rev.[] Nis 196-198<br />

84-89, 126-128, 161<br />

Ku(wa)lanaziti b. of Tupli-Tešub, s. of Alihešni and<br />

f<br />

Tarhuntamanwa, g. of Mittannamuwa<br />

and Šahurunuwa, d. of Ku(wa)lanaziti<br />

GAL NA.GAD<br />

Kuparabi copyist KBo 5.1 IV 43<br />

copyist under Walwaziti KBo 15.52+++ VI 47'<br />

69, 97, 80f., 2<strong>13</strong><br />

Kuruntaili (LAMMA-<br />

D<strong>IN</strong>GIR LIM )<br />

Tars. 36/19<br />

copyist KBo <strong>13</strong>.240 rev.<br />

Kuruntapiya ( d LAMMA-SUM) d. of Waršiya, f. of Tarhuntaššu, gf. of<br />

Ašhapa(la)<br />

33, 47-53, 109, 117<br />

KUB 33.120+ IV 30';<br />

KBo 1.6 rev. 21 (not<br />

colophon)<br />

150<br />

Lilawalwi (Lila-UR.MAH) man of Ukkiya copyist KUB 7.20 rev. 6<br />

Lupakki d. of Zida, f. of f Manazi and Halwaziti - Bo 86/299 IV 43 TAŞÇI A 24, 117 n. 362, 150f., 153<br />

Lurma(ziti) s. of Aki-Tešub? copyist KBo 11.1 rev. 26<br />

78f.<br />

(Early Empire seals:<br />

Nis 210-2<strong>13</strong>; SBo II<br />

204; KORUCUTEPE<br />

no. 7)<br />

Luwa copyist KBo 22.109 9'[; Bo<br />

2002/3<br />

copyist under Anuwanza FHL 16 1'[<br />

Mahhuzzi supervisor KUB <strong>13</strong>.7 IV 4' Nis 217-223 24 n. 68, 33, 28 n. 82, 101,<br />

<strong>13</strong>8, 144-154, 164 n. 474,<br />

204f., 206f., 208, 211-2<strong>13</strong><br />

Mār-Šerua Assyrian scribe KBo 8.17 I 10' (not in<br />

colophon)<br />


Miramuwa teacher KBo 12.41 rev. 3' Nis 240 34, 179<br />

- passim<br />

38, 39-47, 53-55, and passim<br />

Mittannamuwa f. of Purandamuwa, Alihešni,<br />

Walwaziti, Nani(n)zi and Adduwa, gf.<br />

of Hulanabi, Talmi-Tešub, Tulpi-Tešub<br />

and Ku(wa)lanaziti<br />

Nis 255; SBo II 153<br />

Muwa (A.A) supervisor KUB 28.7 rev. 5<br />

copyist KUB 19.10+<br />

Muwalanni - KBo 18.97 l.e. 2; 98 obv.<br />

2 (not colophons)<br />

abu-aṣar Assyrian scribe KBo 8.17 I 10' (not in<br />

colophon)<br />

ananza s. of Adda copyist under Anuwanza KBo 23.44 IV 9<br />

(past) supervisor KBo 42.28 rev. 6'[]<br />

ani(n)zi (ŠEŠ-zi) b. of Purandamuwa, Alihešni,<br />

Walwaziti, and Adduwa, f. of an<br />

unnamed daughter, s. of Mittannaamuwa<br />

41, 43, 45, 100-108, 110,<br />

146f.<br />

copyist KUB 20.59 l.e.; KUB<br />

54.4 6'?<br />

Nis 291<br />

33, 59, 109, 117 n. 359, 175<br />

Palla f. of Angulli copyist KBo 30.144 rev. 4'<br />

copyist, trainee of […] KBo <strong>13</strong>.27+ rev. 12'<br />

- KUB 32.<strong>13</strong>3 IV 7'<br />

Palluwaraziti member of a scribal team see p. 122 n. 376 Nis 293 120-124<br />

65, 90, 95, 2<strong>13</strong><br />

Pariziti copyist under Walwaziti KBo 23.93+ IV 21''; KBo<br />

34.245+ l.e. 2<br />

Pihami copyist, trainee of Halwaziti KBo 45.69 rev. 3' 151f., 2<strong>13</strong><br />

Pihamuwa man of Ukkiya copyist KBo 12.95 rev. 2' 150<br />

120-124<br />

see p. 122 n. 376 SBo II 94-95; Nis 308-<br />

311, 558?<br />

Pihawalwi (Piha-UR.MAH) scribe on wood, member of a<br />

scribal team<br />

65, 91-94, 2<strong>13</strong><br />

Pihaziti copyist under Walwaziti KBo 3.7 IV 31' Norşuntepe 2;<br />

BOǦAZKÖY 17?<br />

114<br />

copyist under Anuwanza KUB 15.31 IV 41<br />

Pihhuniya b. of Pikku (B), s. of Tatta, g. of Pikku<br />

(A)<br />


114<br />

- KUB 15.31 IV 42<br />

Pikku (A) f. of Tatta, gf. of Pihhuniya and Pikku<br />

(B)<br />

copyist KUB 7.53+ IV 8; KUB<br />

10.18 VI 19; KUB 29.1<br />

IV 29<br />

copyist under Anuwanza KUB 29.11+ IV 6'<br />

copyist under Anuwanza, trainee KBo 48.<strong>13</strong>3 IV 2'<br />

Pikku (B) b. of Pihhuniya, s. of Tatta, g. of Pikku<br />

(A)<br />

114<br />

of GIŠ.NU.SAR (=NU.GIŠ.SAR A)<br />

55f.<br />

- KBo 4.12 obv. 18 (not in<br />

colophon)<br />

Purandamuwa b. of Alihešni, Walwaziti, Nani(n)zi and<br />

Adduwa, s. of Mittannamuwa<br />

chief scribe on wood CTH 225 and see III.3 Tars. 40; Bog. III 15<br />

125-<strong>13</strong>1, 160f. and passim<br />

Šahurunuwa d. of Ku(wa)lanaziti, f. of<br />

f<br />

Tarhuntamanawa, Duwattannani and<br />

Tattmaru, gf. of Tulpi-Tešub and<br />

Ku(wa)lanaziti<br />

Šakkapi b. of Zuwa, s. of Uza(?), g. of Mauiri copyist under Angulli KBo 5.11(++) IV 26 174f.<br />

Šapuhaziti (Šamuhaziti) copyist KBo 1.42 VI 2 Nis 250?? 190f.<br />

Šanda ( d AMAR.UTU) f. of Zuzzu - KUB 36.83 IV 12' 82f.<br />

- KUB <strong>13</strong>.9+ IV 10'<br />

b. of Ziti (B) and Hanikkuili (B), s. of<br />

NU.GIŠ.SAR (A), g. of Ziti (A), d. of<br />

Karunu(wa) (A), Hanikkuili (A) and<br />

Anu-šar-ilāni, f. of Alihhini<br />

Šaušgaziti ( d ŠUR-LÚ)<br />

119, 178<br />

105, 115f.<br />

Šipaziti supervisor KBo 20.77 rev. 5; KBo<br />

21.42 VI 6; KBo 21.49<br />

IV 11<br />

restored tablet KBo 45.168+++ IV 22;<br />

KBo 14.86+++ IV 14'<br />

Šumimuwa - KBo 18.2 rev. 3' (not<br />

colophon)<br />

Nis 625-630; SBo II<br />

55, 109 45, 65, 69, 72-80, 87, 89, 97,<br />

111, 152, 2<strong>13</strong><br />

copyist KBo 35.260 l.e. 1<br />

Talmi-Tešub b. of Hulanabi, s. of Walwaziti, g. of<br />

Mittannamuwa<br />

KBo 15.37 VI 12<br />

copyist, trainee of<br />

MAH.D<strong>IN</strong>GIR MEŠ<br />


Tarhuntapihanu ( d U-pihanu) scribe on wood KUB 31.73+ 6' (not<br />

colophon)<br />

- KUB 33.120+++ 29';<br />

KBo 18.101 (not<br />

colophon)<br />

f. of Ašhapa(la), s. of of Kuruntapiya, d.<br />

of Waršiya<br />

Tarhuntaššu ( d U-taššu)<br />

49-52, 117, <strong>13</strong>2<br />

Tarhuntaziti ( d U-LÚ) s. of Pidda copyist under Anuwanza KUB 2.<strong>13</strong> VI 35<br />

Taruššia original copyist KBo 23.1+++ l.e. 1<br />

Tattiya copyist KBo 1.28 rev. <strong>13</strong><br />

79f.<br />

Tatiganna copyist KBo 3.3++ IV 14<br />

copyist under Šipaziti KBo 21.49 IV 10<br />

copyist under Anuwanza KUB 10.21 VI 4; KBo<br />

32.<strong>13</strong>9 l.e. 1<br />

Tehup-ŠEŠ (Tehupnani?) f. of Iuni, gf. of ZA.HUM-ZA - KUB 55.59 l.e. 2 119, 124<br />

Tummani s. of Anuwanza copyist under Anuwanza KUB 43.77 IV 3'<br />

Duda copyist under Mahhuzzi and KUB <strong>13</strong>.7 IV 6'<br />

146, 148f., 152, 204, 2<strong>13</strong><br />

Halwaziti<br />

Duwa copyist under Anuwanza KUB 9.6+ IV 27 Nis 471, 486 115<br />

Duwazi man of the city […] copyist KUB 31.49 l.e. 150 n. 445<br />

Ulmi-Šarruma member of a scribal team Bo 6780 3' 122, 151<br />

119, 174, 176, 182<br />

Uza(?) s. of Mauiri, f. Šakkapi and Zuwa - KBo 5.11(++) IV 26;<br />

KBo 23.97 21'<br />

Aegean type bronze<br />

spearhead 56-100 and passim<br />

supervisor passim (see van den<br />

Hout 1995: 171f.)<br />

b. of Purandamuwa, Alihešni, Nani(n)zi<br />

and Adduwa, s. of Mittannamuwa<br />

Walwaziti (UR.MAHziti/UR.MAH)<br />

- KBo 6.4 l.e. 2; VBoT 24<br />

IV 38 111-124, <strong>13</strong>2f., 178, 203,<br />

212 and passim<br />

Ziti (A) (LÚ) d. of Karunu(wa) (A), Hanikkuili (A)<br />

and Anu-šar-ilāni, f. of NU.GIŠ.SAR<br />

(A), gf. of Ziti (B), Hanikkuili (B) and<br />

Šaušgaziti, ggf. of Alihhini<br />


Ziti (B) (LÚ) b. of Hanikkuili (B) and Šaušgaziti, s.<br />

of NU.GIŠ.SAR (A), g. of Ziti (A), d. of<br />

Karunu(wa) (A), Hanikkuili (A) and<br />

Anu-šar-ilāni<br />

51, 111-124<br />

supervisor, teacher KUB 10.96 4', 5'; KUB<br />

12.15 l.e. 2[]; KUB<br />

51.12 rev. 8'; KUB<br />

33.120+++ IV 32'; KUB<br />

55.59 l.e. 2; KBo 39.41<br />

IV 3<br />

copyist KUB 29.4+ IV 45; KUB<br />

35.41 IV 5'; KBo<br />

14.86+++ IV 15'; KBo<br />

45.168+++ l.e.<br />

Nis 68, 539-540<br />

Zuwa b. of Šakkapi, s. of Uza(?), g. of Mauiri teacher KUB <strong>13</strong>.9+ IV 11<br />

119, 166f., 176-180, 182f.<br />

copyist under Angulli KBo 23.97 21'<br />

118f.<br />

Zuwanni f. of Halpaziti, gf. of GUR-Šarruma A - KUB 10.96 3; KBo 18.76<br />

(not colophon)<br />

82f.<br />

Zuzzu s. of Šanda ( d AMAR-UTU) copyist under Anuwanza KUB 10.89 VI 3; KUB<br />

36.83 IV 12'; KBo<br />

43.319 IV 19<br />

Logographic names<br />

A.A see Muwa<br />

AMAR.MUŠE copyist KBo 23.1+++ l.e. 2<br />

see Šanda<br />

d AMAR.UTU<br />

E-UR.SAG (Bēl-qarrad) f. of GUR-Šarruma (B) - KUB 37.210 rev. 4 118 n. 365<br />

GIŠ.GI.PÌRIG-i copyist under Anuwanza KUB 26.28 10' 174<br />

116-118<br />

GUR-Šarruma (A) s. of Halpaziti, g. of Zuwanni copyist under Ziti (B) KUB 51.12 rev. 7'; KUB<br />

12.15 l.e. 1?<br />

trainee and copyist under Ziti (B) KUB 10.96 1<br />

GUR-Šarruma (B) s. of EN-UR.SAG (Bēl-qarrad) copyist KUB 37.210 rev. 3 118 n. 365<br />

see Kuruntaili<br />

d LAMMA-SUM<br />


MAH.DIGIR MEŠ teacher KBo 15.37 VI 15 73f., 76 n. 227, 152, 2<strong>13</strong><br />

teacher KBo 48.<strong>13</strong>3 IV 4'<br />

s. Ziti (A), d. of Karunu(wa) (A),<br />

Hanikkuili (A) and Anu-šar-ilāni, f. of<br />

Hanikkuili (B), Ziti (B) and Šaušgaziti<br />

U.GIŠ.SAR (A) (also<br />

GIŠ.SAR.U or GIŠ.U.SAR)<br />

51, 112-114, 119-124<br />

- KUB 12.34++; KBo 6.4<br />

l.e. 1; VBoT 24 IV 38;<br />

KBo 10.34 IV 16; KBo<br />

12.105+++ IV 7'; KUB<br />

29.4+ IV 45; KUB 35.41<br />

IV 6'; KBo 14.86+++ IV<br />

15'<br />

70, 72, 119-124<br />

U.GIŠ.SAR (B) s. of SAG member of a scribal team HFAC 53 obv. ? 6'<br />

trainee of Hulanabi KUB 44.61 l.e. 4<br />

SA 5-pala (Maruwapala?) copyist KUB 17.28 IV 59<br />

70, 72, 119-124<br />

SAG f. of NU.GIŠ.SAR (B) - KUB 44.61 l.e. 4; HFAC<br />

53 obv. ? 7']<br />

ZA.HUM-ZA (Halwaziti?) s. of Iuni, g. of Tehup-ŠEŠ copyist under Ziti (B) KUB 55.59 l.e. 1 117, 119<br />

Fragmentary names<br />

Šan[…] copyist KUB 15.72 rev. 16'<br />

[ … ]ni copyist under Angulli KBo 57.224 176, 183<br />

Nis 322-326; SBo II 68 155-160 and passim<br />

[Penti?]-Šarruma chief scribe on wood KUB 26.32 I 2 (not<br />

colophon)<br />

[...-Šarr]uma trainee of Halwaziti KUB 57.110<br />

[...]zi-Tešup man of Nuhašša? ? KBo 10.7 IV; KUB 8.29<br />

IV 1<br />

Lost names with titles<br />

[ … ] DUB.SAR TUR copyist KUB 20.4<br />

[ … ] GÁB.ZU.ZU copyist, trainee of Miramuwa KBo 12.41 rev.<br />

223<br />

[ … ] GÁB.ZU.ZU g. of Nenuwa? copyist, trainee [of Nenuwa?] KBo 39.41

Appendix: Hieroglyphic Luwian Titles and Professions<br />

The following tables, sectioned according to sector, are supplied in order to facilitate the reader<br />

with most of the HL titles Hittite officials bore on their seals and in other inscriptions during the<br />

Empire Period, and in part also during Neo-Hittite times. They aim to be a reference tool not only<br />

for the present study but also for others who wish to consult Hittite administration.<br />

Palatial sector: dignitaries and palace officials<br />

L. 363 - L.<br />

289<br />

L. 363 - G.<br />

149/ G. 208<br />

L. <strong>13</strong>0 + L.<br />

363<br />

L. 10 - L. 90<br />

(L. 363 - L.<br />

247=) L. 250 -<br />

L. 45<br />

L. 473/74<br />

L. 254<br />

L. 363 - L.<br />

173<br />

HL Title Rendering Cuneiform Trans. Ref.<br />



224<br />

great<br />

charioteer<br />

Pecchioli Daddi 1977;<br />

Beal 1992: 446–450;<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 301<br />

MAGNUS.AURIGA2 Hawkins 2005a: 301<br />

AVIS3 + MAGNUS<br />

GAL / UGULA<br />

LÚ(.MEŠ) MUŠEN.DÙ(?)<br />

CAPUT-ti man, prince<br />


FILIUS<br />



MAGNUS.<br />


GAL DUMU (MEŠ)<br />

É.GAL<br />

wasinasi-<br />

/ sariyasi-<br />

(Late)<br />

LÚ SAG,<br />

LÚ ša rēši<br />


great augur Hawkins 2005a: 302<br />

chief of<br />

palace<br />

attandents<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 304<br />

eunuch Hawkins 2002<br />

eunuch?,<br />

chief?<br />

commander of<br />

the royal<br />

guard<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 303<br />

Singer 1977: 186 n. 16

L. 363 - L.<br />

196 - L. 390<br />

HL Title Rendering Cuneiform Trans. Ref.<br />

L. 181 PANIS<br />

L. 363 - L.<br />

438<br />

L. 363 - L.<br />

336( - L. 383)<br />

*525<br />

L. 17<br />

L. 17 - L. 45 =<br />

L. 46<br />

L. 17 - L. 46.2<br />

L. 363 - L.<br />

372<br />

L. 387<br />

L. 354<br />

L. 363 - L.<br />

354<br />

L. 363 - L.<br />

312<br />


DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />



RA/I)<br />

PR<strong>IN</strong>CEPS<br />



225<br />

great noble of<br />

Hatti<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 304<br />

LÚ N<strong>IN</strong>DA.DÙ.DÙ baker Hawkins 2005a: 305<br />

overseer of<br />

herdsman<br />

Chief pithos<br />

man (?)<br />

Bossert 1960; Beal<br />

1992; Hawkins 2005a:<br />

305<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 305f.<br />

LÚ tuh(u)kanti- crown prince Hawkins 2001<br />

king (usually<br />

of a vassal<br />

state)<br />

descendant of<br />

the king,<br />

prince<br />

Singer 1977: 184f.;<br />

Singer 1997; Herbordt<br />

2005: 106f.<br />

REX.FILIA DUMU.SAL LUGAL princess Singer 1991<br />

MAGNUS.<br />


LÚ SANGA<br />

great "ear",<br />

priest<br />

SERVUS servant, slave<br />

URCEUS<br />

LÚ SILÀ.ŠU.DU8.A cupbearer<br />



overseer of<br />

cupbearer<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 307f.<br />

Güterbock 1977:15 no.<br />

41; Hawkins 2005a:<br />

309<br />

Laroche 1983: 18f. and<br />

fig. 9; Hawkins 2005a:<br />

310<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 310<br />

MAGNUS.VIR LÚ GAL grandee, lord Hawkins 2005a: 310

L. 363 (- L.<br />

370) - L. 160<br />

Military posts<br />

G. 149/208 -<br />

L. 247 - L.<br />

326<br />

L. 289<br />

G. 149/ G.<br />

208<br />

L. 283 - L.<br />

289<br />

L. 399<br />

L. 399 - L.<br />

390<br />

L. 338<br />

L. 283 - L.<br />

390<br />

HL Title Rendering Cuneiform Trans. Ref.<br />


VITIS<br />

GAL.GEŠT<strong>IN</strong> great "wine"<br />

226<br />

Beal 1992: 342–357;<br />

Dinçol 1998b;<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 311<br />

HL Title Rendering Cuneiform Trans. Ref.<br />

AS<strong>IN</strong>US2A.DOMUS.<br />

AURIGA2<br />

AURIGA<br />

LÚ IŠ/KUŠ7,<br />


tarupašani-(?)<br />

donkey house<br />

groom<br />

charioteer<br />

SBo II:no. 171<br />

Pecchioli Daddi 1977;<br />

Beal 1992: 155–162;<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 301<br />

AURIGA2 Hawkins 2005a: 301<br />


AURIGA (?)<br />




CRUX2 /<br />

CENTUM.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

CULTER<br />


DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

GAL LÚ<br />

GIŠ ŠUKUR(?)<br />

army groom (?)<br />

spear guard?/<br />

hundred?<br />

commander of<br />

spear<br />

guard?/hunderd<br />

?<br />

LÚ GÍR(?) dagger-man<br />

EN KARAŠ,<br />

tuzziyaš išha-<br />

army<br />

commander<br />

On the reading of L.<br />

283 see Dinçol 2001:<br />

92–94<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 302;<br />

Herbordt 2005: 101f.<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 302f.;<br />

Herbordt 2005: 101<br />

Dinçol 2001

L. 173<br />

L. 160<br />

HL Title Rendering Cuneiform Trans. Ref.<br />

Municipal sector<br />

Scribal sector<br />

See under II.3<br />

Administration<br />

L. 101 - L.<br />

247 - L. 326<br />

L. 390<br />

L. 212 - L.<br />

390 - L. 210<br />

L. 411 - L.<br />

411 - L. 390<br />

L. 438<br />

L. 336( - L.<br />

312)<br />

L. 336 - L.<br />

312 - L. 390<br />

HASTARIUS LÚ MEŠEDI royal guard Hawkins 2005a: 304<br />

VITIS LÚ GEŠT<strong>IN</strong> "wine"(-man)<br />

227<br />

Beal 1992; Dinçol<br />

1998b; Hawkins<br />

2005a: 311; Marizza<br />

2007c<br />

HL Title Rendering Cuneiform Trans. Ref.<br />

AS<strong>IN</strong>US2A.DOMUS.<br />

SCRIBA<br />

DOM<strong>IN</strong>US EN, išha-<br />

FLUMEN.DOM<strong>IN</strong>USia<br />

NI.NI-DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

(REGIO.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US?)<br />

PASTOR<br />

PITHOS(.VIR)<br />


DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

donkey house<br />

scribe<br />

lord, master,<br />

overseer<br />

river-lord<br />

LÚ NA.GAD herdsmen<br />

DUG harši-<br />

/haršiyalla<br />

pithos man<br />

master of pithos<br />

men (?)<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 301<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 304 –<br />

305<br />

Bossert 1960; Hawkins<br />

2005a: 305<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 305–<br />


L. 228 - L.<br />

390<br />

L. 247 - L.<br />

327<br />

L. 225 - L.<br />

390<br />

L. 23 - L. 390<br />

HL Title Rendering Cuneiform Trans. Ref.<br />

Religious sector<br />

* 524 - L. 391<br />

L. 360 - L.<br />

247<br />

L. 360 - L.<br />

247 - L. 390<br />

L. 4<strong>13</strong> - L.<br />

175 - L. 391<br />

L. 334 - L. 90<br />

- L. 278<br />

REGIO.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US EN.KUR, utniyašha-<br />


URBS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

LIS.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

EN URU LIM ,<br />

HAZAU<br />



228<br />

overseer / lord<br />

of the land<br />

(man of) the<br />

seal(-house)<br />

mayor (of<br />

Hattusa?)<br />

lord of<br />

declarations,<br />

litigations<br />

Mora 2004a<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 309<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 309f.<br />

Singer 1999; Hawkins<br />

2005a: 299f.<br />

HL Title Rendering Cuneiform Trans. Ref.<br />

CORNU+CAPUT-mi<br />


(DEUS.)DOMUS.<br />

DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

hi-la-mi<br />

pa-ti-li<br />

(LÚ) É.D<strong>IN</strong>GIR LIM ,<br />

LÚ karim(ma)nala-<br />

LÚ.MEŠ EN<br />

É.D<strong>IN</strong>GIR MEŠ<br />

prophet, kind of<br />

priest<br />

temple-man Herbordt 2005: 303<br />

overseer of<br />

temple<br />

LÚ hilammi- temple servant Hawkins 2005a: 304<br />

LÚ patili- "patili" priest Hawkins 2005a: 305

L. 355<br />

L. 372<br />

L. 312 - L.<br />

199<br />

HL Title Rendering Cuneiform Trans. Ref.<br />

Unspecified / Unidentified<br />

L. 82(?)<br />

L. 84 - L. 390<br />

L. 363 - L.<br />

370 + L.<br />

383(?) - ?<br />

L. 66 - L. 88 +<br />

L. 383<br />

L. 191 + L.<br />

383 - L. 390<br />

L. 100 - L. <strong>13</strong><br />

- L. 41 - L.<br />

327<br />

L. 363 - L.<br />

312 - L. 270(=<br />

L. 70)<br />

SACERDOS priest<br />




229<br />

priest, diviner,<br />

seer<br />

man of the<br />

Storm-god<br />

SBo II 36<br />

HL Title Rendering Cuneiform Trans. Ref.<br />

CRUS(?)<br />

CRUS2 DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

MAGNUS.SU +<br />

RA/I(?)-[X]<br />

pi-tu+ra/i<br />

SOL + RA/I<br />

DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

LÚ pidduri-<br />

ta-pari-tà-sa5 //-tà-ra/i LÚ tapri, LÚ tapritašši-<br />


R<br />

LÚ MEŠ GAL.GAL (?)<br />

grand intendant<br />

(?), high<br />

dignitary (?)<br />

lord of Arinna<br />

(?)<br />

"chair-man /<br />

woman" (?), a<br />

cultic official<br />

upper<br />

grandee(?)<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 302<br />

Herbordt 2005: 184<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 305<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 309<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 309<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 310

L. <strong>13</strong>5.2<br />

L. 363 - L.<br />

<strong>13</strong>5.2<br />

L. 292(?)<br />

L. 363 - L.<br />

398<br />

L. 402<br />

L. 414 - L.<br />

390( + L. 391)<br />

L. 414 - L.<br />

391 - L. 390<br />

L. 443<br />

L. 468/69<br />

L. 363 - L.<br />

468/69<br />

HL Title Rendering Cuneiform Trans. Ref.<br />

L. <strong>13</strong>5.2<br />

MAGNUS.L. <strong>13</strong>5.2<br />

HALA<br />

MAGNUS.L. 398<br />

L. 414.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US( +<br />

MI)<br />

L. 414.MI.DOM<strong>IN</strong>US<br />

L. 468/69<br />

LÚ IGI.MUŠEN /<br />

LÚ A.ZU (?)<br />


LÚ IGI.MUŠEN (?)<br />

EN NA 4hekur (?)<br />

230<br />

Auspex /<br />

physician (?)<br />

great auspex<br />

overseer of<br />

"eternal peak"<br />

(?)<br />

LÚ ŠÀ.TAM / LÚ MU (?) chamberlin /<br />

cook (?)<br />

MAGNUS.L. 468/69 GAL/UGULA<br />

LÚ ŠÀ.TAM / LÚ MU (?)<br />

chief<br />

chamberlin /<br />

cook (?)<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 311f.<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 312<br />

Dinçol, B. 2001: 101;<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 312<br />

Hawkins 2005a: 312

Alaura, S<br />

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