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V5N3 - Complang


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Stable - Transportable - Public Domain - Tools<br />

You need two primary features in a software development package a<br />

0 MVP-FORTH Meta Compiler for CP/M Programmer's kit Use<br />

for applicatons on CPlM based computer Includes public<br />

domain source $1 50<br />

stable operating system and the ability to move programs easily and<br />

quickly to a variety of computers. MVP-FORTH gives you both these<br />

features and many extras. This public domain product includes an editor,<br />

FORTH assembler, tools, utilities and the vocabulary for the best selling<br />

book "Starting FORTH". The Programmer's Kit provides a complete<br />

FORTH for a number of computers. Other MVP-FORTH products will<br />

simplify the development of your applications.<br />

0 MVP-FORTH Fast Floating Point for APPLE Programmer's<br />

Kit. Includes 951 1 math chip on board with disk and<br />

documentation.<br />

$400<br />

0 MVP-FORTH Programming Aids for CPIM, IEM or APPLE<br />

Programmer's Kit. Extremely useful tool for decompiling.<br />

callfinding, and translating. $1 50<br />

MVP Books - A Series<br />

0 Volume 1, A// about FORTH by Haydon. MVP-FORTH<br />

glossary with cross references to fig-FORTH, Starting FORTH<br />

and FORTH-79 Standard. 2"d Ed.<br />

$25<br />

0 Volume 2, MVP-FORTH Assembly Source Code. includes<br />

CP/M@ , IBM-PC@ , and APPLE" listing for kernel $20<br />

MVP-FORTH Software - A Transportable FORTH<br />

0 MVP-FORTH by ECS Software for IEM-PC or ATARI"<br />

4001800 Standalone with screen editor License required<br />

Upgradeable $1 00<br />

0 MVP-FORTH by ECS Software for IEM-PC or ATARl 4001800<br />

Enhanced with color animation, multitasking sound, utilities,<br />

and unlimited run time license.<br />

$1 75<br />

0 MVP-FORTH Professional Application Development System<br />

(PADS) for CPIM, IEM-PC. or APPLE A three level integrated<br />

system with complete documentation Complete system $400<br />

0 MVP-FORTH Programmer's Kit including disk, documentation,<br />

Volumes 1 & 2 of MVP-FORTH Series (All About<br />

0 MVP-FORTH PADS enhanced virtual system $1 50<br />

FORTH. 2nd Ed. & Assembly Source Code), and Starting<br />

FOR JH. Specify 0 CPIM. 0 CP/M 86, 0 CP/M + , 0 APPLE,<br />

4 0 IBM PC, 0 MS-DOS, 0 Osborne. 0 Kaypro. 0 H891289.<br />

++ 0 ZIOO. 0 TI-PC, 0 MicroDecisions. 0 Northstar,<br />

0 Compupro, 0 Cromemco<br />

$1 50<br />

0 MVP-FORTH Cross Compiler for CP/M Programmer's Kit.<br />

Can also generate headerless code for ROM or target<br />

0 MVP-FORTH PADS Programming Aids $1 50<br />

0 MVP-FORTH PADS Meta Compiler $1 50<br />

*** MVP-FORTH operates under a variety of CPU's. computers. and<br />

operating systems CPlM" disks can be supplied 8", SS/SD. 3740<br />

format or 5'/4 for &borne@ Northstarm Micro Decisions" Kaypro@ or<br />

HE912890 Specify your computer and operating system *<br />

CPU $300<br />


FORTH with editor, assembler, and manual.<br />


0 ALL ABOUT FORTH by 0 1980FORMLRoc. $25<br />

0 APPLE by MM $loo iBM-PC@ by LM $100 Haydon. See above. $25 0 1981 FORML Roc 2 Vol-$40<br />

0 APPLE by Kuntze $90 0 NOVA by CCI 8" DS/DD$I 50 0 FORTH Encyclopedia by 0 1982 FORML Roc. $25<br />

0 ATARI" valFORTH $60 0 z80 by LM $50 I Derick & Baker. 0 1981 Rochester FORTH<br />

0 CP1W by MM $100 0 8086188 by LM oo d,$\d Programmer's manual to fig- Roc. $25<br />

0 HP-85 by Lange<br />

FORTH with FORTH-79<br />

d Cartridges by HES references. Flow charted, 2"d lga2 'OChester<br />

Hp-75 byCassady% IC20 $50 Corn 64 $bod Ed.<br />

ROC.<br />

$25<br />

$25<br />

Enhanced FORTH with: F-Floatinggint , G-Graphicsf7-Tutoria1, ,% 0 Understanding FORTH by +%* 0 1983 Rochester FORTH $25<br />

S-Stand Alone, M-Math Chip Support. MT-Multi-Tasking, X-Other Reymann $3 ROC.<br />

Extras, 79-FORTH-79.<br />

$25<br />

+& 0 FORTH Fundamentals, Vol. A Rimer<br />

0 APPLE by MM. 0 Extensions for LM Specify<br />

I by McCabe<br />

$1 6 0 Threaded interpretive<br />

F, G. & 79<br />

$1 40 IBM. Z80. or 8086 Languages<br />

+%' 0 FORTH Fundamentals, Vol.<br />

$23<br />

0 ATARi by PNS, F,G, & X $90 02zp II by McCabe<br />

$13 METAFORTH by<br />

$1 00<br />

0 CPlM by MM. F & 79 $140<br />

,& 0 Beginning FORTH by<br />

$30<br />

0 8087 Support<br />

Cassady<br />

0 Apple, GraFORTH by I $75 (IBM-PC or 8086) $1 00 Chirlian<br />

$1 7 0 Systems Guide to fig-<br />

0 Multi-Tasking FORTH by SL, 0 951 1 Support<br />

$25<br />

0 FORTH Encyclopedia<br />

FORTH<br />

CP/M, X & 79 $395 (280 or 8086) $1 00 Pocket Guide<br />

$7 0 invitation to FORTH $20<br />

0 TRS-8OII or 111 by MMS 0 Color Graphics<br />

0 And So FORTH by Huang A 0 PDP-11 User Man. $20<br />

$1 30 (IBM-PC)<br />

$1 00<br />

college level text $25<br />

+ 6<br />

+& 0 FORTH-83 Standard $1 5<br />

0 Timex F.x,&79 by FD. tape G.X, & 0 Data Base<br />

Management $200 0 FORTH Programming by 0 FORTH-79 Standard $1 5<br />

79<br />

$45 Requires LM FORTH disk<br />

Scanlon 0 FORTH-79 Standard<br />

0 TUTORIAL by LH. includes<br />

victor 9ooo by DE, G,X + d 0 FORTH on the ATARl by E Conversion<br />

$1 0<br />

Startmg FOR JH $95<br />

$1 50<br />

Floegel $8 0 NOVA fig-FORTH by CCI<br />

0 fig-FORTH Programming Aids for decompiling, callfinding. 0 Starting FORTH by Brodie<br />

Source Listing<br />

$1 5<br />

Best instructional manual 0 NOVA by CCI User's Manual<br />

and translating CP/M IEM-PC, 280, or Apple $1 50<br />

available (soft cover) $1 8 includes editor. assembler,<br />

CROSS COMPILERS Allow extending, modifying and compiling tor<br />

(hard cover) $23 and utilities $25<br />

speed and memory savings, can also produce ROMable code<br />

*Requires FORTH disk<br />

0 Installation Manual for fig-FORTH $1 5<br />

0 CPlM $300 0 IEM. $300<br />

Source Listings of fig-FORTH, for specific CPU's and computers The<br />

0 8086.<br />

Installation Manual IS required for implementation<br />

Each $1 5<br />

$300 0 280. $300<br />

0 Northstar $300 0 Apple 11/1i+ $300 0 1802 0 6502 0 6800 0 AlphaMicro<br />

0 8080 0 8086188 0 9900 0 APPLE II<br />

0 FORTH Computer - Jupiter Ace<br />

$1 50<br />

0<br />

0 PACE 0 6809 0 NOVA 0 PDP-1 IILSI-11<br />

16K RAM Pack<br />

$50<br />

0 48K RAM Pack +&<br />

$1 25 0 68000 0 Eclipse 0 VAX 0 Z80<br />

Ordaring Inlormation: Check Money Order (payable to MOUNTAIN VIEW PRESS<br />

0 Par/Sec Interface<br />

$1 00<br />

INC ) VISA Mastercard COD s $5 extra No billing or unpaid PO s California<br />

Key to vendors:<br />

CCI Capstone Computing Inc.<br />

DE Dai-E Systems<br />

FD Forth Dimension<br />

I lnsoft<br />

LH Laxen and Harris<br />

LM Laboratory Mlcroayatems<br />

MM MlcroMotlon<br />

MMS Miller Microcomputer Senlcer<br />

NS Nautilus Systems<br />

PNS Pink Noise Studio<br />

SL Shaw Labs<br />

residents add sales tax Shipping costs in US included in price Foreign orders pay<br />

in US funds on US bank include for handling and shipping by Air $5 for each item<br />

under $25 $10 for each item between $25 and $99 and $20 for each item over<br />

$1 00 Minimum order $1 5 All prices and products subject to change or withdrawal<br />

without notice Single system andlor single user license agreement required on<br />

some Droducts

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