10 Consequences - Larry Tomczak - Get America Praying

10 Consequences - Larry Tomczak - Get America Praying

10 Consequences - Larry Tomczak - Get America Praying


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4/26/13 3:39 PM

©2013 <strong>Larry</strong> <strong>Tomczak</strong>–all rights reserved<br />

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i seek to offer help from my forty years of public service,<br />

research and interaction with people in america and abroad.<br />

awhile back my friend John, who went from gay to straight<br />

(yes, this actually happens!), taught me a lot about the plight<br />

of those struggling with sexual identity. as he battled the<br />

ravages of aiDS, i was able to listen, encourage and reassure<br />

him, along with his precious daughter, prior to his premature<br />

death. Later i was able to take care of his memorial service in<br />

a way that i trust inspired all of his former gay friends who<br />

attended to reflect on his life and theirs.<br />

The time has arrived for everyone involved in this dialogue<br />

on homosexuality and gay marriage to lower our voices and<br />

approach one another with respect on this journey of discovery.<br />

Yet being forthright and faithful to Biblical teaching<br />

does mean stating up front that Scripture throughout forbids<br />

sexual involvement in seven areas:<br />

1. Parents<br />

2. children<br />

3. another’s spouse<br />

4. Brothers and sisters<br />

5. Same sex<br />

6. animals<br />

7. Dead people<br />

Still, i hope this material helps multitudes who are humbly<br />

searching for answers and willing to consider these consequences<br />

if same-sex marriage is legalized in america.<br />

<strong>Larry</strong> <strong>Tomczak</strong><br />

www.larrytomczak.com<br />

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In examining same-sex marriage, our starting point as<br />

authentic Christians is faithfulness to Biblical teaching on<br />

marriage, family and sexuality. The issue is not animus or<br />

bigotry towards gays but respect and reverence for marriage<br />

and family. We unashamedly honor Jesus Christ by obeying<br />

His Word that results in peace, freedom and long-term happiness<br />

in human relationships.<br />

As <strong>America</strong>n Christians we hold Biblical convictions supported<br />

by our First Amendment right to “freedom of religion”<br />

(not merely “worship”). We ask those in disagreement<br />

with us to treat us in a civil way (as we pledge to do, as well)<br />

by not vilifying us or misrepresenting our position. Just as<br />

someone who honestly believes in a “two-state solution” for<br />

Israel should not automatically be labeled “anti-Semitic,” we<br />

should be treated with dignity and respect as we speak with<br />

kindness and courage on this issue. Religious freedom is<br />

what really is at stake in this dialogue.<br />

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Throughout history, religious convictions were at the heart<br />

of those upholding justice and opposing unrighteousness.<br />

george Washington, abraham Lincoln, Rev. Martin Luther<br />

King, Jr., William Wilberforce, John Wesley, William Booth,<br />

Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, Dietrick Bonhoeffer and others<br />

acted out of christian convictions and we follow in their<br />

footsteps.<br />

1<br />

What follows is a presentation of some of the serious consequences<br />

that will result, not immediately but eventually, if<br />

gay marriage becomes the law of the land in this watershed<br />

moment of history. informed individuals overwhelmingly<br />

believe that the redefinition and restructuring of marriage<br />

would have disastrous results for the family and our future as<br />

the country uniquely called a “city set on a hill” influencing<br />

the world. There is no going back if we “cross the Rubicon”<br />

and remove the foundational pillar upon which society rests.<br />

alarmist? apocalyptic? May the following serve as an awakening<br />

in this critical hour.<br />

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society are frightening, but also for ministries, adoption<br />

agencies, churches, schools, universities, wedding-related<br />

businesses and youth organizations.<br />

Recent examples:<br />

An elderly woman who for years has operated a small<br />

flower shop in Richland, Washington faces a lawsuit<br />

filed by the attorney general of her state, a $2,000 fine,<br />

potential legal fees in the tens of thousands and years of<br />

litigation. What did she do? Physically assault someone?<br />

Commit fraud?<br />

Actually Ms Stutzman is a committed believer who<br />

serves all customers—heterosexual and homosexual—<br />

but politely declined, based upon her religious convictions,<br />

to do the floral arrangements for two gay men’s<br />

upcoming same-sex wedding.<br />

3<br />

When a country deconstructs the definition of marriage,<br />

government steps in to force everyone to conform or<br />

else. Even if one’s conscience is violated, the state sees it<br />

as “discrimination”…”a civil rights violation”…”treating<br />

others as second class citizens.”<br />

This is not an isolated case. If same-sex marriage is the<br />

“law of the land” expect taxes to begin funding medically<br />

assisted procreation for gay couples as is on the docket in<br />

California and France. The list of demands will explode<br />

and everyone’s religious liberty affected.<br />

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“Freedom is never more than one generation away<br />

from extinction. We didn’t pass it onto our children<br />

in the bloodstream. The only way they can inherit the<br />

freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it,<br />

defend it and then hand it to them with the well-taught<br />

lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same.<br />

And if you and I don’t do this, then you and I may well<br />

spend our sunset years telling our children and our<br />

children’s children what it was once like in <strong>America</strong><br />

when men were free. ”<br />

- Ronald Reagan March 30, 1961<br />

3. Our children will suffer great harm<br />

if same-sex marriage is legalized.<br />

First, what message would be communicated concerning<br />

what exactly is a marriage and family? In addition to<br />

an even greater elevation, celebration and endorsement<br />

of gay marriage in TV, movies, song and print would<br />

be the total overhaul of textbooks and curricula teaching<br />

homosexual behavior and “marriage” as the moral<br />

equivalent of traditional marriage.<br />

If same-sex marriage became the cultural norm, all<br />

children would be taught that the gay lifestyle and<br />

gay marriage is A-OK. From kindergarten onward,<br />

children would receive instruction that to grow-up and<br />

marry a boy or a girl is the same thing. This would have<br />

profound consequences for impressionable children,<br />

grandchildren and generations to come.<br />

12 14<br />

Second, research consistently shows that children do best<br />

when raised by a loving, dedicated father and mother<br />

(less behavioral and scholastic problems, drugs, suicide,<br />

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poverty, juvenile delinquency, sexual experimentation,<br />

and health problems). even where there is a divorce,<br />

usually the father and mother component remains. in<br />

addition, repeated studies show that children in gay<br />

households are more likely to experiment sexually and<br />

identify as gay than children reared in traditional homes.<br />

To advance their agenda, advocates of same-sex marriage<br />

often cite “studies” affirming the so-called positive and<br />

beneficial aspects of children having gay parents. Yet<br />

an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal entitled “a<br />

Social experiment Without Science Behind it” (nelson<br />

Lund 3/27/13) exposed the flimsy and flawed “evidence”<br />

with conclusions from a handful of years and biased<br />

advocacy groups. The “Lesbian family Study” relied<br />

on samples from lesbian events, lesbian bookstores and<br />

lesbian newspapers! Lund cited the one credible study<br />

that exists (large random sample, objective measures of<br />

well-being and reports of grown children) by sociologist<br />

Mark Regnerus at the university of Texas. The findings:<br />

children in same-sex relationships were at a SignificanT<br />

DiSaDvanTage with depression, educational<br />

attainment and criminal behavior versus children of<br />

intact biological families.<br />

President obama himself cited statistics on fatherlessness<br />

in america when he was seeking wide support in<br />

his quest for the Presidency. he cited five times the<br />

poverty and crime: nine times the dropout rate; twenty<br />

times the prison rate; in addition to behavioral problems,<br />

teen pregnancies and runaways where there was<br />

no dad.<br />

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ebony magazine began a four issue series on families<br />

without fathers in May of 2013 with the cover headline,<br />

“Saving our Sons”. citing facts like “3 of 4 young black<br />

men in Washington D.c. will serve time in prison” and<br />

“<strong>10</strong>% of eighth grade black males function at an 8th<br />

grade reading level”, the editors underscored the fragile<br />

state of marriage and family in their communities. Yet<br />

“progressives” call to further disrupt things with a social<br />

experiment of gay marriage?!<br />

it’s one thing to see pictures of loving gay and lesbian<br />

couples holding cute, little babies or playing with toddlers,<br />

but what about when they grow up into the teen<br />

years? Tv shows like “Modern family” usually go for<br />

the more sanitized and simplified approach, rather than<br />

what really happens in teen and young adult years.<br />

Let’s get real--the most “loving” lesbian in the world<br />

faces enormous challenges in having to teach a boy how<br />

to be a man. Same thing when the most “loving” gay<br />

man has to teach a girl how to be a woman (although<br />

both will teach them a lot about “other things” by their<br />

daily influence along with exposing them to homosexual<br />

behavior on a regular basis).<br />

imagine two gay dads leading their daughter through<br />

her first “period”…explaining female issues she’s encountering…what<br />

to look for in a “training bra” or in a<br />

future husband …explaining to her why her “dads” act,<br />

talk and relate as they do.<br />

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imagine two lesbians trying to instruct their son about<br />

throwing a football…answering embarrassing male<br />

sexual inquiries …explaining why they sleep together…<br />

handling potential razzing he gets from his friends<br />

(children can be cruel and could care less about being<br />

politically correct)…helping him buy a jock strap, handle<br />

a bully or learn how to defend himself…learn what<br />

to look for in a wife and then how to care for her.<br />

Bottom Line: Rather than placing children at risk, we<br />

should humble ourselves and acknowledge the original<br />

and oldest family structure of all really is the best!<br />

“Don’t tear down a fence until you know why<br />

it was put up.”<br />

-African Proverb<br />

4. legalizing same-sex marriage “softens<br />

the soil” and paves the way for other gay,<br />

lesbian, bisexual and transgender<br />

relationships in the culture.<br />

for those who are uninformed regarding the “progressive”<br />

agenda, consider two sympathetic “visionaries” and<br />

their words:<br />

“a middle ground might be to fight for same-sex marriage<br />

and its benefits and then, once granted, redefine<br />

the institution of marriage completely, to demand the<br />

right to marry not as a way of adhering to society’s<br />

moral codes but rather to debunk a myth and radically<br />

alter an archaic institution.”-Michelangelo Signorile,<br />

ouT Magazine January 1994<br />

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“Because american marriage is inextricable from christianity,<br />

it admits participants as noah let animals onto<br />

the ark. But it doesn’t have to be that way. in 1972, the<br />

national coalition of gay organizations demanded the<br />

‘repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or<br />

number of persons entering into a marriage unit; and<br />

the extension of legal benefits to all persons who cohabit<br />

regardless of sex or numbers.’ Would polygamy invite<br />

abuse of child brides, as feminists in Muslim countries<br />

and prosecutors in Mormon utah charge? no! group<br />

marriage could comprise any combination of genders.”-<br />

-Judith Levine-author, advocate for lowering the age of<br />

consent for sexual activity.<br />

on the other side of the fence is this perspective-<br />

“Legalizing same-sex ‘marriage’ is not a stand-alone<br />

policy…. once governments assert that same –sex unions<br />

are the equivalent of marriage, those governments<br />

must defend and enforce a whole host of other social<br />

changes.” -Jennifer Morse, national catholic Register<br />

consider:<br />

• After legalizing same-sex marriage in Massachusetts,<br />

catholic charities was ordered to accept gay couples<br />

as adoption candidates. They closed down their <strong>10</strong>0<br />

year old adoption program rather than comply. Who<br />

suffers?<br />

• A Methodist retreat center in New Jersey had its taxexempt<br />

status revoked after refusing to allow lesbian<br />

couples its usage for their ceremony.<br />

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What would you do if your young daughter went into a<br />

public restroom and came out rattled because there was<br />

a man inside who upon inquiry, stated he was “transgender?”<br />

Colorado has now opened all public accommodations<br />

to “transgendered people,” so as not to be “discriminatory.”<br />

These are some of the very real and catastrophic effects<br />

of the whole gay marriage push. Acceptance of gay marriage<br />

“rights” provides momentum for changing other<br />

liberties. This is why Supreme Court Justice Antonin<br />

Scalia has said,<br />

“Many <strong>America</strong>ns do not want persons who openly engage<br />

in homosexual conduct as partners in their business,<br />

as scoutmasters for their children, as teachers in<br />

their children’s schools or as boarders in their home…<br />

They view this as protecting themselves and their<br />

families from a lifestyle that they believe to be immoral<br />

and destructive.”<br />

6<br />

18<br />

5. Government endorsement of gay marriage<br />

legitimizes this lifestyle to “mainstream<br />

respectability”, further eroding the morality<br />

of our nation.<br />

It places an official stamp of approval on homosexuality<br />

which some hail as “progressive” but many view with<br />

deep concern because of the actions associated with the<br />

lifestyle. Dangerous, at-risk sexual behavior has contributed<br />

to HIV/AIDS and other STDs that are endangering<br />

lives, jeopardizing health care and seriously impacting<br />

our economy. When I donated a pint of blood recently, I<br />

discovered that gays are not allowed to give blood. With<br />

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:32 PM<br />

the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) stating there<br />

are 1<strong>10</strong>,197,000 venereal infections in <strong>America</strong>, should<br />

we exacerbate the crisis? Additionally, with fatherless<br />

households skyrocketing and out of wedlock births<br />

epidemic ( Hispanics-53%; Blacks-70%; Lower income<br />

Whites-70%; and Mothers under 30-50%), and over<br />

1.2 million unborn babies aborted yearly, isn’t it time to<br />

examine our moral trajectory rather than experiment<br />

with more social engineering that obviously contributes<br />

to our moral decline?<br />

Remember the words of John Adams, our second President:<br />

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and<br />

religious people.”<br />

6. New laws, policies, initiatives, and ordinances<br />

will be enacted to “educate” people and force<br />

compliance with the “progressive” agenda.<br />

If the institution of marriage between a man and a<br />

woman, as the cornerstone of civilization for thousands<br />

of years is changed, then everything must change to accommodate<br />

the “new social order”.<br />

• Liberal theologians and ministers have<br />

already published the new Queen James Bible (available<br />

at Amazon) altering and deleting passages to<br />

indoctrinate the masses.<br />

• California passed a law forbidding professional<br />

therapists to counsel anyone under 18 that changing<br />

from homosexuality is possible (or even desirable).<br />

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another law in california under consideration denies<br />

tax-exempt status to any youth organization refusing<br />

to accept homosexuals as leaders or members.<br />

• Brown University’s student health plan will now<br />

cover sex changes (“gender Reassignment”) if a girl<br />

wants to morph into a male or vice versa.<br />

• Pressure is on the Boy Scouts of <strong>America</strong> to allow<br />

open practitioners of the gay lifestyle as Scoutmaster<br />

role models (even though it violates the <strong>10</strong>3 year old<br />

oath to live “morally straight” as one’s duty to god).<br />

7<br />

• Dr Laura Schlessinger was forced to cancel her<br />

nationally syndicated Tv program after referring to<br />

homosexuality as a “biological abnormality” in her<br />

professional opinion.<br />

• So-called “hate speech” laws in Europe already muzzle<br />

ministers from simply teaching what scripture<br />

says on gay marriage and the lifestyle.<br />

The redefinition of marriage threatens the religious<br />

freedom of every christian individual, parent, minister,<br />

educator, business owner, organization, school and<br />

university to function according to their convictions if<br />

they run counter to a Supreme court’s ruling. imagine<br />

Jesuit-run, georgetown catholic university attempting<br />

to refuse on-campus housing for a newly “married”<br />

gay couple if the Pandora’s Box is opened!<br />

“Discrimination?!”<br />

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While all <strong>America</strong>ns have a right to pursue happiness<br />

on an equal basis, legal partnerships/civil unions<br />

allow people to have equal access to the benefits<br />

without the obliteration of marriage as it has stood in<br />

law and custom throughout history, embraced by every<br />

major world religion for millennia. Why must we<br />

consider complete moral upheaval to accommodate<br />

2-3% of the population knowing probably only a<br />

fraction of that small minority have any intention of<br />

“marrying” anyway?<br />

7. The younger generation will drift further<br />

into the throes of confusion regarding<br />

sexual identity, the sanctity of marriage and<br />

the role of children in a family.<br />

if marriage changes from a god-ordained sacrament<br />

to an “anything goes” partnership for “love”, sexual<br />

indulgence and government benefits, young men and<br />

women will figure, “Who needs it?” They will do like<br />

many celebrities (cohabitate and serial divorce) or<br />

simply live together in a variety of sexual arrangements<br />

with children birthed or adopted at will. norway, which<br />

pioneered same-sex marriage, has sections where 80%<br />

of children are born out of wedlock! and that’s with<br />

rampant abortion.<br />

among youth and the broader culture, there is rampant<br />

confusion as we’ve drifted away from the truth. The<br />

progression is simple: rejecting truth results in loss of<br />

discernment and ultimately moral chaos. Denial of<br />

truth undermines people’s attempts to handle sexual<br />

issues as “every man does what is right in his own eyes.”<br />

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When natural order is disregarded, it leads to the downward<br />

spiral explained by the brilliant theologian, Paul,<br />

when he penned the following to the emerging church in<br />

Rome.<br />

“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against<br />

all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress<br />

the truth by their wickedness.” (Romans 1:18)<br />

“Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their<br />

hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies<br />

with one another. They exchanged the truth about God<br />

for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather<br />

than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because<br />

of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their<br />

women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural<br />

ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural<br />

relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one<br />

another. Men committed shameful acts with other men,<br />

and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.<br />

Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to<br />

retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a<br />

depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done ”<br />

(Romans 1:24-28).<br />

8<br />

Although it’s a difficult pill for some to swallow, the<br />

record stands: Homosexuality is not merely a harmless,<br />

“gay” lifestyle that folks are born into, according to the<br />

Bible, it is the unmistakable consequence of rejecting the<br />

truth about God and His plan for mankind. And when<br />

Scripture says people “receive in their own bodies the<br />

due penalty for their sin” (Romans 1:27), this explains<br />

why men engaging in this behavior usually become<br />

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effeminate in speech and mannerisms while women<br />

often become more mannish in appearance and<br />

behavior as well.<br />

This is not stereotyping - it is straight talk.<br />

This is not “hate speech” or “homophobia” – it’s truthtelling<br />

and giving people hope that there is another way.<br />

Change is possible -- if people want it.<br />

Our children and the young people of our nation deserve<br />

to know the truth about God and His standards on<br />

marriage and the family, rather than be set adrift to sail<br />

on the sea with no moral compass.<br />

8. We as a nation will plunge further into the<br />

depths of secularism and away from our<br />

heritage as a Judeo-Christian nation.<br />

Our Declaration of Independence was based on Judeo-<br />

Christian principles, not guesswork. It mentions God<br />

four times. This is fact.<br />

• “Our Creator”<br />

• “Nature’s God”<br />

• “Supreme Judge of the world”<br />

• “Our Divine Protector in whom we rely.”<br />

It asserted that all of us are endowed by our Creator with<br />

certain God-given rights--life, liberty and the pursuit of<br />

happiness. Life includes the right to life (from conception<br />

until natural death). Liberty does not mean freedom<br />

to do whatever one wants, but responsibility to do as one<br />

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ought (divine and civil laws restrict certain immoral and<br />

illegal behavior to balance order and freedom). Pursuit<br />

of happiness in its original meaning spoke of virtuous<br />

pursuit of a prosperous, fulfilling life. Happiness did<br />

not refer to drunkenness, revelry, unrestrained promiscuity<br />

or any selfish, narcissistic endeavor to make one<br />

feel good or escape reality. Did you know that Thomas<br />

Jefferson, a non Christian and the champion of those<br />

heralding “separation of church and state” actually said<br />

(and I believe we would all strongly disagree) that homosexuals<br />

should be dealt with severly?<br />

Our Founding Fathers, honoring a Judeo-Christian<br />

belief system, upheld the Hebrew and Christian Bible<br />

as their source of wisdom for life, laws and legislation.<br />

They unashamedly believed in Divine Providence. They<br />

used their collective wisdom to draft documents that<br />

clearly reflect a Biblical worldview and made us the<br />

most powerful and prosperous nation on earth. This<br />

recent ouster of God from the public arena amounts to<br />

absurdity. It’s born of the intent to establish a religion<br />

of secularism as a substitute for the scriptural basis upon<br />

which <strong>America</strong> was founded. It’s freedom OF religion<br />

not freedom FROM religion.<br />

We have a moral imperative to rectify our current ignorance<br />

and waywardness to get back on track. May we<br />

pass on to the next generation the same foundation and<br />

freedom we received from our parents- those oftentimes<br />

called, “The Greatest Generation.”<br />

At this serious crossroads in our history, it would do<br />

us good to reflect on the immortal words of <strong>America</strong>’s<br />

patriot, Samuel Adams:<br />

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9. If same-sex marriage is legalized we will<br />

have removed the two foundational<br />

“legs” upon which our nation stands—the<br />

sanctity of life (decimated through abortion<br />

on demand) and the sanctity of marriage.<br />

Millions of faith-based citizens believe this would invite<br />

the judgment of God upon our land. This consequence<br />

is scoffed at by many but there still is hope if we awaken<br />

and fulfill what Scripture states.<br />

“If My people, who are called by My name,<br />

will humble themselves and pray and seek My face<br />

and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear<br />

from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal<br />

their land:” (2 Chronicles 7:14)<br />

Two previous times in <strong>America</strong>’s history we have experienced<br />

an “awakening” and turning back to God. Will<br />

we heed the call in this critical hour before it’s too late?<br />

<strong>10</strong>. The consequence of same-sex<br />

marriage: Catholics, Evangelicals,<br />

Protestants and Charismatic Christians<br />

who are faithful to the Bible will unite<br />

together and work more closely together<br />

for marriage, family and a host of other<br />

areas currently under attack.<br />

Listen, can you hear some of the voices from different<br />

areas of the Christian church?<br />

“Make no mistake: the normalization of same-sex<br />

marriage will leave no sector of our society untouched.<br />

Marriage is so central to human culture that it touches<br />

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virtually every aspect of our laws, regulations and<br />

customs. To redefine marriage is to redefine the entire<br />

society. Christians in the United States must consider<br />

what this moral revolution will mean for us and for the<br />

challenge of remaining faithful to all that Christ has<br />

commanded.”<br />

-R. Albert Mohler<br />

President-Southern Baptist<br />

Theological Seminary<br />

One of the most beloved popes in history was Pope John<br />

Paul. His heart for justice came through with these<br />

poignant words in his inspiring Vatican document on<br />

this theme prior to his death.<br />

“Homosexual unions are totally lacking in the biological<br />

and anthropological elements of marriage and family<br />

which would be the basis, on the level of reason, for<br />

granting them legal recognition. Such unions are not<br />

able to contribute in a proper way to the procreation<br />

and survival of the human race.”<br />

Presently the state of marriage and the family have become<br />

seriously unstable and fragile since the 60’s season<br />

of “throwing off restraints.” While there are options to -<br />

day for gay and lesbian “partnerships,” to go beyond this<br />

to formally sanction same–sex marriage and dismantle<br />

over 5,000 years of our Western Civilization’s history is<br />

very dangerous. There would be no turning back.<br />

If we acquiesce to same-sex marriage and do to marriage<br />

and family what we did with welfare (before major<br />

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eform), “no fault divorce” and “abortion on demand”,<br />

families will be less stable, divorce will be higher, children<br />

will be less safe and the moral, plus financial fallout<br />

will be incalculable.<br />

We would do better to return to our roots as “one nation<br />

under God”, “shore up” what has been lacking and<br />

remind ourselves of the benefits to children and society<br />

of upholding the historic view of marriage and family.<br />

The patriots in Victor Hugo’s classic “Les Miserables”<br />

proclaimed in their anthem: “Will you join in our<br />

crusade?”<br />

Will you?<br />

“All that is required for the triumph of evil is that good<br />

men do nothing”<br />

-Edmund Burke<br />

Irish Statesman<br />

<strong>America</strong>n Revolution supporter<br />

<strong>Larry</strong> <strong>Tomczak</strong><br />

larrytomczak.com<br />

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