11/2010 - Green Hills AEA

11/2010 - Green Hills AEA

11/2010 - Green Hills AEA


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Unofficial<br />

November 23, <strong>2010</strong><br />

Red Oak Regional Office<br />

6:03 p.m. 212 E. Coolbaugh Street<br />

Red Oak, Iowa<br />

President Ed Gambs called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call revealed the following persons present<br />

and/or absent.<br />

Board Members Present:<br />

Board Members: Randy Brown Nancy Coziahr, Ed Gambs, Ken Lee, Richard Schenck, Raymond Storm,<br />

Karen Thomsen, and Julie Wilken<br />

Lane Plugge, Chief Administrator<br />

Linda Perdue, Board Secretary<br />

Board Members Absent: Marland Gammon<br />

<strong>AEA</strong> Staff Present:<br />

Kerry Aistrope, Regional Administrator<br />

Deb Johnsen, Consultant<br />

Lori Kinyon, Director of Human Resources<br />

Emily Nelson, Director of Finance and Board Treasurer<br />

Jan Norgaard, Regional Administrator<br />

David VanHorn, Associate Administrator<br />

Approval of Agenda<br />

Ms. Coziahr moved approval of the November 23, <strong>2010</strong>, Board agenda; seconded by Mr. Storm. The motion<br />

carried on a unanimous voice vote.<br />

Approval of Minutes<br />

Mr. Schenck moved approval of the October 26, <strong>2010</strong>, regular meeting minutes; seconded by Ms. Wilken.<br />

The motion carried on a unanimous voice vote.<br />

Open Forum<br />

There were no comments from the public in attendance.<br />

Loess <strong>Hills</strong> <strong>AEA</strong> 13 Audit Report - June 30, <strong>2010</strong><br />

The June 30, <strong>2010</strong>, Annual Audit Report from Schnurr & Company, LLP, was provided to the Board by Audit<br />

Manager Alex Barr. The report included financial statements and supplemental schedules. The opinion was<br />

unqualified and revealed no findings/noncompliance or questioned costs.<br />

Ms. Thomsen moved to accept and file the June 30, <strong>2010</strong>, Annual Audit Report as presented; seconded by Mr. Lee.<br />

Roll call vote:<br />

Yes: Storm, Wilken, Thomsen, Schenck, Lee, Coziahr, Brown, Gambs<br />

No: None<br />

Absent: Gammon<br />

The motion carried.

Unofficial Minutes<br />

November 23, <strong>2010</strong><br />

Page 2<br />

The Board and Administration recognized Emily Nelson and staff for their continued excellence with audit<br />

requirements.<br />

Board Presentation – Iowa Core<br />

Regional Administrator Jan Norgaard and Consultant Deb Johnsen presented information regarding the current<br />

status of the Iowa Core in <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> <strong>AEA</strong>, including how the Agency is supporting the implementation in relation<br />

to the six outcomes of the Iowa Core.<br />

Financial Reports<br />

Ms. Wilken reported that she had reviewed the bills and that all questions were addressed satisfactorily.<br />

Ms. Wilken moved approval/acceptance of the following:<br />

a. Approval of the Anticipated Cash Flow Chart through December 21, <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

b. Acceptance of the General Fund Financial Report for October <strong>2010</strong>, indicating a beginning balance<br />

on October 1, <strong>2010</strong>, of $1,571,817.87, receipts of $3,647,138.09*, disbursements of<br />

$4,056,342.79**, and an ending balance on October 31, <strong>2010</strong>, of $1,162,613.17***.<br />

* Includes $1,000,000 borrowed from ISCAP<br />

** Includes $1,000,000 repaid to ISCAP<br />

***The General Fund Balance includes $889,232.28 of stimulus funds which are not considered<br />

part of available cash until expenditure. Available cash in the General Fund is $273,380.89.<br />

c. Acceptance of the Activity and Fiduciary Funds Financial Report for October <strong>2010</strong>, indicating a<br />

beginning balance on October 1, <strong>2010</strong>, of $230,316.25, receipts of $131,691.01, disbursements of<br />

$39,575.25, and an ending balance on October 31, <strong>2010</strong>, of $322,432.01.<br />

d. Approval for payment of bills in the amount of $284,267.24, expense accounts of $72,289.40,<br />

activity-fiduciary fund warrants of $<strong>11</strong>0,220.40, and operating fund manual warrants of<br />

$637,783.22.<br />

e. Acceptance of the October 31, <strong>2010</strong>, Investment Report balance of $33,786.07 in the General<br />

Fund.<br />

Mr. Storm seconded the motion. Roll call vote:<br />

Yes: Storm, Wilken, Thomsen, Schenck, Lee, Coziahr, Brown, Gambs<br />

No: None<br />

Absent: Gammon<br />

Motion carried.<br />

Mr. Brown volunteered to review bills for the December Board meeting and Mr. Storm volunteered to review bills<br />

for the January meeting.<br />

Personnel Matters<br />

Lori Kinyon, Director of Human Resources, reported on the SLP (Speech-Language Pathologist) recruitment effort.<br />

Lori Kinyon and Barb Nelson, lead SLP, attended the national ASHA conference last week in Philadelphia. They<br />

made contact with several SLP candidates who will be graduating in the spring.<br />

Ms. Coziahr moved approval/acceptance of the following personnel matters; seconded by Ms. Wilken. Motion<br />

carried on a unanimous voice vote.

Unofficial Minutes<br />

November 23, <strong>2010</strong><br />

Page 3<br />

New Classified Staff<br />

Patty Roberts, Instructional Materials Assistant II, 147 days for the <strong>2010</strong>/20<strong>11</strong> school year – Hourly Salary: $12.45<br />

End of Classified Staff Contract<br />

Vicki McIntosh, Administrative Secretary, effective November 15, <strong>2010</strong><br />

Certified Staff Extended Days<br />

Diane Crouch, Speech-Language Pathologist, five days September 24, October 1, 8, 15, and 22, <strong>2010</strong> for speech<br />

services at Crescent and Bloomer – Per Diem: $306.19<br />

Brooke Dornack, School Psychologist, one day September 30, <strong>2010</strong> for John Maag Managing Behavior Workshop<br />

Teacher Quality Day – Per Diem: $230.72<br />

Debra Johnsen, School Improvement Consultant, two days October 14 and November 3, <strong>2010</strong> for Iowa Staff<br />

Development Council (ISDC) Convention and Leadership meeting and State Network Lead Meeting – Per Diem:<br />

$313.68<br />

Jane King, School Psychologist, four days October 18, 27, November 3 and 8, <strong>2010</strong> to cover caseload for employee<br />

on leave – Per Diem: $230.72<br />

Diane Konfrst, Speech-Language Pathologist, two days October 29 and November 5, <strong>2010</strong> for Speech-Language<br />

Pathology support in West Region – Per Diem: $283.15<br />

Kathy Lockard, License Renewal Coordinator, five and one half days August 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 and 20, <strong>2010</strong> for<br />

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) planning and work/St. Malachy, office work, Iowa Staff<br />

Development Council (ISDC) board meeting/conference planning, Teaching and Learning Team meeting and<br />

Olweus and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) planning – Per Diem: $306.19<br />

Contracted Staff<br />

Cindy Burchett received the following stipend:<br />

$150 for instructing Human Relations Independent Study course on October 25, <strong>2010</strong><br />

$150 for instructing Human Relations Independent Study course on November 8, <strong>2010</strong><br />

Jody Jackson received the following stipend:<br />

$250 for Prime for Life Class Under 18 class on October 20 and 21, <strong>2010</strong><br />

Certified Staff Vacancies<br />

Occupational Therapist (1.0 FTE) (on hold)<br />

Speech-Language Pathologist (5.0 FTE) Creston, Harlan, Missouri Valley, Osceola, Peterson<br />

Classified Staff Vacancies<br />

Service Coordinator (1 FTE) Peterson (contract pending)<br />

Support Services Secretary I (1 FTE) Peterson<br />

Approval of Agreements and Contracts<br />

Dr. Plugge presented information regarding the CDW-Government LLC agreement which will provide planning<br />

services for 1:1 computer implementation for AHST, Lewis Central, Riverside, Treynor, Tri-Center, Underwood,<br />

and Walnut. This planning project is funded through a $100,000 Iowa West Foundation grant. GH<strong>AEA</strong> is serving<br />

as the fiscal agent for the grant. The planning process has a tight time line. The attorneys for CDW-G and<br />

GH<strong>AEA</strong> are still in the process of finalizing the agreement. The major terms of the agreement are settled, but<br />

language is being added so that each district will also sign the agreement.

Unofficial Minutes<br />

November 23, <strong>2010</strong><br />

Page 4<br />

Mr. Schenck moved to authorize President Ed Gambs to sign the agreement with CDW-G for 1:1 computer<br />

planning services when the agreement is finalized by GH<strong>AEA</strong> legal counsel. The motions was seconded by<br />

Ms. Wilken and carried on a unanimous voice vote.<br />

Administrative Reports<br />

a. Administrative Reports<br />

Dr. Plugge and the Board congratulated Karen Thomsen for receiving the IASB Better Boardsmanship<br />

award. This is the 23 rd consecutive year that Ms. Thomsen has received this award.<br />

Dr. Plugge stated that some office space in the Shenandoah school building received water damage last<br />

week. Office options are being considered for the GH<strong>AEA</strong> staff who have offices in the facility.<br />

Dr. Plugge reported on a series of meetings he attended in Des Moines last week in addition to the IASB<br />

conference, which included meetings with the UEN (Urban Education Network) superintendents, the <strong>AEA</strong><br />

Chiefs, and the <strong>AEA</strong> State Board. Dr. Plugge also provided an update on the <strong>AEA</strong> Task Force meetings.<br />

Wayne Haddy, who currently serves as the <strong>AEA</strong> lobbyist, recently announced that he will be retiring at the<br />

end of this legislative session. The chiefs are in the process of considering several options at this time.<br />

Dr. Plugge provided an update on the IEC (Iowa Educators Consortium). The organization of the IEC will<br />

change from a 401C3 to a 28E agreement approved by the nine <strong>AEA</strong>s. During the December GH<strong>AEA</strong><br />

regular board meeting, a 28E agreement for the IEC will be presented for Board consideration.<br />

The Council Bluffs Community School Board will be conducting a presentation on <strong>AEA</strong> services at their<br />

December 14 Board meeting. Dr. Plugge invited the GH<strong>AEA</strong> Board members representing Council Bluffs<br />

Schools to attend.<br />

Dr. Plugge also stated that the GH<strong>AEA</strong> agreement with Council Bluffs schools has been amended to add<br />

.6 FTE school psychologist to the agreement.<br />

b. Recognition of Past Board President<br />

Mr. Gambs on behalf of the Board recognized Randy Brown for his service as Board President for the past<br />

year.<br />

c. Board Reports<br />

Board members who attended the IASB Conference in Des Moines, on November 17-18, <strong>2010</strong>, shared their<br />

conference experiences. Mr. Storm reported on the IASB Delegate Assembly session.<br />

Time and Place of Next Meeting<br />

The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Hills</strong> <strong>AEA</strong> will be held on December 21 at the<br />

Red Oak Regional Office, 212 E. Coolbaugh Street, in Red Oak.<br />

Adjournment<br />

With no further business, Mr. Gambs declared the meeting adjourned at 7:38 p.m.<br />

Linda Perdue<br />

Board Secretary<br />

Ed Gambs<br />

Board President

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