General Motors Company

General Motors Company

General Motors Company


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you must give us written notice, as required in Section 1.11 of our Bylaws. The Corporate Secretary must receive<br />

such notice not more than 180 days and not less than 120 days before the date of the annual meeting. For the<br />

2012 annual meeting, your notice must be received between December 15, 2011 and February 13, 2012.<br />

If we receive proper notice that one or more stockholders intend to nominate candidates at the annual<br />

meeting so that the number of candidates nominated would be greater than the number of directors to be elected,<br />

our Bylaws provide that the election will be determined by plurality voting rather than majority voting. See<br />

“Voting Standards for the Election of Directors” below.<br />

Board Meetings and Attendance<br />

In 2010, our Board held a total of 12 meetings and average attendance at Board and committee meetings<br />

was 95%. Each director attended more than 75% of the total meetings of the Board and committees on which he<br />

or she served during 2010. Directors are expected to attend our annual meeting of stockholders, which is held in<br />

conjunction with a regularly scheduled Board meeting. Twelve directors attended the 2010 annual meeting of<br />

stockholders.<br />

Size of the Board<br />

The Board of Directors is currently composed of 11 members. The Board of Directors sets the number of<br />

directors from time to time by resolution adopted by a majority of the Board. The Governance Committee<br />

reassesses the Board’s size at least annually to determine if a larger or smaller group would be more effective. If<br />

any nominee is unable to serve as a director or if any director leaves the Board between annual meetings of<br />

stockholders, the Board, by resolution, may reduce the number of directors or elect an individual to fill the<br />

resulting vacancy.<br />

Voting Standards for the Election of Directors<br />

GM’s Bylaws and Corporate Governance Guidelines provide that, in uncontested elections (i.e., those where<br />

the number of nominees is the same as the number of directors to be elected), directors are elected by a majority<br />

of the votes cast. The Bylaws and Corporate Governance Guidelines further provide that before any incumbent<br />

director may be nominated by the Board for reelection to the Board, he or she must submit a written irrevocable<br />

resignation, which would become effective if: (1) the director does not receive more than 50% of the votes cast;<br />

and (2) the Board accepts that resignation in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by the Board for<br />

such purposes. In contested elections, the plurality voting standard governs the election of directors. Under the<br />

plurality standard, the number of persons equal to the number of vacancies to be filled who receive more votes<br />

than other nominees are elected to the Board, regardless of whether they receive a majority of votes cast. An<br />

election is considered contested if we receive proper notice pursuant to Section 1.11 of the Bylaws that a<br />

stockholder intends to nominate a candidate for the election, so that the number of candidates would be greater<br />

than the number of directors to be elected.<br />

Within 90 days after receipt of the certified final vote for an uncontested election of directors in which one<br />

or more incumbent directors did not receive a majority of the votes cast, the Governance Committee will<br />

consider his or her tendered resignation in light of the best interests of GM and its stockholders and make a<br />

recommendation to the Board whether to accept or reject the resignation, and whether a different individual<br />

should be chosen to serve as a director in place of the unsuccessful incumbent. The Committee in making its<br />

recommendation and the Board in determining whether to accept the Committee’s recommendation may consider<br />

any factors they determine appropriate and relevant to the best interests of GM and its stockholders. In any event,<br />

however, the Board will accept the resignation of an unsuccessful incumbent unless there is a compelling reason<br />

to reject the resignation. Using this standard, a resignation might be rejected, for example, if:<br />

• The stated or apparent reasons for the votes against the director could be better addressed or resolved in<br />

a different way; or<br />


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