Fee ndity of A antic C d (Gadus morhua) in he S ut estern .Gulf of S ...

Fee ndity of A antic C d (Gadus morhua) in he S ut estern .Gulf of S ...

Fee ndity of A antic C d (Gadus morhua) in he S ut estern .Gulf of S ...


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Iluzeta, M.-I., and K. G. Waiwood. 1982. Fecu<strong>ndity</strong> <strong>of</strong> Atl<strong>antic</strong> cod (<strong>Gadus</strong> mor hua ) <strong>in</strong> t<strong>he</strong> ac<strong>ut</strong>hwe ste r n <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

St. Lawrence. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat , Sci. 1110: iii + 6 -1'-.-- ----<br />

Fecu<strong>ndity</strong> estimates were made on 30 Atl<strong>antic</strong> cod (<strong>Gadus</strong> mor hua ) specimens collected from t<strong>he</strong> so <strong>ut</strong> hwo s t e r n<br />

Cull "I' St. l.awre nc e <strong>in</strong> 1980. Matur<strong>in</strong>~ ovaries were placed <strong>in</strong> Gilson's fluid to f r e e r ipen tng OOCytl'S from<br />

t hc-Lr to l lJ c l es , Abso l u tr fecu<strong>ndity</strong> was estimated by measur<strong>in</strong>g til" collective volume <strong>of</strong> e~~s lar~('r t.ha n 2'iO<br />

)1, "(lUIiI ill)', t.ho num bo r <strong>of</strong> eggs <strong>in</strong> O.'i-mi, s ub samp Les and adjust<strong>in</strong>g by t<strong>he</strong> appropriate muLt t p l tca t I on factor.<br />

F(,C'"1dily-sizl' relationships were evaluated, ns<strong>in</strong>g regression analysis, and subsequently compared with those<br />

d eri vod lrom previous studies for this and ot<strong>he</strong>r cod populations. T<strong>he</strong> fecu<strong>ndity</strong>-size relationship giv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

bo s t fit was 0 f t<strong>he</strong> formF = aH b, and t<strong>he</strong> average relative fecundH y was found to be 379 eggs/g <strong>of</strong> body<br />

we Lg h t ,<br />

A method to reduce clump<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> .eggs and to <strong>in</strong>crease efficiency <strong>of</strong> sample preparation is described. T<strong>he</strong><br />

contrib<strong>ut</strong>ion <strong>of</strong> non-follicular tissue to relative ovary weight was estimated.<br />

Key words: cod, <strong>Gadus</strong> mor hua , <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>of</strong> St. Lawrence, fecu<strong>ndity</strong> methods<br />

Buzeta M.-I., and K. G. Waiwood. 1982. Fecu<strong>ndity</strong> <strong>of</strong> Atl<strong>antic</strong> cod (<strong>Gadus</strong> <strong>morhua</strong>) <strong>in</strong> t<strong>he</strong> so<strong>ut</strong>hw<strong>estern</strong> <strong>Gulf</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

St. Lawrence. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aqua t , Sci. 1110: iii + 6 -1'-.-- ----<br />

Nous avon s e s t Lrne La fecondite de la morue franc<strong>he</strong> (<strong>Gadus</strong> mor hua ) sur un echantillon de 30 <strong>in</strong>dividus<br />

r e c uo I I I t s dans Le sud-ouest du golfe du Sa<strong>in</strong>t-Laurent. Les ovaires en voie de maturation furent places dans<br />

l e lLqu i d e de Gilson a f t n de separer les ovocytes mfir i s san t de leurs follicules. La fecondite absolue a ete<br />

"stimee en mesurant Le volume collectif des oeufs plus gros que 250)1, en comptan t ensuite Le nombre d'oeufs<br />

dans des sous r ha n t t l.lons de 0,5 mL e t , enf<strong>in</strong>, en multipliant par un facteur appro prt e , Une analyse de<br />

regn'ssion a servi a cal cuLe r les relations fecondite-taille que no us avons ensuite cornpar ees avec celles<br />

decoulant d'etudes anterieures sur celle-ci et d'a<strong>ut</strong>res populations de morues. La relation de forme F = aW b<br />

cst c e lle qui donne la meilleure adequation. La fecondite relative moyenne a ete caLcul ee a 379 oeufs/g de<br />

p o d s r e l ,<br />

Nous dec r tvons une methode pour empec <strong>he</strong> r<br />

preparer les echantilLons plus e f f Lcac emen t ,<br />

poids relatif de l'ovalre.<br />

les oe uf s de se grouper en masse compac te et pour permettre de<br />

Nous e s t i mous enfLn la contrib<strong>ut</strong>ion du t I s su non fo II f c ula i r e all

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