Mark Agranovsky, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel Dan ...

Mark Agranovsky, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel Dan ...

Mark Agranovsky, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel Dan ...


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<strong>Mark</strong> <strong>Agranovsky</strong><br />

<strong>Bar</strong>-<strong>Ilan</strong> <strong>University</strong>, <strong>Ramat</strong> <strong>Gan</strong>, <strong>Israel</strong><br />

e-mail: agranovs@math.biu.ac.il<br />

Boundary Forelli Theorem and Meromorphic Extension from Circles<br />

Characterization of holomorphic functions, of one and several complex variables, and<br />

their boundary values, in integral-geometric spirit (via moment conditions on varieties of<br />

curves) attract attention of complex analysts since ’70s. However, many natural and simply<br />

formulated questions are still not answered. I will present a recent result on characterization<br />

of boundary values of holomorphic functions in the complex unit ball, in terms of onedimensional<br />

holomorphic extension along bundles of complex lines. This result is a boundary<br />

analog of celebrated Forelli theorem about holomorphicity on slices, which in turn is a<br />

variation of the clasical Hartogs’ theorem about separate analyticity. The proof of boundary<br />

Forelli theorem is based on reduction to characterization of polyanalytic functions in planar<br />

domains in terms of meromorphic extendibility from chains of circles.<br />

<strong>Dan</strong> Mangoubi<br />

Hebrew <strong>University</strong> of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, <strong>Israel</strong><br />

e-mail: mangoubi@gmail.com<br />

Geometry of Eigenfunctions and Harmonic Functions<br />

Let (M, g) be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension n. Let L be the Laplace-<br />

Beltrami operator on M, and let u be an eigenfunction: Lu = λu. We study the geometry<br />

of nodal sets and the nodal domains as λ becomes arbitrary large. In particular, we address<br />

the following problem: Faber-Krahn inequality shows that one has a lower bound on the<br />

volume of each nodal domain A λ :<br />

Vol(A λ ) > C/λ n/2 .<br />

Can one find a ball inside A λ of radius C ε /λ 1/2+ε inside A λ ? The answer is positive in<br />

dimension two and open in dimension n ≥ 3. We will show that in order to obtain bounds<br />

in dimension n ≥ 3, one is naturally lead to consider harmonic functions f in the unit ball<br />

of R n , with f(0) = 0, and to look for lower bounds on the volume of f > 0. I will describe<br />

what is known about these bounds.<br />


Alexander M. Olevskii<br />

Tel Aviv <strong>University</strong>, Tel Aviv, <strong>Israel</strong><br />

e-mail: olevskii@yahoo.com<br />

Wiener’s ”Closer of Translates” Problem<br />

and Piatetskii-Shapiro Uniqueness Phenomenon<br />

Wiener characterized cyclic vectors (with respect to translations) in l p (Z) and L p (R) (p =<br />

1, 2) in terms of zero sets of Fourier transform. He conjectured that a similar characterization<br />

should be true for 1 < p < 2. I will discuss this conjecture.<br />

Joint work with Nir Lev.<br />

2<br />

Yosef Yomdin<br />

Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Rehovot, <strong>Israel</strong><br />

e-mail: yosef.yomdin@weizmann.ac.il<br />

Invisible Sets for Integral Measurements<br />

and Moment vanishing Problem<br />

The problem of reconstruction of semi-algebraic sets and functions from integral measurements,<br />

like moments or Fourier transform, naturally arises in Signal Processing. For<br />

certain (incomplete) measurements there are ”invisible” signals. Their description leads<br />

to the moment vanishing problem: give conditions for identical vanishing of the moments<br />

m k = ∫ P k (x)q(x)dx, for various classes of P and q, and various integration domains. Recently<br />

a serious progress has been achieved in some special cases of this problem, and relations<br />

have been found with the Mathieu conjecture in representations of compact Lie groups,<br />

and (through the recent work of Wenhua Zhao) with certain questions around the Jacobian<br />


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