1976-12 December IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1976-12 December IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1976-12 December IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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depaltlnent<br />

<strong>of</strong> Resealch and<br />


Indic at or b tesl MDnth Ago Year Ago<br />

en 7.8%<br />

Uu",~I01 ",•• 1 I~<br />

[Ie,triut<br />

E_~Jp ••• 1 ( $e~I.mb.f.<br />

(Oc tO!H r, ]976 )<br />

"Hwlaf\..,I, 1916)<br />

10.3'"<br />

( lklo~ t'. Ig151<br />

Edllcation<br />

6.91;<br />

lIu.,ltJ.ut .. 7.11% 9.1'<br />

(Stp]"",btr, (OctOber. 1 97~<br />

"'",',elo"., 'Oc tOOtr. 1~761<br />

1 ~ 76 )<br />

<strong>International</strong><br />

Trade and Jobs In the<br />

United States<br />

.0Il1" ,I<br />

,..,. u. -778.9 + 908.2<br />

Sopl mbt •. - 757.7 ,Se Ptemller.<br />

hi 11"" ,I <strong>1976</strong>) ( ~llu s t , 197!i) 1 97~1<br />

o.n"$)<br />

Sources. filS, U.S. Department <strong>of</strong> labUI<br />

U.S. Oepartment <strong>of</strong> Commerce<br />

• World traue i~ growing: ~o j~ the<br />

U. S. Irad\: deli ... il. which, in September.<br />

grew hy S77K.9-million. Specific<br />

import it ems Ihal increased ill September<br />

weTC iron and steel. ,ugar.<br />

and aUIO imporl-. rrom nation~ other<br />

Ihan Canada. The August ddio.:il wa~<br />

S7:'i7.7-million. and the lotHl tmelc<br />

defkit for the 1ir~t rhree 4l1arlcr~ <strong>of</strong><br />

197fl amounted 10 $3A-miltion. 'J his<br />

me:ms th;1I the nation\ import~ have<br />

exceeded cxport~ by $3.4-million ~o<br />

far in <strong>1976</strong>. Too <strong>of</strong>ten. thi.'> imbalance<br />

<strong>of</strong> trade mean" that more Americans<br />

ar~ losing their jobs to the citizens <strong>of</strong><br />

foreign count ri c.'> ill which multinational<br />

corpor:tti()n~ have set up oversells<br />

oper:ltion~ or cou illrie ~ which IIrc<br />

eng:IJ;ed ill dumping their manufactured<br />

goodl> on the U. S. market.<br />

Color TV Ind uslr.\<br />

Within the la~t several }ears, the<br />

import <strong>of</strong> color tekvision ~cts has<br />

in.:reased from 10 percent <strong>of</strong> the market<br />

t~, 25 percent ("If the market. Color<br />

TV impon~ for the lil.'>t .'>i\ months<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>1976</strong> ro\~ 151 percent in unib and<br />

150.3 percent in valuc over the ~ame<br />

period <strong>of</strong> 1975. The primary source<br />

<strong>of</strong> these color ,cts imported by thc<br />

U. ~. is Japan. Sing;lpore ;lnd Taiwitn,<br />

where wilges tor ,killed \\oorkeN range<br />

from .lot cent.'> to S 1.3R P'u hour. arc<br />

major recipient.'> <strong>of</strong> U. S. multination:ll<br />

inve"tment5 in Ihc color tdeVi~ion indu.'>try.<br />

Color televi~ion set~ importcd<br />

from the~c coulltries arc clltting deeply<br />

into jobs at pl:l11ts in America where<br />

color TV lubes :Ind / or ,>.:ts have heen<br />

or ;lfe being nlllllufaClltred. Man y <strong>of</strong><br />

the workers in the~e plants ;Ire IUI ~W<br />

member~. The Ja panesc color TVmakers<br />

arc predicting a further increase<br />

in their exporl~. relying on the<br />

U. S. market. the de~tination for m(lre<br />

than h:1If <strong>of</strong> their expon~ in past years.<br />

It is prohabk. 100, th~lt additional<br />

Japanese televbion set~ and components<br />

and other manuf"ctured good~.<br />

such as computer units, will be dumped<br />

on the U. S. market. bec. ple,l,ure<br />

boat~. ~ h ocs. ctc.<br />

It('tid Sought<br />

The InEW. ;llong with the Industrial<br />

Union Depallmcnt <strong>of</strong> the AFL·<br />

C IO and seve ral othcr unions. pillS<br />

several corp(lration~. has filed a complaint<br />

with the U. S. Inlcrn;ttional<br />

Trade Commi"ioll (lTC), under thc<br />

"csc;lpe d;lu~e" pro\' i~ion (If the 1 rade<br />

Aci <strong>of</strong> 11)74, \(l halt the ma,.,ive pellctration<br />

<strong>of</strong> the U. S. market by foreign<br />

manufnClura' <strong>of</strong> color t deVt~lOn set.'>.<br />

The ha\ic pmpo.'>e <strong>of</strong> this action is to<br />

';Lve johs.<br />

Under the Trade Act. the Prc\iucnt<br />

is aUlhorized to grant impClrt relief to<br />

a U. S. indu~tr}. if the fTC determines<br />

tlmt increa~o;>d impons o.;on,tilUte a<br />

"~Ub.'>tall tiall·all,e·· or thre,lt <strong>of</strong> seriou"<br />

injury \0 thm indu~try. If Ille Pre,id~'n"~<br />

itction is not in line llith the<br />

I rc recommendation, the ITC n::;':OJllmendation<br />

may be implemented upon<br />

adoption by Congfe~s <strong>of</strong> a co ncurrent<br />

rc,oluli<strong>of</strong>l di~approvins the action <strong>of</strong><br />

thl' Pr('\ident.<br />

Import relief may include increa'ed<br />

dulies. tarilT rutc quota~ th :ll limit the<br />

number <strong>of</strong> ;Irticlc.'> importo;>d into Iho:<br />

country, negotiation <strong>of</strong> an orderly<br />

marketing agr('l'mel11, trade adj\l"tmcnt<br />

as\istance. or lilly combination <strong>of</strong> the<br />

aforemo.;ntioned.<br />

Role <strong>of</strong> i\llI itimu ion:lls<br />

i\ lany U. S. corporation, L:Ullllihutc<br />

to tho: ero~ion <strong>of</strong> job~ ill Americ:L hy<br />

,citing up plant~ ill foreign countries.<br />

therehy ho:coming multinational COfporatiolu.<br />

These multinational.'> arc<br />

frequentl y attfllcted 10 overseas 01'0.;1"

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