1976-12 December IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1976-12 December IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1976-12 December IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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;. ,<br />

Retirement<br />

,,-<br />

.ighl, lI'e G'lInd Rulli'<br />

Elks, M,s. Bske.; Mr.<br />

;~;:::~:::'~.:o:'~':'~S(OU. "IIICrvice 10 J'lcCirk Bo,11 A {:old.<br />

cniTa'cd ""rht""alt"h ""ilh Ihe t> .."" <strong>of</strong> a ,uh·<br />

1l1;!rine as .1 ecnlerrie~e \la. [,rc-.tllled as<br />

the eomp,,") \ lo .... en <strong>of</strong> 'Irpreci"lion<br />

Bu\inc~ ' I .. mager Ita}' I).:: (m..o th,ln .... cd<br />

Ch;!rlie for the man) year .. <strong>of</strong> ..... ni~e to<br />

II,,: 1 ........ 1 .'\ ,," ,.... ile 1l1emN:r. Un,mc"<br />

".mager I.>e ("in,o prc ..... nlcd (hailie \lilh<br />

a ~hccl. from Inc merllhe .... hip ;lIld '\I,hed<br />

him good Iud ami happine" in hi, rClircmCn!.<br />

I·k !>olid Ch.trlte wuuld ~I,'y on a, the<br />

lucal\ ,id call and relief rcpTl·,cnlalive.<br />

l' I"que~ and gift. \lCfe prc.enl~d t>y Ihe<br />

follo\ling: Fred .... r;lmer, ovcrh.ml and rep;lir<br />

man;lgcr: Larry Aocrn;llh)". planning<br />

dcpnrullenl: Hob M:ld )(ln;lld. p'ht pre_ident<br />

<strong>of</strong> 1-:1Ct"lri~ l.loal Alhlelic (Iut>; and Mr.<br />

I'tr .... ins. grand e~ahed ruler <strong>of</strong> IU'OE No.<br />

631), Mr Per .... in' .... lId Ucelli.: 110;,.1"\ los,<br />

""ould be Ihe EI .... ~· gain. :1\ now Charlie<br />

l'ould del'olc more tmu: 10 the H .... ~ organi·<br />

Z;,tlOn. A grand boonquel <strong>of</strong> no""er~ .... as<br />

pre-.tnled In Mr,. lI .. r .... cr. l elcJ;I,l1lj,. phone<br />

e1.11\. a nu leacrs .... erc received from m!'iou~<br />

people In ui-lanl piner., \\i,llIn~ Charlie<br />

\lell in hi~ reliremenl.<br />

('011lllllllee peoplc "ho h,l>ored IImg<br />

hours 10 make thi~ pany a ,ucce~~ "crc<br />

Hu~scll SOlons .... i. 1.1010 Miller. Arnold l oi·<br />

~onen. Ur .. dy Coo ..... and An")lU p''' ....... on.<br />

Again. than .... s 10 all lhe cll'~1ri~ ~Ic ..... lrds<br />

who gnt lie .... cl~ ani 10 all Ihn:e .hlrl~: .... lth-<br />

OUI the;,e people Iherl' \IOU III hoe 110 p.lriy.<br />

A speci,,] Ihan ....' 10 Brother Mc(,ill or<br />

MtGill Siudio~<br />

in Nor .... ,ch fOT Ihe photos.<br />

I . MC(,lIvl RN, .. .s.<br />

Local Outing<br />

1.,,11 10 ,iShl .re the Locil 278, Corpu5 ChrlSII.<br />

T .... chefs J.ff Mull.n .. _ Robe" ROpe •• Richll'd<br />

Benda. W. R. "Bulch" Doh.mllnn, Ind Howlld<br />

Mllynsrd.<br />

Local 278 Has All<br />

The Right Ingredients<br />

l..U, 278 .. CONI'US CIIHISTI. TEX.--Our<br />

loe:11 wa~ :Iblc to put 10.,:elher all Ihe ingreu<br />

ic nts for II sreal pitnie. g£lod barbcquc.<br />

pl'crared by men who I ~ "" I; pride in their<br />

W,nne •• nd<br />

to "SM are Jllm"<br />

"(I(l~inr pol,,'O ~alad. onions, I:rcan~. and<br />

jal:lpm" pepper, ~ervcd b) member> nnd<br />

their Idvcs. We had plerlly <strong>of</strong> beer lind \<strong>of</strong>l<br />

drin .... ~ ;m" Ihe .... id, h."J more gurnes th;111<br />

Ihe)' could pIny.<br />

We had .\ !lulf IUllllloIlllell1 ;11 conjunelion<br />

with Ihe pleni~. T he golf tournament "a.<br />

playcd tHlucr .. h~mlic;lp and our hu~inc\\<br />

manager, lo I "L}'nn" T ale ..... ho drOle<br />

the refreshment curt. reports Ihal the handicnp<br />

W,\~ definitely ncelled by mO~1 <strong>of</strong> the<br />

pla)·er~.<br />

Thi, picnic and solf tournament ""£Iuld<br />

not h,nc t>een JlO'>,ihlc If nOl for Ihe ""orl.:<br />

<strong>of</strong> man) mcmhcr~. Special Ihan .... ~ go 10<br />

J : l1ll e~ I)oyle, HO\lnrd May":.ru. Uyron<br />

Dr)den. and I red StridJ:md.<br />

Thh Clcnt galc our members :Ind Iheir<br />

ol1kcr~ lime III vi~il anu an oproTili nity t£l<br />


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