(Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-10-12 - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers

(Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-10-12 - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers

(Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-10-12 - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers


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.--<br />

PAGE TWO<br />

Published every morning except Monday<br />

by Student Publications Incorporated at<br />

<strong>12</strong>6-130 <strong>Iowa</strong> avenue, <strong>Iowa</strong> <strong>City</strong>, <strong>Iowa</strong>.<br />

Board of Trustees: Frank L. Mott, Odis K.<br />

Patton, A. raig Baird, Kit'k H. Porter,<br />

Donald Dodge, Deming mith, William<br />

Sener, Irene Frederickson, Robert Kadgihn.<br />

Fred M. Pownall, Publisher<br />

Loren L. Hickerson, Editor<br />

Morty TonkeD. Managing Editor<br />

Entered as econd class mail matter at the<br />

postoffice at <strong>Iowa</strong> <strong>City</strong>, <strong>Iowa</strong>, under the act<br />

of congress of March 2, 1879.<br />

Subscription rates-By mail, $5 per year;<br />

by carrier, 15 cents weekly, $5 per year.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Associated Press is exclusively entitled<br />

to use for republication of all news dispatches<br />

credited to it or not otherwise credited in this<br />

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herein.<br />


lIdftorial Office .. _ .............. 4192<br />

Som ty Editor ........ _ ......... 4193<br />

Business Offioo ............. , .... 4191<br />

SATURDAY, OCTOBER <strong>12</strong>, <strong>1940</strong><br />

• Comments lor Dads<br />

ToJIIY-. alurday, ct. <strong>12</strong>-thp nation is<br />

t:l'h'bruting 'olumbus day.<br />

13111 ht'rll ut <strong>Iowa</strong> we 'I' observing a day<br />

which lUIS become an in. titutlon in itself.<br />

'l'hat's Dnd's day.<br />

Wt' of 'J'be <strong>Daily</strong> <strong>Iowa</strong>n ext nd our warm­<br />

I'st wl'lcOlllll to the grand t man in the world<br />

- (ht' Dllll WhO'A being entel'lained today by<br />

/lily Hlud ilL on the campu ..<br />

WI! wish there might be something we could<br />

• IlY to you this morning, Dad, that you could<br />

('HI'I'Y th"ough your day here at <strong>Iowa</strong>, and<br />

away with you tomorrow---6omething that<br />

would make you want to eomc baek Hom -<br />

comillg, und ev('/'Y chance you geL.<br />

But words ar u't wOI·th much, and <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

CIlJI s[H'uk for hCl'Self.<br />

• • •<br />

, he'll be doing that todlly-for you, Dad,<br />

H('nH'l11bel' that.<br />

HplIlplIlber it this afternoon, when the<br />

lIuwl«'yc. irot out to meet Wil consin in <strong>Iowa</strong><br />

NtadiuJU. Your boy may be playing on that<br />

lown tam.<br />

Hl'lIl('mber it, too, when you watch the<br />

lflliwl'sity of <strong>10</strong>\\1u band, before the game<br />

/lUU at halftime-that band which i th pridp<br />

UIIU juy of <strong>10</strong>wIl Hnd (he Big 1'en.<br />

Maybe<br />

yonr Ron iq in that band.<br />

And remember it whpn you're llaving din-<br />

11\'" with your son or dallghter todlly-in a<br />

}'l'staUl'ant dowl1town, in a dormitory, or in<br />

tli/lt JI'utcJ'llity or tlol'oriLy.<br />

• • •<br />

It 's your day, Dad, and it's your tcam,<br />

YUlII' band- your <strong>Iowa</strong>-just a. mueh as it's<br />

youI' bon or r . their wi h­<br />

es with regard (0 11 third t I'm for Roosevelt<br />

0[' II first term fo r Willkie. But while tb . e<br />

yotet·s /ll'e takillg- ad,'alltagc of the privilege<br />

lhat 1,0 many millions in I ss fortunate countrips<br />

Cllry, other thousands of citizens will<br />

fot' one reason Ol' anothpr fail to exercise tbis<br />

l)l.'ivilege.<br />

.Amollg the mOl'e than 7,000 students of thc<br />

University of <strong>Iowa</strong>, coming from ewry sec·<br />

t ion of the Uni ted tates, are a number who<br />

IIrc cligibl to vote, but unl s. immediate action<br />

ill laken, will not be able to do so be­<br />

('au~c of their failme to obtain the I1CC s.~ary<br />

fOl'IlIS for absentee voting,<br />

Th e P"oceclure<br />

Application 1'01' these forms must be made<br />

20 days bl'for tbe cleetion at the office of<br />

th county auditor or corre ponding official<br />

in tlte section in which you are registered.<br />

]JI writing for tJ\es blanks, you should give<br />

specific information regarding the precinct<br />

)11 wh ich you are registered.<br />

J t is not too late to obtain your absentee<br />

ballot to vote in the ovember elections, but<br />

it will be too late in most local ities after<br />

()d. ]6.<br />

· I f you al'p a mau between 21 and 35 years<br />

of aI'e, it i certainly of vital concern to you<br />

From <strong>Iowa</strong>n R d<br />

as to who is at tJle head of our government<br />

during the next four years, during which you<br />

may be called to erye for this country's deferu<br />

e.<br />

'['he Women, Too,-<br />

If yon are a woman, your life will be no<br />

less aft ted-not only by the influenc of<br />

governmental defense policies and acts upon<br />

a friend, brother, husband, or future hu­<br />

'baud; but also by th~ fact that in the months<br />

ahead om- democratie form of governm nt<br />

will have one of the, hardest struggles smce<br />

it. l'Stablishment to maintain the tradition<br />

and ideal upon whleh our freedom is base~.<br />

YonI' vote will count. It will count in the<br />

pr sidential race cause sentiment favoring<br />

(h two major candidates j. 0 evenly divided<br />

OVC1' the nation. But it wlU count more by<br />

showing the world that American. are united<br />

ill their interest in preserving our democratic<br />

form of government.<br />

Jf you believe in the "American Way,"<br />

.remember Oet. 16, and write for your absent<br />

e ballot as oon as possible.<br />

And I'emember, too, how the "American<br />

Way" happellS to be.<br />

A Man About<br />

,<br />


Three Items 01 Interest<br />

From Manhattan Island-<br />

- - -<br />


NEW YORK - Twice now, to tllC bewi<br />

lu('rm I1t of 1Ill' actors in thp come

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