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<strong>ROBIKTSON</strong><br />

<strong>HISTORICAL</strong><br />


OF<br />

<strong>CANADIANA</strong><br />

A GIfT TO THE<br />


THE<br />

AND THE<br />



AND<br />


WITH<br />


FOR<br />

1 8 3 7 ;<br />





TORONTO, U. C.<br />


I N D E X.<br />

PART 1.<br />

Ahnauaclc - 1'3-17, Page II; l\lechalli~s ..-\ssociativl1, .. _••.• 47<br />

Baths, Royal Floating, ...... 61 News Room, Commercial. ...• 46<br />

Bible Society, .............. 43 Newspapers, City <strong>Toronto</strong>, .. 6<br />

Bible Society, Ladies, ........ 43\ Post Ollice,. . ............... 2~<br />

Bazaar, ... I •••• _ •••••••••••• 45 Pottersfield Burial Cruund, .... ':itl<br />

Burial Ground, Strangers, ..... 46 \ School, Preparatory, . • 6<br />

Board of Tracte, ............... 47 ~tandard Weights,...... ..... 7<br />

Coins. Standard. ... ..... .... 8 Stages, General. ...•......... 4

15<br />

1<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong> Gorey ,<br />

Turonto, (

I);J)EX.<br />

Page i<br />

Pa~e<br />

Notaries, , , , , J t " " J , 36 noyal Family, .. 44-<br />

Nova Scotia, , , , , , , , , , J 45, Royal Commission,. 43<br />

New Brunswick, , , , , , , , , 45 Secretary and Reg'istrar Office, 8<br />

Newfoundland, , , . , , , , , , , 45 Surveyor General's Department, 8<br />

Printer to His Majesty, •.•. III Surveyor· General of Woods and ~ 9<br />

Police Office, Home District, • 12~ Forests,. • 5<br />

Probate and Surrogate Court, • IJ, Sherill's Office,. ' : ••.••. II<br />

Peers, House of, •••••••. 45' Sherif!,s in )Jpper Canada, •. . I5<br />

Prince Edward Island, ••••• 4;)' Surrogates "hrt Registrars, •• : 16<br />

Quarter ~ess!ons, ,Home Dist .... 1-11 Sehool N.atiooal, , , . , , , , , ~;3<br />

Quarter ~esslOUS for the Prol""- {35' School Infant,. , 7 , , , , ) , , _4<br />

inee, ................. .. - S : School Horne District, , , , , , ~-1<br />

Rates, District, . • 39, School District ~lasters, , , , , 24<br />

Rates, Highway, • • 40 Sehool Board of El ucat i0l1, , , 2·1<br />

Resources of EUl'opean Powers, 41 Treasurer Home District, , , , 12<br />

Receiver General's Office, .. 7: Treasurer Upper Cannda, , , , 16<br />

Registry Office, ......... 10 Terms King's Bench, , , 7 , , 14<br />

Requests, Court of, .••..• 1:l Taxation ill Upper C,m.da, .• 39<br />

Reg'iiltrars of Counties, .••.. 17,1 Upper C:mada College" , , , .. 23<br />

Royal Engineer Department, .. ·n' Unil ersity of King's College, , :;.;<br />

Regiment in U ppcr C~n.da •• 43 1

6 InISS l\lARY ANN STEWAllD'S<br />



Carfeae Place, Bay-street, City of'roronto.<br />


City of <strong>Toronto</strong>_<br />

HESE BA THS have beell erected by Mr. Cull, of this<br />

T City. They are aile hunrlrcd and ten feet in leogth, aod<br />

twenty one leet in width, and contain ten lVarm and ten cold<br />

Baths, with Vapour and Shl)w~r Baths. The Baths for<br />

young people are lees deep than those for adults. One<br />

end is exclusively appwpriated to Lallie$, with a private entrance<br />

from a gallery outaide and leading to an elegant draw.<br />

ing-room adjoining a promenade deck eighty leet long,<br />

with a dome roof and (rellis-work gnanls all round. It<br />

is capable of accommodating two hundred persons, and ~o<br />

constructed that the additionai weight of three hundred \ViIl<br />

not depress lhe Balh one inch. There are reading and refreshment<br />

rooms for both ladies and gentlemen, filted up in<br />

the best possible sly Ie.<br />

These Balhs are highly creditahle to the City in poiol of appearance,<br />

aud not less so as to their utility.<br />



John Cotler's New British Coffee-House, corner of King<br />

and York-street, at the west end 01 the City.<br />

James Hutcheson'S City Hotel, Front-street.<br />

David Botsl;ud's Ontario House, do<br />

'William Campbell's North American Hotel, Front-street.<br />

John Grantham's Old British Calfee-House, do<br />



-7_<br />


ncr After the first day of Jaouary, 1835, the English Statute enaci ••<br />

that no lead or pewter weights shall be used-that the ,toue·weigllt shall<br />

be 141bs. avoirdupois-that eight such stone be one huodred weightthat<br />

tweoty such hundred be ooe ton-and tbat all coo tracts made lor<br />

any other denomination or customary weights shall be void, and that<br />

avordupois weight shall be used for all purposes of sale by weight, ex·<br />

cept bullion, jewels, and drugs<br />



16 drams 1 ouoce<br />

16 ounces 1 ponnd<br />

14 pounds 1 stone<br />

28 pounds ] quarter<br />

4 q "arters 1 hundred<br />

20 hundred 1 too.<br />


4 grains<br />

24 graios<br />

20 pennyweights<br />

12 ounces •<br />

25 pounds<br />

100 pounds<br />

20 cwt •<br />

1 carat<br />

1 pennyweight<br />

1 ounce<br />

1 IHlond<br />

1 quarter<br />

1 cwt<br />

1 too.<br />


:;4-; cubic inches make I pint<br />

2 pints "I quart<br />

4 quarts "I gallon<br />

2 gallons<br />

4 pecks<br />

" I peck<br />

"I bushel<br />

or 2218 1·5 inches<br />

S bushels<br />

I quarter<br />

This is the Imperial Standard for<br />

Liquids, Corn, &c_<br />

------<br />


351.936 cubic in. make I gallon<br />

2 gallons " I peck<br />

·1 pecks "I bush~l<br />

& bushels " J sack<br />

12 sacks "I chaldron<br />

This jg the Imperial Standard for<br />

Fruit, Potatoes, Fish, Coals, Lime,<br />

&c.<br />

HAY AND S1'RA'V<br />

WEIGHT.<br />

36 lbs. avoirdupois Straw)<br />

[make ~1 t<br />

56 lbs. of Old Hay '" russ<br />

60 lhs. of New Hay " ,<br />

36 trusses 1 load<br />

CLOTH ilIEA"URE.<br />

2~ inches I nail<br />

.J. nails I quarter of a yard<br />

3 qual·ters I Flemish ell<br />

4 quarters I yard<br />

5 quarters I English ell<br />

6 quarters 1 French ell<br />


8<br />

The/ollowing passed the Provincial Legislature, ./Jpril, 1835.<br />

Wheat, • • • Sixty Pounds.<br />

Indian Corn,<br />

Fifty-six Pounds.<br />

Rye<br />

Fifty-six Pounds.<br />

Pea;<br />

Sixty Pounds.<br />

Barl;y<br />

Forty-eight Pounds.<br />

Oats, ,<br />

TI,lirty-four Pounds.<br />

Beans, . . . Fifty Pounds.<br />

Timothy & Clover Seeus, Sixty Pounds, ,<br />

Which weight shall, in all cases, be equal to the WiDchester<br />

bushel, and all contracts for sale shall be understood accordingly,<br />

unless otherwise expresse(~ at the ,lime 0,£ pu~c~lase.<br />

Hay is sold in Upper Canada oy AvoirdupOis" eight.<br />

Ct6rrency is equal (0 Eighteen Shillings Sterling-the relative<br />

value is 10 to 9.<br />

To leduce Sterling (0 Currency add I-9th.<br />

To reduce Currency to Sterling deduct I-10th.<br />



To be deemed a legal tc:nder in payment of all debts and dema.nds<br />

whatsoHer, in the Province of Uprel' Canada, passeel<br />

the Provincial Legislature, ApriI18~~G,<br />

GOf,D COIlI:S,<br />

The British Guinea, weighing 5 penny-weights 9~<br />

graills<br />

Troy, at one pound til8 shillings and six-pence.<br />

The British Sovereign, weighing 5 penny- weights 3~ grains<br />

TrcJY, at one pounLl (our shillings and four-pence.<br />

The .I

9<br />


12k per cent. is 2s. 6u. in a £<br />

15 3 0<br />

2! per cent. is Os. 6d. in a £<br />

3 74<br />

5 1 0 17k 3 6<br />

6 1 2! 20 4 .0<br />

n 1 6 25 5 0<br />

10 2 0 30 6 0<br />


1 Week. 1 Monlh. ':3 Months. 6 Months. 1 Y par.<br />

s. d. q. s. d. q. s. d. q. 8. d. q. s. d. q.<br />

I<br />

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3<br />

I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 2<br />

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 0<br />

I~<br />

I:z. 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 2 3<br />

~<br />

5 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 3 0 1 3 0 3 2<br />

6 {) 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0<br />

...<br />

4 1<br />

:r: 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 :l 0 5 0<br />

rn. 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 I 0 2 3 0 5 2<br />

9 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 I 2 0 3 0 0 6 0<br />

10 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 1 3 0 3 2 0 7 2<br />

-----------------<br />

I 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 3 2 0 7 0 1 2 0<br />

2 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 7 0 1 ~ 0 2 4 0<br />

3 0 0 3 0 3 2 o 10 3 1 9 2 3 7 0<br />

rh 4 0 1 0 0 4 3 1 2 1 2 4 2 9 0<br />

A<br />

5 0 1 2 0 6 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 6 "* 0 0<br />

~<br />

D 6 0 1 3 0 7 0 1 9 2 3 7 0 7 2 0<br />

0 0<br />

7 0 2 0 0 8 1 1 0 4 2 0 8 4 0<br />

c..<br />

'"<br />

8 0 2 1 0 9 2 2 4 3 4 9 2 9 7 0<br />

9 0 2 2 o 10 :3 2 8 1 5 4 2 10 9 0<br />

10 0 3 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 12 0 0<br />

-------~---------<br />

£ 8. d; £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ 8. d.<br />

.20 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 6 0 o 12 0 1 4 0<br />

~30 0 0 9 0 3 0 0 9 0 o 18 0 1 16 0<br />

~40 0 1 0 0 4 0 o 12 0 I 4 0 2 8 0<br />

050 0 1 3 0 5 0 o 15 0 110 0 3 0 0<br />

~60 0 1 6 0 6 0 o 18 0 1 16 0 3 12 U<br />

c 70 0 1 9 0 7 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 4 4 0<br />

~80 0 2 0 0 8 0 i 4 0 2 8 0 4 i6 0<br />

~90 0 2 3 0 9 0 I 7 U 2 14 0 5 8 0<br />

100 0 2 6 OlD 0 110 0 3 0 0 6 0 0<br />

1000 1 5 0 5 0 0 15 0 0 30 0 0 60 0 0

10<br />


This Almanac (or T!lble) \Viii be found useful in calculating<br />

the lime when notes become due. For instance-if a nole is<br />

dated February 11th, at 90 days, that date, as will be seen, is<br />

the 42d day 01 the year, being in a line with 11 in the index,<br />

or left-hand column, to which add 93 days (which includes 3<br />

,lays grace) and the table shows the 135th day of the year to<br />

be May 15th, and faIling on Friday.<br />

~<br />

1"1<br />

~<br />

~<br />

~<br />

0:\<br />

I>l<br />

0:\<br />

?' 0:\<br />

r"l<br />

S 0:\<br />

0:\ -< i<br />

~ liil<br />

I"l<br />

;:0<br />

r/}<br />

-<<br />

~<br />

r"l '" ;:;:<br />

~<br />

;:0 0:: r;.i<br />

'" ;;a :-: :-: ;:0<br />

Eo< 0 I>l<br />

z<br />

EI 0:: z >-'I C!l<br />

I>< Eo< ><br />

-< -< ". -< D D ;:0<br />

.., I>l 0<br />

;;:1 -< ;:;: .., .., -< - r/} - 0 '"<br />

-<br />

Z<br />

1 S S 91 1~11152 1821213 244 274 S<br />

- --- --<br />

1<br />

~ 2 33 61 92 122,153 183 S 245 275 306<br />

3 3 34 62 93 S 154 184<br />

1<br />

215 246 276 307<br />

4 S 35 63 94 124 155 185 '216 247 S 308<br />

5 5 36 64 S 125 156 S 217<br />

6<br />

1 248 278 309<br />

6 37 65 96 126 157 187 218 S 279 310<br />

7 7 38 66 97 127 S 188 12t9 250 280 311<br />

8 8 S S 98 128 159 189 220 251 281 S<br />

9 9 40 68 99 129 160 190 S 252 282 313<br />

110<br />

10 41 69 10C S 161 191 222 253 283 314<br />

11<br />

S 42 70 101 131 162 192 223 254 S 315<br />

) 2 12 ,13 71 S 182 163 S 224 255 2:5 316<br />

13 13 44 72 103 133 164 194 225 S 286 317<br />

14<br />

14 45 73 10~ 1341 S 195 226 257 287 318<br />

15<br />

15 S S 105 1351166 1961227 258 288 S<br />

16<br />

16 47 75 106 136 167 197 S 259 289 320<br />

17<br />

17 48 76 107 S 168 198 229 260 290 321<br />

18 S 49 77 108 138 169 1991 230 261 S 322<br />

9 19 50 78 R<br />

292 323<br />

20 20 51 79 110 "'\''' 140 17l 201 S I"" 23:.! 26' S 293 324<br />

21 21 52 80 III 141 S 202 1 233 264 294 325<br />

22 22 S S' )]2 142 173 2031234 265 295 S<br />

23 23 54 82 U3 143 174 204 S 266 296 327<br />

24 24 55 83 )]4 S 1175 205 236 267 297 328<br />

25 S 56 84 115 1451176 206 237 268 S 329<br />

:!6 26 57 85 S 146 177 S 238 269 299 330<br />

27 27 58 86 117 1471178 208 239 S<br />

1<br />

300 331<br />

28 28 59 87 118 14-.-i I S 209 I 240 271 301 332<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

29<br />

" S 119 149 180 210 1241 272 302 S<br />

30 .. 89 120 150 1181 211 S 273 303 334<br />

31 .. 90 . .. S ... 2122-13 ... 304 ...<br />

()i:r The letter S denotes SUNDA.YS in each monthl.<br />

i::l<br />

I>l<br />

~<br />

;:;:<br />

1"1<br />

'" f"I<br />

~<br />

-<br />

335<br />

336<br />

337<br />

338<br />

339<br />

S<br />

341<br />

342<br />

343<br />

344<br />

345<br />

3,16<br />

S<br />

348<br />

349<br />

350<br />

351<br />

352<br />

353<br />

S<br />

355<br />

356<br />

357<br />

358<br />

359<br />

360<br />

S<br />

362<br />

363<br />

364<br />

365 1

11<br />

ALMANACK, 1837.<br />



'<br />

79" 36' 6" West Longilude.<br />

43~ 39' 10" North Latitude.<br />

Septuagesima Sunday ..... ,J.n. 22<br />

Sexagesima ............... Jan. 29<br />

Quinquagesima ...•.• " .• , Feb. 5<br />

Ash Wednesday .......... Feb. 8<br />

Mid-Lent Sunday .....•. March 5<br />

Palm Sunday. .. .• . '" March 19<br />

Good Friday ...•....... March 2.1<br />

Easter Sunday. . . • •• . .. March 26<br />


Low ~unday ............ April 2<br />

!togatlOn Sunday ...... ; .. April 30<br />

Ascension Day ........... May -1<br />

Whit Sunday ............. May 14<br />

Trinity Sunday ........... May 21<br />

Advent Sunday ........... Dec. 3<br />

Sundays after Trinity, Twenty.<br />

seven.<br />


Hilary ....... begins Feb'y 6, and ends IS Feb'y.<br />

Easter ....... ,. " April 17, " 29 Aprll.<br />

Trinity ...•••.," June ]9, I July.<br />

l\Iichaclw,,:. Nov'r.6, 18 ;'

12<br />


APRIL 5.-The Sun will be eclipsed at half-past 2 in tbe morning-in.<br />

visible.<br />

APRIL 20.-The Mooll will be eclipsed at 45 minutes past 3 o'clock in<br />

afternoon-invisible.<br />

MAY ,i.-The Sun will be eclipsed at ~ o'clo!'k in the aft~rnoon-invisible.<br />

OCTOBEI~ 13.-The Moon will be eclIpsed In the evenmg, total & partly<br />

visible, as follows:-<br />

Moon rises at .............. 20 minutes past 5 in tbe evening.<br />

Beginning of total darkness, .. 35 " ',: 5 do.<br />

Ecliptical opposition, •..•... 22 6 do!<br />

Middle, ................... 27 6 do.<br />

End of total darkness,. . ..... 9 7 do.<br />

End of the Eclipse,.. . , .... 5 " ., 8 do.<br />

Dnration of visibility, 2 hours and 49 minutes.<br />

Quantity at rising, Si digits.<br />

Depth of immersion ill the Earth'. shadow, 10 digits from the Southern<br />

siue.<br />

OCT0"E.l~ 29.-8uo eclipsed at 45 minutes past 6 in tbe morning -invisible.<br />

nrOON's RISING<br />

At four days' old it sets at, and<br />

shines till, ahout ten at night.<br />

5 - - about - - 11<br />

6 - - about - - 12<br />

7 at nrar one in the morning.<br />

15, at fllll, it rises about 6 in the<br />


16 - at J after -<br />

17 - at J after -<br />

18 about<br />

19 about<br />

20 ahout<br />

7<br />

S<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

evcnin h .<br />

..•.. '- .. ,.J.<br />

N. B.-This table is sufficiently accurate for tbe'parl"ose for which it<br />

is wanted-that of ascertuining moonlight Cyenlllg,..,; ".:;<br />

.• :--'! :J,,!"l"•. ~<br />

OF THE CHANGES OF THE'i:l100N.<br />

Many persons, understandin/!: that tbe menu time hetween one new<br />

Moon and another is 29 days, 12 bour., 44 minutes and a fraction, ima·<br />

gine that, to find the full or quartCl"s of the ]\Ioon, they have only to add<br />

Il half or fourth part of that time; and when they do not find the changes<br />

marl{.d in the Calendar to correspond with tbjs method, they impute it<br />

to mistake in the calculation of tbose changes. It is therefore necessary<br />

to put them in mind, that the great inequality of the Moon's motions<br />

I'enders the above rule extremely inaccurate, so that nineteen times in<br />

twenty it must fail in giving the true conjunction or change.<br />


Spring Quarter begin. March 20, at III 14m morning.<br />

Summer Quarter begins June 22, at 4h 38m morning,<br />

Autumn Quarter begins Sept. 23, at 5h 7m afternoon.<br />

Wintel' Quarter begins Dec. 22, at 2h 3m afternoo~.

1837.<br />

JANUARY.<br />



New Moon .•••.•.....•.•.......• 6th day, 6h. 5200. Evening;<br />

Fir.t Quarter .•..••••••.••...•.. 13th day, Oh. 16m. Evening.<br />

Full MO




New MOOD,. .. • •• • ••... - ........ 5th day, 5h. 15m. Morning.<br />

First Quarter, ....... _'" _....... 12th day, 4h. 4~m. Moruing •.<br />

Full Meou, ................ "" .20th day, 9h. 26m. Morning.<br />

Last Quarter, .......••........... 28th day, Oh. 36m. Morning.<br />

~ ~ I CALENDAR THE<br />


SUN<br />

3_et_s.<br />

1 W 7 10<br />

2 Th Purification Virgin Mary. 7 9<br />

3 Fr 7 8<br />

4 Sa 7 6<br />

5 So\!. Quinquagesima Sunday. 7 5<br />

6 M Hilary Term commences. 7 5<br />

7 Tu Shrove Tuesday. 7 3<br />

8 WAsh Wednesday. 7 2<br />

9 Th ICanada conceded. 7 0<br />

10 Fr G 59<br />

11 Sa 6 58<br />

12 Su First Sunday in Lent. 6 56<br />

13 M 6 54<br />

14 Tu Valentine's Day. 6 53<br />

15 W 6 52<br />

16 Th 6 49<br />

17 Fr 6 49<br />

18 Sa Luther died 1546. 6 47<br />

19 Su Second Sunday in Lent. 6 46<br />

20 M Independence United States acknow- 6 44<br />

21 Tu [ledged 1783. 6 43<br />

22 W Washington born 1732. 6 41<br />

23 Th 39<br />

24 Fl' 5 Duke of Cambridge born 1774, 6 38<br />

25 Sa ( Queen's birth-day kept ..- 6 36<br />

26 Su Third Sur,c:ay in Lent. 6 35<br />

27 M 6 34<br />

219 Tu 6 33<br />

4 50<br />

4 52<br />

4 53<br />

4 55<br />

4 55<br />

4 56<br />

4 57<br />

4 u8<br />

5 0<br />

5 1<br />

5 3<br />

5 4<br />

5 6<br />

5 8<br />

5 9<br />

5 10<br />

511<br />

5 13<br />

5 14<br />

5 16<br />

5 18<br />

5 19<br />

5 20<br />

5 22<br />

5 23<br />

5 24<br />

5 26<br />

5 28

MARCH.<br />



New Moon, .................. " ... 6th day, 3h. 36m. Evening.<br />

First Quarter, ........... " ... 13th day, llh.12m Evening.<br />

Full MOOD, ...................... 22d day, lb. 54m. Morning.<br />

Last Quarter, .. , ., .,. ..•. • ••.... 29th day, Sh. ?4m. Morning.<br />



--;:-WISt. David's Day.--------~;_;g<br />

2 Th 6 29 5 30<br />

3 Fr G 28 5 31<br />

4 Sa 16 26 5 32<br />

5 Su Mid-Lent Sunday. 6 25 5 34<br />

6 .M 16 23 5 36<br />

7 Tu 16 22 5 3'1<br />

8 W 16 20 5 38<br />

9 Th6 19 5 40<br />

10 Fr 16}8 5 41<br />

11 Sa .6 16 5 43<br />

12 Su Fifth Sunday in Lent, St. Gregory.:6 14 5 45<br />

13 M 16 12 5 46<br />

~i ~u Pres. Jackson U. S. born 1767. li~ I! g!~<br />

16 Th 6 8 5 50<br />

17 Fr 1St. Patrick's Day. 6 6 5 52<br />

18 Sa I [Lent. 6 5 5 54<br />

1<br />

19 SuPalm Sunday, or sixth Sunday in 6 4 5 56<br />

l<br />

:20 !VI I Sir Isnac Newton dierl1727. 6 2 5 57<br />

21 Tu 6 1 5 58<br />

22 W 6 0 5 59<br />

23 Th Maunday Thursday. 5 59 6 0<br />

24 Fr Good Friday. 5 57 6 2<br />

25 Sa Annunciation Virgin Mary. 5 56 6 3<br />

26 Su Easter Sunday. 5 54 6 4<br />

27 M Easter Monday. 5 52 6 6<br />

28 Tu Easter Tuesday. 5 51 6 8<br />

29 W 5 50 6 9<br />

30 Th 5 49 6 11<br />

31 Fr Hayden born 1742. ,5 ,17 6 12

APRIL:<br />


THIRTY DAY8.<br />

New Moon, ......••...... ' ........ 5th day, 2h. 28m. Morning.<br />

First Quarter, .•.. •• ...• . ..... 12th day, vh. 15m. ~vening.<br />

Full Moon, .••••••..••••..•.. ,20th day, 3h. 4-!m. E,'eulng.<br />

La.t Quarter,..... ... . ...... 27th day, 2h. 1m. Evelllllg,<br />

:::i ~ CALENDAR \ THE 'UN<br />

Q I=i OF FEA.STS, FESTIVALS AND MEMORABLE Dol Y S. i rise$ sets.<br />

1 Sa ---------------15 45'~<br />

2 Su Low Sunday, or first Sunday after 5 4,1 6 16<br />

3 M [Easter. 15 42 6 17<br />

4 Tu I? 40 6 19<br />

5 W I;) 39 6 20<br />

~ !t I~ i~ f ~~<br />

9 Su 2d Sunday after Easter, I'! 33 6 27<br />

10 1\1 "J 31 6 28<br />

11 Tu Geo. Canning born 1770. 5 30 6 29<br />

12 W 5 30 6 31<br />

13 Th Catholic Emancipation 1829. 5 29 6;}2<br />

l4 Fr 5 27 6 33<br />

15 Sa 5 26 6 34<br />

16 Su 3rd Sunday after Easter. I~ 2-1 6 36<br />

17 M Easter Term commences. '.J:2:2 6 :37<br />

18 Tu 5 20 6 39<br />

19 W 5 19 6 40<br />

20 Th Lord Byron died 182'1. 5 18 6 42<br />

21 Fr 5 17 6 43<br />

22 Sa 5 16 6 45<br />

23 Su 4th Sunday after Easter.-St. 5 1

MAY.<br />



N.ew Moon, ...........••....... 4th day, 2h. 7m. Evening.<br />

First Quarter, .••. _... ' •.•..... 12th day, Oh. 43m. Evening.<br />

Full Moon, ...• _ , ..•..•.......' . 20th day, 2h. 31m. Morning.<br />

Last Quarter, _" .,. . ......... 26th day, 7b. 7m. Evening'<br />


__________________ Q A OF FEASTS, FESTIVALs AND ME!\IORA.BLE DAYS. 1 ____ 'rises sets. _<br />

1 M St. Philip and St. James. 5 3 6 57<br />

2 Tu 5 2 5 58<br />

3W 5 0 6 59<br />

4 Th Ascension day or Holy Thursday. 4 59 7 0<br />

5 FI' 4 58 7 !<br />

6 Sa St. John Evangelist. 4 57 7 2<br />

7 Su Sunday after Ascension. 4 56 7 3<br />

8 M 4 54 7 4<br />

9 Tu 4 53 7 5<br />

10 W 4 52 7 6<br />

11 Th 4 51 7 8<br />

12 Fr 4 50 7 9<br />

13 Sa 4 49 7 10<br />

14 Su Whit Sunday. 4 48 7 11<br />

15 M Whit Monday. 4 47 7 12<br />

16 Tu Whit Tuesday. 4 46 7 14<br />

17 W 4 43 7 15<br />

18 Th 4 44 7 16<br />

19 Fr St. Dunstan- 4 43 7 17<br />

20 Sa Columbus died 1506. 4 42 7 18<br />

21 Su Trinity Sunday. 4 41 7 19<br />

22 1\1 4 40 7 20<br />

23 Tu 4 39 7 21<br />

24 W Princess Victoria born 1819. 4 38 7 21<br />

25 Th 4 36 7 22<br />

26 Fr Calvin died 1564. 4 35 7 23<br />

27 Sa Prince Geo. of Cumberl'd born 1819 4 34 7 24<br />

28 Sa First Sunday after Trinity-King's 4 33 7 25<br />

29 M [Birth-day kept. 4 32 7 26<br />

30 Tu 4 32 7 27<br />

:n W<br />

4' 31 7 28<br />

2 8

JUNE.<br />



New Moon, •••...••••........... 3d day, 2h. 4700. Morning.<br />

First Quarter, ...•............... 11th day, 5h. 3·1m. Morning.<br />

Full Moon, •...••• " .••••..•. 18th day, lOb. 55m. l\'lo~·D1ng.<br />

La.t Quarter, ..•..•••..••••••.... 25th day, Ih. 2m. MornlD&:.<br />

--~------~------------,-------<br />



1 Th Nicomede. L1 31 7 28<br />

2 Fr 4 31 7 28<br />

3 Sa L"pold, Kiog of D,lgi"m, IS" .14 30 7 29<br />

4 Su Second Sunday after Trinity. 4 30 7 30<br />

5M Duke of Cumberland born 1771. 4 30 7 30<br />

6 Tu Battle of Burlington Heights 1 '313. 4 29 7 30<br />

7W Irish Reb~llion 1798. 4 29 7 30<br />

8 Th 4 29 7 31<br />

9 Fr 4 29 7 31<br />

10 Sa 4 28 7 31<br />

11 Su Third Sunday after Trinity.-St. 4 28 7 32<br />

12 M [Barnabas. 4 28 7 32<br />

13 Tu 4 27 7 32<br />

14 W 4 27 7 32<br />

15 Th Magna Charta, 1215. 4 26 7 32<br />

16 Fr 4 26 7 33<br />

17 Sa St. Alban. 4 26 7 33<br />

18 Su Fourth Sunday after Trinity. 4 26 7 34<br />

19 M Trinity Term commences 4 25 7 34<br />

20 'I'u 4 25 7 34<br />

21 W 4 25 7 34<br />

22 Th 4 25 7 34<br />

23 Fr 4 25 7 34<br />

24 Sa St. John Baptist. 4 25 7 34<br />

25 Sa Fifth Sunday after Trinity 4 25 7 34<br />

26 M King W m. Accession 1830. 4 25 7 34<br />

27 Tu 4 25 7 34<br />

28 W 4 25 7 33<br />

29 Th St. Peter. 4 25 7 33<br />

30 Fr 4 25 7 33

JULY.<br />


THIRTY-UNl:!~<br />

DAYS.<br />

N.ew MOOD, •••••••••••••••••••••.. 2J day, 4h. 3ilm. I· ve ,W

AUGUST.<br />


'l'HIRTY~ON'E DAYS.<br />

New 1\1oon, ..••........••...••.... 1st day, 7h. 19m. Morning.<br />

First Quarter, .• •••...•• •.• . •.. 9th day, Bh. 25m. Morning.<br />

Full !\loon, .............•..•..•.. 16th day, Oh. 11m. Morning.<br />

Last Quarter, .................... 22d day, Bh. 20m. Evening.<br />

New Moon, ...................... 30th day, llh. 5m. Evening .<br />

.; ,: CALENDAR I THE SUN<br />

" ~<br />


~ Lam-:::Day.---------i~7 23<br />

2, W :4 41 7 22<br />

3 Til Columbus sailed for America 1




First Q.uarter, .......•....••...... 7th day, 6h. 16m. Evening.<br />

Full Moon ....................... 14th day, Sh. 33m. Morning.<br />

Last Quarter, ......•....•...•.... 21st day, lOh. 56m. Morning.<br />

New l\1oon, ...................... 29th day, 3h. 7m. Evening.<br />

:Ii ~ I CALENDAR THE sUN<br />

Q ~ lor FEASTS, rE8TIVALs AND MEMORABLE DAYS. riE.es 3eU.<br />

-------- -----<br />

1 Fr<br />

2 Sa<br />

3 Su<br />

4 M<br />

5 Tu<br />

6 W<br />

7 Th<br />

8 Fr<br />

9 Sa<br />

10 Su<br />

11 1\1<br />

12 Tu<br />

13 W<br />

14 Th<br />

15 Fr<br />

16 Sa<br />

17 Su<br />

18 M<br />

19 Tu<br />

20 W<br />

21 Th<br />

22 Fr<br />

23 Sa<br />

24 Su<br />

25 M<br />

26 Tu<br />

27 W<br />

28 Th<br />

29 Fr<br />

30 Sa.<br />

St. Giles. ;) 12<br />

London bu rnt 1666. 5 14<br />

15th Sunday after Trinity. 5 15<br />

5 16<br />

5 18<br />

5 19<br />

5 20<br />

Coronation of King and Queen. 5 21<br />

5 28<br />

16th Sunday after Trinity. 5 24<br />

5 213<br />

5 27<br />

Battle of Quebec.--Wolfe killed 5 28<br />

1<br />

17th Sunday after Trinity.<br />

Capitulation of Quebec 1759.<br />

St. Matthew.<br />

18th Sunday after Trinity.<br />

St. Cyprian.<br />

St. Michael.<br />

Whitfield died 1770.<br />

[1759.529<br />

5 30<br />

5 31<br />

5 82<br />

5 84<br />

5 :~5<br />

5 36<br />

5 88<br />

5 40<br />

5 42<br />

5 44<br />

5 45<br />

5 47<br />

5 49<br />

5 51<br />

5 53<br />

5 55<br />

6 48<br />

6 46<br />

6 45<br />

6 43<br />

6 42<br />

6 41<br />

6 40<br />

6 39<br />

6 38<br />

6 36<br />

6 31<br />

6 38<br />

6 32<br />

6 31<br />

6 30<br />

6 26<br />

6 27<br />

6 26<br />

6 24<br />

6 22<br />

6 20<br />

6 18<br />

6 16<br />

6 14<br />

6 13<br />

6 12<br />

6 10<br />

6 9<br />

6 7<br />

6 5

OCTOBER.<br />



First Quarter, .................... 7th day, :lb. 16m. Morning.<br />

Full Moon, ....•..•••.•••....•.•. 13th day, 6b. 20m. Evening.<br />

Last Quarter, .•.•.•..•........... 21st day, 4b. 57m. Morning.<br />

New Moon, ........•............. 29th day, 6h. 39m. Morning.<br />



1 Su 19th Sunday after Trinity---Re:ni' 5 56 6 3<br />

2 M Major Andre executed 1780. [gius 5 58 6 1<br />

3 Tu 5 59 5 59<br />

4 W 6 0 5 58<br />

5 Th 6 1 5 56<br />

6 Fr 6 2 5 54<br />

7 Sa 6 4 5 53<br />

8 Su 20th Sunday after Trinity. 6 6 5 52<br />

9 M St. Denys. 6 7 5 51<br />

10 Tu 6 9 5 49<br />

11 W America discovered 1492. 6 10 5 47<br />

12 Th Battle of Queenston 1812. 6 12 5 46<br />

13 Fr 6 13 5 44<br />

14 Sa William Penn born 1644. 6 15 5 42<br />

15 Su 21st Sunday after Trinity. 6 16 5 40<br />

16 M : 6 18 5 39<br />

17 Tu 6 ~O 5 37<br />

18 W St. Luke. 6 22 5 36<br />

19 Th. 6 24 5 34<br />

20 Fr i .G 'J.5 5 33<br />

21 Sa : 6 26 5 31<br />

22 Su 22nd Sunday after Trinity.G 28 5 30<br />

23 1\1 I \6 30 5 29<br />

24 Tu I 6 31 c 27<br />

25 W St. Crispin. G 32 5 26<br />

26 Th 16 34 5 24<br />

27 Fr 16 35 5 23<br />

28 Sa St. Simon and St. Jude. 16 37 5 21<br />

29 Su 23d Sunday after Trinity. 16~ 39 5 19<br />

30 M 40 5 18<br />

31 Tu 41 5 17




First Quarter, ..................... 5th day, 9h. 25m. Morning.<br />

i ull Moon, ...................... 12th day. 6h. 26m. Morning.<br />

N ast Quarter, .................... 20th day, lh. 39m. Morning.<br />

ew Moon, ...................... 27th day, Sh. 55m. Evening.<br />

:;1 ~ CALE[\DAR THE SUN<br />

~ .i<br />

OFFEAsrs, FI:STIVALSAND MEMO'{ABLE DAYS rises. sets.<br />

-----<br />

1 W All Saints. 6 42 5 16<br />

2 Th All Souls. 6 44 5 14<br />

3 Fr Princes,., Sophia born 1777. 6 46 5 13<br />

4 Sa Ki"g' Wm. IV. Ian I,.,! 1688. 6 47 511<br />

5 Su 2±,h Sunday after Trinity. 6 48 5 10<br />

6 1\1 iHichaelmas Term commences. 6 49 5 8<br />

7 Tu 6 51 5 6<br />

8W Princess Augusta Sophia born 1768. 6 53 5 5<br />

9 Th 6 54 !) 4<br />

10 Fr 6 56 5 2<br />

11 Sa St. Martin. 6 58 5 0<br />

12 Su 25th Sunjay after Trinity. 7 0 4 58<br />

13 M 7 1 4 56<br />

14 Tu 7 2 4 55<br />

15 W 7 4 4 53<br />

16 Th 7 il 4 52<br />

17 Fr 7 6 4 51<br />

18 Sa 7 8 4 50<br />

19 Su 26th Sunday after Trinity. 7 9 4 49<br />

20 M 7 10 4 48<br />

21 Tu 7 11 4 47<br />

22 W St Cecilia. 7 12 4 46<br />

23 l'h St. Clement. 7 14 4 44<br />

24 Fr Peace with United States, 1814. 7 15 4 43<br />

25 Sa St. Catharine. 7 16 4 42<br />

26 Su 27th Sunday after Trinity. 7 17 4 41<br />

27 M 7 18 4 40<br />

28 Tu 7 19 4 39<br />

29 W 7 20 4 38<br />

30 Th St. Andrew. 7 21 4 36




First Quarter ..•.••............. 5th day, 4h. 58ml Evening.<br />

Full Moon, ........••.••..••.. 1Ith day, 9h. 21m. ~.venillg.<br />

Last Quarter, ................... 191h day, llh. 1m. Evening.<br />

New Moon, ...................... 27th day, 9h. il7m. Morning.<br />

___'-._~,.r., - ''''-''t..,..~<br />

i ~<br />

C.\LEl'ODAR<br />

THE SUN<br />

.s Q OF FEASTS, FESTIVALS AND MEnroRABLE DAYs . rises. BBt!.<br />

-----<br />

1 Fr 7 22 4 35<br />

2 Sa 7 24 4 34<br />

3 Su Advent Sunday. 7 25 4 33<br />

4 M 7 26 4 32<br />

5 Tu 7 27 4 31<br />

6W St. Nicholas. 7 28 4 31<br />

7 Th 7 28 4 30<br />

8 Fr Conception B. V. Mary. 7 29 4 30<br />

9 Sa Milton born 1608 7 29 4 30<br />

10 Su 2nd Sunday in Advent 7 30 4 29<br />

11M 1 30 4 29<br />

12 Tu 1 30 4 28<br />

13 W 7 31 4 28<br />

14 Th Washington died 1799. 7 31 4 27<br />

15 Fr 7 31 4 27<br />

16 Sa 7 32 4 26<br />

17 Su 3rd Sunday in Advent 7 32 4 26<br />

18 M 7 33 4 26<br />

19 Tu 7 3::l 4 25<br />

20 W 7 33 4 25<br />

21 Th St. Thomas. 7 34 4 25<br />

22 Fr 7 34 4 24<br />

23 Sa 7 35 4 24<br />

24 Su 4th Su nday in Advent. 7 35 4 24<br />

25 M Christmas Day. 7 36 4 23<br />

26 Tu St. Stephen. 7 36 4 23<br />

27 W St. John Evangelist- 7 35 4 24<br />

28 Th Innocents Day. 7 35 4 24<br />

29 Fr 7 :34 4 25<br />

30 Sa Black Rock burnt 1813. 7 34 4 25<br />

31 Su<br />

7 33 4 26






With the Postage of a Single Letter to or from tbe City of <strong>Toronto</strong>, and<br />

the Time of despatch to each, showing also the Seigniory or Township,<br />

and the District, in which each Office is situated, and the Distance by<br />

the Actual Route of the Mails.<br />

lIlails despatched on ll'Iondays to Offices marked a; on Tltesdays, b;<br />

on Wednesdays, e; on Thltrsdays, d ; on Fridays, e; on Saturdays,f;<br />

and to all other Offices, not marked; Daily, Sundays excepted.<br />

OFFICES.<br />

IJ<br />

.;<br />

Seigniory<br />

~~<br />

" c<br />

';;: or DISTRICT.<br />

0<br />

... Township.<br />

~l<br />

~o<br />

j:l;<br />

~j:l;<br />

,<br />

--~<br />

8. d<br />

1St Hyacinthe, !Montreal,<br />

Abbottsford, LC 415 1 4.<br />

Adolphustown, b d f UC Adolphustown, MIdland, 1730 9<br />

Adelaide, • a d UC Ad~laide, ,London, 1670 9<br />

Albion, • d lJC AlbIOn, ,Home, 530 4.<br />

Aldborough, ' a d UC Aldborol1gtl, I London, 18-10 9<br />

Alexandria, c UC Glengarry

OFFICES.<br />

.,<br />

.9 ""'<br />

!<br />

Bolton, .. I L C iBolton, !Montreal,<br />

Boucherville, L C Boucherville. Montreal,<br />

Bi"antford, I U C ~ixNations Re- Gore,<br />

Brighton, U ()<br />

I<br />

Cr.mahe [serve Newcastle,<br />

Brockville,<br />

U C Elizabethto'i\"n,' J ohn.town,<br />

Brome,<br />

L C Brame, I Mot:!treal,<br />

Brompton, .. L C Brompton, Three Rivers,<br />

Brouaham, • flU pjckering, Home,<br />

Buckingham, .. L C Buckingham, Montreal,<br />

Burford, a b d e U C Burford, London,<br />

Bylowl1, . . ace U C Napean, Bathurst,<br />

Camuen East, b e U C Camden East, lIlidland,<br />

Cap Sante, . •. L C JacqucsCartier Quebec,<br />

CaL"lctull Place, ace u C Beckwith, Bathurst,<br />

Cascades, " L C Vaudreuil, Montreal,<br />

Castleford, ace L C Horton, Bathurst,<br />

Cavan, • f U C Cavan, Newcastle,<br />

Chambly,. L C Chaolhly, Montreal,<br />

Chateauguay, L C Cbateauguay, Montreal,<br />

Chateau'Richer, L C --- Quebec,<br />

Chatham,<br />

L C Chatham, Ottawa,<br />

Cbinguac"ousy, . d U C Chingiiac0usy, Home,<br />

Churchville,. U C Dunham East, Montreal,<br />

Chippawa, ace U C WilloughbV, Niagara,<br />

Clearville, • a d U C Orford,<br />

\~~est('rn,<br />

Canhorough, cUe Can borough, ~Iagara,<br />

Cobourg,<br />

U C Hamilton, Newcastle,<br />

Cocona,<br />

L C Cocona, Quebec,<br />

Colborne,<br />

U C Cramahe, Newcastle,<br />

Colchester, ad U C Colchester, Essex,<br />

Coldwater, cUe Tay, Home, "<br />

Compton,<br />

L C Compton, Three Rivers,<br />

Consecon, b d fLO Hillier, Prince Edward<br />

Cornwall,<br />

U C Oorn\vaIJ, Eastern,<br />

Coteau du Lac, U C Soulanges, MODtreal,<br />

Clarenceville, L C NOYID, !\Tontreal,<br />

Clarke,<br />

U C Clarke, Newcastle,<br />

Credit,<br />

U C <strong>Toronto</strong>, Home,<br />

Danville,<br />

L C Shipton, Three Rivers,<br />

Darlington,<br />

U C Darlington, Newcastle,<br />

Delaware, • a dUe Delaware, London,<br />

Demorestville, d f U C Sophiashllrg, Midland,<br />

Dewittville, . • L C Godmanchester Montreal,<br />

DlUmmondville, ace U C Stamford, Niag".ra,<br />

Drummondville, L C Grantham, Three llivers,<br />

Dundas,<br />

U C Flambro' ~Vest, Gore,<br />

Dundee,<br />

L C Huntingdon, Montreal,<br />

Dunham,<br />

L C Dunham,<br />

~"inntreal,<br />

Dunnville, a c U C Moulton, Niagara,<br />

Durham,<br />

L C<br />

Durham, Three Rivers,<br />

Eastville,<br />

L C<br />

Foucault, Montreal,<br />

26<br />

Seigniory<br />

or<br />

Township.<br />


Is. a-:<br />

4]9,1 4<br />

383,1 2<br />

730 7<br />

98 1 0 7<br />

233 1 0 11<br />

449'11 4<br />

5231 6<br />


27<br />

OFFICES.<br />

Eaton,<br />

L C<br />

Embro, cf U C<br />

Emily, f U C<br />

Eri8u8, . a dUe<br />

)i:squesing,"' • a due<br />

Etobicoke,. U C<br />

Farmers\-iJle, ace U C<br />

FeIgus, . b U C<br />

Fitzroy Harbor, ace U C<br />

Fort Eric, a e e U C<br />

Franktown, • {£ C cue<br />

Frederickton, . •<br />

FredericksbUl"g,b tlf U C<br />

FreUghsburg, L C<br />

Frost Village, . L C<br />

.FGurnace Falls. a e e<br />

alt, . . be<br />

U C<br />

U C<br />

Gananoque, . • U C<br />

Gaspe, (must be lJaid) L C<br />

L C<br />

Gen~il1y,<br />

Georgeville, L C<br />

Geor~ina, cue<br />

tJoderich, a e U C<br />

Go.field, ad U C<br />

Granby,:<br />

Grenville,.<br />

L C<br />

L C<br />

Grimsby,<br />

U C<br />

Grondines,<br />

Guelph,<br />

L C<br />

b cue<br />

Haldiroand,. U C<br />

Halifax,<br />

Hallowell, b df U C<br />

Haroiltou, • U C<br />

Hatley, I •<br />

HawlLcsbury, be e<br />

L C<br />

U C<br />

Hc"ryville,<br />

L C<br />

Hemmingford ; I C<br />

Hereford, • . . L C<br />

Hillier, • b df U C<br />

Hlilland Landing, a e e U C<br />

Hope, . • e U C<br />

. Howard, a dUe<br />

I Hull,. a eeL C<br />

. Huntingdon, L C<br />

;lndustry,.<br />

:Isle aux Ncix,<br />

L C<br />

L C<br />

. Isle Verte, L C<br />

:-'KNnouraska, L C<br />

l'Kemptville,. 0 e e U C<br />

fS.K .. swiek, • c U C<br />

!>XilJDarnock, ace V C<br />

Scigniorv<br />

or<br />

Township.<br />


l!:aton, 1St. Francis. 581 t t<br />

1<br />

Zona, London, 12(0 9<br />

EmIly,<br />

Raleigh,<br />

INewcastIe,<br />

Western,<br />

1160 9<br />

21,10 11<br />

E.quesing, :Gore, 31:0 4!<br />

Elooicoke, IHome, 9 0 4~<br />

Yonge, IJohnstown, 249:0 11<br />

Nichol, Gore, 1020 9<br />

l"itzroy, IBathurst, 3291 1 2<br />

Bertie, Niagara, 126,0 9<br />

Beckwith, Bathurst, 29°10 II<br />

NewBrunsw'k" ---<br />

Fredricl{sburg·,-lIIidland,<br />

9662 3<br />

186' 0 9<br />

St. Armand, 1]\lontroal, 4-H 1 4<br />

1<br />

Sheff,mI, il\lontreal, 43811 4<br />

Lansdown, 'JohnstoWll, 265 0 11<br />

Oumrries, 'Gore, 71 0 7<br />

Leeds, \ Johnstown, 201 0 11<br />

-- -- -40<br />

Gentilly, Three Rivets, 480 I 4<br />

Stanstead, Montreal,' 467 1 4<br />

Georgina, Home, 53 0 4!<br />

Godedch, London, 1550 9<br />

Gosfield, I'Ve'tern, 246 0 II<br />

Granby, Montreal, , 4241 4<br />

GrenVille, Montreal, I 346 I 2<br />

Grimsby, Niagara, 650 7<br />

Grondine.,<br />

Guelph,<br />

Quebec,<br />

Gore,<br />

6041 8<br />

' 870 7<br />

Haldimaud Newcastle, 810 7<br />

Nova Scotia, -- 1256.2 9<br />

Hallowell, Prince Edward 1~70 9~<br />

Barton, Gore, 48'0 4~<br />

Hatley, Montreal, 583 6<br />

Hawkesbury, Ottawa, 344 I 2<br />

Noyan, Montreal, 4171 4<br />

Hemmingford, Montreal,<br />

Hereford, Three R,vers,<br />

1<br />

414 I '"<br />

597 I 6<br />

Hillier, Prin~ Edwal'd 1110 9<br />

Gwillimsbury, Home, 320 d<br />

E. Gwillimsbu· Home, 350 d<br />

Howard, [ry, Western, 197 0 9<br />

Hull, Montreal, 3281 a<br />

Hinchinbrool(e, Montreal, 416 1 .-<br />

Parish St. Pauls Montreal, 3801 a<br />

River Rich'lieu Montreal, 416 I 4<br />

Isle Verte, Quebec, 688 I 8<br />


OFFICES.<br />

]{ingsey,<br />

Kingston,<br />

KUley,<br />

La Bare,<br />

La Beance,<br />

Lacadie,<br />

Lachine,<br />

Lachute,<br />

Lacole,<br />

I. .. anar]{,<br />

Lancaster,<br />

Laprairie, .<br />

t; Assumption,<br />

Lennoxville,<br />

I.Jceds,<br />

Les Eboulemens<br />

Lindsay,<br />

Loughboro'1<br />

L'Islet,<br />

I.lovd Town,<br />

I.ochaber,<br />

LochiE'I<br />

London,<br />

L'Orignal,<br />

Lotbiniere;<br />

Madoc,<br />

•<br />

Manningville,<br />

Mariposa, _<br />

March,<br />

Markham,<br />

Marmora,<br />

Marshville,<br />

i\'lartinto,yu,<br />

Matilda,<br />

1I1elbourne,<br />

ace<br />

ace<br />

j<br />

be<br />

c<br />

c<br />

abde<br />

b ce<br />

•<br />

l\>I errickville,<br />

Mersea,<br />

:Metis,<br />

l\liddletoo,<br />

MiltoD,<br />

Miramichi,<br />

Milford. •.<br />

Mohawkll.<br />

lIIonaghan,<br />

Montr~al<br />

b<br />

a<br />

c<br />

LC<br />

UC<br />

UC<br />

LC<br />

LC<br />

LC<br />

L (!<br />

L 0<br />

L 0<br />

UC<br />

UC<br />

L C<br />

L 0<br />

L (!<br />

LO<br />

0<br />

L C<br />

UC<br />

L 0<br />

UC<br />

LO<br />

UC<br />

UC<br />

UC<br />

L 0<br />

lJC<br />

L 0<br />

f U C<br />

ace U C<br />

UC<br />

ace<br />

ad<br />

ad<br />

c<br />

f<br />

ad<br />

b<br />

Mosa, • ad<br />

Moulinette,<br />

Marray; • b df<br />

MlIlray Bay, "<br />

Nal>!",e~\. ,. "<br />

'aplenwe, "<br />

UC<br />

UC<br />

UC<br />

UC<br />

LO<br />

UC<br />

UC<br />

LC<br />

UC<br />

u C<br />

u c<br />

u c<br />

u c<br />

L C<br />

u c<br />

u c<br />

II "<br />

L C<br />

tiC<br />

L C<br />

28.<br />

Seigniory<br />

or<br />

Township.<br />


8 ~-.i<br />

~ ..<br />

-. ~~<br />

A ~p..<br />

Kingsey, II Three Rivers, ~~ / ~.<br />

Kingstoll, Midland, 1770 9<br />

Kitley, Johnstown, 2530 II<br />

St. Antoine, )Three Rivers, 453 I • 4<br />

Tascherean, ,Quebec, 587 I 6<br />

Delery, Montreal, 398 I 2<br />

Island IUontreal Monteeal, 367 I 2<br />

Argenteuil, ! Montreal, 368 I 2<br />

Lacole, :Montreal, 412 I 4<br />

Drummond, I Bathurst, 2880 II<br />

Lancaster, IEastern, 310 I 2<br />

Lap. de la Mag-ilYIOI'itreal, 385 I 2<br />

StSulpice,[d'ln Moutreal, 397 I 2<br />

Ascot, 1St. Fl'~ncis, 567 I 6<br />

Leeds, ,Quebec, 609 I 8<br />

Les Eboulem- ,Quebec, 625,1 8<br />

Ops, [ens, Newcastle,<br />

Lou!!·hboro', 'Midland,<br />

Il510 9<br />

193 0 9<br />

- - 6041 1 8<br />

King, Home, 43'0 4~<br />

Lochober, Montreal, 3~~ I 2<br />

Locbiel, Ottawa, 3~" I 2<br />

London, London, 1380 9<br />

L'Orignal, Ottawa, 350 I 2<br />

Lotbiniere, Quebec, 510 I 6<br />

:vJadoc, Midland,<br />

Hinchinbruoke .Montreal,<br />

1600 9<br />

430 I 4<br />

iVIariposa, Newcastle, 1250 9<br />

March, iB.thurst, . 3401 2<br />

Markham,<br />

;vr armora,<br />

IHome, .<br />

.Midland,<br />

I 220 41<br />

1480 9'<br />

Waiufieet, Niagara, 1350 9<br />

Charlottenbnrg Ea.tern, 307 I 2<br />

Matilda, IEastern, 2600 II<br />

Melbourne, ·IThre. Rivers, 536 I 6<br />

Wolford, IJohnstown, 308 I 2<br />

Mel'sea, Western, 237 0 II<br />

iVIetis, \QUebeC, 7631 10<br />

Middleton, London, lIO 0 9<br />

Traialgar, Gore, 440 4<br />

New B"qusw'k --3 3<br />

Marysborg, !prince Edward 1350 9<br />

Brantford,<br />

l\1onaghan,<br />

IGore, ,<br />

Newcastle,<br />

780 81 () 7<br />

'Island Montreal.LUontreal, 3761 2·<br />

Mosa, London, 1730 9<br />

Cornwall. Eastern, 2870 n<br />

Murray, N eweastle, 101 0 9<br />

Murray Baj', Quebee, 6461 8<br />

'Richmond,<br />

'Napiervmt.<br />

Midland<br />

Montreal,.<br />

1470 9<br />

I ~ 1 ...

29<br />

OFFICES.<br />

Nelson, ••<br />

Newborough, ace<br />

Newmarket, ace<br />

New Glasgow, ..<br />

N.iagara, ••<br />

NIColet, . •<br />

North Georgetown.<br />

North·Port, df<br />

Norton Creek; ..<br />

Norwich, .. ad<br />

Oakville. . ad<br />

Clearville . • a cl<br />

Ol'ilIia, c<br />

Oro, .. . c<br />

Osnahruck,<br />

Otnnabee, bdf<br />

Oxford, ..<br />

Packenham,. ace<br />

Paris, •. cf<br />

Penetanguish0i1C, c<br />

Percy, .. b<br />

Perth, .. a (' e<br />

Peterborough, b d f<br />

Petite Nation ..<br />

Philipsburg, .•<br />

Pickering,<br />

Pointe Claire<br />

Portland, ace<br />

Portneuf, .,<br />

Port Burwell, • ad<br />

Port Colborne, a<br />

Port Dalhousie, a d<br />

Port Dover, a d<br />

Port Hope, ••<br />

Port Robinson, a<br />

Port Stanley, • ad<br />

Port Talbot, • a d<br />

Port St. Francis,<br />

Potton, ..<br />

Prescott,<br />

Point Oliver,<br />

Qilebec, •<br />

Qileenslon,<br />

Raleigh, ad<br />

Rawdon, ••••.,.<br />

Rawdon, •••••• b<br />

Richmond, ace<br />

Richmond Hill, ace<br />

Richmond, .•.•<br />

R!gand, : .......<br />

RIIDOUik.,<br />

Seigniorv<br />

or<br />

Township.<br />

I<br />


8. d<br />

u C Nelson, Gore, 320 4.<br />

u c North Crosby, IJohnstown, 2690 11<br />

u c Whitchurch, Home, 300 4<br />

L C ~erreboone, llIontreal, 40G I 4<br />

u C ,r~lagara, !"iagara, 930 7<br />

L c 1l\lColet, Three Rivero, 478 I .(<br />

L C Annfield, ft1ontrcal, -- I 2<br />

u C :::Oophiasburg, Prince Edward 1420 9<br />

L C IBcaUharnOiS,<br />

u C Norwich,<br />

11l1ool1eal,<br />

Londoo<br />

410 [ .(<br />

950 7<br />

Tralal,,,,..r,<br />

u c Orford,<br />

IGore'<br />

\Vestern,<br />

26 0 4,<br />

1890 9<br />

U c ISouth Orillia, Home,<br />

u c Oro, Home,<br />

850 7<br />

7210 7<br />

u C ,Osnabruck, ,E;",tern, 251 0 II<br />

C IVtanabee, I!~ c"", castle, 900 7<br />

u c Oxford, London, 1I0 0 9<br />

u C IPaCkenham, Bathurst, 319 I :a<br />

u c Dumfries, Gore, 790 7<br />

u C Tay, (Home 105 0 9<br />

u c IPercy, Newc;stle, 1360 II<br />

u c Drummond, Rlthurst, 2750 It<br />

u c ,Monaghan, N ",,"castie, 101 0 9<br />

L C !petite Nation, I'lli,mtreal, :l62 I 2<br />

L C ,St. Armand, ll'Iootreal, 432 I 4<br />

u C jPiCkering, Home, 220 4£<br />

L C Mootreal, ftInntreal, 375 I 2<br />

u c ,Bastard, ,.Johnstown, 260 0 II<br />

L C Portlleuf, 'Quebec, 52] [ 6<br />

u c ,Ray ham, l'London, 1370 9<br />

u c ,Thorold, ~iagara, lOfi 0 !J<br />

u c IGrantham, ,Niagara, 870 7<br />

u c 'Voodhouse, ILondon, 10~ 0. 9<br />

u c IlIope, Newcastle 650 7<br />

Ii c 'l'I'horold, INiagara, 940 7<br />

u c ,Yarmouth,<br />

u c IDunwicb,<br />

iLondon,<br />

London,<br />

l[;i 0 9<br />

1650 9<br />

L c !Nicolct, IThree,llivcrs, 475 I 4<br />

L c 'Patton, Montreal, 46·11 4<br />

u c IAugusta, Johnstowu, 2450 II<br />

L c IRouville Coun·IMontreal, 373 I 2<br />

L C IQuebeC,<br />

u c Niagara,<br />

[ty, Quebec,<br />

Niagara,<br />

55(; I 6<br />

1000 7<br />

u c Raleigh, \western, 2010 II<br />

L c iRawdon, Montreal, 417 1 4<br />

u c iRawdon, Midland, 13:l0 9<br />

u c Goulborn, Ottawa, 3071 ~<br />

U !Markham, IHome, 170 d<br />

L c Shipton, Three Rivera, 536 1 6<br />

L c Rigaud, Montreal, 267 1 2<br />

10 e 'Ri~ouski Quebec 736 1 lO~<br />

, 3-

-' ,<br />

OFFICES.<br />

--' ..<br />

.~<br />

..<br />

Il<<br />

30'<br />

Seigniory<br />

or<br />

..<br />


.. ......<br />

" I Q ~<br />

Township •<br />

~ I~~<br />

8. d.<br />

Riviere dllLoup 'I'htee Rivers, 4451 4<br />

N,iviere duLoup Quebec, 670 I 8<br />

Riviere Ouelle, Quebec, 6341 8<br />

Murray, Neweaslle, 1060 9<br />

Romney, \IT estern, 228 011<br />

Beauhamois, '\Iontreal, 4191 4<br />

St. Andre, Quebec, 66,1 18<br />

Argenteuil, Montreal, 361 I 2<br />

R iviere du Loup, • L C<br />

R iviel'e du Loup en L C<br />

R iviere Ouelle, [Bas L c<br />

I {iver Trent, u c<br />

R omney, ... ";"d u c<br />

Po ,usselll'own, L C<br />

S t Andre, ... .. L C<br />

S t Andrews, ..•• L C<br />

S t Andrews J , •• c u c Cornwall, Eastern, 30Il 2<br />

S t Audrews, .... --- New Brunsw'k 11322 7<br />

S t Anne de la Parade, L C St. Allne, Quebec, 4961 4<br />

S t Anue la Poca!aire, L C St. Allne, Quebec, 6301 8<br />

S tAnDe BOllt de l'Islc, L C MOIl!real, )1ontref\l, - 249 I 2<br />

S tAutoille, .... L C ~t. Antoine, Quebec,<br />

S 't Benoit, .. .. L C<br />

53y<br />

S t Catharines, ..<br />

-- --- 3761 6<br />

2<br />

rr c Grantham, Niagara, 820 7<br />

15 ~t Cesaire, .. .. L C st. Hyacinthe, ~'lontl'eal, 4091 4<br />

S t Charles, .. .. L C St. Charles, .\1outreal, 415 I 4<br />

S 't Croix" .. .... L C St. Croix, Quebec, 5261 S<br />

S t Denis, '. .... L C [{ichelieu, Monlreal, 4451 4<br />

S t Eustache, .... L c Riv. du Chene, NIonlreal, 397 I 2<br />

S t Fl'ancis, .. .. L C Yamaslta co. Montreal, 44n 4<br />

S 't Genevieve,<br />

L C Montreal, Montreal, ~791 2<br />

S I George, .... L C St. George, "vIonlre.l, 3981 2<br />

S t George, .... c f u c Dumfries, Gore, 690 7<br />

S tGl"e-goil'e, .... L C St. Gregoire, 'fhrec Rivers, 4851 4<br />

S t Giles, .. .... L C St. Giles. Qnebec, 5871 6<br />

S t Hilaire, .. .. L C Rouviilc,' i\lontreal, 4081 4<br />

S I Hyacinthe, .... L C St. Hyacinthe, .vlontreal, 4291 4<br />

S t Jacques, . '" L C St. Sui pice, SIontreal, 409 i 4<br />

S t Jean Pori Joli, L C St.Jean PI. Joli Queuec, (HO 1 S<br />

S t John's, .. .,.<br />

New Rl'Unsw'k 1O(Ui2 5<br />

s t JGhn's, ...... L C Dorchester, .~Iontreal, 4031 4<br />

:s 't johu's, .... ad u c Pelham, Niagara, 920 7<br />

S 't Laurent,<br />

L C Monlreal, NIonll'e.l, 3831 2<br />

S I Luc, 01' Luke, L c Longncuil, .~lonlreal, 397 ( 2<br />

:'i ~t Martin, .<br />

L C 1,le Jesus, Montreal, 388 I 2<br />

S t Martine, ...• L C Beauharnois" ;lonl1'e.l, 362 I 2<br />

S t lVIarie de MOlloir, L ~c Rouville co. Montreal, 402 I 4<br />

S t Mathias, ......... L C Ronville co. ,Iontreal, 3731 2<br />

S t-Nicholas, ........ L C St. Nicholas, Quebec, 5401 6<br />

S t'Ours, " .......... L C St.Onr., ,Hontreal, 421 I 4<br />

t 'Paul's Bay, .... L C --- Qnebec, 6161 S<br />

S t Pierre les Beequets L C St. Pierre, Quebec, 4901<br />

tRemi, ..•.... L C Laprairie, .IJoutreal, 4001 t Roc des Annais, ,. L c<br />

"<br />

2<br />

St. Roc, Queuec, 6251 B<br />

t Roc de L' Achigan, L'£ St. Roc, Montreal, 4091 4<br />

s t'Thlllnas, • • L c SI. Thomas, Quebec, '1i90 1 Ii<br />

S 't'Th'omas, • a d u c Yarmoutb. London, 1550 9<br />

is t Vincent de Paol, L c Isle Jesus, Montreal, 388 I 2<br />

S andwillb, , II C<br />

"<br />

Sandwich, Westel'I1" 253 011

31<br />

,-,<br />

.; -, oS<br />

'" Seigniory --,;<br />

c'"'<br />

0<br />

,,-:;;<br />

... Township •<br />

II-<<br />

~"<br />

..<br />

OFFICES. '~<br />

or DIs'rIUCT. ..<br />

--_.<br />

&all-<<br />

s.d,<br />

Scarborough, " _. e u c Scarboro', Home. 120 41<br />

Seymonr West, _ b u c Seymour, Newcastle. 1470 9<br />

Shannol1'l'ilie, .... u C Tyendinaga, Midla)ld, 1270 9<br />

Sheiford, _. _. .... L C Shefford, Montreal, 4381 4<br />

Sherbrooke, .... L C Ascot, ' Three Rivers, 5631 6<br />

Sidney, • b u c Sidney, Midland, 1250 9<br />

Simcoe,' •....• ad u c, Woodllousc, Lundon, 9710 7<br />

Smith's FaU~, ace U c Elmsley, JohnstoW!l, 2730 II<br />

ISroithviUe, _. _ a d u c Gaiusbol'o' , Niagara, 750,- 7<br />

Stan bridge East, .' L c Stanbridge, Montreal, 425 I 4<br />

St,anste;>.d, _..... L C Stanstead, Muntreal, 480] 4-<br />

Stanley~. Mills, •• d u c Gore of Toron- l1ome, 420 d<br />

Stoney Creek, .. u c Saltlieet, [to, riiagal'a, 55'0 44<br />

Stouffville, .•..•• e u c Whitchurch, Home, 28 0 1<br />

4!<br />

Stratford. • .• _. _ e U c Down,ie, London, ]09,0 9<br />

Streets ville, .• _ a d u C '<strong>Toronto</strong>, Gore, 2010 d<br />

Stukely, .... _... L c Stulcely, ,/Hontl'eal, '143 I 4<br />

Terrebonne, •••. _• L C Te"rebonlle, Montreal, 3911 2<br />

Thornhill, ...• ace u c iVi:arkhalU, Home, 120 4;\<br />

Thorold; ...... a d u C Thorold, Niagara, 860 7<br />

'rhree IUvers, . _.• L C Three Rivers, Three Rivers, 4661 -:I<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong> Township, u C <strong>Toronto</strong>, Home, NO d<br />

Trafalgar, .•• , __ • u c Trafal~ar, Gore, 200 4~<br />

Troi& Pistole., . _.• L C Trois Pistoles, Quebec, 702 1 IO!<br />

Vankle.ck,Hill, •• C t1 C Hawkesbury, Ottawa, 3371 2<br />

Uxbridge, • f u c Uxbridge, Home, 440 4~<br />

Varennes, ........ L C Varennes. 1Honlreal, 3971 2<br />

Vaudreuil, ••• ; •• L C Vandrenil, lUoDtrcal, 36-11 2<br />

Vercberes, ' •• L C Verchercs, ,Montreal, 3981 2<br />

Vienna, • -''; d u C Bayham, London, HOO 9<br />

Vittoria, .••••• a d u C Charlotteville, London, 1030 9<br />

Wainlieet, ... ,a-d u C Wailllieet, l\J"iagara, 980 7<br />

Walpole, • c u c : Walpole, Niagara, '1370 9<br />

Walsingham, •. a d u c Wal.ingham, London, 1160 9<br />

'VVaj;erford, .... ad u C Towllsend, ·London, 890 7<br />

Waterloo, ...• be u C Waterloo, Gore, 8t\0 7<br />

'Vaterloo" . L C Sheiford, Montreal, 4361 4<br />

Wellington, . _ b df u c Hallowell, Prince Edward -- O' 9<br />

Wellington Square ad u c Nelson, . Gore, ,,380 4~<br />

W!llillmsburg, We~t, u c Williamsburg, : Ea,tern, ;

32<br />

Lttterl call be sent to (he undermentioned places, t'ia, (luebee and HalifaA,<br />

on payment of tbe Postage:<br />

Alort'9,<br />

Brazils,<br />

Bermuda,<br />

Corfu, - -<br />

Canaries,<br />

Denmark,<br />

France,<br />

Germany,<br />

s. d, 11. d.<br />

6 0 Mediterranean, - - 7 4.<br />

7 o.~ Netherlands, - - - 6 8<br />

- - 3 U Xewfoundland, (on pay-<br />

- 7 4 ing to Halifax only,) 2 9<br />

- 6 0 Norway, 7 O!<br />

7 O~ Prlls,i1, - - 7 O~<br />

- - - - 6 6 Portugal, - - 5 11<br />

7 O~ Russia, - - - 7 O~<br />

Gibraltar, - - - - 6 3~ ~wi(zerland, - 7 O~<br />

Italy, - -<br />

Ionian Isles,<br />

Madeira,<br />

Malia, -<br />

7 4 Sweden, - - 7 O!<br />

- 7 4 Spain, - - - - 7 7<br />

- 6 0 Turkey, - 7 Oi<br />

- 7 4 West Indies, - 4 2<br />

The l\lail for Chippewa, Drummondville, and Fort Erie, is<br />

despatched on Monriays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from the<br />

5th of Octohel' (0 the 5th of April-and for Drurnmondville<br />

daily from the 5th April to the 5th October.<br />

Mails for all Offices lying North, 'Vest, and ~:outh of <strong>Toronto</strong>,<br />

i-ncluding (he United States, ~re closed at 11 o'clock,<br />

A. M.; and for all East, at 4 o'clock, p, M., except those<br />

for the North, which are closed at 9 o'clock, A. 1\1.<br />

Letters cun be sent after the hours of closing, up to twenty<br />

minutes past 9, A. M" ten minutes 10 12, A, M" and to ten<br />

minutes to 4, P. M" 011 payment of Three Pence with eacD<br />

I"etter, exclll~i\·e of the Postnge, w\'ether that is paid or not.<br />

The W eS~C;I'Il and Southem Mails due daily , (except Sundays,)<br />

at I o'clock, p, M.<br />

The NorthErn Mails clue on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and SatunJays,<br />

at 1 o'clock, p, M. .<br />

The EasleI'Ll Mail due daily, except on Mondays, at t'r<br />

o'clock, A, iU.<br />

Leiters fOl' the U niled States must be paid to Lewiston; and<br />

such as are intende(\ to go that way to Europe, must be paid<br />

to New Yurk. Let(prs for Europe can be $ent by way of<br />

Quebec, bAtwecn the 20th of May and ht of November, in<br />

Merchant.rVessels. They can be forwarded by Halifax (per<br />

Falmouth packet) and New York at any seasoo. The Postage<br />

must be paid either way.<br />

A l,etter with ong inclosure is double; and with two or more<br />

inc.los~res, jf it does not weigh an ounce, is treble. Letters<br />

welghmg an ounce al'e chargeable withfdur single rates; and<br />

for each quarter-ounce orer that weight, a single rate ill char­<br />


33<br />

Nt'wspapers, Magazines: anI) other print~d ~pers not subject<br />

to letter Postage, mtlst be paid at the time of mailing, at<br />

tile rate of One Penny per sheet, 01' per every 16 pages; or<br />

they tlJill be charged with fuilletterpostfige.<br />

betters can be seut to most parts of the World by way of<br />

New York or Boston .<br />

. Colonial NEwspapers may be sent to Great Britain ami Ireland,<br />

eilher by way of Halifax, 01' by way of l'Iew Yurko By<br />

Halif1lx they are fi'ee of Postage to both sfnder and receiver,­<br />

by New York tht: st!uder must pay Two Pence on each Paper,<br />

and the receiver On~ Penny.<br />

Newspapers !'ent from Great Britain an(1 lI'fland to tlJ~se<br />

Provinces, via Hal;lilx, are free of Postnge to both SQnaef and<br />

receiver if sent within seven days f1'o'n1 the date of publication.<br />

If mailed after tbat period, they are charge·able with full Postage,<br />

a.!I Letters. On receiving papers via New York, Two<br />

Pence is charge~. ble on each.<br />

It is to be particularly observed, that 'Newspapers intenued<br />

to go free, via Halifax, mmt have no murk, 1'nilials, or dale<br />

on the directions, but the address merely. or th

34<br />

cession to the distance of 500 feet from the point at \vhich th&<br />

said line intersects the margin of the water on the shore of<br />

Lake Ontario; thence westerly through the waters o~ Lake<br />

Ont:lrio, fol\owioo- the CHrvatUl'es of the shore and keepIng allVavs<br />

500 feet fro~ the margin of the water, till the point is at·<br />

tained, that is 500 feet from the nOl'th·westermost point of the<br />

Penins.ula, forming the Harbour; then across the water to a.<br />

point where a line drawn southerly from the north-easterly<br />

comer of Park Lot No. 29, in the direction of the easterly<br />

boundary line of the said Park lot intersects the margin of the<br />

water on the shore of Lake Ontario; thence northerly along tb"<br />

said line so drawn to the north side of the allowance for road<br />

between tbe Park lots and the second concession from the Bay;<br />

thence easterly along the s-aid north sile of the allowance for<br />

road [0 the easterly shore or water's edge of the river Don;<br />

thence southerly along t-he easterly edge of the river Don to<br />

the point where the water's edge intersects the southerly side<br />

of the allowance for road in front of the first concession;<br />

thence easterly along the south side of the said allowance for<br />

road in front of the said first concession to li:e place of begining,<br />

except the lands that have bsen conveyed to the University<br />

of King's College. .<br />

3rd. Limits of the City, commencing at Ihe distance of one<br />

chain on a course north, 74 degrees east from the south-east<br />

angle of Park Lot No, 3, in'lhe Township of York; thence<br />

south 16 degrees east upon a continuation of the allowance for<br />

road between Park LoIs numbers 2 and 3 to Ihe water's edge<br />

ufthe'Bay in frollt oflheTolV1l of York ; thence westerly along<br />

the water's edge of lbe said Bay 10 tbe point at which the<br />

westerly limit of the allowance for road between Park lots<br />

numbers 18 and 19 in the said Township of York being produced<br />

southerly intersects the said water's edge; thence northerly<br />

in the direction of the said westerly limit of the said allowance<br />

tor road to the distance of 400 yards n(.'rth of the<br />

northerly boundary line of Lot s[reet; thence easterly parallel<br />

to Lot street, to the easterly boundary line of the allowance<br />

for road between Park lots numbers 2 and 3; thence south<br />

16 degrees east along the easterly boundary Iioe of the said allow~nc.e<br />

for road 400 yards more or less to the place of<br />

begl.nmng, and that the said City be divided into five Wards,<br />

to be called respectively St. George's St. Patrick's St. Andrew's,<br />

St. David's, and St. Lawrenc~'s. '<br />

4th .. St. Da~.id's Ward, all that part of the City north o£lhe<br />

north SIGe of K IIlg street, and .east of the west side of Yonge-st.<br />

5th. St .. Andrew's Ward, all that part of the tJity between<br />

the north slde.of Lot street, and the north side of King street<br />

and" ('st of the west side of ¥onge street. ' •

35<br />

. 6th. St. ,Patrick's Wald, all that part of (he City north of<br />

the north sIde of Lot-sl. and west of the west side of J: onge-st.<br />

7th. Sl. ,Lawre~~e's Ward, a\l that ~art of the City ~outh of<br />

the north sIde of Klllg street, and east ul the west side of Yonge<br />

street.<br />

8th. St. Georgt"s Ward, a\l (hat part of the City south of<br />

the nurth side of King street, and west of the \Vest side of<br />

Yonge street.<br />

9th. Attaches the lib0rties immediately adjacent to each<br />

Ward, to fhlch ~djacent Ward. .<br />

10th. City by Act of Common Council may erect any part<br />

of the liberties into outer "'anls, such ouler II ards not tu exceed<br />

five in number.<br />

11th. The Liberties of any wanl, when it has as many inhabitants,<br />

and contams as much assessed properly as the smallest<br />

ward at the first a3sessment after the passing of tbis Act,<br />

must be erected into an ?uter ward, by proclamation of the<br />

Mayor.<br />

12th. From the date of the proclamation such part of the<br />

·liberties to be a separate ward, and have all the privileges of a<br />

ward, but not to return m~mber3 to the Common Council until<br />

the time of the next City Election.<br />

13th. All that portion CJf the Uberties (commonly called the<br />

Bay) to constitute the Port of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

14th. The inhabitants of (he said City to form a Body CorpOl'ale<br />

and Poli~ic by the name of the City of <strong>Toronto</strong>, to have<br />

a Common Seal with power to change the same, to be capable<br />

of suing and being sued, and of purchasing and hohling<br />

Estate, real and persunal, and of giving and receiving Bonds,<br />

Judgements, &c. &c.<br />

15th. Two Aldermen and two Vommon Councilmen to be<br />

chosen for each Ward, who shall choose the .lVhyor from<br />

among the Aldermen, in case of equality of votes that Alderman<br />

who is hi~hest assessed to give the casting vote.<br />

16th. Qualification for an Alderman, to have been resident<br />

householder for one year next belore the election, to be so resident<br />

as the time of election, and to be possessed uf real property<br />

within the City or Liberties, rated at' two hundred<br />

pounds.<br />

17th. Qualification for a Common Councilman Ihe same as<br />

that for an Alderman, except the property, which is one bundred<br />

and fifty pounds including additional fire-places.<br />

18th. That the A ldermen and Vommon Councilmen of<br />

the said City shall be elected respectively by the majority of<br />

votes of 'such persons being male inhabitant householders<br />

within the ward for which the election shall be hulden, or the<br />

liberties attached thereto, as shall be possessed at the time of

56<br />

•<br />

the election, either in freehold or as tenant for a term of years,<br />

or from year to year of a tuwn lot or dwelling house, wi.thin the<br />

said Ward or Liberties, provided always, that a portion of a<br />

hOllse in which any inhabitant shall reside as a hou3ebolder, and<br />

not as 'i boarder or lodger, ~nd hu\'ing II distin(,t communicaliol]<br />

with the street by an outer door, shall be considered a<br />

dwelling house within ihe meaning 01 this clause: and provided<br />

also, that no person shall vote at any such election wbo has<br />

not been a r~sident inhabitant within the said City or Liherties<br />

thereof for the period of twelve calendar months, and wbo has<br />

not resided within the Ward for which the election shall be<br />

holden,or the Libelties attached ther"to, lor the period of three<br />

C3lendnr months next before the election.<br />

19th. The l\Ia),or, AldermEn, and Common Councilm~n,<br />

and ,'oters at any flection for city affairs, 10 be natural born<br />

or naturalised wbjects of His .iYlaJesty, of tbe full age of<br />

tlVenty-olle; .<br />

20th. '1' be legislative power of the City is vested ill the<br />

Mayor, Aldermen, and Common CQuncilmen in Council.<br />

21st. That all legislati ve Acts of the said City are to be ex·<br />

[rcs,eu as elJ3ctc(1 by the Mayol', Aldermen, and Commonalty<br />

of the City of <strong>Toronto</strong>, in Common Council assembled.<br />

22nd. The Cily sh'lll have power to make aHd alter any<br />

laws for legulatin~ slnltls, roa(~s, walks illlllllJghlV&Ys, to prevent<br />

call1e,'j'e. running at large, to tax and regulate dogs, to<br />

prevent encumbering and Injuring the streets., &c., to prevent<br />

selling by retail in Ihe publit; highways, any meat, vegetables,<br />

fruits, (:fre., to prevent the sale of intoxicating drink to childlen,<br />

to preHnt immoderate riding, driving, or riding or driv.<br />

ing hones or callie on side-walks, to regulate wharves, and !o<br />

prevent obstructions in the harbour, to regulate and prevent<br />

fisbing, fishErY lights, bathing, tipling houses, &c., to enforce<br />

observance of the sabbatb, to regulate or prevent public<br />

sllJwa, to prevent cruelly to animals, billiard tables, theatres,<br />

to r

37<br />

or being' 'vit~in the liberties, to make a)llaws for the city not<br />

repagnant wlth the Statutes of th~ ProvInce, provided that the<br />

penalty for the hl'each of any Cltv law shall not exceed ten<br />

pounds or thirty days imprisonment, and th[lt the fine for refusing<br />

to fill a~y municipal office shall not exceed ten pounds,<br />

23rd. The city shall ha,e the power to protract or widen<br />

the streets. .<br />

24th. The city shall have power to borrow money, not exceeding<br />

the revenue tf) accrue within the next five years.<br />

25th. Two Aldermen and two Common Councilmen to be<br />

elected for p.

38<br />

43rd. Resolutions as to improvements, appropriations of<br />

public money, !I:l;c. to be printed and published eight days before<br />

adoption.<br />

441h. Yeas and Nays to be taken on all such resolutions.<br />

45th. Council to have power to punish its members.<br />

'46th. No measure for raIsing or appropriating money, &c.<br />

to pass, until printed ana published eight days. .<br />

47th. Rules imposing penalties to be published In U. C. Gazette<br />

and other papers.<br />

48th. Laws of the City to be signed by the Mayor, and to<br />

be entered in a book for public inspection, at all reasonable<br />

hours, on (mym~nl to the Clerk of six-pence.<br />

49th. FOUl" Sessions of the Common Council to commence<br />

on the third Monday in February, M.1Y, August, and November,<br />

in each year.<br />

50th. The Mayor may cali Special Meetings, and in case<br />

of his death, another to be elected.<br />

51st. Salary of the Mayor not less than one hundred and not<br />

more than five hundred pounds.<br />

52nd. Court of Common Council to be a Court of Record.<br />

53rd. Chamberlain and HIgh Bailiff to be appointed on the<br />

third Monday of February in each year. .<br />

54th. Clerk of the Common Council- to be appointed; and<br />

to be keeper of lhe City Records.<br />

55th. Clerk of the Market, Assessors, Collrctors, and other<br />

officers to be appointEd.<br />

56th. Rates and Assessments unpaid ten dllYs after demand,<br />

may be levied by distress, by warrant of th'e Mayor or any<br />

Alderman, upon oath of demand and neglect. .<br />

57th. Constables, Assessor~ and Collectors to be appointed<br />

from time to time by the Council, and remunerated as to them<br />

shall seem meet.<br />

58th. Per ct'ntage to Chamberlain.<br />

59th. Statement of accounts to be published annually.<br />

6l)th. Salary to the High Bailiff as the court shall direct.<br />

61st. Clerk of tho Council to be Clerk of lhe Peace within<br />

the City.<br />

62nd. Assessors to make returns of Assessment Rolls to the<br />

Clerk of the Common Council.<br />

63rd. Collectors to give security to the satisfaction of the<br />

Council. -.<br />

64th. High Bailiff and Constables not bound to attend olher<br />

than the City Courts and lhe Courts of Assize for the Home<br />

District.<br />

65th. High Bailiff and Constables bound to obey the Mayor<br />

and Aldermen.

39<br />

. 66th. :rhe. Mayor and Aldermen to be Justices of the Peace<br />

lD the saId CIty .<br />

. 6~lh. Jus!ices for the HO!lle District to have no jurisdictino<br />

wlthm the CIty, except holdmg the Quarter Sessions. Warrants<br />

of the Justices of tbe Home District; and of the Mayor<br />

and Aldermen, to have effect all over the district.<br />

68tb. To license Livery Sta~les, Keepers, and Keevers of<br />

Hackney Coaches, &c. .<br />

69th. Inhabitants of the city competent witnesses in trial<br />

affecting the Corporation.<br />

70th. Recovery and aPillication of penalties.<br />

71et. Board of H~a!th to be appointed witb 911 the powers<br />

conferred by 3rd Wilham tbe 4th, chap: 48.<br />

72nd. Duties of tbe Clerk uf the Market.<br />

73rd. City to have the power to establish licences and tecrulate<br />

ferries to the Peninsula. .,<br />

74th. Rogues and vagabonds to be committed to the O'aol or<br />

house of correction.<br />

t:><br />

75th. Salaries of City Officers, except the Mayor and<br />

Chamberlain's, to be at the discretion of tbe Council.<br />

76th. Mayor and Aldermen to license Inn-keepers.<br />

77th. Mayor to hold a COUI·t, assisted by tbe Aldel'llw!) or<br />

anyone of them, to be called the MaY01"S Court of the City<br />

of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

78th. The Mayor's Court to have the same criminal jurisdiction<br />

as the Courts of Quarter Sessions of the Province.<br />

79th. The meeting of the Court to be the second Monday<br />

after the opening of the fOUl' regular sittings of the Court of<br />

Common Council in each year.<br />

80th. Grand Jury to consist of t\venty-four.<br />

81st. Petit Jury to consist of not less than thirly-six n0r<br />

'more tbaD sixty.<br />

82nd. Qualification of Grand and Petit Jurors to be !be<br />

same as in any Court of thii Province.<br />

83rd. Clerk of the Common Council to be Clerk of (h.e<br />

Mayor'S Court.<br />

84th. Authority of the Grand Jury of the Mayor's Court, the<br />

Barne power and autbority over offences committed in the City<br />

of <strong>Toronto</strong> and liberties, as that of the Grand Jury of the.<br />

(~uarter Sessiolls.<br />

85th. Form of proceedings in Mayor's Court to be the same<br />

as 111 the Court of Quarter Sessions.<br />

86th. Court may ol'der costs to be paid out of the city funds,<br />

87th. Market Square vested in the cily for public uses.<br />

88th. City liable for the payment oCthe debt due, contracted<br />

under thp, authority of Ihe Magistrates of the Home District,<br />

{or the erection of tbe Market Buildings.

o<br />

40<br />

89th. The Inhabitants of the city and liberties, exempt from<br />

serving on Juries at any other than the City Court, and the<br />

Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General. Gaol Delivery and<br />

Nisi Prius for the Home District.<br />

90th. City Officers and members of the Fire Companies<br />

exempt Irom Militia duty. .<br />

91st. Officers refusing to take the Oath of Office lIable to<br />

be proceeded against lor r~fusing to serve: _.<br />


41<br />

Andrew T. McCord, Chamhel'lain.<br />

Charles Daly, Clerk of the Common Council, and Clerk<br />

of the .Peace.<br />

James Stitt, High Bailiff.<br />

William Phair, Clerk of the Market.<br />

Matthew Hayes, City Inspector.<br />

John Dempsey, Weigh Master.<br />

Ni.cholas Harvey, Town Crier.<br />

Michael Teeven, Josiah Kendrick, and John Fleming<br />

t:onstables.<br />

'<br />

Tho Police Office is held in the City Hall.'<br />

'rhe Mayor's Comt is held at the Court-House four times in<br />

each year, viz :-The first Monday in March, June, September,<br />

and December; the jurisdiction of which extends flyer<br />

the city and liberties, wilen tbe Mayor, for the time being,<br />

presities, assisted by one or more of (he Aldermen.<br />


1834 1835 1836<br />

St. George's Ward, .<br />

718 795 800<br />

St. Patrick's Ward, • 1472 1600 1495<br />

St. Andrew'S Warti, • 1748 2049 1919<br />

St. David's Ward, • 3394 3780 3504<br />

• St. Lawrence's Ward, 1922 1541 1844<br />

9254 9765 9652<br />

NOTE.-Exclusive of the Military, persons conuned ill the Gaol, and<br />

all traDsieDtpcl'sODS, Emigr.ants, &c.<br />



William Musson, Captain.<br />

John Baker, Lieutenant No.1. Engine.<br />

Daniel Morrison, Lieutenant No, 2. Engine.<br />

J. F. Westland, Treasurer.<br />

Charles Hunt, Secretary.<br />



Wm. Ketchum, President. I M. P. Empey, lst Lieutenant.<br />


42<br />

\Villiam Ross, 2nd Lieutenani.<br />

William Bright, Treasurer.<br />

George L. Norton, Secretary.<br />

NOTE.-Every member of the rife Company and Hook and Lad~e~<br />

Company, during his continuance m ~ctual d~ty, are exempt from Md.­<br />

tary duty in time of peace, from servmg as Juryman or a c.oustab!e, "!ld<br />

from all other city.offices.<br />


TORONTO.<br />

Thomas D. Morrison, Mayor, President.<br />

Alderman John King, M. D., Alderman George Gurnetl,<br />

Alderman James E. Small, and James Beaty.<br />



Between <strong>Toronto</strong> and Kingston.-A Stage leaves <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

every day, Saturdays excepted, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon,<br />

and on Sundays at 10 o'clock for Kingston.<br />

Between <strong>Toronto</strong> and Hamilton.-A Stage leaves <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

every day, Sundays excepted, at 12 o'clock noon, for Hamilton.<br />

.<br />

Between <strong>Toronto</strong> and the Holland Landing. - A Stage<br />

leaves <strong>Toronto</strong> every day, Sundays excepted, at 9 o'clocli in<br />

!he morning, and arrives at Phelps' Inn, Holland Landing, at<br />

5 o'clock the same evening, passing through Newma.rket on its<br />

way.<br />

Steam-packets and Schooners are hourly arriving at and<br />

departing from the Port of <strong>Toronto</strong>, to and from Niagara,<br />

Hamilton, Oakville, Port Credit, Port Hope, Cobourg, Kingston,<br />

Brockville, Prescott, Ogdensburgb, Qewego, Rochester,<br />

Lewiston, and the intermediate ports.<br />

Field's Liverv Stables, Henrietta-street, lind<br />

John Grantham's Livery Stable, Old Bdtish Uoffee-Housc,<br />

Front-street, where can be had Horses, Coaches Gigs Waggons,<br />

Sleighs, &.c;. upou reasonable term,. • ,

43<br />


SOCIETY.<br />

His Excellency Sir Francis Bond Head, Patron.<br />

The Hon. John Henry Dunn, President.<br />

Peter Paterson, Treasuft'f.<br />

Rev. W. T. Leach, Rev. W. Merrefield, Secretaries.<br />

Mr. R?bt;rt Cathcart, .1~7 King-street, Depository.<br />

Subscriplion of five slJlllmgs annually constitutes Ii member.<br />

A nnual meeting of the Society, secone1 week in February.<br />


TION.<br />

Mrs. Small, Preshh.nt.<br />

Mrs. Leaoh, Treasurer.<br />

Miss McCleaver and Miss McCall, Secretaries.<br />


LEDGE.<br />

His Excellency Sir Francis Bond Head, Patron.<br />

'I be Hon. & Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Quebec. Pre~ident.<br />

Rev. Mr. Grasett, Secretary.<br />

Robert Stanton, Treasul'er and Librarian.<br />

Tbe general Depository is at the Gazette Office, 164 Kingstreet.<br />

Subscription of ten shillings annually constitutes a member.<br />

The annual meeting of the Soeiet.v is held OD Easter Monday,<br />

in St. James' Church, City of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />


SOCIETY.<br />

Rev. Dr. Harris, Principal of U. Canada College, President.<br />

James Hamilton, Treasurer.<br />

William Hepburn and Rev. E. Maxwell, Secretarie9.<br />

Robert Cathcart, 147 King-st., City of <strong>Toronto</strong>, Deposilory.<br />

Subscription of five shillings annually constitutes a member,<br />

and every member entitled to have Tracts to the value of balf<br />

his subscription:<br />


44<br />





FORMED 29TH OCTOBER, 1830.<br />

His Excellency Sir Francis Bond Head, PatrOl!.<br />

The Hon. &. Rt. Rev. the Lonl Bishop of Quebec, President.<br />

Alexander "YoDd, Tl·easurer.<br />

Rev. Charles Matthews, Secre~ary.<br />



AND WIDOW. .<br />

Alexander 'V ODd , Treasurer.<br />

The Hon. and Ven. Archdeacon of York, Secretary.<br />


OPENED JUNE 5, 1830.<br />

At the Office of the Treasurer of the District, at the Court';<br />

nouse, King-s~reet,<br />

City of Toror.to.-Open on Saturdays<br />

from 11 to 1 o'clock.<br />

AlexaI'Idel' Wood, Treasurer.<br />



Marsha 11 Spring Bid we II, President.<br />

James Lesslie, Tre3surer.<br />

Rev. John Beatty, Corresponding Secretary.<br />

J. H. Lawrence, Secretary.<br />

Number of members, 632.<br />

Under IhA direction of tbis Society is .published a monthlv<br />

paper intitled the" Temperance Record," and issued froAl the<br />

Book-Store of Messrs. Lesslies, on the following terms :-City<br />

subscribers 2s. 6d. per annum; country subscribers including<br />

posta&,e, 3s. per annum; a reduction made upo~ taking a<br />

quantity. .

45<br />


Lady Pait'oness for 1836, Mrs. Powell;<br />

Conduct,ed by M~s. Strachan and Ladies of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

ceeds apphed to objects of charity.<br />

Pro.<br />



His E:-rceHency Sit' F, B, Head, Patron.<br />

John Kent, President.<br />

Lukin Robinson, Vice-President,<br />

Augustus Keefer, Treasurer.<br />

Larratt W. Smith, Secretary •<br />

.<br />




His Excellency Sit' F. B. Head, Patron,<br />

The Attorney General, Pt'esident.<br />

Thomas Galt, lst VICe-President,<br />

J, G. Spragg8, 2nd Vice-President,<br />

J. S, Lee, Secretary;<br />

'V. 'Yo Street, Treasurer.<br />


SOCIETY_<br />


The object of the abo've Society is the reading'of Essays or<br />

Ethical and Literary subjects, and also debating on ql1estion~<br />

given out for discussion. -Debates which may partake of ~<br />

political or religious chal'acter are exclud~d; amI none but<br />

Iluch as accord with the name of the Society can come under<br />

consideration. It is ill contemplation that a <strong>Library</strong> and Museum<br />

be attaclied to thp. Society_<br />

The meetings' are held every Thursday evening, in the District<br />


46<br />



Situated on Yonge Street Road, one mile from the City.<br />

This Institution owes its origin to Mr. Thomas Carfrae; it<br />

comprises Six Acres of Ground, and has a neat S~xton's house<br />

built close by the gate; the name of the Sexton IS John 'Volstancroft,<br />

who keeps a Registry of every person buried therein.<br />

Persons of all creeds, and persons of no creeds, lire allowed<br />

burial in this cemelery; fees to the Sexton, 58. It was instituted<br />

in tbe fall of 1825, and incorporated by Act of Parliament<br />

30lb January, 1826: it is managed by five Trustees who<br />

Eire chosen for life; and in case of tlH' death of any of them, a<br />

public meeting of the inhabitants is called, when they elect a<br />

successor or succpssors in tr.eir place.<br />

The present Trustees are, Thomas Carfrae, jun., Thomas<br />

D. Morrison, Peter Paterson, John Ewart, Thomas Helliwell.<br />


Established for encouraging the introduction and cultivation<br />

of the most esteemed varieties of Fruits, Flowers, and Vegetal,Ies.<br />


,Ja~cs Rei?" A. Blue, J. Dempsey, P. Armstrong, James<br />

JF'Lemmg, Wilham Burn, Charles Franks, George Lesslie. D.<br />

:Blue, .John Gray, John Grainger.<br />

James F. Westland, Treasurer.<br />

John Logan, Secretary.<br />

'<br />



BUllated at the North East Corner of the .iflarket Square.<br />

T. W. Birchall, President.<br />

J. "V. Brent, Secretary. "<br />

David McMaster, Room Keeper.<br />

Subscription for 12 months, 30s.<br />

Do. 9 do. 24~.<br />

Do. 6 do. 178.6d.<br />

Do. 3 do. lOs.<br />

Do. 1 do. 5s.<br />

Merchant's Clerks for 12 months,<br />

15s. per annum.<br />

Country members not residing ~<br />

within 10 miles of <strong>Toronto</strong>, 5 - 209. per annum,

47<br />

.T~e Me~berB and Officers of.the Legislature not residing<br />

wlthm 10 miles of <strong>Toronto</strong>, dunng the Session are admitted<br />

to IhQ News Room, on entering their names in Ihe Introduc.<br />

lion-book. .<br />

All Captains and Pursers of Steam-boats allowed free acce,,8<br />

to tbe Rooms.<br />

All Strangers are permitted to frequent Ihe Rooms for one<br />

week, upon either a personal or lVntten introduction by any<br />

Subscriber.<br />

The Room is open every day, except Sundays, from 6 in<br />

the morning to 8 in the evening, from 1st April to lst October;<br />

and frum S in the morning to 10 in the evenillg, from 1st October<br />

10 lst April.<br />


\V. \V. B~ldwill, President.<br />

Dr. Rolph, William B. Jarvis, John Ewart, ? V' P 'd t<br />

lIud Hon. R. B. Sullivan, 5 Ice r~sl en 9~<br />

James Lesslie, Treasurer.<br />

T. Parson and J. F. Westland, Secretaries.<br />

Their Rooms are situated in the Market Buildings. Subscription<br />

5s. per annum.<br />

£200 was granted by the Legislature, April 1835, for:the<br />

purchase of a collection of Instruments suitable and proper for<br />

illustrating the principles of Natural Philosophy, Geography,<br />

Astrol'lomy, and the Matb~matics.<br />


Hon. W. Allan, President.<br />

J. 'V. Brent, Secretary.<br />


FORlHED 6TH SEPTEMBER, 1836.<br />

Its objects the protection of Mechanical Labour, either by<br />

petition to the Legislature, or to any other branc!.. of Governmen't<br />

for any alteration or extension of duties, by in forcing tbe<br />

law ;gainst such all may violate it to their injury, by addresses<br />

to the public or to its own members, or by any:otber lawful<br />

means in its power.<br />

Alexander Hamilton, Chairman.<br />

Claarles Sewell, Secretary and Treasurer.<br />

Tbe President, Treasurer, &c. to be cboseD.

48<br />


INSTiTUTED'1835.<br />

Captain Macaulay; R. E., President.<br />

Grant Powell, 1st Vice-President.<br />

R, S. Jameson, 2nd Vice-President.<br />

John Kent, §pcrelary.<br />

'fl'illiam Stennett, Treasurer ..<br />

Anniversary Festival Et. George's Day.<br />


TORONTO.<br />


HOll. Rob~rt Baldwin Sullivan,.Fresident.<br />

John King, M, D. ?<br />

0:id1atrioti,vl<br />

and attachment to the land of theIr fathers,<br />


TORONTO.<br />

MOTTO-" Nemo me ·;mpune lacessit."<br />

H1STITUTED MAY 5,1836.<br />

Hon. \'1'. Allan, President.<br />

Alexander Wood and William Proudfoot, Vice-Presidents.<br />

Peter Paterson, Sen., James Newbigg'ing and Isaac Buchanan,<br />

Managers. .<br />

Rev. D,l!-. Leach and Rev. Mr. M.acaulay, Chaplains.<br />

Dr. W. Telfer, Physician.<br />

John Ewart,Thomas Carfrae, Archibald Macdonell, and G.<br />

C. Strachan, Standing Committee.';'<br />

C. S. Murray and Donald Ross, Committee of Accounts.<br />

Alexander Murray, Treasurer.<br />

Samuel Spreu\l, Secretary.<br />

Four Quarterly Meetings annually, second Thursday In<br />

February, May, August, :lnd November.<br />

Anniversary Festival St. Andrew's Day.'

CITY OF<br />


FOR<br />

1836-7.<br />


ABBS 'William, Bricklayer, Boulton's Block, Lot.street.<br />

_-\ddy James, Carter, Ontario.st.<br />

Adams William, Gardner & Seedsman, Y onge-st.<br />

Adams Samuel, Laborer, Hospital.st.<br />

Adamson Richard, Carpenter, Elizabeth.st.<br />

Adamson John, Stone.cutter and Mason, March.st.<br />

Adams Bennet, Joiner, Spadina A venue.<br />

African Chapel, 40 Hospital.st.<br />

Agricultural Bank, Front.st.<br />

Alexander Robert, Joiner, 15 Lot.st.<br />

Alexander William, Carpenter, 4 Lot.st.<br />

Alexander Robert, Grocery, &c. Lot.sl. west.<br />

Allan John, Laborer, March.st.<br />

Allan, Hon. l\' m. Lot.st. east.<br />

Allan Edward, Tailor, Terauly.st.<br />

Allnon of Upper Canada Office, Market Buildings.<br />

Albion Inn, Hugh Henderson, Church-st<br />

Alderdice Samuel, Porter at the U. C. College<br />

Amos, S. Issuer in Commissariat Office.<br />

Anchor Inn, Church Lane.<br />

Anderson Thomas, Carter, Church.st.<br />

Anderson Charles P., Laborer, York.st.<br />

Anderson Adam, Book-binder, Upper George.st.<br />

Anderson Thomas W., Watch .Maker, 131 King.st.<br />


A-A<br />

Andere:;o John, geiltkman, 50 Lot.at.<br />

Anderson John. Provision Store, 58 Lot.st.<br />

Anderson James, Boot and Shoe.maker, Lot.st. west.<br />

Anderson William, Carpenter, 26 Hospital.st.<br />

Anderson R. G., 1st Teller na:lk of U. C.<br />

Anderson James, Moulder, Richmond-st.<br />

Anderson -. Iron.folillder, J\e\\'gate.slreet.<br />

Anderson L'Tas, Lahore:r, lVLrch.street.<br />

Andrews \Villiam, Sext.)!) English Church, Richmond.st.<br />

Andrews Geof,!!;\), Boot & Shoe.maker, ElizuuC'th.st .<br />

. o\ndruss Samu~l, Ironfounder, Yonge-st<br />

Anthony Francis, Laborer, Market.st.<br />

Antrim Inn, S. Madden, near the Catholic Church<br />

Archd'n ofYork,Hon.&Ven.J.Strachan, D. D. 54 Front.Bt<br />

Archer Widow, York st.<br />

Arent & Seright, Miiliners, &c. York.st.<br />

Armstrong Thomas, Carpentel', 11 Lot-st.<br />

Armstrong Thomas, Blacksmith, Newgate.st.<br />

Armstrong James, Saddler, 3t YOllge.st.<br />

Armstrong John, Merch",,1, 33 Yonge.st.<br />

Armstrong & Beatty, Shoemakers, 55 and 57 King-st.<br />

Armstrong J.R., Dry Goods' .Merchant, 157 King.st.<br />

Armstrong Philip, Butcher, Yonge·st. road.<br />

Ardagh Daniel, Laborer, Newgate.st. east.<br />

Arthurs William, Merchant, 83 King.st.<br />

Arthurs Mrs. Widow, Newgate-st.<br />

Ashbridge Jonathan, Yeoman, Kingston road.<br />

Ashton James, Carpenter, Richmond.st.<br />

Askin John, Carter, Newgate.sreet.<br />

Ashfield James, Gunsmith, Yonge.st.<br />

Atkins William, Eating.house, l\1;ul,et.square.<br />

Atkinson William, Saoler, &c. 85 King.st.<br />

Atkinson James, Laborer, MII-rch.st.<br />

Attorney Gen ral's Office, Parliame:lt buildings, Front.st.<br />

Au~ustus William, D'yer, &c. 178 King.st_<br />

Auld Lang Syne Tavern, Thomas Dunlop, Church.ilt<br />

Auldjo R. G., Government Messenger, Hospltal.st<br />

Argyle Inn, Thomas Earles, Newgate.st<br />

Austin Henry, Gentleman, 78 Newgate-st.<br />

Austin Widow, New.st.<br />

AUliltin James, Printer, March.lit.

B-B<br />

3<br />

Baclenacb Alexander, Grocer. &c. 117 King.st.<br />

Bagnell Humphre~', Laborer, Lot.st. west.<br />

Baker John, Black Swan tavern, 211 King-st.<br />

Baker'Charles, Tailor, 219 King.st.<br />

Baker Job, King Alfred taveru, 197 King.at.<br />

Baldwin Dr. W. W. Front-st.<br />

Baldwin John S. 42 KillO'.st.<br />

Baldwin R., Attornev &"'c. Front.st.-offir.e 195~ King.st<br />

Baldwin HOrJ. Capt.: Russell hill Spadinu.<br />

Baldwin William A., Spadina.<br />

Balfour George, Tailor: Jordan.st.<br />

Bal! Joseph, Laborer, Newgate.st. west.<br />

Ballard John, Clerk Post office, Princes.sl<br />

Bancroft Daniel, Priuter, Richmond.s!.<br />

Ballnerman J ohn, Pro\'i~ion store, j\'!arkct.hme.<br />

Banks Jared, Halter, York.st.<br />

Bank of Upper Canada, Duke.st.<br />

Bank Commercial of the lIfidland District, 207 King.ill.<br />

Balik Fm'mers Joint Stocle Company, King.st. we~t.<br />

Bank Agricultural, Truscott & Green, Front.st.<br />

Bank of the People, New.st.<br />

Baptist lIIeeling.house, March.st.<br />

Barron --, U. C. College<br />

Barber G. A, Writing.master U.C. College, 92 Newgate.st<br />

Barker Mrs.,'Vidow, Hospital.st.<br />

Barnes Robert, Butcher, Dutchess.st.<br />

Barnfilther John, Bricklayer, Yonge.st.<br />

Barnes vViliiam, Laborer, New.",!.<br />

Barnet E., in the Commissarat Department.<br />

Barr William, Laborer, Lot·sl. west.<br />

Barron J olllJ, 'Vell.digf{Cr, Lot.st. east.<br />

Barron George, Boot & Shoe maker, 22:3 King.llt.<br />

Barry Mrs., Widow, 4D Yonge.st.<br />

Bartiey Dr. Surgeoll 15th Regt. 98 Newgate.st.<br />

Barlon l\lrs., 'Vidow, Richmond.st.<br />

Bartrom \V illiaflJ, Carter, March-st.<br />

Battle John, Storekeeper, Church.st.<br />

Baxter James, Bricldayer, Spndina Avenue.<br />

Baxter Samuel, Tl'lilor, 32 Y ollge-sL<br />

Ba"nes Thomas, William.st.<br />

Bay HO'fse tavern, Y onge.st. .<br />

Bayley John, Painter, Newgllte.st. west.

B-B<br />

Bealllish John, Brickmaker, Park, St, Lawrence W,ml.<br />

Beamish Thomas, Brickumker, Park, St. Lawrence Ward.<br />

Eeard Robert, Gentleman, 8 Y ooge.st.<br />

Heard Joshua G., Gentleman, Kingston.road.<br />

Beattv James, British 'Yoollell warehollse, 177 King-st,<br />

Beatty John Rev." Methodist minister, Hospital-st.<br />

Beatty & Armstrong, Shoe-makers, 55 and 07 Killg-st.<br />

Beatty Johu jun., at J. R. Armstrong, 157 King-st.<br />

Beatty Mrs. Widow, Ontario-st.<br />

Bearcroft John, Gardener, Hospital-:;t.<br />

Beckett Josep!l, <strong>Toronto</strong> I1Iedical Labomtorl', King-st.<br />

Beel,man Robert, Gentlem~,n, Spadina

B-1?<br />

Bishop John sell'r" YOllge.street road.<br />

Bishop John jUlJ'r., Butcher, Killgstoll road.<br />

Bishop of Quebec's residence, Market.street west.<br />

Bishop Paul, Blacksmith, Caroline.st.<br />

Bishup's Buildings, Newgate.st.<br />

Birchall T. W., Managing lIirectof; B.A. F.A.Co. Duke.st<br />

Black ThomalS, Carpenter, Duke.st.<br />

Black James, Laborer, John.st.<br />

Black Su'an Tavern, 211 King.st.<br />

Black Bull Tavern, James Rossiter, Lot·st<br />

Blackford Daniel, Gentleman, Elizabeth.st·<br />

Blain William, Boot & Shoe maker, 49 King.~L<br />

Blake James, Engineer, Terauly.st.<br />

Blake H ume, Studellt at Law, J ohn.st.<br />

Blake 'Villiam, Laborer, Richmo'ld.st.<br />

Blakeley James, Laborer, Newgate.st. west.<br />

Blighto)) John, Laborer, George.st.<br />

B1eukinsopp Thomas, Bay Horse Tavern, Yonge.st.<br />

Blevins Rohert, Gentleman, 8 Lot.st.<br />

Blue Bl'll lilli, Thomas Richardson, Lot.street west.<br />

Blue Bonnet Tavern, Y ollge· st<br />

Boddy James, Laborer, Uuchess·st<br />

Boice Abraham, Carpenter &c, Richmond.st.<br />

Bolton William, Mason &c, Lot.street east.<br />

Bolton Edward C., School, Kingston road.<br />

Bond Thomas, Brickmaker, Lot.street west.<br />

Bond Richard, Laborer, Milburn's Block, Front.st.<br />

Bonycastle Capt. R. H. Front·st. near the Garrison.<br />

Booth Robert, Sawyer, Ontario.st.<br />

Bostwick Lardner, Gentleman, 175 King.st.<br />

Bostwick George. Gentleman, 175 King.st.<br />

Bosworth MOllis, Carpenter, Upper George.st.<br />

Botsford D. Ontario House Inn, corner Market &Church.st<br />

Botsford J. D., Blacksmith, Front.st. on Bay shore.<br />

Boulton D' Arcv, Lot.street west.<br />

Boulton William H. Attorney &c., Lot.street west.<br />

Bower Joseph. Carpenter, Elizabeth.st.<br />

Bowman Mrs, Cowkeeper &c, Yonge.st.<br />

Bowyer Isaac, Sailor, Ontario.st.<br />

Boyce Richard, Laborer, Elizabeth.st.<br />

Boyd George, Grocery store, March.street east.<br />

;Boyd John, Classica! and Commt:rcial Academy, Bay.st.

6 B-B<br />

Boyd Widuw, Hospital.st.<br />

Brandon Thomas, Blacksmith, Lot.street west.<br />

Brayley John, Carpenter, Lot.street west.<br />

Braley Henry J., Clerk in the Crown Office<br />

Brent I. W., Apothecary & Druggist, &c., GS J~il!g.~t.<br />

Brewer William, Blacllsmith, Hospital.st.<br />

Brewer Richard, Book binder, Buy.st. & lfj8 Kin6'~t.<br />

British Coffee House New, (Cotter's) King.~t.<br />

British Coffee House Old, (Grantham) Front.A.<br />

British America Insurance O'/fice, Duke.s!.<br />

British Brass and 1)'011 Foundry, Lot.strteN w~st.<br />

Briggs George, Last factory, Market.lane.<br />

Briggs Robert, Carpcntof, Duke.st.<br />

Bright William, Butclwr,Kingstou.ruc.J.<br />

Bright ---, Gardener; Ontario.st.<br />

Bright Lewiil, Messenger Legislative Council, (i L,)t.gt.<br />

Bright Lewis jun'r., Blacksmith, YOllge.st.<br />

Brooke RicharL1, Yeoman, Hospital.s!.<br />

Brooke Philip, GentJematl, Front-st.<br />

Brooke Daniel, Gentlem:J.l1, Duke.st.<br />

Brown John, Printer, Lot.street west.<br />

Browne Jmnes, Wharfinger, Front.st.<br />

Brou;ne's H7ul1j, foot of Church.st.<br />

Brown Peter, Ccll'pe;1ter, 54 Yonge.st.<br />

Brow:1 Misses, Milliners &c, 54 Yonge.~1.<br />

Brown Andrew, Carter, 70 Newgute.st.<br />

Brown J obn, Laborer, Peter.st.<br />

Brown Miss, Straw Connel maker &c.; :20 Y"ngc.1

B-C<br />

7<br />

Eulleu John, Stone mason, Lot.street west<br />

Bulls Head Inn, William Phair, 129 Kiner.st.<br />

Bunker Thomas, Bricklayer, SpadinQ. ave~ue.<br />

Burgess Rev. Mr., at the College<br />

Burgess J ehn, Carpenter, Yonge.street road.<br />

Burnham Silas, General Merchant, 67 King.st.<br />

Burns David, Boot and Shoemaker, Hospital.street west<br />

Burns, \Vidow, l\Jarket lane<br />

Burns I\ndrew, Laborer, Newgate.st.<br />

Bums T., Red Lion Tavern, Yonge-st road<br />

Bums' Tavern, T. Garlick, King-s! east<br />

Burke Thomas, Bricklayer, Spadiua avenue<br />

Bur!w & O'Neil, Auctioneers &c., 69 Killg st.<br />

Burk R, Baker, 48 Lot st.<br />

Burnside Alexallder, Doctor, 34 King st.<br />

Burial Ground the Stranger-'s, commonly calkd Pull,,!,."<br />

field, Yonge st. road<br />

Burial Oround Pl'esbyteria1i, Dutchess st.<br />

~urtOll \'hlliam, Laborer, George st.<br />

Bussell James, Storekeeper, eorller Spadiuil avellUC Lut o!<br />

Butler J ames IN., Laborer, Yonge st<br />

{3utters J Ohll, Chuirmuker, Stewart's lane<br />

Byers Edward, 'j\·:ler Farmers Bank, Y onge st road<br />

Ihwater R., Queen's Head tavern, Sandford's corner,Lut ::;t<br />

B)'water William, Gentleman, Sandford's corner Lut .'it<br />

C<br />

Caldwell "Irs. Eleanor Gore, 108 Newgate.st<br />

Caldwell J. M., clerk Surveyor Gen. OfIice, :; ewgnte.st<br />

Caldicolt's Classical & Commercial Academy,l\JarketL:lllc<br />

Callaghan John, Laborer, 37 Lot.st<br />

Callaghan John, carter, New.st<br />

('allughan Charles, Laborer, New.st<br />

Campbell John, Cabinet.maker, 13 Yonge.st<br />

Campbell John, Boot & Shoe.malier, 1U YOlIge.st<br />

Campbell Wm. North American Hotel, Pront ,~t<br />

Campbell Widow, March.st<br />

Campbell William, Blacksmith, Lot.st east<br />

Campbell Hugh, Carpenter, Lot.st east<br />

Campbell Sumuel, Laborer, Newgate.st<br />

Campbell Lady, Duke-st<br />

·Campfield David, LahoreI', Newgate.st

c-c<br />

Camcron the HOll. Duncan, Lut st west<br />

CamerO:l Colonel, Bishop's buildings, N tlwgate.st<br />

Cameroll Morgall, Laborer, New.",t<br />

Camerun Joha 1\1. A., Clerk in Callada Company Office<br />

Callada Company (ijjice, Frl

C-C<br />

Chapels Wesleyan Jidlwdist, Newgate and GeoJ'('e-~t"<br />

Chapel Primitil:e Jldlwdist, Bay.st "<br />

Chapel Independent 1l'IethoJist, filarket Lane<br />

Chapel Baptist, l\'larch-st<br />

Chapel Pl'eshytcrian United SYllod, Huspltal.st<br />

Chapel Colored People's, Hospital-st<br />

Champion, Brothers & Co. Hardware l\Jerchants,YoJ1gC'.~t<br />

Chamberlain \Yilliam, Tailor, Ycr:gc.st<br />

Cheney Thomas, Carrellter, NClj·.st<br />

Chesney Mrs., Carolil!e.st<br />

Chewett 'Wilham, Registrar of Slll'n'gate Court, iUark ... t . .-:1<br />

Chtl\velt James, Chief Survevol' and Draftsman,<br />

Surveyor Gelleral's" Department, Market-st<br />

Chief Justice of Upper' Canada, residence !iospital.s.<br />

Chipperfield John, Tail!.!r, Market Lane<br />

Child John, Joiuer. Elizabeth·st<br />

Chilvers Joseph, Whitesmith &c, Lot. st.<br />

Chisholm Alan, General store, Market square<br />

Chisholm Alexander, Tavern, 127 King sl:<br />

Christie Alexander, Hardware store, II:.! King Ilt.<br />

Christian William, Baptisl minister, Lot 8t east<br />

Christian Guardian Neu'spaper OjJ{CI', <strong>Toronto</strong> st.<br />

Christmas William, Laborer, Newgate st.<br />

Cit1j Hotel, (late Steam Boat) From st.<br />

Clark Robert. Painter, YOllge st.<br />

Clark John, Tailor, DUlchess st.<br />

Clark J Ohll, Boot and Shoemaker, Richmond st.<br />

Clark Cbristopher, Stonemason, <strong>Toronto</strong> st.<br />

Clark John, Veterinal',Y surgeon, Hospital st.<br />

Clark Mrs. Straw Bot,net maker, Hospital st.<br />

Clark Richard, Boot and Shoemaker, Jordan st.<br />

Clark Thomas, Boot and Shoemaker, Market st.<br />

Clark Samuel, Miller, at the Windmill<br />

Clarke Henry H., Stag tavern, Market square.<br />

Clarke P. T., Discount Clerl{, Farmer's BUll k<br />

Clarkson Thomas, Storekeeper, 55 Yonge st.<br />

Clayton --, laborer, Spadina avenue<br />

Cle~ver Ch'lrles, Chandler, King st we~t<br />

Clerk of the Peace Office, Court House<br />

Clifton Arthur, Carpenter, Lot st.<br />

Clindinning R. W., Printer, Caroline st.<br />

(,Iir~kullbroomer Charles, 'Valch """I,,,,. ,t,.".• 119 Killg st

10<br />

C!j"kuu"'wumcr J" Tailor, Dutchess .et.<br />

Clinkunbroomer Exuveras, Mason, James at.<br />

Cloughly Wm" Government Messenger,58 Lot st. west<br />

Clunie Da\id l3aircl, clerk Canada Company's office.<br />

Coach riffice, corner Markel & Front.st. foot of Church st.<br />

Coales W m. Clerk House of Assembly, Lot st west<br />

Coates IV m. J" Book & Job Printing' Office, 160 King.st<br />

Cockbllrn M, s" Ladies Seminary, Market st.<br />

Codd Misses, Dry Goods Store, '78 King st.<br />

Codty l\1artilJ, Laborer, Lot st.<br />

Cody' Mary, Elizabeth st.<br />

Coifee --, Brickmaker, Palace st Park<br />

Coffield Jalll

C-c 11<br />

Constitutioll Neu'/Spaper Office, W. L. Mackenzi~, King st.<br />

Turton's buildings<br />

Conway James, laborer, Ho~pital st.<br />

Cook Mr. & Mrs., Portrait painters, lOG King R'f.<br />

Cook W. C. Storekeeper, Kingston rOGd near Don.<br />

Cook Henry, Mason, Boulton's block Lot st.<br />

Cooper Thomas, Gelltleman, Lot st. west<br />

{ ooper \Villiam, Gelltleman, Palace st.<br />

Copeland --, Brewer, Yonge st. road<br />

Cope William, Painter, 190 KinO' ,:t.<br />

C ope "'I I lomas, C oarpenter, Bonlton's " block L"t st.<br />

Copping Ed\\'ard, Masoll, Market st.<br />

Cormack & Co. iVh"lesale & Hetail DrvGood~,199 KinO' !It<br />

Cornell Edward, Erickmaker. Killgsto;1 road "<br />

Cornwell John, laborer, Dutchess st. '<br />

Correspondent. 4' Advocate NFwspaper published on Wednesdays'<br />

York st.<br />

Coswny Robert, General Slore, 84 King st.<br />

CottO;] Barnabas, Carpentpr, Ric-hmol!d st.<br />

Cotterell James, laborer, Newgate st. west<br />

Cotter John, New British Coffee House, Chewett's lJUild.<br />

illgs King st.<br />

COOlch Johll, Carpenter, Newgate st. west<br />

Coupland Thomas, Shoemaker, York st.<br />

Coulson ('orry. Gentleman, Kingston road<br />

Council Executive Chamber, Parliamel,t Buildings Frollt 51<br />

Court House, Killg st.<br />

Court of King's Bench, Parliament buildings Front 51.<br />

Court of Requests Office, COlirt House<br />

Courier of Upper Canada New,lpapef' r!lfice, G. Gurnett,<br />

Editor, published tri.weddy, Tuesday, Thursday<br />

& Saturday, New st. ~arket square<br />

Cowan John, carpenter, Lot st. west<br />

Cowan H., Blaeksmith, Lot st. east<br />

Cox Patrick, Boot and Shoemaker, New st.<br />

Coxwell W. H. Clerk in Crown Office, Lot st. east<br />

Craddock Joseph, Tailor, 41 Lot st.<br />

Craig William, laborer, New st.<br />

CraiO' & Potts, Copper and Tin smith, 105 King st.<br />

Craig John, Portrait, Fancy, & House I~ainter, 229 King st<br />

Craig James, Boot and Shoemaker, Kmgston road

12 C-D<br />

CrRIVCtlrJ Joshull, Baker, Church st.<br />

CrawforJ Dr., Lot st~eel we3t<br />

Creighton 'Villiam, Baker, Market lane<br />

CresselJ Edward, Issuer COilli3't. Department, Front st.<br />

Crispin Richard, Cartcr and Grocery store, 44 Hospital 3t<br />

Crisp Thomas, Bay st.<br />

Croft Edward, Boot amI Shoe maker. 113 King st.<br />

Crooksh,mk Hon. George, 70 Front st.<br />

Cross Keys Inn, York- st<br />

Craun Inn, Thomas Moore, corner King & ':-~ew st.<br />

Crown Office, Parliamcnt buildings, Front st.<br />

Crothers James, carter, Park St. Lawrence 'Nard<br />

Crowthers :Hiss, :30 Hospital st.<br />

(:1'011' William, Coach Builder, 29 Lot st.<br />

Crozier Richard, Boot and Shoe maker, Lot st.<br />

Crozier TllOmas, Boot and Shoe maker, Peter st.<br />

Cryan Tllflmils, Tailor, George st.<br />

Cull James sen. Editor and Proprietor of the Albion of Fp~<br />

per C:lnada Newsp;]per, published 0!1 Saturday<br />

ROllth east corner Market buildings<br />

Cull Edward Lefroy, clerk Canada Company's ofIice.<br />

Cull James jnn'r., Gentlpman, Front st.<br />

Cummings Thomas, Tailor, New s1.<br />

Cunningham David, Blacksmith, 6:3 Yonge st.<br />

Cunningham James, Mason, Lot sf. east<br />

Cunningham Francis, Boot and Shoe maker, Xewgatc st.<br />

Curran James, Storekeeper, York st.<br />

Custom House, Front st.<br />

Cuthbert Richard, Book binder, Richmond st.<br />

Cuthbert Thomas, Boot and Shoe maker, Richmond st.<br />

Cuthbert Alexande~~, Eoot and Shoe maker, York at.<br />

D.<br />

Dade Rev. C., Mathematical master, U. C. Collccre.<br />

Daily Timothy, Provision store, Market square "<br />

Daly Charles, Clerk City Council<br />

Dalton Thomas, Editor and Proprietor of the Patriot News<br />

. paper, published Tuesday & Friday, 233 King st<br />

Darlmg R, Grocery store &c., Chewett's build's. King st<br />

Dart W. R. Carpenter Grocery slore, King st. east.

D-D 13<br />

Davidson Rev. Mr., Wesleyan Minister, Upper George.st.<br />

Dc>,vidson James, Laborer, New.st<br />

Davis Calvi!l, 4 Lot-st<br />

Davis WiIliam,.Cavan Arms, King·st east<br />

Dears J olm, BrIcklayer, Duchess.st<br />

Defreis Robert, Gardener, Palace.st<br />

Deihl Dr .. 57 Lot.st<br />

Dell AJex~llder, working Tanner, Eay.st<br />

Dell 'William, Boot & Shoe-maker, Bay.st<br />

Dempsey 1;rancis, Currier &c., 41 Yonge.st<br />

Lempsey John, Weigh,master, in the Market<br />

Denisot: George T. Alderman, &c. Lot.st west<br />

Denison Gem'ge T., jun. Student at Law, Lot.st west<br />

Denham C: R., Brass-fovnder & Smith, Lot.st west<br />

Denholm Geo;'ge, Dry Good Store, 58 King.st<br />

Derry Thomas, Gentleman, York.st<br />

Devine John, Laborer, Wilmot Place<br />

Deval WiJiiam, Laborer, Hospital,st<br />

Devlin Arthur, Labore .., Lot.st_<br />

Dewson Dr., King.st west<br />

Dew ,John; Engineer, &c. Lot-st west<br />

Dillard John, Laborer, York-st<br />

Dick lUrs., Milliner, &c. 161 King.st<br />

District School, New.st<br />

Distl'icl Court, held at the Court House<br />

Dixon Alex., Bl'i(ish Saddlery Warehouse, 179 King-st<br />

Dixon Josq/:, at do. do. do.<br />

Dixon 'William, Painter, Broad Lane, York.st<br />

Dobson J., Teamster, Richmond-st<br />

Dodds James, on Crookshank's farm, Peter-st<br />

DorlclY James, Laborer, March-st<br />

Dodsworth John, Laborer, Y.uf;e-st road<br />

Doel·John, Brewer, Corner Bay and Newgate-sts<br />

Dog 0/ Duck tavern, Thomas Smith, Market-square<br />

Dolmadge-John, Laborer, Newgate-st<br />

Dolan John, Sailor, Churc'i-lane<br />

Donaldson George, Carpenter, Hospital.sf<br />

Donovan John, Sailor, YO:lge-st<br />

Donovan Cornelius, Laborer, March.st<br />

Donelly Patrick, Laborer, Terauly-st<br />

Donnelly John, Laborer, March.st<br />

c<br />


..<br />

./ D-E<br />

.-"f'<br />

DOlmington George, \ Key'lil lllli, York.st<br />

Douglass J oh!1, cow·k r, Y ork.st<br />

:00,(10 tiarrett, Grocen re, :\J:1I'~h.3t<br />

DnlpcrW.H., Att0rl1C), c~ '. rd ·P.st, i'11.P.P. for <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Drain Widow, T'lilliZl.i.I.·t<br />

Drew Andrew, Carpenter, '\LT~),·st<br />

Drummond Wiul)w, Riehm, ,,~l·;!;-t' .<br />

Driscoll Edward, Gr.;r."':" --; r;: .. Y.oP'gI~.st<br />

Duif--, Blacksmith, liew':;

.<br />

E-F 15<br />

Eastwoods Mrs., Ne\1gate.st, opposite Ii.:dOp'S buildings<br />

Ed,jnburgh Castle tavern, G. Henderson, ~:i·u\'ch.st<br />

Edwoods W. H., Barbel', 102 King.st<br />

Eddington George, Gentlf'5m~ll, Lot.st \H<br />

Ekerlil1 B., Issuer Com. Department, L(,[-o! west<br />

Elliott John, Assistant Clerk Common C'-l';JciJ, 55 Lot.s!<br />

Elliott John, Bay.st Market.5t<br />

Elliott George, GentJehlan, Kingston Roae .<br />

ElliDtt Chrio;topher, Butcher, Ontario.5t<br />

Elliott Thomas, SUIl Tavern, 57 Yonge.st.<br />

Elliott Wido\';-, ChUTCh Lane<br />

Eliah John, Dry'Goods Merchant, Yorkshire Store, 132<br />

& 134, Klng.st<br />

Empey Michael P., Mason and Plasterer, Richmond.st<br />

Elmsley Hon. John, Lor.st east<br />

Elms Edward, Hatter, 124 King.at<br />

Emery Roberf, Wheelwright &c. 32 Lot.st<br />

Emigrant Office, Pm:liament Buildings, Froat.st.<br />

Hawke, Superintendant<br />

Emmens Thomas, Carpenter, Lot.st west<br />

EflglislJ J:wiscopal Church, King.st<br />

English Samuel, Duke of York lun, Church·st<br />

Erskine Alexander, Confectioner, 145 King.st<br />

Esmonde John, Tinsmith, 188 King.st<br />

•<br />

A. B.<br />

Evans, Miller &. Co., Coach Builders, King.st weit<br />

Evans Richard, small Store, Church.st<br />

Evans Samuel, General Clothing Warehouse, 104 KiDg-st<br />

Evans Rev. Ephraim, Editor of the Christian Gualodia.Il,·<br />

56 Newgate st<br />

Evatt Henry, Barrack. master, 47 Lot.st<br />

Ewart John; ·30 Front.st •<br />

Ewart Andre\\, Bpot & Shoemaker,l3oullon's B1ock,Lot.st<br />

Ewing Alexander, Farmer's Hotel, Mar\re! square<br />

Exchange Office, Truscott &; Co., 26 Front·st .<br />

£:r.ectlive Council Office, Parliament Buildings, Front-st<br />

F.<br />

Fairbanlis Levi, Watch maker, Church.st .<br />

Fairbanks Mrs., Milliner &c.~hurch.st<br />

Falls William S., Prjnter, Richmond.st<br />

Falvey John, Carter, Lot.st<br />

Farley Samuel, Laborer,.42 Hospit!l.st

16 F-F<br />

Farmer's Joillt Stock Banking Co. Office, Ki~lg.st west<br />

Farmel"s liolel, Market sqtwre<br />

Farmel"s Arms Inn, J. Scholfield, 88 & 90 King.st<br />

Farmer's Store House, on tbe nay Shore, Market sqllai'(!<br />

P(lrmers' 4' Mechanics' H~all, Newgahr~st<br />

Farr J Ohll, Grewer, Lot.st we ~t<br />

Farrell Ge.orge, Yeoman, Lot.st west, 0;';>' mack Bull<br />

Farrell Patrick, Carpenter, Bay.st·<br />

Farrell John, Carter, Upper Ceorge.st<br />

Farrell Joseph, Laborer, Upper George.st<br />

Featherstone --, Carpenter, Broad Lane, York-st<br />

Feehan James, Grocery Store, near steam-uoat Wharves<br />

Feehan George, Laborer, 26 King-st<br />

Fe1stead George, Gardener, Duke.st<br />

Fennell John, Boo( & Shoe maker, Jordan.st<br />

Fennell Joh'], Laborer, Dundas-st<br />

Fenwick Widow, MisLre~s of (he College 'nOi\rJ'g hOllse<br />

Ferguson Andrew, Bout & Shoe maker, 4'2 Hospital.st<br />

Ferguson -, al Ketchum's tannery, Y onge.st<br />

Ferguson Joseph, Laborer, Duchess st<br />

Ferrier !lobert, Guker, 135 King-st<br />

Ferris Mrs. Boarding-house, Hospilal-st<br />

•<br />

Field Robert, Livery stables, H enriella-st<br />

Fielding James, Laborer, Lot.st west<br />

Filer Charles, Carpenter, Market-st<br />

Finch WiJliam, Carpenter, Elizabeth.st<br />

Fisher S. Gentleman, near the Wi,]dmill<br />

Fish Moses, Razor Gl'il~cler, Newgate-st<br />

Fis/I-market, on ,he n,I\-, at the foot of the I'ILll'l:ct square<br />

Fireman's lIall, Chllr~h.st<br />

Fire Assurance Co. (British America) Dukc:st<br />

Fire Assurance Co. (Pltcenix) R. Stanton, agent, King-st<br />

Fire .lssurance Co. (Al1ia>lce)J.Ridont,agent, Newgata.st<br />

Fizgerald DeniR, Captaill, Hospital-st .<br />

FitzGibbon James, Chief Clerk House of Assc·:nbl.-,<br />

Lot-st west .<br />

Fitzpatrick William, Tailor, YOL1ge.st<br />

Fitzpatrick James, Laborcr, Stewart's Lane<br />

Flanaghan Jno. Garcher, Ring-st, opp. Hosp'l<br />

Flanaghan William. LalJorel', March-st<br />

Flaherty Francis, Carpenler, Eoton Block, Lot-st

F-G 17<br />

Flay Absalom, Carpenter, March.st<br />

Fleming John, Constable, Church.st<br />

Flinn J ames, Carpenter, Elizabeth.st<br />

Flock W illiatti, Storekeeper, 55 Yonge.st<br />

Floyd --, working Ironfounper, N e\\' gate.st<br />

Foley William, Carpenter, Kingston road<br />

Foley Mich'!. laborer, near the Windmill<br />

Foley James, Mariner, Churcl~st<br />

Foot, if'rancis R., Assistant Commissary Gencral, Fron[.s[<br />

Ford George, Coach spring maker, \Valnut Place, Kino.st<br />

Ford R0bert, Carpenter, 182 King.st.<br />

':<br />

Forbes Henry, Grocery &c. 209 King.st<br />

Forhes Samuel, Butcher, Duchess.st<br />

Forbes James, Laborer. New.st<br />

Foster Co!., A. A. G. corner of Peter&; Newgate.s(o<br />

Foster William, carter, 59" King.st<br />

Foster Thomas, Carter 59 King.st<br />

Foster James. Boot &; Shoemaker, 91 &; 93 King.st<br />

Fox Henry, Bricklayer, near the Don.<br />

Fozard William, Laborer, Front st, bay shore<br />

Fowler Robert, Laborer, Lot.st west<br />

F!;ench Richard,

It1<br />

G-G<br />

. Ganey John, Carpenter, Market.st<br />

Garrison and 'Barracks, west of .. ho cily<br />

Ge():'~en Mrs., York.sl<br />

Ccd{,~~ Adam, Tailor, Church.st<br />

G~bbs !touert, Carpenter, n.ichnlOilcl.~'<br />

Gibson Andrew, tin smith, Jordan.st<br />

Gibson J 0!J1l I:ricldayer, Elizabel;l.st<br />

Gibson '1'110:::;:13, cattle .ioD.ber, 64 Yonged<br />

Gifford A .clerk in Gov.Ofllc(',Newga:e·sr,west<br />

j; ilbert i';. ~., cabinet Illaker, I:ay.st<br />

Gilbertson Henry, Carpenter, Lot'st west<br />

Gill Wiliam, Goot & Shoe maker, Duke.st<br />

Gilmour H., clerk at Laurie & Co.'s, King.st<br />

Ginty James, '1';1 iiol', Rich'llOnd-st<br />

Givins Jr,:~1es, Col. Chief Superintend;)nt ofIlidian aflllirs.<br />

Lot·st \Yest<br />

Uhrimes George, Carpenter, Dummer.st<br />

G hrimes j\j ichael, Laborer, ;\I ewgate.st<br />

Glassco Thos., sen. Eool & Sh0emaker, 89 Kil!g.:-;t<br />

Glassco Thos., .il"l. [l;J.,lc" I 'J3 Kins's~<br />

Glendil1l,il1;'; \Villiam,Bu:cher, in (he :\jarket<br />

God: .. e Thomas, TlIl'ner, No\',·.;;!<br />

Golding E. Boot & Shoema~.or, 214 king.sl<br />

Gundy Geo. Labortr, Hospi(al.st<br />

GooLlGl'halll W 111. iUil:cf, at the Windmill<br />

(;00dlda'1 r.Ls., George.:;;t<br />

(lorhalll James, Laborer, lot.st west<br />

Gormley J. laborer, Kill.'Tston Road<br />

(JOti:m::flll Ojfic,;, Kil1g.~t we~i, opp. Cullege<br />

.Gov,o,l'IlOr's Resiilence, King.st west, opposile the College<br />

(;ove1'llll1cill (?ij;ces, PUl'liame!1t I:Ulldinc;s, Froll(.~t<br />

GOll.die l\11'.~., Lo~-~t<br />

Graing'er George, Gardener, You.se-st road<br />

Graham William, Carpenter, James-Oil<br />

Grah[l.'l1 Drad~haw, gcncleman, Duke-st<br />

Graham Thomas, Carpenter, Market-st<br />

Graham John, Laborer, 28 Lo~-st<br />

Graham John, Cu~cher, in the Market<br />

Grant J 01111, Wheelwright, Lot-st west<br />

Grant John, "l1u.sic Seller, H~.'l'erman's block, Markel-st<br />

Grant Alexander, Attol'llev, &~. Bav-st<br />

Grantham John, Old I:ri.lsh Coff'ee:House, Front-st

G-II<br />

19<br />

Grassi A. dC'. Don Giver<br />

Grasse;, ne\'. 1\11'., Cll"OieE!1glish Church, Ne",cya(e-st<br />

Graves \\ ilii;,m, Schoo" York-sl b.<br />

G ray Mrs., Ship Tavern, ,Market-st<br />

Gray .lob: 1 , Laborel', LOl-st west<br />

G my Tbomas, Laborer, Lot-s! wer;t<br />

Gray J ohll, CarpC!ltel', Doulton's block, Lot-st \I'ret<br />

Gray P..ichanl, Gll~cher. Ot1lario-~t "<br />

Gray James, Labol'er, Church Jane<br />

Gray JoIn, gardener. at Sheriff Jarvis's .<br />

6'recnl((lld Fishery Tarl'l';!, TIeal' Parl'n~ buill)',!'5. Fro: t· st<br />

Greenup H enl'Y, Grocery and provisio:.s, 192 Lh. ;r:;--:,l<br />

G,'iffitll Tbol1l(1.s, Boot & Shoema~,e]', 1:37 I\ ill;;-~t<br />

Grie"son )'Jajor, J 5:h r.egl. ~26 Kino'-st<br />

, Grigory TIichurd, gentleman, nicbm~nd-st<br />

Groves John, Can;)dv Co. O!l1ce, l'rederick-st<br />

(;roundri:l Ricbnrd, Cart~r,<br />

Milburn-'s block,on :}cw "b!'c<br />

Gunn Ad8111, Laborer, 22 Lot-st .,. .<br />

Gurnett GeoJ'2,e, Editor and Proprietor of the Counel' of<br />

, Upper Canada I1$WSpaper, puulished ,,:. ... ;t·l;.l~',<br />

Tuesd:1Y, Thursday, & Saturday, N

20<br />

Hamilton \'I'm, laborer, opp. Bishop's build)~s.Newgate-s't<br />

l-~rnilton rr. small store, opp. Bishop's build~gs, N ewgate-st<br />

Hammeli John, Boot & Shoemaker, Yonge-

H-H<br />

21<br />

Hnyes Pallick, Elacksmith, Churc~l lane<br />

H".yes M;Jihew, Three Loggerheacs IlIn, Yunge-~t<br />

Hay thorn Tbomas, Tailor, Jordan-st<br />

Hayton John, laborer, TIichmolld_st<br />

Haywood Benjamin, Carpenter, Newgate-sl<br />

Haverty Thomas, genlleman, Harley's tavern, New-lS!<br />

Hawke Robert, general clothing estahlishment, 77 King-si<br />

Hawke A. n.,. Sllperintendent of E)uigrant Depltrtnwnt<br />

Lot-st west<br />

Hawkins Andrew, Government Me-'senger<br />

Hay(~on Williem, Yonge-st road • .<br />

Hay JolLl, Boarding Honse, 10 King-~t east<br />

Haye De la,.l.P. FrenchMas[Ci·;U. C.Collrg8,' t the colleg(,<br />

Heather 'V., brickla)er & sllrveyor,Park, nrar \ri':omill<br />

Herson George, blacksmith, Lot-st west<br />

Heathcote George, gentleman, Hospital-st<br />

Heenan David, laborer, Jordan-st<br />

Beerson Patrick, laborer, Ml~rkel-st<br />

Herson Michael, fisherman, Bay shore<br />

Hector Thomas, Hospital-ct west<br />

HelliweU & Brothers, brewers, IVlarket-square<br />

Henderson Edward, [ailor, Yonge-st road<br />

Henderson Patrick, laborer, Duchess-st<br />

Henderson Robert, boot and shoe malwl', Stewart's block<br />

Henderson David, blacksmith, <strong>Toronto</strong>-st<br />

Henderson Edward, tailor, 166 King-st<br />

Henderson James, land agent, Chewett's bui!dings,Ki"~­<br />

Henderson George, Edinbul'gh Castle tavern, C;lIll'ch.st<br />

Henderson Hugh, Albion tuvel'rJ, Church-st<br />

Henderson Joseph, lime burner, Park<br />

Henderson Patrick, Duchess:st<br />

Henry James, tailor, !;ew.: a:c-st<br />

Henry James, auctioneer, Churcb-st<br />

Hensleigb J., cQsbier Trl1~cott & Co.'s bank<br />

Hepburn Willi"hll, ge11tleman, Lot-st 'lest<br />

Hepburn David, (ailor, Richmond st<br />

Heron GeoJ'ge, bail' cuttel', &c. 108 King-st<br />

Hetherington George, chairmaker, 1!}8 K ;ng-st<br />

Heughen J oseplI, hair cl1l.ler and perfumer, ] 3G King-st<br />

Heward Henry C., clerk of tbe District Court, Caroline-st<br />

Ileward William, yeoman, Kingslon road

H-H<br />

Heyden Michael, laborer, Lpt-st west<br />

Hickmall VI"iJliall'l, barbel', Front-st<br />

Hickley 1\[rs., James-st<br />

Higgins William, High Constable, 148 King-at<br />

Higgins Captain, Princes-st .<br />

Hill William, carpenter, Broad lune, Yo riC-lit<br />

Bill Joseph, carpenter, Newgate-st .<br />

Hill Mrs., widow, N,ewgate-st<br />

Hill John, laborer, Elizabeth-st<br />

Hill Samuel, carpenter, 38 Kin~-il<br />

Hill Misses, millineJil' 38 King-!!t<br />

Hillock Francis, cooper, Newgate-st<br />

Hillock Edward, cooper, Macaulay lane<br />

Hitchings Edward, law student, at, Robert Buldwins,King-st<br />

II jncks F., book-keeper Farmer's, Rank<br />

Hinds Patrick, plasterer; Lot-st east<br />

Hodgin William, butcher, Yonge-st road<br />

Hodgson Joseph, tinsmith, 51 Yongc-st<br />

Uo~g John, laborer, Lot.st west<br />

Hollisu'l' John, deputy sheriff, at the Court Bouse<br />

Holder!. John, Foul' All's tavern, March--st<br />

Holmos, Speirs & Co. wholesale merchants, King-,t west<br />

Hopkins Captain W. R., Lot-st west<br />

}'I{opkins Benjamin, sailor, Duke-st<br />

Hopkiltos J ames, brich;~ah:er, Stewart'll nlock<br />

Hornby Dr., 46 Newgate-st<br />

Horne Samuel, hoot and shoe maker, Wilmot Place<br />

Horne R. C. YOilgc-sLro:td,asaistant cashier, V.C. baflk<br />

Horto\l Col., 151h Hegiment, Lot-st west<br />

Hf)I'",I,'v RElbert, lIalf."!l.loon Inn, New-st<br />

Jiospit;tl, \lest c:.,j of l-(ing~st<br />

HIJlI;,:illr,,, George, ('Jerk 'I)I' lVorks enqinccr dej>::trtmen:"<br />

Lol-st wcst<br />

IlolI',U'(] .T. S. POS(mflstcr~ Dul,e-st<br />

Howard JOll~l G., architect and civil angineel', land FurvCyOI',<br />

&c. and dtawing Master U. C. CollAge,<br />

Ci1cwett's buildings, King-lOt<br />

Bowud Roi,erl, Race 'Horse ta\'e,rn, ChUfCh-st<br />

fJQ'va{d Edward, cart:~r, Churcl~:,t<br />

[{urls.-'n \Villiall:, Marlw! squanl<br />

rh:l~o', P:i; ;C~":. tailor, 18 Ho~pital-st.

Ii-I<br />

HuJ ,·)n William, b~cklayer, Newgate-st<br />

H utlson David, merchant, Princes-st<br />

Hughes James, cartel', Hospital-st<br />

HogllfS John, bricklayer, 21 Lot-st<br />

H 11~;;;CS William, mason, Lot-st we:;!<br />

Hugill John, 101 K ing-st<br />

•<br />

Hu .• le Stephenson, bookseller & stationer, 21 YonO'c-st<br />

'Uumphrey Caleb, carpenter, Torollto-st<br />

b<br />

H umphl'ey .] osiah, carpenter, Elizabeth-st<br />

Humph':'ies ---, teacher of singing, tr:l-st west<br />

Hunter James, tailor, Yonge-st<br />

Hunter Samuel, laborm', Yonge-st<br />

Hun::,' - J ~es, laborer, Newgate-st<br />

Hunt Thomas, laborer, 4:,,\ Hospital-st<br />

Runt Charles, gentleman, 33 Newgate-st<br />

Hunter \Vilson, brickmaker, near the Windmill<br />

H~rcl S. P. Capt., Front-st near the garris~lll<br />

Hushen Patrick, laborer, John-st •<br />

Hussey Eliza, school, 10 Lot-st<br />

Hutcheson J., City Hotel, Front-st<br />

Hutchinson John, blacksmith, Duke-st<br />

'Hutchinson wiciow, Duke-st<br />

Hutchinson William, bricklayer & maSOTl, ::'hrch-st<br />

Hutchinson John, sailor, Market-st<br />

Hutchinson Thomas, carter, Hospital-st<br />

Huton James, luborCl-, Broad lane, York-ilt<br />

Huton William, carpenter, Broad lane, York-st<br />

I&J<br />

Jackes William, Baker, 64 King-st<br />

Jackes William, grocery store, 9 Lot-st<br />

Jackson Francis, tailor, 1ork-st<br />

Jackson Henry, watch maker, New-st<br />

Jacques John, cabinet maker, 223 King-st<br />

J ames Robert. ~arpenter, Lot-st east<br />

James widow, March-st·<br />

James Ro~ert, drover, Hospital-st<br />

James John, steam saw milli~, Tavern, Kingston road<br />

Jameson K S. Attorney Genel'a~94 Newgate-st Bishop'S<br />

buildings<br />

J".lilCSO:l William, Boulton's block, Lot.st

24 I-I{<br />

Jamieson James, boot and shoemaker, '220 King-st . .<br />

Jarvis W. B., sheriff of the Home District, Rosedale,<br />

Y onge-st road .<br />

Jarvis Stephen, Usher Black Rod, Rosedule,Yonge-st.roa9-<br />

Jaryis S. P., clerk crown in chancery, &c" Lot-st east<br />

.Jtffr.l'cy's Academy, <strong>Toronto</strong>-st . .<br />

J en~: ins William, carpE':}~er, Yonge-st road<br />

Je~opp Henry, boot and shoemaker, Church-st<br />

J ewell Richard, laborer, Broad lane, York-st<br />

J ex Robert, confectioner, 173 King-st<br />

Independent Chape?, Market lane<br />

Infant School, Hospital-st .<br />

lnspector ficnetal's Ojice, PaI'liament buildings.Proat-st<br />

Inspector qf Lirc.!cc:;, lIon. A. McDonell,.Newgate-st<br />

Iredale John, tinsmith, 17 Lot-st .<br />

Iredaie .lcremiah, do.<br />

do.<br />

Ircdale William, Painter, &c. 2 Yonge-st<br />

lredaJe Jsh,nael, Hospital-st<br />

Johhd James, tailor, Richmond st.<br />

J obbitt Joseph, carpenter, Hospical §It.<br />

Johnson John, waggon maker, 33 Lot st .<br />

.J ohnson William, turl1('r, 53 Yonge st.<br />

Johnson Geol'ge, pninter, Broad lane York sl.<br />

Johnson Mrs_ Man;h st.<br />

Johnson James, laborer, :.vI arch. St.<br />

Johnson Arthur, laborer, 1\1 arch st.<br />

Johnson Marg1ret, widow, <strong>Toronto</strong> st.<br />

Johnston J~mes, boot and shoe maker, 35 King st.<br />

Johnston Hugh, bricklayer, Upper George st.<br />

J 01F18(on Mrs. Almira, Hospital st.<br />

J oHands Benjamin, tailor, 2 Yonge st.<br />

Jones Thomas jl,'fercer, Commissumer Canada Company,<br />

Front street corner York st.<br />

'.<br />

JOlles PatJ'id{, blacksmith, Palace st.<br />

Joslin Daniel, bricklayer, Caroline st.<br />

Joseph John, Esq. Private Secrefary Lieut. G~vernpr .<br />

.Judges Chambers, <strong>Public</strong> buildings, Front st. .<br />

'. K.<br />

Kane Patrick, White Swan tavern, 26 Lot st.<br />

Kane ~ichael, Spirit store, 25 Yonge st.

K-K<br />

25<br />

K-earney James, Waggon maker, Newgate st.<br />

Keating Michael, tavern and chop house, King-st west<br />

Keele W. C. Attorne)\ land agent, &c. King st. west<br />

Kelley M. barber and hair-dresser, Yonge-st<br />

Kelly Robert, clerk Canada Company's Office, Palace st.<br />

Kelly Widow, Market st.<br />

Kempt Capt. John, Terauly st.<br />

Kendrick G. B. R. tavern, Lot st. west<br />

Kendrick Andrew, carpenter, Dutchess st;<br />

Kendrick Josiah, constable, Police Office<br />

Kennedy Mrs., Duke-st<br />

Kennedy Mrs., Richmond-51<br />

Kennedy William, gentleman, James-Bt<br />

Kennedy James, wheelwright, Lot_at west<br />

Kennedy John, c&rpenter, 18 Lot-st<br />

Kenrick J. S., shoemaker, York-st<br />

Kent Mrs., 5 King-It east<br />

Kent John, Preparatory Master U. C. College<br />

Kerr John, tavern, Palace-st<br />

Kerr William, carpenter, New-st<br />

Kerr Joseph, laborer, Dummer-It<br />

Ketchum Jesse, 37 Yonge-st<br />

Ketchum William, tanner &c., 37 Yonge-st<br />

Kewan Robert, laborer, William-st<br />

Kidd James, bricklayer, 2g King.st<br />

Kilgore James, laborer, Newgate-st<br />

King William, butcher, Caroline-st<br />

King John Dr., M.D. Front-st, comer of Yonge.st<br />

King James, Attorney, &c., Newgate-st<br />

King Alfred Tavern, Job Bakel', 198 King-st<br />

Kingsmill George, Tel'l\uly-st<br />

Kinnear Thomas, gentleman, 220 King.et<br />

Kinlley Matthew, carpenter, March-st.<br />

Kirk Mrs., Blue Bonnet tavern, Yonge.st<br />

Kirk Mrs., March-st<br />

Kirkwood John, !!hoemaker, March-st<br />

Kirkup William, tin smith, 59 King-st<br />

Kirby Thomas, at Chief Justices, Lot.et west<br />

Kitson John, cabinet maker, King-st "west<br />

Kitson Daniel, shoemaker, Hospital-!!t<br />

Kliser Jacob, watchmaker, Duchess-st<br />


L-L<br />

Knott Benjamin, Blue and Poland starch factory, on the<br />

Peninsula, across the bay<br />

Knott Elizabeth, widow, 172 Kingjt<br />

L.<br />

Laclip Thomas, shoplnan at Nortllcotes, King.st<br />

Lackie Mrs. Lot.st west<br />

Lafferty'Villiam, carter, Stewart's lane<br />

J~aiJy Thomas, grocery and provisions, Richmond.st<br />

Laing John, gentleman, Yonge-st<br />

Lake Thomas, carpenter, New.st<br />

Lamontaine Charles, blacksmith, Duke·st<br />

Lampson John, teamster, Duke.st<br />

Lane & McDonell, land agents, 184 King.st<br />

Lang John, plasterer, Duchess.st<br />

Lang Abraham, grocery, Yonge·st<br />

Lang M. Rev., Methodist minister, Ncwgate.st east<br />

Lang Dr., Medical Hall, 87 King.st<br />

Langley William, shoe maker, 7 J;..9t.st<br />

J~angi!l James, laborer, New.st .<br />

Langdrill Francis, butcher, Ontario.st<br />

Langdrill William, laborer, near the Windmill<br />

Lanson D. H., boot and shoe maker, Kingston road<br />

Lapsley William, general store, 122, King.st .<br />

Laskey Daniel, cooper and millwright, Kingston road<br />

Latham Jacob, builder, Duke.st<br />

Latham Henry, student at law with J. E. Small<br />

Lawless --, at Dutcher's iron foundry<br />

Laurie A. & Co .• wholesale & retail dry goods,195 King.st<br />

.Law Edmond, gentleman, at Keating's, King.st<br />

Lawrence J. H., Printer, Guardian Office, Lot.st east<br />

Lawrence Monis, York Hotel, King.st east .<br />

Lawson Joseph, carter,Lot st<br />

Lawson's general clothing establishment, 187 Killg.st<br />

Leach Francis, painter, broad lane, York.st .<br />

Leary Mrs., Yonge.st ,.<br />

Leadly Henry, skill dresser, Lot.st west,<br />

Leckie James, clerk..Adj.Gen. Office, SpadillR Avenue<br />

Lee Joseph, East York Store, 39. King.st<br />

Lee John, laborer, Newgate-st west,

L-L<br />

21<br />

Lee" John, Plumber, &c. Newgo.te.st<br />

Lee Samuel, Joiner, 51 Lot.st<br />

Lee William H., clerk Executive Council, Lot.st west<br />

Lee Joseph S., clerk in the U. C. Bank<br />

Leek & Hall, soap & candle manufacturers, Palace.st;·eet,<br />

Bay shore<br />

•<br />

Legge Alexander, groccry store, wines, &c. ~::! King.st<br />

Lenuard --, at Dutcher's iron foundry<br />

Lennon George, carpenter, LfA.st west<br />

Lesslie William, ::lfJ4 King.st<br />

•<br />

Lesslie & Sons, booksellers, stationers, awl druggists, llO~<br />

King·st .<br />

Lester William, tailor, Tel'auly.st<br />

Leuty Joseph, gentleman, 76 Lot.st west<br />

Levie's clothing store, market square<br />

Lewis Alexander, grocery, 178 King.st<br />

Lewis \Villiam, carpenter, Kingston.road<br />

Leys John, Engineer, &c. Lot.st<br />

Lindsay John, carpenter, Boulton's block, Lot·st west<br />

Lindsay William, tailor, Ontario.st<br />

Linfoot John, butcher, Yonge.st road<br />

Linfoot Thomas, cabinet maker, Teraulay.st<br />

Lizars Henry,assist. draftsman, Sur.Gen.Offiee,Lot.::;1 west<br />

Logan -, on Hon.MeGill's property, Richmond.st<br />

Logan John, laborer, Broad lane<br />

Logan Willillm, laborer, Lot.st east<br />

London William, laborer, Upper "George.<br />

Lyons Dalliel, laborer, Henrietta.st<br />

L)'nn Widow, H08pital.st "!It

28 L-M<br />

Lynn Robert, surveyor a'ld civil engineer, at Mr. Leut~'s,<br />

Lot.st west<br />

Lysett John, boot & shoe maker,97 King st<br />

M.<br />

Mabbitt James, blacksmith, Hospital.st<br />

Macaulay The Hon. J. B., one of the Puisne Judges K.B.<br />

52 Front.st<br />

Macaulay Capt. J. S., Peter. street<br />

Macaulay Mrs., Peter.street<br />

Macaulay ~ev. Mr., of the Di!trict school, Church.st<br />

Maddan Patrick, Antrim Inn, near the Catholic .rhurch<br />

Maddan James, Belfast tavern, market lane<br />

Maddan James, laborer, Dut('h~ss.st<br />

Madill John, laborer, Newg:lte.st west<br />

Mair Thomas, teller at the Commercial Bank, King .• t<br />

Maitland John, distiller, Palace·st<br />

Malone James, carpenter, Lot.st \~est<br />

Malone Maurice, bricklaY0r. market-st<br />

Malony William, blacksmith, market.st<br />

Mansfield Robert, gardener, Spadina-avenue<br />

Mantac John, laborer, Yonge.st<br />

Manuel Joseph, carter, Hospital-st<br />

Mara Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Lot.st west<br />

March & Church, chair makers, Yonge.s~.<br />

March William, boot & shoe warehouse, 126 King.st<br />

Marchant Robert, carpenter, corner York && Hospital.ats.<br />

Market Clerk, William Phair, 126 King.st .<br />

Markland Hon. G. H. 213 Market.st corner York.st<br />

.Marion Widow, King.st east<br />

Marriage License Ojfif;e, Andrew Mercer, Bay.st<br />

Martin William, laborer, Lot.st west<br />

Jli(~rtin Joseph, 40 Hospital.st<br />

Marlin Joseph, bricklayer, 192 King.st west<br />

Mash John, blacksmith, Kingston road .<br />

Mason & Barber, engineers, Lot.st east<br />

Masonic Lodge, Market lane<br />

Masterson H. C. auctioneer, 60 King.st<br />

Masterson Michael, laborer, March.at<br />

Mather William, grocery store, Lot.st west<br />

Mathers James, merchant tailor, 81 King.st<br />

Matthew Henry, laborer., Henrietta.st

Matthews Henry, carter, Church-st<br />

Matthews Robert, Whito Lion Inn, March-st<br />

~latthews James, sailor, ~5 Yonge-st<br />

Matthews Rev. Charles, at the U. C College<br />

Maulson William, laborer, at Lynche's urew'y, Caroline-ot<br />

l\1ax\~;ell William, gentleman, 237 King-st<br />

Maxwell --, musician, 237 King.st<br />

Maxwell J. E., class'l. & comm'l. academ\-, Market.lane<br />

May Thomas; Market.st -<br />

Maynard Rev. G. at the U. C. College<br />

Mayne Vaniel H., east York District school<br />

Mayhew Charles, laboreI', Dundas.st<br />

j}fechanic's Institute, M arket.square<br />

Meighan Robert, storekeeper, 76 King.st<br />

Meighan Michael, gentleman, Prince~.st<br />

Mercer Andrew, issuer of Marriage Licences, EaY·8t<br />

Meredith John; laborer; Lot.st east<br />

Meredith John, carter, Market-st<br />

Messenger Marl., bl'ickmaker, Dutchess.st<br />

M-etcalfThomas, bailiff Courf of Requests<br />

Methodist Wesle1ja.r Chapels, Newgate-st & George.st<br />

Methodist Primitive Chapel, Bay.st<br />

~Iethodist lndepfij,.dant Chapel, Market.lane<br />

Middlemist Henry, carter, Lot.st<br />

Milburn Thomas, general store, 79 King.st<br />

Millen Robert, carpenter, Terauly.st<br />

Millel' Peter; tailor, Toroto.st<br />

Miller & Co., coach builders, King-st<br />

Miller Henry, laborer, Wilmot's.plaee<br />

Millighan Mrs. New.st<br />

Millighan James, boot and shoe maker, Newgate.st east<br />

Millighan Joseph, tailor, Newgate.st west<br />

Mills Thomas, bricklayer, &c. Lot.st west<br />

-Mills John, bricklayer, Spadina avenue<br />

Mills George, gardener, Lot-st east<br />

Mills John, hatter, 191 King.st<br />

Mills Thomas, coach builder, King.st<br />

Milne Andrew, baker, 214 King.st<br />

Milton Peter, tailor, Broad lane York.st<br />

Minnix Michael, tailor, March.st<br />

l\lisset Patricl" laborer, New-st

30 M-M<br />

Mitchell Rody, laborer, Henrietta.st<br />

Mitchell Robert, carpenter, Lot.st west<br />

Mitchell Patrick, grocery, &c. 28 Y onge .• t<br />

Mitchell M rl!. Dutchess.st<br />

Mitchell John, plasterer, Wilmot's.place<br />

Mohan Nicholas, boot and shoe maker, market· lane<br />

Molesworth William, laborer, march-5t<br />

Molloy Mr,., Dutchess-st<br />

Monahan James, laborer, march-st<br />

Monro George, wholesale warehouse, Importer of British<br />

and India Goods, 63 King.st<br />

Monroe William, gentleman, Palace-st<br />

Moore Thomas merchant tailor, 79 King .• t .comer Mar.<br />

ket-square<br />

Moore T., Crown Inn, 79 King-sl corner market-square<br />

Moore John, wheelwright, 110 King-st<br />

Moore George, grocery store, wines, spirits, &c. King-"st<br />

Moore Joseph, boot and shoe maker, King-51 east<br />

)foore John. laborer, Newgate.!t<br />

Moore --, butcher, Yonge-st road<br />

Morgan William, carpenter, Broad-lane<br />

Morne Robert, laborer, Henrietta.st<br />

Morrison George, carpemer, Beverly-st Lot·st<br />

Morrison Damel, carpenter, Richmond:st<br />

Morrison Dr., mayor of the eity, 57 N ewgate-st<br />

Morrison J. C. student at law with S. Washburn<br />

Morris Edward, gardener, Hospital-st<br />

Morrow Robert, laborer, Henrietta-st<br />

Morrow William, laborer, York.s.t<br />

MoS8opP John, farmer, near Black Bull, Lot-st welt<br />

Moseley Henry M •., auctioneer, King-st east<br />

Moseley John, clerk in U. C. banl~, King-st east<br />

Moule John, g-entiemal)., Waltwt place., King-st<br />

Mulcarrow Michael, laoorer, March-st<br />

Mullin James, carpenter, JOllll-S!<br />

Munro Alexander, tailor, Yonge-st<br />

Munro George, George Gnd Drogon Inn, Church-st<br />

Munns George, carter,March.st<br />

Muns John, Teamster'sInn, market lane<br />

Murchison John, gentiemag, Lot.st west<br />

Murchison & CO' I<br />

tailoo:s, G.eorge-.t

M-M 31<br />

MUftit John, laborer, on lhe bay, Front-st<br />

Murray, Newbigging & Co., general wholesale and retail<br />

mercharitll, 80 & 82 King-st<br />

Murray M. D., gentleman, Duke-st<br />

Murray Widow, Princes-st· \<br />

Murray J ames, carter, 23 Lot-st<br />

Murray Rodger, saddler, 49 Yonge-st<br />

Mum)} ~harles S., Book-keeper in U. C. bank<br />

l'lurnahan Francis, wheelwright, Lot-lilt<br />

Murphy William, gentleman, 6 Hospital-st<br />

Musson William, tin plate worker, 143 King-st<br />

Nfyers J ames, cabinet maker and upholsterer, King-~t west<br />

Myers W. A. C., Printer, Graves-st<br />

Myers William, laborer, William-!t<br />

McAlister, Mrs, Lot.st<br />

McArthur Peter, stone cutter, &c. 16 New-st<br />

McBath Temple, laborer, Lot-st east<br />

McBride Samuel, laborer, Spadina avenue<br />

Mcf:astline Robert, laborer, 37 Lot-st<br />

McCaffey Patricl{, boot and shoe maker, March st<br />

McCleneghan Thomas, yeoman, William·st<br />

MceJellan Malcolm, tailor, Market square<br />

McClenchie John, laborer, Elizabeth.st<br />

McClure Robert, auctioneer, 161 Kin~-st & market"st<br />

McComb James, blacksmith, New.st<br />

McCormack Robert, working tanner, Bay-st<br />

:vIcCormack Robert, laborer. Hospital-5t<br />

McCrum Andrew, mason, Lot-st<br />

McCollum George, tailor, New-st<br />

McC.ord Anqrew, .city Chamberlain, George-at<br />

McCord Misses, ladies' school, George-st<br />

McCracken William, boot and shoe maker, Church-st<br />

McCrandle Robert, laborer, Newgate-st<br />

McD/JDack James, laborer, Newgate-st<br />

McDonald Duncan, at J. F. Smith's store, King-st<br />

McDonald Ar.chibald) wharfinger, 36 Front-st<br />

McDonald John, Inn, market lane<br />

McDonald John, labor~r, Jprc3~n-st<br />

McDonald Malcolm, bricklayer, Hospital-st<br />

McDonald John, Dep. Surveyor, Canada Co. Office<br />

McDonald Hon.A., Inspector of licences,Newgate-llt west

:32<br />

:llrDU!l"11 Jame'. clerk in Gov. OtCice, Lot-st west<br />

;\fcDollouo-h Rev. ;\Jr., of the Catholic Church.<br />

o ~<br />

;\:cDou,nd Peter, 10 Market·st<br />

;',r('EI,JI~~'I':i Edward, wbolesale and retuii dry goods, 18U<br />

&, I·U King-st<br />

"lcEnerv Denis, Farmer's Hotel, market-square<br />

-',Id-'al'h:ne FinhLy, baker, Yonge-st<br />

,ilcf'i\l'!anc J ames, tailor, King-st east<br />

.llcGha'1 -, laborer, near the \'" indmill<br />

:llt:U i!liVia v A i'chibald, laborer, Pahtce-st<br />

McGla6hal; Andrew, tanner, 107 King-st<br />

:\IcGorgan George, laborer, Palace-st<br />

,\[cGl'eg;or Alexander, Rob Roy tavefll, 7n Yonge

M-N<br />

McLeod John, laborer, Yonge-st<br />

McLinton John, carter Yonge-st .<br />

McMahon Arthur, grocery store, mareh'E~<br />

McMahon Edward, chief clerk Government Office,Lot-st<br />

east<br />

McMannis 1\1., cooper, Newgate-st<br />

McMannis John, laborer, Duchess.st<br />

McMannis --, cooper, George-st<br />

McMannis D., laborer, Lot-st<br />

McMasters David, laborer, Palace-st<br />

McMasters James, laborer, Duchess-st<br />

McMasters William; at Cathcart's store, King.st<br />

McMichael Robert, grocery store, Newgate.st<br />

McMorris Ann, :37 Lot-st<br />

McMurray Thomas, watch and clock maker, 169 King-st<br />

McMurray Samuel, clerk House of Assembly, Lot-st west<br />

Me Mullen James, laborer, J ordan-st<br />

McMurtrie James S., grocery and provision store, so<br />

Yonge-st<br />

McNamara Matthew, carter, Lot-st west<br />

McNamara Patrick, laborer, Newgate-st<br />

McNeil Hugh, cabinet-maker, Yonge-st<br />

McPheal Angus, tailor, New-st<br />

McStravick Mrs., grocery &c. market-st<br />

McTamany Edward, laborer, Dundas-st<br />

McVay James, at Cormack &. Co's. storf', King-fit<br />

McVicar Angus<br />

N.<br />

Nagle Thomns.<br />

Nagle Hugh,<br />

Nation J., 1st clerk Inspector General's office, Lot-st west<br />

Nealin, John, tailor, Palace-st<br />

Neeson Michael, fisherman, Bay shore Milburn'g block<br />

Nelson John, blacksmith, Newgate-st<br />

Neptune Inn, John Wesley, New-st<br />

Nesbitt Francis, carpenter, near the Garrison<br />

Nesbitt William, laborer, Richmond.st<br />

Newbigging James, merchant, Yonge-st roed<br />

Newman John, boot and shoe maker, Lot-st west<br />

News Room Commercial, market buildings, King-st<br />

Nicholl George, 69 Yoor-e-st

p-p<br />

Perrin &. Co., Dry goods store, 106 King-st<br />

Perry Edward, King-st west<br />

Perry James, blacklJmith, Dutchess-st<br />

Perry Robert, laborer, Lot-st west near Blue Bell<br />

Petch James, butcher in the. market<br />

Peterson John, butcher, James-st<br />

Pettitt W iIIiam, laborer, Dutchess.st<br />

Phair William, Bull's Head Inn, 129 King-st<br />

Phoonix Fire Assurance Co., R. Stanton, agent, King-st<br />

Phibbs !\Irs., March-st<br />

Phipps Thomas, cryer Court of King's Bench, Hospital-st<br />

Phipps Mrs" Milliner &1:., HOipital-st west<br />

Piper Hiram, tin sheet iron & copper ware factory, 30<br />

Yonge.st<br />

l'lace Elias, grocery store, &c. near Don bridge<br />

Platt Thomas, grocery store, 209 King-st<br />

Platt Samuel, 9* King-st<br />

Platt George, Sheriff's bailiff, Hospital.st<br />

Playter Emanuel, general store, Lot-st west<br />

Piggott Charles, laborer, King-st west<br />

Police Office for the City, market buildings King-st<br />

Police Office for the District, Court-house King-st<br />

Pollock Thomas, gentleman, Lot-st west<br />

Ponsonby Michael, laborer, Wilmot's place<br />

Popplewell John, painter, 190 King-st<br />

Porritt Thomas, blacksmith, Y ork-st<br />

Porritt R., boot and shoe maker, Jordan.st<br />

Post Office, Duke.st<br />

Potts George, tinsmith, March-st<br />

Potter's Field burial ground, Yonge-st<br />

Powen Grant, 1 udge of Home District Court, 56 Hospital.s1<br />

Powell John, Attorney &c. office King-st<br />

Powell Mrs. corner York and Front-sts<br />

Powell Mrs., housekeeper Parliament buildings.<br />

Power 10hn, Harp tavern, Church-st<br />

Preston Mrs. George, Lot.st<br />

Preston Thomas J., tailor, 168 King-st<br />

Preston Walter, tailor, Lot-st east<br />

Prescott William, carter, March-st<br />

Prescott William sen'r., laborer, March-st<br />

Presbyterian Chapel, Hospital.st

P-Q-R<br />

Price J osepb, Yeoman, Yonge-st road<br />

Price Gr., sausage maker, Hospital-st<br />

Price James H., attorney &c. 18 Yong.e-st<br />

Priestman Lythe, stonE: mc:son, York-st<br />

Primitive Methodist Chapel, 'Bay-st<br />

Proudfoot William, PresIdent Bank of U. C.,-residence<br />

Duke-st, wholesale and retail store, 45 King~st·<br />

Provincial Secretary and .. Registrar Office, Parliament<br />

buildings, Front-st .<br />

Pullen H ugh, small sCore, Yonge-st<br />

Pur~iss John, boat builder, J ames-st<br />

Q.<br />

Queen's Head Tavern, Mrs Pa~terson,<br />

Quinn John, carter, Princes.st<br />

Quinn John, we~ver, Lot-st east<br />

R.<br />

Kingston road<br />

Race Horse Inn, Robert Howard, Church-st<br />

Radenhurst John, chief clerk Surveyor General's Office,<br />

Duke-st .<br />

Ra.dford Joseph, carpenter, Kingston road<br />

Ramsay David, cooper, New.st<br />

Rankin John, laborer, march-st<br />

Raper John, steward on board Transit, market~st<br />

Rapson William, Cumberland Inn, 52 King-st<br />

Raynes Charles, laborer, Park, near Windmill<br />

Raye -, tavern keeper, Yonge-st road<br />

Read Sall)u~l, publisher of Youth's Monitor, !'lew-st<br />

Reardon Donald, laborer, Park, near Windmill<br />

Receiver General's Office, <strong>Public</strong> Buildings, Front-st<br />

Red Lion Inti, 'r. Burns; Y onge-$t road<br />

Red Lion Inn, W. Wallis, market-lane<br />

Reed Thomas, laborer, Maria-st<br />

Reed -, clerk in Perrill's store, King-5t<br />

Rees William, Dr. I):ing~st .<br />

Registry OlJice; ~8"Newgate-st .<br />

Reilly Owen, laborer •. Hosjlita(.st... .<br />

:aeid H., bricklaye:r, Boulton's block, Lot.stwest<br />


38 R-R<br />

Reid Hugh, storekeeper and carpenter, Yonge.st<br />

Reid John, steward, Osgoode Hall<br />

Renslk1.w William, shoe maker, Jordan·st _<br />

Requests' Office, Court House<br />

Rennie Alex., baker and confectioner, 130 King.st<br />

Reynolds Michael, Printer, Y ork.st<br />

Rice Benjamin, Lot.st west, Dundas-st<br />

Richards John, gardener, Yonge.st road<br />

Richardson Captain Hugh, 40 Front.st<br />

Richardson Dr. Robert, 87 King-st<br />

Richardson Rev. James, Bay.st<br />

Richardson Thomas, mue Bell Inn, Lot.st west<br />

Riches Samuel, carpenter, Lot.st west<br />

Riddell Thomas, baker, 86 King.st<br />

Ridout Brothers & Co., wholesale and retail iron mongers,<br />

and Birmingham, Sheffield, and,Woolverhampton<br />

warehouse, 138 King-st, corner 0/ Yonge.st<br />

Ridout George, attorney, &c., Bay-st.<br />

Ridout Samuel, Registrar of Deeds, &c. Lot-st east<br />

Ridout Thomas G., cashier U. C. bank<br />

Ridout John, attorney &c., 18 Newgate-st<br />

Ridout Mrs. Mary, Duke-st<br />

Ridout Edmund J., cieri, King's College Land Office<br />

Rigney T., & Co., wholesale and retail comb manufactory<br />

and fancy store, 165 King-st<br />

Rising Sun Inn, James Watson, Newgate-st<br />

Ritchey John, builder, 72 Newgate-st<br />

Roberts Francrs, laborer, Hospital-st<br />

Roberts Joseph, Carpenter's Arms Inn, 210 King-st<br />

Robertson John, Printer, 170 Lot-st west<br />

Robinson Isaac, tailor, 191 King-st<br />

Robinson Mrs., etraw bonnet manufacturer, 191 Killrr_st<br />

Robinson the Hon. Peter, Front-st<br />

'"<br />

Robinson the Hon J. B., Chief Justice, Hospital-st west<br />

Robinson James, laborer, Newgate-st<br />

Robinson Mrs., Kingston road<br />

Kobinson John, baker and confectioner, Yonge-st road<br />

Rob Roy Tavern, Alexander McGregor. 70 Yonge.st<br />

Robson & Wilson, upholsterers and cabinet makers, 42<br />

Yonge st<br />

Robson Mrs., pl'ovisi-on store, mar.ke.t~square

R-R<br />

39<br />

Roche J. 0., gentleman, King.st east<br />

Rockingham Arms Tavern, Samuel Taylor, march·st<br />

Roddy John, grocery store, &c. 103 King.st<br />

Roddy Joseph, laborer, march·st<br />

Roddy Charles, carter, march.st<br />

Rogers Joseph, hat manufacturer, III King·st<br />

Rogers Samuel, painter, 172 King ,st<br />

Rogers William, carpenter, Yonge.st<br />

Rogers John F., printer, Albion Office<br />

Rolson \\1'm., carpenter, Newgate·st<br />

Rolson James, carpenter, Newgate.st<br />

Rolson Thomas, stone mason, Hospital.st<br />

Rolph Dr. J Ohl1, ]}[. P. P. for Oxford, 40 Lot.st<br />

Rolph \Vm., laborer, Stewart's.lane'<br />

Roman Catholic Chu1'ch, east of the City<br />

Rose \Valter, second Clerk Receiver G en'l Office, Lot.sl:<br />

Rose John, bell.hanger, &c. Hospital.st<br />

Roseberry Joseph, Church.st<br />

Ross David, storekeeper, New-st<br />

Ross Capt. George, Duchess.st<br />

Ross William, carpenter, Caroline.st<br />

Ross George, carpenter, Lot.st<br />

l\IiIss Miss, ladies school, Bishop's buildings, N ewgate.st<br />

Ross John, furnishing undertaker, Newgate.st west, cor·<br />

ncr of P cter·st<br />

Ross John, Cashier Commercial Bank, 207 King-st<br />

Ross Donald, wines, groceries, &c., wholesale & retail,<br />

149 King,!t<br />

Ross William Chisholm, 149 King.st<br />

Ross & McLcod, dry goods store, 193 King.st<br />

Ross David, laborer, New.st<br />

Ross J ohll, carpenter, J ohn.st<br />

RosFJiter James, BlacJ, Bull Inn, Lot.st west<br />

RowaJld A braham, carpenter, maria.st<br />

Rowed William, carpenter, Hospital.st<br />

Rowe " iJlia'm, gardener, Lot.st near Don Bridge<br />

Rowell Robert, plasterer, Upper George.st<br />

Rowell George, gentleman, New.st .<br />

Rowell I-Ienr", brewer, New·st<br />

Rowell Amos, laborcr, Lot I5t west

40 R-S<br />

Rowsell Henry, bookseller and stationer, circulatiIlg Ji<br />

brary, &c. King.st<br />

Royal Engineer Office, J ohn.st<br />

Roy Joseph, painter, Carolinc.st<br />

Roy Thomas. civil engineer, Peter.st<br />

Rurldock Mrs., march.st<br />

Russell William, Lot.st west<br />

Rutherford Peter, stone mason, &c., New.st<br />

Rutherford Mrs., Richmond.st<br />

Rutherford Alexander, carpenter, 3.') Lot· 5t<br />

Ryan Thomas, Union Hotel, market square<br />

Sampson David, tailor, York.st<br />

Sanders Thomas, hair-cutter, &c. Yonge.st and Lot.st<br />

Sanderson Willi!lm, carter, 32 King.st<br />

Sanderson MillS, dress maker, 187 King.st<br />

Sandiland Mrs., 18 King-st<br />

s.<br />

Savage Geo. & Co, silversmiths and jewellers,151 King-5t<br />

Saxon & McKnight,wholesale dry goods store,&c.Yongtl-st<br />

Scadding John, yeoman, on the Don '1'#. •<br />

Scaling John, saddler, Newgate-st<br />

Scallion James, laborer, Richmond.st<br />

Scanlon Owen, carter, Duchess.st<br />

Sceets Nicholas, mould ma.ker, 13 Lot-st<br />

Schofield J. C., Fa.rmer's A rms Inn, 88 King.st<br />

Scholfield \Villiam, plumber, pa.inter, &c., King-st west<br />

Score Richard, tailor, Duke·st<br />

Scotch Church Church street<br />

Scott Mrs., King.st west<br />

Scott Jonathan, butcher, Yongc.st<br />

Scott Matthp.w, shoemaker, Caroline-st<br />

Scott John, laborer, H ospital-st<br />

Scott Adam, tailor, 180 King.st<br />

Scott Robert, confectioner, &c. 123- King-st<br />

Scott Robert, carpenter, Dummel'.st<br />

Searle Henry, Walnut place, King.st west<br />

:Secord Stephen, teamster, Kingston.road

S-S 4]<br />

Secretary of Clergy Corporation, Office public buildings<br />

Front-st<br />

Secretary 4' Registrar of the Province, Office public build<br />

ings, Front-st<br />

Sergeant George, bricklayer, Lot-&t west·<br />

Sergeant --, plasterer, Elizabeth-st<br />

Severin John, brewer, Yo.nge-st road<br />

Severs J ames, laborer, Lot-st west<br />

Severs J ames, assistant sexton English Church<br />

Sewers M iss, milliner, &c. Y ork-st<br />

Sewell Charles, watch and clock maker, 1 n King-s!<br />

Shannonhouse James, saddlel', at A. Dixon's, Kirig-st<br />

Shannon James, boot and shoemaker, 113 King-st<br />

Shanklyn Samuel, hatter, Yonge-st<br />

Shankland Robert, laborer, Newgate-st<br />

Sharp William, carpenter~ Elizabeth-st<br />

Sharp·Mrs., Spaciimi. Avenue<br />

Sharp Wm., boot and shoemaker, Yonge-st road<br />

Sharp Luke, saddler, &c., 115 King-st<br />

Sharp Joseph, boot and shoemaker, 178 King-st<br />

Shaw William, carpenter, Richmond-st<br />

Shaw Archer, cabinet maker, Upper George-st<br />

Shaw Thomas, watch-maker, &c., at Anderson's King.sl<br />

Shaw George, carpenter, Elizabeth-st<br />

Shaw Samuel, cutler, 120 King.st<br />

Shaw George, yeoman, Lot-st west<br />

Shaw Alexander, yeoman, Lot-st west<br />

Sheldon, Dutcher & Co, foundry and steam engine factory:<br />

Yonge.st<br />

Shepherd Paul, wood carver, l.'eraulay.st<br />

Shepard Harvey, axe maker, Hospital.st<br />

Shepherd Peter, brick maker, park, near the windmill<br />

Sherburn Joseph, at Ketchum's, Newgate-st<br />

Sheriff's Office, Court House, King-st<br />

Sherwood Hon. Levins P., one of the Puisne Judges oj<br />

the Court of King's Bench, Yonge~st road<br />

Sherwood Henry, M. P. P. for the town of Brockville-<br />

Attorney, &c., office market. square<br />

Shields Scott, carpenter, market.st<br />

Shropshire Charles, carpenter, Hospital-st<br />

Shore Andrew, laborer, march-st

42 S-s<br />

Short John, carpenter, 37 Lot-st<br />

Short John, engineer, Duke-st<br />

Short & Connel, bakers, Duke.st<br />

ShuteI' & Paterson, wholesale and retail, China, Glass,<br />

and Earthenware, 72 King-st<br />

Shuttleworth Misses, milliners, &c. Upper George-~t<br />

Sipber Andrew, sausage maker, 106 Newgate-st<br />

Slgsworth John, wheelwright, Hospital-st<br />

Silver John S., gardener, Spadina Avenue<br />

Simms Samuel J., carpenter, Hospital-st<br />

Simmons Dilniel, bricklayer, Spadina Avenul'<br />

Sill1pso;} Allan, brickiayer, Elizabeth.st<br />

Si,npson Robert, laborer, Hospital.sl<br />

Simpson Abr:tham, laborer, Lot.st y'est.<br />

Simpson Alex., boot and shoem:tker, 53 YO:lge-st<br />

SimFson "Yi Iliam, carpenter, broad lane, Y ork.st<br />

Skinner &, Eastwood, paper manufacturers, market ·square<br />

Skillington T:~omas, hoot and shoemaker, York.st<br />

Shillinglaw Mrs. Widow, Hospital-st<br />

Slcigh John, butcher, Duke.st<br />

Sloan George, groceries and provisions, Yorl, ·st<br />

Small James Edward, Attorney, &c. residence Delke.st,<br />

office 237 King-st west<br />

Small Chas. Coxwell, clerk of the Crown, Kingoton rO:ld<br />

Small Mrs. Eliza, Duke.st<br />

Small \Villiam, carpenter, 46 Lot.st<br />

Smart AI8x., hoot and shoemaker, Yonge.st road<br />

Smith James F. groceries, wines, and liquors, wholesal.e<br />

and retail, 141 King.st<br />

Smith Charles, hair dresser, &c. Church-st<br />

Smith W dliam, Boulton's block, Lot-st<br />

Smith Ira, gunsmith, Yonge-st<br />

S~th William, yeoman, Don bridge<br />

Smith Theophilus, at Lee's East York Store<br />

Smith John Thdma>l, DQg & Duck Tavern, market.square<br />

Smith Thomas, shoemaker, Church-st<br />

Smith John, waiter on Transit steamboat, market.st<br />

Smith Misses, Hospital.st<br />

Smith John, tailor, York-st<br />

Smith William, laborer, Broad lane<br />

Smith William, carpenter, Newgate~st

S-S<br />

4:\<br />

Smith Owen, tailor, Church lane<br />

Smith James, carter, <strong>Toronto</strong>-st<br />

Smith --, boot and shoemaker, Elizabeth-st<br />

Smith S_ T., Inn, 14 Kingst<br />

Sm~th I. A., Yorkshire store, dry goods, 114 King-st<br />

SmIth "'i'm. Sampson, blacksmith, Kingston road<br />

Smith .J 0110, land agent, Kingston road<br />

Smith Edward, carpenter, Jarvis' block, Duchess.st<br />

Snarr John, plasterer, Upper GeOJ'O'e-st<br />

Snider John, brickmaker, &c. Berkley-st<br />

Somerville John, at the Gazette Office, 164 King-st<br />

Sowerby & Little, blacksmiths, Lot-st west<br />

Sparks J ames, park, near the windmill<br />

Spencer's Lancashire slore, 108 King-st<br />

Spencer Mrs, Lot-st<br />

Spence James, carpenter, Hagerman's b!ock, King-st<br />

Spragge William, clerk in Surveyor Gen(.ral Office<br />

Spragge Joseph, master central school, Lot-st west<br />

Spragge J. G. Attorney, &c., office 28 Newgatc-st, residence<br />

William-st<br />

Spragge J. B. land ngent, Chewett's buildings King st<br />

Sprellll Samuel, grocery, wine & spirit dealer, 201 !\:ing-st<br />

Sprnatl Henry, carter, HL! King-st<br />

Sproule John, wholesale & retail grocer, wines and spirit~,<br />

;;3 King-st<br />

Stabbacl, Mis", milliner anci dress-maker, King-s! west<br />

Stanley David, tailor. Chewett's buildings, King-st<br />

Siantoll nobert, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty;<br />

Upper Canada Gazetle Office; General<br />

Printer, Stationer, and Bookbinder, 164 King-stprivate<br />

residence, Peter-st, top of Hospitlll-~t<br />

Stanton James, clerk Executive Council<br />

Stanton William, 241 King-st west<br />

Stag Tavern, n.H. Clarke, market-square<br />

Staggs William, g~l'dener, Lot-st west<br />

Staveley John, tailor, ]6 King-st<br />

Stead George, boot and slUlemal,er, 115 King-st<br />

Steamhoat Inn, George Stephel1son, bay shore<br />

Sleed A. boot and shotlmaker, 214 King-st<br />

Steed Mrs., staymaker, 214 King-st<br />

Steers Thomas; Spadina A venue.

44 S-S<br />

Stegmann George, groceries, wine5, &c., hard ware and<br />

dry goods, 66 King-1St<br />

Steinson Charles Lot-st west<br />

~(enhouse Peter, Glue Bonnet Tavern, Yonge-st<br />

Stennett William, Sih'ersmith and jeweller, llO~ Ki-ng-st<br />

Stephenson Thomas, cabinet [naker, 1 Yonge-st<br />

Stephenson George, Steamboat Inll on the bay shore<br />

Stevenson John, Farmers and Mechanics Hall, and saddler,<br />

Newgate-st<br />

Steward -- carter, Dummer-st<br />

Slewal'u William, Dep'y Collector Customs, Carfrae place<br />

Stewart \V. L., Royal Saloon, Church-st<br />

Stewart Hugh, labo'rer, Hospital-st<br />

Stewart A lex., butcher, E!izabeth-st<br />

Stewart Ak~;., carpenter, Newgate-st<br />

Stewart Alex., fisherman, march-st<br />


S-T<br />

St. Lawrence 1lotel, marke:.st<br />

St. George ~ Dragon Inn, Church.st<br />

Sullivan HOlI. Robert Baldwin, Dul{e-st<br />

Sullivan H enr:r Dr., 195! King-st<br />

Sullivan Daniel, blacksmith, Yonge.st<br />

Sullivan Jeremiah, blacksmith, Yonge-st<br />

Summers Thomas, carpenter, Ontario.st<br />

Summersides Rev. MI'. Primitive Methodist Minister Bay-st<br />

81m Tavern, corner of Lot & Y onge.sts .<br />

Surveyor General's O'/fice, public buil'dings, Front.st<br />

Swallow William, cabinet.maker, Uppe!' George-st<br />

Swann Mrs. Upper George.st<br />

Swayne John, tailor, Elizabeth-st<br />

Sweeney Daniel, boot & shoemaker ~Iurch st<br />

Sweeney John, carter, New.st<br />

Sweeney John, tailor, march-st<br />

Sweetman Matthew, carpenter, m,lI"ch.st<br />

Swinburll James, laborer, Church.st<br />

Switnutn Mrs., Upper George.st<br />

Sylvester Peter, laborer, Kingston road<br />

Sylvester Samuel, boot & shoemaker, 45 Yonge-st<br />

,.,<br />

.1.<br />

Taff Reuben, laborer, Newgate.st<br />

Tapscott George, storekeeper, &c., Kingston road<br />

Tan'iff'Villiam, moulder, James.st<br />

Thew William, boat builder, Front-st, bay shore<br />

Taylor \Varren, smith, 21 Lot-st<br />

Ta~'lor Mrs., grocery, &c. Lot.s! west, near the nlnek Rull<br />

Taylor John, turner, Newgate-st<br />

Tavlor --, coach office. Front-st<br />

Ta;'lor Thomas Horatio, Attorney, &c., 121 King.st<br />

Taylor S. Eo, dry goods store, 181 King.st<br />

Taylor John F., clerk in Legislative Council, Lot.st. ,,'cst<br />

Taylor Samuel, Rockingham Arms, &c., march.Ht<br />

Tccvan Michael, constable, Richmond-st<br />

Teevan .J ames, boot and shoemaker, ,62 King-st<br />

Telfer 'Valter Dr., 44 Newgate.st<br />

Telfour Andrew, carpenter, Boulton's block, Lot.st " .. c~t<br />

Temple Captain, Peter-st

46 T-T<br />

Theatre Royal, King.st west<br />

Thomas Samuel, saddler. Hospital.st<br />

Thomas Francis, bell.hanger, Jordan-st<br />

Thomas James, laborer, Dutchess.st<br />

Thomas James, tailor, emporium of fashion, 184 King-st<br />

Thomas Thomas, Crown & Anchor Tavern, Yonge.st<br />

Thompson Mrs., Lot-st<br />

Thompson James, laborer, Dummer.st<br />

Thompson J ames, boot and shoemaker, 76 King-s!<br />

Thorn pson James, carter, Henrietta-st<br />

Thompson Francis, boot and shoemaker, Kingston road<br />

Thompson l\f rs., Yorkshire Arms Tavern, Newgate-st<br />

Thompson William, ship builder, Front.sl<br />

Thompson John, joiner, &c., York.st<br />

Thompson Robert D., grocery and provisions, 183 King.st<br />

Thompson Thomas, shoe "'arehouse, 185 f:ing-st<br />

Thompson Thomas Samuel, l\!nrket.st<br />

Thoms \Villiarn, carpentel', Spadina Avenue<br />

Thorburn Miss., Elizabeth.st<br />

Thorne Thomas, bricklayer, Lot.st cast<br />

Thornhill R. H., 1st clerk land office, Lot.sl west<br />

Thornton Francis, laborer, Lot.st east<br />

Thornton John, sawyer, Duke.st<br />

Tiffey John, Inbor8r; Yonge·st<br />

Tims Doctor, Lot-st west<br />

'rims Henry, carpenter, Peter.st<br />

Tinning Richard, timu8r dealer, Front.st, on the bay shore<br />

Tinsley Jarvis, bricklayer, &c., Newgate.st<br />

Todd Jal11c~, carpenter. Teraula.v-st<br />

Todd H cilry Cook, g8:ltlelllan, 35 N ewgate. st<br />

Tod Andrew, clerk in land office<br />

Tolfree Joseph, Painter, 16 Hospital.st<br />

Torance John, boarding house, &c., Front.st<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong> Inn, Y onge.st<br />

T01"Onlo 4' Trafalgm' Inn, Church.st<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong> Royal Saloon, Church.st<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong> Jllrdical Laboratory, Joseph Beckett, Killo'_~( w('st<br />

'J' o\\'nsend D. D " ColbornI.' furnace, warehollse',<br />

>:><br />

stoyes,<br />

Hollow ware &c., "follge.st<br />

Townsend Samu e 1, c:lI'tE'r. IlI3.rket lane<br />

Tost Henry, blae ksmith, Lr)t-st

T-V<br />

47<br />

Tracy Michael, tailo!', Newgate-st<br />

Traey Andrew, shoemaker, march-st<br />

Trainor Hugh, St_ Lawrence Hotel, market_sl<br />

Treasure J_, shoemaker, York-st<br />

Treasurer's Office for the Home District, Court House<br />

Trotter James, storekeeper, corner of John and Lot-std<br />

Truscott & Green, Agricultlual Bank, Front-st<br />

Truss 1\1. B., boot llnd shoemaker, George-st<br />

Turley Edward, yeoman, 4 mile tree, Kingston road<br />

Turnbull Robert, tailor, Stewart's lane<br />

Turner Enoch, brewer, Palace-st, near the windmiU<br />

Turner John, boot and shoemaker, Newgate-st<br />

Turner Alfred, & Co., wine merchants, King-st<br />

Turner Wm •. porter at Murray, Newbigging, & Co<br />

Tutner James, bricklayer, New-st<br />

Turner James, sen'r, brewer, march-st<br />

Turquand B. 1st clerk Receiver General's Office, Parliament<br />

buildings, east wing<br />

Tun'eft' Wm., spirit and grocery store, 10 Lot-st<br />

Turpin Wm., painter, Yonge-st road<br />

Turton. Joseph, builder, Lot-st west<br />

Tuton Richard, chemist & druggist, Chewett's buildings,<br />

King-st<br />

Tye Timothy, shoemaker, Church lane<br />

Tyerman \'" m., laborer, market lane<br />

Tyner John, boot and shoemaker, 40 King-st<br />

Tyrrell Edward, waggon maker, &c., King-sl east<br />

Tyrrell William, waggon makel', &c., King-st east<br />

U&V.<br />

Underhill George, Sheriff's bailifi: Court House<br />

Union Hotel, Thomas Ryan, market.square<br />

Upper Canada Bank, Duke· at<br />

Urquaart John, chemist, &c., 87 King-~t<br />

VanBaerle Captain, 42 Front-st<br />

Vance James, watch and clock maker, 139· King-st<br />

Vansittart John G., gentleman, Hospital-sl<br />

Vaux Thomas, clerk in House of Assembly, Yonge-st road<br />

Veltenair & Co., piano forte makers, &c., 17 Youge-st<br />

Vollor James, laborer, 20 Hospital-st

49 v-w<br />

Yollor Richard, bricklayer, Elizabeth-st<br />

\' 01101' Joseph, captain, Lot-st east<br />

w.<br />

\Vakefield Charles, shoemaker, Kitson's buildings, King-st<br />

'Vakefield "Villi am, auctioneer & commissioll merchant,<br />

135 King-st<br />

Walker George, merchant tailor, 125 King-st<br />

Walker Robert, shopman, at Lawson's, 187 King-st<br />

'Yalker John, brewer, Spadina Avenue<br />

Walker Charles, tailor, Lot-st east<br />

Walker John, collector taxes St. Patrick's ward<br />

'Valker Lewis, carter, New-st ~<br />

"r alker \V iliiam, messenger surveyor general's office<br />

"'allace John, boot and shoemaker, Newgate-si<br />

\Vallis John, mason, Lot-st east<br />

'Vallis Wm., Red Lion Inn, market-st<br />

'Vallis \Y m., cabinet maker and upholsterer, KilJg-st west<br />

Walton George, clerk of fhe Court of Requests, Notary<br />

<strong>Public</strong>, &c., Chewett's buildings, King-streer,<br />

office in the Court House, King-street<br />

Walton Mrs. Matthew, Newgate-st<br />

tV ani James, laborer, 7 Yonge-st<br />

Ward --, printer, New-st<br />

Ward Sheldon, brickmaker and mason, Berkeley-st<br />

\Varren W m., boot and shoemaker, market lane<br />

)Vare Wm. china, glass, and earthenware, spirits, wines,<br />

and groceries, wholesale and retail, 140 King-st ~<br />

Washburn Simon, Attorney, &c., clerk of the Peace for<br />

the Home District, residence Duke-st, office<br />

Court House<br />

Wasnidge, Exors. &c. irQnmongers, &c., 70 King-at<br />

Watkins & Harris, sign of anvil and sledge, ironmongers,<br />

&c., wholesale and retail, 68 King-st<br />

Watkins John, carter, Hospital.st<br />

'Yatson Richard, sen'r, carpenter, 26 King.st east<br />

Watson Richard, jun'r, tinsmith, 64 King-st east ,<br />

Watson Jas., Rising Sun Tavern & tinsmith, Newgate.at<br />

'Watson James, Jabore~, Stewart's Jane

W-w'<br />

Watson James, carpenter, Lot.st west<br />

Watson Thomas, boot and shoemaker, Lot·st west<br />

W'atson Richard, printer, Gazette OffiCI, 164 KiAg.st<br />

Webb Thomas, boot and shoemaker, lrO King-st<br />

Webb Christopher, boot and shoemaker, Church-st<br />

'Webster Loron, printer, Broad lane, York-It<br />

Weeks Samuel, druggist, 124 King-st<br />

Weir Hel1l'Y, boot and shoemaker, N'ew~!lte-st east<br />

Wedd --, College Avenue<br />

Weller William, coach office, Front.st<br />

Wells Lieut. Col. The Hon. Joseph, Davenport near<br />

Spadina<br />

Wells George, student at Law, Davenport near Spadillll<br />

Welsh Lawrence, provision store, march·st<br />

Welsh Patrick, laborer, Church lane<br />

Wesley John, Neptune Inn, New-st<br />

lVesleyan Methodist Chapels, Newgate-st and George.st<br />

'Westland James F.,seed warehouse and store. 168 King.it<br />

West John, Spadllla Avenue<br />

"Vheeler Benson, butcher, 80 Yonge.st<br />

Wheeler Mrs., Duke-st<br />

White James, carpenter, Hospital.st<br />

White Rohert, laborer, Hospital.st<br />

White John, turner, 4 Lot.st<br />

White Isaac, bricklayer, James-st<br />

White William, Yonge.st road<br />

White Lion Inn, R. Matthews, march-st<br />

lVhite Horse Tavern, Jno. Nicholson, 228 King-st Wist<br />

White Swan Tavern, Patrick Kane, 26 Lot.st<br />

Whitlam Thomas, pump maker, market-st<br />

Whitmore Michael, Live and let Live Tavern, 30 King-It<br />

east<br />

Whitney P. F., cheap Irish store, 54 King.st<br />

Whitesides Arthur, Lot-st east<br />

Whitesides William, teamster, Spadina Avenue<br />

Widmer Christopher Dr., Palace.st<br />

Wightman & Co., straw bonnet warehouse, and dry goods,<br />

153 King-st<br />

Wiggins John, !lailor, market.st<br />

Wiggins Simon, blacksmith, King.st west<br />

Wigglesworth Abraham, carpenter, Elizabeth.st<br />


50 w-w<br />

'Viggs William, general st()re<br />

'Vilcox Leonard, Lot-st west<br />

'Viley Ja'mes, carpenter, Hospital-st<br />

Wilkinson Christopher_ carpenter, ncar Catholic Church<br />

Wilkinson George, barber, &c_, 154 King-st<br />

'William the Fourtlt lUll, John Harley, market-square<br />

'Williams & Vannatta, St. Lawrence Hotel, market-st<br />

Williams Heeson, blacksmilh, Hospital-st<br />

'Villiams Coruelius, toll gate keeper, Lut-st<br />

'Villiams Thomas, laborer, York-st<br />

Williams John, sawyer, market lane<br />

Williams Mrs., provision store, 32 King-st<br />

'Villiams Thomas 0_, grocery store, 56 King.sf<br />

'Villiamson Alexander Johnson, poet, &c.<br />

'Villard 'Vm., carpenter, Broad lane<br />

Willard G. B., Wragg & Co., 159 King-st<br />

'ViUmott H. E., cabinet maker, Peter-st<br />

Willmott Isaiah, York Recess, 100 King-st<br />

'Willson Hill, constable, march-st<br />

'Villoby Wm., coach builder, &c., Yonge-st<br />

'Vilson John, waterman, Dnke-st<br />

'Vilson Timothy, yeoman, Kingston road<br />

'Vilson John, mason, Lot-st west<br />

'Vilson John, carpenter, Broad lane, York-st<br />

VVilson James, carpenter, Boulton's block, Lot-st<br />

'Wilson Stillwell, Golden Ball Inn, Yonge-st<br />

'Vilson Joseph, upholsterer, Y oflge-st<br />

Wilson James, laborer, George-st<br />

,Vilson John '1'., one of the masters, Central School,<br />

Yonge-st road<br />

Wilson David, baot and shoemaker, 156 King-st<br />

Wilson James, boot and shoemaker, 156 King-st<br />

Wilson Alexander, boot and shoemaker, 156 King-;;,t<br />

Wilson John, boot and shoemaker, 217 King-st<br />

Wilson Hunter, brickmaker, park, near the windmill<br />

\Vilson John, boot and shoemaker, Hospital-st<br />

Wilson Mrs.; Peter-st<br />

Wiman & Chanley, chair makers, 194 King-at<br />

Winder Dr., Boulton's lllock, Lot-st west<br />

Wing Mrs., York-st<br />

Winn Misses, ladies school, Y ork.st

W-Y<br />

51<br />

Winn Michael, laborer, market lane<br />

Winslade John, carpenter, Spadilla Avenue<br />

\Viseman Howard, at Burke's auclion mart, Richmond-st<br />

\Volstencroft George, sexlot!, Potter's Field burial ground,<br />

Y oDge-st road<br />

\Vood Thomas, laborer, 59 Y onge-st<br />

Wood Mr., dentist, Newgnte-st<br />

Wood Alexander, magistrate Home District, 44 King-st<br />

\Vood Charles, laborer, nay shore<br />

Woods Edward, bricklayer, Beverley-st, Lot-st<br />

\Voods Richard, laborer, market-sq'lare<br />

'Wordsworth Richard, c:trpenter, 20 Richmond-st<br />

\Vright John, cartel', Lot·st<br />

Wright Edward, Greenbnd Fishery Tavern, Front.st<br />

Wright Thomas, grocery aDd provisions, 167 King.st<br />

Wragg & Co., sign of the Silver Mill Saw, Ironmongers,<br />

&c., wholesale and retail, 159 King-st<br />

Wray William, Yonge-st road<br />

• York Auction Mart, W. Wal,efield, 155 King-st<br />

York Recess, Isaiah Willmott, 100 King-st<br />

York Hotel, Monis Lawrenee, King-st east<br />

Yorkshire Arms Tavern, Newgate-st<br />

Young Thomas, architect and surveyor, 54 Hospital.st<br />

Young Walter, laborer, near the Catholic Church<br />

Young & Warren, milliners, &c., 30 Lot-st<br />

Y .





The Townships arranged alphabetically.<br />

ADJALA.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

CO:'>. xo<br />

Barnes Michael, •• 1 26 Creason David ••• 3 7<br />

Beatty William, .• 5 3 Creage John ••••• 2 3<br />

Beatty Matthew ••• 5 4<br />

Beatty Samuel. .•• 5 1 Darrick Jame" •••• 2 5<br />

Brown \V • ••••••• 5 10 Devine \" illiam ••• 4 27<br />

Brown John •••••• 3 32 Dogan Edward •.• 7 15<br />

Burton Thomas ••• 6 13 Duross James •••• 8 12<br />

Burton William ••• 6 ]4<br />

Egan K .•••••••• 6 13<br />

Callin James ••••• 5 16 Egan Michael •••• 5 29<br />

Campbell James •• 7 13 Egan John ...... 6 12<br />

Cassidy James •••• 6 30 Elliott William ••• 3 6<br />

Cassidy William •• 1 29<br />

Caughton Cor •••• 4 21 Farley William ••• 1 19<br />

Coleman Joseph •• 5 32 Farley John •••••• 2 21<br />

Connors Edward •• 6 12 Farley David ••••• 2 19<br />

Connors John •••• 6 14 Feheley James ••• 4 13<br />

Conners Patrick •• 5 15 Feheley Patrick •• 4 14<br />

Conners Michael •• :j 15 Ferguson Hugh ••• 5 31<br />

Conway Mathew •• 3 28 Fitzpatrick James. 2 10<br />

Corrigan James ••• 6 9 Foley Michael •••• 2 31<br />

Cosgrove James' ••• 7 1 Ford William •••• 1 :3<br />

Covine John ••••• 3 3 Gallagher Patrick. 5 :n

54 ADJALA.<br />

CON. N0'II<br />

CON. ]'I().<br />

Gallagher John... 3 30 Lynch M ........ 6 28<br />

Goulding Andrew. 4 14 Magavnier Micheal 4 13<br />

Grannett Joseph •• 7 13 Maggott Edward •• 2 6<br />

Gunning Wil!iam .• 1 4 Malone John ••••• 5 13<br />

:\Iartial James •••. 5 3<br />

Haland Thomas •• 6 20 Martial Alex ••••• 5 4<br />

Hall Jones ••••••• 6 3 Mason Stewart ••• 2 1<br />

Hamilton James •• 6 10 Mitchell Robert ••• 3 1<br />

Hamilton Alexander 6 7 Morrow Wm ••••• 8 9<br />

Hamilton Thomas. 6 10 Moore Robert •••• 3 29<br />

Hampton James ••• 7 14 Moorne James •••• 5 19<br />

Harvey Michael •• 5 14 Moorne John •••.• 5 20<br />

Hath Robert •••.• 4 4 Moorne Peter .•••• 1 1<br />

Hath William •••• 4 4 Mullin Michael ••• 4 :]:1<br />

Headin John ••••• 7 10 Murphy Felix .•••• 5 6<br />

Healy Michael ••• 5 29 Murphy James .... 3 9<br />

Heaslip Samuel ••• 4 29 Murray John ••••• 5 16<br />

Hollen Felix ••••• 7 12 MeAnly John .•••• 1 12<br />

Huntley Harvey •• 7 13 McCabe Thomas .• 6 11<br />

McCabe Paul.. ••• 6 17<br />

Innes James •••••• 4 6 McCann 1\1 ichael. • :l 13<br />

Irvine Thomas ••• 4 31 McCarry David ••• 8 18<br />

Jackson George •• 2 2 McCarroll John ... 5 28<br />

Johnson William •• 7 6 McCulloch H ••••. 7 11<br />

McCulloch Robert 1 4<br />

Kane Owen ....... 8 14 McCutcheon Rob't 1 30<br />

Keenan James, sen. 6 15 McFarlane John •• ] 14<br />

Keenan Robert ••• 6 15 McFarlane Lawr'e 1 10<br />

Keenan Thomas •• 6 16 McFarlane Felix •• 2 10<br />

Keenan James ••.• 6 19 McGunnis Thomas 4 1<br />

Keenan John ••••• 3 16 McIlroy Hugh •••• 6 18<br />

McKenna James •• 3 7<br />

Langley Thomas •• 4 29 McKay C ........ 2 8<br />

Lardcourt Luke ••• 7 7 McLaughton L .•• 8 1<br />

Leavins George •• 1 16 McMahon James •• 5 13<br />

Leavins James •••. 1 17 McNamara John .• 2 9<br />

Leavins Edwd •••• 1 17 Nevins Robert •••• 5 17<br />

Lee John •••••••• 2 7<br />

Leggett William •• 2 5 Oliver Daniel. •••• 7 2<br />

Livingston William 4 3 [I O'Neill Henry, ... 4 11

CON. NO.<br />

Patterson Thomas 8 8<br />

P attoll Patrick. • •• 6 9<br />

Penalton William.. 1 13<br />

Pidgeon Samuel. •• 3 9<br />

Proctor William ..• 1 16<br />

Quicrsoll Peter ••• 6 :3<br />

Reany William ..• 2 4<br />

Ryan' William •••• 5 27<br />

Ryan Patrick ••••• 6 48\\<br />

Sewer William ••• 4<br />

ALBION. 55<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Shaw Thomas ••.. 5 17<br />

Sloan James. • • ... 4 U<br />

Snell George ••••• 2 1<br />

Small Daniel. •••• 7 10<br />

Spell ian Daniel... 7 4<br />

Stewart William.. 2 J 8<br />

Trimble Hamilton. 3 30<br />

Walker William ... 5<br />

Ward John ....... 2<br />

Wells John ....... 1<br />

Welney P alrick. •• 5<br />

8<br />

6<br />

23<br />

18<br />

POPULATIOx-Ma!es above 16, 185; Males under 16, 186 ;<br />

Females above 16, 141; Females under 16, 193.­<br />

Total,705.<br />

ALBION.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Armstrong ~dward 9 18 Briggs Stephen •.•• 7 23<br />

Atcheson John •.•• 5 1 Britt Thomas ••••• 1 36<br />

Austin James ..... 5 4 Brown John "V ••• 3 19<br />


[)6 ALBION.<br />

cox. ~O.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Corbett George ••• 8 17 Fowler Martill .••. 4 27<br />

Conlter Thomas .• 1 8 Francis Henrv •••. :.! 10<br />

Coulter George .•• 1 8 Fuller Samu~l .••• 8 9<br />

Crawford Hobert. • 2 '28<br />

Crosier W ilii,llll .•• 7 Gennican Patrick .• 4 31<br />

Gilmore John .... 1 38<br />

Daly Wi!liam •••• !3 2-1 Godbold John ••.• 7 9<br />

Davis George .••• ., " 8 Godbold George •• 9 14<br />

Dennis William •.• 10 20 Goodctl! John •••.• 2 11<br />

Dexter ,\......... 2 10 Goodlpllow James. 5 6<br />

Dick Alex ....... 4 6 Goodfe!lew A.dam. 5 5<br />

Dinsmore James .• 8 7 Goodfellow - •••. 5 .7<br />

L>ixn~1 Joseph .•••• 8 19 Gowan H. II ..... 7 13<br />

Dolan Joseph .•••• 4 20 Grctham \Vm •.••• 6 1<br />

Dolan Hugh ••••.• 5 28 Graham John ••.• 1 4<br />

DUDaghne Peter .•• [) 31<br />

Donaghue Joseph .• ~ 30 Hainsworth Thos •. 5 15<br />

Downl.'y David •.•• 8 19 HaIlJohn ........ 7 4<br />

Downoy Williaill .• 8 15 Hannah Johll ••••• 6 19<br />

Downey Henry .•• 8 18 Hawley Adam .••• 4 2:3<br />

Downev [-Jenry ••• 9 16 Henry Michael ••• 3 15<br />

Downi,;g Cornelius 3 19 Henry John •••••• 3 5<br />

Druummond Widow 1 27 Heron \Vm•••.•• 4 26<br />

Duncan Geo .••••. 4 15 Hessian M ••••.•• 4 30<br />

Duncluc S ....... 7 25 Hewitt James •••• 1 9<br />

Dufty J aliles .•••• 5 11 Hewitt John ••••• 1 10<br />

Duke John ••••••• 8 14 Hilts Adam ..•••• 2 '32<br />

Dwyer Michael. •• 3 20 Howard Samuel .•• 1 16<br />

Howden William •• 2 31<br />

Elliott Thomas ••• 1 12 Hudson Joseph •.• 5 17<br />

Erwinc George ••• 3 31 Hudson Joseph ••• 5 16<br />

Erwinc George ••• 4 10<br />

II<br />

Evan~ \Vidow..•• 1 26 Jeffery John •••••• 3 12<br />

Jeffery Allan ••••• 4 14<br />

Fellows James •••• 2 28 J eft erson Henry ••• 5 24<br />

Felstead John .••• 3 29 Jessup William ••• 7 6<br />

Fcnarty Matthew •• 4 31 Johnson Thomas •• 8 18<br />

Fenarty John ••••• 4 31 Johnson George •• 8 8<br />

Finch Robert ••••• 1 13 Johnson Robert ••• 6 19<br />

Fletcher Joseph ••• 1 28 Johnson James •••• 6 14

ALBION. 57<br />

CON. NO. CON. :-;0.<br />

Johnson John ••••• 7 6 Mitchell Peter •••• 3 19<br />

Jones James •••••• 4 17 Moffitt Andrew ••• 9 24<br />

Molloy John ••••• 1 22<br />

Kearnes Simon ••• 1 25 Molloy Hugh ••••• 2 19<br />

Kearnes William •• 2 29 Monkman James •• 7 17<br />

Kearnes Thomas •• 3 30 MOllkman James •• 7 17<br />

Kearnes John •••• 2 27 Monkman John ••• 7 18<br />

Rearnes James ••• :! 25 Moore James ••••• 2 14<br />

Keating James ••• 7 15 Mulroy John ••••. 5 8<br />

Kells George ••••• 6 3 Murray Alex .•••• 4 5<br />

Kellun James •••• 1 30 McCabe James ••• 9 19<br />

Kellington Wm ••• 8 17 McCachran Alex .• 1 17<br />

Kenny Patricl ••••. 9 24 McCachran Daniel 1 17<br />

Kinney Peter ••••• 2 26 McCarty Thomas. 2 20<br />

Kirby Francis •••• 1 1 McCarty Ja'mes ••• 3 2<br />

McCort Patrick ••• 5 2<br />

Lang James •••••• 2 19 McDougall John •• 4 11<br />

Lalltrey Matthew .• 1 23 McGuire James .•• 8 28<br />

Lantrey Thomas •• 7 22 McLaughlin Daniel 1 40<br />

Lee John •••••••• 1 4 McMorris James •• 4 13<br />

Lindsay Joseph ••• 1 2<br />

Lindsay Wm ••••• 1 2 Nayler Francis •••• R 20<br />

Lindsay John •••• 1 5 Newlove Love •••• 4 12<br />

Lock Archibald ••• 4 25 Newton Henry ••• 1 27<br />

Long John •••.••• 7 12 Nunn Henry ••••• 7 27<br />

Long James •••••• 8 13 O'Connor Michael 2 24<br />

Lougheed Rouert .• 7 9<br />

Lougheed Robert •. 3 9 Parker Wm ••••.• 9 ]3<br />

Lougheed James •• 5 g Parker Robert •••• 9 I:!<br />

Lougheed George. 4 9 Pedlow \,ym ••••• I 28<br />

Lougheed John ••• 4 8 Pepper Owen ••.• 4 29<br />

Lougheed James •• 4 9 PJaxton Charles ••• 1 13<br />

Lougheed Robert •. 2 7 Plaxton Wm ..... OJ 12<br />

Lougheed James •• 2 7<br />

I<br />

Plumer Widow ••• 6 8<br />

Lynch Pah'ick •••• 3 29 Porter Joseph •••• 4 3<br />

Prentice Jacob ••• 4 8<br />

Mahony James .... :3 2 Quina Laughlin ••• 3 '24<br />

Martin Stephen .... 1 7<br />

I<br />

Mathews Wm •••• 2 20 Ramsbottom John. 1 2~<br />

May Peter •• , •••• 3 3 Rawn John •••••• 1 35<br />


58 ALBION.<br />

CON. N0'1<br />

CON. :N,.<br />

Rawn Frederick •• 1 . 35 Sterne R Samuel •• 6 9<br />

Rawn Rodolph ... 1 :3G I SrinRon Ed.ward ••• 2 34<br />

Raynet' .T oseplJ ••• 8 2l Str()1~3 Henry •••• 2 5<br />

Reeftney F"rl d .•• 1 32 :';l\llivan Daniel ••• 5 30<br />

Reynard John •.•• 5 13 Sullivan John •••• 3 22<br />

Richardson Charles 3 23 Switzer Daniel ••• 2 IS<br />

Richardson \Vm •• 1 3:1 Switzer Wm ... , 4 14<br />

Riddell Hugh •••• :3 17<br />

Roadhouse Benj •• 6 22 Taylor Thomas ••• 3 9<br />

Roadhouse J as •••• 7 19 Taylor Ahraham •• 7 19<br />

Roadhouse Mark •• 8 22 T 21<br />

Smith Jolm ..•••• 2 23 Wilson James •••• 5 30<br />

Snell J amea .•.••• 6 3 Wilson Timothy .• 3 :!.7<br />

Spencer George •• 2 31 Wilson George ••• 3 10<br />

Squir'3s Wm ••••• 4 23 Williamson Wm •• 3 10<br />

Squit'es James •••• 3 2-> Wright James .••• 1 33<br />

Squires Arthur .•.• '1 22 Young James ••••• 1 20

ALBION. 59<br />

POPULATloN-l\lales above 16, 367; Mules under 16, 3G5;<br />

Females above 16, 186; Females ullner 16, 31S.­<br />

Total, 1,233.<br />

BRO C K.<br />

('0:-;'. NO. co,,\. 1\"0.<br />

Asling M •••.•••• 8 6 Curtain Jolm •••. 10 4<br />

Avery Nehemiah .• 10 23<br />

Bagshaw William. 9 5<br />

Baker William •••• 5 2<br />

Bell Arch •••.•••. l~ 22<br />

Bell Dun ........ 12 22<br />

Bell John •••.•••. 12 22<br />

Bentley Wm. G ••• 6 18<br />

Bollan~IWiliiam jun 2 12<br />

Bowel' ·William... 1 14<br />

Brabson Geo. •••• 1 12<br />

Bramble Wm ••••. 12 3<br />

Brandon John •.•. 13 18<br />

Brandon Wm ••••• 13 18'<br />

Brethowr Duvid ... 6 1<br />

Brown John .••.. 12 24<br />

Brown Duncan .•• 1:3 21<br />

Brumley ·Wm .•••. 2 23<br />

Buck Ira •••.•••. 7 15<br />

Campbell Allan ••• 8 21<br />

Campbell John •••. 14 23<br />

Campbell Arch •••. 14 10<br />

Cawer Nelson •••• 7 13<br />

Clinkskell J no •••• 7 4<br />

Conway Dan'I •••• 1 3<br />

Cook David •••••• 8 15<br />

Corrigan Mich •••• 9 16<br />

Corvan ~att ..... 11 18<br />

Craig James ••••• 11 6<br />

Craig Thomas •••• 10 9<br />

Creighton Jas ..... 13 14 ~<br />

Davidson LlIughlinll 21<br />

Dawson ThoEkS .. 12 15<br />

Douglass \Vm.... 1 6<br />

Doyle Daniel •••.. 7 7<br />

Doyle James ••••. 9 7<br />

Doyle Patrick •• " 8 9<br />

Doyle Timothy. •. 9 10<br />

Doyle John ...... 13 3<br />

Dubble John ••• " 4 9<br />

Dubblc Luke .•••. 4 5<br />

Dubb!e James, ••• 4 2<br />

Dunn Joseph •••.• 6 10<br />

Edwards Jas •.•• 2 2:'1<br />

Edwards John .••• 3 23<br />

Edward~ Robt. ••. 7 24<br />

Edwards Henry ..• 8 23<br />

Elford Chas .••••. 10 15<br />

EwartThomas •••• 7 7<br />

FcntonCharles .•• ~ 8 24<br />

Fer-ton Lukins •••• 5 - 8<br />

Ferguson Ed w •••• 11 21<br />

Francis J, hu ••••. 11 11<br />

Fures Joseph, ••.. 14 14<br />

Galbraith James •• 3 ;;<br />

Garvey Patrick ••• 2 2<br />

Gibbs John •••••• 14 19<br />

Gibbs Chas •••••• 14 18<br />

Gillespie Donald •• 13 21

BROCK.<br />

_, _ CO:'!. N0.i<br />

{.lover\\m ••..•• 1422,<br />

Graham John .•••• 10 5:<br />

Graham Thos. sen .12 8<br />

Hall David ..••.• 11 21<br />

Hammond John ... 14 6<br />

Harris.Tohn .•.•.• 2 4<br />

Harris Samson H. 0 11<br />

Harrison J alnes •.• 12 12<br />

Hart Jel'emiah •••• ll 2<br />

Hart Robert •••• 11 4<br />

Henderson John ..• 2 2<br />

Hevener Heliry .•• 8 14<br />

Hickingbottom- J.,. 9 24<br />

Hill John, ........ 5 8<br />

Hill Andrew, •.•.• 6 24<br />

Hogan Patrick, ••• l1 16<br />

Hogan Matthew, •• 11 16<br />

Hogan Michael, •.• 11 16<br />

Horner l\Iichael, •• 7 ~2<br />

Humphrey Sam'I •• 7 5<br />

Humphrey J. H ..• 5 6<br />

Hutcheson·T. D.,.11 20<br />

lrwine Johu, .••••• ~ 2<br />

Jackson T., jun'r ..• 11 4<br />

Jackson T., sen'r .• ll 9<br />

Jackson Francis, •• 10 10<br />

Johnson Robert ••• 14 7<br />

Johnson Charles, ... 12 26<br />

Johnson Irwine, ••. 12 19<br />

Jones W. C., .•••• 5 12<br />

Kelly Mary, ..•••. 8 21<br />

Kelly Artliur, •..•• 9 19<br />

Lawton Jesse ..... 8 8<br />

Letts Wm ••••••• 3 1<br />

Lloyd Glover.... 6 '3<br />

LIQyd John •••••• 12 1<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Lloyd l\1armaduke.12 4<br />

Lloyd Caleb •••••• 12 1<br />

Ludford Thos .•••• HI 7<br />

Lynch Joseph •••. 13 3<br />

Macauly Robt •.•• 2 15<br />

Mabee Godfrey ••• 11 19<br />

Mabee Peter ••• r .. 11 23<br />

Malone James •••• 10 6<br />

Malone MichaeL .. 9 13<br />

Marr John ....... 7 13<br />

Matterson Wm ..•• 5 10<br />

Matterson Isabella.14 13<br />

Metcalf John ••••• ll 9<br />

Mooney Francis •.• 1 1<br />

Moore Alex. • • • .• 9 20<br />

Morrow Joseph... 1 19<br />

Murtaugh John ••. 1 4<br />

McCaskill Wm ... 11 20<br />

McDonald Hugh .• 8 22<br />

McGrath Michael. 1 3<br />

"McDougall D •••• 12 20<br />

McGrath Joseph .• 1 3<br />

McIntyre Murdoch 7 23<br />

Mcintyre Niel •••• 6 20<br />

McKay Reynold .• 14 24<br />

McKennon Duncanl 17<br />

McKennon Niel ..• 10 22<br />

McKennon Donald.l0 22<br />

McLean Alex •••• 8 20<br />

McLean Hector ••• 8 20<br />

McMannis Jas •••• 3 a<br />

Mdli11an Hugh ... 14 10<br />

McMillan Arch'd .• 14 10<br />

McNab Donald ••• 13 2~<br />

McNibsley Hugh •• 10 20<br />

McNinley John ••• 10 20<br />

McPhadon Charles 7 10<br />

McPhadon Donald 6 16<br />

McPhadon H. junr 7 17

6<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Easbury John ..• , 4 30<br />

Elliott William •••• 2 9<br />

Elliott Robert . • •. 2 9<br />

Hvarson Dorothv 0 18<br />

Everson Richard '0 0 6 17<br />

Ewing James •••. 4 10<br />

Falconer Isaac. . .• 1 19<br />

Fead William •••• 1 5<br />

Ferguson Geo ..•. 3 16<br />

Flagler Daniel •... 3 11<br />

Fleming John. • .• 3 24<br />

Fletcher Jas. • ... 4 5<br />

Fletcher Edw .•..• 2 2<br />

Fletcher Robt.. . •• 7 7<br />

Forest Robert •... 4 3<br />

Fox William •••• 5 18<br />

Fraser James .•.. 6 23<br />

Freeman Jno •••• 4 17<br />

Fuller Cornel's •••• 4 14<br />

Fuller Levi •••••• 4 14<br />

Gardener \Vm •••• 5<br />

Gilbraith Clark •• 5<br />

Graden John ••.. 3<br />

Graham Arch •••• 3<br />

Greensword Tim'y 5<br />

Halenger Geo • • •• 1<br />

Hammond William 1<br />

Hare Isaac .••••• 2<br />

Hartley Robt •••• 2<br />

Haynes Chas. sen'r 4<br />

Haynes Chas. jun'r 3<br />

Henderson David • 4<br />

Hicks Geo. E . • •• 5<br />

Hicks Sam B .•••• 5<br />

Hicks John A • . •• 5<br />

Hogg Samuel 3<br />

B<br />

CHINQUACOUSY .. 73<br />

West of HUTontario Street.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Hogg Alex'f. 1 15<br />

Holmes Wm .•••• 1 9<br />

H untel" James .••• 1 19<br />

Huuter Wm .••.. 4 :3<br />

Huxley .Mary •••• 1 9<br />

Hutton Alex'r •••. 3 4<br />

Hyett John ..... . 6 4<br />

Johnston Wm ..... 2 16<br />

Johnston Elijah •• 3 20<br />

Johnston Jos ..••. 2 10<br />

Johnston Duncan •• 3 2<br />

Kelley J o~hua ••.. 1 20<br />

Kelly Jas. L. .... 5 16<br />

Kennedy Jas ••••• 6 16<br />

Kent William •••. 6 3<br />

Kirk John ........ 6 16<br />

Knowles Samuel •• 3 28<br />

Lake Reuben •••• 2 33<br />

12 Lake Peleg •••••• 2 . 33<br />

12 LefHarJohn •••.•• 6 2<br />

18 LefHar Hiram •••• 3 8<br />

34 LefHar Wm. D •••• 4 8<br />

] 1 Lesslie George •••• 6 20<br />

Lindsay Rob't •••• 6 12<br />

9 Little Robert. • • •• 1 . 8<br />

2 Londy Thomas • .• 3 9<br />

16 Longley Jacob •••• 3 30<br />

15 Loop John ....... 4 9<br />

29 Lowas William ••• 1 14<br />

28 Lowas Isaac ••.•.• 1 7<br />

22 Lloyd George •••• 5 19<br />

30 Lyons George •••• 5 29<br />

30 'I Lyons James, sen's 4 23<br />

20 I Lyons James, jun'r 5 29<br />

1 Mack Peter •••••• 2 2

7t<br />


CON. NO.<br />

Maguirc Thos .•••• 4 20<br />

Manary Rob't •••• 6 6<br />

l'ianar)' James •••. G 6<br />

Marshall James ••• 2 22<br />

l\larshall Wm •••• 2 22<br />

Marshall Rob't •••• 2 22<br />

M::mhall Wm ..... 1 5<br />

1'.1 clrlin John •••••• 4 13<br />

,'!arlin John •••••• 3 33<br />

!'Ilatthews Thos •.• 5 21<br />

)by George •••••• 6 2<br />

TIIayJohn •.•••••• 4 G<br />

l\lillGI" John ...... 6 5<br />

:Minnow John ••••• 6 8<br />

Mishlcr Elias ••••• 3 7<br />

Mi\chell Matthew. 2 8<br />

~('Jody John ...... 3 17<br />

!I[oor~ John ...... 2 14<br />

~lorri~()!l Duncan. 5 34<br />

.\iurru\l' Hugh •••• 3 9<br />

2Hothcrscll Robert. 4 21<br />

l\1cnintaill Joseph •• 4 32<br />

Mow John •••.••• 3 11<br />

l\Iuliin R


'West Of HU1'ontario Street.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Pharons David •••• 2 11<br />

Phillips Alex'r •••• 6 15<br />

Phillips Wm ...... 6 15<br />

Phillips Henry •••. 6 23<br />

Phillips Thos •••• 6 2;~<br />

Ransier George .... 1 16<br />

Raven Adam •••.• 6 18<br />

Raven Wm, G •••• 6 18<br />

Rice Edward ...... 3 19<br />

Robinson Gco ••••• 1 33<br />

Ryan David •••••• 1 28<br />

Sanderson Joseph .. 4 12<br />

Sanderson Samuel. 4 12<br />

Seed Jno •••.•••• 1 26<br />

Scott Isaac •••••• 3 12<br />

Scott Wm ........ 1 5<br />

ScottJas ........ 4 10<br />

Scott Abraham •••• 5 8<br />

Scott Thomas •••• 4 21<br />

Sharp James ••••• 2 8<br />

Shaw Alexander ••• 5 14<br />

Sheilds John •••••• 1 17<br />

Shook J,lcoh ••••• 3 13<br />

Silverthorn Jon'n •• 4 18<br />

Simpson .T ohn .... 1 1:3<br />

Sinclair Alex'r •••. 5 33<br />

SiGclair Dan't •••• 1 30<br />

Siilc1air Angus •••. 2 32<br />

Sillclail' Malcolm •• 3 31<br />

Sinclair Archd •••• !3 31<br />

Sloan John •••••.• 2 28<br />

Smith.1ohn ••••.•• 6 3a<br />

Smith Jnmes ...... 6 28<br />

Smith Benijah , ••• 5 10<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Standing John •••• 2 34<br />

Stephens James ••• 1 26<br />

Taylor Thos ••••• 1 13<br />

Thackerey Joseph. 2 12<br />

Thompson Thomas 2 1<br />

Thompson G. C .•• 4 19<br />

Tremble James •••• 3 5<br />

Vales Richard •••• 3 33 j<br />

Vanwycke Corn's .. 1 24<br />

Walkel' George ••• 6 25<br />

Wallis Wm •••••• 3 15<br />

Wallis Benjamin ... 3 14<br />

Wallis George •••• 3 13<br />

Walsh J()hn •••••• 1 12<br />

Watson William •• 3 13<br />

\Varner Matthew •• 5 3<br />

Warn wick Samuel. 5 23<br />

Wellington Sparoc. 1 21<br />

Westervelt James .. 1 11<br />

Whet ham James .. 5 11<br />

Whetham Wm •••• 5 7<br />

Wilkinson ''''m•••• 3 32<br />

Wilkinson Jos •••• 3 32<br />

Willdnson Jno •••• 2 5<br />

Willis Richard •••• 2 1<br />

\Villis "Vrn .•..... 2 2<br />

Wilson John ..... 1 9<br />

Wilson Geo •••••• ,1 33<br />

Worts i\Iorice ..... 4 3<br />

Wrathem Richard .. 4 8<br />

Wray Wm •••••• 2 18<br />

Wright Joseph •••• 1 :6<br />

Young David .•••.• 3 21<br />

Young Thos ....... 3 15<br />

POJ'ULATloN-Males above 16,516; Males under 16,400;<br />

Females above 16,333; Females under 16, 423.­<br />

Tota~, 1872.

76 ETOBICOKE.<br />

co:,. NO.<br />

Alderson Jas ••••. 2 16<br />

Alle.n Jno ........ 3 32<br />

Allen Christophel' .. 2 37<br />

_\nderson J aeob •• 2 1 D<br />

Anderson Cornelius 2 19<br />

Andrews Wm •••. 2 28<br />

Appleby Jonn •••• I 35<br />

Arthurs Robert •.•• 1 9<br />

A.tkinson John •••• B 22<br />

Ballemore Antoine .. B 10<br />

Baldrig Sam'l ••.• B 35<br />

Banting Thos • • •. 4 17<br />

BarnesJohn ••••.• 3 38<br />

Beamish Francis .• 4 36<br />

Beamish John •••• 3 35<br />

Beck Phillip •••••• 3 28<br />

Bell Wm ........ 2 30<br />

Bell Francis •••••• 4 20<br />

Bell Sam'l •••••••• B 20<br />

Betteridge William 1 27<br />

Betteridge J no •••• 1 26<br />

Betteridge Jno •••• 2 27<br />

Blanchard Geo •••• 2 23<br />

Blyth Robert ••••• c 10<br />

Bingham Andrew .• 1 12<br />

Bingham Wm •••. 3 12<br />

Bolton Thomas •••• I 30<br />

Brennan Martin .•• 4 27<br />

Brown Joseph ..••• 5 12<br />

Brown Alex'r .••• A 8<br />

Brown Joseph •.•• 3 11<br />

Brunskell Thos • " 1 23<br />

Buchanan Andrew. 1 15<br />

Bulger James •••• 4 28<br />

Burgess John •••• 3F 20<br />

Burgess '.Ym...... 1 22<br />

Caldwell Thos .••• B 8<br />

Caldwell Andrew •• 2 14<br />

CON. NO.<br />

(,aruing J oS8ph .,. 1 17<br />

Card Isaac ••••••• 2 37<br />

C~rd Nathaniel ••• J. 37<br />

Card Levi ........ 1 29<br />

Card Joseph ...... B' 24<br />

Card Alexander ••• A 24<br />

Castle Robert •••• A 28<br />

Cave William •••• 1 28<br />

Chambers Jno •••• 2 28<br />

Chapman John •••• 5 11<br />

Christner Jonas. " B<br />

Christller Solomon. B<br />

Christner Benjamin B<br />

Clark Arch'd •••• 3<br />

Cliflord James •••• c<br />

Coates Robert. ••• 2<br />

Codling John •••• 4<br />

Conat David ••••• J<br />

Cook Jacob •••••• c<br />

Cooper Thomas. •• B<br />

Cooper Wm. H ••• A<br />

Cooper \Vm...... A<br />

Coulter And'w •••• 2<br />

Crew Dr •••••••• 5<br />

Cross Jno •••••••• A<br />

Culham W m ...... 4<br />

Culham James •••• 5<br />

Culham John .••. A<br />

Cunnigham Samuel 2<br />

Custead Danl, first ~<br />

range llorth<br />

Dundas-st.<br />

28<br />

29<br />

29<br />

32<br />

22<br />

39<br />

37<br />

38<br />

19<br />

9<br />

8<br />

19<br />

14<br />

11<br />

23<br />

11<br />

12<br />

20<br />

26<br />

lIE<br />

Dawson Thos •••• 3 13<br />

Dawson Geo ...... B 19<br />

Dawsoll Mark •••• 3 15<br />

Death Thomas •••• 2 1')<br />

Devines John •••• 11 27<br />

Devines Levi •••• A 33<br />

Dewar .'\J rs •••••• 2 HI

ETOI3ICOKE. 77<br />

CON. N0'II<br />

CON. 1>H.<br />

Dewar David •.••• ~ 7 Gowland Matlhew. 5 10<br />

V~xon (~eorge •.•. c ~O II Go\\Jund Geo •••• 3 23<br />

Dixon '1 homus •... A 20 Gracey John ...... A 18<br />

Dixo:l Jas •.•..•.. 2 2i Gracey Alex'r •••. :2 15<br />

Dixon W iiljam •••. 3 :20 Gl'eenblll'v Robert.. A 3R<br />

DOH'I' JosC'rh •••• 4 17 Gruhb John ..•••• B 30<br />

Doyle Jas ........ 3 26<br />

Dyer Gco ........ 2 9 Hamilton Jas •••• A ~5<br />

Eagle Samuel •••. 2<br />

Early Mrs ••••••• 1<br />

Edmondson John .• I<br />

Edmondsoa John .• 1<br />

Ellice Thomas •••. A<br />

Ellice [lollry •••. c<br />

Ellerah Johu •••. 2<br />

E,alls George •••• 2<br />

Falls Thomas •••• 2 18<br />

Fenny Thomas •••• 3 33<br />

Fisher T, range 9-2 & 3<br />

Foster John •••••• 2 27<br />

Fowler R., b'u front G<br />

Fry Jas ......... 1 12<br />

Fulcher Joseph •••• B 24<br />

Gamble Jno. W. Mimoco.<br />

Gamble Wm. late Fisher's<br />

mills, Humber<br />

Garbut Mrs •••••• 5<br />

Garbut George •••• A<br />

Gardhouse Robert. 4<br />

Gardhotlse Robert. 4<br />

Gargam John •••• 4<br />

Gentle Wm •••••• c<br />

Gibson Thomas •• 4<br />

Gibson John ..... A<br />

Gibson WilliarD ••• A<br />

Giles John ••••••• 2<br />

Goldthorp George. 1<br />

Gouldring I-I. b'n front<br />

Hamilton Rob! •.•. 1 17<br />

29 [J ami' ton He:1ry •• 1 2<br />

17 Hainstock \Villiam 4 11<br />

21 Harper Thos .•• " 4 35<br />

33 Harris Joseph •••• 3 30<br />

35 I Hefferman Dennis, bn ft 2<br />

22 Hefferman Jno •..• 1 {l<br />

31 Henderson Obadiah 2 12<br />

6 Hessey Wm ...... 4 23<br />

Hetherillgtoll James B 25<br />

Hewson Joseph ••• A 37<br />

Hill Thomas ..... B 19<br />

Hobson Wm ••••• c 10<br />

Hodgson Robt •••• 3 14<br />

Holly Jacob .••••• A 33<br />

Hopkinson William 1 11<br />

11<br />

29<br />

32<br />

38<br />

31<br />

22<br />

38<br />

31<br />

3]<br />

9<br />

5<br />

12<br />

Hornsingel' Fred'l{ .. 4 Ie<br />

Hovington Wm •••• 4 ] \)<br />

Hugill John ....... 5 9<br />

Hunler Joshua •••• c 22<br />

Hutcheson Jno •••• 4 11<br />

James Wm ••••••• 2 22<br />

Johnston Isaac •••• 1 10<br />

Johnston Benj •••. A Hi<br />

Johnston Thos •••• 1 7<br />

Jourdan David •••• AB 34<br />

Kaake Emanuel ••• A<br />

Kaake Adam ••••• 1<br />

Kaake Charles •••• 1<br />

KaaIee Andrew •••• 1<br />

Kaake Conrad •••• 1<br />

31<br />

35<br />

39<br />

39<br />


78 ETomCOKE.<br />

CON. NO.1<br />

Kidd Richard .••• 1 32<br />

Killocle John •••• A 8<br />

King Hobert ••••• B 8<br />

Kirkpiltrick And'w 1 21<br />

Knaggs 'Nm •••• ; 3 16<br />

Knott William •••• 1 17<br />

I,aing Thomas •.•. 4 12<br />

Lane Geo., b'n front ] 0<br />

Lee Jonathan .•••• 3 17<br />

Lockw,)od Edward 2 22<br />

LOilgway Andrew, A 19<br />

Long Hannah •••• 2 11<br />

Mabee William ••• 2<br />

Mabee John •••••• A<br />

Martin Nathan •••. A<br />

Mashiter Geo ..•• 2<br />

Mattice Elizabeth. B<br />

Mattice Nicholas .. 2<br />

Mattice'Jacob .•••. B<br />

Mattice' Solomon •• n<br />

Mattice J olm ••••• A<br />

Mattice \V m •••••• A<br />

Maxwell Isaac •••• 2<br />

Maxwell Elizabeth 3<br />

Mercer Mrs ....... 1<br />

Mercer Ann •••••• 2<br />

Middlebrook John .• 3<br />

Mills Christ'r. range!<br />

Miller Wm •••.••• 1<br />

Miller Michael •••. C<br />

M isscampbell And. 2<br />

Moodie Geo •••••• 2<br />

Moodie Robert •••• 4<br />

Moodie James.... 3<br />

Moore .John •••••• A<br />

Montgomery 'rhos. B<br />

Morgan Patrick ••• c<br />

Morrow Andrew ... 2<br />

Mossopp W m ••••• 3<br />

37<br />

37<br />

36<br />

33<br />

22<br />

13<br />

22<br />

22<br />

42<br />

22<br />

Nicholl John ••••.• 5<br />

Noble Herod •••.• 2<br />

Nothal'dt Robt •••• ij<br />

38 O'Brian Patrick •• 3<br />

13!OrdJohn •••••••• 3<br />

27 Orlh JOI]'o, .• cross 2<br />

n<br />

40<br />

4<br />

27<br />

20<br />

47<br />

31<br />

30<br />

32<br />

11<br />

8<br />

22<br />

16<br />

17<br />

CON. NG.<br />

1\1 urray James .••• 1 2<br />

1\1 urchison Uuncan c ]0<br />

Musson 'rhos •.•• c 22<br />

!VI usson .Edw'd •••• c 22<br />

McCarty John ..•• 4 16<br />

McCracken Thos .. c 22<br />

McEvoy James ••• 4 25<br />

;\1cFarlane John •• 4 6<br />

McFarlane Donald 5 8<br />

McFarlane Alex •• 4 9<br />

McGuire Thos •••• 1 3<br />

McGuire Jas .•••• c 22<br />

McGill Thomas •• 1 25<br />

McLean Alex •••. 2 18<br />

McLean John •.•. 1 14<br />

McLaughlin John. 1 17<br />

McLaughlin John. 5 7<br />

Mc;.v]ullin Jus •.•• 2 22<br />

Orth Daniel •••••• 2<br />

Orton Wm ••••.••• B<br />

Palliser Thos •••• 4<br />

Parker James •••• 2<br />

Patterson Edward. 4<br />

Paul James •••••• c<br />

Payne Wm ...... 2<br />

Peacock Jonathan. 4<br />

Peacock David ••• 3<br />

Peeler l\farg't, front B<br />

Petch Wm ....... 3<br />

Piercy Jeremiah •• 2<br />

Pimm Jacob •••••• 2<br />

10<br />

10<br />

6<br />

29<br />

20<br />

EF<br />

EF<br />

2i<br />

33<br />

20<br />

13<br />

20<br />

2!l<br />

21<br />

21<br />

3<br />

19<br />

35<br />


ETOBICOKE. 7~<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Phillips Thos. Dr .• C 10<br />

Phillips Edword ••• B 18<br />

Prentice Oliver .••. D :31<br />

Prescott Amos •••. 1 18<br />

Pricstman ;\latthew 2 a:l<br />

Price Jumps .•••.. 1 2<br />

Price William •.•• 1 2<br />

Rohertson Henry .• C 10<br />

Robinson Jas •••• C 12<br />

Ross William •••. 4 ao<br />

Itoss Alex •••..•• 4 35<br />

Howantree Jno ..•. D 26<br />

Rush La Peter .••. 4 19<br />

Russel James •••• a 32<br />

Shaver Peter •••• 1 21<br />

~haver George .••• ] 18<br />

Shaw Jno ........ 1 25<br />

Shell" Benjamin •.•. 2 28<br />

Shields Tbos ...• 3 18<br />

Shuttleworth John. A a4<br />

Silverthorn Jno. Etobicolie<br />

mills<br />

Skirving Wm. W .. C 22<br />

Smith Daniel ••••. A 23<br />

Swilh William •••• 2 25<br />

Smith Joseph .•.••. 1 27<br />

Smith Robert •.•• 2 36<br />

Smith Tnomas •••. 3 36<br />

Smith Tho:nas .••. 3 27<br />

Steel Daniel. ••••• 2 26<br />

Stock Jas •••..••• 2 6<br />

Stonehouse Robert. 2 20<br />

Stonehouse Joseph 1 18<br />

Swift - ......... 1 C<br />

Taylor Joseph •••• B 31<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Thistlo Dr •••.••• A 34<br />

Thomas Rich •••• 3 3l<br />

Thompson .J as •••• 2 9<br />

Tbomp~on Samuel. 2 15<br />

Topham 'Vm •.•. 5 11<br />

Tuean Thomas ..•. 2 Ii<br />

Tuean W ill i anl>. .•. 1 13<br />

Yam·very \Y Ill •••• 4 '~n<br />

Vanevery Peter ••• 1 1<br />

Upshaw·Chas .... 2 !l3<br />

Wadsworth Charles C 22<br />

Walker Wm. B ..• 2 12<br />

Wallis Samuel. ••. 1 40<br />

Ward Barnet ••••. 3 2(<br />

Ward Joseph ..... ,* 10<br />

'Vard Andre"' .... 5 7<br />

',Yard 'Vm•••..•• 5 7<br />

Warlhy Jamp-s •••• 3 2;)<br />

Watso~ Wm ..•... 1 13<br />

Webster Robt ..•. 4 8<br />

Wedgewood Wm •• 4 II<br />

West more Philip .. a 32<br />

Whipple Wm •••.. 2 7<br />

Wheeler Thos .••. 1 23<br />

Wilcox Trueman .. A 8<br />

,Yjlcox Friend .... A 12<br />

Wilson Rich'd .••• CG CG<br />

Wilson Thos ••••. A liS<br />

Wilson John ..•••. 1 11<br />

Winter Hiram .••• B 33<br />

Willoughby Jonas. c 10<br />

Worn Lyna ••••.• 1 20<br />

Wrenn Andrew •.• c 22<br />

W right Jeffery •••• A 31<br />

Wythe Wm •••••. 1 '27<br />

POPULATION-Males above 16,046; Males under 16,469;<br />

Females above 16, 417; Females under 16, 442._<br />

Total, 1874.

80<br />

GO~;. ;{(). I Go:-r. "!'\O •<br />

.•\ ;"lCW J:Jhn •.•. ] 0 1: Lewis DaviJ .... 11 3<br />

•.\ fla:l \Villiam.... 1 11 Low Daniel ••..•. 11 6<br />

A.nnctt John .' .. 6 2<br />

As .. ~ijl Joll:] ..... . 4, 4 Mooney Rob: .... 7 8<br />

Ayhert ',l'illi:lm ..• lO 11 i'olooney Ue'i'y .•.• 7 :3<br />

Morrison n'!IlI'Y .. 9 7<br />

Boatman J lOll.} ... . 11 11 :11orr[)\v I-lu~IJ .... !) 2<br />

Bell S ........... 10 11 .\JcClcllan D,wid :2 7<br />

Bell \1'1:] •••••••• 10 10 .\lcKewa:] JarLes .• 11 14<br />

Blackstock John .• 11 19 1\1 t' Lean J oiln .•.• 8 1<br />

r.lacksto~k William 9 18<br />

nIaci,slocie Tho's 11 18 Nicholson T. .... 6 G<br />

Blackstock John .• 11 £)<br />

llrice J.,iln ...... 1 6 O'i'\cil J as .•.•.. 11 5<br />

Brice l!obert .... 1 6 O';\'eil Tho's .... 11 5<br />

Bu!I.Jcl\ James •.•• 1 5 O'Ncil Alex']' .. •• 11 :;<br />

O';\'cil Tho's .... 10 3-<br />

Ca,;'il1g James ..•. 10 I"<br />

"<br />

C haplllan Char:es 8 7 Rooney lIen,), ••••, 8 2<br />

Coulman \Y rn .•••• 9 :2 Ross William .... 11 21<br />

COilllllan Andrew .. 9 2 Ruthven Alex ...•. 1 10<br />

Cunllingham 'Vm,. 9 5<br />

Drnd'.'!oi),ly Gcorgc10 1<br />

I Ruthven Rob't, sen. ·1 ~<br />

.<br />

Ruthi'cn Robt, jun. 1 9<br />

J)olpll 1I1ich'l .... 11 18 Smith James ••••• 4 11<br />

Dun Thomas •••. 9 1 Somerville P. .... 7 8<br />

Speirs Joseph ... ",,, 7 :;<br />

Gilroy P. olJert •••• 8 !3 Stevenson \\ illium I 8<br />

Hall William .,," " 4 7 Strong John •.•••• 10 5<br />

Handy Clla's """ . 4 5<br />

Highland Will ...•• 10. 10 I Todd Walter ••••• 4 3<br />

Johnston John •••. 4 7 Whitesides Robert 8 4<br />

Wilkinson Thomas 4 3<br />

Kidd James •••.•• 9 8 Wilkinson Thos.jun 4 ;3<br />

KmJor Robert •••• 6 2 Wilkinson Arthur 3 4<br />

l'oPULA'rIoN-Mnles above ] 6, 83; Males under 16, 69;<br />

Females above 16, 5:!i; Females under 16, 62.­<br />

Total, 269.

FLOS 81<br />

cox. N0'1 CON. :\"0.<br />

Bishop Stephen ••• 1 42 .Moran Dominic ••• 2 4<br />

Murphy Patrick ••• 1 59<br />

Campbell Wm •••• 1 61 McCormick George :! 46<br />

Craig John •.•.•• 1 43 McDivitt Daniel. •• 1 5~<br />

McDivitt Daniel. •• 2 52<br />

Davenport Wm •••. I 51 McDougall David. 1 44<br />

McGenerty Dennis 1 61<br />

GagerObadiah ••.• 1 48<br />

Peploe Samuel •••• 1 75<br />

H ami/ton'!' John •••. 1 60<br />

Hickling Geo .•••• 1 5:! Richardson Gideon 6 1<br />

Hunt James ••••.. 1 7'2 Richardson John •• 1 41<br />

Rowet John ••.••. 1 53<br />

Johnston James ••• 1 48 Rowley John •••• 1 70<br />

Kettle Thomas •••. 1 74 SwanJames •••••• 2 47<br />

Marlow Hugh •••• 1 55<br />

Marlow Hugh •••• 1 56 William Geo ..•••• 1 3<br />

Moore Alfred • • • •• 5 1<br />

POPULATION-Males above 16, 30; Males under 16, 26;<br />

Females, above 16, 18; Females under 16, 27.­<br />

Total, 102.<br />


CON. NO.<br />

Archibald Thos •.• 7 13<br />

Armstrong B. C ..• 3 18<br />

Barte Oliver •••••• 2<br />

Bennett Isaac ••••• 6<br />

Bennett Aquila, sen 6<br />

Henne1t Aquila, jUIl 6<br />

Best Joseph •••••• 5<br />

Bywater W. B •.•. 2<br />

Cameron Jno. S •.• 1<br />

Chipperfield Geo •• 3<br />

20<br />

18<br />

19<br />

17<br />

16<br />

22<br />

II<br />

CON. NO<br />

Crittenden Amo3 •• 3 14<br />

Crittenden Lymon . 3 :!3<br />

Crittenden Oren ••• 3 16<br />

Crittenden Jas .••• 3 16<br />

Crittenden Benj ••• 3 14<br />

Crittenden Wm •.• 1 15<br />

Crittenden Asa •••• 1 23<br />

Crittenden Levi .•• 6 15<br />

Dawson David •••. 3<br />

16 Draper Luther •••• 3<br />

14 I Draper Joel. ••••. 2<br />

14<br />

28<br />


8 ')<br />


CON. ,,0.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Draper Beth •••••• 4 13 Mills Samnel •••• 6 17<br />

Morton Lucius .••• 3 20<br />

McConnell Lucius. 1 13<br />

Earles George •••• 5 21<br />

Earles W. R •••.. 4 15<br />

Emes Calvin ••••• 3 26<br />

Emes George •••• ' 2 24<br />

Emes Silas •••••• 3 18<br />

Evans William •••• 7 21<br />

Ferguson John •••• 7 20<br />

Founto Louis .... 3 2<br />

l:nger Noah ..••.. 5<br />

Gullinger Chri~'l' • 4<br />

HayEE'S Geo ••••• 6<br />

Hatfield - •••••• 3<br />

Hooper John •••• 3<br />

Huntley Simon •••• 1<br />

Huntley Zenos ..•• 1<br />

inman Ri


CON. NO.<br />

Wilder Nathaniel. 6 17<br />

Wilder Russell •••• 1 14<br />

Wilder Charles .,. 6 20<br />

Willoughby John •• 6 111<br />

Willoughby An'w . 5 17<br />

Willoughby Elias. 3 19<br />

CON. )';0.<br />

Willoughby Benj .• 5 ] 7<br />

Wheeler Spencer •• 7 20<br />

Wheeler Hussel. •• 7 16<br />

W heeler Godfrey •• 1 18<br />

Williams Ilobt.· ••• 7 13<br />

POPULATION-Malesaboye 16,140; i\1ales under 16, ]38;<br />

Fcmules above 16,117; Females under 16, 135.­<br />

Total, 530.<br />


COX. NO.<br />

Arbuthnott Alex •.• 3 ! 7<br />

Arkinson Robert ... 4 32<br />

Arkillson John sen. 4 33<br />

Al'kinson John jun. 4 33<br />

ArkseyGeorge •••. l 105<br />

A "herst Francis. • • 107<br />

Ayhvard Jan1es .... ~ 2U<br />

Barber Lanson •••. 3<br />

Barber Jacob ••••• 3<br />

Barker John •••••• 4<br />

Belfry H .•.•.•••. 2<br />

Belfry Jacob .••••. 2<br />

Bell Neil ......... 1<br />

Bennett Thomas ..• I<br />

Bishop Every ••.•• 3<br />

Bond Thomas G .•• 1<br />

Braclwn James •••• 2<br />

Brammer George •• ~<br />

Brammer John •••• 2<br />

Brammer Joseph .•• 2<br />

Brammer Edward •• 3<br />

Brooks Samuel .••• 1<br />

Brown Thomas ••• 2<br />

BUl'ki Thomas •••• 4<br />

CON. :'\0.<br />

Butcher Samuel. •• 8 10<br />

Butcher Bufus •••• 8 11<br />

Butcher Israel ..••. 8 11<br />

Carter William •••. 3<br />

Case Nathan .•.••• 5<br />

Chapdl Francis ..• 3<br />

Chapell John .•••• 3<br />

23 Chapman M .••••• 3<br />

7 Chapman Stephen. 3<br />

33 Chantler Moses .... ~<br />

25 Clark Silas •••.•.• 1<br />

~2 Clark Erastus ••••• 3<br />

108 Coal John ........ 2<br />

100 Cockerlive Robert. 8<br />

9 Coleman James •.• 4<br />

108 I Coryell Philip .••• 3<br />

24 Coyler William ••• 6<br />

8 Coylcr John •.•••• 5<br />

9 Crown John .••••• 2<br />

8 Cryderman John •• 5<br />

10 Cumming William. 1<br />

104 II Cumming Peter ••• 3<br />

9 Curry Mathew •••• 2<br />

24 Darton Samuel •••• 1<br />

9<br />

25<br />

:31<br />

31<br />

5<br />

5<br />

R<br />

102<br />

21<br />

27<br />

7<br />

22<br />

4<br />

13<br />

11<br />

.)<br />

3l<br />

105<br />

28<br />

1<br />


81 EAST GWILLP,IBliRY.<br />

co:\'. N0'\'I co:;. ]1;0.<br />

D'l.\:~dsoa Alex ...• 3 25 I \e~llon Wi.lliam ••• 5 24<br />

0:1.\ ,s Isaac ....... 3 1 F e.lton Salah ..... 3 16<br />

Da'wson Joh,] ••••• 1 97 Fletcher William •• 4 26<br />

Delalv Peter •••••. 4 23 Fletcher John •••• 3 22<br />

Dennis Er.08 •.•••• 1 105 Fletcher Silas •••• 3 22<br />

Dickinson Rubert.. 1 102 Foster A .•••••••• 2 26<br />

Dixon Isaac .•.••. 6 29 Foster George •••• 3 16<br />

Dixon John •.••••• 2 15 Friddle Rob't •••• 4 22<br />

Dixon Thomas •.•• 4 4 Fry Henry •••••• 2 11<br />

Doan Joseph .••••• 2 9<br />

Do an Jc~sv ....... 2 9<br />

]loan Jnh;ljuiJ •••• 2 9<br />

Doan Charles .•••• 3 9<br />

DO:ln Eiias ••••••• 2 9<br />

Doan Jr ••••••••• 2 11<br />

Doan Ebenezer ••.• 3 13<br />

Doan Enos .••.••• 2 10<br />

Donn Abraham ..•. 3 1 ~<br />

Doan Ira •..•.•••• 2 IS<br />

DraperJohn ••.••• 4 31<br />

Druper Reuben •••• 4 30<br />

Draper Jacob ••••• 4 24<br />

Driven Tho's .•.•• 3 15<br />

Duck Robert .••••. 2 1<br />

Dunham Thomas G. 3 19<br />

DUI.ham Belljamin. 2 8<br />

Dunham Elijah •••• 4 14<br />

Dunham Wm ••••• 4 17<br />

Dunham Tho':;:. sen 4 17<br />

Eaves John ....... '2<br />

Eaves Jessv •••••• 2<br />

Eaves Mark •••••• 4<br />

Eaves Nehemiah .• 4<br />

Evans John ... , ••• 4<br />

5<br />

23<br />

28<br />

23<br />

2<br />

Evans James ••••• 4 3<br />

Evans David •••••• 3 6<br />

Evans Wellington. 4 16<br />

Evans William •••• 4 16<br />

Farquhar George .•• 3 15<br />

Garbutt Rich'd •••• :'I<br />

Garbutt Rich'd •••• 4<br />

Garbutt Selson •••• 3<br />

Garto,] John .••••• 1<br />

Glayton Ira •••••• 2<br />

(~loverThomas .••• 3<br />

Good ,veil N 8wton • 4<br />

Graham John •••• a<br />

Graham 'Vm. jUII'r. 2<br />

Graham Jeremiah. 2<br />

Grant John •••••• 2<br />

Grant S. Ferdinand 1<br />

Grant Theodore ••• 1<br />

Haiuson John •••• 8<br />

I-hmpton John •••• 4<br />

Hare George •••• 1<br />

Harrison Hiram ••. 3<br />

Harrison Solomon • 6<br />

Harrison Joshua •• 3<br />

Harrington Levy •• 5<br />

Havenough James. 2<br />

Hawhee John •••• 5<br />

Henderson Thomas 1<br />

Hens Samuel •••• 2<br />

Herald Samuel •••• 4<br />

Higgins Wm ••••• 2<br />

Hill James •••••• 6<br />

Hill Joel •••••••• 2<br />

Hill George ••••• 3<br />

21<br />

25'<br />

23<br />

103<br />

10<br />

19<br />

30<br />

12<br />

15<br />

15<br />

20<br />

97<br />

97<br />

12<br />

4<br />

108<br />

14<br />

10<br />

15<br />

25<br />

8<br />

11<br />

107<br />

4<br />

5<br />

11<br />

31<br />

10<br />


BROCK. 61<br />

CON. N0'1<br />

CON. NO;.<br />

McPhadon H. senr 7 19 Shoefitt Leonard •• 7 3<br />

McPhadon Al'ch'd 7 18 Slv Solomon ...... 1 5<br />

McPhadon Laughlin 7 21 S~ith Wm ........ 1 5<br />

McPhadon Niel. •• 7 21 Smith Thomas •••. 5 8<br />

Sproule Robt ••••. 12 16<br />

Nugent John ••••• 12 3 Stephens Diedrick 1 10<br />

Stevenson Samuel.. 2 1<br />

O'Donald John ••• 10 13 Stevens Webster •• 10 11<br />

Pangman S •••••• 7<br />

Pangman John ••• 8<br />

Parliament John •• 10<br />

Parliament Wm •.• 13<br />

Patterson Alex •••• 7<br />

Phair Wm •..•.•• 4<br />

Pilkey Anthony •.• 11<br />

Purvis Silas •••.•• 11<br />

Reekie James.... 9<br />

Rikeman Peter ••• 8<br />

Rogers Uriah.... 8<br />

Ruaine Patrick •.• 3<br />

Ruckle Chas ••••• 9<br />

Sagefield John •••• 12<br />

Searle Edward •••• 13<br />

Shell David •••••• 8<br />

Shell J oh11. • • • • •• 8<br />

Shell Frederick ••• 8<br />

Shell Peter •••••• 8<br />

Scott Wm ••••••• 12<br />

Shire George ••••• 14<br />

Shire John, sen ••• 5<br />

ShirL John, jun ••• 4<br />

Shire Richard •••• 5<br />

Shire Samuel..... 5<br />

Shire John S ••••• 6<br />

Shire Wm ....... 9<br />

Shoefitt Peter •••• 7<br />

Shoefitt Jacob •••• 6<br />

G<br />

Stevens W m ...... 11 14<br />

8 Stevens Jeremiah. 11 15<br />

9 I Stoner John ...... 13 13<br />

4 . St. John Philip •••. 5 3<br />

l~ St. John Geo •••• 6 4<br />

2 St. John James ••• 5 6<br />

3 Sullivan Michael.. 6 19<br />

6 Sullivan John ..... 6 19<br />

23 I Switzer Edward.. 9 4<br />

3 Tawn Rich'd •••• ll 2<br />

3 Taylor Wm ...... 12 1U<br />

1 Taylor George •••• 12 10<br />

6 Thompson Jno •••• 7 1<br />

2 Thompson George 6 2<br />

Thompson William 7 3<br />

14 Thompson Peter •• 7 2<br />

18 Thompson George 7 4<br />

]5 Thompson Joseph .10 18<br />

16 Tipp Christian W. 1 14<br />

16 Truax John •••••• 1 13<br />

15 Tuslwy Michael.. 8 5<br />

15<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

5<br />

5<br />

Valentine Wm •••• 9<br />

Vroman James •••• 7<br />

Waddell Jas ...... 7<br />

Waggoner John •• 1<br />

Ward James ..... 13<br />

4<br />

6<br />

12<br />

1<br />

17<br />

8 Watts John •••••• 9 24<br />

1 Way Reuben ••••• 13 1<br />

2 Welch James .... 1 2

62 BROCK---CALEDON.<br />

We:herall John .•• l0 10<br />

CON. NO.<br />

W!x:m Joel ...... 6 12<br />

·Whlte Wm •••••• 10 9 WiXon Asa •••••• 7 6<br />

White Benjamin •• 9 6 Woodard Thos •••• 10 4<br />

Wilson Asa ...... 1 7 Wright Joshua ••• 9 16<br />

Wilson John ...... 8 2 Wright Amos ..... 11 12<br />

Wilson Hugh .... 13 13 Wright James .... 11 22<br />

Wilson Walter •••• 13 16 Wright Daniel •.•• 10 21<br />

Wixon Randall ••.• 6 9 Wright Wright .•• 13 12<br />

CON. N0'II<br />

POPULATION.-Males above 16, 3/)5; [Hales under 16,<br />

368; Females above 16, 251 ; Females undor 16, 316 ;<br />

Total 1240.<br />

CALEDON.<br />

East of Hurontario St1'eet.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Allen William, •••• 5 23 Campbell Daniel, •• 5 8<br />

Anderson W m •••• 3 11 Campbell Dunc'o,sr 5 8<br />

Baxter M ........ 3 5<br />

Campbell Dunc'n,jl' 5 9<br />

Campbell Robert, .• 4 9<br />

Baxter Joho, ••••• 3 9 Carson James, •••• 2 28<br />

Beatty George •••• 1 2 Chambers Isaiah, .• 1 11<br />

Bell George, .••••• 1 17 Chambers Timothy 2 8<br />

Bird George, ••••• 4 16 Clark William, ..... 5 2<br />

Black James, ••••• (i 22 Clark William •••• 1 18<br />

Brackon John, •••• 4 9 Clark Edward, •••• 1 19<br />

Brackon John, •••• 4 8 Cosley John, ••••• 3 5<br />

Brein Michael, •••• 1 13 Coyle Patnck, •••• 6 9<br />

Brooks Widow, ••• 5 23 Culberth Thomas,. 5 17<br />

Brown James, •••• 4 15 Culham Turpin, ••• 2 13<br />

Brunston Thomas,. 1 7 Cunningham Sam'l. 1 13<br />

Byce Angus, •••••• 1 5<br />

Denison John, •••• 1 1<br />

Calback Arthur, .•• 6 1 Denison ,J ames, ••• 1 1<br />

Campbell Widow,. 6 6 Dixon Alexand.er,. 4 3<br />

Campbell James, •• 5 7 Dixon Andrew, ••• 3 2<br />

Campb6JJ John, ••• 4 18 Doddlil J{)hn •••••• 1 17

CALEDON.<br />

East of Hurontario Street.<br />

G3<br />

('ox. NO.1'<br />

(JON. NO,<br />

Dodds James, ..•••• 2 17 I How," Henry ••••• 3 16<br />

Dodds John,. • • • •• 2 17 Howarth W m.. • •• 5 24<br />

Dodds William •••. 2 16 HUlller Adam ..... 3 15<br />

Dodds ;Vido"",•••• 3 23 II uslon James •••• 5 25<br />

Dodds J ames,_ •••. 1 17<br />

Dougherty JameR,. 4 4 Jackman Ja's .•••. 2 22<br />

Dougherty John, ... 3 4 Johnston W m ••••. 2 28<br />

Drummond Widow, 6 10 Judge John ..••••• 4 6<br />

Drumm James .•... 8 Judge William •••• 4 10<br />

Dunn Dttniel, .•••• 2 6<br />

Kelly Patrick .•••• 6 6<br />

Ellis John, .•••.•• 1 30 Kenedy Pat'k .•••• 3 9<br />

Kellop Arch'd •••• 3 14<br />

Ferguson Archibald 2 10<br />

Ferguson Alex •••• 5 13 Lee Miehael .. , ••• 6<br />

FerglliflO!l Peter .••• 5 5 Lemon Henry •••• 5 21<br />

Ferguson Alex •••• 4 11 Lemon Neil .••••• 2 14<br />

Flanaghnn Charles, 6 3 L€mon AI'cb'd .••. 3 12<br />

Fleming George, •• 6 15 Lemon Duncan ••• 3 13<br />

Gallagher. Robert,. 4 12 Maxwell Wm ..... 1 10<br />

Garvey Israel, •••• 2 20 Mool' J osbua ...... 1 16<br />

Gilmore John, •••. 6 22 Murphy John ..... 3 6<br />

Girtley Patri.ck, .•• 1 9 i Murphy Tobias ••• 2 "!<br />

Gordon Samuel, ••• 5 14 Murphy John ••••• 3 f,<br />

th'uham John .... -1 5 I 'I,!l1rph~' Cornelius. :2 7<br />

~.]uir Duncan ••••• 3 11<br />


64 CALEDON.<br />

East of HU1"01!lario Street.<br />

CON. NO. CON. NC<br />

McGough Jno •••• 1 30 Robinson Wm .... 1 2g<br />

McKennon T .•••• 6 14 Rowan Thos .•••• 4 2<br />

McKennon John •• 5 12<br />

McKennon John •• 4 12 Shannon Jas ...... 6 12<br />

McKennon Daniel. 4 13 Sole Luke .••• " •• 6 13<br />

McKennon Allan •. 5 12 Speirs William •••• 5 22<br />

McKennon Martin. 3 11 Speirs Thos ....... 9 15<br />

McMillan Rev. D ... 5 14 Spence Geo ....... 6 16<br />

MeQuarry F ...... 4 lfi Stewart Arthur ••• 1 21<br />

McQuarry Daniel .. 4 14 Stuart _llex'r ...... 3 14<br />

Stubbs James ..... 1 19<br />

Norris James .•••• 3 22 Stubbs John ....... 1 20<br />

Stubhs Widow •••• 1 20<br />

Perdne Wm ....... 5 1 Stubbs \,ym ...... 1 15<br />

Pluukett James ••• 6 17<br />

Potter Jackson •••• 6 18 Tarbox Geo ....... 6 4<br />

Rearburn J as ..... 1 24 Vickery Joseph ••• 6 16<br />

Rearburn Robt •••• 1 25<br />

Rearburn Robt •••• 1 23 \Vatson James •••• 1 26<br />

Rearburn W m •••• 1 :.ll \\ Welsh James ..... 3 8<br />

Richardson W m •• 6 18 Wilcox Abatha ••• 1 11<br />

Richardson Francis 2 6 Wilcox Stephen •• 1 14<br />

Richardson Wm •• 6 17 Wilsoll Thos ••••• 3 8<br />

Roan Peter •••••• 6 19<br />

11<br />

POPULATION-Males above 16,186 ; Males under 16, 208 j<br />

Females above 16, 153; Females under 16, 203.­<br />

Total, 750.<br />

CALEDON.<br />

IVest of Hurontario Street.<br />

CO;'iT. N0'~I<br />

Armstrong Michael 1 25 1<br />

Alexande~ Arthur .. 4 2: II<br />

Bacon Mtles ..•.. _ 1 Q<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Bailey James .•••• 3 21<br />

Baird Adam •••••• 1 24<br />

Baird Jas ........ 1 15<br />

D .... ~--. T

CALEDON. ~5<br />

West of Hurolltari() Street.<br />

CON. NO<br />

CON. KO.<br />

Barber J allles ..••. :2 24 Eakins William .•• 3 25<br />

Deaton Donald •.•• :l 11 Egan Jas .•'...... 1 :)7<br />

Beikie Fred'k .•••• 6 12 Ellis Edward .•••• 3 29<br />

Beikie Mich'l •••. 5 6<br />

Bell Robert •••••• 1 16 Farlcy Lawrence ... 1 16<br />

Bell George •.•.•. :2 15 Faulkncr \'Vm •••• :2 17<br />

Blake Thomas •••• 5 22 Fletcher Angus ••• 6 6<br />

Bishop Peter ..•.•• 4 3 Foster William ••• 5 4<br />

Blown !\Jary ••••• 5 5 Fosler Salem ••••• 5 5<br />

Bouge Patrit;:k •••• 6 20 Franks Fred'k .••• 4 4<br />

Brown Samuel •••• 3 16 Franks Adam .•••• 5 10<br />

Brown John ••••.• 4 6 Franks \'Vm•••..• ;j 10<br />

Browster Hugh .... 3 27<br />

Browstor Jas ..... 3 2·~ Gillis Jno •••••••. 5 9<br />

BurueH 'Yalter•••• 4 '8 Gillis Dugan ...... 6 7<br />

Girty George .•••• 1 5<br />

Cameron John •••• 4 16 Girty Owen •••••• 1 4<br />

Carmichael Gilbert 5 7 Gordon Conrad ..•• 4 26<br />

Clark Jas •••. , ••• 1 11<br />

Clones Alex •••••• 2 5 Hagerman Joachim 3 1<br />

Cooper John ...... 3 12 I-I amilton .Ino •••• 4 22<br />

CoultE'1' James •••• 5 11 Hopes William .... 4 1<br />

Crawford Duncan .• 5 28 Howe Jacob ...... 2 24<br />

Crawford Juo •••• 4 20 1-1 unter James •••• 6 3<br />

Crawford Alex ••• 4 20 Hunter Robert •••• 2 13<br />

Croaton John •••• 4 4 Hunter James •••• 2 30<br />

Crooks Wm •••••• 4 14<br />

Cummins J ohll •••• 5 25 Jackson Da.vid •••• 3 11<br />

Curry DDnald ••••• 6 9 Johnson J.ohn ••••• 6 5<br />

Davidson John •••• 1 22 Kennedy Danl~ ••• 2 26<br />

Davidson Jas ...... 3 2 Kirkwood Jno •••• 6 1<br />

Davis John •••••• 6 11 Kirkwood Wm •••• 6 2<br />

Dawson John •••• 3 24 Kirkwood Robert .. 6 2<br />

Dick David."., ••• 3 6<br />

Dodds William ••• 3 24 Leach ArGhd' •••• 4 5<br />

Doolan John, ..... 6 17 Lemon Wm, •••.••• 4 19<br />

Lemon Joseph •••• 4 18-<br />

Eagle W' •.•••••• 6 5' Lenton Peter ••••• 5 19<br />

Eakins John, ..... 3 25 Lindsay Sam'I •••• 1 18

66 CALEDON.<br />

CON. N0'1<br />

Lindsay Joh~ ..... 1 18<br />

Loren EphraIm.... 1 29<br />

Martin Wm •••••• 5 4<br />

Maxwell Jas ...... 2 27<br />

Meadow Geo ...... 4 25<br />

Moore James ..... 2 30<br />

Morris Edw'd •••• 5 17<br />

McArthur Arch'd .. 5 9<br />

McArthur Alex .•• 5 1<br />

McArthur Donald .. 5 21<br />

McArthur Peter .• 5 10<br />

McBride John •••• 4 3<br />

McCall Johll ...... 2 19<br />

McCall Arch..... 1 3<br />

McCarter Donald .. 5 21<br />

McCarter Peter ..• 5 10<br />

McCarter Alex .... 5 1<br />

McCannell John •• 2 1<br />

McCannell Arch'd 2 1<br />

West of Hurontario Street.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

.McLeaa Arch •••• 5 4<br />

McLean Jas ....... 3 5<br />

McLean Donald •• 6 8<br />

McLea:l Joha •••• 6 4<br />

McLean Hugh •••• 5 4<br />

McLena Francis •• 2 10<br />

:\lcNaught Peter •• 4 2<br />

McNevin Duncan .. 2 6<br />

Mc;'~evin M ....... 6 8<br />

McQnurry Jl1o •••• 5 '7<br />

Nelson John ...... 2 7<br />

NUIlIl Thomas •••• 2 27<br />

Oliver William.... 1 1<br />

PettIe Hackett •••• 6 2<br />

Pettie James ...... 4 5<br />

Reed Daniel ...... 6 1<br />

Roan Gilbert ...... 6 4<br />

Rus;;ell Thos .•••• 3 23<br />

Russell Thos... • •• 3 20<br />

McClennan Will •• 3 18<br />

McClennan Robert 4 21 Shales John •••••• 2 18<br />

Shaw Angus ..... . 5 28<br />

I.';<br />

15<br />

McClennan John ... 4 21<br />

McClenllan John .• 2 20<br />

McDonald Jno .••• 3 4<br />

McDonald Jno •••• 4 2<br />

McDonald Neil .... 5 9<br />

McDonald William 6 1<br />

McDonald Daniel.. 5 2<br />

Shunk J .......... 3<br />

Spiker E •••••••• 2<br />

Stevenson J no. . .. '2<br />

Stubbs Edw'd •••• 1<br />

Sullivan Chus •••• 6<br />

12<br />

12<br />

24<br />

McDougall Duncan 1 28 Taylor Widow .... 6 16<br />

McGregor John •• 5 20 ThaJes John ••••• 2 18<br />

McGregor Duncan 1 4 Tinkler Wm ...... 3 20<br />

McGregor M ...... 2 3 Tront Henry ..... 6 9<br />

McGregor Charles 1 2 Turley Lawrence .. 1 16<br />

McGregor Jno .... 5 20 Walker Geo ....... 4 6<br />

McKay Edw'd .... 2 29 Wallis Thos ...... 2 12<br />

McLauchlan M .... 5 5 Whitmill S.. • •.... 1 10<br />

McLauGhlall Daniel 4 3 Willoby Wm ...... 2 19<br />

POPULATION-Males above 16, 185 ; Males under 16, 219;<br />

Females above 16, 153; Females under 16, 181.­<br />

Total, 738.

CON. NO.<br />

Adams Hamilton- - 4 3<br />

Anderson John •••• 4 16<br />

Anderson Geo •••• 3 4<br />

Arbin John- - •••• 6 2<br />

Archdcakin Peter. 5 17<br />

Archdeakin Robert 4 19<br />

Archdeakin Tho's - 3 17<br />

Archer Hugh... • •• 4 5<br />

Armstrong James .. 3 20<br />

Atkinson Robert .. 6 2<br />

Bagwell John, sen'r 5<br />

Bagwell J. B. • • •• 6<br />

Bane Geo.- - ••••• 4<br />

Bealey Isaac .• • •• 4<br />

Bentley James •••• 6<br />

Bird Isaac. - • • •• 5<br />

Bil'kholder Abra'm 6<br />

Birch Thomas •••• 3<br />

Blackley John •••• 5<br />

Blatchf~rd Walter 6<br />

Bonesteel Jacob· - 1<br />

Bonesteel David - . 2<br />

Bosfield Robert- - - 6<br />

Bostwid; Mary- - - 4<br />

Bostwick Lardner. 4<br />

Bowles David. • •. 5<br />

Bowles Charles - . 5<br />

Bowden Thomas- - 1<br />

Boyde George., •• 5<br />

Broady Robert. • •• 2<br />

Brock Wm- .•••• 3<br />

Brock John- - •••• 3<br />

Broe-dy Alexander 2<br />


East of Hurontario Street.<br />

12<br />

13<br />

30<br />

15<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

6<br />

7<br />

12<br />

29<br />

34<br />

It<br />

10<br />

10<br />

32<br />

1 31<br />

17<br />

9<br />

1<br />

13<br />

13<br />

1<br />

Brohdy James •••• 2 1<br />

BrownThomas ••• 6 22<br />

Brown W m- - •••• 3 5<br />

Brown James •••• 3 7<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Brown Robert.... 5 1<br />

Brown Vernan •••• 5 2<br />

BrownWilliam •••• 6 7<br />

Buckham Andrew a 28<br />

Bunton James. • •• 1 11<br />

Bussell William - - 1 1<br />

Caeser James •••• 4 33<br />

Caeser John, senior 4 32<br />

Caeser John, junior 4 a3<br />

Caeser Matthew - .:1 32<br />

Campbell Robert- - 4 16<br />

Campbell John •••• 2 24<br />

Campbell Francis - 2 25<br />

Campbell Jas, jun. 2 20<br />

Campbell Seth •••• 2 26<br />

Campbell J as. sen. 2 28<br />

Campbell Henry - - 2 28<br />

Carr Richard 6 19<br />

Carr Thomas •••• 4 11<br />

Carter Henry •••• 1 9<br />

Cartwright John. - 3 25<br />

Cartwright Wm- - - 3 25<br />

Chisholm Peter· - - 2 10<br />

Clark Daniel ....:1 27<br />

Cliffton Wm - •••• 5 7<br />

Clo\v I-Ienry . 01 ••• 5 23<br />

Clow James· - • • •• 5 23<br />

Cole William • • •• 5 11<br />

Cook Robert •••• 6 29<br />

Cook William •••• 2 13<br />

Cornwall Thomas - 6 8<br />

Craig Hugh - •••• 3 21<br />

Craig Joseph - •••• 5 25<br />

Craig David - • • •• f) H)<br />

Crawford Ralph - • 4 7<br />

Crawford Jane •••• 4 6<br />

Crumbie John •••• 4 21

(j " CiIINQUACOU;'JY.<br />

EI/st of Huron/ariu Siru t.<br />

('U~,. :\"0. ('n\". 1\"0.<br />

Crumbi" f'dcr .••. ·1 :; 1<br />

/i (;unlu William ...• . '1 ' ) ~<br />

oJ~<br />

CUI>::1 :'~;cxal~uer . 6 4 Gradey James .•.• G 1-1<br />

Curl'v ~tl)!Jl'rt ...... q ;) Graham Tho~ ..•.<br />

II<br />

(j 1<br />

CUlll;ingilam John. 21 (; ('ahalll J a~11\':'; - - ~ (j :27<br />

" II<br />

Cllul\itl~t In ~\~/ n1 .... 4 :30 (;r(1',<br />

I'<br />

Samuel ., .. :~ IG<br />

CutiJbc'j·t Juhn ..•. S 19 I (,rilli:l Jollil. -.... OJ 13<br />

Groat Cald.! '-.... :2 1 .,<br />

H"ii' A. Geo!'gc .•. G 19 I Groat nenj'llllin - - :! 1:3<br />

Davidson Alex •.•. 3 J" , • ~. 1 " ,<br />

Hac,,(.I, .',ci'l I ..... 6 1:3<br />

Da\js J osepl' .••.- G 1 Buchett Ab'ln ..•. 6 13<br />

Davis IS'lac- - .•.. 4 3 I Hackett John ..... 5 12<br />



East of Hurontario Street.<br />

CON. NO. I . CON. NO.<br />

Howland P.W .... 6 13 Lowas Wm ....... 4 24<br />

Hull Wm •••••••• 6 1<br />

Hunter Wlliam .•• 3 24 Makey Wm •.•••• 4 2<br />

Hunter David •••• 2 3 Makey John •.•••• 4 2<br />

Hunter John ..•••• 2 3 Marshall Wm •••• 4 20.<br />

Munte!' Joseph •••• 2 3 Marshall Jas ...... 5 18<br />

:.vI arlin Robert •••• 2 10.<br />

Ingoldsby Patrick. 3 22 Martin William .•• 3 9<br />

Irwin Thomas •••• 6 20. Martin Henry •••• 3 12<br />

James Wm ...... 5 8 Medcalf John •••. ;) 6<br />

Jameson Wm ...• 3 11 Meeks James •••• 5 5<br />

Jameson John •••• 4 13 Medcalf J oho •••• 5 18<br />

Johnston Patrick •• 6 34 Modland John •••• 3 12<br />

Johnston Benj •••• 2 2 Modland Joshua •• 3 13<br />

Johnston Gilbert •• 3 8 Modland Thos •••• 3 14<br />

10hnston Robt •••• 1 2 Moon William •••• 6 10.<br />

Johnston Danl •••• 2 2 Moon Edward •••• 6 22<br />

Johnston Danl •••• 1 19 Moore Samuel •••• 3 11<br />

Johnston Wm •••• 1 7 Morrison Thomas. 4 17<br />

Johnston John •••• 6 31 Morrison John •••• 5 16<br />

Johnston Thomas. 5 21 McBride Jas ...... 3 2<br />

Judge John ....... 3 19 McCalley Alex .... 6 34<br />

Judge James ••••• 3 19 McCombs Jno •••• 1 3<br />

Knight Benjamin .• 6 4 McCombs Joseph .. 4 12<br />

Lairman John •••• 1 2 McCombs George. 4 1~<br />

Laming James •••• 4 3 McConnell John •• 6 27<br />

Laming Sam'I •••• 4 3 McConnell Thos •• (j 6<br />

LawlerFenton •••• 3 17 McConnell Wm .•• 5 5<br />

Lawson Wm ..... 1 4 McCullum Peter •• 1 33<br />

Lee Joseph •••••• 2 2 McCullum R't •••• 1 33<br />

Lewis A ......... 1 5 McDonald John •• 2 24<br />

Lightheal't William 2 23 Mc Donald Georgp-. 6 6<br />

Lightheart Isaac •• 2 ~2 McDougall Duncan 1 26<br />

Lightheart Jacob .• 2 22 McDougall Dougald 2 9<br />

Little Jno •••••••• 5 21 McDougald George 5 6<br />

Little William •••• 6 20. McDougald O'd, jr 1 28<br />

Little William •••• 4 22 McDougald D'd, sr 1 29<br />

Livingston R't •• , • 5 a McDougald Alex. • 1 28<br />

Lougheed William. 4 15 McHarg Jas ••••• 2 22<br />

Lougheed Hugh .•• 5 28 3-1cIntyre Patrick - 6 5


East of Hurontario Stl'eet.<br />

rox. N0'I<br />

CO!'l. ]';0.<br />

I\1cI~Jtyre Arcll'd - -:2 19 Pickard Elija.h - - - 1 8<br />

McKenny Jno ..... 4 5 Plummer '''m•••• 3 14<br />

1\lcKenny John ••. 5 14 ,Pollard Joshua •••• 1 11<br />

!I'lcKee Alexander 6 26 Proctor Sam'I •.•• 1 17<br />

McKechnie Donald ~ 18 Proctor Sim:m •••• 3 6<br />

McKechnie Arch'd 2 16<br />

]\lcLauchlin Thos 4 26 Randall Joseph .... 6 14<br />

McLeod John •.•. 1 30 Ransier Andrew .• 1 17<br />

TIlc>: cal John '" . 1 25 Reed James ....... 6 23<br />

l\lcNeece Jas .... 5 32 Reed Thomas •.•• 5 28<br />

McT:lggort Arch'cl 1 28 Richardson Jas .•• i) 3<br />

Nealson Robt '" . 3 3:3 Robinson Joseph .• 6 28<br />

r,"esL~tt \rnl .. -.... 6 2 Robinson Sam'l .•• 6 26<br />

Nesliitt ~!urray- - - 6 5 Robinson Francis. 4 21<br />

,<br />

Newbouse Anthony 1 2:3 ll"uinso.l John •.• 3 3(}<br />

I<br />

Nivln \yr 1il __ ••••<br />

5 3 Hj!l:3'):1 Thos, jun'r 2 27<br />

Nixon Franois ... 4 "-<br />

I Robsoll J allies ••.• 5 21<br />

Nixon ,;!HI- -- .... 4 8 ,I Robson Thos, sen'r 3 28<br />

Nixon Ross- - ••.. '1 8 Rutherford John .• 4 6<br />

~;ixon Alexander - _ 5 8 I<br />

Ryans Ricl1'd .••• 4 14<br />

Nixon HellrY .••. :J<br />

Nixon FJ""I.:~ic:, __ :2 31 Suuclerson Dayid .. 3 2~<br />

O'NcCll Joseph •••• 4 11 Sanderson J no .••• 6 9<br />

O'StraZ8l' Jacob .. 6 7 Sallderson Joseph. {j 9<br />

Owans O\\'(;d e ••• J 20 Scanlan i'atrick .•• .J " 15<br />

Scott Jno) sen .••. 1 6<br />

q<br />

.... .,<br />



East of Hurontario Stl·eet.<br />

cox. NO.<br />

CO:>!. NO.<br />

Smith John .••..•. 1 28 Walli!> William •.•• 2 29<br />

Snyder Adam •••• 2 :31 Walsol! John •••• 1 15<br />

Sl!yder Abraham .. 2 30 Watson Alexander 5 2<br />

Snyder Joseph ••.. 2 30 Watson John - •••• 5 1<br />

Speirs Patrick, sen 3 20 West John - - •.•. 6 22<br />

Speirs Patrick, jun :J 26 West Robert- .•••• 5 12<br />

Stafford W m .••••, 1 5 West Richard •••• 5 12<br />

Stafford Joseph .... 1 1.'" \Vestewelt Garrett 2 15<br />

Stafford Amos •... :3 !) Whitters Robt .••. 5 19<br />

Standley Sam'l ••• , 6 13 Widdos JameR •••• 4 9<br />

Starrett Andrew .• 3 3 Wiggins Geo- •••• 2 20<br />

Steenson Wm •••• 6 34 Wiggins John •••• 1 13<br />

Stretton Thomas .. q 15 Wiggins W /11 •.•• 2 12<br />

'Suggott Leonard •• 2 5 Wigginton Thomas 4 18<br />

Sullivan David .••• 8 11 Wilcox John •.•• 3 .'3<br />

3ullivan J 0110 ••••• 3 11 Wilcox Daniel. ••• 3 8<br />

:;witzer Martin .•. 2 38 Wilkinson Wm .••• 2 8<br />

Wilson John - •••• 6 6<br />

Taylor Wm •••••• 6 22 Williamson Jas •••. 6 30<br />

Taylor Sam'I .•••• 6 23 Woodle John •••• 1 14<br />

Terry Timothy .•. 6 12 Woolfe John .... 2 5<br />

Thompson Michael 5 22 \\' oods Nathan •••• 4 23<br />

Tiers Wm. H .•••• 1 8 Woods George •••• 4 2~<br />

Tighe John ••••• 4 26 Woods James .••• 5 24<br />

Tighe Dennis •••• 5 25<br />

Tighe Edward •••• 4 26 Vanfleet W/11 .... 1 9<br />

Townron Thomas 6 20 Vanvolkenhurgh N. 2 !;)<br />

frueman Richard - 3 4 Vanwyke Gilbert. 1 ~U<br />

rrimble George- . - 3 1 Vernon John - .••. 5 10<br />

frimble Robert ... 3 1<br />

fucker Joseph •. - 6 21 Usher Michael. ••• 4 2<br />

Walker Robert •••• 1 2 II Yeoman Henry ••• 6 27<br />

Walker William. - 5 .3 Young James •••• 6 9<br />

Wallis David •••• 2 29<br />

)OPULATION-Malesabove 16,482; Males under 16, 519;<br />

Females above 16, 417 ; Females under 16, 503.-<br />

Total, 1921.


lVest of Ilurontario Street.<br />

CUl\'. NO.<br />

Allams John .••••. 1 2<br />

!dcxilllder 'Villiam 6 1<br />

/'..le:~f,r;der Alex .•• 5 4<br />

Allisnl! John .••••• 3 5<br />

Anderson Thollllocl, M ..... 5 23<br />

Doyle> Joseph ••••• 2 17<br />

Drac1n::r Joseph ... 3 12<br />

Bratt Juseph ••••• 3 2<br />

Brock David ....., 1 17<br />

Broots Cooper.... 3 6<br />

BUC!lCldun Jl1o .••. 1 10<br />

BuCI,','!lan Wm •••• 1 10<br />

Buf(r \\'illiam•••• 1 5<br />

Bt1il,]an John •••.• 1 8<br />

Ca!Llc,' Robert •••• 6 7<br />

Ca:,'" 1 Charles .•• 5 2<br />

Caldn .'\.iex. RolJ't 5 2<br />

Caldwell Hubert •• 2 34<br />

Caldwell Matthew. 1 1<br />

Caldwell John •••• 1 1<br />

Cameron Gco •••• 5 31<br />

Campbell Malcolm 3 31<br />

CampbcM Dnncan. 6 33<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Campbell Nancy •• 2 31<br />

Campbell John •••• 4 27<br />

Campbell W rQ. • •• 6 28<br />

Campbell Wm •••• 5 19<br />

Campbell Alex .••• 6 ]5<br />

Campbell P. S •••• 1 25<br />

Carmichael Arch'd 1 29<br />

Cation David. • • •• 2 17<br />

Cheney Geo •.•••• 2 15<br />

Claridge Hei1ry ... 5 15<br />

C!aridge Juhn, sen 4 15<br />

Claridge John, JU!1 5 17<br />

Cbl'idl,:o Wm ••••• 4 15<br />

Cia,!, 'Hllgh•••••• 4 16<br />

CinrkI-'!"ugh •••••• [) 1:2<br />

Clark Arch'll ••••• 1 31<br />

Cockley N,olJ:e .... ;) 3<br />

Clow Richard. • •. 3 6<br />

Cook Jos~ph ••••• 2 10<br />

Coon Jocob •••••• [) 7<br />

CO\-2ntry James .•• 3 14<br />

Craig David •••••• 2 18<br />

Craig John •••••• 3 lR<br />

Curry Alex...... 3 26<br />

Curry James ••••• 6 12<br />

Curry Samuel. ••• 5 12<br />

Curry Donald.... 4 31<br />

Copelin Jonathan .. 3 3<br />

Davey William. -. 3 33<br />

Deury Hood - • • •• 1 16<br />

Demain Peter. • •• 1 25<br />

Dol~oll Will'm •••• 5 15<br />

Drinkwater Wm - - 3 16<br />

Duckworth James. 1 18<br />

Duggan Wm .•••• 5 8<br />

Ealey William •••• 5 20

COX. NO.<br />

Holingshead Geo .• 2 8<br />

Holingshead Joseph 3 24<br />

Holmeshead Geo. J 2 1<br />

Hughes Joab •.••. 3 11<br />

Hughes Samuel ••• 1 105<br />

Hulburn Geo •••• 4 34<br />

J ebb Thomas •••. 3 4<br />

Johnson Jacob .••• 3 3<br />

Johnson Sam'l •••• 3 2<br />

Johnson Tho!'! • • •• 1 111<br />

Johnson Ralph •••. 1 111<br />

Johnson Phillip .•. 2 7<br />

Kavenagh Jas •••• 2 8<br />

Kenzie James •••• 2 3<br />

KightlyJoseph •••. 2 9<br />

King Joseph •••.• 2 15<br />

King James •••.•• 3 7<br />

Knight Moses •••• 3 2<br />

Laughton Wm., Esq 2 108<br />

Lefevre Francis C. 3 31<br />

Leopard John, jun'r 2 28<br />

Leopard Peter. • •• 2 6<br />

Leopard John, sen'r 3 26<br />

Leopard John •• •• 3 27<br />

Leopard Abra'm, jr 3 12<br />

Leopard Peter •••• 3 12<br />

Leopard Abra'm, sr 3 12<br />

Leopard Wm. C .• 3 12<br />

Leopard Jacob •••• 3 12<br />

Leopard W m • • •• 3<br />

Leopard John •••• 4<br />

121<br />

13<br />

Leopard Benj •••• 3 27<br />

Levellie Lues.... 1 105<br />

l.ewis John •••••• 3 27<br />

Lewis Jedediah ••• 4 29<br />

Lindsay John •••• 4 15<br />

Lount Samuel •••• 1 102<br />

I<br />


CON. Nt'I.<br />

Lundy Hester •••. 2 10<br />

Lundy Jacob ••••• 1 102<br />

Lundy Reuben •••• 1 104<br />

Lundy Israel .•••• 1 104<br />

Lyons Isaac .••••• 1 101<br />

Mainprise J no •••• 8 6<br />

Mainprise Wm •••• 8 6<br />

Mattier Paul Martin 5 10<br />

~illard M ........ 1 103<br />

Miller Wm •.•.••• 2 25<br />

Millie Peter •.•.•• 2 19<br />

MOlll"oe Harvey ••• 4 32<br />

Monitt Peter ••••. 3 26<br />

Moody Wm •••••• 2 17<br />

Moore Hiram •••• 3 14<br />

Moore Robert •••• 6 31<br />

Moore Samuel •••• 2 14,<br />

Moore Hannah •••• 3 12<br />

MorrisJohn •••••• 2 9<br />

Morton S ..•.•••• 3 26<br />

McCarter Geo .••• 3 2<br />

McCarter Ranslen. 3 2<br />

McKenzie Jas •••• 2 3<br />

McLeod M., sen'r. 2 11<br />

McLeod M., jun'r. 3 11<br />

McLeod Alex ••.• 1 105<br />

McMeighan Robert 1 111<br />

McMillan Arch'd •• 1 105<br />

Nelson Wm •••••• 2 19<br />

Ogilvie C ........ 2 2<br />

Parkes Hannah ••• 4 11<br />

Pearson Levi ••••• 2 1<br />

Pegg Nathan •••• 4 7<br />

Pegg Wm •••••••• 4 1<br />

Pegg Samuel ••••• 4 6<br />

Pegg Joseph •••••• 4 13

sa<br />


Peltigreell J no •••• 4<br />

Phillips Wm ••••• 1<br />

Phillips Francis ••• 1<br />

Pindar Christopher 6<br />

Playter Geo ..•••. 1<br />

Povev Wm •••.•. 1<br />

Powell Reuben •••. 1<br />

Powell Rich'd .••• 1<br />

Proctol' Edwi;l .••• 1<br />

Purdy Wm ••••.• 3<br />

Read Jno •••••••• 3<br />

ReadAlex •••••••. 3<br />

Read W m., jun •••• 2<br />

Read Asa •••••••• 3<br />

Read Wm.,sen •••. 3<br />

Rear Geo •••.•••• 8<br />

Riley J ••.••••••. 3<br />

C0X. NO.<br />

21<br />

111<br />

105<br />

;30<br />

108<br />

105<br />

lOt<br />

,98<br />

98<br />

10<br />

16<br />

10<br />

12<br />

Robinson Christ's. 3 1<br />

Rogers Josiah •••• 4 9<br />

Rogers Lady • . •. 1 96<br />

Hagel's John •••.• 3 8<br />

Root Titus .•... " 5 23<br />

Rose Isaac.. • • • .• 2 16<br />

Rose Henry •••••• 3 32<br />

Rose Robert •••••• 3<br />

Rowan Peter •••.• 2<br />

Sealey Elijah ••••• 4 28<br />

Sedore Isaac ••••• 3 35<br />

12<br />

13<br />

3]<br />

31<br />

108<br />

Selby Thomas •••. 2<br />

Selby William •••• 2<br />

Shapell Francis • •. 3<br />

Shapell John ..... 3<br />

Shaw Thomas •••• 1<br />

Shearwood E..... 2<br />

Shuttleworth Edw'd 8<br />

Shuttleworth John. 4<br />

Silver Cornelius •• 2<br />

Sloan William.... 1<br />

8<br />

COX. NO.<br />

Smalley Elizabelh. 3 29<br />

Smalley Asa •••••• 2 21<br />

Smith )ohn •.•..• ;3 23<br />

i Smith Robert •.•• 4 28<br />

Soales William •••• 4 27<br />

Soales Tho's •••• a 29<br />

Steel l3ellj'lluin .••• 4 10<br />

Stephens Dar!'l •••• ::I<br />

Sle\\'8.l't Rob't •••• 1<br />

Styles Edgar •••. 5<br />

Styles Martin .••• 2<br />

Stvles Ii em", ..•. :3<br />

St~ot Henry.- ••..• 4<br />

Sullinger Geo •••• 1<br />

28<br />

105<br />

25<br />

18<br />

~o<br />

2<br />

97<br />

I':: Sutherland Alex'r .• 3 25<br />

10 , Swasey Peter •••• 1 108<br />

11<br />

24 Terry David ••••• 3<br />

Terry Joseph •.•• 3 11<br />

Thirsk J aIm .••.•• 9 5<br />

: Thompson J aeob .• 3 17<br />

Thompson K ..•.. 4 33<br />

: :l~ind~e JO!1I1 ...... 8 14<br />

1 [raVISS :t\athan •• 5 20<br />

Traviss John •••• 5 19<br />

Traviss Joshua •••• 5 20<br />

~\<br />

1~5\<br />

Traviss Daniel •••• 4 IS<br />

Traviss William,sen 4 19<br />

Traviss William,jun 4 19<br />

Traviss Whitney •• 4 19<br />

Tl'usiss Richardson 3 20<br />

Traviss Daniel •••• 4 27<br />

Tool Moses •.•••• 8 4<br />

Tucker Moses •••• 4<br />

Tyson Isaiah •.•• , 1<br />

Wakefield T. B .... 1<br />

Ward John ••••••• 1<br />

Whardee John •••• 3<br />

Whardee Robt •••• ~<br />

11<br />

107<br />

100<br />

100<br />

4<br />



Whardee Paul •••• 2<br />

Whiteside RoDert • 2<br />

Wick David ••••.• 2<br />

Wiggins S ........ 1<br />

Willard Ebenezer. 2<br />

Willis Corl.elius •• 1<br />

\V illiams 0 .....•. 3<br />

Wilson Hugh D •.• 2<br />

Wilson Hiram •••• 2<br />

Wilson Hugh W .• 2<br />

Wilson John D •••• 2<br />

Wilson Isaac D ••• 2<br />

Wilson Richard T. 3<br />

Wilson David ••••• 4<br />

CON. NO<br />

21<br />

7<br />

19<br />

105<br />

3<br />

102<br />

15<br />

9<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Wilson William •• 3 ]6<br />

Wilson William H. 2 16<br />

Wilson Alfred •••• 1 108<br />

Wilson Cornelius •• 1 108<br />

v'" ilson {T zal ••••• 2 4<br />

Wilson John H .... 3 13<br />

Winch Samuel .••• 5 13<br />

Winn Jacob •••••• 1 99<br />

Wright Elizabeth •• 3 10<br />

Wright George •••. 1 103<br />

10 Young Thomas, sen 3<br />

~: II Young Thomas, jun 3<br />

35<br />

35<br />

POPULATIOx-Males above L6, 451; Males under 16,400 ;<br />

Females above 16, 404; Females under 16, 409.­<br />

Total, 1664.<br />


CON. N0'II<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Arksey John •••••• 1 103 Barrett William •• 9 10<br />

Armson William •• 7 5 I Bawdv John •••• 10 12<br />

ArmstrongChristo'r 6 9 I Belfre"y J ......... 8 ]4<br />

Armstrong Jno •••• 6 12 Balfrey James .••• 8 16<br />

Armstrong Robert. 6 1:3 Belfrey P •••.•••• 8 16<br />

Armstrong Thomas 6 12 Bell James ••.•••• 13 17<br />

ArmstrongWiIliam5 12 BlairWm ........]3 ]3<br />

A nnstrong Thomas 7 8 Boles George •••• () 11<br />

Atkins Robert •••• 8 5 Bostwick John •••. 3 3<br />

Atkins Wihow •••• 8 5 Bostwick Edward • 4 4<br />

Atkills Robert •••• 9 1 Brandon John •••. 1 2<br />

Brandon Tho's •••• 2 3<br />

Banderman George 4 6 Brandon Mathew •• 2 :I<br />

Banderman Donald 3 7 Brandon John •••• 2 2<br />

Handerman "-lex'r. 5<br />

Banderman Hugh •• 6<br />

Banks E .•••••••. g<br />

9<br />

10<br />

9<br />

Bral1l]on Robert ••• 2 4<br />

Bl'azier J"hn .•••• r; 3<br />

Brazil ~!ir,hael. ••• 7 1

88 WEST GWI.r.LIMBURY.<br />

co;:;:. NO.<br />

Bready Robert •••• 10 18<br />

Brown Philip •••• 7 f\<br />

Brown James •••• 11 15<br />

Burns Christopher 9 15<br />

Caffrey William •• 9 17<br />

Campbell Arthur •• 6 10<br />

CnmpbeJl Robert •• 7 4<br />

Carr Alexander .•• 10 7<br />

CarrJohn ••••••• l0 9<br />

Carruthers W m .••• 7 4<br />

Carney Patrick ••. 7 6<br />

Castor Henry ~ •••• 6 1<br />

Castor W m .•••••• 6 1<br />

Cayton John .••••. 13 15<br />

Ch;'isty John ••••• 6 4<br />

Clark Ira •••••••• 8 3<br />

Clement Geo .•••• 14 15<br />

Codey Stephen •••• 1 101<br />

Colborne John, jun. 9 2<br />

Colbome John,sen.l0 1<br />

Coley George •••• 4 1<br />

Collins Wm ...... 5 4<br />

Collins Richard ••• 7 8<br />

CondellJohn •••• 13 10<br />

Conway James ••• 10 6<br />

Corbett Christopher 3 1<br />

Corbett Joseph •••• 3 4<br />

Cosgrove Wm •••• 14 13<br />

Cosgrove Arch'd •• 14 16<br />

Coulston Robt •••• 10 13<br />

Coulston John .... ll 14<br />

Cr.:ltOI1 Sam'!. ••• 2 4<br />

~ronan John ••• ,.12 20<br />

Cronau James •••. 12 15<br />

C':onan Tho's •••• 12 19<br />

Cronan Edward .• 12 15<br />

Cunningham \V m. 6 2<br />

CunninghamAndr'w 5 1<br />

Curry John •••••• 9 14<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Daily John •••••• 8 7<br />

Davis John •••••• 3 1<br />

Davis James •••. 12 8<br />

Dawson John •••• 1 97<br />

Dent John, sen •••• 1 1<br />

DentJohn,jun •••• 1 1<br />

Derry Alex'r •••• 9 4<br />

Devit John, sen •••. 1 1<br />

DevitJohn,jun .••• 1 1<br />

Dimond James •.•• 9 5<br />

Dissett John ••••• 7 16<br />

Dissett Philip •••• 12 9<br />

Doan Jonathan •••• 7 3<br />

Doan James ••••• 7 1<br />

Doan John ••••••• 10 12<br />

Doan Ebenezer ••• 3 2<br />

Dodd James •••••• 4 3<br />

Downy Robert •••• 9 4<br />

Driilie Thomas •••• 6 15<br />

Dmry James ••••• 6 15<br />

Edmonds Ira •••••• 1 107<br />

Edmondson John •• 6 16<br />

Elliott Francis •••• 12 3<br />

English Gilbert ••• 12 12<br />

Evans James •••• 7 16<br />

Evalls James •••• 10 14<br />

Evans George •••• 10 14<br />

Evans John •••••• 9 13<br />

Feagan Wm ••••.• 13 16<br />

Fennell Joseph ••• 10 17<br />

Fennell John ..... 10 1<br />

Ferguson James ••• 6 6<br />

Ferris John ...... 6 8<br />

Ferris John •••••• 7 7<br />

Fisher John •••••• 8 6<br />

Flanaghan Patrick 3 10<br />

Foster John •••.. 12 17<br />

Fo\vlerWilliam .... 3 ~


CON. No.:1 CON. ">0.<br />

Frasier John ••••• 3 8 ii Jones Humphrey .. 6 1<br />

Fras!er Wm •••.•. 5 9 I .<br />

FraSier VV m •••••. 6 1 II Keeuan Domlllck. 9 8<br />

Fryett Henry •.•. 2 5 i: Kelly J obl1. • • •. •• 9 5<br />

Garbutt John •••. 13<br />

Garbntt Wm .... 12<br />

Galloway Jas ...... 11<br />

Gibbons Pat'k •••. 9<br />

Goodfellow John •• 7<br />

Goodfellow Adam. 6<br />

Gorham Eli .•••.• 1<br />

Gould John .••••• 10<br />

Grant Hector •••. 3<br />

Green Matthew ... 11<br />

Green Patrick.... 8<br />

Green William ••• 11<br />

Greenfield Jas •••. 10<br />

Gunn Alex ••••.• 4<br />

Gunn Alex •••••• 5<br />

Gunn Alex •.••.• 4<br />

Hardgrave Wm ••• 7 16<br />

Hail N .......... 7 12<br />

Heddican Andrew. 9 6<br />

Henderson Thomas 11 15<br />

Hill Joseph •••••• 6 15<br />

Hill Jas ........ 11 1<br />

Hodges Joseph ••• 6 9<br />

Howard Stephen •• 1 102<br />

Huff Jno •••••••• 7 12<br />

Hughes Sam'!. ••• 2 1<br />

H uutley Theodore. 1 98<br />

Hutchinson James. 9 9<br />

Jebb Thomas •••• 11<br />

Jefts Edward: ••• 6<br />

Johnston Jos •••• 10<br />

Johnston Isaac •••• 3<br />

Johnston J os •••• 13<br />

i' Kitley Joseph •••• 3 2<br />

13 Ii Kitlev John •••.•• 4 3<br />

13 I .<br />

6 'I Landl'ican Jas .••• 6 ~<br />

1 I Latimore John •.•• 9 I<br />

14 I Law Wm ........ ll 1<br />

81' Lawrence Alex ••• 10 5<br />

100 i Lawrence Jas •••• 10 5<br />

12 : Lee Patrick .•••.. ll 15<br />

7. :i Lee Henry ...... 11 2<br />

12 :, Lee John ......... 11 3<br />

13 Ii Lee Thos ........ ll 4<br />

16 Lewis John •••••. 7 !!<br />

19 Lewis George •••• 7 2<br />

9 Lloyd Charles. • .. 3 5<br />

9 Lloyd Churles •••• 2 2<br />

3 Long Jas •••••••• 8 I<br />

10<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

7<br />

II<br />

Long Jno •••••••• 8 4<br />

Long Samuel ••• " 9 2<br />

Long Richard. • •• 9 5<br />

Lount George •••• 1 103<br />

Loun! Samuel. • •• 1 103<br />

Macauley Jno •••• 7<br />

Madden Wildredge 11<br />

l\Iackee W m •••• ~<br />

Magee L ........ 7<br />

Magee John •••••• 8<br />

Magee Rich'd •••• 8<br />

Magee James •••• 8<br />

Magee Edw'd • • •• 9<br />

Matchett Thos •••• 10<br />

Matchett Edward .10<br />

Mattice Wm •••• 12<br />

Mattice Thos •••• 12<br />

Mattison John •••• 6<br />

8<br />

13<br />

15'<br />

15<br />

4<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

1<br />

2<br />

11<br />

10<br />



CON. NO.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Mattison John •••• 5 10 McMahon Thomas 5 7<br />

Megan Lawrence •. 8 12<br />

Megan John •••••. 9 12 l\ay H ••••.••.•• 7 7<br />

Megan James •••• 8 11 i";ay Robt ........ 8 11<br />

Merrick Mary •••• 2 2 Nayley Wm .••••• 12 17<br />

Mills Jas •••.•••• 3 4 Nayley Wm ...... 13 8<br />

Mills Jas ......... 6 3 Neeshaw Wm •••• 14 14<br />

Miller Thomas ••• 9 14 Nelson John ••••• 1 13<br />

Molloy Charlp.s ••• 7 6 :\f['shit: John ••••• 14 17<br />

Molloy Garrett ••• 9 13 Newry \\'m.•••.• 9 5<br />

Molloy Wm •.••.• 9 13<br />

Molloy Timothy •• 10 13 O'Connell Darby •• 13 9<br />

Molloy John •••.• 12 19 O'Donald Jno •••• 13 18<br />

Moore Joseph •••• 4 2 O'Donald Richard.14 19<br />

Morarity Owen ••• 7 16<br />

Morarity Michael .10 13 Parker Thos •••. 8 10<br />

:WcArthur Angus. 2 4 Parker Robert •••• 8 10<br />

McBerth Chas •••• 4 9 Patfield James •••. 14 16<br />

McBerth Andrew. 5 7 Penrose Yarnel •• 2 2<br />

McCaifee J no •••. 12 8 Phelps Frank ..••• 13 1~<br />

McCarroll Hugh •• 1::1 10 Phi:lips Wm .•••• 6 1<br />

McCarter Wm .•. 11 7 Phillips Richd •••• 1 104<br />

McCarter Oliver" 11 8 Phillips Owen •••• 1 99<br />

McCarter Robert •• 12 6 Pilkington Jas •••• 10 6<br />

McCaustiif Alex •• 9 13 Play tel' Geo •.•••• 1 107<br />

McClennon John ... 5 11 Porter Oliver ••••• 6 10<br />

McDonald Donald. 5 11 Proctor Samuel ••• 8 2<br />

YIcKay \Vm ••••• 4 5 Proctor Thos •••• 8 3<br />

McKay Alex •••• 4 11<br />

McKay Donald ••• 4 10 Quay John ...... 11 19<br />

McKay Roderick .. 4 10 Quigley Chas •••• 11 13<br />

McKay Alex •••• 4 1 Quigley Wm .... 11 13<br />

McKay George ••• 4 5<br />

McKay James.~ •• 6 7 Kainev Wm ••••• 6 14<br />

McKenny Neil .••• 11 10 Rams~y Wm .... 1 10<br />

McKilligan Wm •• 6 5 Read Jno •••••••• 2 2<br />

McLean Widow •• 11 16 Rilmson Gilbert •• 8 15<br />

McLellan Wm .... ll 19 II Robins Henry •••• 4 4<br />

McLellan Alex.... 4 7 Robinson Peter ••• ;; 13<br />

MoLeod Wm •••• 6 6 , Robinson John •••• 7 1


CON. NO.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Robinson Will •••• 8 15 Stoddard John •••. 8 9<br />

Robinson John •••• 9 16 Stoddard Jas •••• 7 10<br />

Roberts Wm •••• 11 17 Stoddard Hugh ••• 8 9<br />

Roberts John •••• 11 18 Sutherland Robert. 5 8<br />

Roe Wm ........ 2 3 Sutherland William 5 5<br />

Rogers Elias •.•. 2 1 Sutherland Daniel. 5 5<br />

Rogers Dennis •••• 3 3 Sutherland Angus,. 5 ]0<br />

Rogers Levi .•••• 3 3 Sutherland Hernon 6 11<br />

Rogers James •••• 7 8 Sutherland John ... 6 1<br />

Rogers Isaac •••• S 12 Sutherland John •.• 8 1<br />

Rogers Isaiah •••. 10 3 Sutherland Thomas 8 6<br />

Rogers E ••••••• 10 15 Sutherland William 4 8<br />

Rogers Lynus •••• 1 99<br />

Rogers Obadiah •• 1 96 Tasker Mark •••• 10 16<br />

Rose Jno •••••••• 4 4 Tawlin Chas •••• 9 4<br />

Ross Geo •••••••• 4 7 Thornbury W m •• 5 10<br />

Ross Sandy •••••• 7 7 Thorp George •••• 10 16<br />

Rutledge John •••• 9 10 Thorp Wm •••••• 10 17<br />

Thorp John •••••• 12 14<br />

Sawyer Robert •••• 14 17 Tindle James •••• 12 16<br />

Scanlan Cornelius. 9 6 Tawse Rieh'd •••. 13 15<br />

Scanlan Mark •••. 9 16 Trotter James •••. 10 3<br />

Sea'nlan C ...... 9 7<br />

Scoby Hugh ••••• 7 13 Van stock Garrett • 6 11<br />

Sloan John •••..• 8 17 Varnum James •.•• 9 7<br />

Sloan William •••• 9 18<br />

Smith Phelps •••• 6 5 Walker Wm .•••• 11 2<br />

Smith Ralph .•••• 9 3 Wallace John •••• 2 1<br />

Spalling Geo .• • •• 7 5 Wallin James ..... 6 14<br />

Steel' J as •••••••• 11 11 I Ward John •••••• 1 101<br />

Steel Hngh •••••• 11 11 WardmanWm •••• 7 12<br />

Steel Thomas •••• 12 7 Wardmun J no •••• 9 3<br />

Stevens Wm .•••• 7 11 Waters James •••• 10 4<br />

Stigmey Levi •••• 4 6 Wells James •••. 7 14<br />

Stinson Wm .' •••• 3 5 West Thomas •••• 5 2<br />

Stinson George .•.• 3 5 West George ••• 6 6<br />

Stinson George .••• 10 9 West Benjamin ••• 6 4<br />

Stone Solomon. • •• 5 4 West Amos ...... 1 IDS<br />

Stoddard W m •••• 7 10 White William •• 9 10<br />

Stoddard W m •••• 8 7 Whiteside William 9 4

92 WEST GWILLI~.JBUr..I.<br />

CON. NO.1<br />

Wilbl'J E3'-i:-t .••• If) 11'<br />

Williams Moses... 2 4<br />

W llioughby Ralph. 7 4<br />

Willoughby John.!:l 1<br />

Wilson Ccnj .....;:; 1<br />

Wilsoil Hugh ...•. 6 4<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Wilson John ...•. 13 11<br />

\;,'oods Will ...... 11 16<br />

Woods Will .••••• 1:3 15<br />

Zoonay Thos ..•• 7 17<br />

POI'VLATWN.-Males abo\'e 16, 431); Males under 16,<br />

;;14; Females abol'e 16,373; Females under lU, 401;<br />

'fuL.I l718.<br />

Gl-:ORGIX,\.<br />

1'0';. N0'jl.<br />

('ON. NO.<br />

Ducett J .......•. 7 Ie:!<br />

Allan William .... 5 12 ' Duncan A •.•••.•• 7 :3<br />

Allder::u:l J no .•.•. 4 6<br />

Anders",} Robert.. 8 :3<br />

7<br />

Eames Dib,; ..... 8<br />

Eames Geurge •.. , 6<br />

Eh'es --, ...... 6<br />

17<br />

1<br />

13<br />

Barton Peter " .•• 7<br />

Dourchier James .. 7<br />

U ritlm!l J ..•..•• , :2<br />

Brod.v DavId ..... Ll<br />

21<br />

:2-1<br />

Cas;;idy-..•..••• 6 ~1<br />

Chay Juhn ..•... 6 6<br />

Cho;vponte - •..• 7 1~<br />

Corner Rubert. ... (j 14<br />

COrilCI' John •..•• 6 6<br />

Cummcr Thomas .• 7 11<br />

Cumming J,lS .•••• 8 7<br />

Dalnc Fc!ix ...••• !) 18<br />

]),1\ is John ...... 7 6<br />

Donnell John •.•.• 6 19<br />

Donnell J ......... 6 16<br />

DOll[Jcll James •••• 6 15<br />

Dorri:y James •••• 6 20<br />

Doyle James ••••• 7 14<br />

Fairburn John •.•• 7<br />

Fairburn John .••• -!<br />

Founkhan Neil.. 5<br />

13<br />

G<br />

3<br />

Graham John ..••. 6 19<br />

GrifHn Juhn ...... 6 21<br />

Havner A •••••••• 5 oj<br />

HO;\'ard Chas •••• 6 4<br />

Holmes John ••••. 6 11<br />

H lIfst Abrahal1l ..• 6 13<br />

Jackson J ••••••.• 8 1<br />

Jasper Samuel •••• 6 9<br />

Jeffersoll B •.•••.• 7 10<br />

J ackes George ..•. 6 3<br />

J ohnsoll Robt ••••• 5 22<br />

Johnson '\m..... 8 6

GEORGINA. 93<br />

CON. NO.<br />

(:ox. NO.<br />

King Joseph •••••• 6 7 Osborne Francis •• 6 18<br />

King D .......... 6 18<br />

King D ..•••.•••. 4 21 Potter 'iVilIiam •••• 6 23<br />

Lawson - ....... 7 8 Ray John ........ 5 13<br />

Lee Simon ••••••• 8 9 Ray James •••••• 6 13<br />

Lyall William •••• 7 7 Riddle William ••• 5 1<br />

Lyons John ...... 6 2<br />

Secord -, •••••• 7 16<br />

Matt Jos •••.••.•• 6 9 Sibbald Wm. ------ A 7<br />

Marie - •••••••• 8 16<br />

Monro D •.•..•.• 4 5 Thennip James----- 7 17<br />

Morton Simon •••• 5 1~ Thornbec John ---- 6 10<br />

Morton Samuel ••• 6 7<br />

Mossington Thos .. 8 45 Warren 'Villiam- - _ 6 6<br />

McDonald Neil •• , G 5<br />

POPULATION-Males above 16, 116 j Males under 16,100 j<br />

Females above 16, 89 j Females under 16, HIl.­<br />

Total, 406.<br />


CON. NO.<br />

Allen Given ...... 3 16<br />

Armstrollg Thomas 6 3<br />

Arthur John ••••• 8 13<br />

Bathers Thomas •• 1 4<br />

Boice Richard •••• 5 14<br />

Booth Wm ....... 10 14<br />

Brand George •••• 10 17<br />

Calder Thos .•••• 12 12<br />

Cattle Robert •••• 1 16<br />

Clements Albert •• 4 12<br />

Clements Lewis J. 1 16<br />

Cline John ...... 2 21<br />

Cline Wm •.••••• 2 21<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Cline John jun .•• 2 17<br />

Coleman John •••• 2 2<br />

Coleman Wm ••••• 2 2<br />

Coleman Rich •••• 2 2<br />

Cosgrove Geo ••••• $ 22<br />

Crisps John •.••• 4 20<br />

Cummins Jas .•••. ~ 1<br />

Deacon W m. •••• 8 2<br />

Demure J as. • •••• 5 19<br />

Doag Thomas •••• 7 19<br />

Duncan Wm ••••• 6 18<br />

Esson Thomas •••• 9 3<br />

Esson Thomas.... 9 3

D40<br />


CON. NO'rf<br />

COC;o NO.<br />

Ferrier Andrew .• :1 1 I lV[cG l'llther George 4 17<br />

Fields \Villiam .••. 6 21 i! McKay Robert ••• 2 16<br />

Fife Joseph ••.••• 7 ~ II McKinlass Samuel 3 6<br />

FislJer William ..•• (3 11!1 McKollkey James •• 4 15<br />

Fleming Jnll1es •••. 7 2!1 McKonlwyWilliam 5 15<br />

:1' l\IcI\'old.:ey John •• 3 16<br />

Garthy Peter •..•• 6 21 McKollkey Robert 7 2L<br />

Gibbons Da viti •••• 11 11 III McKonkey Thomas 8 16<br />

G-ibsoll Wm .•••• 11 5 McLean Robert ••• 3 17<br />

Gilgore Samuel •• 5 1 Ii l\]cLeanJames •••. 7 19<br />

Gimby John •.••• 4<br />

Green Jacob ••.•• 9<br />

Groesbeck Cornel's (3<br />

15 ,I<br />

3 :' Orchard Jos •.••• 11 14<br />

Hamilton - •.••• 7<br />

Hammond J ohi) •• 1:3<br />

Hayter Moses •.•• 13<br />

flunt Joseph •••. 12<br />

HUllt George .••• 8<br />

Jack William •••• 5<br />

Jack John ........ 6<br />

Jack Jas .•••••••• 3<br />

J elTerson Robert •• 10<br />

Johnson John ••• 8<br />

Kindle James •••• 3<br />

Laurie John ...... 2<br />

La'\Ten~e )Vm •••• 9<br />

Lenllox \\' rJ' •••••• 3<br />

Lellilox Johll •..• 3<br />

18<br />

i: Patterson J'1o ..••• 5<br />

6 : Patterson Benjamin 8<br />

24 i Patterson Samuel.. 7<br />

25 Ii Perry George ••• 1<br />

23 i, Perry John, junior 2<br />

2 ' Perry John, seaiol' 1<br />

: Perry Thomas .••• 2<br />

22 " Pickins Robert - - - 1<br />

22 i; Pratt John - _ - - - - 7<br />

21 III Pratt John. - - - - 11<br />

18<br />

14<br />

18<br />

20<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

15<br />

16<br />

1 I Reid James - - - - - 5 19<br />

I Richey John - - __ 4 6<br />

G ;i Rivers Thomas - - .5 14<br />

Ii Rohins Jnmes - - - - 9 1.5<br />

17 i Robson rtohert - _ -12 26<br />

1:; Rog0rsoll Joseph __ 2 19<br />

o Rogers Patrick - -11 16<br />

8 'Ross D. - - - - - - - 8 15<br />

Main \Yiiliar:l .••. 2<br />

l\hnnerSr,muel. ... 8<br />

l\Jrers David •••.. ~o<br />

McConnell John .. 8<br />

1\1 cCorlOack Jam, s 6<br />

McCulloch Wm .• 6<br />

jl;lcGiIL.i,'3 James .. 4<br />

16<br />

1.)<br />

10<br />

~ko:t j\JicklCl - ___ 5 It<br />

S"lder Thomas- - -12 12<br />

Sin\\' .hlm - - __ - 8 19<br />

22 'I S!1:l1V Robert - - - - 8 20<br />

8 '; 8,1;11\- Jo~r'ph - ___ 8 20<br />

1711 ~~bl),\!d J,)hll S. - - 14<br />

1 7 Slmll10~lS James - - :2<br />

i~<br />


CON. NO.jl<br />

Somerset John. - - 9 5<br />

Soules Jane- • - •. 13 26<br />

Soules David ••.. 13 26<br />

Sutherland John .• 1 4<br />

Thompson John,sen 9<br />

Thompson John,jun 9<br />

Titten Robert •••. 12<br />

Todd Davidson •• 2<br />

Todd Ebenezer •• 2<br />

Todd Charles •••• 3<br />

Todd Hugh ••.•.• 5<br />


Walker John ••.• 7<br />

Wallis Ro bert •••• 5<br />

Warwick GeorgeF 12<br />

Warwick John •••. 12<br />

Warwick GeorgeG 12<br />

16 Warwick Juseph • 7<br />

16 Wilson James •••• 10<br />

26 Wilson Charles •• :2<br />

20 Wise Samuel •••• 12<br />

19 Wood Jonah •••. 12<br />

21 Wright Samuel .• 6<br />

12<br />

11<br />

CON. ::'>0.<br />

1<br />

22<br />

15<br />

14<br />

IS<br />

15<br />

18<br />

15<br />

13<br />

16<br />

3<br />

POPULATION-Males above J 6, 168; Males under 16,165;<br />

Females above 16, 122; Females uuder 16, 123.­<br />

Total,578.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

KING.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Abbott John 1 83 Black John ....... 2 20<br />

Allan JI1O •••••••• 4 28 Blnndon & Brown 1 66<br />

Allan Elisha ..... 4 27 Blenkinsopp T. D. 2 35<br />

Allan Hugh ••••.• 1 71 Biugh Donald •••• 7 11<br />

Anderson Jacob •• 3 25 Boddy John ...... 9 31<br />

Anderson Anthonv 4 28 Bogart l\Iatir! .•.• 5 33<br />

Anderson J as •••: 1 94 EOImer James •••. 11 20<br />

Appleton Thomas. 2 21 Booia L •.••.•..• 7 16<br />

Armstead Jas •••• 9 31 Bovuir Philip ..... 3 11<br />

Arnold Lewis •••. 1 62 Bowden Jos ...... 8 27<br />

Armstrong Wi!]iam 9 2 Bowes \V•••••••• 86<br />

Arnott Fr&ncis •••• 2 8 Boyd Jno •••.•••. 2 12<br />

Breadon Wm .... 11 4<br />

Bald\\ill Jas ..... 5 4 Brooks John .... 10 6<br />

Beandom A ....... 2 :20 Brown Thos .•••• 9 34<br />

Beach Hiram •••• 1 63 Brown John •.•••• 2 14-<br />

Beynon Barnes ••• 2 5 Brydon Wm ...... 2 9<br />

Beynon Thos •••• 2 3 II Burke Wm ....... 9 17<br />

Black Donald •••• 10 3 . Burns James •••• 3 9

9() KING.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Burtis Hugh ••• , .. 9 31<br />

Cairnes Adam •••• 19 10<br />

Campbell D •••.. 7 ~<br />

CampbellJohn •••. 10 9<br />

Carley Alexander. 5 7<br />

Castleman A •••• ~ 21<br />

Ca wlhra John.... 2 35<br />

Chamberlain Jas .10 12<br />

Chapple Elisha.. 5 29<br />

Chapple Starling.. 5 30<br />

Clark Thomas •••• 4 33<br />

Clark William ..•• 3 31<br />

Clark Francis. • •• 4 33<br />

Clark S ......... 4 34<br />

Clark Charles •••. 6 9<br />

Clark Edward •••• I 78<br />

Clay Wm ......... 1 77<br />

Clayton John •••• 9 26<br />

Clayton Joshua ••• 8 24<br />

Cody Aaron.. • • •. 8 7<br />

Cody I .......... 1 83<br />

Collins Ralph .••• 5 24<br />

Cosford Thos • • •• 1 85<br />

Cranny John •••. 10 9<br />

Cranny James .• " 9 12<br />

Crosley Pearson .• 4 6<br />

Crosley Daniel..... fl 2<br />

Crosley John •••• 3 19<br />

Crothers John •••. !) 8<br />

Cunningham Jamesl0 27<br />

Currie Alexander .. 7 6<br />

Cutting Geo ..... 3 24<br />

Davidson Andrew .. 2<br />

David Thos • • • ... 2<br />

David William •••• 2<br />

Dennis Wilson •••• S<br />

Dennis N - - - - - 9<br />

Dexter E .. - - - - 5<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Dickenson William 6 11<br />

Doan James - - - - 2 35<br />

Doan Aaron - - - - 5 1 ~<br />

Doan William - - - 1 92<br />

Doyle John - - - - -10 33<br />

Drummond James-10 3<br />

Drummond DaniellO 4<br />

Dygert Peter - - - 6 27<br />

Eastman Jonathan- 1 93<br />

Eaves Isaac - - - - 9 32<br />

Eaves Reuben - - - 8 S5<br />

Edmonds A - - - - - 8 26<br />

Edwards James - - 8 25<br />

Embers Joseph - - 6 39<br />

Fenton Jesse - - - - 6 12<br />

Ferguson Thomas 2 5<br />

Flurie J - - - - - - - 1 70<br />

Foiliott Thomas - - 2 6<br />

Frenette John - - - 2 20<br />

Gamble N - - - - - 1 90<br />

Garrow Richard - - 3 6<br />

Gawley T. W - - -11 20<br />

Ghent William - - 3 10<br />

Gillingham John - 1 68<br />

Gordon John - - - - 2 35<br />

Grant Charles - - • 2 3<br />

Green John - - - - 8 34<br />

Grollt John - - - - - 5 34<br />

Grout E. S - - - . - 5 34<br />

Hainstock Robert - 3 21<br />

9 Hamilton Charles - 5 32<br />

25 Hamilton William - 3 37<br />

25 Hambly Charles - _ 9 2<br />

30 II Hambly George - - 9 5<br />

35 Hambly William- - 9 4<br />

S Harman Charles. - 2 21

KING.<br />

CQN. NO,<br />

Human Henry •• 1 71-<br />

Harman William. 1 77'<br />

Harman Joseph - • 1 76<br />

Harman James ••• 1 70<br />

Harman A •• _•• 3 5<br />

Harrison William.. - 5 '28<br />

Uawman Gabriel. 9 1<br />

Hawman John - •• 9 6<br />

Hawan Michael •• 9 7<br />

Haynes William .• 1 82<br />

Ha:rcock Edward. 3 ,26<br />

Haycock Jobn • - • 3 27<br />

Hay,",ock Nathan. 8 14<br />

Haycock Amos •• 8 13<br />

,Hilborn Jesse •• - 5 31<br />

.Hilborn William - • 5 22<br />

Henderson John .• 1 33<br />

Hiliyer Zenos· .• 3 28<br />

Hod'gins Amos ••• 6 30<br />

Hollingshead Jacob 1 81<br />

Hollingshead Eli. 5 4<br />

Hollingshead J, •• 5 11<br />

Hollingshead Sam'l 5 11<br />

Holling,;bead, A •• 8 1<br />

,Hollingshead John 5 5<br />

Hollingsbead Jobn 9 12<br />

Hollingshead Jacob 7 5<br />

Holt Jobn - •• - - 2' 26<br />

Houghman John- • 8 7<br />

Houghman Jacob - 5 ,9<br />

HOllse Tbomas • • 8 12<br />

Hover Frank •• - • 4 5<br />

Howard Joseph - • 2 27<br />

Hughes ElIi'S - •• 7 28<br />

Hughes James A - 8 80<br />

Hughes George' •• 8 30<br />

Hugbes Seth •••• 9. 31<br />

Hugbe:'! .r:lel •.•• 9 35<br />

Hughey JULllflS.· ... 1 69<br />

Hugbey Andrew •• 1<br />

K .<br />

70<br />

. .<br />

CON. If,O.<br />

Hughey William· 1 10<br />

Hutchinson John· 1 71<br />

Hutcbinson Geo' - 1 77<br />

Hunt Willi

99 KING.<br />

CON. NO I<br />

CON. NO<br />

Lundy W ........ 9 ]~ PaO"e Lewis...... 7 :J<br />

• b,<br />

Lyons John •••••• 1 63 : Palmer Rich'd •••• 7 29<br />

Parker Robert •••• 8 8<br />

Marshall Christ'r. 5<br />

Martin Joseph •••• 8<br />

Messcll Samllel. •• 5<br />

Mitchell John •••• 4<br />

:Mix Jas ......... 8<br />

Moore Thos ...... 2<br />

-"forden G • . • . • •. 9<br />

l'.:lorris Samuel. • •• 4<br />

Morris Isaac •••• 3<br />

Morton A •••••••• 6<br />

Muncay G ••••.• 4<br />

MUI'phy Michael •• 9<br />

McAdam Thomas. 1<br />

McArthur Jno •••• 4<br />

'McAtcheren D •• 7<br />

McCollum L .•..• 11<br />

McCollum D •••• 10<br />

McCollum Donald. 6<br />

:MeColluUl John •• 7<br />

McCollum John ... 1<br />

:MeCol'l'y G •••••• -I<br />

McCorry Daniel.. 4<br />

McDonald M.... 3<br />

McDonald T..... 1<br />

McGarry M •••••. 11<br />

McGill W ....... 7<br />

McGivern Hugh ... 9<br />

McMullen Jas •••• 7<br />

McMullen Juo •••• 6<br />

McMullen Jas •••. 6<br />

McNalty John •••• 1<br />

McWilliams E •••• 3<br />

McWilliams E •••. 9<br />

Nicholl W ....... 1<br />

O'13rian Morgan.. 9<br />

11 Patton Lewis ••••• 3<br />

~O I Peal ;;on Nathaniel. 1<br />

10 Pentz Peter ...... 9<br />

!} Perry Hichard •••• 7<br />

13 Philips Wm .... 1<br />

1'1 Ii Pllill!ps s. E .: •• 1<br />

31 i PllIllIps W. J •••• J<br />

l~ i Pick Christopher .• 7<br />

10 I! pj'lkerton lIlutthew 9<br />

10 'Pil.kerton SUlllu21 • .()<br />

I~ /1 Pillkerton Samuel.lo.<br />

25<br />

86<br />

31<br />

24:<br />

62<br />

88<br />

89<br />

4.<br />

28<br />

20<br />

27-<br />

11 I Pinkerton Henry .. 8 33<br />

63 ,Plavter E .••.•••• 7 13<br />

1 ! Pri~gle W ...... 8 9<br />

16 ,"Pringle G ........ 8 9<br />

(j ! Proctor John •••• 7 23<br />

II ! Putherbol1gh J. . .. 6 I<br />

8<br />

15 Quick Edmund •.•• 8 17<br />

66<br />

:! Ra{f3rty Francis.. 2<br />

6 Rawn Jacob ••••• 2<br />

';2 Redding Wm •••• 1<br />

76 Robinson J:,o •••• 9<br />

19 Ro'bin8on W ., •••• 9<br />

13 Rogers Joseph •••• 1<br />

31 Rogers Obadiah ... 1<br />

2 Rogers James. • •• 1<br />

6 Rogers Timothy.. 2<br />

6 Rogers A. G •••• 1<br />

93 Roland Benjamin.. 1<br />

12 Rolson D ........ 6<br />

;31 II Rose S. B ........ 5<br />

Roes Robert. • • ... fl<br />

87 I Ross ,Thomas •••• 1<br />

I Rowland Thos •••• 1<br />

31 ,Rush Jas •• , ••••• _2<br />

I<br />

6<br />

2<br />

68<br />

6<br />

5<br />

93<br />

95<br />

95<br />

11<br />

91<br />

73,<br />

10<br />

35<br />

11<br />

67<br />

69<br />


KING. 99<br />

CON. NO.1<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Rush E. B •••••• 2 26 Tyrer Wm 1 80<br />

Sanderson Jas •••.• 18 35 Tyil Sa~luel 9 31·' Woodrow John,jun 2 24<br />

Tool James •• , ••• 4 29 W ooclward Joseph 1 65<br />

Townshend Smith. 4 :H Wright John ••••• 2 12<br />

l'OI'ULATIO:-i-l\I ales above 16, 565; Majes under 16. 573<br />

Females ahov:] 6, .139; Females under 16, 482.­<br />

Tt)fil~1 ~'05!.l.

CON. fiO.<br />

Bellv Alex'r .•••• B 16<br />

Bruce Hugh ••••• 1 13<br />

Bruce Robert •••• 1 13<br />

Cameron John., •• B<br />

Campbell Angus •• 1<br />

C,lrenier Francis •• B<br />

Cocklen Edward •• 6<br />

French Sh~herd •• 8<br />

Gilchrist Donald •• 1<br />

Gilchrist W .••• #' A<br />

Grrham Michael. C<br />

Graham Jolin •••• 1<br />

Graham J as .••••• 2<br />

Kenedy Angus. ' ••• C<br />

MARA.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

McDonald Angus P [) 10<br />

McDonald 'W illiam 4 11<br />

McDonald Joserh 2 3<br />

McDonald John. AJ 15<br />

16 )1cDonald DQnald 2 13<br />

!~ McDonald Thomas 8 211<br />

~ 'McDon~ld Alex'r. 10 23<br />

19 'McDonough Mich') A 15<br />

23<br />

McGregor Alex'r. A 6<br />

i\lcMilian William 9 22<br />

:\1cRae Donald •••• A 4<br />

6<br />

7<br />

McRae John •••• A<br />

McRae Finlay •••• 1<br />

II<br />

15<br />

15<br />

1~ II Ritchie James •••• B 15<br />

1 Simpson William.. B<br />

14 / I Simpson C .•••••• B<br />

11<br />

11<br />

Marrow David •••• 10<br />

27 II Waddle Robert •• B 15<br />

POPULATION-Males above 16, 49; Males under 16, 87 j<br />

Females, above 16, 32; Females under 16, 35~_<br />

Total, 153"<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Abraham Joseph. 0 1 26<br />

Aco"fns Samuel... 5 23<br />

Allan William •••• 9 15<br />

Ambler Widow, ••• 1 46<br />

Amos William •••• 8 12<br />

Amos Tho's .•••• 4 11<br />

Anderson Wm •••• 8 : 9<br />

Anderson J no. • •• 1 '58<br />

Anderson Jno •••• 10 17<br />

A.rmstrong W rn. •• 8 9<br />

Armstronv-Jno •••• 4 2<br />

MARKHAM.<br />

ctlN. ,-0.<br />

Armstrong Robert 7 30<br />

Armstrong Edward 9 6<br />

Armstrollg ThomaslO 5<br />

Arnold Jacob ..... 3 16<br />

Arnold Rob't. •••• 1 44<br />

A,TlIold John ...... 3 15<br />

Arllold Almer •••• 1 28<br />

"\nvin JOllathan •• 7 16<br />

II<br />

Atkillson Edward. 2 31<br />

Atl,inson J8hn •••• 4 26<br />

1\ , Atkins Christopher 3 21

co;./. "'0 'I<br />

AveryMichad ... :721<br />

Auslll:n ,!Ie.'l'Y J .. ~ ]8<br />

AU3man ueuy .•..• 3 10<br />

B:lt!gero Cyrus .••. 10 9<br />

n,vlge.ro,Justan .9. G U<br />


MARKHAM.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Cash Davia •••.• 8 30!<br />

Castor Philip •••• 10 32<br />

Cafltor Jacob •••• 10 31<br />

Castor Michael •• 10 30<br />

Caton Thom

Feals William •••• 6<br />

FeaJey B •••••••• 4-<br />

Fearholder John.. 3<br />

Fearholder John •• '3<br />

Ft!arholder Michael 2<br />

Fenwick Arch'd H 5<br />

F~rrjer W m • • • .• 4<br />

Ferrier Benjamin •• 4<br />

Fen·jer J osep h ••• 4<br />

Ferrier Jonathan .. 4<br />

Ferrier Ehil. :! .... 2<br />

Ferner James •••• 2<br />

Ferris Joseph ••• '. 5<br />

Fish Benjamin •••• 2<br />

Foot Thumas •••• 3<br />

Foster Jolin •••••• 4<br />

Foster George •••• 3<br />

Fosler Wm •••••• 8<br />

Frisby John •••••• 3<br />

Fl'itchley Richard. 2<br />

Frizzell Sutton • •• 1<br />

Fulton Widow •••• 4<br />

Gamhle Moses •••• 10<br />

(jamble)ohn ••••• lO<br />

Gamble Moses .••• 1<br />

Gamble James •••• 1<br />

Gallion Stephell. •• 3<br />

Gapper R'd C. Esq 1<br />

Qilwley Thos' •••• 4<br />

Gawley David •••• 4<br />

Ghonn' David ••••• 3<br />

Glionn David ••••• 2<br />

Gilbert S

101<br />

co'S. :-;'-',<br />

Hcr,'";'}g,'!' lIe,lrY;) 7<br />

IL .. dl'",d1 J ,Id,nns u,,'j, ••• 7 10<br />

iLg)er Ad.lI~r. ••• '1 '2:3<br />

Hlils i:'redeclcI, ... ,1 '),) 'II<br />

lliils C eorg": •.•. 4 2;<br />

niLs Ctll'iotupiJ!;1' 4 Z!<br />

liilts Jno ........ !3 27<br />

Hi\ts Jacob ••.••• 4<br />

llis8Y Jacob, . • . •• 3 2G<br />

H~scy '!,i:'Jm~ ~, ••• 3 25<br />

I-Jlsey .1', -JI1 •.••••• ;) 3:3<br />

j~iSf:y Clll'i:;'ia:1 " 8 19<br />

Hcd,;;',)n, Willi un --l 21<br />

II,)' '" l ,Ch:tr!--s. 7<br />

n,:;~,Lr rlios .. •<br />

,.<br />

4 ~<br />

'!-Iold,"'i William,. 8 11<br />

lIuLL:I Sinclair •• !) 1:3<br />

!IoU;l':;\\'fJrlh John. 1 28<br />

Hol.1ernnl1 Abra'm '7 25<br />

nolJ~,,~h Wm •••• 3 8<br />

Holmes itobt..... 3 4<br />

HooFcr Samuel ••• 10 2:3<br />

Hoovcr John, jan .• 6<br />

Hoover Christian .. 6<br />

Hoover Danipl . .• 6<br />

HO'lver Christian .. 7<br />

Hoover John ..... 2<br />

Hoover Martin •••• ,2<br />

Hoover Daniel .... 8<br />

Hoover John ••••• 8<br />

Hoover John •••• " 7<br />

Homer Emanuel •• 2<br />

Ho,rn Daniel ..••. ~ 2<br />

[!'I ,It'r ).'(',{'1' •••• 7<br />

:3<br />

[j:l'~t \ViJ:i,:,d, ••• :2<br />

Hu 'OC:; J;lII:es •••• G<br />

n Ut:3')~1 (~,-~ffrge ••• G<br />

il 'JtU'1 \ r iillaIn • :'. 3<br />

Jac,b H2--:'V ....<br />

J,:d31l'i l) ,·:iIL •••<br />

J"C'j'r,,:!ophcr fl<br />

Johnson Gcnjllmin 3<br />

Johnson CUr.i(·litI3 9<br />

JOlt:l';,)') ('orllcliu, 8<br />

Jones Bri;;adier •• 6<br />

Joyt'c Joill ...... 5<br />

Irwin JOllnthall • •• 7<br />

31 Knack Andrew •••• 7<br />

~l Kellar ,Cha'8. M •• 9<br />

:H Kelly John •••••• 4<br />

~!) Ke:ldrick Jacob ... 6<br />

S4 Kenrlrick Samuel.. 6<br />

~5 Kepkah Frcd.erick. 5<br />

25. ,Ketchum WOl ..... 8<br />

2ft I\'lake William. • •• 4<br />

26 I Klink Geo. J ..•.• 3<br />

32 f :Klink William •••• :2<br />

20 Laing. (;yr)ls.. • •• 6<br />

1,;<br />

'co<br />


MARKHAM. 105<br />

CON. NO.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Lambert John •••• 1 54 Marr William,jun'r 9 14<br />

t.amor~x Andrew 3 11 Marr David ..... 9 14<br />

Langstaff John •••• '1 36 Marr Alum •••••• 3 18<br />

Laparee Joseph •• 9 34 Marr Jacob •••••• 9 16<br />

Lapp HeilTY .: •• 10 2 Marr Joseph ••••. 9 14.<br />

Large John. .... 3 14 Marr Benjamin .... 9 14<br />

Laughlan J ~mes •• 11 6 Marsh Robert •••• I 4}<br />

Layman Abraham 6 23 Marsh James •••• 1 fll<br />

Layman Christian 8 28· Martin Moses •••• 3 19<br />

Leaoons Francis •• 9 10 Martin Joseph •••• 3 11<br />

Ledgerwaite Jas .... 2 11· Marrwood William 3 ~<br />

Lee William •••. 7 28 Mason John ...... 4 14<br />

Lennard Wm .•••• 7 9 Mathewson Joseph 7 31<br />

J~eopard. Christoph'\' 9 3 Maughan JIlO •••• 7 12<br />

Lewis Thomas •••• 5 35 May Henry ...... 9 35<br />

Lewis Richard •••• 4 30 Mayehotfer 0.· P .. 5 17<br />

'Lewis Jonah •••• 5 12 Mears Wm. S •••. 1 33<br />

Lewnaw Jacob •• 4 8 Melville Jas ...... 8 5<br />

Lewnaw Charles .• 4 8 Mertons Clal'is •••• 8 34<br />

Lewnaw John •••• 4 8 1\1 ill burn Joseph •• 1 30<br />

Leek David •••••• 2 HI Miller George •••• 9 16<br />

Leek David & Dan'l 3 15 Miller Henry •••• 1 17<br />

Lindley Richard .. 4 11 Miller Josesh •••• 1 37<br />

Livingston Robert 3 27 Miller John •••••• 9 21<br />

Logan Widow •••• 1 46 l'tliller Wm J ..... 10 24<br />

Long Philip .... 10 34 Miller Avery •••• 9 31<br />

Long Joseph •••• 10 33 Miller Luton •••• 8 16<br />

Lundy George •••• 4 18 Milier .Abraham ••• 2 12<br />

Lundy Joseph •••• 3 5 MiJler Isa:}c ••••• 1 31<br />

Lynn George •••• 6 6 Miller Nathan •••• 1 34<br />

Lyons Barnabas .••. 4 1 i\l iller lsaa c ...... 2 14<br />

Lyons Widow •••• , 33 Miller William .... 8 18<br />

Lyons Samuel •••• I 33 Miller Elijah .••• 7 19<br />

Miller hcob ...... 8 33<br />

Madill Benjamin •. 10 18 l\fillel' Jacob J •••• 8 20<br />

Marps Joseph .••• 9 6 Miller Abraham •.• 8 23<br />

Mapps William .;. 9 6 Miller John M.: ... 8 18<br />

Mapps John ".•••• 9 6 IHiller Joshua ••••• 8 21<br />

March \V.alter •• , • 4 22. Miller Hiram ••••• 8 HI<br />

Marr Wil!iam,seu'r 9 15 Miller Jacob •••••• "9 21

C<br />

•••• 4<br />

L06<br />

iHARKHAM.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

CON; NO<br />

illilli'ov R,Jiler! .•.• 10<br />

Milljgha~ Norman. 5<br />

:\li:liga;l Bcnj:lmin. 5<br />

1\1 i Ille Peter •.••••• 7<br />

~',Jilne Pder .••••• 8<br />

IdJJoo!dJl:1n Gel) ..... 8<br />

Monroe David .•••• 6<br />

Monro 'i'imC)I.:l\' ••• 4<br />

Monfcr"murv A<br />

Mont~o"'Er'Y Ilich'd 5<br />

I\,rood'~ Coi(~ncl •••• 1<br />

Moor~ TllOnLts •••• 5<br />

Moore Daniel •.• " 5<br />

~,loore J~Il~"""" !)<br />

r,{organ ~~~/tiiiiltn .... 7<br />

Morg-an Th'\ma,9 ••• 1<br />

~r oni" ~l Rob! .••. 6<br />

1\JoHson 'lho's•••• 2<br />

~IlIndec \Vm.••••• 9<br />

Mu,!s";; w B .•••••• 2<br />

lHunshaw Wm •••• 1<br />

Munshaw J\lhn •••• 1<br />

lI!l1s!rrrd George ••• 5<br />

!\'\l~l.;lrJ j,ILl,;S •••• G<br />

~lustard Peter ..... 9<br />

l\lust:lrd Alex ••••• 9<br />

l'IcDavid J~nleR .... :l<br />

~Ic(hr'.'ry Undo,. (j<br />

~'}i~C;~J 3(,h:1 ......... 4<br />

:1!c(;i.I:!;.~ f.;'-':l"tdJ· .• \.)<br />

:'l,:Gi:lJ::.; JCil:l •••• 8<br />

,i1d;i 1::[8 James .•• 7<br />

P,L'C1:il'e Ins .......... 4<br />

f,l,~('nf:tlf' Tho!:, IS. ~1<br />

McKa~ Juh,) .••••• 1<br />

~lcKe~ John: ..... 4<br />

:'IlcKe;,:.o:l Neil ••• 7<br />

Mc:rC:;1l01 \Vm ••• 5<br />

J\lcKclll~Oll N"it ..• 6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

9<br />

1<br />

~rcKenr:on Walker. (t<br />

:i!cKellllon Iltlgh •• (3<br />

McKc:non Arch'u. (j<br />

1),Iqi-\.B1Jnra. 'ferr:..\tlCe 8<br />

:',!cKctlzie Jll}:n •.• 5<br />

5 I II1cLc

MARKHAM. 107<br />

CON. NO.j<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Peach Thomas •• 3 2;~ Quonce 1\1 ichae1 .. fi 7<br />

Pennock Truman. 6 15 Quonce Fredrick •. 2 13<br />

Pennock William. 6 16<br />

Perkills John •.•• 5 22 Ramey Hichard •• I 60<br />

Perkins William. 5 2 RawliiJg John •••• 5 4<br />

Perkins Jacob. , . ,5. 2 Read Geo. 13 •. " 3 26<br />

'Peterson ChJ.l'ies . 6 19 Read Thomas .••• 4 '25<br />

Peterson Jacob n. 5· 20 Read William •• o. 8 2(1<br />

Petcrson Cilarles • 6 19 Reaker \V illiarn o. 7 17<br />

Peters Wil;ialll •.•• 7 11 ReamcJ' John,.o I 4<br />

Peters Thomas •••• 7 10 Reamer Abraham. 7 32<br />

l'exton John ., •••• 3 16 Reamer Dauiel ... 8· 14 .<br />

. Pcxton George •••• 6' 18 Reamcr Peter, .,. 8 14<br />

Pexlon George •••• 2 27 Reamer Abraham. S 14<br />

'Phillips Godfrey •• 2 15 Reamer John •••. 8 31<br />

Phillips J110,& Geo 2 15 Reamor Peter •••• 4- 22<br />

Phillips Edward, ., 1 88 Reamor John •• ,. 4 22<br />

'hillips Philip •••• 1 53 Redferrin James. 2 6<br />

'hillips Isaac •••. 1 53 Redferrin Robert. 2. 4<br />

Phillips Henry •••• 2 19 Rees~r Andrew •• B S<br />

Pjlfer William ••• 7 2:1 Reesol' Christian •• 10 15<br />

Pilfer Jahn •••• ,7 27 Reesor John, , ", 9 10<br />

. Pilfer Samuel •••• 7 27 Reesor John ••.. 11 1<br />

Pilfel' Joseph •••• 8 29 Rersor Peter. , , 0 9 3<br />

Pike FI';lnei8 •••• 8 30 Reesor Joseph, 0 ,8 11<br />

Pingle John ....... 5 21 . Reesor Petel' 0' ,.,,7 13<br />

Pingle George •••• 5 21 Reynolds Asa., .10 10<br />

Pingle George •••• 6 21 Reynolds Wlfli:lm .10 l()<br />

Pingle Jacob •••• 6 21 Reynolds Henry, 0 3 5<br />

Pingle John ...... 6 18 Roynold:dnsters .. 10 10<br />

Pingle William .... 5 ]0 Richardson Thos, 1 48<br />

Pingle £leury •••• 5 1 S Richmolltl Silvester 5 12<br />

Playter John •••• 1 '·Sl Ritter Peter. 0 •• 2 18<br />

Plaxton John .... ' 3 11 Riltel' John Coo •• 3 12<br />

Pollock Wm ...... 1 ,46 Rohinson Thomas. 6 24<br />

PolJocl{ Wm ...... ·2 22 r Hob nson John •• '7 12<br />

Pool William .. · ... -9 ., 19 Robinson William. 1 26<br />

PresIon William ... 10 35 Rohinson John .... 6 20<br />

Prindle .lames •••• 8 121' 'Robinson Widow, 8 • 13<br />

Quonce George ... ~,' 14 !,Robinson ~VilliatJ? 7 H

108 MARKHAM.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Robinson John ••• 7 11<br />

Rose .1. H ... , .. , 6 26<br />

Rutledge Thomas. 1. 36<br />

H utledge James. 1 36<br />

Sanders Thomas. 7<br />

Sanders Henry. • 3<br />

Sanders John.. 1<br />

Sander,; Joseph M. 1<br />

Sanders William. 18<br />

Sanders Edward •• 7<br />

Scott John • • 5<br />

Shank John •••• 5 34<br />

Shallk John •••• 11 3<br />

20<br />

1<br />

31<br />

31<br />

14<br />

26 i<br />

23 1<br />

Shar!, David.. 4 34<br />

Sbarp John • • 7 11<br />

Shaw Thomas. 9 35<br />

Shell John F. 4 25<br />

Shell Isaac • • 5 24<br />

Shell Paul. . • 4 32<br />

Sheridan Francis 4 10<br />

Shults John. • 4 1'1<br />

Shults hohn • . 4 13<br />

Sylvester Richurd . 7 9<br />

Sinclair Richard. 1 46<br />

Size Anthony •• 5 14<br />

Size Jacob . .• 5<br />

Slater Benjamin. 4<br />

Smith Jolm • . 7<br />

Smith Francis. 5<br />

Smith Andrew •.. 5<br />

Smith Francis •• 4<br />

Smith George • 4<br />

Smith John • . 7<br />

Snider )1ichnel 3<br />

Snider W. R. . . . 3<br />

Spafforth William. 5<br />

SjJain Widow.. • • 6<br />

S"pain William . . • 4<br />

Speirs ,Lewis. " '. 6<br />

COK. NO.<br />

Speight Thomas.. 7 11<br />

Spring Peter •••. 2 7<br />

Spring David •.. 7 3<br />

Spring Abraham •• 7 3<br />

Spring DalJiel • . • 6 4<br />

Sprlng Abraham. 6 3<br />

Sproul Joseph •.. 2 25<br />

Stakeley Joseph. • 7 24<br />

Stakeley \ hris'n, ST 4 31<br />

SLakeley Chris'n, jr 2 26<br />

Stakeley John ..• 4 31<br />

Stewart Captain .• 151<br />

Stinhoft I3enjamin. 3 13<br />

Stiver Henry ..• 5 16<br />

Stiver Peter. . 2 7<br />

Stiver John. •• 4 13<br />

Stiver Francis. 5 20<br />

Stockdale William. 2 21<br />

Storm Jf)hn • 5 19<br />

Stover John • •• 7 6<br />

Stover J

CON. N0'l<br />

Vanderburgh Ricb'd 1 43<br />

Vanderburgh John 1 461<br />

Vauhorn Frederick 2 9<br />

Vanhorn Abraham 2 10<br />

Vanzante Garret •• 9 291<br />

Vunzante James ... 9 29<br />

Underwood John •. 5 28<br />

Waldenberger JohnlO 3<br />

Walker James •••• 4 26<br />

Wallis William ••• 4 28<br />

Wanch Joseph •.•• 4 21<br />

Wr!rren widow •••• 1 46<br />

1Vatson Thomas •• 4 28<br />

Walson r. ichard •• 4 29<br />

Walerson Niel •••• 6 1<br />

Webster Jas ••••• 5 24<br />


Holt<br />

MEDONTE'<br />

cox. :\"0.<br />

..-\ liball George •••• 8 9<br />

Anderson T. G ••• 12 24<br />

;\plelt John •••• 9 12<br />

Archer William •• 1 69<br />

CON. NIh<br />

Doller Joseph •••• 10 19<br />

Douglass William. 8 7<br />

Duddy Thomas .• 7 7<br />

Dunaghan Miles •• 1 75<br />

nailey John •••. 12<br />

Bailev Robert •• •• 6<br />

Baird James .•.. ] 1<br />

Barr Walter ••••• 11<br />

Barr George •••• 6<br />

Bell Serg. . • . • • •. 7<br />

Bel! James...... 7<br />

Bishop Stephen .• 1<br />

Bovd William •••• 1'<br />

Boynton John. • •• 3<br />

Bradley William .• 1<br />

Broomlaw John •• 1<br />

Brothcrstone Jane. 8<br />

Brumsmede Rieh'dl1<br />

Bunter Cornelius.. 5<br />

Burns Serg •••••• 2<br />

TIurn11elLl Serg. • •• 6<br />

Butcher Joseph •• 12<br />

Callaghan Patrick 4<br />

Callaghan John •. 5<br />

Carthew John •••. 10<br />

Cavanagh Thomas10<br />

Champagny Peter.l0<br />

Connor Michael. 4<br />

Connor John.. • •• 4<br />

Cook James ...... 10<br />

Cook John .••••• ll<br />

Craig Thomas,sen. 1<br />

Craig Thomas,jun. 1<br />

Craig John •••••• 5<br />

Cowan Samuel. • •• 6<br />

6 Evans Joseph •••. 6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

6<br />

1<br />

8<br />

8<br />

4.3<br />

16<br />

9<br />

56<br />

Fitzgernld CharlciJ 1<br />

Flanaghan Michael 3<br />

Fowler John •••• 8<br />

Fox .Tames .••.•. 11<br />

Fox James .••.•. 10<br />

French Samuel ..•. 4<br />

Froley Connor •••• :3<br />

Fulleiton John •••• 9<br />

70 I Ganton David.... 3<br />

6 ! Goss Joseph •... 10<br />

5 . Grant Scrg •••• " :;<br />

5 I Greenland Robert 2<br />

57 Greenland James. 2<br />

14<br />

8 , Haller George •.•. 11<br />

H arkling John. • •• 4<br />

6 Harvey John •.•• 5<br />

7 I Hinds John ...••• 3<br />

17 I· Zechariah •••• 4<br />

6 Hughs Patrie!,. • •• 1<br />

15 I Hussey John •.•.. :3<br />

9<br />

8<br />

2<br />

2<br />

43<br />

44<br />

1<br />

6<br />

Ingram Robert .•••<br />

Ingram James.. .• 1<br />

I ngram George... 3<br />

!Il\\"ood J ohfl • • •. 8<br />

Jacques Fronklin 1<br />

Jamieson Jno •••• 13<br />

Jamieson Ann.... 5<br />

Johnson David •••• 2<br />

8<br />

Ii<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

20<br />

7<br />

10<br />

8<br />

7<br />

1<br />

49<br />

50<br />

11<br />

1;>,<br />

1<br />

1<br />

60<br />

6<br />

49<br />

50<br />

;.<br />

8<br />

41<br />

1<br />

10<br />

54<br />

Devonport Benj'm. 1 70<br />

Devonpo!'t William 1 51 Kavanagh Thomusl9 8

MEDONTE. 111<br />

CON. NO.ll<br />

CO",. NO.<br />

Kearnes William .10 6 I Nicholl S .•.•..••• 9 22<br />

Kelly Thomas •••• 9 10 II<br />

Kent William •••• 0 12 I O'Donnell Patrick. 6 2<br />

Kinghorn Andrew:> 6 Orton John •••••• 9 7<br />

I Osberry Alexander 9 8<br />

Laing Alexander 1<br />

Lawler Cornelius .11<br />

Lennard James •• 1<br />

Little Robert •••• 6<br />

.ti "ingston Dougald 11<br />

42<br />

1<br />

6~<br />

1<br />

6<br />

t.iarlow Sergeant.. 1<br />

11eshaw John •••• 1:2<br />

Miller Robert •••• 6<br />

"1<br />

12<br />

11iller Alexunder • 6 13<br />

l\~illp,r Thomas •••• 1 54<br />

Moon Henry •••• 10 16<br />

Moon Edmund. • •• 9 15<br />

Moon George •••• 3 56<br />

Morand John •••• 2 1<br />

Mordan Robert •• !) 12<br />

Morehead Graham 1 53<br />

McCabe Michael • 9 20<br />

McCarl Robart •• 9 1<br />

McClure Samuel. . 7 3<br />

McCondra Thomas 5 5<br />

McDonnell John .• 6 8<br />

McDonnell John.. 6 8<br />

;',IeHa!'ty Patrick. :{<br />

,]\'IcHllgh Dansel 13 1<br />

MeIlllgil Peter .. 13 I<br />

McKay George •. :.! 59<br />

MKinley John ..•. 11 3<br />

McKililev DUllcall 11 3<br />

McKinlev Donald 8 2<br />

McLean'Dongal1. .10 10<br />

McLeod Ma!colm. 2 52<br />

:\lcMnrray J\Jichael 4 9<br />

McSama!'a Lawr'e 3 10<br />

Nicholl Robert ..•• 1 05<br />

Parker Thomas •• 4<br />

Pilgrim Henry •••• 9<br />

Powers William .. 4<br />

Quail Thomils •••• 9<br />

Reardon Jeremiah 7<br />

Riley Thomas •••• 9<br />

Robins Jethro. • •• 7<br />

Ross Lieutenant " 8<br />

Ross William •••• Ii<br />

Rutherford Allan .11<br />

Rutherford Serg't. 6<br />

Seal John •••••••• 6<br />

Shanahan John... 3<br />

Shanilhan Thomas 3<br />

7,<br />

14<br />

(;<br />

5<br />

~<br />

19<br />

7<br />

15<br />

8<br />

9<br />

9<br />

6<br />

9<br />

7<br />

Shire Charles •••• 10 1<br />

Sleigh Edwin •••• 8 15<br />

I Smith Traverse.. 1 53<br />

Steele Elmes •••. 12 9<br />

I Stevens John •••• 9<br />

I f'3<br />

Stokeley Jas .•.•• 1 71<br />

II SWitZbl' lVI .•••.•• 10 1<br />

II Terry Jane •••••• 7 3<br />

I Thomas John •••• 8 16<br />

I Thompson Sergeant 7 10<br />

I Thompson Dougaldll 3<br />

Thornton Peter •• It 1<br />

Thornton Thomas 11 1<br />

Tiernon John •••• 9 10<br />

I , TurnerGeOl·ge •••• 1 59<br />

,i W _"ker George •• 7 1

MEDONTE.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

CON. l'(~.<br />

Watts Wi1l4'lID ••• 4 11 Wilson Lieu[enaut 10 H<br />

Waylruld John •••• 12 7<br />

Williams J .••.••• 7 5 Yates John .••••• ~ 5J<br />

POPULATION-Males above t6, 207 ; Males under 16, lEW ;<br />

Fem.'lles above 16, 192; Females under 16, 152.­<br />

Total,737.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

MONO.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Allen David •••••• 8 3 Curry David ••••• 3 18<br />

Allen William •••• 6 3 Cnrry David ••••• S 18<br />

Allen William •••• 4 6<br />

Alexander M ra •••• 8 18 Davis Joseph •••. 7 1<br />

Anderson Geo .•••• 6 4 Devlin Hugh ••••• 2 21<br />

Armstrong James.. 7 4 Dodds Robert •••• 2 5<br />

Armstrong Francis 7 7 Dodds George •••• 5 17<br />

Atkinson Samuel.. 7 5 Donaldson Alex'r. 7 5<br />

Atkinson Joseph .• 8 21 Duck Thomas •••• 6 2<br />

Benneck Thomas •• 3<br />

Blair Mrs .••••• ;. 6<br />

Brady .'\Iichael •••• 3<br />

Brady Charles •• >. 3<br />

Brett James .••••• G<br />

Buchanan Thomas;)<br />

Bullock George •. 8<br />

Campbell Thomas S<br />

Campbell Thomas 1<br />

Carson Henry •••. 5<br />

Carson Robert •••. :2<br />

Cobyn Robert ••• 8<br />

CObYll William •••. 8<br />

Coleman Andrew. 5<br />

Connelly Joseph •• 5<br />

Cotton Thomas " :)<br />

Grozier Joshua •••• G<br />

3 Eagan James •••• 3 3<br />

2 Eagan Joseph •••• 4 4<br />

4 Eagan James •••• :3 5<br />

6 Erwill Robert •••• 6 1<br />

6 Emin Archibald •. 6 18<br />

15 Erwin James .• '" .3 6<br />

2:2 Erwia Alexander •• 8 4<br />

Ewing John ••••• 8 27<br />

5<br />

6 Farley Robert '" 8<br />

5 Flemitlg Wm .•••• 8<br />

7 Fleming James .••. 8<br />

8 Fleming Samuel •• 8<br />

19<br />

10<br />

10<br />

6<br />

7 \1 Fleming John •••• 8<br />

18 \ Fletcher Wm .•••• 7 28<br />

21 II Fletcher Johnson •• 6 29<br />

29<br />

5 Galbraith John •••• (; 19

MONO. 113<br />

CON. N0'1 CON. 1\0.<br />

~I?yel" William •••• 3 20 Malvogue Hugh ••• 4 21<br />

G ner Joseph •.•. 8 16 I M ,Jffit Robert •••• 8 9<br />

. Montgomery Samuel 3 3<br />

Haisty Robert •.•. 5 13 Montgomery John. 4 4<br />

Ii arshyGeorge ••• 2 9 l\I mphy Cornelius 7 1<br />

Henshaw Samuel. . 1 5 McCabe John ••.• 8 23<br />

Hemy William ..•. 4 14 McCabe Patrick •• 2 25<br />

IIenry John ...... 4 15 McCabe Felix •••• 2 23<br />

Henry Robert .... 4 14 lUcCappin George 8 15<br />

Hetherington John 7 23 ~lcCarty Jas .•••• 8 31<br />

Hewflon James •••• 2 2 McCastline Robert 1 13<br />

Hilford John .•••• 6 15 McClaughlin Mich'l 7 1<br />

Hutchinson James 7 18 McClaughlin Franc 7 "<br />

Hutchinson Alex'r.7 19 McCrea James •••• 3 14<br />

McCollough Robert 6 3<br />

Ireland Michael • 1 3 McCutcheon Mrs. 1 2(j<br />

Ireland Mrs .••••• 8 7 McBride Robt ..... 8 4<br />

Ireland Michael. 5 14 McFarland William 8 17<br />

Irington Samuel •• 3 26 McFarland Robert 7 22<br />

Jackson Thomas •• 5 8 McGill Hugh •••. 8 11<br />

Johnston Edward • 5 16 McQuire Jolin •••• 7 23<br />

McKenny James • 8 7<br />

Ketchum S .••••.. 2 2 McMannis George 8 2<br />

McMaster James •• 1 6<br />

Ladley Alexander. 3 19 McM aster James • 2 :I<br />

Large William •.•• 3 18 McMaster David • 2 2<br />

Laverty John ••.. 7 20 McMullen Charles. 3 2<br />

McNab Henry •••• 8 31<br />

Linnell Jolin ••••• 8<br />

Lindsav Thomas •• 2<br />

Lindsay John •••• 4<br />

Lindsay King •••• 8<br />

Lindsay James •••• S<br />

Little George· •••• 1<br />

Longhurst -, ••••<br />

Low Thomas •••• 3<br />

Lundy Joseph •••• 2<br />

Lundy Robert •••. 2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

16<br />

17<br />

5<br />

24<br />

14<br />

18<br />

Neil John ........ 2<br />

Neil Alexander •••• 2<br />

Newell Samuel •••• 8<br />

Noble Samuel •••• 8<br />

Nusimm Ralph •••• 5<br />

15<br />

IS<br />

24<br />

30<br />

'"<br />

O'Brien Michael •• :3 6<br />

O'Neil James •••• 7 21<br />

O'Neil Felix •••• 8 15<br />

Macaulay Jno ..... 8 12<br />

Mllrtin William ••• 6 6 Partridge Henry .• 7 IG

MONO.<br />

CO:'!. NO<br />

OOX. NO.<br />

Patterson Wm .••. 1 18 Snell James ..•••• 8 3<br />

Patterson Aaron ••• ~~ 16 Spears Thomas .••• 7 3<br />

Patterson John •••• 4 8<br />

Pentcntlo:l Alex ..• 4 22 Tait Robert. ••••. 8 32<br />

Perry John ••••••• 5 6 'frelford John ••••• 8 5<br />

Perry "Vrn....... 5 6 Trotter James .•••• 6 23<br />

Phillips 'W. B ..... :3 4 Turnbull Johu •••. 2 19<br />

Pbreuix. John, > •••• 1 18<br />

Wallis John ...... 6 4<br />

Ramsay San.'l .... l' 1 Wardrup Richard •. :3 20<br />

ReidJohn ....... . 1 19 W!lite John ..••••• 7 6<br />

Risk Alexander .•.• 6 7 White David ..•••• 7 6<br />

Rogers Vim •••••• 3 17 WilJiamRoll John •• 8 21<br />

Williamson Joseph. 8 :J<br />

Shea Michael ••••• 4 1:3 Wiiliamsoll 1'homas 8 1:3<br />

Sides George ••••• 1 19 Wright Noble ••••• ~ 32<br />

Smith Edward .••• 1 :32 W rig'ht hmes ..•• , 8<br />

Snell Gf_orge .•••• 8 :2<br />

POl'ULATIO~!.-l\lales above 16, 184; Males u!lder 16,<br />

2~)7; Females :35:3; Total 744.<br />


cox. NO.<br />

Booth Robert ••••• 3 6<br />

Drinkwater John ..• 3 1<br />

Fraser Henly ••••. 1 1<br />

George Robert .••. 4 2<br />

Golding Thomas .•• :2 5<br />

CON. ;>(0.<br />

Pettis John, ••..•• 1 ~<br />

Reece John .•••••• 3 6<br />

Richard John .•••• :2 7<br />

Robinson C hurles •• 9 5<br />

Rout James .•••••• 4 4<br />

Burne W.O .••••• 1<br />

Joice Patrick ••••• 2<br />

:2 Taylor Robtert. ••• 1 2<br />

5 Thompson John •.• 6 1<br />

Mugovero John .••• 2<br />

O'CollllorJohn •••• 1<br />

Patton ;\Iara •••••• 4<br />

211 Wood William •••• 7<br />

:2 I Wright John •••••• 4-<br />

1 I<br />

1<br />


SOUTH ORILlA. 115<br />

CON. :\'0'1<br />

CO:,.<br />

AII?y Gerald .••.•• 4 9\":\! onal Andrew .... ::i 9<br />

Bmley Robert .•••• 4 9 l\iuloch W 111 •••••• 2 5<br />

Borland .\.ndrew ••• 4- 9 I<br />

Bowers l'IIichael ..• 4 () ~ Ressop William ..• 6 4<br />

Rowe Charles jun'r. 1 5<br />

Dallas James .•••• 4 9 Rowc Joh!1 J •••.. 4 9<br />

Dallas Frederick ..• 3 11<br />

Darling Paul ...... 2 6<br />

Finch J oho .•••.•• 1<br />

(~ill Jacob •••••••• 5<br />

Godoir Antoine .••• 6<br />

Harvey John ••••• 1<br />

Johnson _ ..•....• 1<br />

Lamb Peter ...... 4<br />

11<br />

10<br />

11<br />

9 \<br />

\<br />

10<br />

Lawrence J. Ttl. .. 4 9<br />

9<br />

Ii<br />

Sanson James .•••• 2<br />

Scott Jonathan ••. , 5<br />

Sibbald Wm •.•..• 5<br />

Squires Philomon •• 5<br />

St. John St. Andrew ::i<br />

!)<br />

9<br />

11<br />

iii<br />

Thompson J oon •.• 6 11<br />

'Wilson Leonard •.• 5 10<br />

POPUL.\TIOx-1\Iales above 16,87; Males uuder IG, 57;<br />

Femalcs above Hi, 64; Females under 16, 3G.­<br />

Total, 244 in north and soulh Oriii,l.<br />

co::-r. :-10.1<br />

Adams' Juhn 8 271<br />

Adams James , • •• 9 20<br />

AimsJames •••••• 1 31<br />

Algeo William B .. l! 2:3<br />

Allingham J. D .. . 11 H<br />

Ambler Thomas.. 1 6<br />

Ashfield John •.•• 6" 9<br />

Barber Rowlher •• 3<br />

Basketville Wm •• 13<br />

Bass Malen • • • • •• 3<br />

Dayley Thomas ••• 6<br />

Bell Gilbert..... 8<br />

Blair William •••• 8<br />

Black Hector • • •• 9<br />

ORO.<br />

Bond David •••.• 13<br />

Browli Samuel. • .. 1<br />

Brown George •.•. 12<br />

Brough Charle,; .• 1-1<br />

Buchanan Francis.13<br />

Burgf"n Michael •• 1<br />

Bush James ., •••• 5<br />

Bullers Charles G. 7<br />

6 Bryant Adam •••.<br />

14 !<br />

12 Caldwell George •• 2<br />

lsi Call John •••••••• 1<br />

7 CamerolJ Duncan .12<br />

G I[ Cameron Daniel .• 13<br />

12 , Cameron ;\lalcolm.ta<br />

eO:"f. 1\('.<br />

10<br />

2D<br />

It<br />

15<br />

7<br />

10<br />

12<br />

17<br />

I:!<br />

21<br />

6<br />

12<br />


110 ORO.<br />

co';. ';O.lj<br />

cOs.<br />

C'.tlTIpl:dl _\r·~L'd 5 17 I Galbraith jcdu ••• 9<br />

(:urq\bell John ... 7 17 Galbraith Angus .• 10<br />

Carlile',\' Art!l:ll' •. 13 ::>:2 Galbraith Donald .10<br />

Cilapd John ..... :2 11 Gardiner Wm .... :2<br />

Chccilrick Rlc:,ard 3 7 GardiEer John .... :l<br />

~_'l'lr]( J"l.n ••..•. 10 () iii UC:1'l:la:l S'lr}!'I .••. 10<br />

Cb:'!, ,~lexandcr .. 10 1 I Gdchi'lst Duncan 8<br />

t, 'i'lr!, J.,,'il'[lil .•••• 1-1 8 Gillec:pie Arch'd .• 9<br />

Clif;ord U.c!ll\' .•. :2 30 Gosling Joilli ... " .,<br />

l~u(:klev Dau"!. .. , 2 :22 Gough John ... , .. 1<br />

Colmu~Janles ..•. lol 7 Graham \"':m •••. 3<br />

Cotto" Suah .. , •. 10<br />

CLI'.', rurd Helin •• 10<br />

erea \II i::iaill ...• ;)<br />

Cr~)~,L.; !~_iell\l. ••• 9<br />

Crooks Rich'd ..•. 1'~<br />

Crus'; William ... 1<br />

Clirl'i·,; I0<br />

16<br />

1<br />

32<br />

11<br />

6<br />

1:2<br />

14<br />

12<br />

17<br />

20<br />

19<br />

16<br />

24<br />

15<br />

6<br />

15<br />

40<br />

12<br />

~<br />

1<br />

11<br />

:r<br />

7<br />


ORO. 117<br />

CON. NO.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Johnston Benjamin 2 2: I McEachern Dun'n 8 12<br />

Jones John •••••• 5 13 McEachern John .. 8 11<br />

Keating Horace ..• 12<br />

KirridgG Charles .• 1<br />

Kyle Wm •••••••• 12<br />

Lalley Edmund... ;)<br />

Lander Walter ••• ;;<br />

Langman Nicholas 1,1<br />

Langman Joseph •. 14<br />

Lawrence Thomas 1<br />

Leidster Henry ••• 12<br />

Leigh John •••.•. 13<br />

Leitch Angus •. .. 8<br />

Leonard W m •••. 2<br />

Livingston Neil. •• 9<br />

Lofty James. • • • •• 3<br />

Locke Joseph ••.. 13<br />

Luck Edward. • •• 1<br />

1\1 air Thomas •• •• 1<br />

Mann William .••. 1<br />

Marshall John •••• 14<br />

Millan Daniel •.•. 6<br />

Mitchell Wm •••. 12<br />

Motratt James •••. 1-1<br />

Monk Charles •••• 6<br />

Monro Jeremiah .. 5<br />

Morris Noah •••.. 4<br />

Morrison Thomas. 14<br />

Montgomery Henry 2<br />

IHcAllum Peter ••. 10<br />

McArthur Duncan 8<br />

McArthur Duncan 9<br />

l\lcCulloch Robert. 6<br />

McDouald Michael 10<br />

McDuffie Peter ..• 9<br />

McDuffie John .•• 10<br />

!\1cDotlgall Arch'd. 6<br />

I McFaydon Johu •. I) 10<br />

23 I McKay Allgus .••. 9 12<br />

23 : McKenzie John •• 8 16<br />

! McKerrol James •. 10 7<br />

I McLean Geo •••• 1 :39<br />

28 I McLean John •••. 10 4<br />

9 1'1 McLeod Donald •• 12<br />

6 McLeod John •••• 13<br />

12<br />

tl<br />

G Mci'lliilan Duncan. 9 10<br />

7 ll\rcI'lIillan John ••• Il 13<br />

9 McNab Alex'r •••• 10 i<br />

16 McPherson John .• 13 7<br />

'2 McQuay Duncan .. 5 Hi<br />

28 i\lcVittie Wm. B •• ll ~~)<br />

7 ,McVittoe Charles.IO 25<br />

6<br />

13<br />

16<br />

11<br />

12<br />

14<br />

12<br />

9<br />

27<br />

10<br />

II<br />

10<br />

29<br />

6<br />

is' aish James •••• 13<br />

Neilson John ••.•• 4<br />

Niven John ••.•••• 8<br />

Norman George •• 12<br />

O'Bryan Edward G 2<br />

Odder James • • •• 1<br />

Oliver Robert ••••<br />

Oliver George .•••<br />

Orkins Chnrles ••• :3<br />

Ormsby James ••• 12<br />

Overs George • • •• 2<br />

Pailk William .••• 9<br />

Parker Simon • • •• 6<br />

7 i<br />

Partridge Charles. 1<br />

G I Paxman John .••. 11<br />

to Pearce Joseph • .. 7<br />

15 Perki~Js Wm ••••• 8<br />

1 Pre nils James • . •• 8<br />

2 Pulford George .• 8<br />

H PutlJey Robort •••• 6<br />

13<br />

11<br />

118 ORO.<br />

CON.1'\O.<br />

Rawl John ••.... 13 17<br />

ReidJohn .••.•.•• 3 15<br />

RciJ Hugh .••.•• D 2<br />

Reid \';'Il;•••••••• 14 10<br />

Richardscu Samuel 1 5<br />

Richardson \\' Il1.. 1 36<br />

Richardson Jesse .• 5 10<br />

Robinson Geo .... 13 10<br />

Ross JIlO ...... " 8 17<br />

Ross Jno ........ 9 16<br />

Rutherford 'fm... 12 8<br />

Ryall Edward •... 12 19<br />

COX. NO.<br />

Summers Euward. 2 10<br />

Swan Robert •••. 11 15<br />

Taber James ..... 13 14<br />

Thomas Sam'!. ••• 4 B<br />

Thomas Sam'!. ••• 5 13<br />

Thompson John •• 11 6<br />

Tudhope Walter.. 8 1<br />

TudhopeWm •••• l1 7<br />

Tudhope Geo •••• 11 6<br />

Turner Beujumin .. ,1 12<br />

Turner Edward •.• 8 2<br />

Scott John ..••.•. 11 10 t;sherFl'cd'k •••• 1 e<br />

Sent,Jenv Hem'l' .. !3 26 Walker Edward..:3 B<br />

Shaw Ifenry.; ... 10 12 Walker Johu .... 4 9<br />

Simpson Wm .... 11 15 Walker Joseph .... 7 3<br />

Sinclair John •... 3 16 White James •••• 1 26<br />

Smith Matthew •••• 4 7 Whitelaw Jno •••• :3 28<br />

Smith John •••••• 6 1] ,"Vhiting Geo •••• 10 11<br />

Smith Duncan .... 9 6 III Wickens Jas ...... 1 13<br />

Smith John .••••. 9 13 Wilson JlIhn ..... 10 15<br />

P OI'ULATlo~-;Uales above 16, 338; Males under 16,261 ;<br />

FemnJes above 16,228; Females under 16, 225.­<br />

Total, 1052.<br />

PICKERI.'W.<br />

('[)~.<br />

:\'0.;<br />

Addison Peter ..•. 5 33<br />

Agnew John ..... 1 8<br />

Aliall ;\Ioses .•••. ::; 21<br />

Allan John ...... ::; :21<br />

!\ lib right Aaron .• 5 25<br />

..\ Ilbright John .••. 5 23<br />

Alliso!] A., 3d fa,nge BF 30<br />

.\\80j> John ..... 4 30<br />

,\ nJcrf)On Ge.) . • •. 0 10<br />

1<br />

CON. l\'O.<br />

Anderson Michael 2 25<br />

A nii:.lne David •••• 3 30<br />

Arman T. 3d range DF :!r:I<br />

Ansol1 J dllll ., ••• !) 1<br />

AmesbllfY Elijah. !)<br />

Ariics MpDougald 3d<br />

rallge •••..••. BF 3',<br />

Armstrong Jno. , .• 2 !i<br />

,\ very Ebenezer .. !) I!)<br />


CON. NO.<br />

\ustin Nicholas .. 1 1<br />

laker Russel •••. 9<br />

larclay George,sen G<br />

3arclay George,jun 7<br />

3arden Job. .. .•. 2<br />

3arnum Israd •••• 8<br />

3arry Ephraim ••• , 4<br />

hrry Robert -..•• 8<br />

3urr)' Patrick ..•. 8<br />

3ates Ezra .. , .• " 3<br />

3eh nes Joshua •.•. 2<br />

3ellinger John ... , 3<br />

PICKERING. 119<br />

21<br />

]9<br />

16<br />

11<br />

16<br />

27<br />

24<br />

16<br />

25<br />

16<br />

10<br />

3ennett Wm ...... 9 27<br />

3entley Samuel .. 5 16<br />

~elltlcy Simpson •• 4 17<br />

~entlev Nathan •••. 8<br />

3entley James • • .. 8<br />

3entley lH....... 5<br />

3entley Wm ••.. 4<br />

3etts Robert •. •• 2<br />

JeUiJ Platt....... 2<br />

3irrell Ebenezer.. 7<br />

30ice William. . .. 5<br />

30ice Lyman •.•. 5<br />

3uice Nelson •••. 6<br />

30108 Thomas •••• 8<br />

300ne Ambrone •• 3<br />

lowes Edward •. , 7<br />

lowes David •.•• 7<br />

loyles Thomas .•••• 8<br />

Hack George •.•. BF<br />

Hanchard B •••• 8<br />

h'and Dyer •••••. 5<br />

Irand Thomas •••• 2<br />

:rander John ••••. 2<br />

lI'annan Juhn 3ret<br />

32<br />

32<br />

24<br />

23<br />

10<br />

17<br />

('OX. NO.<br />

Brown Joseph. • •• 9 32<br />

Brown Jesse ..••. 9 33<br />

Brown Abraham.. 1 1<br />

Brown Ira •••••• 3 9<br />

Bro,vn Joseph.... 2 f)<br />

Brown Rowland •. 2 1<br />

Bro,vn George .... 2 28<br />

Brown Svlvanus •. 1 3<br />

BrO',YB Nicholas .. 2 ~,<br />

Brown Abraham iii 3 4<br />

Brown James ...• 3 10<br />

Burkholder U., SCIl:3 3L<br />

Burkholder U., jUrJ 3 31<br />

Burkholder John •• 3 31<br />

Bnrkholdel' Samuel 3 31<br />

Burns Robert ••.• 2 16<br />

Campbell Isaac .. 5<br />

Cane Charles •... 9<br />

Carpenter Jas .•.• 3<br />

Carter John ...... 1<br />

Castor .T ohn, junior 8<br />

9 Castor Jacob, jun'r 9<br />

34 Castor George. . •• 9<br />

Chapman Jos ...• ·1<br />

33 Chapman Ralph .. 4<br />

5 Chester Thos ., •. BF<br />

12 Churchill Geo ..•. 6<br />

8 Churchill Solomon 2<br />

8 . Churchill Cornelius (j<br />

27 ChUlchill Levius •• 6<br />

33 Clark .Iohn •..•. , 5<br />

16 Coates Robert •.•• 2<br />

35<br />

26<br />

6<br />

range ••••.••• BF 26<br />

:ratt Nicholas •••• 2 16<br />

:l'Dwn James •••. 7 32<br />

II<br />

Cockle J olm ..•• 7<br />

Cobbledick William 1<br />

Collins Thus •••. ll)'<br />

Collins Robert ••.. m'<br />

Coll!ns Joseph •••. 4<br />

. Collins John • • • .• 4<br />

Conat Abel ...... 1<br />

6<br />

28<br />

34<br />

2<br />

33<br />

33<br />

35<br />

11<br />

16<br />

34<br />

10<br />

8<br />

23<br />

23<br />

4<br />

24<br />

11<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

35<br />

35<br />


120 PICKERING.<br />


PICKERING. 121<br />

CON. NO'~<br />

OON. l'io.<br />

Hearns McDougald Knox Robert. ••••• 2 24<br />

3 range BF 35 ,Knox Alexander .•• 3 20<br />

Heney Henry .•••• 1 22 Kreider David .•••• 9 29<br />

Herbert Matthew .• 6 13 Kreider Daniel •••• 9 28<br />

Hernden David •••. 2 8<br />

Hold.n James ..... 5 31<br />

Holmes Benjamin •• 1 1~<br />

Hoover Daniel •••• 3 35<br />

Hopkins Henry •••. 2 8<br />

Horsburgh Alex ••• 6 24<br />

Hortop J olm .••••. 1 11<br />

Howell Nicholas .•• 5· 15<br />

Howland Robert G. 6 4<br />

Hubbard David K •• 4 27<br />

Hubbard Andrew •• 6 23<br />

Hl1bbard lchabod •• 9 16<br />

Hubbard Thomas •• 5 19<br />

Hubbard James .••• 5 19<br />

Hubbard Stephen •• 5 27<br />

Hnghes James •••• 6<br />

Huntington James .• 6 7<br />

Hyslop Matthew ... 2 33<br />

Jackson John .•••• 7<br />

Jackson James •••. 7<br />

Jayne Charles •••• 6<br />

a<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

Jewitt Charles •••• 1 11<br />

Johnson Dolford ••• 5 35<br />

Johnson James ••• BF 8<br />

Jones Henry .••••• 8 20<br />

Jones Samuel ••••• 7 7<br />

Jones Joseph .••••• 7 5<br />

JOlles Abijah .••••• 9 29<br />

Ironsides Robert .•• 8 1<br />

Judge M. B ...... 3 5<br />

Irwine Samuel •••. 6 11<br />

Ketchum Lewie •••• 6 4<br />

Knowles Abraham BF 20<br />

Knowles John •••• BF 20<br />

M<br />

LahmanJohn ••••. 4 32<br />

Lahman Dan'I •••• 8 35<br />

Lahman Sam'l •••• 8 35<br />

Lahman J aeob. • •• 9 29<br />

Lahman Dan'I •••• 9 27<br />

Lankin Rich'd •••• 6 19<br />

Lamoreaux Jas., 8'r 4 23<br />

Lamoreaux Jas., j'r 4 23<br />

Lamoreaux Chris'n 4 23<br />

Lamoreaux J oshau BF ] 8<br />

Lapham Wm •••• 9 24<br />

LaurJohn ........ 8 3t<br />

Lawrence Edward BF 7<br />

Lawrence John ••• 7 19<br />

Leary George.... 4 6<br />

Leary Timothy ••• 4 6<br />

Leary J erC'miah •• 4 6<br />

Levens Eli •••.•• 2 13<br />

Leys Francis •••.• 1 12<br />

Linton Robert •••• BF 16<br />

Linton Isaac ••••• BF 16<br />

Linton Francis •••• 8 12<br />

Lipscomb Zech ••• BF 4<br />

Little John ••••• " 7 7<br />

Locke Bcnjamin •• 3 10<br />

Logan James ..... BF 9<br />

Long George. • • •• 1 26<br />

Long William •••• 9 34<br />

LotJonas •••••••• 7 35<br />

Lot Abraham •••• 7 35<br />

Lynde Susannah •• BF 5<br />

Lyons Joseph •••• 8 9<br />

Mackay Levi. •••• 6 1<br />

Mackay James •••• 6 ·2

1'~)' ,<br />

PICKER[NU.<br />

CO:.;. NO.<br />

C,):"o;. NO.<br />

Magee George •••• 6 '\ ZllcKitrick John •• 5 0<br />

.Magee John ...... 3 2. McKitrick Andrew 6 10<br />

Major Henry •.••. 4 30 ~IcLaurie Jun .••• BF 11<br />

Major Samuel •••• 5 2() i\1e'tlul'1'av 'rhos•• 6 9<br />

Matthews J ns('ph •• 6 30 .iIcMllI'raY J as ••'•• {) 9<br />

Matthews 1\1:1I'Y ••• ,1 27 ',ldlul'ray J,'5 .•.. 6 8<br />

Matthews Peter ..• 6 18 j',]cPhcl'c'):\ Alex .• 2 11<br />

_"\Iaahe\Y:3 ella..; ..• 2<br />

MattllC"'s J no •••• 2<br />

.YIatthews Corn's .. 2<br />

Matthews David .• 6<br />

:'\ra~tiil yrm .••..• BF<br />

Menet James •••.• 9<br />

}l iller J odllJ:]. • • •• 4<br />

Miller John •..••• 5<br />

Miller Jacob ..•.• 6<br />

Miller Elisha •••.. 6<br />

Mills John •••••• 6<br />

Mills Cornelius .•. 6<br />

~1itchell Wm ..•. 8<br />

.M old Frederick... 5<br />

Monger James •.•• 6<br />

Morell John. • • . •• 1<br />

Mowberry Ralph .• 6<br />

McCann Thomas.. 6<br />

McCardle - •.•• 3<br />

l'icCausland Enos .. BF<br />

McConvehie Robert<br />

16 ~rcQuav Wm •••• 2 11<br />

12 ;'\JcQu;],~- Jas •••.. 2 11<br />

12 l\lcQuoid .10hn .••. 5 10<br />

17 ;\fcPherson ,\k:-: .• 2 1<br />

11 I l'iawswanuer j'chrti'J 9 31<br />

23 ,: ;,; orton Daniel. •••• 9 13<br />

33 ~·Jortoll Wm ....... 9 13<br />

24 I\ ortoll Jonas •.... 7 35<br />

31<br />

35<br />

33<br />

3]<br />

23<br />

5<br />

7<br />

O'Brian Daniel .•.. {)<br />

O'Brian William •• 8<br />

O'Gilvic John ••••• 4<br />

O'Ham Michael .. BF<br />

Orvis Eleazer B ... 1<br />

Orvis Silas .•••••• 1<br />

19'<br />

1~<br />

~2<br />

6<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2~ "Orsar Abrahanl ... 3 10<br />

7<br />

13<br />

29<br />

7<br />

2d & 3rd range. BF 29<br />

l\lcConnell Wm •• 4 9<br />

McCollough Robt.. 5 10<br />

McDonald Jno •••• 4 2<br />

McDowall William 6 3<br />

lIcGrainger Allan. 9 31<br />

McGuire John •••• 3<br />

McKay Levi •••• 6<br />

:ri1cKay James •••• 6<br />

McKay Donald .... 2<br />

McKitrick James .. 5<br />

M~Kitri~k Charles 5<br />

15<br />

1<br />

2<br />

60<br />

9<br />

10<br />

OsoiHnc Nathan ... 2<br />

Palmer Samuel. •.• 8<br />

Palmer Sherrard .• 2<br />

Palmer John ...... 2<br />

9<br />

25<br />

20<br />

~l<br />

P almer Stf~phen. " 4 5<br />

Parkes Thomas. " 4 B<br />

F arker Gardner G. 1 24<br />

Patterson Samuel .• 9' 19<br />

Patterson David •.• 3<br />

Pearson John.. • •• 8<br />

Pearson James •••• 8<br />

Peat Thomas ••••• 2<br />

Peek Wm. sen'r •• BF<br />

Peek Abraham ••• BF<br />

Peek James ••••• BF<br />

Peek Wm; jun'r .• BF<br />

:;<br />

30<br />

30<br />

29<br />

14<br />

5<br />

14<br />


PICKERgG. 128<br />

CON. ;\0.<br />

q-<br />

CO"". NO.<br />

?el'cY John .•.•••. 5 -, Sadler William •••• 6 13<br />

f'e(e;" James .••. , . cO :31 Sales Jordan .•.••• 7 10<br />

Phinney Johl1 ..... 3 17 8;~:,dcrs Ford ...... 8 U<br />

Pickett Stephen G. 8 IG Searles Tho's .•••. '5 18<br />

Plumb Ansou ..... 2 11 Searles '''m...... 6 22<br />

Plumb Samuel .••. 4 :n :-;'.,C'ly William ..... 8 14<br />

Post !'.sa..••.•••. 2· 4 Scott AE.:i,rd B .... 8 18<br />

P ottcr Isaac .••.•. [) 14 Scott James .••••• 5 21<br />

Powell Cul(!b •••. BF 6 Scott Willtilm .•••. 9 18<br />

Powell Heur\, •.•. nF 6 ~\_'~'I,[i\' ld .Ltcob... 9 34<br />

Prout John.· •••.•• 7 24 Scci!>iure T. Nelson 2 13<br />

Press J usep!! .••••• 4 24 She;,.. 1:1 ]\~.:tlnniel G :27<br />

Sherrard \Ym. jun'r 6 25<br />

Quick William ..• SF :34 Sherrard J ushua ..• 6 :20<br />

Quigley Thumas ..

IH<br />

PICltERl~G.<br />

CON. r.o. ,<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Stephens Allan R •• 9 12 Valentine Geo •••• 4 11<br />

Stephens Kenyon •• () 12 Vanhorn John •••• BF 35<br />

Stephens Allan ••• I3F 28 Vin

PICKERING. 125<br />

CON. N0'1 CON. 1\0.<br />

\\>':0 Robert ••... BF 5 WoodrulfeHawkins 2 17<br />

White James ..... 5 18 Woodruffe Harvey. 2 18<br />

White George •••• 1 25 II Woodruffe Edward 9 19<br />

Whitney 1'. F .... 2 16 Wood Jonas ..... 6 31<br />

Wixson Joseph. •• 9 17 Wood Samuel. • •• 7 32<br />

Wixson Amos ...• 6 22 'Vright Geol'ge ••. 8 19<br />

Wixson Asa ••••.• 7 25 Wright Isaac ••••. 7 19<br />

Wixson Jesse .... 8 15 Wright Wm ..... 1 10<br />

Wixson Townshend 8 18 Wurts Landon ..•• 5 26<br />

Wixson Joshua, s'r 7 20 \Yurts Abraham •. 6 9<br />

Wixson Joshua, j'r 8 20<br />

W oodruffe Hiram. 8 14 Yake ~richael .•••<br />

Woodrulfe Powell. 4 16 1'1 Young John .•••••<br />

Woodruffe Naodiah 2 17 Young David •••.•<br />

9 33<br />

6 35<br />

8 12<br />

POPULA.TION-Males above 16, 820; Males under 16,768 ;<br />

Females, above 16, 649; Females under 16, 766.­<br />

Total, 3012.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Allen James •••••• 9 12<br />

Ashden John •••• 9 5<br />

Atwell W illiarn •••• 9 11<br />

Barrett Samuel J ... 5 9<br />

Bates John C .•••• 4 18<br />

Bell William ••••• ·3 17<br />

Black Charles •••• 14 24<br />

Box Aaron •••••• 4 10<br />

Brown Alexander 1 5<br />

Brown John •••• 1 4<br />

Buck Hiram •••••• 3 17<br />

Christie Donald •.• 4<br />

Christie Peter •••• 5<br />

Clark William"" 6<br />

Clark William L . .. 1<br />

REACH.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Collar John •••• 6 22<br />

Conklin Abraham ..<br />

Craddock Isaac •• 11 11<br />

Crandell Reuben .• 6 17<br />

Daton Gideon •••• 5 14<br />

Daton Alonzo F ... 1 IS<br />

DatoH Thomas •••• 3 16<br />

Daton Daniel •••• 4 Hi<br />

is<br />

Dillon Peter ....... 4<br />

Dobbie Mary •••• 14 3<br />

Doxsee Arch .•••• 2 6<br />

Dunham Moses... 1 13<br />

Dwyer Robert, jun 4 13<br />

12<br />

~~ II E~Sigl1 John G • •• 7<br />

7<br />

11 Gilderoy W m ••. ,. 1<br />


126 REACH.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

eON. NC.<br />

Gordon Samuel ••• 3 15 Pickell Thomas ••• 7 !3<br />

Graham Thos ••.• 3 14 Pickell Jake •••••' 8 2t<br />

Plues John ••••••• 3 12<br />

Hadley WOl .••••• 7 18<br />

Ihwlc\' Wm ..... 1 8 Raye James .•••• 2 11<br />

Hoove~ Daniel •••• 10 8 Reeves Stephen .•<br />

Houghton Stephen. 6 17<br />

Huntillgton 'V 111 •• 1 2 Savage H. N .••. 4 6<br />

Hurd Philander •.• 5 11 Scobell Stephen •• 7 2;3<br />

Hurd Abner .••••• :> 17 Scryel' Orallge .••• 6 22<br />

Hurlbutt Wm •••• 1 11 Shaw Hosea ••••• 6 (5<br />

Shaw Herod ...... 6 II<br />

JensonJohn ....... 10 10 Sheldon lIeury •. ~ :2<br />

OJ<br />

Joh;j~on 'Vm.•••• :2 16 Shel'm:lB Horace •. 1 10<br />

John David D •••• 3 16 Sickell \ \' Ill •••••• 17<br />

Silver James •••• :2 l:i<br />

Latin Nathan •••• 1 17 Silver Daniel, sen'r 2 13<br />

Luke William •••• 2 17 Sill'"r Daniel, jun'r<br />

Still well John •••• 1 10<br />

Mark Nicholas ..•. B 20 Stevens Chas .••• 5 10<br />

Martin Ebeuezer •• 13 Stoken Robert •••• 1 11<br />

Merrick George •• 14 5 Stoutenburgh Luke 8 ~<br />

Mitchell David ••• 1 3 Swinson (;eo .••• 1 4<br />

Moon James ..••• 10 22 Swinson John •••• I 5<br />

Morrow John •••• 7 8 Swinson Chat! •... 4 4<br />

McDermid Arch'd. :> 11 Swinson Joseph •• 3<br />

McFarlane John •• 1·1 20<br />

McKerchen John .• 4 12 Thirston Frederick '2 17<br />

McKilravy Alex •• 14 22 Thomas \Vm •••• :2 15<br />

Mcl.\lullin James •• 11 2:2 Thomas H. G •••• 2 J:)<br />

Thulby Thos •••• 8 2<br />

Osser john ••••••• 8 18 Tripp Charles •••• 1 16<br />

Osser Jeremiah ••• 8 19 Tripp John ••••.• 1 16<br />

Osser Solomon ..•• B 19 Tripp Lydia ••••• 2 17<br />

Page Catherine ••• 7 7 Vicker John ...... 10 10<br />

Page Nathan •••• 2 16<br />

Page Silas ••••••• Wait Benjamin. •• " 14<br />

Perkins John ••••• Walker Henry. • •• 2 10<br />

Phelan Wm ••••.• 1 1 Warner John •••• 12 23

REACH. 127<br />

CON. NO.<br />

W el1~ Robert • • •. 9 11<br />

While David.... 6 17<br />

Wilkinson George 4 10<br />

Willhy Abel.. ..... a 9<br />

CON. ~o.<br />

WilliMn8 James 5 11<br />

Williams Hannah. 6 In<br />

Wood Stephen •••• 8 7<br />

POI'ULATIO~-l\lales above 16,144; ]\Jales ullder 16, 144;<br />

Females above lfi, 110; Females t1uder 16, 131.-<br />

Total, 529.<br />

iJ<br />


Abraham Will •... C~N. :8 0 '1 Beswick Richard .. ('~:'- 3~c.<br />

Adams 'rhomas.... Booth \~.'rn •••.••• '2 L4<br />

Adams James ••.• 1 14 Bowes Thomas .. , 2 ~o<br />

Allan James ....... 1 35 Bracken.J as •••. 3 3il<br />

Allisun Anthony •• 4 35 Branl!um Henry .. 1 31<br />

Anderson Daniel .• D 13 Brellnan Abndlam:} 33<br />

Andersoll Adam ... D 13 Brooks J,icob ..... I 17<br />

A rmstrollg William 1 17 Brooks Edward. " D 29<br />

Armstrong Jos ...• 2 15 Broomfield Neil. " 3 20<br />

Armstrong Robert. 4 3~ Brown \\'n'l .••..• 4 I<br />

ArmstrongJno .••• D 33 Brown Jerem •••. 4 :H<br />

Ashbridge Jon'n •• A 31 Brown David •••• B :10<br />

Atkinson John. • •• 1 26 Brown Thomas .•• B '29<br />

A uburn George .•• B 28 Brownlee John •••• n 30<br />

_~uburn George ... D 6 Bryce A :ex ••.. " C<br />

Burke William •••• J<br />

:w<br />

:a<br />

Baird James ..•••• Burwick 3arba:'a • I.' '~2<br />

Ballard Wm ....... A 35 Burton Joseph ..•. (' I ()<br />

Bates Earle •••••• B 28 Burton Wm •....• C 1!J<br />

Bates Adna, selJior B<br />

Hates Adna, junior :3<br />

28<br />

1 Carley Joseph.... 1 :'I;,<br />

Beatty Rich'd •••• 2<br />

:~ Carnahan J as. • •. B' 28<br />

Bell' Adam. '•••••• 2 22 Carpenter Henry .• C :30<br />

Bell Wm •••.•••• 4 25 CarsonWm ••.••• D 18<br />

Bell John ........ C 2911 Cavener Francis •• C 28<br />

Bentley James •••• D 34 Chamberlain Wm. 1 13<br />

• Bwrtralll Andrew •. AB 30 Chnpman Nathan. 1 25

l~~<br />

SC All norrc!uc fl.<br />

CUN. NO.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Chapman John •••. 3 36 Fawcett Isaac •.•• 1 15<br />

Chester !saa.:; •••• D 25 Ferguson David •• D 31<br />

Christy Isaac •••• 4 33 Finley James .... B ::10<br />

Cliflu!',1 Thos •••• 3 33 Fitzgcrald Gerrard 1 10<br />

Cl08so:1 John •.•• D 22 Fitzpatrick Andrew 2 33<br />

Cornell \Vm ..••• C 17 Fitzpatrick \Vm.. 0 32<br />

Corne!1 George .. C 19 Fieming Andrew •• 3 9<br />

COl'lle11 Isaac ..•• D 1.:> Forfar Wm ...... 2 28<br />

Cornell Edward •• 1 8 Forfar A rch'd •••• 2 2;'<br />

Coromo Wm .•.•. n 22 Forest Wm. D •••• 1) 35<br />

Cosio\\' Wm ..•••• B 35 Foyle \Vm •••••••<br />

Coultis Henrv ..•• 4 3.)<br />

CO\\'~ld Jonatha'" • 2 27 Galbraith Robert. 1 3L<br />

Colberth Geo •.•. Ualbraith Daniel •• 1 31<br />

Gallway Ignatius D 12·<br />

Dark Jas ..•..•• B 34 Gallway Francis •• D 13<br />

Davidson Johu .••. A 35 Gates Jonathan •.• C 20<br />

Davidson Jas •••• B 30 George James •••• 2 24<br />

Davis John ...... 3 11 Gib~o:1 James •••. D [(j<br />

Du'.'t William •••• Gibbons Wm .... R 28<br />

Dehart JOJl'ph .••• 4 15 Gilmore Robt ••.. D Ifi -<br />

Devcnis~l \\'i~1~ .•. C 35 Gooderham Ezekiel 1 3-1<br />

Di('!;ioa Wm .... D 1-1 Glendining Walter. 1 28<br />

Dola:l John .....• 3 19 Glelluining Arch'd 1 20<br />

D()u'.d A IllIH'j (0 •• 1 1 -, -f Glenuining Wm .• 1 29<br />

Duncan James ...• 4 13 Glendining John •• 5 35<br />

Dunning Abner .•• D 22 Glendining James. 2 23<br />

Fagan \i'illiatll. .• C a'2 Ball John •••••••• 2 27<br />

Earle \~.'illiarn .••• 4 32 Hall Vim ........ 1 32,<br />

Eark tIl'llry, ~l'll 'r 4 33 II a!llliton Hob! •••• 3 25<br />

Elliott \\' m. H ... D 13 Hannah John .... 3 34<br />

Elliott Rich'cl •... D 35 Harrington Joseph. 2 19<br />

Elliott \Vm ...... 2 :11 Haw John .•••••• B 34<br />

Elliott James .... 3 :.!4 HearncsD.M'Doug'J)2 1<br />

Elliott John .•...• 4 25 Herron Wm .• ,w. D' 9<br />

Ellis John ••• I ••• 3 30 Herron John . ... B 33<br />

Ellis Thomas .... 1 5 Herron Andrew B 33<br />

Herron Samuel ••• 3 3:1<br />

Fawcett Wm , ... 1 15 Hetherington John 4 2

SCARBOROU G H. 129<br />

Hetherington Wm. 4<br />

Hockridge Joseph. 2<br />

Hocluidge John •• D<br />

Hogarth Henry. •• C<br />

Holbut Palmer •••. 1<br />

Hood Wm ....... 5<br />

Horne Joseph •••. n<br />

Houck Rich'd •••• 5<br />

Hough Joseph •••. C<br />

Hough Erastus •.• C<br />

Howell Hemy ••.. D<br />

CON. NO.<br />

35<br />

HumphreyJas •.. CD 15<br />

Hunter Robert. .•. C 30<br />

Hutchinson Jas •.• D 9<br />

Hutchinson Jas .•• 3 21<br />

Hutchinson Mark. 4<br />

Jason Thomas •••. B<br />

Jason Jas .••••••. D<br />

Jgckson John .•••. 3<br />

J acksoll Rob! •.•• D<br />

Jacques Thos •.•• 3<br />

Jacques Francis. .• 1<br />

Johnston Samuel.. 4<br />

Johnston Andrew. 2<br />

Johnst0n Francis .. 2<br />

Jones James ..... C<br />

Jones Jllmcs, juu'r 4<br />

Kellindcr John ..... n<br />

KellliCdv Thos •.. 5<br />

Kent~ed;1 Andrew. 4<br />

Kem:crly John •.•. 4<br />

Ke:lIledy Thos •••. 4<br />

Keanw Sam). • •. 4<br />

Kno,. Da~,icl "<br />

Lamoureaux John. 3<br />

Lamoureaux And'w 4<br />

Lamolll'eaux Isaac<br />

4<br />

29<br />

28<br />

31<br />

5<br />

31<br />

35<br />

18<br />

30<br />

30<br />

13<br />

30<br />

28<br />

11<br />

17<br />

13<br />

5<br />

14<br />

20<br />

22<br />

28<br />

25<br />

25<br />

3il<br />

28<br />

3U<br />

27<br />

28<br />

3<br />

Lamoureaux Jos •• 2<br />

Law Jalnes •. " .• 2<br />

Lawrence Jno •••• D<br />

Lee John ....••.• 3<br />

Lindsay John •••• 4<br />

Little Peter ..•..• D<br />

Little John .••.•• D<br />

Loveless W m •••• 2<br />

Lowry John .•••.• 2<br />

Louni S .••.•••••<br />

LlJthead James ••.•<br />

I'IJackli.) Marshall 4<br />

Magara Chas ••. " 4<br />

Magee Lewis ••.• '<br />

Mngin Jas •....•. D<br />

Maker Michael ••• D<br />

Malcomb:\rch'd •••;'2<br />

Martin John •••• D<br />

Martin Arthur •••. B<br />

Martinue Peter ••• B<br />

Middleton Isaac ••• 4<br />

Milligan Norman •• 1)<br />

Mooring Wm ..... 2<br />

Movlc James .••• 2<br />

Muir Jno ........ D<br />

~.~.lir Alex'r .••... C<br />

Murrav Thos ...•<br />

;';.'CBri·de James ... D<br />

I McClure Jas .••. A<br />

McCowan Robt .. C<br />

McCrery John • .. 4<br />

McCreight AlId'w. 5<br />

:vi cEmery Robt... 2<br />

1\1 cErnery J as, s'r :2<br />

i'.IcEllIery Jas., j'r 2<br />

I McKel!IIY IAlex .• 4<br />

3411 McLean ·Allan •.•• D<br />

35 McLevin Donald. a<br />

, NelslJn Alex.) sell'r D<br />

CON. NC».<br />

32<br />

14<br />

32<br />

21<br />

34<br />

22<br />

2:~<br />

29<br />

22<br />

3,1<br />

1:3<br />

17<br />

31<br />

34<br />

35<br />

31<br />

29<br />

13<br />

29<br />

16<br />

21<br />

21l<br />

~o<br />

a:~<br />

:3<br />

~<br />

15<br />

17<br />

19<br />

l~O SC\.HBOIWUGH.<br />

;-; dsuTl Alex .. jun'r D 8<br />

il<br />

CON. :,:oj CON. NO.<br />

)1<br />

Richard:,;on John •• 1 9<br />

Richardson John •• D 6<br />

O'Brian :\Ln'tin . " '2 ~~ Richal'don Wm .•• D 11<br />

........<br />

O'Briall Johll 3 ~u II Ridout George •••• 1 20<br />

Oliver R{lbert o. ...... :! :!5 Roddick John ........ 2 25<br />

Palmer James ........ C 30 :i<br />

,I<br />

i<br />

Rogers John ....... 4 33<br />

Palmer SC;\Iccor Isaac .......... D 20<br />

Pall, r:" 'Il :\t1:1r(' I': • 2 28<br />

~<br />

S'_COI' Pete'; 0 ........ D 18<br />

l'alloa .J a!lleS ...... , :! ~,~ Seco!' J ",,"c'j']' ..... o. n 18<br />

Patrick Asa ..•..• .) .).) Sewell Joseph .••• C 29<br />

"<br />

d_<br />

Patrie!; heuLcl1. •. "<br />

3'2<br />

1<br />

',tV;:j(,,:J \\'m .........

co:;. No.1<br />

Stonehouse David. 5 19<br />

Street John .•••••• 1 7<br />

Stro:lgJobn .•..•. 5 24<br />

-,,,<br />

SC.\RBOROUGB. 131<br />

t.:UK. ~O.<br />

Tweedle Arithonv .• 1 32<br />

Tadhoop James: .•<br />

Swallow l\Iatthew. 2 1:2 I Walker David .•••• 3 18<br />

Walls Christ.opher. 5 18<br />

Tackett Robt •••. 3 26 Walto:] Walhs •••• C 27<br />

Tabor John ...... D 2r) II I \V alton John." ••• 2 35<br />

Taylor James •••. D 11 Ii Walton Thomas ..• 3 15<br />

'ray tor Francis •.. D 11;: Walton .J oseph .••. 2 :30<br />

Teesdale John •••• 3 22 il Walwn Tho's. sen. D<br />

Te!f,;rThomas .••. 3 1G 'I Warcl John ..••..• 5 17<br />

Telfer William •... 3 16 Ware William .••. 1 14<br />

Thompson Geol'~e 2 25 Washington Step'l! C 22<br />

Thompson Arch. T:2 25 Webster Timothy .. B<br />

Thompson W., s'r. C 34 Weir George ••••. 1<br />

Thompson W.,j'r. C 34 Whal'fJohn •••••• A 31<br />

Thompson J11S. A .. 1 23 Wheeler John •••• D 21<br />

Thompson Wm. D 1 24 Whitfield Edward. D 25<br />

Thompson Wm. A 1 23 Whitesides Tho's .• 1 22<br />

Thompson Simon.. 4 17 Weir John •••.••• D 25<br />

Thompson Jas. D . 4 17 Wilkinson - ••••. 4 33<br />

Thompson David .• 4 ) 7 Wilkinson Rob't.. C 14<br />

Thompson And. A. D 28 Willard God ••••• C 28<br />

Thompson John D.2 27 Willard Tho's •••• A 31<br />

Thompson Rieh'd. 1 26 Willson George •.• 3 18<br />

Thompson And. D. 1 25 Willson John •..•• 3 18<br />

Thompson John. •. 1 4 Windsor Stephen .• 5 33<br />

Thompson Christ'n 2 34 Wright Joshua •••• 4 29<br />

Thoms John •••• HC 23 Wright Heale! •••• 4 29<br />

ThornbeckRieh •• B 32<br />

Tinker Geo •••.•• 5 17<br />

Tingle John •••••• 2 34<br />

Torrence John ••• D 22<br />

'l'owgood Ann •••• B 26<br />

Tripp David .••••• C 31<br />

Turner John ...... 1 14<br />

Yeomans Michael. 4 3 t<br />

Yeomans David ••• 3 27<br />

Yeomans Wm ..... 4 29<br />

Yeomans Jarin •••• 4 27<br />

Young George ••••<br />

POPULATIO)/-Males above 16, ;J19; Males under 16,547 ;<br />

Females above ]6,422; Femaleil undel' 16, 50S._<br />

TOfal, 1997.

CON. N0.1<br />

SCOTT.<br />

COX. NO.<br />

Anderson John .•• 4 2 I Hood Thomas .••• 6 3<br />

And()rson Jas .••• 4 2<br />

Monro John •••..• 5 3<br />

Bagshaw Abraham 6<br />

,<br />

7 Mustard Hugh •••• 6 6<br />

Chadwick Luther. 8 3 Smith Daniel .•••• 5 :\<br />

Clark John ..•••• 5 5<br />

Turner Andrew ..• !) 7<br />

Galloway Jas ...•• 0 9<br />

Urql1hal't David .• 5 S<br />

Baling John .•••. 6 7 Urquhart Donald .• 5 S<br />


CO:-l. NO.'<br />

Hell John ........ ;) 19<br />

Birchall S~tmuel. •• 13 9<br />

Cameron John •••• 1 27<br />

Cane Hugh ...... 12 8<br />

Cathew Geo ...••• 14 4<br />

Coates 1\1 atthew •• 3 21<br />

Crow Joseph ..••• 13 6<br />

Currie John •••..• 12 :3<br />

Currie Donald .••• 12 3<br />

:Finlay William ••• 2 26<br />

('ardiner James •• 8 12<br />

Gooue Cephas •••• 13 4<br />

Gilchrist Alexander10 5<br />

(';;illespie AlexanderlO 12<br />

Haggart Timothy II 9<br />

Barvey Patrick •• 13 8<br />

CO~. NO.<br />

McCalman Peter •• 9 15<br />

McCalman John •. 10 14<br />

Macaulay Gilbert 10 13<br />

McKenzie Joho •• 10 4<br />

McNeill Alexander 1 27<br />

Moore John " ••• 11 :I<br />

Patterson Malcolm 9<br />

O'Connell John.. 2<br />

O'Conool' Putrick 7<br />

Richey James •••• 13<br />

Shuall William. • •• 1<br />

Somerville A rch'd. 5<br />

Smith George •••• 7<br />

Shaw John ,j" •• 9<br />

Shaw Duncan •••• 9<br />

Sullivan James ••• ll<br />

Seeley Henry .••• 12<br />

Thompson T. John 3<br />

17<br />

26<br />

12<br />

4<br />

27<br />

20<br />

11<br />

16<br />

15<br />

11<br />

.. ,<br />

14<br />

POPVl.ATION.-Males above 16. 54; .Males under 16,<br />

48; Females 134 ; Total 186.

1'ECUMS£TH. 133<br />

• CON'. lW.) CO:-1". ,,",0.<br />

Abernethy John ••• 3 13 Clark Robert •••• 2 2:3<br />

Agnew Wm .•••••• 1 8, Cliver Jessee •••• 1 21<br />

AodersonJo,;'h, ••• 5 11 'CloonesGeorge •• 6 13<br />

Auger Flederick .•• 5 17 Coady James •••. 10 23<br />

Armatage Joseph •• 1 21 Coffee Joho •••••• 4 22<br />

Armstroog\Vm •••• 8 19 Coffee Gilbert •••. 4 21<br />

Armstrong James .• 7 21 Cohoon Mary •••• 6 2<br />

Armstrollg Philip •• 9 21 Cohoon William •• 7 2<br />

ArmstrongJobn ••• 14 18 Collard Elijah •••• 4 11<br />

Atkinson \V Ill ••••• 2 8 Colgen John •••• 5 I<br />

Atkinson Jonathan. 6 10 Connell, EJward •• 7 20<br />

Bambrig Francis •• 3<br />

Batemall Joshua •• 4<br />

Batters TIichard .• 6<br />

Bealey John .••• 14<br />

Bearcroft George 9<br />

Beard William •••• 8<br />

Bell John ........ 7<br />

Bigelow Hiram •••• 9<br />

Black Thomas •••• 6<br />

Boynton Elijah •••• 1<br />

Brooks Jonathan •• 6<br />

Brooks John •••• 6<br />

Brooi{s .Tane •••• 6<br />

Brawley Charles •• 4<br />

Brazell Patrick •••• 6<br />

Brown John •••••• 3<br />

Brownlee James •• 2<br />

Callaghan .T au.es •• 4<br />

Callaghan Richard 9<br />

Carswell Andrew • 4<br />

Carswell John •••• 7<br />

Carter Edward •••• 8<br />

Carter William. " 8<br />

~a6er Owen •• •• 3<br />

Chamney William. 8<br />

(lark George •••• 3<br />

Clark George •••• 1<br />

N<br />

Connelly Neal .... 2 :3<br />

Connors Johu •••• :: 18<br />

Coomer Peter •••• 9 21<br />

Cook Thomas •••• 14 23<br />

Corbitt Andrew •. I 7<br />

Cosfitt John •••••• 1 22<br />

Cotton Robert •••• 7 5<br />

Coulter Robert •••• 4 20<br />

Courtney Jas ..... 5 20<br />

Courtney John •••• 4 16<br />

Cross Robert .••••<br />

21<br />

4<br />

21<br />

20<br />

19<br />

16<br />

21<br />

21<br />

19<br />

'21<br />

22 Curry James ••••• 1<br />

21<br />

24<br />

6<br />

24<br />

14<br />

5<br />

Dale George ••••• 2<br />

Dale John ........ 3<br />

Dale Thomas •••• 2<br />

Davis Richard •••• 5<br />

5<br />

13<br />

15<br />

17<br />

8<br />

D~vis Samllel •••• 1 20<br />

Dean Hoseal •••. 2 2<br />

Delany Lawrence .10 20<br />

:) De1any John ...... 4<br />

24 Devlin John •••••• 5<br />

24 Dickey William ••• 10<br />

23 Dinw~ody Hugh •• 14<br />

23 Dixon John •••••• 1<br />

23 ~ Donn James •••••• 7<br />

4 Doyle .Tohn •••••• 1<br />

13 Doyle Peler •••••• 3<br />

8 Doyle Bernard •••• 1<br />

23 Doyle fatriek •••• 1<br />

]0<br />

8<br />

24<br />

18<br />

13<br />

24<br />

18<br />

24<br />

18.<br />



(lo:\'. No.1<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Doyle James •.••• 1 15 Gumbersoll Erin .. :2 12<br />

Hoyle James •••• , 3 16 G umbersol1 Thumas 5 :21<br />

Doyle Hugh •••..• ;) 19<br />

Douthwaite Geo .•• 2 13<br />

Dunham Joseph •. 3 l~<br />

Duuning Adam .•• 4 1<br />

Dunning Thom:J.s .. 4 17<br />

Dufl' Hubert ••.... 1:3 16<br />

Duff Thuma,; •••• lei 16<br />

Ebcrnethy John •• 3<br />

~g~U1 NicllOlas •••. 3<br />

ElliS J~unc8 •••.•• 5<br />

Ellison Daniel •••• 5<br />

Ellison Janlc::; •. ~. 2<br />

Er\l'in Thomas •••• :3<br />

Euston John ••••• 5<br />

Euston Alexander. 5<br />

lhans Dayid ••••• 7<br />

Evans Cadwalcler • 7<br />

Eyuns Selby •••..• 7<br />

Park Anclre\',- •. " 3<br />

Ferris William ••• 10<br />

Ferris William •.•. 9<br />

i"eebeelev P,ttrick • 2<br />

Fergusol{Jsauella •• 2<br />

F ergusoll W m .•••• 6<br />

Ferguson John •••. 1<br />

l"letcher Wdliull1 •• :3<br />

Fletcher Thomas ••. 0<br />

Gardner J obn •••• 15<br />

Ghrimes John ••.• 14<br />

Gilroy William ••• I)<br />

Graham Edward •• 13<br />

Graham "'Ill ..... 8<br />

Gray James •••••. 2<br />

Gmy Richard •••• 8<br />

Greenaway Alex'r. 4<br />

Ll<br />

15<br />

17<br />

8<br />

:!u<br />

9<br />

9<br />

16<br />

12<br />

Hall William •••. 4<br />

Hammell Patrick. 6<br />

Ham:nell \\' m. SCIl. 8<br />

Hallltl1ell Will. jun. 4<br />


TECUMSETH. 135<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Kerne John •••.• :3 (1<br />

Kightly John ••••• 3 24<br />

Kilpatrick Andrew. 9 19<br />

King Moses ••••• 2 8<br />

Langrill W m. • • •. 7<br />

Latimer Joha •••. 10<br />

Law Wm ....... ll<br />

Leopard Henry... 1<br />

Lewis Geo. R •••• 7<br />

Long Vim •••..•• 14<br />

Low Richard ..•• 2<br />

Lowry Robert •••. 13<br />

Lowry John •.••• 1<br />

Lundy Jeremiah •• 1<br />

MachellJames •••• 2<br />

Manning Will •••• 2<br />

Manning Jas •••• 5<br />

Manning Jas ••••• 2<br />

Mares Wm •••••• 9<br />

Martin Daniel •••• 4<br />

:M artin Robert. • •• 4<br />

Messerman John. 2<br />

Milligan J as •• • •• 2<br />

Milligan Thos •••• :;<br />

Milligan John •••• 5<br />

~ 1 illory Peter. • • •• 4<br />

Monaghan Patrick.lU<br />

MOllkman Wm ••• :~<br />

Moore J(.hn .••.•• 8<br />

Moore Hugh •••• 8<br />

Morris Euw'd , ••• 4<br />

Morrow George •• 6<br />

]\farrow Francis •• 6<br />

Milligan Thomas. 3<br />

l\Iullo), John ••••. 8<br />

Murray Alex •••• 6<br />

McBride Jas •.•• 6<br />

IVIcBurnie Dr.vid •• 6<br />

7<br />

24<br />

24<br />

1\1 cCann Thos •••• 14<br />

McCarly Wol •••• 7<br />

McCartv Hiram •• 8<br />

i'!cCorn;aek Moses 3<br />

"\ I e Dermot! Neil.. 6<br />

:'lcDermott.Tohn •• 6<br />

McDermott James. 8<br />

McGeo)' Thos .••• 2<br />

MeGeoy 1\1ichael. 1<br />

;'\lcLauchlan .las •• 5<br />

illcLauchlall John. 4<br />

:'VlcLean John .••• 11<br />

McLennan flugh .. 12<br />

:\/cMahan Robert. 2<br />

:\lcMaholl Patrick. 4<br />

. Mei\leighan Isaac. 5<br />

McQuone Jas •••• G<br />

:\'IcUrdy Dnn'l •••• 5<br />

CON. NO.<br />

17<br />

1<br />

2<br />

12<br />

14<br />

15<br />

18<br />

2<br />

7<br />

16<br />

8<br />

2·1<br />

11<br />

H<br />

3<br />

17<br />

16<br />

13<br />

2 I Nelson John ••••• 7 7<br />

22 Nolan Henry •••• 2 23<br />

19<br />

9 Osman Jacob •••• 5<br />

24 Osman Philip.... 5<br />

9 Osman Conrad ••• 5<br />

14 Osman John ••••• 4<br />

14<br />

5<br />

9<br />

17<br />

19<br />

]!)<br />

8<br />

2<br />

1<br />

9<br />

6<br />

o<br />

1<br />

23<br />

Pearson Joshua. " 5<br />

PE'ldleld Auna .••• 4<br />

Phillips Philip •••• 8<br />

Poole Jacob •••••• ~<br />

Poole Wm ....... 1<br />

Quoe OweD •••••• 7<br />

Quoe Peter •••••• 7<br />

Ramsey Geo. G .. 8<br />

Reilly Jns ....... 5<br />

Reilly Henry •••• 2<br />

Reilly Francis •••• 1<br />

19<br />

18<br />

19<br />

18<br />

7<br />

18<br />

2L<br />

18<br />

8<br />

1<br />

2<br />

HI<br />

4<br />

14<br />


136 TECUMSETH,<br />

CO~. NO, CGN. NO.<br />

Re-illy Edward .••. 2 15 Thompsoll JUD •••• 6 2:3<br />

Reilly \V m ..... , ~~ 11 Thompson [{~)Lt ... 4 2~l<br />

Rens'eer Wm ..... 1 ]6 Thompson Wm ..• 4 24<br />

Reynolds Michael. (j 10 Thompson Thog ... 4 ~:l<br />

Rice Charles ••.. 3 11 Tigert Jus ........ 4 t3<br />

Richardson John 4 7' Totten .rna....... :3 f G<br />

Richardson Hugh. 4 2:2 Tr:1cy Patriek .••• 1 16<br />

Richardson \Vrn •• 4 20 Tracy vVm •••..• 2 16<br />

Roberts Isallc •••• 8 24 Tracy Rich'd ..... 2 16<br />

Robcl'iS"1l Jas .•.• 9 20 Trr,cv Rieh'd .•••• 1 19<br />

Rogers John ..... 9 23 Trav'crs Jeremiah .. 8 17<br />

Rogers A braham.:1 15 Travers \Vbitney.• 7 lfi<br />

~ogers Doctor •••• :3 15 Travers Joshua ••. 8 21<br />

Rogers \rm ..... 2 12 Walker Sam'l .... 3 22<br />

Rorke John ...... 8 14 ,Valller John .... 2 21<br />

Horke Edward •••• 7 15 Walker Will •••. :3 21<br />

Rorke Richard ••• 8 1:3 Walker Joseph .•• 1 13<br />

Rose Wm ....... 8 ~'~ Walker .Ino...... 4 1<br />

Rush Peter •.•••• 4 16 Walker Wm ...... 1 24<br />

Ryall Mathew .... 5 2 \Valtnn Jes3e T .. 3 1'1<br />

Rvan rrhon1Ds. _•. ~ 3 "Tard '~7,n ...... o. 5 24<br />

R)'an Michael.... 1 13 \\' ashburn Josephus 7 IB<br />


THORAH. 137<br />

CON. 1\"0.<br />

CON. NO'<br />

Eashec Peter •••• 7 12 I French David •••• 6 7<br />

Bruce John •••••• 7 11<br />

Galloway Jas .•••• 5 5<br />

Calder Donald •••• 5 15 Gibbs W'illiam •••• 1<br />

Calder DUllcan •.•• !'i 15 I Gilchrist Donald •• 8 10<br />

Calder Alex'r .•.•• 5 15 1\ Gilchril:'t William .10 9<br />

Cameron Duncan .• 3 171 Gillis Archibald •• G 1<br />

Cameron Kenneth. 3 19 I Gillespie Angus •• 4 3<br />

Cameron Donald •• 2 7 , Gordon James •••. 9 11<br />

Cameron Peter. " 1 7 II Graham John •••• 5 9<br />

Cameron DOI~ald •• 3 7) Gunn Joseph •••• 7 It<br />

Cameron Ewen ••. 6 111<br />

Cameron Lieuten't 11 10 'I Hamilton Thomas. 7 12<br />

Cameron Donald •• 5 6 I Harclay Joseph .• 7 13<br />

Campbell Alexander 2 1 Hare Jno ......... 1 14<br />

Campbell Kenneth 1 1 I Hervey Duncan •• 9 HI<br />

Campbell Alexander 1 31 Hudgins Rubt ••••• 8 If)<br />

Campbell Neil •••• 5 3 Hunt Charles •••• 4 G<br />

Campbell J as .•••• 2 2<br />

Campbell John •••• 2 3 Johnstone Geo •••• 2 1G<br />

CampbellAlexanderl0 9<br />

Campbell Duncan -. 4 1 Leith Robert •••• 7 e<br />

Carmichael Alex'r. 4 11 LesslieRobert •••• 2 1:;<br />

Carmichael John •• 3 2 Logan Donald .... 7 10<br />

Carmichael Duncan 6<br />

11 I<br />

Canada William ••• 2 11 Martin George •.••<br />

Christian John •••• 10 4 Mathewson John .• 4 I<br />

Coleby Robert. • •. 1 17 Miller Robert •••• 10 4<br />

Curry .;larkam•••. 5 7 Morrison Duncan .. ()' It<br />

Demaray Joseph .• 7<br />

DGwnie John •••• 2<br />

Ellis James •••..• 7<br />

Fairman Richard .• 6<br />

Forbes Archibald. 10<br />

Ford Matthew •••• 4<br />

Frazer Ronald •••• 7<br />

FL'iliier Alexander.. B<br />

Morrison John •••• 3 .'S<br />

12 Morrison W m ...•• 4 S<br />

18 Munro Alexander. 8 10<br />

Murray Donald •••• 4 Ii!<br />

10 Murray Hugh •••. 7 9<br />

Murray Neil .•••• 5 15<br />

10 McBain Arch'd •••• 1 4<br />

11 McBride Michael.11 9<br />

7 McCague Donald •• 5 15<br />

10 McCallum Donald .. 4 12<br />

10 'McCuaick Jno ••.. 4 11

133 TllORAH.<br />

00:'1. :'0.<br />

McDonald Simon •• 11 8<br />

:\1cDonald Arch'd. 10 9<br />

l\l cDonu!d Hector • 8 9<br />

M:;Donald Augus .. 8 8<br />

l'IIcDo!:ald DOllard 9 10<br />

lHcUJu;.rJI Jo11:l •• 10 10<br />

:rH.cEI'/Ca "Uexander 2<br />

j\j ct~ " ~ _'dexander 2<br />

l\l·cInllis Donald ••• 3<br />

McIntosh \Vm .••• :2<br />

McKay Arch'd •••• S<br />

l\'IcKa)' J olm ••••• 4<br />

l\1c ECllllon Duncan 7<br />

M· cLeod H emy •• ! 0<br />

McLeod Donald •• :3<br />

Mdiulldll 11 ugh •• 4<br />

McMullen Arch'd .. '1<br />

McRae Wm ..•.•• 2<br />

McRae Christopher 1<br />

:McRae DuncJ.ll •• 1<br />

McRCle WilEa::l •.<br />

~/lcRac John •••• 2<br />

1<br />

10<br />

U<br />

11<br />

7<br />

1<br />

6.<br />

9<br />

9<br />

9<br />

2<br />

1<br />

G<br />

l(J<br />

l,j<br />

10<br />

B<br />

CON. 1'1'0.<br />

~2cl!:::'e DO::Hlld •••• J 7<br />

[)' Donnell :Jichael<br />

(};'~0L11J '~VH1. •••• 17<br />

2u.d~f.;r E. ~~ ....... 0 15<br />

Proctor ,-, :;J. 3 S<br />

need \Vll,i,lIn 1 11<br />

Itobllj,-aJll Charles. , I:.!<br />

Ross David •• II .... 14<br />

Salisban' Jolic} •.•. 6 15<br />

Stewart I),.;:uld .••• 1 4<br />

TlIo;"I,";OIl ArteInJ.s G 13<br />

Tomblirl Johu .......<br />

TUl'!lCrWilliam .••• 1<br />

? I'<br />

\\' cstcott lIe~:ry .. 9 10<br />

White John E ...... 7 1:2<br />

\'I'iL'''il J ,,1m ..... 11 8<br />

'''I'i:;llt James ••••<br />

POPULATIO:v.-:H:,les above IG,17G; Males u:;Jcr 16,<br />

162; Females 261; T(;ld:i;;~) .<br />

rx:J" 'The Township of <strong>Toronto</strong>, and of tIL:] Gore of<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong>, see at the end of the Tuu;nsliip':'<br />


COX. NO.<br />

cox. NO.<br />

Acton Abraham ••• 6 28 Barry George •••• 5<br />

Alexander David. 5 19 Bascom Joseph •••• 7 30<br />

.\ndersoll A braham 6 30 Gell J uhn ••••••••<br />

Blackway Thomas 4. 2<br />

Bacon Joshua •••• 4 7 I BrownJ[I(} ........ l 1<br />


UXBRIDGE. 1139<br />

CON. 1\0. OO:\'. ?,".<br />

Brown Abr. er •••. :3 :2 Hilborn Joseph •••. 6 3;:)<br />

Bro\·rn JcHnes .... 3 2 H utcl!i~sOlJU-CO •••• :) ~ L<br />

Drown J ilmClj •••• 4 5<br />

Durdy J"ila .••... ::. 19 JanH~S E ......... 5<br />

Catwcll Wm .•••• 6 30<br />

Castor Johu . .•••• 1 1<br />

Ch«pman Ira 6 3,1<br />

Chapman Isaiah .. 5 28<br />

ClaL"han Jas. 5 35<br />

Collu,s Joseph ..•. 5 33<br />

Connor COllfad •••• 1 13<br />

Dales W 1Iliam •••• 5<br />

Doug!a.:s Jas .•••• G<br />

Falkner Abraham. 4<br />

Falkner James .••• 4<br />


140 UXBRIDGE.<br />

CON. N0'II<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Taylor David .••. 5 ~9 I \~~bb Williu?'l. •••. ~ 19<br />

Taylor Itobert.... ~ Ideman Philip ... 1 7<br />

'filzJo Peter ..•••. 3 1 II Widdelield MordecaiG 30,<br />

UJle Joseph .••... 2 1 I YakesJacob ..•••. ~ ~1:1<br />

York :Silas V ••••• 8 3u i<br />

Vanzunte John •••• 4. ! I York Henry ..••.. 8 Sl. I Bell John •• '" .•• 4 20<br />

Arnold Samuel •••• 1 37 Bell Hugh ••••••• 6 3;!<br />

Arllold Robert •••• 2 4 I Bennett Jacob •.•. 2 14<br />

Arnold John .•••• 9 22 Bennett Stcphen .• 3 :!<br />

.\flJold John. .... 1 29 Bethal1l Geo ••••• 7 2l<br />

Atkinson John •••• 1 41 Black Hugh ••••• a 25<br />

Atkinson John •••• 43 Black Alex •••••• 2 22<br />

Atkin!:lon Jeremiah 1 36<br />

II Blake Geo ....... 6 7<br />

Bowers Anthony •• 2 S<br />

BII,ker JODathan .. 2 11 Boyd Dougal •••.• 7 26

Bo\d John .•••.•• 7<br />

DO; tl Francis. • •• ]<br />

Br;nd James ..... 10<br />

flranham :riartin •. 6<br />

Brathwaite \Vm ... 2<br />

Brawlie S~m'I •••• 8<br />

Brieson JaR ..•..• 6<br />

Bridgford D. IIic~l.<br />

mond hill .•••. 1<br />

Brown Wm •••••• 8<br />

Hrown Jas Sen'r .• 5<br />

Brown Jas. jun'r •• fi<br />

Browil John.... 2<br />

Bron'l1 .John ..... 7<br />

B fown Jacob..... i<br />

Burkholder Henry. 8<br />

DnrlcholdlJf Will:. 4<br />

Dnrkholder Michl -!<br />

Burcilard \Vm •••• 1<br />

Burgess Stephen •• 7<br />

Burgess Richard· •• 10<br />

UIII'gess 1'h08.. • •. 8<br />

Burr Rowland •.•. 1<br />

p, u Ttno1 Robert,. " 9<br />

Burton Henry •.•. 10<br />

nunt Fnu:cis J .... 16<br />

C;;ill James •.• , 7<br />

('ain,,' John.... G<br />

('airri~ n"I,:1I']. .. H<br />

Cake John •.. , .16<br />

('alhno:l Jno .•... 4<br />

Cameron _\,','us. 9<br />

(',:meroll Do~ald., 5<br />

Cameron /,rcll'd.<br />

Camcroll l\Ja!cu!;n. 2<br />

Cnmel'Oll Arch ..•• 7<br />

C:lI11croll Arch'd ... 5<br />

Cameron \I,'m ••••<br />

Cumm John •.• ,. 1<br />

Campbdl Aaron,. 4<br />

VAUGHAN, 141<br />

eo:'i. NO. CC:-;. ;;0.<br />

28 Campbell Niel •••. 9 ~8<br />

53 Campbell Dougall. 2 9<br />

12 CarDer Joseph ••• 7 21<br />

10 I Castrator [lenry'•• (\<br />

19 I Cedar Anll!oDY .,.<br />

G Chadwick '1'h09 •• 4 :5()<br />

30 Chadwick Jno •••. 4 :32<br />

Chamberlain Ariel 1 5

VAUGHA~.<br />

co;\". ,,0.'<br />

Dalziel John, sc;.'r;:; 1<br />

Dalziel "'alter. •• 5 8<br />

Darling .Tohn...•• ;) 35<br />

Devins ],,i:)'_'s •••• 10 18<br />

Devins :hthan ••• 10 18<br />

Ilevelill John ..•• 2 4<br />

D(xter Hirala 1 37<br />

Dexter '.'Ilrs. •••• 34<br />

Dial Till](,thy .•.. ;j '2l<br />

Diceman John .••• ;' '2-1<br />

Dickhout Peter .••• 5 14<br />

Eaton 'irilllanl....<br />

Eagan Johnston .. 8 S3<br />

Edgar Robert •••. 2 2;:'<br />

Elliott John... 8 11<br />

Elldicott John •... 56<br />

Farr Elisha .•••. 9 11<br />

FaIT James .••••.• 9 5<br />

FeightnorJ ohn •••• 3 18<br />

Fisher Thomas •••• 1 37<br />

Fisher ;\!ichael •••• 3 :3<br />

Fisher Jacob .•••• :3 3<br />

Fleming Donald •• 3 8<br />

Fletcher Walter ... 9 8<br />

Forbes Donrtld .•.. 1 fi()<br />

Frank John ..... ;:, 18<br />

Froser Joseph •••• :3 :2 t<br />

Fuller Jonathan " 56<br />

Gallanotwh J as •• 3~<br />

Gamble }"'ames.... 1 fig<br />

Gnpper ;\1::1ry •••• 1 33<br />

(~arre!t Wm .•••• 3 12<br />

nelllli:l }Iathew•. 4 3:3<br />

Uibsoll \\'111 ..... '1 ;2.j<br />

Ciiruorf' - ..... .<br />

(~oouwiil Joil.I •••. 3 1:3<br />

(;(j"h,1 L:,'.;-'c ., •• 5 3·1<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Graham J ns 6 28<br />

Graham David •.• 1 31<br />

Graham Wm .••• 7 15<br />

Grain Mayman ••• 10 20<br />

Grumm P~ter •••• 3 11<br />

Guthrie John ••••• :3 1<br />

[-Jail' Wm .••••••• ;)<br />

3t<br />

Ebmilton Andrew •• 8 9<br />

Harris,);l John ...•• 1 51<br />

Harrison Euward •• 8 2<br />

Hart Robert •••••• 9 7<br />

B :lil field .r us! icc ••• 1 3'2<br />

Healing John ••••• 1 30<br />

Henrv John .•••••• :3 31<br />

Hetherington Wm .. 3 30<br />

Hetherington James!'3 26<br />

Hewson John ••••• 1 32<br />

Hind John ........ 10 19<br />

Hind Thomas .•••• ] 0 24<br />

Hilson George .••• 10 12<br />

Hilts L .......... 2 35<br />

Hislop James ••••• 2 26<br />

Hodgson Richard .• 4. 25<br />

Holland John ••••• 2 4<br />

Howard Geo. S ••• '- 9 34<br />

!T()yles \lobt....... J 2l<br />

(jl1~lter Robt ........ 8 ~'J<br />

Hnttner Jacob ... _.:3 L2<br />

Hutchinson Rich'd.l IO<br />

Trwin Robt ....... 7 :H<br />

Jnckson Sam'l •.•• 26<br />

J ncksoll Pt't':'l' e .. ... l 3;)<br />

J acl,';():l Echrarcl .. 1 3;'<br />

Jrtcksoll Goo ..... :; I<br />

J ncob [] enrv ...•. 3:l<br />

Jeflel'Y nicl~ard .•. A 4<br />

Jetrer~· Joil') ..••.• 8 5<br />

Jem:r)- AL".c,j .••• !). 11

VAUGHAN. 143<br />

COX. NO.<br />

co::;. ?oIo.<br />

Jeffery David •••• 8 34 La\\'rence MarL .• I 42<br />

Johnstun David .••• 8 3 Lawrellce eha'rles. 1 42<br />

Johnston Jos'h •••• 8 3 Law Abraham •.•• 1 47<br />

Lavmer Widow .•• 5 16<br />

Le\'itt Thomas •••. 3 1<br />

Kay George ••••.• 0<br />

Keefer Jonathan .•• 3<br />

Keefer Jacob .•••. 3<br />

Keefer Adam .•••. ;~<br />

Keefet' \\' il!iam ••• :~<br />

Keefer Peter •••... ;}<br />

Keefer Dailiel. ..•. 3<br />

Keefer Henry ••• " 3<br />

Keefer Vakclti:le .• 3<br />

Keefer Michael. ••• 3<br />

Kellam John •••... 9<br />

Kellam George .••• 10<br />

Kdlam \>\'m •••••• 10<br />

Kellam John .••.•• 7<br />

Kelly T ••••••••• 1O<br />

Kerr Angus •••••• 4<br />

Kersey Wm .••••. 10<br />

Kersey Edward ••• 10<br />

Kewo;·th Wm. sen'r 3<br />

Keworth Wm ••••• 3<br />

Kiilnee Abel. ••••• 4<br />

Kinnee Joel. •••.•• 5<br />

King Robert .••••• 9<br />

Kisor Benjamin •••• 4<br />

Kisor Daniel •••••• 5<br />

Kline John N ..•••• 4<br />

Kline Adam •••••• 8<br />

Kurtz Auraham .••• 1<br />

I\:urtz John ••••••• 1<br />

Lane William ••••• 1<br />

Langstaff Miles ••• 1<br />

Lanstadt Wm ••••• 5<br />

Laundees W m .•••• 9<br />

Laurie Widow •••• 5<br />

Lawrence Alex. C. 1<br />

00<br />

12<br />

1:2<br />

13<br />

9<br />

12<br />

10<br />

1B<br />

9<br />

Lcvistone J(1':::;, •••• 7<br />

Line John ••••••.. 4<br />

Line Heo!'y ..•••.• 4<br />

Line Peter .••...•. G<br />

Lodlllan J allles •• " 1<br />

Long Joshua ...•. 0<br />

LYIllbuuner ~,Llt ... 1<br />

27<br />

15<br />

18<br />

23<br />


14.4 VAUGHAN.<br />

CO:'i. ;';0. !<br />

(:0;';. NO.<br />

Murray Christopher 5 26 :v!cGilvray John .• a 32<br />

!-I'! urr,-;" v WilJiallJ.· .• 1 2 :\IcGil',-fd:, DJ:l:l~d 9 17<br />

Musseima:l Peter .• 4 10 :ilcG il'.Ta;, Nuil .. 9 Hl<br />

~.Ju.~:.;(:l~ilall .1bru.'IJJ. 11 11 i\1cGilvr'ly Nc.'il .. 9 E<br />

.)'-'<br />

Musselman H8:1I'\'. ·1 _v McGuire CbZldC'J .10 16<br />

.'VlcArtbur CLitl'!~' . ;) ::1 ;\lcGuire Alex ..••<br />

"<br />

r' 8<br />

Mc.\rtlJur A!I:;us ... !) '2tl I JIIcK:.'\' ]"cuu •••• 7<br />

file.'..,,!., -, '\V J~l ••••• 8 6 ~\!cJ~f;chnio .,~ ..•. 1 45<br />

McBride \'1'111 ••••• 7 :2~2 :"lci'~ccILll'; Cull I • (j :33<br />

McGride J'.tllll, .... 7 ~:2 ~.JcKeclHlie Dv~dd !) 18<br />

ltlcCallull) lL)JJ:d.l. ~ 4 19 '\jcl"~et'hllie r)J!l'(,!.:O ~'~~<br />

. M cC"llulll Dll.~C:1n . 5 :~·1 (\i c r"~e! lop DUllC'l'l<br />

1.<br />

McCallu:ll D jJl.:~~: II. 1 '- McKi!Jl!O!l Ailtb'\·. G ::;·1<br />

I>lcCallum D..,,:;,IJ. !) :!l fllcKi:l!JOll Chas,Jr 5 ~")<br />

tl!cCdrtcr ..'\:!.~~IL';••• 5 ~.s I\lcKinnon Allall 5 ::.7<br />

UcCa!'tel' Cul~i" ..• 5 ~s :\kh.illrlon John •• 4 '1'"<br />

~I<br />

McCartv Owell .••• 1 au !'tIcKiunoll Chus, :.;}' 4 '1.7<br />

MCCOr~1:1ck John .• 5 2a ."IcKinnoll r '<br />

I<br />

,.Olll! •• 9 28<br />

l\lcCormuck J ,d"i.. 9 1 McKinllon Arch'd. 4 16<br />

McCuG Patrick •••• ,1 31 ~,lcKe!l7.ie David. 1 58<br />

.;\lcColloe J~tli1c!'; ... I 37 McKetchulll David 9 3:)<br />

McDonald Arch'd .. 7 ~9 ~h'Lean Hector •.•• 5 1:)<br />

McDonald .l\ .. l,,-'x'r •• 7 29 McLean John ..... ·1 21<br />

~1cDon:1ld Andrew. 5 ::1 l\IcLellCl Alexander ;J 21<br />

McDonal,] Arch'll. • 5 23 McLeull 1\1rs. 00 00]9 18<br />

)-lcDonald Ar'd son. 6 21 McLean John " .. 6 16<br />

McDonald I)onald 6 ID Mcl\lullen Archibald 4 22<br />

McDonald Neil .•• 3 19 Mc}JulllJ:l Donald 4 21<br />

McDonalJ John .. 6 19 Mc!\lullc'1I Bligh •• 3 27<br />

McDonald Neil B. 6 20 nlcMurroshy James 6 33<br />

3-IcDonald Arch, jr 3 19 McMurroshy James 7 34<br />

McDougall John .• 3 15 McNair Robert. ••• 2 9<br />

., ,<br />

McDougall Arch'd ,} v'% McNaughton Peter 6 15<br />

III cFudgeon Dou'd 9 28 Mc~aughtoll DOIJald5 19<br />

McGill Peter .... 4 2-1<br />

i\1c~iel John ..... 7 27<br />

I<br />

;;fcGilvray Arch'd, S 19 McNiel Arthur •••• 6 13<br />

~lcGilvray John .• 7 26 McPhee Peter •••• 6 34<br />

McGilvray John •• 8 19 McPherson John. . 1 1<br />

l\lcUilvrny Neil •• 4 33 McQuarrie [Jector 3 21<br />

McGilvray L£luch. ::; 27 McQuarrie Arch'd. 4 2~<br />


VAUGHAN.<br />

CON. NO '\<br />

CON. NO'.<br />

McVicar John •••• 5 :3::J Record John •••• 4 ~W<br />

Newton James', •• ' I<br />

Rider Andrew •••• 10 5<br />

50 [{iridIc Jsnac •••.• a 35<br />

Neubv Tho's, •• ,. 6 5 Biddle Audrew ••• 10 12<br />

Nich.;l:;; James •••• !I 8 i~obil's Cenjamin •• 4 32<br />

Nohle Joseph, •••• !j 22 l:ohi .. 8 (;"I,,!) •••• 4 32<br />

Noble'rho's ...... 5 2:2 RnhillSo:1 !l'JaI1ill .. 5 8<br />

O'Brian Lucius •••<br />

O'I!rian Daniel. •• 1<br />

Ocklie John ••• , •• 2<br />

Orr Johll F ••• ". 8<br />

OSIOI' Peter ••••••<br />

Oster Joba ••• , ••<br />

O;;ler J nc"o •••..•<br />

38<br />

38<br />

19<br />

R"bius,", David.,. 9 2~<br />

Hogers Jolm ••••<br />

[{olle'.' Geo •••••• 4<br />

Ruse ·J:lllle~., •••• (J<br />

2<br />

12<br />

27 Rc'nIl Peter..... 1 58<br />

:3 Ii I [{ur ert In''oo ••••• 4 21<br />

3 7 Rupelt P(·ter , ••• 3 16<br />

3 6 Rupert AJ,:m •••• 4 21<br />

Patnson Arch ••• , 9<br />

Peck \Vashillglon • 7<br />

Petermarl Geo ••• , 5<br />

Petermall J: o •••• 6<br />

Petermn Riclf

116 VAUGHAN.<br />

Smith Dalliel •• " 4 6<br />

CUN. T·~(). co~. NO.<br />

Swander S. Neigh 7 10<br />

Smith Jacob .•••• 4 7<br />

Smith Sanmel • • •• 4 6 Taylor Benj'n ••.. 10<br />

Smith John •••. " I) 5<br />

Smith Larl'att •• " 1<br />

Smithers John •••• 1<br />

Smcllie David •••• 2<br />

Snider George .• " B<br />

5ni(:er Jacob ...... 5<br />

Snider Samuel .•••<br />

~nider John. . • • •. 4<br />

Snowden Wm •••• 1<br />

80mmerville Jas .• l0<br />

;Soules Daniel .••. 1<br />

Soules George. . •. 1<br />

Soules Peter .••••<br />

Spiker ~Aoses.... 3<br />

Spiker John.... 3<br />

Spiker Jacob •••• 8<br />

Staffurd John •.•.<br />

Stanley - ••••.. ;)<br />

Steel 'T'homas.... 1<br />

Stegman Geo • • •. (j<br />

Stephenson John .• a<br />

Stevenson Allan •• 8<br />

• Stewart Captain " 2<br />

Stickney John •.•• 3<br />

;5lol,cs 'Christopher "<br />

Slone Joseph.... 4<br />

Stonehouse John.. 8<br />

:Storey WIll. • • • •. 1<br />

Storey Peter • • •• 3<br />

Storm Adam •••• 3<br />

Stong John •••.•• 6<br />

Stump John •••••• 7<br />

Stump Joseph. • •• 7<br />

Stump Daniel •• " 8<br />

Stump Solomon... 4<br />

Stump Jacob.... 7<br />

~"tlOll Ralph.... ~l<br />

4<br />

30<br />

13<br />

3l<br />

32<br />

3~<br />

11<br />

9<br />

2'2<br />

4<br />

19<br />

43<br />

T{,dder J nIH! •••• 8<br />

Temple John •••• 3<br />

Thompson Thos .• 1<br />

Thompson Arch'd .1U<br />

Thomp~on Geo .. 4<br />

Tb()mpson Jos •••• 3<br />

Thorne Belljamin. 1<br />

or Thornhill.<br />

Totten J llmes • • •• 4<br />

Tl';lm Chist'r .••. 10<br />

Trench Hobt..... 1<br />

Troyer C hristi~dl .. 3<br />

Velie John .•.•.•.<br />

W;dlace Nalhaliiel 8<br />

Ward Joseph •••. 9<br />

\\laUs Thos ...... 4<br />

Watoon John .... 10<br />

\VatsolJ James •.•• 9<br />

8 \\' utson John.... a<br />

17 I Watson John ..•• fI<br />

20 Webster John •••. 10<br />

~e II \\e~r .fohn ...... ~<br />

:c!i I ",ell' Lachlan .•.• 7<br />

17 ' "ell' Johi1 '" ... 8<br />

31 Welsh Henrv •.•. :3<br />

16 Whelptoll 'i'homas 4<br />

3U White Henry.... 1<br />

23 White Ira .• '" .•. 3<br />

23 White Ebel' ..•.•• 1<br />

2,' Wilkie James .•.• 1<br />

11 Wilkie Thos..... 1<br />

7<br />

8<br />

13<br />

24<br />

29<br />

\Vilkinson Jno •••. 1<br />

Willso:l Geo •••.• 1<br />

Williams Jas. • • •• 1<br />

Williams John •••• 8<br />

WilliamsJohn .... 1<br />

6<br />

5<br />

33<br />

37<br />

2&<br />

30<br />

~4<br />

v_<br />

"-,.)<br />

6<br />

!!O<br />

a1<br />

1<br />

lQ<br />

2~<br />

24<br />

~7<br />

1<br />

8<br />

12<br />

19<br />

23<br />

3.3<br />

17<br />

14<br />

23<br />

33<br />

S<br />

1<br />

33<br />

45<br />

26<br />

3~<br />

31<br />

B<br />


VAlTGHAN. 147.<br />

CO:i'1. 1\'0.,'1 Co~:. NO;<br />

\~il1inmson John .• 6 7 I "~J'ight ,-\.hrnham .• 1 47<br />

'tocdJohn .••••.• 916 \1nglll.L,S2;,b .... 2 20,<br />

Wrickett James •. 10 :l711 W,I'ic, ·,\:~d •••• 1 30,.<br />

WrightArdlibald .• :.: 25 W~'se L. h .••..•<br />

POl'ULATIOy-M ales above 16, 8:31; !\I,I 'as unde!' 16.789 ;<br />

Females above 16,669; Females 1I".1(-r 16, 750.­<br />

Total, 3039.<br />

CON. NO<br />

Anuerson Thomas 7 19<br />

Andersou Ira •• " 9<br />

Armitage Samuel . 3<br />

Armitage Amos.. 1<br />

Armstrol1g Thomas 7<br />

Ashton John. • • •• 2<br />

Atllinson David •.•. 1<br />

Badgero Philip •••. 6<br />

Baker Michael •••• 2<br />

Baker Samuel, jUll. 3<br />

Baker Samuel, sen. 3<br />

Baker Solomon •••• 8<br />

Baker John •••••• I)<br />

Baker Jacob •••.•• 7<br />

Bakel' Emanuel. .• 7<br />

Ballard George •••• 3<br />

Rarefoot Tho's •••• 7<br />

Barker J ncoh •••• 6<br />

Barry Robert •••• 8<br />

Bn~sett Chnlcs ..• 4<br />

Bell Ralph •••••. 3<br />

Beswid: Christopher 1<br />

Hoc-art l\f artin •••. ~<br />

Bogart & Son . • •• 2<br />

Bogart John, jUI1!or 3<br />

Botsfurd Johl1 J ... 1<br />


25<br />

92<br />

16<br />

1(3<br />

20<br />

8<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

12<br />

4<br />

8<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Boyer Benjamin •• 9 1<br />

Brillinger George. 3 3<br />

Brillinger John •••. 4 2<br />

Brillinger Andre w 4 3<br />

I3rillinger Peter ••• 4 ,2<br />

BrodieI' Thomas. " 2 33<br />

Brodie Charles •••• 1 93<br />

Brodie George •••• 5 2)<br />

Brown Samuel •••• 2 15<br />

Brown Tho's ••••• 10 1<br />

Brown William ••• 10 2<br />

Brownspire Geo... 8 2<br />

Burl,holder Jacob. 6 4<br />

Burling Chas. • • •• 1 95<br />

9 Cade, John & Thos 2<br />

31 Caldwell Jas.B •••• 1<br />

2 Cal'1isle John •••• 2<br />

2 Carthew Captain 3<br />

17 ~ C~se George ...... 3<br />

13 . Ca~tor Jacob .•••• 1<br />

II ,Cawthraw John •• 1<br />

94 I Chnpman Dilworth<br />

31 , Chern Moses •••• 8<br />

30 I'<br />

:H<br />

Clark "John •••••• 8<br />

Clark John •••••• 6<br />

94 ,Clark Stephen •••• 4<br />

19<br />

95<br />

1<br />

30<br />

33<br />

95<br />

93<br />

12<br />

5<br />

8<br />


146 WIlITCHURCH.<br />

CON. NO,<br />

(:0:0;. NO<br />

Clark Joseph •••• 1 8:3 Ooan \ri\liam •••• 1 84<br />

CI'llbine Frederick,. 4 ~) D[)u~heJ'ty hmiah •• II 3<br />

Clubille Ezra .... 4 4 DOUl1hl'rl\' J,ts •••• 9 H<br />

'"<br />

'<br />

Clubine JOh:l .... 1 28 Ilovle '~YilliJm H. 9 1<br />

Clyrnin;!;hawkMoses ;1 7 DI,~k Wm ...... a 27<br />

Coates Tholll:IC,j.I,l 2 2:J I>uciof; Be',j .. .... 9 1<br />

Coates Thomas, sen 1 68 DUliham \\' iliiarn .. 1 71<br />

Collins Joba ••••• n :ll I> IlIlh:: III<br />

'"<br />

Westley •• 1 71<br />

Colli",,; Joseph •••• :l 26 j~ (·I~ Da:liel J, •••• 1 71<br />

COllllor '.i'i:liam .. 9 15 E'~!lI()llsO" ,hs,.••. 2 20<br />

Connur John, ., •••

WHITC[!UHCH.<br />

: COX. NO'j CON. NQ.<br />

Gorham Eli •••••• :) 32 Hucheeson Geo •• 2 17<br />

GO\;Oal' PiJilip •••• 5 1 I HUllt Joseph •••• 2 33<br />

~OW,~II'. l\licl?ael. •• 4 1 Hunter Dalliel. ••• 6 7<br />

(.0\\ ,II Plllhp •••. 4 9 Hutson -- .... 3 H<br />

Graham Geo •••• 0 10<br />

GI'uham John •••. 9 10<br />

Grahaln Hobt • • •. 9 10<br />

Graham Rich •.•. 9 10<br />

Graham Andrew .. 9 10<br />

Grabam Wm •.•. :.! a3<br />

Graham Peter.... 1 76<br />

Graham Adam •.. 77<br />

II ackings \V m. . .. 1<br />

fJacking~ Jno ••.. 4<br />

Harty James •.•. 5<br />

Hartv James •••. 5<br />

Hart;nan Lott. ••• 1<br />

Hartley -- .... 3<br />

Hartman Henry .. 4<br />

lIatt James .• : ••• 1<br />

Hawley Elijah. • .• I<br />

Haynes Aaron ..•• 6<br />

Haycock Levi ••• , 1<br />

f1elemca Frederick 9<br />

Henderson Daniel. 6<br />

Henderson Andrew 9<br />

Hewitt Israel.... 1<br />

Hewitt Joseph •.•. 1<br />

Hill Capt:lin ...... 1<br />

Hill Wm, jun •••• 6<br />

Bill Thomas •••. 7<br />

Hill Alexander •.•. 7<br />

Hillard Tilos •.•• 1<br />

Hillman Wm ..•••• 5<br />

Hilts Joremiah •.• 2<br />

Hollingshead Geo.J 3<br />

Hollingshead Amos 3<br />

Holmes Chus •••. 1<br />

Howey J ame51. • •. 2<br />

93<br />

21<br />

5<br />

11<br />

80<br />

]8<br />

9<br />

95<br />

9-l<br />

30<br />

87<br />

17<br />

G<br />

1<br />

94<br />

94<br />

93<br />

6<br />

16<br />

18<br />

94<br />

11<br />

9<br />

33<br />

31<br />

93<br />

34<br />

Jackson John ..•• 2<br />

J aekson Eleanor .• 2<br />

Jacohs Wm •••••• 1<br />

J',cobs .John••...• a<br />

James John •••••• I<br />

Jamieson James •• 8<br />

J amiesoll Samuel.. fj<br />

J ebb Thomas A •• 1<br />

Jeremy Allll ••••••<br />

Johnston Jucoh .••<br />

J oitnston J 'dnes ..•<br />

Johnston Vincent ••<br />

Johnston Isaac •••<br />

Jollllston John •••.<br />

Jones Alexander .•<br />

J ones· Norman .••.<br />

Jord:l'l Peter •••.<br />

2<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

1<br />

8<br />

4<br />

King Athan •••.• 1<br />

Laing Jacob D ... 3<br />

Larland James. .. 1<br />

Larmount Geo. . •. 1<br />

Lan'ie Joseph .•.. 4<br />

Laughton J no ••..• 3<br />

Law Michael •••. 10<br />

Law Martin •..•• 10<br />

Law Henry •..... 7<br />

Law \Vm •••••••.<br />

Lawrie Andrew.. 5<br />

Lawrie B enry. • .. 7<br />

Leapel' Thos . • •• 4<br />

Lee Jas •••••••• 7<br />

LeggWm ..••..• 4<br />

Lemon J ac.op • • •• 7<br />

90<br />

8<br />

10<br />

93<br />

11<br />

8<br />

1)<br />

4<br />

4<br />

67<br />

3<br />

-1<br />

93<br />

31<br />

911<br />

78<br />

19<br />

7<br />

·1<br />


150 WHITC[lURCH.<br />

cox. N0.1<br />

Lemo" .Joshua•••• G A I<br />

Lemon Bottis •••• 5 12 '<br />

Lemon Elizabeth 6 8<br />

Lemon J llcob •••• 7 ft<br />

Lemon Josepll .••• 8 1 (I<br />

Lewis Eleazer. • •• 1 94<br />

Little Christopher. 3 20<br />

Lloyd James •••• 3 5<br />

Llovd Garret . . .• 3 8<br />

Llo~-d·Jesse .••••• 3 14<br />

Lloyd Jas •••••••• 1 7";<br />

Lto;·d John ...... 2 14<br />

Llovd 'I'm .•.••• 1 91<br />

Logan Edward ••• ;j 12<br />

Long JameOl •.••• 9 13<br />

Love Mathew •••• 2 7<br />

Loveley Patrick •• 1 9'1<br />

LOlinl Gahriel.... 1 fH<br />

Lundy \i'm., jllu'!' 4 :3.)<br />

Lundv Eh~llezer .• 4 :l7<br />

LUlldy Eleazer S • 4 31<br />

Lundy Samuel .••• 4 33<br />

Lundv Isaac •••••• 2 2:-)<br />

LUlJ(fv ElJos ••••.• :) ~:;<br />

LUlld~ Johll, sell .• 5 :l(i<br />

Lym,:tt Ulick •••• 4 8<br />

Lyncll ;\liehael.. ••<br />

LyLlville Thos •••• 1 37<br />

Lyolls Thomas. • •• 1 95<br />

Machell Rich •••• 1 80<br />

Machell Mathew •• 3 23<br />

Mackev Wm •••• 3 lL<br />

Mackl,;m Jame3 •• 5 L<br />

Macklam Wm •••• 6 23<br />

Macldam J ohll •••• 6 2<br />

Macklam Thomas. 5 2<br />

March David •••• 4 4<br />

Hares John •••••• 1 65<br />

Marshall James ••• 1 al<br />

co~. NO.<br />

[\lathewsoll \Vm .• 6 8<br />

l\1arlill (;eo ••••• 6 28<br />

MI;13 Reuben •••• 3 ·6<br />

i\Jiddlf'lo:\ Alex'r .• 3 1<br />

.\lliiard Tllliorily •• 1 95<br />

Mil!ani Tho" .••• 1 94<br />

I'dillard John.... 95<br />

t,lillard TlIllothy •• 3 10<br />

ill iLldeidla 11 ,\ uller. 1 95<br />

i\lilche!1 D.!Lllis •• 9 9<br />

,'I" ik Caplain •••• 1<br />

rdo,~'It'\' W:n •••• 1<br />

i\IIIshc;' Thus •••• 1<br />

,~l"w,i~il J')seph " :).<br />

!"l'l~aL:illl;1I1 \i'm .• 7'<br />

1\1 q~"citllall D.lvid. 7<br />

:\lll~,,('ilnan Peler • R<br />

j\jll,sei'llall Jacob. 8<br />

l\l!:Cnl'ly David •• 2<br />

i\]cC,lstiano Join. 2<br />


'''morer-iURCH.<br />

CGl'. :,\0.\<br />

Ower.s Fra,.cis • ..:3 8 Rohinson "' ....\... B"... 1<br />

. I nO\Jili:::).) 1 /\.tnos •• 5<br />

Pagc Stephen •••• 8 4, H.{,bj"S,):i AlnlflfY(; l1<br />

Parker R(,bert •••• 9 1 I [{"hi:.,"'" Selh •••• ;)<br />

Pc:d\i'.SUl! Juo ... a 4 27 Roc (~eorge •••.• G<br />

Roe \VIII •••.••••<br />

R"w!""d ,!ohn •••. :)<br />

Palte,.::;»d \': m •••• U<br />

l'a!:cnWll AI:ctr(;\V 7<br />

PfllerSOIl Al d',,·, jr 7<br />

PattersOil \\ hilfield 8<br />

Patch Olllliha!l •.•<br />

PenrsorJs Th{HllHS.<br />

Pearsons Peter ••.•<br />

l)earsoil ~~,.Hl)Ut;l<br />

••<br />

:3<br />

!:!<br />

1<br />

1<br />

J'lJarso:l lamps ••••<br />

Peurotlll EClIj ••••<br />

Pearsoll J(,SCi,h ••• 1<br />

Penros I"aac, • • •• 1<br />

I'\lillips SJ.mllcl •.• 7<br />

Plill,t Jer(;mi.~li '" 4<br />

Pl.y(",· Isaac •••• 4<br />

Phl\tCi' Weldoll •• 1<br />

Pfn),-tel' Jtln1cs", ••• 3<br />

I'hnter Watson W 5<br />

Pla)·tel· Geo •••.• !j<br />

l' la \'tel' Aaron. • •• 1<br />

Pla)·lt'r Thol:l..... 1<br />

l)rimfose Dr •••••<br />

Randall John •••.• 3<br />

Randhll Joseph ••• 4<br />

Randall EJwarci .• f)<br />

If alluall Asa •••.• - !j<br />

Raper Thos. . • . .• 2<br />

Reader Will..... [)<br />

Reader Emon • • •• 5<br />

Reynold .. George •• 4<br />

Richardson Wm .• "<br />

Riehardson W m •• 2<br />

Richardson Dlnid, 3<br />

Richal'dsoll John.. 3<br />

., ~ I<br />

:1 I<br />

9<br />

21<br />

lO<br />

90<br />

8fi<br />

8'1<br />

en<br />

!) I<br />

U3<br />

11<br />

:2\)<br />

31<br />

81<br />

H,os" S.lIn'.:ei ••••• 9<br />

nllilll,Jt~ {; .••••• 4<br />

UuselJgali Francis .. 1 U<br />

Sagon Mielmcl .,.<br />

~e;~dl!ii~,~ CiLti L's. 2<br />

Seil~oll \\~nl •••.•• 8<br />

S!::lrp JU!11I •••••• 1<br />

Si,l':! !L'IlI' ...... 4<br />

~Iil·i~on ~,i;tthe\\' •• 1<br />

SI,icrk JIJ~C!:I: •••• :3<br />

S;,lpllIal: Eila •••• 1<br />

S!il'i;.rley BollI •••• 2<br />

Shrigley ~1111dod •• '2<br />

SiI·,r,,, J oh·, ...... 1<br />

Sillll'''''l1 Gco •••• 1<br />

SilllfH~OIl \\'In .••• 1<br />

87 I ~!I1iti, I~;'llb('t! •••. 5<br />

0:3 ' ~!rllih hili ••••••• 4<br />

i ~'ilil h Mary •••••• 1<br />

30 I Smith ~hJ'islnpiler 2<br />

30 I S,,](lt'I' (.Gorge •••• :3<br />

S,.O\nleu Thomas. 1<br />

Sparli .John .••.•• 3<br />

Sprill;! Dauiel •••• 8<br />

Spooller Jas. S •••• 8<br />

25 Stakdey Fauny ••• 5<br />

:3 SIal. ely i\)ary •••. 4<br />

34 Starr Moruecai.... 4<br />

17 Slean Jolin ...... 1<br />

Hi Stedmall Geo 4<br />

13' Steels Dauiel •••• 2<br />

Gt<br />

~):J<br />

7<br />

2<br />

6<br />

I<br />

:3~<br />

94<br />

2H<br />


152 WHITCHURCH.<br />

en?!. ,,0.<br />

() 10<br />

CON.<br />

Slc!'ls Thomas .••. :2<br />

"0'1<br />

J 2 , Vodden Law~e:Jee<br />

S(("":l Thomas .••. 3 2:3 .<br />

Steel, John .•••.• 3 2~! 4 \Vallnee William .. :):1<br />

Steohens 'Vm...•. 2 ~g '\Y ztllace \\,iliiam .. 1 94<br />

Stel,hen" Shadrack. 2 28 \Val,,,:r James .•.. \} 1<br />

Stcphr:iI~ .I oshu~ ••• 1 83 '''/ :~I fllSl ':',.' ~~Ol()l}]()!l<br />

Stephensun Johl: ..• 3 18 I, ".ra'tqn .~ ~ ':...;'-·:e 2 1'2<br />

II<br />

\Valrc~n D,lVid .. , . 1 8,1<br />

:-1tel'hp;lS()[1 ~,:,<br />

TIl'lmn'" 1<br />

Stool\.Q \V illianl .••• .. 3l \Ya:'ilcv John .. I. :1 34<br />

Sto\l(;~:r Abraham .. [) 1 Wac',I,.> i,el'ry .••• 4 19<br />

II<br />

Stc)",:f',:r Abr'm jnll'r !) '2 n' .':.f 1,,': :.1 idmcl. • a 3,1<br />

I<br />

8lou:fcr John, ..••. 9 I \Vat~~():; Wm. I •••• 1 82<br />

SIU tTl Johll ..••••.<br />

"<br />

el Ii \r,,\ li"'2; Rich'd,scn :3 :3:1<br />

\\' ,'.:,b Isanc ....... 1 W~<br />

Syd,j"d-) J()~I'ldl •• ~. '2 1 :3<br />

;';1',;,1"':" Samuel., . :2 ~O Ii "'/ ,-I;:-;Ie,' .1 hl"lham S 29<br />

il \\' ells \','m. ...... 3 :3 I<br />

'rU\ l,;r .faro.',::" •••• ;1 :3l We!l, Job ..•.•..• 1 7!J<br />

Tn~ 1.-,1' .!"c"p:!. ••• , 3 :31 \VeUs .lacob•.••.• 1 'iO<br />

Te(;r,r.J r)~rd'l~rt. .•• 2 I L 'IN dsil John., ..•.• 8 10<br />

'l't-.,: j:~ rd j~~ i ('ll : rd .•• 70 I \\' cst Jno •.•...•• .) 301,<br />

, ~ , P, , , j<br />

Sitnon ..•..•. :~ G White Elollzo .... 9 l~.<br />

I<br />

Tennv John ....•• :~ \l'hite \\'ilIinm .••. () 1 :J.<br />

Terry ;\:~ i)~{~:-: ..... '2 :3.2 \\'hite i\;:lIlcy ••••• 1 WI<br />

ThulllasGeo{~( 'add2 19 White Willi~ITl .... !H<br />

Thompson \\'illiam 1 64 \\' ideman Lndewick 8 1<br />

Thomp,son .Ino.•. , 2 29 \ridderfi(,Jd \\'illiam 0 -2!l<br />

Thompson TI,omas 1 fll Wi,lderfHd l~e!J.i'm 6 2~.<br />

Thompson George 3 2J Widd;cr!1pld !lellr\,. 3 :12<br />

Widdis Tilo's .•• : . 1 g;j<br />

'i\I'J:c ,\;tJ'o)!l, jnnio!' :3 ,,'" \\' ill:ins Roh't. .•.. g 31<br />

Toole Aaron, senior 3 28 WiliiamsonWIIl,jun 4 19<br />

Tool.) l\l

W!-HTCmJRCH. ]53<br />

CON. N0'1<br />

CON NO.<br />

~~ls.?!l Hob!. •••• 1 04 \Vinn·WJlli"m •••. 3 24<br />

"hl!!s J08p.ph •••• 1 74 Wress;>ll Leo:Jurd •. 3 10<br />

Wi!lis Isaac •••.• 1 75'<br />

\\'il:on Samuel •••• 3 1 t I Your.g Tho's .•••• 3 16<br />

POI'ULA'fIOX-Males-above 16, 747; Males uuder 18,714 ;<br />

FcmaIl'B abo\'e Hi, 585; Females l",eer HJ, 534.'­<br />

Total,25RH.<br />

WHITBY.<br />

"NOTE-BP mrclIs brokrn front.<br />

co~. ]\"o.j CON. NO.<br />

Ahhol! J03:,pl; .••. BF ::'5 P,airlwin 'rllf,S •••• 7 2<br />

Adams J n:'cih •••.

154 \V IlITBY.<br />

co: .. ;;0,\<br />

CON. 1'0.<br />

nri/!'gs Wm •••••• 8. 21 Chc'lH1J

\VHITBY, 155<br />

(JON. NO. I<br />

t:{J'I. xo.<br />

Crank Jacob •• '" 7 29 Dow Wm.) jun'r ., 5 19<br />

Crawford Caleb •• 2 2:1 I Dow Pet~r. , ••.•. 2 23<br />

Crawford Henry •• :J 34 Drew HIram ••••• 1 14<br />

Crooks Th08 •••.•. 4 18 Drew Joseph •••.• BF 14<br />

Curtain Michael •• BF 11 Dryden James ..•• 7 20<br />

Curtis 'rhos...... 1 27 Dl'lnkle Joseph ... 2 4~<br />

Currie J Ohll •••••• 5 5 I' Dustin David.... 1 11<br />

Currie Samuel •••. 5 2 EdmonclsEliphalet BF 13<br />

CUller Daniel •••. 7 :31 EllioltJohn ..••.. 9 10<br />

Haly Delluis ..•••. 1 10 Elliott Isaae ..•.. 6 17<br />

Daly Thomas ..•. 5 7i Elsworth Philip ..• 2 24<br />

Davidsoll Jno •••. 2 22 Elswortll Caleb .• 4 '.l t<br />

Davis Elloch •••. 8 12: Ewings A bel. • . •• 1 16<br />

Davenport Jas .••. 5 13 I Euxcne Richard .. 6 e<br />

Day Joel •••.•••. BF 10 FarewellW.tJ.c2dBF .,<br />

Dearborn Sam'J .• BF 1;3 I Farewell IS~Hlc ..• 1 0)<br />

Dearborn Henry .. 3 11 Farewell A. :'11.,8'1' 1 4<br />

Dearborn S •••..• 5 13 l .... r

l ~ ,.,<br />

1,)',)<br />

n'mTBY.<br />

COS. :';0"<br />

(;:\:,.:,,';f 3:, pb21l •• 3 :)2<br />

(;ar;!'ef RIch •• " 8 10<br />

(; i h 1:5 J () II B •• : • •• 1 2 1<br />

,; ;btu Thos .••••• 1 It<br />

G:030,' ,I;lfllC,; •••• 3 :2,1<br />

(»d}~JI'J LynlJrl ••• 6 2<br />

'.'ilcll:',s: S"lIIucl •• 1 4<br />

Gilbert GG"rt.~'· ••• 7 21<br />

GI~bl'rl Cl""il"l' •• 7 21<br />

Gillivray J"!ld .••• 3 32<br />

G l.)ster \r III • • • •• ~ I;)<br />

Gor·.:u!J Juh,~ •.••• (j l~j<br />

GOih.imJll~cl'l,... 11<br />

COU~\~ (lcOl'g0 • • • • l<br />

GoulJJosepiJ •••• 4, 5<br />

Graballl j{"ut •••• 6 7<br />

Gmham \'/'d •••• 6 :33<br />

Greig AI, ::;'1' ••••• 7 7<br />

Griffill Daniel ••••.) 3,1<br />

Groat Fuller ••••• 7 11<br />

Groat 0 ......... :2 l;)<br />

Groat Ebet:czer:2d 2 16<br />

Grc,lt Arie! •••.. , 5 17<br />

(;roat. ~:ajJdi,~~J ••• 7 21<br />

Gn:lt H~l)r~ •••.• 6 HI<br />

Groat P I'esto,l • • •• 7 I D<br />

qroat John •••.•• 5 17<br />

Groat Je,;se ...... 5 13<br />

Groat EI,enczer •• '2 27<br />

Haight EI,j:th •••• I 11<br />

Hair Artlllll' •.••.• 7 21<br />

Halellbeck Peter •• 8 20<br />

[Jail Enos ••••••• 2 14<br />

Hall Will •••••••• 2 35<br />

Hall Wm ........ BF 1<br />

Hall Hllrace • • • •• 1 9<br />

Hall Jabez ...... 9 16<br />

HlIll Lewis •••••• 3 11<br />

Hall Calvin •••••• SF 8<br />

Hall Samuel. • • •• 2 12<br />

CON. rw.<br />

[Jan J:IOlCS " •••• '2 12<br />

I] all I. a. • • • • • • •• 1 11<br />

IJalslf.~::d Thos •••• !i 26<br />

IJamilroll Arel.'d .. llF 27<br />

Ilarnden Lilther, SI' 8 14<br />

II aflldeil Lutiler, jr 9 15<br />

l!.lrlvW J""hll I ••• 2 2:l<br />

thrpedticil'J.. 6 10<br />

il.l rper 'II,' a!t.~r ... :z 16<br />

lJarllel' Wm •••.• fj 10<br />

il:..rpol' John ••••• 7 13<br />

tL,rpl'f Frall{'ls ••• 8 8<br />

ILI':ioYI Wm •••• 1 27<br />

tlarri .; Natliull ••• 7 18<br />

1l.:.ri,Jv!Il .•••.• EF 14<br />

lLrtriss Benry •• 1 34<br />

aart I>d.r •• : ••• 4 17<br />

ilaltE,1(JC:1U •••• 3 10<br />

llarvc\- J a:lles •••• J 33<br />

11avod' Will ••••.• S 6<br />

lla~'\\'ood elias D. 3 32<br />

t-iolZL'w()od Nathan:.! 14<br />

r·LtZ.~;'!L~ { ilr:is ••<br />

! !;l'.vde:31l'\" J alnes. 4:<br />

flo', hel, \V m .... RF<br />


WHITBY.<br />

Hl1<br />

CO:N. KO.:'<br />

Hill Anthony ••••. 1 15<br />

Hinkson George.. 2 8<br />

Hillksoll Ge()rge •• BF 12<br />

Hinkson Ransom .. 2 13<br />

Ilickillhotlom John 3 31<br />

Hill & Hohinson •• 2 16<br />

CON. :r;o.<br />

Byfield John ••••• 3 18<br />

Hyfidd Joseph ••• 4 34<br />

Hyland Wm ••••. 3 16<br />

Hvland John ••••• 3 17<br />

Hyland Peter. • • •• 4 Hi<br />

Ilong John ............. 2 16 Irons Richard ........ 4 ~2<br />

Hodgson Thos •••• 8 12 Irwille James •••• 2 34<br />

Hodg3'lnJospph ... 719<br />

Hodges Lloyd •••. BF 15<br />

Holcomo Benj .••• 1 27<br />

iloneprell Dan'] D 6 12<br />

IJopl\~ns.John •••• 8 17<br />

Hortlsillgcr Philii,.BF 34<br />

Hood Henry .•••• 3 34<br />

llouek Le\;is S •• 1 25<br />

nouek Christcpher 1 29<br />

n ouek Philip •••. 1 28<br />

ij:ouck George. . •. 1 28<br />

Janes Michael. ••• 9 19<br />

J aoes Rohert •••• 7<br />

Jamieson James •• 1<br />

Jamieson Chas •.• 5<br />

3Q<br />

9<br />

13<br />

JeffreyGrace: ••• 1 25<br />

,Jeffley Wm. -••••• 1 7<br />

Jerome Asci: • • •• 7 SO<br />

Jewell Austin •••• 2 22<br />

Johnston Alex. • •• 2 23<br />

II oskills Chester,. 8 18 Karr Harvev.... 5 11<br />

Howden John .... 8 16 Karl' John.: ..... fi 11<br />

H~oward John •••• 2 3 Kan Thomas •••• 7 r,<br />

'rjoward Samuel .• 2 3 Karr Julins •• , ••• 7 33<br />

flowal'd Erastus .• 2 21 Karr Asel S ••••• 7 31<br />

Howard John •••• 2 S Karr David •••••• 7 31<br />

iI'ickings NO

158 WHITBY·<br />

CON. NO.<br />

tlO!'!'. NO,<br />

Lake Thos ...... 1 12 Marsh Henry ••••• 6 20<br />

Lake Richard •••• 5 9 Marsh Wm •••••• 2 15<br />

Lake Joseph ••••• 5 7 Marsh Israel ••••• 7 18<br />

Lamb Francis •••• ::l 16 Mason Andrew ••• 5 12<br />

Langley Geo .•••• 2 18 Mastins Jacob •••• 4 33<br />

Lawrence \V m ••• 4 35 Martin Aaron •••• 2 19<br />

Lawrence Andrew 1 4 Martin Alvah •••• 2 1;;<br />

Ledson Geo ••••• 1 23 Martin Jeremiah •• 1 20<br />

Lee George •••••• 5 8 Martin Sanford •••• 1 16<br />

Lennard Nathan •• 4 7 Martin Thos ••••• I 20<br />

Lenr.ard David ••• 4 7 Martin Richard ••• 8 6<br />

Lennard Reuben •• 5 7 Martin Thos ••••• 5 lJ<br />

Lennard Daniel •• 1 8 Martin Jacob •••• 4, 3$<br />

Lewis Wm •••••• 9 31 Martin Richard .•• 6 24<br />

Lewis Thos •••••• 6 9 Matimo J •••••••• 8 33<br />

Lewis Philip •••.• 1 30 Mathison Wm •••• 7 26<br />

Lock Alvah •••••• BF 13 I\faw Wm •••••••• 7 2a<br />

Lock Thomas •••• BF 9 Maylon James •••• 8 9<br />

Lock Moses ••••• BF 9 Maylon James, sen 9 8i<br />

Losie Ahraham •• BF 26 May Isaac ••••••• 5 9<br />

Lovejoy John •••• 3 10 Medcalf Isaac •••• 1 4<br />

Low Geo. H •••.• 2 20 Megan Henry •••• BF 2'<br />

Luke Thos .••••• 1 12 Megan T ..••..•. BF 14:<br />

Luke Richard •••• 5 9 Megan Asa •••••• BF 22<br />

Luke Joseph ••••• 5 7 Michael John •••• 5 18<br />

Luman Daniel •••. 5 19 Miller Samuel •••• 9. 28<br />

Lynde W. Hawkins 1 29 Miller Robert •••• BF 10<br />

Lvnde Jabez •••.. 2 31 Miller Joseph •••• 6 4-<br />

Lynde Carlton •••• 2 35 Mitchell John •.•• 3 4<br />

Lynde Sylvester •• 3 30 Moffitt John ••.••• 9 11<br />

Lynscott Elisha •• 7 15 Moffitt Joseph •••• 9 11<br />

Monro Wm •••••• 2 16<br />

Maltman Joseph 7 8 Moon Richard •••• S 6<br />

Mansfield Hiram •• 7 20 Moore George •••• 4 17<br />

Mansfield Henry •• 6 31 Moore Thos ••••• 5 18<br />

Marsh Anna ••••• 6 19 Moore Henry •••• 6 18<br />

:\larsh Samuel •••• 2 16 ,Moore Wm. F •••• 1 is<br />

Marsh Robert •••• 2 17 ; Moore John ...... SF 22<br />

Marsh John •••••• 6 20 I Moore SI~bhen ••• 2 3<br />

.M~nJh Randal •••• 2 15 Moore Ro ert •••• 7 7

WHITBY.<br />

11'>0<br />

CON. NO,<br />

Moore Daniel. • •• 3 24<br />

Moore Oliver •••• 2 31<br />

!VIorris Ambrose •• 2 22<br />

Morrow Robert •• BF 2<br />

Mortimer John ••• BF 27<br />

Mothersell George 2 '2<br />

Moules John ••••• 9<br />

:lQ<br />

Muir James •••••• 1 27<br />

Mulloy Barr.abas •• 3 33<br />

Murray Fleming •• 8 27<br />

1v1uJ'Tay John •.••• 9 27<br />

M.cAl'thur Wm ••• 2 4<br />

Mcllrian Henry •• 5 34<br />

1!1cBrian Edward. 5 34<br />

OON. NO.<br />

McTaggar~ Daniel 9 2.1<br />

McVav Andrew •• 4' 34<br />

N~pp Daniel N ... 7' 15<br />

Nash Abner ••.•• BF. 26<br />

Nesbitt James. • •• 4 16<br />

Nicholls Barber •• 8 14<br />

Nicholls Wm •••• 6 29<br />

N icbolls Alex •• ;. {) 27<br />

Norton Asa •••.•• 1 27<br />

Ohcllmpock Peter. 1 4<br />

Ormillster Lockhart 7<br />

Orvis Isaac •••••• 3 . 35<br />

Orvis Eleazer n .. 1 35<br />

Oxley John •••••• 7 28.<br />

~cCann Tkos. . •. 2 34<br />

M,cCarter 'Vm ••• 2 4 II Padgett Wm ••••• BF<br />

AtlcDonald Green .. 2 28 II Page Charles W •• 1<br />

l\fcDon~lddeNori(Jn 1 27 \' Palmer Chas .•••• 2<br />

McDonald Peter.. 1 27 P ardol! W m.. • • •. 3<br />

McDonald Wm ••• 7 7, Pasco fhomas •••• 5<br />

I}cDonald Andrew 1 11 Payne Charles •••• 31<br />

McDougall fJugh;' 1 2 Paxton George •••<br />

}):cDougall John .. 1 6 Paxton Wm ...... :3<br />

McGaw Thos •••• 4, 2 . Pearson Robt ••••<br />

McGill John ••••• 4 3 'Penrson Thos, , jU!l i<br />

MeG ill George •• 3 7 Pearson Joseph. "." 1<br />

McGowan Michael 8 33 . Pendergrass Pat'k .. 7<br />

McGregor J~hn •• 1 )'1 ! Perry A. W ••••• 1<br />

McGregor Peter •• ~ 6 Phelps L •• v'' ••• 8<br />

McGregor John •• 2' 33 . Phillips Wm ...... 6<br />

l\?c1ntyreJohn .... 6 24 l'hillipsJames .... 6<br />

McIntvre Thomas. 2 6 Pickell Wm •••••• 3<br />

McKay Mathias •• 2 32 I Picbll Wi dow ••• BF<br />

McKenzie Kenneth 2 33 Pollard Samuel ••• 1<br />

~cKenzie George 7 6 Post Orange ••••• 8<br />

McLean John .... 9 25 Powell Wm ...... 1<br />

McMullen George 6 24 Powell Wm •••••• 6<br />

McMullen Thomas 5 24 Powers Wm ••••• 7<br />

McNalIvPatrick .. BF 29 Priest P ......... 4<br />

McPhe;son George 2 23 Prindle Samuel B. 8<br />

2<br />

25<br />

:.!2<br />

i7<br />

30<br />

o<br />

I<br />

11<br />

3Q<br />

30<br />

18<br />

18<br />

H;<br />

::10<br />

27<br />

26<br />

8<br />

9<br />

5<br />

23<br />

25<br />

19<br />

27<br />

20<br />

11<br />

28<br />


160 WHITBY.<br />

CON, NO,<br />

Preston Uenj',l 0 .. 9 15<br />

Quarry James •••• 1 19<br />

nay Thomas.... 1<br />

Ray John ..•••••• 8<br />

Ray Amos •.•••.• 1<br />

Ratcliffe J oha • • •• (j<br />

Rc-od David .••..• :2<br />

Reader Philip •••. 1<br />

l~tad::;rJosepll •••• UP<br />

Redmall Josl~ua •.• 3<br />

[tester Isai;Jl ••.• ,1<br />

~~ct;::Hick 'IV m •••• 5<br />

Reynolds Chas •••• 5<br />

Richardson Will .• :J<br />

Ri-chrrrdson A. C 9<br />

Hichmona Richard 4<br />

}lidley John ...... 1<br />

Hitson Johll ••••.• 1<br />

Robinson Uellj. • •• 2<br />

Hobinson & II ill ••. 2<br />

flobinson John. • •• 6<br />

Robinson Luke<br />

Robertson Henry • 7<br />

Uogers Joseph L .• 6<br />

RatTers Edm'd N .• UF<br />

Rogers Benjamin .. BF<br />

Hogers Be/lj'n J .. UP<br />

Ross II ugh •••..• 7<br />

Ross J anles. . . . .. 2<br />

Rowbotham Piercc 9<br />

Rowse John .•••• 8<br />

Russell Joseph J ... 4<br />

Salter James. • . •• 7<br />

Sargeant John •.•. I3F<br />

Sawyer John ..... 7<br />

Seeley Wm ..... . BF<br />

See lev Justus A " BF<br />

Seeley J lIstUq W •• OF<br />

CON. !'IC!.<br />

Shaw Wm .•••••• L '22'<br />

Shaw James ••••• 8 l:~<br />

Shaw .Iohn ••••.• 9 22<br />

12 Shaw Marlin ••••. 1 8<br />

14 Shearer \I'm.•••. 8 26<br />

12 Shearer John •••• 9 2l<br />

6 Sbeffidd John •••• 8 113<br />

34 Shipman Caleb .•• 1 2l<br />

10 Si!:uway John •.•. 8 :?~<br />

~ 1 Singer 'Belljamin.. 8 !.l<br />

21 51,ne Edward •••• L 1()<br />

20 SkilJllcr Hiram. " -1 :~<br />

8<br />

16<br />

15<br />

Smith Henry P . .. 3 ~)<br />

Smith Lawrence •• 3 2;)<br />

Smith James' .• ~ •. !3 25,<br />

2:3 Smith Silas .••..• B F 24"<br />

a:3 ,Smith \Vm '" ••• BF 21<br />

:j2 I Smith Slephctl,j'r .. BF- 21<br />

,8 Smith Stephen .... 4 17<br />

22 I Sm~th Abraham ••• ~I: 24'<br />

16 Sll11th Johll ...... I3l' :24<br />

13 Smith Daniel •••• I3F 24<br />

Smith Edward .••. BF 20<br />

28 Smith Widow •••• 8 10<br />

33 II Smil!1.J aC(Jb A ••• 7 13<br />

1:.i I Smith David •••• , :3 25<br />

15 I Snider lIeilry C •• 7 2l<br />

l~ \ Snider Philip •.••. 8 4<br />

1 L i Somerville Jas. T.:2 24<br />

10 ' Somerville Thomas;) 2~<br />

2:3 Sorel,berger B. • •• 1 26<br />

3:2 Sou ley George .,. ,1 28<br />

3"1 Spragge.l. II ••.• 6 12,<br />

, Spears Rohert ..•• 3 35<br />

11 Spencer Clark •••• !l 13<br />

5 Spencer Morris .•. 5 1:3<br />

23 Squelch Wm .•... 9 S<br />

22 Stafford David •••• :2 g;)<br />

22 Starr Jas •••.•••. :2 22<br />

23 Starr Jesse ..•••.. '.3 17

CON. NO.<br />

5:arl" Hatton •••.• 6 20<br />

Starr Jas., jun •••. 6 18<br />

Stevens Alex'r •••. 7 30<br />

Stevens Abraham •• 4 25<br />

Stevens Elisha .•••• 3 17<br />

Stevens Allan ••••. 6 3<br />

Stevens Thomas •• 6 4<br />

Stevens James •••• 1 2<br />

Stevenson Thomas. 2 13<br />

Stevenson J ohl1 ••• 3 4<br />

~tevenson D ...... BF 18<br />

Stevenson Noble •• 5' 33<br />

Still Hannah ••••• 1 25<br />

Stone Marshall B .•. 2 8<br />

Stone Edmund •••. 1 8<br />

S-tone Charles •••• 3 28<br />

Storts Henry ••••• .8 22<br />

5tory Richard •••• 2 14<br />

Strand David •••• ;) 20<br />

Strand John •••••• 3 !2<br />

. ~utherland Chas •• SF 17<br />

Swainston Henry •• 9 33<br />

Switzer Adam •••• 9 31<br />

Sylvesier Nehemiah 4 17<br />

WHITBY. 161<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Thcmas Wm •••• 1 IS<br />

. Thornton Robert H. 2 16<br />

T'oofWhitcomb ••• 2 22<br />

Town Duncan •••• 4 10<br />

Town Robert •••. 3 19<br />

Tracy Henry ••••• 6 ]2<br />

Truax Benj'n •••• BF 14<br />

Truax Harman •.• 6 3 L<br />

Tucker Joseph ••• 7 11<br />

Tupper James R •• 5 13<br />

Turner Sullivan ••• 2 10<br />

Tweedie James~ •• 3 29<br />

Ulliott John. • • . •• 9<br />

Ulliott Isaac ...... 6<br />

10<br />

17<br />

Vanalstine Peter •• 6 27<br />

Vanvlack John A .. 3 32<br />

VanviveJohn ••••• 1 ~2<br />

., Vickery Michael •• 8 9<br />

Wade James ••••• 2 17<br />

Walks James ...... 6 24<br />

. Walker Chittenden. 5 12<br />

Walker- W m. Alex. 1 2<br />

Tanner Luke •••.• 8 33 Wait B~rrett ...... :3 2<br />

Tanner Silas •••.• BF l WaitNorval •••••• 7 Ii<br />

Tard"iif W m. • • •• 5 23 Wallis JOElhua •••• BF 14<br />

Taylor Peter ••••• 3 22 Wallis John ...... 3 16<br />

TewilJiger Chas ••• 1 6 Walton John ••••• 7 S<br />

Tewilliger James •• 6 4 Ward Cornelius •• BF 27<br />

Tewilliger Abraham 1 6 Warren-John B ••• 1 20<br />

Thew George •••• B F 27 Watson John ••••• 2 3i<br />

Till Wm ......... 1 22 Watson Silas ••••• BF 27<br />

Tincomb M • • • • •• 1 27 Wats911 E ....... BF 25<br />

Thatcher ~dmond. 1 2 I Watson- H ••••••• 1<br />

Thorn Joseph •••• 5 2, Watson Wm.· •••• 6li'<br />

Thompson Jno •••• 4 24 I Water!!" Wrri.- ...... 4<br />

'thompson Albert. 5 35 Way Jacob ••••••• ~<br />

"fhon~p~on Jno .••• 2 24 Way A~os. ; ••••• G<br />

21<br />

l~<br />

2G<br />

21<br />


16:J WHITBY.<br />

00:-1. NO,<br />

Way William •••• 9 18<br />

Way John ....... I3F 34<br />

Way David ••••.• 4 24<br />

Webster Hiram ••• 7 13<br />

\V ebster Chester •• 7 ] 3<br />

\Vells (~ardl1er•••• 9 20<br />

\Vells Simon, jun'r 8 20<br />

Wells !'IIarlin·•••. 8 23<br />

\Vells Sirno:l ....• B 22<br />

Welsh John ...... BF 27<br />

Wigg Walter ••••• G 8<br />

\Vilcoxs:lIl Hobert. I ] 1<br />

Wilcoxson Thomas 6 12<br />

Wilkinson Joticpll • 5 ",<br />

Williams DaBie! •• 1 10<br />

t<br />

COX, X'i.<br />

Williamson John .. 7 11<br />

Wilson James •••• 2 34<br />

Wilson John ••..•• 1 7<br />

Wilsoll John •••.•• 2 8<br />

\Vil,oll Thomas .•• 6 17<br />

Wiisoll Christ'r .•• fiF 2<br />

'[ Winn Jacob ...... 6 20<br />

Winl1 Isaac ••••.• G 20<br />

Wood Thomas •••• 5 2:;<br />

\Vood Dalliel ••••• 5 ]5<br />

I<br />


GORE OF TOROl"i'TO. }6~<br />

Northern Dil)isinn.<br />

CON. N0'1 co~. :-:0.<br />

Dixon MichaeL ••• 7 16 Irwine Wm ....•. 7 8<br />

Dougherty Patrick. 9 11 I<br />

Dougherty Michael 7 11 Kearnes ~1ichaeJ.. 10 ]3<br />

Duuu .lauH's 11. .. 10 14 Kelly Edward ••.. ll J

164 GORE OF TORO~TO.<br />

Nortltern Division.<br />

COX. NO.<br />

MeVean Peter ..•. 10 12<br />

l-lc V,'an Archibald 8 6<br />

Mc V (':1lI Alex[luder 8 7<br />

l'tlcVeall Peter .••. 8 5<br />

Nnlri,,] Isaac •••. 11<br />

Natriss Thos ..•. 9<br />

O'B,iall Denni" ... 10<br />

O'Connell Nicholas 10<br />

Odlam Abraham .. 8<br />

Panman \Ym •...•• 8<br />

Parr flenry .•••.. lO<br />

Parr Josep'l .•.•• 10<br />

Parsons lsadman Wm ., ••• 9<br />

Redman Jos ...••. 9<br />

Redmall Thos .•.• 9<br />

Reed Nathaniel ••• 7<br />

Ridge David •• , .10<br />

Robinson Abel ...• 10<br />

eON. ",n.<br />

Ross David .•.••• 7 6<br />

Russell Catherine.IO 15<br />

Russell Thomas .•• 9 15<br />

Sanderson J oho ••• 7<br />

9 Sharp Adam .••••• 8<br />

7 Sleightholm Wm •• HI<br />

Sleightholm James.IO<br />

Smith Robert •••• 8<br />

9 Stibb:mj Thos .••• 7<br />

17<br />

Thnmpson Jno ••.• 9<br />

Tra in Christopher .11<br />

13 Usher Colonel ..•• B<br />

~; il Wanl neorge •••• 7<br />

II Ward George .••• 7<br />

1~ II \~ebb Christopher. 8<br />

81 i \\ dey John •••••• 8<br />

7 I Wilson Robert. ••• a<br />

7 I Woodill John ••••• 7<br />

6 Ii W oodill Ann •.••• 7<br />

16 II' \~ ood!1l Robert .•• 7<br />

141 "ooddl Wm ••••• 8<br />

: Workman Thomas. "<br />

0<br />

:')<br />

6<br />

fl<br />

:<br />

16<br />

13<br />

10<br />

7<br />

5<br />

12<br />

2<br />

1·<br />

6<br />

:;<br />

5<br />

2<br />

12<br />


Southerl1 Division.<br />

cO:"'!. N0'1 tlO~. NO.<br />

Armstrong \Vm .• 7 :i Bell Henry ••••.• 7 1'4·<br />

Baldwin Connell •• 7 9 Brown James .•••• 7 ~<br />

Beare Henry •••• 7 12<br />

Geallle W.m •••••• 7 It I, Callaghan P atrit:k .. 9 9<br />

Bell Joseph •••••• 7 14 Campbell Jame,s •• 7 ~

GORE OF TORONTO. 165<br />

Southem Division.<br />

CON. NO.1! CON. :\0.<br />

Cook Richard •••• 7 15 McDollnell Alex .• 7 11<br />

Cook Hugh ••...• 7 11<br />

Dark Rieltnru ..••• 8 15<br />

Davis ~~atha"iel. .• 7 1~'<br />

Davis Joseph •••.. 7 5<br />

Ellerby Peter ••••• 8<br />

.:t"r-<br />

Gilllaghcl' Thomas 7 9<br />

Gardham John •. " 8 10<br />

Grcams Thos ••• " 7 15<br />

t<br />

H1ydon James •••. 8 9<br />

H.arrison EU!11ond . 7 3<br />

Jenkills Wm ••.• , 7 7<br />

Manning Samuel •• 7 6<br />

Middleton .I & R •• 8 :3<br />

l'tfcDonaldsoll Wm 8<br />

McDonnell Jo~m •• 7 13<br />

(.<br />

Nixon John •••.•• 7 15<br />

Nixon Andrew •.•. ., , 15<br />

I<br />

il Palmer Charles .•• R<br />

I Price James .•••.. 7<br />

!I l' d J 5<br />

I t..anla gc arnes .. 7<br />

I ReidJ ames •••... 7 7<br />

I Roughen John .••• 8 12<br />

Seller John •••..• 8<br />

Shaw ~amucl •••. 8 10<br />

Shaw Allan ••.••. 8 11<br />

Shaw Wm ••••.•• 7 ts<br />

Stubbs Wm •••..• 7 :.!<br />

U<br />

Thompwn Wm .•. 7 7<br />

Tomlinson Jas •••. 7 10<br />

Warl'ilow Geo •.•• 7 1~<br />

Pbl'rLATIO:\,-Males abovc 16,257; :,Iales uncle!' 16, C'413;<br />

Females abo\ e 16, ] 94; Females under 16, '2'.!,7.­<br />

Total. 926, ill Northert! aml Southern Dirisioils.<br />




Andrews J ohu, carpenter 'Imair Eliza, II idow<br />

Andrews Thos., carpent(;r BrO\\'d .Ifark, teamster<br />

Albeson John<br />

.<br />

'.<br />

I Coleman James, 5urgeol\<br />

Barr." Josepb, carpenter I Cox Robert, farmer

l66<br />


Carey JfJhn, brewer<br />

Campbell D. i\I., merchant<br />

Cameron Charles<br />

Cunklin B.<br />

Evans Joseph, farmer<br />

Fitzgerald Thos., grocer<br />

Ualbraith John, shoemaker<br />

Gourwood Edward, tailor<br />

Gill Thomas, tailor<br />

Lindsav John, miller<br />

Lallca~ter John, cooper<br />

l~agrath Rev. Jas. Erindalp<br />

Magrath T.\V. corn'r court<br />

(/If requests TOl"Onto,<br />

Erindale<br />

Magrath Wm. gentleman,<br />

Erinclale<br />

Magrath Jas.,j'r, merchant<br />

and post-master<br />

McGill John, gentlemam<br />

McGill Joseph, farmer<br />



Embleton Jno.land agent&c<br />

Freeborn Ancl'w, grocer, &c<br />

Foster Wm. shoemaker<br />

McCackney, tailor<br />

McCarron Hugh, cooper<br />

McCrarey Joseph, dyer and<br />

cloth dresser<br />

Glenclining John, farmer<br />

Glendining Wm., carpenter<br />

Glendining J as., carpenter<br />

Graham James, carpenter<br />

Gmis Jambs, Coopel<br />

Howell D'I, waggon-.maker<br />

Herron Patrick, carpenter<br />

Hyde John, inn-keeper<br />

Hazleton Wm., tailor<br />

Kigville John, teamster<br />

PaterRon W. H'v, merchaut<br />

Patterson James, farmer<br />

Proctor John, sawyer<br />

Post Office, Ransom aUtl<br />

Sheldon's<br />

Ransom & Sheldon merch'ls<br />

Rintoul Rev. Mr., Scotch<br />

Church<br />

Ryan - shoemaker<br />

Leavens Elijah, saddler<br />

Scarf John, tailor<br />

Smith Sandford, cabinet.<br />

Lewis J abez, shoemaker maker<br />

Lindsay John<br />

Stevens John, farmer<br />

Street Timothy, merchant<br />


TORO~TO.<br />

Old Survey.<br />

ciON. NO.<br />

CON.' ?\O.<br />

App!eby Rlch'd ..• S 1 11 CavanThos ••••• S 211<br />

Ashallel' John •••• N 1 8 phislone Daniel •• S 1 1<br />

Auslin Eb2nezer .• N 2 7 Clark John .••••• S 1 2<br />

Austin Joh:I ...... N 2 6 Chivers Rich'd ••• S 3 33<br />

Au~!i:l ,!"lIgas(lIs •• S 2 7 ClarksOIl Warren .. S 2 . '~9<br />

.Atls!in James ••••:s 2 "14<br />

1<br />

Conklin John •••• N 2. 33<br />

Al),tin Johll •.•... S<br />

1, 1 Coulkm Silas, India,ll<br />

i rese rv e. . . . . . 1 . ! 1<br />

i1ak2r John •••.•. S 1 1/ Collum Peter •••• S l' . 1<br />

Barber Duui

TORONTO.<br />

16Q<br />

Old Survey.<br />

CON. No. CON. N6.<br />

Forker John ••••• S 3 13 Hyett ~1ary •••••• S 3 ~9<br />

Fortner Geo ••••. S 1 32 Hyland Peter •••• S 1 9<br />

Gable Jacob ••••• S 1 35 Jarvis Fl'ed'k S.N&S 3 31<br />

Gable I-fenry •• ~ .• S 3 35 J eckland Christ'r .. S 2 32<br />

Gable Samuel. ••. S 3 35 Jefferson Chas ... S 1 9<br />

Gage Andrew .••• S 1 7 Jennison Wm .... N 1 7<br />

Gage Wm. M .... S 1 7 Jenkinson Wm ••. N 1 2<br />

Galbraith John ••• N 1 16 John ston H'y .. lndian village<br />

Gusllin John ••••• S 1 12 Johnston John •••• S 2 32<br />

Gilson Wm •••••. S 1 12 Johnston Henry •• S 2 31<br />

Gi,~sing A •••.••.. 2 ,39 Johnston Wm •••• N 1 9<br />

Grafton Stewart •• S 1 8 Jones John •••• Port Credit<br />

Granger Wm •••• N 1 5 Jones Peter .•• Indian village<br />

Graves James •••• S 2 26 Jordan Jeremiah •• N! 5<br />

Gordon James •••. S 2 14 Izard Rich'd ••••• S 1<br />

Greenes S •• ' •• '. S 2 33<br />

18<br />

Grcenes Peter •••• S 2 34 Kelly Wm •••••• N 1 13<br />

Hakins John •••• N 2<br />

Kelly Julia •••••• S 2 33<br />

8 Keyhoe Patrick ••• S 2 14<br />

Hall Wm ••• , •.• N 2 33 King Richard •••• S 3 27<br />

Hamilton Joseph .• N 1 9 Kirkley Jon'n •••• N 1 7<br />

Hammond W. K .. S 2 35 Kitchey Thos •••• N 1 31<br />

Hammond David •• S 1 35 Knox John •••••• N 1 7<br />

Harris James •••• N 1 16<br />

Harris Saml ••••• N 1 16 Lawrence J •••••• S 2 16<br />

Hastings T's .. Indian village Lawrence S •••••• S 2 16<br />

Hendershott Isaac .. S 3 26 Lee John •••• Indian village<br />

Hendershott Ph'p .. N 2 18 Ler.mard James ••• N 1 7<br />

Hemphill Nath')..S 2 31 Lewis Abijah •••• N 1 17<br />

Hickey Thos ... Port Credit Little' Wm •••••• N 1 12<br />

Higgins John •••. S 2 14 Little John •••••• N 1 12<br />

Hill Thomas ••••• N 2 16 Logan Francis ••• N 1 9<br />

Horning Joseph •• S 1 9 Long Wm ......... 2 28<br />

Hnusc Samuel ••• N 1 35 Lunday Joseph ... N 1 14<br />

Hoggard Jas ••••. N 2 ·9 .<br />

Howell Jno •••• Port Credit ivlatthews A ••••• S 3 28<br />

Hunt John •••••• N .L 5 Medole Wm ..... N 2 1<br />


170 TORONTO.<br />

Old Survey.<br />

CON. NO. 11<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Merical Abra'm •• N 1 61 Orth John ••••••• N 2 1<br />

Merigold Daniel •• S 3 28 0uthrecd Wm •••• S 2 33<br />

Merigold Duncan .. :S 3 29111<br />

Merigold 'rhos.••• S 3 3U I Park Robert.' •••• N 1 . 8<br />

Merigold Amos ••• S 3 29 Parsels Davld •••• S 1 9<br />

Miller Geo ...... N 1 16 Patch Thos ...... S 1 35<br />

Mitchel] Jno ••••• N 1 3 Pear Jno ........ S 3 26<br />

Moore John .... Port Credit Peters John ...... S 2 8<br />

Morgan Jas •••••• S 2<br />

1<br />

29il Pillett Hugh ..... N 2 12<br />

Morlev Wm ...... S 1 141 t'IOll.;h Thos .... N 2 I)<br />

l\1or~i.:ner Robt ... N:! 10 Po~ley J~m~s .... S 2 6<br />

MOslcrJohn ..... N 1<br />

1<br />

16i'P~.lcyRlchd .... S 2 6<br />

Munns Geo ...... S 1 35 Polley Wm ...... S 2 9<br />

1<br />

McCollum L .. Indian range I Polley 'loses... Port Credit<br />

McConnell Jno ••• N 2 19' Pollard WIll ...... S 2 29<br />

McCartney J no ••• S 1 11 Pollard Joshua ••• S 1 30<br />

McCartney 'rhos.• N 2 15<br />

McDermot J as ••• N 1 9<br />

McGee Henry •••. S 1 16<br />

McGee Jno •••••• S 1 9<br />

McLauchlinArch .. N 1 9<br />

~cKinney Angus .. N 1 7<br />

McMasterJas .... ~i 1 16<br />

McSherry Peter •• N 1 20<br />

Neeve Etlgar •.•<br />

Newborn Rich'd •• S 2<br />

NewloveJohn •••• N 1<br />

Nixon James ••••• S 2<br />

Raymond Walter •• S 2 12<br />

Richardson Wm ... S 1 I)<br />

Roe Geo ......... S 3 9<br />

Robinett Thos ••• N 1 4<br />

Robertson Wm ••• N 2 18<br />

Rogers John ••••• N 1 9<br />

ROIl'lille \Vm •••• N 1 12<br />

Rose Philip. • • • . 4 34<br />

Ross Alex. M •••• N 1 18<br />

34 Rouse:\I........ 2 16<br />

10 Rutledge Robt .... N 2 I)<br />

13 Ryder Henry •••• S 2 34<br />

O'C~rey Patrick •• N 1 5 SavignyJ. H.clerkcourtofre.<br />

Ogden Samuel ••• N 1 16 questsMilbrooklateCooksville<br />

Ogden Wm ...... S 2 8 Scott Wm ....... S 1 15<br />

Oldfield" m ..... N 1 17 Shane Elias ..... N-l 34<br />

OliphantJohn •••• N 2 32 Shane Wm •••••• N 1 34<br />

Oliphant Aaron ••• S 3 37 Sharp Geo ••••••• S 3 26<br />

Oliphant Peter ••• S 3 27 Shaver Abraham ... S 2 2:;<br />

O'Leary Patrick .. N 1 5 Shaw Jose.p~ ..... 8 2 12

TonONTO. 171.<br />

Old SU1·vey.<br />

",! CO~. NO.<br />

1 CON. NO.<br />

ShawR .••••••. '.S 2 12 Turnbu!l John •••• S 2 35<br />

Sheeler Daviu .... N 1 17<br />

I Underwood Jos •• , S 1 9<br />

Shereden Pat'k. • • 1 14<br />

Sherwood Abel ••• S 3 29 Utter John, sen ••• S 1 5<br />

Shunk Geo ••••.• N 2 2 Utter John, jun .... S 1 5<br />

Shook Henry •••. S 1 34 VanvolkelJhurgh L. S 1 17<br />

Silverthorn Aaron .. Vanvolklillburgh II N 1 16<br />

Silverthorn Geo .• 1 1<br />

Silverthorn Mary .. 1 3 Walker Geo ..... N 2 2<br />

Silverthorn Jos .•• N 1 11 Walker Thos •••. N 1 9<br />

Skfllley Wm ••••• N 2 4 Wallis W. E ..... S 2 13<br />

Slecp John ••••••• S 1 12 Waterhouse W m •. N 1 13<br />

Smith Patrick .••. S 2 6 Waterhouse J IJO •• N 1 14<br />

Smith Pcter •.•••• S 2 32 Watson Westley .. S 3 It<br />

Smith Geo •••••• S 3 29 Webster Geo .•••• N 2 2<br />

Smith Thos •••••• S 1 34 Weaver John •••• N 2 15<br />

Smith Geo •••••• N 1 1 Weaver Dan'I •••• N 2 15<br />

Speck John •••••. S 2 35 Wheeler Robt •••• S 2 27<br />

Starrett Andrew .•• S 2 3'l Whitesell Nicholas<br />

Stafford Frcu'k ••• N 1 32 Whitncy Stephen •. S 2 26<br />

Stafrord Enoch ••• S 1 9 Wilcox Rich'd ... N 1 3<br />

Stevenson Edw'd •• S 1 14 \i'i!cox Allan •••. N 1 3<br />

Stevens J. H •.••. N 1 16 Wikox Amos •••• N 2 16<br />

Stevens Robt •••• N 1 16 \ViII Dauiel •.•••. S 2 35<br />

Stevens Stiles, s'r .. N 1 15 Williams Joel •••• 3 32<br />

Stevens Stiles, j'r .. N 1<br />

15 Wilson Jno. Indian<br />

Stevens Thos .•••. N I 16 range ••••••• 1 2<br />

Swales Robt ••••. 8 1 9: Wilson Wm ...... S 2 5<br />

Winters Geo ..... N 2 14<br />

Taylor James W •• S 3 31 Wolf James ••••• N 2 22<br />

Taylor Henry •••. N 1 6 \rott" Andrew •••• N 2 2~<br />

·'T'eirs W. H ..... N 1 IS I Wolf John ...... N J 22<br />

Tester Geo .••.•• :'i 1 33<br />

Tester ,Moses .••. N 1 3:3 Young Wm. B ••• N 2 15<br />

Thomas Peter •••. S 1 28 YOWlg James •••. N 1 ]G<br />

Thomas John •••. S 2 29 Youllg John ••••• N 2 12<br />

Thompson Wm .•• S 3 sa YnulIgChas ••••• N 2 11<br />

TurlrJ Samual ••••. S 2 9 Yerl,s fsaae ...... S 2 25

]72 TORONTO.<br />

New Survey.<br />

C01'\. 1'\0. cox. NO.<br />

Adair James •••.•• 4 13 Birdsell AIJthony •••• 4 II<br />

Aikip.s Jno •••.•••• 3 11 Blackman Zellis •••• 5 7<br />

Aikins Andrew •••. 2 8 Blakely George •••• 1 5<br />

Aikins James •••••• 3 11 Blanchard Rouert •• 6 5<br />

Alexander Thomaa. (j 151 Boorman -- ., •• 1 l~<br />

Allison Alldrew •••• 3 3 Brackingreed Wm. G 14<br />

Alillgham William •• 6 15 Crady William •••• 3 10<br />

Anderson Thomas 3 15 Brady .-\.lexander •.• :! 1:)<br />

Anderson Rouer! •••• a ]5 Brail~y Eliphalet •• 4 14<br />

Armstrong George •• ~ 6 Brock Christopher . 2 :!<br />

Armstrong George •• 3 141 Brown S. n ....... 3 G<br />

Armstrong Jas .•••• 5 ;~ Brown Archibald •• 3 1<br />

Armstrong Alexander 6 J 1 Brown Thomas •••. 2 G<br />

Armstrong William. 4 1 Brown Jalnes ••••. 1 8<br />

Arnold John •••••• 5 2 Brown William •••• 5 9<br />

Arnott William •••• 5 14 Bryant Spencer •••• 3 12<br />

Arnott John •••.•••• 5 14 Buck JO.''leph •.•••• 3 15<br />

AS3inder William ••• 2 9 BurgessTllomas •••• G· 2<br />

Atcheson John ..... 6 13 Burges,s John ...... 6 a<br />

Bates Joseph •••.•. 4 4 I Burens J uhn •••.. 3 5"<br />

BakerJohn .••••••• 4 13<br />

' Burns Alexander •• 2 12<br />

Baker Thomas •••. 4 4 Burrell Richard ••• 4 11<br />

Baldock Walter •••• 3 6 Byrne John •••• , •• 3 14<br />

BallardJohn •••••• 615<br />

11<br />

1<br />

Bardwell Silas .••• 3 15 I Calder Lewis •••••• 3 10<br />

Beaty John •.••.••• 1) 1') Calltlin John •••.•• G 7<br />

Beaty Thomas •••• -1 15<br />

1<br />

.<br />

1 Cantlin William •••. 6 5<br />

lJeaker Ed ward •••• 4 10 Cameron Finlay •••• 5 10<br />

Bell William ...... 2 11 Carberry Joh~l .... 1 1<br />

Bell William •••••• G 1:2' Carroll \rilliam.••. 4 1<br />

Bell Robert ••••.••. 2· J 1 Cartwright Thomas 4 3<br />

Bell Hugh •••••••• 1 ]2 CastleI' Joseph •••• 4 7<br />

Bell, Rev. A •••••• 5 7 CastleI' John .••.••• 3 2<br />

Bell Joseph •••••••. 3 11 1\1 CastleI' David •••.•. 3 5<br />

Bell Rohert. ••••••• 3 II CastleI' Hicharcl ..•. 4 5<br />

Billbee John ...... 4 10 \1,\ Cawley Hugh ••••• 4 5<br />

Bird Isaac •••.•••• 4 1'1 Cawley WIlliam G. 2 11<br />

Bircl$all William •••• 4 10, Chambers nob~rt .• 5 14

TORONTO.<br />

17S<br />

New Survey.<br />

COX. NO.<br />

Chambers William. 5 15<br />

Chambers James •• 6 14<br />

Chambers Joseph •• 5 14<br />

Chapman John •••• 5 7<br />

Cheney Andrew •••• 1 14<br />

Cheney Christophel 1 14<br />

Chester Isaac ••••• 2 7<br />

Chewitt Thos .•••• 4 3<br />

Chisholm John •••• 6 10<br />

Chisholm Alexallder 1 1~<br />

Chisholm James •••• 2 14<br />

Church John •••.•• 4 i4<br />

Church Orange •••• 3 14<br />

Clark~on Geo. • ••• 6 3<br />

Clifton Arthur •••.• 3 1<br />

Clifton Thomas •••• 3 2<br />

Cole Henry ....... 6 8<br />

Colebert Samuel •'•• 6 8<br />

Collins Alexander •• 6 11<br />

Comfort Wm. J •••• 4 1<br />

Conat Roger •••••• 3 9<br />

Coyne Edward ••.. 5 14<br />

Cook John •••••••• 1 2<br />

Cook Peter ....... 6 6<br />

Cooper James ••••• 4 7<br />

Cooper Nathaniel .• 4 7<br />

Cooper Robert •••• 3 4<br />

Cooper George •••• 3 3<br />

Crawford Michael •• 4 9<br />

Crawford William •• 4 9<br />

Crawford James .... 3 11<br />

Creaton James, sen'r 2 12<br />

Creaton James,jun'r 2 12<br />

Cummins James •••• 1 11<br />

. Curran Dennis •••• 4 a<br />

Curry James •••••• 4 5<br />

CutcheonJames •••• 3 2<br />

Dain P .... 1, ••••• 4 7<br />

co:.'. )(0.<br />

Dain Jas .•••••••• 2 7<br />

Davis John •••••••• 4. 14<br />

Davis Edward ••••• 3 IS<br />

Devlin William •••• 1) ~<br />

Devine John •••••• 5 1<br />

Devol Thomas .•••• 4. 6<br />

Dobson Francis •••• 4 B<br />

Donoughuo Matthew 1 4.<br />

Douglass Daniel •••• 5 5<br />

Douglass James •••• 6 4-<br />

Douglass Peter •••• 6 4.<br />

Douglass Wm ••••• 5 4<br />

Dougl,erty Anthony 3 7<br />

Dong-herty Daniel 3 7<br />

Dougherty Charles 2 4.<br />

Dougherty Bernard 2 4<br />

Dowson Richard ••• 3 5<br />

Drysdale David •••• 6 2<br />

Dundas John •••••• 1 :3<br />

Dwver William •••• 5 1<br />

Dy~on J. A ....... 3 14<br />

Enton Noah •••••• 5 9<br />

Eliingham William. 6 15<br />

EIIiso;] Andrew •••• 3 G<br />

Elliott Adam •••••• 1 4.<br />

Elliott James •••••• 1 11<br />

Elliott William •••• 2 13<br />

Elliott Johnston •••• 5 1<br />

Elliott Michael •••• 3 4<br />

Ellsworth Edward • 4 4<br />

Evans Joseph ••••• 4. "<br />

Falkner James •••• 3 5<br />

FarewellJ oseph •••• 4 6<br />

Farnsworth E ...... 4 3<br />

Fleming John •••••• 4 15<br />

Ford George •••••• 1 ~

174 TORONTO.<br />

New SUTl'!'y.<br />

CON. N0'1<br />

GON. N<br />

Foster Christopher. 4 3 lIawliius J ........ 6<br />

Foster James .•••• 3 G Hawki

TORONTO. 17:><br />

NfW Survey.<br />

COX. NO.<br />

cox. :'\0.<br />

Kerney Francis •.•• 4 9 M attlie '.1 s K .•••.. , 3 15<br />

Kerr Thomas •••• 4 4 Mason HlIgh ••..• 4<br />

Max\rell \\' ilJiam •• 1<br />

,iLLS \',(;11 Rubert. ... 4<br />

J.\Lll~hcr Thomas .. :.:<br />

Key Joseph ••••.• 1 5<br />

Killg Charles •••.•• cl 10<br />

Kirkpatrick Geo •••• 4 1<br />

Knox L ......... :. 4 14<br />

LamereuxAlexander a<br />

Larry James : ...••• 1<br />

Law·\Vm .......... 3<br />

Ledlow j',latthE'\\' ... 4<br />

Lemon Ckuks ..•. 1<br />

Lennox John ..•••• 4<br />

Lesslie \Yilliam. • •. 3<br />

Lesslie William •••• :><br />

Lesslie William, sen. :><br />

Lesslie Joha •••.. :><br />

Little Wm •••••••• 5<br />

Longworth Robert .. 4<br />

Looney Hugh '" ••. 4<br />

Loornes Levi ..•••. 5<br />

Loughen William .. a<br />

Lougheell WCSlly ... 1<br />

Louglwcd James ... 1<br />

Loughlin John •.•. 2<br />

Loughlin Francis .. 3<br />

Lowden 'rhos ..•••• 4<br />

LowdenWilliam .••. 3<br />

Lundy Hugh ..•••.<br />

Lundy William •••. I<br />

Lundy John.. • • • .• 1<br />

Lundy Francis ••••. 1<br />

Lyle Wm ••••••••• 3<br />

Madill Thomas •••. 1<br />

Madill David •••••• 1<br />

Martial Robert. • 5<br />

, ~Iatthews Henry •••• 6<br />

Miles Andrew ••••• 2<br />

Miller Guo ••••••• .' a<br />

5 lIJiles James ••••.• 2<br />

4 Miles Samuel •••. 6<br />

15 ,!\Ji!es Julia •••••.• fl<br />

8 I MilloI'lL ........ :3<br />

11 I M~ffilt Wm . .' •. .' •.• :::<br />

2 I MOl'ger ~;)IIJUnlin ., 3<br />

14 i MOlJIgomery Thomas 2<br />

13 i MOlltgomery Thomas:><br />

1:2 IMolloy \V m .•••..• 3<br />

11 Moore Rubert •.... '4<br />

11 i Moore James .•... ""<br />

5 I Moore Samuel ••••• [)<br />

3 1M oore Charles • • •. 1<br />

10<br />

1 \ Morrison Martin ••.• 4<br />

3 Morrison James ..•• 1<br />

7 1 Morrison Daniel. ••. 3<br />

7 Mulver William .••. 5<br />

15 l\Iurr:J.Y Juhn •...•. [)<br />

1:> Murr~y John •••••• ·1<br />

1:2<br />

5<br />

3<br />

9<br />

McBride James .••. :3<br />

1\] cBricle Ann •.•. 3<br />

McBride James •.•. 2<br />

9 i\lcBnde Joseph •••• 3<br />

{) McCarron A •••••.• 5<br />

13 McCarter Robert .. '2<br />

McCarter DiWl •••• 1<br />

9 i\lcClellnan Astor .• 3<br />

9 l\fcClennan Samuel 1·<br />

12 McCort John ••••• 3<br />

2 McCracken Jacob •• 6<br />

4<br />

b<br />

J<br />

1<br />

9<br />

8<br />

{)<br />

:3<br />

(j<br />

15<br />

D<br />

3<br />

1:3<br />

1<br />

7<br />

}:3<br />

13<br />

10<br />

10<br />

]5<br />

3<br />

15<br />

Ii)<br />

8<br />

15<br />

!)<br />

o<br />

13<br />

10<br />

8<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

7<br />


11G<br />

TORONTO.<br />

New Survey.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

McCrary Joseph •••• 4,<br />

l\1cCrew John ••••• 2<br />

McClure :\-Iarv ...• 4<br />

McCllIre J em·es .•.. ·1<br />

l\lcUon~11 Hugh .••• 4,<br />

McDonell \{ .•.•... G<br />

j\lcKeiv I James ..•• 5<br />

l\1cGuir~ Bernard •• 5<br />

Mc;l;uire John •••• 5<br />

McKay J alll.s •••• 5<br />

McKenzie D ,ncall • 4<br />

McKinnon Neil .••• 6<br />

McLean John ••••. 6<br />

McLeod Alldrew .•• a<br />

iHci\lichaeIVaniel.. :3<br />

;\lcNall EL()~ •••••• fi<br />

!\lcQrl3de Robert •.. 1<br />

Neeland William ••• 3<br />

Neelomd .John •••.•• 1<br />

Neeland David ••••• 2<br />

Neelancl Johll .•••.• 1<br />

Neelrrnd Daniel. ••• 1<br />

Neeland Andrew ••• 1<br />

Neil ,\ndrew ..••••• 3<br />

Nelson Hugh •••.•• :3<br />

N es;,itt Thomas •••• 1<br />

Nesbitt JO!l" .•••••• 1<br />

Nixo:l Alex'f ••.••• 3<br />

Norton Eli ..•••••• 3<br />

O'Hara Mary .•...• 2<br />

O'Hara I.Ie:"ry ••••• 6<br />

Oliphant J'liln •••••• 2<br />

Oliphant W m •••••• 2<br />

Oliver John •••••••• 2<br />

Oliver Will •••••••• 2<br />

Oliver \Vm •••••••• 1<br />

4,<br />

7<br />

1:3<br />

CO:'. NO.<br />

Orr Williall1 ..•.••• 6 9<br />

Orts Abraham ••••• 5 1<br />

O'Riley Edward •••• 6 6<br />

12,<br />

3 Patterson Joseph ••• 6<br />

5 Patterson Hellrv .••• 4<br />

14 Patch [{ohert.: •••• a<br />

8 Patch JilL" •••• , ••• 2<br />

8 Paisle'l TllOmas •••• 1<br />

5<br />

4<br />

1<br />

'11<br />

15<br />

Pallist~r John ...... 4<br />

Pearson Henrv ..•.• :2<br />

Phillips Thomas R •• 6<br />

Piper (;eurge•.•••• 1<br />

Pompfl'ey Cha's •••• 3<br />

15 Priee S,llllueisen' .... 2<br />

7 Price John •.••.••• 4<br />

12 Price Jall1es .•••••• 4<br />

Price Samuel jun'r •• 2<br />

11 Pointer Richard •••• 3<br />

5 Pool Daniel. •.•.•• 6<br />

1:3<br />

12-:_<br />

7<br />

12<br />

10<br />

6<br />

10<br />

14<br />

14<br />

5<br />

15<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

14<br />

11<br />

15 Reed \\' m .•••••••• 3 12<br />

15 Reeves Wm. 13 ..... 1 8<br />

15 Richabee Joseph ••• 6 4<br />

14 I Rice Alphert ....... 5 2<br />

:2 I Roberts Ch:lI'lcs •••• :> 5<br />

4\, Ruhertson \Vm ••••• 2 13<br />

4 ; Rooertson James ••• 6 4<br />

10' Robertson James ••• 6 9<br />

15 Rooertson Wm ..... 1 12<br />

floss Alexander •••• fj It<br />

3 Ross David ........ 1 I<br />

3 Ruwe Christopher •• 4 7<br />

4 Rowe Hamilton •••• 4 7<br />

:3 Rowe John ........ 4 8<br />

4 Rutledge Wm •••••• 5 8<br />

3 Rutledge John ••••• 5 11<br />

9 Rutledge Henry •••• I) I)

TORONTO.<br />

177<br />

, cox. NO I eo]\'.<br />

Rutledgc ChI istophcl' 5 8 Stewart I3enj. . ••• 3<br />

Uutledge '" illiarn .•• 5 9 Stull W tlliam ••••• 6<br />

Rutledge Henry •••. 5 9 Stoddart John •••• 5<br />

Rutledge John ..... 1 13 Stoker Jno ........ 6<br />

Sanbul'll ;\;, •.•..••. 4 13 Sweet l\loses •.•••• 6<br />

Seatoll JotlutIJan •..• ~ 3 Sweet Joseph •••. 6<br />

Scell' John .••.•••• 4 4 Sweet Wait •••••• 6<br />

Shel'l Jaeou •.•••••. fJ 3 Switzer John •••.• 6<br />

Shell Hellr\' •• ,' ..•• 5 :3 Switzer Joseph •.•• 5<br />

Shell Abral;mn ••••. 5 4 Switzer William .••. 6<br />

Shell Helll''' ••••.•• 4<br />

2 Switzer Samuel •.•. ii<br />

Shell Solo~on .••••• a 2 Switzer Martin •••• 5<br />

Shell Daniel ••••••• 4 2 Switzer W estl), ••.. 6<br />

Shaw Fleming •••.•• 6 5<br />

Shipley Wm •••••.• 1 1 Taylor John •••.. 2<br />

Sbaughnessy Thos • 2<br />

S\1letzer Paul •••• 6<br />

7 II' Teasdale Peter •••• 4<br />

14 Thome Ez8kiel •••. 4<br />

Sibbald John •••.•• 3 1, Thorne Oliver •.•. 4<br />

SiiJb,lld Thomas •••• 3 111 Thompsoa Michael 3<br />

Smith William •••• 3 12 Thompson Joseph .. 3<br />

Smith Thomas •••• 3 4 Thompson EdwardW 5<br />

Smith David ••.••• .4 4 Tilt John •.•.•••. 1<br />

Smith John •••.•• 4 2 Tindale J vIm •••• G<br />

Smith Archibald •••• 5 1a Tobin John .••.•••. (j<br />

Smith C ...••••••• 4 q Todd William ••.. 2<br />

Smith Thomas •.•• 1 Ii Todd Oliver .••.. " 1<br />

Somerset John •••. 6 5 Todd John •••...•• I<br />

Sparlin George •••• 6 7 Turle) Theodore ••.. :3<br />

Sparlin John •••.•• 6 7<br />

Sparks Kobert •••• 5 5" adier Charles •.•. :3<br />

Spottom William •••• 1 1<br />

Stcyenson Johll .... 5 3 \Vait I~aac ..•.•...<br />

Stevenson John •••. 2 8 \V ait l\latthew ••.. 3<br />

Steen Ephraim •••• 3 7 \V allier Thomas .••. 5<br />

S~een William •••. 3 7 Wallis James •....• ~<br />

Steen Nilthan'!. •••. 3 7 Walson William., •. 5<br />

Stewart Jamos •••. 3 14 "'atts Davro •••..• G<br />

St!;:\\'art\Yilliam, •••. 3 13 Watson William ••• , 5<br />

]\0,<br />

13<br />

9<br />

13<br />

12<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

10<br />

10<br />

10<br />

D<br />

11<br />

11<br />

4<br />

15<br />

8<br />

8<br />

9<br />

15<br />

G<br />

1::l<br />

H<br />

:3<br />

15<br />

14<br />

11<br />

14<br />

(j<br />

4<br />

5<br />

8.<br />

11<br />

6<br />


1713 'fORO:-lTO.<br />

New Survey.<br />

CO:\'. NO.<br />

Warner Michael •.•. 5<br />

Wardell \V illiam •••. 6<br />

Weir Joseph •••.• 3<br />

WhallevWilliam •••• 5<br />

\Vl:ite James •••..• 4<br />

White Alexander .• 5<br />

Wbite Jno .•••..••• 6<br />

White Jno .•.••.••• '1<br />

Whitefield Isaac .••• 1<br />

Whitesell Wdliam •• 4<br />

Whitehead Thomas:2<br />

Wiggins Samuel •••• 1<br />

Wil~on Isaac ••••.• 4<br />

CON. No.<br />

1:1 Wilson Robert •••• 6 13<br />

Wiley Wiliiam •••• 1 11<br />

11 ,','ile\' Isaac •••••• 6 9<br />

Ir, Will; :1('nrv•••••••• 3 15<br />

3 \Virn;lIl :'IJ~ry Ann .• 3 n.<br />

2 I.V ilourn Anthony •• 4 9<br />

i Wil.cale \Villiam •• 2 2<br />

3 Williamson Matthew 3 15<br />

lJ \V o.odell ,Amos •••• 6 5<br />

4 I WrIght Gt;orge •••• 1 1<br />

12\1 \;Yright Charles ..•• 1 2<br />

8 W riooilt Thomas •••• 1 3<br />

1411 Wrjggles\~orth John 4 5<br />

POPULATION-M ales above 16, 1345; Males under 16,1209;<br />

Females, above 16, I 073; Females under 16,1179.--'<br />

Total,18U6.<br />

(oj'<br />

noyer ·Charles<br />

Boyer George<br />

Bowden Jame,;<br />

TINY & TAY.<br />

1 Friehe1to Etienne<br />

I Gordon George<br />

Bannister David I<br />

Burnie James I, Beneaul! D. C<br />

Cowan William III Ingnll Lieut<br />

Crawfurd fills , J etrery Stephen<br />

CumlJlings Lcwis 'i Jeff Robert<br />

Cheneault 0 [' JuiJnsonL,lwl";I'("c,<br />

Dllsnny Aimabl3 i Keating JnPles<br />

Deville John<br />

II Kennedy EdwUld<br />

Dusome Francis I<br />

LoRonde Charle~<br />

Fortin [lenry Lanngan Thomas<br />

/1<br />

Faighall William I Laralilie J. A<br />

Lemay J. B<br />

L~ldlow George<br />

l\1itchell Andrew<br />

,\lcDonald Edw'q<br />

:HcDonald Mich'l<br />

i'lh:I('ay Israel<br />

Mundav Asher<br />

i\1obcriy Captain<br />

O'Donovan Sam'l<br />

Quigll'Y James<br />

Quicrley Charles<br />

'" .<br />

Ric.hardso~ Sam':.<br />

Rawson S

Smith John<br />

Smith Thomaq<br />

Solomon William<br />

Simpson William<br />

Varnic James<br />

Wallace Robert<br />

\.Vheeler James<br />

Wilson William<br />

Twenty Acre Lots.<br />

Brodia Antoine<br />

BouchieI' J. B<br />

Chevritte L<br />

Farling James<br />

Freismith Joseph<br />

TINY & TAY. 170<br />

Langlade Charles I Crotean J. B<br />

Letarra Joseph Cummings Lieut<br />

Lorette Pierre<br />

Daniel Mary<br />

Mitchell George<br />

Farlil'g James<br />

Passeur Charles Gordon George<br />

Precour Augustus<br />

Pombert Seril Burd J. C<br />

Han:ilton J. M<br />

Recollee Joseph<br />

Rawson Thomas Jeffery Stephen<br />

Roy Joseph<br />

Sicard Francis<br />

Sorette Pierre<br />

Topier Widow<br />

Town Lots.<br />

King:\.<br />

Kevolte D<br />

Labatte L. G<br />

Lacroix John<br />

Leduc Thomas<br />

I Legris Baptist<br />

Gerro Pierre Armour James I Modeste Henry<br />

Lavallee Denis<br />

Beman Eli<br />

Bell W. C<br />

[.'JeSie Joseph<br />

Revolte D<br />

Larammee J. A I Vassieur Andre1\'<br />

Lacroix John I Corbine Lewis II<br />

Lafremiere A Columbus Louis 'Warren James<br />

POPULATION.-Males above 16,186;<br />

196; Females 383; Total765 .<br />

Males UDder lCJ,<br />

CON. NO.<br />

'Bergin Michael •••• 1 19<br />

Berry Thomas ••••• 11 19<br />

Boyle Wm ........ 1 24<br />

Brown John. • • • • •• 1 20<br />

Brown Jonas •••••• 10 18<br />

Bruce Agnes...... 1 31<br />

VESPRA.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Call John •••••••• 1 21<br />

Carney Rich'd •••• 11 15<br />

Carney Thomas • •• 9 20<br />

Carson Wm ••••••• 6 17<br />

Carson Thos. • • • •• 1. 32<br />

Carson Aaroll • • • •• 1 40

[80 VESPRA.<br />

CON. :'\0.<br />

eolins Chas •.. Kempenfelt<br />

Cockburn Jos ...... 1 40<br />

Colston James .•.•. 11 16<br />

Creson John •••••• 10 20<br />

Cullen Samuel •.•. , 6 15<br />

Cullen J .......... 9 20<br />

Daly Wm ..•...•. 7<br />

Darking 'Ym ..•••. 1<br />

Devingham Chas .•• 1<br />

Di'ury~EdlnUnd ........ 2<br />

I/t~)Jl;John ..•.•••• 4<br />

Dunn John .•..•••. 5<br />

Dunn Patrick ..... 1<br />

FIe-tcher Silas ...... ~<br />

Fosler Thomas •.•. 1U<br />

Fullerton John ••... 1<br />

Gale Richard •.••• 2<br />

Garbutt Joseph •••. 1<br />

Bart Isaac. . • • • • •• 1<br />

IT art George .••.•• 4<br />

Henoerson Hugh •.• 2<br />

Johns John ••••••. 1<br />

Johnston James. . •• 1<br />

Johnston Wm •.•••• 1<br />

Keely Dennis ••••• 2<br />

Kelly John ••••••• 7<br />

Kemp Jamcs .•..•• 11<br />

Kenny lIiJes........... 7<br />

Lane Jonathan ..... 1<br />

Lawrence John •• " 1<br />



18'1<br />

Beyington Lucius<br />

Bingham James<br />

Campbell Dougald<br />

Campbell James<br />

Carney Richard<br />

Cobb Richard<br />

Cunuingham c::<br />

Duggan Jane<br />

Edgar David<br />

Graham Andrew<br />

\<br />

Hewson Francis Nesbitt Wm<br />

Martin Franis Perry John<br />

Meighan Francis Ross D. S<br />

Meldrum Thrirt Ross Robert<br />

Molloy Richard Sanford S. M<br />

Morrison James Smith Thomas'<br />

McCauslanu John Stokes Georga<br />

11 McCausland Da'd II Strong Wm<br />

McDonald John<br />

i<br />

Walker Alexander<br />

YORK.<br />

Yonge St. Road, from tlle Toll Gate to Montgomery's<br />

Amos Smith<br />

;Brewer Richard<br />

Burn William<br />

Burn Thomas<br />

Bishop John, senior<br />

Bloor Joseph .<br />

Barry James<br />

Brown Thomas<br />

Campbell John<br />

Cameron Colonel<br />

Cayley William<br />

Cummins William<br />

Copeland William,. & SO\1S<br />

'Duncan A.<br />

Fugard Thomas<br />

Fisher Jacob<br />

French Willi;tm<br />

n<br />

Tavern.<br />

French John<br />

Freuell Joseph<br />

Glass Daniel<br />

Glass Smith<br />

Graham J )hn<br />

Greenwood John<br />

, Hutchinson Mary<br />

Howanl James S.<br />

Hortle R. C.<br />

Jarvis W. B., Shl'riffH. D.<br />

Long David·<br />

,Lusty J useph<br />

,[brewers .l\lill~ a!1d Davis<br />

Moore Charles<br />

'.<br />

II<br />

Pri e Jo"eph<br />

II P enS"ll Joseph<br />

I Petlitt John

162<br />

Pettit \VilJiam<br />

Rochford W. C.<br />

StorrWilli am<br />

Shepherd Matthew<br />

Severin John<br />

Smith Robert<br />

Thompson Charles<br />

Townly James<br />

YORK.<br />

Townly William<br />

Woods Arthur<br />

Whitmore M.<br />

Whitemeal Joseph<br />

Walmsley John<br />

Walker Walter<br />

I Wallis James<br />

Weatherall<br />

WicksOll James sen'r<br />

\VicksOll James jun'r<br />

W olstencroft<br />

Yonge Strept R07d, commencing near Montgomery'$ Tao<br />

lJern, to thf' end of the Township-1st Concession easf<br />

and west, on Yonge street.<br />

CON. xo. I<br />

CON. NO,<br />

Anderson John ..• " I 8 Fosmire Henry ••••• 1 8<br />

Bell James .••••••• 1 191<br />

Bond Genrgc .••••• 1 5 Graham And'w .•••• 1<br />

Brooks T. H. .•••••• 1 8 Gibson David ••••• 1<br />

ClIlI C. & J .•..... 1<br />

Comer Jacob ..••• " 1<br />

Comer John .•••••• 1<br />

Comer Dlniel ...... 1<br />

Comer David •.•••• 1<br />

Cheppill Joseph •••• 1<br />

Charles John •••••• 1<br />

Davis J amp~. • •••• 1<br />

Daly Michi,el •••••• 1<br />

Dixon John •••••••• 1<br />

Dobson John .•••••• 1<br />

Eva;;s Wm ......... 1<br />

ErWIn Robert .••••• 1<br />

Easton J useph ••••• 1<br />

Finch John •••••••• 1<br />

Farrigan Daniel •••• 1<br />

Gr;ty Willilllll ...... 1<br />

13 GootlenWilliam •••• 1<br />

19 Grallt 0 ........... 1<br />

21 Girdlestone G. W •• 1<br />

~3 Graham David ••••• 1<br />

2:3<br />

:3 Hogg James .•••••• 1<br />

20 Hogg John •••••••• 1<br />

Hogg Rob't. ••••••• 1<br />

20 I Harrison Joseph •••• 1<br />

8 Humberstone Tho's. 1<br />

11 1\ Hamilton Wm ••••• 1<br />

8 Hill William .•••••• 1<br />

. Ho\)per Thomas •••• 1<br />

14 [-lackshaw Cornelius 1<br />

18<br />

7 Johnston Abr'm •••• I<br />

J ackes Franklin •••• 1<br />

21 Johnston Rich'd •••• 1<br />

I) Johnston Joseph •••• 1<br />

14<br />

18<br />

11<br />

11<br />

23<br />

21)<br />

5<br />

A<br />

11<br />

8<br />

15<br />

11<br />

11<br />

5<br />

21<br />

21<br />

19<br />

3<br />

5<br />


YORK. 183<br />

CON. NO,<br />

Kendrick \Vm ••••• Robinson Dr .•••••• 1<br />

Kidd 1\11'8 ••••••••• I 10 Reeve \Vm •••••••• 1<br />

Robinson James •••• I<br />

Lawrence Peter •••• 1 6 \ Rllggles 1\1 rs ....... 1<br />

Laogum Wdl'm •••• I, I Howcll George ..... 1<br />

CON. NO.<br />

1::1<br />

19<br />

25<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Montgomery J. .... I 1 Shepherd Thomas •• 1<br />

Mercer Thomas •• " 1 In Stillson John ....... 1<br />

1\] iller William •••• 1 15 Skinller Joseph ..... 1<br />

Marsh William ..... 1 11 Sllidcr Jacob .•••.•• 1<br />

McBride i\f rs •••••• 1 16 Snicler William ..... 1<br />

~t;Bride Dallicl .• : . 1 17 Silidcr Martin •••••• 1<br />

McBride David .••• 1 17 Shaw Mr", •••••••• 1<br />

Mosher James, ••••• 1 19 'rook William .••••• 1<br />

1\1osll('r Johll ....... 1 20 Vallostrand John ••• 1<br />

McCague Dr ...... 1 23 VUliostrand C •••..• 1<br />

McCague DUllcan •• I 8<br />

McFatter Neil ••••• 1 24 \V allier !lohert.•••. 1<br />

:Murray Capt .•••••• 1 41 Weed TCI tullus .• :. 1<br />

M itchelJ J 01,0 •••••• 1 7 \V right Archibald .•• 1<br />

Mitchell Jospph •••• 1 8 \-\' alson James ••••• 1<br />

~c Dougall Daniel \Vatson John ...... 1<br />

~ ightill/!ule J •••••• 1 5 \'; a,.'8 John. " •••••• 1<br />

Nicholl Mrs ••••••• 1 6111<br />

\\ nght David .• , ••• 1<br />

Pearse E .......... 1 lfi I Young W B •••.••• 1<br />

15<br />

14<br />

8<br />

1<br />

3<br />

6<br />

7<br />

2<br />

13<br />

13<br />

15<br />

16<br />

24<br />

2!'><br />

8<br />

2<br />

4<br />

21<br />

East of Yonge Street.<br />

CON. NO. 1\<br />

CON'.<br />

A,lder Robl •••.••• 3<br />

Armstrong Jas •••. " 4<br />

91 BrocI, Francis •••.•• 3<br />

25 (I r:rock JIll rs ......... 3<br />

Anderson ThJS Brock Edward •••• 3<br />

'\ Brock Alex'r •••••• 3<br />

B,urker I\Jar\, •••••• 4 5' Brown John •••••• 4<br />

GcarJ Alex'r •••••• 4 IS BrunneJl John •••.• 4<br />

Uishop Wm ....... 3 10 Burke Thos ••••.•• 2<br />

B .. ice Abraham ..... 4 4<br />

Bole Jas ........... 3 9 Cunningham George. 3<br />

Bond [{obI •••••.••. 2 11 Cunnil'ghamJas •••• .8<br />

Hynek Rob! •••••••• 3 17 Cunningham Joho •• 3<br />

NO.<br />

19<br />

18<br />

17<br />

17<br />

21<br />

15<br />

:3<br />

Hi<br />

15<br />


184 YORK.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

CON. l'fO.<br />

Curry Samuel •••• 3 21 Hunter John •••••• :3 24<br />

Deceive Alex'r .••• a 21 Johnston Thomas •• 3 24<br />

DixonJohn •••••••• 2 25 Johnsto:J James •••• 3 22<br />

Duncan James Johnston (]enry•••• 3 23<br />

Duncan William •••• 3 25 J (lhllstoll J ohl1 •••••. 3 20<br />

Jones Roht •••••••• 2 5<br />

Earles Henry •••••• 4 21 Jordan John ••••••• 4 Yl<br />

Edmonds William •• 4 22<br />

Elliott James •••••• 3 12 Laird Hugh ....... 2 7<br />

Erwin David •••••• 3 20 Lamphire George •• 4 7<br />

Erwiu James •••••• :3 20 Lam[)hirt} E. ..... 4 7<br />

Lee Francis ••••••• 2 16'<br />

Finch Samuel .•.••• 2 18 Longest James •••• 3 "t<br />

Fitzpatrick •••••••• 4 5 Long James ••••••. 4 19<br />

Foot Abraham ••••• :! 21 Long \rm.••••••• 4 20<br />

Low James •••.••• 2 1:3<br />

Goodwin JaB ...... 2 19 Llldlow E .•••••••• 4 11<br />

Gordon Matthew ••• 2 18 LUllt Charles ••••.• 4 23;<br />

Graham William .•• 3 19<br />

Gray John .••••••. 3 9 ;\laybee John •••••• 3 20<br />

Gregrory Rich'd •••• 3 18 :\I,ddldon Robert •• 2 21<br />

\1 dler James •••••• 2 16<br />

1<br />

Hale •••.••••••••. 3 15 :Hiller Jacol> ••••.•• 2 16<br />

Harris Joshua •••••• 2 11 \Jilile A ..•••••.•. 2 7,<br />

Harris John ......., :2 11 '.lltchelJ JallleS •••• 2 23,<br />

H arl'ison ~Tm • ••••• 2 13 :\J (lsl,('1' Daniel. •••• 2 12<br />

Harvf))' Jumes .••.• 2 12 :\loslwl' George .••• :3 14<br />

Head .Tohn........ 3 17 :'!lIlholland John •.• 4 16<br />

Health Wmjunr •••• a 9 \[ ldholla'ld William. 3 16<br />

Health WI1I .••••.•. 2 10 "Iulhollalld D.<br />

.,<br />

." ... u<br />

Heron \\rm •••.•••• 4 2 "Iurrav James ••••• 2 17<br />

Heron Rich'd ••••.• 4 5 ,\1 \'C 1'8' .r oh:1 ••••••• 4 21<br />

Hopper Jolin •••.•• 3 23 ,\];, Cride James •••• 2 17<br />

Horn Joshua .••••• 4 4 ~lcCormack Tholl1r.s 2 l~<br />

Howell Henry ••••• 4 4 i\lcCorm:lck John .. 2 11<br />

Honghy James .•••• :3 14 '1cCol'lnack Alex .•• 2 1<br />

Humphrey Smith ••• a 7 ,\Ic(;ivin Ezekiel. •• 4 6<br />

Humphrey Henry ••• 3 7 ,\}cGivin Charles ••• 4 6<br />

Huff Erastus •••••• 3 21 ;\fcGuire Ezekiel ••• 4 6<br />


YORK. 185<br />

CO~. NO.<br />

McTagart Malcolm. 3 2U<br />

McIllglis James •••• 4 2::1<br />

Papst Henry ••••••• 2<br />

Papst Jamas •••.••• 2<br />

Parker John ••••••• 3<br />

Perkins Patrick •••• 4<br />

Poole William ••••• 3<br />

Purdy William ••••• 3<br />

CON NO.<br />

Stevens Joshua •••• 2 U<br />

Thompson William. 3 12<br />

Thompson Charles ••<br />

2 Thornton Lawrence 4<br />

2 Turner Thomas .••• 4 " 3<br />

15 Valliers Angus ••••• 2 8<br />

3 Vetch Thomas .•••• 1 8<br />

2a Vaightenburgh Wm. 4 8<br />

211 Villcent i\lichael ••• 4 21<br />

Riley John •••••••• 4<br />

Riley Thomas. • • •• 4<br />

Rochford William C. 2<br />

Rogers David ••••• 2<br />

Ross Alexander •••• 2<br />

Sanderson Samuel .• 2<br />

Sanburn Juhn •••••• 2<br />

SCI'ace Henry ••••. 4<br />

Shepperd James ••• 3<br />

Sherewood Christ'r. 3<br />

Sigsworth William •• 2<br />

Silvester William •• 3<br />

Smith William ••••• 2<br />

Smith Joshua •••.•• 4<br />

Staples John D .• ,. 2<br />

13 Walker William •••• 1<br />

1;{ Walker Jo"eph •••• 1<br />

]U Warbrick James •••• 4<br />

22 Wade William ..... 4<br />

5 Whitiug Juhn •••••• 3<br />

Whiting Jacob ••••• 3<br />

23 Williams Hunter •• 3<br />

20 Williams Christ'I" •• 4<br />

17 Wils'lll Isaac ...... 3<br />

21 Wilson Richard •••• 2<br />

2:3 Wilson John 4th ••• 1<br />

24. Whitney Peter ••••• 2<br />

91 Whitney Thomas •• 2<br />

121 Wright Archibald •• 2<br />

2°11 23 Yerms William ••• , S<br />

West of Yonge Street.<br />

8<br />

8<br />

4<br />

24<br />

21<br />

20<br />

29<br />

9<br />

10<br />

13<br />

a<br />

8<br />

8<br />

12<br />

20<br />

Alderson Anam •••• 5<br />

Allen Robert ••••.. 5<br />

Anson Jonathan •••. 3<br />

Armour John •.•••• 1<br />

Armstrong Saml •••• 2<br />

AtkinsonHeorge •••• 5<br />

Atkinson James •••• 6<br />

Baker Enoch •••.• 3<br />

Bales John. • • • • • •• 1<br />

BeHas William •••• 5<br />

131 B~ntfordEd.ward •••• 2<br />

5 Bud FranCIS •••••• 5<br />

3 Bird John ........ 4<br />

III Boakes John ...... 4<br />

9 ' Boakes Edward •••• 3<br />

10 Boot John ........ 4<br />

18 Bowes William •••• 2<br />

1 Bright William •••• 0<br />

13 Briglaud James •••• 3<br />

14 Brierly Priscilla •••• 6<br />

6 Brock Jno •••••••• 3<br />

H<br />

20<br />

l~<br />

9<br />

14<br />

20<br />

9<br />

10<br />

I)<br />

2.4<br />


166 YORK.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

CO:'i. NO.<br />

Brumshall Robt •••. 5 6 Dollory Charles •••• 3 2<br />

Brundage Stephen •• 6 24 DUIlCUIl William •.• 3 12<br />

Bull Edward •••••• 4 7 DUllcail Mrs .••••.• 5 19<br />

null Thomns •••••• 4 12 DUllcao Jan:t'S •••• 5 18<br />

nutle!" Martin •••••• () 21 DUilCUll John •••••• 6 23<br />

Bynton \\ illiam •••• 3 24<br />

Bynton J no .••••••• 4 22 Ellis Lnarus .••. _ 6<br />

Cake Andrew ••••. G<br />

Campbell John .••• 4<br />

Carci W Godberry •••• 5<br />

Carruthers J

YORK.<br />

lSi<br />

CON. NO.<br />

CON. NO.<br />

Hurd:Uul'k •••••••• 3 14 l\lcKellzie A ....... 4 9<br />

Hugill Abraham •••• 3 ] 1 l\1 c Lean Laughlin .• 4 J I<br />

Hugill JOlla ••••••• 2 15 l\1 cfll ullen J as. • ••. 2 !j<br />

Ilumberstone Thos .• 1 24<br />

llylldJohn •••.•.•• 1 24 Needham Isaac .•••. :3 3<br />

Jackson William •• 4<br />

James William •••• 2<br />

James John ••••••. 2<br />

James Robert .•••• 2<br />

Johnston Thomas •• 3<br />

Juneson W iJii::1lJ ••. ;2<br />

Kerr James •••.•••. 4<br />

Kethcill't Al'lhur •.•. 2<br />

Kiser Jacob •••••• 5<br />

KiseI'Johll •••.•••• 5<br />

Kurls Pder •••.•••. ~<br />

Kurts l\lichi.1cl. .... ;)<br />

Kurl~ Jacob ....•• 2<br />

LAc·kie Thomas •••• 1<br />

Lackie Robert •••• 1<br />

Le\'cr James •••... 5<br />

Lilly Ueorge ..••.• /)<br />

LOl{gstalr 'j'hos ..... 5<br />

,\lndill Benjamin •••. 5<br />

i\! II \ bee Daniel .... 7<br />

I\liil(,l' Anrlrew .... 3<br />

Monro ~'I.mllcl .... :3<br />

MOil: II Pdcl' ...... 3<br />

Moore William ... , 2<br />

l\'IorganLconard •••• 1<br />

;\Iulhollanrl Mrs .••. 2<br />

McCann Wil~on •••. 4<br />

McDonell John •••. 4<br />

McGee William .••. :3<br />

McGuire James •••• 5<br />

McGlashen A. ,., . 1<br />

13 Parsons Jacoh, s'r •• '7<br />

23 ParBoils J aeob, j'r •. 'i<br />

2:3 Percv Will •••••••• 2<br />

:::3 Pcn'v Gilbert •••••• 2<br />

22 Perc·yJo!tn •••.•••. 2<br />

20 Ii Phi!ii)s hcl.L ..... 6<br />

II P ~ckel'ing RiclJard •• 1<br />

91 Pitt Josllua •••.•••. 2<br />

17 I Porritt John •••...• 5<br />

~!j POlter John ••••••• 5<br />

2:31 Potter Wm •••••••. 2<br />

1'"<br />

19 i Huekett \\'m •••... 2<br />

;w I Head Samuel .•.•••. 4<br />

Head Wm ........ 4<br />

10 ~!so:' /'c:"1' ••••.•• 4<br />

9 I RISPIIl James .... " 2<br />

1:2 i!\Hou!c John •.•.•.•. 5<br />

24 i{o>'s Jalll"'8 •.•.... 2<br />

7 Russell Isaac ..•.•. 3<br />

7 Sanders Ar~drew ... 3<br />

22 Shaw Mrs •••.•••. 2<br />

25 Shepard Joseph ••.. 1<br />

:25 Shepard Thomas ..•. 2<br />

25 Shepard Jacob •••. !.l<br />

4 Smith I1obcrt .••••. 3<br />

24 SI!lilh Richard. sen. S<br />

7 ~llIilh Hichal'd, jUll. 3<br />

7 Sllider Samuel •.•.. 5<br />

G :3 rider John ....... 4<br />

13 Sllidel' H~i1ry ••.•.• 4<br />

f) ; "I idl'r Thomas •••. '2<br />

10 ,ISHidcr Jacob •••.••<br />

~2<br />

22<br />

HJ<br />

Hi<br />

16<br />

21<br />

4<br />

16<br />

o<br />

...<br />

,<br />

26<br />

7<br />

6<br />

24<br />

5<br />

7<br />

12<br />

;,<br />

U<br />

16<br />

I,';<br />

I~<br />

HI<br />

11<br />

11<br />

17<br />

19<br />


186 YORK.<br />

CON. NO.,<br />

5tewmt James ••••• :! 1:3<br />

Stinson Augustus ••• :2 14<br />

Stinson Rubert •••• 2 12<br />

Stonehouse Ruuert. 4 14:<br />

Stollg Daniel •••••• 4. ~ I I<br />

Stong Geo •••••.•. 4 211<br />

TayI.H Matthew .••• 5 16<br />

Thompson Francis. 2 fJ<br />

Thompson Thomas. 2 5<br />

Tiers Dalliel •••••• 3 2<br />

Tiers Joseph ...... 3<br />

Troyer Jacob .••••• :.!<br />

Trudger Robert. ••• 2<br />

Uptegrove James .• 6<br />

VanwaggollPr J •.•• 2<br />

W dlker Michael. ••• 5<br />

Walker Robert •••• 2<br />

WallIs Alexander ... 3<br />

IV alsh II l'llry ...... 5<br />

Wabh Abral;alll .••• 5<br />

Ward lew Peter •••• 4<br />

\Vi:!"U!! \Vm ....... 2<br />

\\laugh John ••••.• 4<br />

\Vheelwright JolIlI •• 5<br />

Whitesides Jas •••• 4<br />

\Vil"s Wm •••••••• 4<br />

Wilson -- ..... 2<br />

Wilson G. W ...... 5<br />

Wilsoll Rev. James ~<br />

Wood Chas .••••••• 2<br />


YORK.<br />

IS9<br />

.()~ CON. NO.<br />

Jphns(l)n Ceo ••••• 3 29<br />

Jackson Henry •• Dulldas.st<br />

l{itson Wm ...... Dulldas.s!<br />

COli". NO.<br />

Smith T., Silncoe<br />

Chase Tavern.<br />

Scarlet Joh:LSimcoe<br />

Gra,,~c, Humber.<br />

McLean Jas. mouth of the Stamford \\' Ill. near Peacock.<br />

Humber<br />

Surr Wil!iam •••.•• 3 31<br />

l'tIills Wm •••••••. 3 31<br />

M.oore Charles •••. 3 i 6 Ti nslev John •••••• :3 31<br />

Mahaffey Robt. •••• 3 34 Tibbitis John C ..... 3<br />

Todd William ••••• 3<br />

37<br />

35<br />

F.hillilJS Henry •.•• 3 32<br />

~1ayter John ••••• 2 2 ~'·ells (olo11el-Davcllport<br />

Wells @eorge-Davenport.<br />

Rothera 'rhos.•••• Peacock I'll \\' il~on .,II ugh ••••• :3<br />

l!;! Dundas.st While (,eorge ••.•. 3<br />

fi<br />

35<br />

Robson Ed w .... Dundas.sl Wood \V illiam ••••• 3 3~<br />

Creighton James<br />

DeGrassi Philip<br />

I).~lIamorc Will<br />

Davis J ames [ncr<br />

F,ustwood &; Skin.<br />

G..eorO'e William<br />

q.'1I1;~av John<br />

Hayes lohn<br />

IJY/l~s Frederick<br />


190<br />


Willinm Higgins, High Constable.<br />

Townsltipof York.-John Earls, John l\1antach, Daniel<br />

Tiers, Calvi:1 Davis. Irhitby-U. R. \\'. Donaldson,<br />

John McGregor, Thomas ;'". Scripture, Tho·s. Flemmir.g.<br />

Pickering-Charles Hadley, \\ illiarn liattrick, John Hattrick,<br />

jun'r. Scarhorough-1Vm. Pherrp,ll, Jonathan Gates;<br />

Markham-J. \V. Crosby, James Devine, \,yrn. Ketchum.<br />

Vaughan-Ebcaezer Wilite, Thomas lI.lcAdams. Whit·<br />

clwl"ch-Wm. Garbutt, John Mair. Hing-Tho's. Davis,<br />

John Cosrord, John Steven,,;, Daniel Kelilledy. North<br />

Gwillimbury-Isaac Bennett, Alexander Lang, Amos Crittendo:l.<br />

East Gzdlimbury-J ollil Reael. TfTest Gwillim·<br />

bury- \Vm. Reed, Simon Armstrong, .Iohn Da:y, J. Evans.<br />

Georgina- John Curner, Sihs Erncs. Tlwrah-Kenneth<br />

Cammeron, Archibald Mc13ain, Finnan McDflnald, lTeorge<br />

G. Parker. Elobicokp.-Andrcw \Vard, l{ob't GardhoU!~e,<br />

Edward ,\lusson. Albion-.\Ibert Finch, Thomas Rogers<br />

(nolton's mills) \rill, Acheson. Calf'don-Cuflstantine<br />

Murphy, William Wiloughby. Chinguacousy--Robert<br />

Trimble, Alexander Davidsoll, Martill Salesbury. Ux.<br />

bridge-John p. Plank, John Castlel". Reach-George<br />

Moore, Reuben Cranda!. <strong>Toronto</strong>-Orange Churcn,<br />

William Scott, Charles Cameron, John Glendenning, Patrick<br />

Hero:J, Nathaniel Cooper, John Stevens, Thomas<br />

~Illith, George Garbutt, John Pier. Tecurnstth-Alex'r.<br />

Rc('d, Thomas [lm·d. Adjala 4- ,!IIono-John Cohelln.<br />

P('lll'ianglls/tinl'-Robert Jell', Lewis Cummings. Oro­<br />

Robert H,fJIJerts.<br />

JURORS.<br />

The Clerk of the Pc::\ce ill e:1ch District of the Province<br />

makes up a list, yearly, rrolTl the Ass:~ssors returns of tQ~<br />

Inhabitant hOllseholders, and d('li\'er~ the same to the She~<br />

riff, ever\, persall Oil sllch list is qll:dified to serve 011 juries,<br />

alld lIO others. No person ea:J be cO!lJjlel:ed to f-erre as<br />

a juror at ('idler A::ls:zcs or Quarter S"S~i:lllS, who has<br />

served Wilhi:l one year preceding.

191<br />

. Any juror not appearing after having been three times<br />

cal!ed, subject to a fiue \lot exceeding £3, nor lesa than<br />

20s. ullle~a reasonable cause be shewn.<br />

Persons sixty years of age exempt.<br />

Every common juror, in civil actions, allowed Is 3d. in<br />

every cause iil which he shall be sworn, to be paid by the<br />

plaimiff or his attorney .<br />

. ,'<br />


-1 (3y nn act, passed in the 11th year Geo. IV. A. D. 1830,<br />

entitled " An Act to encourage the establishment of Agricultural<br />

SocietIes in the several Districts of this Province,"<br />

any Agricultural Society, subscribing £50, will be entitled<br />

to £100, annually, so long as slIch subscription shall continue.<br />

County Societies shall be entitled to an equal sbare<br />

of tho bounty.)<br />


9 d , Ilis Excellency Sir Francis Bond Head, Patron.<br />

',ll!.n.<br />


192<br />

Quarlerly 1'I'1eetinrrs, the 1st Saturday in January, April,<br />

July, and October, at the Court House, City of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

Every Township estubljshing an Agricultural Socie·~y<br />

of not less than twenty.five members, at 59. each, be ad.<br />

mitted a branch of this Society, and be entitled to a share<br />

of the Government bounty.<br />



The following table shows a rapid progressive increase<br />

in the population of the Home Distl'ict, since 1799 to the<br />

year 18~6 inclusive. The population of the City of To.<br />

ronto, as noted at foot, is not included in the returns for<br />

the years 1834, 18,'].), and 1836.<br />

Yrs. Pop. rrs. Pop. Yrs. Pop. Yrs. Pop.<br />

1799 224 1809 6171 1819 9380 1829 25093<br />

1800 1127 1810, 1820 1088:3 1830 28562<br />

1801 2783 1811 1 18'21 12845 1831 32841<br />

1802 3370 1812 1822 18870 1832 406':'0<br />

1803 2:328 1813» nc: reo 1823 141"77 1833 47655<br />

1804 3378 18141 tUl'IlS. : '3:24 16609 1834 46288*<br />

1805 3784 1815 1825 17442 1835 47543*<br />

1806110 retl1l': 1816) 1826 19670 1836 51764*<br />

1807 4898 1817 72~O 1927 21329<br />

J808 noretllfll 1818 8459 18:!8 2:.:927<br />

* Exclusit'e of the C:'y of <strong>Toronto</strong>, which was incorporated<br />

in 1834.<br />

Population of the City in 1834 9254<br />

do do 18:n 9765<br />

UO do 1836 9652<br />


Goods and chattels, hnds ar,d tenements, cannot be in.<br />

c1uded in the same WI':t ()f execution, nor can any such<br />

ppoces9 issue against the lands and tenements' until~he<br />

return of the process against the goods and chattels.-<br />

The' writ against the lauds aud tenements shall not be<br />

!hade returnable in less than 12 months from the date<br />

thereof, and the Sheriff cannot sell I he same wj·tllin·less<br />

than ]2 months from tl~e day oll'Wlhichhe-l'eaei-ve& it •.

.A. LIST OF THE<br />



01'<br />




. PERIOD 01P<br />

~l:<br />

;~ ~ ~ llAr.lrB. TITLES. ~~<br />

CbionelJohn Graves Simcoe ............. Lieut. Gov. July 8,1792<br />

if1he Honorable Peter Russell ...•......... President. July 21, 1796<br />

Li~utenantGeneral Peter Hunter ......... Lieut. Gov. Aug. 17,1799<br />

The Honorahle Alexandor Grapt ...•••..•. President. Sept. II, 1805<br />

His Excellency Francis Gore ............. Lieut. Gov. Aug. 25,1806<br />

Major.General Sir Isaac Brock. . . .• •.. "Presideut.<br />

MaJor-General Sir R. Hale Sheafie, Barone(,Prcsidcnt.,<br />

Sept. 30, lS1l<br />

Oct. 20,IS12<br />

Major-General F. Baron de Rottenburgh ... PresIdent. June 19, 1813<br />

Lieut. K~C.cB.I .~~~ ,?~r.~~~. ?r.u.~~~~~, ~<br />

Provo Lt.Gov. Dec. 13, IS13<br />

Lieut. General Sir George Murray, Baronet Provo Lt.Gov. April 25, IS]5<br />

Maj.-~~~~ ~.r [r~~~~i.c~ ~~:I:~~~.~~.~i~: ~ Provo Lt.Gov. July 1,1813<br />

His Excellency Francis ,Gore ............. Lieu!. ~ov. ISept. 25, 1815<br />

The Honorable Samuel Smith .............. AdffimlStratorlJune 11,1817<br />

!hjor-g~n.B~~~ ~i.r :.~~~~~~~ .~1~:~1~~~: .~J Lieut. Gov. Aug. 13, 1818<br />

The. HOllorable Sarollel Smith. _ .•. _ •..... Administrator March 8,1820<br />

Major-g~B.~~I. ~~~ ~~~e.~r:~~. :~~it~~~~,.~: l Lieut. Gov. June 30, 1820<br />

Major-General Sir John Colborne, K.,C. B. Lieut. Gov. NOT. 5,1828<br />

Hi. Excellency Sir FRJ.NCIS BOND HEAD. 1<br />

Knight Commander of the Royal<br />

2<br />


ms Excellency Sir Francis Eond Hea.l, Knight Comman,Jer<br />

of the Royal Hanoverian Guelpbic Order, amI of the<br />

l'n.:~s; ,n Military Order of Merit.<br />

Private Secretary, ••.• John Joseph. Esq •<br />

• 2i:'-J.;· Cump, ••.•.•• Lieut. F. HdkeL<br />



j;E;;:SER:~ OF 'l['n~ EXECUTIVE COUNCIL.<br />


EdwHd MacMahon, Chief Clerk ,'-<br />

.I·r,hi.ji: G,ff,rd, ~<br />

,',",mos macdonell, .•• Cierks<br />

'Yaller I"I'·.cl;ej"1.ie<br />

'C,~'j;;~"~ "_.~"l'{t[r and J_r",'~;s'cn[Jcr)<br />

.L1..;~ ~:;~ :::nt ./~lesscngcr, • . . •<br />

.• 'Vimnm f'lcughly.<br />

•• Hobert Algeo •<br />

'1'1,,) ; en. RJberl Daltlwin Sullivan, ... ·;c~iding Councillor­<br />

The Hon. William A I! 10<br />

The Hon. Augustus Baldwin<br />

Ti.J H0n. John Ehdc:y<br />

Ju~J!l :Jl'l;.i~) '. . . .• • Cia', of the Council.<br />

Vt"',~on2 H~nry Lee,. • COllfdential CleTk,<br />

JarflCS ~:'\,:)nlon, • • •• • (:/:.!Jk.<br />

Hugh Carfrac, . . . . Door keeper an(ZlI:!essenger.<br />

I\.,,;;u;,ll' Council .I)"y Th.UTSd,,!/ in ceer:; (C(;.:k.<br />




TLa Hon. J, 1m n. Rou:nsoll, Speaker, TOI·on/o.<br />

" WIlliam Dic\,sull, Dumfries.<br />

" George Crookshank, - 'l'JJ all/a.<br />

" Yen. John Strachsn, D, D. ~ T. t<br />

" Ar~hdr"CQllofYork, 5 onm o.<br />

" Joseph Wells, <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

" Duncan Cameron, <strong>Toronto</strong>.

The Hon. George H. Marllland,<br />

"<br />

..<br />

John Henry Dunn,<br />

William Allan,<br />

"<br />

~.<br />

Peter Robinson,<br />

Charles Jones,<br />

.. James Gordon, •<br />

" Alexander McDonell,<br />

.. "<br />

..<br />

Zaccheus Burnham,<br />

John Elmsley,<br />

Augustus Baldwin,<br />

John Hamilton,<br />

Walter Boswell;<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

Brockville.<br />

Llmherstburgh.<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

S Hamilton, Newcastle<br />

~ District.<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

Qu.eenston.<br />

S Hamilton, Newcastle<br />

l District.<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong> Township.<br />

Fort Erie.<br />

Kingston.<br />

H<br />

Peter Adamson,<br />

James I{erby,<br />

John Kirby,<br />

" James Crooks,. Flambro West,<br />

Right Re~. A .. McDonell,2 T. t<br />

-'~ Bishop of Regiopolis, 5 oron o.<br />

f< Alexander Grant, Hawkesbury.<br />

" Arthur Lloyd, Jllarch.<br />

" Abraham Nelles, •• Grimsby.<br />

.. 'I'homas A.lexander SleW31't, Peterborough.<br />

fC William Morris, Perth.<br />

H John M.;cauley, • Iiingston.<br />

" Peter Vankoughnet, Cornwall.<br />

Grant Powell, CIerll.<br />

Rev. Thomas Phillips, D. D: Chaplain.<br />

D'arcy Boullon, Master in Chancery.<br />

Stephen Juvis, Gentleman Ushel' of the Black-Rod.<br />

John F. Taylor, Clerk.<br />

Hugh Carfrae, Door-Keppel'.<br />

Lewis Bright, Messenger •<br />

.t1ddress.-The Honorahle the Legislative Council in Provincial<br />

Parliament Assembled. .<br />







Richard Phillips Hotham. L'originaJ,<br />

Jobn Kearns, L'originaJ,

RUSSELL.<br />

Thomas McKay, By-Town.<br />


Donald McDonell, Cornwall.<br />

Alexander Chisholm, Cornwall.<br />


Archibald Mc_Lean, Cornwall.<br />

Donald lE. McDonald, Cornwall.<br />

DUNDAS.<br />

Peter Shaver, Matilda.<br />

John Cook, Williumsburgb.<br />

LANARK.<br />

John A. H. Powell, Perth.<br />

Malcolm Cameron, l'erill.<br />


John Bower V~wis, Richmond;<br />

Edward Malloch, Richmond.<br />

LEEDS.<br />

Jonas Jones, Brockyille.<br />

Ogle Robert Gowu.n, Brockl'ille.<br />


Hiram'Norton, Pr2fcott.<br />

'Villiam B. Wells, Brockville.<br />


James Matlhp.wson, Kingston.<br />

John B. l.\hlks, Kli,gston.<br />


John Solomon Cartwright, Kingston.<br />

GeOl'ge Hill DeUor, Napanee.<br />


James Rogers ArmBtrong, City of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

Charles Bockus, Hallowell.

7<br />

The Revilrend T. Phillips, D. D ,-Chaplain<br />

Samuel Peters Jaryis,-Clerk Clown in Chancery;<br />

DaviJ L\1cNab,-S"rg.oant at Arms.<br />

Eneas Bdl,-Housekeeper and Messenger .<br />

..dddress-The Honorable the Commons House of Anembly.<br />

in Provincial Pal'li:l.iDClll assembled.<br />



Cl,rk of the Crown end Plea!:, Charle, (;0xwell Smr.l'I.<br />

(\Villiam H. Coxwell.<br />

ClerT.s in Office,<br />

~ Johrl Wm. Dempsey,<br />

Henry J. Braley "<br />

George Elliott.<br />

t<br />



Robert Sympson J,ul.csGn-JilluJ"ncy General.<br />



Receiver General, - - The Honorable John H. DUDG,<br />

B. TlJrqUlI1111<br />

Clerks, - - - - \V. Rose,<br />

W. Sergeant.<br />

~<br />



inspector General,- - The H~n. G. I-I. Markland.<br />

rtl k S Jdmes !'aliorl,<br />

v, er 8, - - -i Raymond Baby.

8<br />



Secretary and Registrar, - , The Han, Duncan Cameron.<br />

Deputy Secrdary and Resist~ar,-Samud Pet~rs Jarvis.<br />

Clerk, - - - - - - '. Thomas D. [-Iarnngton.<br />

NOTE.-All public documents and Instruments that pass<br />

the Great Seal are rl'gistered at this Office, all of whicb can<br />

be seen by the puhlic at a charge of Is. 3d. each. Copies can<br />

likewise be obtained hy pa} ing Is, per folio of One Hundred<br />

words, and if a certificate is wanted of the same. tbe char~e<br />

is Ss.<br />



Survoyor General,<br />

Chief and Prillcipal Cta!;, - - John Ratlenhurst.<br />

Chief and Principal SLGTvcyor and r<br />

Draftsman,<br />

and Sllpel'inlendmt oftlw ~ J3mes G. Chewett.<br />

Drawilll!; Room, l<br />

.J1ss~stant Draftsman, - - - - Henry Lizars.<br />

( Wilham iSpraggl'l<br />

Clerks, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ John M. Caldwell<br />

I Henry J. Castles<br />

l Philip Durnford.<br />

Messenger, .. - William Walker.<br />



Reports r.n applications to Purcbase Crown Land, 2s. 6d<br />

Reports on Petitions, - - - - - - - - - 2s. 6d<br />

Certificate under the hand of the Snrvcyor General 2s. 6d<br />

On filing cel'lifie~t(:s or Settlement Duty, on ~ 2 6d<br />

gr,mts (0 indiviuuals not priv:lel!'ed, 5 - - 8.<br />

Location Ticket on granls not privileged, - - - 3s. 9d<br />

Location Ticket on priVileged persons after ~ ,_ _ 33. 9d<br />

first Location, ~<br />

On searching Plan or Record, - - - - - _ - Is. 3d<br />

«:Iopy of TOIVnship Plan, - 12&. 6~

n<br />


Edward Murney, Belleville.'<br />

Anthony Manahan, Kingston.<br />


Alexander McDonell, Peterborough.<br />

Henry Ruttan, Cobour~.<br />

DURHAM.<br />

George Strange Boulton, Cobourg.<br />

George Elliolt, Monaghan.<br />

YORK.<br />

Ist Riding, Davi

NORFOLK.<br />

John Rolph, City of <strong>Toronto</strong>,<br />

David Duncombe, Waterford.<br />

MiDDLESEX.<br />

Thomas Parke, London,<br />

Elias Moore, do<br />

KENT.<br />

William McCrea, Raleigh,<br />

Nathan Cornwall, do<br />

E:]SEX.<br />

John Prince, Sandwich,<br />

Francis Oald \Veil, do<br />

HUROX.<br />

Robert Graham Dunlop, Goodericb.<br />


William Henry Draper, City of Torooto.<br />


Charles Richardson, Niagara. I<br />


Colin Campbell Ferrie, Hamilton.<br />


Christopher A. Hagerman, City of ToroDto.<br />


Henry Sherwood, City of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />


George S. Jarvis, Cornwall.<br />

TOWN 01)" LONDON.<br />

Mahlon Burwell, Port Talbot.<br />

Speaker.<br />

Jame. FitzgibboD.-Clerk.



Oommissioner of Crown ~<br />

Lands and Agent for the sale Hon. Robert BaldlVin Sullinn.<br />

of Clergy Reserves,<br />

Chief Clerk, Richard Hull Thornhill.<br />

Andrew Tod,<br />

Clerks, • •• John Dean,<br />

~ Lewis W. Healh.<br />

Messenger, John McCloskey.<br />



SU1"l)eyor General, HOIl. Peter Robinson.<br />



Secretary, Thomas .Baynes.<br />



Superintendent, Anthony B. Hawke.<br />

CLerk, llobel't Beekman. ,<br />



Trustees to the Six N"i;ons' ~ Hop. John H. Dunn_<br />

Indians residing 011 the Grand "George H. Markland.<br />

River, - - - - William Hepburn.<br />

Accountant, Bernanl Turqllcnd.<br />

Chief Superintendent of indian Affairs, Col. Jame& Givin ••<br />

4cting Trustee, William Hepburn.

10<br />



Reaistrar and Burser, The Hon. Lt. Col. Joseph Wells.<br />

Cl:rk _ - - - - Edmund J. Ridout.<br />

The ~ailaO"ement of all matters connected with the Laoi<br />

belonging to [he projected Unh'ersily of King's College, and<br />

likewise of the U ppel' Canada College, are conducted here.<br />



The Chiel Justice for the time being.<br />

The Puisne J uuges do.<br />

The Hon. Robert .Baldwin Sullivan,<br />

" William Allan,<br />

" Augustus Baldwin,<br />

" John Elmsley,<br />

The Surveyor- General tor the time being.<br />

Clak, James Beikie.<br />

NOTE.-:This is. an Act to affor~l relief to persons. claiminl<br />

Lands in thiS Province, under ASSignments from Heirs, Devi<br />

sees, or A2signees of the original nominees of Ihe Crown, i'l<br />

cases where no Patents had Issued, &c. The Commissioner<br />

sit on the first Monday in July in each year, continuing fo<br />

Ilixteen days.<br />



Samuel Ridout, Registrar for the County of York.<br />

r"This is an Office established by Act of Parliament lor th<br />

ub lie registering of Deeds, Conveyance$, \Vills, and othe<br />

ncumbrances, which shall be made, or may a!1'~ct any Land!<br />

Tenements, or Hereditaments.<br />

Office hours, from 9 ta 2 o'clock.<br />

F,·os for entry of every Memorial, of 10J \l70r118, 29. 6d.<br />

and ("1' every 100 words ov~r and above the first 100 Is<br />

'Ibe like ~'ees are allowed to the Registrar for ev~ry Cedi<br />

ficate of such Memnrial given tInder his own hand.<br />

Every search, a Fee of Is. 6d.

11<br />


.MAJESTY.<br />

Robert Stanton,<br />

Office, 164. King-street.<br />

Clerk,-John Somerville.<br />



Chief Jttstice, - - - The Hon. John J. Rob;nmn.<br />

Puisne Judges _ D ~ Thtl Han. Levi,s p, SOP) wO'ld.<br />

, ( The Han. James B, Macaulay,<br />

Attorney General, - - Rohert Sympwn James In,<br />

Solicitor Gelleral, - - Christopher A. HagermHl,<br />

Reporter, - - - - - William H. J)raper. ~<br />


Clerk of the Crown and Pleas - Charles Coxwell Small.<br />

Western DislTict, -<br />

London do-<br />

Gore do-<br />

N;agara do - -<br />

Newcastle do<br />

. P Edward do<br />

.Midlalld do<br />

Bathurst do -<br />

Johnstown do<br />

Eastern do-<br />


- - John L. Williams,<br />

John Hanis,<br />

David Macnab,<br />

William D. Miller,<br />

Hemy W. Jones,<br />

John l\'lcCraig,<br />

Willi~m B. Smyth,<br />

John McKay,<br />

Thomas D. Campbell,<br />

George Anderson.<br />



. Sheriff, Home District, - - - William Eotsford Jarvi9,<br />

Deput!} Sheriff. - - - - - - John Hollisler.

l~<br />



Clerk of the Peace, - - - - - Simon Waahburu.<br />



Treasurer, • • - T. F. Billings.<br />



George Dug~an, 61 Kil1g-;~lreet.<br />

W. Cooper, Palace-Street.<br />


OFFIrE~ COURT I-iQU:5E.<br />

JLU::'e, Grant POlVell.<br />

Clerk of the Court, Henry C. Heward.<br />



OF YrlT:].>: AND SC.\TI130ROUGH.<br />

CO:,IMF:CiUi ;~'l' ,J,<br />

John El'I':)rt, William Stennett,<br />

Gcor;e Gurnclt, I Alexamler Burnside,<br />

Peter Paterson,<br />

George Duggan, Junr.<br />

Clc;-", Genrgp. Walton.<br />

Bailiffs, William I-;i::,:~ins and Thomas Metcalf.<br />

'Ihe Commissioners sit on the 1st and 31'd Saturday in ner<br />

month.<br />

The Office is open every day from 10 to 3 o'clock.<br />




Geo. Waltoo l Clerk.-Williilm Higgins, Hi~h ConrlQ~I ••

13<br />



City of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

Cullector of Cllstoms,<br />

Thomas Carfl'ae.<br />

Deputy Collector do. William Steward.<br />



City of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

Cmli\lISSIONERS.<br />

James Fitzgibbon, Robert Stanton, William Hepburn,<br />

Jobn F. Taylor, Clerk.<br />

Commissioners' judgment in .seizures is final under £40;<br />

over that sum it must be referred to tb .. decision at the Governor<br />

in Council.<br />



Hon. Alexander Macdonell, 102 Newgate-street.<br />

City of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />


The Probate Court is! the supreme Ecclesiastical Court in<br />

the Province. Pt'rsons dying and leaving property in more<br />

than one District, those interested must prove the \ViII, Stc.<br />

in the Court of Prohate, which is held in <strong>Toronto</strong> four times<br />

in every year, commencing un tbe first Monday in January,<br />

the last Monday in March, first Monday in June, and last<br />

Monday in September.<br />

Judge ex Officio, . The Lieutenant Governor.<br />

Official Principal,<br />

Grant Powell.<br />

Registrar, .<br />

James Fitzgibbon.<br />

The Surrogate Court is held in every district the Saootl days<br />


"5 the Pr;)bale Court, and relates t;> Wills, &c. in th~ parti?u­<br />

Lr district. Wills can be proved and letters of admll1lstratlOn<br />

granted any day at the office 01- the District Surrogate.<br />

Surrogate of the Home District, J o~~. Godf;ey Spragge.<br />

Registrar of do_ WIlliam Chewett.<br />



~imon 'Vashburn, Grant Powell, James Fitzgibbon,<br />

1tobert ~tanton<br />


15<br />



Ottawa ................ . C. P. Tread\rell ................ VOriginal.<br />

Eastern ................. Donald r.lcDonell.. ........... Cornwall.<br />

Johnstown ........... .. Adiel Sherwood ................ Brockville.<br />

Bathurst .............. J. A. H. Powell ................ Perth.<br />

Prince Edward ....... Richard Bullock ................ Hallowell.<br />

Midland ............... John McLean ............. : .... Kingston.<br />

Newcastle ............. Henry Ruttan ................... Cobourg.<br />

Home ................... Wllliam Botsford Jarvis .... City of Toronlo.<br />

Niagam ............... Alexander Hamilton .......... Niagara.<br />

G01'€ ............. ....... William 1\1. Jarvis ............. Hamllton.<br />

London ......... ....... A. A. Rapeljie .................. London.<br />

lVestern ................ Ebenezer Reynolds ............ Sandwich.<br />



Ottawa ....... .......... George S. Jarvis ................ Cornwall.<br />

Eastern ................. . David Jones ..................... Brockville.<br />

Juhnstown.... . ...... Jonas Jones ...................... Brockvillc.<br />

BathUl'8t .............. Jonas Jones ...................... Brockville.<br />

Prince Edward .... ... D. Bethune ..................... Cobourg.<br />

Midland ............... Jonas .Jones ..................... Brockville.<br />

Newcastle ............. W. Falkner ..................... Cobourg.<br />

Home ................... Grant Powell ................... City of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

Niagara ............... Robert E. Burn~ ............... St. Catherine •.<br />

Gore .............. ...... 'Thomas Taylor ................ Hamilton.<br />

London ................ William young ................ London.<br />

lVestern ................ Charles Elliott .................. Sandwich.<br />


DISTI'ICT2.<br />

Ottawa<br />

Eastern ..... .<br />

Johnstown ...<br />

Bathurst<br />

Priuce Ed\\ .. uu<br />

Midliind<br />

Newcastle ...<br />

llorne<br />

J'\iDgara<br />

(;ore<br />

I,(lndon<br />

\\' cs~crI1<br />

CLERKS.<br />

R l' Hothum<br />

Archibald McLean<br />


16<br />



TllE.~SURF.nS<br />

RE ID.e~CE<br />

Oll1wa<br />

Eastern<br />

Johnstown<br />

Midland<br />

Newcastle<br />

Bathurst<br />

Prince Edward .,.<br />

Home<br />

Gore<br />

Niagara<br />

London<br />

Western<br />

Alexander McLean<br />

Adiel ~'herwood<br />

Thomas l'" arId and<br />

Zaccheus Burnham<br />

John Mcl,ay<br />

David Smith<br />

Francis l' HiIlmg.<br />

Henry Heasley<br />

\\' illiam Clark<br />

John Harris<br />

felix Hands<br />

Cornwall<br />

Brockville<br />

Kingston<br />

Cobourg<br />

l'erth<br />

Hallowell<br />

Cit,· of <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Hainilton<br />

Kiagara<br />

London<br />

Sandwich<br />




Ottawa .. .<br />

Eastern .. .<br />

Johnstown<br />

Bathurst<br />

Prince Edward<br />

Midland<br />

Newcastle<br />

Home<br />

Niagara<br />

Gore<br />

London<br />

\Vcstern<br />

JUDGES.<br />

David Patten<br />

John McDon£lld<br />

Jonas Jones<br />

E J Hubbell<br />

S'Vashburn<br />

Thos Markland<br />

Thomas Ward<br />

J G Spragge<br />

'Varren Claus<br />

Thomas Taylor<br />

James Mitchell<br />

William Hands<br />


R P Hothan<br />

Arch'd McLean<br />

George Malloch<br />

Joseph Taylor<br />

P S McCuaig<br />

Isaac Fraser<br />

M F Whitehead<br />

'Wm Chewett<br />

C B Secord<br />

George Rolph<br />

F L Walsh<br />

Jamcs Askia<br />


Chief Superintendant, James Givins, City of <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Superintendant, J B Clench, Amherstburgh<br />

do T G Anderson, Peterboro'<br />

,10 George Ironside, Penetanguishine<br />

do James Winnictt, Brantford<br />

do William Jones, Sandwich


lJISThlCTS.<br />


OttalV.J. .<br />

DOllald McDonald<br />

Ea.tern<br />

Philip Vankoughnett<br />

J ohnstolVll John Weatherhead<br />

Dathurst<br />

Anthony Lesslie<br />

Prince Edward ... Adam Hubbs ...<br />

Midland<br />

James Sampson<br />

Newcastle IJenry \\', Jones<br />

Home ...<br />

Alexander McDonell ......<br />

Niagara<br />

John Jordan<br />

Gore<br />

London<br />

John Willson .'<br />

James M.itehell<br />

'Veslern<br />

WIlliam Gaspie Hall ......<br />

U. CAX.lDA.<br />

RESIDJ::NCE.<br />

L'Original<br />

Cornwall<br />

Brochille<br />

Perth<br />

Hallowell<br />

Kingston<br />

Port Hope<br />

City of <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

NiQ'gara<br />

SailBeet<br />

Vittori"<br />

Sandwich<br />



COUfl.iTlES.<br />


Prescott & Rnss!']... R P Hothum<br />

Glengarry 'Valter Cameron ......<br />

Stormont & Dundas Archibald McLean ......<br />

Lanark .. G T Durke ...<br />

Carleton. .<br />

Alexander McMullan".<br />

Grenville . John Patton .<br />

Leeds Daniel Jones .<br />

Prince Edward ...... Allan McLean<br />

Midland District,... Allan McLean<br />

Northumberland ... G S Boulton<br />

Durham<br />

Thomas 'Vard<br />

York ......<br />

Samuel Riduut<br />

Simcoe<br />

George Lount<br />

Halton<br />

Thomas Racey<br />

Wentworth<br />

D A ~[cNabb<br />

Lincoln & Haldimand John Lyons<br />

Middlesex<br />

Mahlon Burwell<br />

Oxford<br />

J ames Ingersoll<br />

Norfolk<br />

F L Walsh<br />

Huron<br />

Robert G Dunlop<br />

Essex<br />

James Askin<br />

Kent<br />

William Jones<br />


L'Original<br />

Cornwall<br />

Cornwall<br />

Porth<br />

Richmond<br />

I rescott<br />

Brookville<br />

Hallowell<br />

Cobourg<br />

Port Hope<br />

City of Townto<br />

Holland Landing<br />

Dundas<br />

Hamilton<br />

Niagara<br />

Port Talbot<br />

Oxford<br />

Vittoria<br />

Goderich<br />

Sandwich<br />

Amherstburg<br />


River Raisins John Cameron<br />

Cornwall<br />

G S Jarvis<br />

Prescott<br />

Alpheus Jones<br />

Maitland<br />

Alexander McQucell<br />

DtockviIJe<br />

R D Fraser<br />

Johnstown<br />

John Webster

18<br />

Gllnnanoque<br />

Hallowell<br />

Kingston<br />

Belleville<br />

Dath<br />

Port Hope<br />

Newcastle<br />

Cobourg<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong> City<br />

l'enetanguishine ...<br />

Windsor<br />

Burlington<br />

Oakville<br />

Chippawa<br />

Quecnston<br />

Fort Erie<br />

Dalhousie<br />

Niagara<br />

Dover ...<br />

colborne<br />

Stanley<br />

BUl"lI'dl<br />

Talbot<br />

Turkey Point<br />

Goderich<br />

Sandwich<br />

Amherstburgh .<br />

Chatham<br />

Ephraim llTobster<br />

Edward Beeston<br />

Thomas Kirkpatrick<br />

Henry Baldwin<br />

C ~lcKenzie<br />

\V!llialll Kingsmill<br />

D i'I1c:llahon<br />

Robert Brown<br />

Thomas Carfrac<br />

T G Anderson<br />

Henry Boys<br />

John Chisholm<br />

William ChisholIn<br />

J ames ~eeord<br />

Robert Gr

19<br />


Hon. Wm Allan and Thomas Mercer Jones of the City of T((>nto.<br />


Situated in Fl'ederick Street.<br />

John Huddlestone, John 111 A Cameron, Edward Lefroy (uli,<br />

David llaird Clunie, Robt A Kelly, Thos Galt, Donald !\lc"-iona]d..<br />


20<br />

Joseph \Ycnhanl<br />

J ~mes Freeland<br />

A F ~auine<br />


OFFIce AT NI.'\G.\r.A.<br />

] IJO III as ~I cCormack ..... .<br />

I o,,-~c Jj ~t~llton<br />

OFI"Il'C AT COBOrflG.<br />

I u',,-ard r;oldsm:lh<br />

ornec AT LONDON.<br />

EicharJ IlichJfuson<br />

J ,,1m G II orne<br />

Agent at Amherstburg ..... .<br />

'" J1enetanguishene ..... .<br />

l'~yt\)\\·n<br />

( ornwall<br />

\\' oodstock<br />

,'ort II ope<br />

~t ThoIlJas<br />

II[tllli1ton<br />

Hufr~lo<br />

I'IlontreClI<br />

Ncw York<br />

Londoll, England<br />

~ cOtlallU<br />

Cashier<br />

Book.keeper<br />

lIer:'<br />

('ashier<br />

( Ierk<br />

Cashier<br />

Cashior<br />

Clerk<br />

Ilon'ble James Gordon<br />

Captain \loberly, R :;<br />

Captain Baker, It<br />

Guy C I\'ard<br />

Captain llrew, n N<br />

Eli~s P f.mith<br />

Edward Errm.tinger<br />

Core Bank<br />

Wm I{ n.ochestcr<br />

The ~Iontreal Hank<br />

i'rime, Ward & King<br />

J homas Wilson & Co<br />

The British Linen Co:. Bank<br />


Kl:'-iGSTON.<br />


John S Cartwright ',I I' P President, John Strange, Vice.President.<br />

DlRECTOflS •<br />

• Tuhn \I' atkins, John Mowat, John U Marks, Wm Logie, George<br />

W Yarkcr, Joseph Bruce, '1 homas Macnider, Douglass Prentiss.<br />

Francis A Harper, Cashier; Alex ;\Jc~abb, Teller; John Cam.<br />

don, Accountant; JOB Rorke, Discount Clerk; Andrew Drummllnd<br />

A~sistant nook.keoper; James Geddes & lIugh lUacdon.u.ld, Clerks.

21<br />


Situated in King-street.<br />


Ceorge Munro, James F Smith, Silas Burnham, James It Arm.<br />

Etrong, Francis 1\1 Cayley, Wm H Draper. '<br />

.Tollll Ross, Cashier; Thomas Mair, feller; Charles Smith Ross,<br />

Dook.keeper; .las Watson, Discount Clerk; Jas Heid, r.lessenger.<br />

AGENTS.<br />

~ytown, J & R Laing; Perth, Anthony leslie; Prescott,-­<br />

--; Brockville, James :11 orris, Cashier; Belleville, 1 hos I'arker;<br />

Hallowell, David Smith; Cobourg, Robert Henry, Cashier; Port<br />

Hope, David Smart; l'eterborough, Edward Duffy; Dundas, .las<br />

Bell Ewart; Niagara, J ames Lockhart; St Catherine's, Henry<br />

Mittleberger ; Brantford, ". illiam Richardson; 5t Thomas, James<br />

Hamilton; Sandwich, James Dougall; London, EIJgland, Thomas<br />

Wilson & Co.: New York, Bullock, Lyman, & Co.; Montreal,<br />

lI10ntreal Bank.<br />



DIl\ECTORS.<br />

Honourable John Elmsley, President; Thol'Jas Hector, William<br />

[;ctchum, Thomas Kinnear, Joseph Bloor, \I'm Musson, Andrew<br />

I\lcGlashan, James :'axon, Henry Sherwood, Israel Ransom, Ed.<br />

ward W '1 hompson, John Eastwood.<br />

Hilary Dupuy, l\lanager ; Carleton H Leonard, Teller; - -­<br />

F ook.keeper; l' T Clarke, Discount Clerk; Archibald Cameron,<br />

Junior Clerk,<br />

AGENTS.<br />

I'ort Hope, \l"illiam I,ingsmill, with a Board of Directors; .'1<br />

Catherine's, J T 'J aylor, with a Board of Directors; St Thomas,<br />

.J 1\ Woodward, with a board of Directors; Kingston, ]) J ~mifh ;<br />

;,'ow Yorl', Bullock, Lyman & Co.; !I'ontreal, I he City Bank.

Ttl E PEOPLE'S BANK.<br />


DHtE(;TORS.<br />

Ill' John Holph, President, l\larshall S Bidwell, Thomas D :lIvf.<br />

ri,on, James Lesslie, John Harper, James Beaty, .iohn Doel, John<br />

~iontgomcry, (.eo Barclay, Jas Ii J'rice, David Gibson, T fllIott .<br />

• 1 ames Lesslie, Cashier; francis il inks, ,\ ccountant.<br />



fo.~~~ Truscott and John Cleveland Green.<br />

H J Hensleigh, Cashier. .<br />


.\cljoining the A gricultuml Hank, Front Street, City of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />


COMPANY.<br />


Capital £lOO,OOO,-in shares of £l:! las. each.<br />


HOIl. IYIl1. Alltin, Governor-J S Baldl ..·in, D'puty Governor<br />

Li' An. v ! i oulton, Alexander :'urnside, .l vhn Ewart, !'-1 r Sheriff<br />

.larv~~, AiL-x IJainilton, .las Nc\\-bigging, l\.:te!' l'''~uerson, \\'iliiam<br />

Proudfoot, (;eo P Riuout, "illl

23<br />

PltlE'lix Pirf' Assl:rance Company of Londou.<br />

R St'lnton agent, Gazette Office, <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

Alliance Fire Assurance Company of London.<br />

John Ridout, agent, Newgo.te-st, <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />


NOTE.-The University is to be built at the top l,f the Colle;:c<br />

Avenue, lot-street. Wheneve,' this University shall be in operation<br />

as a semmary of learning, it will be entitled to send one Member to<br />

the Hou'e of tho Assembly.<br />

His excellency the Lt. Governor, .' hancellor; the Lord I'iohop of<br />

the Diocese, Visitor; the han. & ven. John Strachan, D.II. archdeacon<br />

of York, President; the hon. Lt-Col Joseph Wei!., Lursar<br />

and Secretary.<br />


The Lt. Guvernor, Visitor-Rev. J II Harris, D. D., Principal­<br />

:Kev Charles Mathews, M. A., First llassical Master-Rev Charles<br />

Dade, M. A., Mathematical Master-Rev Geo. ~laynord, 1I1 A, second<br />

classical master-F IV Barron, B A, third classicalmaster-­<br />

.J. P de 10. Haye, French master--G A Barber, teacher of writing.<br />

arithmetic, and book_keeping-John Kent, m:lst",r of the Preparatory<br />

School--James Duffy, te:lcher of arithmetic and geography-­<br />

.I G Howard. geometrical drawing and surveying--Thomas Young,<br />

lundscape and figure drawing.<br />


CANADA.<br />

Situated in New Street, City of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

His Excellellcy the Lieutella:lt-GovefIlor, Pa(roll.<br />

noys' SCHOOL.<br />

FlilST UtPAll·/·,\/E,,'/.-Joseph f'pragge, Master-English re3.ding,<br />

writing, and arithmet.ic, ou the principles of Bell and Lancaster.<br />

SECU"D DI.PAIIl'MEXT. - J '1' Wilson, l\1ostel' - English reucliDg',

24<br />

\IIlrit.ing, al'ithmetic, English grammar, book.keoping, clemcn£~~f<br />

geography, &c. &c.<br />


.•<br />

Rebecca ~,ylvester, Mistress.-English reading, writin/i, arit1i.<br />

motic and sewing.<br />

'J he scholars to pay one Dollar per quarter for instruction. "<br />

Free tickets of admission to the children of parents who are un·<br />

.hle to pay for their instruction, can be, had at any time by n~~,li.<br />

cation to the Hon. and Ven. John t'tracnan, D. 11., Archdeacon'lIf<br />

York, or to the HOll. Lieutcn:mt.C'oloncl Joseph Wells, at tlio<br />

King's ( ollege Office, corner of King and r ork.streets.<br />

TORO~TO INFANT SCHOOL-Hospital Street.<br />

Miss ~jary Swayze, Mistress.<br />

Chilnrcn of any religious pErsuasion, under 7 years of age, :111.<br />

nliUed at a charge of 7s tid per quarter.<br />



Ro,'fin.-The Hon. and Ven, the ,\rchdcacon of York, Hon: \Y.<br />

Allan, (;rant Powell- F T l3illings, Treasurer; (1eo '''alton, ('jerk.<br />

The Board meets at the Court House, City of <strong>Toronto</strong>, the last<br />

Monday in June, and December.<br />


Ottawa, Colin Gregor, Hawkesbury; Eastern, H. Urquhart,<br />

Cornwall; Johnstown, John Smith, AM, Brockville; Bathurst,<br />

WiIli,un Kay, Perth; Prince Edward, \loses Marcus, Hallowell ;<br />

Midland, George Baxter, Kingston; NewcastlIJ, ,v. Crofton, Co.<br />

bourg: Home, Rev D. Macaulay, City of <strong>Toronto</strong> ; Niagara, John<br />

Whitelaw,1\1 u, Niagara; Gore, John Rae, A M, Hamilton: Lon.<br />

dun, Eli Chadwick, tondon: lVeste"n, Rev \IT Johnston, Sandwich.<br />


Situated in New.street, City of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

This Institution for several years was ably and rnostsuccessfully<br />

conducted by the Hon. and Ven. the :\rchdeacon of York. for a<br />

few years after his, resignation, it ha~ no teacher, as it was thought<br />

1m necessary, that It should be eontmued any longer. In conse.<br />

quence, however, of the growing popUlation of the City, anum.<br />

ber of respectable individuals, impressed with the value of such an<br />

imtitution, presented a petitien to the Lieutenant Governor Sir

.fohn Colborne, praying that it might be re.opened, which wa~<br />

done in May, 1834, by the appointment of the Rev. D. Macaulay<br />

as Principal. ~ incc that time the school has flourished, and the<br />

average number of pupils is fi'om ninety to upwards of one hun.<br />

'dred. The branches of education taught are, Hebrew, Greek, La.<br />

tin, french, English, and English composition, the use of t1M<br />

Globes, l\Iathematlcs, Writing, Book.keeping, Drawing, &c.<br />

MASTERS.- Rev D Macaulay, principal; Wm Brethour A B, se.<br />

cond master; .\lexander Mackay, assistant teacher; M !\Iancarto,<br />

teacher of French; A Young, teacher of drawing.<br />

Mr. Macaulay takes young gentlemen to boa:d in his houso<br />

\\' hose educatIOn he superintends.<br />



1 he Honourable and Right Reverend Charles .lames Stewart, D<br />

D. Lord Bishop of Quebec.<br />

"he Yen. George O'Kill Stewart, LL D, Archdeacon of Kingstoa<br />

The Hon. & Yen. John Hrachan, D D, Archdeacon of Yorlt<br />

Domestic Chaplain, &c. Hev 8 Lockhart<br />


Hevds. G Archbord, Cornwall; A Lindsay, Matilda & William".<br />

burgh; R Rolph, Osnabruck<br />


Revds. M Harris, Perth; R Harte, Beckwith; RV Rogers, Rich.<br />

mond; J Padfield, March<br />


Revds. E Denroche, Brockville; R Blakeley, Prescott; W GUD.<br />

ning, Elizabethtown; H Patton, Oxford<br />


Ven G 0 Stewart LL D & Rev. R D Cartwright, Kingston and<br />

township; J Atkinson, Bath, Earnestown, &c.; J Deacon, Adol.<br />

phustown; W Macauley, Hallowell; J Cochrane, Belleville; J<br />

Grier, Carrying.place, township of Murray; J Harpar, travelling<br />


26<br />


Revds. A N Bethune, Cobourg; J Coglan. Port Hope; J Thorn.<br />

,on & S Armour, Cavan; R If D'Olier, Peterborough; Thomas<br />

Wade, travelling missionary<br />


Hon. & Yen. Dr Strachan, H J Grasett and Charles :wathews,<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong> City & York township; J lVagrath, <strong>Toronto</strong>; A :Mortimer,<br />

l\larkham; V Mayerhoffer, Vaughan; J O'Niel, travelling mission.<br />

ary; A Elliott, Indian missionary<br />


]{evds. J l\lillar, Ancaster & Dundas; G Geddes, Hamilton; R<br />

Lugger, Brantford and Indians; A Nelles, Grand Hiver ; - ('almer,<br />

Guelph; R lTaher, Barton<br />


Revds. T Creen, r>iagara and township; IV Leeming, Chippawa,<br />

Stamford and Queenston; H Grout, Grimsby; J Clarke, St cathe.<br />

rines; .T Anderson, Fort Erie<br />


Hevds. M Burnham, St Thomas; F Evans, \r oodhouse; J.<br />

Cronyn, London; H Blake, Adelaide; T Blake, Caradoc; J Gree;',<br />

travelling missionary<br />


RevdB. F Mack, Amherstburgh; IV Johnson, Sandwich; T 1\1or.<br />

ley, Chatham; IV Mc:\lurray, ::iault St Mary<br />


The Hon. & Right Rev. Alex. McDonell, Bishop 01 Regiopolis<br />

Right Rev RemegiuB Caulin coadjutor Bishop<br />

The Very Rev. IV. P. McDonell, Vicar General<br />


Rey. John Cannon, Hichmond, Napeon and Huntley-the "ery

27<br />

Rev W P ~cDonald By town-John McDonough, l'lantagenet and<br />

VOriginal<br />


Right Rev Remegius Gaulin and John McDonald, CharI otten.<br />

burgh and Lochiel - George Hay and James Bennett, Cornwall<br />


Rev .Tames Campion, B:ockville, Prescott and Kempvillc<br />


l:tev John McDonald, Perth al)d adjacant townships<br />


Rev Daniel Downie, Kingston, Longboro' and Camden-~Iichael<br />

Brennan, ~rarmora, Hiver 1 rent, Belleville and Hallowell<br />


nev John Butier, Peterborough & Port I-lope<br />


nev Patrick McDonough and __ Gibney, city of <strong>Toronto</strong>­<br />

Murt Lalor, <strong>Toronto</strong>, Albion and .-\djala<br />

,",OIlE DISTRICT.<br />

Rev:John Cassidy, Hamilton, nundas and Cuelph<br />


Hcvd •. Edward C;orJon &- Patrick I'olin, Niagara & St CatllCrinee<br />


nev -- ----, ~t Thomas, Lonllon, &c<br />


I:cvds. ~r\' 1\lorin 1 ilbury east, rivers Thames and ~t Clair-An.<br />

gus :\olc])onell, Sandwich; ______ 0- • Arnherstburgh-S S<br />

\, orriath, Godcrich, the !luron tract, Waterloo and Willmott T'p"

28<br />


CANADA.<br />

In connexion with the Church of Scotland.<br />

Revds. John \1achar, I{ingston, Moderator-Robert McGill,<br />

Niagara, Llerk-John McLean, [;mgston, '[ re3surer<br />


flevds. John Cooke, 8t Andrew's Church, Quebec-John Clugs.<br />

ton, ~t John's Chapel, Quebec - [lenry Esson, :::t Gabriel's Church,<br />

Montreal-Alex Mathieson, P C, ~t Andrew's church, Montreal-­<br />

Edward Black, Montreal-nobert Taylor, Lachine-Arch Colqu.<br />

houn, (;eorgetown Danl ,\:oouie, ])l1ndee - 'I'm l~air, Chatham<br />

and Greonville -David Lrown, Vulcartior-lraJter Roache, Beau.<br />

harnois<br />


Revds J Mackenzie, A ~I, V\'illiamstowu-Hugh Urquhart, Cornwall<br />

-Arch Connell, ,\ 111, P C, Martintown-John Fairbai, Ramsay<br />


Revds. John Cruikshank, .\ M, P C, Bytown-"'m McAlister,<br />

Lanark-Thos C Wilson, Perth; --- ---, Dalhousie<br />


Revds. John ~;achar, A M, Kingston- James Ketchum, Belle.<br />

ville J Alexander, Cobourg and Colborne -John RO!Ters, Peter.<br />

boro'-W Campbell, Urockville "<br />


Revds. "'m Rintoul, A 1If, PC, StreetsviIle-Alex'r Ross, A M,<br />

Aldborough-Robert !Hc(;ill, ~iagara-George Cheyne, A M,<br />

Amherstburgh-James "mith, Guelph-Peter Hayne, Galt-Peter<br />

Mc:-laughton, Vaughan-Alexander (;ale, Hamilton -William !'Ilc.<br />

Killican, ----; Angus McIntosh, City of the Falls -Henry<br />

.. ordon, Newmark6t - Marke Stark, Dundas--[) Macaulay, A 1\1,<br />

York Mills, at which a new church is building-Robert ,Ilurray,<br />

Oakville-William T Leach, <strong>Toronto</strong> -Andrew Hell. <strong>Toronto</strong> town.<br />

ship-Peter ferguson, Esquesing-U Me \lillan, Caledon-hmea<br />

George, ~earborough -

29<br />



Hevds. Wm Smart, Brockville-rlobert Boyd, Prescott-John<br />

Comeill, Lanark-Robert I.yle, Oenabruck-Jos Anderson, South<br />

Uower-John ])ickey, \yillian:sbnrgh<br />

PllESB~TERY<br />

OF TORO~TO.<br />

r,cvds. James Harris, City <strong>Toronto</strong>-Wm King, Kelson-John<br />

j'ryning, ~Iount neasant-I;eorge McClatchey, (,linton-Thomas<br />

JolInson, Chinguacousy-Charles Nichol, Eramosa-James Cairn.,<br />

.~luion ; --- I'orter, frafalgar<br />


i~cvds. Rohert McDowall, fredericksbUl'gh-James Rogers, De-<br />

1ll0rp>tvilJe and Hallowell- James Pouglas, Cavan<br />

'1 he l hurch in the City of <strong>Toronto</strong> is situated in Hospital-street<br />


In the year 1833, a union was formed between the ~fethodist<br />

rpiscopal Church and the British \resleyan Methodists in Upper<br />

canada, and the united society is called the Wesleyan ;\-fethodist<br />

Church in Canada. '1 he conference in England have authority<br />

"nnually. to appoint one of their own body to proside over the<br />

canadian conference, who, while in the l'rovince, oversees the<br />

~piritual and temporal affairs of the church.<br />

'J he lJumber of ministers and preachers belonging to the Wes.<br />

leyan l\lethodist

30<br />


rublishfld under the direction of the "'esleyan Metho,\ist Churcn<br />

in Canada. Office in <strong>Toronto</strong>-street, City of <strong>Toronto</strong>. Editor,<br />

lle'l Ephraim Evans.<br />




Treasurer, :\Ir S E Taylor. Superintendant of missions, Rev<br />

Joseph Stinson<br />

This society employs 12 missionaries and about 15 school teachers<br />

among the Indians, besides a number of native exhorte~s. Tho<br />

nUlnber of Indillns in society is 1017, and about 350 cluldren In<br />

the schools<br />


Chapel situated in Bay-street, Cit!} of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

In the year 1829, :\[r \\,illiilm Lawson, a Primitive :\lethodist Lo.<br />

cal Preacher, from London, settled in York, and immediately commenced<br />

l'reaehing in the market square, formed a :'ociety, and<br />

wrote to the P _II (onference in I·.ngland, for a mi"ionary. Ons<br />

was sent who arrived in r' ugust 1830, and took the society tllU'<br />

formed into the connexion of the said conference.<br />

Connected with this station are 4 travelling preachers, 30 local<br />

preachers, 330 members, and ,1;2 distinct congregations.<br />

~o'j(-.-l he doctrines and rules of the Pnmitive .\Jethodists, for<br />

private members, are the same as the \Vesleyans, from whom they<br />

differ in some points of church government, viz. their distrIct an.!<br />

tlnnual conference, being composed of two parts laymen, anu ~no<br />

part travelling preachers; this was intended to preserve a ju,t<br />

equipoise c f power, and unite all the intelligence and experience<br />

of their society, in their church government.<br />

~tationed preacher in ths: City of <strong>Toronto</strong>, Rev Wm ~urnmersides<br />


The Baptist Church in the City of <strong>Toronto</strong> is situated in M:ucil<br />

.treet east, and has service every f.unday at 11 in the morning, 3<br />

in the afternoon, and at 6 in the evening.<br />

J E R>1axwell, Pastor. H Toast, jlcacon

31<br />

1 here are in this Province 4 associations of Baptists, having i ..<br />

.. II 53 churches, 33 ordained ministers, and 17 licentiates.<br />

The i\frican I'aptbt Church in the City of <strong>Toronto</strong> is situated<br />

-in Richmond street. W Christian, Pastor.<br />


Hold their meetings, at present, ill the Masonic Hall, :I-Iarket lana<br />

I Impel for colored people situated in II o.pital-street<br />


Ministers of every denomination in this Province cau<br />

solemnize matrimony, provided they have been regularly<br />

ordained accordillg to the rites of such Church as they<br />

profess to ue mini,,(ers of. They must take the oath of<br />

Allegiance to His Majesty, and outain a certificate frem<br />

the Magistrates, in Quarter Sessions, of their haloing been<br />

ordaiued. No persons can lE'gally be married except by<br />

BunLs, which are to be puulished in the respective placeg<br />

of public worship on three several Sunda)s,or by Licence.<br />


rROYlXCE.<br />

Elias Adams, St. Catharines; Joseph -\'nderson, COnlwall;<br />

Vril:iall1 Burwell, Port Burwell; George T. DurkC',<br />

ltichmond, (Bathurst) John Cameron, River aux Raisill;<br />

"\. J. Christie, By town; Matthew Crooks, Ancaster;<br />

Robert Grallt, Queellstoll ; James Hamilton, St. Thomas;<br />

J allil Harris, LOI:Joll; Fre,1. ~. J urvis, Torollto To\\ Ii·<br />

ship; Allan Napi"r McNab, flaPlilton; George Malloch,<br />

13rockrille; An'w Mercer, City Torouto ; Chas. Merigolt 1 ,<br />

Ingersoll; Thomas l\[cCormiciv, Niagara; DUllcan Mc.<br />

Gregor, Chatham; William McKay, [lath; Honourab:e<br />

William Morrifl, Perth; Hemy Nelles, Grim~by; Thomas<br />

Parker, BeJl"evil:e; John Pattoll, Prescott; Thof!l'Vl<br />

Radcliffe, Adelaide; Thomas Ramsay, ~apanee; Wn.<br />

Hichardson, Brantford; George Co Salmon, \\' oodhouse ;<br />

James Sampson, Kingston; Hon. T. A. Stewart, I'del'.<br />

borourrh; Charles P. Treadwell, L'Or;gnal; Thos. Waro,<br />

Port Hope; Reuuen Young, Carrying Place, (Murray:)<br />

J. A. Wilkinson, Sandwich; J. S. Ward, Goderich; R.<br />

Allin", Guelph; Charl~~ Stanton, Fort Erie; JeronH:<br />

Clarl~e, Dunnville.

:32<br />


;-';A~n~s<br />

Axn RESIVl~NCE.<br />

Armstrong christ'r, King~tun<br />

Acland Gideon<br />

liidwell Marshall ". <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Huell A N, Brockville<br />

nogert John, Brockville<br />

Boswcllh eorge M, Brockville<br />

Bonlton James, r-.iagara<br />

Beasley Richard Ii, Hamilton<br />

Haby l h:uJes, i'andIVich<br />

I'ethune Donald, Kingston<br />

Burritt Marcus. Prescott<br />

Hell John, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Burns Rouert E, ~t Catherines<br />

Baldwin Rouert, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

hurton Edlllond<br />

Berrie Robert, Hamilton<br />

j-;oulton (;eorge ~, " obourg<br />

Ii oultOll I)' ,\ rey, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Hethune Angus, jun, Brantford<br />

Durritt Read, Prescott<br />

Houlton II In If, 'I oronto<br />

Boswdl William, Cobourg<br />

llenso., C 0, Belleville<br />

Bains C T, By town<br />

lluldwin Henry, jun. Belleville<br />

Burnham Elias, l'eterboro'<br />

Chewctt Alexander, Sandwich<br />

Cartwright John S, Kingston<br />

I line HODcrt, Cornwall<br />

Cassady Henry, jun. Kingston<br />

Campbell Edward C, Niagara<br />

Cozens \\'illi(lm L<br />

cl~us Irarren, Niagara<br />

Carey John P, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

cumming Geo \, !\1idland Pis't<br />

Covert Henry, Cobourg<br />

cornish W \{, London<br />

Draper William fr, 'J oronto<br />

Duggan George, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Dougall Benjamin, Belleville<br />

Dickson Robert, Niagara<br />

Dickson Walter H, Dundas<br />

navis .Joseph, Hamilton<br />

Durand Charles, Hamilton<br />

Duggan Richard 0, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Elliott William, Eandwich<br />

ford Duyid B 0, Brockville<br />


Fairfield Darlah, Hallowell<br />

Foster! olley A, Hr~ntford<br />

Freel I'eter, Longuiel<br />

Forwdrd Wm .'\, Bath<br />

Forsyth John R<br />

Grant Alexander, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Gamble i larke, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

(jivins James, ~:t Thomas<br />

Glassford George, Kemptvillo<br />

Hagerman Christ'r A, Toront.o<br />

[-Iewartl C H, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Hamilton Robert<br />

Hatt John' I, Dundas<br />

(jamilton John, OunJus,<br />

I lubbe I James, Brockvllle<br />

H all Charles L, "iagara<br />

Hubbcll ~:praim .J, I erth<br />

Jame"on Robert I:'l, loronto<br />

.Iones \)avid, Ilrockvilll' '<br />

J ones Israel f', I'rescl.tt<br />

.Iarvis George ,;, lornwall<br />

.Jones Ormond, I3rockville<br />

.J ones Stuart, London<br />

Kirkpatrick Thomas, Kingston' ,_<br />

Kirkpatrick "taffordL?, Peterboro'--<br />

King JaInes, <strong>Toronto</strong> .;<br />

Lyons John<br />

Low John, By town, Kingston<br />

Low Philip, Hallowell<br />

Malloch l>eorge, Brockville<br />

lUurney Edmund, Belleville<br />

;\Ialloch John .J, Perth<br />

Myers Adam H, River Trent<br />

McLean Archioald, Cornwall<br />

McDonald J R, Brantford -"<br />

Mc:Sabb Allan N, Hamilton<br />

McDonell Allan, Hamilton<br />

Macaulay Simon H, Bath<br />

:vi c Donald R, St Catherines<br />

McDonell George M, Longuiel<br />

Mcintosh James, L'Original \<br />

McKyes Burrage '1', Cobourg<br />

McPherson Lowther P, Hallowell<br />

McMartin Daniel, Perth<br />

Milne Alexander S<br />

MCPherson J A, I'rinea Edwtrd<br />

Miller William, Dundas


r.1iller John, Dundas<br />

Mci\lillan ,\ J, Dunnville<br />

Macdonald John A Kingston<br />

Macdonald A Y, "t Catherilles<br />

Notman Wilham, Ancaster<br />

O'Reilly l\Jiles, lJamilton<br />

Oliver' harles<br />

O'Reilly H R, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Price J f1, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Powell Andrew W H, Perth<br />

Powell John, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Ridout John, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Richardson Charles, Niagara<br />

Ridout George, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Rolph GfOl'ge, Dundas<br />

Rapelje Patrick "', Vittoria<br />

Radenhurst Thomas W, Perth<br />

Robertson S F, Pcrth<br />

Richardsnn I1\\', Kiagnra<br />

Raymond L n, Niagara<br />

Small Charles C, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

~herwood Henry, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Sher"'ood George, Brockville<br />

fmall James IC, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Emith James, Port Hope<br />

Smith Henry, jun. K ingstoll<br />

33<br />

Note.-For residence in <strong>Toronto</strong> see Li,rectory<br />


Secord lharles B, Queenston<br />

'mith David II', ct Catherine.<br />

:'ullivan Robert, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

tlalmoll William, Vlttori:l<br />

Mewnrt John, London<br />

Spragge John n, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

~trachan (;eorge C. <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Stewart Alexander. Niagara<br />

~tanton 1 has G, Hamilton<br />

~mith John S, Port Hope<br />

Tay lor Thomas, N iagilra<br />

I aylor I homas [-j, <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Taylor Robert IV, Hamilton<br />

TifHmy "eorge S, Ancaster<br />

ray lor Joseph, Perth<br />

Taylor .Iohn 1'. <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Irells William B<br />

Wilkinson Alexander, Cornwal\<br />

Wallis William, I'ort Hopo<br />

Washburn !'. <strong>Toronto</strong><br />

Winterbottom \V B. Niagara<br />

Whitehead M F. Port Hope<br />

Ward George r harles, l'e>rt 11 ope<br />

and Whitby<br />

Wilson John, London<br />


City of <strong>Toronto</strong>, Alexander \Vood, GJ'ant Powell, D'Arcy Boul.<br />

ton. James FitzGibbon, Christopher Widmer, Robert Stanton,Wm.<br />

Proudfoot, Chas C Small, John King, l\i D., George Munro, John<br />

Ro.s, James F. Smith. Peter Paterson, James G. Chewitt. Thoma.<br />

G. Ridout, Walter O'Hnflt, George T. Denison, John Lynch, An,<br />

thony B Hawke, William Cayley.<br />

Albion, John Coates<br />

B1'oclC, William Bagshaw, l\!atthew Cowan<br />

Collingwood, C Rankin<br />

Caledun, John Lemon<br />

Chinquacousy, William Campbell, Franci. Campbell, John 8cott,<br />

John Bagwell<br />

Etobicoke, John Gamble, Wm Gamble<br />

N Gwillimbury, Arad Smalley<br />

E GwillimbUl'y, Thomas Hendcrsnn, William Laughton<br />

W Gwillimbury, John Dawson, Geo"ge Lount, J W Taylor<br />

Georuina, James O'Brien Bourchier,"imon Lee, John M Jacksofl<br />

'1IlQma~ Mossington, William Johnson

34<br />

Innisfil, Robert N Algeo, Lewis Algeo, Thomas McConkey<br />

King, William Tyler<br />

Markham, II illiam Parsons, William Crookshanks, Peter Milne,<br />

,·\rchibald Barker, John Button, Peter Reesor, Richard C G'lpper,<br />

Irilliam Tyler, James Young<br />

,1Ifdonte, Elmes Steele, '1 homas G Anderson<br />

I1latchedash, James IV Hamilton<br />

Orillia, John Thompson, St Andrew St John<br />

Oro, )Jichael McDonell CharIes i\lcVittie, Wm B McVittio,<br />

Edward O'Brian, Edward F Davis, Arthur Carthew, James ~dams,<br />

!lobert Oliver, Edmund Lally, Irilliam Algeo, Edward Ryall, John<br />

Carthew, Charles S Monk<br />

Penelanguishene, Andrew Mitchell, Samuel Richardson, Capt.<br />

Moberly<br />

Pickering. John Galhraith, Francis l.eys, ('harles Fothergill<br />

Scarborough, lIlian McLean, Robert D Hamilton<br />

Sllllllidale, James Gardiner<br />

Tecalnsetlt, j;eorge Ramsay, Frederick Stephens<br />

Tlwrah, William furner, John C White. Francis Osburne. \"m<br />

(;ibbs<br />

Tomnto. William Thompson. Frederick S Jarvis. Benjamin<br />

Monger. Joseph Adamson. Hon P Adamson. James Baldwin. Thoa<br />

B Phillips. Edward IV Thompson. William Birdsall<br />

Vapra, Francis Hewson<br />

Vaughan. James ~Jiles. Hector McQuurie. John Barwick. Ben.<br />

jamin Thorne. John A uderson<br />

IVhitchurch. William B Robinson. James lIenderson<br />

Whitby. Peter McDonald. Lawrence [Jeyden. John B Warren.<br />

Alexander Armstrong. F [( Tincombe<br />

York. Robert Harding. JohR Scarlett<br />

Note.--For rc,idcllce see Directory<br />


(Jeorgc Dllggan" .........."..... .. City of 1" oronto.<br />

James Gardiner .................... Tpwnship of Sunnid"le.<br />

David Bridgford .................. Township of Vaughan<br />

James Coleman .....................:rownship of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

:-;arnuel Richardson ............... Township of Oro.<br />

Henry Boyes .......................... Township of Whit!>y.<br />

Arad ~ilHIl\Cy ...................... Township af N. G wiJlimbury.<br />

T. G Awlcl'''oll ..................... Townsllip of ;"IIedonte.<br />

II'. Simpson ......................... Township of TIny.<br />

John ~cott ........................... Township of Chin"Il1.COIl"'.<br />

II iIJi,ulI Ruc ............... " ....... C\'cwmarket. " ;

S5<br />



HOME DISTRICT.-At <strong>Toronto</strong>, on Tuesday in the week<br />

next after the several Terms.<br />

EASTERN DISTRICT.-At Cormvall, on the 4th Tuesday<br />

in January and April, and 2d Tuesday in July and October.<br />

OTTAWA DISTR1Cl'.-At LonguieJ, on the 3d Tuesday<br />

in J anllary and April, June and September.<br />

BATHURST DIS'l'RICT.-At Perth, on the 3rd Tuesuay in<br />

March, Sept'r amI Dec'r, and the 2nd Tuesday in June .<br />

. JOHNSTOWN DISTRICT.-At Brockville, on the 3rd<br />

Tuesday in February and May, al,u 2ud Tuesday in All.<br />

gust and November.<br />

MIDLAND DJSTRlCT.-At Adolphllsto\\'D, on the 4th<br />

Tuesday in January, and 2nd Tnesday in July; at King.<br />

ston, on the 4th Tuesday in April and 2nd Tuesday ill<br />

October.<br />

NEWCASTLE DISTRICT.-At Amherst, on the 2d Tuesday<br />

in January, April, July and October.<br />

PRINCE EDWARD DISTRICT.-At Picton, on the 1st<br />

Tuesday in January, April, July and October.<br />

GORE DISTRICT.-At Hamilton, on the 2nd Tuesday in<br />

January, April, July and October.<br />

NIAGARA DISTRICT ... At Niagara, on the 2nu Tuesday<br />

in January, April, July and October.<br />

LONDON DISTRICT.-At London, on the 2nd Tuesday<br />

--..in January, April, July and October.<br />

\VESTERN DISTRIC'r.-At Sandwich, on the 2nd Tuellday<br />

in January, April, July and October .•

36<br />

l~UBLIC<br />



Baldwin W. W. Front-st<br />

Bell John, 123 King-st<br />

Halton Thomas, 233 King-st<br />

Duggan G.j'r, 111 King-st<br />

Gamble Clarke, 47 King-st<br />

Grant Alex. Bay-st<br />

Goldsmith, Edw. Bank U.C<br />

Hensleigh Henry J. Agricultural<br />

Ballk<br />

Horne R C. Bank U. C<br />

Keele Wm. C. King-st and<br />

Att'y Genl's Offiee<br />

King James, Newgate-st<br />

Mair Thomas, Com. Bank<br />

Powell John, King-st<br />

Ridout John, N ewgate-st<br />

Stanton Robert. 164 King-st<br />

Turner Alfred, King-st<br />

Taylor John F.<br />

Turquand B., Receiver General's<br />

office<br />

Washburn S., Clk. Peace'll<br />

Office and Duke-st<br />

Walton George, Chewett's<br />

buildings & Court Requests'<br />

Office<br />



:Alexande~ Burnside<br />

J, Adamson<br />

1I0race Yeomans<br />

Freeman ltiddle<br />

Elam Stimson<br />

Samuel Gilchrist<br />

1\1 atthew Gilcljrist<br />

Samuel Woodruff<br />

Stephen W. Averv<br />

Thomas D. Morrison<br />

Jabez Kellogg<br />

F. L. Converse<br />

James McAulay<br />

Jame. HUllter<br />

Dayid J. Bowman<br />

William Bruce<br />

Androw Van Dyclc<br />

Thomas Moore<br />

J ames Fairfield<br />

Robert Ironside<br />

Thomas F. McQueen<br />

James 1\'1 'Cague<br />

John E. Tims<br />

David Duncombe<br />

Alexander Wylie<br />

j!'rancis Ellis'"<br />

John Porter Daly<br />

>Thoma. Blade<br />

John B. Crouse<br />

Basil R. Church<br />

Stephen H. Van Dyck<br />

JOhn Thompson<br />

George C. Hankin<br />

John Crumbie<br />

Peter Schofield<br />

J. E. Ranldn<br />

William McMahon<br />

Marcus Whitman<br />

John Hutchisnn<br />

Hamilton D. Jessup<br />

Josiah C. Goodhue<br />

William Beamish, JUDo<br />

Marclls Merrick<br />

William Rees<br />

37<br />

John.W. Leonard James Miller "<br />

Benjamin Walton Adolphus WiJliai~s<br />

William H. Howard J. H Parke<br />

Jira :okillner<br />

., Charles Rolls<br />

Benjamin S. Cory John. Harrison Blilck-<br />

Hobert Gilmour welt<br />

Jonathan Foot Jonathan Wolverton<br />

Donald McGillis<br />

Elijah E. Duncombe<br />

Francis Camerou<br />

John Barnhart<br />

Elias B. Smith JalDes William Powel<br />

Abraham R. V. Pruyn William L. Badger<br />

Ephraim Cooke William 1. Scott<br />

Jabez P. Powers<br />

James Cairns<br />

Pat~icl~ ~lcGarl'Y<br />

F. 1..;. I flmrose<br />

John Grant<br />

William Ferris<br />

D~vid Scanlan Samuel S. Knight<br />

Joseph Lister Gerald O'Reilley, L.<br />

Henry Meade C. S. D.<br />

Luther Cross<br />

James E Gilchrist<br />

Ed,vard Klinckh.rdt<br />

John j arron<br />

Isaac Stephenson Robert McCosh<br />

lIturray Nesbit [Mid· \Villi.m Crai!,;lIc<br />

wirel'Y ollly] David Gal!lraith<br />

Daniel M. Blocre Samuel R'cbard,cn [im<br />

Hiram U. Gilbert surgery ollly]<br />

J omes Cattermole \Yalter H. Burrit<br />

John I-lough, L.C.S.D. John Finlayson<br />

John Anderson Isaac n. Aylsworth<br />

Robert Stewart Flint L. Keyes<br />

John Stoddart [Mid- Roderick McDonald<br />

wirer.r only] Geor!';e Southwick<br />

James Coleman Josiah Clark<br />

Paul Darling J"hn R. Fairfield<br />

John Flynl1<br />

William Taylor<br />

Robert Aberdeen 'Villiam Allison<br />

Robert MluphV Arthur Paterson<br />

George Dunham<br />

David Corry<br />

Henry Rolls<br />

James E. Burton<br />

Walter Telrer CyrenUli Hall<br />

John Beaty<br />

William Bulmer Nicol<br />

John Stratford<br />

1'. W. Rohinsnn<br />

Charles MeCosker<br />

Daniel Macintyre<br />

Thomas Duggan Jame» Meagher<br />

Thefollowing persons have been admitted to practice under 8th<br />

Geo. J V. chap. 3, they having produced testimoniali<br />

of their qualijications so to do.<br />

William J. Scott John King, M. D. ::'iew!on Carlisle<br />

James O'Hara E. L. McDonald Alfred Digby<br />

G. N. Ridley William Lang John Allen, M. D.<br />

Asa F. Reid John Whitelaw. M. D. Thoma. S. Robin,oll<br />

Peter Deihl<br />

Stewart Chisholm James Stirling, M. D.<br />

John Rolph<br />

Samuel John Stratford William Wilson<br />

John Dormer James Gilpilt Wm. R. Hamilton, M.g.<br />

Bobert EdmiitoD Thomall BaVly Richard Noble Starr<br />


\'ii1liam TUl'ller, M. D. Geo. A. Latham, M. D. James Haskins<br />

Thomas J. Rvder John Moore, M. D. Henry Whicher<br />

Alexander C: Robinson 'Villiam Ross, 1\1. D. Joseph Kerr<br />

James Arnold liolls David Lithgow, M. D. Edward M. Hodder<br />

W. C: Gwynne, M. H; William Henry Parsley George Goldstooe<br />

John Mewburn James Duncan Gillie Edward Van Cortland<br />

George Moore James f'amrhell, M. D.Joho Hyde, M. D.<br />

ltobert Miller<br />

Newton Burnie<br />

Samuel Norway Thomas A. William!<br />

Dunean Campbell, M. D.John B. Matthews, M.D.<br />

Jobo McSpadden Thomas Steel, M. D. William H. Macartney<br />

Lucius O'Brien, 1\'1. D. Umaeke Konayne, M.D W. R. Cuhitt, :M. D.<br />

John Crawford, M. D. Geor/l,e Colis James tiinclair Egan<br />

John Cobb3n Charle, Elliot Hanson Frederick W. Hart .J<br />

Thomas Snow John Dowding Henry Sullivan<br />

James S. Wallen John Tolkien Hoger. Cotter, M. D.<br />

William Adamson William G. Dickenson William S. Myers<br />

James Allen, M. D. John Ferguson \Villiam Winder, M, D,<br />

Henry Clay<br />

Hardinge G. Kiog, l\I.D.Alexander Anderson<br />

Patrick Mc~1ullin John B. Walsh William Gordon Gunn<br />

Henry Boyes, M. D. James I\lcIlmnrray Hobt, T. Reynolds,M.D.<br />

S,aluel Rustal, M. D, John 1\lackelcan \Yilliam Tanant<br />

Peter Marter Edmund Mills Edward Morlon, M. D.<br />

EJward J. Bulteel Edward C. Thomas Rowley Pegley.<br />

Robert Hornhy, 1\1. D. Charle. Edw. Sheward .<br />

l"RACT1TIO~ERS<br />

J. n, Chamherlain<br />

Trueman Raymond<br />

J olin Spencer<br />

D.vid \Vi'cox<br />


THE LATE W'"AR.<br />

T"uemao HicDck<br />

Peter Poward<br />

Ziba M. Phillips<br />

J Daeph B. Elmore<br />

Abm. Fleming<br />

Samnel Bartlett<br />

Alexander K.McKeDzi.<br />

Francis Benedict<br />



" TRU~TEES.<br />

The Hon. the Chief Justice, I The Hon. John H. Dunn,<br />

The Archdeacon of York, The Hon. "Yilliam Allan, -<br />

The Hon. Geo. H. l\larl

39<br />


THE general revenue for the purpose of supporting the Go­<br />

.ernment in Upper Canada, and administering of the laWll,. ill<br />

raised by 11. duty of 2! per cent. on'all geods and mercbanditle,<br />

ililported by sea, at the ports "Of Qudlec or Montreal. Wines,<br />

liquors, and'certain articles of luxury, havll a specific duty<br />

laid upon them. This duty is paid by the importer, to the<br />

()fficer at Quebec, Upper Canada receiving one-third of the<br />

flum collected each year. This amount, with a duty upon<br />

ihop and tavern licences for vending spirits, Distillers, Hawkers,<br />

Pedlars, :lnd Auctioneers, and II duty upon certain imports<br />

from the Uni{i!d States, which are also paid hy the importer,<br />

form the puhlic resourCflS of tbe Province, and is at the<br />

disposal of the Provincilll Le~islatule, for the payment of public<br />

officers, and for such general purpos~s 8S may be deemed<br />

e~sential to the welf,lre of the people and interest of the PI'O­<br />

VlRee.<br />


The Local Taxes, or District Rates, are collected from eacb<br />

individual, according to the quantity of Land and other property<br />

~e may possess, agreeably to the assessed value fixed by<br />

law, VIZ:<br />

Every article of arabre, pasture or meadow land,<br />

Every acre of unculti,vated land, • • •<br />

Every Town Lot, • • • • • •<br />

Every House built with Timber squared or hewed<br />

on two sides, of one story, with not more than<br />

two fire-places, _ : • • • •<br />

Do. tor·evelY Edcitional firq-place,. _ •<br />

Every house built with square or flatted limber on<br />

two sides, of two stories, with not more than two<br />

fire-places,. • • •<br />

00. for every additional fire-place, _ . •<br />

E\"ery framed house under two slories in height,<br />

with not more thllll two fire-places, • •<br />

Do. for evory additional firol-I,lac",. • •<br />

Every brick or stone hou~e of one story, and not<br />

more than two fire-plat.'t'iI, •••<br />

Do. for every additional fire· place,. • •<br />

Ever framed, brick or stolle house, of two stories,<br />

and not more than two fire-places,<br />

Do. for every additional fire-place,<br />

£ If. 4.<br />

1 0 0<br />

-4 0<br />

50 0 0<br />

20 0 0<br />

400<br />

30 0 0<br />

800<br />

35 0 0<br />

500<br />

40 0 0<br />

10 0 0<br />

60 0 0<br />

10 0 0

EVfry Grist Mill, wrought by ~ater, wilh one pair £, s. d.<br />

stenes,. . • . 150 0 0<br />

Do. witl! every additional pair, 50 0 0<br />

.Every Saw Mill, • 1 1 )0 0 0<br />

Every Mercbant's Shop,· • 200 0 0<br />

Every Store-house, • • 200 0 0<br />

Every stone horse,. • • • • • 199 0 0<br />

.EI'ery horse of the age of 3 years and upwards, • 5 0 0<br />

Oxen of the age of 4 years and upwards, • 4 0 0<br />

,1\I i leh COIVS, • • • • 3 0 0<br />

Horned Cattle from 2 to 4 years, • • . 1 0 0<br />

Every dose carriage with four wheels kept for<br />

pleasure, • • • . 100 0 0<br />

Every open c~rri8.ge or CUl-ricle do. 25 0 0<br />

Every other cal'liage 131' gig, with two wheels do. 20 0 0<br />

Every w1Iggon kept for pl~asure, . • • 15 0 0<br />

Every Stove erected and used in a room where there is no<br />

fire-pl~ce is considered as a fire-place"<br />

N OTE.-The Hate of Assessment in any District is limited<br />

to one penny in the pound, \~hich whPon collected is pahl into<br />

the j)i.trict Treasury, and is applicable to local purposes<br />

IV ilbin the Dist.ict for whlcn they are levied. ,<br />


E'cry person inserled on the Assessment R'Jllis, in proportion<br />

to the estimate of his property, held liable to work on the<br />

h,gbways or roads in every year, as fullows :<br />

If his property be rateJ at • • £25 2 days.<br />

do. 25 to 50 3 do.<br />

do. 60 to 75 4 do.<br />

do. 75 to 100 5 do.<br />

do. 100 to 150 6 do.<br />

do. , 150 to 200 7 do.<br />

do. 200 (0 ~50 8 do.<br />

do. 250 to 300 9 do.<br />

do. 300 to 350 10 do.<br />

do. 350 tei 400 11 do.<br />

do. 400 to 500 12 do.<br />

F"r every<br />

£100 abo\'e 500 to 1000 one. day •<br />

For every £200 abo\'e 1000 to 2000 do.<br />

For cl'ery £300 above 2000 to 3500 do.<br />

For every £~OO above 3500 do •<br />

.. A Merchaat'i Shop is defined to be where any foreigu artiel .. ar •<br />

• old.

41<br />

Every person possessed of a \Vagglln, Cart, or T~am of<br />

HOI'ses, Oxen, or beast~ of burthen or draft used to draw the<br />

!ame, to work on lht! high\Vay~ three clays.<br />

EVllry male inhabitant from 21 to 50, not ratell on the Assessment<br />

Roll, is compelled to work on the high\\'a)s tbr~e<br />

days.<br />

Persons emigl'ating to tbi~ PI'ovince, intending to become<br />

Settlers, and not having he!'n resident six monlhs, are exempt;<br />

nnd all indigent persons, by reason of sickness, age, or numerous<br />

£allllly, are exempt at the dis~retion of the Magistrates.<br />

Any person liable may compound, if he think fit, by paying<br />

5s. per day for each cart, &c. and 2;;. 6d. for each day's duty,<br />

to be paid within 10 days after demand made by authorized<br />

Surveyor, or the Magistrates can issde their distress for double<br />

the amount and costs.<br />


We insert the following; c,m'fully drawn from various sour­<br />

CU, as a cunvenient table of rcfc;'f(lce.<br />

Great Britllin.-N~tiollal debr, (p'3,400,896,76S.-Yearly<br />

revenue, $22S,849,600.-Populalion, (fo say nothing of colonies,)<br />

25,OOO,000.--Army in peace, 90,519 men; in war,<br />


42<br />



Furnished us by Mr. William Steward, Deputy Collector o( CUltOM',<br />

City of <strong>Toronto</strong>.<br />

Ptohibited.-Arms, Ammunition, Books such as are pr?hiblted<br />

to be imported into the United Kingdom; -!3ase COIOS,<br />

FIsh, Dry or Sailed; Train Oil, blubber, or skms of creatures<br />

living in the S~a; Tea.<br />

Free.-Ashes., Bullion, Beef, Bread, Bacon, Biscuit, Caro,Cocoanuts,ICord<br />

wooLl, Cauind-makers'Wood, Diamonds,Druge,<br />

Dye-woods, Fruits Meat dnd Fish (being fresh,) Flour, Flax,<br />

Grain, (ullground,) GuTs of all kinds, Hay, Horses, Hams,<br />

Hemp, Live Stock, Lathwood, Lumber, L'lgs, Masto,.Meal,<br />

Pork, Rice, Rosins, Resins, Rawhides, Slaves, Shmgles,<br />

Tortoiseshell, Tow, Tallow, Timber, \Voodhoops, \Vood.<br />

Admitted at the Duty of7k per Cent.-Alabaster, Ancho­<br />

~ies, Argot, Aniseed, A[lIber, Almonds, Brimstone, Eotarge,<br />

Cmrunts, Capers, Coral, Cork, Dates, E,sences (of Bergamot,<br />

Lemons, Ruses, Citr,)!], Orange, Lal'ender, and Rosemary.)<br />

Bmerystone, PruH, (dry in Sugar or wet in Brandy,) Figs,<br />

Heney, Iron in i,,,rs, unwrollght Pig Iron, Incense of Frankin­<br />

C ..'ns"" Juniper B"lrie~, L1\'a or Malta Stone for building, Marb~(',<br />

l\1adals, Nuts, Oil of Olives or Almonds, Ostrich Feathers,<br />

Oiives, PIckles, .Pitch, Paintil1g~, Pozzolona, Pumice Stone,<br />

1-'.J Ilk, Parmesan Ci,eese, Pearls, Precious Stones, Prints,<br />

Rlisins, Sl'0ll.~'e, Sausages, Turpentine, Tar, Vermiceli,<br />

\\'Leislon€s, \\ :ne.<br />

Admitted at the Duty of 20 per Cent.-Candy Sugar, Cotlon<br />

~laIlU{'1ctures, Glass Manufclctures, Tobacco Manufactures,<br />

Rdined 8ugar, Soap.<br />

, Admitted at ihe n~ty of 30 per C,nt.-Books and Papers,<br />

Clocks and \\ akhes, Leather l\lanufltctllres Linen Manuj,,,<br />

tures, Silk l\hnufaclures, Musical IlIstl"~ments, WiI·e.<br />

(,,11 80rt~.)<br />

Admitle.d at (he IJ~lt1J of15 pel' Cent.--G~orJs,- 'Yare!, or<br />

Mel challlhze not being enumerated 01" otherwise charged<br />

wilh duty.<br />

Duties charged by Weight, -re.-Salt, 6d. C'y. per BJJshel ;<br />

Sl'iri(,~, I~. C'y. per Gallon; Sugar, 58. C'y. per Cwt.; Coffee,<br />

5~. C y. per eWI.; Cocoa,5s. C'y. per Cwt.; Molasses 3s.<br />

£:y. per Cwt.; Wine in Bottles, 7d. per Gallun, and (u;lhe:r<br />

I ~ ~; cenJ;,. al.l..!alore91, am!.h. C'l" each doz. Qt • .Bollle ••



Aid·de·Camp, Lieutenant F. Halkett, Coldstream Guard •.<br />


Auislant Adjutant Geneml, Lieutenant Colonel C. L. L. Fo.ter, COlli'<br />

manding·tbe Forces in Upper Canada. '<br />

Clerl[, James Leckie.<br />


OffiCer Commanding, Captain R. H. Bonnyc ••!I••<br />

Clerk of Works,<br />

Clerk, :. .<br />

George Houghton.<br />

Michael McNamara.<br />

Master Carpenter, . Thomas Bell.<br />


Barrack Mas!er,. . Henry Evatt.<br />

Barrack Serj"ant, • . . J obn Comer.<br />


,oI.•• i.tant Commissary General, . . , Francis R. Foote.<br />

D'puty Assistant Commissary General, 'V. Stowe.<br />

I. - " h " W. Stanton.<br />

Temporary Clcrk, . J. Lane.<br />

Conductor,<br />

C. LY006.<br />

IlSuen,<br />

B. El{Criin,<br />

S. Amos,<br />

~ E. Cressell.<br />


Cbief Superintendent,<br />

Officiating Chaplain,<br />

James Givins,<br />

• l'.ev. Mr. Gr.,ett.<br />

Officer Commanding,<br />

Ibjor,<br />

Captain.,<br />

Lieutcoanl.,<br />

15TH REGIMENT.<br />

Lieut. Col. G. HortoD.<br />

'Villiam Grierson.<br />

(G. D. Colman,<br />

I 'V. B. Snlith,<br />

~ T. Cuthbert,<br />

H. H. Barnb.m,<br />

l J. R. Brunker.<br />

George Pinder,<br />

F. W. Walker,<br />

H. Rudyard,<br />

T. S. ColmBD~<br />

H. Grierson,<br />

Ensign.,<br />

J. R. Nash,<br />

H. B. F. Dickinson.<br />

Paymaster,.<br />

Charles Walker.<br />

Adjutant, • J ames Hay.<br />

Quarter-Master,<br />

J. 'V. Dewson.<br />

Sur~eon,. • J. M. Bartley.<br />

AUlOtant Surgeon, • '. • W. Wallace.<br />

Strength at present, about 350 rank and file.<br />

~<br />



One Corporlll and seven Gunnen.<br />


This Company i. fifty strong: it has a :;ood Band, and a yery elegant<br />

.taud ard which wns pre,enlt d to them by theladies ol'1'orooto on the-4th<br />

of JUlie 1~33. They have fifty Stand of Arn;ls and, t\Vo Field Pieces.<br />

The Officers are-Tb.omas Carfrae, Mojor, Silas Burnham, Captain,<br />

James Leckie Captain and Adjutant, John' Craig, Ist Lieutenant, Po.<br />

ter Paterson ju'll., 2nd Lieutenant.<br />


Colouel,-Nathaniel Coffin, Colonel aud Adjutant General.<br />

Colonel. - Walter O'Hara, Assistant Adjutan t General.<br />


King W,lliam tbe Fourth, • .<br />

Queen Adelaide,. •<br />

Ptince,s Angusta Sophia,<br />

•<br />

.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Princess Elizabeth of Hesse Homberg, .__<br />

Ernest Augustus, Duke of CnrobcdUlItr,<br />

His son GCf'r.;'; -F'Teoerick 5<br />

• • •<br />

Augustus Frederick, !Juke of Sussex, . ,<br />

Adolphus Fredericl

45<br />


Lord Lieutenant, Elfl of !\loil/>:ra,·e.<br />

Lord High Chancellor, LO"d Plunkett.<br />

Chief Secretary, Right HOD. V.SCl'l.lut Morpath.<br />

The House of Peers consists of 430 Members.<br />

Speaker-Lord Chief J u;tice Denman.<br />

The House of Commons consists of 658 Mpmbefl.<br />

~eaker-Right Hon. James Abercrombie.<br />



Governor-in-Chief in and o,'er the Provinces of Upl'°r and<br />

Lower Canadd, Thd Rt. Hon. Archibald, Earl of Gosfl1rd.<br />

Secretary, Stephen Walcot~ Esquirt:.<br />



The Governor, Sir Ch3rles E,lwarJ Grey, Kllight, and Sir<br />

Ge'll'ge Gipps.<br />

Secretary to the Commission, Tbomas F. Elliott, E~q.<br />


Lieu!. Governor, Major General Sir Colin Campbell, K. C. B.<br />


Lieutenant GovernOl', Maj. General Sir Archihald Campbell,<br />

G. C.B.<br />


Lieutenant Go.ernor, Lieutenant Colon'll Sir A. Yo'!ng.<br />


Governur, Ca?lain Prescott, R. N.<br />

Lieutenant General, Sir John Colborne. K. C. B.<br />

Commander in-Cbt~f of His MajestJ"s Forces in Briti.b<br />

North America.<br />

Secretary-Colonel RoWllt..

Commissioner oj Crown Lands' Office, l<br />

<strong>Toronto</strong>, 10th May, 1836. S<br />

THE times and places for'tile Sale of CROWN LANDSand<br />

CLERGY RESERVES, during the present<br />

year, will be as follow~ :-<br />

In the Wefilenl. District:<br />

For Crown Lands and Clergy Reserves, in the County of<br />

Kent, and Town Lots ir. Chatham and Erroll-at<br />

Chatham, on the first Tuesday in June, and on the<br />

first Tuesday in July, August, September, and October<br />

following.<br />

For Clergy Reserves in the County of Essex, and Town<br />

Lots in Sandwich and Amhcrstburgh-at Sandwich,<br />

on the third Wednesday in June, and on the third<br />

Wednesday in July, August, September, and October<br />

following.<br />

llt!ference may be made to the Agent for the Crown for<br />

this District, 'Mr. HENRY JONES, residing in Chatham,<br />

for further information.<br />

In Ihe London District:<br />

For Clergy Reserve9 in the County of Norfolk-at Simcoe,<br />

on the 1st June; and on the 2nd July; 2nd August;<br />

1st September; 1st October; and lst November<br />

following.<br />

For Clergy Reserves in the County of Oxford-at Elandford,<br />

on the 4th June; and on the 5th July; :i\h<br />

August; 5th September; 4th October; and 4th No-.<br />

vember following.<br />

For Clergy Reserves in the County of Middlesex, and<br />

Town Lots in London-at London, on the 8th June;<br />

and on the 8th July; 9th August; 7th September;<br />

ith October; and 8th November following.<br />

Reference may be made to the Agent f~r the Crown for<br />

this District, JOHN B. ASKIN, Esquire, residing in<br />

London, fol' further information.<br />

In (he Home District:<br />

For Town Lots in Port Credit and Brouti-in tlii8Cit,!/,<br />

on the 23rd May, instant.<br />

And for such Crown Lands, ap.j· Clergy RE'serl·es, as are<br />

for sale-at this Cit)', on the second Tuesday in<br />

1 une; and on the ~cond Tuesd!ly in July· August t<br />

September j and October followlllg. ' --

111 tIle Newcastle District:<br />

For Crown Lando, CI~rgy Reserves, and Town Lots "in<br />

Peterborough and Lindsay-at Pelerborouglt,-on tho<br />

firstTuesday in June; and on the first Tuesday in<br />

July; August; September; and October following.<br />

For Town Lots in'he Village lately surveyed at the mouth<br />

of the Trent-in tltat Town, on the 15th June; nnd<br />

on the secund Wednesday in July; August; September;<br />

and October following.<br />

Reference may be made to the Agent for the ClOwn for<br />

this District, ALEXANDER McDoNNELL, Esquire, residing<br />

at Peterborough, for further information.<br />

In the Bathurst District:<br />

For'Clergy Reserves in the Counties of Lanark and CarltOil-at<br />

By town, on the second Wednesday in June;<br />

and on the second \Vednesday in July; August;<br />

~eptemiJer; and October following. "<br />

ForTO\vn Lots in Richmond-at that Town, on the SRIrut<br />

. days. .<br />

In the Ottawa District:<br />

For Clergy Reserves in the Counties of Prescott and Russell-at<br />

By town, on the second Wednesday in June;<br />

and on the second Wednesday in July; August;<br />

September; and October following.<br />

Reference may be made to the Agent fol' the Crown for<br />

these Districts, JOHN McNAUGHTON, Esquire, residing<br />

at By town for further information.<br />

, o::r Schedules of the particular Lots to be sold in each<br />

Township, specifying also the Terms of Sale, have been<br />

printed and will be put up at the Court-House, at the Of­ l<br />

fices of Clerk of the Peace,and Sheriff, and in other conspicuous<br />

places in each District, which SchedJles may<br />

be had on application to th~ Commissioner for CrOWD<br />

L.al1ds, or any of the above-named AgElnts.<br />

In the Midland Di.yfricf.<br />

At Belleville, for Crown Lands in the County of Ha.8till~~<br />

on the 20th June, 20th July, 20th August, 20th September,<br />

20th October, and 21st Novt:mber. •

At Napanee, for Crown Lands in the Counties of Leno:z<br />

and Addington, on the 24th June, 25th July, 24th<br />

August, 2'11h September, 24th October, and 251h<br />

N ovemlwr.<br />

At Kingston, lor Crown Lands in the County of Frontenac,<br />

on the 30th JUl)e. 29th Jul~', 29th August, 291h<br />

September, 28th October, and ~9th November.<br />

At Belleville, for Clergy Reserves, in the County of<br />

Hastings, on the 30th Jilne, 20th July, 20th August,<br />

20th September, 20th October, and 21st November.<br />

At N apanee, for Clergy Reserves in the Counties of<br />

Lew'x and Addington, on the ~nth June, 25th July,<br />

24th August, 2·lth September, 24th October, and<br />

25th November.<br />

At Kingston, [or Clergy Reserves, in the County of Frontenac,<br />

on the 30th June, 28 h July, 29th August,<br />

29th September, 28th October, anu 29th November.<br />

S,:h"dules of the particular Lc ts to be sold in each<br />

'Township, and specifying also the Terms of Sule, have<br />

been printed, and will be put up at the Court House, at<br />

the Office of the Clerk of the Pl'ace, and Sheriff, and at<br />

other places in the District, whic h Schedules can be had<br />

on application to the Commissioner of Crown Lands, or<br />

to C'AnIlJEL S. WIl,~IOT, Esquire, Deputy Surveyor, who<br />

will reside in the District and superintend the several<br />

Sales.<br />

'<br />



(!t it!2 n{ fIn\,onto.<br />


Clerk to tlle Board if Education of the H9me District,<br />

R<br />

AND<br />


ESPECTFULL Y acquaints the public', the Office in the<br />

Court H'Juse, City of <strong>Toronto</strong>, is open from 10 to 3<br />

O'clock daily, where all Notarial business, writir.g Pelitions,<br />

drllwing Bonds, Deed~, Mortgages, Wills, Agl'et'ments.<br />

Leases, Memorials, &c., is done by him upon the most moderllte<br />

terms.-NoTE. Residence, No, 2 Chewett', Buildin",

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