Marie Curie; The Unesco courier: a window ... - unesdoc - Unesco

Marie Curie; The Unesco courier: a window ... - unesdoc - Unesco

Marie Curie; The Unesco courier: a window ... - unesdoc - Unesco


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U. N. Photo<br />

Tuna fishermen off the coast of Ceylon.<br />


open to all Members of the United<br />

that was agreed on in the closing days<br />

stuffs from the large number ' of<br />

Nations or FAO. <strong>The</strong> proportion is<br />

or nights of the Kennedy Round<br />

countries which have pledged them to<br />

two-thirds in commodities food and<br />

negotiations, and also that future<br />

the variety of projects or emergency<br />

animal feed,, with cereals heavily pre¬<br />

pledging targets<br />

and, even more per¬<br />

operations needing them and in the<br />

dominating and one-third in cash or<br />

tinently, the pledges themselves<br />

will<br />

quantities and units in which they are<br />

services such as shipping. During<br />

in the 1970s go sufficiently beyond the<br />

needed. At the end of 1966, about<br />

the 1963-5 experimental period, the<br />

$200 million now proposed for the two-<br />

40 countries had pledged food and<br />

target of $100 million was very nearly<br />

year period 1969-70 to enable the Pro¬<br />

WFP was operating in about 50.<br />

In<br />

32<br />

fully subscribed.<br />

For the new threeyear<br />

pledging period 1966-8, a much<br />

higher target was set $275 million.<br />

This time the response in pledges has<br />

been 'proportionately much lower the<br />

resources at present available to the<br />

Programme are worth less than<br />

$60 million a year, a figure which<br />

should be set against the annual<br />

$1,500 million to $2,000 million which<br />

represents the totality of food aid<br />

recent years.<br />

In comparing these figures, it should<br />

once again be remembered that there<br />

is a growing preference for multila¬<br />

teral aid not only among the dev¬<br />

eloping countries which would thereby<br />

have a greater say in events, but also,<br />

in the case of food aid, among some<br />

of the major donors which would like<br />

to see the burden more evenly shared.<br />

It may thus be that the Programme will<br />

be allotted a really sizeable part of<br />

in<br />

gramme to measure up more adequa¬<br />

tely for its part to the trials awaiting<br />

the international community.<br />

<strong>The</strong> curious might, still inquire how<br />

the Programme actually handles the<br />

food it already has. <strong>The</strong> answer is<br />

simple in general terms, but extremely<br />

complicated in practice. Everything<br />

must begin with a country's request for<br />

aid which, in the case of development<br />

projects, is submitted to a formidable<br />

process of scrutiny by the Executive<br />

Director and his staff in Rome and by<br />

whichever of the co-operating inter¬<br />

national organizations is concerned<br />

<strong>Unesco</strong> in the case, for example, of<br />

a school-feeding project. <strong>The</strong> preli¬<br />

minaries for emergency operations<br />

which have to be authorized by the<br />

FAO Director-General are naturally<br />

much more summary.<br />

Among the most strenuous com¬<br />

plications are those of earmarking<br />

addition, unless a donor country pro¬<br />

vides its own shipping, the Programme<br />

has to organize transport of the goods,<br />

including insurance, to the recipient<br />

country. <strong>The</strong> World Food Programme<br />

is very much a business operation.<br />

So, from what was originally the<br />

problem of how to make the best use<br />

of unwanted agricultural surpluses has<br />

grown a new form of aid for develop¬<br />

ment in the long-term interests of all.<br />

<strong>The</strong> need is great, but so are the po¬<br />

tentialities. It is worth recalling what<br />

John F. Kennedy once said, even before<br />

he became U.S. President, addressing<br />

a farm audience at Mitchell, South<br />

Dakota, in the late fifties. "I don't<br />

regard the . . . agricultural surplus as<br />

a problem," he declared. "I regard it<br />

as an opportunity." For, he affirmed,<br />

"...food Is strength, and food is<br />

peace, and food is freedom, and food<br />

is a helping hand to people around<br />

the extra 4.5 million tons of food aid<br />

and allocating the variety of food-<br />

the world ..."

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