Marine organic chemistry : master reference list

Marine organic chemistry : master reference list

Marine organic chemistry : master reference list


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65<br />

Reeder, S.W., Hitchon, B. and Levinson, A.A., 1972. Hydrogeo<strong>chemistry</strong> of<br />

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Cosmochimica Acta, 36: 825-865.<br />

Reichardt, W., Overbeck, J. and Steubing, L., 1967.<br />

in lake water. Nature, 216: 1345-1347.<br />

Free dissolved enzymes<br />

Reimer, R.D. and Reimer, A.A., 1975. Chemical control of feeding in four<br />

species of tropical ophiuroids of the genus Ophioderma. Composition<br />

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Reitz, R.C. and Hamilton, J.G., 1968. The isolation and identification of<br />

two sterols from two species of blue-green algae. Composition of<br />

Bio<strong>chemistry</strong> and Physiology, 25: 401-416.<br />

Remsen, C.C., Carpenter, E.J. and Schroeder, B.W., 1974. The role of urea<br />

in marine microbial ecology. In: Colell, R.R. and Morita, R.Y.<br />

(Eds.), Effects of the Ocean Environment on Microbial Activities.<br />

University Park Press, Baltimore, Maryland: 286-304.<br />

Remsen, C.D., 1971. The distribution of urea in coastal and oceanic<br />

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Rueter, J.H. and Perdue, E.M., 1977.<br />

matter interaction in natural<br />

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Importance of heavy metal-<strong>organic</strong><br />

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Rhead, M.M., Eglinton, G., Draffan, G.H. and England, P.J., 1971. Conversion<br />

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Richards, F.A., Cline, I.D., Broenkow, W.W. and Atkinson, L.P., 1965. Some<br />

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Nitinat, an anoxic fjord. Limnology and Oceanography, 10 (Supp.):<br />

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Rieper, M., 1976. Investigations on the relationships between<br />

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algal blooms<br />

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Riley, G.A., 1970.<br />

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Particulate matter in sea water.<br />

1-118.<br />

Advances in <strong>Marine</strong><br />

Riley, G.A., 1974. Particulate and dissolved <strong>organic</strong> carbon in the Oceans.<br />

Brookhaven Symposium in Biology, 24: 204-220.<br />

Riley,<br />

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Oceanic aggregates<br />

Limnology and

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