Good News 1978 (Prelim No 23) Nov 20 - Herbert W. Armstrong

Good News 1978 (Prelim No 23) Nov 20 - Herbert W. Armstrong

Good News 1978 (Prelim No 23) Nov 20 - Herbert W. Armstrong


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Monday, <strong>No</strong>v. <strong>20</strong>, <strong>1978</strong><br />


BIRTHS<br />

BAAS . David and Margie (tklldenl . of encin". li.<br />

~~bolo~~. -:~~~iid~V ' " . 1:37 p.m.• 7<br />

BARBUSH. Geor ge and Kath y (lehman). 01Oak<br />

lawn. m.,boy, Matthew Albert <strong>Herbert</strong> Deacon ,<br />

July 22. 8:05 a.m.. 7 pounds 13 ounces, now 2<br />

boys.<br />

CHOATE, Carl and Elaine (Magee), of Cape<br />

Girar dea u, Me.. bo y. Joshua Stephen. OCt. 7,<br />

11 :43 a.m•• 7 pounds 11 ounces, now.. boys.<br />

~~:: T~~~~~ t;,~nB8r~k~ ~~~~~~Io :~<br />

a.m ., 7 pou nds t 11flounce s, now 1 bo y. 2 girls.<br />

CRAYTON. Mike and Debbie (McConnell). of<br />

Greenfield. Mo., boy . Duslin Michael, ,sept 30.<br />

7 :24 a.m.• 9 pounds 2 ounces. first ch ~d ,<br />

CREED. Oa" and Jan, of Bi$m.r~ . N.D.• tlOy.<br />

Ch ad Cam&fon. Sept ' 8, 7 POW'lC!S 8 o W'\C8s.<br />

rirsldlild.<br />

CRESSMAN, Jo hn and Diane . of Allentown, P• .,<br />

bo y. Cad Philip . Oct . 9. 12:50 a.m.. 8 pound a,<br />

now 3 bo ys, 2 girls.<br />

DENZLER, Guido and erenda (Au er) . tif<br />

Houston. Te.... boy. Todd Kuiko. Aug. 31. 9:46<br />

p,m., B POUOOs 10 ounces. now 2 boys.<br />

EKAMA, Jenil and ,Kalhlellffi ('Wong). 01 New<br />

:nm~c:=~~8100~~~.~t~~iid~ u g . 27; 6:45<br />

GULLY, Jan and Jill {Pilkington). ol Amarillo,<br />

~~~~I.ot~~ s~e~ : ~~ y~ hC:~' 26,11 :53 a.m.. 7<br />

GUTHRIE. BillyJoe and Janice. 01Birmingham.<br />

Ala.. girl, Tanya Lynn. OCt. 1&. 4:32 p.m.. 7<br />

pounds 14 ounces, now 3 girls.<br />

HEAP. Thomas and Kenya(Archer).of M008510.<br />

~~~d-sbol~~:~nn~a~~~ . 13..7: 1 8 a.m., 6<br />

JOHNSTON. Tad and Donna (Gravesl, 01 sen<br />

Collins, Colo.. boy,Joseph Edward.0c1. <strong>23</strong>. 2:13<br />

p.m.. 8 pounds 3 ounees, now 1 boy, I girt.<br />

MASEK, Rieh and Mary. of Cleveland.Ohio. girl.<br />

AmyMichel.." Od. <strong>23</strong>. 8:<strong>20</strong> a.m.. 7 pounds 14<br />

ounces, now 2 boys. 1 girl. ~<br />

'<br />

MOODY, Danny and Lisa (Pembellon). 01<br />

Lawlon,ous..boy, Blake Daniel. 0Cl . 30, 3:27<br />

p.m.. 8 pounds 6 ounces , now2 boys,<br />

NICHOLS. Donald and Kilen (FOSler), 01Tulsa ,<br />

Okla., gill. Je c Q UEI ~ ne Ann',<strong>No</strong>v. 2. 12:33 P',m.. 7<br />

pounds 14 ounces, II'S1ctllld.<br />

~~~~~~~~a:~nf~~:. f.:~~~~ . ~~<br />

SCHAUBECI(.Jo'ge and Juanita (Madrigal). of<br />

San Jose. Costa Rita, girl. Chris!a, Oct . 27. 7:15<br />

p.m .. 6 pounds 6 ounces. f\tS! child...:<br />

SOOTER. Richald and Pallicia (Willhoite), 01<br />

Kensas Cily. Mo..boy.KennethWayne.Sept.22.<br />

11:12 p.m.. 5 pounds, Mst child. .<br />

ENGt\GEMENTS, . .:<br />

. ,"-.<br />

MI. and Mrs. Ron Pelerson of Lakaland, Fla.. ara<br />

happy 10 a nn~unce Iha engagemenl of Iheil<br />

~dt::,'A~~~' ~~r~r;~r~~~~ ~~ 'P~~~~n~~ :<br />

A I. Aspringweddingill being planned. ' .. •<br />

MI. WillIe, J. MotRlr 0 1 Darington. Pa.. is happy<br />

10 announu the engllgament of his daughlltf.<br />

Judi. to Daniel E. Smrlh, son of M,. and Mrs.<br />

Roger A.$mith of Joliel,m. Aspring lIItedding ill<br />

planned.<br />

Mr. andMIS. ErnestMersh ot Battimora, Md.. are<br />

pteased 10 annoul'tCe..lhe engagamantol lhel ,<br />

daughter, DIane. to RolandAees, son ot MI. and<br />

Mrs. AonaldReesol Melbourne. Ausl ,a~a. They<br />

are planning an Aprilwedding.<br />

We' d like to let the reade rs<br />

of The <strong>Good</strong> <strong>News</strong> know<br />

. about you r ,new baby as<br />

soon as it arrives. Just fill<br />

out this coupon and send it<br />

to th e address given a's<br />

soon as possible after the<br />

baby is bom.<br />

Optional<br />


Snalri Lynne Chaney. daughtel of Mr. and MIS.<br />

W ~ la m H. Chaney 01 Middletown. Ohio . and<br />

~7aa:dR~r ~~g~~ : ~ i ~ ~e:endu~tl~dRf:<br />

rnarrieg& Sept 1-7 in a garden weOding al Ihe<br />

nomeollhe bride . RichardThompson, pastor ot<br />

Ihe Dayton, Ohio. church. ofIiciated. Clillo,d<br />

Ferrymanwas besl man and Ihe bride'S erster<br />

Colleen wes maidof honor. Tom and SherrinOw<br />

reside in Mechanicsburg, Ohio, and attend the<br />

DaY'!Jnp.M.CllutCh. .<br />


Ma"e JotleS and Nalhan G ~en were united in<br />

marriage in Mobile. Ala.. Sepl. 30 . The afternoon<br />

weddingand reeeplion tCK»l ptace al lha home ot<br />

~~n:~~~ r~y ~~:~I~ ~~:as~~n~:::r~~o~:<br />

Gennetle Jones was maid 01 honor and HIfoIc;l<br />

Jones was best rnan. The couple il residing It'!<br />

Key Slone Helghls, Fla.<br />

Ma, l!; Zebrowski 01 Long Beach. Calif.. and<br />

Brenda Tess llole of MonllOse, Colo., wera<br />

Cc:~eosa~~~~ ::~"::n~~~~~~ :.:~s:.<br />

~~:~. ~~,r ~ tk~~::d.~~::'d:r~ 'In: a~~~<br />

Collegegraduales.<br />



BOX 1)1 • Our COlJp:ln baby thisissueisDavid Lemmon,son<br />

PASADENA , CALIF., 911<strong>23</strong>, U.S.A. 01Mike encI Debbie Lemmono!Syratusa, N.Y.<br />

u st""me - Fat he r'S first "ame IM oth~r 's f~ rs t na me<br />

Mother's ma idan name-<br />

Bab y'S sell:<br />

DBay<br />

OGi rl<br />

The GOO D NEWS<br />


PatriciaLittlelonofCincinnati. Ohio, end Rietlard<br />

WeberofNewman, Ill..weremarriedOct. 7 at the<br />

~~I~~::,r ~ :.~~o)nlh~ agl~~i~~~~dioJh~l{ eJje~i<br />

church, c ttlcleted. Ed Allen and Dorothy<br />

Shoemaker were Ihe honor allendams. The<br />

couplenowreside at 113S. Shlrl&y St.. eo..191,<br />

Newman,Ill.. 61942. "<br />

~~~~~aw~~:~~t~:d~~I~ri~~~2~~r~sin~~~r~ · · MR. AND MRS. STEVEN TAILLON<br />

City, Ala . 0It0 tccnoer. paslor of Ihe CoIumcus .<br />

Church area Of city of restdence/st at e/count.ry<br />

Bab y's first and mid dle na!'Mes<br />


Mo nth of birth Oa Y o f month Ti me of da y . .Iw eight<br />

~ D A. M.<br />

Dp.M.<br />

<strong>No</strong>_of so ns yo u no~ ha ve<br />

<strong>No</strong> . of daughters YOU now have<br />

; " ,<br />

Vicky Lynn Gomer :and $leven AnthonyTa~lon<br />

wife lM'llled in marnage by B ~l Jahns. paslO ~ ot<br />

Iha St. Pau l. Minn., and Eau Cla"e , WIS..<br />

Churches, Oct . 14 at the home of the bride's<br />

parents. Parents d the couple are Mr. and MIS.<br />

Tom Gomer of BlackRivel Falls. Wis., and Mr.<br />

~ and Mrs . , DQn~ld Taillon01Pendl!'to.Q, O,e..They:,<br />

., " ..; are n0':l!4esidi.':'9in San,la Barberr. Calif.'1', :•..~'<br />

Roy.Koons' and KathlHn Sapha~ were trilled in<br />

mamage Oc1. 8 at Princeton UnIVersity Chapel,<br />

Princelon, N.J. EdwinG. Saph8l, lather ollhe<br />

bride, G. Howald Koons. latharol lhagroom,and<br />

Richard Frankel. pestor ofthe Woodbridge. N.J.,<br />

chUl"ch. Of1leiated . Roge r mlmulh Wall best man<br />

and Fant'lia SIJI SaIilSfw. mallOll of l'1ooo(.<br />


loveQfam lor Mrs. Debbie Christman: (stop) I<br />

~;; ~~~UryU:~S(~~)P)~~~ ;::~,I~~ .<br />

lOVing patience and support (slop) Ha ppy<br />

annlversal)' darting. Lova Jim (wdt n&V91 stop<br />

loylng you)<br />

To Maryand !;lavld Roscoe: Best wishes lor a<br />

h~ppy second anniversary. tram you' n_ old<br />

fFlends; Wayne 8IId Anita. ~<br />

MI. and MIS . Rowe Kiningawonh cetebrated .<br />

their 50Ih weddroganniYarSSI)'al !he Big SarMty.<br />

Ta.... Felitival Ihis yaar along wIII\Ihllil lo ur<br />

ch ildren, U . grandchild ran and · 10<br />

great -glandchlldren. Sudle and 'Rowe<br />

~a~~~':~~e~i:r::;~~eg~'~~ ~=. {shsel<br />

Thiawaalheir2 1st Festival.<br />

Riehard- Seven years of " e togethel on <strong>No</strong>v.<br />

29 . Our pathhas ~ sleep, scaryand dark. bul<br />

our God has :ed us ever onward into a beautilul<br />

valley filled with characler. deep lOve, two<br />

beauliful etliklrel\.and more happin8ss than I '<br />

ktlew possible. l lova you. She,l)'.<br />

Dad and-Mom, happy29thannlvef$ary<strong>No</strong>v. 25, ,<br />

Mayyou have many w OOl:te ~lu I years 10come.<br />

Love IromTed. Donna, Tr8C1 end Joey .<br />

Dear Dad and Murn. hope you ha ve a happy<br />

annr.,ersary. love. Robyn, l(errie, Caro/yll, Jan,<br />


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