Good News 1978 (Prelim No 23) Nov 20 - Herbert W. Armstrong

Good News 1978 (Prelim No 23) Nov 20 - Herbert W. Armstrong

Good News 1978 (Prelim No 23) Nov 20 - Herbert W. Armstrong


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Monday, <strong>No</strong>v. <strong>20</strong>, <strong>1978</strong> The GOOD NEWS . 13<br />

,'SEVEN PROOFS!'<br />

." . l '<br />

(Co~t i n ue d from pa ge 12 )<br />

He put DOUBTS in her mind<br />

about God' s veracity. He deceived<br />

he r into belie ving God had<br />

been unfair - selfish . He subtly<br />

injected vanity of mind. He misled<br />

her into thinki ng it was right to<br />

take of tbe forbidden' fruit.<br />

-, Adam , not deceived , nevertheless<br />

went along with his wife.<br />

With her, he took to himself the<br />

determination of what is right and<br />

what is wrong thus<br />

DlSBEUEVING what His Maker<br />

had said, ReJ ECTING God as<br />

Savior and Ruler-c- rejecting God .<br />

as the source of revealed "BASIC'<br />

KNOWLEDGE. He be liev ed and<br />

followed Satan ' s WAY !<br />

Man's sentence pronoun ced<br />

Whe n God " dro ve o ut the<br />

man " from the Garden of Ede n<br />

and barre d reerirrance-t-fesr hego<br />

back and receive eternal life in sin<br />

(Genesis '3:22' 24),' Go d PRO­<br />


. God said. in effect ; "YOU have<br />

· made the decision for yourself and<br />

the world' that shall spring from<br />

you. You have rejected me as the<br />

basic sourceof knowledge - you<br />

have rebelled against my corn-<br />

· mand and my gove rn ment - yo u<br />

have c hos en the GETTING, '<br />

TAKI NG way of Satan. Therefore.I<br />

sentence you and the world you<br />

shall beg et to 6,000 yearsofbeing<br />

CUT OFf from access to me, my<br />

· revealed know ledge, my WAY of<br />

life - E XC~PT for the comparativel<br />

y exceeding few I shall specially<br />

call for special serv ice preparatory<br />

[Q my King dom.oo, and<br />

prod uce 'Yourown fund of knc wl:<br />

edge with your carna l, hostile<br />

minds . Produce your own carna l<br />

. scholarship and sys tem of disseminating<br />

it. GO and create you r<br />

own gods and relig ion s. GO,form<br />

yo ur ow n human -devised<br />

GOVERNMENTS. Satan, in all this,<br />

will deceiv e your world into recei<br />

ving his ,0\TI lTUDE of vanity,<br />

lust and greed, envy and jealousy,<br />

s uspicion and disbelief , competition<br />

and strife and violence - into<br />

unrea lized REBEL LIONagainst me<br />

and my WAYof outflowing LOVE!<br />

After your wor ld has written the<br />

lesson of yo ur WAy in 6,000 years<br />

of-evils . . troubl es , frustrations ,<br />

sickness , sorrow, suffering and<br />

DEATH . I will INTERVENE! I will<br />

by supern atu ral di vine POWER ­<br />

take over the governme nt and<br />

educationofthe whole world, calling<br />

all to me - to repentance.of<br />

your false way , and to eternal salvatian."<br />

.<br />

Excep t for those s pec iall y<br />

called for special duty preparing<br />

fr ,-:od ' s K IN G~M. ALL HUMAN ~<br />


T!-lE SE 6.000 YEARS!<br />

I know and privately discuss<br />

world conditions w ith many<br />

heads o f sta te - ki ngs; emperors,<br />

president s, prime ministers,<br />

ambassadors, men high in<br />

governments. T hey all have to<br />

dea l with problems and evils with<br />

which they are utterl y unable to<br />

cope.. ~<br />

WHY? Few indeed know. But"!<br />

have just told you rhec xu ss. This<br />

KNOWLEDGE makes the one true<br />

C hurch of God UNIQ UE in the<br />

world! .<br />

The TRUTH that all are CUTOFF<br />

from God except those specia lly<br />

calle d by God was emp hasized by<br />

Jesus. He said , plainly, "NO MAN<br />

CAN come to me, except the<br />

Father which .. . sent me draw<br />

him . . ." (John 6:44) . <strong>No</strong> scripture<br />

contradicts that . '<br />

The onl y day of salvation?<br />

The most universal false teachin<br />

g, believed by vi rtually all<br />

churc hes called Christianity, ex-:<br />

cept the one and only true and<br />

originalChurchofGod is that ALL.<br />

are auto matically lost unle ss they<br />

profess Jesus Christ as Savior ­<br />

and that now is the only day of<br />

salvation. . --';<br />

Tho se cutofffrom God are NOT<br />

lost - unle ss called and then lost .<br />

T he y are ' sim ply NOT YET '<br />

JUDGED! All so far called since ­<br />

Adam have been called , not8l0 ne<br />

for salva tion , but prim arily for a<br />

special mission - and salvation<br />

goes along automatically if the y<br />

do repent , belie ve . receive and be<br />

led by the Holy Spirit. .<br />

All still living will be called<br />

d uri ng 'the mill ennium , "with<br />

Christ ruling all nations - and all<br />

others uncalledrpreviously) will<br />

be resurrect ed and called in the<br />

Great Whi te T hrone Judgment<br />

follow ing the millennium . There<br />

willbeno Satan to overcome then .<br />

Just as Adam was req uired to<br />

reject and overcome the pull of<br />

Sat an to qualify to succeed to the<br />

throne of the earth , so was Jesus<br />

Christ, tbe .second Adam . Jesus<br />

Christ did "qualify. Those ' can"<br />

verted prior to His return must<br />

also qualify, in order to sit with<br />

Him on His throne (Revelation<br />

2:26, 27 and 3':21).<br />

- ' PROOF NO, 4 ",<br />


The Holy Bible is essentially<br />

the book of and concerning the<br />

nation Israel. It is concerned with<br />

other nations only as they come<br />

.into contact with Israel.<br />

But the answer to WHY God<br />

Moses was not seeking God ,<br />

but God called Moses at the burning<br />

bush.' But Mose s made excuse.<br />

protesting the assignment<br />

- saying he could not do it because<br />

' he had an impediment<br />

of speec h. But God ca lled<br />

his brother Aaron to speak for<br />

him.<br />

. The c hildren of Israel, 430<br />

years after Abraham, were groaning<br />

and cryi ng out because of their<br />

slavery.in E gypt-but"there is no<br />

statement reco rded that they were<br />

seek ing a relationship with God .<br />

However, God heard their groan ­<br />

ings and deli vered them by supernatural<br />

mi racle s out of Egypt<br />

unde r Moses.<br />

There must have been two to<br />

four million of them - for there<br />

God ' s revealed knowle dge.<br />

"<br />

. WHY carnalIsraell<br />

"One reason-God raised up ancient Israel was to prove,'eventual/y<br />

(not yet realized) to aI/ humanity that the carnal mind"withal/its<br />

intel/ectual accomplishments simply will not accept and live by the<br />

revealed knowledge of GOD . . ." . . ' ..<br />

called that nation and the fact of<br />

theirdivision into the TWOnations<br />

- the kingdom of Israel, and. the<br />

kingdo m of Judah - and the<br />

present-day identity of tbe hou se<br />

of Israel fo rms another vital<br />

PROOF that identifies the one and<br />

only o riginal C hurch of God .<br />

, God's true Chu rch know st'r-t<br />

ONLY those specially called by<br />

God for special purpose have had '<br />

access to Him from Adam until ­<br />

now.<br />

Certa inly it is almost without<br />

exception that those called did not<br />

first seek God '- He sought out<br />

and ca lled them .<br />

<strong>No</strong>ah was not seeking God, bUI<br />

God called <strong>No</strong>a h to build a great<br />

ship on dry land away from any<br />

ocean. <strong>No</strong>ah carr ied out .the assignment<br />

amid Persecut ions and<br />

jeers. _<br />

Abraham was not seeking God ,<br />

. but God called Abram - and<br />

witho ut protest or quest io n<br />

Abram obeved and went and became<br />

the " iather of thc faithful ,"<br />

to whom the promises of both the<br />

national Israel birthright and eternal<br />

salvation through Christ were<br />

give n.<br />

"Except for those special/ycal/ed for<br />

special duty preparing for God's KING­<br />



were 600.000 men. not co unting .<br />

wome n and children.<br />

At Mt . Sinai God proposed to<br />

them His.cpvenant that they be­<br />

completely from the rev ea led degre e - until Joshua died at age<br />

knowledge from God . But, as 110. " .<br />

stated previously, God retained<br />

The~ . true ' to hum an experience,<br />

when that generation died ,<br />

come His narion and His congre - '<br />

the prerogative of cal ling out of<br />

gation (" the church in the wildeme<br />

ss " Acts 7:-38). God<br />

man ' s world certain few in preparat<br />

ion for His Kingdom . So God tion after them. which knew not<br />

"'.' . . there arose another gener a­<br />

offered them , forobed ience to His<br />

. deli berately called a NAn ON, and : the Eternal . . .' And the children<br />

go vernment , mat erial and na ­<br />

throu gh Moses revealed to them of Israel did evil in the sight of the<br />

tional rewards - but nq spiritual<br />

the knowledge of Hl S LAW- His Eternal. and serv ed Baalim" --=- a<br />

salvation. The Holy Spirit was<br />

WILL- His WAYOF u Fi :'which · pagan god of the Canaanites<br />

given only io the prophets whom<br />

is outflowing LOVE! •<br />

(Judges 2:10-11).<br />

God called and diose.<br />

God OlD N ~T give them His Repeatedly they wo uld forsake<br />

<strong>No</strong>w WHY did God call a car­<br />

God, turn to idolatry of neighbo r<br />

.nal,': un sp iritual 'people into a<br />

nation s.j go into captivity - cry<br />

husband- and-wife relationship ,<br />

. out to God for deliverance . when<br />

as well as His nation with His<br />

God wo uld ra ise up j udges<br />

gove rnme nt? .<br />

(heroes, leaders) by whom God "<br />

W onde rful abilities of<br />

natural mind<br />

Natural carnal MAN . with the<br />

one " human" spirit imparting<br />

materialistic intellect . has been -c.<br />

even without co ntact with :and<br />

help from .GOD~ abletoaccom­<br />

'p l is h- ' w (}~ der-s in the 'physical<br />

realm. Thi s is not testimon y to the<br />

good ness of MAN. but to the wonderfu<br />

l creati ve abilit y of man ' s<br />

Maker! .<br />

At the towe r of Babel God said:<br />

" . . . this they begin to do: and<br />

now nothin g will be' restrained<br />

from '. .. which they have imagined<br />

to do" (Genesis 11:6) . Inventio<br />

n and production of the<br />

modem computer- send ing men<br />

to the moon and safely back - are<br />

two modem examp les.<br />

Cut of f from GOD"- having<br />

_ only the one " human" spirit that<br />

.empo wers intellect - ' MAN· has<br />

develo ped a scho larship that says ,<br />

" Given suf fic ient KNOWLEDGE<br />

and we can solve every probtern.<br />

" The mod ern univer sity is a<br />


tory.<br />

Yet, I h ~ ve said the ;"ost highl y<br />

educated are the mm.; ignorantbeca<br />

use their >,.It " elopment of<br />

knowled ge has ' on lI MITEDco-fi<br />

ned to the yll) .iicalaHd rnaterial.<br />

Without the Holy Spirit of<br />

God , they are. in the vernacular .<br />

"not .all there!"<br />

. God says of this "intellectual"<br />

human mind . that it is ". : . deceitful<br />

above all things, and desperately<br />

wicked " (Jeremiah<br />

17:9) - aod , " the carnal<br />

mind is enmi ty [hostile] against<br />

God : for it is not subject to the law<br />

of God, neither indeed can be"<br />

(Romans 8:7). .<br />

Goo had shut man off from<br />

Parlia ment, Knesset or Diet. He .<br />

through Moses . was their Lawgiver<br />

.<br />

Under God was " the Wo rd" ­<br />

Yahweh - who was to become<br />

Christ. :Under Him was Moses .<br />

Under Moses were captains over<br />

tho usand s, ca ptains over: hun ­<br />

dreds. over fifties .<br />

When Aaron and their , siste r<br />

Miriam wanted eq ual authority in<br />

the government with Moses , God<br />

punished! When Kor ah .and his<br />

group wanted equal"say-so" and<br />

authority, God destroyed them. It<br />

'was GOD- not the peo ple - who<br />

chose and put Moses in authoritv.<br />

There was po.dem ocracy. . • ;<br />

-HOW did ca rn al Israel<br />

respond?<br />

But how did carnal-minded Israe<br />

l res po nd to Go d' s great<br />

generosity, love and blessings? .,.<br />

Let God answer! ;1,,[;-,· ;\<br />

~He says: ' "Hear, O hea ~e~~.~~ .<br />

and give ear, 0 earth: for the Ete~-= .".<br />

nal hat h spoken, I have nourished<br />

and brought up children , and they<br />

have rebelled against me. The ox<br />

knoweth his owner•and the ass his<br />

master' s crib: but Israel doth not<br />

" .,( ~< ~rw0 't'kmy ~o p l~ do not consider .<br />

'iJ ~§!' sII,i ~uL@~o n, a people laden<br />

One reason Go4 raise d up an-<br />

With iniquity, a seed of evildoe rs,<br />

childre n that are co rrupters: they<br />

ci ent Is ra el w as to prove ;' have forsakenthe Eternal, the y<br />

eventu all y (not yet realized) to all haveprovoked the Holy One of<br />

hum anit y that the carnal mind Israeluntoanger. T hey are gone<br />

with all its intellectual accorn- [ha ve done] awa y backward"<br />

plishment s simply will not acce pt (Isaiah 1:2-4). .<br />

and live by the revealed knowledge<br />

of GOD- even though God<br />

After Mose s<br />

should reve al it to them. (Romans<br />

1:<strong>20</strong>-21).<br />

Other nation s were c ut off<br />

Aft er Mo ses , the Israelites<br />

were 'led into the promised land by<br />

Joshua. Israel served God':- to a<br />

Hol y.Spirit. He gave that only to<br />

Moses, and the prophets --c- all .<br />

spec iall y called .<br />

But I God did give them His<br />

spiritual LAW . As a substitute for<br />

the shed blood of Ch rist, He gave<br />

them anima l sacrifices. whic h<br />

could not remitsinsc-- were only a<br />

rem inder of sin. He gave them<br />

also , as a temporary substitute for<br />

the Holy Spirit, a law of physical<br />

. ritua ls, meat and drink o fferings<br />

, and carnal ord inances . These instilled<br />

the habit of obe dience .<br />

'Then. of course. as a civil nation<br />

He gave them His' GOVERNMENT·.<br />

with its basic spiritu al Jaw and its<br />

, , statutes and judgm ent s- He gave<br />

them HIS SYSTEM of government<br />

- authority from the TOPDOWN.<br />

. God Himself was the ir Congress ,<br />

freed them - 'hen after a degree<br />

of peace amid idol wors hip when<br />

the ."judge died , Go d allowe d<br />

them to be take n into captivity<br />

.again.<br />

Th is continued for some few<br />

generatio ns . :!~ _ ~ ,'·1:• .; , _:. ~ ,,:,;:,'.<br />

T hen Israel' was ruled by the ,,"<br />

. priest El i. Eli had two sons, also in<br />

the pries tly service. These ,sons<br />

were taking unlawfu l gain from<br />

the peop le , mis leadin g the peo ­<br />

ple . 'having immoral rel ations<br />

with the women who asse mbled at<br />

the door of the tabernacle . <strong>No</strong>w<br />

Eli was very old - near 90 -c'and<br />

said to his sons, " . . . Why do ye<br />

such th in g s? . ~ .. (I Samuel<br />

2:22-25 ) . " . : . <strong>No</strong>twithstand ing<br />

they hearkened notto the voice of<br />

their .father; . ." The sons continuedtbe.evils,<br />

andthe priest Eli<br />

didnotput them out of the priesthood<br />

. .<br />

When ~ris go wrong<br />

God said 'to Eli, " W herefore<br />

. . . honorest thy sons above<br />

me? . . ." (I Samue l 2:29) and decreed<br />

they should die. When news<br />

came to Eli , past 90 y~ars, th at hi,<br />

sons had been killed and the ark of<br />

Go d taken in battle , Eli fell<br />

backward, broke his neck and<br />

died!<br />

Perhaps another evid ence of<br />

the Worl dw ide C hurch of God '<br />

bein g the one original Church of<br />

God is that its apostle did remove<br />

hisson. who was secu lariz ing<br />

God's Church and college, besides<br />

other sins . It is a difficult and<br />

heartbreaking thing for a father to<br />

have to doc-Eli honored his sinning<br />

sons..hold ing priestly office.<br />

above God ;' God's apostl e of our '<br />

day, · c~~hi ~·g and heart breaking .<br />

though tt 'be;-was given the courage<br />

b~' i h eli vin g Chr ist to do that<br />

very'difficulithirig. . . '<br />

. S.a m'~ ~i ! 'had ~~n trained as a<br />

prophO't frrima chi ld under Eli . He<br />

was 'Israbr s" ne xt leader. Bin the<br />

people rejected God as King over<br />

them and dem anded a.humanking<br />

" that we mav be like all the na-<br />

(See SEVEN ' PROOFS, ~~. , 16 )<br />

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