1973-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1973-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1973-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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Leadership<br />

Training<br />

Held<br />

•<br />

In<br />

Denver<br />

• The Eighth I)i:.trict conducted<br />

a Leadership Training Course for<br />

local uniom. in Colorado during the<br />

!tCcond week <strong>of</strong> Fcbrual} in DCIl\'cr.<br />

Almost all <strong>of</strong> the local union~ in<br />

Ihl! ~late participated in the cou~.<br />

rhirty-fhc onicef!>. rcprc~nting Local<br />

Unions 12. Ilucblo; 68, Denver:<br />

1 II. Deliver; I 13, Colorado<br />

Springs; 667. I)ucbla; 925, Grand<br />

Junction; 969, Grand Junction;<br />

1436. Boulder; 1490. Greeley;<br />

[~23. Denver; Hilt! 2300, Denver,<br />

were enrolled.<br />

Among the topics covered, were<br />

Equal Opportunity - Intcrnntionu[<br />

Executive Council mernber Ra lph<br />

Lcigoll ; Workmens Compensation<br />

-Ed Schunarnun. auorncy: Problems<br />

in Organil.ing-Jay jJatrick,<br />

AFL -C IO; NLRB Procccdings­<br />

Al NUll. NLRB; the Colorado<br />

Building Trades - Joe Donlon.<br />

Secretary. Colorado Iluilding and<br />

Construction Trades Council: Legislation<br />

Affecting Labor - Charles<br />

D.:Moulon. Colorado State Representativc;<br />

and Basie 1 ... 1.ws and Policies<br />

<strong>of</strong> the <strong>IBEW</strong>-<strong>International</strong><br />

Representatives L:lwrcncc C. Farnan<br />

and Roland E. Gawf, who condueled<br />

the school.<br />

Inlcrn;uionul Vice P residcnt<br />

Stanley E. Thompson presented<br />

certi ficates <strong>of</strong> completion and<br />

hosted a luncheon 011 the fi nnl d:IY,<br />

Seen at the completion <strong>of</strong> a recent<br />

Leadership Training Course for tocal<br />

unions," Colorado. are. teft to right,<br />

Charles Holzer. Executrve Board memo<br />

ber. Local 111, Denver; <strong>International</strong><br />

Representative larry Farnan: Dee<br />

McNees, Recor(hng Secretary. Local<br />

2300. Denver; <strong>International</strong> Repre·<br />

sentative Rolhe Gawf; and <strong>International</strong><br />

Vice President Stanley E. Thompson.<br />

who awarded certi ficates <strong>of</strong> complet ion.<br />

<strong>April</strong>, <strong>1973</strong><br />

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