1973-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1973-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...

1973-04 April IBEW Journal.pdf - International Brotherhood of ...


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to look to the members. individuully nnd<br />

co lieClively, for support nnd coopentlion.<br />

At this lime, propoS:tls arc being<br />

wo r ~ed OUI for brief and conche ..... o rding<br />

and b.1d.-U p arguments. Each unit<br />

should hl",'e it, propo\IIIJl submilled 10<br />

Ihe execulhe ..ecretlir)' by <strong>April</strong> 151h<br />

The conH'nlion ..... iII be <strong>of</strong> tlOo O days'<br />

dur.!.tion lind will be held June 2nd and<br />

l Id ill ) k~:.hll. )unh unil lHu~1 1I1,1Le<br />

plans >'()()n for elecling i[~ represen tll ti vc<br />

and uitem :! [e [0 the con\·ent ion.<br />

T hb prom i...es 10 be :1 bu~)' )c:lr. Let<br />

u~ hope .... c 100 111 sec inlue)1 in hc:lIenng<br />

condition.!> IlOd liiso the opporlunil) for<br />

exploring II more cooperalhe lind under·<br />

~ I a nd ahle interpreUttion <strong>of</strong> the contr;ICI<br />

and not merel) the '1uc\Iion. .. 11 0 ....<br />

much arc lOoe going to get'!"<br />

01 K ~ II)I N I W. B K OO K ~. !'.S.<br />

Local 1357 Prepares<br />

For Negotiations<br />

L.U. US7. IIONOL UI.U, lit- The<br />

COn[mct betlOoeen Ihe Ilawaii;m relephone<br />

Company :md I.OC111 1357 expire .. o n<br />

Apnl 30, 1')73. lind prepar.ltIOn, hll\e<br />

:. lrellJy begun for forthcoming ncgotial<br />

i on~.<br />

A meet in): .... as clliled hy /l usine\s<br />

Manager Jo hn I'. CiUlm:.n on JilmHLry<br />

12. <strong>1973</strong>. III Ihc " ogodll lIolei in lIonolulu<br />

..... ilh the 101:;11 union , 1.lff. r,C

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