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216 volume VI os16<br />

Script e sorgenti del kernel 217<br />

670025 | {<br />

670026 | //<br />

670027 | // The file system root directory inode is not yet loaded:<br />

670028 | // get the first super block.<br />

670029 | //<br />

670030 | sb = sb_reference ((dev_t) 0);<br />

670031 | if (sb == NULL || sb->device == 0)<br />

670032 | {<br />

670033 | //<br />

670034 | // This error should never happen.<br />

670035 | //<br />

670036 | errset (EUNKNOWN); // Unknown error.<br />

670037 | return (NULL);<br />

670038 | }<br />

670039 | //<br />

670040 | // Load the file system root directory inode (recursive<br />

670041 | // call).<br />

670042 | //<br />

670043 | inode = inode_get (sb->device, (ino_t) 1);<br />

670044 | if (inode == NULL)<br />

670045 | {<br />

670046 | //<br />

670047 | // This error should never happen.<br />

670048 | //<br />

670049 | return (NULL);<br />

670050 | }<br />

670051 | //<br />

670052 | // Return the directory inode.<br />

670053 | //<br />

670054 | return (inode);<br />

670055 | }<br />

670056 | else<br />

670057 | {<br />

670058 | //<br />

670059 | // The file system root directory inode is already<br />

670060 | // available.<br />

670061 | //<br />

670062 | if (inode->references >= INODE_MAX_REFERENCES)<br />

670063 | {<br />

670064 | errset (ENFILE); // Too many files open in system.<br />

670065 | return (NULL);<br />

670066 | }<br />

670067 | else<br />

670068 | {<br />

670069 | inode->references++;<br />

670070 | return (inode);<br />

670071 | }<br />

670072 | }<br />

670073 | }<br />

670074 | //<br />

670075 | // A common device-inode pair was requested: try to find an already<br />

670076 | // cached inode.<br />

670077 | //<br />

670078 | inode = inode_reference (device, ino);<br />

670079 | if (inode != NULL)<br />

670080 | {<br />

670081 | if (inode->references >= INODE_MAX_REFERENCES)<br />

670082 | {<br />

670083 | errset (ENFILE); // Too many files open in system.<br />

670084 | return (NULL);<br />

670085 | }<br />

670086 | else<br />

670087 | {<br />

670088 | inode->references++;<br />

670089 | return (inode);<br />

670090 | }<br />

670091 | }<br />

670092 | //<br />

670093 | // The inode is not yet available: get super block.<br />

670094 | //<br />

670095 | sb = sb_reference (device);<br />

670096 | if (sb == NULL)<br />

670097 | {<br />

670098 | errset (ENODEV); // No such device.<br />

670099 | return (NULL);<br />

670100 | }<br />

670101 | //<br />

670102 | // The super block is available, but the inode is not yet cached.<br />

670103 | // Verify if the inode map reports it as allocated.<br />

670104 | //<br />

670105 | status = sb_inode_status (sb, ino);<br />

670106 | if (!status)<br />

670107 | {<br />

670108 | //<br />

670109 | // The inode is not allocated and cannot be loaded.<br />

670110 | //<br />

670111 | errset (ENOENT); // No such file or directory.<br />

670112 | return (NULL);<br />

670113 | }<br />

670114 | //<br />

670115 | // The inode was not already cached, but is considered as allocated<br />

670116 | // inside the inode map. Find a free slot to load the inode inside<br />

670117 | // the inode table (in memory).<br />

670118 | //<br />

670119 | inode = inode_reference ((dev_t) -1, (ino_t) -1);<br />

670120 | if (inode == NULL)<br />

670121 | {<br />

670122 | errset (ENFILE); // Too many files open in system.<br />

670123 | return (NULL);<br />

670124 | }<br />

670125 | //<br />

670126 | // A free inode slot was found. The inode must be loaded.<br />

670127 | // Calculate the memory inode size, to be saved inside the file<br />

670128 | // system: the administrative inode data, as it is saved inside<br />

670129 | // the file system. The ‘inode_t’ type is bigger than the real<br />

670130 | // inode administrative size, because it contains more data, that is<br />

670131 | // not saved on disk.<br />

670132 | //<br />

670133 | size = offsetof (inode_t, sb);<br />

670134 | //<br />

670135 | // Calculating start position for read.<br />

670136 | //<br />

670137 | // [1] Boot block.<br />

670138 | // [2] Super block.<br />

670139 | // [3] Inode bit map.<br />

670140 | // [4] Zone bit map.<br />

670141 | // [5] Previous inodes: consider that the inode zero is<br />

670142 | // present in the inode map, but not in the inode<br />

670143 | // table.<br />

670144 | //<br />

670145 | start = 1024; // [1]<br />

670146 | start += 1024; // [2]<br />

670147 | start += (sb->map_inode_blocks * 1024); // [3]<br />

670148 | start += (sb->map_zone_blocks * 1024); // [4]<br />

670149 | start += ((ino -1) * size); // [5]<br />

670150 | //<br />

670151 | // Read inode from disk.<br />

670152 | //<br />

670153 | n = dev_io ((pid_t) -1, device, DEV_READ, start, inode, size, NULL);<br />

670154 | if (n != size)<br />

670155 | {<br />

670156 | errset (EIO); // I/O error.<br />

670157 | return (NULL);<br />

670158 | }<br />

670159 | //<br />

670160 | // The inode was read: add some data to the working copy in memory.<br />

670161 | //<br />

670162 | inode->sb = sb;<br />

670163 | inode->sb_attached = NULL;<br />

670164 | inode->ino = ino;<br />

670165 | inode->references = 1;<br />

670166 | inode->changed = 0;<br />

670167 | //<br />

670168 | inode->blkcnt = inode->size;<br />

670169 | inode->blkcnt /= sb->blksize;<br />

670170 | if (inode->size % sb->blksize)<br />

670171 | {<br />

670172 | inode->blkcnt++;<br />

670173 | }<br />

670174 | //<br />

670175 | // Return the inode pointer.<br />

670176 | //<br />

670177 | return (inode);<br />

670178 |}<br />

104.4.25 kernel/fs/inode_put.c<br />

Si veda la sezione 103.3.24.<br />

680001 |#include <br />

680002 |#include <br />

680003 |#include <br />

680004 |//----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

680005 |int<br />

680006 |inode_put (inode_t *inode)<br />

680007 |{<br />

680008 | int status;<br />

680009 | //<br />

680010 | // Check for valid argument.<br />

680011 | //<br />

680012 | if (inode == NULL)<br />

680013 | {<br />

680014 | errset (EINVAL); // Invalid argument.<br />

680015 | return (-1);<br />

680016 | }<br />

680017 | //<br />

680018 | // Check for valid references.<br />

680019 | //<br />

680020 | if (inode->references sb->device == 0 && inode->ino != 0)<br />

680029 | {<br />

680030 | k_printf ("kernel alert: trying to close inode with device "<br />

680031 | "zero, but a number different than zero!\n");<br />

680032 | errset (EUNKNOWN); // Cannot put an inode with<br />

680033 | return (-1); // zero or negative references.<br />

680034 | }<br />

680035 | //<br />

680036 | // There is at least one reference: now the references value is<br />

680037 | // reduced.<br />

680038 | //<br />

680039 | inode->references--;<br />

680040 | inode->changed = 1;<br />

680041 | //<br />

680042 | // If ‘inode->ino’ is zero, it means that the inode was created in<br />

680043 | // memory, but there is no file system for it. For example, it might<br />

680044 | // be a standard I/O inode create automatically for a process.<br />

680045 | // Inodes with number zero cannot be removed from a file system.<br />

680046 | //<br />

680047 | if (inode->ino == 0)<br />

680048 | {<br />

680049 | //<br />

680050 | // Nothing to do: just return.<br />

680051 | //<br />

680052 | return (0);<br />

680053 | }<br />

680054 | //<br />

680055 | // References counter might be zero.<br />

680056 | //<br />

680057 | if (inode->references == 0)<br />

680058 | {<br />

680059 | //<br />

680060 | // Check if the inode is to be deleted (until there are<br />

680061 | // run time references, the inode cannot be removed).<br />

680062 | //<br />

680063 | if (inode->links == 0<br />

680064 | || (S_ISDIR (inode->mode) && inode->links == 1))<br />

680065 | {<br />

680066 | //<br />

680067 | // The inode has no more run time references and file system<br />

680068 | // links are also zero (or one for a directory): remove it!<br />

680069 | //<br />

680070 | status = inode_truncate (inode);<br />

680071 | if (status != 0)<br />

680072 | {<br />

680073 | k_perror (NULL);<br />


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