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354 volume VI os16<br />

Sorgenti della libreria generale 355<br />

3050016 | int digit;<br />

3050017 | //<br />

3050018 | bool flag_prefix_oct = 0;<br />

3050019 | bool flag_prefix_exa = 0;<br />

3050020 | bool flag_prefix_dec = 0;<br />

3050021 | //<br />

3050022 | // Check base and string.<br />

3050023 | //<br />

3050024 | if (base < 0<br />

3050025 | || base > 36<br />

3050026 | || base == 1 // With base 1 cannot do anything.<br />

3050027 | || string == NULL<br />

3050028 | || string[0] == 0)<br />

3050029 | {<br />

3050030 | if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = string;<br />

3050031 | errset (EINVAL); // Invalid argument.<br />

3050032 | return ((long int) 0);<br />

3050033 | }<br />

3050034 | //<br />

3050035 | // Eat initial spaces.<br />

3050036 | //<br />

3050037 | for (i = 0; isspace (string[i]); i++)<br />

3050038 | {<br />

3050039 | ;<br />

3050040 | }<br />

3050041 | //<br />

3050042 | // Check sign.<br />

3050043 | //<br />

3050044 | if (string[i] == ’+’)<br />

3050045 | {<br />

3050046 | sign = +1;<br />

3050047 | i++;<br />

3050048 | }<br />

3050049 | else if (string[i] == ’-’)<br />

3050050 | {<br />

3050051 | sign = -1;<br />

3050052 | i++;<br />

3050053 | }<br />

3050054 | //<br />

3050055 | // Check for prefix.<br />

3050056 | //<br />

3050057 | if (string[i] == ’0’)<br />

3050058 | {<br />

3050059 | if (string[i+1] == ’x’ || string[i+1] == ’X’)<br />

3050060 | {<br />

3050061 | flag_prefix_exa = 1;<br />

3050062 | }<br />

3050063 | else if (isoctal (string[i+1]))<br />

3050064 | {<br />

3050065 | flag_prefix_oct = 1;<br />

3050066 | }<br />

3050067 | else<br />

3050068 | {<br />

3050069 | flag_prefix_dec = 1;<br />

3050070 | }<br />

3050071 | }<br />

3050072 | else if (isdigit (string[i]))<br />

3050073 | {<br />

3050074 | flag_prefix_dec = 1;<br />

3050075 | }<br />

3050076 | //<br />

3050077 | // Check compatibility with requested base.<br />

3050078 | //<br />

3050079 | if (flag_prefix_exa)<br />

3050080 | {<br />

3050081 | //<br />

3050082 | // At the moment, there is a zero and a ‘x’. Might be<br />

3050083 | // exadecimal, or might be a number base 33 or more.<br />

3050084 | //<br />

3050085 | if (base == 0)<br />

3050086 | {<br />

3050087 | base = 16;<br />

3050088 | }<br />

3050089 | else if (base == 16)<br />

3050090 | {<br />

3050091 | ; // Ok.<br />

3050092 | }<br />

3050093 | else if (base >= 33)<br />

3050094 | {<br />

3050095 | ; // Ok.<br />

3050096 | }<br />

3050097 | else<br />

3050098 | {<br />

3050099 | //<br />

3050100 | // Incompatible sequence: only the initial zero is reported.<br />

3050101 | //<br />

3050102 | if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = &string[i+1];<br />

3050103 | return ((long int) 0);<br />

3050104 | }<br />

3050105 | //<br />

3050106 | // Move on, after the ‘0x’ prefix.<br />

3050107 | //<br />

3050108 | i += 2;<br />

3050109 | }<br />

3050110 | //<br />

3050111 | if (flag_prefix_oct)<br />

3050112 | {<br />

3050113 | //<br />

3050114 | // There is a zero and a digit.<br />

3050115 | //<br />

3050116 | if (base == 0)<br />

3050117 | {<br />

3050118 | base = 8;<br />

3050119 | }<br />

3050120 | //<br />

3050121 | // Move on, after the ‘0’ prefix.<br />

3050122 | //<br />

3050123 | i += 1;<br />

3050124 | }<br />

3050125 | //<br />

3050126 | if (flag_prefix_dec)<br />

3050127 | {<br />

3050128 | if (base == 0)<br />

3050129 | {<br />

3050130 | base = 10;<br />

3050131 | }<br />

3050132 | }<br />

3050133 | //<br />

3050134 | // Scan the string.<br />

3050135 | //<br />

3050136 | for (number = 0; string[i] != 0; i++)<br />

3050137 | {<br />

3050138 | if (string[i] >= ’0’ && string[i] = ’A’ && string[i] = ’a’ && string[i] (digit * sign))<br />

3050165 | {<br />

3050166 | //<br />

3050167 | // Check if the current digit can be safely computed.<br />

3050168 | //<br />

3050169 | previous = number;<br />

3050170 | number *= base;<br />

3050171 | number += digit;<br />

3050172 | if (number / base != previous)<br />

3050173 | {<br />

3050174 | //<br />

3050175 | // Out of range.<br />

3050176 | //<br />

3050177 | if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = &string[i+1];<br />

3050178 | errset (ERANGE); // Result too large.<br />

3050179 | if (sign > 0)<br />

3050180 | {<br />

3050181 | return (LONG_MAX);<br />

3050182 | }<br />

3050183 | else<br />

3050184 | {<br />

3050185 | return (LONG_MIN);<br />

3050186 | }<br />

3050187 | }<br />

3050188 | }<br />

3050189 | else<br />

3050190 | {<br />

3050191 | if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = &string[i];<br />

3050192 | return (number);<br />

3050193 | }<br />

3050194 | }<br />

3050195 | //<br />

3050196 | // The string is finished.<br />

3050197 | //<br />

3050198 | if (endptr != NULL) *endptr = &string[i];<br />

3050199 | //<br />

3050200 | return (number);<br />

3050201 |}<br />

105.10.19 lib/stdlib/strtoul.c<br />

Si veda la sezione 98.121.<br />

3060001 |#include <br />

3060002 |#include <br />

3060003 |#include <br />

3060004 |#include <br />

3060005 |//----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

3060006 |// A really poor implementation. ,-(<br />

3060007 |//<br />

3060008 |unsigned long int<br />

3060009 |strtoul (const char *restrict string, char **restrict endptr, int base)<br />

3060010 |{<br />

3060011 | return ((unsigned long int) strtol (string, endptr, base));<br />

3060012 |}<br />

105.10.20 lib/stdlib/unsetenv.c<br />

Si veda la sezione 98.94.<br />

3070001 |#include <br />

3070002 |#include <br />

3070003 |#include <br />

3070004 |//----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

3070005 |extern char *_environment[];<br />

3070006 |extern char *_environment_table[];<br />

3070007 |//----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

3070008 |int<br />

3070009 |unsetenv (const char *name)<br />

3070010 |{<br />

3070011 | int e; // First index: environment table items.<br />

3070012 | int f; // Second index: environment string scan.<br />

3070013 | //<br />

3070014 | // Check if the input is empty. No error is reported.<br />

3070015 | //<br />

3070016 | if (name == NULL || strlen (name) == 0)<br />

3070017 | {<br />

3070018 | return (0);<br />

3070019 | }<br />

3070020 | //<br />

3070021 | // Check if the input is valid: error here is reported.<br />

3070022 | //<br />

«<br />


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