Thermodynamics Notes

Thermodynamics Notes

Thermodynamics Notes


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Temperature, Heat, Kinetic Theory, and <strong>Thermodynamics</strong><br />

Objectives<br />

Students should understand the “mechanical equivalent of heat” so they can determine how much heat<br />

can be produced by the performance of a specified quantity of mechanical work.<br />

Students should understand heat transfer and thermal expansion, so they can:<br />

o Calculate how the flow of heat through a slab of material is affected by changes in the thickness or<br />

area of the slab, or the temperature difference between the two faces of the slab.<br />

o Analyze what happens to the size and shape of an object when it is heated.<br />

o Analyze qualitatively the effects of conduction, radiation and convection in thermal processes.<br />

Students should understand the kinetic theory model of an ideal gas, so they can:<br />

o State the assumptions of the model.<br />

o State the connection between temperature and mean translational kinetic energy, and apply it to<br />

determine the mean speed of gas molecules as a function of their mass and the temperature of<br />

the gas.<br />

o State the relationship among Avogadro’s number, Boltzmann’s constant, and the gas constant R,<br />

and express the energy of a mole of a monatomic ideal gas as a function of its temperature.<br />

o Explain qualitatively how the model explains the pressure of a gas in terms of collisions with the<br />

container walls, and explain how the model predicts that, for fixed volume, pressure must be<br />

proportional to temperature.<br />

Students should know how to apply the ideal gas law and thermodynamic principles, so they can:<br />

o Relate the pressure and volume of a gas during an isothermal expansion or compression.<br />

o Relate the pressure and temperature of a gas during constant-volume heating or cooling, or the<br />

volume and temperature during constant-pressure heating or cooling.<br />

o Calculate the work performed on or by a gas during an expansion or compression at constant<br />

pressure.<br />

o Understand the process of adiabatic expansion or compression of a gas.<br />

o Identify or sketch on a PV diagram the curves that represent each of the above processes.<br />

Students should know how to apply the first law of thermodynamics, so they can:<br />

o Relate the heat absorbed by a gas, the work performed by the gas and the internal energy change<br />

of the gas for any of the processes above.<br />

o Relate the work performed by a gas in a cyclic process to the area enclosed by a curve on a PV<br />

diagram.<br />

Students should understand the second law of thermodynamics, the concept of entropy, and heat engines<br />

and the Carnot cycle, so they can:<br />

o Determine whether entropy will increase, decrease or remain the same during a particular<br />

situation.<br />

o Compute the maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine operating between two given<br />

temperatures.<br />

o Compute the actual efficiency of a heat engine.<br />

o Relate the heats exchanged at each thermal reservoir in a Carnot cycle to the temperatures of the<br />

reservoirs.<br />

13-1: Atomic Theory of Matter<br />

Atomic and molecular masses are measured in unified atomic mass units (u). This unit is defined so that<br />

the carbon-12 atom has a mass of exactly 12.0000 u. Expressed in kilograms: ________________________<br />

________________________________ describes the continuous random motion of the<br />

atoms in all matter due to a series of collisions.<br />

On a microscopic scale, the arrangements of molecules in ____________ (a),<br />

______________ (b), and _________ (c) are quite different.

13-2: Temperature and Thermometers<br />

________________________ is a measure of how hot or cold something is.<br />

Most materials ____________ when ______________.<br />

Scales for measuring temperature include Celsius (centigrade), Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. The<br />

standard conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius is<br />

; this can be<br />

rearranged to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit as<br />

<br />

Example 13-2: Taking your temperature<br />

Normal body temperature is 98.6°F. What is this on the Celsius scale?<br />

Exercise A<br />

Determine the temperature at which both sides agree (T C = T F )<br />

13-3: Thermal Equilibrium and the Zeroth Law of <strong>Thermodynamics</strong><br />

Two objects placed in thermal contact will eventually come to the same temperature. When they do, we<br />

say they are in ____________________________________.<br />

The _____________________ of thermodynamics says that if two objects are each in equilibrium with a<br />

third object, they are also in thermal equilibrium with each other.<br />

13-4: Thermal Expansion<br />

__________________ changes can yield changes in the ____________ and ______________ of an object.<br />

The change in length is a function of the change in temperature;<br />

o represents the ______________________________________________________ for a material.<br />

o is in ______<br />

o Additionally, the new length of the object can be represented by the equation<br />

<br />

<br />

Volume expansion is similar, except that it is relevant for liquids and gases as well as solids.<br />

The change in volume is a function of the change in temperature;<br />

o represents the ______________________________________________________ for a material.<br />

o is in ______<br />

o Additionally, the new volume of the object can be represented by the equation

Example 13-3: Bridge expansion<br />

The steel bed of a suspension bridge is 200 m long at 20°C. If the extremes of temperature to which it might be<br />

exposed to are -30°C to +40°C, how much will it contract and expand?<br />

Conceptual Example 13-4: Do holes expand or contract?<br />

If you heat a thin circular ring in the oven, does the ring’s hole get larger or smaller?<br />

Example 13-5: Ring on a rod<br />

An iron ring is to fit snugly on a cylindrical iron rod. At 20°C, the diameter of the rod is 6.445 cm and the inside<br />

diameter of the ring is 6.420 cm. To slip over the rod, the ring must be slightly larger than the rod diameter by<br />

about 0.008 cm. To what temperature must the ring be brought if its hole is to be large enough so it will slip<br />

over the rod?<br />

Conceptual Example 13-6: Opening a tight jar lid<br />

When the lid of a glass jar is tight, holding the lid under hot water for a short time will often make it easier to<br />

open. Why?<br />

Example 13-7: Gas tank in the sun<br />

The 70-L steel gas tank of a car is filled to the top with gasoline at 20°C. The car sits in the sun and the tank<br />

reaches a temperature of 40°C (104°F). How much gasoline do you expect to overflow from the tank?<br />

13-6: The Gas Laws and Absolute Temperature<br />

_________________, _______________, and ________________________ are interrelated for gases.<br />

_______________: At a constant temperature, volume is inversely proportional to pressure.<br />

_______________: At a constant pressure, volume is directly proportional to absolute temperature.<br />

____________________: At a constant volume, pressure is directly proportional to absolute temperature.<br />

13-6: The Gas Laws and Absolute Temperature<br />

Extrapolating, the volume becomes zero at −273.15°C; this temperature is called ____________________.<br />

The concept of absolute zero allows us to define a third temperature scale – the absolute, or Kelvin, scale.<br />

This scale starts with 0 K at absolute zero, but otherwise is the same as the Celsius scale.<br />

The following equation can be used to convert from Celsius to Kelvin____________________________<br />

Conceptual Example 13-9: Don’t throw a closed glass jar into a campfire<br />

What can happen if you did throw an empty glass jar, with lid on tight, into a fire, and why?<br />

13-7: The Ideal Gas Law<br />

The three gas laws are combined in the ideal gas law, , where is the number of<br />

moles of a substance and is the universal gas constant = __________ J/(mol·K) or R = ____________<br />


A mole (mol) is defined as the number of grams of a substance that is numerically equal to the molecular<br />

mass of the substance:<br />

o 1 mol H2 has a mass of 2 g<br />

o 1 mol Ne has a mass of 20 g<br />

o 1 mol CO2 has a mass of 44 g<br />

The number of moles in a certain mass of material:<br />

13-8: Problem Solving with the Ideal Gas Law<br />

Standard temperature and pressure (______)<br />

o T = 273 K<br />

o P = 1.00 atm = 1.013 x 10 5 N/m 2<br />

Always measure T in __________<br />

P must be the __________________________________<br />

Example 13-10: Volume of one mol at STP<br />

Determine the volume of 1.00 mol of any gas assuming it behaves like an ideal gas, at STP.<br />

Exercise B<br />

What is the volume of 1.00 mol of ideal gas at 20°C?<br />

Example 13-11: Helium balloon<br />

A helium party balloon, assumed to be a perfect sphere, has a radius of 18.0 cm. At room temperature (20°C),<br />

its internal pressure is 1.05 atm. Find the number of moles of helium in the balloon and the mass of helium<br />

needed to inflate the balloon to these values.<br />

Example 13-12: Estimate mass of air in a room<br />

Estimate the mass of air in a room whose dimensions are 5 m x 3 m x 2.5 m high, at STP.<br />

Exercise C<br />

At 20 °C, would there be more or less air mass in a room than at 0°C?<br />

Example 13-13: Check tires cold<br />

An automobile tire is filled to a gauge pressure of 200 kPa at 10°C. After a drive of 100 km, the temperature<br />

within the tire rises to 40°C. What is the pressure within the tire now?

13-9: Ideal Gas Law in Terms of Molecules: Avogadro’s Number<br />

Since the gas constant is universal, the number of molecules in one mole is the same for all gases. That<br />

number is called Avogadro’s number:<br />

The number of molecules in a gas is the number of moles times Avogadro’s number:<br />

This allows for a restatement of the ideal gas law with Avogadro’s number as _____________, where k is<br />

referred to as Boltzmann’s constant.<br />

Example 13-14: Hydrogen atom mass<br />

Use Avogadro’s number to determine the mass of a hydrogen atom.<br />

Example 13-15: Estimate how many molecules are in one breath<br />

Estimate how many molecules you breathe in with a 1.0-L breath of air.<br />

13-10: Kinetic Theory and the Molecular Interpretation of Temperature<br />

Assumptions of ____________________:<br />

o Large number of molecules, moving in random directions with a ___________________________<br />

o Molecules are far apart, on average<br />

o Molecules obey laws of classical mechanics and interact only when colliding<br />

o Collisions are perfectly _____________<br />

Calculating average force using the average momentum of molecules in a gas, we can apply the ideal gas<br />

law to determine the average kinetic energy.<br />

The root-mean-square velocity can be found from<br />

Example 13-6: Molecular kinetic energy<br />

What is the average translational kinetic energy of molecules in an ideal gas at 37°C?<br />

Example 13-17: Speeds of air molecules<br />

What is the rms speed of air molecules (O 2 and N 2 ) at room temperature (20°C)?<br />

Exercise D<br />

What speed would a 1-gram paper clip have if it had the same KE as a molecule of Example 13-17?

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