Sports Nutrition – Nutrient Timing

Sports Nutrition – Nutrient Timing

Sports Nutrition – Nutrient Timing


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opyright 20012©The Right <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

<strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>Nutrient</strong> <strong>Timing</strong><br />

Wednesday 3 rd October 2012<br />

Presented by Theresa Millman<br />

Clinical <strong>Nutrition</strong> and <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />


Overview<br />

1. Optimal <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>–</strong> Performance, Energy & Stamina<br />

2. Macro <strong>Nutrient</strong>s & <strong>Nutrient</strong> timing<br />

3. Putting it into Practice<br />

4. Supplements<br />

5. Q&A<br />

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Performance <strong>–</strong> A <strong>Nutrition</strong>al Approach<br />

Question:<br />

• As a percentage how much do you think nutrition affects athletic<br />


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Answer:<br />


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“<strong>Nutrition</strong> cannot substitute for raw talent,<br />

training, mental preparation or equipment,<br />

but bad nutrition can destroy performance.”<br />

Stone Research Foundation, June 2005

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<strong>Sports</strong> Performance<br />

Key Goals:<br />

• Improve performance <strong>–</strong> endurance, energy, stamina and strength<br />

• Reduce injury<br />

• Better recovery<br />

• Are all underpinned by: good nutrition, hydration and rest

Recognising Signs & Symptoms<br />

Lack of<br />

concentration??<br />


Can’t<br />

handle<br />

stress<br />

Every thing is<br />

a real effort!!<br />

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low<br />

productivity<br />

Feel sleepy in<br />

the afternoon<br />

LESS<br />

TOLERANT!!!<br />

MILD<br />


low<br />

sex<br />

drive<br />

Crave<br />

Stimulants<br />

mood<br />

swings<br />

ANXIETY..<br />

Tired in afternoon<br />

STRESSED!!!!!<br />

&<br />

wide awake in evenings<br />

Feel sleepy at 3pm<br />

No Motivation…<br />

Increased<br />

PMS!!!!<br />



Need caffeine<br />

to get going?<br />

Have less<br />

zest for life<br />


Can’t get<br />

out of bed<br />

Lack of<br />

interest in life<br />

longer illness<br />

recovery times

opyright 20012©The Right <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

Balancing Energy Levels<br />

• Balancing energy levels is controlled by balancing blood sugars<br />

• Poor energy control can contribute to the “3pm low”, weight gain<br />

and sluggish body systems<br />

• Very common in athletes and needs a little bit of planning to avoid<br />

• Two main causes of blood sugar imbalances:<br />

<strong>–</strong> Sugary (refined) food and drink choices<br />

<strong>–</strong> Erratic eating and large meals

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<strong>Nutrient</strong> timing: Balancing blood sugar<br />

Blood sugar<br />

Lunch<br />

Imbalanced<br />

Fluctuations caused by:<br />

• Energy dense<br />

foods/drinks (sweet<br />

foods)<br />

• Alcohol<br />

• Stress?<br />

• Caffeine?<br />

Sugar<br />

cereal<br />

• Nicotine<br />

Normal<br />

Leads to:<br />

• Energy imbalances<br />

• Diabetes<br />

Wake<br />

Crave<br />

Coffee/biscuits<br />

• Weight gain<br />

• Fatigue<br />

10.30-11am 3-4pm 5-6pm<br />


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<strong>Nutrient</strong> <strong>Timing</strong> - Low and High GI<br />

Blood Sugar Level (mg/100ml)<br />

280<br />

240<br />

200<br />

160<br />

120<br />

80<br />

40<br />

High GI foods:<br />

Balanced blood White rice, white pasta<br />

Exercise<br />

sugar curve white All bread, meals / snacks<br />

Exercise<br />

sugar, pastry, cakes,<br />

low/medium GI biscuits, contain: sweets, chocolate, fizzy<br />

foods Stress, stimulants: drinks, tropical Protein caffeine, fruits, nicotine alcohol<br />

PROCESSED complex High GI Carbohydrate<br />


Insulin FOODS foods healthful EATEN Fat IN ISOLATION<br />

release<br />

Brains main fuel is glucose / SUGAR!!!<br />

Leading to cravings and blood sugar fluctuations<br />

2 teaspoons of glucose (sugar) in blood at rest<br />

Hypoglycaemic!!<br />

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5<br />

Time after glucose intake (hrs)

opyright 20012©The Right <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

Balancing Energy Levels<br />

Practical steps:<br />

• Eat little and often - many athletes eat 5- 6 smaller meal/snacks<br />

per day.<br />

• Eat slow sugar release foods (at rest) (COMPLEX CARB<br />


• Take time over food (don’t scoff)<br />

• Buy and keep appropriate snacks to hand<br />

• Try and avoid caffeinated drinks (coke and coffee especially) at rest<br />

• At rest ensure every meal and every snack contains healthful<br />

protein, fat and carbohydrates

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Balancing Energy Levels<br />

Snacks:<br />

• Handful of nuts and dried fruit<br />

• Oatcakes with nut butters<br />

• Chopped vegetables with Hummus<br />

• Olives<br />

• Natural live yoghurt with seeds and berries<br />

• Apple with a tablespoon of cottage cheese or small piece of other<br />

cheese<br />

• Berry fruits with seeds

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<strong>Nutrient</strong> <strong>Timing</strong><br />

• At Rest: Protein with every meal<br />

<strong>–</strong> Meals should contain protein, complex carbohydrates and healthful fats<br />

• Before Exercise:<br />

<strong>–</strong> Endurance: Medium (High) GI meal / snack (1-2 hours)<br />

<strong>–</strong> Strength: Protein (Carb)<br />

• During Exercise:<br />

<strong>–</strong> Drink to your thirst<br />

• After Exercise: Carbohydrate / Protein Recovery meal/drink<br />

<strong>–</strong> Carb to Protein in a 5-1 ratio. Immediately after exercise (within 45<br />


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Before Exercise<br />

• 0.5g-3g of carbohydrates per kg bodyweight<br />

• 1 - 2 hours before exercise <strong>–</strong> leave enough time for food to settle<br />

• Use low GI carbohydrates (with a little fat/protein) such as:<br />

<strong>–</strong> sweet potato, porridge, soy beans, chickpeas, baked beans, lentils,<br />

brown rice, corn, whole meal pasta, vegetables<br />

• Pre-workout snacks (@1hrs before): fresh fruit, dried fruit, fruit<br />

smoothies, protein shake, fruit bread. Med/high GI foods<br />

<strong>–</strong> Muscle gains: 6-20g Protein + Carbs 30mins pre resistance training<br />

• <strong>Timing</strong>s must be practiced. Eat too close to exercise and stomach<br />

cramps, food fermentation and gas develop. Eat too far from<br />

exercise and hypoglycaemia results

opyright 20012©The Right <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

During Exercise<br />

Exercise lasting longer than 60mins + moderate-high intensity<br />

• 30-60g carbohydrates per hour*<br />

• Use high GI foods such as:<br />

<strong>–</strong> sports drinks or diluted juices (6g/100ml) absorbed easily, quickly in the<br />

stomach and small intestine. They also provide fluid for hydration<br />

<strong>–</strong> Solid foods such as raisins, sultanas, bananas must be consumed with<br />

water. These will take longer to digest and be absorbed.<br />




*Coggan A.R. & Coyle E.F (1991), Carbohydrate ingestion during prolonged exercise: effects on<br />

metabolism and performance, Exercise Sport Science Reviews. 1991;19:1-40. PubMed

opyright 20012©The Right <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

Post Exercise<br />

Time Line:<br />

• Immediately - 45mins: Combine carbs / protein post exercise has<br />

been shown to improve glycogen recovery, it stimulates insulin<br />

release and so greater muscle glucose and amino acid uptake<br />

• More than 2hrs: Low GI foods<br />

• If initial eating is delayed muscles glycogen replenishment and<br />

protein synthesis is dramatically reduced (this can last up to 16<br />

hours)<br />

Ivy J. & Portman, R. (2004) <strong>Nutrient</strong> <strong>Timing</strong>. Basic Health Publications Inc., New Jersey,<br />


opyright 20012©The Right <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

Post Exercise<br />

• Ideal ratio 5:1 / Carbohydrate : Protein<br />

• Promotes the release of insulin = stimulates muscle glycogen<br />

replacement<br />

• Stimulates transport of amino acids into muscle cells = promoting<br />

protein synthesis and blunting cortisol levels<br />

• Cortisol suppresses the rate of protein synthesis and stimulates<br />

protein catabolism (breakdown)

opyright 20012©The Right <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

Post Exercise<br />

50 grams of carbohydrate with at least 10 grams of protein:<br />

• 200 g fruit flavoured yoghurt with 1 cup fruit salad<br />

• 60 grams breakfast cereal with 1⁄2 cup milk<br />

• Fruit smoothie/milk shake (250-350 ml)<br />

• Liquid meal supplement (250-350 ml)<br />

• Wholegrain sandwich with meat/cheese filling and 300 ml sports<br />

drink<br />

• 250 g baked beans with 2 pieces of wholegrain toast<br />

• 250 g baked potato with cottage cheese filling<br />

• 2 crumpets with nut butter (thick spread)<br />

• Berries with Seeds

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Protein Needs in Training<br />

• Much debate about protein requirements<br />

• Recent evidence suggests dietary protein increases with rigorous<br />

physical exercise<br />

• Strength training may need to consume 1.6 to 1.7 g protein x kg/<br />

day (approx: twice current RDA)<br />

• Endurance training may need about 1.2 to 1.6 g x kg/day (approx<br />

1.5 times the current RDA)

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A Day of Protein<br />

Quantity of food required to provide needs for a 70 kg<br />

athlete<br />

Amount of<br />

protein (g)<br />

Breakfast 2 cups cereal ! 6!<br />

300 ml milk! 12!<br />

2 slices toast! 8 !<br />

2 tablespoons jam! 0!<br />

1 cup juice! 2!<br />

Lunch 2 bread rolls! !<br />

each with 50 g chicken+ salad! 41!<br />

1 banana! 2!<br />

1 fruit bun! 6!<br />

250 ml flavoured low fat milk! 13!<br />

Dinner<br />

Stir-fry with 2 cups pasta + 100 g meat+<br />

50!<br />

1 cup vegetables!<br />

1 cup jelly+ 1 cup custard! 13!<br />

! !<br />

Snacks 750 ml sports drink ! 0!<br />

1 carton yoghurt ! 10!<br />

1 piece fruit! 1 !<br />

1 cereal bar! 2!<br />

Analysis ! 166 g (2.3 g/kg)!<br />


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Examples of Protein Foods<br />

Protein<br />

Fish fillets, 3.5 oz<br />

Tuna, 6 oz can<br />

Chicken thigh<br />

Chicken breast, 3.5 oz<br />

Drumstick<br />

Egg, large<br />

Cottage cheese, 1⁄2 cup<br />

Pork chop, average<br />

Ham, 3 oz serving<br />

Grams<br />

22 gms<br />

40 gms<br />

10 gms<br />

30 gms<br />

11 gms<br />

7 gms<br />

15 gms<br />

22 gms<br />

19 gms<br />

2 scoops of Whey Protein 10 gms

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Hydration<br />

• Water is undoubtedly the most important compound in the body<br />

• We are 70% water<br />

• Lessens burden on liver & kidneys <strong>–</strong> helps flush out toxins via urine<br />

<strong>–</strong> a build up of toxins can influence mood and energy levels<br />

• Moistens tissues: i.e. mouth, eyes, nose<br />

• Regulates body temperature<br />

• Prevents constipation<br />

• Lubricates joints<br />

• Helps dissolve minerals and nutrients so they are<br />

available to the body

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Hydration<br />

Urine frequency or color<br />

has nothing to do with<br />

hydration or kidney<br />

function.<br />

Urine Colour<br />


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Hydration<br />

• Drink only to thirst, not on a schedule.<br />

• Drinking does not prevent heat illness.<br />

• Ingesting salt is unnecessary in ultras.<br />

• Urine frequency or color has nothing to do with hydration or kidney<br />

function.<br />

“Individual differences are too great to make blanket<br />

recommendations. The only gauge for fluid need is thirst; the only<br />

symptom of dehydration is thirst”<br />

Tim Noakes MD, Waterlogged 2012,<br />

Author of over 250 research papers in sports / ultra racing.

opyright 20012©The Right <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

Supplements???<br />

• <strong>Sports</strong> world is filled with pills, potions, powders, bars and drinks<br />

that promise to give the athlete a winning edge<br />

• If you are striving to be at the top, how can you afford to miss out<br />

on these miracles?<br />

• And can you afford for your competitors to have these advantages if<br />

you don't?<br />

Australian Institute of Sport, Supplements in Sport - Why are they so tempting?

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Supplements<br />

Pros:<br />

• Convenience<br />

• Many athletes are short on key nutrients<br />

• Can aid better recovery and support immunity<br />

Cons:<br />

• Are expensive<br />

• Marketing companies make claims<br />

• Many athletes will forgo eating well by supplementing

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Problems with current supplement<br />

practices by athletes<br />

• Strategies that genuinely enhance performance:<br />

<strong>–</strong> specialized training<br />

<strong>–</strong> sound nutrition practice<br />

<strong>–</strong> good equipment<br />

<strong>–</strong> adequate rest and sleep<br />

<strong>–</strong> mental preparation<br />

• Food is often over looked in favour of supplements<br />

• Adhoc use of supplements are of little value, i.e. not used in the<br />

manner that achieves optimal outcomes<br />

• Supplements only show benefits in those who are untrained<br />

Australian Institute of Sport, Supplements in Sport - Why are they so tempting?

What to eat……<br />

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A <strong>Nutrition</strong>ists dream…..<br />

Breakfast<br />

No time Some time Lots of time<br />

Yogurt & fruit<br />

Muesli bar<br />

Snacks<br />

Muesli, fruit & yogurt/<br />

milk<br />

Granola, fruit & yogurt/<br />

milk<br />

Toast with nut butter<br />

Eggs (2-3) & granary/<br />

seeded toast<br />

Porridge & berries/<br />

stewed fruit<br />

No time Some time Lots of time<br />

Muesli bar Yogurt (natural) Granola<br />

Handful nuts & seeds<br />

Fruit<br />

Hummous & oat cakes<br />

Hummous & carrots<br />

Remember your 5-a-day!

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A <strong>Nutrition</strong>ists dream…..<br />

Lunch<br />

No time Some time Lots of time<br />

Purchased wrap/pitta<br />

bread<br />

Protein; chicken, tuna,<br />

salmon, pork<br />

Leftovers from dinner<br />

Canteen food <strong>–</strong> avoiding<br />

rich sauces, fried food<br />

Soup & bread<br />

Salad with protein<br />

Homemade sandwich<br />

with wrap/pitta bread<br />

Homemade soup<br />

Dinner<br />

No time Some time Lots of time<br />

Eggs & toast Omelette & veg Roast dinner & veg<br />

Sardines on toast<br />

Baked potato with tuna/<br />

beans/cottage cheese<br />

Stir-fry<br />

Remember your 5-a-day!

opyright 20012©The Right <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

Aldi Tesco Sainsbury’s<br />

Muesli 0.89 1.18 1.18<br />

Optifit Active Yogurt 0.99 1.25 1.84<br />

Bread 0.69 0.47 0.75<br />

Peanut butter 0.92 0.62 0.62<br />

Eggs 0.99 1.48 0.85<br />

Carrots 0.39 1.00 1.00<br />

Broccoli 0.39 0.75 1.00<br />

Lettuce 0.39 0.50 0.90<br />

Potatoes 0.39 1.00 1.50<br />

mushrooms 0.79 0.97 1.00<br />

mixed peppers 1.39 1.00 1.65<br />

Cucumber 0.59 0.80 0.80<br />

tomatoes 0.89 1.50 1.10<br />

onions 0.39 0.69 0.95<br />

oranges 0.99 1.75 1.50<br />

Oatcakes 0.69 0.79 0.69<br />

nut and fruit mix 0.59 0.70 0.89<br />

Baked Beans 0.32 0.26 0.28<br />

Chicken breast fillets x4 3.99 4.00 4.00<br />

Bacon 0.79 1.50 1.50<br />

mackerel 0.69 0.89 0.89<br />

Beef mince 2.09 2.80 2.70<br />

Tuna 0.54 0.62 0.75<br />

Milk 0.41 0.89 0.89<br />

soft cheese 0.49 0.50 0.83<br />

Cider 0.99 1.89 2.15<br />

Pasta 0.78 0.95 0.39<br />

fajita kit 1.49 2.00 2.14<br />

Cost of Food<br />

Total 24.94 32.75 34.74<br />


opyright 20012©The Right <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

Questions?<br />

For further information about sports nutrition, general health and<br />

nutrition, or a copy of the menu/meal plans contact:<br />

Theresa Millman - The Right <strong>Nutrition</strong> for Sport<br />

Phone:07850 115038<br />

Web: www.therightnutrition.co.uk<br />

Email: contact@therightnutrition.co.uk

opyright 20012©The Right <strong>Nutrition</strong><br />

Links<br />

• Noakes, T. (2012), Waterlogged: the serious problem of<br />

overhydration in endurance sports<br />

• British Cycling: Road to Glory<br />

• BBC One - Panorama, The Truth About <strong>Sports</strong> Products<br />

• Australian Instiute of Sport <strong>–</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> pages<br />

www.ausport.gove.au/ais/nutrition<br />

• Journal of the International Society of <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> (JISSN)<br />


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