In the Class of - Kewanee Public Library District
In the Class of - Kewanee Public Library District
In the Class of - Kewanee Public Library District
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Rodney Hanell<br />
"71"<br />
GREEN<br />
QUILL<br />
1971<br />
VOLUME 25<br />
We<strong>the</strong>rsfield<br />
High School<br />
439 Willard<br />
<strong>Kewanee</strong>, Illinois
Table <strong>of</strong> Contents
Does <strong>the</strong> Spirit Live on?<br />
This book is yours. On <strong>the</strong> following pages you will see that <strong>the</strong> story <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
1970-71 school year has been captured in pictures and preserved in prose for<br />
all. This book tells <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> happiness, joy, and sadness that you may have felt<br />
during this year. As you begin on page one, you trace your steps during a day,<br />
a month, and a year. <strong>In</strong> later years this book will bring <strong>the</strong> past close to <strong>the</strong><br />
present. Today, tomorrow, and always, this book will remind you <strong>of</strong> your days<br />
at WHS. This book will hold <strong>the</strong> memories <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> times you and your friends<br />
have walked toge<strong>the</strong>r, talked toge<strong>the</strong>r, and learned toge<strong>the</strong>r.<br />
Administration<br />
Activities<br />
Organizations<br />
Sports<br />
<strong>Class</strong>es<br />
Graduates<br />
11 through 18<br />
19 through 48<br />
49 through 76<br />
77 through 96<br />
97 through 128<br />
129 through 148<br />
Let us now take a look at our school, <strong>the</strong> people and what it has become. The<br />
clocks have been set back. Much <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ground where our school building now<br />
stands was covered with water in <strong>the</strong> spring and in <strong>the</strong> fall. Wild geese in <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
journeys north and south stopped at <strong>the</strong>se ponds. A great many tame geese were<br />
raised in We<strong>the</strong>rsfield at this time. Geese became plentiful and were frequently<br />
seen in <strong>the</strong> ponds on <strong>the</strong> commons. The men <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> times were proud <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
geese ponds, thus <strong>the</strong>y nicknamed our school <strong>the</strong> "Home <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Flying Geese."<br />
They established ideals by which we were to live. The goose symbolizes loyalty,<br />
purity (goose is pure white) and it also signifies industry (a goose flies ra<strong>the</strong>r<br />
than using its feet). Today, <strong>the</strong> flying geese use <strong>the</strong>ir own wings to achieve<br />
<strong>the</strong>ir ultimate goals.<br />
Over <strong>the</strong> years, our school has become more than a building; it has become a<br />
group <strong>of</strong> people united in a common goal--to learn. The spirit has been kept<br />
alive by a group <strong>of</strong> individuals having distinct personalities, each living, looking,<br />
learning, talking and walking in his own way. These individuals are participants,<br />
spectators, leaders, dreamers, followers, givers, receivers and doers.<br />
WHS reflects <strong>the</strong> characters <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se people.<br />
The day has begun. The day has dawned and we are awakened. We sacrifice<br />
<strong>the</strong> peacefulness <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> night to busy ourselves at gaining knowledge.<br />
We are awakened to a new age at <strong>the</strong> beginning <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> school year, August 28.<br />
Til <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> school year, June 3,--we adapt ourselves to this age.<br />
Each day we arrive at school before <strong>the</strong> ringing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> bell at 8:25. Our first<br />
steps are down <strong>the</strong> halls to our classrooms. Oh, <strong>of</strong> only <strong>the</strong>se halls could tell <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong> many unwritten memories <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> times <strong>the</strong>y have become chaotic. These<br />
halls are filled with laughter and happy talk, friends, fun. We walk <strong>the</strong>se halls<br />
many times throughout <strong>the</strong> day while going from classroom to classroom, building<br />
to building. Our personalities carry us to band, chorus, participating in<br />
Homecoming, Christmas, and AFS week festivities. We participate in plays,<br />
dances and Prom.<br />
Some <strong>of</strong> us notice what is happening around us--o<strong>the</strong>rs merely exist. Some realize<br />
that today is today and now is now. Some take <strong>the</strong> responsibilities <strong>of</strong><br />
adulthood and grow wiser day by day.<br />
Some go through life smiling while o<strong>the</strong>rs are frowning.<br />
Some have found <strong>the</strong>mselves--<strong>the</strong>y know what <strong>the</strong>y want and <strong>the</strong>y're reaching<br />
out to achieve <strong>the</strong>ir goals. They voice <strong>the</strong>ir opinions about life. They talk<br />
about war, poverty, communism, <strong>the</strong> generation gap, while o<strong>the</strong>rs merely talk<br />
about boys, girls, last night's homework, Friday night's game, or a dance.<br />
Some begin to see clearly as <strong>the</strong>y acquire a quantity <strong>of</strong> knowledge and share it<br />
with o<strong>the</strong>rs. Time hasn't run out. Some create new traditions at <strong>the</strong> dawn <strong>of</strong> this<br />
new decade. Shadows now begin to fall. Time flies quickly--stopping for no one.<br />
Time seems to slow for <strong>the</strong> underclassmen, while time seems too short for <strong>the</strong><br />
Seniors and <strong>the</strong>re is no time for those who do not care.<br />
It's funny, but around <strong>the</strong>se walls still lies <strong>the</strong> spirit <strong>of</strong> We<strong>the</strong>rsfield, which was<br />
built on a foundation <strong>of</strong> education, hope, faith, and understanding, which is now<br />
firmly established by <strong>the</strong> leadership and untiring efforts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> administration.<br />
With <strong>the</strong>ir guidance we have obtained <strong>the</strong> knowledge necessary to enable us to<br />
take a big step into <strong>the</strong> future.<br />
Through life let's join hands, as we take our step--as we journey as bro<strong>the</strong>rs.<br />
Let's all strive for peace in this new age. Share <strong>the</strong> years last warmness with<br />
all.<br />
At <strong>the</strong> close <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> day, at <strong>the</strong> close <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> year, as <strong>the</strong> sun sets slowly in <strong>the</strong><br />
west, we have memories <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> friendly rivalry between classes, <strong>of</strong> our victories<br />
and losses, <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> organizations which prepare us for <strong>the</strong> demanding society, <strong>the</strong><br />
activities which have brought us close toge<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>of</strong> graduation, and <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> established<br />
traditions which make our school great now and at <strong>the</strong> dawn <strong>of</strong> a new<br />
decade.<br />
The Editors
Walk Toge<strong>the</strong>r, Talk Toge<strong>the</strong>r, Learn
Toge<strong>the</strong>r as WHS Dawns on a New Decade
These Faces Reflect <strong>the</strong> Emotions
<strong>of</strong> Student Life at WHS
The Senior <strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong> 1971
Presents <strong>the</strong> Green Quill<br />
I can't imagine what went wrong!<br />
Don't you think this one has more style?
Candid Kids<br />
Look<br />
and<br />
up<br />
and<br />
down<br />
you shall<br />
see<br />
what candid<br />
kids<br />
will<br />
always be
WHS Administrators Help, Guide,<br />
Members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Boakd <strong>of</strong> Education: Don<br />
Not Pictured: Richar^ Tornquist.<br />
1970-71 was a successful year at<br />
W.H.S. thanks to <strong>the</strong> many efforts <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong> administration. Many times Mr.<br />
Fraser, our superintendent and Mr.<br />
Pillen and Mr. Brownf ield, our principal<br />
and assistant principal have<br />
walked, talked and learned right<br />
along with <strong>the</strong> students. They have<br />
helped us, guided us, and disciplined<br />
us when we needed it.<br />
Working with our administration, <strong>the</strong><br />
school board helped bring important<br />
changes into <strong>the</strong> school. One such<br />
change enjoyed by <strong>the</strong> student body<br />
was <strong>the</strong> relaxation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> dress code.<br />
Our guidance counselor, Mr. Balsis,<br />
<strong>of</strong>fered valuable advice to our students<br />
concerning <strong>the</strong>ir courses <strong>of</strong><br />
study and <strong>the</strong>ir futures.<br />
Mrs. Jackson, <strong>the</strong> high school secretary<br />
and Mrs. Holtschult, <strong>the</strong> superintendent's<br />
secretary, assisted tremendously<br />
in making <strong>the</strong> year run<br />
smoothly.<br />
Ronald H. Fraser, Superintendent<br />
Knox College<br />
Western 111. University<br />
B.A. and M.S.<br />
Bernie Balsis, Guidance Counselor<br />
Western 111. University<br />
B.S. and M.A.<br />
Wayne R. Pillen, Principal<br />
University <strong>of</strong> Illinois<br />
B.S. and M.A.<br />
Jerry T. Brownfield, Assistant Principal<br />
Eureka College<br />
University <strong>of</strong> Illinois<br />
B.S. and M.A.<br />
NOT PICTURED: Mrs. Humphrey, a<br />
member <strong>of</strong> Mr. Fraser's Office Staff.<br />
and Discipline Our Students<br />
ld Currier, Clarence Hall, Roland Craig, John Anderson, Herbert Pask, Wayne Hier.<br />
Mrs. Jackson<br />
Mrs. Holtschult<br />
With Patience and Guidance, Our Faculty<br />
English III,IV<br />
Sou<strong>the</strong>rn 111. Univ. B.S.,<br />
M.S.<br />
<strong>In</strong>strumental Music--Band<br />
Western 111. Univ., Bradley<br />
Univ., Augustana College,<br />
B.S.<br />
Agriculture Occupations<br />
W.I.U., U. <strong>of</strong> I., I.S.U.,<br />
Colo. State Univ. B.S.<br />
Biology, Physiology,<br />
Chemistry<br />
111. Wesleyan Univ., I.S.U.,<br />
Colo. State College, Middle<br />
Tenn. Univ. B.S.<br />
General Math, Geometry,<br />
Advanced Math II, Physics<br />
Univ. <strong>of</strong> Arizona, Montana<br />
State Univ., I.S.U., Colo.<br />
State College, Middle<br />
Tenn. State Univ. B.A.<br />
<strong>In</strong>dustrial Arts<br />
Eastern Illinois Univ. B.S.<br />
Driver Education, World<br />
History, World Geography<br />
W.I.U., Bradley Univ.,<br />
I.S.U. B.S., M.S.<br />
Consumer Education, Typing<br />
I, Track<br />
Keokuk Comm. College,<br />
I.S.U., Univ. <strong>of</strong> 111. A.A.,<br />
B.S.<br />
Earth and Ecology Science,<br />
Fresh-Soph. Football, Fr.<br />
and JV Basketball<br />
I.S.U., Sou<strong>the</strong>rn 111. Univ.<br />
B.S.<br />
Boys Physical Education,<br />
Basketball<br />
Illinois State Univ., B.A.,<br />
M.A.<br />
Choral Music<br />
Western 111. Univ., Bradley<br />
Univ. B.M.E.<br />
Advanced Math I, Algebra<br />
1,11<br />
Iowa Wesleyan College,<br />
I.S.U. B.S., M.S.
Enables Us To Step Ahead with Knowledge<br />
Walking, talking and learning toge<strong>the</strong>r.<br />
Learning--<strong>the</strong> most important<br />
facit <strong>of</strong> our lives. Learning at WHS is<br />
<strong>of</strong>ten made more interesting and challenging<br />
through <strong>the</strong> efforts <strong>of</strong> our dedicated<br />
faculty. Their concern for <strong>the</strong><br />
educational welfare <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> students<br />
has stimulated many young people<br />
toward greater achievements and ultimately<br />
higher education.<br />
There is a sun in <strong>the</strong> sky<br />
Let it shine, let <strong>the</strong>m see it.<br />
There is air in <strong>the</strong> sky,<br />
Let <strong>the</strong>m brea<strong>the</strong> it.<br />
There are thoughts in <strong>the</strong>ir minds<br />
Let <strong>the</strong>m think.<br />
There is a GOD,<br />
Let <strong>the</strong>m worship.<br />
There is communication,<br />
Let <strong>the</strong>m speak.<br />
There is fun,<br />
Let <strong>the</strong>m enjoy.<br />
There is sorrow<br />
Let <strong>the</strong>m suffer.<br />
There is Love<br />
Let <strong>the</strong>m love.<br />
There is touch and sensation,<br />
Let <strong>the</strong>m feel and be high.<br />
There are o<strong>the</strong>r emotions,<br />
Let <strong>the</strong>m discover <strong>the</strong>se.<br />
They are young, but <strong>the</strong>y are people.<br />
Let <strong>the</strong>m live.<br />
Stan Thurman<br />
Girls' Physical Education<br />
Illinois State University<br />
B.S.<br />
English I, English IV (NCB),<br />
Track<br />
Univ. <strong>of</strong> New Mexico,<br />
Eureka College, Bradley<br />
Univ. B.S.<br />
English II, Speech<br />
Illinois State Univ., Univ.<br />
<strong>of</strong> 111. B. Ed., M.E.<br />
Librarian<br />
Illinois Wesleyan U., Univ.<br />
<strong>of</strong> 111, A.B.<br />
Shorthand I,II, Typing I,<br />
II, Bookkeeping I<br />
Bradley Univ., 111. State<br />
Univ. B.S., M.S.<br />
U.S. History, Govt.,<br />
Economics, Asst. Football,<br />
Fresh.-Soph. Basketball<br />
Western 111. Univ. B.S., M.S.<br />
Home Economics<br />
Stout State Univ.,<br />
Viterbo College B.S.<br />
French I,II,III,IV<br />
Western 111. Univ. B.A.<br />
Art I,II,III<br />
111. State Univ. B.S.
What Would We Do Without Them?<br />
Cafeteria Ladies: V. Townsend, M. Moore, E. Kindle, M. Euchaski, M. Herrick,<br />
D. Benoodt, W. Slyter.<br />
Custodians: F. Melchin, C. Anderson, W. Waggoner, L. Golden, R. Switzer.<br />
Our School Nurse Mrs. Snider helps<br />
poor "sick" Dave Hamilton.<br />
Bus Drivers: R. Ma<strong>the</strong>r, L. Golden,<br />
L. Lindstrom.<br />
Janitress--Mrs. Fornander<br />
Now, Students !<br />
Man, look at that sexy white tie!<br />
I thought Mr. Keller was Basketball<br />
Coach!<br />
Squat don't sit!<br />
You head it, -Mr. Myers!
More "Funny"Faculty . . .<br />
Oh, I just can't bear to look !<br />
Look, Dick, see Jane run.<br />
Hey, Miss Wright, can I have a lift?<br />
ALL PRO ... in more ways than one!<br />
Queen—Becky Clark
Queen and Court Reign over "Harvest Happening'<br />
The Hilarious Skits and Colorful Parade<br />
Kick-<strong>of</strong>f Homecoming Festivities<br />
Homecoming 1970--An overcast day that turned to glorious, an outstanding<br />
team ready for <strong>the</strong> big game, and four prize-winning floats that no Homecoming<br />
parade has been complete without.<br />
1st place went to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong> '71 with "Geese Pack Punch Power." 2nd place<br />
went to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong> '72 with "As a Ram Led to Slaughter" and 3rd place went<br />
to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong> '74 with "Ram Chops Tonite." The <strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong> '73 earned an<br />
honorable mention with "A Sheer Disaster for <strong>the</strong> Rams."<br />
The Geese Are Victorious<br />
Game<br />
On Thursday, October 8, Homecoming,<br />
<strong>the</strong> Western Rams met <strong>the</strong>ir match, The<br />
We<strong>the</strong>rsfield Flying Geese. The spirit<br />
was high as <strong>the</strong> Geese charged onto <strong>the</strong><br />
field, even though three <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir fellow<br />
teammates could not participate in <strong>the</strong><br />
game itself. Mick Peed, Rick Wonser,<br />
and Eddie Toliver were those out for <strong>the</strong><br />
night!<br />
Even so, all were very much a part <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong> night. Before starting <strong>the</strong>ir exercises,<br />
each member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> football squad jogged<br />
over to <strong>the</strong> endline, where Mick<br />
Peed sat in Mr. Brownfield's station<br />
wagon and shook his hand. Mick was out<br />
for <strong>the</strong> season with a dislocated hip. The<br />
fans were moved by <strong>the</strong> team's expression<br />
<strong>of</strong> friendship.<br />
Rick Wonser was seen cheering his team<br />
on from <strong>the</strong> sidelines because he was out<br />
with a dislocated shoulder. Eddie Toliver,<br />
out with a head injury, was seen as<br />
he kissed <strong>the</strong> Queen.<br />
The Geese played with such tremendous<br />
agility that <strong>the</strong> fans knew it was <strong>the</strong><br />
best Homecoming ever. The score reflected<br />
this.<br />
Now listen boys! If you can't play<br />
nicely with each o<strong>the</strong>r . . .<br />
Our<br />
Cheerleaders?<br />
You're a real gentlemen, Bob.<br />
Homecoming gets UN with it.<br />
Not here Cheryl, not in front <strong>of</strong> everybody!<br />
OOH, gee this is fun.<br />
Quill's Halloween Dance a Scary Success<br />
I vant to be a friend to your body! !<br />
HOLDUP! !!<br />
What is it??<br />
President-elect <strong>of</strong> FFA, Cherie Hintz, first place winner.<br />
"The Many Loves <strong>of</strong> Dobie Gillis<br />
When Helen asked Dobie for help, he should have started running in <strong>the</strong> opposite<br />
direction. Unfortunately, Helen is so attractive that <strong>the</strong> thought never<br />
occurs to him, which causes many humorous complications for <strong>the</strong> school<br />
dance, nice little Bonnie, who's trying to help Dobie, <strong>the</strong> lovely Helen, herself,<br />
and last but not least, <strong>the</strong> well-known and engaging Dobie Gillis.<br />
That's just a brief synopsis <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Juniors hilarious play. It is a three-act<br />
comedy and was presented on Saturday, November 14. The cast, which follows,<br />
was directed by Miss Mary Alice Morrissey.<br />
CAST<br />
Dobie<br />
Bonnie<br />
Helen<br />
Miss Forepaugh<br />
Petey<br />
Mr. Pipgrass<br />
Imogene<br />
Frannie<br />
Sally<br />
Lola<br />
Polly<br />
Betty<br />
Mrs. Dixon<br />
Mr. Dixon<br />
Mr. Harrington<br />
Chuck Clark<br />
Cathy Field<br />
Kathy Churling<br />
Sue Dyer<br />
Dan Nielson<br />
Bill Dooley<br />
Sandy Bond<br />
Nancy Wonser<br />
Pam Lindstrom<br />
Debbie Wakefield<br />
Mary Jo Picket<br />
Teresa Harrell<br />
Sandy Jacobs<br />
Mark McCormick<br />
Gary Hintz<br />
Stella<br />
Majeska<br />
Ruthka<br />
Slitka<br />
Dombra<br />
Simpka<br />
Jerelyn Newman<br />
Gail Johnson<br />
Jan McDonald<br />
Sue Huge<br />
Teresa Mason<br />
Lynn Huffman<br />
Miss Newman Kris Libby<br />
Limbo Theresa Gedville<br />
Girl Student: Chris Corwin<br />
Adele Denise Craig<br />
Mr. Gillis Terry Erby<br />
Bill Dave Hall<br />
Maudie Kathy Carlson<br />
Pansy Nancee Hill<br />
Scenes from Juniors'<br />
Junior Beauties?????<br />
The new look in maids.<br />
Hustle Kath, Hustle!<br />
Three Musketeers.
Successful <strong>Class</strong> Play<br />
Hope nobody misses <strong>the</strong> plumbing.<br />
Excedrin headache no. 999999999!<br />
I baptize <strong>the</strong>e in <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
Fa<strong>the</strong>r . . .
Christmas Finds WHS in<br />
Gretchen and Linda tell <strong>the</strong>ir Christmas wishes to "Santa".<br />
I wonder which dolly will win?<br />
"Oh, Crithmus Twee!"<br />
"Oh, Crithmus Twee!"<br />
Oh, what a beautiful baby,<br />
Oh, what a beautiful DOLL!<br />
a Festive Mood<br />
Our toys: Soldier Mike, Babbling Brooksie, Jackie-in-<strong>the</strong> box, G.I. Brad and Elf<br />
Joyce.<br />
"Silent Night, Holy Night ..."<br />
What happened to <strong>the</strong> little drummer<br />
boy??<br />
"I want a big bowl <strong>of</strong> ITALIAN<br />
spaghetti! "<br />
AFS Week's Varied Activities <strong>In</strong>volve<br />
Going once . . . Going twice . . .<br />
All Students<br />
Faculty Fun Brings<br />
Fabulous Faculty<br />
Super Stan wins again!<br />
What goes up, must come down!<br />
The Wild Women <strong>of</strong> We<strong>the</strong>rsfield<br />
Yearbook Funds<br />
One more point for students!
Glistening, Gliding, Laughing, Loving,<br />
The closer she gets, <strong>the</strong> better she<br />
looks! ! !<br />
A "Royal Blue Romance."<br />
The "White Glove Test! 1 36<br />
Alumnus behind a portable cookie<br />
All Toge<strong>the</strong>r in This Mystical Wonderland<br />
She wiggled her nose three times, and<br />
abracadabra! ! Her handsome prince<br />
appeared! !<br />
It must be love . . .<br />
On January 23, 1971, couples walked<br />
into <strong>the</strong> Elementary Gym that had<br />
somehow been changed from chaos to<br />
<strong>the</strong> splendor <strong>of</strong> "Royal Blue Romance. 1<br />
Two tones <strong>of</strong> blue streamers dominated<br />
<strong>the</strong> scene with a little white to<br />
set <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> blue. A medieval castle in<br />
<strong>the</strong> hues <strong>of</strong> gray, purple, blue and red,<br />
was <strong>the</strong> backdrop behind a white,<br />
iron lace loveseat and table for <strong>the</strong><br />
picture setting. Such a beautiful way<br />
to remember <strong>the</strong> treasured moments<br />
<strong>of</strong> that night!<br />
The drawing <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> king and queen<br />
was held midway in <strong>the</strong> dance. Joe<br />
Craig and Linda Leonard were chosen<br />
to reign over <strong>the</strong> enchanted evening.<br />
The music, s<strong>of</strong>t lights and quiet eyes<br />
had to end all too soon as <strong>the</strong> couples<br />
left with a contented feeling.<br />
Oh, what's so funny, Clark?! ?!<br />
Seniors Three One-Act Plays<br />
Romantic<br />
Conspiracy<br />
True <strong>In</strong><br />
Heart<br />
One Happy<br />
Family<br />
Sue<br />
Gretchen Lester<br />
Dodie<br />
Roxanne Romanek<br />
Marcia<br />
Janice Webb<br />
Mitzie<br />
Tonia Rashid<br />
Babs<br />
Cherie Rainey<br />
Betsy<br />
Becky Clark<br />
Geraldine Linda Conner<br />
Mary Martha Joyce Webb<br />
Lois<br />
Kathy Karau<br />
Delia<br />
Debbie Moss<br />
Darlene<br />
Cheryl Teerlinck<br />
Dr. Harper Mauro Mase<br />
John Stone<br />
Meyers<br />
Louise Armand<br />
Helen<br />
Wilson<br />
"Ace" Giotti<br />
Arthur Armand<br />
Gary Renfro<br />
Rob Lininger<br />
Pat Stach<br />
Crystal Craine<br />
Stan Thurman<br />
Brad Livek<br />
Fred Deal<br />
Mrs. Oberstatter Kristy Kortuem<br />
Mr. Oberstatter Todd Davis<br />
Willie<br />
Dan Field<br />
Henry<br />
Terry Looney<br />
Emmy Lou Bonnie Younglove<br />
Susie<br />
Brooks Armstrong<br />
Arabella Jackie Ellis<br />
Harry Stevens Tim Dotson<br />
Student Assistants: Teresa Mock, Rita Harlow. Director: Miss Morrissey<br />
Provide Evening's Entertainment<br />
Let's play "Skip to My Lou"<br />
Bonnie and Tim go to it!<br />
You're looking good, Terry!<br />
Brooks paints "The Diver--1907"<br />
Variety Spices<br />
Ace says, "Give me a break, Warden"<br />
"Please, John, he is your own son"<br />
Wake up, Miss Morrissey, curtain is<br />
up!<br />
"Do something with that hair, son"<br />
Thank You<br />
Miss Morrissey<br />
Seniors Scenes<br />
Oh, Darlene, it's awful!<br />
"O, Romeo, Romeo"<br />
It's too late to learn your lines now,<br />
Rita<br />
f<br />
Behind <strong>the</strong> scenes<br />
Job Well Done Seniors!<br />
Hi! Special<br />
Waiting anxiously for ano<strong>the</strong>r EX-<br />
CITING Assembly. Nosal, you didn't! ?<br />
Presenting Mauro with his letter<br />
jacket.<br />
Don Wooten at <strong>the</strong> Drug Assembly<br />
Why do you think <strong>the</strong>y call it Dope?<br />
Don Wooten, and o<strong>the</strong>rs spoke at<br />
We<strong>the</strong>rsfield to give <strong>the</strong> students an<br />
insight to drugs. Various varieties <strong>of</strong><br />
drugs and what effects <strong>the</strong>y had on<br />
<strong>the</strong> users were discussed. Samples and<br />
pictures <strong>of</strong> results were shown. What<br />
happens if you do get hooked?<br />
Methods were given on how to get<br />
cured or how you would be treated if<br />
you were caught. We hope that this<br />
has discouraged any possible drug<br />
users and knocked a little sense into<br />
those that already do. Just remember<br />
this--It is real "cool" to say yes, but<br />
it takes a little "guts" to say no<br />
thank-you!<br />
Assemblies Here!<br />
The Senior Locomotive.<br />
My name is wittle Rickie. Any<br />
res<strong>the</strong>mblance to Rick Wonser is<br />
purely cointhcidental.<br />
Wait till I tell you what we did <strong>the</strong><br />
next night!<br />
You'd never make <strong>the</strong> varsity girls!<br />
That WASN'T in <strong>the</strong> script, Dotson!<br />
Junior <strong>Class</strong><br />
Streamers to <strong>the</strong> stars<br />
King and Queen <strong>of</strong> "Astronomical Argosy," Mauro Mase and Bonnie Younglove<br />
That was some landing, heh Curt?<br />
Peggy, Lee, Sue, and Judy serve re<br />
freshments "out <strong>of</strong> this world"<br />
Presents<br />
"Spaced-Out"Prom<br />
Grow up Brooksie, everyone else had<br />
to stoop over!<br />
i? I s<br />
Please, Eddie, can I have a penny to throw?<br />
Marie, we must act like nothing<br />
happened!<br />
Astronomical Argosy, a rewarding<br />
and memorable journey into <strong>the</strong><br />
realms <strong>of</strong> outer space, was represented<br />
by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong> '72 on Saturday May<br />
8th from eight until eleven p.m.<br />
Upon arrival at Cape We<strong>the</strong>rsfield,<br />
<strong>the</strong> fortunate space candidates<br />
stepped up <strong>the</strong> ramp, entered <strong>the</strong><br />
spacecraft, and prepared for blast-<strong>of</strong>f<br />
into a world yet unknown to <strong>the</strong>m.<br />
The space visitors were delighted by<br />
making wishes in a misty blue pool<br />
filled by <strong>the</strong> overflowing cups <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
Big and Little Dippers. Across <strong>the</strong> surface<br />
stood a magnificent display <strong>of</strong><br />
astrological genius. The deep blue<br />
sky was speckled with starlight, while<br />
shimmering planets twinkled in <strong>the</strong><br />
distance. This was to be <strong>the</strong>ir paradise<br />
for one wonderful evening.<br />
Chuck Reichert's band provides music to watch <strong>the</strong> stars by.<br />
Astronomical Argosy<br />
H-e-1-l-o, M-y N-a-m-e I-s M-i-s-t-e-r B-a-1-s-i-s<br />
A little bit closer!<br />
Do we slide down it?<br />
Jan also falls out <strong>of</strong> busses!<br />
Was Anthropomorphic ? ?<br />
He came back to Bryl Cream<br />
Right out <strong>of</strong> Romeo and Juliet!<br />
Register here for your free planet!<br />
Passport to <strong>the</strong> planets.<br />
No, Lane, her hand through your arm!<br />
WHS Office Girls Are All Smiles<br />
Mr. Balsis and his <strong>of</strong>fice girls--L. Stauffer, L. Huffman, B. Clark, N. Hill, S. Pacquer, J. B. Strand, M. Baker<br />
High School <strong>of</strong>fice girls--S. Bond, C. Corwin, C. Craine, G. Lester, K. Lewellen, P. Nosal
Striving To Serve <strong>the</strong> Students <strong>of</strong><br />
Mr. Hageman, Sponsor; Becky Clark, Sec; Tim Dotson, V.P.; Scott Swinderman,<br />
Pres.; and Joyce Webb, Treas.<br />
We<strong>the</strong>rsfield High School<br />
Student Council strived this year to<br />
promote better communication between<br />
<strong>the</strong> students and administration.<br />
Through Student Council's efforts, <strong>the</strong><br />
girls at WHS are now wearing slacks,<br />
students and faculty are enjoying <strong>the</strong><br />
new pop machine, and channels have<br />
been opened for talks to improve<br />
curriculum for <strong>the</strong> benefit <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> students.<br />
The adoption <strong>of</strong> a foster child,<br />
Leticia Hernandez <strong>of</strong> Mexico, was also<br />
a highlight <strong>of</strong> S.C.'s activities. The<br />
council sponsored a beautiful Homecoming<br />
and put money in <strong>the</strong> treasury<br />
with a lovely Turnabout too. A.F.S.<br />
Week proved to be exciting and<br />
pr<strong>of</strong>itable and provided S.C. with<br />
money to again bring ano<strong>the</strong>r A.F.S.<br />
student to We<strong>the</strong>rsfield and sponsor<br />
an American Abroad. Though Student<br />
Council tried to be a beneficial organization,<br />
many times it struggled<br />
against student apathy and disinterest<br />
and sometimes lost sight <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> goals<br />
for which it was intended. All in all,<br />
Student Council remains <strong>the</strong> voice <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong> students and provides <strong>the</strong> needed<br />
"bridge" between students and faculty.
Students Today—Secretaries Tomorrow<br />
1970-71 Future Secretaries<br />
The WHS-KHS Chapter <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Future<br />
Secretaries Association is a combined<br />
effort with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kewanee</strong> Chapter <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong> National Secretaries Association<br />
(N.S.A.). The N.S.A. ladies, with <strong>the</strong><br />
help <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> F.S.A. <strong>of</strong>ficers and <strong>the</strong><br />
sponsors, (Mr. Myers <strong>of</strong> WHS, and Mr.<br />
Bartlett <strong>of</strong> KHS)', plan <strong>the</strong> monthly<br />
programs and activities. Some annual<br />
events that are included are: a formal<br />
candlelight initiation, a Christmas<br />
party for younger children, a program<br />
on modeling and hair styling, and<br />
talks about secretarial positions.<br />
Ah, So! Grenda Glove, girl secretary!<br />
Deb knows how to please <strong>the</strong> boss.<br />
At <strong>the</strong> March meeting, <strong>the</strong> preliminary<br />
contest for <strong>the</strong> annual "Miss<br />
Future Secretary," contest took place.<br />
Mrs. Bodine, a legal secretary, set up<br />
a legal court disposition situation. As<br />
<strong>the</strong> witnesses gave <strong>the</strong>ir testimony in<br />
rapid-fire dialogue, <strong>the</strong> F.S.A. girls<br />
took down as much as <strong>the</strong>y could in<br />
shorthand. They <strong>the</strong>n transcribed<br />
from <strong>the</strong>ir notes on <strong>the</strong> typewriter.<br />
At <strong>the</strong> April meeting, <strong>the</strong> finalists<br />
went before a group <strong>of</strong> interviewers,<br />
who gave <strong>the</strong>m questions pertaining<br />
to secretarial positions. The winner<br />
was Debi Wolf, from WHS.<br />
The F.S.A. year was closed out with<br />
a trip to a business <strong>of</strong>fice and a<br />
banquet, treating <strong>the</strong> seniors. Debi<br />
Wolf, served as a very capable,<br />
earnest president.
Hearts and Hands Toge<strong>the</strong>r—AFS<br />
Mauro raises <strong>the</strong> Italian flag over<br />
WHS<br />
AFS opens doors which lead to understanding and friendship among <strong>the</strong> peoples<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world. Through <strong>the</strong>se doors pass students from 61 countries who come to<br />
America for a year <strong>of</strong> study and firsthand experience, as well as American<br />
teenagers from nearly every state to study and live abroad--a two way program<br />
<strong>of</strong> seeing and showing. <strong>In</strong> this way, young citizens <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world learn to appreciate<br />
and to respect <strong>the</strong> similarities and differences <strong>of</strong> people, who, though,<br />
<strong>the</strong>y live in different countries, have dreams and efforts similarly directed<br />
toward <strong>the</strong> goal <strong>of</strong> a peaceful and useful life.<br />
Mauro Mase^is We<strong>the</strong>rsfield's AFS student this year from Trieste, Italy. Mauro<br />
has been a special part <strong>of</strong> WHS with his sense <strong>of</strong> humor and talent in enlivening<br />
<strong>the</strong> activities he takes an interest in. He has enlightened us on life and customs<br />
in Italy and makes WHS a better place just by being here.<br />
Joyce Webb was We<strong>the</strong>rsfield's American Abroad last summer to Istanbul, Turkey.<br />
She gave us a new look at an unusual and fascinating culture. Next year's<br />
semi-finalists for <strong>the</strong> Americans Abroad Program are Chuck Clark and Lynn<br />
Huffman.<br />
AFS is a door which is open for us to learn about foreign lands through our AFS<br />
student and our American Abroad student. By opening our hearts and our minds<br />
to <strong>the</strong> wonderful things we can learn by sharing, we can keep this door open for<br />
generations to come.<br />
It's a coat, Mauro, C-O-A-T!<br />
<strong>In</strong>ternational<br />
Scholarships<br />
AFS Students Tell <strong>of</strong><br />
My home in Turkey<br />
Cam Sokak No. 24, Emirgan, Istanbul,<br />
Turkey was to become my home<br />
for two <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most wonderful months<br />
<strong>of</strong> my life. I lived with <strong>the</strong> Embiya<br />
Behri family and had one sister, 16,<br />
Cigdem (which means Crocus in<br />
Turkish). My family was very affectionate<br />
and I felt like one <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong>m from <strong>the</strong> very beginning. My<br />
parents didn't speak English so we<br />
communicated in French and Turkish<br />
(though my Turkish is very weak!)<br />
My sister spoke very good English<br />
and we became very close. My family<br />
was very insistent that I learn as<br />
much as I could about Istanbul and<br />
<strong>the</strong> Turkish customs so we went sightseeing<br />
a lot and I was very fortunate<br />
to see <strong>the</strong> famous Sultan Ahmet<br />
Mosque, Topkapi Palace, and even<br />
Mt. Olympus. Turkey is a Moslem<br />
country and learning about <strong>the</strong> religion<br />
was one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most fascinating<br />
aspects <strong>of</strong> my stay <strong>the</strong>re. Listening<br />
to <strong>the</strong> "call" from <strong>the</strong> minarets<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mosques five times a day was<br />
a rewarding but sometimes tiring experience<br />
(<strong>the</strong> first call was 4:30 in<br />
<strong>the</strong> morning!)<br />
I found most <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Turkish customs<br />
very pleasant—like not wearing shoes<br />
in <strong>the</strong> house and "taking tea" around<br />
5:00 in <strong>the</strong> evening. But some, <strong>of</strong><br />
course, were not so pleasant—like<br />
eating sheep's stomach and yogurt.<br />
I lived on a high bluff overlooking<br />
<strong>the</strong> Bosphorus, which is <strong>the</strong> body <strong>of</strong><br />
water that separates Europe from<br />
Asia. The wea<strong>the</strong>r was very hot and<br />
dry and it never rained during <strong>the</strong><br />
two months I was <strong>the</strong>re except on <strong>the</strong><br />
day I left. This lack <strong>of</strong> rain didn't<br />
discourage <strong>the</strong> farmers from growing<br />
really delicious fruits and vegetables<br />
though.<br />
Istanbul is really a beautiful combination<br />
<strong>of</strong> old eastern culture and western<br />
modernism. This can be shown by<br />
<strong>the</strong> extremes in clothing—women in<br />
<strong>the</strong> mosques covered from head to<br />
toe in black with only <strong>the</strong>ir eyes<br />
showing and some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> wildest<br />
maxis I've ever seen.<br />
The Sultan Ahmet Mosque<br />
My Turkish Family<br />
My summer in Turkey was something<br />
I'll never ever forget and I want to<br />
thank <strong>the</strong> We<strong>the</strong>rsfield A.F.S. Chapter<br />
for giving me <strong>the</strong> opportunity to<br />
live and learn in a foreign country.<br />
Cok selam.<br />
Joyce Webb<br />
AFS to Turkey
Their Unique Experiences<br />
I arrived in <strong>Kewanee</strong> on <strong>the</strong> 21st erf<br />
August and encountered a completely<br />
new world to explore. Now I am a<br />
new person, ready to understand and<br />
associate with people.<br />
I come from Trieste, a port <strong>of</strong> more<br />
than 300,000 inhabitants, located in<br />
<strong>the</strong> right upper corner <strong>of</strong> Italy, very<br />
close to <strong>the</strong> Yugoslavian border and<br />
not far from Venice. My fa<strong>the</strong>r is<br />
employed at <strong>the</strong> Central Post Office<br />
<strong>of</strong> Trieste. He used to play soccer<br />
and now he is also a soccer coach.<br />
My mo<strong>the</strong>r works too, and this is not<br />
very common in an Italian family.<br />
She is a typist and stenographer for a<br />
syndicate. <strong>In</strong> <strong>Kewanee</strong>, I live with<br />
<strong>the</strong> Allen Livek family. Since <strong>the</strong><br />
beginning, <strong>the</strong>y have always treated<br />
me like a son. <strong>In</strong> Italy, I am <strong>the</strong><br />
only child, but here I experienced<br />
having two bro<strong>the</strong>rs—Brad, a senior<br />
and Aaron, a sixth grader.<br />
My school in Trieste has more than a<br />
thousand students and is called <strong>the</strong><br />
"Guglielmo Oberdan Scientific High<br />
School." We go to high school for<br />
five years, so when I go back I'll<br />
have one more year to complete.<br />
After that I plan to go to <strong>the</strong> University--possibly<br />
<strong>the</strong> one in Pisa, to<br />
study Physics and Ma<strong>the</strong>matics, since<br />
I like <strong>the</strong>se subjects very much.<br />
Traveling has always been my passion,<br />
and <strong>the</strong> only big chance I had to<br />
travel was with <strong>the</strong> AFS program.<br />
Can you imagine how different <strong>Kewanee</strong><br />
is from Trieste? <strong>In</strong> my country,<br />
life is slower, <strong>the</strong> language is<br />
completely different, and <strong>the</strong>re are<br />
different rules like—no curfew and<br />
no drinking age, or eighteen yearolds<br />
driving. However, now I can say<br />
that getting adjusted to <strong>the</strong>se big<br />
changes has helped me <strong>the</strong> most.<br />
Making new friends at W.H.S, and<br />
having fun with <strong>the</strong> Flying Geese<br />
have been unforgettable experiences.<br />
All <strong>the</strong> anxieties and joys I have had<br />
in <strong>Kewanee</strong> will mean a lot to me<br />
for a long, long time.<br />
My Italian Family<br />
My AmerjEati .Family<br />
The most important thing I learned<br />
is that I finally realized that people<br />
are basically <strong>the</strong> same all over <strong>the</strong><br />
world. Obviously, <strong>the</strong>re are differences<br />
in <strong>the</strong> ways <strong>of</strong> living, but <strong>the</strong>se<br />
differences are not important. When<br />
you talk about different countries,<br />
don't say life is better here than <strong>the</strong>re<br />
(it is never better or worse) but simply<br />
say that some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> customs are<br />
not <strong>the</strong> same. This is <strong>the</strong> key everybody<br />
needs to reach <strong>the</strong> main AFS<br />
idea and purpose. "Walk toge<strong>the</strong>r,<br />
talk toge<strong>the</strong>r, oh ye people <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
world and <strong>the</strong>n and only <strong>the</strong>n shall<br />
we live in peace."<br />
Sincerely,<br />
Your 1970-71 AFS Student<br />
Mauro Mase*<br />
My city--Trieste, Italy
FT A Members Learn Today To<br />
The young minds <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se grade<br />
school children are eager for <strong>the</strong><br />
help <strong>of</strong> Student Teachers. They are<br />
bright, delightful, and unpredictable,<br />
as only young children can be. FTA<br />
members get first hand experience at<br />
finding out whe<strong>the</strong>r or not, teaching<br />
is <strong>the</strong> career for <strong>the</strong>m. The grade<br />
school children give <strong>the</strong>m all <strong>the</strong> information<br />
<strong>the</strong>y need to know.<br />
Be <strong>the</strong> Educators <strong>of</strong> Tomorrow<br />
FTA Officers:<br />
President--Linda Conner<br />
Vice-Pres.--Cherie Rainey<br />
Secretary--Gail Johnson<br />
Treasurer--Debbie Moss<br />
S.C. Rep.--Tereasa Mason<br />
57<br />
;,<br />
FTA Pledge<br />
The good teacher requires PHYSICAL VI-<br />
TALITY. I will try to keep my body well<br />
and strong. The good teacher requires<br />
MENTAL VIGOR. I will study daily to keep<br />
my mind active and alert. The good<br />
teacher requires MORAL DISCRIMINATION.<br />
I will seek to know <strong>the</strong> right and to live by<br />
it. The good teacher requires a WHOLE-<br />
SOME PERSONALITY. I will cultivate in<br />
myself, goodwill, friendliness, poise, upright<br />
bearing, and careful speech. The<br />
good teacher requires HELPFULNESS. I will<br />
learn <strong>the</strong> art <strong>of</strong> helping o<strong>the</strong>rs by doing<br />
helpful things daily in home and school.<br />
The good teacher requires KNOWLEDGE.<br />
I will fill my mind with worthy thoughts<br />
by observing all that is beautiful in <strong>the</strong><br />
world around me, by reading <strong>the</strong> best books<br />
and by associating with <strong>the</strong> best companions.<br />
The good teacher requires LEADER-<br />
SHIP. I will make my influence count on<br />
<strong>the</strong> side <strong>of</strong> right, avoiding habits that<br />
weaken and destroy. These things will I do<br />
now that I may be worthy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> high <strong>of</strong>fice<br />
<strong>of</strong> teacher.<br />
The club has abandoned most entertaining<br />
and "fun" activities in favor <strong>of</strong> a strong<br />
student teaching program. On April 26th,<br />
all FTA club members were invited to a<br />
FTA banquet. High School teachers, and<br />
elementary teachers who participated in<br />
<strong>the</strong> student teaching program were also<br />
invited. Guest <strong>of</strong> Honor was Myrtle E. Nelson.<br />
A convention was held in Geneseo<br />
where our chapter gave <strong>the</strong> pledge <strong>of</strong> Allegiance<br />
and participated in <strong>the</strong> meeting.<br />
A dinner was held at Howard Johnson's in<br />
<strong>the</strong> quad-cities. We sent representatives<br />
from our club to participate in a discussion<br />
<strong>of</strong> improving individual clubs.
G.A.A. Makes Us "Sports"<br />
W.<br />
President--Becky Clark<br />
Vice-Pres.--Linda Conner<br />
Secretary--Sandy Bond<br />
Treasurer--Nancy Hill<br />
S.C. Rep.--Lynn Huffman<br />
Sponsor--Mrs. McNeill<br />
Every Tuesday and Thursday, <strong>the</strong> gym<br />
fills up with a bunch <strong>of</strong> girls who participate<br />
in such sports as bowling,<br />
volleyball, speedball, s<strong>of</strong>tball, and<br />
basketball. Even though it is a way to<br />
work <strong>of</strong>f pounds, it is also a place<br />
where you can be friends with <strong>the</strong><br />
o<strong>the</strong>r members <strong>of</strong> G.A.A. There are<br />
not any qualifications. You don't have<br />
to be a Super Star or a great athlete.<br />
All you have to have is an enjoyment<br />
<strong>of</strong> sports as a whole, and <strong>the</strong> free time<br />
to spend two nights a week participating.<br />
An initiation is held for new<br />
members early in <strong>the</strong> year, and a<br />
slumber party takes place in <strong>the</strong> gym<br />
at <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> year. The bright side <strong>of</strong><br />
G.A.A. is Mrs. McNeill, who diligently<br />
sponsors this enthusiastic group <strong>of</strong> girls!<br />
Top Students Are Recognized<br />
Scholarship, leadership, character<br />
and service: <strong>the</strong>se four traits are <strong>the</strong><br />
keys that unlock <strong>the</strong> door to <strong>the</strong> National<br />
Honor Society. To become a<br />
member <strong>of</strong> this elite group is <strong>the</strong><br />
dream <strong>of</strong> every student. This year <strong>the</strong><br />
four senior members and <strong>the</strong>ir sponsor,<br />
Miss Morrissey, welcomed eight<br />
more seniors and five juniors, who<br />
were selected by <strong>the</strong> faculty, into<br />
<strong>the</strong>ir organization. Each senior member<br />
wore a gold cord at graduation to<br />
signify his achievement. The new<br />
members were inducted into <strong>the</strong> Society<br />
at an assembly in <strong>the</strong> presence<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir parents, teachers and fellow<br />
Learning To Do; Doing To Learn;<br />
1970-71FFA Members<br />
Hey, Mark, what is that?<br />
Charles Royce--President<br />
Kevin Winter--Vice-President<br />
Fred Tucker--Secretary<br />
Gary Horsely--Treasurer<br />
Kevin Man<strong>the</strong>--Reporter<br />
Bruce Radford--Sentinel<br />
Earning To Live; Living To Serve<br />
There are twelve listed aims and<br />
purposes <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> F.F.A. The first is to<br />
develop competent, aggressive, rural,<br />
and agricultural leadership. Second,<br />
to create and nurture a love <strong>of</strong> country<br />
life. Third, to streng<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> confidence<br />
<strong>of</strong> farm boys and young men<br />
in <strong>the</strong>mselves and <strong>the</strong>ir work. Fourth,<br />
to create more interest in <strong>the</strong> intelligent<br />
choice <strong>of</strong> farming occupations.<br />
Fifth, to encourage members in <strong>the</strong><br />
development <strong>of</strong> individual farming<br />
programs and establishment in farming.<br />
Sixth, to encourage members to<br />
improve <strong>the</strong> farm home and its surroundings.<br />
Seventh, to participate in<br />
worthy undertakings for improvement<br />
<strong>of</strong> agriculture. Eighth, to develop<br />
character, train for useful citizenship,<br />
and foster patriotism. Ninth, to participate<br />
in cooperative effort. Tenth,<br />
to encourage and practice thrift.<br />
Eleventh, to encourage improvement<br />
in scholarship. And, twelfth, to provide<br />
and encourage <strong>the</strong> development<br />
<strong>of</strong> organized rural recreational activities.<br />
Each year in <strong>the</strong> month <strong>of</strong> April <strong>the</strong><br />
F.F.A. chapter holds a Parent and<br />
Student Banquet, at which a speaker<br />
has been invited to come and talk.<br />
The F.F.A. chapter has a Parliamentary<br />
team which ranked fourth place.<br />
F.F.A. also has a judging team, which<br />
participates in <strong>the</strong> judging <strong>of</strong> livestock.<br />
Greenhand Officers<br />
This year June Motley and Gary<br />
Horsely represented <strong>the</strong> F.F.A chapter<br />
in a <strong>Public</strong> Speaking contest. June<br />
participated in a prepared speech<br />
contest, which she ranked fourth with<br />
her speech "Born <strong>of</strong> Freedom." Gary<br />
participated in an extemporaneous<br />
speech contest and ranked second.<br />
Both June and Gary did a wonderful<br />
job in <strong>the</strong>ir representation.<br />
The year <strong>the</strong> F.F.A. chapter honored<br />
Sandy Bond as <strong>the</strong>ir chapter swee<strong>the</strong>art<br />
and have started <strong>the</strong> process <strong>of</strong><br />
choosing <strong>the</strong> chapter swee<strong>the</strong>art for<br />
<strong>the</strong> coming year.<br />
Each year <strong>the</strong> chapter has F.F.A.<br />
Week, in which <strong>the</strong>y hold a barnyard<br />
zoo, consisting <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> F.F.A.<br />
members prize possessions. The entire<br />
school is invited to visit and enjoy<br />
<strong>the</strong> zoo.<br />
The F.F.A. chapter is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
strongest and most organized clubs in<br />
We<strong>the</strong>rsfield and will continue to be,<br />
because <strong>of</strong> its great unity and enthusiasm.
Future Homemakers <strong>of</strong> WHS Look Toward
New Horizons<br />
Linda Leonard--Treasurer<br />
Roxie Romanek--President<br />
Mrs. Rogers--Sponsor<br />
Cindy Moss--Vice-President<br />
Raele Nash--Secretary<br />
Who else would smile after ironing<br />
<strong>the</strong>ir fingers?<br />
The We<strong>the</strong>rsfield Chapter <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Future<br />
Homemakers is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> most active<br />
groups in school. Activities such as selling<br />
mums at Homecoming, Christmas parties,<br />
serving at banquets, selling pins, spring<br />
rallies, fall <strong>of</strong>ficers training, an annual<br />
banquet which is held on Thursday night<br />
<strong>of</strong> F.H.A. week, and many, many more<br />
fun and lively activities are a part <strong>of</strong><br />
F.H.A.<br />
There are many aims and purposes outlining<br />
<strong>the</strong> F.H.A. chapter. First, to promote a<br />
growing appreciation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> joys and satisfactions<br />
<strong>of</strong> homemaking. Second, to emphasize<br />
<strong>the</strong> importance <strong>of</strong> worthy home<br />
membership. Third, to encourage democracy<br />
in home and community life. Fourth,<br />
to work for good home and family life for<br />
all. Fifth, to promote international good<br />
will. Sixth, to foster <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong><br />
creative leadership in home and community<br />
life. Seventh, to provide wholesome<br />
individual and group recreation.<br />
Eighth, to fur<strong>the</strong>r interest in home economics.<br />
The F.H.A.'s flower is <strong>the</strong> rose. The rose<br />
represents <strong>the</strong> search <strong>of</strong> Future Homemakers<br />
<strong>of</strong> America for beauty in everyday living.<br />
The F.H.A. colors are red and white. These<br />
colors inspire Future Homemakers <strong>of</strong><br />
America with <strong>the</strong> courage and determination<br />
to succeed.
LeDeFi D'une Langue Etranger<br />
Translation <strong>of</strong> above: The challenge<br />
<strong>of</strong> a foreign language.<br />
Je ne parle pas Anglais<br />
President--Dave Hamilton<br />
Vice President--Chuck Clark<br />
Secretary--Daryl Hoover<br />
Student Council Representative-<br />
Nance e Hill<br />
Treasurer--Pee Wee Mason<br />
Reporter--Pam Wakefield<br />
Sponsor--Mr. David Trainor<br />
French Club spent <strong>the</strong> larger part <strong>of</strong><br />
this year reorganizing its attitudes and<br />
priorities and adjusting to its new<br />
sponsor. This year <strong>the</strong> club directed<br />
its efforts toward learning about <strong>the</strong><br />
country <strong>of</strong> France, <strong>the</strong> French people<br />
and <strong>the</strong>ir customs, and French culture.<br />
French Club did, however, hold such<br />
social functions as <strong>the</strong> get-acquainted<br />
cookout early in <strong>the</strong> year, a dance<br />
later in <strong>the</strong> year for members and<br />
<strong>the</strong>ir guests, and <strong>the</strong> annual club dinner.<br />
Club members also widened <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
horizons by spending an evening learning<br />
about Turkey from Joyce Webb,<br />
soaking up <strong>the</strong> flavor <strong>of</strong> Italy from<br />
Mauro Mase, and "seeing <strong>the</strong> sights"<br />
<strong>of</strong> Europe as Miss Morrissey showed<br />
slides <strong>of</strong> her trips abroad. French Club<br />
members climaxed <strong>the</strong>ir year by passing<br />
along some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir knowledge<br />
(simple French phrases and songs) to<br />
<strong>the</strong> first and second grade children in<br />
<strong>the</strong> elementary school.
Extra, Extra, Read All About It<br />
Quack had a moderately successful year publishing<br />
nine regular editions and a Homecoming flyer. <strong>In</strong><br />
November, six Quack members attended a High<br />
School Newspaper Workshop at Bradley University.<br />
There, <strong>the</strong> editors learned to come down from <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
"ivory towers," sports writers learned to include <strong>the</strong><br />
SCORE in <strong>the</strong>ir reports, and society writers learned<br />
that "if you want to get boys to wear socks, you<br />
should be subtle."<br />
<strong>In</strong>spired by <strong>the</strong>ir trip to Bradley, <strong>the</strong> editors held a<br />
workshop for <strong>the</strong> whole Quack staff and were rewarded<br />
with a much-improved December edition.<br />
"Oh, was <strong>the</strong>re a Quack work session last night?"<br />
"When are we going over to Sandy's?" "You'll have<br />
to re-type this; <strong>the</strong> machine wasn't on stencil." "Sorry<br />
your article got left out; we accidentally lost it."<br />
"Can one <strong>of</strong> you artists do a heading for TIPS FROM<br />
TRIESTE?" "Quack word sessions were harried, hurried,<br />
mind-bending, and just plain exhausting sometimes,<br />
but always FUN ! "<br />
Sponsored by Miss Beck and edited by Joyce Webb and<br />
Barb Toepke, Quack reached its goal many times--<br />
pleasing its readers.
in <strong>the</strong> Quack<br />
Hey, you guys, how do you spell<br />
"Quack?"<br />
We like your article, Dan, but ..."<br />
Quack Staff<br />
EDITORS: Joyce Webb and<br />
Barb Toepke<br />
JR. EDITOR: Nancy Wonser<br />
CLASS NEWS: SR.: Pat Stach<br />
JR.: Kathy Churling<br />
SOPH.: Jan Hubbard<br />
FROSH.: Jill Strand<br />
CLUB NEWS: Kathy Karau<br />
Michelle Geimaeirt<br />
Brenda Bond<br />
Dan Slack<br />
REVIEWS: Teresa Mock<br />
Rich Gamble<br />
Marie Mock<br />
GENERAL NEWS: Gretchen<br />
Lester<br />
Bob Bickhaus<br />
Sue Huge<br />
Rick Wallace<br />
FEATURES: Jan Webb<br />
Jackie Ellis<br />
Sherry Looney<br />
Diane Mumford<br />
Stan Thurman<br />
Bonnie Younglove<br />
SOCIETY: Becky Clark<br />
Cherie Rainey<br />
SPORTS: Dan Field<br />
Sandy Bond<br />
Tim Odey<br />
Lynn Huffman<br />
Millie Baker*<br />
Jim Stewart<br />
Bert Carlson<br />
June Motley<br />
Bob Armstrong<br />
Cathy Field<br />
Brooks Armstrong<br />
Tim Dotson<br />
TYPISTS: Cindy Moss<br />
Kristy Korteum<br />
Raele Nash<br />
Vickie Manning<br />
Linda Leonard<br />
Wolf<br />
PROOFREADERS: Debbie Moss<br />
Pat Stach<br />
Kathy Churling<br />
SPONSOR: Miss Beck<br />
"Quack Work Session"
The Best Memories <strong>of</strong> Today<br />
The Green Quill organized its new<br />
staff, and contracted <strong>the</strong> American<br />
Yearbook Company, in order to have<br />
a better, more interesting annual this<br />
year.<br />
The quill editors, sponsor, and selected<br />
staff members attended a yearbook<br />
workshop at Augustana College<br />
early in <strong>the</strong> year. At this workshop,<br />
<strong>the</strong> staff learned new techniques in<br />
journalism for laying-out pages in<br />
three columns, how to write interesting<br />
copy, and how to capture unique<br />
scenes through photography.<br />
Trying out some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se new ideas,<br />
<strong>the</strong> Quill staff got to work putting toge<strong>the</strong>r<br />
<strong>the</strong>ir book with long hours <strong>of</strong><br />
hard work and diligent help from <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
sponsor.<br />
To raise funds to finance <strong>the</strong> Quill,<br />
<strong>the</strong> members sponsored a Halloween<br />
dance, a successful faculty basketball<br />
game, and a big candy sale. With <strong>the</strong><br />
money obtained through soliciting <strong>Kewanee</strong><br />
Businesses and yearbook subscriptions,<br />
<strong>the</strong> Quill had a good year<br />
financially.<br />
The Quill Staff sincerely hopes you<br />
enjoy this yearbook and will treasure<br />
it always for <strong>the</strong> memories it holds <strong>of</strong><br />
our high school days.
Live on into Tomorrow<br />
Quill Staff<br />
EDITORS--Jan Webb and Chris Craine<br />
JR. EDITORS—Crystal Corwin and<br />
Mary Jo Pickett<br />
COPY EDITORS- - Rita Harlow and<br />
Brooks Armstrong<br />
COPY WRITERS--Becky Clark, Joyce<br />
Webb, Debbie Moss, Pat Stauffer<br />
PHOTOGRAPHERS--Nick Humphrey,<br />
Tim Odey, Dave Hamilton, Debbie<br />
Thiele, Mauro Mase<br />
BUSINESS MANAGER--Glenda Grove<br />
SECRETARY--Debbie Wolf<br />
SPORTS EDITOR--Stan Thurman<br />
Dooley, Ed Melendez, Tom Roulds<br />
TYPISTS--Bonnie Younglove, Linda<br />
Davis, Lynn Lindsey, Linda Koepke,<br />
Linda Leonard<br />
ARTISTS--Millie Baker, Bob Armstrong<br />
CLASS EDITORS--Senior--Kristi<br />
Korteum, Cherie Rainey; Junior--<br />
Lynn Huffman; Sophomore--Lee<br />
Lundberg, Peggy Stach; Freshmen<br />
--Diana Burke, Debbie Dominguez<br />
LAY-OUT EDITORS--Lynn Huffman,<br />
Sandy Bond, Nancee Hill<br />
PROOFREADERS--Cindy Moss, Raele<br />
Nash<br />
HEAD SOLICITOR--Jackie Ellis<br />
SOLICITORS--Cherie Hintz, Rogene<br />
Jacobson, Mariana Hiatt, Peggy<br />
Stufflebeam, Kathy DeTrent<br />
SPONSOR--Mr. John Myers<br />
My, Aren't We an Ambitious Group!<br />
. . . And <strong>the</strong> Band Played On!<br />
Officers: Pres.--B. Toepke, Vice Pres.--T. Mason, Sec.--G. Johnson, Treas.--<br />
J. Strand.<br />
Does it really hurt bad, Mike?<br />
22nd Annual Spring Concert<br />
1971 Spring Concert<br />
The 22nd Annual Spring Band Concert<br />
was held on May 15 at 8:00<br />
p.m. The program included a<br />
wide variety <strong>of</strong> musical selections<br />
including "Battle Hymn <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Republic,"<br />
<strong>the</strong> Overture from "Exodus,"<br />
a march "The Tightrope<br />
Walker," two suites entitled "<strong>In</strong>dian<br />
Suite" and "Latin American<br />
Suite" and an Overture from "Oliver.<br />
"<br />
71<br />
The National Arion Foundation<br />
Award was presented to a very deserving<br />
Barb Toepke. Following<br />
this award, Mr. Bickhaus presented<br />
<strong>the</strong> Director's Trophy to <strong>the</strong> following<br />
Senior band members:<br />
Doug Greenhagen, Rita Harlow,<br />
Kathy Karau, Gretchen Lester,<br />
Terry Looney, Jan Webb, Joyce<br />
Webb, and Debi Wolf.
Strike Up <strong>the</strong> Band . . .<br />
1970-71 Marching Band<br />
Drum Majorette--Crystal Corwin<br />
WHS Twirlers--Mary Jo Pickett, Lynn<br />
Huffman, Chris Libby.<br />
Our Sexy Saxophones ! ! !
Burst Forth in Song!<br />
Boys Chorus<br />
Throughout <strong>the</strong> year, <strong>the</strong> sound <strong>of</strong><br />
music lilts from <strong>the</strong> top floor <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
Blish Building, where <strong>the</strong> Choral Department,<br />
under <strong>the</strong> direction <strong>of</strong> Mrs.<br />
Lazar, dilligently practices for<br />
its big performances. The Christmas<br />
Concert, Contest, and Spring Formal<br />
Concert all were successes due to<br />
<strong>the</strong>se practices and Mrs. Lazar's outstanding<br />
direction. At <strong>the</strong> High School<br />
Music Contest, held in Macomb this<br />
spring, <strong>the</strong> Girls Chorus received a<br />
Superior while <strong>the</strong> Mixed Chorus and<br />
Boys Chorus received Excellents.<br />
We<strong>the</strong>rsfield is proud <strong>of</strong> its fine Choral<br />
Department and its tradition <strong>of</strong> a superior<br />
sound.<br />
The Chorus Officers for 1970-71<br />
were: President--Tom Roulds, Vice-<br />
President--Jan Webb, Secretary--<br />
Joyce Webb, Student Council Representative—Jackie<br />
Ellis.<br />
Madrigal Singer
Chorus Sings to Brighten <strong>the</strong> Day<br />
Girls Chorus<br />
Mixed Chorus<br />
Do-Re-Me!<br />
"Dog-gone" fun in Chorus
Chorus Sings Disney Fantasy<br />
Spring Choral Concert<br />
The 1971 Spring Choral Concert^ "Fantasy," was an adventure<br />
into <strong>the</strong> wonderful world <strong>of</strong> Disney. The Girls<br />
Chorus singing "Its a Small World" and "A Dream is a<br />
Wish Your Heart Makes" set a romantic mood while <strong>the</strong><br />
Boys Chorus singing "Follow Me Boys" and "Heigh-Ho"<br />
added a touch <strong>of</strong> fun. The Mixed Chorus presented "Whistle<br />
While You Work," "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo".and finished<br />
<strong>the</strong> concert with "When You Wish Upon a Star."<br />
"So This is Love," by Pant Slover, "Ten Minutes Ago" by<br />
Jan Hubbard and Tom Roulds and "Love is a Song" by Jan<br />
Hubbard, Lee Lundberg and Sona Slover were songs that<br />
sent <strong>the</strong> audience <strong>of</strong>f to a dreamy wonderland.<br />
The Senior Girls Ensemble sang "Some Day My Prince<br />
Will Come" followed by "Castaways" by Jackie Ellis and<br />
"Let's Get Toge<strong>the</strong>r" by Jackie Ellis and Glenda Grove.<br />
Greg Moss and Lee Lundberg blended toge<strong>the</strong>r in "Auf<br />
Wienderseaen" followed by an ensemble <strong>of</strong> girls piping<br />
out "The Bare Necessities."<br />
The highlight <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> program was <strong>the</strong> presentation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
National Arion Foundation Award to Pam Slover. Mrs.<br />
Lazar <strong>the</strong>n awarded <strong>the</strong> Director's Trophies to Becky Clark^<br />
Jackie Ellis, Cindy Moss, Debbie Moss, Raele Nash, Tom<br />
Roulds, Barb Toepke, Jan and Joyce Webb.<br />
Everyone agreed that <strong>the</strong> Concert was a big success.
"Between <strong>the</strong> Bindings''.<br />
Officers:<br />
President--Cindy Moss<br />
Treasurer--Nancy Jacobs<br />
Secretary--Glenda Wemple<br />
S.C. Rep.--Brenda Hampton<br />
We<strong>the</strong>rsfield <strong>Library</strong> Club members<br />
volunteer <strong>the</strong>ir services to keep our<br />
libraries in running, workable order.<br />
Many new members have joined this<br />
year but we hope to increase <strong>the</strong> enrollment<br />
in <strong>the</strong> following years to<br />
come. Qualifications are only that<br />
you are a slight book worm, and have<br />
a willingness to work during your free<br />
time. Goals for <strong>the</strong> club were set early<br />
in <strong>the</strong> year. Social activities included<br />
an initiation party where <strong>the</strong> new<br />
member had an assigned job for a<br />
week that pertained to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Library</strong>, a<br />
banquet for club members, and a<br />
visit to <strong>the</strong> Black Hawk East <strong>Library</strong>.<br />
We also had a Christmas party, and a<br />
picnic for <strong>the</strong> Jr. High Librarians. National<br />
<strong>Library</strong> Week is advertized<br />
widely with eye catching bulletin<br />
boards, new book covers, and colorful<br />
book markers. Much service to <strong>the</strong><br />
students is given by our faithful <strong>Library</strong><br />
Club sponsor, Mrs. Murphy. The<br />
main purpose <strong>of</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Club is to develop<br />
leadership, personality, and<br />
good citizenship through service to<br />
our schools.<br />
Kick-<strong>of</strong>f to a Victory with<br />
Renfro<br />
Davis<br />
Co-Captain<br />
Lininger<br />
F<br />
0<br />
0<br />
T<br />
B<br />
A<br />
L<br />
L<br />
Thurman<br />
Harrell<br />
78<br />
<strong>the</strong> Flying Geese<br />
Toliver *<br />
Co- Captain<br />
Boardman<br />
Dixon<br />
Roulds<br />
WHS Varsity<br />
Football<br />
All-Blackhawk<br />
Conference<br />
Princeville<br />
Dunlap<br />
Walnut<br />
Western<br />
(Homecoming)<br />
Wyoming<br />
Toulon<br />
Bradford<br />
Manlius<br />
40-- 6<br />
7-- 6<br />
30--14<br />
54-- 0<br />
30--16<br />
28-- 8<br />
32 — 14<br />
30-- 8<br />
Lost<br />
lost<br />
Lost<br />
Won<br />
Won<br />
Lost<br />
Won<br />
Lost<br />
OFFENSE--lst Team End--Rob Lininger<br />
1st Team QB--Todd Davis<br />
HONORABLE MENTION —Fullback--<br />
Tom Roulds<br />
Tackle--Rich Boardman<br />
DEFENSE--2nd Team Back--Todd Davis<br />
2nd Team Guard--Ed Toliver<br />
Hey you guys, get <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> ground and help me! !<br />
Oh dear God! Please give me enough<br />
strength to carry me through tonight's<br />
game!<br />
Coach says, "I'll get 'em myself! !<br />
The Flying Geese<br />
The Goslings<br />
Galva<br />
Manlius<br />
Walnut<br />
Western<br />
Wyoming<br />
Toulon<br />
Bradford<br />
JV Scores<br />
18--0<br />
33--0<br />
46--0<br />
14--0<br />
30—8<br />
26--6<br />
48--6<br />
Lost<br />
Lost<br />
Lost<br />
Lost<br />
Lost<br />
Lost<br />
Lost<br />
Geese Fly High<br />
R. Lewis, R. Liniger, S. Thurman, M. Mase, M. Peed, T. Eby, T. Davis, R. W<br />
Princeton<br />
Hall Twp.<br />
Bergan<br />
Dunlap<br />
Geneseo<br />
Walnut<br />
Bradford<br />
Galva<br />
Manlius<br />
Ann aw an<br />
Western<br />
Manlius<br />
Wyoming<br />
Princeton<br />
Toulon<br />
Bradford<br />
Western<br />
Elmwood<br />
Manlius<br />
Walnut<br />
Annawan<br />
Princeville<br />
Carver<br />
Galva<br />
95<br />
77<br />
30<br />
70<br />
65<br />
50<br />
68<br />
75<br />
55<br />
66<br />
70<br />
67<br />
62<br />
109<br />
75<br />
62<br />
64<br />
88<br />
76<br />
65<br />
71<br />
62<br />
76<br />
69<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
WHS<br />
62<br />
77<br />
30<br />
52<br />
52<br />
58<br />
70<br />
70<br />
52<br />
62<br />
78<br />
55<br />
61<br />
49<br />
72<br />
64<br />
77<br />
75<br />
47<br />
64<br />
65<br />
55<br />
37<br />
59<br />
Coach Keller dreams for a victory.<br />
Round Ball Season Is a<br />
A streak <strong>of</strong> lightning seemed to<br />
form and flash across <strong>the</strong> WHS<br />
gym this season. WHS B-Ball<br />
took on a new shape in <strong>the</strong><br />
1970-71 campaign. The fast<br />
break brought a new life and<br />
style to WHS. An exciting<br />
brand <strong>of</strong> rbund ball action and<br />
an outstanding <strong>of</strong>fensive threat<br />
had emerged. (2nd in team <strong>of</strong>fense<br />
in <strong>the</strong> Blackhawk Conference).<br />
Coach Wally Keller and his<br />
geese held many a fan on <strong>the</strong><br />
edge <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir seats with sparkling<br />
performances.<br />
By <strong>the</strong> way, THAT FLASH was<br />
Hi! Chuck Acri here!<br />
Spot check!<br />
Moral Victory<br />
What happened, Rick, you shrank!<br />
Somebody get that guy!<br />
About time you got here, Todd.<br />
Get <strong>the</strong> tip, Rick.<br />
Aim for <strong>the</strong> basket, not his head.<br />
Goslings Try<br />
1970-71 Freshman<br />
Fresh-Soph Team<br />
Their Wings<br />
Ever think <strong>of</strong> trying garters, Dan?<br />
It's Howdy Doody Time !<br />
Mark can jump higher in his PF Fliers.<br />
Mark doesn't have under arm wetness!<br />
1971 Cinder Squad<br />
2nd--We<strong>the</strong>rsfield 67<br />
6th (tie) WHS<br />
3rd--We<strong>the</strong>rsfield<br />
4th—We<strong>the</strong>rsfield<br />
2nd--We<strong>the</strong>rsfield 59<br />
WHS—85<br />
Bradford--44<br />
Dunlap--31<br />
WHS--85<br />
Walnut--56 1/2<br />
Dunlap—161/2<br />
WHS--80<br />
Western--67<br />
Wyoming--11<br />
WHS--74 1/2<br />
Manlius--52 1/2<br />
Elmwood--32<br />
WHS--90<br />
Bradford--58<br />
V<br />
A<br />
R<br />
S<br />
I<br />
T<br />
Y<br />
Geese "Run" to Victory!<br />
T<br />
R<br />
A<br />
C<br />
K<br />
Allard gets "high"<br />
Greg gives it <strong>the</strong> upper hand!<br />
Bob gets encouragement (?) from Tim<br />
and Fred.
Southside Cinders Girl- Watchers<br />
Fresh-Soph Track Men<br />
Terry strides in!<br />
880 Relay Team: E. Toliver, T. Odey, T. Eby, B. Schaecher.<br />
Paradise<br />
Oar Smiling Trackettes<br />
"First call for <strong>the</strong> two-mile relay, all<br />
runners report to <strong>the</strong> starting line at<br />
once ! " This familiar call Is heard<br />
throughout <strong>the</strong> many track meets to<br />
get <strong>the</strong> running events going. Trackettes<br />
for <strong>the</strong> past two years have done<br />
a terrific job <strong>of</strong>ficiating <strong>the</strong> home<br />
track meets. Stop watches click on at<br />
<strong>the</strong> sight <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gun smoke and stop<br />
as a runner breaks <strong>the</strong> winning string.<br />
The field event show trackettes heaving<br />
<strong>the</strong> pole up for a 12'3" jump at<br />
<strong>the</strong> pole vault, tugging tapes for <strong>the</strong><br />
discus event, raking <strong>the</strong> pit for long<br />
jump, and running around looking for<br />
<strong>the</strong> guys who haven't taken <strong>the</strong>ir turn.<br />
Trackettes get <strong>the</strong> opportunity to have<br />
a little authority over <strong>the</strong> men for<br />
once, to take on responsibility, and<br />
to have fun. <strong>In</strong> order to distinguish<br />
<strong>the</strong> track guys from <strong>the</strong> trackettes,<br />
yellow patches with a green foot in<br />
<strong>the</strong> center were made as <strong>the</strong> symbol<br />
<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> trackette club. This year<br />
Becky Clark, Sandy Bond, and Nancee<br />
Hill were chosen as co-captains this<br />
year.<br />
Our Trackette <strong>In</strong>signia<br />
Lisa tries "chin-ups"<br />
Our Golf Boys Are<br />
•4L<br />
1971 Golfing Geese<br />
NAME<br />
Greg Stoner<br />
Bill Dooley<br />
Todd Davis<br />
Gary Renfro<br />
Greg Krieg<br />
Chuck Clark<br />
Jack Finkel<br />
Tim Borota<br />
Steve Fraser<br />
Bob Patton<br />
R. J. Hampton<br />
Karl Stiles<br />
Ken Holton<br />
TOTAL<br />
403<br />
451<br />
309<br />
412<br />
411<br />
475<br />
408<br />
405<br />
413<br />
170<br />
346<br />
223<br />
156<br />
AVE.<br />
44.77<br />
45.10<br />
44.14<br />
45.77<br />
45.66<br />
47.50<br />
51.00<br />
50.06<br />
51.63<br />
56.66<br />
57.66<br />
55.80<br />
52.00<br />
MEETS<br />
9<br />
10<br />
7<br />
9<br />
9<br />
10<br />
8<br />
8<br />
8<br />
3<br />
6<br />
4<br />
3<br />
92 Greg gets teed <strong>of</strong>f.
"All Pro"<br />
This would be o.k. if I had a golf ball! Look at <strong>the</strong> ball, Chuck, not <strong>the</strong> girls! You've got great form, Dooley!<br />
Spirit, Drive, Ability—Thats<br />
FRONT ROW: Brenda Bond, Diane Mumford, Judy Dustin, Jan Hubbard, Jill Strand. BACK ROW: Linda Conner, Debbie<br />
Adams, Bonnie Younglove, Sandy Bond, Nancee Hill<br />
What WHS Cheerleaders Are Made <strong>of</strong><br />
A touchdown! Beautiful!<br />
It can't be! They're all toge<strong>the</strong>r!<br />
The planning <strong>of</strong> a great assembly.<br />
This summer, <strong>the</strong> cheerleaders attended<br />
a camp at I.S.U. At this camp<br />
<strong>the</strong>y learned many new cheers and<br />
techniques. They used some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se<br />
in front <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> student body, who enjoyed<br />
<strong>the</strong>m immensely. As <strong>the</strong> year<br />
progressed, Homecoming was upon<br />
<strong>the</strong>m. It was a huge success. The<br />
cheerleaders decorated every locker<br />
in <strong>the</strong> high school. (That's quite an<br />
accomplishment.) They placed third<br />
in <strong>the</strong> skits, which was kind <strong>of</strong><br />
messy, but kept <strong>the</strong> crowd laughing.<br />
The football and basketball seasons<br />
might not have been as glorious as<br />
past years, but <strong>the</strong> cheerleaders still<br />
loved every minute <strong>of</strong> cheering. As<br />
far as <strong>the</strong>ir thoughts go, it was a<br />
tremendous season. They were proud<br />
to be representing W.H.S. on <strong>the</strong><br />
floor and on <strong>the</strong> field. The cheerleaders<br />
were also extremely proud <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>the</strong> boys and <strong>the</strong> fine job <strong>the</strong>y did.<br />
The cheerleaders backed <strong>the</strong>m all<br />
<strong>the</strong> way in <strong>the</strong>ir all-out efforts for a<br />
victory. Last but not least, GOOD<br />
LUCK to <strong>the</strong> three Seniors on this<br />
year's squad. It was great fun and<br />
<strong>the</strong>y made it worthwhile.<br />
Caution—Candid Kids Again<br />
Come on, Nosal, you're full <strong>of</strong> hot<br />
air!<br />
Mary Jo can do better than that,<br />
Kathy!<br />
Alright, hands above your head!<br />
Hey, look at this slick dune buggy!<br />
Howdy Folks, glad you'all could<br />
come!<br />
Toge<strong>the</strong>r, <strong>the</strong> Students <strong>of</strong> WHS, Learn, Probe<br />
Scholastic Bowl Team
and Experiment To Prepare for <strong>the</strong> New Decade<br />
The curriculum <strong>of</strong>fered at WHS prepares us for <strong>the</strong><br />
challenges which must be faced in <strong>the</strong> new decade.<br />
From Shakespeare and <strong>the</strong> satirists Addison and<br />
Steele to learning sentence structure, <strong>the</strong> English Department<br />
introduces us to <strong>the</strong> masters <strong>of</strong> great literature<br />
and <strong>the</strong> basic writing techniques which <strong>the</strong>y<br />
used.<br />
Ano<strong>the</strong>r asset <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> learning power at We<strong>the</strong>rsfield is<br />
contained in <strong>the</strong> Science Department, where students<br />
deal with basic experiments to probing <strong>the</strong> structure <strong>of</strong><br />
a DNA molecule.<br />
The Agriculture Department, ever relevant in our agriculturally<br />
dependent community continues to prepare<br />
many students for futures varying from farming to<br />
veterinarian medicine.<br />
The Business Department prepares students for vocational<br />
occupations after high school and helps collegebound<br />
students to adjust more easily to more rigorous<br />
study habits. A new required Consumer Education<br />
course helps prepare seniors for everyday life after<br />
graduation.<br />
Learning about man's history and <strong>the</strong> structure <strong>of</strong> his<br />
government is essential in understanding <strong>the</strong> world<br />
today. The Social Science Department deals with work<br />
in <strong>the</strong>se areas and gives insight to <strong>the</strong> students involved<br />
with <strong>the</strong> courses <strong>of</strong>fered.<br />
Though a ra<strong>the</strong>r recent addition to <strong>the</strong> electives <strong>of</strong>fered<br />
at WHS, <strong>the</strong> Art Department grows stronger<br />
every year helping students to release <strong>the</strong> creative<br />
ability using it artistically.<br />
With <strong>the</strong> world becoming smaller every day, people<br />
are finding that <strong>the</strong>y need to know more than one<br />
language to communicate with <strong>the</strong> people <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
world. The French Department may help to break any<br />
language barrier by teaching students to be fluent with<br />
<strong>the</strong> language.<br />
Students with <strong>the</strong> love <strong>of</strong> music find that <strong>the</strong> band and<br />
chorus have much to <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>the</strong>m. The Music Department,<br />
with a long line <strong>of</strong> superiors behind it, gives<br />
fulfillment to students who wish to continue in music<br />
and for those who simply enjoy participation in this<br />
fine art area.<br />
Thus, most students find <strong>the</strong> curriculum at WHS satisfactory.<br />
Agriculture<br />
Algebra<br />
Art<br />
Band<br />
Biology<br />
Bookkeeping<br />
Chemistry<br />
Chorus<br />
Consumer Education<br />
Driver Education<br />
Earth and Ecology Science<br />
Economics<br />
English<br />
French<br />
Government<br />
Home Economics<br />
<strong>In</strong>dustrial Arts<br />
Ma<strong>the</strong>matics<br />
Physical Education<br />
Physics<br />
Physiology<br />
Plane Geometry<br />
Shorthand<br />
Speech<br />
Typing<br />
U.S. History<br />
World Geography<br />
World History<br />
Freshmen Begin High School Life<br />
A tribute to <strong>the</strong> freshman. You<br />
have completed your first year at<br />
We<strong>the</strong>rsfield High School. Stride<br />
forward into <strong>the</strong> next three with<br />
<strong>the</strong> same spirit you have already<br />
shown.<br />
After overcoming <strong>the</strong> hardship <strong>of</strong><br />
our float burning down at Homecoming<br />
our class came back with<br />
a great third place.<br />
Our <strong>of</strong>ficers and sponsors really did<br />
a great job and with <strong>the</strong> great<br />
leadership our class has, <strong>the</strong> next<br />
three years can only be better.<br />
Pres.--Jill Strand<br />
Vice Pres.--Greg Toliver<br />
Se c.--Chris Nosal<br />
Treasurer--Mary Engels<br />
S.C. Rep.--Barb Ma<strong>the</strong>r<br />
Advisers--Mr. Mann<br />
Mrs. Carney<br />
Bert Carlson<br />
Jean Churling<br />
Rogene Jacobsen<br />
Brenda Bond<br />
Bill Peed<br />
Sherry Looney<br />
Steve Fraser<br />
J. Ericson Y. Ewing T. Field<br />
K. Erwin M. Fargher S. Frazer<br />
S. Aldridge D. Burge K. Clary D. Domingez<br />
P. Allard D. Burke M. Cooper B. Doty<br />
L. Bennett B. Carlson P. Craig J. Eisenbarth<br />
B. Bond J. Churling S. Davis D. Ely<br />
T. Borota D. Clark K. DeTrent M. Engles<br />
Freshmen always come up with <strong>the</strong><br />
new styles!<br />
M. Hiatt C. Hintz<br />
L. Hier S. Hodge<br />
L. Hier R. Jacobson<br />
K. Johnson M. Kiddoo<br />
M. Johnson S. Laha<br />
R. Kendall D. Lindsey<br />
K. German P. Hamilton N. Harper<br />
S. Guthrie P. Hammons W. Harper<br />
D. Gutschlag R. Hampton S. Heaton<br />
K. Hall A. Harker S. Herrick<br />
Whoever said Freshmen are bashful?<br />
G. Lindstrom S. Looney M. McCormick<br />
K. Lindstrom B. Ma<strong>the</strong>r J. McMahon<br />
A. Long B. Ma<strong>the</strong>r K. Meyer<br />
S. Miller J. Motley P. Nosalik J. Paxton<br />
C.Mitchell D. Mumford T. O'Connor B. Peed<br />
G. Mohr R. Noard L. Olson D. Phelps<br />
J. Moon C. Nosal P. Padilla T. Ptasnik<br />
Come on Kim, use a kleenex!<br />
A. Warden T. Wonser W. Yarger<br />
R. Richison D. Slack K. Stiles G. Toliver<br />
D. Riley S. Slover R. Stone B. VanDeVoorde<br />
S. Simon J. Smith J. Strand C. Vigar<br />
K. Skogland C. Speiars D. Thiele G. Wallace<br />
Smile Jill, You're on candid camera!<br />
Missing K. Krause and A. Pearson<br />
Little Miss America--Steve Fraser.<br />
Silly Sophomores Surge Ahead<br />
OFFICERS, President: Mike Foster; V. President: Bob Roulds; S. C. Rep.: Jan Hubbard; Secretary: Sue Pacquer; Treasurer:<br />
Joanie Peed; Sponsors: Mr. Foster, Mr. Carney; CABINET MEMBERS: Peggy Stach, Rob Armstrong, Bill Manning, Nick<br />
Humphrey.<br />
The Sophomore <strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong> W.H.S. had<br />
a hard working year. They received<br />
fourth place on <strong>the</strong>ir Homecoming<br />
float, "A Shear Disaster for <strong>the</strong><br />
Rams." Sue Pacquer represented <strong>the</strong><br />
class in its activities. They cooperated<br />
to fashion a successful Mid-<br />
Winter, "Royal Blue Romance." During<br />
a special meeting <strong>the</strong> class <strong>of</strong>ficers<br />
and cabinet members chose one<br />
oval and one square ring as <strong>the</strong><br />
class's choices. As Sophomores, <strong>the</strong>y<br />
have worked toge<strong>the</strong>r, learned toge<strong>the</strong>r,<br />
and have met and will continue<br />
to meet many challenges in<br />
<strong>the</strong>se rapidly changing times.<br />
B. Armstrong D. Bond J. Chinlund J. DeTrent R. Ely M. Geirnaeirt C. Holton<br />
L. Baker G. Brinker K. Clark M. DeWulf M. Evans J. Guthrie P. Howe<br />
J. Behnke R. Brose R. Cox M. Duenow C. Floming B. Harbour J. Hubbard<br />
R. Bickhaus K. Buchanan C. Craine J. Dustin M. Foster D. Hier M. Huffman<br />
R. Bognar T.Carlson A.Crist D.Ellis R. Gamble D.Holland N.Humphrey<br />
T. Libby J. Martin T. Moore T. Murphy J. Peed<br />
L. Lundberg L. Medley H. Motley S. Pacquer S. Petty<br />
B. Manning D. Moon C. Mower B. Patton L. Phelps<br />
1<br />
N. Jacobs<br />
R. Jacobson<br />
D.Jager<br />
F. Johnson<br />
S. Johnson<br />
K. Jones<br />
P. Kautz<br />
T. Laha<br />
I. Landwehr<br />
K. Lewellen<br />
Sophomores, hard at it!<br />
S. Reiff J. Romanek B. Schwigen<br />
J. Rohrig B. Roulds M. Schieler<br />
P. Quagliano<br />
R. Rashid<br />
T. Rashid<br />
S. Slover B. VanDeVoorde<br />
B. Speairs P. Wakefield<br />
P. Stach R. Wallace<br />
A. Pinnick<br />
R. Pinnick<br />
K. Plessouski<br />
L. Poland<br />
J. Johnson Missing
vVHS's own Mama Cass<br />
These clapping games turn me on<br />
Those sophomores get smaller every<br />
year!<br />
Junior Life and Memories<br />
"We see shadows and images <strong>of</strong><br />
o<strong>the</strong>rs we wonder;<br />
We look deep into <strong>the</strong> faces <strong>of</strong><br />
o<strong>the</strong>rs,<br />
And all <strong>the</strong> while we are trying,<br />
Trying to find a face for ourselves."<br />
We as Juniors, looking back upon <strong>the</strong><br />
past year, realize all <strong>of</strong> our experiences<br />
and accomplishments.<br />
We started <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong> year with a fantastic<br />
homecoming float, which won<br />
second place. Next, many <strong>of</strong> us<br />
remember <strong>the</strong> tasks <strong>of</strong> taking <strong>the</strong><br />
P.S.A.T., A.C.T., and National Merit<br />
Scholarship tests.<br />
As <strong>the</strong> year progressed, many <strong>of</strong> us<br />
found hidden talent, as we put forth<br />
<strong>the</strong> Junior <strong>Class</strong> Play entitled, "The<br />
Many Loves <strong>of</strong> Dobie Gillis." Towards<br />
<strong>the</strong> year's end, anticipation<br />
grew as <strong>the</strong> Juniors put on <strong>the</strong> best<br />
prom ever.<br />
Next year, Juniors, is your final year<br />
at W.H.S. Let's keep toge<strong>the</strong>r and<br />
make it our best year yet.<br />
Officers<br />
Pres.--Rob Lauterborn<br />
Vice Pres.--Mick Peed<br />
Sec.--Kathy Lindberg<br />
Treasurer--Lori Stauffer<br />
S.C. Rep.--Terry Eby<br />
Sponsors--Miss Beck<br />
Mr. Balsis<br />
Cabinet Members<br />
Sandy Bond<br />
Jan McDonald<br />
Lynn Huffman<br />
Greg Krieg<br />
Rick Allard<br />
Dave Patch<br />
R. Allard D. Cantwell M. Cooper B. Dooley<br />
L. Baker K. Carlson C. Corwin S. Dyer<br />
S. Bond K. Churling J. Crabtree T. Eby<br />
M. Brown C. Clark D. Craig K. Field<br />
Yes, Officer, that's <strong>the</strong> punk who<br />
stole my purse!<br />
My girdle is killing me!<br />
B. Hampton<br />
T. Harrell<br />
N. Hill<br />
G. Hintz<br />
K. Holton<br />
D. Hoover<br />
G. Horsley<br />
L. Huffman<br />
S. Huge<br />
R.<br />
S.<br />
S.<br />
Jacobs<br />
Jacobs<br />
Jacobs<br />
E. Jacobson<br />
G. Johnson<br />
R. King<br />
J. Giorno<br />
D. Hall<br />
D. Hamilton<br />
S. Hammons<br />
J. Finkel<br />
M. Fornander<br />
T. Gedville<br />
J. George<br />
J. German
G. Kreig<br />
C. Langne<br />
R. Lewis<br />
C. Libby<br />
R. Lauterborn K. Lindberg<br />
P. Lifrdstrom K. Man<strong>the</strong> J. McDonald<br />
C. Long T. Mason C. McNeill<br />
K. Mansfeldt M. McCormick E. Melendez<br />
M. Mock<br />
T. Moon<br />
G. Moss<br />
D. Neilson<br />
J. Newman<br />
T. Odey<br />
M. Padilla<br />
D. Patch<br />
M. J. Pickett<br />
O.K. Everybody up and at it!<br />
M. Plessouski L. Stauffer F. Tucker J. VanDierendonck D. Wakefield E. Whitcher N. Wonser<br />
T. Polansky J. Stewart M. VanAutreve M. Verschage G. Wemple S. Williams R. Wonser<br />
B. Radford J. B. Strand M. Peed<br />
P. Redfearn K. Swarts (missing)<br />
B. Richison M. Thurwanger<br />
Seniors Look Toward New Horizons<br />
Officers<br />
President: Brad Livek<br />
Vice-President:: Tom Roulds<br />
Secretary: Kristy Korteum<br />
Treasurer: Pat Stach<br />
S.C. Rep.: Rob Lininger<br />
Sponsors:<br />
Miss Wright<br />
Mr. McPheeters<br />
Cabinet<br />
Members<br />
Kathy Karau<br />
Pat Nosal<br />
Chris Pacquer<br />
Cherie Rainey<br />
Ed Toliver<br />
We Seniors are leaving, and soon <strong>the</strong> Juniors will step up and take our places.<br />
As we look back on our four years <strong>of</strong> high school, we will be filled with many<br />
memories. We walked toge<strong>the</strong>r on that first big day as Freshmen who braved a<br />
brand new world. We talked toge<strong>the</strong>r over all our problems as we ventured to<br />
produce "Roses in <strong>the</strong> Snow," our Midwinter Dance our Sophomore year Our<br />
Junior year proved to be <strong>the</strong> busiest <strong>of</strong> all. We put on <strong>the</strong> Turnabout Dance<br />
"Esk lm o Blue Day," early in <strong>the</strong> year. We laughed as we worked to put on our<br />
Junior <strong>Class</strong> Play, "Hip-Hippie Hooray". Then <strong>the</strong>re was <strong>the</strong> pop bottle drive<br />
to raise money for <strong>the</strong> best Prom ever, "Oriental Odyssey."<br />
Now that we are Seniors, we realize that we have learned to work hard toge<strong>the</strong>r,<br />
but still have fun; to look forward to <strong>the</strong> future, and yet not regret<br />
<strong>the</strong> past. We have learned <strong>the</strong>se things in <strong>the</strong> hardest way possible: through experience.<br />
We will remember our times <strong>of</strong> sorrow, joy, tears, and laughter; and<br />
also we will remember our times <strong>of</strong> waiting, wondering, and wishing. Our four<br />
years have not been in vain.<br />
Our time is nearly done--but perhaps our time has just begun.<br />
DEBBIE ADAMS: Cheerleader 3,4; Trackettes 3,4; Homecoming<br />
Court 1; Art Club 1,2,3, Sec. 3; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4, treas. 3; Pep<br />
Club 1; Chorus 1,2; F.F.A. 3,4; F.F.A. Chapter Swee<strong>the</strong>art 3.<br />
DAN ANDERSON: F.F.A. 1,2,3, F.F.A. Reporter 3.<br />
BROOKS ARMSTRONG: Trackettes 3,4; Student Council 3; Art<br />
Club 1,3, Pres. 3; French Club 1,2,3; Quack 2,3,4; Quill 3,4;<br />
Band 1,2,3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4.<br />
MILLIE BAKER: Cheerleader 1; Office Girl 4; Gym Assist. 4;<br />
<strong>Class</strong> Vice-Pres. 3; Art Club 1,2,3, Sec. 2; Quack 1,2,3,4; Quill<br />
3,4; Band 1,2,3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3.<br />
LEWIS BELLCOUR: Gym Assist. 3,4; French Club 1.<br />
LILY BLANKS: F.H.A. 1,2.<br />
DEBBIE BRADFORD: French Club 2.<br />
JANETTE BROWN: French Club 1,2; Pep Club 1; Chorus<br />
1,2.<br />
Not Pictured--GUS BLANKS: Basketball 3,4; Track 2.<br />
DOUG BURKE: French Club 1,2; Quack 3,4; Quill 3; Band 1,2,<br />
3; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3; Scholastic Bowl 3,4.<br />
BECKY CLARK: Office Girl 3,4; Gym Assistant 4; Homecoming<br />
Queen 4; Trackettes 3,4, Tri-Captain 4; Student Council Sec.<br />
3,4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; Sec. 3, Pres. 4; F.T.A. 1,2,3,4, Treas. 2;<br />
French Club 1,2,3; Pep Club 1; Quack 4; Quill 4; Chorus 1,2,<br />
3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4; National Honor Society 4.<br />
LINDA CONNER: Cheerleader 1,2,3,4, Captain 4; Gym Assistant<br />
4; Student Council 3; <strong>Class</strong> Treas. 2; G.A.A. 2,3,4, Vice-<br />
Pres. 4; F.T.A. 2,3,4, Pres. 4; French Club 1,2,3; Pep Club 1;<br />
National Honor Society 3,4; Quack 2; Chorus 1,2; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,<br />
4; Scholastic Bowl 3.<br />
JAMES COX: Track 1,3; F.F.A. 1,2,3,4; Art Club 2; <strong>Class</strong> Play3.<br />
CRYSTAL CRAINE: Office Girl 3,4; Gym Assistant 3,4;<br />
Student Council 1,4; <strong>Class</strong> Cabinet 2; F.T.A. 1,2,3,4;<br />
French Club 1,2; Quill 3,4, Junior Editor 3, Editor 4;<br />
Pep Club 1; Chorus 1,2; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4; National Honor<br />
Society 3,4.<br />
LINDA DAVIS: G.A.A. 1,2,3; F.H.A. 1,2,3; F.S.A. 3,4;<br />
Quill 4; Pep Club 1; Chorus 1,2,3; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3.<br />
TODD DAVIS: Football 1,2,3,4, Captain 4; Basketball<br />
1,3,4; Track 2; Golf 1,3,4; Student Council 1; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Vice-Pres. 1; W-Club 1,2,3; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4.
If you wouldn't snitch so much from <strong>the</strong> home ec room you wouldn't have to do<br />
<strong>the</strong>se exercises, Romanek!<br />
FRED DEAL: Football 1,2; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4.<br />
STEVE DIXON: Football 4; Track 2; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Pres. 1; Student Council 1; F.F.A. 1; Art<br />
Club 3; Pep Club 1; W-Club 3; <strong>Class</strong> Play<br />
3.<br />
TIM DOT SON: Basketball 1; Track 2; Cross<br />
Country 1,2,3; <strong>Class</strong> Cabinet 3; Student<br />
Council, Vice-Pres. 4; French Club 1,2;<br />
Quack 2,3,4; Quill 3; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4.<br />
JACKIE ELLIS: Student Council 3,4; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Cabinet 2; G.A.A. 2; F.T.A. 2,3,4; French<br />
Club 2; Art Club 1,3, Pres. 3; Quack 1,2,3,<br />
4; Quill 4; Pep Club 1; Chorus 1,2,3,4;<br />
<strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4.
DAN FIELD: Quack 4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4;<br />
Scholastic Bowl 3,4; Transfer from<br />
Galesburg 3.<br />
DOUG GREENHAGEN: Track 3; Gym<br />
Assist. 4; French Club 1,2; Band 1,2,3,4.<br />
GLENDA GROVE: Cheerleader 1,2;<br />
Trackettes 3; <strong>Class</strong> Sec. 3; French Club<br />
1,2; Quill 4, Treas. 4; Pep Club 1;<br />
Chorus 1,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3.<br />
TONY HAMMONS: French Club 1,2;<br />
Basketball 1,2; Track 2; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3;<br />
Cross Country 1,2.<br />
WREN HAMPTON: F.F.A. 1,2.<br />
RICHARD HARBOUR: French Club 1,<br />
2; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3.<br />
RITA HARLOW: G.A.A. 1,2,4; French<br />
Club 1,2; Quill 3,4; Pep Club 1; Band<br />
1,2,3,4; Chorus 1,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4.<br />
RODNEY HARRELL: Football 3,4; Basketball<br />
1,2; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3.
KEN HOWE: <strong>Class</strong> Play 3; Gym Assist.<br />
4.<br />
PARE LEE JOHNSON: Gym Assist. 4;<br />
F.H.A. 1.<br />
KATHY KARAU: Trackettes 3,4; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Treas. 3, Cabinet 4; F.T.A. 2,3,4;<br />
French Club 1,2; Quack 3,4; Band 1,2,<br />
3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4.<br />
LINDA KOEPKE: G.A.A. 1,2,3; F.H.A.<br />
1,2; F.S.A. 3,4; Quill 4; Pep Club 1;<br />
Chorus 1,2; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3.<br />
from Lebanon 2.<br />
KRISTY KORTUEM: Trackettes 3,4;<br />
<strong>Class</strong> Sec. 4; National Honor Society 4;<br />
F.H.A. 3; <strong>Class</strong> Play 4; Quack 4; Quill<br />
4; Chorus 3,4; Transfer from S. Dak. 3.<br />
LINDA LEONARD: Trackette 3; Gym<br />
Assist. 4; Student Council 3; F.H.A. 1,<br />
2,3,4, Pres. 3, Treas. 4; G.A.A. 1,2,<br />
3,4; F.T.A. 1; Quack 4; Quill 4; <strong>Class</strong><br />
play 4.
c<br />
L<br />
A<br />
S<br />
s<br />
0 F<br />
7<br />
1<br />
What a Man?! ?<br />
GRETCHEN LESTER: Trackettes 3,4; Office<br />
Girl 2,3,4; French Club 1,2; National<br />
Honor Society 4; Quack 1,3,4; Band 1,2,<br />
3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4; F.T.A. 2,3,4.<br />
LYNNLINDSEY: <strong>Class</strong> Cabinet 2; G.A.A.<br />
1; F.S.A. 3,4; French Club 1,2; Quill 4;<br />
Pep Club 1; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3; Office Girl 2,3.<br />
DALE LINDSTROM: F.F.A. 1,2,3,4, Sec.<br />
3; French Club 1; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3.<br />
KAY LINDSTROM: Trackettes 3; G.A.A.<br />
1,2,3; F.T.A. 4; F.F.A. 4; French Club 1,2;<br />
<strong>Library</strong> Club 1,2,3; Chorus 1,2,3,4; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Play 3.<br />
ROB LININGER: Football 4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Track 1,<br />
2,3,4; Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Student Council 2,3,4, V.P.<br />
3; <strong>Class</strong> Pres. 2, Cabinet 3; French Club 1,2; W-Club 1,<br />
2,3; Band 1,2,3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4; Scholastic Bowl 3,4.<br />
BRAD LIVEK: Football 3,4; Basketball 1,2,3; Track 2;<br />
Cross-Country 1,2; Student Council 4; <strong>Class</strong> Cabinet 1,<br />
2,3, pres. 4; French Club 1,2; Pep Club 1; Quill 1,2,3,4;<br />
Band 1,2,3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4.<br />
DON LONG: Chorus 1; Art Club 1.<br />
TERRY LOONEY: Gym Assistant 4; French Club 1,2; Band<br />
1,2,3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4.<br />
VICKI MANNING: G.A.A. 3; F.H.A. 3; F.S.A.<br />
4; Chorus 3; Transfer from Nebraska 3.<br />
MAURO MASE: Student Council 4; Basketball<br />
4; Track 4; F.T.A. 4; Quack 4; Quill 4; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Play 4; AFS from Italy.<br />
TERESA MOCK: Trackettes 3,4; F.T.A. 3,4;<br />
French Club 1,2,3,4; <strong>Library</strong> Club 3; Quack<br />
3,4; Chorus 1,2,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 4.
CINDY MOSS: Trackettes 3,4; Gym Assist. 4;<br />
Student Council 4; F.H.A. 1,2,3,4; F.S.A. 3,4;<br />
F.T.A. 4; <strong>Library</strong> Club 3,4, Pres. 4; Quack 1,<br />
2,3,4; Quill 4; Chorus 1,2,3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3.<br />
DEBBIE MOSS: Trackettes 3,4; Gym Assist. 4;<br />
F.T.A. 3,4, Treas. 4; French Club 1,2; Quack<br />
3,4; Quill 4; Chorus 1,2,3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 4; National<br />
Honor Society 4.<br />
RAELE NASH: F.H.A. 1,2,3,4, Sec. 4, V.P. 3;<br />
F.S.A. 3,4; Quack 3,4; Quill 4; Chorus 1,2,3,4.<br />
ED NEILSON: Transferred from <strong>Kewanee</strong> 4.<br />
PAT NOSAL: Trackettes 3,4; Gym Assist.<br />
4; <strong>Class</strong> Cabinet 3,4; G.A.A. 2,3; French<br />
Club 1,2; <strong>Library</strong> Club 1,2,3; Quack 4;<br />
Pep Club 1; Office Girl 4.<br />
LANE O'CONNER: French Club 1,2; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Play 3.<br />
KIRK OLSON: Football 1.<br />
"The only bunny I know! "<br />
WALT PINNICK: F.F.A. 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Play 3.<br />
CHERIE RAINEY: Trackettes 4; Office Girl 2,3; Gym<br />
Assist. 4; <strong>Class</strong> Cabinet 2,4; G.A.A. 2,3,4; F.T.A. 2,3,<br />
4, V.P. 4; French Club 1,2; Quack 2,3,4; Quill 4; Pep<br />
Club 1; Chorus 1,2; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4; National Honor Society<br />
4.<br />
TONIRASHID: G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; F.H.A. 1; F.T.A. 4;<br />
French Club 2,3; <strong>Library</strong> Club 1; Quack 2,3; Chorus 4;<br />
<strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4; F.F.A. 4.<br />
PAM REN: French Club 1,2; Pep Club 1; Chorus 1,2,3,<br />
4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3; F.F.A. 4.<br />
GARY RENFRO: Golf 2,3,4; French Club 1,2; Football<br />
3,4; Basketball 1,2; Track 1; Band 1,2,3,4; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Play 3,4; W Club 3.<br />
ROXIE ROMANEK: Trackettes 3; F.H.A. 1,2,3,4,<br />
Treas. 2, Pres. 4; Student Council 4; F.T.A. 2; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Play 3,4; F.F.A. 4.<br />
THOMAS ROULDS: Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2;<br />
Track 1,2,3; <strong>Class</strong> V.P. 4; <strong>Class</strong> Cabinet 1,2,3; Student<br />
Council 1,2,3,4; Art Club 1, Pres. 1; Quill 4;<br />
Band 1,2,3,4; Chorus 1,2,3,4.<br />
CHARLES ROYCE: F.F.A. 1,2,3,4, Pres. 4; Student<br />
Council 4.<br />
BOB SCHAECHER: Football 3; Track 1,2,3,4;<br />
Art Club 2; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3; W-Club 2.<br />
PAM SLOVER: F.T.A. 4; French Club 1,2;<br />
Band 1,2,3,4; Chorus 1,2,3,4.<br />
PAT STACH: Student Council 3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Cabinet<br />
3, Treas. 4; G.A.A. 1,2,3,4; F.H.A. 4;<br />
French Club 1,2; <strong>Library</strong> Club 3,4, Pres. 3;<br />
Quack 4; Quill 4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 4; Homecoming<br />
Court 4.<br />
PAT STAUFFER: <strong>Class</strong> V.P. 2; F.H.A. 2;<br />
French Club 1,2; Quack 2; Quill 4; Pep Club<br />
1; Chorus 1; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3; Homecoming<br />
Court 2.
GREGG STONER: Football 4; Golf 3,4; Scholastic<br />
Bowl 3,4; National Honor Society;<br />
Transfer from Detroit, Michigan 3.<br />
PEGGI STUFFLEBEAM: G.A.A. 3; French Club<br />
2; Quack 3; Quill 4; F.F.A. 4; Chorus 1,2,3,4.<br />
SCOTT SWINDERMAN: Student Council 2,<br />
Pres. 4; French Club 1,2; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3.<br />
CHERYL TEERLINCK: Trackettes 3; French<br />
Club 1,2; Pep Club 1; Chorus 1,2,3; <strong>Class</strong> Play<br />
3,4.<br />
STAN THURMAN: Football 4; Basketball<br />
1,2,3,4; Track 1,2,3,4; Cross-Country<br />
1,2,3; W-Club 1,2,3; Student Council<br />
3; <strong>Class</strong> Cabinet 1, Pres. 3; French Club<br />
1,2; Quack 4; Quill 1,2,3,4; Band 1,2,3,<br />
4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4.<br />
BARB TOEPKE: Gym Assistant 4; Student<br />
Council 3,4; French Club 1,2; <strong>Library</strong><br />
Club 1,2,3; National Honor Society 3,4;<br />
Quack 1,2,3,4, Junior Ed. 3; Editor 4;<br />
Band 1,2,3,4, Pres.; Chorus 1,3,4; Scholastic<br />
Bowl 3,4.<br />
EDDIE TOLIVER: Football 1,2,3,4, Captain<br />
4; Basketball 1,2; Track 1,2,3,4;<br />
<strong>Class</strong> Cabinet 4; W-Club 1,2,3.<br />
RICHARD TUCKER: F.F.A. 1,2,3,4,<br />
Treas. 2,3; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3.
JAN WEBB: Trackettes 3,4; Gym Assist. 4; Student<br />
Council 3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Cabinet 1; National Honor Society<br />
3,4; F.T.A. 3,4; French Club 1,2; <strong>Library</strong> Club<br />
2; Quack 1,2,3,4; Quill 3,4, Jr. Ed. 3, Editor 4; Pep<br />
Club 1; Band 1,2,3,4; Chorus 1,3,4, V.P. 4; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Play 3,4; Scholastic Bowl 3,4.<br />
JOYCE WEBB: Trackettes 3,4; Gym Assist. 4; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Sec. 1; Student Council 3,4, Treas. 4; National<br />
Honor Society 4; F.T.A. 2,3; French Club 1,2;<br />
Quack 1,2,3,4, Jr. Ed. 3, Editor 4; Quill 4; Pep Club<br />
1; Band 1,2,3,4; Chorus 1,2,3,4, Sec. 3; <strong>Class</strong> Play<br />
3,4; Scholastic Bowl 3,4; A.F.S. to Turkey.<br />
KEVIN WINTER: Basketball 1,2,3; F.F.A. 1,2,3,4,<br />
Sentinel 3, V.P. 4; Student Council 3,4; French<br />
Club 2.<br />
DEBI WOLF: F.S.A. 3,4, Pres. 4; Student Council 4<br />
G.A.A. 1,2; French Club 1,2; Quack 3,4; Quill 4,<br />
Sec. 4; Pep Club 1; Band 1,2,3,4; Chorus 1; <strong>Class</strong><br />
Play 3; Miss Future Secretary 4.<br />
BONNIE YOUNGLOVE: Trackettes<br />
3,4; National Honor<br />
Society 4; Cheerleader 1,3,<br />
4; G.A.A.2; F.T.A. 3;<br />
French Club 1,2; Quack 1,3,<br />
4; Quill 4; Pep Club 1; Band<br />
1,2,3,4; <strong>Class</strong> Play 3,4.<br />
Could that be Dan Field behind those Foster Grants?<br />
Senior Bowl Team Goes Far<br />
The 1971 Senior Bowl Team went a<br />
long way this year. They started out<br />
by traveling all <strong>the</strong> way to Streator<br />
to compete in Streator's annual Scholastic<br />
Bowl Contest. The team, consisting<br />
<strong>of</strong> Barb Toepke as captain,<br />
Dan Field, Jan Webb, Gregg Stoner,<br />
Doug Burke, Joyce Webb and Rob<br />
Lininger, defeated Woodland <strong>of</strong><br />
Streator and went on to defend <strong>the</strong>mselves<br />
against LaSalle-Peru. Unfortunately,<br />
<strong>the</strong> LaSalle-Peru team got<br />
<strong>the</strong> upper hand and won, and <strong>the</strong> WHS<br />
team was out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> contest.<br />
However, <strong>the</strong> WHS team redeemed<br />
itself at <strong>the</strong> We<strong>the</strong>rsfield Annual<br />
Scholastic Bowl. We<strong>the</strong>rsfield defeated<br />
ROVA, Wyoming, Walnut and<br />
competed against Streator for <strong>the</strong><br />
championship. It was an unbelievably<br />
exciting game and <strong>the</strong> tension was<br />
fierce. As <strong>the</strong> final bell sounded, <strong>the</strong><br />
WHS team was trailing but had <strong>the</strong><br />
chance to win if <strong>the</strong>y answered <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
bonus question correctly. Unfortunately,<br />
<strong>the</strong> team didn't know <strong>the</strong> name<br />
<strong>of</strong> Wiley Post's airplane and lost <strong>the</strong><br />
match 154--150. They received a<br />
well-deserved second place trophy.<br />
On April 26, Barb Toepke, Jan Webb<br />
and Dan Field appeared on WMAQ-<br />
TV Channel 5 out <strong>of</strong> Chicago on <strong>the</strong><br />
show "It's Academic." They were<br />
chosen out <strong>of</strong> 10 prospective WHS students<br />
who had auditioned on March<br />
26.<br />
The show was thrilling for everyone--<br />
both <strong>the</strong> participants and <strong>the</strong> audience.<br />
It was We<strong>the</strong>rsfield's first time on <strong>the</strong><br />
program and <strong>the</strong> team did very well, though Wauconda won <strong>the</strong> game. It was a<br />
climax for <strong>the</strong> whole Senior Bowl team to get that far.<br />
After playing <strong>the</strong> Rotary Club "Rummies" and defeating <strong>the</strong>m 186--147, <strong>the</strong><br />
Senior team was challenged by <strong>the</strong> Juniors to play a match before <strong>the</strong> entire<br />
school. The Seniors came from behind to defeat <strong>the</strong> Juniors 211--150. The<br />
Juniors, however, did have a good showing and deserve recognition. They are as<br />
follows: Cathy Field, Cathy Churling, Chuck Clark, Mark McCormick, Bill<br />
Dooley, Dave Hall, Mike Thurwanger, and Jack Finkle. Good Luck next year,<br />
Juniors.<br />
It was a terrific season for <strong>the</strong> Senior Bowl Team and <strong>the</strong>y are indebted to <strong>the</strong>ir<br />
coaches Miss Beck, Mr. Balsis, Mr. and Mrs. Carney, Miss Morrissey, Mr. Trainor,<br />
and Mr. Foster. They could not have gotten so far without <strong>the</strong>ir help and support.<br />
Dan, Barb, and Jan compete on "It's Academic."
129 Graduates
Graduation Is Climax <strong>of</strong> Twelve Yea<br />
What do you mean, <strong>the</strong>y cancelled<br />
graduation ?<br />
How can <strong>the</strong>y let guys like this loose in <strong>the</strong> world?<br />
Let me get this tassel out <strong>of</strong> your ear,<br />
Chris.<br />
Graduation 1971 reflected <strong>the</strong><br />
<strong>Class</strong>' joy, sorrow, and hopes for<br />
<strong>the</strong> future. Honor Student Chris<br />
Craine, Salutatorian Linda Conner,<br />
and Valedictorian Barb Toepke<br />
delivered speeches on <strong>the</strong> class 1<br />
motto, "The journey <strong>of</strong> a thousand<br />
miles begins with a single step."<br />
Mr. Roland Craig, President <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
Board <strong>of</strong> Education, awarded <strong>the</strong><br />
diplomas to <strong>the</strong> 79 graduating<br />
Seniors. It was a time for happiness<br />
because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> sense <strong>of</strong><br />
achievement and a time <strong>of</strong> sadness<br />
at <strong>the</strong> thought <strong>of</strong> parting. At <strong>the</strong><br />
close <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ceremony, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Class</strong><br />
<strong>of</strong> '71 marched down <strong>the</strong> aisle in<br />
pairs united as a part <strong>of</strong> a new<br />
generation <strong>of</strong> prospective leaders.<br />
Hup, two, three, four!<br />
s Hard Work for 79 Seniors<br />
Honor Student—Chris Craine Salutatorian--Linda Conner Valedictorian--Barbara Toepke<br />
Mauro Mase, our AFS student receives<br />
special recognition<br />
The deserving "twins" receive <strong>the</strong> Kiwanis Cup<br />
The Senior Girls Ensemble sings<br />
"Graduation Day"<br />
It's a Time for Joy<br />
We've come a long way toge<strong>the</strong>r<br />
Congratulations, Charlie, you've made it!<br />
No, Mick, you have to wait and get<br />
yours next year<br />
Congratulations, Sis<br />
Congratulations, Sis<br />
Whew! !<br />
and a Time for Tears<br />
Good luck, Steve<br />
Thanks for all <strong>the</strong> help, Mr. Balsis.<br />
Don't cry, Mossy!<br />
So long till we meet again<br />
It's a time for good-bys to our friends.<br />
Seniors Begin Their Journey<br />
The <strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong> 1971<br />
<strong>Class</strong> Colors<br />
Turquoise and Avocado Green<br />
Jackie and Joyce should try that "no<br />
tears" shampoo<br />
<strong>Class</strong> Flower<br />
Daisy<br />
<strong>Class</strong> Motto<br />
Lane--THE GRADUATE<br />
The journey <strong>of</strong> a thousand miles<br />
begins with a single step.<br />
Lao-tse<br />
The bonds <strong>of</strong> '71 are strong ones
w ith a Single Step<br />
FRONT ROW left to right: Debi Wolf--Business & Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Women's Cup, Becky Clark--Lions Club Special Ed. Scholarship,<br />
Bonnie Younglove--Danforth Award, Debbie Moss--P.T.A. Scholarship, Kristy Kortuem--Nurses Academic Assistance<br />
Award, BACK ROW: Dale Lindstrom--Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce Ag. Award, Doug Burke--Lions Club Plaque, Tom<br />
Roulds--Danforth Award and S.A.R. Award, Barb Toepke--Lions Club Plaque, Dan Field--Alan DeCraene Memorial<br />
Scholarship, Ed Toliver--P.T.A. Scholarship.<br />
FRONT ROW left to right: Joyce Webb--Kiwanis Cup, Rob Lininger--Elks Cup, Chris Craine--Honor Student and D.A.R.<br />
Award, Janice Webb--Kiwanis Cup. BACK ROW: Linda Conner--Salutatorian, Barb Toepke--Valedictorian, Debi Wolf--<br />
National Secretaries Award, Gretchen Lester--J. C. Ettes Scholarship.<br />
Yes, Freshmen, We Were<br />
Cheryl<br />
Barbie Becky Linda<br />
Ritie Bonnie Pattie Dougie<br />
Jannie Joycie Gary Kristy<br />
<strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong> 1971<br />
Once Young, Too<br />
Kathy Eddie Cindy Glendie<br />
Bobby<br />
Allen Bradford<br />
Stannie<br />
Gretchie<br />
Kevie<br />
Who's Who<br />
Best Dressed--Stan Thurman and<br />
Brooks Armstrong<br />
Most Likely to Succeed—Joyce Webb and Ed Toliver<br />
Most Talented—Scott Swinderman<br />
and Pam Slover<br />
Most Mischevious--Lane O'Conner and Toni Rashid<br />
Most Cooperative--Tom Roulds<br />
and Jan Webb<br />
Most Popular--Becky Clark and|<br />
Rob Lininger<br />
Most Athletic—Todd Davis and Bonnie Younglove<br />
Best All Around- -Mauro Mase and<br />
Chris Craine<br />
Brainiest—Dan Field and Barb<br />
Toepke<br />
Quietest—Teresa Mock and Kirk Olson<br />
<strong>In</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong> '71<br />
Seniors Tell Their Plans<br />
DEBBIE ADAMS: I plan to attend Blackhawk East, majoring in business education.<br />
DAN ANDERSON: I am going to be an aircraft mechanic and possibly go to a trade school.<br />
BROOKS ARMSTRONG: I will attend Miami University in Ohio; later planning a career in art.<br />
MILLIE BAKER: I plan to attend Blackhawk East for two years and study art. After that, I'm not sure.<br />
LEWIS BELCOUR: I plan to move to Chillico<strong>the</strong> where I will be working for <strong>the</strong> Decker and Porter <strong>In</strong>c.<br />
GUS BLANKS: I plan to work all summer to make enough money to buy a car. Then I am going to Western Illinois University<br />
or possibly to AIC School <strong>of</strong> Business.<br />
LILY BLANKS: After I leave high school I plan to attend Blackhawk in Moline and major in business.<br />
DEBBIE BRADFORD: As for now, I have no real plans for <strong>the</strong> future. <strong>In</strong> <strong>the</strong> fall I might attend a Junior College, but what<br />
courses I'll be taking, I don't know.<br />
JANETTE BROWN: I plan to go to Blackhawk East this fall to become a LPN-Licensed Practical Nurse.<br />
DOUG BURKE: Next year I will attend Loyola University majoring in chemistry.<br />
BECKY CLARK: I plan to major in Speech Pathology at Illinois State University.<br />
LINDA CONNER: I plan to major in Medical technology at St. Mary's College.<br />
CURT CRABTREE: I plan to work this summer and look for a carpenter's trade school in <strong>the</strong> fall.<br />
CHRIS CRAINE: I plan to major in elementary education at Illinois State University.<br />
LINDA DAVIS: After graduation I am going to keep working at <strong>the</strong> Union Federal and in <strong>the</strong> fall I plan to attend Moline <strong>In</strong>stitute<br />
<strong>of</strong> Commerce.<br />
TODD DAVIS: I plan to attend <strong>the</strong> school <strong>of</strong> carpentry in Moline.<br />
FRED DEAL: I plan to attend MacMurray College at Jacksonville, Illinois and after paying my debts, become a hermit.<br />
STEVE DIXON: Navy bound.<br />
TIM DOTSON: After high school I plan to attend college in order to get a job.<br />
JACKIE ELLIS: After high school I plan to work at Dr. Carney's <strong>of</strong>fice and become a dental assistant. During this time I'd be<br />
taking an airline correspondence course for airline school. After a year I plan to go to Kansas City to finish airline school and<br />
<strong>the</strong>n get a job.<br />
DAN FIELD: After graduation I plan to attend <strong>the</strong> Milwaukee School <strong>of</strong> Engineering and major in mechanical or electrical<br />
engineering.<br />
DOUG GREENHAGEN: After graduation I plan to work.<br />
GLENDA GROVE: During <strong>the</strong> summer I plan to work at Mackinac Island at <strong>the</strong> Chipewa Hotel. (All friends are welcome.)<br />
After that, I am undecided.<br />
TONY HAMMONS: I am going to work this summer; <strong>the</strong>n go on to college. If I am still around, I will decide this in four<br />
years.<br />
WREN HAMPTON: This summer I plan on working. I am going to work for about a year or so and <strong>the</strong>n, during <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>of</strong><br />
'72 I plan on enlisting into <strong>the</strong> army. After I get out <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> service I am going to get married.<br />
DICK HARBOUR: I plan to spend my summer at Great Lakes Naval Training Center as I have joined <strong>the</strong> navy.<br />
RITA HARLOW: I plan to attend Blackhawk East for one year and <strong>the</strong>n go on to become a guidance counselor.<br />
ROD HARRELL: I plan to attend <strong>the</strong> <strong>In</strong>stitute <strong>of</strong> Drafting and Technology in Morrison, Illinois after graduation.<br />
JOHN HILL: After graduation I plan to go to Blackhawk, majoring in business administration.<br />
KEN HOWE: I plan to attend Universal Trade School in Omaha, Nebraska to become a mechanic.<br />
PARE LEE JOHNSON: I plan to go to Crowley's Ridge Vocational and Technical School in Forrest City, Arkansas to major in<br />
executive secretarial studies.<br />
KATHY KARAU: I plan to attend Illinois State University this fall majoring in elementary education.<br />
MAROUN KHAIRALLAH: After graduation I plan to go to college and study engineering.<br />
LINDA KOEPKE: After graduation . . . ?<br />
KRISTY KORTUEM: I plan to attend Sacred Heart Hospital in Yankton, South Dakota. I hope to become an X-ray technician.<br />
LINDA LEONARD: I plan to attend Moline Beauty School in <strong>the</strong> fall.<br />
GRETCHEN LESTER: I plan to attend Illinois State University in <strong>the</strong> fall, majoring in elementary education.<br />
LYNN LINDSEY: After graduation I am going to live in Chicago.<br />
DALE LINDSTROM: I plan to work this summer and go to a college or trade school this fall.<br />
KAY LINDSTROM: I plan to get a job this summer and <strong>the</strong>n maybe go to school.<br />
ROB LININGER: After graduation I will attend <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Iowa in <strong>the</strong> fall and major in pre-medicine.<br />
for <strong>the</strong> Future<br />
BRAD LIVEK: After graduation I plan to attend <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Illinois and major in aviation.<br />
DON LONG: Work at General Telephone.<br />
TERRY LOONEY: I plan to go to Blackhawk for a year and <strong>the</strong>n go to Milwaukee School <strong>of</strong> Engineering and be an engineer.<br />
VICKI MANNING: I plan to go to beauty school at Carl Sandburg in Galesburg after working for a while after school is out.<br />
MAURO MASE: After graduation I will have one more year <strong>of</strong> high school in Trieste and ano<strong>the</strong>r graduation. Then I plan to<br />
travel and see <strong>the</strong> world, for at least four months. If I have enough money and time, I will attend <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Pisa and<br />
major in physics and ma<strong>the</strong>matics.<br />
TERESA MOCK: I will be attending Blackhawk East College for two years. I <strong>the</strong>n plan to transfer to Western Illinois University<br />
and major in elementary education.<br />
CINDY MOSS: I plan to attend Blackhawk East, majoring in accounting and secretarial practice.<br />
DEBBIE MOSS: After graduation I plan to attend <strong>Kewanee</strong> <strong>Public</strong> X-ray school and become an X-ray technician.<br />
RAELE NASH: I plan to attend Blackhawk and major in accounting.<br />
ED NEILSON: Next fall I shall attend Florida <strong>In</strong>stitute <strong>of</strong> Technology. I hope to major in oceanography.<br />
PAT NOSAL- After graduation I plan to attend Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Illinois University in Dekalb and major in physical <strong>the</strong>rapy.<br />
LANE O'CONNOR: I'm going to Blackhawk and <strong>the</strong>n Sou<strong>the</strong>rn if I can make it.<br />
KIRK OLSON: I am not sure what I am going to do. It depends what happens in <strong>the</strong> next month.<br />
CHRIS PACQUER: After graduation I plan to work and engage in recreational activities until Uncle Sam knocks on my door.<br />
WALT PINNICK: Enter <strong>the</strong> Navy<br />
CHERIE RAINEY: After graduation I plan to attend I.S.U., majoring in elementary education.<br />
TONI RASHID: I plan to do quite a bit <strong>of</strong> traveling this summer. Then I plan to go to an airline training school or get a job<br />
this fall.<br />
PAM REN: I plan to attend Patricia Stevens School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for nine months and major in fashion merchandising,<br />
and after that I hope to have a job decorating store windows or buying clo<strong>the</strong>s for stores.<br />
GARY RENFRO: I plan to attend Blackhawk East for a year and <strong>the</strong>n leave <strong>Kewanee</strong> and go to Southwest Missouri State in<br />
Springfield, Missouri.<br />
ROXIE ROMANEK: I plan to attend dental assistant school in San Pablo, California.<br />
TOM ROULDS: I plan to take part in <strong>the</strong> United States Air Force.<br />
CHARLES ROYCE: U.S. Navy<br />
BOB SCHAECHER: ?????<br />
PAM SLOVER: After graduation I am going to travel throughout Europe with <strong>the</strong> American Youth Chorus. When I get back I<br />
plan to go to college and get a degree in music.<br />
PAT STACH: Next fall I am going to attend Illinois State University in Normal. I hope to major in elementary education.<br />
PAT STAUFFER: I plan to attend <strong>the</strong> Hawk for a year or two.<br />
GREGG STONER: Next fall I'm going to start pre-med at <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Illinois.<br />
PEGGI STUFFLEBEAM: I plan to attend Blackhawk Jr. College and major in secretarial sciences.<br />
SCOTT SWINDERMAN: I plan to go to school and learn to plan and play some music.<br />
CHERYL TEERLINK: I plan to be married this fall and <strong>the</strong>n attend Blackhawk East and major in accounting while working<br />
at Blackhawk.<br />
STAN THURMAN: I plan to attend Eastern Illinois University and major in journalism with my minor in communication or<br />
music.<br />
BARB TOEPKE: I plan to study at Concordia Teachers College in River Forest, Illinois. I might be a high school math teacher<br />
and eventually try for a masters degree.<br />
ED TOLIVER: I plan to go to college.<br />
RICHARD TUCKER: ?????<br />
JAN WEBB: I will attend Illinois State University this fall and major in special education to teach slow learners.<br />
JOYCE WEBB: I will attend Illinois State University for two years and <strong>the</strong>n transfer to <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Missouri as a<br />
journalism major.<br />
KEVIN WINTER: I will be attending Blackhawk East this fall. Then I am going into service.<br />
DEBI WOLF: After graduation I plan to work during <strong>the</strong> summer. Then, in <strong>the</strong> fall, I plan to go to Blackhawk West in Moline,<br />
and major in secretarial sciences.<br />
BONNIE YOUNGLOVE: After graduation I plan to attend Eastern Illinois University in Charleston. I hope to major in ei<strong>the</strong>r<br />
English or drama.<br />
1970-71<br />
Aug. 31 Half day. Student Assembly. Reported to each class and met our teachers that we would have to put up with for <strong>the</strong><br />
rest <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> year or vice versa-<br />
Sept. 1 First full day <strong>of</strong> school. Went to classes and got our books. Wouldn't you know that Mrs. Carney started out <strong>the</strong> year<br />
right with a chapter assignment!<br />
Sept. 3 All classes met to organize <strong>the</strong>ir money-making projects for <strong>the</strong> year. The Freshmen elected class <strong>of</strong>ficers.<br />
Sept. 7 Labor Day--no school. W.H.S. band marched in <strong>the</strong> Labor Day Parade.<br />
Sept. 8 Everybody's back, including Joyce Webb from her summer in Turkey. Student Council meeeting to plan year's<br />
activities. G.A.A. starting <strong>the</strong>ir athletic activities.<br />
Sept. 9 Quack meeting to give out assignments to new 1970-71 staff.<br />
Sept. 10 French Club meeting.<br />
Sept. 11 First cheerleading practice.<br />
Sept. 14 Quill meeting held to start soliciting.<br />
Sept. 15 F.F.A. meeting.<br />
Sept. 16 <strong>Class</strong> meetings held to elect Homecoming attendants.<br />
Sept. 18 Pep Assembly. First Varsity football game at Princeville.<br />
Sept. 19 Mauro Mase's seventeenth birthday.<br />
Sept. 21 TV skin tests for freshman. Ouch! F.T.A. meeting to plan <strong>the</strong> year's activities.<br />
Sept. 24 Elected Homecoming Queens-Lovely Becky Clark.<br />
Sept. 25 TV skin tests--arm check. Football with Dunlap at WHS. Dad's Night. Selected Quill staff workers attended yearbook<br />
workshop at Augustana.<br />
Sept. 28 Fire Drill to see how fast we could evacuate <strong>the</strong> school !<br />
Sept. 29 A.F.S. Assembly. Mrs. Harker spoke to Jrs. about applying for Americans Abroad. Freshmen-Senior Reception. Everybody<br />
was intrigued by <strong>the</strong> lovely?? decorations.<br />
Oct. 1 Started Homecoming floats in Ag Shop.<br />
Oct. 2 Senior class portraits taken. Boys were lucky not to have to fuss with <strong>the</strong>ir hair with <strong>the</strong> exception <strong>of</strong> Fred. Football<br />
with Walnut--<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Oct. 5 FSA in study hall.<br />
Oct. 6 Dress Down Day. Jackie and Brooks were <strong>the</strong> highlights <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> day.<br />
Oct. 7 Skits and Bonfire. Quack's "People in History" won first place.<br />
Oct. 8 Homecoming Parade. Was announced that Srs. won first place in floats during <strong>the</strong> half-time ceremonies <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
Weth.-Western game. Queen Becky was crowned by co-captains E. Toliver and T. Davis and attendants Pat Stach, Sr.;<br />
Lori Stauffer, Jr.; Sue Pacquer, Soph.; and Jill Strand, Fresh, were introduced. First victory for Geese 54--0.<br />
Oct. 9 No school--Teachers <strong>In</strong>stitute. Homecoming Dance, "Harvest Happening."<br />
Oct. 12 Day.<br />
Oct. 13 Illinois Statewide tests for Jrs. FFA National Convention from 13-17 at Kansas City, Missouri. Jr. Play Try-Outs.<br />
Good luck, Jrs.<br />
Oct. 16 Football with Wyoming--<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Oct. 17 ACT tests at K.H.S.<br />
Oct. 23 Football with Toulon--<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Oct. 24 Yearbook Masquerade Ball.<br />
Oct. 27 Hectic day—organization pictures interrupted classes.<br />
Oct. 29 Under graduate pictures taken. Seniors ordered pictures.<br />
Oct. 30 Football with Bradford--<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Nov. 3 FTA cook-out at Windmont.<br />
Nov. 4 PASSED OUT YEARBOOKS! It's about time.<br />
Nov. 6 Honor Roll Tea. Report cards issued. Football with Elmwood--here.<br />
Nov. 7 <strong>District</strong> Choral and Band Festival at Dekalb.<br />
Nov. 11 No school--Veterans Day.<br />
Nov. 12 Junior Play Matinee. Putting on <strong>the</strong> finishing touches.<br />
Nov. 13 Football with Manlius--here. Our last football game. Special recognition to senior marching band members.<br />
Nov. 14 Junior <strong>Class</strong> Play, "Many Loves <strong>of</strong> Dobie Gillis" was a great success.<br />
Nov. 16 Football Banquet at M.O.C.<br />
Nov. 17 GAA <strong>In</strong>itiation. Poor girls! <strong>Library</strong> Club meeting. Selected senior girls honored at B&PW Dinner at Hotel <strong>Kewanee</strong>.<br />
Nov. 18 Underclass pictures distributed.<br />
Nov. 19 College Night at K.H.S.<br />
Nov. 20 Basketball <strong>In</strong>tra-Squad game. We WON !<br />
Nov. 21 All Conference Football Banquet at Wanee.<br />
Nov. 24 Don Wooten Assembly on Drugs. Basketball with Princeton--<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Nov. 25 School dismissed at two o'clock for Thanksgiving vacation. Can't wait for <strong>the</strong> turkey!<br />
Nov. 26 No school--Thanksgiving vacation.<br />
Nov. 27 No school--Thanksgiving vacation. Basketball with Bergan in Princeton Tourney.<br />
Nov. 28 Basketball with Hall Township in Princeton Tourney.<br />
Dec. 4 Pep Assembly. Basketball with Dunlap--<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Dec. 5 Basketball with Geneseo--<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Dec. 8 Booster Club Wrestling Match.<br />
Dec. 11 Basketball with Walnut--here.<br />
Dec. 12 <strong>Library</strong> Club Party. Student Council decorated halls and tree for Christmas.<br />
Dec. 13 Try-outs for Senior Scholastic Bowl Team.<br />
Dec. 14 High School Band and Choral Christmas Music Program.<br />
Dec. 16 Sr. pictures delivered. Seniors see <strong>the</strong>mselves in living color.<br />
Dec. 18 Christmas Assembly at 1:00. Basketball with Bradford—<strong>the</strong>re. Christmas vaction begins. School dismissed until<br />
Jan. 3rd. Wow! What a vacation!<br />
Dec. 19 Turnabout Dance, "Frosty's Snowball".<br />
Dec. 20 FFA Christmas Party.<br />
Dec. 21 Ag Field Trip—all day.<br />
Dec. 28 Christmas Holiday Basketball Tourney at W.H.S. through Dec. 30.<br />
Jan- 4 First day back in school for <strong>the</strong> 1971 school year.<br />
Jan. 6 Senior class <strong>of</strong>ficers selected announcements for <strong>the</strong> class. Sophomore class <strong>of</strong>ficers picked <strong>the</strong> rings <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir choice.<br />
Jan. 8 Basketball with Western--<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Jan. 9 Basketball with Manlius--here.<br />
Jan. 12 Sr. Announcement orders. Order a bunch so that you can get lots <strong>of</strong> presents!<br />
Jan. 15 Basketball with Wyoming—here.<br />
Jan. 16 Basketball with Princeton--<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Jan. 22 Basketball with Toulon--here.<br />
Jan. 23 Mid-Winter Formal Dance, "Royal Blue Romance". King and Queen--Joe Craig and Linda Leonard.<br />
Jan. 28 Honor Roll Tea. Report cards issued.<br />
Jan. 29 No school — Teachers <strong>In</strong>stitute. Basketball with Bradford—<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Jan. 30 Basketball with Western--here.<br />
Feb. 1 No school--Lincoln's Birthday. Big week-end (five days) to do whatever you please.<br />
Feb. 5 Basketball with Elmwood~-<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Feb. 8 A.F.S. week through <strong>the</strong> 12th.<br />
Feb. 8 Slave Auctions. Beauties--Joyce Webb and Rogene Jacobson.<br />
Feb. 9 Cartoons shown during 4th hour. Anything to get out <strong>of</strong> class !<br />
Feb. 10 Go<strong>of</strong>-<strong>of</strong>f Assembly. Pie-eating contest.<br />
Feb. 11 Slides shown by Joyce and Mauro.<br />
Feb. 12 Area A.F.S.'ers. Basketball with Manlius—<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Feb. 13 Basketball with Walnut--<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Feb. 16 Basketball with Annawan—<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
Feb. 18 Vocal Music Festival at Western.<br />
Feb. 19 Basketball with Princeville--here.<br />
Feb. 20 Basketball with Carver--here. The game had soul.<br />
Feb. 22 Senior Play Try-outs. National FFA Week through <strong>the</strong> 26th.<br />
Feb. 23 Senior Play Try-outs.<br />
Feb. 25 FFA Barnyard Zoo and FFA dinner in cafeteria at noon- French Club Dance.<br />
Feb. 26 Basketball with Galva--here.<br />
Feb. 27 Sr. Scholastic Bowl to Streator. How come you smarties didn't win? Senior High School Auditions for Blackhawk<br />
Honor Band at W.H.S.<br />
School Year<br />
March 1 Regional Basketball through <strong>the</strong> 5th.<br />
March 2 Basketball with Dunlap at Henry.<br />
March 12 No school — Teachers <strong>In</strong>stitute.<br />
March 13 State Band and Chorus Contest at Macomb. Congratulations to Girls Chorus for getting a first and to Band, Boys<br />
Chorus and Mixed Chorus for getting a second.<br />
March 19 State Basketball Tournaments. Congratulations to <strong>Kewanee</strong> for going so far in <strong>the</strong> tournaments.<br />
March 23 Blackhawk Band Festival—North—at W.H.S.<br />
March 25 Senior Play Matinee. Putting on all <strong>the</strong> finishing touches at <strong>the</strong> last minute.<br />
March 26 Seniors decided to try a little something different this year by presenting to <strong>the</strong> public, three one-act plays.<br />
"One Happy Family, True in Heart, and Romantic Conspiracy." All three were successes. Good job, Srs. !<br />
March 27 Band Parents Pancake Supper. Basketball Banquet at Wanee. Scholastic Bowl Team plus Linda Conner did very<br />
well in <strong>the</strong> auditioning for <strong>the</strong> TV show, "It's Academic", in Chicago while C. Craine, C. Rainey and D. Moss evidently<br />
went for moral support since <strong>the</strong>y came home with a clean slate.<br />
March 30 Blackhawk Band Festival--South--at Elmwood.<br />
March 31 Normal Relays—track.<br />
April 2 Faculty-Student Basketball Game. We sure do have some co-ordinated people in our school!<br />
April 3 State Solo and Ensemble Contest at Macomb. Congratulations to all those persons receiving a first.<br />
April 5 Trackette meeting to get <strong>the</strong> dependable, interested, and responsible girls signed up for ano<strong>the</strong>r successful Trackette<br />
season. Student Council election assembly. New 1971-72 <strong>of</strong>ficers: Pres.--Mike Thurwanger, V.Pres.—Bob Armstrong, Sec.<br />
--Sandy Bond, Treas.—Rich King. Good luck and make <strong>the</strong> Student Council <strong>the</strong> best ever.<br />
April 6 Honor Roll Tea with all <strong>the</strong> yummy food ! Report cards issued. Triangular track meet with Walnut and Dunlap.<br />
April 7 FHA meeting after school to finish up some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> school year activities. Quack meeting to hand out <strong>the</strong> assignments<br />
for <strong>the</strong> last Quack <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> year.<br />
April 8 School dismissed at two o'clock for Easter vacation, April 9-12. Just what we need, ano<strong>the</strong>r vacation!<br />
April 12 Golf with Princeton--here.<br />
April 13 Golf with Prophetstown--<strong>the</strong>re. Track (Fresh-Soph and Varsity) with Toulon and Walnut at Toulon.<br />
April 15 Ecology Assembly. Golf at Cambridge. Track with Western and Wyoming--here.<br />
April 14 Second Annual Scholastic Bowl at W.H.S. Streator came in first place with We<strong>the</strong>rsfield following close behind,<br />
154--150. Better luck next year.<br />
April 19 <strong>In</strong>vitational Track Meet. FHA Week through <strong>the</strong> 23rd.<br />
April 20 National Honor Society <strong>In</strong>duction. Something new was added this year by having a tea honoring <strong>the</strong> new inductees.<br />
Parent-Son Banquet.<br />
April 21 JV cheerleading try-outs. The new JV cheerleaders for <strong>the</strong> 1971-72 school year are Jill Strand, Brenda Bond, Diane<br />
Mumford, June Williams, and Debbie DeBlieck with Jackie Strand as alternate. Good luck throughout your cheerleading<br />
years at WHS.<br />
April 22 Sr. Announcements came in. Seniors, now you don't have any excuses about getting those announcements out on<br />
time ! FHA Banquet held at Davidsons Restaurant. New <strong>of</strong>ficers for <strong>the</strong> 1971-72 school year were initiated. The <strong>of</strong>ficers:<br />
Pres.--Randy Bognar, V.Pres. —Kathy Meyers, Sec—Roxie Noard, Treas.--Mary Ann Schieler. Track meet with Manlius<br />
and Elmwood—here.<br />
April 23 PTA Follies held in <strong>the</strong> WHS gymnasium following a spaghetti dinner in <strong>the</strong> cafeteria. Galva Relays.<br />
April 25 PTA Follies. Both performances brought in a great deal <strong>of</strong> money and that marquee sign should be appearing in <strong>the</strong><br />
schoolyard before long. A group <strong>of</strong> Seniors went to Chicago to watch We<strong>the</strong>rsfield compete against two o<strong>the</strong>r outstanding<br />
schools in <strong>the</strong> taping <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> TV show, "It's Academic". Those participating on our team were Barb Toepke, captain, Jan<br />
Webb, and Dan Field. The alternates were Joyce Webb, Doug Burke, and Linda Conner. Quigley North, Wauconda and<br />
We<strong>the</strong>rsfield were <strong>the</strong> competing teams with Quigley North coming in first place. We<strong>the</strong>rsfield made a great showing even<br />
though <strong>the</strong>y did come in third place. Not bad for <strong>the</strong> first time! Next year, WHS will bring home a first. WHS appeared<br />
on TV's Channel 5, WMAQ on June 27.<br />
April 26 Varsity cheerleading try-outs. The new Varsity cheerleaders for <strong>the</strong> 1971-72 school year are Nancee Hill, Sandy<br />
Bond, Jan McDonald, Judy Dustin, and Jan Hubbard. Good luck girls in cheering on a victory to a great football team and<br />
basketball squad!<br />
April 27 Scholastic Bowl Team to Rotary to compete against a selected team from <strong>the</strong> Rotary Club. Congratulations<br />
We<strong>the</strong>rsfield Wizards for beating <strong>the</strong> Rotary Rummies. Track meet with Bradford and Dunlap—here.<br />
April 30 Golf with Western—<strong>the</strong>re. GAA Slumber Party in WHS gym. The night was filled with lots <strong>of</strong> fun, games, and food.<br />
Ask Cherie R. what she learned about peas.<br />
May 2 Last money-making project for <strong>the</strong> senior class. Let's get out and wash those cars and collect those pop bottles to<br />
make lots <strong>of</strong> money for <strong>the</strong> Sr. <strong>Class</strong> Trip.<br />
May 3 FTA Banquet held in <strong>the</strong> cafeteria. The food was yummy, <strong>the</strong> music was hysterical and <strong>the</strong> presentation <strong>of</strong> awards to<br />
<strong>the</strong> teachers was truthful! Golf with Cambridge—here.<br />
May 4 A selected junior team: K. Churling, C. Field, C. Clark, B. Dooley, J. Finkel, D. Hall, M. McCormick, and M. Thurwanger,<br />
competed against <strong>the</strong> senior scholastic bowl team during 3rd hour. The juniors sure scared everybody when <strong>the</strong>y<br />
were beating <strong>the</strong> seniors at half-time, but NEVER FEAR--<strong>the</strong> seniors came back and beat <strong>the</strong> juniors. Good luck juniors<br />
next year in all <strong>the</strong> matches that you partake in. We're backing you ALL <strong>the</strong> way !<br />
May 5 Golf with Orion—here.<br />
May 7 Track with Princeville—<strong>the</strong>re.<br />
May 8 Jr.-Sr. Prom. The juniors put on a very beautiful and successful prom for <strong>the</strong> seniors. Bonnie Younglove and Mauro<br />
Mase were chosen to lead <strong>the</strong> Grand March. Thanks Jrs., for all <strong>the</strong> fun times. They were greatly appreciated!<br />
May 10 Basketball Banquet at Wanee Farm.<br />
May 11 Track with Prophetstown--here.<br />
May 12 Golf with Western--here.<br />
May 13 Golf with Prophetstown--here.<br />
May 14 Spring Band Concert. The Arion Award, which is <strong>the</strong> top award a band member can receive, was presented to Barb<br />
Toepke. The Seniors who were awarded <strong>the</strong> Directors Trophy are Doug Greenhagen, Rita Harlow, Kathy Karau, Gretchen<br />
Lester, Terry Looney, Jan Webb, Joyce Webb, and Debi Wolf. New green stage curtains purchased by <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Education<br />
were hung and viewed for <strong>the</strong> first time at <strong>the</strong> band concert. <strong>District</strong> golf meet at <strong>Kewanee</strong>. <strong>District</strong> track meet at Rock<br />
Island.<br />
May 18 Varsity Blackhawk Conference Track Meet at WHS. Toulon placed first with a close second from We<strong>the</strong>rsfield. Representing<br />
We<strong>the</strong>rsfield as queen was Becky Clark. Juniors registered for <strong>the</strong>ir final year <strong>of</strong> high school.<br />
May 19 Sophomore registration.<br />
May 20 Freshmen registration. Art III Field Trip to Peoria. <strong>Library</strong> Dinner at Davidsons.<br />
May 21 Spring Vocal Concert. The Arion Award which is awarded to <strong>the</strong> top senior vocal student, was presented to Pam<br />
Slover. Those names that will appear on <strong>the</strong> Directors Trophy are Becky Clark, Jackie Ellis, Cindy Moss, Debbie Moss,<br />
Raele Nash, Tom Roulds, Peggi Stufflebeam, Barb Toepke, Jan Webb, and Joyce Webb.<br />
May 22 SENIOR CLASS TRIP! Early one morning at four a.m. , to be exact, approximately fifty "hustling" and bustling<br />
senior girls and equally amorous boys ventured to <strong>the</strong> big city along with unchaperoned chaperones—Miss Wright, Mr. Mc-<br />
Pheeters, Mr. Balsis, Miss Beck and Mrs. McNeill. First pit stop was at <strong>the</strong> airport where we ate breakfast and tried to hijack<br />
a 747. Next big attraction was <strong>the</strong> Brookfield Zoo where we saw all our relatives, <strong>the</strong> gorilla, <strong>the</strong> kangaroo, <strong>the</strong><br />
baboon, <strong>the</strong> crane, and <strong>the</strong> hippo. Boarding <strong>the</strong> bus, we flocked to <strong>the</strong> Museum <strong>of</strong> Science and <strong>In</strong>dustry where everyone<br />
dispersed to <strong>the</strong>ir varied interests, being warned to stay away from <strong>the</strong> deep, dark coal mines because ??? Thus to downtown<br />
where P. Stach got lost. Before boarding <strong>the</strong> bug to go eat, we viewed a peace rally. Standing outside Due's Pizzeria,<br />
hungry and blood-thirsty, Miss Wright tried to persuade <strong>the</strong> little Italian lady to let us in. The pizza was great, <strong>the</strong> salad<br />
was WINEY, and <strong>the</strong> pop was pop. About seven-thirty p.m., we arrived at <strong>the</strong> United Artist Theatre to see "Summer <strong>of</strong><br />
'42". WOW! Would you believe twelve steps, eleven minute arm squeeze, hernia, and a summer to remember for a fifteen<br />
year old boy? Brrrr! ! ! ! Boat ride next on <strong>the</strong> Chicago River and Lake Michigan. Rough waters led to <strong>the</strong> rocking <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />
boat and Toni's sickness. The bus ride home was a great disappointment because everyone slept. We finally arrived back in<br />
<strong>Kewanee</strong> about three-thirty a.m. after an unforgettable day!<br />
May 27 Baccalaureate Practice. For <strong>the</strong> first time, <strong>the</strong> seniors find out how short or tall <strong>the</strong>y really are! Jr.-Sr. Banquet.<br />
Thanks Jrs., for <strong>the</strong> delicious food and <strong>the</strong> lovely decorations.<br />
May 28 Seniors had baccalaureate practice while <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r classes had meetings to elect <strong>of</strong>ficers for <strong>the</strong> 1971-72 school<br />
year.<br />
May 30 Baccalaureate. Preparing <strong>the</strong> seniors for <strong>the</strong> big night coming up. Good luck!<br />
May 31 No school--Memorial Day.<br />
June 2 High school graduation practice with <strong>the</strong> band. Junior High Graduation.<br />
June 3 All seven classes in <strong>the</strong> morning to check in books. Honors and Awards Assembly in <strong>the</strong> afternoon with school dismissal<br />
at two o'clock. GRADUATION ! Friendships, teachers, and fun times are becoming only memories as <strong>the</strong> <strong>Class</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
1971 say good-bye. We take our single step toge<strong>the</strong>r on our journey <strong>of</strong> a thousand miles. Farewell until we meet again<br />
June 4 Last day <strong>of</strong> school, 8: 30-9:00.<br />
Golden Contributors<br />
Help Those Who Have<br />
213 W. Second Street<br />
510 N. Main Street<br />
CENTER<br />
108 W. First Street<br />
AGENCY<br />
1516 Burlington Avenue<br />
AND<br />
1021 E. Ninth Street<br />
415 N Main Street<br />
441 Hollis Street<br />
106 W. Second Street
Helped Us<br />
Silver Contributors<br />
Burlington Avenue<br />
542 Tenney Street<br />
1104 N. Main Street<br />
RFD 2 <strong>Kewanee</strong><br />
101 N. Tremont<br />
Highway 34 E.<br />
219 E. 2nd Street<br />
227 Mosher Avenue<br />
507 S. Chestnut Street<br />
126 Hollis Street<br />
105 W. 2nd Street<br />
300 W. 4th Street<br />
103 S. Main Street<br />
GERWIG'S<br />
108 W. 2nd Street<br />
308 W. 2nd Street<br />
224 W. 2nd Street<br />
2000 Kentville Road<br />
401 Tenney Street<br />
525 N. Main Street<br />
300 E. 2nd Street<br />
401 W. 4th Street<br />
421 W. 2nd Street<br />
RFD #2<br />
105 N. Main Street<br />
207 N. Tremont Street<br />
105 S. Tremont Street<br />
808 E. 4th Street<br />
618 S. Tenney Street<br />
301 S. Main Street<br />
549 Edwards Street<br />
227 W. 2nd Street<br />
303 Tenney Street<br />
107 E. 2nd Street<br />
1101 W. Prospect St.<br />
414 S. Chestnut Street<br />
.201 N. Chestnut Street<br />
107 N. Main Street<br />
510 1/2 N. Main Street<br />
1642 Burlington Avenue<br />
RFD #2<br />
104 W. 2nd Street<br />
Guess where this is?
Help Those Who Have<br />
202 N. Tremont Street<br />
410 W. 2nd Street<br />
516 N. Tremont St.<br />
115 E. College Street<br />
BONDI'S<br />
214 N. Tremont Street<br />
629 N. Main Street<br />
315 E. 2nd Street<br />
622 S. Tenney Street<br />
113 N. Tremont Street<br />
105 N. Tremont Street<br />
638 N. Main Street<br />
716 W. 3rd Street<br />
205 N. Tremont Street<br />
BOB DILTS T.V.<br />
Ill W. 1st Street<br />
316 E. McClure Street<br />
548 S. Tenney Street<br />
411 W. 2nd Street<br />
E & V BUILDERS<br />
212 Edwards Street<br />
125 N. Chestnut Street<br />
110 N. Main Street<br />
102 Houle Street<br />
RFD 1<br />
125 N. Chestnut Street<br />
117 N. Main Street<br />
H G H OLIVER<br />
106 N. Main Street<br />
1474 N. East Street<br />
301 N. Grove Street<br />
101 N. Main St.<br />
125 N. Chestnut Street<br />
211 W. 2nd Street<br />
114 N. Chestnut Street<br />
Bracken Shopping Center<br />
CLINIC<br />
109 S. Burr Blvd.<br />
411 N. Chestnut Street<br />
SALES<br />
623 N. Main Street<br />
CO.<br />
605 N. East Street<br />
CB&Q Stock Yards<br />
221 S. Main Street<br />
Bracken's Shopping Cen.<br />
121 N. Tremont Street<br />
109 W. 2nd Street<br />
115 N. Chestnut Street<br />
215 N. Main Street<br />
622 S. Tenney Street<br />
528 Willard Street<br />
Co.<br />
321 W. Tremont Street<br />
321 W. 2nd Street<br />
206 W. 4th Street<br />
112 N. Lesington Ave.<br />
205 N. 'Tremont Street<br />
516 N. Main Street<br />
214 Tenney Street<br />
SHOP<br />
222 NV Tremont Street<br />
(Paul Hintz) Agent<br />
502 Whitney Avenue<br />
626 Tenney Street<br />
101 W. 2nd Street<br />
1 1/2 Miles West <strong>of</strong> Bracken's<br />
Center<br />
RR #1<br />
101 Hollis Street<br />
105 E. 3rd Street<br />
625 N. Adams<br />
(Drive-<strong>In</strong>)<br />
432 Tenney Street<br />
325 W. 4th Street<br />
107 N. Main Street<br />
112 N. Tremont Street<br />
701 N. East Street<br />
300 N. Main Street
Helped Us<br />
336 Tenney Street<br />
107 E. 3rd Street<br />
(Fred Mursener)<br />
213 Hillcrest<br />
(Verlin Stauffer)<br />
401 S. Tenney Street<br />
TASTEE FREEZ (Fenwick)<br />
431 N. East Street<br />
Corner <strong>of</strong> Tremont and First<br />
337 Tenney Street<br />
147 E. South Street<br />
VINCE'S T.V. AND<br />
106 W. First Street<br />
125 N. Tremont Street<br />
106 South Main Street<br />
544 South Tenney Street<br />
222 West First Street<br />
103 South Tremont Street<br />
616 North East Street<br />
120 N. Chestnut Street<br />
213 Main Street<br />
204 N. Tremont Street<br />
F. P. BO SWELL<br />
217 West Third St.<br />
105 North Main Street<br />
135 West Garfield St.<br />
109 East Second St.<br />
1213 West Prospect St.<br />
112 West College St.<br />
107 West Second St.<br />
117 Loomis Street<br />
449 South Tenney St.<br />
421 East Second St.<br />
726 North Walnut St.<br />
104 West First Street<br />
503 West Second Street<br />
109 North Tremont Street<br />
224 North Tremont<br />
Acknowledgements<br />
THE STAR COURIER, <strong>Kewanee</strong><br />
QUACK<br />
Walk Toge<strong>the</strong>r, Talk Toge<strong>the</strong>r,<br />
Learn Toge<strong>the</strong>r, as WHS<br />
Dawns on a New<br />
Decade<br />
It is now time to say good-by to<br />
<strong>the</strong> 1970-71 school year and all<br />
<strong>the</strong> memories it holds for us. This<br />
book is a treasure chest for those<br />
memories. We have walked toge<strong>the</strong>r,<br />
talked toge<strong>the</strong>r, and<br />
learned toge<strong>the</strong>r. It is time to begin<br />
our thousand mile journey with<br />
a single step into a world yet unknown<br />
to us. We are dawning on a<br />
new decade—a decade that will<br />
face many challenges. With <strong>the</strong><br />
knowledge we have gained and<br />
with God's help, we are now able<br />
to walk down <strong>the</strong> road to <strong>the</strong> future<br />
with confidence to meet<br />
those challenges.<br />
The Editors<br />