IN THIS ISSUE: - Savagepedia

IN THIS ISSUE: - Savagepedia

IN THIS ISSUE: - Savagepedia


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Scene 3<br />

As you prepare to continue your journey across the moor,<br />

shrill manic laughter suddenly pierces the night from<br />

somewhere off in the moor. McIntyre states that the winds<br />

off the moor can play tricks on your ears. He tells you that<br />

the sound you heard was a whippoorwill and nothing more.<br />

He bids you all safe travels and shuts the door.<br />

If the heroes continue on, or go to investigate the<br />

laughter, the road quickly gets covered with a fog so thick<br />

that visibility is reduced to less than 20 feet (3”) all around.<br />

At around midnight the laughter can again be heard. As<br />

the heroes travel along the road the laughter gets closer and<br />

more manic, causing everyone great unease. The sound of<br />

someone running will be heard shortly thereafter. Within<br />

seconds of hearing the approaching footsteps, a figure<br />

bursts into sight, his face and body bloodied. He croaks,<br />

“Run! Save yourselves from the horror! Please just finish<br />

me before you go,” before collapsing in a heap. The man<br />

is dressed like a typical merchant although his clothing is<br />

blood-soaked and his complexion is stark white. If Albert<br />

tried to attack the characters in the previous scene and fled<br />

into the moor, substitute him for the merchant.<br />

The man is now unconscious and should be treated as<br />

Bleeding Out (Savage Worlds rulebook, Knockout Blow<br />

Table; treat him as having a Vigor of d6). Even if stabilized,<br />

he will be incapable of answering any questions or thinking<br />

rationally for quite some time.<br />

Scene 4<br />

The manic laughter is now getting closer and a cold wind<br />

starts to blow, chilling you to the bone. Rasping sounds,<br />

emanat ing from the fog, can now be heard and a faint glow<br />

burns in the distance through the thick fog.<br />

Suddenly, the manic laughter reaches a crescendo as a<br />

creature not of this earth bursts thr ough the wall of f og! Its<br />

pale, human-like form flies toward your group and its<br />

burning red eyes chill your souls!<br />

Deal initiative cards to the players. Before the first<br />

person can act, each character must make a Fear check at<br />

–2. If the check is failed, the character runs off into the<br />

darkness in a random direction, as determined below.<br />

If the hero’s initiative card is a face card, an ace, or a<br />

Joker, he remains on the road and can attempt a second<br />

Fear check. If this check is failed, he gains one level of<br />

Fatigue and continues running.<br />

On a numbered card, the hero has run off the road and<br />

become ensnared in a quagmire. Make an immediate<br />

Strength check. If the result of the check is greater than<br />

the value of the initiative card (Jacks are 11, Queens are<br />

12, etc.), there is no adverse effect; otherwise, he is stuck in<br />

the quagmire! The hero will sink each round he remains<br />

Shaken. It will take three rounds to sink beneath the<br />

quagmire. Once beneath the quagmire, a character will<br />

suffocate in a number of rounds equal to Vigor/2. Once<br />

the character recovers from being Shaken he may try to<br />

extract himself from the quagmire by making a successful<br />

Strength check at –2. Any other non-sinking hero can aid<br />

a sinking hero (if they can find them) adding +2 to the<br />

sinking hero’s Strength check.<br />

Any characters that do not flee are attacked by the<br />

apparition! Weapons will pass right through the creature<br />

(see NPCs and Creatures, below) and magical attacks do<br />

only half their normal damage (round all fractions down).<br />

Grappling is the only non-magical physical means by which<br />

the characters can engage the creature.<br />

Characters fighting the creature can feel it trying to rip<br />

their souls apart—with nothing but pure hatred driving it<br />

on. Make a secret Spirit test for each character who is<br />

attacked. Any who pass will realize that they must deal with<br />

the creature on its own terms—by engaging in a contest of<br />

wills. Make opposed Spirit tests. The loser of the roll is<br />

Shaken; with a raise, they also suffer a wound. Once a<br />

character has been Incapacitated, the creature will no<br />

longer attack them.<br />

Every wound inflicted on the creature imparts a piece<br />

of information to the heroes who are engaged in combat<br />

with it:<br />

• 1 wound: The creature was murdered on this<br />

moor by someone it trusted. It is so enraged by the<br />

fact that it can’t find its slayer that it attacks all<br />

living humans it finds crossing the moor after<br />

midnight.<br />

• 2 wounds: The creature will continue murdering<br />

all living people it comes across until justice is<br />

done.<br />

• 3 wounds: The creature’s name was Edmund<br />

McIntyre. His brother, Albert, who had been<br />

waylaying individuals traveling between towns,<br />

murdered him. Albert buried their bodies in the<br />

black moor and hid their goods under the<br />

floorboards in his room. When Edmund found out,<br />

he left to bring the law. Albert waylaid and<br />

strangled him under a tree about a mile from the<br />

house on the moor.<br />

• 4+ wounds: The creature dissipates into mist. He<br />

will reform the next night unless justice is done (see<br />

below).<br />

Scene 5<br />

For “justice” to be done, the village folk must be made<br />

aware of the crime committed and be convinced of Albert’s<br />

guilt. This can be accomplished by revealing the murdered<br />

wayfarers' items under the floorboards in his room. Then,<br />

if Albert can be brought living to the tree where he<br />

murdered his brother (a pathway where nothing grows leads<br />

from the back of the house to the dead tree), he will break<br />

down and confess everything. Laughter can then be heard<br />

on the wind, coming closer.<br />

If Albert is left tied to the tree, alive or dead, the ghost<br />

of his brother will find him and be laid to rest as long as<br />

Albert's crimes have become known to the village folk. If<br />

Albert is alive, he will die of a heart attack when his<br />

brother’s ghost finds him.<br />

Shark Bytes #2 - October 2004 30

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