IN THIS ISSUE: - Savagepedia

IN THIS ISSUE: - Savagepedia

IN THIS ISSUE: - Savagepedia


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Night Vision (Novice): Your character ignores the normal<br />

penalty for Dim illumination and halves the normal penalty<br />

for Dark illumination. A character with this Edge requires a<br />

full round to “adjust his vision” when moving from a well-lit<br />

area into an area of dim or dark illumination before this<br />

Edge will function.<br />


Blind Fighting (Seasoned; Night Vision; Fighting d8): The<br />

character ignores all penalties for illumination (and halves<br />

those for invisible targets) when engaged in melee.<br />

Brawler (Novice; Fighting d6): Brawlers gain a +1 bonus<br />

on grappling rolls.<br />

Pugilists (Brawler) gain a +2 bonus on grappling rolls.<br />

Unarmed damage is equal to Strength+1.<br />

Martial Artists (Seasoned, Pugilist, Block, and Fighting d8)<br />

never count as unarmed when fighting an armed opponent.<br />

Unarmed damage is equal to Strength+2.<br />

Martial Arts Legends (Veteran, Martial Artist, Agility d8)<br />

are so skilled at unarmed combat that they may ignore the<br />

normal gang-up bonus when engaged in melee against<br />

multiple foes.<br />

Deflect Missiles (Seasoned; Agility d8): If your character is<br />

aware of an incoming missile attack his Parry is used as the<br />

TN for the attack.<br />

Eagle Eye (Seasoned; Shooting d8): This character halves<br />

the modifiers for called shots when making Shooting attacks.<br />


Born Leader (Seasoned; Command): Extras under the<br />

command of this character roll a d8, instead of a d6, as a<br />

Wild Die when making group rolls.<br />

Commanding Presence (Veteran; Command): A character<br />

with this Edge may apply the effects of any Leadership<br />

Edges he possess to all Extras within 10”.<br />


Don Juan or Seductress (Novice): These characters make<br />

all Persuasion rolls against the opposite sex at +2.<br />

Gift of Gab (Novice; Smarts d8): Characters with this Edge<br />

can figure out the basics of any language given a few<br />

minutes to listen to people speaking it. Given time, he can<br />

get basic messages across regardless of the language being<br />

spoken.<br />


Fringe Benefit (Varies at the GM’s discretion): This Edge<br />

may be taken more than once to represent the various kinds<br />

of fringe benefits available in the game. Some examples of<br />

fringe benefits include: a license to practice a particular<br />

profession, membership in an important organization or<br />

group, law enforcement powers, absolute timing or sense of<br />

direction, eidetic memory, internal calculator, perfect pitch,<br />

or anything else the player can think of that is not covered by<br />

another Edge and is not a common occurrence in the game<br />

world.<br />

Jack of all Trades (Seasoned; d8 in chosen attribute and<br />

at least one linked skill): When you take this Edge you must<br />

choose a specific attribute to be affected. Your character may<br />

ignore the normal unskilled penalty when performing skills<br />

linked to the chosen attribute. You may take this Edge<br />

multiple times—once per attribute; however, you may only<br />

take it once per rank. (Editor: A variant of this Edge is<br />

included as a Professional Edge in the second printing of the<br />

Savage Worlds rulebook; personally, I prefer my own version<br />

as it is more generic in nature and allows the player to<br />

choose the attribute affected.)<br />

Well, that does it for my house rules! Now that Necessary<br />

Evil and the second printing of the core rulebook are<br />

available I may have to re-think some things, but for now<br />

things will stay as they are. As always, these house rules just<br />

represent my $.02 and your mileage may, and probably<br />

will, vary! Remember to send your house rules to<br />

editor@sharkbytes.info if you’d like to see this column<br />

continue. Until next issue—stay Savage!<br />

Shark Bytes #2 - October 2004 8

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