To: Mr Phillip Rhoden Esq Clubfinance Ltd P.O. Box 1036 Hemel ...

To: Mr Phillip Rhoden Esq Clubfinance Ltd P.O. Box 1036 Hemel ...

To: Mr Phillip Rhoden Esq Clubfinance Ltd P.O. Box 1036 Hemel ...


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(b)<br />

(v)<br />

satisfactory to the Board to the effect<br />

that after due and careful enquiry the<br />

member is satisfied that none of the<br />

shares which are the subject of the<br />

transfer are restricted shares.<br />

The Board shall be entitled to make<br />

calls for the sums, if any, remaining<br />

unpaid on any shares, subject to the<br />

terms of allotment of such shares. If<br />

any call remains unpaid then the<br />

Board may, after giving not less than<br />

14 clear days’ notice, forfeit such share<br />

and sell or transfer such forfeited<br />

shares on such terms as the Board<br />

may determine.<br />

General Meetings<br />

(i) Convening of General Meetings<br />

The Board shall convene annual<br />

general meetings and may convene<br />

other general meetings whenever it<br />

thinks fit. A general meeting shall also<br />

be convened on such requisition or in<br />

default may be convened by such<br />

requisitionists as provided by the Act.<br />

At any meeting convened on such<br />

requisition or by such requisitionists<br />

no business shall be transacted except<br />

that stated by the requisition or<br />

proposed by the Board. If there are<br />

not within the UK sufficient members<br />

of the Board to convene a general<br />

meeting, any Director may call a<br />

general meeting. The Board may make<br />

arrangements to ensure the orderly<br />

conduct of general meetings and to<br />

preserve the security of attendees.<br />

(ii)<br />

Notice of General Meeting<br />

General meetings shall be convened<br />

by the minimum period of notice<br />

required by the Act.<br />

Every notice convening a general<br />

meeting shall specify:<br />

(1) whether the meeting is an<br />

annual general meeting or an<br />

extraordinary general meeting;<br />

(2) the place, the day and the time<br />

of the meeting;<br />

(3) in the case of special business<br />

the general nature of that<br />

business;<br />

(4) if the meeting is convened to<br />

consider a special resolution the<br />

text of the resolution and the<br />

intention to propose the<br />

resolution as such; and<br />

(iii)<br />

(iv)<br />

(5) with reasonable prominence that<br />

a member entitled to attend<br />

and vote is entitled to appoint<br />

one or more proxies to attend<br />

and, on a poll, vote instead of<br />

him and that a proxy need not<br />

also be a member.<br />

Omission to Send Notice<br />

The accidental omission to send a<br />

notice of meeting or, in cases where it<br />

is intended that it be sent out with<br />

the notice, an instrument of proxy or<br />

any other document, to, or the<br />

non-receipt of either by, any person<br />

entitled to receive the same shall not<br />

invalidate the proceedings at that<br />

meeting.<br />

Quorum at General Meetings<br />

No business shall be transacted at any<br />

general meeting unless a quorum is<br />

present when the meeting proceeds<br />

to business but the absence of a<br />

quorum shall not preclude the choice<br />

or appointment of a chairman which<br />

shall not be treated as part of the<br />

business of the meeting. Two persons<br />

entitled to attend and to vote on the<br />

business to be transacted, each being<br />

a member present in person or a<br />

proxy for a member or a duly<br />

authorised representative of a<br />

corporation which is a member, shall<br />

be a quorum.<br />

If within 15 minutes (or such longer<br />

interval as the Chairman in his<br />

absolute discretion thinks fit) from the<br />

time appointed for the holding of a<br />

general meeting a quorum is not<br />

present, or if during a meeting such a<br />

quorum ceases to be present, the<br />

meeting, if convened on the<br />

requisition of members, shall be<br />

dissolved. In any other case, the<br />

meeting shall stand adjourned to the<br />

same day in the next week at the<br />

same time and place, or to such other<br />

day and at such time and place as the<br />

Chairman (or, in default, the Board)<br />

may determine, being not less than<br />

ten clear days thereafter. lf at such<br />

adjourned meeting a quorum is not<br />

present within 15 minutes from the<br />

time appointed for holding the<br />

meeting one member present in<br />

person or by proxy or (being a<br />

corporation) by a duly authorised<br />

representative shall be a quorum. If no<br />


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