Cutting Edge New Edition Pre-intermediate - Pearson Education

Cutting Edge New Edition Pre-intermediate - Pearson Education

Cutting Edge New Edition Pre-intermediate - Pearson Education


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<strong>Pearson</strong> <strong>Education</strong> Photocopiable<br />

13 118 patiently xDéÉfp]åíäáz geduldig patiemment He waited patiently to speak.<br />

13 118 conference centre xDâflåÑ]ê]åë=?ëÉåí]z congrescentrum palais des congrès There were over 100 delegates at the conference centre.<br />

13 118 talent competition xDíôä]åí=?âflãé]Dífp]åz talentenjacht concours de talent She won a talent competition with her sweet voice.<br />

13 118 youngster xDà¾këí]z jongere (zn) jeune Youngsters nowadays no nothing about values.<br />

13 118 optimistic x?fléí]ãfëífâz optimistisch optimiste She was optimistic about her chances of passing the exam.<br />

13 119 own (v) x]råz bezitten posséder He has his own way of doing things.<br />

13 119 contact lenses xDâflåíôâí=äÉåò]òz contactlenzen lentilles de contact He usually wears contact lenses, but today he has glasses on.<br />

13 119 crash (v) xâêôpz in de prak rijden accidenter The truck ran off the road and crashed into a tree.<br />

13 120 search xë‰Wípz zoektocht recherche The police led the search for the missing boy.<br />

13 120 quit (v) xâïfíz opzeggen démissionner Dad was furious when he found out I'd quit college.<br />

13 120 candidate xDâôåÇ]Ç]íz kandidaat candidat The Republican party's candidate for president.<br />

13 120 guitarist xÖfDí^Wê]ëíz gitarist guitariste The guitarist, Jimi Hendrix.<br />

13 120 promise (v) xDéêflã]ëz beloven promettre She promised to write to me.<br />

13 120 manage xDãôåfÇwz manager zijn van gérer Nobody knows how the prisoners managed to escape.<br />

13 120 financial problems xÑfDåôåp]ä=DéêflÄä]ãòz financiële problemen problèmes financiers The company has recently experienced severe financial problems.<br />

13 120 prison xDéêfò]åz gevangenis prison He's been in prison for two years.<br />

13 121 application form xôéäfDâÉfp]å=ÑlWãz inschrijfformulier formulaire de candidature Please fill in the job application form.<br />

13 121 complete (v) xâ]ãDéäáWíz invullen compléter The complete works of Shakespeare.<br />

13 121 sports coach xDëélWíë=â]rípz sportcoach entraîneur sportif He has proved to be a successful sports coach.<br />

13 121 full driving licence xDÑrä=DÇê~fîfÏ=Dä~fë]åëz rijbewijs zonder beperkingen permis de conduire complet To get the job, you need a full driving licence.<br />

13 121 tennis coach xDíÉåfë=â]rípz tenniscoach entraîneur de tennis My tennis coach is helping me with my backhand.<br />

13 121 available x]DîÉfä]Ä]äz beschikbaar disponible Tickets are not available to the public.<br />

13 121 look forward to x?ärâ=DÑlWï]Ç=í]z je verheugen op (uitkijken naar) se réjouir de (attendre avec impatience) I'm looking forward to the weekend.<br />

13 122 vacation xî]DâÉfp]åz vakantie vacances We're thinking of taking a vacation in the Virgin Islands.<br />

13 122 entire xfåDí~f]z geheel entier We spent the entire evening talking.<br />

13 122 tick (v) xífâz aankruisen cocher The only sound was the tick of a clock.<br />

13 122 apply x]Déä~fz solliciteren postuler I applied for a place on the computing course.<br />

13 122 valid xDîôä]Çz geldig valable A valid passport.<br />

13 122 present occupation x?flâà]DéÉfp]åz huidig beroep profession actuelle Name? Occupation?<br />

13 122 tour guide xír]=Ö~fÇz reisleider guide touristique She worked as a tour guide in Italy over summer.<br />

13 122 instructor xfåDëíê¾âí]z instructeur moniteur A driving instructor.<br />

13 122 recommendation x?êÉâ]ãÉåDÇÉfp]åz aanbeveling référence<br />

The report made several recommendations on how schools can improve<br />

their teaching.<br />

13 122 certify xDë‰Wí]Ñ~fz verklaren certifier Engineers certified that the aircraft was safe.<br />

13 122 knowledge xDåfläfÇwz kennis connaissance Her knowledge of music is amazing.<br />

13 123 characteristic xDâôê]âí]Dêfëífâz eigenschap caractéristique There's one characteristic I like about you - you never stop trying.<br />

13 123 steal xëíáWäz stelen voler Someone stole £5 from her pocket.<br />

13 123 lie (v) xä~fz liegen mentir She was lying on the grass.<br />

13 123 attitude xDôí]íàìWÇz instelling, houding attitude I think it's best to have a relaxed attitude to money.<br />

13 123 skill xëâfäz vaardigheid compétence His skill in dealing with people makes him a good manager.<br />

13 123 improve xfãDéêìWîz verbeteren améliorer Digital recording improves the sound quality of the tapes.<br />

14 124 bank note xÄôkâ=å]ríz bankbiljet billet de banque He withdrew 5 crisp bank notes from his wallet.<br />

14 124 cashpoint machine xâôDpDélfåí=ã]DpáWåz geldautomaat distributeur de billets Hold, I'll just get some money from the cashpoint machine.<br />

14 124 change xípÉfåÇwz kleingeld monnaie I gave him £10 and he gave me the change.<br />

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