878 A List of New Mineral Names. By L. J. SPENCER, M.A., F.G.S. ...

878 A List of New Mineral Names. By L. J. SPENCER, M.A., F.G.S. ...

878 A List of New Mineral Names. By L. J. SPENCER, M.A., F.G.S. ...


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Osmite. R. Hermann, Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1836, IX, 228.<br />

Iridosmine with 40"83 per cent. <strong>of</strong> osmium.<br />

Pantellarite. (A. Dufr~noy, Min. 1859, IV, 59 (po~tellerite);<br />

A. Des Cloizeaux, Min. 1862, I, 323). The felspar <strong>of</strong> Pantellaria<br />

analysed by hbich in 1840 ; since called anorthoelase.<br />

Paragite. u yon Zepharovieh, Min. Lexicon Oesterr. 1873, II,<br />

350. The same as Korallenerz (corallinerz, Dana) or hepatic cinnabar,<br />

an ore <strong>of</strong> mercury in Idria.<br />

Paralaurionite. G. F. H. Smith, Min. Mag. 1899, XII, 108,<br />

183 ; Zeits. Kryst. Mira 1900, XXXII, 217. Dimorphous with laurionite,<br />

PbCIOH. Monoclinic. In Roman lead slags from Laurion, Greece.<br />

See rafaelite.<br />

Parianite. S.F. Peekham, Journ. Fra~,kli~ Inst. 1895, CXL, 381.<br />

Asphaltum from the Pitch Lake <strong>of</strong> Trinidad.<br />

Parorthoclase. F. Zirkel, Lehrb. d. Petrogr. 1893, I, 238<br />

(Parorthoklus). The same as anorthoclase.<br />

Pelionite. W.F. Petterd, Catalogue <strong>of</strong> the :<strong>Mineral</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Tasmania,<br />

Papers and Proc. It. Soc. Tasmania, for 1893, 1894, p. 13. Cannel<br />

coal fi-om Mount Pelion.<br />

Philipstadite, R. A. Daly, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Scl.<br />

1899, XXXIV, 488 ; Bull. Soc.franq Min. 1899, XXII, 144. A variety<br />

<strong>of</strong> hornblende from Philipstad, Sweden.<br />

Picroilmenite. P. Groth, Tab. Uebers. Min. 4th Ed. 1898, p.<br />

143 (Pikroilmenit). The same as picrotitanite, a variety <strong>of</strong> ilmenite<br />

rich in magnesium.<br />

Pietricikite. C. Istrati, Bult. 3oc. Sci. Bucarest, 1897, VI, 65,<br />

93. The correct spelling <strong>of</strong> Dana's zietrisikite. A variety <strong>of</strong> ozocerite<br />

from Mount Pietricica, Moldavia.<br />

Pilite. E. Schulze, LitMa Hercynica, Leipzig, 1895, p. 29. The<br />

same as tinder-ore (Zundererz). Formula given as Pb~Sb3Ss, Harz.<br />

Plan<strong>of</strong>errite. L. Darapsky, Verf~. deutsch, wiss. Vet. Santiago,<br />

Chili, 1897, III, 423 ; Bol. Soc. Nac. MiJzeria, Santiayo, 1898 [iii], X,<br />

106; Zeits. Kryst. Min. 1898, XXIX, 213. Probably rhombic (F.<br />

Grfinling). Fe2Os.SOs.15H~O. Groth (Tab. bYbers. Min. 4th Ed. 1898,<br />

p. 74) writes the formula as SO~Fe~(OH)4-F13H~O. Chili.

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