Information for OSB Certified Pro Bono Program ... - Oregon State Bar

Information for OSB Certified Pro Bono Program ... - Oregon State Bar

Information for OSB Certified Pro Bono Program ... - Oregon State Bar


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<strong>In<strong>for</strong>mation</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>OSB</strong> <strong>Certified</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Bono</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>gram Application<br />

<strong>Oregon</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Bono</strong> programs may become certified through a process authorized by the <strong>Oregon</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> under the Board of Governors’ Policies on <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Bono</strong> contained in Bylaws Section 13 et<br />

seq. The purpose of these policies is to encourage attorneys in <strong>Oregon</strong> to meet their<br />

<strong>Pro</strong>fessional Responsibility and the <strong>OSB</strong> Aspirational Standards <strong>for</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Bono</strong>, and to provide<br />

access to the justice system <strong>for</strong> low-income <strong>Oregon</strong>ians. <strong>Pro</strong>grams that meet the certification<br />

requirements are eligible to receive free PLF coverage <strong>for</strong> PLF-exempt attorney volunteers. To<br />

be eligible <strong>for</strong> certification, a pro bono program must meet the following requirements:<br />

• The pro bono program must be sponsored by a national, state or local bar<br />

association, a court with jurisdiction in <strong>Oregon</strong> or an incorporated, non-profit or<br />

governmental organization, and must provide legal services without fee, or<br />

expectation of fee, or <strong>for</strong> a substantially reduced fee to one or more of the<br />

following:<br />

1) Persons of limited means.<br />

2) Underserved populations with special legal needs.<br />

3) Charitable, religious, civic, community, governmental and educational<br />

organizations in matters which are designed primarily to address the needs of<br />

persons of limited means or underserved populations with special legal needs.<br />

• The pro bono program must not provide any compensation to the participating<br />

lawyers, except to cover filing fees or other out-of-pocket expenses or to provide<br />

professional liability insurance <strong>for</strong> the pro bono activity.<br />

• The pro bono program must deliver legal services to clients at no fee or <strong>for</strong> a<br />

substantially reduced fee. Nominal administrative fees are allowed. Donations<br />

from clients, whether encouraged or not, are not considered fees. The pro bono<br />

program should prohibit or limit the handling of cases that are clearly fee<br />

generating, and provide <strong>for</strong> the referral of such cases.<br />

• The program must demonstrate that it has the necessary expertise and quality<br />

control to administer a program involving volunteer lawyers. This should include<br />

appropriate matching of pro bono lawyers to cases, an effective grievance<br />

procedure and adequate tracking and record keeping systems regarding pro bono<br />

involvement.<br />

• The program must comply with Article 10 of the <strong>Bar</strong>’s Bylaws (Diversity), both in<br />

regard to participating lawyers and clients.<br />

• The program will provide professional liability coverage <strong>for</strong> otherwise uncovered<br />

attorney volunteers when those attorneys provide legal services to pro bono<br />


Please return the completed application to the <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Bono</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>gram via:<br />

Mail:<br />

Email:<br />

<strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Bono</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>gram<br />

<strong>Oregon</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Bar</strong><br />

P.O. Box 231935<br />

Tigard, <strong>Oregon</strong> 97281-1935<br />

probono@osbar.org<br />

Fax: (503)598-6955<br />

Any questions about certified programs or the certification process should be directed to:<br />

<strong>OSB</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Bono</strong> Coordinator<br />

503-431-6355<br />

800-452-8260, ext. 355<br />

probono@osbar.org<br />

Please indicate whether you want your program to be considered <strong>for</strong> PLF <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Bono</strong> Coverage<br />

<strong>for</strong> PLF-exempt volunteer lawyers. Applications seeking PLF <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Bono</strong> Coverage will be<br />

<strong>for</strong>warded to the PLF <strong>for</strong> underwriting. Once approved, the PLF will issue a special <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Bono</strong><br />

Claims Made Plan to cover all PLF-exempt lawyers who volunteer <strong>for</strong> your program. PLF <strong>Pro</strong><br />

<strong>Bono</strong> coverage is underwritten and issued on an annual, calendar year basis.<br />

Any questions about PLF coverage should be directed to:<br />

Jeff Craw<strong>for</strong>d or<br />

Emilee Preble<br />

503-639-6911<br />

800-452-1639<br />

coverage@osbplf.org<br />

The Executive Director of the <strong>Oregon</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Bar</strong>, in consultation with the <strong>Pro</strong>fessional Liability<br />

Fund, determines if a program is eligible <strong>for</strong> certification.

Joint Application <strong>for</strong> <strong>Oregon</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Bar</strong> <strong>Certified</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Bono</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>gram<br />

and Free PLF Coverage <strong>for</strong> PLF-Exempt Volunteer Attorneys<br />

Name of Organization: _____________________________________________________<br />

Address: ________________________________________________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

Telephone: __________________________<br />

e-mail: _____________________________<br />

Fax: _______________________<br />

Website: _______________________<br />

Director/Office Manager: __________________________________________________<br />

Board Chair or Equivalent Officer: ____________________________________________<br />

Authorized Agent <strong>for</strong> Service of <strong>Pro</strong>cess and Address: ____________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

Geographic area served:<br />

Are you requesting PLF coverage <strong>for</strong> PLF-exempt attorneys: Yes No<br />

<strong>Pro</strong>gram <strong>In<strong>for</strong>mation</strong><br />

1. Is the <strong>Pro</strong>gram incorporated? Yes No<br />

If yes, indicated your tax status (e.g., 501(c)(3)): __________________________<br />

Tax ID number: _______________________________<br />

(Please attach a copy of IRS letter and the Articles of Incorporation. If it is a courtsponsored<br />

or bar-sponsored organization, attach the authorization <strong>for</strong> the project.

2. Please summarize your <strong>Pro</strong>gram’s statement of purpose and date of adoption. (Use a<br />

separate sheet of paper if necessary.) Attach a copy of the bylaws or other document<br />

stating the structure of the <strong>Pro</strong>gram.<br />

3. Please describe briefly what legal services you provide, who are your clients and your<br />

sources of funding. (Use a separate sheet of paper if necessary.) You may use materials<br />

provided <strong>for</strong> other purposes to answer this question. (e.g. an Annual Report)

4. Please describe how you use volunteer attorneys.<br />

5. Does your <strong>Pro</strong>gram have a political purpose? If yes, what is it? Yes No<br />

6. Please indicate the current number of paid personnel in each category. Include only<br />

staff who are paid (employees, part-time employees and independent contractors).<br />

Please assign each person to only one category.<br />

_____ Employed attorneys (providing direct legal services to clients)<br />

_____ Employed law clerks/paralegals (dealing directly with clients <strong>for</strong> intake, etc.)<br />

_____ Management staff (office manager, etc.)<br />

_____ Clerical/accounting/receptionist/other personnel<br />

_____ Total number of paid personnel<br />

7. Is the <strong>Pro</strong>gram open to all members of the <strong>OSB</strong> in compliance with the <strong>OSB</strong> Diversity<br />

Policy? Yes No. If no, explain.

8. Do you have any requirements <strong>for</strong> attorneys who volunteer? Yes No.<br />

If yes, explain.<br />

9. Describe the process used to determine if the volunteer attorney is in good standing.<br />

10. Describe your system <strong>for</strong> tracking time spent by volunteer attorneys. (The <strong>OSB</strong> and the<br />

PLF require that the program report the hours annually <strong>for</strong> each attorney.)

11. Attorney Compensation<br />

a. Does the <strong>Pro</strong>gram have a policy regarding the treatment of fee-generating<br />

cases? Yes No<br />

b. Does the <strong>Pro</strong>gram distinguish between cases that will not generate fees and<br />

those that are potentially fee-generating? Yes No<br />

c. Does the <strong>Pro</strong>gram provide any financial compensation to participating<br />

attorneys? Yes No<br />

d. Are clients required to pay any fees (other than out-of-pocket expenses)?<br />

Yes No<br />

If you answered yes to any of the above, please explain or attach your policy.<br />

Intake/Referral/Quality Control<br />

12. What are your criteria <strong>for</strong> accepting clients to the pro bono program?<br />

13. Do you have a policy of non-discrimination? Yes No.<br />

14. Please describe the <strong>Pro</strong>gram’s client intake and case referral mechanism. Include a<br />

description of how clients are referred to participating attorneys.

15. Please describe the <strong>Pro</strong>gram’s system <strong>for</strong> tracking cases referred to participating<br />

attorneys.<br />

16. Please describe the <strong>Pro</strong>gram’s procedure <strong>for</strong> handling client complaints and grievances<br />

(or attach policy).<br />

17. Please describe how the <strong>Pro</strong>gram ensures that clients are provided the highest possible<br />

quality of service.

<strong>Pro</strong>fessional Insurance Questions<br />

18. Please enclose a copy of your <strong>Pro</strong>gram’s current malpractice insurance policy (if any),<br />

including declarations sheet or cover sheet and all endorsements.<br />

19. Have any claims ever been made by clients against you or your attorneys offering<br />

services through your program in the past five years? Yes No. If yes, please<br />

provide the following in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> each claim: (Note: You do not need to report a<br />

claim if you previously reported it to the PLF.)<br />

a. Name of claimant and name of attorney involved<br />

b. Nature of claim, and whether malpractice claim went into litigation<br />

c. Size of claim<br />

d. cost of defending claim<br />

e. Indemnity (damages) paid on the claim<br />

f. Whether the claim was covered by malpractice insurance<br />

g. Whether responsible attorney was a staff attorney or volunteer<br />

h. Any relevant special factors (including any changes or improvements made to<br />

your program’s procedures).<br />

20. a. Give your best estimate of the total number of volunteer (unpaid) attorneys who<br />

provided legal services through your program in the last full calendar year: ________<br />

b. What percent of these volunteer attorneys would you estimate were in private<br />

practice and carrying PLF coverage?<br />

________ percent with PLF coverage<br />

________ percent without PLF coverage

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