ASAB 29-3 Thomas Rohner Michael Lazopoulos - Pestalozzi ...

ASAB 29-3 Thomas Rohner Michael Lazopoulos - Pestalozzi ...

ASAB 29-3 Thomas Rohner Michael Lazopoulos - Pestalozzi ...


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reimbursement for [the Claimant] having paid this sum to the ICC in<br />

place of [the Respondent].” 64 (emphasis added).<br />

In ICC Case 7289 65 , the arbitral tribunal concluded that the ICC Rules<br />

impose a contractual obligation on the parties to bear half of the advance on<br />

costs and affirmed its jurisdiction to rule on financial matters such as the nonpayment<br />

of the advance on costs:<br />

“[…] En acceptant sa mission, l’arbitre s’engage à respecter et<br />

à faire respecter les pouvoirs de la Cour, et il n’a pas à s’immiscer<br />

dans les mesures d’ordre administratif ou financier que celle-ci a<br />

prises ou prendrait encore.<br />

[…] Si la Cour, dénuée de pouvoir juridictionnel, se refuse à<br />

trancher ce litige, l’arbitre, en revanche, ne devrait pas se déclarer<br />

incompétent, lui que les parties ont choisi comme juge pour trancher<br />

tous les différends qui les opposent sur le fond ou en matière de<br />

procédure arbitrale.<br />

[…] Il ne fait pas disparaître l’obligation de fond qui pèse<br />

contractuellement sur chaque partie d’avoir, dans l’arbitrage CCI, à<br />

participer également au paiement de la provision pour frais,<br />

obligation que chaque partie contracte réciproquement à l’égard de<br />

l’autre. […]” 66 (emphasis added).<br />

The same view was taken in ICC Case 17050 67 :<br />

“[…] By choosing to submit all their disputes to arbitration<br />

under the ICC Rules, the parties to the arbitration have thus agreed to<br />

pay half of the advances on costs.”<br />

In ICC Case 10526 68 , the arbitral tribunal affirmed its jurisdiction to<br />

rule on financial matters. It further stated that the reference in the parties’<br />

64<br />

65<br />

66<br />

67<br />

68<br />

Partial award dated 2005 in ICC Case 13139 (unreported), supra note 34, at 1420 et seq.<br />

Partial award dated 2 September 1996 in ICC Case 7289 (unreported), supra note 26, at 1004 et seq.<br />

Free translation into English: “[…] In acceptance of his appointment, the arbitrator engages himself<br />

to respect and enforce the competences of the Court and he has no right to interfere with the<br />

administrative or financial measures which had been taken or will be taken by the Court.<br />

[…] If the Court, lacking judicial power, refuses to settle this dispute, the arbitrator on the other hand<br />

has no right to decline his jurisdiction, since the parties have chosen him as a judge to rule on all<br />

disputes relating to the merits of the case or to the procedure of the arbitration.<br />

[…] [by making the substitute payment] the material obligation contractually imposed on the parties<br />

to pay each half of the advance on costs in ICC arbitration does not disappear, an obligation to<br />

which each party agreed reciprocally towards the other […].” (emphasis added).<br />

Interim award dated 12 November 2010 in ICC Case 17050, para. 27 (unreported), supra note 37.<br />

Partial award dated 2000 in ICC Case 10526 (unreported), publ. in: Journal du Droit International<br />

(2001), at 1182.<br />

<strong>29</strong> ASA BULLETIN 3/2011 (SEPTEMBER) 565

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