Hooke's Law.

Hooke's Law.

Hooke's Law.


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Experiment 7<br />



Cricket Graph program<br />

1 right angle clamp<br />

1 rubber band, long<br />

1 pan mass<br />

1 set slotted masses<br />


1 long metal rod<br />

1 table clamp<br />

1 short metal rod<br />

1 spring<br />

1 meter stick<br />

1 c-clamp<br />

The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the<br />

relationship between the change in length of a spring<br />

and the force applied to it.<br />

An applied force may deform an object in several ways.<br />

The object may be compressed, stretched, bent or<br />

twisted. Hooke’s law describes the relationship<br />

between the applied force and the amount of<br />

deformation of the object. The stretching of a spring is a<br />

good example of Hooke’s law. A mass hanging on a<br />

spring causes the spring to stretch. More mass will<br />

cause the spring to stretch still more. Hooke’s law<br />

indicates that the elongation of the spring, x, is directly<br />

proportional to the force applied by the hanging mass.<br />

We can write this as an equality given by<br />

4. Place a 150g mass on the pan and read and record<br />

the new position of the pan. Also record the mass<br />

and calculate the force it causes on the spring.<br />

(Use g = 10 m/s 2 ; then the force of the spring<br />

(weight) is m * g or m * 10 m/s 2 .)<br />

5. Subtract the value of the position of the pan with no<br />

load from the position found in Step 3. The<br />

difference is the elongation of the spring. Record<br />

this elongation.<br />

6. Place additional masses in 50-gram increments on<br />

the pan and record the new positions. Calculate<br />

and record the force caused by the total mass on<br />

the pan. Also calculate and record the elongation<br />

of the spring.<br />

F = kx<br />

where k is a constant called the “spring constant” whose<br />

value depends on the type of spring used.<br />

In this experiment you will study Hooke’s law by<br />

observing the change in length of a spring when masses<br />

are suspended from it. Care must be taken to insure<br />

that too great a force is not applied to the spring. When<br />

a spring is stretched beyond its elastic limit, it will not<br />

return to its original length when the force is removed. It<br />

will be permanently deformed.<br />


A. Spring<br />

1. Suspend a spring and a weight pan from the short<br />

rod as shown in the illustration.<br />

2. Place a meter stick along the long metal rod so that<br />

the end marked 0 cm is toward the ceiling. Use a<br />

to hold the meter stick in place as shown.<br />

3. Read the position of the bottom of the weight pan<br />

by looking at the markings on the meter stick. This<br />

is the reading with no load on the pan. Record this<br />

reading on the data sheet.<br />

7. Use your data and the CRICKET GRAPH to<br />

construct a graph of force vs. elongation. Select<br />

Curve Fit/Simple from the main menu. The<br />

equation for a line is y = mx + b where m is the<br />

slope.<br />

B. Rubber Band<br />

8. Repeat Steps 1 - 7 replacing the spring with a<br />

rubber band and using mass increments of 50<br />

grams.<br />


Experiment 7<br />


Name: __________________________<br />

Section: ________________________<br />

Elastic Spring<br />

Reading with no load __________ (cm)<br />

Mass<br />

(g)<br />

Mass on spring<br />

(kg)<br />

Force on<br />

spring<br />

(N)<br />

Reading with<br />

load<br />

(cm)<br />

Elongation<br />

of spring<br />

(cm)<br />

0 0 0 0<br />

150<br />

200<br />

250<br />

300<br />

350<br />

400<br />

450<br />

500<br />

QUESTIONS (Answer on back of Data Sheet)<br />

1. What is the relationship between the elongation of the spring and the weight attached to the spring? How does your<br />

graph support or refute your answer?<br />

2. What is the spring constant for your spring?<br />

3. Looking at your graph for the spring, what do you predict to be the elongation of your spring when loaded with a<br />

weight of 0.2, 2.0, and 4.0 newtons?<br />


Experiment 7<br />


Rubber Band<br />

Reading with no load __________ (cm)<br />

Mass<br />

(g)<br />

Mass on spring<br />

(kg)<br />

Force on<br />

spring<br />

(N)<br />

Reading with<br />

load<br />

(cm)<br />

Elongation<br />

of spring<br />

(cm)<br />

0 0 0 0<br />

150<br />

200<br />

250<br />

300<br />

350<br />

400<br />

450<br />

500<br />

QUESTIONS (Answer on back of Data Sheet)<br />

4. Was the graph of elongation versus force for the rubber band a straight line? In other words, is the<br />

elongation of your rubber band proportional to the force exerted? If not, then it doesn’t follow Hooke’s<br />

law; state a reason why.<br />

5. Can you find a “spring constant” for the rubber band? If not, why?<br />

6. What would finally happen to the spring if you continue to add additional weights to the spring? What<br />

do we call this effect? And to the rubber band?<br />


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