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POLISH JOURNAL <strong>OF</strong> ECOLOGY<br />

(Pol. J. Ecol.)<br />

54 3 379–386 2006<br />

Short research contribution<br />

Botond BAKÓ 1 , Kristóf HECKER 2<br />

1<br />

Office of Nature Conservation, Költő u. 21, H-1121, Budapest, Hungary<br />

2<br />

Department of Zoology and Ecology, Szent István University, Páter Károly u. 1., H-2103, Gödöllő,<br />

Hungary, e-mail: hecker.kristof@mkk.szie.hu<br />

<strong>FACTORS</strong> <strong>DETERMINING</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>DISTRIBUTION</strong><br />

<strong>OF</strong> <strong>COEXISTING</strong> DORMOUSE SPECIES (GLIRIDAE, RODENTIA)<br />

ABSTRACT: This study investigated coexistence<br />

of three dormouse species living in the<br />

same habitat, Naszály-hill, in the north-eastern<br />

part of the Danube-bend (47°49’N, 19°08’E). The<br />

vegetation of the area is very diverse, comprising<br />

a mosaic of orchards with natural forests and forest<br />

plantations. Data were collected from 1999 to<br />

2005 with wooden nest boxes and from 2002 to<br />

2005 also plastic nest tubes were used. Study area<br />

was approximately 6 ha.<br />

All three species (hazel dormouse Muscardinus<br />

avellanarius L., forest dormouse Dryomys<br />

nitedula Pall. and fat dormouse Glis glis L.) have<br />

different ecological requirements. However, they<br />

occurred simultaneously in some microhabitats<br />

and in some places one species clearly predominated.<br />

We also observed how the ongoing succession<br />

process in the former orchards affected the<br />

distribution of dormice.<br />

There were seasonal differences in timing of<br />

emergence from hibernation, greatly affecting spatial<br />

distribution of the different species. Hazel dormice<br />

were first to appear in nest boxes and/or tubes,<br />

in March, then forest dormice in April and fat dormice<br />

in June. As numbers of fat dormice increased<br />

the smaller species withdrew from using the nest<br />

boxes. Fat dormice reached peak numbers in summer<br />

and they entered hibernation by October.<br />

KEY WORDS: dormouse, coexistence, habitat,<br />

environmental factors, nest box/tube<br />

The coexistence of several dormouse<br />

species in one locality with different habitat<br />

types offers a unique possibility to study<br />

habitat preference of the species.<br />

Our research site, the Naszály-hill, has<br />

been known as a habitat of all three dormouse<br />

species that occur in Hungary (Bakó<br />

and Gál 1999, Gál 1999). Our first studies<br />

began in 1995 using live-traps. Based on the<br />

early results we started an improved research<br />

project in 1999. The aim of our study was to<br />

find out, which environmental factors enable<br />

the coexistence of different dormouse species<br />

in one area and to observe how the adjacent<br />

vegetation types and the ongoing succession<br />

process affect the spatial distribution of the<br />

coexisting dormouse species. Research topics<br />

also included the seasonal and yearly differences<br />

in the appearance and occupancy of<br />

nest boxes/tubes by the dormice.<br />

The study area (in total ca. 6 ha),<br />

Naszály-hill (652 m a.s.l.), lies near the<br />

city of Vác in the north-eastern part of the<br />

Danube Bend (47°49’N, 19°08’E). Mainly<br />

dachstein limestone, with dolomite in some<br />

places, dominates in the bedrock and contains<br />

nine caves of different size. The vegetation<br />

is extraordinarily diverse as it lies<br />

on the ranges of the distribution area of<br />

journal 7.indb 379 2006-09-23 11:28:41

380 Botond Bakó, Kristóf Hecker<br />

Fig. 1. Site map of the location showing the woody vegetation patches.<br />

Legend to the numbers of patches see in Table 1.<br />

Table 1. Main and other abundant tree and shrub species in the different vegetation types and the size<br />

of the plots where dormice were surveyed.<br />

No. Vegetation type Main species Other abundant species<br />

Size<br />

of plot<br />

No. of boxes<br />

1999/2002/<br />

2005<br />

1.<br />

Hedge around<br />

abandoned orchard<br />

dogwood (Cornus<br />

sanguinea L.), plum<br />

(Prunus domestica L.)<br />

dogrose (Rosa canina L.),<br />

cherry (Cerasus avium /L./<br />

Moench), privet (Ligustrum<br />

vulgare L.)<br />

0.6 ha 70/50/50<br />

2. Shrub dogwood dogrose, cherry, privet 0.5 ha –/50/50<br />

3. Young pine stand<br />

Austrian pine (Pinus<br />

nigra Link)<br />

privet 0.3 ha –/50/50<br />

4. Abandoned orchard plum<br />

dogwood, common lilac<br />

(Syringa vulgaris L.)<br />

0.6 ha 35/35/38<br />

5. Mixed pine forest<br />

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris<br />

L.)<br />

ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.)<br />

0.6 ha –/12/35<br />

6.<br />

Edge of oak-hornbeam<br />

forest<br />

sessile oak (Quercus<br />

petraea /Matt./ Liebl.)<br />

hedge maple (Acer campestre<br />

L.), ash<br />

0.7 ha 35/21/35<br />

7.<br />

Oak-hornbeam<br />

forest<br />

sessile oak<br />

hornbeam (Carpinus betulus<br />

L.), hedge maple<br />

0.6 ha –/50/50<br />

8. Turkey oak forest<br />

turkey oak (Quercus<br />

cerris L.)<br />

white oak (Quercus pubescens<br />

Willd.), ash<br />

0.7 ha –/–/70<br />

journal 7.indb 380 2006-09-23 11:28:41

Distribution of coexisting dormouse species<br />

381<br />

different flora units (Füri and Sinkóné<br />

Póka 1996). Natural and planted vegetation<br />

plots also change in space and time.<br />

Beside the different types of grassland there<br />

are planted hedges and orchards, with different<br />

fruit trees (mostly apple, plum and<br />

pear). Most of the orchards have been out<br />

of cultivation for decades, but some are<br />

still in use. The mixed oak forests (Quercus<br />

petraea (Matt.) Liebl., Quercus cerris L.,<br />

Quercus pubescens Willd.) both with dense<br />

and sparse underbrush, and planted pine<br />

forest (Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus nigra<br />

Link) of different age occur in the area.<br />

The older pine forests are already mixed<br />

with ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), some areas<br />

are monocultures of young pines. On the<br />

top of the hill a beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)<br />

forest (Gál 1999) occurs.<br />

Populations of the three dormouse<br />

species: hazel dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius,<br />

fat dormouse Glis glis and forest dormouse<br />

Dryomys nitedula occur in the study<br />

area (Bakó and Gál 1999, Gál 1999).<br />

From 1999 to 2005 nest boxes were<br />

used to collect data. They were placed along<br />

a transect across different vegetation types<br />

like an abandoned orchard, a hedgerow and<br />

the edge of a deciduous forest dominated by<br />

sessile oak (Quercus petraea) (Bakó et al.<br />

2002).<br />

The first 150 wooden bird nest boxes<br />

(height 30 cm, width 15 cm and depth 15 cm)<br />

were set up for dormice in autumn 1999,<br />

they were followed by 150 plastic nest tubes<br />

(height 10 cm, width 10 cm and depth<br />

30 cm) in summer 2002 (Bakó et al. 2002).<br />

In spring 2005 additionally 70 new wooden<br />

dormouse nest boxes (20 × 20 × 20 cm) and<br />

35 new plastic nest tubes were introduced.<br />

The boxes were fixed at 1.5–2.5 m above the<br />

ground, 5 m apart, the wooden ones faced<br />

the tree trunk, the plastic tubes were on<br />

horizontal branches. This height was found<br />

to be suitable for dormice and easy to check<br />

(Morris 2004). With this nest box density<br />

the availability of nesting places is not a limiting<br />

factor (Bright et al. 1994, Juškaitis<br />

2003, 2006).<br />

First observations suggested that a nest<br />

tube made mainly of smooth plastic was not<br />

fully suitable, although several nestings were<br />

recorded. So we roughened the inner surfaces<br />

with sand. Some nest boxes were lost<br />

for various reasons, but with the new ones we<br />

managed to complete the data series.<br />

Eight vegetation types were surveyed<br />

with nest box system (Table 1), and their location<br />

can be seen in Fig. 1.<br />

We checked the nest boxes and nest tubes<br />

monthly and cleaned them only in winter.<br />

We collected data on animals found: after<br />

sexing the animals were weighed, body and<br />

tail length and the length of the left ear and<br />

left hind foot were measured. Empty nests<br />

were also recorded, but only the new nests<br />

were included in the data processing.<br />

The total occupation in the wooden<br />

boxes and plastic nest tubes (Figs 2 and 3) is<br />

a sum of the records on dormice, observed<br />

new nests, food remains, faeces and other<br />

signs of activity. There were differences in<br />

the use of the two different nest box types,<br />

so in spring 2005 we started a comprehensive<br />

investigation to find out how this difference<br />

influenced the results (Fig. 4). Muscardinus<br />

was the only dormouse species<br />

successfully breeding in plastic tubes, Glis<br />

and Dryomys were found only few times.<br />

There were 16 nest boxes and tubes (5.7%),<br />

which were never used (no nest or any sign<br />

of occupation) mainly in the area of the<br />

planted young pine stand (5 plastic tubes)<br />

and the oak forest (8 plastic tubes) with<br />

sparse underbrush.<br />

In the years 2000–2005 we had a total of<br />

341 records on dormice. The percentage of<br />

species can be seen in Fig. 5.<br />

Although not all vegetation plots are adjacent<br />

to each other, there are no geographical<br />

barriers or habitat corridor gaps between<br />

them. So, theoretically all surveyed plots can<br />

be reached by the animals. Moreover, there<br />

are neighbouring vegetation types, which<br />

have different plant species composition.<br />

Muscardinus was the only dormouse species<br />

found in every plot, and the only species<br />

in the young pine stand and the shrub (Fig. 6).<br />

We got less records from the hedge in the<br />

last three years, but at the same time the<br />

number of hazel dormice in the neighbouring<br />

pine stand and shrub increased. In the<br />

plots where Glis was very abundant (orchard,<br />

edge of oak-hornbeam forest, turkey oak forest),<br />

only few records of Muscardinus were<br />

obtained.<br />

journal 7.indb 381 2006-09-23 11:28:41

382 Botond Bakó, Kristóf Hecker<br />

Fig. 2. Changing in the occupancy by dormice (%) of the wooden nest boxes by dormice during the<br />

whole study period (2000–2005).<br />

Fig. 3. Changing in the occupancy by dormice (%) of the plastic nest tubes during the study period<br />

(2002–2005).<br />

Glis was absent from the shrub habitat<br />

and the young pine stand, as was Dryomys<br />

(Fig. 6). Dryomys was also absent from the<br />

edge of oak-hornbeam forest. Glis occurred<br />

in higher numbers in the hedge, orchard, edge<br />

of oak-hornbeam forest and in the turkey oak<br />

forest, while most data on Dryomys were collected<br />

in the abandoned orchard (Fig. 6).<br />

All three species occurred in five out of<br />

eight plots: hedge, orchard, mixed pine forest,<br />

oak-hornbeam forest and turkey oak forest,<br />

although in the oak-hornbeam forest, we<br />

found only a single Glis and Dryomys.<br />

The results on seasonal distribution<br />

showed (Fig. 7) that dormice used the nest<br />

boxes to a different extent. Muscardinus used<br />

nest boxes/tubes during the whole active season,<br />

Dryomys numbers peaked in May and<br />

some specimens could be found in August.<br />

Glis was found mostly in late summer and<br />

autumn, when they appeared to play a very<br />

dominant role.<br />

journal 7.indb 382 2006-09-23 11:28:41

Distribution of coexisting dormouse species<br />

383<br />

Fig. 4. Proportion of monitored animals, nests<br />

and other signs of activity in the turkey oak forest<br />

in the two different nest box types (per 100 nest<br />

box checks).<br />

Fig. 5. Percentage of the dormouse species in the<br />

total number of caught dormice.<br />

Fig. 6. Proportion of three<br />

dormouse species caught<br />

in the different vegetation<br />

types (per 100 nest box<br />

checks)<br />

Legend:<br />

1. hedge,<br />

2. shrub,<br />

3. young pine stand,<br />

4. abandoned orchard,<br />

5. mixed pine forest,<br />

6. edge of oak-hornbeam<br />

forest,<br />

7. oak-hornbeam forest,<br />

8. turkey oak forest<br />

* boxes placed in 2002,<br />

** boxes placed in 2005<br />

journal 7.indb 383 2006-09-23 11:28:41

384 Botond Bakó, Kristóf Hecker<br />

Fig. 7. The average number of dormouse individuals in all boxes in the different months of the whole<br />

survey period (2000–2005).<br />

Other species nesting in the boxes were<br />

Apodemus flavicollis Melchior, Apodemus<br />

sylvaticus L., Parus major L., Parus caeruleus<br />

L., Jynx torquilla L., Vespa crabro L. and Bombus<br />

terrestris L.<br />

The number of records on dormice collected<br />

during our survey confirms that the<br />

use of nest boxes/tubes for surveys provided<br />

a good source of data (Robel and Leitenbacher<br />

1993, S chlund et al. 1993, Morris<br />

1997, S orace et al. 1998, 1999, Juškaitis<br />

1995, 1999, 2000, Koppmann-Rumpf et<br />

al. 2003, Bakó et al. 2002). There was difference<br />

in the use of wooden boxes and plastic<br />

nest tubes. The preliminary results of the<br />

comprehensive investigation let us suppose<br />

that fat dormice avoid the plastic nest tubes,<br />

forest dormice seem to make no difference,<br />

whereas hazel dormice nested mainly in the<br />

plastic tubes. In an earlier study we found<br />

out that Muscardinus made no difference<br />

between the two types of nest boxes, but<br />

Dryomys and Glis had a clear preference to<br />

wooden boxes (Hecker and Bakó 2005).<br />

These observations show that records gained<br />

using wooden nest boxes are more reliable<br />

for all three species. We think this is because<br />

the inner hole is bigger in the wooden nest<br />

boxes and more suitable for Glis, but even for<br />

Dryomys, because the only two forest dormice<br />

found in the nest tubes in 2005 were juveniles.<br />

We think that Muscardinus used the<br />

tubes more because of the competition with<br />

the other dormouse species. However the<br />

wooden boxes are heavier and it is hard to<br />

fix them on shrubs. Probably the size is more<br />

important than the material, so it would be<br />

useful to test larger plastic nest boxes e.g. of<br />

the size of wooden nest boxes.<br />

The species composition changed in<br />

2005. Before that year hazel dormouse was<br />

the most abundant similarly to nationwide<br />

trends (Hecker et al. 2003). In 2005, 139<br />

records were obtained on Glis, which made<br />

41% of all dormouse records during whole<br />

study period. Observed increase in Glis numbers<br />

might have been caused by the change in<br />

acorn production, as it was observed in other<br />

studies (S chlund et al. 2002). However, we<br />

did not monitor acorn production to support<br />

this statement, but a lot of the nest boxes and<br />

plastic nest tubes were filled up with acorn<br />

shells much more than in previous years.<br />

The differences in distribution of dormouse<br />

species cannot be explained only by<br />

spatial factors. All but one of the plots were<br />

adjacent to one or more plots, and all were<br />

linked together by forest patches or habitat<br />

corridors. The largest difference in species<br />

composition was found between the hedge,<br />

journal 7.indb 384 2006-09-23 11:28:42

Distribution of coexisting dormouse species<br />

385<br />

with all three dormouse species present,<br />

and the neighbouring shrub and young pine<br />

stand, only with Muscardinus.<br />

Those habitats where all three dormouse<br />

species occurred contained various tree<br />

and shrub species, providing food (fruits or<br />

seeds) at different times. By contrast, in the<br />

shrub where dogwood (Cornus sanguinea L.)<br />

dominated or in the young pine stand only<br />

few shrub species provided source of food.<br />

Dryomys was the only species, which was<br />

not found at the edge of oak-hornbeam forest.<br />

It agrees with the results of the former<br />

survey (Gál 1999). However, in the neighbouring<br />

oak- hornbeam forest one Dryomys<br />

was recorded in 2005.<br />

There are certain microhabitats where<br />

mainly or only hazel dormice appear: young<br />

pine stand, shrub, oak-hornbeam forest. The<br />

changes of the spatial distribution found<br />

during the five years of our survey suggest<br />

that the increase of Glis forced back Muscardinus<br />

to the habitats with less species-rich<br />

structures. In the last three years of the study<br />

(2002–2005) we observed a decrease in the<br />

records on Muscardinus in the hedge but at<br />

the same time the numbers in the adjacent<br />

shrub and young pine stand increased.<br />

In the last years vegetation succession<br />

was very intensive, because the orchards<br />

were taken out of cultivation. The shrub vegetation<br />

(Viburnum L., Prunus L. and Euonymus<br />

L. species) has got thicker and formed a<br />

more continuous habitat. This is a possible<br />

reason why more fat dormice appeared in<br />

the hedgerow and numbers of Dryomys increased<br />

in the abandoned orchard.<br />

Data on seasonal distribution show that<br />

nest boxes were used in the whole active season,<br />

but to different extent. The decrease in<br />

using of nest boxes by Muscardinus and Dryomys<br />

in July–August might be due to the late<br />

re-appearance of Glis after hibernation. Glis<br />

probably forced out the smaller dormouse<br />

species. In some cases we found gnawed skin<br />

of young Dryomys and Muscardinus specimens<br />

in Glis nests, which confirms the strong<br />

competition between the species. To answer<br />

these questions we started a field survey in<br />

a location where only Dryomys and Muscardinus<br />

occur.<br />

Our results showed that coexistence of<br />

different dormouse species was possible in<br />

the same habitats – even in nest boxes next to<br />

each other. In our study site we found noticeable<br />

differences between the influence of the<br />

vegetation types and structures, but a more<br />

detailed field survey is needed to explore interspecies<br />

behaviour patterns.<br />


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journal 7.indb 386 2006-09-23 11:28:42

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