Explanation Of Gene Action As Related To Physiological

Explanation Of Gene Action As Related To Physiological

Explanation Of Gene Action As Related To Physiological


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_<br />

<strong>Gene</strong> <strong>Action</strong> as <strong>Related</strong> to <strong>Physiological</strong> Characteristics<br />

by J. L. Lush<br />

at Fourth Poultry Breeders Eoundtable<br />

Chicago, Illinois 2 June 1955<br />


The genes themselves are the units of inheritance, but we know them<br />

only by their effects.<br />

The genes are the things which are transmitted from<br />

parent to offspring, along with enough cytoplasm and other cell machinery<br />

to keep them alive and working as they should.<br />

But between the genes and<br />

their final,effects are many chemical changes, each partly dependent on<br />

the preceding ones and on other genes and o_ the nutrient materials which<br />

are present.<br />

The ways in which the genes do their work are matters of chemistry<br />

and physiology.<br />

These are not matters of inheritance in the narrowest<br />

sense of that word, but they always may and frequently do confuse us in<br />

our attempts to find out about i_theritance.<br />

In a general way the genes act like enzymes or catalysts.<br />

That is,<br />

they promote the chemical processes of growth and development, without<br />

themselves being used up in the process.<br />

However, Lmlike most of the<br />

catalysts or enz_nes which have been studied in test tubes, the genes<br />

are self-duplicating. It seems fair to call them "living catalysts". A<br />

gene acts on one or more substrates transforming or combining_them into<br />

something else.<br />

These substrates or other materials had to come from<br />

somewhere.<br />

Some of them were products of the earlier action of'genes on<br />

prior substrates. Like all other chemical processes, these are affected<br />

also by the presence or absence of nonliving nutrients.<br />

The rates of<br />

many of these chemical changes canbe<br />

modified by changes in temperature,<br />

alkalinity, and other conditions.<br />

The immediate product of a gene may be

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"_ only a substance which can then be changed by other genes or by the products<br />

of other genes. This results in long chains of effects or processes,<br />

whereby the initial fertilized ovum and the surrounding nutrients ultimately<br />

become the adult organism with its many physiological and anatomical<br />

and behavioral characters.<br />

Probably we never will know all the details about all the processes<br />

between the genes and the finished characters which interest us. If we<br />

ever do know, all that, we will also know everything about embryology,<br />

physiology, growth, and all the other life processes_ In our actmal<br />

breeding operations, such as selection, the choice of mates for making<br />

progeny tests, or for perpetuating the line, etc., we necessarily must<br />

work with the end products of the genes, rather than with the genes themselves.<br />

Because the genes may be so remote from the end products and so<br />

many other genes or environmental changes may intervene in the long chain<br />

of events to alter the final results, we may nmke many mistakes in our<br />

breeding operations, expecially if we base our decisions wholly on the<br />

individual's own characters. No complete escape from that seems possible,<br />

although proper use of such things as progeny testing, sib testing, etc.,<br />

will make the errors fewer.<br />

Chemical reactions rarely proceed perfectly linearly, either with time<br />

or with the amount of raw _terial present. A very common type of reaction,<br />

especially where the raw material is limited in amount and the action can<br />

get underway quickly, is that in which the rate of change is proportional<br />

to the amount of untransformed raw material still remaining. This gives<br />

a curve of diminishing returns with time. %_en processes act thus, adding<br />

twice as much catalyst would hasten the change only slightly. T_en genes<br />

act in this way we naturally expect to find complete or nearly complete<br />

dominance in the final character, even though the genes might show: no

dominance in their primary effects if we could measure those directly.<br />

Another common type of chemical reaction, when the activating agent<br />

is very limited in amount and the reactions start slowly, is that the<br />

reaction proceeds in proportion to the amount of product which is already<br />

formed. This would yield a logarithmic or "constant percentage rate"<br />

curve if the relations continued indefinitely without encountering new<br />

obstacles. You are all familiar with this idea from your arithmetic<br />

lessons on compound interest, or from some biology lectures on how many<br />

amoeba you would have at the end of 24 hoursj -- or a week# or a month, --<br />

if you started with one and it and all its successors doubled every hour<br />

and there were no death losses_ Actually no process ever continues long<br />

at such a rate. Instead, it encounters obstacles such as using up the<br />

substrate, competition from other processes or organisms, efficiency<br />

decreasing with size etc. These slow down the process. If a rate starts<br />

like this and then later slows down in proportion to the amount of substrate<br />

still unchanged, we get the very common S-shaped or autocatalytic curves<br />

for the amount of change observed. Most individual growth curves are<br />

this kind, more or less asymmetrical and with much of the earlier part<br />

of the curve having taken place _efore hatching or birth. Populations<br />

expanding in numbers under fixed environmental conditions likewise follow<br />

this S-shaped or logistic curve.<br />

When I consider the wide variety of ways in which these growth and<br />

development process may operate and in which they may help or hinder each<br />

other, or be superposed on each other, I am filled with wonder that the<br />

relations between the genes and their end products are as nearly linear<br />

as they are. I suppose it must be primarily because their very complexity<br />

itself gives them a sort of statistical stability in that the numerous<br />

processes which might cause them to vary cur_i].inearly in one way are

_lOsomewhere<br />

nearly equally balanced by the humerous other processes which,<br />

themselves, would cause an opposite kind of curvilinearity.<br />

Instead of being surprised at dominance or eplstasls and at the many<br />

cases where herltabillty is rather low, I tend to be astonished that<br />

dominance and eplstasls are not more extreme and that herltabilltles as<br />

.._.-.----.---___.<br />

high as i0_o are often found. I suppose natural selection has required<br />

that to be true to a considerable extent, else the specieswould not have<br />

survived. That is, the Mendelian segregation and recombination would have<br />

produced an intolerably large proportion of individuals so defective in<br />

one way or another that they could not survive, if these various growth<br />

processes had combined with each other in extremely irregular ways.<br />

If a species is dependent for survival on having a certain highly _<br />

complex genetic combination, then it can survive only by becoming almost--_<br />

completely homozygous for most of the genes needed in that combination.<br />

This, I am sure, has happenedas concerns differences between major<br />

groupings of the plant or animal world, such as the differences between<br />

<strong>Gene</strong>ra, Families and Orders. However, breeders are concerned with<br />

differences such as occur within species and even within breeds. If<br />

these differences are many and if each of them is frequent, then I think<br />

the combinations of their various effects must come somewhere near to<br />

being additive, else the species or breed would have difficulty surviving.<br />

Speculations like these seem to serve no useful purpose, except<br />

that they may help explain how the complicated processes which the genes<br />

initiate or guide can still yield viable individuals most of the time<br />

andhow it happens that the end product can be nearly enough in proportion<br />

to the differences in genes transmitted that we often find<br />

heritabilities of i0 to 20_ or even higher.

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You are all moderately familiar with outward effects being subdivided<br />

into additive, dominance or epistatic. This classification is<br />

only an operational one. It does not mean that we know exactly what<br />

each gene does or could write the chemical formulas of the reactions<br />

which it causes or controls. We classify the gene effects in this way<br />

because they respond differently to different breeding methods, The<br />

additive effects we can improve by mass selection, reinforced perhaps<br />

with attention to relatives, to sibs, and to progeny tests. The nonadditive<br />

effects are truly hereditary in that they are caused by<br />

differences in the genes which different individuals have; yet they<br />

contribute irregularly or not aZ all to the resemblances between<br />

relatives.<br />

These nonaddltive effects are split into two groups; ..... the<br />

dominance deviations and the epistatlc deviations, .... because the<br />

former can never be transmitted in a single gamete and, therefore,<br />

contribute not a_ all to the likeness <strong>Of</strong> any relatives except those<br />

who are related through at least two lines of descent which do not<br />

anywhere go through the same gamete. Many of the eplstatic effects do<br />

contribute something (usually not much unless we are concerned with<br />

highlY inbred lines) to the resemblance of individuals related through<br />

only one line of descent.<br />

The additive effect of a gene is the average effect of substituting<br />

it for its allele without any other change. If the substitution actually<br />

has an effect larger than average in some individuals, it must<br />

necessarily have an effect smaller than average in others. These differenceslbetween<br />

the actual effects of the gene, in all sorts of<br />

individuals which interest us, and its average effects are the nonadditive

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ones. The idea of the average affect is, therefore, a clear and simple<br />

one. We have in mind these additive effects when we call a gene ':good"<br />

or "bad",, or when we speak of genes "for:: or genes "against" some character.<br />

We can rarely, if ever, compUte the average effect of a gene<br />

directly because we do not know enough about _its frequency or its actual<br />

effects in all sorts of combinations. Instead, we estimate the amount<br />

of additive variation present by examining the resemblances between<br />

different kinds of relatives. The following table will show for parent<br />

and offspring and for full sibs what fraction of each of these different<br />

kinds of effects would be included in the resemblance between such relatives,<br />

if sire and dam are not related, The fractions become more<br />

complicated where sire and dan are related and some inbreeding, therefore,<br />

has occurred. <strong>Of</strong> the two numbers describing the kind of effect,<br />

the first is the number of nonallelic genes needed and the second is the<br />

number of pairs of allelic genes. Thus 2, 1 signifies effects such as<br />

those of AbCc or AAbc; while l, 1 signifies joint effects of such combinations<br />

as AaB, aCc, dDd, etc.<br />

Kind of effect Number of genes Amount of this effect which is<br />

needed to produce common to:<br />

the effect Parent & offsprin_ Full sibs<br />

_dditlve i, 0 i 1/2 1/6<br />

Dominance 0ri 2 --- 1/4<br />

EPistatic 2,0 2 I/4 i/4<br />

3,o 3 1/8 1/8<br />

I,i 3 --- i/8<br />

4, 0 4 1/16 1/16<br />

2, i 4 --- 1/16<br />

O, 2 $ --- 1/16<br />

5,0 5 1/32 1/32<br />

3,i 5 --- 1/32<br />

1,2 5 --- 1/32<br />

6, 0 6 1/64 1/64<br />

4,1 6 --- 1/64<br />

2,2 6 --- 1/64<br />

O, 3 6 --- 1/64<br />

_ etc. etc. etc. I etc.

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A glance at this table reveals two things: (i) The more complex the<br />

comblnatlon_ the less it will affect relatives alike_ (2) 0nly when<br />

the second number in the description is zero does such an effect contribute<br />

at all to the likeness between parent and offspring; This latter<br />

fact is merely a consequence of Mendel's law of segregation preventing<br />

two alleiic genes from getting into the same gamete. The former means<br />

that when we estimate heritability, as usual, by comparing the resemblances<br />

between relatives in nearly random bred populations, we vastly<br />

underestimate heritability if most of the hereditary variations are caused<br />

by complex combinations. But these considerations do not of themselves<br />

tell us Whether the complex combinations cause much or only a little of<br />

the total hereditary variation. If they do cause much of it, this would<br />

go far toward explaining why studies of identical twins, or of highly<br />

inbred lines, so often yield surprisingly high estimates of heritability.<br />

The effect of a gene may be large or very small or anywhere between.<br />

0nly the genes with major effects can be identified in a Mendelian manner<br />

and then 0nly if their effects are nearly all additive and if the confusion<br />

by environmental effects is small. Brues says that it is difficult,<br />

if not in_osslble, to identify a single gene in the Mendelian manner<br />

unless that gene pair causes more than half of the total variation in<br />

the character being studied. The epistatic effects are simply what is<br />

left of the actual effects after the additive effects and the effects of<br />

simple dominance have been substracted. That is, eplstasis includes all<br />

the nonadditive effects except simple dominance. Many kinds of eplstatlc<br />

effects were kno_m in some detail before this statistical or operational<br />

definition became common. Examples are complementary genes, inhibitory<br />

genes, multiplicative action, iutermediate preferred, threshold effects,<br />

and many otherS. Complementary genes are those which produce effects

only when both are present. Inhibitory genes prevent other genes from<br />

doing what they would do if the inhibitory genes were absent. Multiplicative<br />

effects are common in differences in growth, especially when<br />

growth is measured as weight or volume. If a gene increases weight 5%<br />

it makes a bigger increase in a bird which weighs 4 lbs. than in one<br />

which weighs 2 lbs. In this way the actual effect of the gene varies,<br />

according to the other genes present. Very often in nature and in animal<br />

breeding the intermediate dimension or quality of the character is<br />

preferred over either extreme. If the character is affected by only one<br />

gene, this becomes overdominance. But if it is affected by many genes,<br />

the intermediates are only a tiny bit more heterozygous than the average<br />

individual in the population and the genetic situation and problem is<br />

very different from that of overdominance. The threshold type of epistasis<br />

is likewise very common. It is usual for characteristics which<br />

can be measured only in two levels, such as mortality, or the breaking<br />

strength of bones. Tkethresholds need not be absolutely sharp. When<br />

they are gradual, the individual differences may be measured on a nearly<br />

continuous scale through a zone just below to just above the threshold<br />

but, when we get far below or far above, further genetic changes make<br />

little or no difference in the outward effect, This leads to a "factor<br />

of safety" type of epistasis which is particularly interesting because<br />

it is the commonest kind in which conducting the progeny test on very<br />

weak or very susceptible special stocks may be worth while.<br />


The foregoing is phrased as if a gene had only one effect. But<br />

already we know many cases in which a single gene clearly affects several<br />

characters. The usual rule is that the more we study a gene, the more<br />

effects we learn it has. I am inclined to conjecture that nearly all

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genes have manyeffects, although that may be going too far. _en a gene<br />

has more than one effect, the technical term for that is "pleiotropy".<br />

The well-known gene for yellow in the mouse._is one of the earliest<br />

examples found in genetics. This gene has at least three effects; it<br />

makes the mouse yellow and this effect is dominant. Secondly, it makes<br />

him unusually fat and this, likewise, is dominant . Thirdly, it kills him<br />

and this effect is recessive, else we would never have found the gene. It<br />

is not obvious (to me) why yellow color and fatness, which are dominant,<br />

and lethality which is recessive should be caused by a single gene. Perhaps<br />

all three of these effects result from one primary thing which the<br />

gene does and they wouldn't seem so unrelated, to each other if I understood<br />

all the chemistry and physiology of how that gene does its work.<br />

Students of genetics have sometimes distinguished between "primary"<br />

and "secondary" pleiotropy. The primary action occurs if the gene does |<br />

\<br />

!<br />

two or more different things at the very beginning , perhaps produces three\<br />

different catalysts which work on entirely different processes or organs \ \<br />

of the body. "Secondary" pleiotropy occurs if the gene does Just one 1<br />

thing primarily but the product of this action itself affects two or more 1<br />

characters or other actions and these in turn may each affect more than !<br />

one character. This would give a many-branching chain of many final<br />

effects, some of them not obviously related, but all resulting from a<br />

single primary effect. The evidence for secondary plelotropy seems more<br />

convincing but, for practical purposes, it is simply not pertinent whether<br />

plelotropy is primary or secondary. The practical results are the same.<br />

<strong>Of</strong>course, the distinction is of interest scientifically and finding the<br />

facts in each case would aid our understanding of gene action and might<br />

suggest some therapeutic ways of magnifying some effects while diminishing<br />


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<strong>As</strong> another example of what<br />

is probably plelotropy, one of you, working<br />

with a dominant gene but back-crosslng to the recessive, found that<br />

this gene had an otherwise unnoticed effect on growth rate.<br />

Because the<br />

gene was dominant and the breeding plan was to backcross<br />

continually to<br />

the recessive, the chickens could be sorted clearly into two groups; those<br />

which had the gene but were heterozygous for it and those which didn't<br />

have the dominant gene at all.<br />

Then it became clear that those which did<br />

not have the dominant gene exceeded the others by a full tenth of a pound<br />

in weight.<br />

Now this difference is big enough to be important practically<br />

but small enough that it would not have been noticed had not the other<br />

effect of the gene been so conspicuous that it was possible to separate<br />

the chickens into a group which had the gene and another group which did<br />

not.<br />

Cases like this make one wonder how many other effects, too small<br />

to be noticed, are exerted by genes which we know by and name for their<br />

major effects only.<br />

Present knowledge of genetics seems (to me) to<br />

indicate that pleiotropy is very common, --- perhaps universal.<br />

One reason for thinking that plelotropy is exceedingly common is the<br />

complex nature of the machine which is the living animal or plant.<br />

In<br />

the much<br />

simpler machines, such as watches and automobiles, the anatomy<br />

and functioning of which we know fairly well, Itls<br />

rare indeed that we<br />

can make a major change in an important part of that machine without having<br />

several different changes results in other aspects of the way that<br />

machine functions.<br />

It seems to me almost certain that this must be true<br />

ofthe<br />

vastly more complicated machines which our living animals are.<br />

Such reasoning seems to me validand<br />

plausible, although it is far less<br />

convincing than actual detailed evidence in each case would be.<br />

The practical consequences of pleiotropy are all in our favor if we<br />

like all of the effects which the gene has. Then if we select for one

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r<br />

effect of the gene, we also get some improvement in the other effects as<br />

a bonus.<br />

Trouble arises when a gene has some effects which we llke and<br />

others which we do not.<br />

Then if we select for one of these effects we<br />

increase the frequency of that gene and improve the flock in that respect<br />

but at the same time we cause the flock to deteriorate in those characters<br />

which the gene affects unfavorably.<br />

In general, the favorable effects of<br />

a gene tend to be at least partiall__dominant_a_e_mthe unfavorable ones.<br />

So far as that is true and most genes have several effects, then overdomlnance__<br />

......for the net effects,_°fthe--g-eneis a hlghly_likely<br />

consequence.<br />

If dominance of the favorable effect were complete in all cases, the heterozygote<br />

would show all of the desired qualities of both homozygotes and<br />

none of the undesired qualities of either.<br />

It is more likely that dominance<br />

of the favored effect is not wholly complete in all cases and that<br />

one homozygote will be better than the other. Hence, overdominance might<br />

be general and yet not often extreme.<br />

That is, the heterozygote might<br />

be only a few percent better<br />

in net merit than the better homozygote,<br />

although far better than the other homozygote.<br />

Most of the variation<br />

in a flock, already improved by years of breeding,<br />

will generally be caused by genes which have some good effects and<br />

some bad ones.<br />

<strong>Gene</strong>s with wholly good effects will have already become<br />

almost homozygous all through the population.<br />

Any gene whose effects were<br />

all inferior to those of its allele will already have been made so scarce<br />

that it causes little variation and makes little trouble.<br />

In these circumstances,<br />

intensifying selection would have the effect of changing the<br />

degree of overdominance and hence the equilibrium frequencies of genes<br />

with some good effects and some bad effects. The population would change<br />

rapidly as the population approached its new equilibrium condition.<br />

Little<br />

or no,genuine fixation of the new condition would occur; if the new selec-

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tlon were then relaxed, the population would soon return to its former<br />

condition.<br />

What can we do about it if overdominance is widespread? There might<br />

be other genes which, in the homozygous condition, would produce the<br />

effect we want. If not, I see nothing better than to breed so that as<br />

large a fraction as possible of the animals in the commercial flocks shall<br />

be heterozygous for these genes whlch sho_ overdomlnance. This means some<br />

kind of a crossbreeding or rotational crossbreeding system patterned some_<br />

what after the hybridcorn plan. The method might even be improved over<br />

the hybrid corn plan if reciprocal recurrent selection actually is effective<br />

in gathering together into contrasting strains the genes which, when<br />

thestrains are crossed together, will produce the maximum amount of<br />

heterosis. This is a vastly different breeding system from the classical<br />

idea of continually improving the relatively pure stock until it becomes<br />

better and better and purer and purer, with the ultimate end of making a<br />

purebred stock which will be perfect. Because this is so different from<br />

those traditional methods, it is of the utmost importance to know whether<br />

overdominance really is abundant enough to justify these more complicated<br />

methods.<br />


The test least capable of being interpreted wrongly is to select one<br />

line for largeness in X and the other for smallness in X and then to<br />

observe whether the two lines become different in other characteristics.<br />

Such a change in characters not intentionally selected is often called a<br />

"correlated response". Dr. Falconer, who is here today, Dr. John W.<br />

MacArthur, and many others, have observed such correlated responses.<br />

Experiments involving selecting a high llne and a low line are difficult<br />

to do for more than one or two characters at a time. Also, they need to

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be continued for several generations and on enough lines to exclude the<br />

possibility that the other characters changed purely by accident or<br />

"genetic drift".<br />

Hence, we are not likely to learn about the plelotropy<br />

of many characters in this way, although more experiments of this kind do<br />

seem needed and justified.<br />

A method not requiring one to conduct a selection experiment is to<br />

correlate character X in one individual with Y in a close relative and<br />

also Y in the first individual with X in the second.<br />

Dr. Hazel and others<br />

have used this approach widely in constructing selection indexes.<br />

In<br />

principle it is really a selection experiment covering only one generation.<br />

It may have many degrees of freedom but the sampling errors are high, especially<br />

if heritabillty is low.<br />

One of the things most urgently needed in<br />

shaping breeding plans is a better method for estimating these "genetic<br />

correlations" which are really estimates of the effective amount of<br />

pleiotropy in the population which interests us.<br />

One could estimate pleltropy by correlating flock or line or racial<br />

means for X with the means of the same groups for Y, but this is not at<br />

all sensitive because we never have enou_1 flocks, or lines, or races,<br />

etc., to give us many degrees of freedom.<br />

Also, the environmental differences<br />

are almost certain to be confounded with the genetic differences<br />

between groups.<br />

Moreover, prior selection have been in different directions<br />

or aSdifferent rates in the different populations.<br />

This would give<br />

the appearance of plelotropy even when it didn't really exist.<br />

In short,<br />

relations between the means of such groups for various characters are too<br />

undependable<br />

to furnish useful information about plelotropy.<br />


So far as the genes interact addltively and with only partial or complete<br />

dominance (i.e. without overdominance or epistasis), the best methods

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of improved breeding seem to bethe<br />

standard ones of selecting on pedigree,<br />

on individuality and On progeny tests. The progeny tests in this case<br />

would normally be conducted on mates from the same stock which was being<br />

improved. Special tester strains for making the progeny test would be<br />

of only a little use.<br />

More accurate selection indexes and more careful<br />

measurements can increase progress considerably under these circumstances.<br />

When overdominance is important and the heterozygous individuals are<br />

superior to both homozyg0tes<br />

(a condition likely to be common if plelotropy<br />

is), progress ought to be maximum if we select mainly On the kind<br />

of individual progeny the animal produces when it is crossed on mates<br />

from the same stock on which its descendants are actually to be used.<br />

This is "reciprocal recurrent selection" if both stocks used in the cross<br />

are being improved simultaneously_<br />

This method promises also to improve<br />

the additive effects and those which are caused by complete or partial<br />

dominance but it lengthens the generation interval in doing so and one<br />

cannot pay much, if any, attention to individualltywhen<br />

making the seiections.<br />

If over-dominance is only a small part of the gene actions, one<br />

might lose more by these two defects than he would gain by the power of<br />

the reciprocal recurrent method to assemble, in the two stocks which are<br />

to be crossed# whatever genes will produce the maximum merit in the<br />

crosses.<br />

Eplstasis of the threshold or "factor of safety" kind may justify the<br />

use of special weak or defective test strains for mates in the progeny<br />

testing. For<br />

instance, if the individuals which are genetically above<br />

the threshold show no further sign of weakness, and if each is bred true<br />

and progeny tested on mates of its own kind, then a strain which if four<br />

units above the threshold and, therefore, has a large genetic factor of<br />

safety, could hardly be distinguished from a strain which is only two<br />

units above the threshold, unless the individual variation within both

• -21-<br />

strains were very large. If_ however, we can find a weak strain which is two<br />

or three units below the threshold and can progeny test the individuals<br />

of the other strains on this weak tester strain, then the progeny averages<br />

will show clearly which strain contained the larger margin of safety.<br />

Breeding for disease resistance may well go in this direction wherever<br />

such a weak strain can be maintained and there is no more economical way<br />

to combat disease.<br />

Breeders of corn have used this method freely in<br />

breeding for stronger stalks and to reduce the percentage of ears dropped<br />

in the field before harvest. The basic reason it is practical in these<br />

threshold cases to use weak or defective strains as special tester<br />

stocks is that we can not measure how far the individual is above the<br />

threshold of breakdown.<br />

Wherever we can find a way to measure the factor<br />

of safety or margin of resistance in each individual, then these threshold<br />

characters can be<br />

treated the same as any character which can be<br />

measured on a continuous scale.<br />

If we know that other kinds of epistatic factor actions are important,<br />

we will, in general, rely more on linebreeding than if we know they<br />

do not exist.<br />

We will do much making of families and subsequent selecting<br />

between those families on the average performance of the family. We<br />

will rely more on the family average than on the individual the surer<br />

we are that we are working with such an epistatic situation.<br />

We will<br />

intercross the very best families and make new lines out of those crosses<br />

which are best.<br />

Incidentally, this is just the exact opposite from what<br />

we would do if we knew that overdominance were important.<br />

That is, if we<br />

know that overdominance is important and we find two families which cross<br />

extremely well, then we know that we ought not try to make new families<br />

from that cross.<br />

Instead, we would make new families out of crosses<br />

among families which all cross well with family Q, for example.<br />

Then we<br />

would test these new families in crosses with family Q.<br />

Similarly, if we

22-<br />

would intercross with each other and with Q the other families which<br />

cross reasonably well with the same families with which Q crosses well.<br />

From<br />

such intercrosses we would make new familes and then would test<br />

these new families by using them, in place of Q, in the crosses Where<br />

Q had beenmoderately successful. This is, after all, only the common<br />

sense method of testing the new families in the very crosses in which<br />

their descendants are to be used.<br />

In summary, special tester stocks on which<br />

to progeny test the stud<br />

candidates can be useful in three genetic situations.<br />

The first is when a prime object is to uncover and discard undesir"<br />

able recesslves.<br />

A current example is in testing beef cattle for whether<br />

they can transmit dwarfness.<br />

At present it is often profitable to maintain<br />

a special tester group of cows known to have produced dwarf calves<br />

an% therefore, to be heterozygous.<br />

Rarely is a recessive important<br />

enough and abundant enough to justify maintaining a special tester stock<br />

for this purpose.<br />

The senond situation is that of threshold effects where one wants to<br />

know how much margin of resistance or factor of safety is in the various<br />

animals or families which are candidates for the stud pens.<br />

For both of these two purposes, the goal is an improved pure stock.<br />

It is rarely possible to keep several different special tester strains,<br />

--- a different one for each important deleterious recessive or threshold<br />

character, perhaps, --- which might be of concern. This can be<br />

overcome in part by testing the males on their own daughters or on<br />

their sisters but the harmful phenotypic effects of inbreeding would make<br />

one count carefully before doing this.<br />

The third case in which progeny testing on special tester stocks is<br />

likely to be worth while is when overdomlnance (or "specific combining

"_3-<br />

ability" in general) is important.<br />

In this case, one is improving the<br />

lines to get still better results when they are used in a continued<br />

outbreeding program, --- not for their own qualities or for commercial<br />

use when bred<br />

pure.<br />

If some kind fairy would promiseto answer for me four questions<br />

about practical animal breeding, my choice of questions would be: 1.<br />

How important is overdominance? 2. How important are interactions<br />

between heredity and environment? 3. How important is eoistasis of<br />

the threshold or "factor of safety" kind? 4. How important are other<br />

epistatic actions?<br />

It is likely that these questions have somewhat<br />

different answers for different species and perhaps even under different<br />

systems of agriculture or different climates.

-25-<br />

Hogsett: In my introduction off.Dr. Lush I failed to state that he has<br />

been the advisor for this group, I believe, ever since its inception and has<br />

done a fine Job in helping the committee plan the program.<br />

Now we will take as much time up to a half hour as you need to ask<br />

Dr. Lush any questions you may desire. Who will be first to ask a question?<br />

Parmenter: Msy I ask a question on this dwarfism in cattle, seeing that<br />

we are chicken breeders. What about the use of this profilometer on bulls,<br />

the accuracy of that?<br />

Lush: The experts on dwarfness in cattle are all meeting in Ames today.<br />

Several of them said they were sorry of the conflict, because they would have<br />

liked robe here. Certainly I would llke to have them here.<br />

Opinions differ on the accuracy of the profilometer. I do not know the<br />

very latest, but I think in general the opinion is that the accuracy is<br />

rather low. A good many people still think it has some accuracy.<br />

The profilometer is a device for running a wheel down the forehead of<br />

the animal, tracing on a piece of paper the profile as seen from a side view.<br />

It was based on the very logical thought that since the dwarfs have very<br />

bulging foreheads, maybe the heterozygotes would have a little bulginess. If<br />

so, you could find who could transmit dwarfness by examining their profiles.<br />

Some of the earlier work convinced Dr. Gregory that he was on the trail of<br />

something very important in this, but there are many statistical pitfalls of<br />

one kind or another in collecting and appraising this kind of evidence.<br />

Others went to work checking it. In the main the checks have not been<br />

very good. It still seems to me natural that the heterozygotes might show<br />

some bulginess. There was a lot of enthusiasm about the profilometer two<br />

or threm years ago but not many people are using it enthusiastically now.<br />

We are still trying it but we have pretty well lost faith in it.<br />

Hogsett: Any further questions?

-25-<br />

Wyatt: I would llke to ask Dr. Lush how you proceed in the case of<br />

mortality in chickens, for example. How do you go about finding one of<br />

these populations that you can use for a tester? How do you know how far<br />

this population is above the threshold and so forth?<br />

Lush: I expect there are some in the room that can answer that better<br />

than I. Maybe some of you think you haven't much difficulty in finding a<br />

population with low vitality!<br />

Seriously, the vitality must be above a certain minimum to keep them<br />

going, does it not? You could not have a tester population in which all<br />

died off before reproduction. They must have a certain amount of vitality<br />

to keep them going.<br />

Incidentally, you do not need a tester strain badly, as long as the<br />

mortality in the stock you are trying to improve is much above thirty per<br />

cent. Then mass selection and progeny testing can give about as much help<br />

as you can use. Even when you get the mortallty below thirty per cent,<br />

progeny testing and family or sib-testlng can help quite a bit until you get<br />

mortality on down toward _wenty or even fifteen. _hen the effectiveness of<br />

these begins to taper out. It does not_go completely to zero, but progeny<br />

tests and slb-tests diminish fast in their effectiveness when your mortality<br />

falls much below twenty per cent. Hence, I would not worry much about finding<br />

a tester stock until the mortality in my own stock was down under fifteen.<br />

If I ever got it under ten, then I would just about have to find a tester<br />

stock with high mortality.<br />

How I would find it, I am not sure. Maybe, if I did not have it in<br />

my own flock, my neighbors might sell me a stock which was low enough in<br />

vitality.<br />

Wyatt: Well, if you are going to measure this tester Just by the incidence<br />

of mortality in the tester, say that that is below the threshold,<br />

_hy can't you just measure the incidence of mortality in the flock you are

-26-<br />

willing to test and say if it is low then I have a high threshold and not<br />

bother to make this cross?<br />

Lush: Well, you might want to make it still higher. If your mortality<br />

is low, say 15 per cent, you mean that you would be content there?<br />

Wyatt: No, not particularly.<br />

Lush: We have to allow for a certain irreducible amount of wholly accidental<br />

death loss. Your ability to push mortality any lower goes almost (hut<br />

not quite) to zero by the time you get the fraction who are dying much under<br />

twenty or fifteen per cent, even with progeny testing on stock of their own<br />

kind.<br />

If you progeny test them then on your own stock, so few would die that<br />

you can hardly tell the difference between those with a little excess vitality<br />

and those with a big reserve of that. But if you had a weaker stock, let us<br />

say a stock in which sixty per cent of them would die, then if you progeny<br />

test your own males on these, you would expect their offspring to be near<br />

enough the threshold, where the test is sensitive, that you could discriminate<br />

between males with a small and males with a large reserve or "factor of safety"<br />

against high mortality.<br />

You might need to allow also for some heterosis if your tester stocks were<br />

distinctly unrelated to your own flock.<br />

Your first approximation in these things is always to suppose that the<br />

offspring will average about halfway between the parental races, plus or minus<br />

whatever heterosis there is in the character concerned.<br />

Warren: May I ask, Dr. Lush, in view of what you have said Just here<br />

then, probably the best thing to do from the practical point of view if you<br />

get mortality below ten is just to forget it_ is that not right, not have<br />

these<br />

tests?<br />

Lush: Well, I suppose if you have other troubles that are more important<br />

practically, I would go along with you. But if that is still the most serious

-27-<br />

! weakness in your stock you would like to remedy it, would you not?<br />

In a Practical way I think it is true of nearly all these things, that<br />

once you get a defect pretty well remedied you are almost sure to find that<br />

some other trouble to which you have not been paying attention is now more<br />

important. Hence, in a good many cases you are not interested in building<br />

up a highreserve over the threshold, but in some cases you are. I would<br />

imagine that those of you who are selling birds for use on farms that have<br />

a higher level of disease incidence than yours might find that often so.<br />

Perhaps you have on your farm a mortality of only five or ten per cent, but<br />

when you put your stock out on the average customer's farm, where the causative<br />

agents of disease are at higher levels, the mortalltymay go up to<br />

thirty per cent or so.<br />

If you found that out you would still like to put more vitality in your<br />

stock so that when your customer got it the mortality would still stay under<br />

five or ten. Since you want to keep your customer coming back next year, I<br />

would not go all the way with you in that view.<br />

Warren: The question that comes to my mind, so often we find that these<br />

people who have breeder strains, take the gene for early feathering, which<br />

is such a simple one that you could make it homozygous, still we find many<br />

people wh0are breeding broiler stock who do not go all the way to make<br />

their flocks completely homozygous for that early feathering gene because<br />

they are interested in so many other things. They get up to about ninety<br />

per cent and then they go along and just tolerate the rest of those. A few<br />

of them have gone all the way, but many of them do not, they do not think it<br />

is worthwhile.<br />

Yohe: I thlnk you hinted at this in one of your answers. This is confined<br />

largely to additive genes. It would not work in a case where you had<br />

dominance or epistasls, would it?

-28-<br />

Lush: You would get some surprises always, yes. The situation in which<br />

the cross averages half way between the two parental stocks would require<br />

complete additive action or some special balance of the plus and minus deviations.<br />

If you had some dominance of favorable genes, then your _cross<br />

would be nearer the better parent.<br />

Warren: On this problem of mortality, would you, before you went to a<br />

test cross, exhaust the possibilities from increased exposure first or would<br />

this be involved?<br />

Lush: I would do whichever were cheaper and in the increased exposure<br />

I would wonder whether the means I used for increasing exposure were the<br />

same as the birds would encounter on the farm.<br />

We had a case one time, I do not know whether it still holds up or not,<br />

on the leucosis thing where the injection of leucosls into the peritoneal<br />

cavity increased the leucosls very greatly, but there was practically no<br />

correlation between the amount of leucosls in the injected half and the uninjected<br />

half of the same family. At the time it looked like the injection<br />

by-passed the natural mechanisms of resistance. In the next trial the<br />

causative agent was just put in the nostrils of the bird. This did increase<br />

!<br />

the incidence in the inoculated birds and it did give a high correlation be-<br />

tween the inoculated and the uninoculated halves of the same family, The<br />

intraperltoneal method did not look as if it were getting us anywhere.<br />

Because of such experiences when one increases the exposure, he needs to ask<br />

himself: Is my method of increasing mortality one which tests more strictly<br />

the natural mechanisms that _might be built up genetically or am I by-passlng<br />

them and not doing any good?<br />

If such a method were cheaper, and I were not by-passlng the natural<br />

mechanisms of resistance, I think that might be cheaper than using special<br />

tester stocks in Progeny tests.

-29-<br />

Hogsett:<br />

Dickerson:<br />

Dr. Dickers0n.<br />

That covers my questions.<br />

Lush:<br />

I would llke to have you answer that.<br />

Dickerson:<br />

I think you did very well.<br />

Lush:<br />

Are there any other questions?<br />

Gorsllne:<br />

Dr. Lush, you intimated the desirability of learning more<br />

in a practical breeding system of the importance of additive effects versus<br />

dominance and esplstasls.<br />

I am wondering if what we may find will apply<br />

equally to all of our classes of animals, whether poultry may be different<br />

from swine or beef cattle, or whether that is of any concern in the approach<br />

that we have in evaluating theimportance of these defects.<br />

Lush:<br />

I would suppose that each species would have to be studied for<br />

itself.<br />

It would not be unreasonable to find that in the breeding of one<br />

species overdominance is the major problem and in another there is enough<br />

additive variance left to keep going another ten generations or so.<br />

The reasoning behind that is that the additive effects yield to the<br />

traditional method of selecting the best, especially if we reinforce that<br />

method a wee bit with pedigree and quite a lot with slb and progeny tests,<br />

They yield enough that, if we have been breeding for many generations toward<br />

the same goal, it would not be surprising if in some species we have used up<br />

most of the additive variance whlchwas there. That left over would be refractory<br />

part that has not yielded yet, that would be the overdomlnant and<br />

eplstatlc effects.<br />

The corn breeders have some pretty good evidence on that.<br />

Dr. Sprague<br />

has studied it. Where you take a whole set of random lines, without selection,<br />

and measure the general and specific combining ability, you find that a large<br />

share of the differences between them are general.<br />

Some are specific but<br />

these are the smaller part.<br />

Now if you take that whole set of lines and<br />

throw away the eighty or ninety per cent which are worst in general ability<br />

and then measure the differences among what you have left, sixty or ninety

-30-<br />

f per cent ofwhat is left in these selected lines is specific.<br />

Now, I do not know whether poultry breeders have been breeding<br />

in the<br />

same direction so long and so diligently that they have nearly used up the<br />

additive effects or not; neither do I know that for pigs, cattle or sheep,<br />

but<br />

it would not be surprising if some of them have gone further in that<br />

direction than others. Again, some evidence would be welcome.<br />

Heisdorf:<br />

Dr. Lush, suppose a poultry breeder has a commercial cross<br />

which<br />

he thinks is fairly good, but in which he knows considerable improvement<br />

can be made.<br />

However, he is afraid that if he continues to select for better<br />

vitality he might actually lose ground in other respects and end up with a<br />

product which is not as desirable as what he has at present. What can he do<br />

to protect himself, whereby he can divide his population and practice additional<br />

selection with one portion, what can he do with the other to hold what he has<br />

already gained so far?<br />

Lush:<br />

<strong>Of</strong>fhand I do not see why he would expect to lose ground unless<br />

the flock Is small enough that the inevitable inbreeding gets out of hand<br />

and he might have some undesirable things happen that way.<br />

Other than that,<br />

I do not see why he should get any worse.<br />

We have run on to one<br />

or two cases in genetics where the correlation<br />

between parent and offspring was negative.<br />

They are very rare and unlikely<br />

conditions.<br />

They involved some prior selection of parents.<br />

If the flock is small enough that the inbreeding is likely to run away<br />

and you fix some things you did not want to, while you were not looking, and<br />

they turn out to be undesirable<br />

later, I do not know any good remedy for that.<br />

Keeping the flock larger might not be financially possible.<br />

It might be better<br />

even to split it in two or three different stocks.<br />

I suppose you have some<br />

other practical reasons for splitting a flock in two or more parts, such as<br />

against disease or disaster wiping<br />

out the flock.

-31°<br />

We used to teach our classes that selection may not do any good, but<br />

at least it would not hurt.<br />

We have modified that a •littlebit noW._ We<br />

say it will not hurt YoU_unless you have a lot of overdominance and some<br />

other special features.<br />

It might hurt you a little bit then.<br />

Shoffner:<br />

Dr. Lush, this is an involved question -- I do not know whether<br />

I can make it clear or not -- but it goes back to this tester stock idea of<br />

using a weak tester.<br />

The thing that has been stressed and I think is in<br />

back of many people's minds is to use a tester for such things as resistance<br />

to certain diseases or certain weaknesses, such as this leucosis complex.<br />

This is partially philosophy, perhaps.<br />

In Minnesota and other places We<br />

thought we had inbred lines that were resistant and we crossed them and found<br />

they were not resistant. Also certain populations -- at Cornell and others<br />

to bespeciflc<br />

-- apparently have resistance and those larger populations,<br />

notinbred flocks, seem to carry some of that resistance through. Some<br />

recent reports indicate that from one population you might get two different<br />

sets of genes or gene complexes that have resistance to the same thing, yet<br />

apparently they are unrelated.<br />

In one recent report, which probably many of you know of, where Drosophila<br />

was subjected to DDT and resistance was obtained in two lines formed from the<br />

very same populatlon,_ the F1 from crossing these two lines was just as resistant<br />

as the parents, but in future generations that resistance broke up.<br />

From<br />

this one population to begin with they were able to separate out two entirely<br />

unrelated sets of genesthat gave resistance, yet they were not thesame genes<br />

or did not complement each other.<br />

How would you take care of a situation like that, which looks llke it<br />

might actually operate in poultry?<br />

How would you separate it from the fact<br />

that we have the possibility of several different viruses or agents to cause<br />

the lymphatic type and all the different types that come•al0ng, so that one<br />

tester might not be adequate?<br />

How would you resolve this problem?

-32-<br />

I am not sure I made this thing clear except to bring up this problem<br />

of possibility<br />

of multiple testers, rather than one single tester, if you<br />

are going to use it for a weakness characteristic.<br />

Lush:<br />

I do not think I can give you an automatic answer that is guaranteed<br />

to give success on that.<br />

There is a danger, theoretically at least, of getting<br />

a line that is genetically so utterly uniform that a pathogen would match it<br />

perfectly and wipe it out before it could recover.<br />

If the resistance were<br />

based<br />

on one gene or two pairs only, the probability of matching or not<br />

matching the genes and the testers _zouldbe greater than if the resistance<br />

were a more<br />

or,less continuous quality affected by several genes.<br />

I suspect<br />

it might be desirable to have two or more weak testers if it<br />

is important enough, but the desirability of that would become high only if<br />

your<br />

stock were closed and had been closed a long time so that it is probably<br />

developing<br />

its own gene complex pretty different from those of other flocks.<br />

Your question stimulates two other comments.<br />

I should have stressed in<br />

an earlier diagram that if the end character is highly important and there<br />

are several genetic steps in making it, then probably other genes might<br />

produce the effect if one of the regular ones failed somewhere along the<br />

llne.<br />

If it is a highly important character, it will probably have built<br />

in some factors of safety so that an individual defective<br />

in one gene will<br />

not be completely wiped out, but that would<br />

take a long time.<br />

The other comment is the point you made very well that the pathogen<br />

may change itself.<br />

Breeding for disease resistance is a matter of increaslng<br />

the resistance of the host.<br />

The pathogen, if it is a living thing, a virus<br />

or a bacterium, may follow and increase its pathogenicity.<br />

Breeding for<br />

disease resistance is a kind of a stern chase of the host trying to run away<br />

from the organism and the pathogen<br />

following the host.<br />

Professor Haldane in England has speculated<br />

-- I think speculation is the<br />

right word<br />

-- that this may have been a rather important factor in evolution,

-3_<br />

that the pathogen, being a virus or bacterium withmany generations for<br />

each generation of the host, could usually evolve faster than the host.<br />

Thus the pathogen would usually not be very far behind the host in catching<br />

up with that new resistance.<br />

The pathogen would adapt itself to whatever<br />

type of host was most common or abundant.<br />

<strong>As</strong> soon as the pathogen succeeded<br />

in adapting itself to the most abundant type, then selection turns against<br />

that type and the uncommon types are favored.<br />

Such a process would keep<br />

the species forever on the run, keeping it from settling down.<br />

The pathogen<br />

may drive it from this combination to that and to that.<br />

In the process of<br />

being driven endlessly along this planless road, the species may stumble on<br />

to some other importantadaptations.<br />

He speculates that parasites and<br />

diseases may have been a very potent factor in improving all species through<br />

preventing them from resting on their laurels.<br />

Hogsett:<br />

We must adjourn this morning's session, because we must be<br />

back here for a very important part of this program this afternoon at<br />

one-thirty.<br />

Thank you very much, Dr. Lush.

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