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<strong>THE</strong> <strong>PRESCOTT</strong><br />

MARSHALS’ <strong>CLUB</strong><br />

<strong>NEWSLETTER</strong><br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Gosh! What a weekend…….La Vie en Bleu <strong>2013</strong><br />

We normally start to plan an event twelve months ahead but for<br />

this year’s La Vie weekend we started planning much earlier as it formed<br />

part of a three week programme of events centred around the Club’s<br />

<strong>2013</strong> UK Bugatti International Rally. The International Rallies are held<br />

each year in a different country however this year was a little special as<br />

it was fifty years ago that the BOC held the very first Bugatti<br />

International Rally here in the UK.<br />

Following La Vie en Bleu, many of the hundred Bugatti cars which<br />

are assembling from all round the world move on to Cadwell for a track<br />

day together with a special evening celebration of ‘Williams’ who won the<br />

very first Grand Prix of Monaco back in 1929. The following day, we hold<br />

the annual ‘Williams’ Trophy race, a part of the Vintage Sports Car Club<br />

annual race meeting at Cadwell Park. From Cadwell the cars head north<br />

for a week touring the Highlands and Borders of Scotland. A hundred<br />

Bugatti cars assembled in the centre of Edinburgh should be a<br />

spectacular sight.<br />

This year La Vie was blessed by exceptional weather which<br />

attracted record crowds for Prescott. We have yet to review our ticket<br />

count but I suspect this was the largest spectator count we have ever<br />

experienced at Prescott. The Bugatti factory was marvellous in sending<br />

over three Veyrons for us and their test driver certainly entertained the<br />

crowds. My favourite memory of the weekend was the sound of the F1<br />

Benetton echoing around the hill.<br />

Events like this take a lot of planning and commitment from a huge<br />

number of volunteers. I would particularly like to thank all the marshals<br />

who supported us over the weekend and especially those involved on<br />

Sunday when due to a number of incidents on the hill we ended up running<br />

much later than we would have liked. Your support and help was, and is,<br />

much appreciated by the Club and the competitors. A number of marshals<br />

have asked about the Bugatti driver who had a nasty “off”at Esses. I am<br />

glad to say that the driver was fine if a little sore. The following day he<br />

rang and asked me to pass on his thanks to all those who helped him on<br />

the day. If I recall his words correctly – “it is only when you have an<br />

incident that you really appreciate the exceptional team of marshals,<br />

paramedics and officials at Prescott”. I am delighted to confirm that<br />

the car is also well on its way to recovery, the damage not as bad as it<br />

looked on the day.<br />

I appreciate that our event clashed with the ‘British & Midland’ at<br />

Shelsley. I spoke to the team at Shelsley over a year ago to explain our

eason for holding our event over these particular dates. We agreed that<br />

while not ideal, we could run both events over the same weekend and it<br />

seems that both were a success. Next year we will back to our normal<br />

Bank Holiday weekend.<br />

Next on the Calendar is our Mid-<strong>Summer</strong> Speed Fest, the Midland<br />

Championship meeting at the end of June. A special feature of this<br />

meeting will be a team of six English drivers representing Prescott driving<br />

against six drivers from Rob Roy Hill Climb near Melbourne, Australia. It<br />

should be fun.<br />

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.<br />

Ian Patton: General Manager BOC<br />

Chris Rogers: The New Kid on the Block<br />

The first tentative steps into the paddock at Prescott some 13<br />

years ago as a result of being asked to come along and help by Dave Riley<br />

are remembered well. Having no more motorsport experience than being<br />

a keen spectator I really did feel like a duck out of water. Under the<br />

guidance of Pete Tottman, Tony Miller and the late, great Max Miller, I<br />

was encouraged and supported at every turn until I felt comfortable in all<br />

paddock duties and procedures.<br />

At no point did I feel that there was a structured training regime<br />

in place but with Max’s background as an apprentice trainer within the<br />

midlands motor industry, you know that there was a well thought out plan,<br />

just not a plan that was written down.<br />

How different it is today. We see Ray’s team getting their training<br />

cards signed after each event, and now with me being allowed through the<br />

paddock gate to take on Clerk of the Course training, I am definitely<br />

embroiled in a very structured and regulated training schedule.<br />

When asked whether I would like to join the COC team little did I<br />

know what was in store. Maybe a few seminars, an away day training at<br />

Loton or Shelsley maybe. How wrong could I have been? Within a very<br />

short time it was clear that this would be the start of a very serious and<br />

intense training programme. Dave Riley was assigned as my mentor, John<br />

Felix as Clerks Training Administrator outlined what was expected and<br />

timeframes. A training manual arrived which was divided into modules.<br />

Each module would be walked through both theoretically and practically<br />

with my mentor and colleagues.

The MSA Steward would be required to sign off that he was happy<br />

that the module was completed and understood and a whole lot more. But<br />

so much for the formal stuff, one of the best and deepest fonts of<br />

knowledge springs from you guys and gals in orange. The person that does<br />

not regularly drink from that well is destined to wilt and die so I thank<br />

you all that ‘my cup runneth over’.<br />

As I come to my sixth and final upgrade signature (yes, even the<br />

Clerks licence is subject to similar upgrade rules as drivers), three senior<br />

officials whom I have worked with need to approve my upgrade to the<br />

MSA as well as the approval of The Club. Let’s hope nobody saw the sad<br />

attempt to move the stricken Porsche at Ettores! As someone so aptly<br />

said ‘How many Marshals does it take to push a Porsche’ twelve to push<br />

like mad and one old hand to show the trainee Clerk how to take the<br />

handbrake off’.<br />

Does it stop there? Not on your life! A final working evaluation<br />

will take place by the MSA before approval for a B Licence can be<br />

finalised. A world of difference to my first steps through the Prescott<br />

gates all those years ago.<br />

Once the enormity of what I was embarking on had sunk in it was<br />

down to the business of trying to be a valuable member of the team. It<br />

looks so serene from the outside, cars are running up the hill, clerks are<br />

chatting about the weather and occasionally taking a nice ride up the hill<br />

in a posh Range Rover. What could be easier? Fast forward to reality…<br />

Never mind trying to keep the entry in compliance with the regulations in<br />

the lead up to the event, the MSA Steward will want to see the track<br />

licence, fire extinguisher certificates, marshal numbers, rescue and<br />

medical facilities comply, timing is in order and certified, driver briefings<br />

are done, marshal briefing, track checks, radio checks. It always happens<br />

together and the new boy can feel like a sponge, head spinning in a sea of<br />

information. And all before breakfast! Newcomers may be not aware, the<br />

Clerk of the Course has responsibility for everything that happens on<br />

race day and has to be able to deal with it all. Here is where the training<br />

kicks in. The first time panic slowly develops into a structured approach<br />

and hopefully by the completion of the last training module, calm,<br />

measured professionalism.<br />

What I have learned from my experience is not to fear training. In<br />

fact it is the training that will give you the confidence to carry out your<br />

duties knowing that you are doing the right thing. So I would appeal to<br />

everyone in the Prescott Marshals Club to embrace the opportunities you<br />

will be offered. Join an MSA training scheme, speak to your Post Chief<br />

or Chief Marshal about extending your experience and qualifications.

Come and see what the Scrutineers, Timekeepers, Environmental, Paddock<br />

Marshals or any other colleagues who support the club so ably do and, as I<br />

have, investigate a new niche in life. Come and see Dave, Stuart, Ron or<br />

myself to get a feel for what the Clerks do. It really is more than Range<br />

Rovers, Tea and Bacon Rolls!<br />

Chris Rogers<br />

Wicky Writes<br />

Well, the season is well underway now and what an amazing turnout<br />

of marshals we had at our last meeting.<br />

It wasn’t a true reflection of our marshalling numbers as we had<br />

two visiting clubs swelling the numbers to see how we run our meetings.<br />

However, it is a true reflection of how well we do run our meetings that<br />

other clubs are looking to learn from us. Pat yourselves on the back!<br />

On a serious note, yes we are getting a high number of marshals.<br />

There are some people talking of limiting the numbers but as Chief<br />

Marshal, I will fight any plan to do this. It was only just over a season<br />

ago that the average “no show” was around 15 – 20 per day.<br />

To this end, I do need your cooperation - when the numbers on any<br />

day are high and I ask you to work a rota of stand-downs on your post,<br />

please help me by doing this. If too many marshals stay on a post, you put<br />

yourselves at risk.<br />

I write this the day after our “Post Chief’s Training Day”. We had<br />

a very good turnout on a very sunny day. We spent the morning in the<br />

village hall with Ray Cook heading the sessions and the afternoon was a<br />

gentle and pleasant walk up the hill led by myself.<br />

I wish all marshalling could be done on days as good as this. A big<br />

“Thank-You” to Ray and to all who turned up on the day. I do hope you<br />

found it informative. Don’t forget, we were only talking about marshalling<br />

at Prescott.<br />

Dave Wickham<br />

Chief Marshal

Any Ideas??<br />

We are currently looking at speeding up signing on so we can all<br />

have a lie in (well get up later at least). If anyone has any ideas on how<br />

we can do this from any other venues or your own thoughts please let<br />

Kevin Cornwall know on 07776 254300, or email kevin.cornwall@sky.com<br />

or see him at a meeting. We already have a few ideas but the more the<br />

better!<br />

How I Started Marshalling ………………..<br />

I started marshalling at Prescott in 2007 so I am a relative novice.<br />

However, over the next six years, I gained experience quickly as I was<br />

able to attend all the meetings at the three Midlands hills. I graduated<br />

through the marshalling jobs – general duties, fire, flag/whistle, first<br />

response and finally becoming a Post Chief.<br />

Through this period I received plenty of help plus the knowledge<br />

learned at the yearly training sessions. Again, experience was gained with<br />

my fair share of incidents, both on and off the track, which earned me<br />

the nickname “magnet”.<br />

This year I became Chief Paddock Marshal at the Prescott Driving<br />

School, a job I have taken over from “The Master”, George Shetliffe who<br />

wanted to retire after a very long run. Well done George and many<br />

thanks for all the help you have given me.<br />

The part of marshalling I never forget is that I am a small part of<br />

a large team.<br />

What comes next? Who knows but here’s to many more days on<br />

the “hills” hopefully furthering my marshalling career.<br />

Roger Jobson<br />

Membership Update<br />

As at 29 th<br />

timers.<br />

May, we boast 133 paid up members of which 14 are first<br />

John Hicks

British/Midland Championships<br />

27/28 April <strong>2013</strong><br />

As I was away for this meeting, this item of news has been<br />

provided by Mike Webb who kindly stood in for me – many thanks, Mike.<br />

The weather was rather naff but a total of 86 marshals signed on<br />

for Saturday and 100 on Sunday. A pat on the back to you all. The<br />

winners of the marshals’ raffle were L Tomkins, R Watkinson and C<br />

Porter.<br />

Dave Wickham raffled eight hats and these were won by A<br />

Mepham, E Lacey, S Greenwood, B Sketchley, R Nunn, A James, J Cook<br />

and A Mudge.<br />

Classic Invited Clubs / La Vie en Bleu<br />

1 st & 2 nd June<br />

What a fabulous weekend, the sun didn't let us down for once. We<br />

had a great turnout of marshals' both days, but 14 didn't arrive or report<br />

in for Saturday & 7 were again missing for Sunday. Dave Wickham did<br />

tell me that the telephone number I gave out was incorrect so some of<br />

you may have been unable to contact him.<br />

As the three winning tickets for the marshals raffle were left in<br />

my rear pocket – and Bridget washed my trousers – I can't remember who<br />

won!!<br />

Once again thanks to Janine and Bridget for looking after us all in<br />

'The Pound'.<br />

It was a long day on Sunday, with a late finish due to incidents but<br />

the B.O.C. have asked me to pass on their thanks to one and all.<br />

John Hicks<br />

Annual Barbecue – Saturday 29 th June.<br />

The barbecue will take place following practice on Saturday.<br />

Tickets may be reserved by e-mailing John Hicks at<br />

hickups@btopenworld.com or telephone 01242 676848. The price is<br />

£5.00 per adult (special price for Tim Kempster!). This price is the same<br />

as last year. Please come and support your Club and remember to bring<br />

your own drink as we are not allowed to sell on site.

Regalia Price List For <strong>2013</strong><br />

Available During Lunch Breaks At The Signing-On Hut<br />

Sew on Badge £4.00<br />

Enamel Lapel/Hat Badge £2.00<br />

Windscreen Sticker £1.00<br />

“T” shirts £5.00<br />

Mugs £2,50<br />

Baseball Caps £6.50<br />

Sew on Badge (50 years) £3.50<br />

Ball Point Pen £0.50<br />

Sweatshirts – good quality with Club logo/your name<br />

Marshals’ Proban Suits<br />

£15.00 Special Order<br />

Please ask for details<br />

Remaining Prescott <strong>2013</strong> Fixtures<br />

Saturday 29th & Sunday 30 June<br />

Saturday 3 rd & Sunday 4 th August<br />

Saturday 31 st August & Sunday 1 st September<br />

Saturday 5 th and Sunday 6 th October<br />

Midsummer Speed Fest<br />

VSCC (please contact VSCC)<br />

British Championship<br />

The Autumn Classic<br />

To volunteer to Marshal at any of the events above please contact John Hicks<br />

apart from VSCC who need to be contacted directly. If you are interested in<br />

marshalling at any other venues please speak to Kevin Cornwall.<br />

Committee Contacts<br />

Greg Dixon-Smith, Chairman –<br />

greg.dixon-smith@morgan-motor.co.uk<br />

Simon Bloomfield, Secretary –<br />

swblotus@aol.com<br />

Rod Kay, Treasurer –<br />

r.kay953@btinternet.com<br />

Kevin Cornwall, Deputy Chairman/ - kevin.cornwall@sky.com<br />

Deputy Chief Marshal Tel 07776 254 300<br />

John Hicks, Marshals Co-Ordinator hickups@btopenworld.com<br />

& Membership Secretary Tel 01242 676848<br />

Charles Beardsell –<br />

beardsell@aol.com<br />

Tel 07768 043 272<br />

Spencer Colquitt -<br />

spencer@tomstown.plus.com<br />

Tel. 07508 863 133<br />

Margaret Parkes -<br />

user@mparkes.wanadoo.co.uk<br />

01789 296466

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