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Yo'hil,a MiLhit\tii oec.;t \407)<br />

1he giri was injured on tlre chcsr and<br />

covercd rvith blood. Shc had no shocs on her<br />

laet. Still able to think clcarll, shc articlccl<br />

the nan)' splintcred things on thc r.o:Ld and<br />

trudgcd towards hcr homc u irerc hcr- Iimil1.<br />

was lvaitirrg lol her.<br />

Passing throush .\laroba ser:tion, the girl<br />

and I calre to the arca t:al1cd Kojin-m:rtii<br />

Akebono-cho. On both sides ofthe roao Lnert:<br />

lvere templcs. Lvervn'herc rvas a sca of firc.<br />

No road lvas opcn for us anvmore except 1or<br />

a nalr-orv patit and that was barelv passablc.<br />

Thc clothcs rvhich vue earlicr lred dipped in<br />

watcr had already driecl so nruch tlrat thcv wcrc<br />

aln o.r rt .lr' ouinr ^r L, rrnin{ I I crc rr. .<br />

no time to losc. We clippcd our clothcs in ihc<br />

rvatcr that u,:rs sloled in an air-raid slrclter. and<br />

dashcd through the fircs despcratt,l,v.<br />

"Atvlul1y<br />

hot I Is rhis the cnd of rnv<br />

lil.. .'.. UL Lorl 1.. llel1, nrr : l n.ui r.ur.d<br />

and praycd.<br />

lVhen u'e managcd to comc to a safer<br />

pl:rcc, rrc looked bar:k at tire path Ic had<br />

dashcd through. It u'as rhe rnost liightful<br />

scene I liad cver rvitnessed in rlv lifc. Yct<br />

cvcn at this safcr placc, I lbund rnanv dead<br />

uorli,. .r inq irr rlre.r,'-raicj .hrl.-r. rrndr rrllcrr<br />

trccs, and everytv<strong>here</strong>.<br />

Whcn vue finally arrived at the girl,s homc<br />

at Nakal'ama scction, the darkness o1'thc surnmer-'s<br />

night rvas alrcadv fallilg upon us.<br />


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