Louis Hasbrouck Mass Psychology Article - Sacred Science Institute

Louis Hasbrouck Mass Psychology Article - Sacred Science Institute

Louis Hasbrouck Mass Psychology Article - Sacred Science Institute


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Trend An~lysis<br />

-- A New Approaoh<br />

The la t twenty-five years -- since 1929 -- have seen<br />

an unpreoedented exp nsion of eoonomio and :financial t eories<br />

and systems. Hundreds of methode :( or an ... lyrd. ne and foreoae<br />

ing prioe nd market trende have eprung up, creLting<br />

un rmy of experte, tr~ined to an lyse economic and bunking<br />

f~ctors, and to fPply their fin ~ in e t inuustry levels.<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> of<br />

In tais period, the rt of Bt ~ti3tic .. l and economio<br />

eVQluution tue devoloped tremendously, but even with the<br />

beet minds at CosmoEconomics<br />

work, such ~n~lYBes leave a gap between<br />

evaluati pa~t pe=formanoe and postul ting future developments.<br />

The new, ps,ychologjcal uppro~oh to trend analyeis<br />

here outlined www.CosmoEconomics.com<br />

fills this gup. It s the inherent prediotive<br />

oon tent re~uired by any businese that must plan ahead, but<br />

it is not a eyetem of foreoa.eting in the ueujlol senee.<br />

hat this Ie w pproach provides is ... bl.>sis for sett~ng<br />

up present and future policies ~gainst:<br />

1. nowledge of the faotore &.t work in past and<br />

ourrent trends 01 ss peychology --<br />

2. liorekno ledge of the basio, coming ch",ngee in<br />

trend of mass peyc ology, covering a period<br />

rea.ching far enough ahe~ to ~llow for long<br />

term planning.<br />

Its diecovery and development date baok to 1930,<br />

hen after ten yeare' experience in eelling bonds nd<br />

m n ging inveetment . ccounte, I etepped aside from my<br />

position and connections, <strong>Institute</strong> impelled of by the desire to<br />

find out ~ and how such major oataclyems bS bud<br />

reoently upset the entire world could occur.<br />

CosmoEconomics<br />

www.CosmoEconomics.com<br />

I consulted economists and financial experts of<br />

th" period, only to find t em .. s confused u.S 1 ,.... e . I<br />

read every available book on economice nd related<br />

eubjects, etudied every current type of m .. rket Wl",lyeie<br />

all this, without. finding an answer to my questioo;<br />

hat !F~ke mu.rkete eo up and do m?<br />

lhie COl vinced lLe th t t e ..mewer E lould ... ie, if<br />

nYi,here , ina fi eld \V hi ch nO) one as yet d eXp lored in<br />

thl. s co nection -- masa poycholo y, t e c ngirlg ttitudee<br />

of pea le, the y t ey t~ink nc 1e 1 about econo ic,<br />

polit1c~l, and eener~ conditionr.

Trends 2<br />

A ch~nge<br />

in trelld arises from a change in attitude<br />

on the p~rt 01 tfie gen. r~l public. ~vents do not cre~te<br />

attitudes; taey synchronize w~th their results, which misle<br />

... ds m",ny thinkers. itness the difference in re ponse<br />

trom the pt;blic to ,orld ar Vne. arld ~r T 0, an t<br />

Kore n W r. 1'0 tae first, flag-w ving enthusiasm; to the<br />

second, half.. hearted obligation; to the third, pat by.<br />

Similar chunges of public attitude are c early discernible<br />

in tho flnanclal and economic areas of res~onse -- such as<br />

th change between t he exuberant twenti ee and the feurridden<br />

thirties. So wn..t seemed necess",ry, in the problem<br />

of understand ing fluctuat 11£ market s and eoonon.i 0 trends.<br />

was a formula tha.t would ~ und ana.lyse theee ohl..ne;ing<br />

attitudes -- past, present, Wld future.<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> of<br />

e first clue app~ red in what is oalled the syncnronie.ic<br />

principle CosmoEconomics<br />

of hi story: the fact t c ~t similar conditions<br />

consistently arise in different parts of the world lot the<br />

B&.me time, even oenturies ...go, when oom!lJUnica t ions were<br />

ngl1gible.<br />

www.CosmoEconomics.com<br />

This focussed attention on time, which led<br />

the work into an a.rea ~tside tae bounds-or-ortaodox tnought.<br />

The only uVQilable system directly concerned with t ime was<br />

the one lrl 0'llTl as strology. This system .... 0 therefore invest<br />

igll:ted , carefully studied. Wld tested.<br />

As other inve igatore h .... v. found. the traditional<br />

f orm nd interpretat ion of a.strology proved unsatisfa.ctory<br />

and ~d to be discarded. ~ut this investigation was unusually<br />

t orou h. An d in the baltlo essentials of this syst.em , rea;hed<br />

by very few investig~tors, a. logioal connection with the<br />

prinCiples of modern pbiYsics. pto.rt1cularly with the Unified<br />

Held Theory, took shBp e and immedia.tely began to give<br />

results.<br />

Just as beauty is cre~ted from unusual materials --<br />

like nylon fram crude oil -- so certain fundamentals of<br />

an often d lscred! ted t ueory, whi ch has au rv! ved t n ou gh<br />

centuries of thou ht, <strong>Institute</strong> produced, of when combined with aocepted<br />

principles 01 modern electronics, a pattern of na.tural trends,<br />

timed a.s to points of change. both past and fUl,ure. 'I he<br />

basic psychological CosmoEconomics<br />

qualit of e~ch trend cun be interpreted<br />

by rreans of formula inherent in the pattern.<br />

www.CosmoEconomics.com<br />

In tae light of this interprative 1ormul~, extr~ordinary<br />

periods, such ... s the dyn&mic twen t ies and the coll",psing<br />

tHirties, could be perceived IJ.S plunoruen .... gro\~ing out 01 Ii.<br />

n'turul se~uenoe of c~nges in mass p ychology, a sequence<br />

which h~s been going on, in orderly fashion, a long as<br />

recordea history. Carried back brOadly over bout century.<br />

the 1l ttern showed consistent results. It wus founa thut<br />

points of chuoge in the trend pattern uoincided with oritic~l<br />

periods of c n e in orld af irs -- r volutions. ajor<br />

war , de~ressloo • etc •• -- an 1 0 ith periods of peace.<br />

pro ~per ity, r. ro ress. in 10 ic· l 6 e~ce . ~nd ay<br />

c p4ble of ro 0 ble i terpr~pation .

,<br />

'.<br />

Trends 3<br />

Uinda ght being admittedly deceptive, current events,<br />

over the past eighteen yet.rs, huve been closely observed in<br />

relation to t be indications glv n by th~ pu.ttern -- timing<br />

in ~dvance the points of change, analysing and interpreting<br />

the changing attitudes .. s they took hold of the p.lb ic mind.<br />

In actual experi nce the results were ustoniscingly acourate.<br />

'Iurning points in Stock arket action and in tile F.R.B. Index<br />

of Produotion -- two indices which a.re m!.tter 0 pul)lic record,<br />

furnim. ing vist ble and im .edi_te evidence of the psychological<br />

trend -- were found to coincide closely witil turning<br />

points of pu lic ",tt1tude G.SC iodic",tet in a v .. nce, by the<br />

pa.t tern.<br />

J<br />

ow, in April, (1954) t e indic tions are that we are<br />

going tllrough the first phase of a m jor, world-wide transition<br />

from a psychologic .. l mood t t n....s been dOl in nt for<br />

m .. ny ye rs, to u <strong>Institute</strong><br />

tot~lly new attitude of toward practic~lly<br />

everything. _any people feel this, instinctively; our<br />

contribution is CosmoEconomics<br />

to transl te feeling into logic .... l underst<br />

... ding of IIh .... t is going on, 11i h clear perception of<br />

1 ts implic

I<br />

Trends<br />

4<br />

Thus it can be seen that the b&.sis of this new<br />

llppr,ach to treed an ... lyais is natural and fundament ... l,<br />

entirely I:I.part from m!i.tters<br />

f opinion. Beoause of its<br />

coherent , integrated tructure, its upplio~tion<br />

simple, re uiring only logic~<br />

mind.<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> of<br />

CosmoEconomics<br />

www.CosmoEconomics.com<br />

is<br />

discussion and an open<br />

Any enterprise, 1n order to succeed, must function<br />

within the framework of the current psychological demand,<br />

and plans for this functioning must be laid well in advance .<br />

Such plGnrJing can be undertaken with confidence by<br />

utaizing the knowledge available tnrough the applicution<br />

of this new trend discovery to any problem, situ tion,<br />

or undert ... king re ~ uirlng<br />

dependable knowledge of toe<br />

ever-ohanging public demand -- local, world-wide, past,<br />

present, and future.<br />

<strong>Institute</strong> of<br />

CosmoEconomics<br />

LOUIS .iAtiu}{uU\,<br />

www.CosmoEconomics.com<br />

319 East 60th Street<br />

New York 22<br />

PLaza 8-1998 -- Tel.

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