Pyxis Med Administration Verification Reference Guide - CareFusion

Pyxis Med Administration Verification Reference Guide - CareFusion

Pyxis Med Administration Verification Reference Guide - CareFusion


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<strong>Pyxis</strong> ® <strong>Med</strong><br />

<strong>Administration</strong><br />

<strong>Verification</strong><br />

Quick reference guide<br />

<strong>Pyxis</strong> ®

Overview of steps<br />

Create My Patient List<br />

Select patient from My Patient List and tap Preview <strong>Med</strong>s<br />

Review meds to be given<br />

Retrieve meds<br />

Perform standard med checks<br />

Tap Manage MPL<br />

Select Unit and/or Patient(s)<br />

Tap Save to set My Patient List<br />

Preview meds<br />

Log into either <strong>Pyxis</strong> <strong>Med</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> or My Patient List<br />

Tap Next Patient (to exit Preview <strong>Med</strong>s)<br />

At patient bedside, scan patient wristband and confirm facility appropriate identifiers and<br />

confirm allergies<br />

• If <strong>Pyxis</strong> <strong>Med</strong> <strong>Administration</strong>—select My Patient List<br />

From My Patient List select patient (highlights blue)<br />

Perform final med checks and patient education for each med<br />

Tap folders and check filter boxes as necessary<br />

Scan meds (noted status changes)<br />

Follow screen prompts (component lists, injection site, fractional dose, etc.)<br />

Tap Next Patient or Exit application<br />

Ensure you also log out of My Patient List if not auto logged out!<br />

Tap Preview <strong>Med</strong>s button<br />

<strong>Med</strong>ication verification<br />

(Can be done via Preview <strong>Med</strong>s or <strong>Med</strong> Due List)<br />

All new med orders must be verified in order to display on the <strong>Med</strong> Due List<br />

When prompted, “You have unverified orders, do you wish to verify them now?” Tap Yes<br />

My Patient List (MPL)<br />

Tap the med order and review the order details, tap Close to return to verify screen:<br />

Tap on My Patient List icon from the home screen and log in<br />

First time user or changes to Shift Details/Alerts Subscription:<br />

Shift Details:<br />

• Tap Action<br />

• Select Shift Details—enter Start/Stop times<br />

• Tap Save—information retained moving forward<br />

Alerts Subscription (if configured):<br />

• Tap Action<br />

• Select Alerts Subscription<br />

• Select appropriate <strong>Med</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> Alerts<br />

• If appropriate, tap Verify<br />

• If inappropriate, tap Clarify (or follow facility set practice)<br />

<strong>Med</strong> Pass Hx<br />

(Can be done via Preview <strong>Med</strong>s or <strong>Med</strong> Due List and will display all med actions from the past<br />

24 hours)<br />

Tap on <strong>Med</strong> Pass Hx box<br />

<strong>Med</strong> Pass Hx window populates (note orange border)<br />

• To add a new <strong>Med</strong> Dose Comment, tap med order and then Action<br />

• Select <strong>Med</strong> Dose Comments<br />

• Tap Save—information retained moving forward<br />

• To view specific med pass details, tap on med order and then underlined med name

<strong>Med</strong>ication refused<br />

Tap <strong>Med</strong> Dose Not Given<br />

Scan patient ID band<br />

Tap <strong>Med</strong> Refused<br />

Tap Action<br />

Tap <strong>Med</strong> Dose Refused<br />

• Facility specific—enter a med dose comment<br />

<strong>Med</strong>ication dose comment<br />

Tap the med order you wish to comment on (can only change the status on a med that has a<br />

current action taken on it)<br />

Select Reason from drop down<br />

Tap Action<br />

<strong>Med</strong>ication held<br />

Tap <strong>Med</strong> Dose Comment<br />

From the patient record (Preview <strong>Med</strong>s—select patient from Patient List or <strong>Med</strong> Due<br />

List—scan patient ID band)<br />

Tap med to be held<br />

Tap Action<br />

Tap <strong>Med</strong> Dose Held<br />

Select reason from drop down<br />

Batch hold<br />

From the patient record (Preview <strong>Med</strong>s—select patient from Patient List or <strong>Med</strong>s Due<br />

List—scan patient ID band)<br />

Adjust Start/Stop windows to reflect time frame of orders to be batch held<br />

Enter a comment or utilize template drop down (Comment gets filed to the MAR and is<br />

not seen on handheld)<br />

Remove a medication patch<br />

Scan patient ID band<br />

Tap the patch order you wish to remove<br />

Tap Action<br />

Tap <strong>Med</strong> Patch Removed<br />

• A patch will remain on the <strong>Med</strong> Due List until removed, regardless of the timeframe,<br />

and must be removed before the next ordered dose can be administered<br />

Tap Action<br />

Tap Perform Batch Hold<br />

Check the boxes for medications to be held<br />

Select reason for hold from drop down<br />

<strong>Med</strong>ication not given<br />

Scan patient ID band<br />

Tap the med you wish to change to not given status (can only change the status on a med<br />

that has a current action taken on it)<br />

Tap Action<br />

PRN medication<br />

Scan patient ID band<br />

Be certain PRN box is checked<br />

Scan medication<br />

Select reason for giving from drop down<br />

Follow screen prompts—component list, injection site, fractional dose, etc.<br />

• Once screen refreshed, status drops off allowing user to give again in the appropriate<br />

time frame; therefore, once refreshed user cannot change the status of Given

PRN effectiveness<br />

Scan medication<br />

From the patient record (Preview <strong>Med</strong>s—select from the Patient List or from the MDL—scan<br />

patient ID band)<br />

Tap medication for PRN effectiveness<br />

Tap Action<br />

Tap PRN Effectiveness<br />

Select dose date/time from list<br />

Enter free text comment and/or choose template<br />

Witness verification from preview medications<br />

From Preview <strong>Med</strong>s, tap the med to be temporary witnessed<br />

Tap Action<br />

Tap Witness <strong>Administration</strong><br />

Select a provider<br />

Select a route (and injection site, if required)<br />

Tap UD, IVP or IVPB to select the order type<br />

Tap OK<br />

Crushed/split medications<br />

Take all unopened medications to bedside<br />

Scan patient ID band<br />

Scan med—follow on-screen prompts<br />

Open packages and pour, split or crush med as ordered<br />

• Follow your facility designated practice for crushing or splitting medication<br />

Manual entry of patient ID<br />

Review and act upon order with appropriate witness verifying ordered dose<br />

• If appropriate by your facility practice<br />

Tap OK<br />

Enter the patient financial number and check digit numbers/characters as appropriate<br />

Status changes from RW (require witness) to TW (temporary witness)<br />

Tap Enter<br />

• User has a pre-defined time to administer med before status returns to RW;<br />

witness verification configuration is facility specific<br />

STAT order—generating order from handheld<br />

Scan patient ID band<br />

Tap STAT button<br />

Scan med and follow screen prompts to complete order<br />

Order displays on <strong>Med</strong> Due List as Given<br />

Override medication<br />

You will be required to state your reason for manual ID entry<br />

Manually enter a medication without scan<br />

Scan patient ID band<br />

Tap the med for the ID you wish to view<br />

Tap View<br />

Tap Drug ID (write down the ID)<br />

Tap Administer<br />

Enter the Drug ID<br />

Scan patient ID band<br />

Tap OK<br />

• If an override order exists, a popup notification will ask if you wish to administer now;<br />

tap Yes (or from the MDL, tap the Override button)<br />

• This action can also be accomplished by viewing the Drug ID, writing it down,<br />

tapping Action and selecting the Administer <strong>Med</strong>ication option

Large volume IV (IV tab)<br />

Scan patient ID band<br />

Tap IV tab<br />

Network error<br />

• Acknowledge popup, continue working, check for status update on medication and report if<br />

popup persists<br />

Scan IV bag<br />

If another bag of the same order is infusing, you will be presented with a prompt to complete—<br />

if yes, follow screen prompts<br />

<strong>Pyxis</strong> <strong>Med</strong> <strong>Administration</strong> <strong>Verification</strong><br />

If a new order, follow screen prompts to move drug to a status of Infusing<br />

• IV <strong>Med</strong> Due List will display with an A. User must open IV History screen and tap on<br />

date to see bag display with a status of; from this screen, the user can tap on<br />

the bag infusing to “take action” from the Menu option to change the status of the bag (Stop,<br />

Complete), make a <strong>Med</strong> Dose Comment or mark the med as Refused<br />

Processing popup notifications<br />

NetMeter error: Note room/location/handheld identifier and report problem to IT<br />

The correct tab has not been selected: Please select the correct tab<br />

• <strong>Med</strong> scanned belongs to another tab (folder) than the current selected one<br />

(e.g., PO med scanned, but on the IVP/IVPB tab)<br />

The time interval is too narrow: Please select a new start and stop time<br />

• Start/stop windows not reflective of the time for the med scanned<br />

The correct box has not been selected: Please select it<br />

• <strong>Reference</strong>s the PRN, Continuous, One Time, On Call boxes<br />

You are about to scan less than the ordered dose!<br />

• Tap OK and continue scanning components (Hard Stop) or answer a reason<br />

for giving less if configured at your facility (Soft Stop)<br />

No med with scanned Drug ID within the selected <strong>Med</strong> Due List date/time:<br />

Abbreviation<br />

A<br />

C<br />

CA<br />

CL<br />

DC<br />

G<br />

H<br />

HD<br />

I<br />

M<br />

NC<br />

NG<br />

PR<br />

R<br />

RM<br />

Definition<br />

Active<br />

Completed<br />

Cancelled<br />

Clarified<br />

Discontinued<br />

Given<br />

Held<br />

Provider on Hold<br />

Infusing<br />

Missing<br />

Needs Clarification<br />

Not Given<br />

Pharmacy Rejected<br />

Refused<br />

Removed<br />

• Wrong drug or dose scanned<br />

RW<br />

Requires Witness<br />

• Non-verified order<br />

S<br />

Stopped<br />

No formulary match: Please notify pharmacy<br />

TW<br />

Temporarily Witnessed<br />

• Drug not mapped in system by pharmacy (unrecognized barcode)<br />

U<br />

Unverified<br />

This medication was not ordered for this patient<br />

W<br />

Witnessed<br />

• Wrong med scanned<br />

WO<br />

Witness Overridden

<strong>CareFusion</strong><br />

San Diego, CA<br />

carefusion.com<br />

© 2011 <strong>CareFusion</strong> Corporation or one of its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. <strong>Pyxis</strong> is a trademark<br />

or registered tradmark of <strong>CareFusion</strong> Corporation or one of its subsidiaries. DI3095 (0811/PDF)

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