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<strong>BIBLIOGRAPHY</strong><br />

ANCELIN-SCHÜTZENBERGER,Anne, Aïe, mes aïeux.éd. Épi,La Méridienne.<br />

ASSAGIOLI, Roberto, The Act of Will. Viking Press.<br />

BAILEY, Alice A., Initiation, Human and Solar - Education in the New Age -<br />

Discipleship in the New age, vol. 1 - Tne Externalisation of the Hierarchy - The<br />

Problems of Humanity - Esoteric Psychology, Vol.2 - Ponder on This - Glamour:<br />

a World Problem - A Treatise on White Magic - Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Lucis<br />

Publishing Company.<br />

BRADEN, Greg, Awakening to Zero Point : The Collective Initiation. Radio<br />

Bookstore, 1997.<br />

BOUCHART D'ORVAL, Jean, Le Secret le mieux gardé. éd. Libre Expression.<br />

BRENNAN, Barbara Ann, Light Emerging. Bantam Books, 1993.<br />

CAPRA, Fritjof, The Turning Point. Bantam.<br />

CHABOT, Colette, À moitié sage. éd. Québécor.<br />

DESJARDINS, Arnaud, À la recherche du Soi. éd. de la Table Ronde.<br />

EASCOTT, Michal, The Seven Rays of Energy. Sundial House, 1987.<br />

FERGUSON, Marilyn, The Aquarian Conspiracy. Tarcher, 2009.<br />

FERRUCCI Piero, What We May Be : the Vision and Techniques of<br />

Psychosynthesis. Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.<br />

FROMM, Erich, To Have or to Be?. London : Abacus, 1979.<br />

GENDLIN, Eugene T., Focusing. Bantam Books.<br />

GIBRAN, Khalil, The Prophet. Martino Fine Books.<br />

GORBATCHEV, Mikhall, The Search for a new beginning. Harper.<br />

GROF, Stanislav, The Adventure of Self-Discovery. State University of New York<br />

Press, Albany.<br />

HEINDEL, Max, The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception. Rosicrucian Fellowship.<br />

JUNG, Carl G., Modern Man in Search of a Soul. Harcourt Harvest.

KEYES Jr., Ken, Handbook to Higher Consciousness. Love Line Books.<br />

KINGMA, Daphne Rose, The Future of Love, Main Street Books.<br />

KRISHNAMURTI, La Première et la Dernière Liberté - Le livre de la méditation et<br />

de la vie. éd. Stock.<br />

LARROCHE, Michel, Mes cellules se souviennent, éd. Guy Trédaniel.<br />

LEBOYER, Frédérick, Birth without Violence. Healing Arts Press.<br />

LINSSEN, Robert, La méditation véritable. éd. Le Courrier du Livre.<br />

MACLAUGHLIN, Corinne, et DAVIDSON, Gordon, Spiritual Politics,<br />

Changing the World from the Inside Out. Ballatine, New York. - Builders of<br />

Dawn. Book Publishing Company.<br />

MANDINO, Og, The Greatest Miracle in the World, Bantam.<br />

MARQUIER, Annie, The Power of Free Will. éd. Valinor.<br />

MONTAUD, Bernard, L'Accompagnement à la naissance, éd. Édit'as.<br />

ODENT, Michel, Bien naître. éd. du Seuil - Votre bébé est le plus beau,<br />

éd. Albin Michel.<br />

OUSPENSKY, In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching.<br />

Harcourt, Brace & World, New York.<br />

REDFIELD, James, The Celestine Prophecy. Grand Central Publishing.<br />

SINGER, Christiane, Du bon usage des crises. éd. Albin Michel.<br />

TOLLE, Eckhart, The Power of Now. New World Library.<br />

VERNY, Thomas, La vie secrète de l'enfant avant sa naissance,éd. France Loisirs.<br />

WATTS, Alan, The Wisdom of Insecurity. Vintage.<br />

WILBER, Ken, A Brief History of Everything. Shambala.<br />

WOOLGER, Roger J., Other Lives, Other Selves. Bantam New Age Books.

A new paradigm and tool for inner work, to recover one’s essential creative<br />

power as well as the deeper significance of one’s existence.<br />

A book that gives new meaning to one’s day to day life, to justice,<br />

to love, and to the human condition.<br />

“… The Power of Free-Will is a comprehensive and powerful presentation of the many<br />

implications of the basic truth that we are each responsible for ourselves, our lives and<br />

our choices. This profound work illustrates with countless stories and examples the<br />

damaging results of assuming the posture of the victim in relations to our life<br />

experience. This work convincingly proves that by understanding and transforming our<br />

emotional states we then have the power to freely choose a better future for ourselves,<br />

humanity and all life on our planet.”<br />

Gordon Davidson - Center for Visionary Leadership,<br />

Co-author of Builders of the Dawn and Spiritual Politics.

A new paradigm and tool for inner work, to recover one’s essential creative<br />

power as well as the deeper significance of one’s existence.<br />

A book that gives new meaning to one’s day to day life, to justice,<br />

to love, and to the human condition.<br />

“… The Power of Free-Will is a comprehensive and powerful presentation of the many<br />

implications of the basic truth that we are each responsible for ourselves, our lives and<br />

our choices. This profound work illustrates with countless stories and examples the<br />

damaging results of assuming the posture of the victim in relations to our life<br />

experience. This work convincingly proves that by understanding and transforming our<br />

emotional states we then have the power to freely choose a better future for ourselves,<br />

humanity and all life on our planet.”<br />

Gordon Davidson - Center for Visionary Leadership,<br />

Co-author of Builders of the Dawn and Spiritual Politics.


Deck of 64 cards<br />

Text : Annie Marquier<br />

Photos: Véronique Dumont<br />

Each card presents a different flower along with<br />

one of its qualities and a “message” that<br />

corresponds to its specific vibration. The<br />

flowers’ high vibrations may be used to realign<br />

both body and mind, either by meditating on<br />

the card chosen at random or by allowing the<br />

quality or the message of the flower to inspire<br />

us. When we are attuned to their presence we<br />

may receive a flow of energy or an insight that<br />

allows us to shed light on a particular situation<br />

or to find an inspiration in the immediate moment.<br />

Also available in French.<br />


Deck of 56 cards<br />

Annie Marquier<br />

These cards offer powerful key thoughts.<br />

They focus our mind in a specific<br />

direction, one which is most supporting for<br />

us at specific moments in our life. A card<br />

drawn at the beginning of the day or when<br />

facing a particular problem will present an<br />

appropriate context in which to view the<br />

situation.<br />

Available also in French, German, Spanish and Italian.



Dynamic yoga meditation CDs from the prana flow/vinyasa<br />

approach of yoga, with movement, music and mantras.<br />

To heal and energize all aspects of our beings.<br />


To heal and energize the physical body with a Bija meditation and Surya<br />

Namaskar (sun salutation).<br />


To heal and energize our heart center with a movement meditation and<br />

Chandra Namaskar (moon salutation).<br />

AGNI<br />

To invoke and anchor the solar energies in our physical and subtle bodies<br />

with a mantra meditation and Surya Namaskar (sun salutation).<br />

JALA<br />

To replenish our body and energy with Jala, the water energies.<br />

An energizing meditation with kapalabhati pranayama.<br />


A mantra meditation to bring in abundance and remove all obstacles<br />

in our creative process.<br />

New meditations and products come out regularly visit our website at:<br />

www.idp.qc.ca - info@idp.qc.ca

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