manitou springs city council regular meeting agenda city council

manitou springs city council regular meeting agenda city council

manitou springs city council regular meeting agenda city council


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Term Expires<br />

Mayor Marc A. Snyder Jan. 7, 2014<br />

At-Large Gary L. Smith Jan. 5, 2016<br />

At-Large Donna Ford Jan. 5, 2016<br />

At-Large Randy R. Hodges Jan. 5, 2016<br />

Ward 1 Michael C. Gerbig, Jr. Jan. 7, 2014<br />

Ward 2 Coreen Toll Jan. 7, 2014<br />

Ward 3 Matt Carpenter (Mayor Pro Tem) Jan. 7, 2014<br />

DECEMBER 4, 2012<br />

7:00 P.M.<br />



C. ROLL CALL<br />



F. CONSENT CALENDAR (These Items voted on in one Motion)<br />

1. Warrants (Payables)<br />

2. Approval of the Minutes of the November 20, 2012 Regular City Council Meeting<br />


1. Approve Reappointment of Jeanne Vrobel as a Regular Member of the Manitou Springs Planning<br />

Commission<br />

2. Approve Reappointment of Julie Wolfe as a Regular Member of the Manitou Springs Planning<br />

Commission<br />

3. Approve Reappointment of Bryant “Tip” Ragan as a Regular Member of the Manitou Springs Planning<br />

Commission<br />

4. Approve Appointment of Corina McKendry as an Alternate Member of the Manitou Springs Planning<br />

Commission<br />

5. Approve Reappointment of Danu Fatt as a Regular Member of the Park and Recreation Advisory Board<br />

6. Presentation of a $4,800 Funding Request from Manitou Springs Collaborative<br />

7. Ordinance No. 1812, an Ordinance Increasing the Surcharge in Municipal Court from Thirty-five<br />

Dollars to Forty-five Dollars – 1 st reading<br />

8. Ordinance No. 1912, an Ordinance Establishing a General Tax Levy for the Purpose of Raising<br />

Revenue for the General Operating Fund and the Voter Approved Mill Levies for Other Funds of the<br />

City of Manitou Springs – 1 st reading<br />

9. Ordinance No. 2012, an Ordinance Adopting the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget and Appropriating Funds for<br />

Expenditures Necessary to Preserve Public Safety and Health and to Safeguard Public Facilities by<br />

Amending the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2012 – 1 st reading<br />

*Public Comment Welcome (please limit to 2 minutes) / **Time Estimate For This Item






• December 11, 2012 – Special Meeting<br />

• December 18, 2012 – Regular Meeting<br />

• January 8, 2013 – Worksession<br />

• January 15, 2013 – Regular Meeting<br />


*Public Comment Welcome (please limit to 2 minutes) / **Time Estimate For This Item

A Regular Meeting of the Manitou Springs City Council was held in the City Council Chambers, 606 Manitou Avenue,<br />

Manitou Springs, Colorado, on November 20, 2012.<br />


Mayor Pro Tem Matt Carpenter<br />

Councilman Gary L. Smith<br />

Councilman Randy R. Hodges<br />

Councilman Michael Gerbig, Jr.<br />

Councilwoman Coreen Toll<br />


Mayor Marc A. Snyder<br />

Councilwoman Donna Ford<br />


City Administrator Jack Benson<br />

City Attorney Jeff Parker<br />

Planning Director Dan Folke<br />

Public Services Director Bruno Pothier<br />

Police Chief Joe Ribeiro<br />

City Clerk Donna Kast<br />


Mayor Pro Tem Carpenter called the <strong>meeting</strong> to order at 7:01 pm.<br />


The <strong>meeting</strong> was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.<br />

C. ROLL CALL<br />

All members of City Council were present for roll call with the exception of Mayor Snyder, who was excused, and<br />

Councilwoman Ford, who arrived at 7:04 pm.<br />


Mayor Pro Tem Carpenter noted that the <strong>agenda</strong> had been amended to include Item G.6, “Approval of an eCivis Master<br />

Subscription and Service Agreement.”<br />

Upon a motion by Councilman Smith and a second by Councilman Hodges, the amended <strong>agenda</strong> was unanimously<br />

approved. Motion carried 5-0.<br />

None.<br />


Councilwoman Ford arrived at 7:04 pm.<br />

F. CONSENT CALENDAR (These Items voted on in one Motion)<br />

The following items were acted upon by unanimous consent of the members present:<br />

1. Warrants (Payables)<br />

2. Approval of the Minutes of the October 9, 2012 Special City Council Meeting<br />

3. Approval of the Minutes of the October 16, 2012 Regular City Council Meeting

NOVEMBER 20, 2012 Regular City Council Meeting Page 2 of 5<br />

4. Approval of the Minutes of the October 23, 2012 Special City Council Meeting<br />

5. Approval of the Minutes of the October 30, 2012 Special City Council Meeting<br />

6. Approval of the Minutes of the November 13, 2012 Special City Council Meeting<br />

7. Approval of a Noise Variance for a Wedding in Mansions Pavilion from 1:00 pm – 10:00 pm on Saturday,<br />

March 23, 2013 – Michelle Morley, Applicant<br />

8. Approval of a Noise Variance for a Wedding in Seven Minute Spring Gazebo from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm on<br />

Saturday, September 7, 2013 – Caitlin KcKeown, Applicant<br />

Upon a motion by Councilman Gerbig and a second by Councilwoman Toll, the consent calendar was approved. Motion<br />

carried 6-0.<br />


1. Approval of Appointment of Cylinda Walker as a Regular Member of the Historic Preservation<br />

Commission<br />

Cylinda Walker introduced herself and provided information regarding her background.<br />

Upon a motion by Councilman Hodges and a second by Councilman Gerbig, Cylinda Walker was unanimously approved<br />

as a Regular Member of the Historic Preservation Commission. Motion carried 6-0.<br />

2. Approve Contract with ComPlus Data Innovations for a Handheld Enforcement System<br />

Chief Joe Ribeiro presented this item. He said a committee had been formed to focus on the acquisition of a new system<br />

of handhelds for the Parking Enforcement officers. The committee included Chief Ribeiro, Officer Matthew French,<br />

Planner Michelle Anthony and the members of the Parking Authority Board. ComPlus Data Innovations was chosen<br />

because of their business model, payment methodology, and services provided; all of which the committee believed<br />

provided the best value for the City. Chief Ribeiro said ComPlus is a user-friendly system, with online or in-person<br />

handheld training available.<br />

Dan Wood inquired as to where the additional revenue generated would be used. Jack Benson explained that it would be<br />

put back into the parking program, including using funds for the implementation of a free shuttle and a possible future<br />

parking structure.<br />

Upon a motion by Councilwoman Toll and a second by Councilman Hodges, the contract with ComPlus Data Innovations<br />

for a handheld enforcement system was unanimously approved. Motion carried 6-0.<br />

3. AP 1203 – An appeal of the denial of V 1216 Height Variance, 944 Midland Avenue, Joanne Pearring<br />

for Judith, Jenelle and Jeffrey Pearring, Applicant<br />

4. AP 1204 – An appeal of the denial of V 1217 Height Variance, 946 Midland Avenue, Joanne Pearring<br />

for Judith, Jenelle and Jeffrey Pearring, Applicant<br />

5. AP 1205 – An appeal of the denial of V 1218, Height Variance, 948 Midland Avenue, Joanne Pearring<br />

for Judith, Jenelle and Jeffrey Pearring, Applicant.<br />

Mayor Pro Tem Carpenter called the next three items, stating that all three appeals would be heard together.<br />

Attorney Parker summarized the procedure for the appeal process. He asked the City Council if anyone had any ex parte<br />

communications to disclose. Councilwoman Toll said she had visited the property and asked one of the residents if she<br />

could walk around the property and he gave his permission. Councilwoman Ford said she visited the property and said<br />

hello to a neighbor. Mayor Pro Tem Carpenter disclosed that Pikes Peak Marathon/Ascent rented Ms. Pearring’s property<br />

located at 514 El Paso Boulevard, and he worked closely with Ms. Pearring at the time. Attorney Parker asked Mayor Pro<br />

Tem Carpenter if this interaction would bias him in any way, and he said no. It was determined that none of these<br />

interactions would constitute a conflict of interest.

NOVEMBER 20, 2012 Regular City Council Meeting Page 3 of 5<br />

Ms. Joanne Pearring spoke in behalf of her children. She said that when the property was purchased she was told it was<br />

comprised of three buildable lots. Eventually the family discovered that ten feet of the property was sold to a neighbor,<br />

negating the three lots, which is why they were asking for a minor subdivision. The proposed homes would be five feet<br />

taller, twelve feet deeper and five feet wider than the existing home. Ms. Pearring said she felt the Planning<br />

Commission’s presentation was inaccurate and skewed, which is the basis of her appeal. She outlined the overall design<br />

of the proposed homes. She felt that staff’s calculation of the building being of 60% density on the lot was inaccurate and<br />

explained that by her calculation the density was 25%.<br />

Councilwoman Toll asked if the ten-foot portion of the property had been sold when Ms. Pearring purchased the property,<br />

which was answered in the affirmative. Councilwoman Toll then asked about the work to be done on the property and<br />

whether it would be completed by a licensed contractor. Ms. Pearring said her husband would assist and he has a “B”<br />

contractor’s license.<br />

Councilman Gerbig asked for more details on the methodology behind the current design. Ms. Pearring summarized other<br />

options considered prior to choosing the current design.<br />

Mayor Pro Tem Carpenter asked why Ms. Pearring was asking for a height variance and she explained it was because the<br />

building will be over 25 feet. He also asked for clarification of a statement made in her appeal whereby she stated that it<br />

was impossible for the Planning Commission to hear her presentation above the negative energy of several neighbors who<br />

were present at the <strong>meeting</strong>. Ms. Pearring explained that she did not mean for her statement to be taken literally,<br />

admitting that the Planning Commission was actually able to hear the proceedings. Rather, it was her opinion that a room<br />

filled with the negativity of her neighbors prevented the Planning Commission from rendering a fair decision.<br />

Mr. Folke explained the concept of floor area ratio and how it was used to calculate the square footage of the home,<br />

finished and unfinished, hence its density on the lot. He said this was how the percentages were figured in the staff report<br />

and noted that this was the standard procedure used for all applications.<br />

Councilwoman Toll mentioned the character of the neighborhood, which is comprised of small one or two bedroom<br />

homes, and noted that the size of the proposed house is what is at issue with the neighbors.<br />

Councilman Hodges read from the MS Forward Guide, adopted by Council, and pointed out several passages from the<br />

“Built Environment” section of the guide that he felt were in direct opposition to the Pearring project.<br />

Councilman Gerbig said he felt the criteria City Council should consider should be to allow for the reasonable use of the<br />

property in its current zone in the absence of relief.<br />

Councilwoman Ford said she felt the height restrictions should be adhered to.<br />

Councilman Smith said he was in support of the recommendations made by staff and the Planning Commission.<br />

Councilwoman Toll felt a redesign would be beneficial as there is plenty of room on the lot to build back instead of up.<br />

Councilman Gerbig made a motion, seconded by Councilwoman Toll, to deny AP 1203, AP 1204, and AP 1205 with the<br />

finding that the building height definition adopted by the Planning Commission, and proposed by staff, was the correct<br />

building height definition and application of that definition. In addition with the finding that the conditions of the<br />

Planning Commission hearing did not have such a negative impact so as to influence the decision and therefore is not a<br />

valid basis for appeal. And with the finding that the criteria for granting a variance, as listed in the Code for all three<br />

building sites, have not been met and the Planning Commission did not err in making that decision. Upon a call for the<br />

vote, the motion unanimously carried. Motion passed 6-0.<br />

Councilwoman Toll made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hodges, to direct the City Attorney to draft an order based<br />

upon the decision to be brought back for approval at a future <strong>meeting</strong>. Upon a call for the vote, the motion unanimously<br />

carried. Motion passed 6-0.

NOVEMBER 20, 2012 Regular City Council Meeting Page 4 of 5<br />

Mayor Pro Tem Carpenter called for a break at 8:35 pm. The <strong>meeting</strong> resumed at 8:39 pm.<br />

6. Approval of an eCivis Master Subscription and Service Agreement<br />

Upon a motion by Councilman Gerbig and a second by Councilwoman Toll, an eCivis Master Subscription and Service<br />

Agreement was approved. Motion passed 6-0.<br />


1. An Executive Session Pursuant to Section 5.1(c) of the Manitou Springs City Charter to Hold a Conference<br />

with the City Attorney to Receive Legal Advice on Pending Litigation or Imminent Court Action. The<br />

Following Additional Details are Provided for Informational Purposes: To Discuss Pending Litigation or<br />

Imminent Court Action.<br />

Upon a motion by Councilwoman Toll and a second by Councilman Hodges, the City Council went into executive<br />

session. Motion carried 6-0.<br />

Upon a motion by Mayor Pro Tem Carpenter and a second by Councilwoman Ford, the City Council came out of<br />

executive session and reconvened in <strong>regular</strong> session. Motion carried 6-0.<br />

None.<br />



Mayor Pro Tem Carpenter said he received a note from Chief Ribeiro stating that Code Enforcement personnel are<br />

addressing the complaints regarding the Red Wing Motel and the property is looking better.<br />

Councilwoman Toll received an email from a teacher at the high school and sponsor of the recycling club. She said the<br />

club is modeling their recycling program after the City’s single-hauler program.<br />

Mayor Pro Tem Carpenter mentioned an email about Memorial Park that Council members should have received. Mr.<br />

Benson suggested a discussion regarding the issue to be held at a future worksession.<br />


Councilwoman Toll said she met with the Avenue Project group. They have put together a poster and will be putting<br />

together a video about the Avenue Project and the effects of panhandling on the community as a whole. Mr. Benson said<br />

he was interviewed by Channel 5 about the project and he determined to keep the interview positive.<br />

None.<br />

None.<br />




Mr. Benson commented on the improved fire department report included in the packet.<br />

Councilwoman Toll asked how the El Paso/Beckers Fund money was going to be accounted for following the election and<br />

Mr. Benson explained that the money would stay in the El Paso/Beckers Fund but could be spent on any park.

NOVEMBER 20, 2012 Regular City Council Meeting Page 5 of 5<br />


• December 4, 2012 – Regular Meeting<br />

• December 11, 2012 – Special Meeting<br />

• December 18, 2012 – Regular Meeting<br />


With no further business to conduct, Mayor Pro Tem Carpenter concluded the <strong>meeting</strong>.<br />

__________________________________________________<br />


__________________________________________________<br />


I would like a new term on the Planning Commission. My current term expires the<br />

end of December. Dan and Michelle asked me to email you regarding being reappointed<br />

for another term.<br />

Thank you,<br />

Jeanne Vrobel

To Manitou Springs City Council and Planning Commission staff:<br />

I am requesting to be re-appointed to another term with the Manitou<br />

Springs Planning Commission. It has been an honor to have the<br />

opportunity this past year to serve on the Commission. I have learned a lot<br />

and have enjoyed the experience. Thank you for considering my request.<br />

Respectfully,<br />

Julie Wolfe

25 November 2012<br />

Dear Colleagues:<br />

It has been very gratifying to participate on the Planning Commission of Manitou<br />

Springs. Witnessing the dedication of the <strong>city</strong>’s planners, staff, and <strong>council</strong><br />

makes me realize how fortunate we are to live in this unique community!<br />

If the City Council and Planning Department would like me to continue to serve<br />

as a member of the Planning Commission, I would be very honored to do so. It<br />

has been a real privilege for me to work with you all. But if you feel that it is time<br />

to bring some “new blood” on to the committee, I understand that as well! I am<br />

good with whatever decision you make! Just let me know either way.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Bryant “Tip” Ragan

Dear Ms. Kast,<br />

Please accept this e-mail as application for becoming an alternate member of the Manitou Springs Planning<br />

Commission. I have lived in Manitou Springs for a year now and look forward to the opportunity to become<br />

involved in my new town.<br />

In addition to my personal interest in civic involvement, I work as a professor of political science and<br />

environmental politics at Colorado College. Much of my research is on cities, including <strong>city</strong> planning (with an<br />

emphasis on sustainability). I hope that some of my knowledge may be useful to the Planning Commission, as<br />

appropriate and relevant.<br />

Please contact me if I can provide you with any additional information. I can be reached at:<br />

5 Oak Ridge Rd<br />

Manitou Springs, CO 80829<br />

719-291-7850 (cell)<br />

719-389-6788 (work)<br />

Thank you for your time and consideration.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Corina McKendry

I would like to be reappointed to PARAB.<br />

Danu Fatt<br />

Sent from my iPhone

Manitou Springs Collaborative (MSC)<br />

Implementation Plan for the<br />

Manitou Springs Forward Vision and Planning Guide (MSFVP Guide)<br />

City Council 12/4/12<br />

Objectives:<br />

Note: items in blue are already in progress.<br />

1. Create a working group to achieve the implementation objectives. Manitou Springs<br />

Collaborative (MSC) formed and two <strong>meeting</strong>s already.<br />

MSC purpose:<br />

To champion, inspire, educate, support and promote the use of the MSFVPG in the<br />

community to fulfill the visions in the Guide.<br />

2. Provide a full (209 pages with appendices) and a shortened printed document (50<br />

pages) for City Council, staff and interested community leaders of the MSF Vision and<br />

Planning Guide. Design in progress.<br />

a. Each of the 50 Manitou Springs organizations gets a shortened version of the<br />

MSFVPG.<br />

3. Meet with organizations to monitor, encourage and support the implementation of the<br />

community vision statements. In progress.<br />

a. Organizations take ownership of visions. Keep visions in forefront.<br />

b. Outline for people to use when go to a <strong>meeting</strong>.<br />

c. Work with <strong>city</strong> <strong>council</strong> and smaller boards on particular alignments between <strong>city</strong><br />

<strong>council</strong>/smaller boards.<br />

d. To provide direction for current issues: Parking, City Budget, flooding from<br />

Waldo fire, H. S. Prom…<br />

4. Catalogue and update community organization, boards, commissions, initiatives and<br />

projects. Completed and is being updated.<br />

5. Community Engagement: Every resident and lover of Manitou Springs is exposed to the<br />

10 vision statements. Examples:<br />

a. Pikes Peak Bulletin has an article about each one (monthly)<br />

b. Independent<br />

c. City Newsletter in PPB<br />

d. Displayed in town<br />

e. Celebrate and publicize successes and actions that highlight plan<br />

f. Annual community <strong>meeting</strong> (potluck) to inform and celebrate progress and<br />

successes toward the visions.<br />

g. Annual Visionary Leadership Award to inspire leadership in the community to<br />

bring visions to fruition.<br />


6. A clearinghouse of ideas, networking and collaboration to discuss the visions, policies<br />

and strategies for each of the 10 community visions.<br />

a. Use electronic strategies i.e. MSF Facebook page, iManitou website, City of<br />

Manitou Springs website, MSC website, social or other electronic media.<br />

7. Help identify and promote the creation of local, regional and state policies which will<br />

support the community visions.<br />

a. Model/learn from the Pikes Peak Regional plan<br />

b. State Representative-Pete Lee, County – Salle Clarke…<br />

8. Make sure the Guide is used by the City and other organizations during budget<br />

discussions.<br />

9. Identify organizations that can offer funding for vision related projects and connect<br />

existing organizations with these funding sources.<br />

a. For example, recently a Colorado Trust grant has been awarded to fund a Health<br />

and Wellbeing Convening.<br />

City budget request for the above Plan: $4,800<br />

$ 2,400 Printing: # 2 above<br />

5 full MSFVPG’s: $250,<br />

100 shortened versions of the MSFVPG: $2,000<br />

100 one page (cover and 10 vision statements) $150<br />

$ 700 Community Engagement: #5 above.<br />

$1,700 Grant writing fee: # 9 above.<br />

$4,800 Total<br />




_________________________________________<br />



WHEREAS,<br />


The surcharge assessed against defendants who either plead guilty or are found to be guilty<br />

has been set at thirty-five dollars for a number of years, and<br />

City <strong>council</strong> finds and determines that it is in the public interested to increase said surcharge<br />

from thirty-five to forty-five dollars;<br />



Section 1:<br />

Section 1.32.120 of the Code of ordinances of the City of Manitou Springs is hereby amended<br />

by the addition of this sentence which shall be placed between the third and final sentences of<br />

the current text of said Section:<br />

In all such cases except for parking ticket cases, the court shall also assess a surcharge in the<br />

amount of forty-five dollars, and all such surcharges received shall be deposited into the Law<br />

Enforcement Special Revenue Fund.<br />

Section 2:<br />

This Ordinance shall take effect five days after final approval and adoption on second reading.<br />

Passed on First Reading and Ordered Published this 4th day of December, 2012.<br />

______________________________<br />

City Clerk<br />

A Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 1812 will be held at the December 11, 2012, Special City Council<br />

<strong>meeting</strong>. The Council Meeting will be held at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall, 606 Manitou Avenue, Manitou<br />

Springs, Colorado.<br />

Ordinance Published December 4, 2012<br />

City’s Official Website and City Hall






________________________<br />

WHEREAS,<br />

the City is required by law to levy taxes sufficient to fund the budget adopted for the coming year;<br />



Section 1:<br />

There is hereby levied upon all real, personal and mixed property within the corporate City limits<br />

of the City of Manitou Springs, Colorado, taxable according to law, for the purpose of raising<br />

revenue for the said City for the year 2013 for the purpose as follows:<br />


Temporary Mill Levy Rate Reduction<br />


OPEN SPACE & PARKS (APP 1995)<br />


10.594 MILLS<br />

(00.88) MILLS<br />

00.556 MILLS<br />

00.800 MILLS<br />

01.000 MILLS<br />

12.070 MILLS<br />

Section 2:<br />

Section 3:<br />

The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to notify the Board of County Commissioners to<br />

extend said levy on the tax rolls.<br />

This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after five (5) days following its final<br />

passage and approval.<br />

Passed on First Reading and Ordered Published this 4th day of December 2012.<br />

______________________________<br />

City Clerk<br />

A Public Hearing will be held at the December 11, 2012 Special City Council <strong>meeting</strong>. The Council<br />

Meeting will be held at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall, 606 Manitou Avenue, Manitou Springs, Colorado.<br />

Ordinance Published December 4, 2012 (in full)<br />

City’s Official Website and City Hall

Jack Benson, City Administrator<br />

606 Manitou Avenue<br />

Manitou Springs, Colorado 80829<br />

From the desk of:<br />

Direct: 719-685-2560<br />

Fax: 719-685-5233<br />

E-mail: jbenson@comsgov.com<br />

Website:<br />

www.<strong>manitou</strong><strong>springs</strong>gov.com<br />

Memorandum<br />

To:<br />

From:<br />

Marc Snyder, Mayor<br />

Manitou Springs City Council<br />

Jack Benson, City Administrator<br />

Rebecca Davis, Finance Director<br />

Date: December 4, 2012<br />

Re:<br />

FY2013 Budget Proposal, First Reading<br />

As required by the City’s Home Rule Charter, enclosed is our fiscal plan for FY2013. This plan is a culmination of<br />

several work sessions and a daylong retreat with Council to workout spending requests and fiscal strategies. With a<br />

successful election, the City has been able to address our less than adequate General Fund reserve balance, begin a<br />

phased adjustment to our lagging compensation expenses, particularly in Public safety, and dedicates some monies to<br />

start implementing the <strong>city</strong>’s parking program.<br />

As was highlighted in our preliminary budget plan, this budget came on the heels of what continues to be a very difficult<br />

2012 sale tax season. While the national economy has seen some slow recovery over the past year, our local<br />

economy took a significant hit with the Waldo Canyon Wildfire and the lingering threat of post-fire, flash flooding. All our<br />

tourism based taxing revenues declined after the fire and recovery to expected trends, as of this writing, have yet to be<br />

seen. Given the lingering doubts on how this event will impact <strong>city</strong> revenues over the next several years, the <strong>city</strong>’s<br />

FY2013 budget is taking a very conservative approach on revenues and limiting spending to the FY2012 budget levels.<br />

New spending requests have been addressed in the context of Council’s fiscal policy regarding reserves and strategic<br />

goals they would like to address in the coming year. All other discretionary spending requests have either been<br />

pushed out to future years or denied (see Exhibit A). The priority items addressed in this plan include the following:<br />

1.Maintain fiscal solvency on all funds.<br />

2.Continue incremental Improvement to the General Fund’s Undesignated Reserves.<br />

3.Adjust the <strong>city</strong>’s public safety compensation plan through a phase-in approach.<br />

4.Accommodate a 2% cost of living adjustment to the balance of the <strong>city</strong>’s compensation plan.<br />

5.Set-aside stimulus monies to help with implementing the <strong>city</strong>’s parking program.<br />

6. Adjust the Storm Drainage Enterprise Rate to eliminate long-run accruing deficits.<br />

Budget Summary<br />

Revenue/Expense Summary – All Funds. The City’s FY2013 budget, for all funds, is projected at $8,188,282 and<br />

$8,409,387 for revenues and expenses, respectively. In terms of expenses, this represents a 30.69 percent decrease<br />

(-3,723,051) over FY2012 final amended totals. Most of the reductions in spending are attributable to large capital<br />

projects being completed (Downtown Revitalization), open space acquisition efforts being completed, and debt service<br />

being retired.<br />


General Fund. The General Fund<br />

budget is planned at $4,792,750 and<br />

$4,887,233 for revenues and<br />

expenses, respectively. This<br />

represents an increase in spending of<br />

2.72 percent ($129,628) over FY2012<br />

final amended totals. Most of this is<br />

attributable to the following:<br />

Revenues<br />

• Tax Revenues, all resources,<br />

are projected to be flat from<br />

FY2012 Final to FY2013.<br />

Projected growth in Taxes,<br />

Licenses/permits, inter-fund<br />

Transfers, Fines/Forfeitures<br />

Revenue/Expense Summary - All Funds<br />

Description<br />

FY2011 FY2012 FY2012 Final Prelim. FY2013<br />

Actual Budgeted Amendment Budget<br />

Total Revenues 9,061,848 11,177,313 11,511,540 8,188,282<br />

Total Exp. 8,233,860 12,037,642 12,132,438 8,409,387<br />

Exp. - % ∆ to previous Year 46.20% 47.35% -30.69%<br />

Ending Reserves $3,571,694 $2,869,044 3,000,889 2,735,897<br />

Revenue/Expense Summary - General Fund<br />

G. F. Revenues $4,650,147 $4,651,917 $4,961,261 $4,792,750<br />

G. F. Exp. & Transfers $4,544,244 $4,672,976 $4,757,605 $4,887,233<br />

Exp. - % ∆ to previous Year 2.83% 4.70% 2.72%<br />

Ending Unrestricted<br />

Reserves<br />

$354,273 $333,214 $557,929 $463,446<br />

Revenue/Expense - Capital Improvements Fund<br />

Cap. Revenues $331,531 $716,127 $773,257 $402,865<br />

Cap. Exp. & Transfers $348,145 $890,598 $929,555 $401,966<br />

Exp. - % ? to previous Year 155.81% 167.00% -56.76%<br />

Ending Unrestricted<br />

Reserves $160,400 ($14,071) $4,102 $5,000<br />

are offset by losses in Intergovernmental Revenues, Charges for Service, and Miscellaneous Revenues.<br />

• Taxable Sales and other tourism related revenues are tagged to a 5% increase over FY2011 levels, which is a<br />

growth over FY2012 actuals of 3.28%.<br />

Expenditures<br />

• Departmental expenditures are projected down by 1.40% over FY2012 Final Amendment numbers and flat<br />

(.21%) over FY2012 original budgeted levels. This is a mix of growth and reductions in various departments.<br />

This budget zeros out the library departmental expenses.<br />

• Economic Development is up by 1.96% due to URA TIFF adjustments.<br />

• Transfers to the Capital Improvements fund is up 60.21% due to a loss in reserve revenues that were restricted,<br />

but not tied to their expense line, which inflated the amount of carry forward available.<br />

General Fund Undesignated<br />

Reserves. One of the fiscal goals<br />

presented to Council was the need to<br />

incrementally improve on the General<br />

Fund’s Unrestricted Reserves. The<br />

Clifton Gunderson’s Financial Health<br />

Report indicated that the City should<br />

strive to carry 17 percent of its<br />

expected General Fund, net operating<br />

expense, which is equivalent to nine<br />

weeks of operating resources. At the<br />

closing of FY2011, the General Fund<br />

was showing an unrestricted fund<br />

balance (URFB) of $354,273, which<br />

$900,000<br />

$800,000<br />

$700,000<br />

$600,000<br />

$500,000<br />

$400,000<br />

$300,000<br />

$200,000<br />

$100,000<br />

General Fund Unrestricted Reserves<br />

GOFA Recommended G.F. Reserve is 17% or 9<br />

weeks of operating. Current Reserve - 10% or 5<br />

weeks of operating<br />

$0<br />

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011<br />

2012 2012YE<br />

Original Est.<br />

2013 Proj.<br />

GF Fund Balances $408,590 $413,482 $281,872 $128,019 $111,661 $240,367 $354,273 $333,216 $557,929 $463,446<br />

15% Unrestricted Reserve Targets $550,616 $570,688 $610,086 $624,955 $594,563 $625,438 $666,510 $679,798 $713,641 $733,085<br />

17% Unrestricted Reserve Targets $624,031 $646,780 $691,431 $708,282 $673,838 $708,829 $755,377 $770,438 $808,793 $830,830<br />

was a considerable improvement over FY2010 (see G.F. Unreserved Fund Balance to Expense). Council set a goal<br />

for the General Fund’s FY2013 URFB of $450,000 (10%) and adjusted spending to meet that goal. The spike in<br />

FY2012 estimate year-end is due to onetime revenues from grants and fire service reimbursements.<br />

Capital Improvements Fund. The Capital Improvements Fund has $402,865 available funds and $401,966 in<br />

expenses for FY2013, with a reserve of $5,000. While this is a considerable reduction (-56.76%) from the previous<br />

year, the contributions from the General Fund to support this plan is projected to be up to $251,055, which represents a<br />

60.21% increase over FY2012 year-end estimated. The General Fund’s increased contribution to the Capital Fund is<br />

attributable to that fund carrying less of a fund balance due to a restricted State Historical Grant that was being held in<br />

the reserve and not matched up to its intended expense line. This unfortunately has been overstating the Capital<br />

Fund’s available resources. Capital Projects requested to date:<br />

1. Debt service for previous year’s lease purchases - $187,779.<br />

2. FY2013 - A lease purchase for 5 years, consisting of the following equipment: 1 patrol vehicle at $38,588; 700/800 MHz Radios (20<br />

subscriber radios@ $45/radio for police department $20,000; a 4X4 3/4 ton diesel flat bed truck w/snow plow/sander $45,000 and riding<br />

mower $15,000 for public works.<br />

• Page 2

3. A lease purchase in 2013 for 10 years, consisting of the following equipment: a mini excavator, $150,000 for public works.<br />

4. Patrol room remodel for $10,000.<br />

5. Fire station equipment for fire helmets @ $10,000 and bunker gear @ $20,000.<br />

6. A dehumidifier/heater for the pool for $30,000.<br />

7. City computer equipment consists of the purchases of: 11 replacement desk-top computers @ $16,000; UPS equipment for $2,000 and<br />

printers for $7,600.<br />

Fund Summary<br />

1. General Fund - The General Operating Fund covers the town’s core service activities in general administration, public<br />

safety & emergency services, public services, recreation, library, parking & code enforcement, and special projects.<br />

Department heads were asked to curtail spending to FY2012 Original amounts; as such, this summary compares<br />

FY2013 requests to that threshold.<br />

a. Legislative Department (Workbook Ref. # Tab B) - This departmental budget addresses the<br />

Councilmember Stipends, City Attorney, Employee Appreciation, and Council Special Projects. This<br />

spending request decreased 12.49%, from the previous year’s original budget due to reductions in<br />

City Attorney expenses and zeroing out one-time community project requests. (FY12/FY13: $125,858<br />

to $110,140)<br />

b. Judicial Department (Workbook Ref. # Tab C) - The Judicial Department Budget funds the municipal<br />

Court operating expenses and both the judge and the municipal court prosecutor on a contract basis.<br />

The department is requesting a 16.03% increase in expenses for FY2013, which represents an<br />

increase in the prosecuting attorney’s contract. (FY11/FY12: $50,258 to $58,313)<br />

c. Executive Department (Workbook Ref. # Tab D) – This is the operating budget for the Administrator,<br />

Clerk’s functions, and the <strong>city</strong>wide Information Services line-items. This department is requesting a -<br />

9.46% decrease, due primarily to a reorganization of the Code Enforcement program; that program is<br />

now under the police department.<br />

While this budget shows a decrease, there is a request by the City Clerk to adjust her salary due to<br />

her recent certification as a Certified Municipal City Clerk and entry level survey data. With Councils<br />

approval, I have put an entry level of $56,328. (FY12/FY13: $374,034 to $338,635)<br />

This department also carries the City’s Information Services operating line-items and the <strong>city</strong>’s<br />

computer/network capital planning (see FY2013-FY2017 Capital Improvements Fund Requested<br />

Equipment List). In 2012 the Information Services capital budget focused on network’s backbone<br />

infrastructure equipment. In 2013, the capital budget will shift its focus to network disaster recovery<br />

through backup systems and data storage ($38,740). This equipment mainly includes 2 Storage Area<br />

Network (SAN) disk arrays and associated software that will provide local and remote, near real time,<br />

backup of user data. Additionally, through leveraged use of an offline server, this equipment will<br />

support localized GIS data at Public Works and storage of scanned documents, requested by the City<br />

Clerk.<br />

FY2013 - FY2017 Capital Improvements Fund Requested Equipment List<br />

Information Services (Executive Department) Term 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Totals<br />

11 replacement desktop computers n 13,772 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 77,772<br />

Microsoft Exchange or equivalent technology n 10,000 10,000<br />

UPS equipment n 720 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 8,720<br />

Network Backbone equipment (in 2017 y5 lp) n 8,650 30,000 38,650<br />

Printers n 7,600 7,600<br />

Data Storage n 15,598 15,598<br />

wireless solutions and advanced technology n 9,900 9,900<br />

Software y5 30,000 30,000<br />

3 Server replacements or equivalent technology upgrade y5 37,000 37,000<br />

Phone System y10 110,000 110,000<br />

Totals 38,740 135,600 57,900 65,000 48,000 345,240<br />

d. Finance Department (Workbook Ref. # Tab E) – This department is responsible for accounts<br />

receivable, accounts payable, payroll, utility billing, financial management and reporting, business<br />

• Page 3

licensing and tax administration. The department provides accounting for the City's existing 13<br />

general, special, capital improvements and enterprise funds, as well as accounting and financial<br />

management for the Manitou Springs Metropolitan District.<br />

This budget is decreased by -3.22% due to the hiring of our new Finance Director at a lower salary.<br />

(FY12/FT12: $304,475 to $294,663). The department is also looking to refill the vacancy created<br />

when Rebecca Davis took the Finance Director position. This position is scheduled to be hired in April<br />

2013 and will be tasked with the City’s self- collection of sales tax.<br />

e. Community Development Department (Workbook Ref. # Tab F) – This is the operating budget for<br />

the Planning Department. This budget is a 2.59% increase to the previous year. (FY12/FY13:<br />

$221,070 to $226,795)<br />

f. Police Department (Workbook Ref. # Tab G) – This is the<br />

operating budget for law enforcement, which consists of<br />

15.5 FTEs. This department’s budget is an increase of<br />

6.58%. (FY12/FY12: $1,005,162 to $1,071,252). This<br />

increase includes an initial installment, 6.27%, to realign<br />

public safety salaries to market entry level amounts (see<br />

Proposed Public Safety Ranges).<br />

Proposed Public Safety Ranges<br />

Classifications Min Max<br />

Fire.EMT/Patrol Officer $41,184.00 $57,657.60<br />

FF.Paramedic/PD Corporal $47,361.60 $66,306.24<br />

Fire Lieutenant/PD Sergeant $54,465.84 $76,252.18<br />

Fire Captain/PD Lieutenant $62,635.72 $87,690.00<br />

In addition, the department is moving forward with a partnership with School District 14 to provide a<br />

School Resource Officer (SRO) as an additional 0.5 FTE for the Department. The School District has<br />

agreed to provide 50% of the funding for this position in exchange for the SRO services. The PD will<br />

then contribute the prior budgeted “seasonal” 0.5 FTE position salary, which will require another<br />

$8,566 in order to fully fund the position. This officer will provide both SRO services during the school<br />

year as well as Business District Beat officer in the summer when not directly working in the schools.<br />

FY2013 Capital requests for this department Include replacement of 1 patrol vehicle ($38,588), patrol<br />

room remodel ($10K), and replacement of twenty 700/800 MHz subscriber radios spread over 5 years<br />

($16K/year). Chief would like to replace two vehicles every year to address the supervision and<br />

budget oversight for both the parking and Code Enforcement programs. Council has cut one vehicle<br />

in FY2013.<br />

FY2013 - FY2017 Capital Improvements Fund Requested Equipment List<br />

Police Department Term 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Totals<br />

Patrol room remodel n 10,000 10,000<br />

Energy efficient lighting for PD n 5,000 5,000<br />

Fire Arm five year Life Cycle (15 pistols-$500 each, 15<br />

long guns $1500) 5% increase per year) n Costs transferred to Law Enforcement Special Revenue Fund<br />

patrol vehicle @ $38,588 (10 units incl PD, Parking & CEO,<br />

5 yr life cycle) 5% increase per year y5 38,588 81,035 85,087 89,341 93,808 387,859<br />

DVD R video camera for interviews y5 10,000 10,000<br />

700/800MhZ Radios (20 units, 5 year life cycle at $4K<br />

each) 5% increase per year y5 16,000 16,800 17,640 18,522 19,448 88,410<br />

Totals 48,588 91,035 90,087 89,341 93,808 412,859<br />

g. Emergency Communications (Workbook Ref. # Tab H) – This is the operating budget for the City’s<br />

emergency 911 center, which dispatches law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical. This<br />

department has an increase of 3.61% over FY2012, due to the 2% cost of living adjustment.<br />

(FY12/FY13: $215,983 to $223772)<br />

We continue to discuss the benefits of combining this function with El Paso County E-911, Colorado<br />

Springs E-911, or Fountain E-911. I anticipate that we will be bringing a proposal to Council for<br />

consideration during the budget review process.<br />

h. Code Enforcement (Workbook Ref. # Tab I) – This service area has typically been embedded in the<br />

Executive Department. I have decided to move supervision of this function under Police Department<br />

and track its expenditures independently. The budget for this service is $60,944, which includes one<br />

Code Enforcement Officer ($48,094) and related operating expenses of $12,850.<br />

• Page 4

i. Fire Department (Workbook Ref. # Tab J) – This is the operating portion of the City’s volunteer fire<br />

department. The Department has 40 volunteer firefighters and 6 paid staff that operate the firehouse<br />

on a 24/7 basis. This department’s budget is showing a 15.20% increase over the previous year.<br />

(FY12/FY13: $547,596 to $630,830)<br />

The increases includes the same initial installment, 6.27%, to realign public safety salaries to market<br />

entry level amounts (see Proposed Public Safety Ranges). In addition, overtime salaries needed to be<br />

adjusted to reflect proper disbursements as required by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which<br />

has not been happening. Lastly, I have asked the department to estimate revenues and costs<br />

associated with the wildfire deployments, as this activity has been shown in past budgets as zeros.<br />

This department carries a 5-year capital plan for scheduled replacement vehicles, emergency<br />

services equipment and end-of-life radio replacements. FY2013 initially requested a new item under<br />

“Fire Station Equipment” for a security card door lock reader ($6,000). As this was a new item added<br />

to the plan, Council asked to move this out to FY2014 and explore other options.<br />

FY2013 - FY2017 Capital Improvements Fund Requested Equipment List<br />

Fire Department Term 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Totals<br />

Bunker Gear n 20,000 20,000 20,000 60,000<br />

Helmets n 10,000 10,000<br />

HazMat Supplies n 25,000 25,000<br />

Carpet n -<br />

Fire Station Equipment - Card Reader Lock n 6,000 6,000<br />

Extrication Equpment y5 40,000 40,000<br />

Pumper - Urban interface y10 400,000 400,000 800,000<br />

Brush Truck Y10 150,000 0<br />

Totals 30,000 556,000 60,000 25,000 420,000 1,091,000<br />

j. Public Services Department (Workbook Ref. # Tab K) – This is the operating budget for both streets<br />

and parks. This department is planning a 0.75% decrease over FY2012. (FY12/FY13: $762,839 to<br />

$759,308<br />

This department carries a 5-year capital plan for scheduled equipment replacements based on<br />

industry standards, age of equipment, and maintenance history. The only new request for FY2013 is<br />

a security gate and security system for the Public Works facility, which is not currently in the<br />

preliminary budget.<br />

FY2013 - FY2017 Capital Improvements Fund Requested Equipment List<br />

Public Works Term 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Totals<br />

4x4 3/4 ton diesel flat bed w/snowplow/sander y5 45,000 50,000 95,000<br />

riding mower 60" 24 hp y5 15,000 20,000 20,000 55,000<br />

4x4 3/4 ton diesel ext cab truck y5 35,000 35,000<br />

4x4 3/4 ton diesel flat bed w/snowplow y5 42,000 42,000<br />

4x43/4 ton diesel ext cab truck y5 40,000 45,000 85,000<br />

wood chipper y5 40,000 40,000<br />

Motor grader (Used - new $320,000) y10 200,000 200,000<br />

mini excavator (2013 expense moved to FY2015) y10 150,000 150,000<br />

Backhoe y10 160,000 160,000<br />

Totals 60,000 77,000 350,000 315,000 60,000 862,000<br />

Public Services also prepared a 7-year Street Capital Improvement plan, which is included in its<br />

entirety in the enclosed budget. For FY2013, the department is anticipating to spend the following<br />

from the RTA and Public Works funds for these repairs:<br />

FY2013 Street Repairs<br />

Street Condition # Length (ft) Width (ft) ft 2 From To Estimated Cost<br />

Deneta Dr 4 775 25 19,375 All All $ 43,593.75<br />

Fairview Ave 4 1,109 12 13,308 Ruxton Ave End $ 29,943.00<br />

Sutherland Rd 4 1,725 25 43,125 Oak Ridge Sutherland Pl (top) $ 97,031.25<br />

Washington Ave 5 850 25 21,250 Washington Bypass Washington Bypass $ 47,812.50<br />

Lovers Ln 5 1,584 16 25,344 Canon Ave El Paso Blvd $ 57,024.00<br />

Estimated Total $ 275,404.50<br />

• Page 5

k. Aquatics Department (Workbook Ref. # Tab L) – This is the operating budget of the <strong>city</strong>’s pool. This<br />

department is requesting a 6.91% increase over the previous year, due to the hiring of additional<br />

seasonal lifeguards to meet Red Cross requirements and operating supplies for the new weight room.<br />

(FY12/FY13: $315,921 to 337,747)<br />

The Aquatics Department is also recommending a 13 percent increase in fees. Mr. Chaney reported<br />

that “…the pool has some of the lowest rates in the area and much of Colorado. This has been a<br />

good thing in a troubled economy; however, with the weight room addition and the success of the pool<br />

programming, we do need additional funds to help offset the cost of maintenance and staffing needs.<br />

I am suggesting a 13% increase in daily fees, punch cards and memberships. This increase will still<br />

put us at the lowest fees in the area and most of the state.”<br />

This department’s 5-year capital plan for FY2013 is requesting upgrades to the mechanical systems<br />

($30K) and ADA repairs to the Baby Pool ($14K), the latter of which is not currently in the FY2013<br />

budget. In addition, the 5-year plan from last year had $60K dedicated to weight room equipment,<br />

which Mr. Chaney wanted to reallocate to an expansion to the baby pool. The expansion is expected<br />

to cost $125,000. Due to issues with our capital fund reserve, I have moved the $60K for expansion<br />

and the $14K for ADA repairs out to FY2015 and will require a grant match of to cover most of this<br />

request.<br />

FY2013 - FY2017 Capital Improvements Fund Requested Equipment List<br />

Aquatics 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Totals<br />

Paint beams n 25,000 25,000<br />

Weight Room Equipment Replacement n 20,000 20,000<br />

Building Upgrades (lights, bathrooms, Roof, etc.) n 60,000 12,000 20,000 92,000<br />

Dehumidifyer/heater n 30,000 30,000<br />

Remodel desk area n 6,000 6,000<br />

Pool equipment (ADA lift &Repairs to baby pool) n 74,000 74,000<br />

Totals 30,000 91,000 86,000 20,000 227,000<br />

l. Public Library (Workbook Ref. # Tab M) – With the successful election to include the Manitou<br />

Springs Public Library into the Pikes Peak Library District, all related operating and capital expenses<br />

have been zeroed out for the coming year. (FY12/FY13: $189,381 to $0)<br />

m. Parking Enforcement (Workbook Ref. # Tab N) – This is the operating budget of the <strong>city</strong>’s parking<br />

enforcement programs. This budget is showing a 5.97% increase over last year, due primarily to<br />

increased operating expenses (FY12/FY13: $110,386 to $116,979). This department’s 5-year capital<br />

plan has been rolled into the Police Department’s budget.<br />

n. General Miscellaneous Expenditures/Transfers Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab O) – This budget<br />

captures miscellaneous expenditures for <strong>city</strong> promotions, Council Projects, and interagency/interfund<br />

transfers. This budget is showing a 45.68% increase, due to the Parks and Recreation Advisory<br />

Board (PARAB) asking for $31,150 in related activities, the URA receiving a tax increment payment of<br />

$53,097, and Capital Improvements Fund transfer of $251,055. (FY11/FY12: $450,011 to $655,593)<br />

• The PARAB board envisions the Soda Springs Pavilion being returned to good condition. This<br />

involves replacing and putting in more lighting, repainting, replacing doors, refinishing the stage<br />

and refurbishing the railing and the "green room". In addition, the mini-grant program was left at<br />

the $10,000 level to address the Manitou Springs Art and Cultural Collaborative request for grant<br />

funding to arts and recreational groups.<br />

• The URA Tax Increment Payment has been funded improperly in past years, which required a<br />

catch adjustment in FY2012, and FY2013 is estimating it’s the current payment based on our<br />

Sales Tax estimate of 5% over FY2011.<br />

• Our Capital fund transfer has increased over the previous year by $109,369 (77.19% increase).<br />

This increase has to do with the a revenue of $162,966 (State Historical Fund Grant – Bridges)<br />

that has been carried in our capital reserve, but is a restricted amount for the Canon/Park Avenue<br />

Bridge Restoration Project. In other words, we have been borrowing against this amount and<br />

• Page 6

under GASB 54 this is a restricted amount and must be accounted for separately. Also, the<br />

Bridge Project is drawing from that revenue line and is not available to other capital fund projects.<br />

In compliance with GASB 54 certain funds without a dedicated revenue source must be folded into<br />

existing funds, but their related revenues and expenditures should be kept in assigned, separate fund<br />

balances, within those funds. To accomplish this, a separate accounting ledger titled Restricted<br />

General Fund Revenues/Expenditures for the Barr Trail Parking Lot (Workbook Ref. # Tab P) has<br />

been added to the General Fund budget to track these activities. One activity is currently being<br />

tracked at this time:<br />

i. Barr Trail Parking Activities - Barr Trail Parking lot revenues are restricted for use for<br />

expenditures associated with the Barr Trail Parking lot and trailhead area as per the<br />

Intergovernmental agreement between the City and Colorado Springs Utilities, the<br />

owner of the parking lot.<br />

Activity in this account show assigned revenues of $111,055 and $166,934 for FY2012<br />

and FY2013, respectively. Expenses for both FY2012 and FY2013 include: a portion of<br />

the Residential Parking Program Study; parking kiosk credit card fees, capital project<br />

reimbursement in FY2011, only; the Barr Trail facility maintenance and Barr Trail Shuttle<br />

match for a CMAQ grant of $308,970. The FY2013 year-end fund balance is projected<br />

to be $79,053.<br />

2. Enterprise Funds – These are “Proprietary Funds” that operate in a manner similar to a private business<br />

enterprise. They are, by definition, fee driven activities that account for their own operating and capital<br />

expenses. The City has four such funds: Water, Sewer, Storm Drainage Management and Manitou Springs<br />

Park Authority Funds.<br />

a. Water Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 2) - This enterprise accounts for operating revenues and cash<br />

basis expenses of the water utility. The utility services roughly 2,200 customers, repairs 50,000 lineal<br />

feet of water lines, maintains 2 storage tanks and 15 in-town pressure reducing values. The utility<br />

plans to replace a water main on Waltham, replace two treatment plant compressors, update GIS,<br />

and purchase a demolition saw. A request to install a card reader security gate, at the plant, has<br />

been moved out to FY2014. The fund is fiscally sound with a projected “Net Position” for FY2013 of<br />

$1,103,907, which is a decrease of -652,703 from the previous year-end estimates.<br />

This fund carries a 5-year capital plan to replace aging water system infrastructure and equipment:<br />

Water/Sewer FY2013 - FY2017 Equipment and Improvements List (60/40 Split)<br />

Water & Sewer Enterprise Funds Combined Financing<br />

Financing<br />

Terms<br />

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Totals<br />

Mobile diesel air compressor 5-year $25,000 $25,000<br />

Video camera mounted vehicle 5-year $95,000 $95,000<br />

4X4 3/4 diesel standard cab 5-year $40,000 $45,000 $85,000<br />

4X4 Water meter SUV 5-year $30,000 $30,000<br />

Vactor truck 10-year $250,000 $250,000<br />

Skid loader 10-year $100,000 $100,000<br />

Truck Excavator 10-year $300,000 $300,000<br />

Totals $25,000 $345,000 $70,000 $100,000 $345,000 $885,000<br />

Capital Purchase Equipment Financing 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Totals<br />

Gate+ Security Card Entry System None $3,500 $3,500<br />

GIS Unit upgrade None $2,500 $2,500<br />

2 Compressors (Water Only) None $12,000 $12,000<br />

1 Chainsaw (water Only) None $1,200 $1,200<br />

2 Backwash Blowers (Water Only) None $25,000 $25,000<br />

Demolition Saw None $2,000 $2,000<br />

Totals $15,700 $28,500 $0 $2,000 $0 $46,200<br />

Grand Total $40,700 $373,500 $70,000 $102,000 $345,000 $931,200<br />

• Page 7

The water department has scheduled the following infrastructure projects over the next five years:<br />

Water/Sewer FY2013 - FY2017 Infrastructure Projects<br />

Water Enterprise Only Capital Improvement/Equipment 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Totals<br />

Water main Waltham Ave (1,700') None $255,000 $255,000<br />

Water main Washington Ave (1,500') None $225,000 $225,000<br />

Water main Narrows Road (500') None $100,000 $100,000<br />

Water main Oklahoma (2000') None $500,000 $500,000<br />

Water main Fountain Pl(1200') None $200,000 $200,000<br />

Totals $255,000 $225,000 $100,000 $500,000 $200,000 $1,280,000<br />

b. Sewer Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 3) – This enterprise accounts for operating and cash basis<br />

expenses of the sewer utility, which services 2,200 customers and maintains 40,000 lineal feet of<br />

sewer lines. Residential Sewer volume charges a flat fee, calculated on customers’ average water<br />

usage during the months of January and February. For Commercial (anything that is not a single<br />

family dwelling unit) volume charges are based on the water volume charges per month. An additional<br />

connection fee to the <strong>city</strong> sewer system is, also, charged per account. For FY2013, the utility will costshare<br />

in the equipment list mentioned in the previous water section, is planning on replacing the<br />

sewer main on Waltham, and upgrading the GIS system at the public works facility. The previously<br />

mentioned security gate has been moved out to FY2014. Infrastructure projects over the next five<br />

years are summarized in the table, below:<br />

Water/Sewer FY2013 - FY2017 Infrastructure Projects<br />

Sewer Enterprise Only Capital Improvement/Equipment 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Totals<br />

Sewer main Waltham Ave (1,000) None $150,000 $150,000<br />

Sewer main El Monte Place (900') None $135,000 $135,000<br />

Sewer main Geneva Trail to Glenn Rd (2,000') None $400,000 $400,000<br />

Sewer main Oklahoma to Deer Pass (1,600') None $300,000 $300,000<br />

Sewer main Ruxton at Winter to Pilot Knob Ave None $200,000 $200,000<br />

Totals $150,000 $135,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $1,185,000<br />

The fund is fiscally sound with a projected “Net Position” for FY2013 of $406,950, which is an increase<br />

of $71,421 from the previous year-end position. Water and Sewer share much of the same<br />

equipment, so both funds purchase equipment and allocate out debt service on 60/40 percentage<br />

split, respectively (see Water/Sewer FY2013-FY2017 Equipment and Improvements List (60/40)<br />

Table, above).<br />

Storm Drainage & Flood Management Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 4) - This budget is funded<br />

through a drainage flat-fee charged to all water/sewer utility customers. The fund pays for<br />

maintenance of storm water facilities and the <strong>city</strong>'s mandatory EPA storm water monitoring program.<br />

At the close of FY2012, this fund will retire debt payments on the Canon Avenue Storm Drainage<br />

Project, which was initiated in 2002, to address flooding from Williams Canyon.<br />

In FY2007, the flat fee was raised from $6.40/month to $9.40/month to fund a limited capital program.<br />

Given its current revenues, the fund is projected to incur a deficit balance of $44,287 by the close of<br />

FY2012 and will continue to grow, if a rate increase is not considered. To offset this, Staff is<br />

recommending a rate increase from its current level to $11/month/account (see Rate Sensitivity<br />

Analysis). This increase will remove the deficit and grow the balance to an appropriate level.<br />

Rate Sensitivity Analysis<br />

Rates @: Year: 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021<br />

Ending Asset Balance $9.40 (44,287) (8,504) (6,496) (10,170) (32,513) (53,700) (79,336) (103,527) (134,305) (171,866)<br />

Ending Asset Balance $10.00 (44,287) 6,708 23,927 35,465 28,334 22,358 11,935 2,955 (12,611) (34,961)<br />

Ending Asset Balance $10.50 (44,287) 19,384 49,280 73,495 79,040 85,741 87,993 91,690 88,800 79,127<br />

Ending Asset Balance $11.00 (44,287) 32,061 74,633 111,524 129,746 149,123 164,052 180,425 190,212 193,215<br />

Ending Asset Balance $11.50 (44,287) 44,737 99,986 149,553 180,451 212,505 240,111 269,160 291,623 307,303<br />

In terms of infrastructure projects, the program plans drainage improvements for the following:<br />

Minnihaha, 500-block El Paso/Burns Rd, Beckers Lane Bridge, Crystal Park Drainage, General<br />

Repair, Minnehaha manholes (see Storm Drainage Enterprise Infrastructure Improvements).<br />

• Page 8

The fund carries the following 5-year capital plan for both equipment and infrastructure projects:<br />

Storm Drainage FY2012 thru FY2016 Equipment List<br />

Storm Drainage Enterprise Fund<br />

Financing<br />

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total<br />

Equipment Purchases<br />

Terms<br />

Pick up broom attachment 5-year $8,000 $8,000<br />

4X4 3/4 diesel standard cab 5-year $35,000 $35,000<br />

4X4 One ton diesel standard cab dump bed 5-year $55,000 $55,000<br />

Street sweeper 10-year $180,000 $180,000<br />

skid loader 10-year $100,000 $100,000<br />

Totals $188,000 $35,000 $0 $100,000 $55,000 $323,000<br />

Storm Drainage Enterprise Infrastructure Improvements<br />

Storm Drainage Enterprise Fund<br />

Financing<br />

Capital Improvement<br />

Terms<br />

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total<br />

Minnehaha Drainage none $6,000 $6,000<br />

50 Block El Paso Burn Road none $4,000 $4,000<br />

Beckers Lane Bridge none $1,000 $1,000<br />

Crystal Park Drainage none $4,000 $4,000<br />

General Capital improvements none $4,000 $4,000<br />

Minnehaha Manholes none $1,000 $1,000<br />

Lucerne/Alpine Drainage Culvert none $4,000 $4,000<br />

Upper Canon Gabion Maintenance none $2,000 $2,000<br />

South Path/Manitou Avenue Drain head none $1,000 $1,000<br />

General Capital improvements none $5,000 $5,000<br />

Plainview Drainage/Canal none $4,000 $4,000<br />

Crystal Park Drainage none $4,000 $4,000<br />

Burns Road upgrade none $2,000 $2,000<br />

Washington Avenue Canals none $2,000 $2,000<br />

Glenn Road Canals none $6,000 $6,000<br />

General Capital improvements none $10,000 $10,000<br />

General Repairs none $10,000 $10,000<br />

Poplar/Santa Fe Canals none $2,000 $2,000<br />

Crystal Parks Drainage none $4,000 $4,000<br />

300 Block Washington Curb and Gutter south side none $4,000 $4,000<br />

Fountain Place /South Path Drain head none $2,000 $2,000<br />

Canon / Lovers Lane Drain head. 1 North, 1 South. none $4,000 $4,000<br />

Pawnee Detention Structure none $10,000 $10,000<br />

General Capital improvements none $4,000 $4,000<br />

Totals $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $100,000<br />

c. Manitou Springs Park Authority (Workbook Ref. # Tab 16) – The Manitou Springs Park Authority<br />

Fund is an Enterprise Fund of the City of Manitou Springs, whose budgetary purpose is to convey<br />

payment for the debt service related to the El Paso/Beckers Lane Park facility. The sales tax<br />

associated with this debt is received into the El Paso Beckers fund and then dispensed in the form of<br />

a lease payment to the Manitou Springs Park Authority. The bonds, in the amount of $765,000, were<br />

issued 12/01/98 for a term of 15 years. Final payment of $70,000 will be made on 6/1/2013.<br />

3. Special Revenue Funds – These are accounts restricted for specific purposes. The City of Manitou Springs<br />

has six such funds:<br />

a. Law Enforcement Special Revenue Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 5) – This fund is financed through<br />

grants and court assessments for improving prisoner safety and updating police equipment. This fund<br />

anticipates $34,956 in available funds through an increase in the fine surcharge from its current rate of<br />

$35 to $45. Expenses are projected at $31,580, with an ending fund balance of $3,376 for FY2013.<br />

Capital Purchases – Other will include: Uniforms and equipment @ $12,550, firearms replacement @<br />

$6,000, Ammunition @ $10,000, and TASER Supplies @ $2,000.<br />

b. Conservation Trust Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 6) – this fund is financed through lottery proceeds<br />

and can be used for projects as defined under CRS 29-21-101. The fund is under the advisory<br />

purview of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. This fund anticipates $176,377 in available<br />

• Page 9

funds and $63,000 in general expenses. No significant projects have been defined at this time,<br />

except for operational expenses of: Mutt Mitts @ $10K, Bench Replacements @ $3K, and weed<br />

mitigation and tree replacement @ $50K.<br />

c. Parks and Recreation Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 7) – This fund is now retired per GASB 54 and is<br />

included only as history until the end of FY2013.<br />

d. Structure Stabilization Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 9) - This fund is now retired per GASB 54 and is<br />

included only as history until the end of FY2013.<br />

e. Open Space Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 11) – This fund is under the advisory purview of the Open<br />

Space Advisory Committee (OSAC). The fund has 0.8 of a property tax mill and 0.1 percent of Sales<br />

Tax as a dedicated revenue source. At the Close of FY2012, OSAC had completed all the purchases<br />

as identified in the Red Mountain Open Space Stewardship Plan.<br />

This fund has $108,538 in revenues and $78,955 in planned expenses and debt service, with a<br />

projected year end fund balance of $29,583. For FY2013, OSAC is requesting contract services to<br />

develop a Site improvement and Management plan for the Iron Mountain properties and mitigation<br />

efforts to control noxious weeds.<br />

f. Mineral Pool Development Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 14) – This fund is now retired per GASB 54<br />

and is included only as history until the end of FY2013.<br />

4. Governmental Funds – Manitou Springs has five Special Assessment Use Funds for Capital Improvements and<br />

Debt Service.<br />

a. Capital Improvements Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 8) – this fund is dedicated for capital fund<br />

allocations for the capital needs of General Fund operating departments. This fund no longer has a<br />

formulary contribution, but is flexed according to capital needs and resource availability. Equipment<br />

purchases for FY2013 and debt service totals $501,967. The General Fund will be contributing<br />

$251,055 as an Inter-fund transfer. The increase in the General Fund contribution to the previous<br />

year, 60.21%, has to do with a State Historical Fund Revenue for $162,966 that has been held in our<br />

reserve fund, but not tied to any expense. This has overstated the amount of reserves available for<br />

projects. GASB 54 requires the resource to be restricted and matched to its intended expenditure,<br />

which has been done in this budget.<br />

b. Downtown Public Facilities Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 10) - This fund is dedicated to the debt,<br />

0.3% Sales Tax revenues and expenditures for the phase 5B downtown revitalization and streetscape<br />

project. The fund has $1,195,980 planned revenues and $1,253,899 in planned expenses for<br />

FY2012. While FY2013 is not expected to have any residual expense, there is a $62,627 deficit<br />

balance that is attributable to the dedicated 0.3% sales tax not keeping up with the debt service and<br />

some expenses that appear to have not been submitted for reimbursement.<br />

For the short term, this fund will be supplemented with a loan from the Water fund. In 2013, staff will<br />

review the invoices and reimbursement reports to see if we can submit overlooked costs for<br />

reimbursement.<br />

c. Rural Transportation Public Facilities Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 13) – This fund is used for<br />

authorized roadway maintenance and capital improvements as allowed in the 2004 County-wide<br />

Rural Transportation Authority Ballot Initiative. Maintenance revenues are derived through Sale and<br />

Use Tax estimates and a population allocation formula. Maintenance Revenues for FY2013 are<br />

estimated at $235,914 and the Capital portion is estimated at $115,240.<br />

d. El Paso Blvd/Beckers Park Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 15) – This is a special property tax<br />

assessment fund, authorized in 1998 to acquire and maintain the El Paso Blvd. Park. The fund is<br />

under the Manitou Springs Park Authority. The fund’s revenues assessment consists of 3 mills, of<br />

which 2 mills are dedicated to retiring the acquisition debt (scheduled to sunset in 2012) and 1 mil for<br />

maintenance in perpetuity. FY2013 revenues are estimated at $59,662, plus $460,118 in carry-<br />

• Page 10

forward ($519,930) and expenses are projected at $129,301. The fund’s year-end balance is<br />

projected to be $434,419. The <strong>city</strong> was successful with a ballot question to the voters asking<br />

permission to use the fund balance for the benefit of all parks.<br />

e. Public Works Fund (Workbook Ref. # Tab 12) - This fund is a special property tax assessment fund<br />

of 0.8 mils for designated street overlay projects and a Single Hauler Fee. The special assessment<br />

for this fund has expired and the only revenues are now from the Single Hauler Fee. Revenue<br />

estimates for FY2013 are estimated at $48,000 for Single Hauler contribution and $23,058 in prior<br />

year carryover. The <strong>city</strong> plans to spend this money on projects outlined in the Street Capital Project<br />

Plan.<br />

Budget Summary<br />

In October, I presented our preliminary budget tagged to the theme “Cautious Optimism<br />

& a Little Luck.” Clearly, our community has had its share of luck. While the Waldo<br />

Canyon Fire threatened our very community and post fire impacts continue to create a<br />

stiff head wind regarding tourism dependent activities, we still have our community and<br />

that is something to be thankful for.<br />

Additional good fortune came with the community’s support of the Library merger with<br />

the Pikes Peak Library District, which will be a benefit both to the library and the City. The Library is assured of a brighter<br />

future and the <strong>city</strong> has a little more money to fund its business of government. In addition, the successful ballot question<br />

allowing the El Paso Beckers Fund Reserve to be used for the benefit of all parks is another benefit afforded the <strong>city</strong> by a<br />

supportive community. For all this, we are equally thankful.<br />

However, the challenge of funding local government<br />

services is always in the forefront. Taxes are our main<br />

source of revenue and tax revenues and fees are just not<br />

sufficient to cover all the program requests being asked of<br />

the <strong>city</strong>, in addition to keeping up with our own escalating<br />

operational costs (see Where our General Fund<br />

Revenues Come From). When we started this budget<br />

planning process, we had planned expenses exceeding<br />

revenues by nearly $300,000 and additional unfunded<br />

requests of $562,166 (see Exhibit A). Council has had to<br />

make some hard choices to get the City’s spending plan<br />

to its current state.<br />

Respectfully – Jack Benson, Manitou Springs City<br />

Administrator<br />

• Page 11


Funding Request Summary<br />

The funding list is summary of requests that were not in the preliminary budget plan presented to Council on October 2,<br />

2012. In parentheses is a notation as to these requests at first reading.<br />

1. Citywide cost-of-living compensation adjustment, including entry-level, compensation classification increases<br />

to public safety- $252,011. If approved, this will most likely be phased-in over three installments, which is<br />

dependent on the a successful Library ballot question and consolidation of the City’s communications center<br />

with another agency (Public Safety Partially Funded @ $45K and a 2% cost of living to the balance of<br />

<strong>city</strong> pay plan).<br />

2. Baby Pool Repairs - $14,000 (Pushed out to FY2014).<br />

3. City Clerk request for salary reconsideration based on salary survey and certification – $9,928 (Funded).<br />

4. Capital – Energy Savings projects - $10,000 (withdrawn).<br />

5. Disaster Recovery Plan Capital Request – incremental increase $13,140 (Funded).<br />

6. Fire Station Security Card Reader Lock - $6,000 (Unfunded).<br />

7. iManitou’s request to increase Business Promotions & Tourism, Discretionary Increase - $30,000 (Unfunded.<br />

The City currently passes thru $216,977 per City’s Municipal Code provisions for attracting visitors<br />

and business activity to the <strong>city</strong> and $33,023 in added discretionary funding for the same).<br />

8. Library Director’s Sick Leave Payout if ballot initiative is successful - $11,689.61 (Unfunded, per City<br />

Policy).<br />

9. Manitou Springs Arts Council donation to cover insurance expenses - $1,400 (Unfunded).<br />

10. Manitou Springs Art and Cultural Collaborative - $50,000 (Partial funding, $10K, under Parks and<br />

Recreation Mini Grant program).<br />

11. Manitou Spring Collaborative print expenses for the <strong>city</strong>’s vision plan - $5,000 (Unfunded).<br />

12. Municipal Court Prosecutor’s contract increase from $8,400 to $14,000 - $5,600 (Funded).<br />

13. New Deputy City Clerk FTE request - $43,243 (Unfunded).<br />

14. Parking – Implementation of RPP and downtown paid parking – $50,000 to $100,000 (Funded @ $60K).<br />

15. Police Department Requesting an additional vehicle for FY2013 - $38,588 (Unfunded).<br />

16. Police Department Fire Arms Replacement – $6,000 (Funded under Law Enforcement Special Revenue<br />

fund, with an increase to the surcharge assessed against defendants who either plead guilty or are<br />

found to be guilty from $35 to $45).<br />

17. Police School Resource Officer Incremental increase - $8,566. School has agreed to pay ½ the FTE cost<br />

(Funded).<br />

18. Public Works Security Gate & Card Reader Lock - $7,000 (Unfunded and pushed out to FY2014).<br />

Total of requests $562,166.<br />

• Page 12







SECTION 1:<br />

The fiscal year 2013 Budget attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby adopted and the following amounts<br />

hereby appropriated.<br />

SECTION 2:<br />

The City of Manitou Springs FY2012 Annual Budget is hereby revised to the Amended FY2012 amounts shown:<br />




2011 2012 2012 2013<br />


Taxes $ 3,605,064 $ 3,719,792 $ 3,593,983 $ 3,711,159<br />

Licenses & Permits 54,787 52,452 54,961 59,440<br />

Intergovernmental Revenues 226,847 208,569 354,921 221,652<br />

Interfund Transfers 168,398 149,817 175,064 180,960<br />

Charges for Services 253,395 216,315 386,318 316,732<br />

Fines & Forfeitures 146,888 200,223 195,865 206,976<br />

Miscellaneous Revenues 194,768 104,749 200,149 95,831<br />

Restricted Revenues 41,015 81,000 111,055 115,875<br />

SUBTOTAL--Current Year Revenues (net<br />

of restricted) $ 4,650,147 $ 4,651,917 $ 4,961,261 $ 4,792,750<br />

Prior Year Ending Fund Balance 240,374 354,273 354,273 557,929<br />


REVENUES $ 4,890,521 $ 5,006,190 $ 5,315,534 $ 5,350,679<br />


Legislative (City Council) 108,391 125,858 110,403 110,140<br />

Judicial Department 48,706 50,258 48,888 58,313<br />

Executive Department (Administratio 322,523 374,035 370,241 338,635<br />

Finance Department 319,577 304,475 245,896 294,663<br />

Community Development Departmen 208,541 221,069 230,594 226,795<br />

Police Department 931,842 1,005,162 1,020,506 1,071,252<br />

Emergency Communications 195,455 215,983 197,622 223,772<br />

Code Enforcement 0 0 0 60,944<br />

Fire Department 578,317 547,596 665,581 630,830<br />

Public Services Department (Parks & 721,241 762,839 768,834 757,089<br />

Public Library Department 172,512 189,381 197,738 0<br />

Aquatics Department (Swimming Poo 301,835 315,921 338,537 341,161<br />

Parking Enforcement 87,388 110,388 97,017 118,046<br />

SUBTOTAL-- Expenditures by<br />

Department $ 3,996,326 $ 4,222,965 $ 4,291,857 $ 4,231,640<br />

Page 1



2011 2012 2012 2013<br />

Parks & Recreation 35,365 - - 31,150<br />

Economic Development 293,144 276,500 297,268 303,097<br />

Intergovernmental Outlays 6,015 6,825 6,825 6,691<br />

Miscellaneous Expenditures 8,782 25,000 4,948 63,600<br />

Restricted Expenditures 41,015 22,342 59,996 87,881<br />

SUBTOTAL--Operating & Non-<br />

Operating Expenditures $ 4,339,632 $ 4,531,290 $ 4,600,898 $ 4,636,178<br />



Capital Improvements Fund 204,612 141,686 156,707 251,055<br />

Supplemental to Capital<br />

Improvements - - -<br />

Transfer to Open Space Fund - - -<br />

SUB TOTAL--Transfers To Other<br />

Funds $ 204,612 $ 141,686 $ 156,707 $ 251,055<br />


TRANSFERS $ 4,544,244 $ 4,672,976 $ 4,757,605 $ 4,887,233<br />

TABOR Reserve Additions (From<br />

Gen Fund Unreserved Balance) (8,000) 0<br />


Unreserved* $ 354,273 $ 333,214 $ 557,929 $ 463,446<br />

Revenues more (or less) than<br />

expenditures $ 105,903 $ (21,059) $ 203,656 $ (94,483)<br />


FOR TABOR $ 128,000 $ 128,000 $ 128,000 $ 128,000<br />


PRKNG LOT $ -<br />

$ 51,059 $ 79,053<br />


BALANCE $ 482,273 $ 461,214 $ 736,988 $ 670,499<br />

Page 2




2011 2012 2012 2013<br />

Water Enterprise Fund $1,564,123 $1,541,216 $2,047,330 $1,394,627<br />

Sewer Enterprise Fund 973,318 929,166 736,304 915,125<br />

Storm Drainage Enterprise Fund 196,103 344,372 343,837 202,497<br />

Law Enforcement Special Revenue F 30,161 27,000 31,156 31,580<br />

Conservation Trust Fund 11,936 72,500 72,500 63,000<br />

Parks and Recreation Fund 0 0 0 0<br />

Capital Improvement Fund 348,145 890,598 929,555 401,966<br />

Restricted Cap Impr-Bridges 82,753 414,872 587,520 0<br />

Structure Stabilization Fund 0 0 0 0<br />

Downtown Public Facilities Fund 216,404 1,654,312 1,253,899 177,298<br />

Open Space Fund 127,130 653,537 627,708 78,955<br />

Public Works Fund 94,338 95,990 95,000 48,000<br />

Rural Transportation Special Revenu 276,593 717,474 717,474 351,154<br />

Mineral Pool Fund 0 0 0 0<br />

El Paso Blvd Park Fund 191,656 110,600 133,098 129,301<br />

Manitou Springs Park Authority 75,936 71,227 71,227 72,785<br />

SUBTOTAL--Current Year Expenditures $ 4,188,596 $ 7,522,864 $ 7,646,608 $ 3,866,288<br />

Less: Interfund Transfers To Other Funds 539,995 180,539 331,530 432,015<br />

NET EXPENDITURES $ 3,648,601 $ 7,342,325 $ 7,315,078 $ 3,434,273<br />

SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after five (5) days following its final passage and<br />

publication as provided by law.<br />

Passed on first reading and ordered published this 4th day of December, 2012.<br />


A Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 2012 will be held at the December 11, 2012 Special City Council<br />

<strong>meeting</strong>. The Council Meeting will be held at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall, 606 Manitou Avenue, Manitou Springs,<br />

Colorado.<br />

Ordinance Published December 4, 2012 (in full)<br />

City's Official Website and City Hall<br />

Page 3

CITY OF<br />


FY2013<br />

&<br />

AMENDED 2012<br />


City of Manitou Springs<br />


Section<br />

Page<br />


1 GENERAL FUND 3<br />

A General Fund Revenues 12<br />

B Legislative Department 16<br />

C Judicial Department 18<br />

D Executive Department 20<br />

E Finance Department 23<br />

F Community Development 25<br />

G Police Department 27<br />

H Communications Department 30<br />

I Code Enforcement 31<br />

J Fire Department 32<br />

K Public Services 34<br />

L Aquatics Department 36<br />

M Library 38<br />

N Parking Enforcement 39<br />

O Miscellaneous Expenditures 40<br />

P General Fund Restricted Revenues&Uses 42<br />







Closed out to General Fund in 2011<br />



Closed out to Capital Improvement Fund in 2011<br />


11 OPEN SPACE FUND 65<br />










COUNCIL BILL NO. xxxx<br />

ORDINANCE NO. xxxx<br />






SECTION 1:<br />

The fiscal year 2013 Budget attached hereto as Exhibit A is hereby adopted and the following amounts<br />

hereby appropriated.<br />

SECTION 2: The City of Manitou Springs FY2012 Annual Budget is hereby revised to the Amended FY2012 amounts shown:<br />




2011 2012 2012 2013<br />


Taxes $ 3,605,064 $ 3,719,792 $ 3,593,983 $ 3,711,159<br />

Licenses & Permits 54,787 52,452 54,961 59,440<br />

Intergovernmental Revenues 226,847 208,569 354,921 221,652<br />

Interfund Transfers 168,398 149,817 175,064 180,960<br />

Charges for Services 253,395 216,315 386,318 316,732<br />

Fines & Forfeitures 146,888 200,223 195,865 206,976<br />

Miscellaneous Revenues 194,768 104,749 200,149 95,831<br />

Restricted Revenues 41,015 81,000 111,055 115,875<br />

SUBTOTAL--Current Year Revenues (net<br />

of restricted) $ 4,650,147 $ 4,651,917 $ 4,961,261 $ 4,792,750<br />

Prior Year Ending Fund Balance 240,374 354,273 354,273 557,929<br />


REVENUES $ 4,890,521 $ 5,006,190 $ 5,315,534 $ 5,350,679<br />


Legislative (City Council) 108,391 125,858 110,403 110,140<br />

Judicial Department 48,706 50,258 48,888 58,313<br />

Executive Department (Administration) 322,523 374,035 370,241 338,635<br />

Finance Department 319,577 304,475 245,896 294,663<br />

Community Development Department (Planning) 208,541 221,069 230,594 226,795<br />

Police Department 931,842 1,005,162 1,020,506 1,071,252<br />

Emergency Communications 195,455 215,983 197,622 223,772<br />

Code Enforcement 0 0 0 60,944<br />

Fire Department 578,317 547,596 665,581 630,830<br />

Public Services Department (Parks & Streets) 721,241 762,839 768,834 757,089<br />

Public Library Department 172,512 189,381 197,738 0<br />

Aquatics Department (Swimming Pool) 301,835 315,921 338,537 341,161<br />

Parking Enforcement 87,388 110,388 97,017 118,046<br />

SUBTOTAL-- Expenditures by<br />

Department $ 3,996,326 $ 4,222,965 $ 4,291,857 $ 4,231,640<br />

Page 3



2011 2012 2012 2013<br />

Parks & Recreation 35,365 - - 31,150<br />

Economic Development 293,144 276,500 297,268 303,097<br />

Intergovernmental Outlays 6,015 6,825 6,825 6,691<br />

Miscellaneous Expenditures 8,782 25,000 4,948 63,600<br />

Restricted Expenditures 41,015 22,342 59,996 87,881<br />

SUBTOTAL--Operating & Non-<br />

Operating Expenditures $ 4,339,632 $ 4,531,290 $ 4,600,898 $ 4,636,178<br />



Capital Improvements Fund 204,612 141,686 156,707 251,055<br />

Supplemental to Capital<br />

Improvements - - -<br />

Transfer to Open Space Fund - - -<br />

SUB TOTAL--Transfers To Other<br />

Funds $ 204,612 $ 141,686 $ 156,707 $ 251,055<br />


TRANSFERS $ 4,544,244 $ 4,672,976 $ 4,757,605 $ 4,887,233<br />

TABOR Reserve Additions (From<br />

Gen Fund Unreserved Balance) (8,000) 0<br />


Unreserved* $ 354,273 $ 333,214 $ 557,929 $ 463,446<br />

Revenues more (or less) than<br />

expenditures $ 105,903 $ (21,059) $ 203,656 $ (94,483)<br />


FOR TABOR $ 128,000 $ 128,000 $ 128,000 $ 128,000<br />


PRKNG LOT $ -<br />

$ 51,059 $ 79,053<br />


BALANCE $ 482,273 $ 461,214 $ 736,988 $ 670,499<br />

Page 4




2011 2012 2012 2013<br />

Water Enterprise Fund $1,564,123 $1,541,216 $2,047,330 $1,394,627<br />

Sewer Enterprise Fund 973,318 929,166 736,304 915,125<br />

Storm Drainage Enterprise Fund 196,103 344,372 343,837 202,497<br />

Law Enforcement Special Revenue Fund 30,161 27,000 31,156 31,580<br />

Conservation Trust Fund 11,936 72,500 72,500 63,000<br />

Parks and Recreation Fund 0 0 0 0<br />

Capital Improvement Fund 348,145 890,598 929,555 401,966<br />

Restricted Cap Impr-Bridges 82,753 414,872 587,520 0<br />

Structure Stabilization Fund 0 0 0 0<br />

Downtown Public Facilities Fund 216,404 1,654,312 1,253,899 177,298<br />

Open Space Fund 127,130 653,537 627,708 78,955<br />

Public Works Fund 94,338 95,990 95,000 48,000<br />

Rural Transportation Special Revenue Fund 276,593 717,474 717,474 351,154<br />

Mineral Pool Fund 0 0 0 0<br />

El Paso Blvd Park Fund 191,656 110,600 133,098 129,301<br />

Manitou Springs Park Authority 75,936 71,227 71,227 72,785<br />

SUBTOTAL--Current Year Expenditures $ 4,188,596 $ 7,522,864 $ 7,646,608 $ 3,866,288<br />

Less: Interfund Transfers To Other Funds 539,995 180,539 331,530 432,015<br />

NET EXPENDITURES $ 3,648,601 $ 7,342,325 $ 7,315,078 $ 3,434,273<br />

SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after five (5) days following its final passage and<br />

publication as provided by law.<br />

Passed on first reading and ordered published this 4th day of December, 2012.<br />

/s / Donna Kast<br />


A Public Hearing on Ordinance No. xxxx will be held at the December 11, 2012 City Council Council<br />

<strong>meeting</strong>. The Council Meeting will be held at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall, 606 Manitou Avenue, Manitou Springs,<br />

Colorado.<br />

Ordinance Published: xx/xx/xxxx<br />

Passed on Second Reading and Ordered Published this 11th day of December 2012.<br />

/s/ Marc. A Snyder<br />

Mayor and Council<br />

Attest: /s / Donna Kast<br />

Approved for Council Action: /s / Jack Benson<br />

City Administrator<br />

Approved as to Form: /s / Jefferson Parker<br />

City Attorney<br />

Published:<br />

Page 5


Summary of all funds -- Revenues and Expenditures<br />

BUDGET<br />

ACTUAL ACTUAL Original Final BUDGET<br />

2010 2011 2012 2012 2013<br />


General Fund $ 4,486,689 $ 4,650,147 $ 4,651,917 $ 4,961,261 $ 4,792,750<br />

Restricted Gen Fund Rev-Barr Trail Parking Lot $ 41,015 $ 57,658 $ 111,055 $ 115,875<br />

Water Enterprise Fund 2,929,518 1,905,876 1,134,387 1,544,573 1,158,035<br />

Sewer Enterprise Fund 2,262,641 1,042,157 844,319 834,430 986,546<br />

Storm Drainage Fund 236,455 247,434 306,362 249,508 280,300<br />

Law Enforcement Spec. Revenue Fund 23,106 21,076 20,030 24,522 21,877<br />

Conservation Trust Fund 47,973 46,173 44,702 44,702 52,175<br />

Parks and Recreation Fund (closed to GF-GASB54) 64,519 0 0 0 0<br />

Capital Improvement Fund 641,167 331,531 716,127 773,257 402,865<br />

Restricted Cap Imp Fund-Bridges 0 284,681 414,872 404,221 0<br />

Structure Stabilization Fund (closed to Cap Imp-# 54) 158 0 0 0 0<br />

Downtown Public Facilities Fund 216,772 276,065 1,656,837 1,256,424 172,590<br />

Open Space Fund 693,452 133,476 632,655 574,309 105,533<br />

Public Works Fund 80,202 92,776 95,990 96,030 48,000<br />

Rural Transportation Public Facilities Fund 311,358 270,388 717,474 717,474 351,154<br />

Mineral Pool Fund (closed to water fund-GASB 54) 8,959 0 0 0 0<br />

El Paso/Beckers Park Fund 181,227 183,109 180,539 180,318 59,812<br />

Manitou Springs Park Authority 78,798 75,939 76,454 71,227 72,785<br />

SUBTOTAL--Current Year Revenues $ 12,262,994 $ 9,601,843 $ 11,550,323 $ 11,843,311 $ 8,620,297<br />

Less: Interfund Transfers From Other Funds 196,262 539,995 373,010 331,771 432,015<br />

NET CURRENT YEAR REVENUES $ 12,066,732 $ 9,061,848 $ 11,177,313 $ 11,511,540 $ 8,188,282<br />

Prior Year Ending Fund Balances/Enterprise Funds Net Liquid assets: 8,351,496 4,471,124 3,571,694 3,571,694 3,000,889<br />

Total Available Funds: $ 20,418,228 $ 13,532,972 $ 14,749,007 $ 15,083,234 $ 11,189,171<br />


General Fund $ 4,357,925 $ 4,544,244 $ 4,672,975 $ 4,757,605 $ 4,887,233<br />

Restricted-Barr Trail Parking Lot - 41,015 22,342 59,996 87,881<br />

Water Enterprise Fund 3,025,719 1,564,123 1,541,216 2,047,330 1,394,627<br />

Sewer Enterprise Fund 2,393,097 973,318 929,166 736,304 915,125<br />

Storm Drainage Enterprise Fund 145,265 196,103 344,372 343,837 202,497<br />

Law Enforcement Special Revenue Fund 47,237 30,161 27,000 31,156 31,580<br />

Conservation Trust Fund 89,183 11,936 72,500 72,500 63,000<br />

Parks and Recreation Fund (closed to GF-GASB54) 83,543 0 0 0 0<br />

Capital Improvement Fund 638,076 348,145 890,598 929,555 401,966<br />

Restricted Cap Imp Fund-Bridges 0 82,753 414,872 587,520 0<br />

Structure Stabilization Fund (closed to Cap Imp-# 54) 885 0 0 0 0<br />

Downtown Public Facilities Fund 184,572 216,404 1,654,312 1,253,899 177,298<br />

Open Space Fund 796,327 127,130 653,537 627,708 78,955<br />

Public Works Fund 56,664 94,338 95,990 95,000 48,000<br />

Rural Transportation Public Facilities Fund 311,358 276,593 717,474 717,474 351,154<br />

6 of 77

ACTUAL ACTUAL Original Budget Final Budget BUDGET<br />

Expenditures cont: 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013<br />

Mineral Pool Fund (closed to water fund-GASB 54) 39,076 0 0 0 0<br />

El Paso Blvd/Beckers Park Fund 109,269 191,656 110,600 133,098 129,301<br />

Manitou Springs Park Authority 78,798 75,936 71,227 71,227 72,785<br />

SUBTOTAL--Current Year Expenditures $ 12,356,994 $ 8,773,855 $ 12,218,181 $ 12,464,209 $ 8,841,402<br />

Less: Interfund Transfers To Other Funds 196,262 539,995 180,539 331,771 432,015<br />

NET CURRENT YEAR EXPENDITURES $ 12,160,732 $ 8,233,860 $ 12,037,642 $ 12,132,438 $ 8,409,387<br />

ENDING BALANCES--All Funds & Reserves* $ 8,257,496 $ 5,299,112 $ 2,711,365 $ 2,950,796 $ 2,779,784<br />

Revenues more (or less) than expenditures $ (94,000) $ (662,747) $ (860,329) $ (620,898) $ (221,105)<br />

*These are the total Fund Balances & Enterprise funds available for future appropriation (spending) on a cash basis, for the<br />

purposes designated by the legislation that created the individual funds or reserves, respectively.<br />


Estimated Estimated<br />

GOVERNMENTAL FUND BALANCES 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013<br />

General Fund (excluding Restricted/Tabor Fund Bal) $ 111,611 $ 240,375 $ 354,273 $ 557,529 463,446<br />

General Fund-Restricted Barr Trail Parking lot - - - 51,059 79,053<br />

General Fund-Restricted for Tabor 136,000 136,000 128,000 128,000 128,000<br />

Law Enforcement Special Revenue Fund 52,928 28,797 19,713 13,079 3,376<br />

Conservation Trust Fund 158,973 117,763 152,000 124,202 113,377<br />

Parks and Recreation Fund (20,660) (39,684) 0 - -<br />

a Capital Improvement Fund 173,922 177,013 160,400 4,102 5,001<br />

Restricted Cap Imp Fund-Bridges 0 0 201,927 18,628 18,628<br />

Structure Stabilization Fund 122,356 121,629 0 - -<br />

Downtown Public Facilities Fund (148,285) (118,095) (60,444) (57,919) (62,627)<br />

Open Space Fund (P/T) 152,966 50,058 56,404 3,005 29,583<br />

Public Works Fund 51 23,590 22,028 23,058 23,058<br />

Rural Transportation Public Facility Fund 0 0 (6,206) - -<br />

Mineral Pool Fund 67,029 36,912 0 - -<br />

El Paso/BeckersPark Fund-CAPITAL 305,130 352,517 398,250 441,772 368,987<br />

El Paso/BeckersPark Fund-MAINTENANCE 44,357 68,928 14,648 18,346 21,642<br />

Total: 1,156,378 1,195,803 1,440,993 1,324,861 1,191,524<br />


Water Enterprise Fund 4,885,276 2,826,263 1,843,256 1,340,499 1,103,907<br />

Sewer Enterprise Fund 2,152,358 312,664 237,403 335,529 406,950<br />

Storm Drainage Enterprise Fund 157,484 136,394 50,042 - 33,516<br />

Manitou Springs Park Authority 0 0 0 - -<br />

7,195,118 3,275,321 2,130,701 1,676,028 1,544,373<br />

Total Fund Balance/Net Position: 8,351,496 4,471,124 3,571,694 3,000,889 2,735,897<br />

7 of 77



BUDGET<br />

ACTUAL ACTUAL Original Final BUDGET<br />

2010 2011 2012 2012 2013<br />


Taxes 3,533,962 3,605,064 3,693,545 3,593,983 3,711,159<br />

Licenses & Permits 60,519 54,787 52,452 54,961 59,440<br />

Intergovernmental Revenues 214,680 226,847 208,569 354,921 221,652<br />

Interfund Transfers 166,216 168,398 176,064 175,064 180,960<br />

Charges for Services 237,686 253,395 216,315 386,318 316,732<br />

Fines & Forfeitures 146,387 146,888 200,223 195,865 206,976<br />

Miscellaneous Revenues 127,239 194,768 104,749 200,149 95,831<br />

Restricted Revenues - 41,015 81,000 111,055 115,875<br />

SUBTOTAL--Current Year Revenues (net of restricted) 4,486,689 4,650,147 4,651,917 4,961,261 4,792,750<br />

Prior Year Ending Fund Balance 111,611 240,374 a 354,273 354,273 557,929 b<br />

TOTAL AVAILABLE GF FUND REV 4,598,300 4,890,521 5,006,190 5,315,534 5,350,679 c<br />


Legislative (City Council) 114,341 108,391 125,858 110,403 110,140<br />

Judicial Department 47,709 48,706 50,258 48,888 58,313<br />

Executive Department (Administration) 184,785 322,523 374,035 370,241 338,635<br />

Finance Department 305,314 319,577 304,475 245,896 294,663<br />

Community Development Department (Planning) 210,395 208,541 221,069 230,594 226,795<br />

Police Department 897,191 931,842 1,005,162 1,020,506 1,071,252<br />

Emergency Communications 201,643 195,455 215,983 197,622 223,772<br />

Code Enforcement 0 0 0 0 60,944<br />

Fire Department 525,793 578,317 547,596 665,581 630,830<br />

Public Services Department (Parks & Streets) 798,166 721,241 762,839 768,834 757,089<br />

Public Library Department 156,881 172,512 189,381 197,738 0<br />

Aquatics Department (Swimming Pool) 282,054 301,835 315,921 338,537 341,161<br />

Parking Enforcement 69,520 87,388 110,388 97,017 118,046<br />

SUBTOTAL-- Expenditures by Department 3,793,792 3,996,326 4,222,965 4,291,857 4,231,640<br />

Parks & Recreation 0 35,365 0 0 31,150<br />

Economic Development 271,463 293,144 276,500 297,268 303,097<br />

Intergovernmental Outlays 5,940 6,015 6,825 6,825 6,691<br />

Miscellaneous Expenditures 90,468 8,782 25,000 4,948 63,600<br />

Restricted Expenditures 0 41,015 22,342 59,996 87,881<br />

SUBTOTAL--MISC EXPENDITURES (net of restricted) 367,871 343,306 308,325 309,041 404,538<br />

SUBTOTAL--Operating & Non-Operating Expenditures 4,161,663 4,339,632 4,531,290 4,600,898 4,636,178<br />


8 of 77


BUDGET<br />

ACTUAL ACTUAL Original Final BUDGET<br />

2010 2011 2012 2012 2013<br />

Capital Improvements Fund 106,262 204,612 141,686 156,707 251,055<br />

Supplemental to Capital Improvements 0 0 0<br />

Transfer to Open Space Fund 90,000 0 0 0<br />

SUB TOTAL--Transfers To Other Funds $ 196,262 $ 204,612 $ 141,686 $ 156,707 $ 251,055<br />

d<br />

TOTAL UNASSIGNED EXPEND. & TRANSFERS 4,357,925 4,544,244 4,672,976 4,757,605 4,887,233<br />

TABOR Reserve Additions (From Gen Fund Unreserved Balance) (8,000)<br />

ENDING BALANCE--Unreserved* $ 240,375 $ 354,273 $ 333,214 $ 557,929 $ 463,446 e<br />

Revenues more (or less) than expenditures 128,764 105,903 -21,059 203,656 -94,483<br />

FUND BALANCE RESTRICTED FOR TABOR 136,000 $ 128,000 $ 128,000 $ 128,000 $ 128,000 f<br />


$ 51,059 $ 79,053<br />

GENERAL FUND TOTAL FUND BALANCES 376,375 $ 482,273 $ 461,214 $ 736,988 $ 670,499<br />

9 of 77


a) This is our audited FY2010 unreserved balance. The $240,375 fund balance does not include the Tabor Restricted<br />

Fund Balance. As per the City's 2010 audited financial statements, the fund balances of the General Fund and the<br />

Public Works Fund, which are combined together, were a total of $399,961. When the Public Works Fund balance of<br />

$ 23,594 and the Tabor Reserve of $136,000 are separated out from this total, the Audited General Fund ending Fund<br />

Balance is $240,367, with a variance of $ -8. This variance is caused by rounding differences.<br />

b) The Prior Year Ending Fund Balance is the "carryover" of funds, not otherwise reserved or designated for specific<br />

purposes, which is added to current year revenues and the total is then available to be appropriated for General<br />

Fund budgets in subsequent years.<br />

c) All revenue estimates for year-end 2011 and FY2012 are based on the 2011 numbers before the receipt of the<br />

City's audit and actual 2012 numbers through the end of August 2012.<br />

d) "Interfund Transfers" are monies transferred to other <strong>city</strong> funds or entities out of the General Fund. These transfers<br />

are shown as "revenues" in each of the respective benefiting funds and are added to other revenues and the Prior<br />

Year Fund Balance of the fund.<br />

e) The "Ending Balance--Unreserved" is the carryover from the current year beginning fund balance, plus current<br />

year revenues, less current year expenditures and interfund transfers out. This is referred to as "Contingency" funds<br />

to be specifically appropriated by City Council for items not otherwise budgeted<br />

f) The "TABOR Reserve" is required as an emergency unallocated pool of money which may be used only for major<br />

unplanned events as specified in the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR). The TABOR reserve must consist of a sum equal<br />

to 3% of all <strong>city</strong> expenditures except those expenditures from enterprise funds, interfund transfers, federal grants,<br />

lottery receipts or voter-approved debt proceeds.<br />

10 of 77

City of Manitou Springs<br />


tab A<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------<br />

Taxes:<br />

10-311-110 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 641,475 648,806 634,440 634,440 578,925 a<br />

10-311-200 SPECIFIC OWNERSHIP TAX 89,643 85,413 81,975 87,921 89,683<br />

10-311-300 GENERAL SALES TAX 1,847,944 1,917,665 2,000,763 1,938,824 2,013,549<br />

10-311-310 AUTO USE TAX 180,996 186,060 195,000 230,577 230,577<br />

10-311-320 GENERAL USE TAX 87,074 75,258 78,108 54,139 75,258<br />

10-311-400 AMUSEMENT TAX 412,741 402,905 417,561 375,091 423,051<br />

10-311-500 LODGING & CAMPING TAX 144,308 148,683 150,000 132,693 156,117<br />

10-311-610 TELEPHONE FRANCHISE TAX 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000<br />

10-311-620 CABLE TV FRANCHISE TAX 51,697 50,510 53,101 50,173 50,500<br />

10-311-630 PUBLIC UTILITIES FRANCHIS 59,289 70,760 65,000 72,373 75,000<br />

10-311-900 PENALTIES/INTEREST ON TAX 3,796 4,005 2,597 2,752 3,500<br />

Totals: 3,533,962 3,605,065 3,693,545 3,593,983 3,711,159<br />

Licenses & Permits:<br />

10-320-110 LIQUOR (CITY) LICENSE FEE 2,778 3,223 3,302 3,302 3,300<br />

10-320-115 LIQUOR LICENSE PROCESSING 4,950 4,325 4,500 4,628 4,500<br />

10-320-150 PLANNING FEES 13,985 14,895 13,000 14,120 14,895<br />

10-320-160 BUSINESS LICENSE FEES 30,604 24,626 25,000 27,470 30,000<br />

10-320-180 STREET CUT PERMITS 2,650 1,175 1,000 1,500 1,500<br />

10-320-190 OTHER LICENSES & FEES 4,900 5,900 5,140 3,160 b 4,500 b<br />

10-320-270 DOG LICENSES 653 644 510 781 745<br />

Totals: 60,519 54,787 52,452 54,961 59,440<br />

Intergovernmental Revenues:<br />

10-334-715 GRANTS & REIMBURSEMENTS 13,095 22,890 - 141,544 c 7,000 c<br />

10-334-716 POLICE OVERTIME GRANTS - - 9,770 d 10,000 d<br />

10-335-521 HIGHWAY USER TAX 152,288 151,634 155,095 146,973 e 147,696 e<br />

10-335-550 CIGARETTE TAX 8,421 9,118 8,141 9,691 9,691<br />

10-335-712 ROAD & BRIDGE TAX 9,792 10,044 11,044 9,828 10,000<br />

10-335-713 AUTO LICENSE FEES 18,084 17,961 18,124 18,621 18,621<br />

10-335-750 METRO FEE&RESTROOM CLEANING 3,000 5,200 11,165 13,494 13,494<br />

10-335-751 METRO DISTRICT PARKING EN 5,000 5,000 - -<br />

10-335-752 URA ADMINISTRATION FEE 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,150<br />

Totals: 214,680 226,847 208,569 354,921 221,652<br />

Interfund Transfers:<br />

10-311-911 PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES- 24,000 25,581 26,247 26,247 29,739<br />

10-339-810 ADM SUPP-W/S FUNDS 98,768 99,128 99,128 99,128 102,102<br />

10-339-821 ADM SUPP-STORM DRAINAGE E 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,240<br />

11 of 77

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------<br />

10-339-830 ADM SUPPORT-OPEN SPACE 0 - - 5,150<br />

10-339-855 ADMIN SUPPORT-PARKS&REC F 1,000 1,000 - -<br />

10-339-860 ADM SUPP-MINERAL POOL 1,000 1,000 1,000 - -<br />

10-339-870 ADM SUPP-EL PASO BL PARK 32,448 32,689 32,689 32,689 33,669<br />

10-339-880 ADV.SUPP&TIF--DOWNTOWN PU - - 8,000 8,000 1,030 f<br />

10-339-890 ADM.SUPPORT--LAW.ENF. SPE 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,030<br />

Totals: 166,216 168,398 176,064 175,064 180,960<br />

Charges for services:<br />

10-347-500 EVENT FEES - - 18,672 g 20,000 g<br />

10-347-600 POLICE SERVICES 6,326 3,862 4,115 4,616 3,250 h<br />

10-347-610 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES 32,467 70,119 10,000 158,567 i 68,782 i<br />

10-347-620 PLANNING ENGINEERING FEES - - -<br />

10-347-700 SWIMMING POOL FEES & SALE 94,110 89,965 180,000 180,000 200,000<br />

10-347-710 SWIMMING POOL RENTAL 31,115 21,939 - -<br />

10-347-720 SWIMMING POOL LESSONS 44,768 35,823 - -<br />

10-347-730 SWIMMING--VENDING CONCESS 1,863 2,869 - -<br />

10-347-733 ACCESSORY SALES 4,087 3,810 - -<br />

10-347-755 POOL--WEIGHT ROOM - - -<br />

10-347-762 MEMORIAL HALL USE FEES 15,375 14,050 12,500 15,700 14,000<br />

10-347-765 PARK USE FEES 7,575 10,959 9,700 8,763 10,700<br />

Totals: 237,686 253,395 216,315 386,318 316,732<br />

Fines & Fees:<br />

10-351-110 COURT FEES & FINES 75,517 82,452 85,000 64,675 75,500<br />

10-351-120 LIBRARY FINES & FEES 4,731 3,862 4,545 4,450 -<br />

10-351-130 OJW FEES--CITY PORTION - 1,245 - 75 75<br />

10-351-210 PARKING ENFORCEMENT REVEN 66,138 59,329 110,678 126,665 131,401<br />

Totals: 146,387 146,888 200,223 195,865 - 206,976<br />

Miscellaneous Revenues:<br />

10-361-190 INVESTMENTS INTEREST 174 70 200 200 200<br />

10-363-210 CANON AVE PARKING REVENUE 40,645 44,589 45,000 54,026 54,026<br />

10-363-211 PARKING PERMITS 4,303 5,780 7,000 7,143 7,150<br />

10-363-215 TRANSFER FROM BARR TRAIL - 41,015 22,342 22,342 -<br />

10-363-300 SMART CARDS - PARKING REV - 1,550 - 755 730<br />

10-365-200 DONATIONS/GIFTS 50,006 - - -<br />

10-365-400 INSURANCE RECOVERIES - 34,804 - 4,299 -<br />

10-365-500 DONATIONS/UNCLASSIFIED RE 11,030 24,479 10,000 4,049 -<br />

10-391-500 DONATIONS,FEES & GIFTS-P&Rec - - - 33,198 j - j<br />

12 of 77

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


------------------ ------------------------------------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------<br />

10-392-550 SALES OF MAPS/PUBLICATION 55 135 50 5 25<br />

10-392-630 CEMETERY LOT SALES 21,025 21,695 20,157 27,300 27,300<br />

10-392-700 SALES OF SURPLUS EQUIPMEN - 16,539 - 46,832 6,400 k<br />

10-392-702 MATERIALS RECYCLING SALES - 4,111 - -<br />

Totals: 127,238 194,767 104,749 200,149 - 95,831<br />

Total Revenues: $ 4,486,689 $ 4,650,147 $ 4,651,917 $ 4,961,261 $ 4,792,750<br />

a In 1997, the citizens of Manitou Springs voted to "de-bruce" meaning "the <strong>city</strong> was authorized<br />

to collect, retain & expend all excess revenues and other funds collected by the <strong>city</strong> in 1997 and in<br />

each calendar year thereafter" and is no longer bound by TABOR revenue limits. The City's<br />

General Fund property tax mill levy is 10.594 and will remain so until changed by a vote of the<br />

citizens. In 2013, as per the final assessment by El Paso County, one mill equals $59,597.<br />

Recently, it was discovered that the <strong>city</strong> has been collecting a special .8 of a mill levy for road<br />

work, which is expired. The <strong>city</strong> will refund 4 years of collected taxes, with an additional 10%<br />

penalty for a total of $210,137, from 2013 to 2016, through a temporary mill levy reduction. The<br />

mill levy reduction for 2013 will be .88 of a mill which equates to $52,445.<br />

b "Other licenses and fees" are event and dumpster permits.<br />

c Two grants received 2012: the reimbursement for the expenditures in 2011 on Fountain Creek<br />

restoration, the Fishing is Fun grant in the amount of $107,000. And, a reimbursement from FEMA<br />

for the Waldo Canyon fire in the amount of $30,000 for protection measures causing police and<br />

public service overtime. In 2013, it is expected for the <strong>city</strong> to receive a FMAG (Fire<br />

Management Assistance Grant) in the amount of $7,000 for the firefighter overtime for the<br />

Waldo Canyon fire.<br />

d Several times a year, the police department applies for grants to pay for overtime hours. In the<br />

past, these grants have been in the "grants and reimbursements" account line but since they are<br />

for reimbursing the police overtime expenditure, they've been broken out into their own account<br />

line for improved tracking.<br />

e The budgeted Highway user tax numbers are from the CML "Highway User Tax Fund Revenue<br />

Estimates" report.<br />

f Administrative transfer from downtown improvement fund is being decreased to $1,030 due to<br />

no construction being done in 2013.<br />

g Event fees used to be accounted for in "Donations/Misc Revenues" acct line 10-365-500 but<br />

they are now in a separate revenue line for improved tracking.<br />

h This account line includes the fees paid by Green Mountain Falls and Chipita Park/Cascade Fire<br />

Departments for Dispatching services. It also includes the fees paid for breathalyzer tests and for<br />

fees paid to the <strong>city</strong> for police officers for testifying in El Paso County District Court.<br />

13 of 77

i The fire protection services line reflects income from when the <strong>city</strong> firefighters are deployed by<br />

FEMA to wildland fires out of district. A corresponding expenditure account line in the fire<br />

department budget, 10-422-422-330, reflects the amount paid to the firefighters contracted to<br />

FEMA, which is then reimbursed by FEMA, along with equipment cost.<br />

j This account line is for "Fees in lieu of Land" dedicated to Parks & Recreation purposes. These<br />

fees used to go into the Parks & Recreation Fund but this fund was closed out into the General<br />

Fund in 2011, due to GASB 54, which requires that separate funds from the General Fund must<br />

have dedicated revenue streams. in 2012, $33,198 was received for fees in lieu of land.<br />

k. Assumption that two police cars will be sold in 2013 for $3,200 a car.<br />

14 of 77


This budget accounts for the operating costs of the City Council<br />

tab B<br />

Summary of 2012-2013 Operations: The FY2013 Legislative Department Budget contains<br />

funding for the City's contract legal representation, a monthly stipend for the City Council plus a<br />

small allowance to cover ancillary Council expenditures.<br />

2010 2011 Original FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------<br />

Stipends & Benefits:<br />

10-410-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR - - -<br />

10-410-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORARY 7,000 10,500 10,500 10,500 a 10,500<br />

10-410-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE - - - -<br />

10-410-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 130 150 152 152 152<br />

10-410-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTRIBUTION 1,080 1,405 1,439 1,439 1,439<br />

10-410-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 14 31 21 32 32<br />

10-410-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 500 636 836 836 b 836<br />

Total Stipends & Benefits: 8,724 12,722 12,948 12,958 12,958<br />

2012<br />

All Other Expenditures:<br />

10-410-310 SERVICES--OFFICIAL 3,250 - - -<br />

10-410-320 SERVICES--PROFESSIONAL (LICENSED) 95,901 85,802 100,000 82,000 c 90,000<br />

10-410-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RETENTION 150 350 - -<br />

10-410-365 EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION 760 1,808 1,000 1,700 2,000<br />


10-410-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONAL - - - -<br />

10-410-390 TRAVEL/CONFERENCES 2,739 25 1,000 525 d 1,000<br />

10-410-395 CHARTER REVIEW - - - -<br />

10-410-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES/DEDUCTIBLE - - 1,000 -<br />

10-410-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 396 414 360 - -<br />

10-410-531 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - - - -<br />

10-410-540 ADVERTISING/PUBLICATIONS - - - -<br />

10-410-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPY/BINDING 240 75 2,432 e 2,432<br />

10-410-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER,ETC) 141 475 500 95 500<br />

10-410-615 POSTAGE - - 100 76 100<br />

10-410-630 CITY COUNCIL 362 - 1,050 573 f 1,050<br />

10-410-640 BOOKS, PERIODICALS, SUBSCIPTIONS 121 - - 100 100<br />

10-410-744 CAPITAL PURCHASES--EQUIPMENT 321 - - -<br />

10-410-746 CAPITAL PURCHASES--OTHER - - - -<br />

10-410-880 OTHER COMMUNITY PROJECTS 1,237 6,719 8,900 8,944 g h<br />

Total All Other Expenditures: 105,617 95,669 112,910 97,445 97,182<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 114,341 $ 108,391 $ 125,858 $ 110,403 $ 110,140<br />

15 of 77

a.City Council stipends of $125, for personal expenses incurred in being a <strong>city</strong> <strong>council</strong><br />

<strong>meeting</strong>.<br />

b.Workman’s Comp includes premiums for all boards & commissions.<br />

c. This line pays for the Contract City Attorney.<br />

d. Budget is set at $1,000 to allow funds for <strong>city</strong> <strong>council</strong> attendance at CML<br />

d. <strong>meeting</strong>s/conference<br />

Budget is set at $1,000 to allow funds for <strong>city</strong> <strong>council</strong> attendance at CML<br />

<strong>meeting</strong>s/conference<br />

e. Budget is set at $2,432 for <strong>city</strong> <strong>council</strong> packet copying costs<br />

e. Beget is set at $1,000 for <strong>city</strong> <strong>council</strong> packet copying costs<br />

f. By <strong>city</strong> code, each <strong>council</strong> member is allotted $150 for business expenses<br />

f. By <strong>city</strong> code, each <strong>council</strong> member is allotted $150 for business expenses<br />

g. The majority of the money spent last year<br />

g. went The to majority Manitou of Springs the money Forward's spent last Vision year Plan; a project that is now complete.<br />

went to Manitou Springs Forward's Vision Plan; a project that is now complete.<br />

h. City Council has moved the $5,000 originally budgeted for Other Community<br />

Projects into the Fund Balance but recognizes that there may be a community project<br />

in 2013 for which they may wish to reappropriate these funds.<br />

16 of 77

tab C<br />

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------<br />

Salaries & Benefits:<br />


This budget accounts for the operating costs of the Municipal Court<br />

SUMMARY OF 2012-2013 OPERATIONS: The Judicial Department operating budget continues to fund<br />

the municipal judge and the municipal court prosecutor on a contract basis. The position of court clerk is a<br />

50% full time equivalent. The employee holding this position splits her time equally between court clerk and<br />

Police clerk.<br />

10-412-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGER - 142 - -<br />

10-412-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 17,747 17,841 17,337 17,337 17,684 a<br />

10-412-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORARY 12,000 14,400 14,400 14,400 14,400 b<br />

10-412-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME - - - 27 -<br />

10-412-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 2,058 2,396 2,534 2,534 2,737<br />

10-412-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 453 429 460 461 465<br />

10-412-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTRIBUTION 3,607 4,055 4,348 4,352 4,395<br />

10-412-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 59 97 95 95 96<br />

10-412-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 56 48 33 47 47<br />

Total Salaries & Benefits: 35,981 39,408 39,207 39,253 39,825<br />

2012<br />

Other Expenditures:<br />

10-412-310 SERVICES--OFFICIAL 2,729 - - -<br />

10-412-320 SERVICES--PROFESSIONAL (PROSECUTOR) 8,400 8,400 8,400 8,400 $14,000 c<br />

10-412-330 SERVICES--STAFF/CLERICAL 137 321 1,000 195 1,000 d<br />

10-412-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 40 40 700 400 700<br />

10-412-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONAL 20 60 100 50 100<br />

10-412-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIAB 6 (6) - -<br />

10-412-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 2 23 50 40 50<br />

10-412-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPYING/BIN 98 10 200 200 200<br />

10-412-560 OFFICE MACHINE/COMPUTER M - - 100 - 100<br />

10-413-565 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE-SLEUTH - - - - 1,838 e<br />

10-412-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER,ET 307 274 400 300 400<br />

10-412-615 POSTAGE 1 176 100 50 100<br />

10-412-744 CAPITAL PURCHASES--COMPUTER - - - -<br />

Total Other Expenditures: 11,741 9,298 11,050 9,635 18,488<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 47,721 $ 48,706 $ 50,257 $ 48,888 $ 58,313<br />

17 of 77

a. Employee Salaries & Wages<br />

Staff<br />

Clerk, 50% job share with PD<br />

b. Employee Salaries & Wages<br />

Temp/Seasonal<br />

Judge (Code 310 in '09,combined 120+310 '10)<br />

c. Services<br />

Professional-Prosecutor<br />

The prosecutor had been paid $100/hour with a seven hour cap per month, for a<br />

total of $8400 per year. Her contract is being increased in 2013 to $14,000.<br />

d. Services<br />

Staff Clerical<br />

Jury Fees, court appointed Atty fees<br />

e. Sleuth software maintenance has been, in the past, paid from the Law<br />

Enforcement Special Revenue Fund, for cost allocating purposes, it will now be<br />

paid from the Judicial Department.<br />

18 of 77


This budget accounts for the operating costs of the City Administrator's office<br />

tab D<br />

Summary of 2012-2013 Operations: The FY2013 Executive department Budget includes<br />

funding for a City Administrator and the City Clerk. The Executive Department also contains<br />

funding for Information Services, codification, election expenses and routine office operations.<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------- -------------<br />

Salaries & Benefits:<br />

10-413-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGER - 58,384 94,147 96,731 98,440 a<br />

10-413-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 61,324 105,597 116,980 117,717 90,746 b<br />

10-413-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORARY - - - -<br />

10-413-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME 344 - - 772 -<br />

10-413-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 11,347 14,236 15,058 15,058 16,263<br />

10-413-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,065 2,244 3,061 3,121 2,743<br />

10-413-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTRIBUTION 9,142 21,205 28,924 29,485 25,918<br />

10-413-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 122 490 633 646 568<br />

10-413-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 300 952 744 744 744<br />

10-413-290 BENEFITS--OTHER - - - -<br />

Total Salaries & Benefits: 83,645 203,109 259,547 264,273 235,422<br />

Total Other Expenditures:<br />

10-413-320 INFORMATION SERVICES 46,829 49,978 46,800 46,800 43,800 c<br />

10-413-321 SERVICES--PROFESSIONAL (LICENSED) - - -<br />

10-413-330 SERVICES--STAFF/CLERICAL - - - -<br />

10-413-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RETENTION 232 8,293 500 - 500<br />

10-413-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 50 474 3,000 3,000 3,000 d<br />

10-413-375 PUBLIC RELATIONS - - - -<br />

10-413-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONAL 240 981 1,041 1,099 1,050 e<br />

10-413-390 TRAVEL/CONFERENCES 275 1,508 2,678 425 2,750<br />

10-413-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIABILITY) 633 1,976 2,874 4,007 4,007 f<br />

10-413-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES/DEDUCTIBLE) - - - -<br />

10-413-430 BLDG. MAINTENANCE/MATERIALS - - 500 500 -<br />

10-413-461 VEHICLE GAS & OIL 571 917 900 800 - g<br />

10-413-470 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINTEN 761 1,101 500 20 - g<br />

10-413-480 VEHICLE INSURANCE(DAMAGE/LIABILITY) - 9 10 8 -<br />

10-413-490 VEHICLE MILEAGE(REIMBURSEMENT) - 2 500 300 300<br />

10-413-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 8,068 6,059 8,000 8,468 8,468<br />

10-413-531 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 580 700 530 300 -<br />

10-413-540 ADVERTISING/PUBLICATIONS 7,788 6,516 6,000 2,000 2,000<br />

10-413-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPYING/BINDING 4,762 5,753 4,836 2,871 2,871<br />

10-413-560 OFFICE MACHINE/COMPUTER MAINTENANCE) - - 100 - -<br />

10-413-565 CITY WIDE COMPUTER MAINTENANCE 25,455 28,800 26,215 24,915 25,090 h<br />

19 of 77

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------- -------------<br />

10-413-571 ELECTIONS - 1,597 4,000 5,000 5,000<br />

10-413-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER,ETC) 3,508 4,087 4,403 4,055 3,677<br />

10-413-615 POSTAGE 194 77 200 100 100<br />

10-413-620 UNIFORMS (RECURRING COSTS) 924 124 200 200 - i<br />

10-413-625 CODE ENFORCEMENT SUPPLIES 180 185 100 352 - i<br />

10-413-630 FOOD--MEALS&REIMBURSEMENT 89 98 200 200 200<br />

10-413-640 BOOKS, PERIODICALS, SUBSCIPTIONS - 178 400 200 400<br />

10-413-730 CAPITAL PURCHASES--OTHER - - - -<br />

10-413-743 CAPITAL PURCHASES-FURNITURE - - - 348 -<br />

10-413-744 CAPITAL PURCHASES--COMPUTERS - - - -<br />

10-413-746 CAPITAL PURCHASES--OTHER - - - -<br />

Total Other Expenditures: 101,139 119,413 114,487 105,968 103,213<br />

2012<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 184,785 $ 322,523 $ 374,034 $ 370,241 $ 338,635<br />

a. Includes Administrator’s salary adjustment per First Contract Amendment.<br />

b. Includes the City Clerk's salary increase to $56328. Her salary is being adjusted due to<br />

her recent certification as a Certified Municipal City Clerk. The Code Enforcement salary<br />

and operating costs to is being moved to its own section but will be under the Police Chief's<br />

supervision.<br />

c. This line item includes: $36,400 for two Information Services technicians; $2,000 for<br />

escalation services; $5,400 for Qwest DSL. (In the past, ADG software, $5,800, was also<br />

being paid out of this account line but accounting software is now being paid for out of the<br />

finance department, account line 10-415-565.)<br />

d. Includes ICMA webinars training, Lynda.com Outlook Training, ICMA & CML<br />

Conferences ($1,150), and continuing education units for the City Clerk ($1,450).<br />

e. Donna: $125 for IIMC (International Institute of Municipal Clerks) membership, $100 for<br />

CMCA (Colorado Municipal Clerks Association) memberships (both required for maintain<br />

City Clerk certification). Jack: ICMA (International County & City Administrators<br />

Association) - $775.<br />

f. Travel for ICMA & CMCA Conferences for Clerk and Administrator.<br />

g. Code Enforcement reorganized under Police Department.<br />

20 of 77

h. (Computer Maintenance) this line item includes funding to purchase small software<br />

packages and maintain all network equipment throughout the year 2013. Additionally, it<br />

provides for vendor and application subscription, licensing and service/support agreements.<br />

These includes:<br />

• Hewlett Packard/3COM (Phone System Support Agreement) $2,600<br />

• Computer Associates (System Back-up Support Agreement) $2,270<br />

• ESRI (GIS Support Agreement) $1,600<br />

• Juniper Networks (Firewall Support Agreement) $2,094<br />

• McAfee (Virus Protection Support Agreement) $3,386<br />

• DNSStuff.com (Subscription – Provides IP/DNS/URL Testing/Troubleshooting) $79<br />

• WhoIs.com (Domain Name Subscription) $150<br />

These support agreements not only provide support when necessary for configurations and<br />

break/fixes, but more importantly allow the <strong>city</strong> to maintain current software versioning,<br />

preventing extreme costs associated with purchasing software updates and current versions<br />

without an agreement.<br />

In the past the library software maintenance were paid from this account line. Due to the<br />

library joining the Pikes Peak Library District, the cost of $1,125 is no longer an expense to<br />

the <strong>city</strong>.<br />

i. Code Enforcement reorganized under Police Department.<br />

21 of 77


This budget accounts for the operating costs of the Finance and Accounting functions<br />

tab E<br />

Summary of 2012-2013 Operations: For 2013, the Finance Department will hire a new accounting clerk to bring<br />

staffing back up to 4 FTE. This department is responsible for accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, utility<br />

billing, financial management and reporting, business licensing and tax administration. The department provides<br />

accounting for the City's existing 13 general, special, capital improvements and enterprise funds, as well as<br />

accounting and financial management for the Manitou Springs Metropolitan District.<br />

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------- -------------<br />

Salaries & Benefits:<br />

10-415-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGER 79,252 83,680 73,500 69,070 71,959<br />

10-415-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 106,230 107,605 109,425 70,473 90,059 a<br />

10-415-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORARY - - - -<br />

10-415-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME - - - 788 300<br />

10-415-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 16,469 19,478 20,270 20,270 21,892<br />

10-415-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 1,420 1,447 2,652 2,035 2,354<br />

10-415-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTRIBUTIONS 23,724 23,706 25,061 19,225 22,238<br />

10-415-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 369 551 549 421 487<br />

10-415-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 400 755 338 595 3,602 b<br />

Total Salaries & Benefits: 227,865 237,222 231,795 182,877 212,890<br />

2012<br />

Total Other Expenditures:<br />

10-415-320 SERVICES--PROFESSIONAL (LICENSED) 27,040 21,400 21,000 22,100 21,000 c<br />

10-415-330 SERVICES--STAFF/CLERICAL - - - -<br />

10-415-340 SERVICES--MAINTENANCE/CUSTODIAL - - - -<br />

10-415-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RETENTION - 409 - 65 300<br />

10-415-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 68 4,281 170 128 1,000 d<br />

10-415-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONAL 170 170 500 170 170<br />

10-415-390 TRAVEL/CONFERENCES - 502 - 4,200 e<br />

10-415-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIABILITY) 2,531 2,635 2,874 4,008 4,008<br />

10-415-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES/DEDUCTIBLE - - - -<br />


10-415-490 VEHICLE MILEAGE(REIMBURSEMENT) - - - 32 50<br />

10-415-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 2,689 2,430 2,785 1,893 2,000<br />

10-415-531 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 150 150 - 240 -<br />

10-415-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPYING/BINDING 3,635 2,398 3,300 2,725 2,500<br />


10-415-565 COMPUTER SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE - - - 10,740 f<br />

10-415-569 COLLECTION FEES 9,641 9,683 9,500 9,780 9,780<br />

10-415-570 BANK/SERVICE CHARGES 16,507 23,353 15,600 7,531 8,500 g<br />

10-415-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER,ETC) 2,033 1,840 2,750 2,000 2,500<br />

10-415-615 POSTAGE (US MAIL/FEDEX/UPS) 12,310 12,885 14,000 12,000 14,000<br />

22 of 77

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------- -------------<br />

10-415-618 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES - - - -<br />

10-415-630 FOOD-MEALS & REIMBURSEMENT - - - 125 100<br />

10-415-640 BOOKS, PERIODICALS, SUBSCRIPTIONS - - 200 222 200<br />

10-415-743 CAPITAL PURCHASES-FURNITURE 677 220 - 725 h<br />

10-415-744 CAPITAL PURCHASES--COMPUTER - - - -<br />

10-415-745 CAPITAL PURCHASES--SOFTWARE - - - -<br />

Total Other Expenditures: 76,773 82,135 72,679 63,019 81,773<br />

2012<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 304,638 $ 319,357 $ 304,474 $ 245,896 $ 294,663<br />

a. This line includes a finance technician, a utilities clerk and a new accounting clerk. It is<br />

assumed the accounting clerk will not be hired until April 1st due to the new Caselle software<br />

not being up and running until then.<br />

b. Please note, per the 2013 quotes for Insurance, Property & Casualty and Workman's Comp,<br />

the overall effect is an increase of $3,007 over 2012, for expediency sake, the difference is<br />

accounted for in the Finance Department. The changes will be reallocated when time permits.<br />

However, the overall effect on the General Fund will remain the same.<br />

c. This line accounts for the fee for the annual independent audit.<br />

d. For two conferences for staff, including the GFOA annual conference.<br />

e. This is for the travel to Provo UT for Caselle software training & for 2 conferences.<br />

f. The Accounting software maintenance contract has been paid from the Executive department<br />

through 2012, but, for cost allocating purposes, it is, as of 2013, being paid through the Finance<br />

Department.<br />

g. This account line has gone down significantly due to allocating credit card fees to the<br />

departments generating them, pool, parking & Barr Trail.<br />

h. In order to fully utilize the new Caselle accounting software system, a desktop scanner, $325,<br />

and a check scanner, $400, will be purchased providing greater efficiencies in the department.<br />

23 of 77


This budget accounts for the operating costs of the City Planning & Zoning office<br />

tab F<br />

Summary of 2012-2013 Operations: The Planning Department is responsible for administration of the Municipal Code,<br />

specifically the Zoning, subdivision and historic preservation regulations. We review building permit applications for<br />

compliance with the Land Development Regulations, issue permits and collect use tax for fences, roofs, mechanical, plumbing<br />

and accessory structures. The Department reviews Development Review applications such as conditional uses, rezoning,<br />

variances, major and minor development plans, subdivisions and petitions to vacate right-of-way. The Planning Department<br />

provides written recommendations to the planning commission and the historic preservation commission and conducts public<br />

hearings. We also staff the open advisory committee, parking advisory board, the urban renewal authority and provide support to<br />

the parks and recreation advisory board. The Planning department conducts project inspections to ensure compliance with<br />

development review improvements and conditions. The Planning Director sits on the transportation advisory committee for the<br />

Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments which makes recommendations on funding of Federal Transportation Projects. We<br />

maintain and utilize the Geographic Information System (GIS) for zoning, open space and topographic mapping.<br />

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------<br />

Salaries & Benefits:<br />

10-419-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGER 76,452 76,158 78,746 78,476 80,046 a<br />

10-419-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 80,564 78,973 83,089 83,089 84,751 a<br />

10-419-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORARY - - - -<br />

10-419-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME - - 515 500 500<br />

10-419-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 12,352 14,609 15,203 15,203 16,419<br />

10-419-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 2,193 2,167 2,354 2,350 2,397<br />

10-419-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTRIBUTION 20,715 20,472 22,242 22,203 22,646 b<br />

10-419-240 BENEFITS--UNIFORM ALLOWANCE - - - -<br />

10-419-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 312 463 487 486 486<br />

10-419-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 300 424 278 278 278<br />

Total Salaries & Benefits: 192,888 193,267 202,914 202,585 207,522<br />

2012<br />

Total Other Expenditures:<br />


10-419-320 SERVICES--PROFESSIONAL (LICENSED) 2,711 (531) 11,000 - c<br />

10-419-330 SERVICES--STAFF/CLERICAL - - 1,000 1,036 -<br />

10-419-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RETENTION - - - 200 -<br />

10-419-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1,441 370 1,500 1,500 1,500<br />

10-419-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONAL 881 1,318 1,200 1,200 1,200 d<br />

10-419-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIABILITY) 1,898 1,976 2,156 2,973 2,973<br />

10-419-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES/DEDUCTIBLE - - - -<br />

10-419-490 VEHICLE MILEAGE(REIMBURSE - - 100 500 500<br />

10-419-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 1,846 1,478 2,000 1,100 1,500<br />

10-419-531 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 139 - - -<br />

10-419-540 ADVERTISING/PUBLICATIONS 948 1,093 1,500 1,000 1,100<br />

10-419-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPYING/BINDING 3,800 3,095 4,000 3,000 3,000<br />

24 of 77

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------<br />


10-419-575 HISTORIC PRESERVATION INC - 1,509 - 3,000 e<br />

10-419-576 CODIFICATION - - - -<br />

10-419-593 PLANNING COMMISSION SUPPORT 151 143 300 300 300 f<br />

10-419-595 HISTORIC PRESERV COMM SUP 607 1,481 1,000 1,000 1,000 g<br />

10-419-596 MAPPING SERVICES - - - -<br />

10-419-597 ADVANCED PLANNING SERVICE - - - -<br />

10-419-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER,ETC) 2,555 3,241 3,000 3,000 3,000<br />

10-419-615 POSTAGE(US MAIL/FED EX/UPS) 305 101 400 200 200<br />

10-419-630 BUSINES MEALS & REIMBURSENTS - - - -<br />

10-419-743 CAPITAL PURCHASES-FURNITURE - - - -<br />

10-419-744 CAPITAL PURCHASES--COMPUTER 225 - - -<br />

10-419-745 CAPITAL PURCHAES--SOFTWARE - - - -<br />

10-419-746 CAPITAL PURCHASES--OTHER - - - -<br />

Total Other Expenditures: 17,507 15,274 18,156 28,009 19,273<br />

2012<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 210,395 $ 208,541 $ 221,070 $ 230,594 $ 226,795<br />

a. This department employs 3 full time personnel.<br />

b. Employer paid PERA contribution of 13.7%.<br />

c. This account covers applicant reimbursable development review consultant<br />

fees<br />

d.This account funds professional certification dues and journals<br />

e. This account funds historic preservation reimbursable incentives and seed<br />

money for a grant program<br />

f. This account provides support for 10 Planning Commissioners<br />

g. This account funds the Historic Preservation Awards and community<br />

outreach<br />

25 of 77


This budget accounts for the operating costs of the City Police Department<br />

tab G<br />

Summary of 2012-2013 Operations: This budget funds the Police department which consists of a staff of 15.5. This<br />

includes the Chief of Police, a Lieutenant, two Sergeants, one Corporal, one Detective, nine patrol officers and a halftime<br />

Police Clerk. The other half of the Police Clerk's time is budgeted to the Judicial department as Municipal Court<br />

Clerk. The department has seven vehicles: six marked patrol vehicles and one unmarked vehicle.<br />

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------- -------------<br />

Salaries & Benefits:<br />

10-420-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGE 64,318 66,791 73,500 65,900 83,928 a<br />

10-420-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 534,612 548,004 564,966 564,966 607,679 b<br />

10-420-115 RETIREMENT BONUS-20 YEAR - - - 4,156 -<br />

10-420-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORARY - 8,261 15,450 19,233 17,950 c<br />

10-420-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME 41,559 39,134 41,200 59,000 39,549 d<br />

10-420-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 63,818 75,480 78,550 76,019 79,362 e<br />

10-420-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 8,818 9,160 10,079 10,342 10,862<br />

10-420-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTRIBUTION 47,975 50,436 53,301 54,092 58,796<br />

10-420-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 1,271 1,971 2,085 2,140 2,247<br />

10-420-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 27,375 24,246 32,536 32,536 32,536<br />

Total Salaries & Benefits: 789,745 823,483 871,667 888,384 932,909<br />

2012<br />

Total Other Expenditures:<br />

10-420-320 SERVICES--PROFESSIONAL (LICENSED) 6,186 4,356 10,000 2,000 6,000 f<br />

10-420-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RETENTION 1,192 4,600 3,000 9,839 3,000 g<br />

10-420-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1,441 1,541 5,000 5,000 5,000<br />

10-420-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONAL 1,160 875 1,000 1,214 1,000<br />

10-420-390 TRAVEL/CONFERENCES - - - 26 2,000<br />

10-420-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIABILITY) 9,967 10,541 11,496 19,000 15,852<br />

10-420-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES/DEDUCTIBIBLE 1,058 - - 500 -<br />

10-420-430 PROPERTY SERVICES--BLDG MAINTENANCE 52 - - 750 -<br />

10-420-461 VEHICLE GAS & OIL 23,868 26,415 23,000 27,000 23,000 h<br />

10-420-470 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINTENCE 17,972 11,799 18,000 15,000 18,000<br />

10-420-480 VEHICLE INSURANCE (DAMAGE/LIABILITY) 1,053 1,177 1,248 1,500 1,248<br />

10-420-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 9,585 9,040 10,000 7,150 10,000 i<br />

10-420-531 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 10,795 10,420 17,000 15,000 17,000 j<br />

10-420-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPYING/BIN 3,455 3,669 7,000 4,000 4,000 k<br />

10-420-560 OFFICE MACHINE/CPTR MAINT - - 315 -<br />

10-420-565 COMPUTER SOFTWARE MAINTENCE - - - 3,493 l<br />

10-420-580 PRISONER CUSTODY 4,368 6,739 7,000 5,000 7,000<br />

10-420-582 CANINE UNIT - - - -<br />

10-420-585 HUMANE SOCIETY SERVICES 7,992 9,996 10,000 10,000 10,000 m<br />

10-420-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER,ETC) 3,617 3,578 4,000 3,700 4,000<br />

26 of 77

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------- -------------<br />

10-420-610 OPERATING SUPPLIES (CHEMICALS) 2,650 1,562 4,000 4,000 3,500<br />

10-420-615 POSTAGE (US MAIL/FED EX/UPS) 878 934 750 500 750<br />

10-420-620 UNIFORMS (RECURRING COSTS 53 565 - 10 -<br />

10-420-630 BUSINESS MEALS & REIMBURSEMENTS - - - 118 -<br />

10-420-640 BOOKS, PERIODICALS, SUBSCRIPTIONS 105 553 1,000 500 1,000<br />

10-420-742 CAPITAL PURCHASES--EQUIPMENT - - - -<br />

10-420-743 CAPITAL PURCHASES--FURNITURE - - - 2,500 n<br />

10-420-744 CAPITAL PURCHASES--COMPUTERS - - - -<br />

10-420-746 CAPITAL PURCHASES--OTHER - - - -<br />

Total Other Expenditures: 107,447 108,359 133,494 132,122 138,343<br />

2012<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 897,191 $ 931,842 $ 1,005,161 $ 1,020,506 $ 1,071,252<br />

a. Department Manager<br />

Starting FY2012, Chief received Higher salary with reduced benefits (no medical insurance)<br />

b.Employee Salaries & Wages<br />

Staff - For 2013, a SRO (50% will be paid by the school) is being added for an additional<br />

$7,500 plus approximately $1,066 in benefits. This will be in lieu of using a seasonal .5 FTE<br />

c. Employee Salaries & Wages<br />

Temp/Seasonal/Bailiff<br />

Includes Bailiff costs of $2500<br />

d. Employee Salaries & Wages<br />

Overtime<br />

FY2012 $12680 of OT was from Waldo Canyon fire and has been submitted for<br />

reimbursement. Currently include Special events of approx. 400 Hours. (Also, police officers<br />

apply for and receive grants for reimbursable overtime pertaining to seat belt and DUI checks)<br />

e. Medical insurance cost does not include chief and has been increased by 10% over 2012<br />

f. Contract Services<br />

Professional/Investigative<br />

Evidence storage, intox recert, intox testing kits, alarm/video system, employee toxicology<br />

screen.<br />

g. Employee development<br />

Recruiting/Retention<br />

Advertising, Psych evaluations, Polygraph, Drug Screen<br />

h.Vehicle (non-capital)<br />

Gas & Oil<br />

27 of 77

Gas & Oil<br />

Based on estimate of 8000 gallons per year at $3.80. added Chief's vehicle to fleet in 2012<br />

(Special event vehicle costs may be recovered to GF at FEMA rate of $16.75 hr * 400 =$6700)<br />

i. Operating Services<br />

TeleComm<br />

phones, internet, CCIS connection<br />

j. Operating Services<br />

Radio Maintenance<br />

Radio Service, PPRN access<br />

k. Operating Services<br />

Printing<br />

Department forms, citations<br />

l. Sleuth software, formerly in Law Enforcment Special Revenue fund<br />

m. Operating Services<br />

Animal Control<br />

Serviced from HSPPR (Humane Society of Pikes Peak Region)<br />

n. Capital Purchases<br />

Furniture<br />

Office Furniture<br />

28 of 77

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------<br />

Salaries & Benefits:<br />


tab H<br />

This budget accounts for the operating costs of the 911 Emergency Communications Center<br />

Summary of 2012-2013 Operations: This budget funds the costs of operating the City's 911 Emergency Communications<br />

Center. Five full-time employees are required for 24/7 coverage. The center dispatches for the Manitou Springs Police<br />

Department, the Manitou Springs Fire Department, the Green Mountain Falls and Chipeta Park Fire Departments and the<br />

Cascade Fire Department. The five emergency services dispatchers are all trained in three protocols (fire, medical and<br />

police). They are all CPR and first aid certified. Dispatchers answer all calls (emergent and non-emergent) that come into the<br />

Manitou Springs Police Department. They enter all Police reports in NIBRS and into Sleuth (records management system).<br />

They take payments for courts, parking summonses, traffic/criminal summonses, and assist with complaints at the window<br />

and other duties. The equipment in the center is maintained and owned by the Regional E911 Authority.<br />

10-421-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGER - - - -<br />

10-421-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 127,239 128,960 135,947 111,000 139,601<br />

10-421-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORAR 3,050 - - 5,500 -<br />

10-421-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME 16,563 8,693 15,450 16,758 14,533 a<br />

10-421-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 20,586 24,348 25,338 25,338 27,365<br />

10-421-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 1,976 1,832 2,195 1,932 2,235<br />

10-421-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTRIBUTION 18,858 17,313 20,741 18,256 21,116<br />

10-421-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 291 410 454 400 462<br />

10-421-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 450 392 265 400 265<br />

Total Salaries & Benefits: 189,014 181,949 200,390 179,584 205,578<br />

2012<br />

All Other Expenditures:<br />

10-421-320 SERVICES--PROFESSIONAL (LICENSED) - - - -<br />

10-421-330 SERVICES--STAFF/CLERICAL - - - -<br />

10-421-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RETENTION 670 1,021 2,000 2,100 1,000<br />

10-421-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - - 1,000 500 2,000<br />

10-421-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONAL - - - -<br />

10-421-390 TRAVEL/CONFERENCES - - - -<br />

10-421-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIABILITY) 2,911 3,294 3,592 4,956 4,956<br />

10-421-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES/DEDUCTIBLE - - - -<br />


10-421-490 VEHICLE MILEAGE(REIMBURSEMENT) - - - -<br />

10-421-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 2,348 2,130 7,000 8,438 8,438 b<br />

10-421-531 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 6,268 6,718 1,200 1,200 1,000<br />

10-421-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPYING/BINDING 106 10 200 200 200<br />


10-421-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER,ETC) 325 332 500 500 500<br />

10-421-610 OPERATING SUPPLIES(CHEMICALS) - - - 144 -<br />

10-421-615 POSTAGE (US MAIL/FEDEX/UPS) - - 100 - 100<br />


10-421-743 CAPITAL PURCHASES - FURNITURE - - - -<br />

10-421-744 CAPITAL PURCHASES--COMPUTERS - - - -<br />

10-421-745 CAPITAL PURCHASES--SOFTWARE - - - -<br />

Total all other Expenditures: 12,629 13,506 15,592 18,038 18,194<br />

Total Expenditures: 201,643 195,455 215,982 197,622 223,772<br />

a. 7.3% of Regular time<br />

b. Phones, internet, CCIS connection, Radio/Service/PPRN access paid from PD<br />

530 in 2012<br />

29 of 77

Tab I<br />


This budget accounts for the operating costs code enforcement<br />

Summary of 2012-2013 Operations: This department consists of one full time employee. Originally Code<br />

Enforcement activities were costed out of the Executive Department but as of 2013 they have been assigned<br />

to their own department under the supervision of the Police Chief. Code Enforcement involves investigating<br />

alleged violations of <strong>city</strong> municipal code and ensuring all private property and public grounds are compliant.<br />

2010 2011 2012 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------- -------------<br />

Salaries & Benefits:<br />

10-423-110 SALARIES&WAGES-REGULAR STAFF - - - 35,494<br />

10-423-120 SALARIES&WAGES-TEMP/SEASONAL - - - -<br />

10-423-130 SALARIES&WAGES-OVERTIME - - - 500<br />

10-423-210 BENEFITS-GROUP INSURANCE - - - 5,476<br />

10-423-220 BENEFITS-MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS - - - 522<br />

10-423-230 BENEFITS-PERA/FPPA CONTRIBUTIONS - - - 4,931<br />

10-423-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE - - - 108<br />

10-423-260 BENEFTIS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE - - - 1,063<br />

Total Salaries & Benefits: - - - 48,094<br />

All Other Expenditures:<br />

10-423-360 RECRUITNG/EMPLOYEE RENTENTION - - - 500<br />


10-423-421 INSURANCE (CASUALTY/LIABILITY) - - - 1,500<br />

10-423-461 VEHICLE GAS & OIL - - - 3,000 a<br />

10-423-470 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINTANANCE - - - 1,500<br />

10-423-480 VEHICLE INSURANCE (DAMAGE/LIABILITY) - - - 250<br />

10-423-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS - - - 500<br />

10-423-531 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT - - - 500<br />

10-423-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPYING/BINDING - - - -<br />

10-423-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER ETC) - - - 1,000<br />

10-423-610 OPERATING SUPPLIES (CHEMICALS) - - - 2,000 b<br />

10-423-615 POSTAGE (US MAIL/FED EX/UPS) - - - 1,000<br />

10-423-620 UNIFORMS (RECURRING COSTS) - - - 600<br />

10-423-640 BOOKS, PERIODICALS, SUBSCRIPTIONS - - - -<br />

Total Other Expenditures: - - - 12,850<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ - $ - $ - $ 60,944<br />

a. Gas & Oil: 12,0000 miles/15 MPG/$3.80<br />

b. Operating Supplies: Animal control supplies, misc equipment<br />

30 of 77


This budget accounts for the operating costs of the City Fire Department<br />

Tab J<br />

Summary of the 2012-2013 Operations: The Fire Department currently has 40<br />

volunteer and 6 paid staff that operate on a 24/7 basis. We have two engines,<br />

one brush truck and one water utility vehicle. This Department responds to<br />

emergency and non-emergency calls for service with appropriate resources.<br />

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------<br />

Salaries & other Benefits:<br />

10-422-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGER - - - -<br />

10-422-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 255,112 254,146 257,387 230,033 255,054<br />

10-422-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORARY 29,220 36,838 30,900 47,966 30,000<br />

10-422-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME 20,496 21,151 15,450 48,716 50,000 a<br />

10-422-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 24,704 29,218 30,406 30,406 32,838<br />

10-422-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 4,076 4,204 4,404 4,737 4,858<br />

10-422-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTRIBUTIONS 44,486 52,127 50,967 60,646 60,186 b<br />

10-422-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 605 930 911 980 1,005<br />

10-422-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 20,450 25,256 30,180 35,054 30,180<br />

Total Salaries & Benefits: 399,148 423,869 420,605 458,538 464,122<br />

2012<br />

All Other Expenditures:<br />

10-422-310 SERVICES--OFFICIAL 833 - - -<br />

10-422-320 SERVICES--PROFESSIONAL(INVESTIGATIVE) 183 - 250 - -<br />

10-422-330 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (FED/OUT OF AREA) 11,114 42,705 - 91,116 40,966 c<br />

10-422-340 SERVICES-MAINTENANCE/CUSTODIAL - - 250 250 250<br />

10-422-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RETENTION 2,389 2,447 2,500 2,500 2,500 d<br />

10-422-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 7,806 5,109 6,000 3,000 6,000 e<br />

10-422-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONAL 2,139 1,948 2,500 2,000 2,500 f<br />

10-422-410 GAS & ELECTRIC UTILITIES 6,447 6,588 6,000 6,500 7,000<br />

10-422-411 WATER & SEWER UTILTIES - - - -<br />

10-422-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIABILITY) 9,878 11,044 12,693 12,891 12,693<br />

10-422-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES/DEDUCTIBLE - - - -<br />

10-422-430 PROPERTY SERVICES-BLDG MAINTENANCE 5,941 7,674 6,000 3,000 6,000<br />

10-422-461 VEHICLE GAS & OIL 7,745 6,815 7,000 4,375 7,000<br />

10-422-470 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINTENCE 22,498 19,725 20,000 20,000 24,000<br />

10-422-480 VEHICLE INSURANCE(DAMAGE/LIABILITY) 6,060 6,491 7,299 7,412 7,299<br />

10-422-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 4,290 4,087 5,000 3,256 4,000<br />

10-422-531 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 8,889 9,466 10,000 10,000 10,000 g<br />

10-422-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPYING/BINDING 1,267 1,142 2,000 2,000 2,000<br />

10-422-560 OFFICE MACHINES/COMPUTER - - - -<br />

2012<br />

31 of 77

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------<br />

10-422-589 FIRE PREVENTION 2,069 2,081 2,000 1,200 2,000 h<br />

10-422-590 MEDICAL SERVICES 10,907 10,103 10,500 10,500 10,500<br />

10-422-591 HIGH ANGLE RESCUE 2,673 2,074 3,200 3,200 3,200<br />

10-422-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER, ETC) 507 910 1,500 500 1,500<br />

10-422-610 OPERATING SUPPLIES (CHEMICALS) 3,946 6,624 8,000 5,000 8,000<br />

10-422-611 WILDLAND TOOLS & EQUIPMENT - - 1,500 1,500 1,500<br />

10-422-615 POSTAGE(US MAIL/FED EX/UPS) 139 187 300 300 300<br />

10-422-618 CUSTODIAL/MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 1,072 1,322 1,500 1,500 1,500<br />

10-422-620 UNIFORMS (RECURRING COSTS) 4,996 5,907 6,000 5,500 6,000<br />

10-422-630 BUSINESS MEALS & REIMBURSEMENTS - - - -<br />

10-422-742 CAPITAL PURCHASES--EQUIPMENT 2,857 - 4,999 9,543 i -<br />

10-422-743 CAPITAL PURCHASES--FURN & FIXTURES - - - -<br />

Total other expenditures: 126,646 154,448 126,991 207,043 166,708<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 525,793 $ 578,317 $ 547,596 $ 665,581 $ 630,830<br />

a. Overtime has increased since mid-2012, due to calculating <strong>regular</strong> hours differently from<br />

in the past. For 2013, added $5,000 for Firewise program overtime.<br />

b. The Fire FPPA/PERA employer paid benefit line includes not only 8% contribution to<br />

FPPA for full time firefighters and 13.7% contribution to PERA for part time/seasonal but<br />

also the contribution to the volunteer firefighters pension fund, $16,000, and $19,672 to the<br />

Old Hire Pension Plan.<br />

c. This account line is for the wildland deployments which is offset by the revenue in the<br />

account line 10-347-610 and is not part of the <strong>regular</strong> fire budget. The wildland<br />

deployments bring in revenue not only from the contract workers but also equipment use. It<br />

provides a unique training opportunity for actual wildland firefighting training to the<br />

firefighters.<br />

d. Includes $2000 for MSVFD awards banquet.<br />

e. Training for 40 volunteers and 6 paid staff.<br />

f. emergency reporting and fire codes online subscriptions.<br />

g. includes Colorado Springs Radio Shop Maintenance Agreement and lease for PPRCN.<br />

h. Fire prevention line item includes inspection supplies and Public Education. The majority<br />

of this budget is spent in October for Fire Prevention Week.<br />

i. $4,999 budgeted for hoses and $4,544 for a CO Monitor which will be paid for by a grant<br />

from El Paso County which is recorded in revenue line 10-334-715.<br />

32 of 77

Public Services Department<br />

Tab K<br />

This budget accounts for the costs of the combined City Parks and Streets Departments<br />

Summary of 2012-2013 Operations: This budget contains the funding to cover the cost of maintaining over 30 miles of<br />

streets and road: asphalt repair, snow removal, striping, street signage/repair/maintenance/replacement, and maintenance of<br />

public works vehicles. It also covers the maintenance of 12 parks plus the Crystal Valley Cemetery (burials, grounds<br />

maintenance), the maintenance of the downtown corridor, the landscaping of the City, the repair and maintenance of all City<br />

buildings, including the Police Department and the Library and the coverage of City special events: fences, tents, staging,<br />

banners, Christmas decorations, etc.<br />

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------<br />

Salaries & Benefits:<br />

10-431-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGER 21,979 19,500 28,428 21,321 21,747<br />

10-431-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 272,683 197,263 195,413 195,413 199,321<br />

10-431-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORARY 19,964 8,647 12,360 12,360 12,360<br />

10-431-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME 5,255 4,690 8,240 8,240 12,840 a<br />

10-431-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 51,486 61,173 39,612 39,612 42,781<br />

10-431-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 4,262 3,554 3,544 3,441 3,571<br />

10-431-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTRIBUTIONS 40,271 33,579 33,488 32,515 33,739<br />

10-431-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 635 814 733 712 739<br />

10-431-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 14,156 14,937 14,146 14,146 14,146<br />

Total Salaries & Benefits: 430,691 344,157 335,964 327,760 341,244<br />

2012<br />

All Other Expenditures:<br />

10-431-320 SERVICES--PROFESSIONAL (LICENSED) 2,128 30 3,000 1,350 2,000<br />

10-431-340 SERVICES--MAINTENANCE/TRASH PICKUP 15,790 16,843 17,000 17,000 17,000<br />

10-431-341 SERVICES-CUSTODIAL (CONTRACTED SERVICES) 33,292 26,700 35,000 35,000 35,000<br />

10-431-342 SERVICES-GARDENER (CONTRACTED SERVICES) - 20,000 38,400 38,400 38,400<br />

10-431-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RETENTION 640 828 1,000 1,000 200<br />

10-431-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 4,098 294 2,000 500 1,000<br />

10-431-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONAL 35 35 300 100 300<br />

10-431-390 TRAVEL/CONFERENCES - 6 - -<br />

10-431-410 GAS & ELECTRIC UTILITIES 30,479 35,131 35,000 35,000 35,000<br />

10-431-412 STREET LIGHTING UTILITIES 95,417 91,021 92,000 92,000 92,000<br />

10-431-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIABILITY) 12,727 15,335 17,210 17,210 17,779<br />

10-431-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES/DEDUCTIBLE 2,047 1,000 - 2,000 -<br />

10-431-430 BLDG MAINTENANCE 15,012 11,797 10,000 42,848 10,000<br />

10-431-431 POLICE STATION MAINTENANCE 869 1,217 1,500 500 1,500<br />

10-431-434 LIBRARY BUILDING MAINTENANCE 1,835 717 2,000 2,000 2,000<br />

10-431-435 MAINTENANCE OF HISTORIC PLAQUES - 55 200 - 200<br />

10-431-436 DOWNTOWN MAINTENANCE 3,701 4,315 5,000 4,000 5,000<br />

10-431-461 VEHICLE GAS & OIL 27,559 26,450 30,000 25,000 29,000<br />

10-431-470 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINTENCE 27,588 22,354 30,000 25,000 28,000<br />

33 of 77

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------<br />

10-431-480 VEHICLE INSURANCE(DAMAGE/LIABILITY) 4,131 6,654 8,015 8,116 8,116<br />

10-431-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 10,628 10,704 9,000 9,000 9,000<br />

10-431-531 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 1,643 1,948 1,000 1,000 1,000<br />

10-431-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPYING/BINDING 699 60 1,000 300 1,000<br />


10-431-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER, ETC) 1,294 1,211 1,000 1,500 1,000<br />

10-431-610 OPERATING SUPPLIES (CHEMICALS) 59 - 100 100 100<br />

10-431-615 POSTAGE (US MAIL/FED EX/UPS) 8 16 50 50 50<br />

10-431-618 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 4,858 9,483 9,000 9,000 9,000<br />

10-431-620 UNIFORMS (RECURRING COSTS) 2,896 3,770 3,000 3,500 3,000<br />

10-431-630 FOOD/MEALS REIMBURSEMENTS - - - -<br />

10-431-635 STREET CLEANING 355 - - -<br />

10-431-644 STREET MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 23,366 20,281 25,000 22,000 23,200<br />

10-431-645 VANDALISM REPAIRS 1,853 2,083 4,000 2,000 4,000<br />

10-431-646 TRAFFIC SERVICES (SIGNS, 14,403 11,245 11,000 10,000 11,000<br />

10-431-647 GARDEN SUPPLIES 1,712 3,378 3,000 3,500 3,000<br />

10-431-648 PARKS MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 25,453 31,288 30,000 30,000 28,000<br />

10-431-649 SPRINGS MAINTENANCE - - - -<br />

10-431-730 CAPITAL PURCHASES--OTHER - - - -<br />

10-431-741 CAPITAL PURCHASES-VEHICLE - - - -<br />

10-431-742 CAPITAL PURCHASES--EQUIPMENT 901 834 2,100 2,100 -<br />

10-431-743 CAPITAL PURCHASES - FURNITURE - - - -<br />

Total Other Expenditures: 367,476 377,084 426,875 441,074 415,845<br />

2012<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 798,167 721,241 762,839 768,834 757,089<br />

a Benefits added for On Call personnel $4,600/year.<br />

34 of 77


This budget accounts for the operating costs of the Aquatics Center (Swimming Pool)<br />

Tab L<br />

Summary of the 2012-2013 Operations: The Aquatics Department will continue to offer its <strong>regular</strong> programs<br />

such as Swim America learn-to-swim, year round swim team, aqua-weight training, after school lessons, Manitou<br />

High School swim team, adult swim clinics and personal training and safety classes. We will train safety personnel to<br />

levels in accordance with health regulations and national safety standards related to the pool's attendance. We will<br />

offer excellent customer service, a clean facility and do pre-maintenance to reduce high cost repairs to equipment.<br />

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------- -------------<br />

Salaries & Benefits:<br />

10-451-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGER 45,016 45,016 46,366 46,366 47,293<br />

10-451-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 26,448 28,224 31,065 31,788 33,270<br />


10-451-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORARY 75,364 86,240 84,460 98,000 98,000 a<br />

10-451-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME - 121 103 103 120<br />

10-451-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 8,235 9,739 10,135 10,135 10,946<br />

10-451-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 2,056 2,214 2,349 2,556 2,591<br />

10-451-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTR 19,423 20,918 22,193 24,147 24,480<br />

10-451-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 293 478 486 529 536<br />

10-451-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 6,436 5,285 6,301 6,301 6,301<br />

Total Salaries & Benefits: 183,270 198,236 203,458 219,925 223,537<br />

2012<br />

All Other Expenditures:<br />

10-451-340 SERVICES/MAINTENANCE/CUSTODIAL 185 709 1,500 2,000 1,500<br />

10-451-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RETENTION 116 637 200 200 200<br />

10-451-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 380 575 400 400 400<br />

10-451-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONAL DUES/SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,471 769 2,000 2,000 2,000<br />

10-451-390 TRAVEL/CONFERENCES - - - -<br />

10-451-410 GAS & ELECTRIC UTILITIES 51,057 45,759 52,000 52,000 52,000<br />

10-451-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIABILITY) 8,125 9,049 10,374 10,374 10,374<br />

10-451-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES/DEDUCTIBLE - - - -<br />

10-451-430 PROPERTY SERVICES--BLDG MAINTENANCE 9,762 17,488 15,388 15,388 15,000<br />

10-451-490 VEHICLE MILEAGE (REIMBURSEMENT) 223 105 300 300 300<br />

10-451-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 3,480 3,332 2,500 2,500 2,500<br />

10-451-540 ADVERTISING/PUBLICATIONS 628 1,611 2,000 2,000 1,200<br />

10-451-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPYING/BINDING 1,307 757 1,200 1,200 1,200<br />

10-451-560 OFFICE MACHINES/COMPUTER 1,665 2,179 1,200 2,000 2,000<br />

10-451-570 BANK CHARGES POOL - - 4,750 4,750<br />

10-451-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER,ETC) 986 1,347 1,000 1,000 1,200 b<br />

10-451-610 OPERATING SUPPLIES (CHEMICALS) 10,361 12,708 13,000 13,000 13,000<br />

10-451-615 POSTAGE (US MAIL/FEDEX/UPS) 14 9 150 150 150<br />

10-451-618 CUSTODIAL/MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 2,624 1,835 1,900 2,000 2,500 c<br />

35 of 77

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------- -------------<br />

10-451-620 UNIFORMS(RECURRING COSTS) 684 - 850 850 850<br />

10-451-631 VENDING SUPPLIES 5,718 4,704 6,500 6,500 6,500<br />

10-451-632 COMMODITIES FOR RESALE - 25 - -<br />

10-451-670 SWIM TEAM - - - -<br />

10-451-742 CAPITAL PURCHASES - EQUIP - - - -<br />

10-451-744 CAPITAL PURCHASES/COMPUTE - - - -<br />

10-451-746 CAPITAL PURCHASES--OTHER - - - -<br />

Total Other Expenditures: 98,784 103,599 112,462 118,612 117,624<br />

2012<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $ 282,054 $ 301,835 $ 315,920 $ 338,537 $ 341,161<br />

*Employee salaries & wages<br />

Need to increase my seasonal staff requirements. The New Red Cross lifeguard course<br />

requires at least two lifeguards on duty for water removal. This will require us to have two<br />

lifeguards at all times. Also, with increase revenues and participation at the facility, we<br />

need to have enough staff to control entry and provide safety. Hours have increased as well<br />

due to demand. Revenues justify my request for increased staffing at the facility.<br />

*Supplies & Commodities<br />

Operating supplies include pool chemicals (chlorine, clarifiers, soda ash, baking soda, and<br />

foam down) and other supplies to run the facility. Other supplies include: Pool music<br />

license fee, cleaning equipment, Swim America lesson certificates, lifeguard supplies,<br />

weight room supplies/repairs, cartridges and cleaners, pump strainers, radios, party<br />

supplies, and other misc. supplies.<br />

*Custodial & Maintenance<br />

I expect an increase in the need for cleaning supplies for our new weight room. This year,<br />

with the increase in attendance at the pool, we are using more supplies to keep the facility<br />

clean than we anticipated.<br />

36 of 77


This budget accounted for the operating costs of the City Library<br />

Tab M<br />

On November 6, 2012, the citizens of Manitou Springs voted to increase property taxes by 4 mills to have the<br />

Manitou Springs Library join the Pikes Peak Library District. The <strong>city</strong> will still own the building and maintain it and<br />

the park surrounding the library but all the contents of the building and the employees will work for the Pikes Peak<br />

Library District as of January 1, 2013.<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------- -------------<br />

Salaries & Benefits:<br />

10-455-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGE 38,512 38,512 46,366 52,334 -<br />

10-455-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR - - - 13,709<br />

10-455-120 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR PART TIME 43,555 46,703 45,614 36,665<br />

10-455-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME 26 - -<br />

10-455-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 4,117 4,870 5,068 7,602<br />

10-455-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 1,148 1,194 1,334 1,489<br />

10-455-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTRIBUTIONS 10,850 11,278 12,601 14,071<br />

10-455-240 BENEFITS--UNIFORM ALLOWANCE - - -<br />

10-455-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 164 256 276 308<br />

10-455-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 236 238 154 154<br />

Total Salaries & Benefits: 98,610 103,050 111,413 126,332 -<br />

Total Other Expenditures:<br />

10-455-320 SERVICES--PROFESSIONAL - - 10,000 10,000 -<br />

10-455-330 SERVICES--STAFF/CLERICAL - - - -<br />

10-455-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RETENTION - - - -<br />

10-455-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 23 262 500 350 -<br />

10-455-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONAL 75 367 400 195 -<br />

10-455-390 TRAVEL/CONFERENCES - 385 500 607 -<br />

10-455-410 GAS & ELECTRIC UTILITIES 2,546 2,746 2,525 2,525 -<br />

10-455-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIABILITY) 10,028 11,188 13,829 13,829 -<br />

10-455-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES/DEDUCTIBLE 1,000 - - -<br />

10-455-430 BLDG MAINTENANCE/MATERIAL 1,400 555 1,000 1,000 -<br />

10-455-490 VECHILE MILEAGE(REIMBURSEMENT) - 122 300 5 -<br />

10-455-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 6,394 5,352 6,865 6,865 -<br />

10-455-531 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - - - -<br />

10-455-540 MARKETING 223 275 500 - -<br />

10-455-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPYING/BINDING 1,329 2,422 2,000 3,000 -<br />

10-455-560 OFFICE MACHINE/COMPUTER MAINTENANCE) 602 306 700 258 -<br />

10-455-565 COMPUTER SOFTWARE - - - - -<br />

10-455-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER,ETC) 2,175 1,404 2,500 700 -<br />

10-455-610 OPERATING SUPPLIES(CHEMICALS) 691 1,025 600 550 -<br />

10-455-615 POSTAGE 19 36 50 13 -<br />


10-455-655 EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS - - 100 11 -<br />

10-455-660 CIRCULATION 3,160 4,485 5,000 4,500 -<br />

10-455-664 AUDIO/VIDEO 6,575 7,452 6,000 5,800 -<br />

10-455-665 SPECIAL PROGRAMS 438 1,944 1,600 1,245 -<br />

10-455-666 BOOKS 17,117 23,368 19,000 16,800 -<br />

10-455-667 PERIODICALS 1,307 1,284 1,200 553 -<br />

10-455-668 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMMING 1,135 2,352 1,800 1,300 -<br />

10-455-670 TECHNICAL SERVICES/SUPPLIES 594 2,132 1,000 1,300 -<br />

10-455-671 ELECTRONIC DATABASE LICENCES 1,440 - - -<br />

10-455-743 CAPITAL PURCHASES-FURNITURE - - - -<br />

10-455-744 CAPITAL PURCHASES--COMPUTER - - - -<br />

10-455-745 CAPITAL PURCHASES--SOFTWARE - - - -<br />

10-455-746 CAPITAL PURCHASES - OTHER - - - -<br />

Total Other Expenditures: 58,271 69,461 77,969 71,406 -<br />

Total Expenditures: $ 156,881 $ 172,512 $ 189,382 $ 197,738 $ -<br />

37 of 77


This budget accounts for the operating costs of the City Parking Facilities<br />

Tab N<br />

Summary of 2012-2012 Operations: This department has two full time parking enforcement officers and will<br />

fund one seasonal parking officer from Memorial Day to Labor Day.<br />

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ------------- ------------- -------------<br />

Salaries & benefits:<br />

10-495-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGER 24,523 27,791 28,922 28,922 29,500<br />

10-495-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 849 7,317 23,566 23,566 24,037<br />

10-495-120 SALARIES & WAGES--TEMPORARY 9,931 12,600 12,360 1,339 12,630<br />

10-495-130 SALARIES & WAGES--OVERTIME 235 233 - 500<br />

10-495-210 BENEFITS-GROUP INSURANCE 3,804 4,870 10,135 10,135 10,946<br />

10-495-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 457 630 940 780 967<br />

10-495-230 BENEFITS--PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 4,314 5,950 8,884 7,374 9,133<br />

10-495-250 BENEFITS--UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 71 144 195 161 200<br />

10-495-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE 352 496 799 799 799<br />

Total Salaries & benefits: 44,535 60,030 85,801 73,077 88,713<br />

2012<br />

Total Other Expenditures:<br />

10-495-320 SERVICES---PROFESSIONAL 2,000 4,992 5,000 5,027 5,000<br />

10-495-340 SERVICES--MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 3,304 3,355 4,000 3,000 4,000<br />

10-495-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RECRUITING 367 85 500 332 500<br />

10-495-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 198 435 1,000 800 1,000<br />

10-495-421 INSURANCE (CASUALTY/LIABILITY) 2,500 659 1,437 1,983 1,983<br />

10-495-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES - - - -<br />

10-495-461 VEHICLE GAS & OIL 1,309 1,901 2,000 1,800 2,000<br />

10-495-470 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINTENCE 617 929 2,000 300 1,500<br />

10-495-480 VEHICLE INSURANCE (DAMAGE/LIABILITY) - 23 48 48 100<br />

10-495-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 266 414 2,500 1,000 2,500<br />

10-495-531 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 290 490 500 500 500 a<br />

10-495-570 CANON CREDIT CARD FEES - - - 3,550 3,550<br />

10-495-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES 612 350 500 500 1,000<br />

10-495-610 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10,838 4,291 3,000 3,000 2,000<br />

10-495-615 POSTAGE (US MAIL/FEDEX/UPS) 521 148 600 600 1,000<br />

10-495-620 UNIFORMS 479 1,413 1,500 1,500 1,500<br />

10-495-695 ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL - 5,350 - - 1,200<br />

10-495-736 CAPITAL PURCHASES-FACILITIES - - - -<br />

10-495-742 CAPITAL PURCHASES-EQUIPMENT 1,684 788 - -<br />

10-495-746 CAPITAL PURCHASES-OTHER - 1,735 - -<br />

Total Other Expenditures: 24,985 27,358 24,585 23,940 29,333<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 69,520 87,388 110,386 97,017 118,046<br />

a) Radio Maintenance: PPRN & subscriber maintenance<br />

38 of 77


This budget accounts for Parks & Recreation, City promotion, Council projects, interagency and interfund transfers<br />

Tab O<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------<br />


10-499-802 MINI-GRANTS 0 1395 0 10,000<br />

10-499-803 TRAINING FOR PARAB BOARD - - - 1,050<br />

10-499-804 SODA SPRINGS PAVILION - - - 20,100<br />

10-499-807 SODA SPRINGS IMPROVEMENTS - 897 - -<br />

10-499-840 ADMIN SUPPORT TO GEN FUND - 1,000 - -<br />

10-391-315 TRANSFER FROM P&R - 32,074 - -<br />

Total Parks & Recreation: - 33,971 - 31,150 a<br />

2012<br />


10-465-844 BUSINESS PROMOTION&TOURISM 190,650 211,409 250,000 217,937 216,977 b<br />

10-465-845 BUSINESS PROMOTION&TOURISM-DISCRETIONARY 56,240 38,591 32,063 33,023 c<br />

10-465-846 CITY PROMOTION - - - -<br />

10-465-847 VENDOR FEE EQUIVALENT - - - -<br />

10-465-848 LODGING & CAMPING TAX - - - -<br />

10-465-855 URA SALES TAX INCREMENT 24,573 43,144 26,500 47,268 53,097 d<br />

271,463 293,144 276,500 297,268 303,097<br />


10-480-850 RADIO 530 AM STATION SUPP 196 212 200 200 200<br />

10-480-851 PIKES PEAK COUNCIL OF GOV 2,194 2,253 2,552 2,552 2,325<br />

10-480-852 MUNICIPAL LEAGUE (CML) 2,950 2,950 3,073 3,073 3,166<br />

10-480-853 RED CROSS SHELTER - - - -<br />

10-480-854 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS DONATIONS 600 600 1,000 1,000 1,000 e<br />

5,940 6,015 6,825 6,825 6,691<br />


10-490-320 LEGAL FEES & SETTLEMENTS 87,804 8,185 25,000 282 -<br />

10-490-870 TV TOWER 464 597 574 3,600 f<br />

10-490-890 SPECIAL PROJECTS 2,200 - 4,092 60,000 g<br />

90,468 8,782 25,000 4,948 63,600<br />


10-491-935 TRANSFER TO OPEN SPACE 90,000 - - -<br />

10-491-939 TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 106,262 204,612 141,686 156,707 251,055<br />

196,262 204,612 141,686 156,707 251,055<br />

TOTAL MISC: 564,132 546,524 450,011 465,748 655,593<br />

39 of 77


a. The Parks & Recreation Fund was closed into the General Fund in 2011 due to GASB 54 which<br />

requires that funds separate from the General Fund must have dedicated revenue streams. An account<br />

line in miscellaneous Revenues, 10-391-500, collects Parks & Recreation related revenues, such as<br />

"fees in lieu of land" and donations. The amount received in 2012 was $33,198. If this amount is not<br />

all expended in 2013, the Parks & Recreation Board expects the remainder to be spent in 2013. The<br />

board envisions the Soda Springs Pavilion being returned to good condition. This involves replacing<br />

and putting in more lighting, repainting, replacing doors, refinishing the stage and refurbishing the<br />

railing and the "green room".<br />

b. In accordance with Manitou Springs Municipal Code Ordinances 3.12.80 Vendors Fee--<br />

Dedication of equivalent: 3.24.030 Levied--Amount (lodging tax); and, 3.24.00 Disposition of<br />

revenues the City accumulates those funds earmarked by ordinance to fund the annual general fund<br />

budget appropriation that is dedicated to attracting visitors and/or business activity to the <strong>city</strong>. The<br />

formula consists of a sum equal to 3 1/3 percent of general sales tax revenue, 1 1/3 percent of<br />

amusement (excise) tax revenue and 100 percent of lodging tax revenue from the last audited<br />

financial year. Based on 2011 revenues, the 2013 dedicated revenue is $216,977.<br />

c. In addition to those "earmarked" revenues the <strong>city</strong> <strong>council</strong> may set aside additional funds as they<br />

deem necessary to supplement that annual general fund budget appropriation that is dedicated to<br />

attracting visitors and/or business activity to the <strong>city</strong>. For the 2013 budget, it has been requested that<br />

the <strong>city</strong> <strong>council</strong> set aside an additional $63,023.<br />

d. The URA Sales tax increment is based on the increase of sales tax collected, for the year, in the<br />

URA area, over 2006 collected sales tax. This will be allocated for the URA for a period not to<br />

exceed 25 years, from 2007 to 2032. As per the Urban Renewal Plan documentation, "The Urban<br />

Renewal Plan contemplates that a primary method of financing this project to be the use of municipal<br />

sales and property tax increments as authorized by the Act (Urban Renewal Law of the State of<br />

Colorado, Part 1 of Article 25 of Title 31, Colorado Revised Statues, 1973, as amended). The City<br />

Council may allocate municipal sales tax increments when the Manitou Springs Urban Renewal<br />

Authority submits a financing plan outlining the proposed amounts and purpose for which the<br />

municipal sales tax increments are to be used."<br />

e. This account line was called "Golden Circle Nutrition Program" but has been expanded to include<br />

other Community Programs.<br />

f. TV tower account line accounts for electri<strong>city</strong>, approximately $60 a year and $3000 for<br />

maintenance issues. (There have been no maintenance issues since 2010 but $3000 should be<br />

budgeted for "escalation services".)<br />

g. The special projects account line is used to fund special needs during the year that may arise. In<br />

2013, City Council is budgeting $60,000 to implement paid parking. In 2012, this account line was<br />

used for leasing the Tajine Alami parking lot by the <strong>city</strong> for the summer to provide additional parking.<br />

40 of 77

Tab P<br />


Barr Trail Parking lot revenues are restricted for use for expenditures associated with the Barr Trail<br />

Parking lot and trailhead area as per the Intergovernmental agreement between the City and<br />

Colorado Springs Utilities, the owner of the parking lot.<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


10-363-214 BARR TRAIL PARKING LOT REV - 41,015 81,000 111,055 115,875<br />

Total Revenues: - 41,015 81,000 111,055 115,875<br />

Prior year ending Fund balance: - - 51,059<br />

Total Funds available" 81,000 111,055 166,934<br />

10-491-320 SERVICES (PROFESSIONAL)-BARR TRAIL - - - 14,976 - a<br />

10-491-570 BANK FEES - BARR TRAIL - - - 6,660 8,000 b<br />

10-491-910 TRANSFER TO GF-BARRTRAIL FOR CAP IMP - - 22,342 22,342 - c<br />

10-491-911 BARR TRAIL FACILITIES MAINTENANCE 16,018 47,766 d<br />

10-491-912 BARR TRAIL SHUTTLE - - - 32,115 e<br />

Total Expenditures: - - 22,342 59,996 87,881<br />

ENDING FUND BALANCE: 58,658 51,059 79,053<br />

a. In 2012, a portion of the Residential Parking lot study was paid for out of Barr<br />

Trail expenditures due to the direct impact of this study on Ruxton rd.<br />

b. Prior to 2012, all credit card fees were paid out of the Finance Department in<br />

order to better track actual cost of a department, credit card fees have been allocated<br />

to the department generating them.<br />

c. No transfer is anticipated in 2013, due to no planned capital improvements to the<br />

Barr Trail parking lot.<br />

d. This line accounts for the contract cleaning service cost for maintaining the Barr<br />

Trail restrooms and other maintenance expenditures on the parking lot and the<br />

environs. In 2012, this included a $10,000 donation to the Friends of Barr Trail for<br />

maintenance of the Barr Trail. In 2013, $40,000 is budgeted to give to the Rocky<br />

Mountain Field Institute for trail repair and maintenance. Friends of the Incline may<br />

ask for $3,000 for a counter to count hikers on the Incline trail.<br />

e. In 2013, the <strong>city</strong> will provide a match of $32,115 for a CMAQ (Congestion<br />

Mitigation and Air Quality) grant providing a shuttle from Tajine Alami parking lot<br />

up to the Barr Trail parking lot.<br />

41 of 77


Tab 2<br />

Summary of 2012-2013 Operations: This budget contains the funding for: the City Reservoir: maintenance, on-site personnel, water<br />

level controls/transfers and reports to Federal Agencies. The Fresh Water Treatment Plant: monitoring, treatment and reports to<br />

Federal Agencies of the City's fresh water. This includes the maintenance/monitoring of two storage tanks and 15 in town pressure<br />

reducing valves. The Distribution System: maintenance and repairs to a distribution grid, including fire hydrants and Pressure<br />

Reducing Valves, serving approximately 2,200 customers with over 40,000 feet of water lines and mineral <strong>springs</strong> maintenance.<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


---------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------------ ------------ ------------- ------------ a<br />


52-344-310 UNMETERED WATER SALES 50 - - -<br />

52-344-320 WATER COMMODITY CHARGES 715,312 705,721 729,088 729,088 849,699 b<br />

52-344-321 WATER CUSTOMER CHGS 244,291 247,759 248,611 248,611 248,611<br />

52-344-330 WATER PENALITIES/INTEREST 22,459 25,700 26,161 21,710 29,494<br />

52-344-340 WATER TURN ON FEES 2,100 3,200 2,083 2,160 2,083<br />

52-344-345 TAPPING CHARGES 9,135 10,345 15,809 - 60<br />

52-344-350 WATER METER SALES 1,614 738 2,083 - 1,838<br />

52-344-395 WATER TAP REVENUE 51,680 21,500 25,000 - 10,000<br />

52-344-400 EPA DRINKING WATER GRANT - 18,990 - -<br />

52-344-450 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES-ARRA 1,720,530 833,427 457,604 -<br />

52-344-451 LOAN FORGIVENESS REV-ARRA 158,858 - - -<br />

52-344-500 MISCELLANEOUS/UNCLASSIED 50 50 400 400 50<br />

52-344-501 ARRA LOAN FORGIVENESS REV - - - -<br />

52-344-715 GRANT REVENUE - - - -<br />

52-355-111 LOAN ADVANCE--PRINCIPAL 1,730 455 - -<br />

52-355-112 LOAN ADVANCE--INTEREST RE 112 6 - -<br />

52-361-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST 1,597 1,056 - 1,200<br />

52-391-327 TRANSFER IN FROM MIN POOL - 36,930<br />

52-392-100 LEASE/PURCHASE PROCEEDS - - 85,000 85,000 15,000<br />

52-392-700 SALES OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT - - - -<br />

Total Revenues: 2,929,518 1,905,876 1,134,235 1,544,573 1,158,035<br />

prior year net position: 4,885,276 2,826,263 1,843,256 1,843,256 1,340,499<br />

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $ 7,814,794 $ 4,732,139 $ 2,977,491 $ 3,387,829 $ 2,498,534<br />


52-492-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGER 19,914 19,500 14,214 21,321 28,997<br />

52-492-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 186,865 204,861 211,845 211,845 220,089 c<br />

52-492-115 RETIREMENT BONUS - - - -<br />

52-492-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORARY 11,706 20,939 28,840 28,840 28,840<br />

52-492-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME 10,956 8,612 9,270 9,270 11,870 d<br />

52-492-140 ACCRUED VACATION PAY 310 5,402 - -<br />

52-492-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 17,704 21,122 21,979 21,979 23,737<br />

52-492-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRIBUTION 3,217 3,127 3,830 3,830 4,202<br />

42 of 77

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


---------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------- ------------<br />

Salaries plus Benefits cont:<br />

52-492-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTRIBUTION 30,119 29,354 36,191 36,191 39,702<br />

52-492-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INS 468 670 793 793 782<br />

52-492-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP IN 13,686 9,245 12,434 12,434 12,434<br />

Total Salaries plus benefits: 294,945 322,831 339,396 346,503 370,654<br />


52-492-320 SERVICES--PROFESSIONAL (L 5,846 14,478 15,000 15,000 15,000<br />

52-492-321 LEGAL FEES & SETTLEMENTS 5,982 15,945 6,500 129,825 6,500<br />

52-492-325 SERVICES--MANAGEMENT CONS - - - -<br />

52-492-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RETEN 350 526 700 200 700<br />

52-492-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEV 964 1,822 2,000 2,000 2,000<br />

52-492-380 MEMBERSHIP/PROFESSIONAL D - 346 500 200 500<br />

52-492-410 GAS & ELECTRIC UTILITIES 3,955 3,973 3,500 3,500 3,500<br />

52-492-411 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES - - - -<br />

52-492-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIAB 36,701 39,383 26,199 26,199 26,199<br />

52-492-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES/DEDUCTIB 2,000 - - -<br />

52-492-430 BLDG MAINTENANCE/MATERIAL 2,218 1,387 2,000 2,000 2,000<br />

52-492-451 METER PURCHASES 7,368 (2,223) - -<br />

52-492-452 METER REPAIR/REPLACEMENT 2,049 11,098 19,000 19,000 19,000<br />

52-492-453 SYSTEM REPAIRS/MAINTENANC 61,158 19,717 53,000 25,000 53,000<br />

52-492-454 WATER TANK MAINTENANCE - - - -<br />

52-492-455 WATERSHED MAINTENANCE 11,585 27,983 30,000 30,000 30,000<br />

52-492-456 STREET PATCHING (FOR WTR 6,058 1,484 5,000 5,000 5,000<br />

52-492-461 VEHICLE GAS & OIL 10,073 12,760 14,000 14,000 14,000<br />

52-492-470 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINTEN 6,991 17,686 12,000 12,000 12,000<br />

52-492-480 VEHICLE INSURANCE(DAMAGE/ 2,314 2,460 1,697 1,697 1,697<br />

52-492-490 VEHICLE MILEAGE/REIMBURSE - - - -<br />

52-492-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 3,548 3,344 3,000 3,000 3,000<br />

52-492-531 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 502 386 500 500 -<br />

52-492-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPYING/BIN 577 10 200 200 200<br />

52-492-560 OFFICE MACHINE/COMPUTER M 2,041 2,151 2,000 1,500 2,000<br />

52-492-573 BOND PAYING AGENT FEES - - - -<br />

52-492-581 UNCC CHARGES 635 931 1,000 1,000 1,000<br />

52-492-599 WATER CONSERVATION BOARD - - - -<br />

52-492-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES 560 341 700 700 700<br />

52-492-610 OPERATING SUPPLIES (CHEMI 978 1,540 2,000 2,000 2,000<br />

52-492-615 POSTAGE 80 - 100 100 100<br />

52-492-620 UNIFORMS (RECURRING COSTS 1,781 2,143 2,500 2,500 2,500<br />

52-492-630 FOOD/MEALS REIMBURSEMENTS - - - -<br />

52-492-640 BOOKS, PERIODICALS, SUBSC - - - -<br />

52-492-733 CAPITAL PURCHASES-ARRA CO 2,017,954 653,321 320,505 - e<br />

52-492-736 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS-UTIL 2,785 - - -<br />

43 of 77

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


---------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------- ------------<br />

Other Expenses cont.<br />

52-492-737 CAPITAL IMPRVMENTS-SUPPL. MAINS 38,109 106,295 180,000 290,000 225,000 f<br />

52-492-738 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - TE - 315 - -<br />

52-492-741 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS--VEH - 64,000 - -<br />

52-492-742 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS--EQU 3,599 - 7,000 7,000<br />

52-492-744 CAPITAL PURCHASES-COMPUTE - - - -<br />

52-492-745 CAPITAL PURCHASES-SOFTWAR - - - -<br />

52-492-746 CAPITAL PURCHASES--OTHER - - - -<br />

52-492-755 CAPITAL PURCHASES--SERV C - - - -<br />

52-492-800 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FROM LE - - 85,000 85,000 15,000 g<br />

52-492-805 WATER GO REFUNDING BONDS- - - - -<br />

52-492-806 WATER GO REFUNDING BONDS- - - - -<br />

52-492-807 COLO WATER CONSERV LOAN-- 44,349 24,872 25,803 25,803 22,954<br />

52-492-808 COLO WATER CONSERV LOAN-- - (0) 34,788 34,788 37,638<br />

52-492-809 ARRA DRINKING WATER LOAN - (31,034) 62,068 62,068 62,068 h<br />

52-492-811 ARRA DRINKING WATER LOAN - - 26,864 26,864 26,864 h<br />

52-492-812 ARRA DRINKING WATER D09Z2 - - 62,068 62,068 62,068 h<br />

52-492-813 CAP LEASE PAYMENT--2012INT(1st) - - - 2,236<br />

52-492-814 CAP LEASE PAYMENT--'12INT (2ND) 1,043<br />

52-492-833 CAP LEASE PYMNTS-2012Prin(1st) - - 30,197 29,547 25,800<br />

52-492-834 CAPITAL LEASE Pymts-12Prin(2nd) - - 18,813 15,772 14,729<br />

52-492-835 CAP LEASE PAYMENT 2013-Prin - - - 3,300 i<br />

52-115-650 INTERFUND REC.-STORM DRAIN - - 71,832 - -<br />

52-492-910 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 59,261 59,621 59,621 59,621 61,039 j<br />

52-492-912 TRANSFER PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES 24,000 25,581 26,247 26,247 29,739 k<br />

52-492-913 TRANSFER TO DOWNTOWN PUBL 18,634 - - -<br />

Treatment Plant Expenses:<br />

52-493-320 SERVICES PROFESSIONAL (EN - 9,990 - -<br />

52-493-410 GAS & ELECTRIC UTILITIES 27,413 33,078 27,000 27,000 27,000<br />

52-493-421 INSURANCE (CASUALTY/LIABI - - - -<br />

52-493-450 REFUSE COLLECTION/DISPOSA - - - -<br />

52-493-453 SYSTEM REPAIRS/MAINTENANC 230,965 41,803 50,000 65,000<br />

52-493-470 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINTEN 1,162 1,672 2,000 2,000 2,000<br />

52-493-480 VEHICLE INSURANCE(DAMAGE/ - - - -<br />

52-493-490 VEHICLE MILEAGE - - - -<br />

52-493-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 7,863 2,529 7,000 7,000 7,000<br />

52-493-531 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT ( 285 - 500 500 -<br />

52-493-540 ADVERTISING - PUBLICATION - - - -<br />

52-493-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES (PAPER, E 474 480 700 700 700<br />

52-493-610 OPERATING SUPPLIES (CHEMI 29,572 19,248 28,000 28,000 28,000<br />

52-493-615 POSTAGE (US MAIL/FED EX/U - 182 100 100 100<br />

52-493-630 BUSINESS MEALS & REIMBURS - - 100 100 100<br />

44 of 77

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


---------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---------------- ------------ ------------- ------------<br />

Treatment plant & other exp. cont:<br />

52-493-640 BOOKS,PERIODICALS,SUBSCRI - - - -<br />

52-493-674 CSU EXCHANGE WATER - - 70,000 70,000 70,000<br />

52-493-675 TREATMENT OPERATION 6,339 2,056 8,000 8,000 8,000<br />

52-493-676 TREATMENT TESTING 3,142 6,480 11,000 11,000 11,000<br />

52-493-677 SLUDGE DISPOSAL CLOSURE R - - 1,000 1,000 1,000<br />

52-493-720 CAPITAL PURCHASE-BUILDING - - - -<br />

52-493-730 CAPITAL PURCHASES-OTHER I - - - -<br />

52-493-742 CAPITAL IMPROV/PURCHASES- 36,866 18,454 50,000 50,000 12,000 l<br />

52-493-744 CAPITAL PURCHASES--COMPUT 1,513 - - -<br />

52-493-746 CAPITAL IMP/PURCHASES--TR - 3,859 40,000 40,000 -<br />

52-493-750 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS-POND - - 50,000 50,000 -<br />

52-493-795 ADDITION TO CAPITAL RESER - - - -<br />

52-494-260 BENEFITS--WORKER'S COMP I 172 - - -<br />

52-494-749 CAPITAL PURCHASES OTHER - - - -<br />

52-499-424 MINERAL SPRINGS MAINTENANCE - 17,819 12,023 12,023 -<br />

52-499-910 ADMIN SUPPORT (MIN POOL) - 1,000 1,000 1,000 -<br />

Total Other Expenses: 2,730,773 1,241,292 1,201,820 1,700,827 1,023,974<br />

TOTAL ALL EXPENSES: 3,025,719 1,564,123 1,541,216 2,047,330 1,394,627<br />

NET Position (at end of year with last<br />

year's accounts receivable and accounts<br />

payable): $ 4,789,076 $ 1,843,256 $ 1,436,275 $ 1,340,499 $ 1,103,907<br />

45 of 77

NOTES:<br />

a. The Water Dept. budget is on a cash basis; accounting is on an accrual basis (capital expenses<br />

and debt payments are budgeted as operating expenses; depreciation expense is not).<br />

b. Revenues, in 2012, were based on a $4.35/1000 gallon. In 2013, it's based on $4.70/1000 gallon.<br />

c. Salaries & Personnel Benefits are based upon allocations determined by the Public Service<br />

Director.<br />

d. Overtime has been increased to include an "On Call" stipend.<br />

e. After September 2012 ($8,382 spent earlier in the year), the remaining ARRA funds left, are<br />

$312,123 which will be spent on remaining ARRA projects, this includes a ballast tank.<br />

f. In 2012, to be spent completing the ballast tank. In 2013, Replacement of water main on Waltham<br />

Ave.<br />

g. The water Enterprise department will lease/purchase equipment to be used jointly on a 60/40%<br />

basis with the Sewer. The equipment is as follows: a mobile diesel air compressor<br />

h. Zero interest ARRA drinking water loans, for $1,241,361; $537,278; $1,241,361, respectively, 20<br />

year terms. Beginning date of notes - 9/29/09<br />

i. Debt service for the mobile diesel air compressor<br />

j. Administrative Support fees have been re-allocated to be consistent with the 60%/40% split on<br />

operating costs traditionally maintained between the Water and Sewer operating funds. In<br />

FY2010, fees were adjusted in accordance with inflation accumulated since the beginning of<br />

FY2002. In 2013, they have been adjusted for the 3% COLA given in 2012.<br />

k. The "in lieu of taxes" is based on the current general fund sales tax rate of 3.5% multiplied by<br />

the revenue from the sale of the commodity, water, revenue.<br />

l. two new compressors for the treatment plant<br />

46 of 77


Tab 3<br />

Summary of 2012-2013 Operations: This budget contains the funding for the City Waste Water Collection system:<br />

maintenance, repairs and improvements to a distribution grid, serving approximately 2,200 customers with 40,000 ft of<br />

sewer lines. This budget also accounts for the payments to Colorado Springs Utilities for treatment of our wastewater.<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- ----------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ a<br />


53-344-395 SEWER TAP REVENUE 16,048 7,350 17,000 17,000 2,450<br />

53-344-400 CUSTOMER SEWER CHARGES 197,437 227,111 199,873 255,160 290,320 b<br />

53-344-415 INSPECTION FEES 420 90 493 - 30<br />

53-344-420 SEWER VOLUME CHARGES 522,629 530,004 624,676 561,960 683,426 c<br />

53-344-430 PENALTIES 1,293 - 1,477 - -<br />

53-344-490 INTEREST INCOME 946 210 800 310 320<br />

53-344-500 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES-ARRA - - - - -<br />

53-344-501 LOAN FORGIVENESS REVENUE-ARRA 1,523,868 271,829 - -<br />

53-344-510 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE - 2,865 - -<br />

53-390-190 ACCRUED VACATION REDUCTION - 2,697<br />

52-392-100 LEASE/PURCHASE PROCEEDS 10,000<br />

53-392-700 SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT - - - -<br />

Total Revenues: 2,262,641 1,042,156 844,319 834,430 986,546<br />

prior year net position: 2,152,358 312,664 237,403 237,403 335,529<br />

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS$ 4,414,999 $ 1,354,820 $ 1,081,722 $ 1,071,833 $ 1,322,075<br />


53-494-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGE 13,276 13,000 14,214 14,214 14,498<br />

53-494-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 79,114 72,211 80,701 80,701 82,315 d<br />

53-494-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORAR 623 1,864 4,120 4,120 4,120<br />

53-494-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME 7,212 5,723 6,180 6,180 8,280 e<br />

53-494-140 ACCRUED VACATION PAY 356 - - -<br />

53-494-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 9,059 12,039 12,529 12,529 13,531<br />

53-494-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRI 1,415 1,318 1,526 1,526 1,584<br />

53-494-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTR 13,368 12,456 14,414 14,414 14,962<br />

53-494-250 BENEFITS-UNEMPLOYMENT INS 205 281 316 316 328<br />

53-494-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP IN 3,261 2,848 3,917 3,917 3,917<br />

Total Salaries plus benefits: 127,888 121,740 137,917 137,917 143,535<br />


53-494-320 SERVICES--PROFESSIONAL (Lic) - 3,271 8,500 8,500 8,500<br />

53-494-325 SERVICES--MANAGEMENT CONS - - - -<br />

53-494-360 RECRUITING/RETENTION/TRAI 231 342 500 100 500<br />

53-494-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEV 2,137 347 2,000 1,000 2,000<br />

53-494-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONALS - - - -<br />

53-494-410 GAS & ELECTRIC UTILITIES - - 500 - -<br />

47 of 77

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- ----------------- ------------ ------------ ------------<br />

Other Expenses cont:<br />

53-494-411 WATER & SEWER UTILITIES - - - -<br />

53-494-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIAB - - 1,466 1,466 1,466<br />

53-494-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES/DEDUCTIB 1,327 1,000 - -<br />

53-494-430 BLDG MAINTENANCE/MATERIAL 563 2 500 500 500<br />

53-494-453 SYSTEM REPAIRS/MAINTENANC 17,074 19,199 18,000 12,000 18,000<br />

53-494-456 STREET PATCHING (FOR SWR 1,128 1,014 3,000 1,500 3,000<br />

53-494-461 VEHICLE GAS & OIL 3,008 4,902 4,000 4,000 4,000<br />

53-494-470 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINTEN 2,626 11,080 6,000 6,000 6,000<br />

53-494-480 VEHICLE INSURANCE(DAMAGE/ 1,543 1,575 1,131 1,131 1,131<br />

53-494-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 1,193 1,473 1,000 1,000 1,000<br />

53-494-531 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT 404 140 1,000 100 1,000<br />

53-494-560 OFFICE MACHINE/COMPUTER M - - - -<br />

53-494-573 PAYING AGENT FEE - - - -<br />

53-494-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES - 65 200 100 200<br />

53-494-610 OPERATING SUPPLIES (CHEMI 64 504 1,000 500 1,000<br />

53-494-615 POSTAGE - - 50 50 50<br />

53-494-620 UNIFORMS 418 804 800 1,200 1,200<br />

53-494-640 BOOKS, PERIODICALS, SUBSCRIPTION - - - -<br />

53-494-675 TREATMENT OPERATION 471,648 495,145 470,000 470,000 470,000<br />

53-494-677 SEWER LINE MAINTENANCE 14,496 10,456 15,000 15,000 15,000<br />

53-494-678 SEWER BACKUP RESOLUTION R 435 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 f<br />

53-494-730 CAPITAL PURCHASES-OTHER I 92,472 - - -<br />

53-494-733 CAPITAL PURCHASES-ARRA CO 1,601,734 170,357 - -<br />

53-494-736 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS--UTILITY LINES 1,533 87,080 180,000 - 150,000 g<br />

53-494-741 CAPITAL PURCHASES-VEHICLE - - - -<br />

53-494-742 CAPITAL PURCHASES--EQUIPM 11,671 315 - -<br />

53-494-800 CAPITAL EQUPMENT FROM LEASES - - - - 10,000 i<br />

53-494-749 CAPITAL PURCHASES-OTHER - - - -<br />

53-494-809 CAPITAL LEASES-INTEREST E - - - -<br />

53-494-810 ARRA WASTE POLLUTION LN # - - 4,170 4,170 4,170<br />

53-494-811 2012 LEASE/PURCHASE-INT(1ST) 1,154<br />

53-494-812 2012 LEASE/PURCHASE-INT(2ND) 695<br />

53-494-833 2012 LEASE/PURCHASE-PRIN(1ST) - - 15,383 15,052 13,316<br />

53-494-834 2012 LEASE/PURCHASE-PRIN(2ND) - - 12,542 10,511 9,816<br />

53-494-835 2013 LEASE/PURCHASE-PRIN - - - 2,200 j<br />

53-494-910 TRANSFERS TO GENERAL FUND 39,507 39,507 39,507 39,507 40,692 k<br />

Total Other Expenses: 2,265,209 851,578 791,249 598,387 771,590<br />

TOTAL ALL EXPENSES: 2,393,097 973,318 929,166 736,304 915,125<br />

NET Position (at end of year<br />

with last year's accounts<br />

receivable and accounts<br />

payable): $ 2,021,902 $ 237,403 $ 152,556 $ 335,529 $ 406,950<br />

48 of 77

NOTES:<br />

a. The Budget is on a cash basis; accounting is on an accrual basis (capital expenditures and debt<br />

payments are budgeted as Operating Expenses; depreciation expense is not).<br />

b. Customer Charge per month for each customer increases from $10.50 to $11.85 as of January<br />

1, 2013.<br />

c. Revenues are based on $4.90/1000 gallons commodity rate effective January 2013.<br />

d. Salaries and Personnel Benefits are allocated as per the Public Works Director.<br />

e. Overtime has been increased for an "On call" stipend.<br />

f. Contribution to a reserve to assist in the clean-up of a sewer backup, maximum of $1,000 per<br />

incident.<br />

g. Replacement of Sewer Main Watham Avenue<br />

h. The water Enterprise department will lease/purchase equipment to be used jointly on a 60/40%<br />

basis with the Sewer. The equipment is as follows: a mobile diesel air compressor<br />

i. the debt service for the new mobile diesel air compressor<br />

j. The Administrative Transfer has been adjusted so that the Sewer Department contributes 40%<br />

consistent with <strong>city</strong> policy concerning allocation between water and sewer departments, adjusted<br />

in 2010 for inflation. And, in 2013 for a 3% COLA received in 2012.<br />

49 of 77

Tab 4<br />


Summary of 2012-2013 Operations: This budget is funded through a drainage flat fee charged to all water/sewer<br />

utility customers. The fund completed the payment of debt related to the Canon Avenue Storm Drainage Project of<br />

2002, in 2012, with the last payment made on 9/15/12. This fund also funds the <strong>city</strong>'s EPA mandatory storm water<br />

monitoring program annually. In FY 2007, the flat fee was raised from $6.40/account/month to $9.40/account/month.<br />

In 2013, the fee is being raised by $1.60 to $11/account/month.<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------- ---------------- -------------<br />


33-355-110 DRAINAGE UTILITY ASSESSME 236,299 237,651 234,460 239,508 280,275<br />

33-361-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST 156 39 - - 25<br />

33-365-715 GRANT REVENUE - 9,600 -<br />

33-393-500 MISC. REVENUE/DONATIONS - 144 10,000 a -<br />

Total Revenues: 236,455 247,434 234,460 249,508 280,300<br />

prior year current assets: 157,484 136,395 50,042 50,042 (44,287)<br />

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $ 393,939 $ 383,829 $ 284,502 $ 299,550 $ 236,013<br />


33-492-140 ACCRUED VACATION PAY 1,180 1,178 - -<br />

33-494-100 SALARY--DEPARTMENT MANAGE 10,460 13,000 14,214 14,214 7,249<br />

33-494-110 SALARIES & WAGES--REGULAR 38,642 74,442 76,787 76,787 74,315<br />

33-494-120 SALARIES & WAGES-TEMPORAR 68 3,423 4,120 4,120 4,120<br />

33-494-130 SALARIES & WAGES-OVERTIME 1,073 1,348 2,060 2,060 3,600 b<br />

33-494-210 BENEFITS--GROUP INSURANCE 4,298 10,834 11,274 11,274 12,176<br />

33-494-220 BENEFITS--MEDICARE CONTRI 688 1,162 1,409 1,409 1,295<br />

33-494-230 BENEFITS--PERA/FPPA CONTR 6,504 10,974 13,314 13,314 12,232<br />

33-494-250 BENEFITS--UNEMPLOYMENT IN 103 256 292 292 268<br />

33-494-260 BENEFITS-WORKER'S COMP IN - 4,436 2,498 2,498 2,498<br />

Total Salaries plus benefits: 63,017 121,052 125,968 125,968 117,753<br />


33-494-320 SERVICES-PROFESSIONAL - 26 - -<br />

33-494-321 LEGAL FEES & SETTLEMENTS 540 540 600 600 540<br />

33-494-360 RECRUITING/EMPLOYEE RETEN 98 550 300 300 300<br />

33-494-370 TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEV 1,975 75 800 800 800<br />

33-494-380 MEMBERSHIPS/PROFESSIONAL - 220 250 250 250<br />

33-494-456 STREET PATCHING (STRM DRA - 512 1,000 1,000 1,000<br />

33-494-461 VEHICLE GAS & OIL 3,302 7,645 5,500 5,500 5,500<br />

33-494-470 VEHICLE REPAIRS & MAINTEN 1,606 6,303 5,000 5,000 5,000<br />

33-494-480 VEHICLE INSURANCE(DAMAGE/ 3,000 135 3,000 3,000 -<br />

33-494-530 TELEPHONE/TELECOMMUNICATI 1,299 1,081 1,000 1,000 1,000<br />

33-494-531 TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT - 194 500 500 500<br />

33-494-615 POSTAGE - 78 100 100 100<br />

33-494-620 UNIFORMS (RECURRING) 434 709 1,000 1,000 1,000<br />

33-494-635 STREET CLEANING 7,383 1,432 2,000 2,000 2,000<br />

33-494-676 HD WATER TESTS 52 133 500 500 500<br />

33-498-803 INTEREST EXPENSE 17,428 7,954 4,160 4,160 -<br />

50 of 77

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------- ---------------- -------------<br />

33-498-811 FY2012 LEASE/PURCHASE-INT(1ST) 577 c<br />

33-498-812 FY 2012 LEASE/PURCHASE INT(2ND) 396 d<br />

33-498-882 FY2012 LEASE/PURCHASE-PRIN(1ST) - - 7,873 7,703 6,658 c<br />

33-498-883 FY 2012 LEASE/PURCHASE PR(2ND) - - 6,360 5,994 5,598 d<br />

33-498-884 FY 2013 LEASE/PURCHASE PRIN - - 24,864 e<br />

33-498-880 CAPITAL LEASE - CANON STORM 119,869 125,005 130,362 130,362<br />

33-499-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES - - - -<br />

33-499-456 STREET PATCHING (FOR DRAI 1,254 546 - -<br />

33-499-530 TELEPHONE/COMMUNICATIONS 631 - - -<br />

33-499-531 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 278 - - -<br />

33-499-620 UNIFORMS - 28 - -<br />

33-499-649 STORM DRAINAGE MAINTENANC - - -<br />

33-499-742 CAPITAL PURCHASES--EQUIPMENT - - -<br />

33-499-800 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FROM LE - - - -<br />

33-499-803 INTEREST EXPENSE - - - -<br />

33-499-810 MISCELLANEOUS 658 6 100 100 100<br />

33-499-831 CANON AVE CONSTRUCTION EX - - - -<br />

33-499-832 FOSTER PROJECT - - - -<br />

33-499-885 FLOOD MITIGATION PROJECTS 11,445 16,090 20,000 20,000 f<br />

33-499-891 PUBLIC EDUCATION/OUTREACH - - - -<br />

33-499-892 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION/INVO - - - -<br />

33-499-893 ILLICIT DISCHARGE DETECTI - - - -<br />

33-499-894 CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF - - - -<br />

33-499-895 POST CONSTRUCTION RUNOFF - - - -<br />

33-499-896 POLLUTION PREVENT/GOOD HO 22,864 22,793 20,000 20,000 -<br />

33-499-897 MCM PROGRAM -- OVERALL CO - - - -<br />

33-499-910 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,240 g<br />

Total Other Expenses: 202,116 200,056 198,405 217,869 84,923<br />

-<br />

TOTAL ALL EXPENSES: 265,134 321,108 324,373 343,837 202,676<br />

NET Position (at end of year with last<br />

year's accounts receivable and<br />

accounts payable): $ 128,805 $ 50,042 $ (39,871) $ (44,287) $ 33,337<br />

Interfund loan from Water: 44,287<br />

a. Donation from Pikes Peak Reagional for storm drainage work<br />

b. Overtime includes "on-call" $100 stipend.<br />

c. The 2011 lease purchase program which was actually competed in 2012 included a tilt<br />

trailer for $6,969 and 20% of a Dodge Journey.<br />

d. The actual 2012 lease purchase program (2nd) includes a curb machine and culvert<br />

cleaning machine.<br />

e. The 2013 Lease Purchase Program includes the follow equipment: a street sweeper (ten<br />

year lease purchase) and a pick up broom attachment (5 year lease purchase).<br />

f. Drainage improvements for 2013 are planned for the following: Minnehaha, 500 block El<br />

Paso/Burns Rd, Beckers Lane Bridge, Crystal Park Drainage, General Repair, Minnehaha<br />

manholes<br />

g Admin support to the General Fund has been increased by last year's 3% COLA.<br />

51 of 77


This budget accounts for designated revenues and expenditures for police equipment<br />

Tab 5<br />

The Law Enforcement Special Revenue Fund is funded by grants and court assessments for the<br />

purpose of purchasing police equipment and enhancing prisoner safety. In 2013, funds are<br />

allocated for the continual updating of the department uniform inventory, firearm replacement, taser<br />

supplies and ammunition..<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />


-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- --------------- -------------<br />

Revenues:<br />

24-334-715 GRANTS - FEDERAL 1,282 - 10,506 a -<br />

24-351-110 COURT FEES & FINES 21,525 21,055 20,000 14,000 $21,857 b<br />

24-361-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST 49 21 30 16 20<br />

24-365-500 UNCLASSIFIED 250 - - -<br />

Total Revenues: 23,106 21,076 20,030 24,522 21,877<br />

prior fund balance: 52,928 28,797 19,713 19,713 13,079<br />

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS: 76,034 49,873 39,743 44,235 34,956<br />

Expenditures:<br />

24-499-605 OFFICE SUPPLIES 8 - - -<br />

24-499-730 CAPITAL PURCHSES-STATION - 14,404 6,000 4,000 -<br />

24-499-735 EVIDENCE SOFTWARE - - - -<br />

24-499-741 CAPITAL PURCHASES-VEHICLE 22,260 - - -<br />

24-499-742 CAPITAL PURCHASES - EQUIP - - 10,156 a -<br />

24-499-745 EVIDENCE SOFTWARE - - - -<br />

24-499-746 COURT SOFTWARE & TRAINING 2,056 - - -<br />

24-499-749 CAPITAL PURCHASES - OTHER 21,913 14,757 16,000 16,000 30,550 c<br />

24-499-910 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,030<br />

TOTAL EXPENDITURES: 47,237 30,161 23,000 31,156 31,580<br />

ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 28,797 $ 19,712 $ 16,743 $ 13,079 $ 3,376<br />

a. The <strong>city</strong> has been rewarded a U.S. Department of Justice Grant in the amount of<br />

$10,156 for equipment. This grant will be used to purchase video cameras for all<br />

police cars, for the approximate amount of $12,000.<br />

The federal grant revenue line, also, accounts for the DOJ bullet proof vest program<br />

which refunds the <strong>city</strong> for half the cost of bullet proof vests, up to $350, purchased in<br />

the year. In 2012, one bullet proof vest was purchased for $740, the refund amount<br />

budgeted is $350.<br />

b. The court fee for the law enforcement special revenue fund is being increased from<br />

$35 to $45 as of January 1, 2013.<br />

c. The planned expenditures in 2013 include:<br />

Uniforms & equipment: $ 12,550<br />

Firearm replacement 6,000<br />

Ammunition 10,000<br />

TASER supplies 2,000<br />

$24,550<br />

52 of 77


Tab 6<br />

Beginning in amended FY 2004 and pursuant to State Senate Bill 04-146, Conservation Trust Fund<br />

revenue and its corresponding earned interest must be segregated from all other revenues. This fund<br />

expends those revenues on allowable projects as defined by Colorado Revised Statue 29-21-101.<br />

This fund falls under the advisory purview of the Parks and Recreations Advisory Board.<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 ORIGINAL FINAL 2013<br />



-------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------------ ------------ -------------- -------------<br />

Revenues:<br />

25-335-740 LOTTERY SHARE 47,797 46,079 44,527 44,527 52,000<br />

25-361-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST 176 94 175 175 175<br />

Total Revenues: 47,973 46,173 44,702 44,702 52,175<br />

prior fund balance: 158,973 117,763 152,000 152,000 124,202<br />

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUND: 206,946 163,936 196,702 196,702 176,377<br />

Expenditures:<br />

25-499-801 MEMORIAL PARK 7,815 - - -<br />

25-499-802 MISCELLANEOUS 633 - 3,500 3,500 10,000 a<br />

25-499-803 BENCH REPLACEMENT - - 3,000 3,000 3,000<br />

25-499-805 SCHRYVER PARK 29,717 - - -<br />

25-499-807 SODA SPRINGS RESERVES/IMP - - 25,000 25,000 -<br />

25-499-812 MANITOU ART PROJECT - 1,120 - -<br />

25-499-820 PARKS 23,018 10,816 35,000 35,000 50,000 b<br />

25-499-893 MANSIONS PARK IMPROVEMENT 10,000 - 6,000 6,000 -<br />

25-499-894 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 10,000 - - -<br />

25-499-895 MINERAL SPRINGS MAINTENANCE 8,000 - - -<br />

Total Expenditures: 89,183 11,936 72,500 72,500 63,000<br />

Ending Fund Balance: 117,763 152,000 124,202 124,202 113,377<br />

a Mutt mitts and other expenditures as needed.<br />

b. Use of Organic product for fertilization and weed mitigation, park paths repairs<br />

throughout the park system, Playground equipment to be replaced when broken,<br />

Cutting dead trees, Replanting trees in cemetery & tree replacement in various parks<br />

53 of 77


Tab 7<br />

This fund was folded into the General Fund in 2011 due to GASB 54.<br />

2010 2011<br />


------------------ ------------------------------------------ ---------- --------------<br />

Revenues:<br />

15-334-718 MISC GRANTS--PPCF 63,425 -<br />

15-361-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST 7 -<br />

15-365-500 DONATIONS & GIFTS 787 -<br />

15-365-505 MISCELLANEOUS/UNCLASSIFIE 300 -<br />

Total Revenues: 64,519<br />

prior fund balance: (20,660)<br />

Revenues plus fund balance: $ 43,859<br />

Expenditures:<br />

15-499-802 MINI-GRANTS 500 -<br />

15-499-807 SODA SPRINGS RESERVES/IMP 400 -<br />

15-499-810 FOUNTAIN CREEK RESTORATION 81,644 -<br />

15-499-840 PARAB SUPPORT TO GENERAL FUND 1,000 -<br />

Total Expenditures: 83,544<br />

Ending Fund Balance: $ (39,684)<br />

54 of 77


Tab 8<br />

This budget accounts for designated tax revenues and expenditures for public capital projects.<br />

The Capital Improvement Fund funds the capital projects and needs of the General Fund operating department. In FY2009, the<br />

charter formula consisting of a contribution of 1/6 of sales tax and 1/6 of auto use and general use taxes, for the general fund was<br />

removed by the ballot initiative and now the amount transferred from the General Fund is discretionary based on need. This fund has<br />

a dedicated revenue source of property tax in the amount of .556 mills which does not have a sunset date.<br />

2010 2011 2012 2012 2013<br />

ACCT # DESCRIPTION Actual Actual Orig Budget Final Budget Budget<br />


39-311-110 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 33,497 33,878 33,297 33,297 33,172<br />

39-334-725 FEDERAL GRANT REV(CREEKWALK) 115,596 37,263 -<br />

39-334-727 GRANT REVENUE(ST HIST-LIBRARY 66,599 8,005 -<br />

39-334-728 GRANT REVENUE (STATE HIST-STRCTURE) - - -<br />

39-334-729 GRANT REVENUE (GOCO CREEKWALK) - - -<br />

39-334-730 GRANT REVENUE (FEMA-FD SCBA) - 47,580 -<br />

39-334-731 GRANT REVENUE (CDBG ADA ACESS) - - 51,264 51,264 -<br />

39-334-732 GRANT REV (SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL) - - 117,130 117,130 -<br />

39-334-733 FEMA GRANT-PUBLIC ALARM SYSTEM - - 18,750 -<br />

39-334-734 DONATION-SIREN-VOL. FIRE DEPT 6,250 -<br />

39-361-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST 228 193 - 250 50<br />

39-365-500 UNCLASSIFIED - - -<br />

39-365-501 DONATION--LIBRARY RENOVATATION 13,900 - -<br />

39-365-502 DONATIONS--WILDLAND FIRE - - 1,859<br />

39-391-310 TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL FUND 106,262 204,612 141,686 156,707 251,055<br />

39-391-311 TRANSFERS FROM PUBLIC WORKS 48,744 - -<br />

39-391-321 TRANSFER FROM STRUCT(partial) 15,000<br />

39-393-100 LEASE PROCEEDS 256,342 - 372,750 372,750 118,588<br />

SUBTOTAL - CURRENT YEAR REVENUES: $ 641,167 $ 331,531 $ 716,127 $ 773,257 $ 402,865<br />

Prior Year Ending Fund Bal lance: 173,922 177,013 160,400 160,400 $ 4,102<br />

TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS $ 815,089 $ 508,545 $ 876,527 $ 933,657 $ 406,967<br />


Lease/Bonded Debt Service:<br />

39-498-871 ENNOVATE LEASE PURCHASE P - 6,076 - -<br />

39-498-872 LEASE PURCHASE - 2012(2nd)-prin - - 81,253 65,503 61,172 a<br />

39-498-885 LEASE PURCHASE-2012(2ND)-int - - - 4,331 a<br />

39-498-881 LEASE INTEREST--DUMP TRUCK 1,074 536 - -<br />

39-498-882 LEASE INTEREST--FD TANKER 4,902 - - -<br />

39-498-898 LEASE PURCHASE--2010-prin 60,421 47,214 55,419 49,160 51,185 b<br />

39-498-883 LEASE PURCHASE 2010 - int - 8,275 6,330 4,305 b<br />

39-498-890 CAPITAL PURCH.PRINCIPAL-DUMP 9,326 9,864 - -<br />

39-498-895 LEASE PURCHASE-FD TANKER 50,710 - - -<br />

39-498-899 LEASE PURCHASE-"2012" (1st)-prin - - 43,832 46,968 37,451 c<br />

55 of 77


2010 2011 2012 2012 2013<br />

ACCT # DESCRIPTION Actual Actual Orig Budget Budget Budget<br />

39-498-884 LEASE PURCHASE-"2012" (1st)-inter - - - 3,247 c<br />

39-498-886 LEASE PURCHASE-2013-5 yr- prin - - 26,087 d<br />

39-498-887 LEASE PURCHASE-2013-5 yr int - - -<br />

39-498-888 LEASE PURCHASE-2013-10 yr-prin<br />

39-498-889 LEASE PURCHASE-2013-10 yr-int 0<br />

SUBTOTAL-LEASE/BOND DEBT SERVICE 128,443 73,976 180,504 167,961 187,778<br />

Other Capital Projects<br />

39-499-800 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FROM LE 256,342 - 372,750 372,750 118,588 e<br />

39-499-818 CITY HALL IMPROVEMENTS - - - 10,000 f<br />

39-499-820 FIRE STATION/EQUIPMENT 9,945 40,706 10,000 30,000 30,000 g<br />

39-499-822 FIRE DEPARTMENT SCBA PURC - 50,084 - -<br />

39-499-823 PUBLIC ALARM SYSTEM - - 25,000 -<br />

39-499-824 ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS<br />

39-499-834 POOL ENERGY IMPROVEMENTS - 44,959 15,000 15,000 -<br />

39-499-835 POOL IMPROVEMENTS 30,894 - 54,000 60,500 30,000 h<br />

39-499-838 LIBRARY BUILDING IMPROVMENTS 94,108 - 1,900 1,900 -<br />

39-499-839 CITY HALL ADA IMPROVEMENT - - 51,264 51,264 -<br />

39-499-840 PW FUND OVERLAYS 60,937 - - -<br />

39-499-898 CEMETARY EXPANSION 20,363 10,370 - -<br />

39-499-910 CITY COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 37,044 46,752 61,550 61,550 25,600 i<br />

39-499-930 CREEKWALK TRAIL PHASE 1 ( - - - -<br />

39-499-931 CREEKWALK TRAIL PHASE 2 - 19,162 - -<br />

39-499-932 PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS - 62,136 26,500 26,500 j<br />

39-499-933 SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL,EL PASO CONNECTOR - - 117,130 117,130 -<br />

SUBTOTAL-OTHER CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 509,633 $ 274,169 $ 710,094 $ 761,594 $ 214,188<br />

<br />



PROJECTS $ 638,076 $ 348,145 $ 890,598 $ 929,555 $ 401,966<br />

End of Year Fund Balance $ 177,013 $ 160,400 $ (14,071) $ 4,102 $ 5,001<br />

56 of 77


2010 2011 2012 2012 2013<br />

ACCT # DESCRIPTION Actual Actual Orig Budget Final Budget Budget<br />


Revenues;<br />

39-333-500 DONATIONS/BEQUESTS FOR BRIDGES - - 15,000 -<br />

39-333-720 FED GRANT REV- BRIDGE RESTORATION - 15,086 168,500 259,914 -<br />

39-333-721 STATE HISTORICAL FUND GRANT-BRIDGES - 162,966 246,372 129,307 -<br />

39-391-321 TRANSFER FROM STRUCT STAB (pledged) - 106,629 - -<br />

SUBTOTAL-REVENUE FOR BRIDGES 284,681 414,872 404,221 -<br />

Expenditures:<br />

39-497-810 CANON/PARK AVE BRIDGE RESTORATION - 82,753 414,872 587,520 -<br />

SUBTOTAL-EXP FOR BRIDGES $ 82,753 $ 414,872 $ 587,520<br />

Carry over from previous year $ - $ 201,927 $ 201,927 $ 18,628<br />

End of Year Bridges Balance $ - $ 201,927 $ 201,927 $ 18,628 $ 18,628<br />

57 of 77


The <strong>city</strong> has purchased, or is in the process of purchasing, equipment through the use of lease purchase<br />

agreements as follows:<br />

a A lease/purchase agreement with Municipal Services Group for the following equipment: Fire<br />

Department - 2 trail motorcycles @ $11,975; Public Services - a 1 ton truck with snow plow and sander @<br />

$38,147.63, a 1/2 ton pick up @ $28,7000, a 48" 21 gp riding mower @ $10,918, a 1 ton 4x4 dump bed<br />

truck @ $28,677; Police Department -3 Ford Explorers equipped at $102,882 , 7 radios @ $20,142.43;<br />

Aquatics Department - a handi-cap access chair @ $7,000 and replacement of the hot tub@$9023.00 Pro<br />

Pool chair lift@$4,848.70. Financing for this equipment list totaling $256,091 with interest rate of 4.12%<br />

over 5 years, with annual payment of $55,490. This lease/purchase program combines department<br />

requests from FY2009, which was not completed, and FY2010. Last payment: 3/18/14.<br />

b A lease purchase for FY2011 that was actually completed in 2012, for 5 years, with $4,931 transaction<br />

fee in 1st year with Municipal Services Group, for Police- 1 patrol vehicle @ $34,511; Parking Enforcement -<br />

1 patrol vehicle @ $16,599; Finance Department - accounting software package @ $97,235; Public Services<br />

- 1 4x4 utility vehicle @ $23,980(40% allocated to public works); Information Services - 3 server<br />

replacements at $90,000-dropped from lease purchase due to purchasing before financing agreement and<br />

due to FCC federal mandate, to comply with narrow banding, this amount was backfilled with $45,000-2<br />

repeaters, 50 pagers, 1 bass radio, 1 tone remote adaptor, 10 handheld radios and installation of<br />

programming by Centracom Systems, at an interest rate of 2.10% with annual payment of $40,698. Last<br />

payment : 3/1/16.<br />

c A lease purchase for FY2012 completed on November 6, 2012 for $316,594, one vehicle for code<br />

enforcement for $25,000; 1 patrol vehicle at $36,750 for the police department; 2 cardiac monitor @<br />

$42,000 for the fire department; and 1 60", 24 hp riding mower at $15,000 for public services, 2 4X4<br />

extended cab/snow plow trucks at $37,000/vehicle ($74,000), 700/800 MHz radios for fire department at<br />

$123,844, for 5 years, at an interest rate of 1.725%, with annual payment of $65,503. Last payment:<br />

11/6/16.(Mobile Data Terminals for the police dept at $50,000 were originally included in this lease<br />

purchase but will be donated to the department, instead.)<br />

A visual summary of all lease/purchase commitments and proposed lease/purchase agreements are as<br />

follows:<br />

a b c d<br />

year<br />

2010 60,421 = 60,421<br />

2011 55,490 = 55,490<br />

2012 55,490 46,968 65,503 = 167,961<br />

2013 55,490 40,698 65,503 26,087 = 187,778<br />

2014 55,490 40,698 65,503 26,087 = 187,778<br />

2015 40,698 65,503 26,087 = 132,288<br />

2016 40,698 65,503 26,087 = 132,288<br />

2017 26,087 = 26,087<br />

2018 = 0<br />

2019 = 0<br />

2020 = 0<br />

2021 = 0<br />

2022 = 0<br />

Totals 282,381 209,760 327,515 130,435 950,091<br />

58 of 77

d. A lease purchase in 2013 for 5 years at an estimated 5% interest rate and annual payments of $26,087,<br />

consisting of the following equipment: 1 patrol vehicle at $38,588; 700/800 MHz Radios (14<br />

radios@$45/radio +console&repeater/spreader) for police department $20,000; a 4X4 3/4 ton diesel flat<br />

bed truck w/snow plow/sander $45,000 and riding mower $15,000 for public works.<br />

e. In FY2013, the City is budgeting to receive $118,588 worth of capital improvements through<br />

lease/purchase programs. The purpose of this expenditure line is to record the total value of these<br />

transactions into the City's accounting system and this expenditure line has a corresponding revenue line at<br />

39-393-100, which effectively cancels the expenditure line for budget purposes.<br />

f. This $10,000 is for a patrol room remodel.<br />

g. Fire station equipment consists of fire helmets @ $10,000 and bunker gear @ $20,000.<br />

h. A dehumidify/heater for the pool for $30,000<br />

i. City computer equipment consists of the purchases of: 11 replacement desk-top computers @ $16,000;<br />

UPS equipment for $2,000, and printers for $7,600.<br />

j. Requests for Prospect lot improvements @ 42,500 to include paving, striping, trash receptacles, bike racks<br />

and a parking kiosk are deferred to FY2015<br />

.<br />

59 of 77


Tab 9<br />

In 2011, this fund was folded into the Capital Improvements fund due to GASB 54.<br />

2010<br />


----------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------<br />




21-335-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST -<br />

21-361-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST 158<br />


21-391-310 TRANSFERS FROM CAP IMPROV -<br />

Revenues: 158<br />

prior fund balance: 122,356<br />

Revenges plus fund balance: 122,514<br />




Expenditures: 885<br />

Ending Fund Balance: 121,629<br />

60 of 77


This budget accounts for the debt and .3% sales taxes & expenditures designated for Downtown improvements.<br />

Tab 10<br />

In 2009, the City completed Phase 5A of its 6 Phase Downtown Revitalization Project. The final phase, Phase 5B<br />

was in 2012. The engineers estimate for construction of Phase 5B was $1,200,000. Improvements include the<br />

under- grounding of overhead utilities, installation of decorative street lamps, replacement of existing sidewalks,<br />

pedestrian amenity zones, ADA complaint crosswalks and a concrete center lane with milling and asphalt<br />

overlay of the roadway. In 2004, the City issued $1,850,000 in Sales and Use Tax Revenue Bonds to finance the<br />

Capital Improvements related to this fund and to act as match for Grant monies. Final payment on these Bonds<br />

will be in January 2020. Voters approved a temporary .3% increase in sales tax from 3.6% to 3.9% and in use tax<br />

from 3.5% to 3.8%, on 11/4/03, to fund these bonds, which sunset in 2020.<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original FINAL 2013<br />


-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- -------------- ------------<br />

Revenues:<br />

35-311-300 GENERAL SALES TAX 158,404 164,371 171,494 171,494 172,590<br />

35-334-725 FEDERAL GRANT PROCEEDS - 91,947 1,115,497 822,654 a -<br />

35-361-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST - - - -<br />

35-365-500 UNCLASSIFIED - 6,930 - -<br />

35-390-100 DISCOUNTS TAKEN 2,682 2,479 - -<br />

35-391-326 TRANSFER FROM RTA SPECIAL 37,053 10,338 369,846 262,276 a -<br />

35-391-327 TRANSFER FROM WATER FUND 18,634 - - -<br />

35-392-550 SALES OF PROJECT MATERIAL - - -<br />

TOTAL REVENUES: 216,772 276,065 1,656,837 1,256,424 172,590<br />

prior fund balance: (148,285) (118,095) (60,444) (60,444) (57,919)<br />

TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE 68,487 157,971 1,596,393 1,195,980 114,671<br />

Total Expenses: -<br />

35-498-819 BOND INTEREST- 2003 SERIE 66,879 63,148 58,969 58,969 54,255<br />

35-498-820 BOND PRINCIPAL, SERIES 20 95,000 100,000 110,000 110,000 120,000<br />

35-499-320 SERVICES-PROFESSONAL(GRAN - - - -<br />

35-499-422 UNCOVERED LOSSES - - - -<br />

35-499-550 PRINTING/PHOTOCOPING/BIND - - - -<br />

35-499-576 INVENTORY & ANALYSIS - - - -<br />

35-499-577 PRELIMINARY DESIGN - - - -<br />

35-499-578 DISIGN DEVELOPMENT - - -<br />

35-499-579 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATI - - - -<br />

35-499-580 NOLTE REIMBURSABLE EXPENS - - - -<br />

35-499-582 REIMBURSEABLE EXPENSES-GR - - - -<br />

35-499-583 SHOSHONE SPGS ADDITIONAL - - - -<br />

35-499-615 POSTAGE (US MAIL/FEDEX/UP - - - -<br />

35-499-800 BOND EXPENSE 3,182 2,729 - -<br />

35-499-810 PHASE 1A SHOSHONE SPRING - - - -<br />

61 of 77

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original FINAL 2013<br />


-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- -------------- ------------<br />

35-499-820 PHASE 1B LANE RESTRIPE - - - -<br />

35-499-830 PHASE 1C SIDEWALK, CURB, - - - -<br />

35-499-840 PHASE 2C DESIGN - - - -<br />

35-499-845 PHASE 2C CONSTRUCTION - - - -<br />

35-499-850 PHASE 3 DESIGN - - - -<br />

35-499-860 PHASE 3 CONSTRUCTION ADMI - - - -<br />

35-499-865 PHASE 3 CONSTRUCTION MANA - - - -<br />

35-499-870 PHASE 3 CONSTRUCTION - - - -<br />

35-499-875 PHASE 4 DESIGN - - - -<br />

35-499-876 PHASE 4 CONSTRUCTION ADMI - - - -<br />

35-499-880 PHASE 4 CONSTRUCTION - - - -<br />

35-499-882 PHASE 5A DESIGN - - -<br />

35-499-883 PHASE 5A CONSTRUCTION ADM - - - -<br />

35-499-884 PHASE 5A CONSTRUCTION - - - -<br />

35-499-885 PHASE 5B DESIGN 19,511 50,527 - -<br />

35-499-886 PHASE 5B CONSTRUCTION ADM - - 36,060 119,267 a -<br />

35-499-887 PHASE 5B CONSTRUCTION - - 1,441,283 957,663 a -<br />

35-499-890 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES - - - -<br />

35-499-910 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND - 8,000 8,000 a 1,030<br />

TOTAL EXPENSES: 186,582 218,415 1,654,312 1,253,899 177,298<br />

ENDING FUND BALANCE: $ (118,095) $ (60,444) $ (57,919) $ (57,919) $ (62,627)<br />

Interfund loan from Water: 57,919 62,627<br />

Ending fund balance - -<br />

62 of 77


1 The Shoshone Spring Demonstration Project was the first phase of the Downtown Revitalization Project and<br />

completed in FY2005. This project consisted of 290 feet of the north side of Manitou Manitou Avenue street<br />

frontage from Manitou Jack's to the west corner of the Manitou Lofts and Lofts & Shops at Fountain Creek. A plaza<br />

was constructed around the Shoshone Spring well house which was donated as a conservation easement by the<br />

Manitou Shops and Lofts.<br />

2 Phase 2, was begun in March of 2006 and consists of standard improvements to Manitou Avenue a point 100<br />

feet east of Pawnee Avenue to a point 450 feet west of Pawnee Avenue on both sides of the street. This westerly<br />

point equates to a point 100 feet east of Canon Avenue.<br />

3 Phase 3 was begun in FY2007 and consisted of standard improvements to Manitou Avenue from a point 100 feet<br />

east of Canon Avenue on both sides of Manitou Avenue to the southeast corner of the intersection of Manitou<br />

Avenue and Navajo Avenue on the south side of Manitou Avenue and the beginning point of Phase 1 on the north<br />

side of Manitou Avenue. This phase also included improvement to areas of Canon Avenue and Charles Parker<br />

Place adjacent to the town clock.<br />

4 Phase 4 was begun in FY2008 and consisted of standard improvement on Manitou Avenue from the southwest<br />

corner of Navajo Avenue on the south side of Manitou Avenue and the west end of the Phase 1 project to a point<br />

100 feet east of Ruxton Avenue on both sides of Manitou Avenue.<br />

5A Phase 5A was begun in FY2009 and consisted of standard improvement on Manitou Ave and a traffic circle or<br />

roundabout at the intersection of Manitou Avenue and Ruxton Avenue. The improvement zone began at a point<br />

100 feet east of Ruxton Avenue on both sides of Manitou Avenue and ended at a point 275 feet west of Ruxton<br />

Avenue on both sides of Manitou Avenue.<br />

5B Phase 5B began in FY2012 and consisted of standard improvement on Manitou Avenue from a point 275 feet<br />

west of Ruxton Avenue on both sides of Manitou Avenue to a point 75 feet west of Park Avenue on both sides of<br />

Manitou Avenue. This is funded in part by Federal Transportation Enhancement Grants and Rural Transportation<br />

Capital enhancement allocation.<br />

Notes:<br />

a. Funding of $822,654 provided through the STIP (State Transportation Improvement Plan). The Federal funds are<br />

a grant match of 82.79% to 17.21% as the local agency match. The City is using its capital funds from the PPRTA for<br />

grant match. Numbers have changed from the original budget due to the winning bid being lower than the original<br />

estimate of cost. Federal Funds will cover the construction and administration but not design, so the 82.79% is<br />

derived from the $957,663 plus $8,000 plus $36,000 which is a breakout from the $119,267.<br />

b. The construction cost plus administration adds up to $1,039,327.<br />

63 of 77


Tab 11<br />

This budget accounts for property taxes and sales taxes designated for open space acquisitions.<br />

The Open Space Fund falls under the advisory perview of the Open Space Advisory<br />

Committee (OSAC). The Open Space Advisory Committee works to advise the City Council<br />

towards the purchase of properties of high open space priority. This fund has an 8/10 of a<br />

percentage of a mill levy and 1/10 of a percentage of a sales tax as a dedicated revenue<br />

stream. These dedicated revenues will expire in 2020.<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------<br />

Revenues:<br />

23-311-110 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 48,196 48,746 47,990 47,990 47,900<br />

23-311-300 SALES TAXES 52,801 54,793 57,165 40,016 57,533 a<br />

23-334-711 GOCO GRANT FUNDING - - 397,500 386,057 -<br />

23-334-712 TOPS CONTRIBUTION TO IRON MTN PURCHASE - - 60,000 59,188 -<br />

23-334-713 HILLSDALE FOUNDATION GRANT - 25,000 25,000 - -<br />

23-361-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST 194 49 - 58 100<br />

23-365-201 DEDICATED DONTIONS FOR IRON MTN - 2,000 45,000 41,000 -<br />

23-365-451 PRCEEDS FROM VECTRA BANK 497,000 - - -<br />

23-365-500 UNCLASSIFIED 5,261 2,888 - -<br />

23-391-310 GEN FD XFER FOR IRON MTN 90,000 - - -<br />

Total Revenues: 693,452 133,476 632655 574,309 105,533<br />

prior year fund balance: 152,933 50,058 56,404 56,404 3,005<br />

Total Funds available: $ 846,385 $ 183,534 689059 $ 630,713 $ 108,538<br />

2012<br />

Expenses:<br />

Debt Service:<br />

23-498-821 CAPITAL LEASE-RED MTN PHA 23,846 25,019 26,249 26,249 -<br />

23-498-822 CAP LEASE RED MTN PHASE I 3,696 2,523 1,992 1,992 -<br />

23-498-823 CO CONSVTION TRUST LEE PRINCIPAL 34,598 35,982 37,420 37,420 -<br />

23-498-824 CO CNSRVTION TRUST LEE INTEREST 4,320 2,936 1,497 1,497 -<br />

23-498-825 IRON MOUNTAIN PURCHASE-PRIN - 43,617 31,485 31,485 33,321 b<br />

23-498-826 IRON MOUNTAIN PURCHASE INT - 13,623 26,421 26,421 24,584 b<br />

Total Debt Service: 66,459 123,699 125,064 125,064 57,905<br />

Other Expenses:<br />

23-499-320 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 13,493 548 - 10,000 c<br />

23-499-420 NOXIOUS WEED MITIGATION - - 4,000<br />

23-499-710 CAPITAL PURCHASE--LAND 679,831 1,500 - -<br />

23-499-711 IRON MOUNTAIN PURCHASE - - 527,092 501,263 -<br />

23-499-720 SECTION 16 SUPPORT 15,000 - - -<br />

23-499-735 CAPITAL PURCHASE-TRAILS - - - -<br />

23-499-830 ACQUISITIONS (includes taxes) 15,543 1,382 1,381 1,381 1,900 d<br />

23-499-840 UNCLASSIFIED - - - -<br />

23-499-841 PRE-PURCHASE COSTS(APPRAI 6,000 - - -<br />

64 of 77

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------- ------------- -------------<br />

23-499-845 CONTRIBUTION TO CREEKWALK - - - -<br />

23-499-910 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT to Gen Fund 0 - - 5,150<br />

Total Other Expenses: 729,868 3,430 528,473 502,644 21,050<br />

Total Expenses: 796,327 127,130 653,537 627,708 78,955<br />

NET REVENUES: $ 50,058 $ 56,404 $ 35,522 $ 3,005 $ 29,583<br />

Notes:<br />

a. Estimated sales tax is based on a 5% increase over 2011 actual sales tax.<br />

b. Lease purchase for Iron Mountain Parcels 1 and 2. Final payment will be made on<br />

12/15/2022.<br />

c. Professional services include budgeting for a Site Improvement and Management<br />

Plan for the Iron Mountain property.<br />

d. Acquisitions is for annual property taxes on properties the <strong>city</strong> co-owns with<br />

other entities that are not tax exempt and for $605.82 of taxes on parcel 3 of the<br />

Iron Mountain purchase for the time period of Jan 1, 2012 through July 11, 2012. A<br />

credit for this amount was applied at the time of the purchase of the property.<br />

65 of 77


Tab 12<br />

This budget accounts for designated revenues and expenditures for street and road projects.<br />

The Public Works Fund had a voter approved property taxes of .800 mils for the<br />

purpose of performing roadway improvements but that has expired. It still has as of<br />

2010, funding designated for roadway improvement in the form of the single-hauler fee,<br />

which is paid to the City by that waste removal contractor selected to fulfill the City's<br />

single hauler waste program. Those funds are also designated for roadway<br />

improvements or overlays.<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------<br />

Revenues:<br />

11-311-110 REAL PROPERTY TAXES 48,191 48,746 47,990 47,990 -<br />

11-320-160 SINGLE HAULER FEE 32,000 44,000 48,000 48,000 48,000<br />

11-361-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST 12 30 - 40 -<br />

11-365-500 UNCLASSIFIED - - - -<br />

Total Revenues: 80,203 92,776 95,990 96,030 48,000<br />

prior fund balance: 51 23,590 22,028 22,028 23,058<br />

Total Funds available: 80,254 116,366 118,018 118,058 71,058<br />

Expenditures:<br />

11-499-500 MISCELLANEOUS - - - -<br />

11-499-835 STREET OVERLAYS 7,920 94,338 - 65,000 48,000 a<br />

11-499-836 ENGINEERING FEES - - 95,990 30,000<br />

11-499-910 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT - - - -<br />

11-499-939 TRANSFER TO CAP IMPROV 48,744 - - -<br />

Total Expenditures: 56,664 94,338 95,990 95,000 48,000<br />

Ending Fund Balance: 23,590 22,028 22,028 23,058 23,058<br />

a as per the street capital project plan.<br />

66 of 77


Tab 13<br />

This fund budgets for the authorized use of funds for roadway maintenance and roadway<br />

capital improvements as designated in the ballot question for the county wide Rural<br />

Transportation Authority ballot initiative of November 2004.<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


----------- -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------ --------------<br />

26-335-721 RTA MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIO 274,305 270,388 347,628 347,628 235,914<br />

26-335-722 RTA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 37,053 - 369,846 369,846 115,240<br />

Total Maintenance & Capital Rev: 311,358 270,388 717,474 717,474 351,154<br />

26-499-456 RTA MAINTENANCE EXPENDITU 274,305 266,319 347,628 347,628 235,914 a<br />

b) streets: $161,929<br />

Storm Drainage: $30,000<br />

26-499-730 RTA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS (c) 37,053 10,275 369,846 369,846 115,240 c<br />

Total Maintenance & Cap Exp: 311,358 276,593 717,474 717,474 351,154<br />

footnotes:<br />

* Since this fund is on a strictly reimbursement basis, it should never have a fund balance. If it does,<br />

it is due to a lagging reimbursement at the end of the year.<br />

** RTA net sales and use tax revenues for FY2013 are estimated by RTA to be $70,000,000.<br />

** The PPRTA maintains and retains a 10% reserve of all funds allocated which includes 7% for<br />

contingency and 3% for TABOR. That reserve is not reflected in this budget.<br />

. a. The RTA Maintenance Allocation revenue has been calculated by multiplying 35% of the most<br />

recent estimated net sales tax revenues by a factor of .010407. This is the Manitou Springs<br />

population factor<br />

b. The 2013 street program will be Deneta Dr, Fairview Ave, Sutherland Rd, Washington Ave and<br />

Lovers Ln.<br />

c. The City of Manitou Springs used its Capital Improvements Allocation balance for phase 5B in<br />

its Manitou Avenue Streetscape project. The Manitou Avenue Streetscape is a federally granted<br />

transportation project, utilizing local matching funds.<br />

Capital funds not used by 5B in 2012 will be used for the Manitou Avenue West Roundabout in<br />

2013.<br />

67 of 77


Tab 14<br />

This fund was folded into the General Fund in 2011 due to GASB 54<br />

2010<br />


------------------------------- ------------------------------- --------------<br />

27-311-300 SALES TAX -<br />

27-311-400 AMUSEMENT TAX -<br />

27-339-310 MAINTENANCE TRANSFER -<br />

27-339-311 MS FOUNDATION MAINTENANCE 8,000<br />

27-339-500 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 899<br />

27-361-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST 60<br />

27-365-500 UNCLASSIFIED -<br />

Revenues: 8,959<br />

prior fund balance: 67,029<br />

Total Available fund: 75,988<br />

27-498-815 MS PARK AUTHORITY, BOND B -<br />

27-498-816 MS PARK AUTHORITY, BOND B -<br />

27-499-424 MINERAL SPRINGS MAINTENAN 11,611<br />

27-499-710 CAPITAL PURCHASES-LAND -<br />

27-499-733 MIN. POOL DEVELOPMENT IMP 26,465<br />

27-499-899 MISCELLANEOUS -<br />

27-499-910 ADMIN SUPPORT (TO GEN FUN 1,000<br />

Total Expenses: 39,076<br />

Ending Fund Balance: 36,912<br />

68 of 77


tab 15<br />

The El Paso Blvd/Beckers Lane Park Fund falls under the authority of the Manitou Springs Park<br />

Authority established to issue bonds after the 1998 general election approved a property tax<br />

increase for the acquisition and maintenance of the park. Of the 3 mill dedicated property<br />

tax, 2 mills were for acquisition which sunsets in 2012 and 1 mill is for maintenance and exists<br />

in perpetuity. In November 2012, the Citizens of Manitou Springs voted to allow the Capital<br />

portion of the fund balance to be spent on the capital needs of all the City's parks and not just<br />

the El Paso Blvd/Beckers Park.<br />

2012<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------- --------------- ----------- -------------- -------------<br />

28-311-110 REAL PROPERTY TAXES-CAPIT 120,473 121,889 119,976 119,976 -<br />

28-311-111 REAL PROPERTY TAXES-MAINT 60,246 60,945 59,988 59,988 59,662<br />

28-361-190 INVESTMENT INTEREST 509 275 575 354 150<br />

28-365-400 INSURANCE RECOVERIES - - - -<br />

Total Revenues: 181,228 183,109 180,539 180,318 59,812<br />

prior ending fund balance: 349,487 421,445 412,898 412,898 460,118<br />

Total Funds Available 530,715 604,555 593,437 593,216 519,930<br />

28-498-813 MS PARK AUTHORITY BONDS A - - - -<br />

28-498-816 MS PARK AUTHORITY -BOND A - - - -<br />

28-498-857 PAYING AGENT FEE - - - -<br />

28-499-421 INSURANCE--(CASUALTY/LIAB 2,606 2,847 1,698 1,724 2,847<br />

28-499-733 CAPITAL PURCHASES-IMPROVM - - - -<br />

28-499-735 FOUNTAIN CREEK RESTRTION- 619 68,854 - -<br />

28-499-810 PMJM ASSESSMENT - - - -<br />

28-499-813 MS PARK AUTHORITY BONDS A - - - -<br />

28-499-814 MS PARK AUTHORITY BOND A- - - - -<br />

28-499-899 PARK MAINTENANCE 510 11,110 22,472 20,000 a<br />

28-499-910 ADMIN SUPPORT(TO GEN FUND 32,448 32,689 32,448 32,448 33,669<br />

28-499-961 LEASE EXPENSE 73,086 76,156 76,454 76,454 72,785<br />

Expenditures: 109,270 191,656 110,600 133,098 129,301<br />

Ending Capital Fund Balance: 441,772 368,987<br />

Ending Fund Balance: 421,445 412,898 482,837 18,346 21,642<br />

a<br />

In 2012, Park maintenance constituted tree removal, concrete cutting, and new picnic<br />

tables/benches. In 2013, there will be more tree removal, bathroom repair and other<br />

projects determined at the beginning of the year.<br />

69 of 77

Manitou Springs Park Authority<br />

Tab 16<br />

This budget accounts for the debt service related to the El Paso/Beckers Lane Park facility.<br />

The Manitou Springs Park Authority was established in 1998 for the purposes of issuing bonds<br />

for the acquisition and development of the El Paso Blvd/Beckers Lane Park facility. The Manitou<br />

Springs Park Authority Fund is an Enterprise Fund of the City of Manitou Springs, whose<br />

budgetary purpose is to convey payment for the debt service related to the El Paso / Beckers<br />

Lane Park facility. The sales tax associated with this debt is received into the El Paso Beckers<br />

fund and then dispensed in the form of a lease payment to the Manitou Springs Park Authority.<br />

The bonds, in the amount of $765,000, were issued 12/01/98 for a term of 15 years. Final<br />

payment will be made 6/1/2013.<br />

2010 2011 Original Final 2013<br />


------------------ -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------ -------------- -------------<br />

Revenues:<br />

61-361-828 LEASE REVENUE-from El Paso/Beckers 73,086 76,156 76,454 71,227 72,785<br />

prior fund balance:<br />

Total Funds available: 73,086 75,936 76,454 71,227 72,785<br />

2012<br />

Total Operating Expenses:<br />

61-498-573 PAYING AGENT FEES--98A EL 1,356 2,613 1,000 1,000 1,000<br />

61-498-815 BOND INTEREST EXP--98A EL 12,442 8,323 5,227 5,227 1,785<br />

Total Expenses: 13,798 10,936 6,227.00 6,227 2,785<br />

ENDING NET POSITION 59,288 65,000 70,227 65,000 70,000<br />

Current portion of Long Term Debt<br />

61-225-812 BOND PRINCIPAL--98A EL PASO 65,000 65,000 70,227 65,000 70,000<br />

70 of 77

Expenditures:<br />

Tabor Reserve Calculation<br />

Final<br />

Amended<br />

Budget<br />

Tab 17<br />

Budget<br />

2012 2013<br />

General Fund $ 4,757,605 $ 4,887,233<br />

Restricted General Fund-Barr Trail 59,996 87,881<br />

Water Enterprise Fund 2,047,330 1,394,627<br />

Sewer Enterprise Fund 736,304 915,125<br />

Storm Drainage and Flood Management Enterprise Fund 343,837 202,497<br />

Law Enforcement Special Revenue Fund 31,156 31,580<br />

Conservation Trust Fund 72,500 63,000<br />

Capital Improvements Fund 929,555 401,966<br />

Restricted-Cap Improve-Bridges 587,520 0<br />

Downtown Public Facilities Fund 1,253,899 177,298<br />

Open Space fund 627,708 78,955<br />

Public Works Fund 95,000 48,000<br />

Rural Transportation Special Revenue Fund 717,474 351,154<br />

El Paso Blvd / Beckers Lane Park Fund 133,098 129,301<br />

Manitou Springs Park Authority Fund 71,227 72,785<br />

Total of Fiscal Year Spending: $ 12,464,209 $ 8,841,402<br />

Expenditures by Enterprises<br />

Water Enterprise Fund $ 2,047,330 $ 1,394,627<br />

Sewer Enterprise Fund 736,304 915,125<br />

Storm Drainage and Flood Management Enterprise Fund 343,837 202,497<br />

Manitou Springs Park Authority Fund 71,227 72,785<br />

$ 3,198,698 $ 2,585,034<br />

Interfund Transfers<br />

Admin support-water/sewer 125,375 131,841<br />

Admin support-storm drainage 8,000 8,240<br />

Open Space Fund Administrative Transfer To General Fund - 5,150<br />

El Paso / Beckers Park Fund Administrative Transfer To General Fund 32,689 33,669<br />

Downtown Public Facilities admin transfer to General Fund 8,000 1,030<br />

Law Enforcement Special Revenue Fund Administrative Transfer To General Fund 1,000 1,030<br />

General Fund transfer to Capital Improvements Fund 156,707 251,055<br />

Transfer from RTA to Downtown Public Facilities<br />

$ 331,771 $ 432,015<br />

Final<br />

Amended<br />

Budget<br />

Budget<br />

2012 2013<br />

Lottery Proceeds 44,527 $ 52,000<br />

Expenditures due to Voter Approved Revenue Changes<br />

Downtown Public Facilities Fund sales tax and bond proceeds 1,253,899 $ 177,298<br />

71 of 77

Rural Transportation Special Revenue sales tax 717,474 351,154<br />

Open Space Fund 627,708 78,955<br />

El Paso/Beckers Park Fund 100,650 95,632<br />

2,699,731 $ 703,039<br />

Receipts from Federal Government<br />

Enhancement -CDBG ada 51,264<br />

Enhancement - safe routes to school 117,130<br />

Fed Grant-Bridge Restoration 259,914<br />

Fishing is Fun Grant 107,000<br />

FEMA grant-public alarm system 18,750<br />

FEMA 4067-Waldo Canyon assistance 30,000<br />

FEMA-FMAG for Waldo Canyon 7,000<br />

FEMA reimbursements-Wildland Fire 158,567 68,782<br />

US dept of Justice Grant 10,156<br />

US Dept of Justice-bullet proof vest 350 700<br />

Law Enforcement Assistance Fund-Seatbelt safety 2,993 3,000<br />

756,124 79,482<br />

Sales of City Property<br />

General Fund cemetery plot sales 27,000 $ 27,300<br />

Sale of Materials for recycling $ -<br />

General Fund sales of surplus equipment 46,832 6,400<br />

$ 73,832 $ 33,700<br />

Donations and Gifts<br />

General Fund 727 $ -<br />

Donations-Cap Improv Funds-wildland fire 1,859<br />

Donation for Bridges 15,000<br />

Parks and Recreation 33,198 -<br />

Volunteer fire dept gift to <strong>city</strong> for public alarm system 6,000<br />

Open Space Fund 486,245 0<br />

State grants-bridges and law enforcement 136,084<br />

679,113 $ -<br />

$ 7,783,796 $ 3,885,270<br />

$ 4,680,413 $ 4,956,132<br />

Reserve Requirement (3% of FY Expenditure less Allowable Exclusions): $ 140,412 $ 148,684<br />

Last Audited TABOR Reserve Balance (FY2011): 128,000 128,000<br />

Reserve Contribution: $ 12,412 $ 20,684<br />

The TABOR reserve is only adjusted based on audited financials, as per the current audit for 2011, the TABOR reserve is<br />

$128,000.<br />

72 of 77

Tab 17<br />



TAX Taxes for TAX Taxes for TAX TOTAL City Tax<br />


1997 $ 32,946,044 $ 645,778 2.0% 3.5% $ 1,153,112 0.1% $ 32,946 3.6% $ 1,186,058 $ 247.10<br />

1998 $ 35,701,765 $ 2,755,721 8.4% 3.5% $ 1,249,562 0.1% $ 35,702 3.6% $ 1,285,264 $ 267.76<br />

1999 $ 37,811,995 $ 2,110,230 5.9% 3.5% $ 1,323,420 0.3% $ 113,436 3.8% $ 1,436,856 $ 299.34<br />

2000 $ 43,017,614 $ 5,205,619 13.8% 3.5% $ 1,505,616 0.3% $ 129,053 3.8% $ 1,634,669 $ 328.25<br />

2001 $ 43,937,028 $ 919,414 2.1% 3.5% $ 1,537,796 0.3% $ 131,811 3.8% $ 1,669,607 $ 335.26<br />

2002 $ 43,839,139 $ (97,889) -0.2% 3.5% $ 1,534,370 0.1% $ 43,839 3.6% $ 1,578,209 $ 316.91<br />

2003 $ 43,122,028 $ (717,111) -1.6% 3.5% $ 1,509,271 0.1% $ 43,122 3.6% $ 1,552,393 $ 311.73<br />

2004 $ 44,399,795 $ 1,277,767 3.0% 3.5% $ 1,553,993 0.1% $ 44,400 3.9% $ 1,598,393 $ 320.96<br />

2005 $ 47,944,943 $ 3,545,148 8.0% 3.5% $ 1,678,073 0.4% $ 191,780 3.9% $ 1,869,853 $ 375.47<br />

2006 $ 46,931,455 $ (1,013,488) -2.1% 3.5% $ 1,642,601 0.4% $ 187,726 3.9% $ 1,830,327 $ 367.54<br />

2007 $ 50,198,667 $ 3,267,212 7.0% 3.5% $ 1,756,953 0.4% $ 200,795 3.9% $ 1,957,748 $ 393.12<br />

2008 $ 49,027,143 $ (1,171,524) -2.3% 3.5% $ 1,715,950 0.4% $ 196,109 3.9% $ 1,912,059 $ 383.95<br />

2009 $ 49,374,629 $ 347,486 0.7% 3.5% $ 1,728,112 0.4% $ 197,499 3.9% $ 1,925,611 $ 386.67<br />

2010 $ 52,801,163 $ 3,426,534 6.9% 3.5% $ 1,848,041 0.4% $ 211,205 3.9% $ 2,059,245 $ 412.51<br />

2011 $ 54,790,078 $ 1,988,915 3.8% 3.5% $ 1,917,653 0.4% $ 219,160 3.9% $ 2,136,813 $ 428.05<br />

2012* $ 54,958,678 $ 168,600 0.3% 3.5% $ 1,923,554 0.4% $ 219,835 3.9% $ 2,143,388 $ 429.36<br />

2013* $ 57,529,582 $ 2,570,904 4.7% 3.5% $ 2,013,535 0.4% $ 230,118 3.9% $ 2,243,654 $ 449.45<br />

(1) Total Other Funds: Open Space Fund =.1%, Downtown Public Facilities = .3%.<br />

(2) This is based on population and equals total yearly <strong>city</strong> taxes divided by estimated population<br />

(4,800 in 1990, increasing to 4980 in 2000, then 4992 in 2010)<br />

* Projected.<br />

73 of 77

Equivalent City Tax per Person<br />

$500<br />

$400<br />

$300<br />

$200<br />

$100<br />

$0<br />


$32,946,044<br />

$35,701,765<br />

$37,811,995<br />

$43,017,614<br />

$43,937,028<br />

$43,839,139<br />

$43,122,028<br />

$44,399,795<br />

$47,944,943<br />

$46,931,455<br />

$50,198,667<br />

$49,027,143<br />

$49,374,629<br />

$52,801,163<br />

$54,790,078<br />

$54,958,678<br />

$57,529,582<br />

YEAR 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012* 2013*<br />

74 of 77



OF ASSESSED DOLLAR MILL Taxes for MILL Taxes for MILL TOTAL City Tax<br />


2002 $ 47,375,490 $ 6,576,300 13.8% 12.680 $ 600,721 5.156 $ 244,268 17.836 $ 844,989 $ 169.68<br />

2003 $ 47,317,920 $ (57,570) -0.1% 13.121 $ 620,858 5.156 $ 243,971 18.277 $ 864,830 $ 173.66<br />

2004 $ 44,594,630 $ (2,723,290) -5.8% 12.680 $ 565,460 5.156 $ 229,930 16.900 $ 753,649 $ 151.34<br />

2005 $ 44,616,840 $ 22,210 0.05% 12.680 $ 565,742 5.156 $ 230,044 17.836 $ 795,786 $ 159.80<br />

2006 $ 47,914,120 $ 3,297,280 7.39% 12.128 $ 581,102 5.156 $ 247,045 17.284 $ 828,148 $ 166.29<br />

2007 $ 48,598,960 $ 684,840 1.43% 12.128 $ 589,408 5.156 $ 250,576 17.284 $ 839,984 $ 168.67<br />

2008 $ 58,004,060 $ 9,405,100 19.35% 10.795 $ 626,154 5.156 $ 299,069 15.951 $ 925,223 $ 185.79<br />

2009 $ 58,636,800 $ 632,740 1.09% 10.795 $ 632,984 5.156 $ 302,331 15.951 $ 935,316 $ 187.81<br />

2010 $ 60,930,520 $ 2,293,720 3.91% 10.648 $ 648,788 5.156 $ 314,158 15.804 $ 962,946 $ 192.90<br />

2011 $ 61,319,690 $ 389,170 0.64% 10.594 $ 649,621 5.156 $ 316,164 15.750 $ 965,785 $ 193.47<br />

2012 $ 59,886,750 $ (1,043,770) -1.71% 10.594 $ 634,440 5.156 $ 308,776 15.750 $ 943,216 $ 188.95<br />

2013 * $ 59,597,430 $ (1,722,260) -2.81% 9.714 $ 578,929 2.356 $ 140,412 12.070 $ 719,341 $ 144.10<br />

One Mill = .1% or .001 (raises $10 in taxes per $1,000 assessed valuation).<br />

Notes:<br />

(1) Capital Improvement Fund=.556 mills; Open Space Fund=.800 mills; Public Works Paving Fund=.800 mills; and<br />

El Paso Blvd Park Fund 3.000 mills; Total Other Funds= 5.156 mills.<br />

General Fund mill levy: Starting in 2013, and lasting for 4 years, through 2016, the General Fund tax levy will be<br />

Temporarily reduced to refund the Public Works Paving mill levy which had expired and had continued to be collected<br />

after it expired. The funds were spent on road projects as per the original intent of the mill levy but due to it being<br />

collected after expiration, the City is refunding this at the rate of roughly $52,534/per which includes a 10% penalty. The<br />

refund amount in 2013 is $52,502 or .88 of a mill as per the August assessment by El Paso County.<br />

Other taxes: Starting in 2013, consist of Capital Improvement Fund=.556 (no expiration date); Open Space Fund=.8<br />

mills (this mill levy expires in 2020) and El Paso Blvd Park Fund 1 mill (This mill is for maintenance and lasts into<br />

perpetuity. Two mills for capital needs for El Paso/Beckers Park expired in 2012.)<br />

(2) This is based on population and equals total yearly <strong>city</strong> taxes divided by estimated population<br />

(4,980 for year 2000 increasing to 4,992 in 2010).<br />

75 of 77

$250.00<br />

$200.00<br />

Equivalent <strong>city</strong> tax per person<br />

$150.00<br />

$100.00<br />

$50.00<br />

$-<br />

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013<br />

*<br />

76 of 77


Tab 17<br />

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012<br />

Mill Levies Paid to City of Manitou Springs:<br />

City - Paving Special Rev. Fund (1995 vote) 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800<br />

City - Open Space Special Rev. Fund (renew. 2001 vote) 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800<br />

City - Capital Improvement Fund (est. 1987) 0.556 0.556 0.556 0.556 0.556 0.556 0.556 0.556 0.556 0.556<br />

City - General Fund 13.121 12.680 12.680 12.128 12.128 10.795 10.795 10.65 10.594 10.594<br />

City - El Paso Blvd. Fund (1997 vote) 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000<br />

City - TABOR Property Tax Refund 0.000 (0.468) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000<br />

Total to City: 18.277 17.368 17.836 17.284 17.284 15.951 15.951 15.804 15.750 15.750<br />

Mill Levies Paid to Other Agencies:<br />

School District 14 49.709 51.061 51.226 33.199 49.000 48.187 48.098 47.16 47.268 47.138<br />

El Paso County 7.880 7.947 8.012 7.673 7.710 7.514 7.583 7.531 7.717 7.597<br />

S.E. Colo. Water Cons. Dist. 0.897 0.947 0.947 0.943 0.941 0.875 0.943 0.947 0.94 0.947<br />

Manitou Springs Metropolitan (downtown only) 2.068 2.068 2.068 2.068 2.068 2.031 1.927 0.45 0.44 0.44<br />

Proposed Pikes Peak Library District(2013)<br />

Total Non-City: 60.554 62.023 62.253 43.883 59.719 58.607 58.551 56.092 56.365 56.122<br />

TOTAL MILL LEVY 78.831 79.391 80.089 61.167 77.003 74.558 74.502 71.896 72.115 71.872<br />

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