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THE seven deadly sins of the Christian Church are: greed, pride, envy, anger,<br />

gluttony, lust, and sloth. Satanism advocates indulging in each of these "sins" as they<br />

all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.<br />

A Satanist knows there is nothing wrong with being greedy, as it only means that he<br />

wants more than he already has. Envy means to look with favor upon the possessions<br />

of others, and to be desirous of obtaining similar things for oneself. Envy and greed are<br />

the motivating forces of ambition - and without ambition, very little of any importance<br />

would be accomplished.<br />

Gluttony is simply eating more than you need to keep yourself alive. When you have<br />

overeaten to the point of obesity, another sin - pride - will motivate you to regain an<br />

appearance that will renew your self-respect.<br />

Anyone who buys an article of clothing for a purpose other than covering his body and<br />

protecting it from the elements is guilty of pride. Satanists often encounter scoffers who<br />

maintain that labels are not necessary. It must be pointed out to these destroyers of labels that<br />

one or many articles they themselves are wearing are not wearing are not necessary to keep<br />

them warm. There is not a person on this earth who is completely devoid of ornamentation.<br />

The Satanist points out that any ornamentation of the scoffer's body shows that he, too, is<br />

guilty of pride. Regardless of how verbose the cynic may be in his intellectual description of<br />

how free he is, he is still wearing the elements of pride.<br />

Being reluctant to get up in the morning is to be guilty of sloth, and if you lie in bed long<br />

enough you may find yourself commiting yet another sin - lust. To have the faintest stirring of<br />

sexual desire is to be guilty of lust. In order to insure the propagation of humanity, nature<br />

made lust the second most powerful instinct, the first being self-preservation. Realizing this,<br />

the Christian Church made fornication the "Original Sin". In this way they made sure no one<br />

would escape sin. Your very state of being is as a result of sin - the Original sin!<br />

The strongest instinct in every living thing is self-preservation, which brings us to the last of<br />

the seven deadly sins - anger. Is it not our instinct for self-preservation that is aroused when<br />

someone harms us, when we become angry enough to protect ourselves from further attack?<br />

A Satanist practices the motto, "If a man smite thee on one cheek, smash him on the other!"<br />

Let no wrong go unredressed. Be as a lion in the path - be dangerous even in defeat!<br />

Since man's natural instincts lead him to sin, all men are sinners; and all sinners go to hell. If<br />

everyone goes to hell, then you will meet all your friends there. Heaven must be populated<br />

with some rather strange creatures if they all lived for was to go to a place where they can<br />

strum harps for eternity.<br />

"Times have changed. Religious leaders no longer preach that all our natural actions are<br />

sinful. We no longer think sex is dirty - or that taking pride in ourselves is shameful - or that<br />

wanting something someone else has is vicious." Of course not, times have changed! "If you<br />

want proof of this, just look at how liberal churches have become. Why, they're practicing all<br />

the things that you preach."

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