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0100010<br />





USA.CGSCi<br />

ACCESSIOr-<br />

PO R£G!STR<br />

<strong>GERMAN</strong> <strong>MEDALS</strong><br />

<strong>AND</strong><br />

<strong>DECORATIONS</strong><br />

E.D.S/G/7<br />



11 i<br />

POBEV0<br />

R D<br />

This manual, which is designed primarily for the use of intelligence<br />

personnel of U.S. and British armies, nas prepared by the MILITARY<br />



Requests for additional oopies of this publication should be made<br />

through channels to the EVALUATION fc <strong>AND</strong> DCSSEMINATIC^f SECTION, G-2 (Counter-<br />

Intelligence Sub-division), REAR ECHELON, SHAEF, Comments, including oorrections<br />

of factual detail, should be transmitted promptly and may be<br />

addressed directly to the MILITARY IIOTLUGENCE RESEARCH SECTION, 1*0<br />

Park Gate, London, S.W.7.

I.<br />

TABLE<br />


Section A. GEUT5KAL COMBAT<br />

B*rt 1.<br />

Pago<br />

I. IEOI1 CROSS (Ei»«rnas:'Kr«uz)<br />

1. Iron Cross of 1613.<br />

2. Iron Cross of 1870.<br />

3. Iron Cross of 1914.<br />

k* Iron Cross of 1939.<br />

II. V2AR 23EVID3 OF MERIT CROSS (lvrio-svordi«nstkrwuz) (<br />

III . THE MOUND BADGS (lta.s Verwondetenabzaiehon) ,<br />

IV. ORDER OP THE (HHi:^ CEDSS (Kriegsorden dec<br />

Duutschon Kreuzes)<br />

V. THE I-I0I'';0R-B0LL 13ADGE (Die 3hrenbla.tt-3pange),<br />


VOLUIITEERS (Tapfor::aits* mid Verdienstauszeichnung<br />

fiir yjigebBrigt: dar 0»tvflH:er)<br />

Section B. ASSAULT<br />

I . INPAN'CRY ASSi'iULtT BADGE (lnf3Lnt«ri«-Sturma.bzfiloja«n).... 8<br />

II. TANK ASSAULT BADGE' (Psuizerkampfabzaichon) 8<br />

III . ASSAULT BADGE (GENERAL) (Stuna*.bz©ichen (Allsc::i«inos)) 9<br />


OF TANTCS ETC. (Sonderabz^ichen fttr das L T iedorld4inpf«n<br />

von Panzerka.-npfvja.gcn usw. oiirch_ Eiiiz«lkJLapfer) 10<br />

V. CLOSE-CO^EAT BADGE (Nahkampfapanse)..... IX)<br />

VI. ARMY ANTIAIRCRAFT BADGE (Kecr«s-Flak-*i.bzeich«n<br />

n<br />

Section C. CAKP4-I

II.<br />

III .<br />

SUDJiJTilN COl'foH&CIUTIDN MSBaL (iJedaillc aur<br />

Krimiorung an d«n 1 Oktobar 193& j 12<br />

IV. M£H£L GO.i.2E2vDRAT3D)i MKDAI* (Modaillo zur<br />

Srimiurung an di« Hoiukehr d«s Manrellandos)<br />

X3<br />

V. DANZIG GROSS (Danzigor Kr«uz; 13<br />

VIw NARVIK SHIELD (llarvikcciiild) 13<br />

VII. CKfcTE AEMBAin) (lnn«lband Kr«tai) 13<br />

VIII. CIDLK SHIELD (Cholmachild). 14<br />

El. KASTEEK PliONT JGIlaL (Ostn:od^.illo) 34<br />

X. CHIim SHIELD (KrlTischild) 15<br />

XI. DEMJANSK SHIELD (Demo&nskschild) 13<br />

XII. KUBAN SHriLD (Kubanschild) 15<br />

XIII. GUEEILlA-WAia'AEE MKDiiL (Bamd(Mik;«npf-Abseichen) 16<br />

XIV, Ai'RIGA AEMB<strong>AND</strong> (Irrcclbcnd Afrilca^ 16<br />

XV.<br />


Itali^nische Erimienuigsniedaille} 17<br />


I .<br />


9 NOY£MBiP 1923 (Natioii&l-Sozialistisches<br />

Blutorden von: 9 N o vcmbcr 1923)<br />

lb<br />

II .<br />


MEMBERS (Shrenzeichen ftir Mitgli«dsr unt«<br />

r l^UEcuer 100 000y 18<br />

III . COBURG BADGE (Coburgcr-Abzcichen) 18<br />


(Ntinibcrgor Parteit&gsabzGichcn von 1929) 19<br />


(Abseichen von 3*i-£reffoi: BrJ.uiisch-A'-jig 1931) 19<br />


in,<br />

GOLD HITLER-YOUTH MDGE (Goldenes ILJ-Abzeiqhcn) 19<br />


zeichnungsn).. ; 19<br />


(Gau-I2ircnzcichcn der NSDAP) < 20<br />

Section E. MISCELLANEOUS <strong>DECORATIONS</strong><br />


21<br />

II . MARKM\KSE3P AWARDS (Schlitzcnkuszaichnungon) 21<br />

III . LONGEVITY <strong>MEDALS</strong> (^ienst&uszeichnungon)... 22<br />

IV. SOCIAL SERVICE EuiLG-E (iSlir«nz*ich«n flir<br />

doutsche Volkspflags) •<br />

V. GERLiUJ DLTOISS-v&LL i'EDAL (Dcutsches<br />

SchutzvAll-Ehrenzoichon) ••<br />

•<br />

23<br />

24<br />

VT. AIR-DSPENSS iJBrtvL (Luftscftut z-Ehrcnzeichen^ 24<br />

VII. A1AAKDS FOR LIF'ti-SAVINCJ (B®lohnvmg von<br />

1* Lif0-Sa.ving Hod^L \vitli Ribbon (Rottungs­<br />

]L«da.illo din 3and«) 25<br />

2 # Comnieiiiorfc.tion Medal for Rescuo from Dsuigor<br />

(Erinnerungsm«di.ill« f\ir Rettung aus Gsi'aJir)...... 25<br />

3 . Public Citation ({Jffantlich© Bslobigung) 25<br />

VIII. <strong>GERMAN</strong> EAG-LE ORDER Oi 1 KSRIT<br />

orden vo:n D«utcch©n Adlor)<br />

(Vardianst­<br />

25<br />


(iShrenkreuz des W*ltkri©g«s) 26<br />

X. SPORTS BADGES OF HONOR (Sport«hr«nzuich

IV.<br />

3. German Olynpia. Awards (Deutsche Ol^inpia-<br />

Auszeichnungen) 27<br />

4. German 13Dtor Sports Badge (Deutsches<br />

Liotorsportabzeichen) • • 28<br />

% German Horseman's Badge (DGutsch.es<br />


V.<br />

XVTII. DR. rari'Z TOUT PRIZE<br />

(Br.Prit z-^odt-Prois) 30<br />

XIX. <strong>GERMAN</strong> MDTHERS 1 CROSS OF HONOR<br />

(Ehrenkrouz dcr dcutschen Mutter).. 31<br />

Section P. <strong>MEDALS</strong> OF HISTORICAL INTEREST<br />

I . <strong>MEDALS</strong> OF THS PRE-WORLDWAR <strong>AND</strong> WORLD \&R PERIOD.<br />

1. Blucher Star (31uch«rstern} 32<br />

2. Pour L« l.:orit« ...• 32<br />

3 . House Ordsr of Hohcsnzollcrn<br />

(lia-usordcn von Hohenzollarn) • 32<br />

4 . Ordor of tlie Crov/n (Kronenordan) 35<br />

5. Order of th« Rad Sa.gl« (Rotor-Adlcr-Orden) 33<br />

6. Militstry Service of ilorit Cross<br />

(MilitSLrverdianstkrouz) • 33<br />

7. R«d Cross Modal (Rote-Krauz-Jfod&ille) 33<br />

8. Cross of Morit for Aid in the War Effort<br />

(Verdienstkreuz fttr KriogshilfQ) 34<br />


1. Baltic Cross (Baltonl:reuz) 3k­<br />

2. Silesifiji Badge of Msrit<br />

(Schlesisches Bavrfthrungsabzeichan; *.. 34<br />

3 . Rolaaid of Bremen (Br«m«r Roland) 3k<br />


1. PRUSSIA<br />

a) Contannial Uodal (Cent•nan.iodaillo) 35<br />


VI.<br />

b) Prussian Military Service Badges<br />

(Preussische Dicnstau£Z«ichnung©n) 35<br />

c) Prussian Militia Badge<br />

(Preussische Landw«hr3LUszcichnung) 35<br />

2.<br />

a) 3.2Llitary Order of St. Keinrich<br />

(Milit&r-St* -Heinrichs-Ord«n) 35<br />

b) Corcmnder's Cross (Koianiandeurkrauz) 35<br />

c) Friodrich August 2«I&dal<br />

(Friedrich-August-Medaillo) 35<br />

d) Bravory MedaJL of S<br />

(Siich-ische Tapfork«itsm9CULille} 35<br />

a) Militar y<br />

(<br />

3- BAVARIA<br />

Ord«r 1&LX Joseph<br />

) 35<br />

b) Military Medical Order<br />

(Militar-Sanitat s-Ord«n)<br />

c) Bravory Modal in Gold and Silver<br />

(Gold«n« und Silbwrno Tapfarkfiitsracdaillc)<br />

d) Military Service Badge*<br />

(Bayerische Di

VII.<br />

5. BADKN<br />

&) Military Order of Kerit Karl Friedrich<br />

(MilitSLr-Karl-Priedrich-Verdi«in3tord«n)<br />

b) Service of Merit<br />

(Badische<br />

Lledal<br />

c) Military Service Badges<br />

(Badiache Ddenstauszeichnungen) 36<br />

6. OTHERS<br />

a) Heasen Bravery Medal<br />

(Hessische T^pforkditstnedaille) 36<br />

b) Mecklenburg-Schwerin Scrvica of 15srit<br />

(Macklenburg-Schwerin Vordianstkraaiz)<br />

Cross<br />

36<br />

c) Ip.ppe-D«tinold Service of Merit<br />

(Lippa-Detniold-Verdienstkreuz)<br />

Cross<br />

36<br />

d) Braunschweig Service of Merit Cross<br />

(BrsLunach'weigiscliess-Verdienstkrcjuz) 36<br />

e) Oldenburg Priedrich August Cross<br />

(Oldenburger-FricBdrich-August-Krouz) • '. 37<br />

f) Sachscn-£iiha.rt S^rviot of &crit Cross<br />

(S ) 37<br />

g) Hamburg H&nsa Cross<br />

( ) 37<br />

h.) Braiaen H&naa Cross<br />

(3rtsiner-Hfiaise«i.tCii-Krauz) • 37<br />

i) Hibeck HansA Croac<br />

(Lub«clcer-Hanceii.tcii-KrQUz) 37<br />

7* AUSTRIA<br />

a) liilitary Order Maria Theresia<br />

(llilitar-Marien-Th«resi9n-Ordei\ / „ .. 37<br />

b) Bravery Medal (Tapferkaitsmadaille) 37<br />

c) ConsnemDration Medal (Sriiinerungaacdaillc) 37<br />


VIII.<br />

&} Military Service of Lorit Cross<br />

(iiilitJtr-Vordi©r.st-Kreuz)<br />

37<br />

o) Austrian Wound Badge<br />


IX.<br />

5) ^ar-Flights 3ax for Ki^hWightttr Personnel<br />

(Front flugspange ftir ICaclit jager) 40<br />

6) Pendant to 1/ar-Flights Bars in Gold<br />

(Anhlngur zur goldenen Frontf lugspange) 40<br />


(Erdkarapf abzcichen dor Luftwaffe) 41<br />


(Ehranschale fttr hervorra^orid® Karapfleistungen) 42<br />


(Kwapf abzdichon d«r Fladcart ill eric) 42<br />

V. 0TIE2R iilR liORCE DE00BATI01©<br />

1. Cup of Honor for Spscis.1 Aooomplishnonts in<br />

Air Warfare (jihrenpokaLL fftr b«sond«rc<br />

Leistung im Luftkriog) 4-3<br />

2* Photograph of ^©"Reichsmai'schall' 1 in a Silver<br />

Fr&iiia (D&s Bild des Horrn Reichsmarschall im<br />

Silberrahmen) 43<br />

3. Tho Goldan i3ook for Flying Peraonn«l<br />

.a goldene Buch der Flieger)...^ 43<br />

4-. Honor List of th« nir Force<br />

(Ehrenlist a der Luftmffa) 4-3<br />

Section H. SPECIAL MVY miCOR. JIOHS<br />

1 # Submarine Sorvi'cfa :-3aoge (y-13oots-Kri©gsabzv;ich,<br />

n 1939) 44<br />

2. Destroyer Service 3&.dg« (Z©rst5rer-Kri«gs­<br />

3. llinesrwe«p®r and Eaoort Urci't Service .-ifedgo<br />

(Kriegsabzaichen flir iiinansuch.-, U-Boots-<br />

Jagd- und 3icherunt,3vorbabid«ii) 4-4<br />

4. *xrn»d Ltordiant Cruiser Service Badge<br />

(Kriegsabzeichen fiir Ililfskrcuzer). •• 44<br />

5 # Fleet Sorvic* 3adg

X.<br />

6. PT-Boat (E-.3oat) S«rvico Badge<br />

(Schn«llbQot~Kri«gafiibzc>'ich@n} .. • 45<br />

7. Blockado j&mners Ba.dg«<br />

(Abzeich«n ftlr BlockA&obrttchar) 45<br />

8« Nava.1 Coast Artillery Badg©<br />

(Kri«gsabz«ichcn ftir Iferintartillorie) 45<br />

Section I, CBRTIPICATBS OF AWA3H) (BfisitzsGUgriisse; 46<br />

Section J. EXAMPLES Ofc n HDW <strong>MEDALS</strong> ABEWORK 46<br />

Part 2.<br />










XXI-XXII<br />






I IT T R 0 DUCT ION<br />

Tha info relation and illustrations contained in this report<br />

war© compiled from a great variety of sources. In general, the<br />

official German publications n Crd«n und llirenzeichen 11 , "AllgamGine<br />

H®«re3mitt«ilungsn rt , Hcoro3v»rordnungsblltt«r M , and "Luiftwaffe-<br />

Vererdnungsblatter" irare used as prihiary sources, However, other<br />

official, 3

1.<br />

Bart 1.<br />

A. GiMRAL OOLiBAT <strong>DECORATIONS</strong><br />

I. IROK CBOSS (iiiiserneBKreuz)<br />

1. Iron Cross of lulp (plate 1-1)<br />

The Iron Cross, the oldest and best-known of all German decorations,<br />

•was originally rounded on 10 Lj&rch 1513 by King Friedrich wilhelm III as a<br />

Prussian state medal. This original Iron Cross of 1813 is identical in<br />

shape with the Iron Cross of today. It bears in the center three oak leaves;<br />

the crown of Prussia with the letters "FT/" (Friedrich WilheOjn) belov/ it, is<br />

portrayed at the top while the year M l813 ir is inscribed at the bottom. In<br />

the war years 1813-15, a total of 8542 Iron Crosses were distributed among<br />

soldiers of the. Prussian<br />

Besides the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd class, King Friedrich 'tVilhelm also<br />

founded the Great Cross of the Iron Cross (Grosskreuz des Sisernen Kreu25es).<br />

This decoration -was awarded only five times during the war of liberation<br />

1813-15* Its recipients were: Blucher for the battle of Katzbach; Bttlow<br />

for the battle of Dennewitz; Tauenzien for the capture of V/itteribcrg; and<br />

Tork for the battles of Laon- Paris. For political reasons, the fifth Great<br />

Cross went to the then Crown Prince of Sweden, the former French General<br />

Berxitidotte.<br />

2 * Iron Cross of 1870 (Plate 1-2)<br />

u?h«s Iron Cross was reintroduced oy King Wilhelra I of Prussia on<br />

19 July 1870, the day France declared war on Prussia. Unlike the Iron Cross<br />

oi' 1313, that of the Franco-Prussian ,.ar was not embellished with the center<br />

oak-leaves. These were replaced by the letter "ft 11 (Viilhelm), while the<br />

Prussian crown appeared at the top, and the year "1070" at the bottom. As<br />

the earlier Iron Cross, this also has three classes: 1st class, 2nd class, and<br />

the Great -Jross. The first recipient of the Iron Gross 1st class of this war<br />

was Lt. Col. von Hellwig, CO. of the 9th Hussars, "Regijnont Bheiji 11 . The<br />

following number of awards were made during the war years of 1870-71: 9 Great<br />

Crosses, 130^ Iron Crosses 1st class, and 43,005 Iron Crosses 2nd class. The<br />

ratio of award was approximately one to every twenty soldiers.<br />

The following were recipients of the Great Cross: Crown Prince Friedrich<br />

Tfilhelm; King ^Libert of Sascony; Grand Duke Friedrich Franz of iuecklenburg-<br />

Schwerin; Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia, and the Generals von Moltke, von<br />

Ifitnteuffel, von Goeben, and von Warder• At the conclusion of the war, King<br />

V/ilheLu I, at the entreaty of his General Staff conferred the Groat Cross<br />

upon himself. Crown Prince Friodrich Wilholm was the first recipient of the<br />

Great Cross for his victories at Weisseriburg and Yforth.<br />


3. Iron Cross of 1914 (Plate 1-3)<br />

Kaiser '.Tilhelm II reinstituted th« Iron Gross for the third time<br />

on 5 August 1914. For the first time it became eligible to non-Prussians,<br />

as well as to menibersof the Gorman Uavy. An order of 16 March 1916 authorized<br />

the award of the Iron Gross to soldiers of the nations allied to<br />

Germany, It is identical in design with the earlier Iron Crosses, with<br />

the exception that "1914" replaces the M 187O" at the bottom. Those<br />

already possessing the Iron Cross of 1870, and -who wore again av/arded the<br />

Iron Cross of this war, received a bar having a miniature Iron Cross in<br />

its center and inscribed with the year "1914"- This bar wa.3 worn on the<br />

ribbon of the earlier Iron Cross. The Iron Cross 2nd class vas worn on<br />

a black-white-black ribbon, while the Iron Cross 1st class was pinned to<br />

the breast without a ribbon.<br />

The award of the Iron Crosses of this war closed on 51 -larch 1924<br />

with the following totals: 5,196,000 Iron Cross 2nd class; 218,0C0 Iron<br />

Cross 1st class; 5 Great Crosses. In this war every third German soldier<br />

received one form of the Iron Cross* The following were recipients of<br />

the Great Cross: the Kaiser; Hinderiburg; Llackensen; Prince Leopold of<br />

Bavaria; and Ludendorff. In addition 13,000 Iron Cross 2nd class were<br />

awarded for distinguished services at home. These were worn on a white<br />

ribbon, edged with black.<br />

2.<br />

*•- Iron Cross of 1939 ("Plate l/k~3)<br />

On 1 September 1939 the Iron Cross vtis reintroduced by Hitler for<br />

the fourth time, this time as a Reich national decoration. The Iron<br />

Cross of today may be awarded for conspicuous bravery in face of the enemy,<br />

or for outstanding services in leadership on the battlefield. It is a<br />

black cross edged with silver. In its center reposes a. swastika, v/hile<br />

the numerals H 1939" are inscribed at the bottonu The ribbon is blackwhite-red<br />

from the edges inmrd, the single central stripe being the<br />

broadest. There are several gradess of this decoration, and they rank<br />

in the following order:<br />

Iron Cross 2nd class (lowest grade)<br />

Iron Cross 1st cla-ss<br />

Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross<br />

Oak Leaves to the Knight f s Cross<br />

e) Oak Leaves with Swords to the Knight's Cross<br />

f; Oak Leaves with Sivords and Diamonds to the Knight's Cross<br />

g) Great Cross of the Iron Cross<br />

If the holder of the Iron Cross 1st or 2nd class of the war of<br />

1914-13 should win the Iron Cross in the present war, he does not receive<br />

another cross; he is awarded instead & silver bar in the form of the<br />

German ea^e and smstika, under which is the cte.te "1939". (Plate 1-6)<br />

This bar is worn on the ribbon of the Iron Cross 2nd class or pinned<br />

to the blouse immediately above the Iron Cross 1st class.<br />

a ) Iron Cross 2nd class (Kisernes Kreuz II.K1.)<br />

The Iron Cros3 2nd class may k<br />

worn suspended from the ribbon<br />


3.<br />

over the left breast pocket. Usually, however, the ribbon alone is<br />

TPorn passed through the second buttonhole of-the blouse. (Plate 1-4)<br />

fc) Iron Cross 1st class (Ei3ernes Kreuz I.K1.)<br />

Awarded to holders of the Iron Cross 2nd CIASS only for further<br />

acts of bravery on the battlefield. It is the same as the 2nd class<br />

medal, but it is -worn, fastened to the left breast pocket, without a<br />

ribbon. (Plate 1-5)<br />

All members of the Armed Forces, regardless of rank, are eligible<br />

to receive the Iron Cross in all grades. The awards are made in the<br />

name of the Ftthrer on recommendation of the C-in-C of the respective branch<br />

of the Armed Forces, or the Chief of the High Command of the Armed Forces.<br />

The award of the cross in a higher grade i s predicated on th« possession<br />

of the next lower grade.<br />

c) Kni^it's Cross of the Iron Cross (Ritterkrcuz das Eisernen<br />

Kreuzes)<br />

This next higher grade of the Iron Cross may be awarded on the<br />

decision of Hitler only. It may be bestowed for the display of exceptional<br />

personal bravery having a decisive effect on th© outcome of a<br />

battle. This cross is larger than the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd class,<br />

and is worn around the neck on a broader ribbon of the same colors.<br />

1781 Knigiht's Crosses were awarded during th« fir3t 3 years of the present<br />

war.<br />

^•)O&k Leaves to the Knight's Cross (Eichenlaub zum Ritterkr«us)<br />

This decoration consists of three silver oak-leav«s oountod on the<br />

ribbon, immediately above the Kni^it's Cross. It was awarded for the<br />

first time at the memorable session of the Reichstag on 19 July 1940 to<br />

the now dead Cton«ralleutnant Di*tl for his conduct of the campaign at<br />

Narvik. By the middl© of Jarfuary 1943, 182 members of the German Armed<br />

Forces had received this honor. (Plate 1-7)<br />

e) Oak leaves with Swords to the Knight's Cross (Eichenlaub<br />

mit Schwortern zum Ritterkreuz)<br />

This medal, mounting two crossed swords b«low the oak leaves,<br />

has been awarded 24 times up to April 1943* (Plate 1-6)<br />

f) Qak Leavos with Swords and Diamonds to the Knight's Cross<br />

( i h i "h ifr Schwertern und BriilantGn zum Ritterkrouz)<br />

This decoration, one of the highest G«nnan award for bravery, i s<br />

similar to the one above, but with the oak lea.v«s and the sword-hilts<br />

studded with diamonds. Up to a year ago only th« five most successful<br />

fighter pilots received this decoration, in the following order:<br />


4.<br />

Obcrstlt. Holders; the now Gancralmajor Galland, inspoctor of ni^xt fighters;<br />

ilajor Gollob; Obit, iiirsttille on his reputed 125th air victory; and finally<br />

Obit. G-raf on his 172nd air victory. (Plato 1-9)<br />

Th® bestowal of th© Iron Cross, as well as of all other German<br />

decorations, is in each instance accompanied by a certificate of award<br />

(Basitzurkunda), which remains in tho possession of the recipient.<br />

g) Great Gross of the Iron Cross (Grosskr«uz dts Eisernen Kreuzes)<br />

This highest of Gorman decorations is worn suspended from the neck<br />

on a broad black-whi'tc-rod ribbon. In size it is double that of the<br />

Iron Cross. It is awarded only for outstanding achievements which have<br />

a decisive influence on the course of the war. "Reichsmarschall" Gttring<br />

is the only wearer of this modal, having received it in recognition of<br />

his creation and development of the German Luftwaffe.<br />

II.<br />

,;AR Sa£fl/TCa OF HBBIP CBOSS (Kriegsverdianstkreuz)<br />

Hitler founded this decoration on 18 October 1939 to reward services<br />

for which the Iron Cross could not be conferred. The Knigjat's<br />

Cross of the V?ar Service of Llerit Cross was instituted on 28 August 1940.<br />

This decoration na.y be awarded in the following four grades:<br />

1. War Service of Merit Cross 2nd class (lowest grade)<br />

2. \in.r Service of Lierit Cross 1st class<br />

3. Elliot's Cross of the War Service of Merit Cross<br />

5.<br />

The Knights Gross of the Ws.r Service of LIcrit Cross (Ritterkrcuz<br />

des Kriegsverdienatkreuzes) is silver. It is larger than the 1st<br />

and 2nd clasr crosses, and is suspended fro:.: the neck on a broader ribbon<br />

of the saine colors* The best oral of this decoration is reserved for the<br />

5'HQirer. It may also be conferred -with svords for outstanding adlit&ry<br />

deeds that decisively effect the trend of the viar, or without svjords for<br />

outstanding acco.-ipliahments in connection with the \*«.r effort.<br />

The ffa.r Service of Llerit Itieclal (Krie£sveixiiensti£edj.ille) is bronze.<br />

It cornea in the 3hape of the cross fastened on a round disc. On its<br />

reverse side ia inscribed "liir Kriegsverdienst 1939" • Thia-medal io<br />

reserved exclusively for thoae civilians Y.iio performed v.dth merit tasks<br />

connected with the production of v/ar material, such as a lainiffium of six<br />

months 1 aervice in a VOLT plant, etc. The ribbon is the siJiie as tha/c of<br />

the War Service of Merit Cross, excepting that a narrow red stripe runs<br />

lengthwise in the center of the black, (plate 11-12)<br />

III . THISWOUND MDQB (Das Verwundetenabzeichen)<br />

The Wound B^dge \as rcinatitutod by Hitler on 1 September 1939. It<br />

is similar to that of the last vr~r, and consists of itn ov;.l badge edged<br />

with a laurel v.xeath within vAiich a steel helmet reposes on tvx> crorjeed<br />

Sw-ords; SL svastika. is. auperinposed on the lielniet. This swastika is not<br />

present on the Yt'ound B^'dge of 1914 for members of the Army. (Plate II-lj)<br />

In the var of 1914-13, members of the Kavy were ^wsirded a. distinct »iound<br />

of their ovaa. (Plate 11-14)<br />

The \7ound Badge i s awarded to thoae vdio heve sustained v»unda or<br />

bodily injury (freezing etc.) through direct encsny action. It is /.:,£.rdcd<br />

in the following three grs.dea, r.c-oending upon the number, or saverity of the<br />

wounds:<br />

1. i?i black (lowest grade) for tliose wounded once or twice<br />

2 # In silver for those wounded JJ or 4 times<br />

3* In gold for those wounded inore than 4 times<br />

The Wound Badge is v/orn without a ribbon on the left breact of the<br />

blouse. Multiple wounds sustained at one time count as one wound. rhis<br />

badge is not awarded for illness or accident, even though occurring at the<br />

battle front.<br />

Tho badge in silver may be avianled, regardless of the number or the<br />

vound" to those who have lost a hand, a foot, an eye, or who througn enencact^on<br />

have become totally deaf. The badge in gold rxy be av^.rdea re^a-dless<br />

of the number of the wounds, to those who have oecome totally blind<br />

through enemy action, or who have sustained OTU-a injuries rciiultii.g in<br />

•ineiitai illness. Civilian personnel employed in the construction oi -sue<br />

"7/estern Wall" are ^Iso eligible for the vround b^^e, if they were injured<br />

through enciy action. Since July 1943, i t say ^l^o be conTerrea upon those<br />

non^eribera of the Vehmc.cht 7A0 have suffered injuries ^irou-aciic:ry-,c^n<br />

in the th^ter of operations, in occupied territories, iii<br />

jaent", or in the "Protelctorat". (Plitto 11-15;<br />


IV. ORDER OF THE <strong>GERMAN</strong> CROSS (Kriegsorden des Deutschen Kreuzcs)<br />

This order wa.3 instituted by Hitler on 28 September 1941, largely<br />

to bridge tho gap between the Iron Cross 1st class and the Kni^vfc's<br />

Cro33 of the Iron Cross; especially in view of the large number of the<br />

Iron Crosses 1st class a.-narded.<br />

6.<br />

The decoration consists of a dark grey, eight-pointod star, edged<br />

vdth silvar, and measuring 65 nun in diameter. The center of the star is<br />

occupied by a large black, silver-edged smstika. on st field of dull silver<br />

•vrlthin a circular laurel ^vreath in silver or gold, respectively* The bottom<br />

of the laurel wreath bears the date "1941" • The German Cross is -worn<br />

on the right breast mthout a. ribbon*<br />

It may be av/arded:<br />

•*-• I 11 silver (lower grades) for repeated services of exceptional merit<br />

in tho conduct of the -war.<br />

2. In gold for repeated display of extraordinary gallantry in action,<br />

or for repeated outstanding feats in leadership on the battlefield.<br />

A preraquisitft for the award of the G-eraan Cross in either silver<br />

or gold is the possession of the Iron Cross 1st class, tho bar to tho Iron<br />

Cross 1st class of 1914, or- the Y/ar Service of Uerit Cross 1st class with<br />

swards. (Pla.t« II-16)<br />

V. TICS HONOR-ROLL CUSP (Die Shrenblatt-Spange)<br />

Hitler founded this decoration in Ljarch 1944. It may be awarded<br />

to soldiers of all grades who iiave bean cited in an order-of-the-d&y ( g<br />

bttfchl), and thus entered the "Honor Roll of the German Array" (iShranblsitt des<br />

Doutschen Heeres). The clasp consists of a golden svatstika. -within a circular<br />

oak-leaf vvreath, and is Tsorn fastened to the black-white-red ribbon of the<br />

Iron Cross of 1939; the ribbon bein=; attached to th« buttonhole of the blouse.<br />

The eligibility requirements are:<br />

) Possession of the Iron Cross 1st class, and<br />

,<br />

b; ^xtraordinaiy acts of bravery in combat of ii nature that vould<br />

ordinarily Justify the avmrd of tho I^night's Cross of the lion Cross. The<br />

a\vu.rd is retroactive for all those who have been cited in an ordcr-of-theds.y<br />

prior to the institution of this clasp-of honor, (Plate 11-17)<br />


und Verdienstauszuiclinung ftir .AngatoSrige der Ostvttlker)<br />

Tliis badge, founded on 14 July 1942, nay bo awarded v/ithor with<br />

svjords &s a combat decoration for br&very, or mthout s-words as a service<br />

docoration for meritorious, servives. It crab races the folio-wing grades:<br />


7.<br />

a) 2nd class, in bronze (lowest -rade), on a dark-greon ribbon<br />

bl 2nd class, in silver, on a green ribbon with white edges<br />

c^ 2nd class, in gold, on a Ii2frt-green ribbon with ¥ftiite edges<br />

dj 1st class, in silver<br />

•J 1st class, in gold<br />

The first three aro worn from the medal-^bar, or the ribbon alone is<br />

warn from the buttonhole of the blouse; the last two are -norn without a<br />

ribbon, pinned to the breast.<br />

The badge with swords is awarded for bravery to those Eastern<br />

voluntoers who participate in combat operations against the Russians under<br />

Gorman command, whereas the badge without svords is conforr&d upon those<br />

Eastern volunteers who perform special services within the occupied Eastern<br />

provincos in connection with the war against "Bolshevism" .<br />

Members of the following volunteer organizations are eligible:<br />

1» Turkestan b&ttaj-ions, including Turkestan construction battalions<br />

2. Cossack units<br />

3» Crimean Tartars<br />

4* Local Security Forces (Iandtt3eigene SicherungsverbSnde), composed<br />

of volunteer local inhabitants, or discharged prisoners of war<br />

who are "defending thoir homos" against tho Russian ^rmy, the<br />

Partisans etc.<br />

5. Police Forces (Ordnungsdienste) within the zone of operations<br />

6* Volunteer local residents and discharged prisoners of war who<br />

enrolled in the Geim&n Army as "auxiliaries" (Hilfswillige).<br />

Since November 1942, this badge niay also be avarded as & commemoration<br />

badge to those German soldiers, up to battalion commander, who have commanded<br />

or were members of units composed of Eastern volunteers. However, the<br />

possession of the Iron Cross 2nd class is a prerequisite to the award of the<br />

2nd class badge in silver, while possession of the Iron Cross 1st class is<br />

required for eligibility for the 1st class badge in silver.<br />

In addition to this decoration, members of foreign volunteer organizations<br />

originating from occupied Russian territories and incorporated into the German<br />

Armed Forces, who display extraordinary bravery or render special services,<br />

axe since March 1944 eligible to rocoive the Iron Cross, or the War Service<br />

of Merit Cross, respectively. The award of the Iron Crosses 1st or 2nd class<br />

is predicated upon the possession of the corresponding class .of the Bravery<br />

etc. badge in silver with swords, vjhile the "Jar Service of Merit Crosses 1st<br />

and 2nd class without swords may b« awarded to those who possess the corresponding<br />

classes of the Bravery etc. badge in silver without swords.<br />

Furthermore, these volunteers >my now also receive, under conditions<br />

that apply to all others, the Eastern Front iledal, th« Wound Badge, and the<br />

various Assault Badges, (illustration-or description not available)<br />


8.<br />


I # mPAl-TPHY ASSAULT BADGS (Infant erie-Stuxrabzeichen)<br />

Founded on 20 December 1939, this badge may be awarded to officers,<br />

NCOS and privates of rifle companies in infantry and mountain infantry<br />

regiment3, v/ho hava since 1 January 1940 met all of the following three<br />

requirementSf<br />

Have taken part in three assault operations on 3 different days<br />

^ Have beon in the foroaost lines<br />

3/ Have penetrated the enemy line, weapon in hand<br />

Successful armed rcxconnalssanco, as v/ell as counter-attacks are<br />

counted a.s assult operations, provided they laad to close fighting.<br />

The badge is silver for infantry and jaount&in infantry units, and<br />

bronze for motorized infantry units. It is designed in the form of an oval<br />

•wreath of oak l«tav

9.<br />

Since July 1943, the Tank Assault 3&dge may be awarded in tho<br />

following four grades:<br />

&.) Grade 1 (original grade) awarded after 3 engagements<br />

bj Grade 2 # n „ 25 "<br />

cj Grs.de 3 " " 50 "<br />

w<br />

d; Grade 4.<br />

•« 75 «<br />

After participation in 100 or n:oro engagement3, the grade 4 badge<br />

be reissued with tlie numerals "ICO" superimposod.<br />

This badge is awarded by comntnuers of Panzer divisions, (plate 111-20)<br />

III. ASSAULT BADGE (GENERAL) (Sturffiabzeichon (Allgemeinec) )<br />

The assault Badge (General) was instituted on 1 June 1940 for the<br />

purpose of rewarding personnel of the branches of service that support<br />

the infantry and Panzer arms, and who are not eligible to receive the<br />

Infantry Assault Badge, or the Tank Assault Badge. It v&s originally<br />

intended as an assault badge for engineers, but was later o:ctonded to<br />

include personnel of other arms -who have an ancillary role in tho assault<br />

of infantry and armored formations. The sward is made to personnel of<br />

the artillery, engineers, antitank and antiaircraft units, if they help to<br />

carry the assult forward and assist in achieving a break-through in the<br />

enemy's line. lledical personnel are now eligible, if they attend or<br />

rescue wounded under the samo battle conditions as the assaulting infantry<br />

in tho close-combat area.<br />

The badge is silver, and displays a hand-grenada crossed with a<br />

bayonet, surmounted by the Gernan eagle and swastika, the Tdiole enclosed<br />

within an oval -wreath of oak leaves. It is worn on tho loft breastpocket<br />

of the blouse.<br />

Since July 1943, this bad^c is issued in the same four grades as the<br />

Tank Assault Badge (par. II, above), and under identical conditions. Its<br />

recipients may now include monibors of assault-gun units (Sturragoscbntzeinheiten),<br />

assault-tank units (Sturmpanzereinheiton), ancL self-propelled antitank<br />

units. The number of (mr^oiaonts (Hins^tstage) for both the T&Jik<br />

Assault Badge and the assault Badge (General) will be computed as of 1 July<br />

1943. However, those alrs^dy possessing either of thoso badges will be<br />

credited vdth three engagements for the period prior to this date. In<br />

addition, personnel of the arms eligible to receive this badge, who have<br />

since 22 June 1941 had uninterrupted service in Russia or in Africa, will bo<br />

given credit for the following number of engagements:<br />

a) 25 engagements «... for 15 months 1 service<br />

b) 15 engagements<br />

c) 10 engagements<br />

^ ^<br />

6<br />

u |?<br />

(Plate 111-21)<br />


10.<br />


(Sonderabzeichen ffcr das Niederkampfen von Panzerkampfwagen usw.<br />

durch Einzelkampfer)<br />

Founded in March 1942, this sleeve insignia, is awarded to soldiers<br />

who single-handed destroy or disable a tank or other armored vehicle in<br />

close-combat, resorting to close-combat weapons only, such as antitank<br />

rifles, rifle shells, pole charges, hand-grenades etc. One insignia is<br />

bestowed for each tank or other armored vehicle thus destroyed or disabled.<br />

The decoration consists of an aluminum-colored band measuring<br />

90 x l>2 mm, with a 3 mm "wide interwoven black stripe both at the top and<br />

bottom. It is worn as an armband on the right upper sleeve. One insignia<br />

is awarded for «3ach tank destroyed, and core tb.Ji one m&y be vrorn simultaneously.<br />

This decoration was formerly known as rt Sturmabz«ichon fCLr die<br />

Srledigung feindlicher Karapfwagen" •<br />

Since January 1943, this insignia may b« awarded on a gold band. After<br />

accounting for a fifth tank or other armored vehicle, a soldier will, instead<br />

of a fifth silver insignia, receive the decoration on a gold band. The four<br />

silver decorations arc then taken off, and the gold armband alone is worn.<br />

(Plate 111-22)<br />

V. CLOSE-COMBAT BADGE (Nahkampfspange)<br />

In recognition of personal bravery displayed in close-combat, handto-hand<br />

engagements, Hitler inaugurated this decoration on 25 November 1942.<br />

It is awarded to soldiers for hand-to-hand combat with the rifle, pistol,<br />

hand-grenade, knife, or other closo-combat weapon, while on foot and unsupported.<br />

It is conferred primarily upon members of the infantry, but other<br />

aims are eligible, providing the prerequisites are complied with. Soldiers<br />

who alraa.dy possess the Infantry Assault Badge, may nevertheless become<br />

recipients of this badge. The awird may bo made in the following three grades<br />

1st class in bronz© (lowest grade; for 15 dose-combat days<br />

tt tt n<br />

2nd class in silver, " 30<br />

w<br />

c) 3rd class in gold a 50 " «<br />

The close-combat days are computed as of 1 Decaiaber 1942. However,<br />

soldiers who saw uninterrupted service on the Eastern Front after 22 June'l941<br />

will be credited with the following number of close-combat days:<br />

'<br />

15 close-combat days for 15 months 1 uninterrupted service<br />

10 " •» «» 12 " » «<br />

rt<br />

5<br />

« » 8 d « «<br />

The number of close-combat days required to receive the 1st 2nd, or<br />

3rd class badge, may be reduced to 10, 20, or 40, respectively in the'case of<br />

severely wounded soldiers who would otherwise have no further opportunity to<br />

participate in close-combat engagements.<br />


11.<br />

The Close-Combat Badge is in the form of a long and nsarow metal<br />

brooch and is worn above the left breast-pocket. Its square center contains<br />

a bayonet crossed with a hand-grenade and surmounted by the German eagle and<br />

swastika.; each side of th« center square is ornamented with a design of rays<br />

and oak leaves, (plate 111-23)<br />

VI.ARMY. AHTIAIRCRAFf BADGE (Heores-Flak-Abzeichen)<br />

This badge -was originally founded on 18 July 1941, but the provisions<br />

of it s award were nx>difi&d by the Army High Command on 4 September 1942.<br />

Since June 1941, it may be awarded to officers and enlisted men of Army<br />

antiaircraft unit* (Heeres Fla-Truppen und Heeres-Plak-Einheiten) for repeated<br />

distinguished participation in successful engagements against enemy a«rial<br />

targets. The a.v

C« CAMPAIGN <strong>DECORATIONS</strong><br />

I . SPANISH GSOSS (Spanien-Kreuz)x<br />

The Spanish Cross is awarded in bronzo, silver, or gold, and v.ith<br />

swords or without s-words to former G

13.<br />

^<br />

M3M2L aM2S&)IUJI0N W&Jj (Medaille zur 3rinnerung an die Keimkehr<br />

das Memellances)<br />

This medal canmemorates the return of Manel to th© Third Reich<br />

on 22 March 1939, and was instituted on 1 Ulsy 1939. It is in

V*.<br />

Also eligible are members of tho Aimy who w«^.t to sea with, the li^ht<br />

flotilla on 19 12ay 1941 and vho participated in tho sea-battle near the<br />

island. (Plate IV-32)<br />

VIII>CIICLL: SItlKLD (Cfoolmschild)<br />

This award v/as instituted on 1 July 1942 to commemorate the defence<br />

of the beleaguered city of Cholm on the Eastern Front by the "Kampfgruppe<br />

Generalmajor Scherer" during tho period 21 January 1942 and 5 May 1942,<br />

All members of the "V/ehrmacht" or those subordinated to it who were part of<br />

tho garrison and who played an honorable part in the defense of the city<br />

-within tho period named above, are eligible for the award. The decoration<br />

is in the form of an elongated shield bearing the German eagle clutching<br />

the Iron Cross in its talons. The lower part of the shield is inscribed<br />

"Cholm 1942". It is worn on the left upper sleeve. The awards are made<br />

in the name of the Ptthrer by General Scherer, commander of the defending<br />

forces. (Plate IV-33)<br />

EC. &JST3SRNffKOIIT MSBAL (Ostmedaille)<br />

This medal ma founded on 26 LSay 1942 to coinnemorate service or. the<br />

Russian Front during the first winter campaign between 15 November 1941 and<br />

15 April 1942. Its official German designation is: "Y/interschlacht im Osten<br />

1941/42 (Ostm«daille) M « It may be awarded to officers and enlisted men who<br />

have met one of the following prerequisites:<br />

a) Participation in at legist 14 days' fighting. For Luftwaffe<br />

personnel flights against tho enemy on 30 different days is<br />

required.<br />

b) Wounding or freezing that resulted in the a-ward of the Wound<br />

Badge.<br />

c) Completion of a minimum of 60 days' uninterrupted service on<br />

the Eastern i'ront.<br />

Personnel of semi-military and auxiliary organizations are also<br />

eligible, if daring the period prescribed, they -were subordinated to, or<br />

were executing tasks directly on behalf of the Wehrmacht.<br />

The circular medal is steel-grey. On its face is found the<br />

inscription M Y/interschlacht im Osten 1941/42," surmountod by a white<br />

steel helmet covering a hand-grenade; below the inscription appears a<br />

bayonet crossed with a sprig of laurel. The reverse side bears the<br />

German aagl© and swastika with a sprig of laurel under the latter. The<br />

ribbon is red, with a very narrow white-bl&ck-white vertical stripe in the<br />

center. The medal is worn on the left breast of the blouse, or tho ribbon<br />

alone may be viorn from the buttonhole, (plate V-34-45)<br />


15.<br />

X. CRIMEA. SHTTIiD (Kricischild)<br />

This campaign decoration was founded on 25 July 1942 in menory of<br />

the battles on tho Crimean peninsula. It is awardsd to all members of the<br />

Armed Forces who participated in the Crimean campaign during th« poriod of<br />

21 September 1941 and 4 July 1942. Gene ralfeldmarschsll von l&nnstein has<br />

been delegated "by Hitler to distribute this shield. The fdiving conditions<br />

govern the arard:<br />

a) Participation in a main engagement, or<br />

b. I/founding, or<br />

c) A ndnimum of 3 months* service on the peninsula<br />

Tho shield is bronze and portrays the geographical outlines of the<br />

peninsula and the seas surrounding it , 3umounted by the national insignia<br />

•within an oak-leaf v/reath* To the left and right of this -wreath are inscribed<br />

the dctos "1941" and t a942 w , respectively. It is worn on the upper left sleeve.<br />

(Plate V-j6)<br />

XI. DBMJAflSK SHIKTJ) (Denganskschild)<br />

Hitler founded this cainpaign decoration in April 1943 in. memory of tho<br />

14 month siege of the surrounded battle sector of Demjansk on the Eastern Front<br />

in 1941-42. • All members of the vehrmacht y/ho played .an honorable part in these<br />

defensive battles, are eligible. The original swards were made in the name<br />

of the Fuhrer by the CO. of the defending forces, CJencral Graf Brockdorff-<br />

Alilefcldt (dead). It is v.^orn on the left upper sleeve. The shield contains<br />

tvvo crosfifed swords, with aji aircraft in fliglit across the points (in comraaraoration<br />

of the fact that for 14 months the garrison had been supplied by air);<br />

below the SYvord-hilts appear the numerals "1942", -while the inscription<br />

"Demjansk" is slicftn abova the points. The v/hole is cro-wned by the national<br />

insignia behind a crenelated rampart.<br />

Russian "auxiliaries" and others subordinated to the ;.eh2iaacht m&y be<br />

recipients of this decoration. (Plate V-37)<br />

iai . IOJEAN miELD (Kubanschild)<br />

This shield was instituted hy Hitler on 20 September 1943 in commemoration<br />

of the defensive battles on tho Kuban bridgehead on the Crimean peninsula.<br />

It nay bo au/ai-ded to all x.dlitary personnel, as V,

Participation in a main engagement, or<br />

bj V/ounding, or<br />

c; A m-itn'm-im of 60 days 1 uninterrupted service on the bridgehead<br />

Tho awards are made in the name of tho Ftihrer by Gonaralfeldniarschall<br />

von Klaist. (No illustration or description available)<br />

XIII. GUERnJA-WABFABEMEDAL (Bandenkampf-Abzeichen)<br />

Hitler founded this badge on 30 January 1944 in r a coalition of the<br />

bravory displayed by mambors of tho Armed Forces in their fight, behind tho<br />

Sast«rn Front and in the mountain fastnesses of the B;dkans, against the everincr

17.<br />

This armband is issued in a dark-blue color for members of the<br />

Luftwaffe.<br />

An earlier pattern, green vdth silver edging and the inscription<br />

"Afrikakorps" has been recalled and superseded by the Africa Armband.<br />

(Plate V-40)<br />

XV. GSRUoIT-IIALLUT CClS/iEMOR-fflON KEDftL (Deutsch-Italieniscbe Erinnerungsmedaille)<br />

This round bronze medal 7*as awarded to members of both the Gorman and<br />

Italian Araed Forces who participated in the joint campaigns in North Africa.<br />

Its face is adorned by a triumphal arch flanked on tha right side by a<br />

swastika, a^d or. the left side by the Italian fasces; a true lovers 1 knot is<br />

displayed below the arch. Tho bilingual inscription "Canipagna Italo-Tedesca<br />

in Africa Italienisch-Deutscher Peldzug in Afrika" surrounds the medal.<br />

-The ravursa side portrays two kni^jhts in medieval armor struggling with a<br />

crocodile. The ribbon is black-v.Mte-red-s7hite-gr«on, thus combining the<br />

(Jenaan «md Italian national colors.<br />

A recent order prohibits the wearing of this medal by members of the<br />

German Aimed Forces. (Plate V-41)<br />


18.<br />



Sozialistisches Blutorden vam 9 November 1923)<br />

Thi3 medal wa.3 originally struck at Hitler's command in 1933,<br />

was amrded to all those who took part with him in the abortive "putsch"<br />

in IJBnchen on-8-9 November 1923# It was later given a wider distribution<br />

and w^s awarded to many Nazi Party members who had taken part in the streetfighting<br />

of the pre-1933 years. JThe ordar is regarded with the highest<br />

respect in the Party*<br />

The medal is circular in shape, and its faco portrays an aigle grasping<br />

a laurel wreath by its talons, within which is inscribed the d£.te<br />

M 9« Nov." Insiiediately below the eagle's beak is found the inscription<br />

"Mftnchen 1923-1933"• The reverse side bears a facade of three arches<br />

surmounted by a swastika from which rays emenate, and the inscription "Und<br />

Ihr Habt Doch Gesiegt". The ribbon is r©d in center with narrow whiteblack<br />

stripes on either side. It is worn on the right breast of the Nazi<br />

Party uniform, Vilhen worn on military blouses, the ribbon is placed above<br />

the left breast pocket in line with any other decoration that may have been<br />

awarded. The ribbon alone may be worn from the second-from-top buttonhole.<br />

There are several ways of wearing this decoration. Members of the Luftwaffe<br />

may wear the ribbon in the form of a half-cockade on the right breast of the<br />

flying blouse, directly below the swastika of the national insignia. (Plate<br />

YI-42-43-4W-5)<br />

II.<br />

INSIGNIA OFHONOR FOR THS FIRST 100,000 I/ISfelBERS (Ehrenzeichen fur<br />

I£Ltglieder unter Nummer 100 000)<br />

This party badge is generally referred to as the "Gold Party Badge" (Das<br />

Goldane Parteiabzeichen), As its title implies, this high Party decoration<br />

may be worn only by those charter mesnbors of the Party whose, serial numbers are<br />

below 100,000 and who have belonged to the Party uninterruptedly since its<br />

foundation.<br />

The badge is circular in shape and is worn on the left side of the blouse<br />

or civilian Jacket. It consists of a swastika around which is the inscription<br />

"National-Sozialistisch© DAP 11 , the whole surrounded by a golden vzreath of<br />

laurel leaves. The membership number is found inscribed on the reverse side.<br />

(Plate VI-46)<br />

III.<br />

C03URG BADGffi (Coburger Abzeichen)<br />

This Party badge wi-s issued to all members who participated in the<br />

fafiious march on Coburg in October 1922, known as "Deutscher Tag in Coburg".<br />

It was the first NSDAP expedition from its home at Minich (orster Vbrstoss<br />

der Partei von 2$mchen nach ITord-Bayern). Tho mooting was characterized by<br />


19.<br />

bloody street-fighting, in which 800 S A nen suprossed the "red terror".<br />

Aiaong the participants were Hitler and some of his early lieutenants.<br />

(Plate VII-47)<br />

IV". NftEKBlilRG PARTY CONVSIITIOII &iDGB 0? 1929 (lUlrnbergor Parteitagsabzeichen<br />

von 1929)<br />

Tills gold badge -FAS founded to cornmamor&to one of the bloodiest Party<br />

conventions in Nazi history, hold at Nttrriberg in 1929. ^11 participants of<br />

this meeting -were decorated vdth this badge. It com«s in th© form of a siiield<br />

in tho center of which raposes an oagle perched atop a steel-halrnet embossed<br />

with a swastika* The shield bears the following inscription: "Iflirnbarg 1912K­<br />

1919 NSDAP - - Partcitag 1929". (Plate VII-43)<br />

V. BAi3&5 OF THE SA-C0NVi5NTIQN AT B&afoSCHnlSIG- Of 1931 (libzcichen vom<br />

SA-Treffen Braunschweig 1931)<br />

This silver badge ^vas struck to coniineinorate the Party convention held<br />

at 3raunschvroig on 17-18 October 1931, whan nearly 100,000 SA and 3S-m©n,<br />

nainly of the M 2A-G-ru^pe Nord 11 , assembled* At this convention, which followed<br />

closely on the heels of the "Stennes putsch",-Hitler assured hiiaself of tho<br />

loyalty of the SA. 24 new "Standartan" were; founded, and tho w i.3otor-iii" JTiada<br />

its first public appearance.<br />

Th« badg« consists of an oval wreath of oak leaves having a bovv at th«<br />

bottom. V/ithin the wreath is found th« inscription M SA-Trwffen 3raunschwcig<br />

17/18 Oktober 1931" • The wreath is surmounted by the national insignia.<br />

(Plate VTI-49)<br />

VI. GOLD I-HTL3R-Y01JTH B^'iDGB (Goldencs HJ-^ibzeichen)<br />

Tl^is badge of honor was founded by Baldur von Schira.cn, the "Rc-ichsjugendfuhr«r"<br />

on 18 August 1934* It was awarded to all tlipse Hitler-Youth<br />

mezriber3 of tho Party, who could orius themselves of uninterrupted membership<br />

in tho Party at the liistorical Scich Youth meet ins °? 2 Octobur 1932.<br />

It is zlso knovai z.& "HJ-Shrenzoichun" (Hitier-Youth i3£GGo of Honor, •<br />

It is designed in the shape of a diamond having a gold outer frame, and<br />

a bl&ck swastika in the center. The designs ©.round the swastika ar«u rod and<br />

white. (Plate VII-50)<br />

VII. ?JA7,T P;,KTY SBRVIOS Bi'JXSES (NSDAP Dienstauszcichnun^on)<br />

These badges wore foundod "oy Hitler in April 1939, and are averted to<br />

momTMirs ?&o served the Party faithfully for at least 10 years. There zro<br />

three classes of this decoration:<br />


20.<br />

a) Class 1, in gold, for 25.years' service<br />

"bj Class 2, in silver, for 15 yoars 1 service<br />

c) Class 3, in bronzo, for 10 years' sorvice<br />


21.<br />

E. iffSCELLANBOUS <strong>DECORATIONS</strong><br />

I- MOTOR VgjICLi] DRIVERS 1 &JJGS Or 1 II^.TT (Kraftfahrbev;ahrungsabzcichcn)<br />

This award was instituted on 23 October 1942, as a token of recognition<br />

for the war servico of drivers of .-aotor vehicles viio have given a particularly<br />

good account of themselves. This badge is eligible to all isilitary no tor<br />

vehicle drivers who have especially distinguished th«as*lv«s' in driving vehicles<br />

under difficult circumstances in certain theaters of -war, and in caring faithfully<br />

for the vehicles entrust«d to thorn.<br />

Hie following prerequisites are necessary for the award:<br />

a) Service as a motor vehicle driver in the former territories of.Jugoslavia<br />

and G-roecc, in Bulgaria and Ruuania, in the zono East of the<br />

Russian 1940 boundary, in Finland, Itorway (north of the Artie circle),<br />

in LsLppla^d, or in Africa.<br />

b) The tripe must have beon executed und~r especially difficult conditions,<br />

e.g. under fire, especially l^rgc distances covered, severe weather<br />

conditions, and bad road, shelter and repair conditions.<br />

The award may be given to:<br />

IJbtorcyclc dispatch riders<br />

..«•• after 30 operational diy3<br />

Drivers of combat vehicles " 120 " "<br />

Drivers of motor vehicles of the<br />

transport service<br />

M 150 " "<br />

Drivers of motor vehicles of the<br />

L of C troops " 165 " "<br />

Drivers of all other services " 185 " "<br />

Th© aycird may be recalled if subsequently the driver is guilty of neglecting<br />

his vehicle, of violating the speed limit, or of causing accident through carelessness.<br />

It may also be awarded to civilian drivers suboruiiiatod to the ,,'chrmaclit,<br />

if they have m«t the above prerequisites.<br />

badge consists of a steering "who«l set in a vrreath of laurel, and is<br />

v/orn on the low«r part of the left sleeve. It may be awarded in throe grades<br />

bronze, silver and gold. (Plato IX-65)<br />

II. fciRKSiaHISEIP A.uiRDS (Schutz«nauszeichnungen)<br />

Those insignia,, awarded to mercibers of the ^rmy for proficioncy in shooting,<br />

consist of a braided cord of dull aluminum color and are worn fastened fror.i the<br />

right shoulder-strap to tht* top-poclcet button of the blouse of the pkry.do,<br />

Talking-out and guard uniform. A flight metal shield is attachud to the shoulder<br />

end of the cord and at the lower end c.corns ara added to indicate the degree<br />

of the award. These avards come in the following 12 grades:

22.<br />

Grades 1-4: The shield is aluminum colored and be2.rs two crossed<br />

svrords within a center-shield, the whole surrounded hy a narrow oak-leaf<br />

wreath and crowned by the German oaglo and swastika.. Grade 1 i s not adorned<br />

vdth an acorn end is -this lowest grade. Grade 2 has one acorn, while grades<br />

3 and 4 have two and three acorns, respectively. The acorns for all 4 grades<br />

arc alucrLnum colored.<br />

s 5-8; The shield for these grades is also aluminum colored and<br />

of tho identical design; the oak-leaf wreath, however, is somewhat wider.<br />

The acorns ars also aluminum colored, and ar© added in the same order, i.e.<br />

grade 5 no acorn, grade 6 on© acorn etc.<br />

G-rado3 9-12: Tho shield is identical with that of group 5-$; its<br />

color, however, is gold. As in the case of the two other groups, the addition<br />

of an acorn denotes a higher grade award. The color of tho acorns for this<br />

group is gold.<br />

Personnel of artillery units use miniature shells in place of the<br />

acorns.<br />

The replica of a tank replaces the crossed swords on tho shield for<br />

personnel of Panzer units.<br />

Tho Air Force issues similar cords to its members for proficiency<br />

in shooting. However, in place of the crossed swords and national insignia,<br />

the centor-shield contadns th* Air Force eagle and swastika. The cord is greyblu®<br />

silk decorated with silver for ^rados 1-4, silver decorated with grey-blue<br />

for grades 5-8, and grey-blue decorated with gold for grades 9-12. The acorns<br />

match tho color of the shiold..<br />

Air Force antiaircraft personnel use ^.dniature sheila in place of acorns.<br />

(Plate DC-66-67-66-69)<br />

III. LDIflxiaVITY. A£DALS (Dionst&uszaichnungen)<br />

Hitler founded these longevity decorations for the Armed Forces on<br />

16 iiarch 1936. The so medals ar« tokens 01 reward for long and faithful<br />

service, Th«sy may be a\.ardod in the following grades:<br />

a) Cl^-ss 4 (lowest grade) after 4 years' honorabl© servicit<br />

b) Cliiss 3<br />

n<br />

12<br />

n n n<br />

c) Cliiss 2<br />

M 18 " "<br />

n<br />

0) Glass 1 " 25 " "<br />

H<br />

o". Olcss 1 with OsJ: Leavos " 40 "<br />

M M<br />

Tli*ae longevity decorations are vorn on a cornflov;or-blue ribbon. The<br />

class 3 and 4 badges are circular in shape, the former light bronze, and the<br />

latter dull-oilvor. On the face of both is found a. raised German oc.glc vdth<br />

swastikii and tho inscription "Treue Dian3te in der Vi'chrm&cht" (Faithful<br />

Services in tho wulirnLucnt;. Thj reverse be^rs ,rospGGtivoly tha nuia©r.'ols "12"<br />


23.<br />

or "4", surrounded by an oak-loaf wreath. , Th° class 2 in&dal comes in the<br />

shape of a LJaltes* cross, is unpolished and has bevelled edges. Its color<br />

is silver, and its center-piece bears the national insignia. The class 1<br />

m«dal is larger than the latter, is of similar design and has a polished surface.<br />

Its color is gpld. Th

As in the case of other decorations, the ribbon alono may b« \70rn<br />

festaned to th

25.<br />

AVOIDS FOR ULFL-SAVBIG (Belohnung von Rettunfstatin)<br />

Peats of life-3aving may be rewarded by iiirets separate awards, dependingupon<br />

th© degree of risk incurred:<br />

!• Life-Saving Medal vdth Ribbon ( Ra ttungsaedaillo am Bando)<br />

Thi3 med&l is awarded for the successful 3aving of a lifa at extreme<br />

risk to the rescuer. It is circular in shape, and its fc.ee bo*rs the inscription<br />

"Fur Rettung aus Gefahr" within tn oak-leaf wreath. The reverse side is<br />

embossed with the German eagle. It is worn on the left breast suspended froa<br />

a ribbon, (plate X-oCk)<br />

2. Uoranerorruion iyieda.1 for Rescue from Danger ( g<br />

fur Rettung aus G-cfaiir)<br />

The nedal, a lessor award for life-saving is conferred upon those who<br />

accompli shed successful r©scuQ3 under less d^Lngerous circuniat;mces. It is not<br />

to be worn on the uniform o-r civilian clothing, (ifo illustration)<br />

3* Public Citation (Offentliche BelobigungJ<br />

If tho degree of risk involved in the saving of a lit'* is not considerable,<br />

the rescuer aiay be honored by a public citation, accoinp'.niGd in some cases by<br />

a monetary i<br />

.ill menbers of the _.rmod forces, seioi-niilitary and Party organizations,<br />

as well as civilians may be recipients of tlia above lifo-saving awards.<br />

VIII. G5R1>1AI{ BAG-LB ORDER OF MERIT .(VercUonstordxm von Deutschan ^dler)<br />

" This decoration was originally founded by Hitler on 1 May 1937 for tho<br />

ogress purpose of honoring distin^uialied foreign civil said military personages<br />

for services rendered on bolialf of the Reich. j?he provisions of the diurtur<br />

xMTv iua«ndod in -*pril 1939* Since that dite it may ha av/ardod v.ltli swords<br />

to iailitary peraonnol of allied or friendly nations viao distinguished h<br />

on th© battlefield. Th« dttooration without svjord is av^rded for ncritorious<br />

services in connection with the war of fort, but not at thy front.<br />

The G-omian IJagle Order of Merit embraces the foliov/ing six grades:<br />

c<br />

d<br />

0<br />

f<br />

G-rcat Cross (Gl-rosskreuz) (liigliest grs.dc)<br />

Service of Merit Cross mth 3ti-.r (Vordienstkrcuz mit 3<br />

ll tl 11 It<br />

1st Clfci ss<br />

II II tl<br />

II<br />

2nd cla ss<br />

I! Tl II<br />

II<br />

3rd Cli.<br />

German Service of Merit Ue

is accompanied by an eight-pointed silver star of rays, having a diameter of<br />

80 uri. In the center of the star r^posos tho 45-inm diameter cross of the 0rd«r.<br />

This star ic worn pinned to the left breast.<br />

2. The Service of Merit Pro as with Star is identical with the 1st class<br />

crosc, described below. However, it is accompanied by a six-pointed silver<br />

3tar of rays, having a diameter of 75 innu ^s above, in the canter of the star<br />

reposes tho 45-«na diaiaeter cross of the Ordor. It too is -worn on the left<br />

breast.<br />

3. Thu S^rvica of I^rit Cross 1st class has J- dixnoter of 50 mm, and it<br />

is worn suspended from the neck hy a 45-nnn wide ribbon.<br />

4» Tho Service of Hdrit Cross 2nd class is of the> same diumoter as that<br />

of the 2nd class, cross, but is worn without a ribbon pinned to tho breast.<br />

5« Thtat Service of LIcrit Cross 3rd class has a di&iiietor of 45 nan, and is<br />

worn susp^nd^d fror:. the bnaast on a AO-iimi wide ribbon.<br />

26.<br />

6. Tha Service of Ilorit lu^dal is a round silver modal with a 3S-iam<br />

diameter. Its face bears the cross of the Ordor, while on the reverse is<br />

found the inscription "Beutsche V^rdienstmodaille". It is worn suspended<br />

from tho breast on 37-nu- vd.de ribbon.<br />

The iribbon for all classes of the Order is identical; rod in canter with<br />

narrow vAiito-black-v^iitc stripes on both si dor. (Plate XI-C5-9O)<br />

IX. OROSS OPKDHOR OF THE WOPJiD \ikR (Ehronkreuz des V/eltkricges)<br />

Founded by Ilitlor on 13 July 1934, this con3ina::ioration medal has v b*en<br />

av*i.rdod to al l thos© vdio participittod in -cho '^orld ,i'ar. Thero are thra* types<br />

of this dacoration:<br />

a) "FrontkAmpfarkrauz" for those v,Aio fought in th* front linoo<br />

b^ "KriQ^steilndhraorkreuz" for tlioso v^io served behind the front<br />

Krictgshintcrbliebonenkreuz" for the next of kin of tho fallen<br />

All throo arc of the sarao design, i.o. in the shape of a cross with, a<br />

circular oak-loaf wreath in th« center, within which is found the inscription<br />

"1914-191S". The "Frontkampferkreuz" is adorned with tvjo crossed swords.<br />

All three crosses are worn suspended from a ribbon on the left braast. The<br />

ribbon for the "JProntkaiapferkreuz" and the "Kriegsteilnehnierkrouz 11 is red in<br />

center with stripes of black-white-black on both sidss. That of the<br />

"Kriegshinterbliebensnkr-wuz 11 is r«d in center with stripes of vfoite-blackwiiite<br />

on either 3id«a. The color of the first two is bronze, while that of<br />

third is black, (plate XI-91-92)<br />


27.<br />

X. STORES BAfl&JSS OFHONOR (Sportehrenzeichen)<br />

There are a gr&at number, of insignia of distinction that may be awarded<br />

for excellence in the field of sports. Some of the best-known of these are<br />

listed below.<br />

1» S^.-I£Llitary Bad^e (iil-wehrabzaichen)<br />

It ms formerly colled the "Sa.-Sportabzeichen M (^-Sports ilt-d&l).<br />

This sports badge is awarded to menibtars of the Si (sturmabteilung; for accomplishments<br />

in sport3. It aiay be awarded in bronze, silver, or gold.<br />

badge in bronze is awarded to those who have passed the prescribed<br />

proficiency tests. The 3ilver badge is eligible to those -who success fully<br />

passed th

of tha German Olympia Badge of Honor, while on the r.verse is- found the<br />

inscription "Fur, verdicnstvollo Litarbeit bci don Olympischen Spiclcn 193b".<br />

(Plato XII-95-96)<br />

23.<br />

Irlotor Sports 3^Jgo (Deutsches ZIotorsportabzeichen)<br />

This badge is also knomi as the "NSKK-Sportabzcichcn". It was founded<br />

by Hitler in February 1938 and is eligible to monibers of ths IISKK and the DKK<br />

(Deutsches Kraftfahrkorps) for accomplislments in tne field of sports. It<br />

consists of a. large sv.actika enclosed within a round -wreath of oak IUA.VUC.<br />

A large G-jmar. eagle clutching a. rjotor car tyre is superinposod on the<br />

svastika. (plate XII-90)<br />

Ciiiur v/oll-knovai aports badges arc:<br />

Gronaan Iiorser::an's Bad&e (jjeutschec Reiterabaeichcn) (Plate 211-99)<br />

Kitlcr-Youth Proficiency Badge (lU-Lcistungsabzeichen) (pls.tc XIII-100)<br />

Gk?ir.gJi-youth- Proiiciency Badgo (DJ-Leiatungsabzaichen) (Plate XIII-101)<br />

Hitler-Youth Leader Sports B^dgc (lIJ-I l tthrersports^.bz(i;ichon) (Plate XIII-102)<br />

G-ciT:ian-Girls~SociQty Proficiency Badge (BDii-Leictungaabzcichcn)<br />

(Plate XIII-103)<br />

Ilitl^r-Youth Badge for oharpshooters<br />

Scharfschtitzon (Plate XIII-104;<br />

(iU-3chiw»ssauszQichnung fur<br />

Ilitlar-Youth Duiugt; for Riflemen (lU-Schiosssausiioichnung fur Schutzen)<br />

(Plato XIII-105)<br />

The tiports badges listed 'below aro loss proininent and are not illustrated,<br />

ihc original Gcr.'^ai dt?3ig:u'.tions ore givon only.<br />

Reichs jugc-ndsportab sfeiclicn<br />

JungfliGgerLportabzcichen<br />

Dout ache s ggiixerab z c ichon<br />

D@utsche3 Jugendrcitabzeichen<br />

Only t\vo sports medals iaay be v.orn at one

29.<br />

IABOR SERVICE BADGES OF M3RIT (RAD~Dienstauszeichnungen)<br />

These badges are issued to members of the Reich Labor Service (Rc;ichaarbeitsdienct)<br />

in recognition of years of honorable service. They are issued<br />

in the follovdng four grades:<br />

a) 1st class, in gold, for 25 years' service<br />

h\ 2nd class, in silver, for 18 years 1 service<br />

c) 3rd class, in silver, for 12 years' service<br />

d) 4th class, in bronze, i'or 4- ye&rs 1 service<br />

All classes arc of the sijone oval design. On the face is shown the special<br />

insignia, ^of the RrJ), v/hile on tho ravcrse is found tho inscription "Ftir treue<br />

Dienste im Reichsarbeitsdienst ''. Female medbers arc also eligible to receivo<br />

those badges, Hov/evcr, a lurge s-wsi.stika replaces th© spade on the face<br />

of tho modal. (Plate XHI-10 6-107-106)<br />

In addition, there is. th* Labor Service Badge of Honor of 1932<br />

(iilhrsnzeichen der iingohorigen des NSAD von 1932) issued to the original members<br />

of the' IISAD (Nazi Labor Service) in 1932, th© predecessor of the present<br />

RAD. (Plat* XIV-109)<br />

XII. POLICE SSKVICE 3.1DG-3S OF I.3R33? (Polizei-Dienstauszeichnungen)<br />

!3?he3© bedges ATQ av&rded to members of the police for long and<br />

honorable service* They axe issued in the follofdng throe grades:<br />

1st class, in * )ld, for 25 yvt&ra 1 sarvico<br />

2nd class, in -Alver, for lo y^ars 1 sei*vico<br />

3rd class, in silver, for 8 years' service<br />

Tho 1st s.nd 2nd class "badges are in the design of a cross, in the center<br />

of which is superimposed the police insignia (the national insignia 7/ithin an<br />

oval "ftxeath of loak leavos); inc. reverse boars the inscription "Fur treuo<br />

Dienste in der polizei". The 3rd class badge is a circular modal, having tho<br />

police insignia embossed on its f--oo, wfcdl* the inscription on tho reverse is<br />

identical. (Plate XIV-HO-1H-112 ;<br />

XIII. CUSTOLX. SSRVICE BaDGgj Og BDNOR (aollfi^^enscIiuta-iJhrccizeichen)<br />

This decoration is awarded to per3onnol of the border customs service<br />

(Reichszollgrenzschutzdicnst). It was founded by Hitler in February 1939.<br />

This badge, awarded for faithful s

30.<br />

XIV. FIKRMRK'S BADCaa OF HONOR (Fouerw«hr-Ehrenz«ichan)<br />

The Fircsman's Badge of Honor, awarded to firemen for long and honorable<br />

servico, was founded by Hitler in January 1938* It'is is cued in the following<br />

tyro grades: a) 1st class, in gold, b) 2nd class, in silver.<br />

The badge is in the form of a cross mth flame designs adorning all four aims.<br />

A swastika, reposes in the center of the cross. The circular inscription on<br />

the face of the badge reads: "Fur Verdiensto ini FouerlBcchv/esen 11 . (Plate XIV-114)<br />

XV. MINERS' i&DSE OF HONOR (Grubenwahr-Ehrenseichen)<br />

Founded simultaneously mth the Firemen's Badge of Honor (above), this<br />

award is giv~n to miners for long and faithful service. It is a round silver<br />

modal. Its face is adorned vdth two crossed short-handled picks, upon vjhich<br />

is superimposed the national insignia. On the re-verse side is found the<br />

inscription "Fur Verdiensto im Grubenwesen" within an oak-leaf v/reath.<br />

(Plate XIV-115-116)<br />

XVI. FAITHFUL SERVICE MflPATfl (Treudienst-Shrenzeiclien)<br />

bounded b;/ Hitler in January 1933, theco jnedals are a.\«irded for long<br />

ya&rs of faithful service to civilians in the ©niploy of the public services,<br />

and in some cases, in private industry. eligible arc': officials, employees<br />

and laborers, v/ho have co;;:jloted 25 or AC years* of faithful service.<br />

SuployoGs of private concerns arc also eligible after 50 years' service.<br />

Tho 2nd class badge is awarded after 25 years 1 service, while 40 years*<br />

service is required for the 1st cl^cs badge. Sir^ployees of private concerns<br />

receive a special class of this medal after 50 years * of service.<br />

The Faithful Service ilecbil comes in the fom of a cross that has in<br />

its center a swastika surrounded by a large wreath of oak-leaves. The<br />

special class of tliis badge has the numerals "50 n superimposed at tho top.<br />

On the rovers© of the badges is found the inscription "Fur treue Dienste".<br />

The color of the 2nd class iaed&l is silver, "whila that of the first class is<br />

gold. All classes a.vs v.orn on the left breast suspended from a cornflowerblua<br />

ribbon. (Plato XV-H7-H3-119)<br />

XVII. GEKL'AN 3 T aiT3DIaL FRIZB FOR .Jffi ;j-i!D SCIBLICE (Poutseller Nationalpreis<br />

fur Kunst und 'Jisaenscliaft)<br />

Tliis elaborate decoration v/as founded en 30 January 1937 as a German<br />

national medal of honor for the raward of accomplishmtisnts in the field of<br />

art and science. It is knom as tho German "Nobel prize". The decoration<br />

may be awardod with a star, to be worn on tho breast, or with a shouldcrriboon<br />

and rosette (Schulterband mit Rosette). This ribbon has a. broad contwr<br />

etripe, edged with narrow strip

31.<br />

for accomplishments in the field of research in chemistry, biology,<br />

medicine, technical improvera

32.<br />



1. Blucher Star (Blucherstern)<br />

This decoration, a special fom of the Iron Gross, was also founded in<br />

1813. It v/as ^.mrded with the Great Cross of the Iron Cross. This highest<br />

of decorations consists of a star of goldon rays, in the center of which reposes<br />

the Iron Cross, The year ll l813" or "191V 1 , respectively, is inscribed<br />

at tho bottom of tho cross. Since its foundation, it bus boun awarded only<br />

twice. Prince 3lticht;r received it first in 1C15 for his victory at 3elle­<br />

.dlliance. Its second holder is FielcLnarshal von Hindonburg for his accomplishments<br />

during the World w^r. It is Yirorn v/ithout a ribbon fastened to the<br />

breast. (Plate XVT-125)<br />

2. R>ur Lo Merite<br />

This decoration is older than the Iron Cross, having bean instituted<br />

in 1740 ^oy Frederick the Great. Originally it was eligible not only to<br />

soldiers for bravery on tho battlefield, but also to statesmen, scientists,<br />

etc. for acconplishmants not connected with vox. In January 1810, King Friedrich<br />

mfilhelm decreed that the award of this decoration bo confined to soldiers<br />

only for acts of extraordinary bravery on the battlefield. Only officers were<br />

eligible to receive it. There are four grades of this decoration:<br />

aj Pour L« Merite (lov/ect grade)<br />

b) Pour Le -^rit* with Oak Leaves<br />

c) G-r'Sat Cross<br />

d) Great Cross with Oak Loaves<br />

The Pour Le &erite (lowest grade) is worn fc.stonod to th« breast v.lthout<br />

a riboon. Tho Pour Le Merit© with Oak Loaves is suspended from the nock by a<br />

broad whito-black-white ribbon having very narrow edges. The other two gradeii<br />

are also suspended from the neck, and ar© accouipanied by a four-pointod Goldon<br />

Star, worn on the breast. The possession of a lowsr grade of the order was<br />

prerequisite to the award of the next higher grade. The Great Cross and Star<br />

were not avardad during the war of 1914-18. However, the &Y/a.rds of th

33.<br />

is white with three vertical black stripes. The order h~s four classes and<br />

the awards were made with or -without svvords. It has soldo:,; be on awarded in<br />

peacetime. During the Y*orld sVar it was bestowed for repeated acts of valor<br />

in faca of the enemy to tliose already possessed the Iron Gross 1st class.<br />

The number of awards in this var totalled 8291. (plate XVI-128)<br />

4. Order of the Grown (Kron-jtfiorden)<br />

This is xlso a Prussian order and was founded in 1861 by King Wilhelm I.<br />

in conmemoration of his coronation. Th

34.<br />

8. Cross of Merit for Aid in tlio War Effort (Verdienstkrsuz fur<br />

Kriogshilfe)<br />

This Prussian badge is also referred to as thw "Preussisches Hilfsdienatkreiiz<br />

11 • $ie decoration is considered as the Iron Cross of the home front,<br />

and was awarded during the World War to men and women who distinguished themselves<br />

"by their war efforts at home. It ±s an ei^ht-pointcd cross with a<br />

circular center-piece shov.ing the inscription n \JBP, surmounted by the Prussian<br />

crown. It is worn on a. ribbon of six stripes of black and "white, (Plato 1CVT-133)<br />


Of the many decorations created in these campaigns, only three rotcwived<br />

official sanction of the Reich government and only these arc permitted to be<br />

worn*<br />

•*•• Baltic Cross ( 3s.lt enkreua)<br />

This cross was founded in the spring of 1919 in recognition of the bxnvcry<br />

displayed by meaibars of the "Frcikorps" volunteers fighting against the "bolsheviks"<br />

in the Baltic campaign of 1919-20. This decoration was issued in on

5%<br />


addition t0 th c Prussian State decorations which during the rar of<br />

were for the first time warded to others than Prussians, the other<br />

States and Free Cities comprising the Reich issued a great variety of badges<br />

for vsdbr and service. Those listed below were officially recognized by the<br />

Beich Government and are permitted to be vcrn. They are frequently SCOT, on<br />

thc drccs uniforms of the prasent-d&y Gorman soldiers.<br />

1. PRUSSIA.<br />

!Fho most prominent of Prussian State medals have already boon di3cussjed<br />

above (P-I-l-8, pages 32-34). Ilontion must also b© mad© of the following:<br />

a) Centennial Medal (Centenarmcdaille) (plate XVlI-137)<br />

b) Prussian llilitary Service Badges (Preu3sische Diensuauszcichnungen)<br />

These military service badges are issued in three classes. Ifhv cla.se> 1 badge<br />

is in the form of a cross v/ith the crotai of Prussia in its centre* Thc reverse<br />

be.-j.rs the Roman numerals "XV", denoting fifteen years 1 service. The class 2<br />

and 3 badges are circular in shape vdtli the Prussian crown in the centor surrounded<br />

\>y the inscription "Trou Dienste bei dor F&hne". The reverse bears the Roman<br />

numerals "XII" or "IX", respectively. (Plate XVH-138-1W.)<br />

c) Prussian Ililitia Badge (Preussische Landwehra.uszaiciinung) (Plate XVII-142)<br />

2.<br />

a) IJxLitary Order of St. Keinrich (Militar-St.-Heinrichs-Orden}<br />

(Plate XVIII-li{-3«sa45)<br />

b) Commander's Cross (Koniaandeurkreuz) (plate XVIII-lVf)<br />

c) Friedrich August Medal (Friedrich-^ugust-M*daille) (Plato XVIII-lif6)<br />

d) Bravery Madal of Sascny (Sichsisclie Tapferkeitsciedaille)<br />

(Not illustrated)<br />

3. BAVARIA.<br />

a ) Military Order &ax Joseph (Militai^-Kiax-Josoph-Orden)<br />

(Plat© Xrai-147)<br />

b) Military Medical Order (jalitlr-Sanitats-Ordon)<br />

(Plate X U<br />

c ) Bravery Msdal in Gold and Silver (Goldene und Silbeme TapferkVitsmedaille.<br />

(Plate XVIII-149-150)<br />


d) Military Service Badges (BayerischG Dienstauszeichnungen)<br />

(Plate XVIII-151-XIX-152)<br />

4. fl<br />

a) Llilifcary Service of llerit Cross (Militar-Verdienstkrcuz)<br />

(Plate XIX-153)<br />

b) Military Service of Merit Medal in Gold (Golden© Militar-<br />

Verdi enstncdaillo) (Plato XIX-154)<br />

c) Military Service Bs.agos (Y/urttemb©rgische Dionstauszoichnungenj<br />

Issued in throe classes. The class 1 badgo comes in the shape of a<br />

cross ivith a. center oak-leaf containing the crotm of YiUrttenibarg.<br />

The reverse has the Roman nuir.cra.1 "ZCV", indics.ting 15 years 1 service.<br />

The class 2 and 3 b.?dges are identical in o^sign: circular medals with<br />

the croivn in center surrounded bj SJI oak-leaf Yoreath. The reverse<br />

sidas bear the Hocian nuziorals :i XII" or "IX", respectively.<br />

(Plate XIX 155-156-157-158)<br />

5.<br />

a) J,jJ.itar5 r Order of Ilerit Karl Friadrich (lailitar-Karl-Priedz-ich-<br />

Verdienstorden) (Plawe XIX-159)<br />

b) SorvicQ of Merit Medal (Badische Verdienstinedaillo)<br />

(Plate xrc-i6o;<br />

Q^ I^qlitary 3orvice Badges (Badische Dienstauszeichnungen)<br />

(Plate XX-161-162-163-l6i0<br />

6. OTHSBS<br />

a) Hossen bravery Medal (Hessische Tapferkeitsmedaille)<br />

(Plate XX-165;<br />

b) Mecklenburg-Schwerin Service of Merit Cross (Mecklenburg­<br />

Schwerin-Verdienstkrouz) (Plate XX-166)<br />

c) Lippe-Detmold Service of &erit Cross (Lippe-Detaold-<br />

Verdienstkreuz) (Plate XX-167)<br />

d) Braunschweig Service of Merit Cross (BraunschT/eigischos-<br />

Verdicnstkreuz) (Plate XX-168)<br />


37<br />

•) Oldonburg Priedrich August Cross (01denburg«r-F:riedrich-August-<br />

Krouz) (Plate XX-169)<br />

f) Sacfosgn-Anhalt Service of Merit Cross (S^chsen-Anhalt-Vordienst-<br />

Kreuz) (Plate XX-17O)<br />

g) Harlburg Ilansa. Cross (Hamburger-Eanseaten-Krcuz) (Plato XXI-171)<br />

h) Bremen Hansa Cross (^remer-Hanseatcn-Krouz) (plate XXI-172)<br />

i) LUbeck Hainsa Crosa (Lubecker-Hansaaten-Kreuz) (plate XXI-173)<br />

The Hamburg, 3romen, and Lttbcck Hansa Crosses wore founded in 1915<br />

by the senates of the three lianas, cities, and -were awarded to officers and<br />

enlisted men alike for meritorious v«.r service* They aro in the shapv* of<br />

a cros3 of rod color v/ith silver edges. The circular center-piece encloses<br />

the emblem of the respective city* They arc vrorn on tho left breast suspended<br />

by a ribbon* The Bremen ribbon has eight rud-viiito stripes; tho<br />

Hamburg ribbon is r«d-vfait«-red, vjhile the Uibeck ribbon is r«d-v£iite #<br />

7. AUSTRIA<br />

a) Military Order Maria Thcrcsia (Llilitar-L-irion-Thcresi^n-Grden)<br />

This order was founded in 1757, and is the «quivalent of the Prussian<br />

"Pour-Le-Herite" • It was awarded very sparingly and only officers v/ore<br />

sligible* It is an sight-pointed white cross with the circular inscription<br />

in it s center reading "Fortitudini". The order embraews thrco class«s.<br />

All classes are ^vorn on a red-vdiite-rad ribbon* (Plat* XXI-174)<br />

b) Bravery Medal (Tapfcrkaitsnedaille) (Plate XXI-175)<br />

c) Cormafliaoration Medal (Srinnorungsmodaille) (Plato XXI-176)<br />

d) Military Servica of Marit Cross (Militar-Verdienst-Krouz)<br />

(Plate XXl-177;<br />

e) Austrian Wound Badge (Oesterreichischoa-Vorwuiidotenabzeichen)<br />

(Plat* XXI-17B;<br />

f) "Karl" Military Service of Merit Medal<br />

Verdienst-llcdiille) (Plate XXI-179J<br />

Franz Joseph Bravery &odal (Franz-Joseph-Tapferkeits­<br />

(Plat e XXII-lOO)<br />


h) Karl Bravery Modal (Karl^apferkeitsmadaille) (Plate XXII-181)<br />

i) Franz Jos«ph Sarvlca of Ilerit Cross (Fran3-Jos«ph-2£ilitar­<br />

V«rdion3tkr«uz) (Plate XXII-182)<br />

j) Karl Troop-Groga (Karl-Truppen-Kr«uz) (Plato XXII-183;<br />

8. NATIONS ALLIED TO G-IHil^rZ HT 1914-18<br />

a) Hungarian CoinmTJoratiDn Medal (Ungarische Erinnerungsmcdaill*)<br />

(Plat© XXXI-184;<br />

b) Bulgarian Conmomoration l&dal (Bulgarisch© Srinn«runganedaill«)<br />

XXII-185).<br />

c) Turkish Half-Moon (Tttrkischtir Halbraond) (Plata XXII-186)<br />


39.<br />

G. SPECIAL AIR FORCE <strong>DECORATIONS</strong><br />

In addition to the decorations, listed above, available to the<br />

personnel of all throe services, there are a number of badges of honor that<br />

are reserved exclusively for members of the German Air Force. The cost<br />

proriiinont of thesa are listed and described below. Illustrations are<br />

furnished, vzherever available,<br />

I- YAR-ffLICHCS BAR GROUP OF DJJOORAIIOIIS ( Front flug-Spangan)<br />

Thas« are elongated metal badges awarded to finding personnel of<br />

fighter, bomber, reconnaissance and transport aj.rcra.ft for successful<br />

flights against the enemy. They may be granted in the following three<br />

grades:<br />

a^ In bronze (lowest grade), for 20 or iuor* flights<br />

bj In silv«r, for 60 or more flights<br />

c) In gold, for 110 or more flights<br />

All flights must have been undertaken against tho enemy, and<br />

at least 30 kilometers behind tho enemy lines. The lower grade bar is<br />

discarded upon the receipt of the next higher grade. Thoso bars are \x>rn<br />

abovo the left breast-pocket*<br />

The vuious for.-is of Var-Flights Bars are presented below,<br />

1. V&r-Flights 3aLr for Fight or Poraonnol (Front flugspange fur Jilgor)<br />

Founded ^oy Gflring on 30 January 194-1, this bar is amrded to<br />

personnel of fighter, interceptor arid pursuit aircraft. It consists of<br />

a massivo metal oak-leaf bar, containing in centor a laurel wreath within<br />

which reposes a barbed arrow flanked on jccli side by a vdng; oanoath th«<br />

arrow is a sva-Gtika, The arrow rerAsdna silver in all three grades.<br />

(Plat© XXIII-167)<br />

2 # ,7ar-Flight» Bar for Boirboir Personnel (Frontflugspange fur<br />

ICampfflieger}<br />

Founded at the oarao time, this bar may be awarded to personnel of<br />

boniber and div«-bomber aircraft. It is identical in design with the baiter<br />

figher personnel, excepting that its center holds th© replica of a bomb<br />

in place of the arrow, this bomb points down and h^s a tail and -wings<br />

attached; underneath the bomb is a swastika. As in the case of tho bar for<br />

fighters, tho bomb in center ranains silver in all three grades.<br />

(Plate :OIII-188)<br />


40.<br />

3m ftar-Fli^its Bar for KgconnsLiasance Psrsonnol (Frontflugspange<br />

ftir )<br />

This "bar >ms also instituted on 30 January 1941 as a token of<br />

distinction for personnel of reconnaissance, air-sea rescue and meteorological<br />

aircraft. It is, too* a massive oak-leaf bar, similar in design<br />

to the other two, However, it contains in center the head of an eagle,<br />

with a swastika immediately tleneath it. This eaglts-head remains in silver<br />

in all three grades. (Plato XXIII-109)<br />

4. War-Flights Bar for Transport Parsonnel (Frontflugspange ftlr<br />

Transportfliegor;<br />

This bar YUS inaugurated hy Goring on 19 November 1941, and is<br />

avjard^d to personnel of transport and troop-carrying transport aircraft.<br />

It is similar in design to the others, but contains in its center th« German<br />

Air Force aagle gra3ping a swastika by its talons. Tho aasgl® and<br />

s;mstika remain silvar in all throe grades. (Plato XXI1I-190)<br />

5. W&r-Fliglita Bar for Night-Fighter Poraonnol (Frontflugspangc<br />

fur Nachtjager)<br />

There is a special \/ar-Flights Bar for Kigiht-Fighter Personnel,<br />

aTsarded under the identical conditions as th« badge for fighter personnel.<br />

It is of the same pat torn, excepting that tho laurel wreath ;aurroundiiig<br />

the centor-piece is black-lacquerod. The arrow points up in<br />

the night fighter badge, and dorai in the bar for long-distance nightfighter<br />

personnel (Fomnacht jager). (No illustration presented)<br />

In the cas© of all of the above bars, flights of over four hours<br />

duration count as two flights. All bars have the folloidng identical<br />

dimensions:<br />

Overall-length of bar • 75 nun<br />

Diameter of laurel Weath<br />

25 ram<br />

vddth of oak-leaf branchos<br />

13 rain<br />

6. Pendgjit to V.'ar-Fliglits Bars in Gold (^iihangur zur goldentm<br />

F ront f lugspang«i;<br />

Goring created this high Luftv/affe decoration on 26 June 1942<br />

in recognition of especially distinguished feats in ooriiiection with<br />

flights against the cnesny. It nay be av/axded to:<br />

a) Personnel of fightor ^<br />

transport aircraft<br />

b) Per3omiel of dive-bomber, pursuit<br />

and intorcepter aircraft.<br />

for more than 500 flights<br />

for more than L&O flights<br />


c) Personnel of bomber, sea-air rescue<br />

and meterological aircraft .<br />

d) Personnel of reconnaissance and<br />

night-fighter aircraft<br />

for noro thin 300 flights<br />

former* than 250 flights<br />

The pendant consists of & 12-nm csnter-atar, adorned on both ai s<br />

with threo laurel leaves. The greatest width of the laurel leaves ia 8 mci,<br />

while the ova rail-length of the pendant is about 35 mru This pendant may<br />

only be amrdad to the possessors of one of the War-i'lights 3~rs in Gold.<br />

It ia suspended from the bottom of the War-Flights Bar in Gold.<br />

(Plato XXIII-191)<br />

II- &ROTJND-COMBAT BADGE OF THE AIR FORCE (Srdkaapfabzoichen der<br />

Luftwaffe)<br />

This badge was founded by Goring on 31 March 1S42. ^JLl inembars of<br />

the Luftwaffe who distinguished themselves in ground combats .ure eligible.<br />

It is awarded to individual*only for participation in the for-~iaost linos<br />

of ground-combat operations on at least three different daya. Combat operations<br />

arc defined as storm-assaults (Sturmangriffo), and close-combat fighting<br />

~oy either infantry or artillery weapons. Counter attacks and reconnaissance<br />

in fores are considered storm-assaults, provided they le&.d to closcconib&t.<br />

Personnel of heavy infantry-weapons and artillery weapons are eligible<br />

9 if they support the attacking ground troops, cmd tharwby make the penetration<br />

possible. Combat against aerial targets do not entitle the members<br />

of the Luftvaffe ground troops to this decoration. The Air Force .Antiaircraft<br />

Badg« (s©3 below) has been created for this purpose. . The more prt-sence<br />

in successful ground-combat operations does not e&rn. for a Luftwiffc soldi«r<br />

the Ground-Combat Badge. H© must participate directly in a. storm-assault or<br />

hand-to-h&nd combat. Commanding officers of units will not be invested with<br />

this medal by tho mor® display of excellence in troop-loadcrohip, They must<br />

also fulfill the prerequisites prsscribod for others.<br />

The badge is in the shape of an oval o&k-leitf wreath, within which is<br />

portrayed a flash of lightning descending from dark clouds and striking the<br />

ground below. The Luftwaffe eagle clutching a sv.^stika appears at the top<br />

of the wreath xunongst- the clouds. The color of the eagle,swastika and<br />

wreath is bright-silver, while the clou&a, the flash of lightning and the*<br />

mound itx® finished in dull-silver. Tho bs.dge as officially issued is of<br />

metal. However, the recipients ::iay procure them in embroidery, at their<br />

own expense; officers in embroider:, 7 " cf metal threads, enlisted man in embroidery<br />

of VJOOI yarn. The badge has the following dimensions: v.ldth end<br />

length of oval Y.Tsr.th 42 siaa. and 5b nsn, respectively; wing-apread of eagle 40 ram.<br />


42.<br />

It may also be -worn in a miniature form.<br />

loft breaat. (Plate XXIII-192)<br />

In all foms, it is worn on the<br />


(Ehronsch&l© flir liorvorragcnd© Kiunpflcistungon)<br />

Founded by Goring on 15 Juris 1942, this high decoration nay bo awarded<br />

to thoso members of the Luftwaffe ground troops who have especially distinguiahed<br />

themselves by the display of extraordinary bravery* v/hich feats,<br />

howevGr, would not entitle them to th« German Cross in Gold. Those raccoromendad<br />

for this honor must already possess the Iron Gross 1st cl&su and<br />

the Ground-Combat Badgo of the Air Force. Up to the present, several<br />

officers and enlisted men of ptjrachuta and antiaircraft units have received<br />

this bridge, Tha names of those invested with this decoration are entor«d<br />

in th

43.<br />

b) For having taken part in three different engagements against<br />

ground or sea-targets undor difficult circumstances, such as<br />

the destruction of tanks, bunkora, ships, oto.<br />

c) For exceptionally out striding deeds "by individuals or crws,<br />

the badge nay bo ay.-arded regardless of tlie number of combats.<br />

Example: Tht crew of u. huivy antiaircraft battery vdll become<br />

eligible sd'tor having shot down throe enemy planes and having takom part<br />

in two engagements against gi^und or aesi-targets.<br />

This insignia, is Tsorn on the left breast, and may ba vrorn in a<br />

iT±niature form. (Plate XXIII-1S4,<br />


Th« follovvdng are oth^r viell-knovm. G-eraruin Air Force decorations:<br />

1« Cup of Honor for Spocial ^ccoiiiplialiments in Air tfexfara<br />

^Shrenpokal fur bosond

H. SPECIAL NAVY <strong>DECORATIONS</strong><br />

The Gorman Navy also issues special badges of its owi to its personnel.<br />

These are in addition to those that arc available to mearibtfrs of the thrco<br />

branches of the Aimed Forces, Those special badges are presented below:<br />

1. Submarine Service Badge (u-Boots-KriegSiibztfichen 1939)<br />

This badge is awarded to all officers, petty officers and men of submarines<br />

-who have distinguished themselves ~oy tvo or inore sortios againat<br />

th« enemy. It consists of a submarine within aa. oval silver wroath of<br />

laurel surmounted by a large German eagle clutching a smstika. (pls.t« XXIV-195<br />

2. Destroyer Service Badge (ZorstOror-Kidegsabzjiichen}<br />

Instituted originally for cre^ra of destroyers who undor coLiLi&nd of<br />

Cor.anodore Bontc took part in the battla at Narvik. It is also awarded for<br />

special achievements to members of other destroyers, torpedo boats and 3­<br />

boats, Th® badge consists of the forepart of a. destroyer advancing at 3peod,<br />

surrounded by an oval v/roath of oak-leaves and surmounted by a small<br />

oagle and swastika. (Plate JQOV-196)<br />

3. Llinesweeper and Sscort Craft Sarvice Badge (Kriegsabzcichen fdr<br />

Llinensuch-, U-Boots-, Jagd- und Sicherungsverblnde}<br />

to cre\ra of minss^veepers, subrjarine-ch^sers and other protective<br />

vessels ac a recognition of good service. Ths badge shows a nine exploding<br />

-within an oval wreath of oak-leaves surmounted by the German eagle<br />

and sYmntika. (Plato SOV-197)<br />

4. Armed llorchant Cruiser Service Badge (Kriegsabzeichen fiir Kilfskreuzer)<br />

This badge is awarded to crev/3 of armed merchant cruisers engaged in the<br />

harassing of enemy merchant shipping. The badge shov/s a Viking ship sailing<br />

over the top of the v*>rld globe, v/ithin an oval wreath of oak -leaves suimounted<br />

by the Gorman eagle and smstika. (plate JQOT-198)<br />

f;.<br />

Fleet Service Badge (Flotten-Kricgsabzeichen)<br />

This is awarded to crews of battleships, cruisers and other units operating<br />

with the flefit, for whom there is no specific v/ar-badgo. It shows a<br />

battleship, bov/s-on, encircled by an oval wreath of oak-leaves, surmounted by<br />

the Gorman eagle and swastika* (plate XXIV-199)<br />


45.<br />

6. PI-Boat (E-Boat^ Service Bxdffi (Schnellboot-<br />

KriegsaJbZQ ichan J<br />

This "badge is amrded to craws of U-boats in recognition of good<br />

service It consists of the foreparts of an E-boat s.dv&ncing at speed,<br />

encircled by an oak-loaf \ircath and crov/nod by the Genaan eagle and<br />

swastika. (Plate XXIV-200)<br />

7. Blockade Runners Badge (Abzeichan ftir Block&debrecher)<br />

3iistitut«d 1 April 1941, for craws of ships at sea and in for«ign<br />

ports at the outbreak of thu mr, which have. mana.gcd to reach G-srcian<br />

ports or ha.ve scuttled thaiasolves or be«n sunk in avoiding capture by<br />

entsn^- naval forces, Th« ba.dg» depicts the forepart of a. l^rge liner<br />

advancing, hGr figure-head b&ing a gigantic ca^le v/ith outstrotchc-d<br />

wings and clutching the swastilca. Tht; v/holo is encircled by an ancliorohain.<br />

"(Plat© XXBT-201)<br />

8. IfovaJL Coast Artillery Badga (Kriegsabzuichen ftir jMwxinoartillcrie)<br />

This badge is avjardad to crews of coast artillery batteries for<br />

3uccc3sl\il antiaircraft dofensc. It is a representation of a gun emplaced<br />

on the bt^ch vdth the barrel pointing up to th« loft at kd degrees.<br />

The v/Iiolc is set in an oval wreath of oak leaves and surmounted by th« G-er<br />

manea&Lo and s^vafltilML. (Plate XXIV-2C2)<br />


46.<br />


As already stated, the recipient of a medal is always given a certificate<br />

of award (Sezitzzcugnisj, attesting to his rightful ovnaership.<br />

This certificate contains the folloving items: titl e of the medal; name,<br />

rank and unit of the recipient, date of issue. It also bears the stamp<br />

of the organization (division etc.), as well as th© signature of the issuing<br />

officer. Photographs of four of thase certificates of amrd are found<br />

on Plate XXV, 203-206.<br />


Photogr-tphs of members of the German Array and Air Force are found on<br />

plates :2CVT-}QCVTI- Illustrations 207-214. These photographs illustrate the<br />

manner in which Gerran medals are worn. BGIOY/" are listed the medals as id ­<br />

entified on th

47.<br />

Illustration 213: Rank: Oberf«ldw»bel, Air Force* Medals: Right<br />

breast: Spanish Gross; Left Breast: Ribbon of<br />

Iron Cross 2nd class; Iron Cross 1st class;<br />

Spanish Grand Gross (a Spanish decoration);<br />

Air Force Gunners Badge; Wound Badgo, in silver*<br />

Illustration 214: Rank: Oborfeldwebel, Mr Force. Medals: Ribbon of<br />

Iron Cross 2nd class; Ground Combat badge, of the<br />

Air Pore©; Assault Badge (General); Wound Badge,<br />

in silver*<br />




1. Iron Cross of 1813 2. Iron Cross of 1870 w Iron Cross of 1914<br />

Iron Cross, 2nd olass 5. Iron Cross 1st class 6. Bar to Iron<br />

Cross of 1914<br />

7. Knight's Cross with 8. Knight's Cross 9. Knight's Cross with<br />

Oak Leaves with Oak Leaves Oak Leaves, Swords<br />

and Swords<br />

and Diamonds


10. War Service of 11. War Service of Merit War Service of<br />

Merit Cross 2nd Cross 1st class with Merit Medal<br />

class<br />

Swords<br />

1Zj.. Navy Wound Badge<br />

of 1914<br />

. Azmy Wound Badge 15. Wound Badge of 1939<br />

of<br />

No illustration<br />

available<br />

1-6. German Cross 17. Honor-Roll Clasp 18. Bravery and Service<br />

of Merit Badge for<br />

Eastern volunteers



t9. Infantry Assault 20. Tank Assault 21. Assault Badge<br />

Badge Badge (General<br />

23. Close-Combat Badge<br />

Special Insignia for the Single-<br />

handed Destruction of Tanks etc.<br />

22»-» Army Antiaircraft<br />


C. CAMPAIGN <strong>DECORATIONS</strong> PLATE IV<br />

* Spanish Cross 26. Austrian Me­ 27. Austrian Medal<br />

(Pace)<br />

dal (Reverse)<br />

No illustration<br />

available<br />

28. Sudeten Medal<br />

(Reverse)<br />

29. Memel Medal<br />

(Reverse)<br />

30. Danzig Cross<br />

31, Narvik Shield 32* Crete Armband » Cho3jn Shield

C. CAMPAIGN <strong>DECORATIONS</strong> PLATE V<br />

34. Eastern Front 35. Eastern Front Crimea Shield<br />

Medal (Pace)<br />

Medal (Reverse)<br />

Illustration<br />

not available<br />

37 • Demjansk Shield 38. Kuban Shield 39. Guerilla-Warfare Medal<br />

Africa Armband<br />

. German-Italian Commemoration<br />


D. NAZI PARTY <strong>DECORATIONS</strong><br />

PLATE VI<br />

42* Order of Blood Order of Blood Msdal Ribbon, as worn<br />

Medal<br />

from button of breast-pocket<br />

Order of Blood Medal, as worn suspended from<br />

button of breast-pocket<br />

45. Order of Blood Medal Ribbon, as 46. Gold Party<br />

worn by Air Force personnel<br />


D. NAZI PARTY <strong>DECORATIONS</strong> FLXFE HI<br />

47. Coburg Badge 46. Ntaiberg Party*- 49. Badge of the SA-<br />

Convention Badge Convention at<br />

of 1929 Braunschweig of 1931<br />

51» Miniature Ribbon<br />

of Honor<br />

50. Golden Hitler-Youth<br />

Badge<br />

52. Nazi Party Service 53. Nazi Party Service 54. Nazi Party Service<br />

Badge (Bronse)<br />

Badge (Silver)<br />

Badge (Gold)

D. NAZI PARTY <strong>DECORATIONS</strong><br />


55* & 56, Sachsen, Bayerische Ostmark, Halle-Merseburg,<br />

Hessen-Nassau, Magdeburg-Anhalt, Mecklenburg<br />

57. Berlin<br />

58. Ostprexissen<br />

59. Danzig<br />

60. Thtlringen<br />

G—-'<br />

%<br />

/<br />

Osthannover<br />

62, Essen<br />

. Baden<br />

64. Baden


65, Motor Vehicle Drivers • 66. -67.-68.-69. Marksmanship Awards : class 4-<br />

Badge of Merit for artillery, and class 7<br />

for infantry<br />

70. Longevity Medal, Longevity Medal, 72. Longevity Medal,<br />

4 and 8-year service<br />

(Face)<br />

(Reverse)<br />

4-year service<br />

8-year service<br />

(Reverse)<br />

73 # Longevity Medal, 74. Longevity Medal, 75. Longevity Medal,<br />

18 and 25-year 18-year service 25-year service<br />

service (Pace) (Reverse) (Reverse)


76. Social Service 77• Social Service 78. Social Service Badge<br />

Medal (Pace) Medal (Reverse) 1st class<br />

79. German Defen- 80. G-eiman Defen- 81. Air-Def ense Me- 82* Mr-Defense Medal<br />

se-Wall Medal se-Wall Medal dal 2nd grade 1s-b grade<br />

(Pace)<br />

(Reverse)<br />

83. Life^Saving 84. Life-Saving<br />

Medal (Pace) Medal (Reverse)


85. German Eagle Order 86. German Eagle Order 87. German Eagle Order<br />

Cross 3rd class Medal Cross 1st class<br />

88. German Eagle Order 89. German Eagle Order 90. German Eagle Order<br />

with Star Star Great Cross<br />

91. Cross of Honor of<br />

World War with<br />

Swords<br />

92. Cross of Honor of<br />

World War


93. SA-Militaxy Badge 94* German Reich<br />

Badge<br />

Sports<br />

95. G-erman Olyrapia Con>memoration<br />

Medal (Pace)<br />

96, German Ol^mpia Commemoratio<br />

n Medal (Reverse)<br />

97» Gerooan Olynrpia Badge<br />

Honor 1st class<br />

of<br />

98. NSKK-Sports 99. German Horse-<br />

Badge<br />



100. Hitler-Youth Pro­ 101. German-Youth Pro­ 102. Hitler-Youth Leader<br />

ficiency Badge ficiency Badge Sports Badge<br />

103. Gennan-Girls-Society<br />

Proficiency<br />

Badge<br />

104, Hitler-Youth Badge<br />

for Sharpshooters<br />

105. Hitler-Youth Badge<br />

for Riflemen<br />

106. Labor Service 107» Labor Service 108. Labor Service Badge<br />

Badge of Merit Badge of Merit of Merit for Women<br />

(Face) (Reverse) (Pace)


109. Labor Service Badge of 110. Police Servioe Badge of Merit 1,cl.(Pace)<br />

Honor of 1932<br />

111. Police Service Badge of Merit 1.d. (Reverse)<br />

112. Police Service 113. Customs Service . Firemen's<br />

Badge of Merit<br />

Badge of Honor<br />

of Honor<br />

3.cl, (Pace.)<br />

115. Miners 1 Badge of Honor (Pace)<br />

116. Miners 1 Badge of Honor (Reverse)


117. Faithful Service 118. Faithful Service 119. Faithful Service<br />

Medal special Medal 1st class Medal 2nd class<br />

class (Face) (fleverse)<br />

120. Prize for Art and<br />

Science shoulder<br />

ribbon & rosette<br />

122, Prize for Art and<br />

Science Star<br />

121. Prize for Art and<br />

Science Medal<br />

123* Dr.Fritz Todt<br />

Prize Honor-<br />

Pin<br />

124, German Mothers f<br />

Cross of Honor

P . <strong>MEDALS</strong> OP HISTORICAL INTEREST<br />


125. BlUcher Star<br />

126. Pour Le Merite 127. Pour Le Merite with<br />

Oak Leaves<br />

126* House Order ©f 129, Order of the 130* Order ©f the Red<br />

Hohenzollern Crown Eagle<br />

131. Military Service of 132. Red Cross Medal 133, Cross of Merit for<br />

Merit Cross in Gold<br />

Aid in the War Effort


134. Baltic Cross 135. Silesian Badge 136. Silesian Badge<br />

of Merit 1st el* of Merit 2nd ©1.<br />

137. Centennial Medal 138, Prussian Military 139. Prussian Military<br />

Service Badge 1st Service Badge 1st<br />

class (Face)<br />

class (Reverse)<br />

140, Prussian Military 141„ Prussian Military 142. Prussian Militia<br />

Service Badge 2nd Service Badge 2nd Badge<br />

class (Face)<br />

class (^Reverse)



143. Saxony Military Or- 144. Saxony Commanders 145. Saxony Military Order<br />

der St. Heinrich Cross St. Heinrich Gold Medal<br />

Great Cross<br />

146. Saxony Fried-<br />

rich August<br />

Medal<br />

147. Bavaria Military<br />

Order Max Joseph<br />

148. Military Medical Order<br />

of Bavaria<br />

149. Bavaria Gold Bra- 150. Bavaria Silver Bra- 151. Bavaria Military<br />

very Medal (Face) very Medal (Reverse) Service Badge 2nd<br />

class (Face)


152. Bavaria Military 153. Wirttemberg Military 154. Wirtteznberg Military<br />

Service Badge 2nd Service of Merit Cross Service of Merit<br />

class (Reverse) (Great Cross) Gold Medal<br />

155. Wfcrttemberg Military Service Badge 157. Wurtteniberg Ivtilitary Service Badge<br />

1st olass (Pace and Reverse) 158, 2nd class (Pace and Reverse)<br />

159. Baden Military Order 160,, Baden Service of<br />

of Merit Karl Fried-<br />

Merit Medal<br />

rich (Great Cross)


FL&EE XX<br />

161. Baden Military Service Badge 1st olass 163. Baden Military Service Badge<br />

162. (Pace and Reverse) 164. 3rd olass (Pace and Reverse)<br />

165. Hessen Bravery 166. Mecklenbui^-Schwerin 167. Lippe-Detmold War<br />

Medal Service of Merit Cross Service of Merit Cross<br />

168. Braunschweig War 169. Oldenburg Priedrioh 170. Sachsen-Anhalt Ser-<br />

Service of Merit August Cross vice of Merit Cross<br />



171 • Hamburg Hansa 172, Bremen Hansa 173. Liibeck Hansa<br />

Cross Cross Cross<br />

174. Maria Theresia<br />

Military Order<br />

175. Austrian Bravery<br />

Medal<br />

176. Austrian Commemoration<br />

Medal<br />

177. Austrian Milita- 178. Austrian Wound<br />

179. Austrian Karl Miry<br />

Service of Badge litary Service of<br />

Merit Cross<br />

Merit Medal


180. Franz Joseph 181. Karl Bravery 182 # Franz Joseph<br />

Bravery Medal Medal Servioe of Merit<br />

Cross<br />

183. Karl Troop­ 184* Hungarian Comme­ 185. Bulgarian Comme-<br />

Cross moration Medal moration Medal<br />

186. Turkish Half-Moon


187. War-Flights Bar for Fighter 188. War-Plights Bar for Bomber<br />

Personnel<br />

Personnel<br />

189» War-Plights Bar for Reconnais- 190. War-Plights Bar for Transport<br />

sance Personnel<br />

Personnel<br />

191. Pendant to War-Plights Bars 192 # Ground Combat Badge<br />

in Gold<br />

of the Air Force<br />

Mi<br />

111<br />

193. Salver of Honor for Distin- 194. Air Force Antiairguished<br />

Combat Accomplishments<br />

craft Badge


195. Submarine Service Badge 196. Destroyer Service<br />

Badge<br />

197» Min^sireeper and 198* Aimed Merchant 199. Fleet Service<br />

Escort Craft<br />

Cruiser Service<br />

Badge<br />

Service Badge<br />

Badge<br />

200, FT-Boat Service 201. Blockade Runners 202. Naval Coast Ar-<br />

Badge Badge . tillery Badge







DEM<br />

Gefreiten<br />

Peter K u r z ,<br />

Stab / Afr.Art.Rgt.l<br />

DAS<br />


2. KLASSE<br />

A f r i k a den 15.2.<br />



DEM<br />

Obergefr. Heinrich 0 r t h<br />

6./HKAR.1262<br />

DAS<br />


2. KLASSE<br />


__ K. H. Qu^


207, 208.<br />

209. 210.

J . EXAMPLES OP HDW <strong>MEDALS</strong> A.R2 WORN<br />


211. 212.<br />

213*<br />

214.<br />

(28162) Wt. 31952/20 26-48-2 500 11/44 L. & B.

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