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Editor - in -Chief ------------------------------ J im Iverson<br />

Art Editors Tom Gould<br />

Dick Calderhead<br />

Photo Editor-------------- Richard Thurmond<br />

DEL<br />


Copy Editor------------------------------Ma rg ie Montgome<br />

ry<br />

Society and Feature Editor Lois Hebner<br />

Sorority Editors--------<br />

Joni<br />

Wi IIiams<br />

Jean Satterlee<br />

Fraternity Editor--- Jo Ann Maus<br />

Organizations Editor---- Mari lou Ditmars<br />

Senior Editors<br />

Tom Hemphill<br />

Mona Renick<br />

Government Edito<br />

M<br />

r____________________ arlene Rafalovich<br />

Sports Editors------- Gabe De Nunzio<br />

Ed Bohanan<br />

AdvertiSing Man<br />

ager -------------- Harold JaCkson<br />

Photographers<br />

StOff:<br />

Advisors<br />

_<br />

-------------------------- Thane<br />

Me Intosh<br />

Cliff Smith<br />

Frank Echevarria<br />

LOis Farr M I<br />

R .' or ene Franck, Shirley M I.<br />

eed Richardson J T u In,<br />

Pearl Klovd hI G 0 racy~ Carole Simmons,<br />

Pat R a, . aylord Stickney, Ole Olson<br />

ogers, DavId Stanek<br />

'<br />

------------------------------------- Wi rt L. MCLo<br />

ney<br />

SAN<br />

DIEGO<br />

STATE<br />


1955<br />

Jean Swiggett<br />

Arthur Wimer

Fall Activities<br />

4<br />

What's in a yearbook, everyone asks.<br />

The <strong>Del</strong> Sud staff has taken a page from<br />

life in showing you, in pictures,<br />

life on your campus.<br />

year.<br />

It's life as you lived it through<br />

a book of<br />

the school<br />

Here are your thrills, your fun, your<br />

activities, your laughs, your unforgettable<br />

moments.<br />

But in all things it was you, the students,<br />

the coeds, the athletes, the B.M.a.c., that<br />

made these pictures alive.<br />

For you to remember<br />

in the years ahead<br />

-when you're settled down, married, with<br />

a steady job, three kids, a Wife, house and<br />

dog-you'll look back on these days and<br />

see them again through the eyes of your<br />

<strong>Del</strong> Sud.<br />

The crowded caf ...<br />

the rush of registration<br />

... the excitement of Homecoming<br />

. . . the relaxation between classes ... the<br />

kicks of fraternity parties ... the hundred<br />

and one activities on campus during the<br />

year.<br />

Here we've caught<br />

students<br />

many of your fellow<br />

as you may never have seen them<br />

before, and probably never will again. The<br />

ever-changing that stood still for one<br />

moment of time ...<br />


Homecoming<br />

Blue Book Ball<br />

Spring Activities<br />

Blue Book Ball<br />

Government<br />

Faculty<br />

Student<br />

Seniors<br />

Features<br />

A.F.R.O.T.C.<br />

Debate<br />

Drama<br />

Half Time -<br />

Music -<br />

Publ ications<br />

Sororit ies and Fratern ities -<br />

Panhellenic Council -<br />

Inter-Fraternity Council<br />

Fraternity Favorites -<br />

Organizations<br />

Service -<br />

Religious<br />

Depa rtmenta I -<br />

Athletics -<br />

Football<br />

Basketball<br />

Track<br />

Baseball<br />

Minor Sports<br />

Index and Subscribers -<br />

1 1<br />

26<br />

30<br />

44<br />

46<br />

48<br />

56<br />

64<br />

96<br />

98<br />

100<br />

101<br />

102<br />

104<br />

108<br />

118<br />

120<br />

146<br />

176<br />

180<br />

182<br />

190<br />

195<br />

210<br />

212<br />

224<br />

234<br />

242<br />

250<br />



"This tie was made for you."<br />

"The Big Sleep."<br />

"Don't shove ... plenty of AS cards left."<br />

"Ah, sweet comfort."<br />

"That's it. A big smile for the camera."<br />

"Can't you squeeze me into one snap course?"<br />


PEP CAMP<br />

6<br />

""What! My first class at 9 and the next at 4:30?"<br />

The frosh started the year off right at Orientation<br />

Camp Sept. 10-11 ... learned what was what on campus<br />

... hanky-pank and swimming ... Big Wheels on Campus<br />

introduced at assembly ... "<strong>Del</strong>icious" breakfast of cold,<br />

greasy fried eggs ... Square dancing at one o'clock in the<br />

Lodge ... Entertainment by the "Dappers" Counselors<br />

showing their age after sleepless nights The honeymoon<br />

was over ... REGISTRATION Seniors trying<br />

frantically to make class reservations in Psych 1, Speech 2,<br />

Freshman Composition ... New system of registration<br />

speeded up the teejus process ... With the help of friends,<br />

a soph registered, paid fees and reserved classes without<br />

appearing on campus ...<br />


"Next?"<br />

"And if elected, I promise three cuts a week and a 2.0 for all ... 't<br />

"It's a bird ... it's a plane ... it's CARD TRICKSl"<br />

"Well, at least now I can gripe."<br />

"You too can have lovely legs in just 30 days."<br />

~Yehl There<br />

I am. Next to the boy who's next to the girl with the crew cut."<br />

Pledge Presents ... The big night for additions<br />

to the 11 national sororities ... Held<br />

at the House of Hospitality from 8 to 10 p.m.<br />

... Actives pleased with the approval of fraternity<br />

men Guests met shoeless girls<br />

around 9:45 Bonfire rally Oct. 1 Held<br />

just before the Frosh Reception Oceotl<br />

members lit the "S" on Black Mountain with<br />

torches ... Dance held in the Campus Lab<br />

School auditorium ... Stag line larger than<br />

at any previous dance ... no stag girls, however<br />

... Thirsty jitterbugs on their knees<br />

trying to reach the CLS drinking fountains.<br />

"J ust like Merrie Olde England-with dancing on the green<br />

and all that sort of thing."<br />

"Who said all men were bowlegged and had knobby<br />

knees ... or is she a girl?"<br />

Fraternity rushing occupied the social calendar<br />

the first month of school ... bidding<br />

in Scripps Cottage ... the Sigma Alpha Epsilon<br />

pledge class of 55 largest in history of<br />

rushing at S.D.S.C. ... soon after, the 55<br />

were wearing Bermudas on campus at the<br />

request of actives ... they weren't alone, as<br />

many found them comfortable for school,<br />

casual and date wear ... the knobby knees<br />

were a little hard to take at first .... more<br />

people ran for office in the fall elections than<br />

ever before in S.D.S.C. history ... 80 candidates<br />

for 22 offices ... freshmen averaged<br />

five candidates per office ...<br />


"He's one of our more outstanding students," "For Whom the Bells Toll,"<br />

"Smashing, crashing, always smashing, , , t<br />

t<br />

"This reminds me of a joke George told me yesterday, , , "<br />

The Aztecs presented their first mascot to the public<br />

, .. "Dink," 0 burro, , .<br />

,A Homecoming Tea was held Sunday, Oct, 17,' in<br />

SCriPPSCottage for the Queen candidates, , , Carolyn<br />

Butler, Alpho Tau Omega. , . Betty Ann Tychsen, Pi<br />

Beta Phi .. , Donna Dearth, Sigma Phi Epsilon .. ,<br />

Carol Doughty, Chi Omega , .. Claudia Stevenson<br />

Kappa Sigma , , . Sue Wayte, Sigma Kappa , . .<br />

Barbara North, Kappa Alpha . , . Jackie Schneider<br />

Sigma Chi , . , Jackie Merrill Gamma Phi Beta '<br />

Patricia Ashcraft, Alpha Chi Omega. , , Ruth Howell.<br />

Theta Chi. , , Carolyn Tamblyn, Alpha Xi <strong>Del</strong>ta, . :<br />

Mary Eads, .Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta .. , Phyllis Deyo, Quetzal<br />

Hall. , , Edith Ryan, <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi ... Pat Starr<br />

Lan:'bda Chi Alpha . , , Jeannie Rayho, Sigma Alpho<br />

Epsilon ... Beverly Jones, Sigma Pi , , . Betsy Bruset<br />

Zeta Beta Tau , . , Ann Tobelman, Kappa Alpho<br />

Theta, ..<br />

It was Homecoming Week, not Day, this<br />

year ... On Tuesday, the queen candidates<br />

were presented in the quad .. , Blue Key<br />

tapped new members afterwards . . . The<br />

Don Room of the EI Cortez Hotel was the<br />

scene of the Homecoming Banquet, , . The<br />

judging ofthe queen was completed before<br />

dinner that Wednesday evening . , , candidates<br />

ate their swiss steak nervously, . , the<br />

final decision was reached, but not announced<br />

. , , the five final ists were Betsy Bruset, Claudia<br />

Stevenson, Jackie Schneider, Mary Jacobs<br />

and Pat Starr .. , Ed Nuttall was master of<br />

ceremonies, . , the classes of 1904, '14, '24,<br />

'34, and '44 were honored ... next day, Pat<br />

S d "H 'Q II<br />

tarr was crowne ornecorrurrq ueen ."<br />

"One of your more interesting campus activities?"<br />

\<br />

"Lessee, there must be an idea for a float here somewhere,"<br />

It was work, work, work that last night<br />

before Homecoming, , , all the Greeks stuffing<br />

crepe paper flowers or gluing real flowers<br />

in place, , . taking off for a short time here<br />

and there to look at the competition ...<br />

Watching the weeks of preparation finally<br />

look like something that could be recognized<br />

. , . some just go to the parade with the float<br />

, , . the night of no sleep. , . a cool, gray day<br />

. " , the drive up EI Cajon Blvd .... music,<br />

color and crowds .. , enjoying a job well<br />

done ...<br />

10<br />



Zeta Beta Tau<br />


Pi Kappa Alpha<br />


Lambda Chi Alpha<br />

12<br />



Kappa Sigma<br />



Pat Starr, sponsored by Lambda Chi Alpha, was Queen<br />

of Homecoming ... During her two years at S.D.S.C., Pat<br />

has been queen of the A.F.R.O.T.C. and Kappa Alpha Sweetheart<br />

... Her first two years were spent at Principia College<br />

in Illinois ... She is a graduate of San Diego High School<br />

... An education major ... Brunette, she has brown eyes<br />

and is 5'7" ... Her attendants were Mary Jacobs, Alpha Phi<br />

... Betzy Bruset, Pi Beta Phi ... Jackie Schneider, also Pi<br />

Phi ... and Claudia Stevenson, Kappa Alpha Theta ... AI<br />

Mishne, Homecoming chairman, crowned the queen Thursday<br />

before Homecoming Day in the quad ... The queen and<br />

attendants were presented with gifts by the Alumni Association<br />

...<br />


QUEEN<br />




(<br />

"String of Pearls" .<br />

Sigma Chi and Pi Beta Phi<br />

Best Portrayal of Theme<br />

First Place, Mixed Division<br />

"Flamingo"<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Zeta<br />

Best Use of Artificial Flowers<br />

First Place, Sorority Division<br />

The <strong>Del</strong>ta Sig float/ IISkokiaan// took top honors in the<br />

Homecoming parade ... Their sweepstakes-winning float featured<br />

African head-hunters boiling a great White Hunter .<br />

Theme of the parade was IIMonty Salutes the Hit Porcde" .<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Zeta won first in sorority with IIFlamingoll ••• Sigma Chi<br />

teamed with Pi Beta Phi to win theme and mixed division prizes<br />


"SKOKIAAN"<br />


14<br />

for "Strinq of Pecrls" ... Tau Kappa Epsilon won first in fraternity<br />

with IIMr. Touchdown/ U.S.A.II ... The Aztecs squashed<br />

L.A State/ 38-0/ in the game '. co-captains were Marshall<br />

Malcolm and Ron Stewart.. Pi Phis conducted their 'mum<br />

sale for the Little Theatre marquee ... Alpha Xi <strong>Del</strong>ta and<br />

Sigma Alpha Epsilon had best sales in the contest ...<br />

"Mr. Touchdown, U.S.A."<br />

Tau Kappa Epsilon<br />

Best Construction<br />

First Place, Fraternity Division<br />


2U<br />

"A Bird in a Gilded Cage"<br />

Alpha Chi Omega<br />

Third Place, Sorority Division<br />

"Song From the Moulin Rouge"<br />

Lambda Chi Alpha<br />

Best Novelty<br />

Second Place, Fraternity Division<br />

"Hay There"<br />

Alpha Gamma<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta and Sigma Pi<br />


"The Ugly Duckling"<br />

Alpha Xi <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

"I Lpve Paris"<br />

Gamma Phi Beta and<br />

Alpha Tau Omega<br />

Best Use of Natural Flowers<br />

Second Place, Mixed Division<br />

"Minnie the Mermaid"<br />

Kappa Alpha<br />

16<br />

"Hernando's Hideaway"<br />

Quetzal Hall<br />

Best Independent<br />

"Ki tten on the Keys"<br />

Kappa Alpha Theta<br />

Second Place, Sorority Division<br />


--=-------<br />


"Stairway to the Stars"<br />

Pi Kappa Alpha<br />

"Glow-worm"<br />

Sigma Kappa and Alpha Phi Omega<br />


"It gives me great pleasure ... (gosh, it's heavyl)"<br />

-<br />

"How can a body sleep with them lights blazin' away?"<br />

"Over the Rainbow"<br />

Zeta Beta Tau<br />

] 8<br />

Trophies were presented to the winning<br />

groups at the Homecoming dance by Dwain<br />

Kantor, alumni president EI Cortez was<br />

Aztecland for the evening many were<br />

sleepy-eyed after staying up all night Friday<br />

... the float chairmen groggily clutching<br />

their trophies ... the Don Room, Pacifico<br />

Room and Sky Room fi lied with Aztecs.<br />

one of the biggest Homecoming weeks in<br />

S.D.S.C. history Homecoming dance<br />

good conclusion<br />


"I said, 'Parade Rest'!"<br />

"OK. Let's form a single line."<br />

"Gotta<br />

match?"<br />

"And you have the most superb view from Black Mt."<br />

"Shall we enter the Inner Sanctum ... ?"<br />

Armistice Day was saluted on campus with an<br />

assembly by the A.F.R.O.T.C. ... IICarry the Books<br />

Dayll was Nov. 10 ... the men had willing servants<br />

for the day . . . women students had to ca rry books<br />

to class or trays in the caf if so requested ... coeds<br />

sported the latest in Bermudas and pedal pushers<br />

... Beverly Butler chairmanned the day pro~eeds<br />

went to Spring Sing expense fund Semrna.rs,<br />

musical programs and speakers highlighted Religious<br />

Emphasis Week on campus ... main speak~r<br />

was Dr. Roy L. Smith, Methodist minister ... his<br />

topic intrigued many. . "Religion Is Not An Elecrive"<br />

Ive ... Inter-Faith Council was sponsor ...<br />

representatives of various faiths spoke at fraternity<br />

and sorority meetings ...<br />

"He must be smart ... Look at that intelligent expression."<br />

20<br />

Rallies before each game on Thursday ... Shrine<br />

parade and game followed Homecoming Week ...<br />

high school bands and marching units covered the<br />

field ... Aztec band main attraction of half-time<br />

· .. Fresno State overran the Aztecs 20-0 ... game<br />

played in Balboa Stadium ... enthusiastic crowd<br />

· .. benefit for crippled children ... traditional each<br />

year for State team ... Painting of the IISII on Black<br />

Mountain ... traditional event for freshmen each<br />

year during football season ... Bernie Sosna was<br />

chairman of the climb ... straight up, carrying<br />

water or 100-lb. sacks of lime ... reach the top,<br />

then coll,ppse ... about 50 freshmen made the hike<br />

· .. accompanied by Oceotl members ... with a<br />

flourish of the brooms toward Montezuma Mesa<br />

· .. then a clean sweep of the "S" ... whitewash<br />

seen 20 miles away ...<br />

Not all thought-provoking comments come from the classroom.<br />


------<br />

"Ssllluurrrppppp! "<br />

-<br />

"Weighing in at 44 is ... rr<br />

"Would you care to turn the other cheek?"<br />

"Step right up, ladieees 'n gentlemen" was what<br />

you heard in the Gym November 22 it was time<br />

for the annual W.R.A. Carnival right before<br />

Thanksgiving vacation ... a turkey was raffled off<br />

by the W.R.A the feathers end cackle were<br />

thrown in for free attractions included penny<br />

pitch fun house donuts and other goodies<br />

on sale show by the Modern Donee Club ...<br />

Betty Hall Jones came down from Top's ... the<br />

alumni-varsity game opened the S.D.S.C. basketball<br />

season the varsity triumphed 83-59 over the<br />

All-Stars near-capacity crowd in the Men's Gym<br />

... dinner before the play and a Skull and Dagger<br />

party afterward made "Icebcund" a social event of<br />

fall semester<br />

Jeanne Durham reigned as Queen of Fite Nite<br />

... the main attraction of the night ... <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma<br />

Phi took top honors in the competition ... about 44<br />

fraternity men competed in the wrestling, boxing<br />

and gymnastics events ... Charlie Mcintyre took<br />

six out of seven events in gymnastics ... competition<br />

Dec. 14 was between pledge classes ... the<br />

annual pledge chariot races ... the Sigma Chi<br />

pledgepower was the best of the day ... their candidate,<br />

Donalda Beebe, was crowned queen of the<br />

day . . . I.F.C. sponsored the races . . . the SAE<br />

float was named best-appearing.. it was a freefor-all<br />

at the Pi Kappa Alpha pie-eating contest<br />

afterward more on the guys than in them, it<br />

seemed .<br />

"Yum! Shimply delishus!"<br />

"The Greek version of 'Hannibal Crossing the Alps'?"<br />


It's legal! They're married ...<br />

The traditional reading of IIA Christmas<br />

Ccrol" by Dickens was continued<br />

this year, but with a major change ...<br />

unknown at the time, last year marked<br />

the final reading of the loved story by<br />

Dr. Lewis Lesley ... E. Kingsley Povenmire<br />

gave the reading this year in the<br />

name of his friend who began the tradition<br />

... two readings had to be given<br />

because of overflow crowds in the Little<br />

Theatre ... the new interpretation by<br />

King Povenmire was greatly enjoyed by<br />

students '... Christmas carols played<br />

on the chimes added to the festive spirit<br />

on campus ...<br />

S.D.S.C. students overwhelmed leaders of<br />

the March of Dimes drive ... many events<br />

highlighted the week devoted to the drive ...<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Sigs sponsored a pie throw as a memorial<br />

to Kingston Robinson, former student,<br />

who died of pol io ... students bid $142 for the<br />

privilege of throwing pies in each other's face<br />

... Marlene Dawson and June Edwards, Alpha<br />

Chis donated their "services" to the drive ...<br />

a trophy was given to the Tekes for the hig~est<br />

contribution to pol io fund ... the Tek.e ~,d<br />

of $43.25 was highest in pie-throw ... victim<br />

was Mike Farrar ... <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigs brought Betty<br />

Hall Jones out for show ... she raised $320<br />

for the drive ... the APO "Walk of Dimes"<br />

netted another $100 ...<br />

Study! Study! Always study!<br />

24<br />

Christmas spirit felt by all as vacation time<br />

drew close ... some tests ... Christmas caroling<br />

in the caf ... guitar playing ... party<br />

given by College Y the day before vacation<br />

began ... everyone talking about their plans<br />

for the hal idays ... basketball fever ... the<br />

Aztecs defending champs of the League ...<br />

high-scorer Tony Pinkins big draw for games<br />

... tremendous crowds at the games .: ..<br />

packed or turnaway at each home game ...<br />

Blue Key auctioned off articles from the<br />

Lost and Found Jan. 12 ... everything in<br />

clothing from lingerie to formals ... sale<br />

held in the Main Quad ... bidding fast and<br />

furious ...<br />

"But I only have eyes for you ... "<br />

The total amount collected was more than<br />

$1200 ... Sigma Chi, <strong>Del</strong>ta Sig and SAE<br />

fraternity men combined in a Polio Parkway<br />

on Laurel Bridge ... another $100 was collected<br />

. . . The cI imax of the week was the<br />

Princess Ball . . . a twelve-year-old pol io<br />

victim , Joanne Urnezis, was the Princess ...<br />

a member of each sorority composed her<br />

court . . . the dance was held at Mission<br />

Beach Ballroom couples attending dodonated<br />

$400 finals finally ended ...<br />

Blue Book Ball time ... Roberta Linn was<br />

guest star ... Jerry Schultz crowned Nancy<br />

Nelson Belle of the Ball ... <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phis<br />

were proud of their third consecutive winner.<br />



Theta Chi<br />


Kappa Alpha<br />


Tau Kappa Epsilon<br />

LUE<br />

BOOK<br />

BALL<br />


Sigma Phi Epsilon<br />


Sigma Pi<br />


Sigma Chi<br />

FALL<br />


Kappa Alpha Psi<br />

SUSAN<br />

Kappa<br />

WYMAN<br />

Sigma<br />


•<br />

30 31

"O.K. You volunteered for this mission ... "<br />

"From my bird's-eye view, I'd say that this is for the birds."<br />

There's nothing like a drink to start you on your college career ...<br />

"All right, youse guys. You get fingerprinted over here."<br />

After a week of mountain parties, students returned<br />

to the Mesa to stand in the long lines of<br />

registration ... February second through the fourth<br />

... those blue registration priority cards went at a<br />

high premium this year ... seniors laughed at the<br />

shocked expressions on the faces of second-semester<br />

freshmen when they saw thei r priority numbers ...<br />

the Campus Lab School Auditorium was again filled<br />

with frantic students pleading with professors to<br />

squeeze in just one more name on the list ... at<br />

last the Bookstore carried the History 17 texts in •<br />

two volumes instead of one monster ... Bookstore<br />

handled its customers in a mass production fashion<br />

as usual ... second-semester freshmen had to crash<br />

classes to carry a full load ...<br />

Ever wonder what you looked like from the orchestra ... ?<br />

This is what's known as a ground-shot ...<br />

"T~ain ~ow leaving on Track 9 p.rn. for Aesthetics<br />

Air SCience and all points east." ,<br />

32<br />

"Place you btl .<br />

res, adies and gennelmen."<br />

Of twelve supposedly freshmen coeds, one was a<br />

man ... AWS tea held for these girls Feb. 15 in<br />

Scripps . . . Nancy Page was chairman . . .<br />

acquainted new students with the campus ...<br />

Shure 'n begorrah! 'twas a big day in the life of the<br />

Irish on campus. WRA sponsored "Sham<br />

Shufflel/ in the gym Dick Cox was crowned St.<br />

Pat by George Sunga Martha Anderson was<br />

chairman of the dance band concerts in the<br />

quad Iivened up the free hours each week . . . cosPonsored<br />

by the AS and Music Dept .... perhaps<br />

the start of a new tradition . . . It was the IFC<br />

Traternity All-Stars against the Frosh basketb~1I<br />

team ... money was donated to a sch~larshlp<br />

f~nd for basketball players ... Fresh won In overtime<br />

58-55 ... a dance followed in the gym ...<br />

In the name of Montezuma and St. Patrick, I crown thee.<br />


That Officer Daniels gives traffic tickets<br />

any time of day . . .<br />

O. K. Just don't forget to return the clothes.<br />

SPRING<br />

The Theatre Guild production of lilian of the<br />

West ll coincided with current Davy Crockett fad<br />

. . . an interesting take-off of 1830 on the "King<br />

of the Wild Frontier" ... _Scripps Cottage remodeling<br />

and the <strong>Library</strong> change were nicely timed<br />

together ... With the <strong>Library</strong> no longer a smallscale<br />

student union, the Scripps recreation area was<br />

necessary ... a juke box, concession hut, pingpong<br />

and card tables were main attractions ...<br />

the AS, AWS and AMS were joint sponsors of the<br />

Scripps project ... student leaders gathered at<br />

Los Angeles State for Southern Cal ifornia regional<br />

conference March 26 to discuss problems of student<br />

government ... Aztec representatives publ icized<br />

the PSPA convention held at State in May ...<br />

SAE Hal Allen was named the "best-dressed man<br />

on campus" ... the contest ran one week ...<br />

each fraternity man was dressed in a different outfit<br />

each day ... "The South Shall Rise Again" ...<br />

this came true on campus as KAs refought the Civil<br />

War ... on April 1 the Soph Class sponsored a<br />

progressive jazz concert ... student Eddie Fisher<br />

led State College jazz musicians ... proceeds<br />

were divided between the Soph Class and the Music<br />

Dept .... Two University of London debaters<br />

amused their audience in the Little Theatre with<br />

cracks about American customs ... it was a debate<br />

with Ada Picaizen and Andy Brown on recognition<br />

of Red China but the antics of their country<br />

cousins were more interesting to the Londoners<br />

...<br />

This RO training comes in handy ...<br />

-<br />

Engineers never studied about bridge quite so thoroughly ...<br />

34<br />

"Now who's' .<br />

got the tickets back to San Diego ... ?" I'll bet he didn't get much encouragement from h[s folks, tho ...<br />

I think we will show you tonight why Britishers are known as John BULL.<br />


The Barber-Shop Quartet Contest, an<br />

annual affair until 1949, was revived this<br />

year by the AMS ... Pi Kappa Alpha placed<br />

first ... Alpha Chi Omega competed as<br />

the original "Beauty-Shop Quartet" . . .<br />

Sigma Pi was second and the <strong>Del</strong>ta Sig "Dappers"<br />

were third in fraternity division ...<br />

Frank Mendoza was chairman of the event<br />

. . . present plans are for the contest to be<br />

held during the fall semester . . . Jack<br />

Stump emceed and Dr. Robert Benjamin was<br />

advisor ... winners of the contest entertained<br />

during the judging at Spring Sing ...<br />

perpetual trophies were awarded to first-place<br />

winners . . . judging was done by the<br />

"Solidaires," a pro group, at the contest in<br />

the Little Theatre . . .<br />



SPRING<br />


Spring elections were held in April for<br />

school officers . . . Bob House was elected<br />

AS president . . . Dean Erwine is new veep<br />

... Jean Satterlee is AS secretary ...<br />

Harvey Goodfriend is Commissioner of<br />

Finance . . . President of the AWS is Ann<br />

Peterson Julius Campbell is new AMS<br />

prexy Marlene Benjamin will serve as<br />

WRA president next year ... Harry Steinmetz<br />

was chairman of the elections ...<br />

Cetza girls counted the votes, wh iIe the <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Zetas served coffee to nervous candidates<br />

awaiting results .. most offices decided in<br />

first vote run-offs held the week<br />

after ...<br />

The result: 55 ballots and three gum wrappers.<br />

And they think computing machines can replace these ... ?<br />

Afterwards, it's light-up-the-victory-bonfire-time again ...<br />


SPRING<br />


DAY<br />

Next on the program, the "Flower Song" from AII-Women's Day ...<br />

Even F. Scott Fitzgerald would have<br />

rubbed his eyes ... Sigma Chi held a<br />

goldfish-eating contest . . . eight hardy<br />

gourmets received free bids to the fraternity<br />

dance ... one female contestant changed<br />

her mind as she viewed the wriggling creatures.<br />

high school students from city<br />

and county schools toured the SDSC campus<br />

as part of the second annual "College Day,"<br />

April 29. five hundred high school<br />

athletes and former SDSC lettermen attended<br />

the first annual Aztec Pow-Wow on April<br />

30 ... guests of honor included Art Linkletter<br />

and Mayor John Butler ... Andy<br />

Rondeques honored for 25 years service in<br />

the caf . . . he was presented with a roundtrip<br />

ticket to Hawaii ...<br />

Eeek! It's alive ...<br />

AII-Women's Day . . . Inter-sorority bridge<br />

tournament in Scripps won by Alpha Phi ... Cap<br />

and Gown tapped eight of nine new members at the<br />

spring AWS banquet that night ... Edith Flourie<br />

was tapped on the campus next day ... Cetza<br />

tapped 23 girls ... M. L. Ross was named outstanding<br />

AWS Board member . . . the Gamma<br />

Phi Beta scholarship trophy went to Alpha Phis<br />

... Panhellenic awarded scholarships to five<br />

sorority girls who had a 3.0 grade record in the fall<br />

... the AAUW presented two memberships to<br />

Betty Tyschen and Veleda Sickels named outstanding<br />

senior women ... Sigma Koppe received the<br />

Sportsma~ship trophy from Alpha Xi <strong>Del</strong>ta ...<br />

banquet In the San Diego Women's Club climaxed<br />

successful Women's Day, April 27 ...<br />

The jury finds the defendant ...<br />

This boy's 46th entry in our Photo Competition ..<br />

Smokey Rogers' new outfit auditions for the high school kids . . ,<br />

And if every Cetza<br />

38<br />

girl lit just one little candle<br />

I was just sitting th '. ~<br />

ere, minding my own business ...<br />

I f . the quad . .<br />

Already they're getting the knack of oa Ing In

In spite of rain in the city and snow in the<br />

mountains, one of the largest crowds in history<br />

attended the 58th SDSC Founder's Day<br />

... programs were presented by the music,<br />

drama and P.E. departments ... the public<br />

could see themselves on a closed-circuit<br />

television hookup ... or take a make-believe<br />

tour of Europe via slides . . . learn<br />

their blood type ... see glass-blowing and<br />

explosions ... write with flaming ink ...<br />

watch a flame that barks ... art displays<br />

f.eatured student work ... tested the publIC<br />

sense of discrimination . . . alums<br />

gathered in Scripps Cottage for a reunion<br />

... guests were served refreshments in the<br />

Home Economics Cottage . . . visitors<br />

watch~d while <strong>Del</strong> Sud staff members slaved<br />

over fino! touches on the yearbook ...<br />

r~arian Greaves receives journalism award from Arthur C. Wimer.<br />


•<br />

The men on <strong>Del</strong> S d t ff .<br />

usa appreciate calendar art more, though ...<br />

Outstanding students are honored each year at<br />

Awards Day . . . held this year on May 3 in the<br />

Main Quad . . . five service keys for outstanding<br />

service to the school in student government presented<br />

to Andy Brown, Tom Goodbody, Don Ritchey,<br />

George Sunga and Sue Shearer ... those named<br />

to Who's Who were officially announced and presented<br />

to the school . . . Sunga received the AS<br />

President's award of a senior-class ring ... departmental<br />

and divisional awards were presented to<br />

outstanding students ... IFC awards were given<br />

to two graduating seniors from each fraternity ...<br />

the AWS began a special fund for support of the<br />

Scripps Cottage recreation area . . . Blue Key<br />

tapped new members . athletic awards were<br />

presented ...<br />

SPRING<br />


DAY<br />

40<br />

i<br />

Former A.S. President Jim Simms gives George Sunga President's ring.<br />

Sunga congratulates incoming A.S. President Bob House.<br />


•• 0 everly<br />

a<br />

• competition<br />

0<br />

0 • construction<br />

••<br />

-----<br />

0<br />

LAST<br />

EVENTS<br />

SPRING<br />

Things should now be re I G 'h'<br />

a eorge Wit J rrn Cavanaugh, president of PSPA.<br />

We'll catch that gopher if it's the last thing we do ...<br />

it···":"::·.,••••'"<br />

And they say it's been fixed on the girls' gym for three days .•.<br />

At the end of the year,<br />

those who are graduating<br />

look forward to the week ending June 10 0<br />

those who will be around in the fall look to the<br />

EXITJ<br />

Lessee who can hold it th<br />

e<br />

I<br />

ongest ...<br />

0<br />

0 •• education,<br />

growth of the campus was started<br />

on the new engineering building<br />

speech and home economics buildings are<br />

slated for the near future ... Baccalaureate to<br />

be held June 5 in the Main Quad with a reception<br />

after in Scripps ... the senior dinner is planned<br />

for the night of the Blue Book Ball ... at Bali<br />

Hai ... seniors are candidates for Belle of the<br />

Blue Book Ball ... graduation exercises will be<br />

held Friday morning, June 10, in the Greek Bowl ...<br />

The feathers will arrive later. 0<br />

All they need is Evel d h' .<br />

yn an er Magic Violin<br />

42<br />

For the first time, SDSC was host to the<br />

Pacific Stud en t P residents . Association in<br />

convention ... past and present AS presidents<br />

of call eges In . tell h Western states attended<br />

. . . the Manor Hotel was headquarters<br />

dO .<br />

I .<br />

0 uau at Mission Bay and a<br />

ance a: the hotel were two highlights of the<br />

:tOnventlon, from May 11 to 14 . . . sorer-<br />

I y and frat it<br />

show: erru y members cooperated in<br />

di OWIn~ the presidents a good time . 0<br />

~St:usslon groups met at State . . 0 fraterniles<br />

and s . 0<br />

5' . orontles each year compete in<br />

pring 51ng . . . held in the Greek Bowl<br />

~~v~ltPen to the publ ic . 0 in<br />

~' womens, mens and mixed divisions<br />

Butler was chairman ...<br />

Well, it's been great ...<br />



Lambda Chi Alpha<br />


Sigma Alpha Epsilon<br />

BLUE<br />

BOOK<br />

BALL<br />


Alpha Tau Omega<br />

K<br />


<strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi JACKIE SCHNEIDER<br />

Zeta Beta Tau<br />


Tau Kappa EpsiIon<br />

II<br />

SPRING<br />

44<br />


Kappa Sigma<br />


Sigma Phi EpsiIon<br />


Sigma Pi<br />


Kappa Alpha 45



..<br />

Marjorie S. Brookshire<br />

Associate Dean of Students<br />

, Activities<br />

Ernest B. O'Byrne .<br />

Dean of Educationa I Services<br />

and Summer Sessions<br />

We present the Deans ...<br />

who give their assistance when<br />

requested or needed . . . every<br />

phase of campus and student life<br />

is furthered by their interest and<br />

act ive participation ... they<br />

advise student-faculty committees<br />

... integrate campus and<br />

curricular activities . . . advise<br />

problems of students, activities,<br />

curriculum and building program<br />

...<br />

T.he history of San Die S .<br />

the lives of its students fh ~ti College IS written in<br />

~ffective means we have ~f cae ~ S~do~ste is the most<br />

In the lives of these student ~t.~n~ In Picture a moment<br />

they cherish. This record a sd~h' e t ey are on the campus<br />

presents a challenge to 'f; ose that have gone before<br />

San Diego State College u ure. generations. As alumni of<br />

the memories that it rec~~~. wI/I treasure this volume and<br />

48<br />

Donald E. Walker f<br />

Students<br />

Associate Dean 0 '<br />

Counseling<br />

Donald R. Watson<br />

Dean of Instructivn<br />



Lt. Col. John Monaco, Jr.<br />

Air Science<br />

Chari<br />

Bu in<br />

s W. L md n<br />

s<br />

j<br />

M "Ir d H. Schrupp<br />

duc tion<br />

John M. Daniel<br />

Security Officer,<br />

Maintenance<br />

Timothy Hallahan<br />

Chief of Maintenance<br />

Selwyn C. Hartigan<br />

Business Manager<br />

George N. Sorenson<br />

Fine Arts<br />

George Ziegenfuss<br />

Health Education, Physical<br />

Education and Recreation<br />

John R. Adams<br />

Languages and Lit ratur<br />

James L. Julian<br />

Publications and<br />

Public Relations Officer<br />

William M. Kidw~y,<br />

James S. Kinder<br />

Placement Officen':~ ·r<br />

Coordinator of<br />

Audio-Visual Services<br />

Robert D. Harwood<br />

Life Sciences<br />

Dudley H. Robinson<br />

Physical Sciences<br />

Robert W. Richardson<br />

Social Sciences<br />

Richard Madden<br />

Chairman of Graduate Studies<br />

Marion L. Parker<br />

Registrar<br />


CHAIRM<br />

......~--~~--.-------<br />

I<br />

50<br />

Frank O. Robertson, M.D.<br />

Director of Health Services<br />

Dick Thomas<br />

Graduate Manager<br />

Alfred E. White<br />

Admissions Officer<br />

Robert F. Wilcox<br />

Coordinator of<br />

Public Administration<br />


Eugene P. Brown<br />

Accounting and<br />

Business Management<br />

Everett G. Jackson<br />

Art<br />

Clifford E. Smith<br />

Astronomy, Geology and<br />

Physical Science<br />

{/<br />

Mabel A. Myers<br />

Botany and Bacteriology<br />

Evangeline O. Le Barron<br />

Business Education, Secretarial<br />

and Office Management<br />

John A. Spangler<br />

Chemistry<br />

Roy E. Cameron<br />

Economics<br />



Morrow F. Stough<br />

Elementary Education<br />

George A. Koester<br />

Secondary Education<br />

Curtis R. Walling<br />

Enginep.ring<br />

John R. Theobald<br />

English<br />

Alvena Storm<br />

Geography<br />

Katherine<br />

History<br />

M. Ragen<br />

Kenneth<br />

Industrial<br />

Phillips<br />

Arts<br />

Frances B. Torbert<br />

Marketing<br />

Vincent C. Harris<br />

Mathematics<br />

Pattee<br />

Music<br />

E. Evenson<br />

Neva E. Nye<br />

Nursing<br />

Chesney<br />

Physics<br />

R. Moe<br />

52<br />

Marion L. Schwob<br />

Physical Education, Women<br />

Wolcott C. Treat<br />

Psychology and Philosophy<br />

David S. Milne<br />

Sociology and Anthropology<br />

Hunton<br />

Speech<br />

D. Sellman<br />

Arts<br />

Kenneth<br />

Zoology<br />

M. Taylor<br />




5<br />

I<br />



Left to right: Jackie Cathcart Don Walker Ed Nuttall<br />

Steinmetz, Gwen Geren, Marjo;ie Brookshire,' Bob Anaya.' Left to right: J. O. McClintic, John Spangler, George Ziegenfuss,<br />

Dave Carlson, Bob House, Dick Thomas.<br />




Le~t to right: Alan S. Mishne Dick Thomas<br />

Peiffer, Don Ritchey, George Sunga. '<br />

Left to rig,ht, first row: Sherry Miller, Diane Almgrin, Cynthia<br />

Cook, Michael Farrar, Paul Phillips. Second row: Abraham P.<br />

Nasatir, John Dirks, Glen Fulkerson, Marjorie S. Brookshire, Duane<br />

C. Tway, Andrew C. Olson, Paul Stewart.<br />

Left to right: Pat Henry Glen Hod e GI T<br />

Jim Iverson, Arthur Wi:ner, JamesgJ~lia~~ aylor, Robert Wilcox, PUBLICA TIONS<br />

Left<br />

54<br />

to right: Walter Fisher, Willard Trask, Alice Harvey, Herbert<br />

C. Peiffer, Jr.; Marjorie S. Brookshire, Edmund C. Nuttall, Robert<br />

Shields, Albert Wiecjorek.<br />




I ,<br />

I<br />

Left to right: George Sunga (president), Shirley Krasner, Bill McGrath, Claire Dugan, Lois<br />

Hebner, Don Ritchey, Andy Brown, Harvey Goodfriend, Julius Campbell, Dave Carlson, Tom<br />

Goodbody, Sue Shearer, Harry Steinmetz, Ann Peterson.<br />


Vice President<br />

GEORGE<br />

President<br />

SUNGA<br />


"One of the most daring Councils I've ever seen/' was the tribute<br />

of presiding officer George Sunga Revoked the mandatory A.S. card<br />

for sorority and fraternity members then tried to balance the budget<br />

as sales dropped mov d : t .<br />

. . . e In 0 Its o~n quarters<br />

.<br />

this year ... sponsored<br />

the Frosh Reception for AS<br />

..<br />

-i!',:t •••<br />

d h Id<br />

car - 0 ers ...<br />

;:\,<br />

also sponsored the Princess<br />

Ball to raise funds for th M h f Di ',:i,<br />

e arc 0 imes .: ..<br />

.<br />

tried to offer activities<br />

for students<br />

'<br />

though f d<br />

un s<br />

b I<br />

are y covered necessary annual expenses<br />

... worked on the Scripps Cottage remode ling for student use . . .<br />

56<br />


Secretary<br />



Treasurer<br />


j<br />

1L!WZ<br />

AWS BOARD--:-Marianne Benjamin, Dorothy McCollom, Donna Zaiser, Marilyn Skinner, Donna Dee<br />

Dickson, Cynthia Cook, Je~n Satterlee, Sally Benter, Joyce O'Connor Margie Petz Pat Hoo M L<br />

Ross, Ann Relnstra,. Bonnie Morrison, Rosario Petrone, Sharon Anderson, Barbar~ Schrump~er'Bev~rl'<br />

Butler, Sylvia Jennings, Nancy Page, Miss Helen Dorris and Sue Shearer. ,y<br />

Carry the Books Day . . . An annual AWS event . . .<br />

A.W.S. officers and board members<br />

offer special activities for all campus<br />

coeds ... from the welcoming tea in<br />

the fall and spring ... to A.W.S. banquets<br />

each semester for recognition of<br />

outstanding women students ... Big<br />

Sister program and Frosh Fete again<br />

made incoming freshmen feel more<br />

welcome ... A pet project was the<br />

remodeling of Scripps Cottage into a<br />

recreation area for all students ... an<br />

open theme in Spring Sing provided<br />

some interesting arrangements ... Miss<br />

Helen Dorris and Dr. Marjorie Brooksh<br />

ire were advisors ...<br />


WOMEN<br />


58<br />


President<br />


Secretary<br />



0 0 An<br />

•<br />

• Aided<br />

they<br />

All males on campus belong to the<br />

A.M.S .... They too had their fashion<br />

I<br />

show, for "the latest styles for men"<br />

o .. Worked toward improving Scripps<br />

Cottage. 0<br />

the March of Dimes<br />

drive through collections at a local<br />

drive-in .. 0<br />

sponsored the five<br />

femmes<br />

from S.D.SoC. who contributed<br />

their tips ... a women's division was<br />

added this year to the annual barbershop<br />

quartet competition . . . they<br />

continued work on the "Cavalcade of<br />

Left to right: Walt Bussey Darold Smith Bernard S E<br />

(president>, Glenn Taylor Frank Mendoza' Reed R' hos n da, dmund<br />

, I tc ar son<br />

C. Nuttall, Tom Goodbody<br />

Fight Night 0<br />

annual AMS event . 0<br />

Champions" portraits for the gym<br />



, 60<br />

GLENN<br />

Secretary<br />

TAYLOR<br />


Treasurer<br />



President<br />


Vice President<br />



President<br />

JIM<br />

Vice<br />

HINCK<br />

President<br />



Secretary<br />


Treasurer<br />


Secretary<br />

JO ANN<br />

Treasurer<br />

TRACY<br />




President<br />


Vice President<br />



President<br />


Vice President<br />


Secretary<br />


Secretary<br />


Treasurer 63



Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Psychology<br />

Activities: Pi Beta Phi, Psi Chi,<br />

Alpha Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta, Cetzo<br />


Degree: A. B. (June)<br />

Major: Social Science<br />

Minor: English<br />

ADAMS, MARY L.<br />

Degree: A.B, (June)<br />

Major: Psychology<br />

Minor: Sociology<br />

Activities: Treble Clef, Soiling<br />

Club, Alpha Xi <strong>Del</strong>to, Centerbury<br />

Club<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social SCience<br />

Activities: Alpha Phi, Xolotl,<br />

(.S.T,A" <strong>Del</strong>ta Phi Upsilon<br />


Degree; A B. (June)<br />

Majar: English<br />

Minor: Spanish<br />

Activities: Westminster Club<br />


RONALD D.<br />

Degree: A. B. (Feb.)<br />

Major: General<br />

Minor: Air Science,<br />

Economics, Business<br />

Activities: Arnold Air Society,<br />

Alpha Phi Omega, Golf, Sigma<br />

Chi<br />



Degree: A. B. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: Phi Sigma Kappa<br />

ANDREWS,<br />


Degree: AB, (June)<br />

Mojor: Life Science<br />

Minor: Chemistry<br />

Activities: Sigma Kappa, Cetzo,<br />

Phi Mu Epsilon, Newman<br />

Club, Inter-Faith Council<br />


Degree; AB. (June)<br />

Major: Journalism<br />

Activities: Tau Kappa Epsilon,<br />

Aztec, Press Club, Marching<br />

Bond<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Economics<br />

Minor: Political Science<br />

Activities: Alpha Chi Omega<br />

Ponhellenic, Cetzo •<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Sociology<br />

Minor: History<br />

Activities: Alpha Gamma<br />

S i 9 m a, Alpha Kappa <strong>Del</strong>to,<br />

French Club<br />


Degree: B.s. (Summer)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Activities: Alpha Tau Omega<br />


Degree: AB. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Sociology<br />

Minar: Speech Arts<br />

Activities: Inter-varsity Christian<br />

Fellowship<br />

Seniors<br />


BAKER, DALE D.<br />

Degree: AB. (Feb.)<br />

Major; Accounting<br />

Minor: Economics<br />

Activities: <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi<br />

Degree: AB,<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: <strong>Del</strong>ta Zeta Westminster<br />

Club, I.V.C.F.: Hiking<br />

Club, C,S.TA<br />


Degree: A. B. (Juna)<br />

Major: Business Education<br />

Activities: Pi Omega Pi, Kappa<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Pi, C.S.T.A., Pi Theta<br />



Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />


<strong>Del</strong>jree: A.B. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Speech Arts<br />

Minor: History<br />

Activities: Kappa Sigma Yell<br />

Leader<br />

'<br />


DOLORES J.<br />

Degree: A.B.<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Sociol Science<br />

Activities: Kappa <strong>Del</strong>to Pi<br />

C.S.TA<br />

'<br />

BOLEN, ·JOHN W., Jit<br />

Degree: B.S. (J4ne)<br />

Major: Accounting<br />

Activities: Tau Sigma<br />


DOROTHE L.<br />

Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: English<br />

Minor: Speech Arts<br />

Activities: Pi Theta<br />

Club<br />

'<br />

BOWEN, DON<br />

Degree: B.S.<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Activities: Kappa Sigma<br />


Degree: B.S.<br />

Major: Accounting<br />

Activities: Tau Sigma<br />



Degree: B.S. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Engineering<br />

Minor: Economics<br />

Activities: From Northrop<br />

Aero. Institute<br />


Degree: A. B. (June)<br />

Major: Art<br />

Activities: <strong>Del</strong>ta <strong>Del</strong>ta <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

from U. of Miami, Art Guild<br />


Degree: A.B. (Feb.)<br />

Major' Art I:ducatian<br />

Activities' Alpha Chi Omega,<br />

LV.C.F., C.S.T.A., Xolotl, Art<br />

Guild<br />


Degree: B.S. (Summer)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Actlvities: Theta Chi<br />


Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Laboratory Technique<br />

Minor: Bacteriology<br />

Activities: Phi Mu Epsllon<br />

BRAY, HENRY G.<br />

Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Mathematics<br />

Minor: Physics<br />

Activities: Pi Epsilon, Arnerican<br />

Chemical Society<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Physical Education<br />

Minor: Industrial Arts<br />


Degree: B.S. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Engineering<br />

Minor: Air Science<br />

Activities: Kappa Sigma, Arnold<br />

Air Society<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Mojor: Education<br />

Minor: English, Social Science<br />

Activities: Rally Committee, Pi<br />

Beta Phi, Blue Book Ball Com.<br />

mittee<br />

BURNS, JOHN F.<br />

Degree: A.B.<br />

Mojor: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: C.S.T.A.. Kappa<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Pi<br />

BYERS,<br />

CLINTON L., JR.<br />

Degree: A.B. (Summer)<br />

Major: General<br />

Activities: Kappa Sigma, Gym.<br />

nestles<br />

CALVERT,<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Social Science<br />

Minor: English<br />

Activities: Tau Koppo Epsilon<br />

Fraternity<br />


Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Civil Engineering<br />

Activities: American Society of<br />

Civil Engineers, Engineers' Association<br />

Seniors<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: English<br />

Activities: A.W.S., Inrer-vorsHy<br />

Christian Fellowship <strong>Del</strong>to<br />

Sigma Theta '<br />

CHASE, DON A.<br />

Degree: A.B. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

MitiOr: EConomics<br />

Activities: Golf Team, Sophomore<br />

Closs Treasurer, <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Sigma Phi<br />


Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Activities: Kappa Sigma<br />


Degree: A.B. (Summer)<br />

Major: General<br />

Minor: Education,<br />

Psychology, SOCiology'<br />


Degree: A. B.<br />

Major: Accounting. Sociology<br />

Activities: Alpha Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />


CLARK, .<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities; Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi<br />

C.S.TA<br />

CLARK,<br />


BEALE<br />

Degree: AB.<br />

Major; General<br />

Minor: Business, Home<br />

Economics, Sociology<br />

Activities: Alpha Phi, Secretarial<br />

Club, Home Economics<br />

Club<br />

CLARK,<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Music<br />

Minor: Air Science<br />

Activities: Men's Glee Chorus,<br />

Phi Mu Alpha, Arnold Air $0-<br />

ciety<br />


Degree: A.a. (June)<br />

Major' Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: C.S.T.A<br />

CLARK, JANE A.<br />

Degree: AB. (Summer)<br />

MOJor' Speech Arts<br />

Minor. English, Philosophy<br />

Activities. TheotreGuildl..Sk ...,<br />

and Dogger, Pi Kappa uelta<br />

Alpha Phi<br />


Degree: A. B.<br />

Major; Social Science<br />

Minor: English<br />

Activities; Political Science<br />

Club<br />

COFFER,<br />


Degree; AB.<br />

Mojor: Chemistry<br />

Minor: Astronomy<br />

COFFEY,<br />


Degree: A B.<br />

Mojor' Education<br />

Minor: English<br />

COLLINS,<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: General<br />

Activities: Kappa <strong>Del</strong>to, Panhellenic<br />


Degree: A. B.<br />

Mojor: Accounting<br />

Minor: Sociology<br />

Activities; Koppe Alpho, Tau<br />

Sigma, Newman Club<br />

Seniors<br />


Degree: as (June)<br />

Major: Chemistry<br />

Activities: American Chemical<br />

Society, Sigma Kappa, Cetzo<br />

CUSTER, ED<br />

Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major; English<br />

Minor: History<br />

Activities; Publications, Press<br />

Club, Booster Brochure, <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Sigma Phi<br />


CHARLES M.<br />

Degree: AB. (FefJ.)<br />

Major; Psychology<br />

Activities: Wesley-Club, Ame;-<br />

icon Chemical Society, Sailing<br />

Team, Club Azteco<br />

DE BRECHT,<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Genetal<br />


Degree: A, B. (June)<br />

Meijor; Education<br />

Activities; <strong>Del</strong>ta Phi 'Upsilon,<br />

C.S.T.A.<br />

DENHAM,<br />


Degree: AB. (Feb.)<br />

Mojor: Office Management<br />

Mmor;. PsychOlogy<br />

Activities: Sigma Kappa, Pan.<br />

hellenic, Cettel, Tri 5., Secretarial<br />

Club<br />



Deglee: A. e.(June)<br />

Major: English<br />

Mindr: Hist


DITTO, RAY<br />

DE!9ree: B.S. (June)<br />

Mojor: Engineering<br />

Activities: Society of Automotive<br />

Engineers, Engineers' Associction<br />

Degree: A.S: (Summer),<br />

Major: Physlcol EdYcotlon<br />

Minor: lndusrrlol Arts,<br />

Air Science<br />

Activities: Kappa Alpho, Football<br />


Degree: A B. (June)<br />

Mojo,: Soctol Science<br />

Minor: English<br />

Activities: Koppe Sigma<br />

DOUGHTY,<br />


Degree: AB, (June)<br />

Major: Socicl Service<br />

Activities: Chi Omega, Ponhellenie,<br />

Treble Clef<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Social Science<br />

Minor: English<br />


Degrel A,B<br />

MOlor' EducatIon<br />

Mmor' Soc '01 Science<br />

ActivII,e C S.T A. <strong>Del</strong>ta PhI<br />

Upsilon, Call ge "Y"<br />



OE!9re;>A.B, (feb)<br />

Major' Speech Arts<br />

Act,vltles, S'gmQ PI, Xolcrt,<br />

Homecoming<br />

FISHMAN,<br />


Degree A B, (Feb,)<br />

Major: Speech Arts<br />

Minor English<br />

Activities Skull and Dagger,<br />

Aztec, Cacti<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

MoW: Education<br />

Minor: Spanish<br />

Activities: Club Azteca, Interculturol<br />

Organization:, Aztec,<br />

Camera Club, Audia Visual<br />

C.S.T.A.<br />

'<br />


Degree: a.s,<br />

Mojor: ACCounting<br />


Degree: AB. (Feb.)<br />

Mojor: Educorion<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: C.S,TA, I.F,C., Sigma<br />

Phi Epsilon<br />

Seniors<br />

72<br />

FOLI(NER,<br />


DE!9ree:A.B, (June)<br />

Major: Mathematics<br />


Degree: A,a "<br />

M~jor: Mathematics<br />

Mmo::, PhysicoI Science<br />

ActIVItIes: ~igrna Phi Epsilon<br />


Degree: BS (Feb,)<br />

Major: Bacteriology<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: Newman Club, <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Zeta, C.S.TA<br />



Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Activities: Zeta .Beto Tou<br />


Degree: B.S. (Summer)<br />

Major: Marketing<br />

Activities: <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi<br />


Degree: A.B. (Summer)<br />

Major: Psychology<br />

Minor' Air Science<br />

Activities: Arnold Air Society,<br />

Pi Koppe Alpha, Soiling Team,<br />

Flying Club<br />

GAGNON,<br />


Degree: AB.<br />

Major: Art •<br />

Minor: Home Economics<br />

Activities: Newman Club, Los<br />

Buscodores, W.S.S.F.<br />

GAMBOA,<br />


Degree: A.a. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Spanish<br />

SOLANO<br />

GARCIA,<br />


Degree: AB. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Business Educ.otion<br />

Minor: Social Science, ,<br />

Activities: Pi Omega Pi, Xolotl<br />

GENTILlN,<br />




Degree: AB.<br />

Major: Social Science<br />

Minor: English<br />

Activities: C.S.T.A, Phi Alpha<br />

Theta<br />


Degree: A.B. (Summer)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Minor: Psychology<br />

Activities: Lambda Chi Alpha,<br />

I.F.C.<br />

Seniors<br />


Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Activities: Tau Sigma<br />


Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Activities: Koppe Alpha<br />

GUNSON,<br />


Degr~e: . A B. (Jun~)<br />

Major: Social Science<br />

Activities: Alpha Chi Omega<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: English<br />

Activities: C.S.T.A, Pi Beta<br />

Phi<br />

74<br />

HAMPSON,<br />


De~ree: A.B. (June)<br />

Ma/or: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science '<br />

ActiVities: C.S.TA, <strong>Del</strong>ta Phi<br />

Upsilon<br />

HANDLEY,<br />

DAMON C., JR.<br />

Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Mojor: Mathematics<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Industrial Arts<br />

Minor: Art<br />

Activities: Industrial Arts Club<br />


Degree: B.Ed. (June)<br />

Major: Industriol Arts<br />

ActiVities: C.STA., Industrial<br />

Arts Club<br />


HA~SEN,<br />

WYNN<br />

DARRYL<br />

DeQree: AB. (June)<br />

Mellor; Life Science<br />

Minor: History<br />

Activities: Arnold Air Society,<br />

Lambda Chi Alpha<br />

HANSON,<br />


Degree: AB. (Feb.I<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: C.S.T.A<br />

HANSON,<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: f>ociol Science<br />

Activities: Wesley Club, Keppe<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Pi, C.S.T.A.<br />


Degrllil: A.B. (Jun )<br />

Major: Arl<br />

Ac il vit Ie s : Koppa D Ito,<br />

A.WS.<br />


Degree: B.S.<br />

Major: Accounting<br />

Activities: Tou Sigma, Sigma<br />

Pi, Debore, I.F.C.<br />



Degree: B.S. (Feb.)<br />

Major' Physics<br />

Activities: Institute of Radio<br />

Engineers, Sigma Pi Sigma<br />


Degree: A.B. (J1,lne)<br />

Major: Art<br />

Minor; Home Economics<br />

Activities: Art Guild, Home<br />

Economics Club<br />

HOERR,<br />


Degree: AB. (Feb.)<br />

Mojor: General<br />

Minor: Psychology, Sociology,<br />

Art<br />

Activities: Pi Beta Phi<br />

HOWELL,<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Mojor: Social Service<br />

Activities: Chi Omega, Xolotl,<br />

Panhellenic, Fresh and Soph<br />

Cabinet<br />

HUFF, OWEN<br />

Degree: BS. (Feb.)<br />

Mojor: Business Management<br />

Minor, Accounting<br />

Activities: Tau Sigma<br />


Degree: AR (June)<br />

Major: Social Service<br />

Minor: Psychology<br />

Seniors<br />


Degree: AB.<br />

Major: Mathematics<br />

Minor: Photography<br />

Activities: <strong>Del</strong> SUdoesteEditor<br />

Senior Cabinet, <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigm~<br />

Phi. Moth Club,,;Tennis Club<br />

Germon Club, Photo Club '<br />


Degree: A.B. (Feb.)<br />

Major: English<br />


Degree: AB. (Jur,e)<br />

Major:. Mathematics<br />

Minor: Geography, History<br />

Activities: Koppe Sigma, <strong>Del</strong><br />

Sud.<br />

JACOBS,<br />


Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Civil Engineering<br />

Minor: Math<br />

Actlvjties: Tau Koppe Epsilon,<br />

Oceotl, Engineers Associotton,<br />

American Society of Civil Engineers,<br />

American Society of<br />

Automotive Engineers, Aztec<br />

Engineer<br />

JACOBS,<br />

MARY<br />

Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major:<br />

ment<br />

Secretarial Manage.<br />

Activities: Alpha Phi, Secretarial<br />

Club<br />


JANTZ, JACK L.<br />

Degree: A.B.<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minar: Social Science<br />

Activities: Kappa Alpha, Football,<br />

C.S.T.A<br />

JAQUA,<br />

HIRAM<br />

THOMAS<br />


SYLVIA<br />

Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Chemistry<br />

Minor: Zoology<br />

Activities: Cap and Gown,<br />

AW.S., Aesculapions, American<br />

Chemical Society, Xolotl,<br />

Alpha Xi <strong>Del</strong>ta, Germon Club<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Ma/or: Business Education<br />

Activities: Pi Omega Pi<br />


<strong>Del</strong>lr . 8.S (Feb)<br />

Mojo,. PhY$iC~<br />

Activltl : SIgma P, $Igmo,<br />

In~tltut of Rodlo Eng'r>ecrs<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: General Major<br />

Minor: English, Psychology,<br />

Sociology<br />

Activities: Alpha Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

JOHNSON,<br />

LEWIS<br />

Degr : as (June)<br />

Major: Lolo Scllme<br />

Minor: Physical $cl nee<br />

Activities; <strong>Del</strong>vers, Phi Sigma<br />

Kappa<br />

JOHNSON,<br />


Degree: B.S. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Secretcsiol Management<br />

Activities: Secretaries Club<br />

JONES,<br />


Degree: A.B. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Educ


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Political Science<br />

Minor: Economics<br />

Activities: Zeta Beta Tau,<br />

Hillel, AS, Council, Traffic<br />

Committee<br />


Degree: AB. (Summer)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Activities; Frosh Baseball and<br />

Basketball<br />

KLEIN, JACK L.<br />

Degree: A.B (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Actrvlties: Tau Kappa Epsi.<br />

lon, C,S,T A<br />

KOEHLER,<br />

ERNEST A" JR.<br />

Degree, A B. (June)<br />

Major.<br />

Minor<br />

Psychology<br />

SocIology, Air Sc, n

McGRATH, LEON W.<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Morketing<br />

Activities: Pi Beto Phi, A.W.S.<br />

Xolotl<br />

McDONALD, RAY L.<br />

Deqree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Chemistry<br />

Minor: Zoology<br />

Activities: American Chemical<br />

Society, Sailing Club<br />

McFARLAND,<br />

ROBERT J., JR.<br />

Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Industriol Arts<br />

Activities: Industrial Art s<br />

Club<br />

McGILL,<br />

SALLY<br />

Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: General .<br />

Minor: Hom e Economics,<br />

Sociology. English<br />

Activities: Koppa <strong>Del</strong>to, Home<br />

Economics Club. College Y.<br />

Cetzo, Westminster Fellowship<br />

Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Politieol Science<br />

Minor: E con 0 m I c s, A I r<br />

Science, Speech Arts<br />

Activities. Frosh Vlce-Pres.,<br />

AS. Council. Xolotl, Comp<br />

Choirmon, Constitutions Conimille<br />

;(.Arnold Air Society De·<br />

bate, t'i Kappa Alpha<br />

McNEIL,<br />


Degree: B.S. (Summer)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Activities: Tau Kappa Epsilon<br />

MECKE,<br />

WILLIAM J., JR.<br />

Degree: A.B. (Summer)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Minor: Economics<br />


PAUL<br />

Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Activities: I.V.C.F.. Wesley<br />

Club. Tau Sigmo, Marching<br />

Bond. Symphony, Political<br />

Science Club<br />


Degree: A.B.<br />

Mojor: Business Management<br />

Minor: Economics<br />

Activities: Sigmo Alpho Epsl.<br />

lon, Football, Lettermans Club<br />


Degree: A. B. (June)<br />

Major: Secretorial Management<br />

Minor: Sociology<br />

Activities: Kappa Alpha Theta,<br />

Secretarial Club<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: English<br />


Degree:<br />

Major:<br />

B.S. (June)<br />

Bocteriology<br />

Seniors<br />

MILLS,<br />

JEAN<br />

Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Social Service<br />

Activities: Alpho Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />


LELAND H.<br />

Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Marketing<br />

Activities: Tou Sigma<br />

. MORROW, BERYL R.<br />

Degree: B.s. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Engineering<br />

Minor: Economics<br />

Activities: Aztec Engineer,<br />

American Society of Civil E'lgine\lrs<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Chemistry<br />

Minor: Zoology<br />

Activities: Alpha Phi Omega,<br />

Amerlcon Chemical Society<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Mojo::. Psychology<br />

Actlv/hes: Internatlonol Rei<br />

tions Club, Newman Club<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: General<br />

Minor: Philosophy, History,<br />

English<br />

Activities: Westminster Club<br />



Degree: A.B. (Summer)<br />

Major: English<br />

Minor: History, Social Science<br />

Activities: Deseret Club, from<br />

Univ. of Utoh; Alpha Beta<br />

Theta<br />

82<br />

NIMS,<br />


~ewee:<br />

GEORGE<br />

B.S.' (Feb.)<br />

A a lor: Business Monogement<br />

chv/ties: IOU Sigma<br />

NORTH,<br />


Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Secretarial Monogement<br />

Activities: Kappa Alpha Theta<br />


Degree: B.S.<br />

Major: Accounting<br />

Minar: Economics<br />

Activities: <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi<br />


Degree: B.S. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Bacteriology<br />

Activities: AmericanChemicol<br />

Society<br />



Degree; AB, (June)<br />

Major: Physical Education<br />

Minor: Speech Arts<br />

Activities: Track, Theta Chi<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Chemistry<br />

Minor: Mathematics<br />

Activities: American Chemical<br />

Society-<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Health Education<br />

Minor: Life Science<br />


Degr e- as (June)<br />

Major; Chemistry<br />

Minor' ZoolQllY<br />

Acnvutes: l.\f,e,F., A seulopions,<br />

Am rican Chemical<br />

Society<br />

PAYNE, LEO R.<br />

Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Insurance<br />

Minor: Air Science<br />

Activities: Lambda Chi Alpha,<br />

Arnold Air Society<br />

PENRY,<br />

DIANN<br />

Degree: AB, tSummer)<br />

Major' Social Sci nee<br />

Minar: Business Education<br />

Act iVlties: Seniar Secretory,<br />

Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Omega<br />

PI, C.S.T.A., Xolon<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Mojo", Psychology<br />

Acrivlrtes: Psi Chi<br />


Degree' A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Speech Arts<br />

Minor; English, Education,<br />

Alt Science<br />

Activities: Sigmo Chi, Debate<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Mojor: English<br />

Minor: History<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: IndustrJal Arts<br />

Activities: CS.T.A,lne:tustriol<br />

Arts Club<br />


DeQree: At!" (June)<br />

Major: Journalism<br />

Minor: History<br />

ActivitJes: Aztec, Aztec Engi.<br />

'leer, Press CIlJb, Alpha Phi<br />

Gamma<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major; Art, Education<br />

Minor: Life Science<br />

Activities: K a p p a Alpha<br />

Theta, Art Guild<br />

Seniors<br />

RAYMOND,<br />

DONALD A.<br />

Degree: B.S. (Summer)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Minor: Economics<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: English, 'Music<br />

Activities; Cop and Gown<br />

AW.S., Sigma Alpha lata'<br />

Who's Who Committee New:<br />

man Club, Chorus, Treble Clef<br />


Degree: AB. (Summer)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Minor: Air Science<br />

Activities: Koppe SigmQ<br />


Degree: AB. (Summer)<br />

Major: Education .<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: C.S.T.A., Club Aztecc,<br />

Acopella Choir<br />


RICE, ROSEM.A.kY ·C.<br />

Degree: A.B. (Summer)<br />

Mojor: Speech Arts<br />

Minor: English .<br />

Activities: Theatre GUild,<br />

Skull and Dogger<br />


Degree: A a (Feb.)<br />

Major; Economics<br />

Minor: Business<br />

Activities: College Y, Internetiona<br />

IRelations Club<br />


Degr A B. (June)<br />

Malar' EducatIon<br />

Minor' English<br />

AClivUi $.<br />

D Ito, r, bl<br />

Alpha<br />

Clef<br />

Gamma<br />


Degree: B.s. (June)<br />

Molar: Accounting<br />

Activities: Student Council,<br />

I.F.e., Blue Key, Theta Chi,<br />

Who's Who, Debate<br />



Degree: AB. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activrtles: C.S.TA<br />


Degree; B.S, (Summer)<br />

Malar Business Management<br />


BEVERLY T.<br />

Degree; AB. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi<br />


Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Zoology<br />

Activities; Flog T w i r I e r,<br />

W.RA, Inter·foith Council<br />

Seniors<br />

RUTH, ALFRED E., JR.<br />

Degree: A. B. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Personnel<br />

Management<br />

Minor: Air Science<br />

Activities: Arnold Air Society,<br />

Rifle Team<br />

RYAN, EDITH L.<br />

Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Educatian<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: Alpha Phi, See'y<br />

Fresh Closs, C.S.T.A.<br />


MILTON W.<br />

Degree: A.B. (Feb.)<br />

Major: General<br />

Activities: I.V.C.F.<br />



Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: General<br />

Minor: Education, English,<br />

History<br />

Activities: IV.C.F.<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Psychology<br />

Activities: Psi Chi, Glee Club,<br />

German Club<br />


Degree: B.S. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Engineering<br />

Minor: Mathematics<br />

Activities: Engineers Association,<br />

Institute of Radio Engl.<br />

neers<br />



Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: General<br />

Minor: Business, History Eng.<br />

Iish<br />

'<br />

Activities: Pi Beta Phi, Xolotl<br />

SCHNUG,<br />


Degree. A.B. (June)<br />

Mopor: Education<br />

Minor: Sociol Science<br />

ActiVities: Treble Clef,<br />

C.S,TA, College Chorus, Alpha<br />

Chi Omega<br />


Degree: A.B. (Feb.)<br />

Major: English<br />

Minor: History<br />

Activities: Little Theatre<br />


RALPH L.<br />

Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Social Service<br />

Activities: <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi..<br />

AS. Council, Oceotl, Rolly,<br />

College Y. Canterbury Club,<br />

Homecoming Committee<br />


RAYMOND F., JR.<br />

Degree: B.S.<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Minar: AirScience<br />

Activities: Lambda ChiAlphc,<br />

I.F.c., Arnold Air Society<br />


- ~~ --- ----<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major; Marketing<br />

Minor: Economics<br />

Activities: Tau Sigma<br />

SHAMES,<br />

IRA<br />

Degree. AB. (June)<br />

Major; Business<br />

Administration<br />

Minor: Economics<br />

Activities: Zeta Beta Tau<br />

SHANNON,<br />

EDWARD F., JR.<br />

Degr . A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Soc'01 Servic.<br />

Minor' Psychology<br />

Activ,ti s: Sigma PI<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Physics<br />

Minor: Mathematics<br />

Activities: Sigma Pi Sigma,<br />

I.V.C.F.<br />

SHEARER,<br />


SUE<br />

Degr : A B. (June)<br />

Maior; Education<br />

Minor English<br />

Activ,ti s: AW S., Frosh Sec'y<br />

PI B to Phi, <strong>Del</strong>ta Ph, Epslla,,'<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta 1", CST.A:.£.Cop<br />

end Gown, Cerze, AS. I.oun·<br />

ctl, Rolly, P, Theta<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Mothemotics<br />

Minor: Physics<br />

Activities; Sigma Pi Sigma<br />


Degree: B.S.<br />

Major: Engineering<br />

Activittes: Society of Automotive<br />

Engineers, Engineers<br />

Association<br />


Degree: A.S (June)<br />

Major: Physical EducatIon<br />

Minor: Ute Science<br />

Activities: W.R.A, Women's<br />

p. E. Club<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: Wesley Club,<br />

C.S.TA<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major; Education<br />

Mmor: Social Studies<br />

Activities: Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi,<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Phi Upsllon, C.S.TA<br />


Degree: AB.<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: C.s.TA<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major; Political Science<br />

Minor: History<br />

Activities: Zeta Beta Tau<br />

Oceotl, AM.S., Homecoming:<br />

Lectures and Assemblies, Elections<br />

Committee, Rally<br />

SOW A, JOSEPH A.<br />

Degree; AB. (June)<br />

Major: Business Education<br />

Activities: Pi Omega Pi, Tau<br />

Sigma<br />


Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Business Management<br />

Minor: Economics<br />

Actviities: Frosh Bosketboll,<br />

Oceoltl<br />

Seniors<br />

88<br />


STELLA<br />

Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major; Psychology<br />

Minor; Economics<br />

'<br />


De~ree:A.B. (June)<br />

Majar:<br />

General<br />

ActiVities' S h<br />

PreSident' A 01' Omore Vice-<br />

, mold Air Society<br />


Degree: A B. (June)<br />

Major: History<br />

Activities; Sigma Alpha Epsilon,<br />

College Y<br />


Degree: a.s. (Feb.)<br />

Major; Engineering<br />

Minor:. Air Science, Physics<br />

Activtties: Sigma Phi Epsilon<br />

Institute of Rodio Engineers'<br />

Sigma Pi Sigma, Arnold Air<br />

Society, Choir<br />



Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Physics<br />

Minor: Mathematics<br />

Activities: Mathematics Club<br />


Degree: B.S.<br />

Major: Marketing<br />

Activities: Fresh Basketball,<br />

Men's Glee Club, I.V.C.F.<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Industrial Arts<br />

Minor; Physical Education<br />

Activities: Sigma Chi, Foot.<br />

ball<br />


Degree: B.S.<br />

Mojat: Business Management<br />

Activities: Kappa Sigma, <strong>Del</strong><br />

Sud<br />


Degree: AB. (Summer)<br />

Major; Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Actlvirtes, <strong>Del</strong>ta Phi Upsilon<br />


RHYNARD H.<br />

STOKER,<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: Fencing Club, lntro-<br />

Murals, Political Science Club<br />


Degree: AB. (Summer)<br />

Major: Social Service<br />

Minor: Psychology<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Speech Arts,<br />

Political Science<br />

Minor: Economics<br />

Activtiies: Debate, Phi K<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta<br />


Degree. A B. (June)<br />

Major: Speech Arts<br />

Minor: Sociology<br />

Activities: A.S. Council,<br />

AM.S., President of A.S.,<br />

Homecoming, Who's Who,<br />

Blue Key, Oceorl, Xolotl,<br />

Booster, Marching Bond, Tau<br />

Kappa Epsilon, Rolly, Finance<br />

Committee, Athletic Boord,<br />

Fresh Camp<br />

Seniors<br />



Degree: A B. (Feb.)<br />

Major: General<br />

Minor:<br />

Political Science,<br />

Economics,<br />

Air Science<br />

Activities: Lambda Chi Alpho<br />

College Y<br />


Degree: A. B. (June)<br />

Major: Marketing<br />

Minor: Speech Arts<br />

Activities: Sigma Alpha Epsi-<br />

Ion<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: General<br />

Minor: Business, Economics,<br />

History<br />

Activities: <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi<br />


RICHARD E.<br />

DeQree: AB. (June)<br />

Malar: Marketing<br />

Activities: <strong>Del</strong> Sud Aztec<br />

Audio Visual, Photo Club En:<br />

gineers Association, Sociely of<br />

Automoltve Engineers<br />


ANN<br />

Dewee: AB. (June)<br />

Malar: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: Kappa Alpha<br />

Theta, C.ST.A.<br />


Degree: A.B.<br />

Major: Social Science<br />

Minor: English<br />

Activities, C.S.T.A, Men's<br />

Glee Club, Roger Williams<br />

Club, I.V.C.F.<br />

90<br />


Degree: AB. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Personnel<br />

Management<br />

Activities: Tou Sigma<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: General<br />

Minor: Psychology, History,<br />

Life Science<br />

Activities: Kappa Sigma<br />


Degree: A.B.<br />

Major; Spanish<br />

Minor: History<br />

Activities: Pi Beta Phi, Alpha<br />

Mu Gamma, Cop and Gown,<br />

Pi Theta, Phi Alpha Theta<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Social Science<br />

Activities: Phi Alpha Theta,<br />

International Relations Club,<br />

Political Science Club<br />



Degree: AB,<br />

Major: English<br />

Minor: Political Science<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Minor: Social Science<br />

Activities: <strong>Del</strong>ta Phi Upsilon,<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi, Pi Theta,<br />

C.S.TA<br />



Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: General<br />

Minor: Economics, English,<br />

Psychology<br />


Degree. AB. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Goneral<br />

Minor; Geology, Geography,<br />

Air Science<br />

Activitl s: Sigma Alpha Epsi.<br />

Ion, <strong>Del</strong>vers<br />


Degree: B,S.<br />

Major: Business Education<br />

Activities: Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta~<br />

C.S.TA, Pi Omega Pi<br />

VIDAL, RAY R.<br />

Degree: B.S. (June)<br />

Major: Personnel<br />

Management<br />

Minor: Economics<br />

Activities: Football, Sigma Alpha<br />

Epsilon, Booster, Newman<br />

Club<br />

VIERHUS, J. A.<br />

Degree: B,S. (June)<br />

Major: Engineering<br />

Minor: Mathematics<br />

Activities: Sigma Alpha Epsilon,<br />

I.F.C., Frosh Basketball<br />


Degree: A.B, (June)<br />

Major: Zoology<br />

Minor: Chemistry<br />

Activities: Phi Sigma Psi<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Psychology<br />

Minor: Air Science<br />

Activities: SigmQ Chi, Fresh<br />

Basketball, Track<br />


Degree: AB, (June)<br />

Major: Physical Education<br />

Activities: Gamma Phi Beta<br />

P,E, Majors Club<br />

'<br />


Degree: A.B. (June)<br />

Major: Education<br />

Miner: Social Studies<br />

Activities: CST.A.<br />


Degree: AB, (Feb,)<br />

Major: Life Science<br />


RAYMOND J., JR.<br />

Degree: A. B. (June)<br />

Major: Sociology<br />

Minor: Art<br />

Activities: I.V.C.F.<br />


Degree: AB, (June)<br />

Major: Accounting<br />

Minor: Psychology<br />

Activities: Sigma Alpha Epsilon<br />


Degree: AB, (June)<br />

Major: Chemistry<br />

Minor: Life Science<br />

Activities: Alpha Xi <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

AC.S" C.S,T.A" German Club<br />


Degree: B.S, (June)<br />

Major: Business Manogement<br />

Activities: Pi Koppe Alpha,<br />

Arnold Air Society, Tou Sigma.<br />

Track<br />

Seniors<br />


Degree: B,S, (June)<br />

Major: Marketing<br />

Minor: Economics<br />

Activities: Alpha Xi <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />


Degree: B.S, (June)<br />

Mo!or:, Chemistry<br />

Activities: American Chemical<br />

Society, German Club<br />


Degree: A.B. (Feb.)<br />

Mojor: Psychology<br />

Minor: Sociology<br />

Activitie,$:Alpha Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta,<br />

Germal1 Club, Psychology Club<br />


Degree: AB. (June)<br />

Mojor: Socic! Service<br />


YONKE, JACK E.<br />

Degree: B.S. (Feb.)<br />

Major: Marketing<br />

Activities: Tau Sigma<br />

~~'l"""""--"'~<br />


Degree: A.B. (Summer)<br />

Major: Music<br />

Activities: Alpha Chi Omega,<br />

Symphony, Treble Clef, Panhellenic<br />


CHAPMAN,<br />

DORTHY<br />

Will these fresh be surprised when they walk in to the Dean of Women's<br />

office after school starts.<br />

Chorge of the light-footed Aztec brigade<br />


Seniors<br />


So this is the greener pastures they were tolking obour ...<br />

"You,<br />

too, con join the Air Force.<br />




94<br />


CLAUDIA M.<br />

A bit more of these holiday spirits ..<br />

Coach never told me there'd be doys like this

AFROTC members worked on<br />

the memorial plaque for SDSC<br />

students who gave their lives in<br />

Korea ... each week an outstanding<br />

cadet in AFROTC and<br />

extra-curricular activities is<br />

written up in the Aztec ...<br />

outstanding cadets in Air Science<br />

1, 2, and 3 get rides in T-33 jet<br />

trainers ... many Air Science<br />

1 and 2 students go flying on<br />

weekends . . . All th ird semester<br />

students have one month of<br />

Summer training at regular Air<br />

Force bases . . . graduates are<br />

commissioned at end of semester<br />

...<br />

Major social event of the year was held in<br />

March at the EI Cortez Hotel. .. it was the<br />

annual Air Force ROTC Ball ... cadets and<br />

their dates enjoyed a banquet before the<br />

dance at the Thirty-Second Street Naval Commissioned<br />

Officers Club ... high point of<br />

the evening was the awarding of the title<br />

"Honorary Cadet Colonel" to Eloda Miller<br />

Grigsby ... another social event was the<br />

stag smoker held at the Admiral Kidd Commissioned<br />

Officers Club ... this was held<br />

by AFROTC cadets who are members of the<br />

Arnold Air Society ...<br />

AF.R.O.T.C.<br />

Drill Team.<br />

Honorary Cadet Colonel Eloda Miller Grigsby.<br />

Cadets Ron Stanton Sam<br />

Freeman and Ron Rickey<br />

examine a T-33 Jet Trainer<br />

at Lindbergh Field.<br />

AFROTC<br />

Color guard marches in Homecoming Parade.<br />

Cadet Staff, headed by Cadet Colonel Ronald Stanton. Left to rig lit, firsl<br />

row: Bert Grigsby, Jack Rogers, Sam Freeman. Second row: Dave Hoffland,<br />

Dick Plum, Ron Rickey.<br />


One of largest and most victorious squads in<br />

school history brought national recognition to the<br />

college ... the SDSC speech squad won sweepstakes<br />

awards at every major tournament during the<br />

year ... had highest rating at Pi Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

national tournament in Redlands ... Dr. John<br />

Ackley and Dr. Robert Benjamin were coaches ...<br />


Hunton D. Sellman<br />

Don W. Powell<br />

UP~er division debaters, left to right: Carl Hayward, Dorothy Scull Harr<br />

~~~~~~etz, Don Wolfe, Tom Lasswell, Ada Picaizen, and Dr. John YAckle/'<br />

Lower _division debaters, left to right: Sandra S<br />

HutchinS, Tom Waddell Leah Grigsby B-II 0 tew~, Roger Tremaine Jim<br />

and o-. Robert Benjam{n, coach. ,I enton, ary Ward, Bob Sedlock,<br />

Coaches: Dr. Robert Benjamin<br />

and Dr. John Ackley.<br />

Confusion disrupted the quiet activity of the<br />

speech squad as each team changed colleagues<br />

during the year Sally Bird left<br />

for Wayne University Ada Picaizen<br />

then teamed with Dorothy Scully ... Andy<br />

Brown and Tony McPeak clinched one of three<br />

Western teams at West Point national tournament<br />

... debaters also proved superiority<br />

in individual events at tournaments ... Mc-<br />

Peak was highest in oratory at Pi Kap tournament<br />

... Mary Ward and Harry Steinmetz<br />

were top in discussion ... Miss Picaizen<br />

one of outstanding women orators in state<br />

... she and Brown met the University of<br />

London debaters in Little Theatre ... SDSC<br />

participated in tournaments at Pepperdine,<br />

UCLA, Occidental , Pasadena Nazarene , Redlands,<br />

Santa Barbara and West Point ...<br />

SDSC sponsored its first college-level tournament<br />

in the fall semester ... annual high<br />

school speech tournament held in the spring<br />

semester ... state-qualifying tournament<br />

for high schools also held on SDSC campus<br />

...<br />

the LADY'S f:r t BURNING<br />

This play, by Christopher Fry, opened the<br />

Theatre Guild dramatic season ... setting<br />

of the comedy was in the fifteenth century<br />

... Marian Andrews Jones and Jon Kowal<br />

played the leading roles ... the play ran<br />

Nov. 12, 13, 17, 18, 19 and 20 ... medieval<br />

analogy of our modern-day witch-hunts<br />

. Hunton D. Sellman was director ...<br />


A dramatic offering, "Icebound," followed<br />

"The Lady's Not for Burning" ... play was<br />

one of outstanding successes on Broadway<br />

well received by SDSC students ...<br />

starred Geri Trent, Stan Moore and Ed Hickok<br />

· .. action of the play was set in Moine<br />

· .. Don Powell, technical director, designed<br />

the sets ... E. Kinsley Povernmire directed<br />

· .. dinner given for opening night ... Skull<br />

and Dagger tapped new members as part of<br />

opening-night activities ... play opened<br />

Dec. 3 ... final showinq was Dec. 11 ...<br />

annual one-oct Play Tournament followed In<br />

January ...<br />

the LION of the WEST<br />

laO<br />

DEBATE<br />

~<br />

This farcical production was staged as a<br />

play shown in 1830s . . . Linden Courter<br />

starred as Nimrod Wildfire, in satire on Davy<br />

Crockett ... play written in 1830, discovered<br />

recently in British Museum by Dr. James N.<br />

Tidwell . . . production was complete with<br />

tinny piano, intermission entertainment and<br />

ads on curtain ... Betty Myers was considered<br />

outstanding in her part ... director of the<br />

play was Hunton D. Sellman ...<br />

Andy Brown and Ton M •<br />

participants in W t p Y . cPeak, upper division debaters,<br />

es Oint tournament.<br />



RUBEN<br />

FLAG<br />


LA VERNE<br />

STOKES<br />

SONG<br />



LAYTON<br />

GERRIE<br />




BRUCE<br />



YELL<br />


DON<br />

CLARK<br />

= \<br />


associate<br />

__ ._ ~_o<br />

• accompanied<br />

• participated<br />

• gave<br />

MUSIC<br />


ORCH<br />

0 0 0<br />

0 0 0<br />

0 0 • symphony<br />

0<br />

0<br />

The SDSC marching band, symphony band and symphony<br />

orchestra added to the reputation of the college<br />

'during year the fast-moving show for football<br />

season made the marching band well-known on coast<br />

Norman Rost has directed for four years<br />

band won enthusiastic praise from San Diego music<br />

critics ... represented SDSC in city and county high<br />

schools .. conductors of the orchestra were<br />

Carlos Mullenix and Paul Anderson . 0 many<br />

concerts during the year . 0 in Founder's<br />

Day program. Carl Post, concert<br />

pianist, at the May Mousie festival . . 0 concerts were<br />

given almost every week by some part of the Music Department<br />

...<br />



EXIT<br />

MIXED<br />

CHORUS<br />

The Brass Choir of eighteen members was presented in concert<br />

at State ... also performed in Los Angeles. and at the<br />

Music Educators' Conference in Tucson the M,xe~ Chor~s,<br />

directed by Benny Kemp, has 70 members par.tic,pated In<br />

Religious Emphasis Week ... gave a conce.rt.at Chn~tmas ...<br />

sang at Mt. Hel ix Easter service ... participated In the May<br />

Music festival concert ... Rollin Hahn was manager for the<br />

Chorus ... Elaine Hicks was Librarian ...<br />


Men's and women's glee clubs presented two formal concerts together<br />

on campus this year ... Don Clark was president of men's<br />

glee ... Other officers were Bob Kin n inge r, sec reta ry-treasurer;<br />

Buddy Rogers, librarian ... Catherine Crothers accompanied ...<br />

Miss Christine Springston directed ... the women's glee club presented<br />

concerts in San Diego and Los Angeles high schools and churches<br />

... Betty Wooley was president; Susie Gregory, secretary-treasurer;<br />

Marjorie Tripp, librarian Sharon Archibald accompanied ...<br />

Deane F. Smith directed .<br />


MEN'S ,<br />

GLEE<br />

MUSIC<br />

107<br />


MARION<br />

Managing<br />


Editor<br />


Editor<br />

WOLTER<br />

AZTEC<br />

FALL<br />

Some of the problems facing fall editor<br />

Barbara Wolter were new staff ... two<br />

issuesa week for the first time in many years<br />

. new printer in National City ... lack<br />

of advertising was responsible for cuts in<br />

pages literary edition published in December<br />

Alpha Phi Gamma, honorary<br />

journalism society, founded ... Dale Brix<br />

was the fi rst president . . .<br />


Advertising Manager<br />

JIM<br />

Copy<br />

HAAS<br />

Editor<br />


Society Editor<br />

GABE<br />

Sports<br />


Editor<br />


MARION<br />

Editor<br />



Managing<br />

WILSON<br />

Editor<br />


Society Editor<br />


News Editor<br />

For the first time in history of the Aztec,<br />

women were editors for entire year ...<br />

Marion Greaves was selected by Publications<br />

Board to edit spring issues ... veterans'<br />

housing one of big stories of the year ...<br />

Aztec returned to one issue a week . advertising<br />

still a major problem Press<br />

Club membership grows<br />

AZTEC<br />

SPRING<br />


Copy Editor and Photo Editor DAVE STANLEY<br />

Sports Editor<br />


Feature Editor and Make-up Editor<br />

. . Jill Wigley, Sandra Keyes, Diane .Garret,<br />

Left to ri9ht~ first .r~w·Bob Boxberger, Jim McVicar, Bob Finn.<br />

Mcintosh, Cliff Smit ,<br />



Editor-in-Chief<br />

II Jim, did you say YESTERDAY<br />

was the deadline<br />

.. /'11be hanged if the <strong>Del</strong> Sud's gonna be known<br />

as Dull Thud ... But Jim, I've got to go to L. A.<br />

this weekend . . . Don't yell at me! I know my<br />

work is late, but my doctor sez I've got to go to the<br />

beach-for my health . . . Oh, no! That final<br />

deadline can't be past, Jim. I'm still writing copy<br />

... You can't really be serious? Work in the shack<br />

all day on Sunday? ... Don't bother me, I'm doin'<br />

something that no one else can do Nobody<br />

doin' anything is what you mean well, shoot<br />

the . . . picture and get it over with",<br />

Wadayamean she wants it spelled with two T's, two<br />

L's, two R's and two E's . . . wi /I you look at what<br />

the typewriter went and wrote . . . The strangest<br />

things disappear around this place ... No! This<br />

isn't the Aztec Shack . . , I told you that nightwatchman<br />

was serious when he said not to park in<br />

back of the Shack. You pay your own traffic fines<br />

around here ... Stop call in' me Simon Legree,<br />

Lois ... No. Tom, you can't commit suicide until<br />

you've met all of your deadlines ... "<br />


Art Editors<br />

DEL<br />



Art Advisor<br />

"B t those tnang<br />

. les are hour-<br />

. "<br />

Art Editor: u and imagine It,<br />

I your eyes h'<br />

glasses. Just c.os e I d their creative w ims<br />

The art st?ff indu ge the yearbook, but the<br />

by decorating, not .onl y and scree (of ques-<br />

Shack. Mobiles" plct~rese olde sod shanty on<br />

tionable value) Ilghte y<br />

the claim.. . "There's nothing like t~:~R<br />

Photo Editor. . n empty camera. .<br />

to take pictures Wlth o<br />

7the staff found t~elr<br />

the male members ith a life-size,<br />

. to endure WI<br />

work much easier. Monroe on the door.<br />

color photo of Manlyn bri me some scraps<br />

Copy Editor: "They nb~cks of gum and<br />

of information-on the nd tell me it's due<br />

cigarette wraHpers ~~~ff~ometimes wondere~<br />

the next day. The ltten the latter part 0<br />

why fa II copy was wrt<br />


Copy Editor<br />


LOIS HEBNr~ER;;--"-~'-'-""";:':L--<br />

Society and Feature Editor<br />


Sports Editors<br />

HAROLD<br />

Advertising<br />


Manager<br />

Organizing the different sections and copy<br />

was headache for a II . . . it seemed that<br />

there would never be enough aspirin ...<br />

new features this year were sections on fall<br />

and spring ... the fraternity editor was a girl<br />

... the fall organizations editor, Pearl Klovdahl,<br />

suffered a back injury and was not in<br />

school second semester ... candids of the<br />

seniors included in their section of formal<br />

shots ... the photographers sometime wished<br />

they could shoot their subjects with guns,<br />

instead of cameras ... the ad manager<br />

used new gimmicks to get more money for<br />

the book the staff carried out general<br />

assignments everyone did some part of<br />

the other's work as deadl ine neared ...<br />


Photographers<br />

JONI WILL .<br />

S' lAMS and JEAN<br />

ororrty Editors<br />

DEL<br />

SUD<br />

~~~~-.---<br />


Government Ed' OVICH<br />

Itor<br />


Staff Missing' from picture, AUDREY WADE<br />


ALUMNI<br />


BIN<br />

D<br />

Alumni Association produced their first<br />

quarterly in January of this year ... Grant<br />

Nielsen was editor . sent to all active<br />

alumni members . the latest news on<br />

graduates and activities of alum organizations<br />

... alum office on campus directed<br />

by C. E. Peterson, former Dean of Men<br />

Muriel Tolle was prexy ...<br />

Bob Jorgensen and Bob Murphy wer<br />

editors of the Bindex . . . distributed fr<br />

each semester during registration ... contained<br />

only calendar of activities offered during<br />

semester ... an annual project of.APO<br />

since fall of 1951 . work of alumni and<br />

active members .<br />

MURIEL<br />

President<br />

TOLLE<br />


Editors<br />

and<br />



Purpose of the Aztec Engineer is to<br />

promote interest among students in<br />

engineering ... Jim jacobs was<br />

editor ... publ ished four times during<br />

school year by Engineering Student<br />

"Redbook" considered the greatest help to<br />

social life of SDSC students : .. APO co-<br />

. ere Ed Saleeby and J rrn Thomass~n<br />

ed'to~sn~ual project of the service fraternity<br />

. . . tains the names, addresses, ~hone<br />

... con h d t inferb<br />

rs and year of eac stu en .,'<br />

num t<br />

, e n organization officers also part of<br />

ma Ion 0<br />

the directory . . .<br />

Council ... all organizations in the<br />

Left to right, sitting: Jim jacobs Larry Wherry Charles Mo A'<br />

Ed Rosenthal, Harry Turner, Jack'Schuster Ruth'V. Ruth Bobg~nt' Gdv"sor'DStanding:<br />

, ,a e, enn onaldson,<br />

Physical Science department represented<br />

... articles written mainly by the<br />

engineering students ... magazine<br />

also highly regarded by downtown firms<br />

... features of latest developments in<br />

engineering . . . explanations of principles<br />

for all students ...<br />


Editors<br />

The End Zone was sold at every<br />

home<br />

foot-<br />

. Gabe DeNunzio edited the<br />

ball game<br />

innovation<br />

. f the year was<br />

0<br />

program. an bers<br />

printing portrait shots of all team mern ..<br />

. d for VISltactivities<br />

... campus<br />

advertise<br />

ors ...<br />

MINOR<br />

116<br />



Editor<br />


orori ies<br />

and<br />

raerhi ies

AX.Q.<br />

KAS<br />

Suzanne Penland Ann Zamberlan<br />

Lee Lowrey Ann Taylor<br />

Mary Alice Dortnge Carol Karns<br />

Muriel Daron Sally McGill<br />

Jackie Cathcart<br />

President<br />

Marjorie<br />

Advisor<br />

S. Brookshire<br />

ACI><br />

ASIi<br />

Joan<br />

Stubbs<br />

Louise Bunger Kay Moran<br />

nB(J)<br />

I:K<br />

Changes in Panhellenic by-I~ws helped<br />

make rushing easier and more anjoycble ....<br />

Panhel coordinates activities of the 1 1 nationals<br />

on campus ... works for mutual coope~ation<br />

of the Greeks conducted bo~~ drive<br />

for students in India sponsors a Pledge<br />

Presents" for pledge classes each semester<br />

the sororities assisted the United Success<br />

drive under Panhel leadership. '.' joint regulation<br />

of fraternity exchanges with I.F.e. ...<br />

Norma<br />

File<br />

Connie Denham Susie Gregory<br />

X.Q.<br />



Donna Dearth Dona Larson<br />

I).Z<br />

B:mn1e Morrison<br />

Betty<br />

Wooley<br />

Pan hellenic Members: Row 1, Jackie Cathcart Barbara Neal Susie Gregory<br />

Suza.nne Penland. Row 2, Joyce O'Connor, Sh~ron Jackson, Maren Heubach:<br />

M~.JrIel Da~on, Jody Wulbern, Elaine Siervogel. Row 3, Dean Marjorie Brookshire,<br />

Advisor, Frances Gibson, Dona Larson, A. K. Jones, Barbara Salmon,<br />

Sue Shearer, Barbara Wolter, Barbara Schrumpf.<br />

First row left to right: Betty Campbell,<br />

JUNIOR PANHELLENICj Darn~1I Second row: Connie Rueger,<br />

Gail Willis, Pat WC~ber, ~j,~~d rOW: Marilyn Phillips, Maureen Reilly,<br />

Liz Peterson, Jan app.<br />

son, Connie' O'Conner.<br />

121<br />


President - ---- Pat Ashcraft<br />

Suzanne<br />

Penland<br />

Vice- PresidenL--------------------- Dorothy Schnug<br />

Relene<br />

Keller<br />

Secretary .__. . . ---- Lorene Kerns<br />

<br />

Marlene<br />

Dawson<br />

Patty<br />

Carone<br />

Treasurer ._____ Margie Calvin<br />

ALPHA<br />

CH<br />

Name of Local: Sigma Pi Theta<br />

Date Local Founded: 1924<br />

Went National:<br />

November 18, 1950<br />

National Chapter: Gamma Nu<br />

National Founded: 1885<br />

De Pauw University, Indiana<br />

Location: Flamingo Room,<br />

Alpha Chi sponsored the Eas r Seal driv kick-off in<br />

San Diego County ... Honors wer brought to th group<br />

by Cap and Gowners Shirley Helms, Beverly Jones, and<br />

Margie Montgomery ... Shirley was secr ary of th<br />

senior class ... Beverly was vice pre ident Shirl y<br />

Bamford was finalist for Sweetheart of TKE Gwen<br />

Geren was finalist for Sigma Pi Orchid Girl Dian<br />

Morgan was Sigma Pi's candidate for fall BBB Margie<br />

Montgomery was campus reporter for the Evening Tribune<br />

... Mickey Gray was crowned Miss Shipwreck at th ATO<br />

dance ... Group partied at Big Bear between semest r<br />

and at Palm Springs during spring vacation Took third<br />

place sorority with their Homecoming float Bev Jones<br />

and Shirley Helms in "Who's Who" ... Relene K II r was<br />

in Sigma Alpha Iota ... Numbered omong those in <strong>Del</strong> a<br />

Phi Upsilon were Jane Barta and Dorothy Schnugg ... Pa<br />

Ashcraft and Bev Jones, Homecoming candida es.<br />

House of Hospitality<br />

"Tobacco Road" comes to sorority row.<br />


Name of Local: Gamma Phi Zeta<br />

Date Local Founded: 1924<br />

Went<br />

National:<br />

October 1, 1949<br />

National Chapter: <strong>Del</strong>ta Eta<br />

National Founded: 1904<br />

Syrocuse University, New York<br />

Location:<br />

Jane Hatchett<br />

Room 11, House of Hospitality<br />

quivering<br />


DEL A<br />

Pres ident<br />

Ca ro I Ka rns<br />

Mary Alice Dorntge<br />

1st Vice-President Donna De Dickson<br />

Karen Rose<br />

2nd Vice-President Karen Rose<br />

Marilou Ditmars<br />

Secretary Lois Wi IIioms<br />

Sonya Rydberg<br />

T reasu re r Nancy Moore<br />

Jane Wilson<br />

A formal dinner-dance at Mission Valley<br />

Country Club highlighted the Alpha Gam<br />

spring calendar ... Other social events included<br />

a Halloween Hayride ... Christmas<br />

Open House ... International Reunion Day<br />

in Los Angeles with actives and alums ...<br />

<strong>Del</strong> Sud fraternity and organization editors<br />

were JoAnn Maus and Marilou Ditmars, respectively<br />

. . . Cetza tapped Mary Alice<br />

Dorntge , Barbara Killian , and Joan Weining<br />

. . . On the A.W.S. Board were Carol<br />

Karns, Alice Galvan, Diane Dewey, and Donna<br />

De Dickson ... Jill Wigley was tapped by<br />

Alpha Phi Gamma, honorary journalism<br />

fraternity ... Peggy Southard's nome was<br />

among those in Alpha Mu Gamma, honorary<br />

language fraternity ... Second place, intersorority<br />

swimming, rounded out year's<br />

activities.<br />

Musical chairs, anyone?<br />


Name<br />

of Local:<br />

Phi Kappa Gamma<br />

Date Local Founded: 1924<br />

Went National: October 1, 1949<br />

National Chapter: Gamma Alpha<br />

National Founded: 1872<br />

Syracuse University, New York<br />

Location:<br />

Room 1, House of Hospitality<br />

Gail Holden Darlene Huber<br />

Losers wash the dishes ...<br />

ALPHA<br />

PHI<br />

Well known Alpha Phi's on campus included<br />

Barbara Wolter<br />

r<br />

fall Aztec editor ...<br />

Carolyn Butler, Cap and Gown, A:W.S. Board<br />

· .. Ann Peterson, A.W.S. vice president ...<br />

Jody Wulbern, song leader ... Joni Williams,<br />

songJeader and <strong>Del</strong> Sud sorority editor ...<br />

Queen of the Pledge Chariot Races was Donalda<br />

Beebe ... A.F.R.O.T.C. Queen was Eloda<br />

Miller Grigsby ... S.D.S.C. delegate to A.W.S.<br />

International Convention was Ann Peterson<br />

· .. Fall B.B.B. candidates were Gloria Ulrich,<br />

SAE; Donalda Beebe, KA; Sharon Anderson,<br />

Theta Chi ... Alpha Phi's won fall Panhellenic<br />

scholarship trophy with a 1.97 over-all GPA<br />

· . . Eleanor Watson received Panhellenic<br />

scholarship for her 3.0 average ... Attendants<br />

to Sig-Ep Sweetheart were Gayle Meador<br />

and Claire Dugan ... Sandy Smith was Sigma<br />

Pi Sweetheart attendant ... Gloria Ulrich was<br />

elected Sweetheart of TKE ... Numbered<br />

among those in Cetza was Judy Scott ...<br />

Homecoming attendant was Mary Jacobs. '.,<br />

Claire Dugan was Frosh Rep on A. S. Council<br />

· .. Social events of the year included Christmas<br />

formal. Mountain Party, Father-Daughter<br />

Barbeque, and Mothers' Day breakfast.<br />

... but I thought red queens were wild.<br />

Presi dent M. L. Ross<br />

Barbara Wolter<br />

1st Vice-PresidenL---------------. Eleanor Watson<br />

Beverly Butler<br />

2nd Vice-PresidenL------------------ Beverly Butler<br />

Sharilyn McSwan<br />

Sec reta ry<br />

Treasurer<br />

Ba rba ra Cia rk<br />

Jane Crawford<br />

Gai I Holden<br />

127<br />

Jody Wulbern

Name of Local: <strong>Del</strong>ta Chi Phi<br />

Date Local Founded: 1923<br />

Went<br />

National:<br />

Mary Lue Adams Martha Anderson Margarita Carmona Carol ine Carr<br />

January 15, 1949<br />

National Chapter: Gamma Alpha<br />

National Founded: 1893<br />

Lombard College, Illinois<br />

Location:<br />

Mary Rae Deatrick Nancy Duncan Nadene Feiler<br />

Roam 17, House of Hospitality<br />

ALPHA<br />

XI<br />

DELTA<br />

Spring Pledges, left to right: Sue Haverkamp, Lynne Williamson, Nadene<br />

Feiler, Sherrel Hanson, Pat McWilliams.<br />

Alpha Xi was first national sorority on campus<br />

.. Cap and Gown claimed Sylvia Jennings, who is<br />

on the A.W.S. Board and "Who's Who" ... Also<br />

on the A.W.S. Board were Barbara Schrumpf, Mary<br />

Rea Deatrick, Ann Rienstra, and Margie Petz ...<br />

On the social agenda for the year were the Big and<br />

Pauline Mansfield Little Sister Dinner ... Come as Your Secret Ambition<br />

Perry ... Christmas and spring formal dances<br />

... Mother-Daughter tea Senior breakfast ...<br />

Mothers' Day breakfast Third consecutive year,<br />

winner of Pi Beta Phi Mum sale ... Winners of<br />

second place trophy in inter-sorority volleyball ...<br />

Novel idea was "Green Day," at which time actives<br />

exchanged places with pledges ... To add incentive<br />

to their scholarship activities, Alpha Xi's had their<br />

annual Steak and Beans Dinner.<br />

President ·····B~'~::Cysc~~~::~<br />

U<br />

Vice-President Barbaro Schrumpf<br />

Norma File<br />

Secretory Carolyn Tamblyn<br />

Treasurer Mary Lue Adams<br />

There's a Joker in every deck.<br />

129<br />

128<br />

Vera<br />


Name of Local: Shen Yo<br />

Date Local Founded: 1921<br />

Went<br />

National:<br />

November 17, 1950<br />

National Chapter: Gamma <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

National Founded: 1895<br />

University of Arkansas, Arkansas<br />

Location:<br />

Room 9, House of Hospitality<br />

Ruth Howell<br />

Spring Pledges, left to right: JoAnne Posladek, Sharon Silard, Elizabeth<br />

Peterson, Pat Weber, Barbara Winzell, Pat Nicholls, Alice Prelbisius. Miss·<br />

ing from picture: Mary Kay Nicholson.<br />

President- .__. __ _ -. Donna Dearth<br />

Dona Larson<br />


Vice-PresidenL------_.--- - _..Carol Doughty<br />

Yvonne Leveque<br />

Secreta ry._.._. .__ .-Ruth Howe II<br />

Ann Merriman<br />

Stephanie Hunt was president of<br />

Cetza . . . Cetza members included<br />

Jean Satterlee, Jeanette Crouch, and<br />

Norma Lawrence ... Jean Satterlee<br />

was <strong>Del</strong> Sud sorority editor and sophomore<br />

class secretary ... Julie Johnson<br />

was fall president and spring secretary<br />

of Los Buscadores ... Chi O's annual<br />

Showboat dance was a huge success ...<br />

Girls partied at Las Flores Inn during<br />

spring vacation ... Highlighting the<br />

social calendar was their annual Chi<br />

Omega-Kappa Alpha Theta breakfast<br />

... Candidates for the fall Belle of<br />

the Blue Book Ball were Sandry Sebby,<br />

Nancy Olds and Norma Lawrence ...<br />

Finalist for Orchid Girl of Sigma Pi was<br />

Ann Jennings ... Cheryl Jakie was<br />

an attendant to the Sig-Ep Queen of<br />

Hearts ... Chi Omega Birthday Party<br />

proved to be a lot of fun ... Christmas<br />

Formal ... Homecoming Queen<br />

candidates were Carol Doughty, Donna<br />

Dearth, Ruth Howell.<br />

T reasu re r ... . .. Yvon ne Leveque<br />

Joyce Wheaton<br />

Well, shut my mouth!<br />

131<br />

Joyce<br />


President _ Bonnie Morrison<br />

Joyce O'Connor<br />

1st Vice-President Carol Shea<br />

2nd Vice-President Dorothy McCollom<br />

Marianne Grillo<br />

Secretory Priscilla Gale<br />

Sherina Hegland<br />

Treasurer<br />

Dorothy Cox<br />

Donna Isaak<br />

Spring Pledges, left to right: Joyce Darnell, Betty Michaelis.<br />

Jerri Dilno Betsy Ann Frank Danny Gardiner Mary Geyer<br />

DELTA<br />

ZETA<br />

Traditional activities include open house during campus<br />

elections ... Senior luncheon ... Christmas formal ...<br />

Halloween party ... Prominent members on campus<br />

include Shirley Collamer-A.S. Council, Cap and Gown,<br />

".Who's Who" ... Dorothy McCollom-Panhellenic vice<br />

president ... <strong>Del</strong>ta Zeta won first place sorority with<br />

their Homecoming float, "Flamingo" ... Members of the<br />

A.W.S. Board included Joyce O'Connor, Barbara Neal,<br />

Dorothy McCollom and Bonnie Morrison ... Betsy Frank<br />

was named DZ Dream Girl at Mistletoe Magic ... "Gingham<br />

Goieties." benefit fashion show and card party ...<br />

Weekend snow party up in the mountains ... The semiannual<br />

initiation dinner-dance ... <strong>Del</strong>ta Zeta Founders'<br />

Day Banquet ... Mothers' Day breakfast.<br />

Name of Local: Alpha Sigma Chi<br />

Date Local Founded: 1939<br />

Went<br />

National:<br />

November 1, 1949<br />

National<br />

Chapter:<br />

Gamma<br />

Omicron<br />

National Founded: 1902<br />

Miami University, Ohio<br />

Location:<br />

Room 10, House of Hospitality<br />

Judy<br />

Rogers<br />

Dr. Scholl can do wonders for you, too ...<br />

133<br />


Name of Local: Kappa Theta<br />

Date Local Founded: 1924<br />

Went National: October 15, 1949<br />

National Chapter: Beta Lambda<br />

National Founded: 1874<br />

Syracuse University, New York<br />

Location: 5066 College Place<br />

r----.::l~<br />

...........-----,I...---..,.....,.,<br />

Nancy<br />

Daley<br />

Grace Darby Nickie Downham<br />

Spring Pledges, left to right: Mary Lou Heiken, Pat Minor, Patsy O'Bannon,<br />

Barbara Peratt, LaVerne Stokes, Esther Drew, Annette Cooper.<br />

GAMMA<br />

PHI BETA<br />

Outstanding Gamma Phi's were Lois<br />

Hebner, sophomore representative, Cetza<br />

treasurer, secretary of Booster Committee,<br />

<strong>Del</strong> Sud society editor Jackie Cathcart,<br />

Panhellenic President Jackie Merrill, Cap<br />

and Gown, "Who's Who," writer of S.D.S.C.<br />

"Aztec-nicalities" in the Union ... Lovie<br />

Stokes, song leader ... Betty Wooley, Cap<br />

and Gown "Who's Who" president of Sigma<br />

Alpha lot~ ... Member~ of Cetza were Mary<br />

Ward and Frances Liljegren ... Gamma Phi-<br />

ATO Homecoming float won first place for<br />

best use of natural flowers, and second place<br />

Mixed division ... Highlighting their social<br />

season was the "Winter Waltz" ... Mary<br />

Ann Taylor was chosen as the Crescent Girl<br />

of Lambda Chi Alpha ... Spring formal ...<br />

Scholarship dinner ... Dads' Day dinner.<br />

Mothers' Day breakfast.<br />

Don't worry, girls. We'll be back in our house by winter.<br />

President<br />

Betty Woo Iey<br />

Jackie Cathcart<br />

1st Vice-PresidenL Donna Lee James<br />

Mary Lou Rader<br />

2nd Vice- Pres ident Judy Maxwe II<br />

Pat Curtis<br />

Secreta ry<br />

Ma ry Wa rd<br />

Ives Wooley<br />

Shirley Wooley<br />

Treasurer .. Nancy Sheetz<br />

Lois Hebner<br />

We must do this again.<br />


01 n Almgr n Par Andr w Sherry Barratt Sondra Beachler Barbara Blee<br />

Name of Local: Chi Theta<br />

Date Loca I Founded: 1929<br />

Went National:<br />

January 27, 1951<br />

National Chapter: Gamma Sigma<br />

National Founded: 1870<br />

Indiana Asbury University<br />

Indiana<br />

Location:<br />

Room 7, House of Hospitality<br />

Donna Carey Jackie Covington Marcia Cross Leanna Draper Jean Elliott<br />

KAPPA<br />

ALP<br />

AT<br />

Presi dent..<br />

Ann Taylor<br />

Kay McClaren<br />

Muriel Grenfell Donna Gumz Sally Haas Sue Haugen Sharon Jackson Elaine Lindrus<br />

Carole Linthicum Lee L-owrey Kay McClaren Jill Hindle McMichael Harriet Paularena Diann Penry<br />

1st Vice-President Diane Almgren Theta beauty queens included Sue<br />

Haugen, Sweetheart of Sigma Chi ...<br />

2nd Vice-President . Jeanie Rayho<br />

Jill McMichael<br />

Sondra Beachler, Orchid Girl of Sigma<br />

Pi ... Pat Andrews, Siq-Ep Queen of<br />

Sec retory<br />

Borba ro North<br />

Hearts ... Claudia Stevenson, Homecoming<br />

attendant ... Jackie Covington,<br />

Joan Butterworth<br />

Treasurer . .______Kay McClaren<br />

Blue Book "Belle" candidate ... Sharon<br />

Donna Carey<br />

Jackson, attendant to Sigma Chi Sweetheart<br />

... Diann Penry was senior class<br />

treasurer and Cap and own ...<br />

Marion Greaves edited spring "Aztec"<br />

... Virginia Rosewaine and Lois Farr<br />

were members of Alpha Mu Gamma<br />

... Dorothy Scully was tapped by Pi<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta . . . Thetas won second<br />

place sorority with their Homecoming<br />

float ... Valerie Roesch was spring<br />

society editor on the Aztec Joint<br />

breakfast with Chi Omega Group<br />

joined with Kappa Sigs at Christmas<br />

with a party for underprivileged children<br />

... Also on social agenda were<br />

fall and spring formal dances Semiannual<br />

scholarship dinners Motherdaughter<br />

tea ... Senior breakfast<br />

Founders' Day celebration.<br />

136<br />

Joyce<br />

Woodard<br />

These informal get-togethers are so nice ... 137

Name of Local: Epsilon Pi Theta<br />

Date Local Founded: 1931<br />

Went National: May 29, 1949<br />

National Chapter: Beta Rho<br />

National Founded: 1897<br />

Virginia State Normal College<br />

Virginia<br />

Mickie Burnett Frances Burns<br />


Pre side nt Lou ise Bunge r<br />

Sue Shearer<br />

Vice-P res ident Sha ron Fisher<br />

Betzy Bruset<br />

Sec reta ry Sue Penne rs<br />

Barbaro Kelly<br />

Treasurer<br />

Betzy Bruset<br />

Patsy Asquith<br />

Name of Local: Phi Sigma Nu<br />

Date Local Founded: 1925<br />

Went National:<br />

September 1, 1949<br />

National Chapter:<br />

California Epsilon<br />

National Founded: 1867<br />

Monmouth College, IIIinois<br />

Location:<br />

Room 5, House of Hospitality<br />

Sheila Patterson Jackie Paul Sue Penners Marlene Rafalovich Olivia Rosa<br />

Connie Rueger<br />


They<br />

laughed when I sat down to play ...<br />

President of A.W.S. was Sue Shearer,<br />

also Cap and Gown ... Marianne Benjamin<br />

was secretary of A.W.S. and vice<br />

president of Cetza and W.R.A ....<br />

Gerrie Berkman was president of Cetza<br />

and a cheerleader Betty Tyschen<br />

was Cap and Gown Cetza tapped<br />

Nina McConnell and Beverlee Deem<br />

... Sigma Chi Sweetheart finalists were<br />

Olivia Rosa, Gerrie Berkman and Kay<br />

Moran ... Susie Wyman was K-Sig's<br />

fall B.B.B. candidate ... Diana Myrick<br />

represented Sigma Chi at the B.B.B....<br />

Pat Hoover was frosh secretary and Jo<br />

Tracy was treasurer of the sophomore<br />

class ... One of S.D.S.C.'s peppy majorettes<br />

was Marlene Rafalovich ...<br />

Sharon Fisher and Pat Asquith were<br />

co-chairmen of the Booster Committee<br />

and Card Tricks ... Homecoming<br />

finalists were Betzv Bruset and Jackie<br />

Schneider ... Pi Phi Mum sale raised<br />

money for Little Theatre Marquee ...<br />

Homecoming float, built with Sigma<br />

Chi, won first in mixed division and<br />

President's Trophy ... Pi Phi's took<br />

first place in inter-sorority volleyball<br />

... "Who's Who" members included<br />

Sue Shearer ... Social activities included<br />

Christmas and Spring formals,<br />

Father-Daughter dinner.<br />

140<br />

But, it's a red convertible.<br />

Susie Wyman<br />


Pres ident------------------------------- Can n ie Den ham<br />

Shirle Gray<br />

1st Vice-President------------ Nancy Hunsberger<br />

Barbara Pinkham<br />

2nd Vice-President Nancy Severin<br />

Sec reta ry . Ba rba ra Sa Iman<br />

Sue Wayte<br />

Connie Denham Laura Evans Peggy Fimpel<br />

Treasurer . . ----- Shirle Gray<br />

Thelma Johnstcn<br />

This is only the half of it ...<br />

SIGMA<br />

KAPPA<br />

Peggy Giddings Shirle Gray Susie Gregory<br />

Evelyn Hillman Nancy Hunsburger Thelma Johnston<br />

Norma Jones Joan Juelson Carol Krebs<br />

Name of Local: Tau Zeta Rho<br />

Date Local Founded: 1924<br />

Went National:<br />

Some days no one comes<br />

to meetings.<br />

On the Sigma Kappa's calendar for<br />

the year was an open house for their<br />

new apartment ... The holiday season<br />

brought around their Christmas party,<br />

and the Jingle Bell Ball ... Well known<br />

on campus was Susie Gregory, secretary<br />

of Panhellenic, and a member of Cetza<br />

... Sigma Alpha Iota, honorary music<br />

society, claimed Barbara Salmon<br />

among its members Cecel ia Cox<br />

was in Aesculapians Big events<br />

were the visit to Edgemont Farms and<br />

the mountain party ... Sigma Kappa's<br />

Father-Daughter Banquet was a huge<br />

success ... The girls honored their<br />

house mother with a tea in the fall ...<br />

Rounding out the social agenda were<br />

the spring and fall Senior Breakfasts,<br />

spring dance, Founders' Day dinner<br />

and their Pajama Top dance.<br />

February 18, 1950<br />

National Chapter: Beta Psi<br />

National Founded: 1874<br />

Claire McClintock Barbara Pinkham Rosalie Rogers<br />

Colby College, Maine<br />

Location:<br />

6187Y2 Montezuma Road<br />

142<br />

... and this is the rest of it.<br />


Ethel Schwartz Adatto Barbara S. Barney<br />

At present, Pi Lams are the only local sorority on<br />

campus . . . Social activities were Thanksgiving<br />

dinner New Year's breakfast ... Valentine's<br />

dance A T.G.1.0. party is planned after finals<br />

... Carole Simmons was on the <strong>Del</strong> Sud staff ...<br />

Reitha Stokes was secretary of Hillel Lillian<br />

Siayen was a member of Treble Clef Carole<br />

Simmons was president of the S.D.S.C. Dance Club<br />

... Big events were the spring and fall installations<br />

of officers.<br />




Founded: October 12, 1953<br />

San Diego State College<br />

Sandra Flax Maxine Gerson<br />

Location: 3345 31 st Street<br />

Arline Mihlman Carole Simmons<br />

.vulder, much milder ..•<br />

It's the water ...<br />

Reitha<br />

Stokes<br />

P resi dent 1ris Leeds<br />

Reitha<br />

Stokes<br />

Vice-President Carole Simmons<br />

Lillian<br />

Siayen<br />

Secretary Li IIian Siayen<br />

Sandy<br />

Flax<br />

Treasure r-----------------------------------_Reitha Stokes<br />

Sandy Flax<br />

144<br />


ATQ<br />

AI Bernal Neil Reasoner<br />

Ken Polk Chris Scheidel<br />

Bruce Weir Jack Thompson<br />

Garry Butterfield Robert Hillerman<br />

Ii<br />

KA<br />

TKE<br />

Don Ritchey<br />

President<br />

Edmund C. Nuttall<br />

Advisor<br />

1--..1<br />

K~<br />

Andrew Castiglione Don Donnelly Walt Bussey Allen Wrenn<br />

Bud Butler Jerry Mcintire Bert Hand Lee Bowler<br />

<br />

X<br />

r<br />

The I FC coordinates activities of the fifteen national fraternities<br />

on campus, sponsored by Ed Nuttall and headed by Don<br />

Ritchey ... sets up rush regulation for fall and spring ... sponsors<br />

Fraternity All-Stars vs. Frosh basketball game for scholarship<br />

money ... awards four basketball scholarships each year<br />

... the Junior IFC sponsors the traditional pledge chariot races<br />

each semester ... the interfraternity sports program sponsored<br />

by the IFC ranged from golf to basketball ... Sigma Phi Epsilon<br />

received the trophy for highest scholarship, given by the Council.<br />

AXA<br />

INTER-<br />



James Beachler William Devitt<br />

nKA<br />

ZBT<br />

~o<br />

Doug Brunson<br />

Norm Bucholz<br />

~AE<br />

KA'JI<br />

"k 0<br />

Julius Campbell<br />

Gerald Williams<br />

~x<br />

146<br />

Andy Brown<br />

Don Swift<br />

Dick Thompson<br />

Junior Interfraternity Council<br />


George Ashby Robert Ayres Albert Bernal<br />

Edward Bohanan Charles Butler<br />

John<br />

Chaparro<br />

I<br />

William Clemens Richard Cox Frank Davis<br />

John Davis<br />

Name of Local: Tau <strong>Del</strong>ta Chi<br />

Date Local Founded: 1926<br />

Went National:<br />

November 16, 1950<br />

National Chaper: Epsilon Psi<br />

National Founded:<br />

September 11, 1865<br />

Virginia Military Institute<br />

Location:<br />

3692 West Street, Lemon Grove<br />

"For He's A Jolly Good Fellow"<br />

Jerry Dawson Aaron Edmondson Everett Erwine Bill Evans Frank Faxon<br />


I<br />

Jim Fox Jeri Giles<br />

"Shipwreck" dance at EI Cortez big success of<br />

spring semester . . . Christmas formal at Palm<br />

Springs with U.C.L.A. and U.S.c. chapters ...<br />

Dean Erwine, m.c. of "Strictly Collegiate" radio<br />

show ... Paul Phillips, Dean Erwine, Jerry Dawson,<br />

and AI Berna I were members of Oceotl ... Homecoming<br />

float, "I Love Paris," built with Gamma<br />

Phi's, awarded second in mixed division and "best<br />

use of flowers" award ... Dean Erwine crowned<br />

"King Cotton" at Chi O's "Showboat" dance at<br />

Mission Valley Country Club ... held famous fall<br />

"Heidleberg" rush party at Terrace Inn ... continued<br />

practice of "Help Week" with each pledge<br />

class ...<br />

And they say Remington-Rand will shave a peach.<br />

Pres ident<br />

Jac k Dav is<br />

Vice-P resident<br />

A I Berna I<br />

Sec reta ry<br />

Ne iI Reasone r<br />

Treasurer<br />

George Ashby<br />

j<br />

Keeps hair neat, but not (ugh!) greasy.<br />


President .., .-- -. -- _ _ Jack Roney<br />

Jack Thompson<br />

Bob Aaberg<br />

Jim Bodenhamer Jim Bower<br />

Vice-President __ __ ___ Jack Thompson<br />

Bruce Wier<br />

Secretary Lorry Godby<br />

Gene Albertini<br />

Treasurer __ . . __ __ AI Close<br />

Rick Dennis<br />

Bill Brashner Tom Bucknell Don Chase Earl Christiansen Alan Close Bob Colby<br />

Fred Conger Pat Connell<br />

Even his best friends won't tell him<br />


PHI<br />

Eddy Fisher<br />

Name of Local: Alpha Chi<br />

Date Local Founded: 1946<br />

Went National: April 12, 1948<br />

National Chapter: Gamma Alpha<br />

National<br />

Founded:<br />

December 10, 1899<br />

City College of New York<br />

Location: 4469 47th Street<br />

And upon graduation from Fashionality ...<br />

AI Weymiller Don Wolfe<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Sigs raised more than $400 for the<br />

March of Dimes through their program and<br />

pie-throwing contest ... Homecoming float,<br />

"Skokiaan," won sweepstakes trophy .<br />

appeared in many San Diego parades .<br />

"After Hours" dance always big success .<br />

held this year at Manor Hotel ... "Sailors'<br />

Ball" at Emerald Hills Country Club ...<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Sigs' third consecutive Blue Book Ball<br />

Queen was crowned in February Jim Iverson<br />

was <strong>Del</strong> Sud editor this year Reed<br />

Richardson was A.M.S. publicity chairman<br />

... Oceotl members included Jack Thompson,<br />

AI Weymiller, Henry Hall, Alan Close, and<br />

Kay Madsen ... Jack Roney tapped for Blue<br />

Key ... fraternity was winner of Fite Nite<br />

competition . . .<br />


Andy Castiglione Joe Colmie<br />

Name of Local: Omega Xi<br />

Date Local Founded: 1926<br />

Went<br />

National:<br />

October 15, 1950<br />

Gerald<br />

Davis<br />

National Chapter: Gamma Iota<br />

National Founded:<br />

President<br />

Ma rt in Gaug hen<br />

Jock Lomb<br />

December 21, 1865<br />

Washington & Lee University<br />

Vi ce-P resi dent<br />

J e rry Dahms<br />

\<br />

Don Donnelly John Early<br />

Marty<br />

Gaughen<br />

Lexington, Vo.<br />

Location: 5706 Hardy Way<br />

Sec reta ry J ohn Groeb Ii<br />

Treasu re r<br />

Gene<br />

Jim<br />

Jones<br />

J ac k Lomb<br />

Edwards<br />

Are your little ones protected against accidents around the home?<br />


John Groebli Jim Jones<br />

Kappa Alphas joined the groups buying new fraternity houses,<br />

theirs being located on Hardy Way ... famous open-bid "Dixie<br />

Ball," preceded by "Secession From the Union," was held this<br />

year at the Grant Hotel, the Saturday before Easter Vacation ...<br />

celebrated end of exams with closed-bid Final Fling Blue Key<br />

claimed Norman Nygaard and Marshall Malcolm Jim Poole<br />

and Norm Nygaard were selected for "Who's Who" football<br />

lettermen included Verne Dodds, Marsh Malcolm, Eddie Johns,<br />

Norm Nygaard and Bob Newton ... Ed Johns won Byron Chase<br />

Memorial Trophy for outstanding linemen and Norm Nygaard<br />

was selected for the Little All America Team, .. on the social<br />

side, closed-bid "French Party" and the Alumni-Active Christmas<br />

dance held at Emerald Hills Country Club will be remembered, ..<br />

Dick Kirwan John Lamb<br />

Bob LeRibeus<br />

r<br />

-CY __<br />

Ii<br />

Robert<br />

' __<br />

Luitjens<br />

Marshall Malcolm Bill Noel<br />

152<br />

Jo Anne Posladek, Belle of the Dixie Ball<br />

Gracious entertaining in the old south ...<br />


Eddy Auld<br />

Leon Baily Dennis Becker Joe Perry<br />

Bill Billburg Don Bowen<br />

Marvin Braddock Bevan Brown<br />

Jim<br />

Brown<br />

Dick Burnett Art Butler<br />

__ -""If-<br />

Tom Caricciolla Jim Cherry<br />

Milton<br />

Clow<br />

,<br />

John Culbertson Jim Deason Dennis Ditmars<br />

Edward Donahue Jack Donley Ken Evans Bernie Flaherty Pete Fleming Charles Freeburn<br />


Grand Master<br />

Grand Procurator<br />

Grand Scribe<br />

Grand Treasurer<br />

Bob Petty<br />

Don Bowen<br />

Morvin Braddock<br />

Chuck Freebern<br />

Jim Swan<br />

Bob McMichael<br />

Bill Freemon<br />

Frank<br />

Gallucci<br />

i<br />

Ralph Gibson Marty Goldstein Lynn Graham Dick Haelsig Rex Hammock John Hannon<br />

Dan Hardy Rusty Herr Phil Heubach George Hill<br />

Name of Local: Eta Omega <strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

Date Local Founded: 1922<br />

Went<br />

National:<br />

December 9, 1947<br />

National Chapter: Epsilon Iota<br />

Bob Hirtensteiner Harold Jackson Rollin Jackson Bud James Alan Johnson Larry Jones Larry Kuerbis<br />

Tom Malmin Jack McClellan<br />

National Founded:<br />

December 10, 1869<br />

University of Virginia<br />

Location: 6195 Montezuma Road<br />

• Don Pendleton Bob Petty<br />

Robert McMicheal<br />

Naud<br />

Fred<br />

Nelson<br />

Dick North Ray O'Connell Grant Olson<br />

Kappa Sig's activities for the year included<br />

many civic minded projects, such as repairing<br />

toys at the Goodwill Industries ... Christmas<br />

party with Thetas for underprivileged children<br />

· .. assisting in remodeling of Anthony Home<br />

into Mental Retardation Center. . On the<br />

social side, they presented the open-bid sue-<br />

Jerry Smart Leon Smith<br />

Rene Soriano cess, "Farmers' Frol ic," in the spring semester<br />

Bob Shumake<br />

· .. also their spring formal is an annual event<br />

· .. held weekend party in <strong>Del</strong> Mar over New<br />

Year's ... Jerry Mcintire was vice president<br />

of Associated Students and "Who's Who" ...<br />

Danny Newport and Don Hegerly starred In<br />

basketball, Dick North in baseball ... K Sigs<br />

~~~<br />

..<br />

f~'<br />

were second in inter-fraternity sports, third<br />

~l\ :~,.<br />

in fraternity scholarship for the fall ...<br />

Ray Waddell Dick Warren<br />

{ I • 155<br />

154<br />

Gaylord<br />

Stickney<br />

Jim Swan Bill Templeton<br />

J ohn<br />


chosen<br />

0 for<br />

• Hunt<br />

• Jim<br />

•• wisely<br />

Jack<br />

J ames Beachler William Bing<br />

Name of Local:<br />

Lambda Chi Alpha Colony<br />

•<br />

Ted Carnes William Devitt<br />

Date Local Founded: 1947<br />

Went National: October 9, 1948<br />

National Chapter: Zeta Pi Zeta<br />

National Founded:<br />

November 2, 1909<br />

Pres ident Mort Jorgensen<br />

Marvin<br />

E'Goif<br />

Vice - PresidenL------------------------ Darryl Hansen<br />

Jim Hunt<br />

Sec reta ry<br />

T ed Carnes<br />

Bill Sevier<br />

Boston University, Boston, Mass.<br />

T reasu rer<br />

Ma rvi n E'Gol f<br />

George<br />

Hurst<br />

t<br />

Marvin E'Golf John Emrick<br />

Before the days of Sea and Ski . . .<br />

LAMBDA<br />


John<br />

Gorman<br />

Jim Hall Darryl Hansen<br />

Jacque Hart Tim Hubbard<br />

Jim Hunt<br />

..-..-"."",,,.... ...........-<br />

-- Mort Jorgensen<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

On the Lambda Chi social calendar for the<br />

year were the formal "Cross and Crescent"<br />

Ball, a Christmas dance at La Jolla Country<br />

Club, "Alphctroz," and a Valentine's Day<br />

dance . . 0 as Oceotl members were<br />

Jim Hunt, Jim Hall, Mort Jorgenson, Bill<br />

Devitt and Jack Hart .. Gorman was<br />

fall treasurer of I.FoC. . 0 Hunt directed<br />

intramural sports. was also four-year<br />

letterman in track and cross country, holding<br />

SoD.S.C. mile record and is C.C.A.A. mile<br />

champ . 0 the second year in a row,<br />

Lambda Chis won the trophy for most novel<br />

float, "Moulin Rouge" sponsored<br />

Pat Starr, Homecoming Queen .. 0<br />

156<br />

Jack Lewis Don Rigler<br />

Going South,<br />

anyone?<br />


Name of Local: <strong>Del</strong>ta Phi Beta<br />

Date Local Founded: 1929<br />

.<br />

Richard Bouley<br />

Went National:<br />

November 27, 1948<br />

National Chapter: <strong>Del</strong>ta Kappa<br />

National<br />

Founded:<br />

March 1, 1868<br />

University<br />

of Virginia<br />

Norman<br />

Bucholz<br />

Location: 7811 La Mesa Blvd.<br />

Gerald<br />

Bowers<br />

PI KAPPA A<br />

Thomas Crandell Rex Gaede<br />

Pres ident Rex Goede<br />

AI Spector<br />

Vice- Pres ide nt Doug Bru n son<br />

Dick Brown<br />

Sec reta ry T om Cranda II<br />

Shannon Jackson<br />

Treasurer Norm Bucholz<br />

Francis Linderman<br />

Social activities this year mcluded PiKA's 27th annual "Turk y<br />

Trot" at Mission Beach Ballroom ... Hallowe n dance ...<br />

Autumn Serenade ... Christmas dance Bill McGrath was<br />

senior representative on the A.S. Council Francis Lind rman<br />

and Ron Quast were members of Oceotl Football star wa<br />

Gary Sada ... On S.D.S.C. West Coast Champion sailing t am<br />

were Pikes Don Adams, Don Malloy, AI Pirie and Sonny Lind r-<br />

man ... Ed Gould was a member of Skull and Dagger, honorary<br />

drama society ... Don Adams named outstanding Pi Kappa<br />

Alpha of the Year ... Fraternity "Dream Girl" was crowned<br />

l<br />

at formal dance in May ... held annual Father and Son Banquet<br />

... Bill McGrath and Lee Grannell were on the debat team ..<br />

group was winner of Alpha Chi Omega's Easter Seal Drive ..<br />

Tom<br />

Macklin<br />

Dave Maddocks Boyd Malloy Donald Malloy Larry Matranga<br />

William<br />

Moore<br />

It;R<br />

Paul<br />

Wylie<br />

With only one retouch kit and three easy lessons ...<br />

Cu~ I thought you were bringing the marshmallows ...<br />


Roy Akridge<br />

\<br />

\<br />

Jerry Clavell Bob Combs Larry Dahms<br />

Bernie De Selm<br />

Prominent SAE's on campus includ A.M.S.<br />

officers President Tom Goodbody, Vic President<br />

Frank Mendoza and Secretory Glen<br />

Taylor ... cheerleaders were Don Clark and<br />

Bruce Barngrover ... Blue Key and "Who's<br />

Who" members were Tom Goodbody and Jack<br />

Rogers ... Gene Clarke song as Star-Light<br />

Opera star ... Pat Henry, Dave Carlson and<br />

Dick Blair were an A.S. Council ... closs<br />

officers were Gary Long, Junior president ...<br />

John Ward, Sophomore president ... Jim<br />

Hinck, Sophomore veep, and Ole Kittl san,<br />

Fresh vice president ... Oceotl members were<br />

Gary Long, Gory Hemming, Dave Carlson and<br />

Dick Blair ... sponsored "Ford Frolic" openbid<br />

dance, held "Block and White" Christmas<br />

formal and "Purple and Gold" spring formal<br />

. . . Candidates have won last three Best<br />

Dressed Man contests ... SAE's turn-about<br />

Pledge Presents are notable affairs ...<br />

Len Duncan<br />

I<br />

Low Esposito<br />

Leon Fregenbutz Gere Irving<br />

Nick Gianulis Tom Goodbody<br />

Ken<br />

Gould<br />

1<br />

Bill Greenlee<br />

Ken<br />

Hanken<br />

Don<br />

j<br />

Harrington<br />

Gary Hemming<br />


Patrick Henry Jim Hinck Tom Hutchinson Bob Keller Tom King<br />

Ole<br />

Kittleson<br />

Name of Local: Epsilon Eta<br />

Date Local Founded: 1921<br />

Went Notional: October 9, 1949<br />

Notional Chapter:<br />

California Theta<br />

National Founded:<br />

March 9, 1856<br />

Tuscaloosa, Alabama<br />

Location: 7140 Saranac<br />

Chris Quartly Bob Rewick<br />

Dick Robinson<br />

Jack<br />

Rogers<br />

Gordon<br />

Moore<br />

Mrs. Flora Scott<br />

lAO<br />

Bill Thurston Joe Turner Eric Walker<br />

Ray Vidal Jim Vierhus Roy Wagner<br />

Jim<br />

West<br />

Don Wilson

Nome of Local: Phi Lambda Xi<br />

Dote Local Founded: 1928<br />

Ben Acosta Maurice Altshuler Arnum Ambrose Ronald Anderson John Baker Bob Ballance Dale Barbat Hollis Barber<br />

'Wi<br />

oL<br />

Jim Beasely Andy Brown<br />

Rod Buntzen<br />

Went Notional: January, 1949<br />

Notional Chapter: <strong>Del</strong>ta Xi<br />

Notional Founded: June 28,1855<br />

Miami University, Oxford, Ohio<br />

Eugene Cain Jack Cunningham Jerry Davee<br />

John DeBlanc<br />

l'!l"l"""""""...."r---...,....., __ ""!!<br />

Art Ellsworth Roy Fields Don Foster<br />

Location: 5826 Montezuma Rood<br />

SIGMA C<br />

Dan Freeman Richard Greer Bert Grigsby Richard Grob<br />

,,-------.r---.,:....,.;...- ......<br />

Leonard<br />

Hendren<br />

Jon Kowal Dave Limbacher<br />

Joe Kelly Bob Klein Jay Kowal<br />

=_Moss Darrell Musick Gene Myers<br />

Celebrated its 100th Anniversary this year ...<br />

local Chapter judged "Outstanding Chapter<br />

in Western Province" ... Varsity Foodtball End<br />

Ron Stewart was Little All-American, Honk Higgins<br />

was AII-C.C.A.A. Center ... Noel Mickelson was<br />

Basketball Captain, Jim Sams set new scoring record,<br />

Jerry Davee led Frosh scoring ... open-bid "Tropical<br />

Cruise" held in spring four Sigs in Blue Key ...<br />

six in "Who's Who" Jerry Schultz was Frosh<br />

President Andy Brown and Phil Whitacre on<br />

Council Homecoming float with Pi Phi's won<br />

both first ploces in mixed division and President's<br />

trophy Andy Brown and Roy Fields served as<br />

Presidents Pledges won Chariot Races for second<br />

consecutive semester ... Darrell Musick was "Outstanding<br />

Wrestler" in Fite Nite ... Andy Brown<br />

and Tony McPeak won bid to West Point National<br />

Debate Championships.<br />

Dale<br />

Roehrkasse<br />

Jim Sams Bud Sanders Bob Sanderson<br />

Donald Tadlock Grant Taylor<br />

Richard Taylor Thomas Thomson Tom Tozer<br />

R. D. Walker Bill Walsh<br />

Bill Weiner<br />

Jim Welden Phil Whitacre<br />

Danny Yelvington<br />

And on your left, scenic Bird Rock.<br />


I<br />

t<br />

•<br />

FOOTBA<br />

00 a<br />

San<br />

L<br />


W L Pet.<br />

Fresno State .......................... _--.--. 4 0 1.000<br />

Cclifornio Poly ----- .... _ .......... _-_ .... 3 .750<br />

Diego .......... -_ .... --- .... --_ ....... -----. 2 2 .500<br />

Santa Barbara --_ ... --.- ... _--_ .. -- ......... 3 .250<br />

Los Angeles State --.--_ ...... -_ ....... 0 4 .000<br />

S.D.<br />

7<br />

14<br />

10<br />

14<br />

38<br />

o<br />

20<br />

33<br />

41<br />

What most Azt c an<br />

thought was on ordinor I<br />

turn d out to j t th P it<br />

when two San Di go SaC l-<br />

Iege ploy rs w r nam 0 th<br />

Nationol As ociation oint r-<br />

collegiat Athl tic Lit I AII-<br />

American t am End Ron St<br />

art and fullback Norm Nygaard,<br />

both seniors, w r th ploy r<br />

selected on th my hical quod.<br />

Recordwi , Nygaard tab-<br />

Iished a new school ground gOlning<br />

and total off nse r cord y<br />

running for 2,619 yards, an<br />

average of almost 100 yards a<br />

game for three years and n arly<br />

1,000 yards over the previous<br />

records held by Art Preston and<br />

Jesse Thompson, respectively.<br />

As a team, the five won, four<br />

lost record it set is deceiving.<br />

Injuries to Nygaard, Stewart,<br />

quarterback Bill Richardson,<br />

halfbacks Marshall Malcolm,<br />

Vic Long and tackle AI Walker<br />

slowed the Aztecs.<br />

University of New Mexico .<br />

California Polytechnic .<br />

San Francisco State .<br />

San Diego Marines .<br />

Los Angeles State .<br />

Fresno State .<br />

Pepperdine .<br />

Santa Barbara .<br />

Wh ittier .<br />

Opp.<br />

28<br />

26<br />

12<br />

oo<br />

20<br />

13<br />

14<br />

28<br />

Let me stay in coach it only hurts when I laugh.<br />

, ,<br />

177<br />

141<br />


NM<br />

SD<br />

28<br />

7<br />

San Diego State ployed one of it b st g~n: 0<br />

the year, even though dropping a 2~-7 d cisron 0<br />

the powerful University of New MexIco Lobos .. L d<br />

by fullback Norm Nygaard's total of 91 yard In 1,7<br />

carries the Aztecs scored first on quarterback Bill<br />

Richardson's pass to end Ron Stewart for six yards.<br />

The hard-charging Lobos forced fo~r fumbles<br />

from the Staters in the second half and Intercepted<br />

a pass to pave the way for four touchdowns and a<br />

victory. Although behind by three to~chdowns at<br />

the end San Diego outrushed New MexIco, 180-149<br />

yards, end the teams were tied in total yardage at<br />

205 ya rds each.<br />

Scbutte and Assistant Coach Carl Benton<br />


214<br />

The high points of the season were the opening game against University of New Mexico<br />

and the Marine Corps Recruit Depot clash. Low game of the year was the San Francisco State<br />

affair.<br />

Ten Aztecs completed their eligibility. They are guards Mike Brown and Ed Johns, center<br />

Harry Higgins, tackle AI Walker, ends Ron Stewart and Glen Woodard, halfbacks Vic Long<br />

and Max Love, fullback Norman Nygaard, and quarterback Verne Dodds. .<br />

Brown and Johns were both first - string performers and their graduation will leave a. big<br />

hole for Coach Bill Schutte to fill. Higgins was named to the first team AII-C.C.A.A. selections<br />

while Walker was a first-stringer, even though hampered by injuries. .<br />

Stewart was the second leading pass receiver, catching eight passes for 68 yards and one<br />

touchdown.<br />

Woodard was fourth in pass receptions with seven catches for 83 yards and one<br />

Long was out most of the year with injuries, but finished up with a 3.1 average for 20<br />

carries. Love, a con~erted guard, averaged 4.4 yards a carry.<br />

Nygaa.rd, suffermg from a seve:e forehead gash the last six games, sti II ran for 714 yards<br />

in 128 cernes for a 5.6 average, while Dodds was the leading Scorer with six touchdowns and<br />

two extra points for 38 points. In addition, he completed 23 of 60 passes for 237 yards and<br />

two touchdowns.<br />

M on New M eXI'co's Bobby Lee.<br />

arshall Malcolm (11) and Verne Dodds (12) converge<br />



Making its first road trip of the year, San<br />

Diego lost its California Collegiate Athletic<br />

Association opener to halfback Perry Jeter<br />

and his Cal Poly teammates.<br />

Jeter scored three times and averaged 13<br />

yards a carry to put a big crimp in the<br />

Aztecs' chances for o C.C.A.A. crown.<br />

Nygaard again led San Diego with 86 yards<br />

in 15 carries, and got fine help from Jay<br />

Gutowski, Claude Lewis and Marshall<br />

Malcolm. Quarterbacks Verne Dodds and<br />

Richardson completed seven of fourteen<br />

passes for 55 yards.<br />

San Diego was behind by only one touchdown<br />

at halftime, but Jeter got away on a<br />

67-yard touchdown run on the first scrimmage<br />

play of the second half to give the<br />

Mustangs a safe lead.<br />

For the second straight game, the backs<br />

handled themselves well, but it was apparent<br />

that they still had to work more closely<br />

with the line.<br />

SD<br />

SF<br />

10<br />

12<br />

MIKE<br />

BROWN, 43<br />

Tackle<br />

CAL POLY 26<br />

SD 14<br />

Pepperdine runner stopped by Jay Gutowski.<br />


CLARK, 38<br />

End<br />

The Aztecs played their poorest game of the season in dropping<br />

a two-point nod to San Francisco State. In addition, Nygaard suffered<br />

a severe head gash late in the fourth quarter that was to slow<br />

him and, as a result, the entire Aztec offense, for the rest of the year.<br />

San Diego started out like champions, driving deep into 'Gator<br />

territory in the first period where Richardson booted a field goal from<br />

20 yards out. A two _yard plunge by halfback Marshall Malcolm<br />

gaVeSan D'<br />

lego seven more porn<br />

. t<br />

s.<br />

Aztec linemen bottle up middle of the line try.<br />

216<br />

The second half saw a sl ippery turf catch up with the Aztec ~acks.<br />

Ihis, plus a lapse in the middle of the line, saw the San Franciscans<br />

comefrom behind for their second touchdown and a loss that dropped<br />

San D' ,<br />

lego s record to 0-3.<br />


DEL CAMPO, 6 I<br />

Tackle<br />


VERNE<br />

DODDS, 12<br />

Quarterback<br />


EDDIE JOHNS, 20<br />

VICTOR LONG, 23<br />

Guard<br />

H Ifback<br />

DON MAG , 33<br />

Qu rt r ck<br />

Homecoming for San Diego turned out to<br />

be the most lop-sided win of the season as<br />

All-American Norm Nygaard picks up yardage with block from Ed Johns.<br />

SO<br />

MCRO<br />

14 o<br />

JOHN<br />

EARLY, 53<br />

End<br />

Coach Schutte turned the job over to the<br />

reserves early.<br />

Outmanned Los Angeles State was buried<br />

under an Aztec offense that cI icked for 306<br />

yards rushing and another 128 passing. Only<br />

sad note was halfback Vic Long, who incurred<br />

a bad knee injury.<br />

The win leveled the Staters' C.C.A.A. mark<br />

at 1- 1 and gave them a 2-3 reading for the<br />

year.<br />

so<br />

LA<br />

3<br />

Reversing completely from its showing in the San Francisco<br />

game a week earl ier, San Diego played its "best game<br />

in years," according to Coach Schutte.<br />

Playing anything but like the two-touchdown underdogs<br />

which they were, the Aztecs turned back every Marine threat<br />

for four quarters, due mainly to some fine line play. Tackles<br />

AI Walker and Bob Newton were especially impressive in<br />

the unyielding Stater forward wall.<br />

BERNIE<br />

FLAHERTY, 40<br />

End<br />

San Diego broke the game open in the third quarter when<br />

they forced a Marine field goal attempt to go wide of the<br />

mark. Taking over on their own 20-yard line, the Aztecs<br />

marched 80 yards for the score that crushed the Marine<br />

spirit.<br />

Fullback Nygaard, with 151 yards in 15 carries did<br />

most of the ball-carrying damage to the Leathernecks' but<br />

Dodds also chipped in with some fine play-calling. '<br />

218<br />

The line play was some of the fiercest of the year, and<br />

wi.th .Walker! Newton, Ed John~, Mike Brown and Harry<br />

Hiqqins leadrng the way, San Diego moved to its first win<br />

of the year in a game that saw a tremendous upset come<br />

about because of fine teamwork.<br />

JIMMY<br />

GRAVES, 28<br />

Guard<br />

h d AI Walker comes up too late to assist in LA State game.<br />

Hugh Simpson heads eart war as<br />


SD 0<br />

FRESNO 20<br />

SD<br />

PEPPERDINE 20 3<br />

LANCE<br />

MORTON, 57<br />

Tackle<br />

BILL RICH·<br />

ARDSON, 21<br />

Quarterback<br />

DANNY<br />

NICHOLAS, 34<br />

Guard<br />

DICK<br />

RUNYON, 52<br />

Tackle<br />

Ed Johns halts Fresno touchdown try. Jay Gutowski snares pass from two Pepperdine defenders.<br />

220<br />

JIM<br />

ooov, 14<br />

Halfback<br />

San Diego State's pretty little two-game<br />

win streak was only a memory after Fresno<br />

copped a 20-0 Shrine Game win before 15,000<br />

fans.<br />

It was the first time since 1950 (a span of<br />

42 games) that San Diego found itself unable<br />

to Score a point. The loss dropped its over-all<br />

record to 2-4 and gave it a C.C.A.A. slate of<br />

1-2.<br />

San Diego threatened to score only once,<br />

losing the ball on downs on Fresno's<br />

11 in the<br />

second quarter after a 29-yard march. Except<br />

for the first quarter, the Aztecs were unable<br />

to contain the Bulldogs' explosive attock.<br />

J<br />

A small sun-baked crowd turned out for<br />

the second afternoon contest of the season<br />

in Aztec Bowl and watched as the Az~e~s<br />

pulled off a close win after so~e e~rly difficulty<br />

against a strong Pepperdine line.<br />

End Glen Woodard and fullback Jay G~towski<br />

both played a major part in the Win,<br />

Woodard grabbing three passes, one f.o~ a<br />

touchdown, and Gutowski on the receiving<br />

end of three passes.<br />

In the biggest aerial display of the year<br />

for San Diego, Dodds, Richardson and Don<br />

Magee completed 12 of 27 passes for 103<br />

yards, offsetting the eight- and nine-man<br />

lines thrown up by the Peps.<br />

The victory was mainly due to the work of<br />

San Diego's line wearing down a good P.ep<br />

forward wall. By the middle of the third<br />

period, the work of Newton, Walker, Johns,<br />

Brown and Higgins was too much for the<br />

Waves to handle.<br />

HUGH<br />

SIMPSON, 37<br />

Fullback<br />




Center<br />

SD<br />

WHITT<br />

SD 33<br />


SB 14<br />

'"<br />

Hank Higgins halts Gaucho back.<br />

Claude Lewis leaps too late for pass reception.<br />

222<br />

Playing at the beautiful La Playa Stadium setting of Santa Barbara, the Staters<br />

called on halfback Claude to be their hero in a high-scoring tussle.<br />

Lewis intercepted two passes, caught all five Aztec completed tosses, and moved for<br />

three touchdowns as he dazzled Santa Barbard with his speed and deception.<br />

Nygaard's four-yard plunge and Richardson's conversion gave San Diego a 7-0 halftime<br />

margin. Lewis' three second-half Scores plus a 36-yard scoring burst by halfback<br />

Jim Odom capped the point-making for the day.<br />

Fullback Hugh Simpson was the day's top ground gainer with 68 yards in 12 carries<br />

for a 5.7 average. Lewis caught two touchdown passes, one each from Dodds and Richardson,<br />

and his five catches were good for 67 yards.<br />

Only some fine punting by the Gauchos kept the San Diegans from running up a<br />

larger score. First-half statistics found them averaging 41 yards a punt, three boots stopping<br />

within San Diego's five-yard line.<br />

The final game for the ten grad~ating<br />

sen . lors sa w San Diego pull a near disaster . h<br />

out of the fire with two touchdowns In t e<br />

last two minutes of ~he game. b h<br />

Whittier jumped In a 14-0 le~d, ut t e<br />

Aztecs tied it when Claude LeWIS took the<br />

ball three straight times for a total ~fd~~<br />

yards and a touchdown and Verne 0 s<br />

40-yard punt return to the Poet end zone.<br />

A furious Whittier rally, capped by a t28c~8<br />

down on a stolen ball, tied the score at. -<br />

with four minutes left. After the Poe! kickoff,<br />

Nygaard took the ball three play~ In a row<br />

and San Diego was in the lead again. He dha ci<br />

moved 60 yards with some of the har est<br />

running ever seen in Aztec Bowl. .<br />

A final touchdown came when Dodds hit<br />

the line from a yard out after a recovery of<br />

a Whittier fumble with about 30 seconds left.<br />

JAMES WHELAN, 65<br />

Tackle<br />


AZTEC BASKETBALL 1954-55<br />

.1<br />

I<br />

i<br />

1<br />

f:<br />

A season filled with thrills and disappointm.ents<br />

saw San Diego State finish its play<br />

with a 17 won, nine lost record. Coach<br />

George Ziegenfuss' cagers surrendered their<br />

~ewly-won CCAA crown to Cal Poly, finishing<br />

In a second place tie with Fresno State.<br />

Sophomore Tony Pinkins carted off scoring<br />

laurels with 422 points and a 16.2 average.<br />

In addition, he was the team's top rebounder.<br />

San Diego showed the power it was to have<br />

in its second game of the season when it<br />

dumped a Whittier team that had won seven<br />

straight games, 73-69. Making their final<br />

home appearance before starting on a Christmas<br />

holiday tour, the Aztecs gained some<br />

revenge by pinning an 84-59 loss on a Pasadena<br />

Nazarene team that had knocked them<br />

from the NAIA playoffs a year ago.<br />

Sporting a 3-0 record, the Aztecs started<br />

on an eight game tour of the Pacific Northwest<br />

that would see them come face to face<br />

with some of the top teams in the country.<br />

Loyola University, NAIA tourney team, started<br />

San Diego off on the wrong foot by capturing<br />

a thrilling 71-67 win.<br />

Arriving in the country where he had gained<br />

All-American recognition in 1938-39 Coach<br />

Ziegenfuss saw his team the victims of 44 free<br />

throws by Portland University and suffered a<br />

94-85 loss.<br />

Journeying to meet Seattle University, San<br />

Diego State pulled one of the season's earl iest<br />

major upsets when it crushed the Chief tans,<br />

91-72, snapping a 21-game home win streak<br />

that Seattle possessed. Seattle later went on<br />

to a 28-4 season and a berth in the NCAA<br />

playoffs. A major part in the win was played<br />

by forward Jim Sams, who took over a forward<br />

position in the (Continued on page 227)<br />

C.C.A.A.<br />


California Poly 7 1<br />

San Diego 5 3<br />

Fresno State 5 3<br />

Santa Barbara 2 6<br />

Los Angeles State 1 7<br />

W<br />

L<br />


SO<br />

Opp<br />

83 Alumni 59<br />

73 Whittier College 69<br />

84 Pasadena Nazarene 59<br />

67 Loyola University 71<br />

85 Portland University 94<br />

91 Seattle University 72<br />

91 Seattle Buchan Bakers (AAU) 113<br />

81 Puget Sound 71<br />

91 Willamette University 88<br />

82 Chico State 76<br />

56 University of San Francisco 70<br />

82 Portland University 60<br />

52 Loyola University ._.. 69<br />

59 Santa Barbara _ _ . .__._ 57<br />

70 California Polytechnic .___ __ _ __ 75<br />

74 Los Angeles State _ _ 69<br />

46 San Jose State ._____ __ _ 59<br />

73 Fresno State _ _ 56<br />

44 Redlands ___ • _ ___ __ 31<br />

79 Pepperdine College . ___ __ _ _ 75<br />

78 Whittier College _ .__.. __ _ .. 52<br />

82 Fresno State . ._ ___ 64<br />

59 Los Angeles State __. . ._ _ 54<br />

69 Pepperdine College ._._._ __ 65<br />

81 California Polytechnic _ __ _____ 86<br />

64 Santa Barbara _ _ . 89<br />


Name<br />

Adams, Bob<br />

Height<br />

.______________________ 6'<br />

Arredondo, Joe 5' 10"<br />

BaIsley, Joe 6'<br />

Beck, Pau I . . .____6'<br />

Cowmey, Bill 5' 1 1"<br />

Doughty, Ted 6'4"<br />

Hannon, John 6'<br />

Hege rIe, Don<br />

.____6'<br />

Mickelsen, Noel 6'6"<br />

Mona han, Jim 5' 8"<br />

Newport, Danny 6' 1"<br />

Pin kins , Tony 6' 3"<br />

Sams, Jim . 6'<br />

T ume r, Jay . 6'2"<br />

Woodmansee, Ray 5' 10"<br />


I<br />

I<br />

, I<br />

I<br />

<br />

I<br />

Bob Adams Don Hegerle Paul Beck, Bill Cowmey, John Hannon,<br />

Left to right, kneeling: Joe Arredondo, Ray WooJdmaBs~~, J Sam~ Tony Pinkin's, Noel Mickelsen, Ted Doughty, Danny<br />

Jim Monahan. Standing: Mel Curry, manager, oe a s ey, rrn r<br />

Newport, Jay Turner, Coach George Ziegenfuss.<br />

George Ziegenfuss, Aztec basketball coach, was named as one of the 75 alltime<br />

basketball All-Americans this year in a poll conducted by Sport Magazine.<br />

Dr. Ziegenfuss, who acted as Director of Athletics this year, played his basketball<br />

for the University of Washington from 1936-39. In his senior year, he was<br />

team captain and was named to an all-coast guard position, being picked on many<br />

All-American fives.<br />

Dr. Ziegenfuss has been head basketball coach at San Diego State for seven<br />

years.<br />

first quarter and potted 15 f.ield goals<br />

and six free throws for 36 points and a<br />

new Aztec single game scoring mark.<br />

Other games on the trip saw ?an<br />

Diego score a thrilling 91-~8 o~ertlme<br />

win over Williamette University, an<br />

81-71 victory over Puget Sound and an<br />

82-76 margin over Chico State.<br />

Following a Christmas in San Diego,<br />

Coach Ziegenfuss' cagers. pla~ed a<br />

good game against th~ ~nlverslty of<br />

San Francisco, the nation s no. 1 college<br />

basketball team and eventual<br />

NCAA champions. The 70-56 USF<br />


Sams, you take the new man.<br />

226<br />

Manager<br />

Mel Curry.<br />

Whittier's Marlyn Davis out jumps<br />

Newport and Balsley.<br />

Newport and, Portland's Don Koepke and a loose ball.<br />



228<br />

win came largely on the fine work of AII-<br />

American center Bill Russell, and guard KC<br />

Jones. Both were named to the Aztec allopponent<br />

team at the season's end.<br />

Returning home for two final non-league<br />

games before the start of conference<br />

action, State played one of its best and then<br />

one of its worst games of the year. Meeting<br />

Portland University in a rematch, the<br />

Aztecs turned on the power behind a 27-<br />

point performance by Pinkins to crush the<br />

Pilots, 82-60. However, three nights later,<br />

everything went wrong as Loyola again defeated<br />

San Diego, 69-52.<br />

As San Diego prepared to meet Santa<br />

Barbara in the CCAA opener the Aztecs<br />

boasted an 8-5 record. The loss to Loyola<br />

was the first time in three years they had<br />

lost two games in a row in one year to the<br />

same team.<br />

Santa Barbara, picked with the Staters<br />

as pre-season favorites to cop the loop<br />

crow~, brought its tremendous height and<br />

. shooting abil ity to Aztec Gym, Jan. 14, before<br />

a. packed house. Showing good rebounding<br />

and shooting, the Gauchos led<br />

most of the way and led, 54-49, with two<br />

and one half minutes left. Then San Diego<br />

~ent into a fast break, full court press, and<br />

tied the game at 57-57 with ten seconds<br />

left. Controlling the ball, the Aztecs played<br />

for one last shot. Forward Sams arched the<br />

ball, it bounced off the rim short but center<br />

Noel Mickelsen reached up orid tipped the<br />

ball through the net with two seconds left.<br />

It ~as a team that was still a bit up in<br />

the orr that took the court against Cal Poly<br />

the next night and after four quarters had<br />

elapsed, the Mustangs had jolted San Diego<br />

with a 75-70 loss.<br />

Following a 74-69 In ov La A<br />

in anoth r I agu cant t, Son Di go<br />

56·49 gam to Son Jo Stat, u<br />

I agu r cord intact with a 73-56 win v r r<br />

State on th Bulldog court<br />

On of th odd sr gam In y or took lac<br />

on San Diego's r turn a Ate Gym, . 1,<br />

against Redlands. Appar ntly r ign d to 10 ing<br />

the game, the Bulldogs hardly oth r d to shoot<br />

the boll, sp nding most of the first half passing<br />

the. ball back and forth among th ir play r .<br />

Slightly irritated by these tactics, Coach Zi g n-<br />

fuss ordered guard Bob Adams to hold onto h<br />

ball late in the third quarter and five minut s<br />

had elapsed before Adams gave up th ball. I<br />

was an easy, 44-31 victory.<br />

Pepperdine proved to be a much ough r fa<br />

three nights later, but a 22-point performance by<br />


Pinkins plus some good boll handling sow Son<br />

Diego ahead at the end, 79-75. It was the<br />

Aztecs' sixth win over the Peps in 32 games.<br />

Moving at a fast cl ip now, the Scarlet and Block<br />

mode it look simple with a 78-52 nod over Whittier<br />

in another repeat game. Forward Donny<br />

Newport clicked with his hook shot for 20 points.<br />

Bock into CCAA action, Fresno State come to<br />

town and left with on 82-64 loss as Mickelsen<br />

dropped in 21 points, his biggest single game<br />

total in three years of varsity basketball at State.<br />

A tough Los Angeles State team almost upset<br />

the cart in a return match before its lost minute<br />

rally fell short, 59-54. Newport was high man<br />

with 14 points. The game was the final home<br />

appearance of the season for Son Diego.<br />

Away for its lost three gomes, Son Diego started<br />

in fine fashion by being the first Aztec basketball<br />

team in history to ever beat Pepperdine twice<br />


in one season and on the Waves' court. A<br />

sterling show by Pinkins, high man with 12<br />

free throws and 24 points, and guard Don<br />

Hegerle, mode for a 69-65 margin.<br />

Boosting a seven game winning streak<br />

and with a 5-1 league record, Son Diego<br />

moved into its final two games against Col<br />

Poly and Santo Barbaro with a good shot<br />

at its second straight CCAA title.<br />

Fouls eventually proved to be the villain,<br />

however , and the Aztecs lost those lost two<br />

contests. A 47-39 halftime lead against<br />

Poly was erased quickly when Pinkins, Bob<br />

Adams , and John Hannon fouled out in the<br />

third quarter and Mickelsen and Newport<br />

hod four fouls each. Only Newport's fine<br />

shooting kept Son Diego close and the 6-1<br />

junior finished the night with 29 points,<br />

second highest single game performance<br />

by on Aztec for the entire season. But it<br />

was still Col Poly, 86-81, at the end and the<br />

CCAA crown was with the Mustangs.<br />

The final game of the year hod best be<br />

forgotten. It was a nightmare for Ziggy<br />

and his men. Incensed because one of the<br />

Santo Barbaro players hod been declared<br />

ineligible thus causing forfeiture of five<br />

league g~mes, Gaucho fans filled the Santo<br />

Barbaro armory to toke their wroth out ~m<br />

the Aztecs. Playing before the hostile<br />

crowd which jeered and tripped the Staters<br />

at every chance, they were no match for the<br />

Gauchos who were untouched by the fans.<br />

Final result, on 89-64 loss.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I,<br />

230<br />

'Pepperdine's Ron Faulkner tangles with Pinkins.<br />


But even with the loss of those last two games, the season was anything but a failure.<br />

Playing against some of the best teams in the nation, San Diego had piled up a 17-9 season<br />

record. And uppermost in the minds of a II is the fact that all are el igible to play next<br />

season.<br />

Opponentwise, San Diego picked a strong all-opponent team. It includes Russell and<br />

Jones of USF, Tom Salvino of Loyola, and Larry Dugan and Bill Barnes of Fresno. Their<br />

CCAA all-opponent team consisted of Ernie Hall, Larry Madsen and Tony Nunes, all of<br />

Cal Poly, Jim O'Hara of Santa Barbara, and Eli Sherman of Los Angeles State.<br />

In addition to winning the scoring crown, forward Pinkins was voted the Bob Brady<br />

trophy by his teammates for being the most outstanding individual on the squad.<br />

The team could have its greatest season next year if unaffected by senioritis. And<br />

with the new sports arena unde~ construction at Glacier Garde~ in downtown San Diego,<br />

the Aztecs may play some of their games there<br />

5,500, some big crowds could be handled.<br />

next season. WIth seating at an expected<br />

Left to right, kneeling: Wally Anderson, Dave Beverage, Jim. W~gg.oner, Davi~ Evans'SJ rrW~av J.ChRlt~ B~YCR'ChR~~<br />

Ross. Standing: Coach Carl Benton, Kengo Yamamoto, Merlin Tinning, Cliff Lindroth, tan I son, im 0 W , I<br />

Boyle, Duane Eberhardt, manager.<br />

/<br />

FROSH<br />


I<br />

i I<br />

, ,<br />

,<br />

I<br />

b-_ --..;".----<br />

_<br />

,.'.<br />

.... ',1<br />

S.D.<br />

* Overtime games.<br />

# Does not count in season record.<br />

Opp.<br />

56 San Diego Junior College 66<br />

61 Oceanside Junior College 50<br />

82 *Whittier Frosh 83<br />

77 Pasadena Nazarene Frosh 85<br />

45<br />

Loyola Frosh 94<br />

55 *Miramar Naval Air Station 53<br />

43 La Jolla High School 53<br />

56 Loyola Frosh 50<br />

53 St. Augustine High School 38<br />

66 Oceanside Junior College 49<br />

45 Coronado High School 40<br />

66<br />

73<br />

76<br />

Lincoln High School 44<br />

Pepperdine<br />

Whittier<br />

Frosh<br />

Frosh<br />

57<br />

62<br />

67 Miramar Naval Air Station 69<br />

30<br />

62<br />

64<br />

58<br />

San Diego Junior<br />

Laguna<br />

Pepperdine<br />

College<br />

Air Force Base<br />

Frosh<br />

# *Fraternity All-Stars<br />

67<br />

49<br />

74<br />

55<br />

Coach Ca rI Benton's Aztec<br />

Frosh team compiled a 10-8<br />

won lost record during regular<br />

seoson play with most of their<br />

games coming as preliminaries<br />

to varsity contests.<br />

The highlight of the season<br />

was a 56-50 win over the Loyola<br />

Frosh which set San Diego off on<br />

a seven game winning streak. It<br />

was all the more important because<br />

Loyola had beaten the<br />

Aztecs 94-45 earlier in the season.<br />

Guard Jerry Davee led the<br />

team in scoring with 236 points,<br />

a 13.1 average. The 5'8" dynamo<br />

scored well with a lay up,<br />

a long set shot, and a short jump<br />

shot.<br />

Center Stan Wi Ison (188<br />

points), guard Jim Rothwell<br />

(177), forward Kengo Yamamoto<br />

(168), and guard Wally<br />

Anderson (116), all went over<br />

the 100 mark in points and forward<br />

Cliff Lindroth just missed<br />

with 99 points.<br />

The squad was hampered by<br />

a lack of height, but made up<br />

for some of this with an ability<br />

to fight for four quarters.<br />

232 233

As has been the case<br />

in the past<br />

seasons, the Aztecs biggest point-<br />


power came in the distance runs,<br />

Fresno State 61 points<br />

the 880 yard run, mile and two mile.<br />

Los Angeles State 40 1/2 points<br />

The top two individual<br />

performers<br />

Santo Barbaro ---__ _<br />

23 2/3 points<br />

were Jim Hunt and Bill Gookin,<br />

Son Diego State_ -__ _ _<br />

Col Poly - ---- --- -- ----.------<br />

20 1/2 points<br />

18 1/3 points<br />

senior distancemen.<br />

Hunt had a best mile time of<br />

4: 17.1 against USC and a 1:56.7<br />

880 against UCLA. In addition, he<br />

anchored<br />

the mile relay team.<br />

rae<br />

Gookin ran a 9:26.1 two-mile<br />

against Oklahoma A & M and a<br />

4: 19.7 mile against Los Angeles<br />

~I<br />

I ,<br />

55<br />

State.<br />

As a team, San Diego State ran<br />

against<br />

some of the top track teams<br />

in the country. Meets were held<br />

against USC, UCLA, Oklahoma A<br />

& M, and Arizona University. Although<br />

they failed to win many<br />

j<br />

I<br />

,I<br />

II<br />

"1<br />

I<br />

Ii<br />

!Ii<br />

1<br />

i~<br />

I<br />

I<br />

j\<br />

H<br />

TRACK<br />

TRACK<br />


SDSC 56, SDSC Frosh 37, Son Diego Track and Field Association<br />

69<br />

SDSC 30, Camp Pendleton Marines 67<br />

SDSC 14%, University of Southern California 921/.1, Los<br />

Anqeles Athletic Club 54<br />

SDSC 71 %, Long Beach State 50Y2, Pepperdine 38%<br />

SDSC 21, University of California at Los Angeles 106 Y2,<br />

T rock and Field Association 35 Y2<br />

SDSC 25Y2, Oklahoma A. & M. 67, Track and Field Association<br />

29%, Camp Pendleton 41 %<br />

firsts against these squads, the Aztecs<br />

gained valuable experience for<br />

future<br />

seasons.<br />

Coach Choc Sportsman was met<br />

by mostly freshman and sophomores<br />

when the season began.<br />

Working with only three lettermen<br />

from the team that finished second<br />

in the all-league meet a year<br />

earlier, he had to field untried performers<br />

in most events.<br />

At the season's completion, he<br />

had relied on Don Hedlund and<br />

Norman Nygaard as his top sprint-<br />

_ers. Hedlund ran a 10.1 100 yard<br />

dash and a 22.5 220, about the<br />

rI<br />

r ,I<br />

II<br />

II<br />

I<br />

I;·<br />

I<br />

SDSC 55, Los Angeles State 76<br />

SDSC 52, Camp Pendleton Marines 67, Track and Field Association<br />

42<br />

SDSC 36, University of Arizona 95<br />

All-league meet, 4th place<br />

same<br />

as Nygaard.<br />

Dick Woolfe and Mike Patterson<br />

shared the 440 yard dash and<br />

competed against some of the nation's<br />

top quarter milers.<br />



100, 220<br />


Broad jump<br />

Managers Hollis Barber and Mike Console.<br />

Coach Charles "Choc" Sportsman.<br />

In National Associction of Intercollegiate<br />

Athletic press releases, Gookin's two-mile<br />

time against the Aggies was listed as the<br />

top such mark run by a small college performer<br />

this season. Hunt's mile record was<br />

listed as the third best among small colleges<br />

and his half mile was tenth hi! , w Ie<br />

Jim Hollingsworth had the fifth best shot<br />

put<br />

mark.<br />

Competing in the West Coast Relays at<br />

Fresno, May 14, Hunt ran fourth in a race<br />

won by Kansas University's famed rniler,<br />

Wes Santee. Santee's time was a blistering<br />

4:06.5.<br />

Locally, Gookin was selected<br />

by the Breit-<br />

~ard Athletic Foundation as the San Diego<br />

Star of the Month"<br />

for April and is eligible<br />

for the "Athlete of the Year" award to be<br />

made in January.<br />

TRACK<br />

Hunt, Mike Muirhead and Paul London worked in the 880, with Muirhead's 1:57.7 against<br />

Oklahoma A & M, earning hima spot on the nation's freshman track roll.<br />

Freshman Jim Weir competed with Hunt and Gookin in the mile and showed plenty of<br />

promise for years to come. Weir also ran the two mile with Gookin.<br />

Over the first hurdle vs. University of Arizona.<br />


- -<br />

One lap to go in the SD-Oklahoma A&M ., rm e run.<br />

TRACK<br />

Jim Weldon and Vincent Vint shared the<br />

hurdle races, with Weldon being the most<br />

improved man on the team. In almost every<br />

meet, Weldon managed to cut time off his<br />

previous bests in both the high and low<br />

hurdles.<br />

It's a race for second place as Arizona U.'s Art Luppino wins 1OO-yard dash.<br />

In the field events, San Diego hoped to pick up points in the weight events for the<br />

first time in many seasons with the addition of all-navy shot put champ Jim Hollingsworth.<br />

However, an injured back suffered just before the USC meet kept Hollingsworth<br />

under the 50-foot mark for the entire season. In his first toss of the year, he broke the<br />

school mark with a put of 49 feet, 10 inches.<br />

Dick Runyon handled the javelin duties for the Aztecs and came up with some late<br />

season throws which increased almost 15 feet from earlier tries because of a "new"<br />

throw.<br />

Approaching the 20-foot mark in the bro ad Jump. .<br />

238<br />


Relay<br />


JIM<br />

Mil,<br />

WEIR<br />

two mil<br />

I~===~~~~~~~~~<br />

TOM NOON<br />

100-220, LH<br />

Lack of depth in the other field events hurt State.<br />

Hugh Simpson was the only capable high jumper,<br />

Hollingsworth in the discus Russ H' . h<br />

, Immer In t e<br />

broad jump, and Ron Harrington<br />

Th '1 I e rru e re ay team was composed<br />

in the pole vault.<br />

of Dick Wolfe,<br />

Paul London, Mike Patterson and Jim Hunt. The<br />

quartet had a top clocking of 3'25 . . 4 against . Los<br />

Angeles State.<br />


Hurdles<br />

NORMAN<br />

100-220<br />


240<br />


Javelin, discus<br />

In the California Collegiate Athletic Association<br />

meet in Fresno, the Aztecs finished fourth behind<br />

Fresno, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. It was<br />

Fresno's third straight championship.<br />

There were no individual first places for the<br />

Aztecs, but they managed five seconds, two thirds,<br />

and two fourth places.<br />

Jim Hunt finished second in the mile, losing the<br />

title he won last season to Fresno's Ed Denbow.<br />

Denbow defeated another Aztec, Bill Gookin, in<br />

Winning the two-mile run. Gookin also placed third<br />

in the mile.<br />

High jumper Hugh Simpson and shot putter Jim<br />

Holl ingsworth both finished second in their events<br />

as did Tom Noon in the 220-low hurdles. Jim<br />

Weldon finished fourth in the 120-high hurdles and<br />

the mile relay team also finished fourth.<br />

A J 77-foot toss for javelin thrower R unyon.<br />


440, relay<br />


San Diego State's baseballers were<br />

enjoying their finest season in eight<br />

years as the <strong>Del</strong> Sud went to press.<br />

Coach Charlie Smith's nine was in<br />

second place in the California Collegiate<br />

Athletic Association and<br />

had an overall record of 22 wins<br />

r n<br />

Son Di<br />

Col Pol<br />

onta ar ere<br />

7<br />

against<br />

only six losses.<br />

The main reasons for this fine<br />

showing were a combination of<br />

good pitching and overall batting<br />

strength.<br />

Pitchers Dick Walker, Noel<br />

Mickelsen, Art Clark, Ken Bailey<br />

and the lone southpaw<br />

Dave Cavallin,<br />

showed good control. And, as<br />

the season wore on , the rei ief pitch-<br />

ing especially that of Clark, was<br />

100% improved.<br />

Coach Smith is expected to lose<br />

only Walker from his front line of<br />

hUrlers.<br />

State's catching duties were more<br />

than capably handled by Bill Lacheman<br />

and Bill Loizeaux. Lacheman,<br />

SD<br />

10 Occid nrol Call 9<br />

BAS AL SU rs<br />

14 Naval Training C n r<br />

7 Naval Air Station<br />

1 5 Pasadena azar n<br />

9 Whittier<br />

8 Naval Training C nt r<br />

5 Naval Air Stcrion<br />

8 Morin Corp R cruu D ;>01<br />

6 Fresno Stat<br />

2 Fresno Stat<br />

20 Col Poly<br />

2 Universi y f South r Coli orruc<br />

8 Whittier<br />

J 9 College of Pacific<br />

1 J George Pepperdin<br />

4 Camp Pendleton Morin<br />

22 George Pepperdine<br />

J George Pepperdrne<br />

23 Neval Air Station<br />

2 Fresno State<br />

3 Arizona State Temp<br />

6 Pasadena Nazarene<br />

22 Loyola University<br />

J 3 Santo Barbara<br />

19 Marine Corps Recruit Depot<br />

14 Los Angeles State<br />

3 Santa Barbaro<br />

7 Santo Barbaro<br />

o<br />

o<br />

3<br />

10<br />

7<br />

9<br />

I<br />

2<br />

3<br />

A<br />

o<br />

7<br />

.4<br />

I<br />

5<br />

9<br />

1<br />


ADAM,<br />

In!1 Id<br />

~~ -~<br />

Walker fires a strike against Arizona State.<br />

Coach Charles R. Smith<br />

Manager Steve Meyer<br />

BEASLEY,<br />

Outfield<br />

JIM<br />


BLOCKER,<br />

Infield<br />

JIM<br />

BAILEY,<br />

Pitcher<br />

KEN<br />

free-swinging lefthander, had five home runs<br />

and was making an all-out assault on the<br />

SDSC record of nine round-trippers in one<br />

year. Loizeaux, a senior, in addition to being<br />

perhaps the smartest catcher, ever to don an<br />

Aztec uniform, also picked up considerably<br />

at bat.<br />

Bill Richardson and Bill Adams divided first<br />

base duties most of the season with pitcher<br />

Clark also seeing some action at that position<br />

late in the season.<br />

What started out as a stable infield saw<br />

just the opposite as Coach Smith used various<br />

combinations. Regular second baseman Dick<br />

North also saw duty at shortstop and third.<br />

The changes didn't affect his fine batting<br />

though, the stocky senior compiling an average<br />

of over .400 to date.<br />

Shortstop Dick Warren also was tried at<br />

second and third as was Doug Harvey, Both<br />

were good clutch hitters.<br />

Tough luck Jim Blocker had a long season<br />

at third base. Blocker probably hit more balls<br />

over the right field fence at State than any<br />

other player this season, but most of the balls<br />

were foul.<br />

244<br />

I signaled for a bunt.<br />

A 3-0 win over Tempe earns<br />

congratulations from catcher Bill Loizeaux.<br />



Catcher<br />

Loizeaux about to throw out a base steal attempt.<br />

Another reason for the success of the team was Coach Smith's ability<br />

to use two different combinations in the outfield. Against righthanders,<br />

he used Mike Brown in left, Dick Pomeroy in center and Larry Blocker in<br />

right. When the opposing team pitched a lefthander, Clyde Thomas was<br />

inserted in left and AI Weymiller in right. Jim Beasley was used primarily<br />

as a defensive man for all three positions.<br />

Brown battled Lachemann for slugging honors all season with North<br />

right behind this duo. These three in the lineup gave the Aztecs plenty<br />

of the long-ball hitting needed to help Smith's pitching corps.<br />

Hit by the pitcher.<br />

246<br />


Pitcher<br />

NOEL<br />

Pitcher<br />



CLYDE<br />

Outfield<br />

THOMAS<br />

San Diego showed this power<br />

more than once, as witnessed by<br />

wins over Naval Training Center,<br />

14-0; Pasadena Nazarene , 15-0· ,<br />

Cal Poly, 20-10; College of Pacific<br />

19-4; Pepperdine, 22-1; Naval Ai;<br />

Station, 23-3, and Loyola University,<br />

22-7.<br />

Richardson takes a long throw to nip Cal Poly runner,<br />

San Diego started the season with a nine-game winning skein before<br />

dropping a 4-2 decision to Fresno State in the second game of a doubl -<br />

header, April 1.<br />

Of the 19 men on the regular roster, only four are seniors. They includ<br />

pitcher Walker, infielder North, catcher Loizeaux, and outfielder Brown. All<br />

four were important figures in State's fine season but Coach Smith con still<br />

look forward<br />

to next year with a possible 15 returnees.<br />


¥.<br />

This time h '<br />

e takes the ball against Tempe.<br />


minor<br />

sports<br />

Pts.<br />

San Diego .-- --- --..---.-- __.._ __ _ 27<br />

Fresno .---.--- --.----- ..- -.-..-..-..-.- _"""__ _.,.....36<br />

Santa Barbara ..---.-- - _ __.__.. _._ 74<br />

Los Angeles State -- __.._ '" 94<br />


Mt. San Antonio College Invitational-3rd place'<br />

USC 41, UCLA 60, SDSC 76 r<br />

East Los Angeles Invitational-2nd place' USC 26<br />

SDSC 48, Occidental 58 "<br />

Southern .Pacific Border AAU-1 st place' SDSC<br />

20 points '<br />

Dua~ Meet with Los Angel State-1 st place'<br />

::>DSC 17, Los Angeles 4' I<br />

. ,:~.~ ...<br />

Whittier Invitational-tie f~r 2'ind place' USC 37<br />

SDSC and Occidental 52 "'... ' r<br />

Inglewood Invitational-1 st ·l?lat~· SDSC 25 Culver<br />

City AC 40 '){' ' I<br />

Cali.fornia Collegiate Athletic 'Association Championships-e-J<br />

st place<br />

Aztec Invitational-3rd place; Arizona U. 35 San<br />

Jose State 41, SDSC 46 r<br />

Dual Meet with San Diego Athletic Club-1st<br />

place; SDSC 22, SDAC 37<br />

Bill Gookin and San Diego State's fourth Waight CCAA till .<br />

CROSS<br />


Led by senior Bill Gookin, the San Diego State crosscountrymen captured their fourth<br />

straight California Collegiate Athletic Association championship in the fall. The Aztecs<br />

scored 27 points to 36 for Fresno, 74 for Santa Barbara and 94 for Los Angeles State.<br />

Gookin won the 5 , 000 meter races in 15:50.1. Jim Weir took fourth, Jim Hunt fifth r<br />

Ronnie Gerrard seventh and Dick Parker tenth, as San Diego rolled to victory on the UCLA<br />

course.<br />

USC's powerful Trojans gave the Aztecs their stiffest competition during the non-league<br />

competition, beating them in three meets, the Mt. San Antonio Invitational, the East Los<br />

Angeles Invitational and the Whittier Invitational.<br />

,<br />


?C;?<br />

HOLLIS<br />

BARBER<br />

Hollis Barber leads runners in Homecoming Race.<br />

Coach Charles C. Sportsman<br />

The Aztecs triumphed in the Southern Pacific<br />

Border AAU Invitational, defeated LosAngeles State<br />

in a dual meet, 17-46, and captured the Inglewood<br />

Invitational by scoring 25 points to runner-up Culver<br />

City's 40.<br />

In the Aztec Invitational, final race of the season,<br />

San Diego finished third behind University of<br />

Arizona and San Jose State. Although both the<br />

Wildcats and Spartans finished ahead in team<br />

points, Gookin captured individual honors by coming<br />

in first over the 2.9 mile course.<br />

MIKE<br />



JIM<br />

WEIR<br />

DICK<br />


"<br />

Left to right. front row: Carl Englund, Gary Albright, Walter Price, Mike Fleming, Danny Yelvington, Harry Siayen, Charles<br />

Mcintire. Back row: Coach Kasch, Hugh Simpson, Gary Myerson, Gilbert Hatter, Jack Opdycke, Mike Rosenberger, Forbes<br />

Anderson,<br />

Dale Muchmore.<br />


Although his four man team<br />

failed to place in the NCAA<br />

tournament, Coach Fred Kasch's<br />

gymnasts put on some fine performances<br />

for Aztec fans this<br />

season.<br />

Among the top men were<br />

Mike Fleming, parallel bars;<br />

Gary Myerson, free exercise;<br />

Hugh Simpson, horizontal bars,<br />

and Charlie Mcintire, free exercise<br />

and trampoline.<br />

Blessed with the largest turnout<br />

at the beginning of workouts,<br />

Kasch whittled the list down to<br />

about 14 men who carried the<br />

team's chances during the year.<br />

In addition to Fleming, Myerson<br />

Mcintire and Simpson, they in~<br />

eluded Gary Albright, Forbes<br />

Anderson, Bill Aschenfeld Carl<br />

Englund, Gilbert Hatter,' Dale<br />

Muchmore, Jack Opdycke Walt<br />

Price, Mike Rosenberger, 'Harry<br />

Siayen and Danny Yelvington.<br />

The team captured the Southwest<br />

Pacific Border AAU meet<br />

in March.<br />



East Los Angeles Joe. 66, San Diego 15<br />

Los Angeles e.e. 50% Los Angeles State 22, San<br />

Diego 12<br />

'<br />

Occidental 68, San Diego 55, Cal Poly 37<br />

Southwest Pacific Border A. A. U.<br />

San Diego 139<br />

Keylock 24<br />

-o«c»; 7<br />

Escondido 2<br />


Front row, left to right: Forbes Anderson, Don Hall, Andy Castiglione. Back row: Jim Hansen,<br />

Hugh Simpson.<br />



In a season dimmed when practically his entire squad was ruled ineligible, Coach Harry<br />

Broadbent came up with one individual star, 157-pounder Forbes Anderson.<br />

Competing as a one-man team in the Pacific Coast championships at San Luis Obispo,<br />

Anderson finished third in his weight class and piled up enough points to finish in a tie for<br />

tenth place with Santa Clara University.<br />

Other potential point makers, Ed Johns, 191 pounds; Bob Newton, heavyweight; Jim Hanson,<br />

191 pounds; Hank Higgins, 177 pounds; Don Hall, 130 pounds; Ron Gerrard, 123 pounds, and<br />

Andy Castigl ione, 157 pounds, were unable to compete in the meet.<br />

Catching the coach's eye, however, was his surplus of freshman wrestling talent. The frosh<br />

squad defeated the varsity in an early season match and, with some returnees, could form the<br />

nucleus of a powerful varsity team for the next two or three years. The top freshman was Jim<br />

Bodenheimmer, 137 pounder.<br />

Darrel Musick , 175 pounder , was voted most aggressive wrestler and received the "Tiger"<br />

award.<br />

95<br />

12<br />

9<br />


SD<br />

Opp<br />

7 Naval Ai r Station 23<br />

11 California Polytechnic 25<br />

8 San Jose State 27<br />

21 Camp Pendleton Marines .__________ 13<br />

3 Nova I T rai ning Center .29<br />

l Oth place<br />

..,_ ........ -' .L_ Pacific Coast Intercollegiate Tournament<br />

• k E h erria Mike Lines.<br />

d CI k Staples Fran c ev ,<br />

Jim B . D I Hufflan, ar ,<br />

odenhelmmer, Bob Merada, Fleet Palmer, a e I<br />


........'" -<br />

Fresno ---------------------------------------- 970<br />

Ca I Po Iy 974<br />

San Diego 998<br />

Los Angeles State 1016<br />

Santa Barbara 1048<br />

I<br />

I<br />


SD<br />

Opp<br />

48 Los Angeles State 6<br />

32 Camp Pendleton Marines ------ 22<br />

38 U. of Calif. at Los Angeles -- 16<br />

6 U. of Southern California ---- 48<br />

22 Long Beach State College ---- 32<br />

26 Colorado University 28<br />

13 Camp Pendleton Marines 41<br />

21 Loyola University 33<br />

c.c.A.A. Championships---- 3rd place<br />

GOLF<br />

First row, left to right: Marvin Braddock, Larry Krause, Don Neal. Second<br />

row: Dick Poslader, Fred Mahavier, Ron Redman, Martin Shroeder and Coach<br />

Frank<br />

Scott.<br />

SPORTS<br />


I .<br />

·1 " , I<br />

I 11<br />

I'<br />

Coach Frank Scott's golfers<br />

started thei r season in a blaze<br />

of glory but hit a bad slump in<br />

the second half. The team won<br />

its first three meets over Los<br />

Angeles State, Camp Pendleton<br />

and UCLA but then dropped<br />

decisions to USC, Long Beach<br />

State, Colorado University, Camp<br />

Pendleton, and two matches with<br />

Loyola University.<br />

Top men on Coach Scott's<br />

squad were Don Neal and Marv<br />

Braddock, who divided low score<br />

honors for most of the meets.<br />

258<br />

259 63

su scri1ers<br />

A<br />

B<br />

Aaberg, Robert ._. . 150, 200<br />

Baclagan. Oscar Manday 191<br />

Abbond, Theodore 66<br />

Bahu, Ted 67<br />

Abbey, Nancy . 66, 14:><br />

Bailey, Ken - 245<br />

Ackerman, M. Dianne 138<br />

Bailey, William L. 154<br />

Ackley, Dr. John Wm. 100, 184, 2:J2 Baker, Buddie A. 130<br />

Acord, Mary _.__... . ._191<br />

Baker, Clifford H, 195<br />

Acosta, Benjamin . 162 Baker, Dale D. __ 66, 150<br />

ACS . . ._._. .__. .. 196<br />

Baker, John S. . 152<br />

Adams, John ... __.... __.__. .. . __ 51 Baker, Richard W. 67<br />

Adams, Mary Lue . . 67, 128 Baker, Shorley 132<br />

Adams, Robert C ..... _ .. ... 227, 245 Baldwtn, Shirley R. 67<br />

Adams, Robert N. __. . .__ ._... 154 Ballance, Robert C. 162<br />

Adatto, Ethel .. _._._. ... . ._ 144 Balsley, Joseph W. 227<br />

Addleson, Ernest S. . . 172<br />

Bamford, Shorley 122<br />

Adelblue, Rojean ... _. ._ 111 Bancroft, Harold E. 194<br />

Adkins, Noel L. . .__.. 196 Bannister, David E. 66<br />

Advertising . .. _.. _.. .26:> Barbat, Dale R. 162<br />

Aesculapians .. _. . _ ._.... 195 Barber, Hollis J. _162, 191, 236, 251, 253<br />

AF ROTC __.. _ __._ _.. _._._.. _.. __ 98 Bareno, Rosie . 193<br />

Akridge, Roy H. . __. _._._16:> Bareno, Victor M. 193<br />

Albertini, Eugene J .. _ _ __.. _.. 15:> Barlow, Jody 203<br />

Albright, Donald . .. _.. __._._.__.. 198 Barnes, Jo Ann 130<br />

Albright, Gary N. .__.. 190, 254 Barney, Barbara S. 144<br />

Alcorn, Shirley .. ... __.. __.. __._ 67, 126 Barngrover, Bruce G. 102, 160<br />

Alderson, Ann ._ _. . .. 67, 194 Barnett, Virginia 203<br />

Alderson, Donna _.. .. __. .__.__.. _._.140 Barratt, Sherry 136<br />

Alderson, James D. __. ._ .__.. _.. 160 Barrett, Donna 1 38<br />

Allen, Franklin G. ... __.. __._ .. _._._._150<br />

Allen, Harold J. ._._.. _. . ._.. _._.. 160<br />

Allen, Joan . .. ..... . 122<br />

Allesio, Frank . .. 154<br />

Almgren, Diane . .. _._54, 136<br />

Almgren, Wm. . .. 158<br />

Almond, Samuel W .. .__. . . ..<br />

Alpha Chi Omega .. . . 17<br />

Alpha Gamma <strong>Del</strong>ta . .__.._17<br />

Alpha Phi . 126<br />

Alpha Mu Gamma 195<br />

Alpha Phi Omega 18, 182<br />

Alpha Tau Omega . 16<br />

Alpha Xi <strong>Del</strong>ta 17<br />

Alumni Quarterly 116<br />

Altshuler, Maurice 152<br />

Ambrose, Arnum 152<br />

American Chem. Soc. 196<br />

American Society of Civil Engineers 196<br />

Amparan, Robert .__ 199<br />

A. M. R. . 195<br />

AMS . 60<br />

Anaya, Bob 54<br />

~~~~:~o~ u I~~ai-~~·-::::::::::::::::::::::=::::=::: ~;~<br />

Anderson' Forbes T. . 254, 256<br />

Anderson: Jacqueline . 191<br />

Anderson Martha . 128, 201<br />

~~~:~:~~: ~;~ii~~a --::::::::::::::==::=::::=:: ~;;<br />

Anderson, Rolf L. 194<br />

Anderson, Ronald D. . .66, 175<br />

Anderson Ronald I. 66<br />

Anderson: Sharon . . 28, 126<br />

Anderson, Wallace T. 233<br />

Anderson, Yvonne 193<br />

Andrews, Mary 17, 142, 2) 1<br />

Andrews, Patricia . 136, 179<br />

Angus, Olga .. 12~<br />

Apostol, Encarnacion . . 19<br />

Araiza Frank J. .. . . ._195<br />

Ark.ley, Lynne . .. 138, 183<br />

Armstrong, Charles R. .. .__. 150<br />

~~~~::~:~~p~or;a-~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=~~~<br />

Arnold Air Society . 197<br />

~;1:~;f~~~-:-==:~=~m<br />

Ascherfeld William J. 193<br />

Ashby, Georqe W. . 148<br />

Ashcraft Patricia _. .44, 66, 122<br />

Askew, Oliver F. .__. 160, 197<br />

Asquith, Patricia 140, 183<br />

~;:~~:~~: sz:__<br />

Barta, Jane .. 67, 118, 122<br />

Barton, Bruce 69<br />

Bartosik, George 193<br />

Baseball ._ .. __ 242<br />

Basketball . . 224<br />

Bates, Allen .________ 166<br />

Battenfield, James 160<br />

Bauer, Joann .. __._... _. _ .. _ 191, 193<br />

Baxter, Donna .. ..• 140, 183<br />

Bluebook Ball Div. .. __" __ 26<br />

Blue Key .. .. _.... _.. _. ... 184<br />

Beachler, James F.. .. __ _. 156<br />

Beachler, Robert ._ .. 166, 187<br />

Beachler, Sondra . . 136, 179<br />

Bean, David H. .. __ __..... ._164<br />

Beasley, James H .. __ ... 163, 197,245<br />

Beauclair, Beverly Ann ._. . 122<br />

Bechtel, Robert . .63, 160<br />

Beck, Paul 227<br />

Beck, Robert ._______________ 172<br />

Becker, Dennis 154<br />

Bednar, Mildred -- 67, 202<br />

Beebe Donalda 28, 126<br />

Beem~n, James .2)0<br />

Belcher, Juanita 193<br />

~::~nz:~be~rt~~~:::=::=::_:::=_~.:_~::=::=_- 66<br />

Benbough, Robert 161<br />

Bence, Barbara .. __ ---- __._132<br />

Benjamin Marianne<br />

,<br />

. ... 59, 140, 186,<br />

205, 206<br />

Benjamin Robert _.. _.. ._100, 202<br />

, 2 6<br />

m~g~:~AL~-=::==~~_::1:<br />

Benter 'Sally .. . .. 126<br />

Benton Carl W. __ 214,233<br />

Berger~n, Arthur _.... _ .. 199<br />

Berkman Geraldine __ l02, 14:>, 183, 186<br />

Bernal, Albert . .. 148<br />

Bernal Pat Nisely . ·· __<br />

Bernard, Britt 207<br />

Bernardini, Jas. V. .__. 195<br />

Bernstein Adrienne . 192, 208<br />

Berry,<br />

,<br />

Joe -----------------------------134<br />

154<br />

Bertschi, Carol ----------.--.-.-- 66, 3<br />

Beverage, David<br />

Bickley, Herbert<br />

-------.---------.--2;1<br />

170, 1<br />

Billings Johanna 140<br />

Bindex ' . . .__. .. _117<br />

Bing William . 67, 156<br />

Bird: Sally . 67, 185, 2)5<br />

Birr, James 16~<br />

Bishop, Bonnie --------.---------------19<br />

Bishop, James . 0 17<br />

Black, Harvey -- ------- 2~) 2<br />

::::::::::::::=::::::::::::=:~;<br />

Auclair Richard A. 66 Blackwell, Ann --------- ---- --- - -- .__ 1 7<br />

Augustin Eugene P. 200 Blair, Richard -------- 183, 187, 19<br />

Augustus' Betty Ann 130, 193 Blaskowsky, Dolores ----- ------ - ----. 66<br />

~~~~~D~-~~~(-(~=:i:!<br />

7<br />

Blecksmith, Jerry -------------- ----------16 4<br />

~::=~o:~r:~;~e __==:~:~~::==~=_:::==::=::_:;~<br />

Bliss, Frederick ----------- ----.-- 1~5<br />

Blocker, James . . 2<br />

Blocker, Larry .. 2~~<br />

Bloyer, Stephen . . 1 4<br />

Blue Key 18<br />

Bodenhamer, James . 150, 257<br />

Aztec Marching Band 104<br />

B<br />

DIAMO<br />

In A 01 E<br />

ere ALWA~<br />

R<br />


!<br />

!'<br />

i ~<br />

262<br />

Natural Beauty by Marlene<br />

Expert Cleaning Care by<br />

KELLEY,<br />

naturally!<br />

Rafolovich<br />

Boeh, Charles 166<br />

Bogan, Ann Tobelman 90, 136<br />

Bogna, Phi I 161<br />

Bohanan, Edward 35, 115, 148<br />

Bohannan, Maralyn 195<br />

Bohe, Ruth . 138<br />

Bolen, John 66, 204<br />

Boles, Marilyn 132<br />

Bonin, Joas. F. 170<br />

Bonsignore, Dorothe .67<br />

Boram, William 158<br />

Borum, Charles 190, 195, 202<br />

Boucier, Donald 199<br />

Bouley, Richard 158<br />

Bowen, Donald C. 67<br />

Bowen, Donald 67, 168<br />

Bower, James 150<br />

Bowers, Jerald 158<br />

Bowers, Jeanne 205<br />

Bowers, Norman 68<br />

Bowler, Lee 170<br />

Bown, Carre 69<br />

Boxberger, Robert 108, 111<br />

~~~~:: ~~:~~~ :::::::=::=:==:::::::::::=:==::7~~<br />

Boyd, Jeannette 69, 122, 183<br />

~~~::: ~a~~:n__--:=:::::=:-::::-:::::::=::::=:=::: ~;:<br />

Boyle, Richard 161 233<br />

Boynton, Juan 132<br />

Branch, William 69, 170<br />

Brashner, Bill 150<br />

Braunsdorf, Jackie :__ 138<br />

Bravo, Gloria 68<br />

Bray, Henry 69, 204<br />

Brees, Robert 160<br />

Bregante, Richard 193<br />

Brending, Dennis 69<br />

Brengle, Alan 200<br />

Brent, Bobby 204<br />

Brett, Judith 130<br />

Breyl inger, Gary 199<br />

Brix, Dale 110<br />

Broadbent, Coach 256<br />

Brooks, Amelia 126<br />

Brooks, Baylor 198<br />

Brooks, Robert 160, 197<br />

Brookshire, Marjorie S. A9, 54, 55, 121<br />

Brown, Andreas 68, 100, 183,<br />

184, 188, 202<br />

Brown, Anna 68<br />

Brown, Barbara 140<br />

Brown, Bevan 68, 197, 200<br />

Brown, Carol 192, 193<br />

Brown, Eugene P. 52<br />

Brown, James 154<br />

Brown, Mabel 202<br />

Brown, Michael 246<br />

Brown, Richard 158<br />

Brucker, Earle 69<br />

Bruen, Isobel 124<br />

Bruner, Fred 158<br />

Brunson, Douglas 158, 197<br />

Bruset, Betzy 12, 44, 69, 140<br />

Bucholz, Norman 158<br />

Buckel, Arthur 150, 168<br />

Bullen, Patricia 191<br />

Bumgardner, William 175<br />

Bunger, Louise A4, 69, 140<br />

Bunker, Georgia 205, 206<br />

Buntzen, Rodney 163<br />

Burghardt, Francis 68<br />

Burnett, Mickie 138<br />

Burnett, Richard 68, 154<br />

Burns, Frances 138<br />

Burns, Gene 69, 200, 204<br />

Burns, John .69, 200<br />

Burns, Marcelline 68<br />

Burns, Mary 134<br />

Busby, Kathleen 132<br />

Busch, Barbara Ann 68<br />

Bussey, Philip ------- 168<br />

Bussey, Walter ---- .60, 168<br />

Buteau, Theodore --------- 69<br />

Butler, Arthur ---------- 154<br />

Butler, Beverly -- 126, 200<br />

Butler, Bud ---------- 154<br />

Butler, Carolyn --------------- 69<br />

Butler, Ronald ------------ 148<br />

Butterfield, Garry -------- 156<br />

Butterfield, Julie -------------------- 138<br />

Butterworth, Joan -------------- 136<br />

Byers, Clinton ----------------- 69, 154<br />

Caballero, James B<br />

c<br />

Cady, James W. -------------------------------164<br />

Cain, Eugene R. -------------------------------152<br />

Calderhead, Richard W. ----------------- 113<br />

Caldwell, Ann --------------- ---- 136<br />

Calescibetta, Carmen 195<br />

Callaghan, Robert W. ---------------- 164<br />

Callard, Raymond J. 94<br />

Calvert, John D. 68, 168<br />

Calvin, Margaret 122<br />

Cameron, Roy E. 53, 204<br />

Camillo, Maurice A. 68, 160<br />

Campbell, Betty --------------------------- 28<br />

Campbell, Elizabeth__ 121, 139<br />

Campbell, Julius . 174<br />

Campbell, Lester 164<br />

Campbell, Robert 204<br />

Campbell, Shirley 136<br />

Cancelosi, Robert 164<br />

Cantebury Club 190<br />

Cap and Gown 185<br />

Capstaff, Barrie 136<br />

Caracciolo, Thomas 154, 197<br />

Cardinal, William 68<br />

Carey, Donna . 136<br />

Carlson, David 54, 162, 187<br />

Carmichael, Jean_69, 134, 190, 205, 206<br />

Carmona, Margarita 128<br />

Carnes, Ted 156, 207<br />

Carns, Robert 67, 196<br />

Carone, Patricia 122<br />

Carr, Caroline 128, 208<br />

Carroll, James 193, 204<br />

Carroll, Shirley 130<br />

Ca rter, Opa lene 68<br />

Cartier, Jeannine 140<br />

Casidy, Patricia 124<br />

Cassell, Diane 121, 139<br />

Cassety, Charles 193<br />

Castiglione, Andrew 152, 255<br />

Castille, August 174<br />

Cathcart, Jacqueline 54, 121, 134<br />

Cavallin, David 246<br />

Cave, Mary 206<br />

Cawthon, Edgar 199<br />

Cawthon, Hugh 204<br />

Cetza 186<br />

Chadwick, L. E. 204<br />

Chaparro, John 148, 200, 204<br />

Chapman, Dorothy . 94<br />

Chase, Donald .68, 150<br />

Cherry, James .69, 154<br />

Childs, Elmiree 177<br />

Chi Omega 17<br />

Ch ireo, Inice . 69<br />

Choy, Philip G 94<br />

Christian Science Organization 190<br />

Churchill, Timothy 166<br />

Cilch, Herbert 196, 198<br />

Clapp, Jan Havens 121<br />

Clark, Alexander .69<br />

Clark, Alzina .70<br />

Clark, Barbara JO, 126<br />

Clark, Donald E. 71, 162<br />

Clark, Donald R. 103, 197, 207<br />

Cleeton Elsimae Salter . . 193, 203<br />

Clemen~, Will iam 148<br />

Close, Alan 150, 2~~<br />

mr;:~~::;;~;:;:~~:=~~:~~:~~;<br />

Caffey, Patricia __..__ _ -- - 7~<br />

Cofrank, Patricia ------------------------------1·~8<br />

COlt,. John -------------------------------------------191<br />

Colaianni, Eleanor -----------------------------150<br />

~li~:~:.~:;::-~~:::~~=:~~:l!<br />

Collamer, Shirley 20, 132, 185, ~91<br />

College Y --------------------------------------------208<br />

Collier, Maryruth ------------------·------------152<br />

Colmie, Joseph 71, 191<br />

Combs, Anna ------------·-----------·:::~_=~: __161<br />

Combs, Robert --.--------------------- 199<br />

~~~~~~.or~~a" --::::::::::=::::::=::::=::::=:::-204<br />

Donna Baxter and Bill Weiner are shown discussing week-end<br />

plans while enjoying some Tony's Pies in the Caf'. Bill favors<br />

the individually wrapped pies while Donna prefers her pie on<br />

a plate ... either way, Tony uses only the best of fresh, rich<br />

fruits and bakery goods . . . Tony's can also supply your<br />

fraternity or sorority with bakery needs from its retail shop<br />

at 2985 National Ave. or call BE-9-9329 for delivery.<br />

Wherever you arrive on campus<br />

... in sunny California or<br />

the wind-and-snow country ...<br />

Panhellenic is available to<br />

give you wondrous counsel en<br />

such things as clothes, and<br />

accessories, things to do and<br />

see ... campus-wise. August<br />

is Panhellenic month at<br />

WALKER SCOTT but every<br />

month is the right time to<br />

shop at the friendly store.<br />

•••<br />

Conception, Phil 204<br />

Condon, Russell 166<br />

Conger, Fred 150<br />

Connell, Pat .__. _ 150<br />

Console, Mike __ 236, 252<br />

Cook, Carolynn 203<br />

Cook, Cynthia . 54, 126<br />

Cooper, Annette __ 135<br />

Cooper, Bonnie Kay •• _ ._ 134<br />

Cooper, Sallv "__ 126<br />

Coops, William _ 170<br />

Coopwood, Max 150<br />

Copeland, Sue 121, 14J<br />

Corbett, Katherine 200<br />

Coronado, Paul 175<br />

Cortez, Virginia 208<br />

Cota, Harold 164<br />

Courter, Linden 70, 205<br />

Covey, Teresa 126<br />

Covher, Margaret 71<br />

Covington, Jackie 29, 136<br />

Cowan, Dudley 162<br />

Cowhick, Ann __ __•• __ 124<br />

Cowmey, William ... _ 152, 227<br />

Cox, Barry __' 170<br />

Cox, Cecelia _ 71, 142, 196<br />

Cox, Dorothy 132, 183, 201<br />

Cox, Richard . 148<br />

Crandall, Thomas •. 158<br />

Crawford, Irving ..._. 70, 174<br />

Crawford, Jane 126<br />

Crawford, M. C. 202<br />

Cross, Marcia . .•. ..... _.. _.. 136<br />

Crothers, Catherine .,,_.__ ____ __ 203<br />

Crouch, Jeanette .. • .130, 186<br />

Crowley, Jon ..__. . .•162<br />

Culver, Elizabeth .. ... .__193<br />

Cummings, Dale . ... 193<br />

Cummings, Dorothy 71, 192, 193, 207<br />

Cummins, Carl .. .199<br />

Cunningham, George . 162<br />

Curcio, Marjorie . .. . 71<br />

Curry, Kay .. . .. 140<br />

Curry, Melvin 166, 226, 227<br />

Curtrs, Patricl Ann<br />

Cust r, Edwin<br />

Cutchsh w, Charles<br />

Cutler, Janie<br />

Czepar, M ry<br />

c<br />

134<br />

71, 150<br />

70, 194<br />

191<br />

183<br />

Dahms, G raid Conr d 1S2<br />

Dahms, Lawrence D y 161<br />

Dall rd, A. Jeann 128<br />

Dal 0, Anthony Martin 193<br />

Diy, Nancy SarUln 134<br />

Daly, Jo 1 ~<br />

D'Amour, Paul Jan In<br />

Daniel, John M. 50<br />

Dani II, Tornrnr J an 208<br />

Danner, Edward L 193<br />

Darby, Grace Em I n 134<br />

Darnell, Joyce 121, 133<br />

Daren, Muriel Joyc 63. 109, 138<br />

Daughty, Carol ~5<br />

Da Vannon, Marlon H I n 186<br />

Davee, Jerry Shelton 152, 233<br />

Davis, Frank Alfr d 148<br />

Davis, Gerald Lee 152<br />

Davis, John Sampson 148<br />

Davis, Walter Dol 196<br />

Dawley, Hugh Thompson 70<br />

Dawson, Janis Marlen 122<br />

Dawson, Jerry 148, 187<br />

Day, L. Channing 70, 166<br />

Deans .. 49<br />

Dearth, Donna Lou 71, 130<br />

Deatrick, Mary Rae .._ ..71, 128<br />

DeBard, Terrence Lee _ 150<br />

Debate .. __ 100<br />

DeBlanc, Johnny.. 162<br />

DeBrecht, Katherine .. 171<br />

Deeds, Loretta 193<br />

Deem, Beverlee ._ 140, 186<br />

de la Torre, Adrian __ ."._' ' 195<br />

<strong>Del</strong> Sudoeste ..__..__ ..__ _ __112<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Phi Upsilon ._ 198

-- -- ~ -- .... ~ ~--<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma Phi 14<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta Zeta 15<br />

<strong>Del</strong>vers 198<br />

Deming, Bonnie 70<br />

Dendle, Anita 199<br />

Denham, Constance . ]0, 142<br />

Dennisson, Art .168<br />

Dennis, Ward J. 150, 202<br />

Denton, William Lewis 100, 162, 202<br />

DeNunzio, Gabriel Victor 109, 115, 117<br />

Department Chairmen 52<br />

DeSelm, Bernard Ross 161<br />

Desselle, "Maureen Alida _ 71, 192, 193<br />

Deussen, Richard Raymond 164<br />

DeVega, Jose Jr. 168<br />

DeVelbiss, Ruth Carolyn 71<br />

Devin, Karolyn 103, 138<br />

Devitt, William James 156<br />

Dewey, Diane 124<br />

Dexter, Donald Doten . 204<br />

Deyo, Phyllis Ann 71, 198, 208<br />

Diaz, Rachel Maria 193<br />

Dickinson, Wallace Edwin 202<br />

Dickson, Donna De 124<br />

Dilno, Jerri 132<br />

Directory 117<br />

Dirks, John 54<br />

Ditmars, Dennis Lee 155<br />

Ditmars, Marilou 114, 124<br />

Ditto, Ray 72<br />

Dixon, Dale Edward 200<br />

Dixon, George Roben 175<br />

Dodds, Verne Eldon . 73, 215<br />

Donahue, Edward Philip 73, 154<br />

Donaldson, Glenn Bennett Jr. .116<br />

Donaldson, Mary Ann 186<br />

Donley, Roger Fred 154<br />

Donnelly, Don . 152, 205<br />

Donnelly, John Eugene 73, 203<br />

Dorntge, Mary Alice 124, 186<br />

Dorris, Helen 199<br />

Dougherty, Mary Jo 140<br />

Doughty, Carol Lynne (Mrs.) 71, 130<br />

Doughty, Ted George .227<br />

Dover, John Willis .202<br />

Dovey, Suzanne 138<br />

Downey, Patricia Anne 193<br />

Downham, Nickie N. . .._134<br />

Drag, Kay ._. __.._. .... _._._.__.._•.._.._.._.._126<br />

264<br />

Drama .__.._._. 101<br />

Draper, Leanna _. . .62, 136<br />

Drew, Esther .. 135<br />

Drewery, Robert E. .168<br />

Driscoll, John Earl . . 73<br />

Driussi, Jesse Joseph .168<br />

Dudley, R. D. 196<br />

Dugan, Claire . 126<br />

Duncan, Leonard Franklin .__. 160<br />

Duncan, Nancy ]3, 128, 208<br />

Duncan, Thomas Milton . 150, 194<br />

Dunn, Jack . 204<br />

Dunn, Joe _. . 193<br />

Dunn, Suzy . 193<br />

DuPaul, Jeanne Frances .134<br />

Dupont, Capt. Forrest Robert . 1 97<br />

E<br />

Eads, Mary Lucile • 72, 138<br />

Early, John ... 152<br />

Earnest, Dr. Sue . .. 202<br />

Eastick, Thomas .. 72<br />

Eastman, Richard . 204<br />

Eberhardt, Duane 166, 200, 233<br />

Echevarria, Frank . 115, 257<br />

Ecklar, James .199<br />

Edmondson, Aaron .__. 148<br />

Edwards, June . . 122<br />

Edwards, Martha __.. 130<br />

E'Golf, Marvin ..- . 156<br />

Ehringer, Ruth 72<br />

Elliot, Barbara --- ._. 130<br />

Elliot, Jean ------------.----------- . 136<br />

Elliott, Robert . . _<br />

Ellis, Margaret 205<br />

Ellis, Myrna ---.-.--------- . .__190<br />

Ellsberg, Kay -----------.--------- 191<br />

Ellsworth, Warren . . . 73<br />

Ellsworth, Art ------------------------.------ .163<br />

Emrick, W. Don . 156<br />

End Zone . ._117<br />

Engberg, Mari Iyn ._122<br />

Engelfried, Charlotte . .. 194<br />

Englund, Carl ----------..--------.--------.-----_. __254<br />

Entringer, Diane ------.---.-.---.------------- 138<br />

Ereneta, William ..-.-------.------------.-- ..-__._168<br />

Erwin, Evertt Dean -------..-.----.------ ._148<br />

Espos ito, Louis 1 60<br />

Estey, Kay 126<br />

Estey, Roger 73<br />

Evans, Bill 168<br />

Evans, David M. 233<br />

Evans, David N. 174<br />

Evans, Gwen . 130<br />

Evans, Ken 154<br />

Evans, Laura 142<br />

Evans, Sylvia -------- 73<br />

Evans, Virginia - -45, 72<br />

Evans, William ------ 148<br />

Evenson, Pattee Edward 53<br />

F<br />

False, Edwin L. -----------. 170<br />

Fairman, Shei la E. ----- 138<br />

Farr, Lois E. ------------------ .62, 136<br />

Farrar, G. Micheal 54, 183<br />

Farrar, Lloyd J. ---------------------------- .73<br />

Fassett, Hal ----------- ]3, 166, 203<br />

Faxon, Frank M. ------------------- 148<br />

Fiegenbutz, Leon V. ----------------- 160<br />

Feiler, Nadene E. 128, 129, 192, 195<br />

Felder, John H. ------------------- 72, 175<br />

Fellows, Raymond H. ----------------- 168<br />

Ferguson, Beverly C. -------------- 121<br />

Fernandez, Pablo E. --------------- ]2, 204<br />

Ferris, Joseph G. ----------------------- 175<br />

Fields, Roy D. -----------.---- ]3, 163, 188<br />

Fierro, Leonard ----------------------.--- .201<br />

File, Norma ----------------- 128 196 201<br />

Files, Barbara J. . : . .,__208<br />

Fimple, Peggy L. . 142<br />

Finch, Frank C. ------------------------ 199<br />

Fincher, Thomas J. 203<br />

Finn, Robert W. -----.-------. 108 111 150<br />

~1:~:~1i~~:-~~::::::=:::::::::::::=:::::~:::~::-~ ~~<br />

Charlene Hansen and Ken Evanspopular<br />

State College couple-take<br />

advantage of the experienced advice<br />

of Miss Lee ... Jessop's Bride's<br />

Counselor. Our Miss Lee is prepared<br />

to assist you, too-in planning<br />

your wedding. Here-you are<br />

invited to register your sterling,<br />

china and crystal pattern in a permanent<br />

registry. You register only<br />

once-but your pattern is on file<br />

at all three Jessop stores. This aids<br />

gift-giving friends and relativesavoids<br />

duplication-and is an excellent<br />

insurance reference. Miss<br />

Lee also has several important gifts<br />

for brides-to-be. Come in - like<br />

Charlene and Ken did - or telephone<br />

her at BE-9-9311. J. JESSOP<br />

and SONS-Jewelers since 1870-<br />

Downtown San Diego-North Park<br />

-La Jolla.<br />

~i~~:~~~,'~;~0~::::~_~~i<br />

lj<br />

Fitzpatrick, Robert ---. .. ._ 72<br />

Fitzroy, Edwin G. ---------.---------.--.----. .]2<br />

Flaherty, Bernard C. 154<br />

Flax, Sandra D. . .144<br />

Fleak, Walter H. 247<br />

Fleming, Michael M. 72, 254<br />

Fleming, Peter A. 154<br />

Fleming, S. Norman 184, 207<br />

Flinn, Robert D. 110<br />

Flor, Gary E. . 193<br />

Flores, Ester J. .73<br />

Flores, Salvador ]3, 164<br />

Flourie, Edith E. .195<br />

Falkner, Charles ]2<br />

Foote, Carolyn R. 1 03<br />

Ford, Walter . 199<br />

Forsyth, Pat 128<br />

Foster, Chas. 73<br />

Foster, Beverly J. . 122<br />

Foster, Don . 163<br />

Fowler, Esther E. 73<br />

Fox, Jim 148<br />

Frahm, James 194<br />

Franck, Marlene D. . . 115<br />

Frank, Betsy . . 73, 132<br />

Frank, Julian . 170<br />

~~:~~:a,<br />

R~~~;t _::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~;<br />

Freeburn, Chas. 154, 207<br />

Freedman, Elaine H. 199<br />

Freedman, Martin ]4, 170<br />

~~::~:~: ~~~v~~--:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<br />

Freeman, Samuel 98, 99, ~:;<br />

~~:~~'~~:~~ ~: ::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 194<br />

Friedlander, Michael __. . 170, ~~~<br />

~g~·;~i~::~~:_.-~~~-::~4.<br />

:1:<br />

Gamma Phi Beta 16<br />

Ganger, Mary ---------------- 140<br />

Garcia, Mary --------------- 74, 202<br />

Gardiner, Danny 132<br />

Gardner, Inna . 122<br />

Garrett, Diane 108, 111<br />

Gaskins, Norman 182<br />

Gaughen, Martin 152<br />

Gentilin, Robert 74<br />

Gentzler, Virgil 184<br />

Greaves, Marion ._.._41, 14, 109, 110<br />

Greeks __.._. . ._ ......•. _••._._. 118<br />

Green, George _.__.__•..... _.__•.... 75<br />

Green, Gordon __ ..__ .._.._.__ _.. ._...... 75<br />

Green, Harold .__ ._ __. 193<br />

Green, Mary Ann .__ ._ .._._... 74<br />

Greenlee, Bill _.. _ .._.__..•_......• __.. 161<br />

Greenlee, Dave _. .__.._.... _.._._.. _. 158<br />

Greer, Richard __.. •..__.._.._ 162<br />

Gregg, Lawrence .._. _._._ __ 182<br />

George, Alma .___________________ 75 Gregory, Susie . ._. 120, 142, 186<br />

Gerberick, Marguerite _ 75 Grenfell, Muriel _.. _._ .. •.._.•._.._ 136<br />

Geren, Gwen . 54, 122 Griebner, William __ _.. _.__, , 193<br />

Gerrard, Ronald ---------- 168, 252 Griffin, Bayard _._ _ 204<br />

Gerson, Maxine _ __.__ 144 Grigsby, Bert .•..__. 75, 99, 162, 189<br />

Geyer, Mary 132 Grigsby, Eloda Miller _ ..__ _75, 99<br />

Gianulis, Nicholas 160 Grigsby, Leah .... __ ..__.. _._ 100, 203, 205<br />

Gibson, E. Dana 202 Grillo, Marianne .•. ",_,_",_ 132<br />

Gibson, Frances 124 Grob, Dick __.__._ _ __._ ...•..... 162<br />

Gibson, Ralph --------------- 154 Groebli, John _. _._ __. _ 75, 152<br />

Gibson, 'Randolph 196 Grom, Eleanor .__ _..•..__ _..__ .. 201<br />

Gibson, Tom ]4, 168 Gross, Herbert ......•.. _ .. .._ 192<br />

Giddings, Margaret 74, 142, 19J Grossher, Ralph ' __" __'" __.. _ _.. 150, 2::17<br />

Giles, Jeri 148 Grow, Harry ._..__.....• • _......• _ 166, 198<br />

Gilfillan, Janet 206 Gudmundson, Carol 122<br />

Ginn, Buneva 208 Gudmundson, Marvin .......•........ _ 168<br />

Gipson, Kitty 208 Gurnz, Donna __.._._.......•...•..... 136<br />

Godbey, Larry -------- . • .._. ._._... 150 Gunson, Joy .. _.. ._•.•..... _._.._..._.__ 74<br />

Golden, Sheldon -----------._.. .. 172 Gutierrez, Joseph .__.. . _ .. 148<br />

Goldstein, Martin - . 74, 154 Gutjah, Walter ._ _.__._•.. _.__ • 170<br />

Goodbody, Thomas 60, 75,( 160.J Guy, Elizabeth ._ _. ._....•......... 194<br />

184, 1811,19/ Gymnastics .._..__•..••_ _.._..... _...•.•....• .... __.<br />

Goodfriend, Harvey _. . 172, 184<br />

Goodwin, Barbara . 126<br />

Gookin, William 237, 251<br />

Gorman, John . 75, 156<br />

H<br />

Gorton, Joan .. 193 Haake, Paula _. ._ 126, 203, 2:)5<br />

Gould, Edward 205 Haas, J arnes .. ._. .. _. 109<br />

Gould, Kenneth . . • • ._. 160 Haas, Sally . . .... _ 136<br />

Gould, Thomas ._.. ..._..._. • 113 Haelsig, Richard . 154, 196<br />

Government •••__• .• • •• . 46 Hagin, R.obert . .. .__._._... 162<br />

Grader, Connie •. •• • .136 Hahn, Mar/orie ... 74<br />

Graham, Kathleen ••• .138 Hahs, Carol .. .. 134<br />

Graham, Lynn • . 1S4 Hale, Julie .._. ._205, 238<br />

Grainger, Eugene 190 Half Time . 102<br />

Granell, Lee . 202 Hall, Arlest ._.. . ... 193<br />

Gray, Margaret 122, 177 Hall, Connie . . ..._ 124<br />

Gray, Shirle . 142 Hall, Donald A. ._. .__150, 256<br />

Greaves, Diane 134 Hall, Henry .._74, 150, 187<br />

VALLEY STU 010<br />








200 E. MAIN EL CAJON<br />

HI-4-5147<br />

When good friends get together,<br />

you'll always find Pepsi-Cola, the<br />

Light Refreshment. Left to right:<br />

Sandra Beachler, Dick Pomeroy,<br />

Kathy Graham, Frank Galucci.<br />


Hall, Irene _......................••........... 134<br />

Hall, James 156, 198<br />

Hall, Janet 130<br />

Hallahan, Timothy ....••..................•. _ 50<br />

Hallock, Ethel ......•............. _ 75<br />

Hallock, Mae .•...... __ _ 198<br />

Halvorsen, John _..••_ 166<br />

Ham, Clara Jo __ _._ 138<br />

Hami Iton, Joan _ _ _ 195<br />

Hamilton, Mack ._ __ __ .75<br />

Hamilton, Phyllis _._._ _ _ 194<br />

Hammack, Isabella ._ _ 198<br />

Hammock, Rex" _ 94, 154, 197<br />

Hammond, Ann 75, 14~<br />

Hammond, Burrell 199<br />

Hampson, Lois _....................... 13)<br />

Hampson, Norma .74, 198<br />

Hand, Bert _ 170<br />

Handley, Damon _ 75<br />

Handly, James 75<br />

Hanken, Ken _ 161<br />

Hanna, Robert _ _ 162<br />

Hannon, John _.154, 227, 229<br />

Hansen, Charlene ._ 138<br />

Hansen, James _ 256<br />

Hansen, Joseph _ _ _ 75<br />

Hansen, W. Darryl ..__ _..76, 156, 197<br />

Hanson, Deroy ._ _ 77<br />

Hanson, Dian ne _ _ .77<br />

Hanson, Sherrel _ _ 129<br />

Hargraves, Gene _202<br />

Harlan, Garry _.._ _ _ 162<br />

Harper, Franklin 111<br />

Harrington, Don 161<br />

Harrington, Ronald _ _ 162<br />

Harris, Jacqueline _ 77, 138<br />

Harris, Vincent C. . 53<br />

Harrison, Harry _ _ 163<br />

Harrison, Sandra 108, 122<br />

Harriss, Frankie __ _.. 191<br />

Hart, Jacque _ _ 156<br />

Hart, Jan e _ _ 194<br />

Hart, Marcia _ _ _._ 194<br />

Harter, Charles _ 150<br />

Hartigan, Selwyn C 50<br />

Hartzog, Ernest 76, 174<br />

Harwood, Robert D. _ 51<br />

Harvey, Alice _ 55<br />

Harvey, Dick 207<br />

Harvey, Doug __ 247<br />

Harvey, Stuart _ _ _ _ _ 163<br />

Haskell, Dr. Harriet 186<br />

Hatchett, Jane _ _ 124<br />

Hatter, Gilbert _ _ 150, 254<br />

Haugen, Sue 136, 178<br />

Haverkamp, Sue _ 129<br />

Hav ins, ShirIey _ _.. 191<br />

Hayden, Harlan __ .77, 166, 204<br />

Hayerbach, Marquard _ 77<br />

Hayes, Arth ur _ 201<br />

Hayes, Thomas 170<br />

Hayward, Carl 100<br />

Hebner, Lois 114, 134, 183, 186<br />

Hedlund, Donald _ 237<br />

Hegland, Sherry .._ _ 132<br />

Hegerle, Don __ ._ _ _ _227<br />

Heiken, Mary Lou _ 135<br />

Heine, John _.._ _ _158<br />

Hein, Nicholas _ 182<br />

Heinde I, J ud ith _<br />

_.29<br />

Helms, James _ .76, 204<br />

Helms, Shirley 62, 76<br />

Hemming, Gary _ 161<br />

Hemphill, Susan 126<br />

Hemphill, Thomas _.._ 76, 114, 163<br />

Hempy, Cynthia _.124<br />

Henderson, Bion 204<br />

Hendrew, Leonard _ 162<br />

Henschel, Arleen .._ _ _134<br />

Henry, Patrick _ 55, 187<br />

Hernandez, Betty _ 138<br />

Hernesmap, Arleen _._._ 77<br />

Herr, Robert _77<br />

Hess, Stanley _ _ 160<br />

Heubach, Maren 120, 134, 186<br />

Heyer, Margery _.._ _ _77<br />

Higgins, Harry __ .._76, 162, 189<br />

Higg ins, Nancy _ _ .76<br />

Higman, Wren _. __ .77<br />

Hill, Harryette _ 208<br />

Hill, Kenneth _ 164<br />

Hillel.... . _ 192<br />

Hillerman, Robert 166<br />

Hillman, Evelyn ._ 142<br />

Hillier, Nei I _ 203<br />

Himmer, Russell ._ _ 237<br />

Hinck, James _ 63, 162<br />

Hirtenste iner, Bob _ _1 54<br />

Hislop, Irene _ 138<br />

Hodge, Glen _ _ 55<br />

'Hodge, Gloria _ 122, 208<br />

Hoerr, Molly _ 77<br />

Hoese, William _ 162<br />

Hoffland, Dale .._ 170<br />

Hoffland, David 76, 99, 170<br />

Hoffman, the Rev. J. Ogden 190<br />

Hoffman, Neil .<br />

Hogan, Patsy _ 124<br />

Holahan, Gene _ 158<br />

Holden, Gail 126<br />

H0IIings worth, J am es 238<br />

Holman, William 197<br />

Holmberg, Vernie .76, 182<br />

Home Economics Club 199<br />

Hood, Barbara 193<br />

Hoover, Patricia 63, 140<br />

Hough, Gloria ._ 190, 208<br />

Hough, Howard .77, 164<br />

House, Bob _ .4 1, 54, 55, 5~, 166<br />

Housenga, Harry .<br />

Housenga, Jack 158<br />

Howarth, James .77<br />

Howell, Robert 148, 198<br />

Howell, Ruth .77, 130<br />

Hoyle, George 194<br />

Hubbard, Carolyn S 130<br />

Hubbard, Tim . _156<br />

Huber, Darlene . 126<br />

Hudson, Jay _.._ 150<br />

Hudson, William _150<br />

Huff, Norman _ 162<br />

Huff, Owen _...76<br />

Huffland, Dale __ ..257<br />

Huffman, Orville _ 199<br />

Huhn, Leland 76<br />

Humphrey, Roger 170<br />

Hunsburger, Nancy _76, 142<br />

Hunstman, Gene 162<br />

Hunt, Eleanor _ 140<br />

Hunt, James 156, 187, 238, 252<br />

Hunt, Pete _ 162<br />

Hunt, Stephanie 130, 186<br />

Hunter, Gertrude .77, 190<br />

Hunter, James J. . .49<br />

Hunting, Martin _ 199<br />

Hussong, Allayne _ _ 193<br />

Husted, Charles 148<br />

Hutchens, Jim 100, 162,202<br />

Hutchinson, Tom 160, 200<br />

Hutflesz, Roger 168<br />

Hypes, Virginia 193, 208<br />

Iffrig, Mary R 193<br />

Impink, Carl _ 197<br />

Index Pg. . 260<br />

Industrial Arts Club 199<br />

Institute of Radio Engineers 200<br />

Inter-faith Council _ 192<br />

Intervarsity 193<br />

Irving, Gere . . 160<br />

Isaak, Donna _ 132<br />

Ivancic, Helen ~ - j134<br />

Iverson, James A. Jr 55, 76, 112, 150<br />

J<br />

Jackson, Everett Gee 52<br />

J ac kso n, Gen e ·· - .76<br />

Jackson, Harold .77, 115, 154<br />

Jackson, Roll in 154<br />

Jackson, Sharon 136<br />

Jacobs, Mary .._ 12,77, 126<br />

Jacobs, James .77, 116; 168, 187, 196<br />

J aen icke, Virg iI - - 196<br />

Jagger, Forrest Dale _ 166<br />

Jakie, Cheryl 130, 208<br />

J ames, Bud 154<br />

J ames, Dona 134<br />

Jantz, Jack 78<br />

J aqu a, Hiram .. ..__ _ __ _._..__._ .78<br />

J a rv is, Ga iI __..__.. 130<br />

Jenkins, Dee _ __ _.134<br />

Jennings, Anne .__. .__..__ __ 130<br />

Jennings, Joan __. __ __.138<br />

Jennings, Sylvia .. __.__.__ .79, 128, 185,<br />

189,195,196<br />

Jepson, Marcella __..__.__. .... 194<br />

Jeter, Ernest __.__ __. __.. 79<br />

Johns, James __.._ .__._ .79<br />

Johnsen, Alice __ __ __. __..78<br />

Johnson, Alan ._ .. 154<br />

Johnson, Allen .. __.. __. 203<br />

Johnson, Bette L. __ __.__... .... 130<br />

Johnson, Donna ..__.__.._. ._.. 28, 138<br />

Johnson, Elaine D. __ _..__ _..__138<br />

Johnson, Frank C. ..__ __ .78, 202<br />

Johnson, Harold J ..__.._.__..__ .79<br />

Johnson, James N __ __..__..... 168, 207<br />

Johnson, Joyce .__ __ __._.__.__ __ 126<br />

Johnson. Julia E. _ __ __.. 130<br />

Johnson, Lewis . .._ __.79, 175, 198<br />

Johnson, Noreen J .. __ __ __..... __.__ _ 78<br />

Johnson, Norma ..... __ __..__..__..__... __ 205<br />

Johnson, Patricia . ..__..__ _.__. .. 126<br />

Johnson, Richard W. ...__ _ __.__._.._.... 196<br />

Johnson, Robert __..__ _ __ 196, 199<br />

m~~:<br />

Johnson, Sharlyn L. . _. _..__ 122<br />

Johnston, Thelma R. _ __ 142<br />

J ones Anna Katherine ..__ ..__ 183<br />

Jones: Beverly __._.._ 62, 78, 122, 189<br />

Jones, Bobbie _..__.._.._.._..__._.... __126<br />

Jones, James M - .._._ __ 79, 152<br />

Jones, Ken ..- - ..--- .203<br />

Jones, Larry W .. - __ __ 154<br />

Jones, Lubert F. -- - _ _196<br />

Jones, Marian A. -._ _ _ ..79, 205<br />

Jones, Marvin L. ---.- _ __ •...78<br />

Jones, Mimi ..- __._ _. 134<br />

Jones, Norma D. - __ 79, 142<br />

Jones, Roy B _ __ .79, 175<br />

Jope, Howard E _ __ _78<br />

Jordan, Gwen E _ .79, 193, 199<br />

Jordan, Jackson P. _ _.._._ __ ..79<br />

Jordan, Patrick _.._._ _ _.207<br />

Jordy, Harold L _ _.79, 204<br />

Jorgensen, Morton __ 78, 156,<br />

187,195, 196<br />

Jorgenson, Robert _ 117, 182<br />

Journey, Eugene _ 199<br />

Joyce, Claud C _ _._ ..204<br />

Juelson, Joan H.. _ 142, 194<br />

Julian, James L _ _ _ 50, 55<br />

~f~:~~~:-:~~!!<br />

Kelly, Patrick .. __ __..•.78<br />

The nat i0~.'-w ide<br />


with its 92 stores is<br />

proud to announce<br />

the com pie t ion of<br />

the remodeling work<br />

on its downtown<br />

store, shown at<br />

right. Inset are Jerry<br />

Mc I ntyre and Bill<br />

Sprague being congratulated<br />

by Stanley<br />

H. Levitt, manager<br />

of the downtown<br />

store, and<br />

Stanley S. Morgan,<br />

man age r of Kay<br />

Jewelers in North<br />

Park. Jerry and Bill<br />

were the recipients<br />

of two of Key Jewelers<br />

four-year scholarships<br />

awarded to<br />

aid promising local<br />

students continue<br />

their education at<br />

San Diego State<br />

College.<br />

K<br />

Kahn, Lawrence __ __..__ 172<br />

Kahrs, Dorian _._ _78<br />

Kaiser, Thomas G. _ __ .__ 170<br />

Kalbfell, Dr. David __ __ 190, 2~0<br />

Ka Iiskis, Lyd ia _ _ __..<br />

Kappa Alpha .__..__ _ .._17<br />

Kappa Alpha Theta __ __ _ __ 17<br />

Kappa Alpha Psi _ .-._ _ .. 17<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta .. ._ __.._ .. 18<br />

Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta Pi .__ _ __.._. __ _<br />

Kappa Sigma __ __ __ 18<br />

Karaffa, Donna _ _193<br />

Karns, Carol 120, 124, 190<br />

Kasch, Frederick W 52, 254<br />

Katz, Barbara _ 78, 132<br />

Kay, Lowayne _122<br />

Keating, Gerald __..__.._150<br />

Keebaugh, Frank _ .79, 160<br />

Keithley, Merlin _ __.204<br />

Keller, Mary Ellen __ 193, 205<br />

Keller, Michael _ _ .79<br />

Keller, Relene __ __ 122, 203<br />

Keller, Robert ..__ .79, 162<br />

Kellett, Mary ., __194<br />

Kelly, Barbara __.._.__ 140<br />

Kelly, Joseph _..78, 163<br />

Kelly, Laura __ __108, 111<br />

Kenion, Brian __ __ 175<br />

Kerns, Lorene _ 79, 122<br />

Ketteringham, Arthur ..<br />

Keyes, Sandra 1)8. 111, 124<br />

Kidd, Leonard 193<br />

Kidwell, William M 50<br />

Kifer, Manfred __ 197<br />

Kilcourse, Richard F __ .<br />

Killian, Barbara 124, 186<br />

Kinder, James S __ __..__ 50<br />

King, Thomas S __ 160<br />

Kinninger, Robert .. . .__.79, 192, 193<br />

Kinnick, William F _ ..<br />

Kirby, John E __ 79<br />

Kirk, John L. _._ 164<br />

Kirkendall, Dale 148, 195<br />

Krrkhoff, Nancy __ __ __ 122<br />

Kirschtel, Stephen 80, 172<br />

Kirsner, Melvin _ 81<br />

Kirwin, Edward R 152<br />

Kitaen, Darrell __ __.. .__ 172<br />

Kitagawa, Yoshi 208<br />

Kittleson, Ole 63, 160<br />

Kitzinger, Angela __.53, 105<br />

Klein, Jack L __ _.81<br />

K'lein, Robert E 163, 197<br />

KI·0tz, Paul 193<br />

Klovdahl, Pearl _.__ 193<br />

Kluck, William _ __ 160<br />

Knights, David S __ __ 196<br />

Knox, Richard L. . __ 204<br />

Knox, Robert K.. __ __ 204<br />

Kobernick, Donn H __ _ 172<br />

Koehler, Ernest A. ..__ __ .. 81<br />

Koester, George A. .__.__ 52<br />

Komendora, Patricia _ 80<br />

Kowal, Jay D __ _ __.163<br />

Kowal, Jon A. _ 81, 162<br />

Kraatz, Douglas _ __ 202<br />

Krasner, Shirley 57<br />

Krause, Larry __._ 160, 258<br />

Krebs, Carol __.81, 142<br />

Krieps, Marvin M __ 150<br />

Kuebler, Betty _134<br />

Kuerbis, Lawrence 154<br />

Kurtz, Mary E. D _ 199<br />

Lachel, Darrel K. . -...... - ..__ _.166<br />

LaDou, Leah - -- ..---_ .._ _ _122<br />

Laehr, Arthur _._ _ 150, 197<br />

Lagle, Eileen --.- - _ 122<br />

Lagle, Florence - --._ _ _.122<br />

Lamb, John H _ __ 80, 152<br />

Lambda Chi Alpha __ _ _16<br />

Lamden, Charles W -- _.._ 51<br />

Lancaster, William M. _.._ _.. 155, 204<br />

Landgraf, Fred L. -.- __ _ 150<br />

Lane, Marie _ _ _ 208<br />

Laney, Dale D - 80, 148, 200<br />

Lang, Walter R. - 108<br />

Langdon, Frank H. - - _._ 166<br />

Lare, Alice - _ 208<br />

Larsen, Kurt - _.. 170<br />

Larson, Carolyn - _ 124<br />

Larson, Dona L 80, 120, 130<br />

Laso, Gary _ _ __ 158<br />

Lasswell, Mary --- - ..- 81<br />

Lasswell, Tommy 100, 205<br />

Laudermilk, Gerald _ 164<br />

Laughon, June 122, 207<br />

Lauhemann, Bill _247<br />

Lauritsen, Terry N 166, 197, 204<br />

LaVoie, William A. - _ 175<br />

Lawler, Nylene _138<br />

Lawrence, Norma 29, 122, 186<br />

Lawson, M. Anne _ 81<br />

Lawyer, Mary --- _ _130<br />

Layton, Eleanor - - _ 103<br />

Learn, Richard _ _ 158<br />

Lebb, Bob - 164<br />

Lee, Norma .._ - _ _ 81<br />

Leeper, Kathy - _ _ 132<br />

Legace, Charles -- - _ _ __ 158<br />

Lennie, Mary Jean _ __ _208<br />

Lenox, Tomaline .- ..- __ _ 80, 198<br />

Leonard, Frederick Block _ 164<br />

Leonard, Robert Dale ._._ _ .. 110<br />

Leppert, Norma _ 132, 183<br />

Leptich, Dean Andrew _ 62, 80,<br />

166, 187, 188<br />

LeRibeus, Robert James __ _152<br />

Leveque, Yv-onne _ _ 130<br />

Lewis, Jack Edward _ _ 156<br />

Likins, Helen ..-- -- _ _.._ 138<br />

Liljegren, Frances __ _ 134, 186<br />

Limbacher, David L. _ __ 162<br />

Limes, Robert L. _ _ .._._204<br />

Limon, Connie __ _ _ 140<br />

Linam, <strong>Del</strong>bert Eugene _ 108, 111<br />

Linderman, Francis M _ 158, 187<br />

Lindroth, Clifford Alan _ 233<br />

Lindrus, Elaine _ 136<br />

Lindsay, Bill E __.._ __ 199<br />

Lines, Mike _._ _ 257<br />

Linley, Dr. James _ __..201<br />

Linscott, Jonnie F 81, 204, 207<br />

Linthicum, Carole _ - _..__ 136<br />

Little, Ernest D. __..__ 150<br />

Little Judith _ .. _ __191<br />

Little, Sarah __ 191<br />

Livermore, Howard J _ _..81, 196<br />

Lockman, William L. _ _ 80, 207<br />

Loizeaux, William _ _ __ 247<br />

Lomax, Joseph __ .<br />

London, Paul _ _ _. 239<br />

London, Rita .. __.__..__._ .<br />

Long, Gary Wayne _ _ 62, 160<br />

Long, J ereth __ __ 126<br />

Long, Marlene _ _.196<br />

Long, Victor __ __ 197<br />

Loomis, Elizabeth _ __ __._ .<br />

Loos, Diana ._ _.._.. 193<br />

Lorentz, Jeane __ _ 193<br />

Love, Malcolm __ _48<br />

Lowery, Lee 120, 136, 183, 186<br />

Lucas, Frank __ _ _ 158<br />

Luce, Lawrence _ _ 199<br />

Luckenbach, Janet __ _._138, 186<br />

Luitjens, Robert H _ _80, 152·<br />

Lydon, David S. __ __ _ __ 150<br />

Lyman, Bonney _ __.._194<br />

Lynch, Cherie _ ., _81<br />

Lynch, M'liss __ __.. _.138<br />

M<br />

Maccrea, Ivy T __ 81, 193<br />

MacDonald, Walter S __ 81<br />

MacGuire, Ruth E. Mrs 205<br />

Machado, Betty Ann _ _ 208<br />

Macinnis, Dr. William 192, 194'<br />

Mackay, John _ _ __._ __193<br />

Macklin, Tom __._ _ _ 158<br />

L<br />

choice lor lin<br />

china, glassware,<br />

sterling and linens<br />

When you choose the<br />

table setting of your future,<br />

let Dohrmann's<br />

Our table-planning<br />

help you.<br />

experience<br />

has grown for over a century<br />

... ond our collections of<br />

famous-name tableware and<br />

linens are the loveliest in<br />

San Diego.<br />

Remember, too,<br />

to register your patterns<br />

in our Bride's<br />

Book as a<br />

guide for your friends.<br />

Illustrated are "Glendale"<br />

in Lenox china, "Burgundy" in<br />

Tiffin glassware and "Summer<br />

Song" in Lunt sterling.<br />

C Street at Seventh Avenue<br />



For the "Finest Meats Obtainable"<br />

the cof' goes to the EI Cajon Meat<br />

Company ... Andy and Lil have<br />

been serving students like Suzie<br />

Dovey for years ... Eddie Andrews,<br />

owner of EI Cajon Meat Co., sees<br />

to it that the caf' gets only the best<br />

... just as he would take care of<br />

your fraternity or organization from<br />

his clean, efficient plant in EI Cajon<br />

... The EI Cajon Meat Company,<br />

Magnolia and Cypress Avenues<br />

or phone HI-4-3142.<br />

Newport, Daniel ------ .227<br />

Newport, Nancy . 140<br />

Nicholls, Patricia 131<br />

Niesley, Lloyd _. .__. 148<br />

Niggli, Larry . 150<br />

Nims, William 82, 204<br />

Ninness, Arthur .168<br />

Noderner, Stuart . . 199<br />

Noel, William . 152<br />

Noon, Thomas . 24J<br />

Norris, Eugene . . .._204<br />

North, Barbara 83<br />

North, Richard .__. 247<br />

Nuttall, Edmund . 50, 54, 55, 60<br />

Nye, Neva . .._ 53<br />

Nygaard, Norman __184, 189, 215, 240<br />

o<br />

O'Bannon, Patsy . 135<br />

O'Byrne, Dr. Earnest 49<br />

Oceotl . . 187<br />

O'Connor, Connie .__. 121, 132<br />

O'Connor, Connie ._193<br />

O'Connor, Joseph 83, 150<br />

O'Connor, Joyce 132, 183, 192, 193<br />

O'<strong>Del</strong>l, Robert 199<br />

Odmark, Vern 148<br />

Ogborn, Dorothy 208<br />

O'Hara, Anthony . 83<br />

Ohre, Patricia . . 130<br />

aids, Nancy __. ... 28, 130<br />

Oliger, Suzanne . 138<br />

Oliveira, Eva 138<br />

Olson, Andrews C. 54<br />

Olson, Grant 155<br />

Olson, Oril 148<br />

Opdycke, Jack . . ._._. . 254<br />

Ord, John . 162<br />

Osbeck, Barbara 130<br />

Osborn, Clarence 52<br />

Osburn, John 160<br />

Oswald, Robert 160<br />

Owen, John .__________ __.__170, 190<br />

p<br />

Page, Joseph L. . . ._. ._ .. 84<br />

Page, Nancy Lee _.. . 186<br />

Paine, Janet S... . 192, 194<br />

Palmer, Fleet . ... 257<br />

Palmer, Fred E. ._. . 175<br />

Panhellenic Council ... 121<br />

Park, Charles D. . .. 85<br />

Parker, Doc .__... . .._. . 155<br />

Parker, Julien -_ ..__. . .204<br />

Parker, Marion L. .... _._._. ..__. 50<br />

Parker, Richard J. . ._... . 252<br />

Parlapiano, Jean Marie .._. 44<br />

Parlin, Lionel R.. _.. ._.__.__.__. 158<br />

Parrish, Jack C. . 166, 203<br />

Parrish, Jeanne Elaine, Mrs. ._ 85<br />

Parry, John W. . .__. . .__. 199<br />

Parslow, Judy . .__. .__. ._._._130<br />

Paschen, Kenneth . . 191, 204<br />

Patterson, Abigail __._... 191, 205, 206<br />

Patterson, Michael .._. .__.._.__.__162<br />

Patterson, Shelia .. .. .... . 140<br />

Patti, Rino . . ._._. 158<br />

Patton, Launa .__. .. . 128<br />

Paul, Jackie .__. . 140, 203<br />

Paul, Wellington __. . 85<br />

Paularena, Harriet . . . 130<br />

Paulson, George . .. ._. 150<br />

Pavitt, Sandra .__. 124, 208<br />

Pavka, Steven ._.__. .. . . ._ 199<br />

Payne, Ann . . 84, 203<br />

Payne, Betty .. 191, 197<br />

Payne, Leo .. . 85<br />

Peace, James . . ..__201<br />

Pearson, Gloria .. .__. 126<br />

Pearson, Harry . . 193<br />

Peiffer, Herbert __. . ._ 49, 55, 184<br />

Pendleton, Don .___ 154<br />

Penland, Suzanne . 120, 122, 183<br />

Penners, Suzanne 140<br />

Penry, Diann .__62, 85, 136, 185, 212<br />

Peratt, Barbara 135<br />

Perrington, Merle 115, 124<br />

Milky Claw and Jo Anne Barnes say, "Make mine milk," as<br />

they stow up a little Arden Flavor Fresh g::>odness between<br />

classes. Most of State's students enjoy Arden fine dairy<br />

products everywhere as well as right in the campus cat'.<br />

Ask for Arden milk, ice cream and dairy products.<br />

Madden, Jack C. 148<br />

Madden, Richard 50<br />

Maddocks, David E. 158<br />

Madsen, Kay 150, 187<br />

Magee, Tanya 140<br />

Mahavier, Fred 182, 258<br />

Malcolm, Marshall 152, 184, 215<br />

Malcolm, Norma C. 138<br />

Maley, Donovan C. 193<br />

Mallinger, Ethel A. 192<br />

Mallon, Charles E. 204<br />

Malloy, Don 158<br />

Malloy, Boyd E. 158<br />

Mangusing, George 168<br />

Mankins, Sam ___160<br />

Manly, Emily J. 194<br />

Mann, Marlene L. 80, 130<br />

Mansfield, Pauline 128, 208<br />

Marlay, Ruth D. 80<br />

Marquand, Ralph G. 164<br />

Marshell, Walter H. 196<br />

Martinez, Vennie J. 80<br />

Martinolich, Annette 126<br />

Massebeau, Rochelle 81<br />

Massey, Barbara 192, 193<br />

Massey, Joan 81, 122<br />

Matera, Ted 80<br />

Mathers, Jerry 108<br />

Matranga, Laurence 158<br />

Maus, Jo Ann 114, 124<br />

Maxwell, Judith U. 134<br />

McAllister, Allan 199<br />

McCafferty, John 81<br />

McCann, Barbara J. _<br />

McCarty, Alice H. 138<br />

McCarty, James 162<br />

McCawley, Mary J. 81, 205, 206<br />

McClain, Mary 126<br />

McClaren, Kay 136<br />

McClead, Patricia 132<br />

McCleese, Nancy _<br />

McClellan, John 81<br />

McClintock, W. Claire 142<br />

McClure, Donald " _<br />

McClure, Gordon 198<br />

McClure, Irvin 154, 201<br />

McCollom, Dorothy J. __120, 132, 183, 186<br />

McCollom, Jim 170<br />

McConnehea, Ronald K. 160<br />

McConnell, Nina 140, 186<br />

McCord, Martin L. .._168<br />

McCormick, Patricia . ._.__.__. .__.. 126<br />

268<br />

McCoy, John _._.._.. .._..._..__162<br />

McCracken, William J. 193<br />

McDade, Sharon 126<br />

McDavitt, Patricia 128<br />

McDermott, June ... ..82, 140<br />

McDonald, Martha J. 138<br />

McDonald, Ray 82, 196<br />

McEachein, Patrick 150<br />

McFadden, Georgia 140<br />

McFarlan, Pat . 138<br />

McFarland, John 168<br />

McFarland, Robert J. 83, 199<br />

McGarrity, G. F. 198<br />

McGavock, Stephen E. 168<br />

McGill, Sally A. 83, 120, 138, 194, 199<br />

McGrath, Leon W. 83, 158<br />

McGregory, William 202<br />

McGrew, Marjorie R. 201<br />

McGue, Gerald ----------------- 164<br />

McHorney, William 160<br />

Mcinnis, James . 162<br />

Mcintire, Charles A. 150, 254<br />

Mcintire, Connie 124<br />

Mcintire, Gerald 57, 188, 154<br />

Mcintosh, Donald 193<br />

Mcintosh, Thane 108, 111, 115<br />

McKillip, William --------- . 168<br />

McKinley, Martha . 126<br />

McLaughlin, Rita -------------- . 138<br />

McLonet, Wirt ------_. . 112<br />

McMichael, J ill Hindle .. 136, 178<br />

McMichael, Robert --- . . 154<br />

McMichael, William -------------- 154<br />

McNabb, Patricia ------------------- 122<br />

McNeil, Richard M. . 82, 168<br />

McNulla, Alecia ------.------- . . . 124<br />

McPeak, M. Anthony 100, 162, 202<br />

McRae, David M. -..-------.-------. . 150<br />

McSwan, Sharilyn ----..-----.----- . . 126<br />

McVicar, James . 108, 111, 168<br />

McWilliams, Patricia --------- 128, 129<br />

Meador, Gayle ---. ... . 126<br />

Mecke, William J ... ------------- ..--.-_. ._. 82<br />

Meek, Carolyn --.---------..----.-------.----. 126<br />

Meers, Jerry .-------..-----...-----.--------.- .160<br />

Meeuwenberg, Paul . .._. . 83<br />

Mellison, Robert J. . . . 83<br />

Mendoza, Frank M. -------.----- 60, 160<br />

Men's Glee .----.-----------------.---- ..--- ._106<br />

Menzel, Joanne • . . . . ._._126<br />

Merada, Bob ------.-.---------.---.----.- .•_.__._257<br />

Merada, Robert J. -.--..------.-----------.- 161<br />

Merrill, Jacquelin D. __82, 185, 188, 134<br />

Merrill, John . 150<br />

Merriman, Ann R. 130, 208<br />

Mesker, Ronald C. 162<br />

Messier, Leonard 195<br />

Mettlach, Frances ------ .__124<br />

Meyer, Richard 154<br />

Meyer, Stephen 166, 244<br />

Michaelis, Betty 133<br />

Michell, Leonard J. 2JO<br />

Mihalka, Elaine R. 82, 193<br />

Mihlman, Arline 144<br />

Mickelsen, Noel K. 162, 188, 197,<br />

227, 228, 247<br />

Minor Publications 168<br />

Minor Sports . 250<br />

Miller, Dorothy 82<br />

Miller, James ----- 194. 201<br />

Miller, June . ._________ 83<br />

Miller, Ruby 138<br />

Miller, Sherry 54<br />

Miller, Sylvia ------------- ._132<br />

Millett, Ted 161<br />

Millman, Sylvia 83<br />

Mills, Carol M. 134<br />

Mills, Jean 82<br />

Milne, David S. ._ 53<br />

Minder, Teddy J. - 128, 208<br />

Minor, Pat .-------------- 135<br />

Mishne, Alan . 5, 183, 184, 172<br />

Mitchell, Robert P. 161<br />

Mitrovich, Harold --------- . 161<br />

Mixed Chorus ---------------- . 107<br />

Moe, Dr. Chesney -- . 53, 204<br />

Mogan, Kathryn --.----.------ 194<br />

Mol ina, Gloria --.------------------- 83<br />

Mollick, Phyllis ----- . 192, 203, 205<br />

Mollison, Yvonne ---.-----.----- 138<br />

Monahan, James ----..----.---- . 227<br />

Monaco, Lt. Col. John Jr. . 51<br />

Montgomery, Leland H. 83, 204<br />

Montgomery, Marjorie 92, 113. 122.<br />

Moon, Lona Mae .<br />

185, 202<br />

193<br />

Moore, Beverly . . . 122, 208<br />

Moore, Gordon ----.----------.------ .160<br />

Moore, Nancy ---------.--.-------- 124<br />

lvloore, Stanley . 166, 203<br />

Moore, Wm. ---- . . . 158<br />

Moran, Kay ---.-.------- 120, 140, 150<br />

Morgan, Charles .. . • 116<br />

Morgan, Diane -·-.---.---------- 29, 122<br />

Morgan, K. Ronald J 64<br />

Morris, Dennis Jr. 160<br />

Morris, Jeanie 132<br />

Morris, Sharon 124<br />

Morrison, Bonnie 120, 132, 183<br />

Morrissey, Daniel . 175<br />

Morrow, Beryl 83<br />

Moss, Gerald . . 163, 197<br />

Mott, Murray H. 83<br />

Movich, Daniel 83, 196<br />

Muchmore, Dale 205, 254<br />

Muirhead, Michael H. . 239, 252<br />

Mulin, Shirley . 126<br />

Mundt, Dallas 204<br />

Mungcal, Nenita L. 82, 191<br />

Munion, Charles . 82, 194<br />

Murphy, Joan L. ._. 94<br />

Murphy, Robert . . 117<br />

Musgrave, Frances . .. 82<br />

Music . .... . . J 04<br />

Musick, Darrell G. .. 163<br />

Myerson, Gary . .. 254<br />

Myers, Arthur .. .__. 160<br />

Myers, Donald D. . 166<br />

Myers, Eugene ._._. . .. 163<br />

Myers, Mable A. . 52<br />

Myers, Marion J. .. . . 83<br />

Myrick, Diana .. 29, 140<br />

N<br />

Nakao, Fujiko Ruth ._. 83, 191<br />

~::~:i r'Lo~~~h~_~. __~:._::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 ~~<br />

Naud, Harold David . . . ._154<br />

Navarrete, Eddymaria . . 94, 193<br />

Naves, Tommy . .• .__._190, 204<br />

~~t"~l~r'~!~/~~--~jljl<br />

Nelson, Frederick --.-.-.•-.----.--..------------~;7<br />

Nelson, James -..-.---.---.------.-.-----.-.-.---166<br />

Nelson, Lawrence -----------·-··--·-·---·-27--- 138<br />

~:~ou~e~~:':e<br />

_::::::::~::::::::::::::::::...__:._1:~<br />

Neuenswander, PatricIa '---'---"'-"::::::::'193<br />

Newman Club _.__.._... _... __..__•__.__..<br />


If you are an engineer or accomplished In<br />

similar fields, we invite you to<br />

consider applying at Rohr Aircraft Corporation<br />

in Chula Vista or Riverside for a good job<br />

with excellent working conditions and an<br />

interesting future.<br />




• • • • • • •.• • • • • • • • • • • • • 444 SIXTH AVE., SAN DIEGO 1, BE-2-7144 271<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Don Jose are shown serving Jo Anne Tracy and<br />

Hal Jackson a delicious meal. For over 6 years now Aztecs<br />

have been meeting here at Don Jose's Mexican Restaurant.<br />

For dinner or after the show always stop by and get a snack<br />

at Don Jose's ... 4247 EI Cajon Blvd.... or call AT-4-9519<br />

for take-out orders ... don't forget to ask about the 10%<br />

discount on larger take-out orders.<br />

Perry, Curt 84<br />

Pesqueira, Ralph 162<br />

Peters, Carol 124<br />

Peters, Rose 84<br />

Peterson, Ann 58, 126<br />

Peterson, Donald : 150<br />

Peterson, Elizabeth 121, 131<br />

Peterson, Herbert 84<br />

Petrone, Rosaria 132<br />

Petty, Robert 85, 154<br />

Petz, Marjorie 108, 128<br />

Pili <strong>Del</strong>ta Kappa 201<br />

Phi Mu Alpha 207<br />

Phi Mu Epsilon 201<br />

Phillippi, Wesley M. 194<br />

Phillips, Alvin F_ Jr. 170<br />

Phillips, Kenneth 52, 199<br />

Phi IIips, Mari Iyn Ann 121<br />

Phillips, Paul M 54, 85, 148, 187<br />

Phillips, Walter 195<br />

Pi Beta Phi 15<br />

Picaizen, Ada 100, 183, 189, 202<br />

Picard, Norman A 175<br />

Picklesimer, Morton 182<br />

Pierce, Don 166<br />

Pi Kappa Alpha 18<br />

Pi Kappa <strong>Del</strong>ta 202<br />

Pi le, Everett N. 85<br />

Pinkins, Tommie J.. 174, 227, 228, 231<br />

Pinkham, Barbara Mae 142<br />

Pinnell, Barbara Jean 122<br />

Pi Omega Pi 202<br />

Pipes, Howard S 84, 168, 190<br />

Pirie, William A 84, 158<br />

Place, Robert 202<br />

Platt, Shearn H. -- 85, 172<br />

Plausse, Winifred E. 134<br />

Plum, Richard L. 85, 99<br />

Poe, Mary Lee 134<br />

Polk, Keith -- 164<br />

Polk, Kenneth 164, 197<br />

Pomeroy, Richard W. 154, 247<br />

Poole, Don ------- 204<br />

Poole, James R. ---- 189<br />

Portillo, Yolanda Cecilia 195<br />

Posey, Billie Mae 193<br />

Posladek, Joanne Catherine 131<br />

Posladek, Richard ----------------------- 259<br />

Potts, Ronald M. ---------------- 84, 170<br />

Powell, Don ---------- 101, 194, 205<br />

Powell, Harold J. ---- 84<br />

Powell, Harold R. -------------------------- 154<br />

Pratt, Jean ----- 128<br />

Pray, M_ Howard, Jr. ---- 166, 187<br />

Preibisius, Alice Joan --------------- 131<br />

Prentice, Donald K. --- 170, 187<br />

Preston, Roy S. --------------------------- 85<br />

Price, Walter E., Jr. 85, 148, 254, 255<br />

Prokop, Phil G_ ----- 189, 201<br />

Pugh, Marilyn L. -------------------- 134<br />

Pugh, Suzanne ----------------------- 130<br />

Pumphrey, Danny L. --------------- 85<br />

Q<br />

Quartly, Christopher J. ---- 151<br />

Quast, Ronald V. ---------------- 158<br />

Quatrochi, Don J. ----- 84, 199<br />

Quayle, Lorraine B. -- 16, 193<br />

Quetzal Hall 208, 209<br />

Quiggle, Annis Evelyn 84, 108<br />

Quincey, Sam R_ --- 84, 190<br />

Quinlan, Mary Ann --- 193<br />

R<br />

Rader, Mary Lou 134, 199<br />

Rad io- TV Gu iId - 203<br />

Rafalovich, Marlene 103, 114, 140<br />

Ragen, Katherine M. 53<br />

Ra.I, Homer 194<br />

Ra ii, Mary . 194<br />

Rainaldi, Jane 124<br />

Ramos, Adele 85<br />

Ramsey, Robert 158<br />

Rasmussen, Estella 190<br />

Rattlingourd, Glen 158<br />

Rayho, Jeanie 85, 136<br />

Raymond, Donald 84<br />

Razzeto, Patricia 85, 185, 203<br />

Reading, Jon 191<br />

Reasoner, Neil 148, 194<br />

Recht, James 150<br />

Redman, Ron .258<br />

Darlene Huber and Bill Freeman<br />

are shown in front of the Caf' enjoying<br />

their lunch. Where did they<br />

get those delicious looking sandwiches?<br />

Jim's Quality Meats of<br />

course. Jim's supply the caf' with<br />

all of their hot-dog and hamburger<br />

needs. Jim's can also supply your<br />

family or fraternity with high quality<br />

meat at low budget prices ...<br />

that's Jim's Quality Meats, 2485<br />

Broadway in San Diego, or call<br />

BE-9-6598 and take advantage of<br />

their free delivery service.<br />

•<br />



•<br />

MAIN<br />

FLOOR<br />

1055 Sixth Ave.<br />

Redding, Robert 85<br />

Redman, Ronald 162<br />

Redman, Charles 170<br />

Reilly, Maureen 121<br />

Renick, Mona 114<br />

Renke, Barbara 124<br />

Rens, Lee 162<br />

Retes, Alice 85<br />

Rewick, Robert 161<br />

Rice, Rosemary 86<br />

Richard, Barbara 136, 177<br />

Richards, Barbara 128<br />

Richards, Celia 190<br />

Richardson, Bruce 86<br />

Richardson, Robert W. 51<br />

Richardson, Reed 150<br />

Richardson, William L. 162, 183, 248<br />

Richardson, William R. 60, 175<br />

Rickey, Ronald 86, 98, 99, 197<br />

Riekon, Pat 126<br />

Rienstra, Ann --- 128<br />

Riggins, Bruee 150<br />

Rigler, Donald N. 156<br />

Ritchey, S. Donley 55, 147, 170,<br />

183, 184, 188<br />

Robershaw, Reginald C. 207<br />

Roberson, Ray 174<br />

Roberts, Dr. Ellis 198<br />

Robertson, Dr. Frank 0 50<br />

Ro bins, Pat r ic ia 205<br />

Robinson, H. Donald 86<br />

Robinson, Dudley H. 51<br />

Robinson, Richard 161<br />

Robinson, Susan 208<br />

Robison, Robert 199<br />

SCHOOL<br />




• SRI EF CASES<br />

'.<br />


• PENS • PENCILS<br />

BE 3-1344<br />

Rocheleau, Robert 172<br />

Rodetis, George 168<br />

Roe, Robert 148<br />

Roehrkasse, Dale 162<br />

Roesch, Valerie 111, 136<br />

Roesel, Earnest 199<br />

Roethel, George 170<br />

Roger Williams Club 207<br />

Rogers, Bonnie 134<br />

Rogers, Jack 86, 99, 161, 184, 188, 197<br />

Rogers, Judy 132, 194<br />

Rogers, Leon 168<br />

Rogers, Patricia 132<br />

Rogers, Paul 150<br />

Rogers, Rosalie 86, 142<br />

Rogers, Wallace 196<br />

Rohlf, F. James 168<br />

Romano, Tonya 136, 208<br />

Roney, John 86, 150, 184<br />

Roney, Ursula 193<br />

Rosa, Olivia 140<br />

Rosado, Meda 194, 199<br />

Rose, Karen 124, 178<br />

Rosenberger, Frank 254<br />

Rosenberger, George 172<br />

Rosenthal, Edmond 116, 172, 192<br />

Rosewaine, Virginia 195, 136<br />

Ross, Mary Louise 120, 126<br />

Ross, Ronald 233<br />

Rost, Norman 104<br />

Roth, Carol 130<br />

Rothwell, James 233<br />

Ruben, Harriet 103<br />

Ruby, Louis D. 202<br />

Rueger, Connie 140, 121<br />

GEORGE<br />

JOHN<br />

PETE<br />

MANOS<br />

Ruffin, Gale . 196<br />

Ruja, Dr. Harry • • 192<br />

Rupp, Herbert C. 240<br />

Rusk, Florence 126<br />

Russell, Gary B. 168<br />

Russell, Wanda D. 86<br />

Russo, Michael 94<br />

Ruth, Vivian 116<br />

Rutherford, John A 160<br />

Ryan, Edith L. 44<br />

Ryan, Robert W. 154<br />

Rydberg, Sonya 124<br />

Rynerson, Jean 128<br />

s<br />

Sailors, John 160<br />

Sakamoto, Sally 208<br />

Saleeby, Edward . 117<br />

Saliba, Joan 126<br />

Salmon, Barbara 142, 203<br />

Salomon, Zygmund 200<br />

Salvato, Fortunato . __199<br />

Sampson, Barbara 205, 206, 208<br />

Sams, James _ 163, 226, 227, 23:l, 231<br />

Sanchez, Irene 86<br />

Sanders, Barbara 192<br />

Sanders, Mary Ann 87<br />

Sanders, Pamela 177<br />

Sanders, Russell . 163<br />

Sanderson, Bob 163<br />

Sanderson, Milton 87<br />

Sapienza, Bernadette 193<br />

Satterlee, Jean R. 63, 114, 130, 186<br />

BROS., INC.<br />

~""'\.<br />


IS<br />

FU<br />

Let us show you the<br />

new items for g'Jod<br />

pictures.<br />

Satterthwaite, P. __. . ..__8. __. 87<br />

Saunar, Ronnie • • • .. .__.168<br />

Savard, David .. __• • . 86<br />

Sawyer, Claudine __• ... 86, 205<br />

Sawyer, John • • ... 199<br />

Sawyers, Barbara . • • .126<br />

Scheidel, Chris • • 164<br />

Schlacks, Margaret • . 124<br />

Schleif, Gerald •__• 160<br />

Schluter, Milford • • _ .•_86<br />

Schmeltz, Elva . .•__87<br />

Schmitz, D. • ._. 87, 162<br />

Schmitz, Wm .• • 88<br />

Schneider, Jackie .12, 44, 86, 140<br />

Schneider, Roland •__.... 168<br />

Schnug, Dorothy 86, 122<br />

Schoenkopf, Sandra . •__._.87<br />

Schoonover, Lyn • •.• 150<br />

Schriefer, Aileen • 194<br />

Schriefer, Charlotte • .• 194<br />

Schroeder, Martin. 197, 258<br />

Schroeder, Raymond • . • .. 87<br />

Schrumpf, Diane __ • _ 128<br />

Schrumpf, Barbara .88, 128, 198, 200<br />

Schrupp, Manfred H. ._. •__.51<br />

Schultz, Gerald .. 63<br />

Schultz, Robert .. • 162<br />

Schwob, Marion L. . 52<br />

Scott, Charles 160<br />

Scott, Frank 258<br />

Scott, Judy 126<br />

Scoh, Frank 53, 186<br />

Scully, Dorothy • 100, 136, 202<br />

Sears, Janice 128, 192, 193, 208<br />

Sebby, Sandra 28, 130<br />



272<br />

L. G. BALFOUR CO.<br />


* FAVORS<br />


* GIFTS<br />

* TROPHIES<br />

* KNITWEAR<br />

* MUGS<br />

* RINGS<br />

Address:<br />

CRES<br />

WELLS<br />

527 Sf). Figueroa Los Angeles<br />

Qua/it'!<br />

1}eartoot<br />

Covel':J • • •<br />

THE<br />


For many years giving COMPLETE<br />

service to <strong>Del</strong> Sud staffs in their fine<br />

choice of SMITHCRAFTED Covers.<br />

S. Ii. SMITH<br />

5260 W. l04th Street<br />

Los Angeles 45, California<br />

co.<br />

Sedlock, Robert 100, 154<br />

Seewald, Carol 138<br />

Seidel, John 89<br />

Sellman, Hunton D 53, 101<br />

Senterfitt, Arnold 200<br />

Settle, Donald 168<br />

Sever, Tressie 124<br />

Severns, Daniel 164, 207<br />

Severin, Nancy 142<br />

Sevier, William 197<br />

Shableski, George 168<br />

Shafer, Richard 168<br />

Shames, Ira 89, 172<br />

Shands, Ernestine 193<br />

Sharkey, Patricia 193<br />

Shannon, Edward 89<br />

Shapero, Myron 88, 172<br />

Sharpe, Mary 192, 194<br />

Sharpless, Robert 89, 204<br />

Shea, Carol 132<br />

Shearer, Sue 45, 58, 89, 140,<br />

185, 188, 198, 2:JO<br />

Sheetz, Nancy 134<br />

Shelton, Donna McDade 134<br />

Shellstrom, Sonia 193<br />

Shepard, Judith 128<br />

Sherman, Donald 88<br />

Shields, Robert 55, 199<br />

Shoen, Pat 134<br />

Shorey, Joan _ 130, 208<br />

Shouse, Dr. Claude _ 192, 207<br />

Shumake, Robert 154<br />

Shuster, Jack 116<br />

Shutte, Bill .21 4<br />

Sickels, Veleda 88<br />

Sickler, Judith 128<br />

Sieckman, Theodore 1 62<br />

Siervogel, Elaine 130<br />

Sigler, Joan L - ~ 122<br />

Sigma Alpha Epsilon 18<br />

Sigma Alpha Iota 2::>3<br />

Sigma Chi 15<br />

Sigma Phi Epsi Ion 18<br />

Sigma Pi 17<br />

Sigma Pi Sigma 204<br />

Sigma Kappa 18<br />

Silard, Sharon 131<br />

Simms, Ann 88<br />

Simms, Jim 41<br />

Simmons, Carole 144<br />

Simmons, Robert 89<br />

Simpson, Hugh 240, 254, 255<br />

Simpson, William 89<br />

Sims, Margaret 92, 206<br />

Sisson, Joseph 168<br />

Sisson, Patricia .. 88<br />

Sitton, John ----------------- 197<br />

Skartvedt, Robert, Thea, G'ld. 215<br />

Skinner, Carole 136<br />

Skol ii, Lester 204<br />

Slater, Raymond 16')<br />

Slaughter, Nick ---------------- .160<br />

Slaughter, Nick . 88<br />

Slaughter, Nick - 88, 160<br />

Slawson, Thomas 197<br />

Siayen, Lillian 144<br />

Slayen, Harry 172, 254, 255<br />

Slusher, Clarence __ 89<br />

Smith, Bonnie 89, 198, 21')<br />

Smith, Carol 88<br />

Smith, Charles F. 174<br />

Smith, Charles R. 244<br />

Smith, Cliff --- 108, 111, 115<br />

Smith, Clifford E. 52<br />

Smith, Darold ---------- .60, 168<br />

Smith, Dean 88<br />

Smith, Liz 140<br />

Smith, Eric --------------------------- 161<br />

Smith, Leroy --------------- 170, 199<br />

Smith, Dr. Louis E 2')4<br />

Smith, Tweetie 126<br />

Smith, Ned c . 161<br />

Smith, Noel 168<br />

Smith, Richard 196<br />

Smith, Robert L 89<br />

Smith, Ruth A. 2:J8<br />

Smith, Sandy -- 126<br />

Smith, William C. 89<br />

Smith, Wanda -_________________________ 206, 218<br />

Smorln, Leonard 16q<br />

Snodgrass, Dr. Hershel 2)4<br />

Snyder, Glenn -- 170<br />

Solomon, Donald 172<br />

Sommermeyer, Elaine ------------. 132 190<br />

Sommers, Nancy --------------- 190: 192<br />

Sorenson, George W. 51<br />

Sosna, Bernard -·-------------- .60, 89, 187<br />

Southard, Pegy ------------------- 124, 195<br />

Sowa, J. ------------------------------------------ 88<br />

Spangler, Dr. John -------- 53, 54, 196<br />

Spark, Samuel ---------------------------- 204<br />

Spencer, Janet --- 128, 208<br />

Spencer, Thea --------- 88<br />

Spore, Adrienne 88, 100, 138,<br />

185,<br />

Sportsman, Choc --<br />

190, 195<br />

236<br />

Sprague, William -------------------------- 182<br />

Stafford, Shirley -------------------- 89<br />

Stafford, E. Wesley 191<br />

Stamatakis, Alex 89<br />

Stamatopoulos, Stella --------------------- 88<br />

Stamatopoulos, Pauline ---------- 136<br />

Standefer, Ralph ----------------------: 198<br />

Stanley, David ---------------- 108, 110<br />

Stanton, Ronald ---- 92, 98, 99,<br />

184, 188, 197<br />

Staples, Clark 287<br />

Starkey, Craig ---------------- 89, 191<br />

Starky, Bill --------------------------------- 150<br />

Starr, Edward 92, 164, 197,200,204<br />

Starr, Kenneth --- 90, 204<br />

Starr, Pat ---------------- 13, 44<br />

Statler, Dick ---- 197<br />

Steidl, Grant --- 90<br />

Steinhoff, Ona 132<br />

Steinmetz, Harry 54, 100, 202<br />

Stemen, Edgar 162<br />

Stevenson, Carol 208<br />

Stevenson, Claudia 12, 44, 94, 136<br />

Steveson, Peter 0 148<br />

Stewart, Paul 54<br />

Stewart, Ronald 93, 162, 215<br />

Stewart, Sandra 100, 128<br />

Stickney, Gaylord 93, 154<br />

Stine, John 154<br />

Stiratt, Barbara 93<br />

Stock, Mary Lou 134<br />

Stoffregen, Rhynard 90, 204<br />

Stoker, Mercedes 90<br />

Stokes, Marjil 93<br />

Stokes, LaVerne 102, 135<br />

Stokes, Reitha 144, 192<br />

Stolzer, Thomas 93<br />

Stomberg, Kenneth 154<br />

Stone, John Paul 50<br />

Stone, Mary 90, 208<br />

Storm, Alvena 53<br />

Stough, Morrow 52<br />

Stowers, Richard 90, 148<br />

Straub, L. Lynn 202<br />

Strauss, Matthew 90<br />

Stroble, Dolores 191<br />

Strong, Paul 93, 204<br />

Strople, Joan 199<br />

St. Sure, Frank 154<br />

Stubbs, Joan 120, 126<br />

Stump, Walter 150<br />

Sturak, Carman 126, 202, 203, 205<br />

Sullivan, Jerry 166<br />

Sunga, George .41, 45, 57, 93,<br />

168, 184, 189<br />

Sutherland, Anita 208<br />

SvalstaiJ, Bernie 162~<br />

Swan, James 154<br />

Sweetwood, Robert 90, 191<br />

Swerilas, K. M. 150<br />

Swift, Dan 175<br />

Swift, Harry 182, 199<br />

Swiggett, Jean 112<br />

Symphony Band 105<br />

Symphony Orchestra 105<br />

T<br />

I<br />

Tadl'ock, Donald 162<br />

Talboy, Ruth 52, 199<br />

Tamblyn, Carolyn 93, 128<br />

~:~::~;~:tE~~;i~~~~:::::=:::::::::::::::~~~:::~r~<br />

Taylor, Ann E. .45, 120, 136<br />

~:~:~~:~'::;~e;--=::=::::::::::::::::=::::::::=::l:~<br />

Taylor, Glenn 55, 60, ~~~<br />

~:~:~~:!~::::~:::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::;~<br />

Taylor Mary Ann . 134, 178<br />

;:~S~,<br />

~;:;:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::<br />

i::<br />

Templeton, William • 154<br />

Tennebaum, I. Harry 192<br />

Teyssler, Marilyn .. .. 132<br />

I<br />

Always<br />

rates a FANFARE<br />

- y~ . -<br />

{!)~'~!?'r-----oll<br />


__#fla~-<br />

--c~<br />

-----VISeUIlt91'<br />

POINT<br />

EXTRA<br />

LOMA<br />

QUALIT'<br />

FOODS<br />

Tor<br />

,oursell'<br />

Thaxton, Vera Mae . 199, 208<br />

Theatre Guild . 205<br />

Theobald, John R. .••.__. • __ 52<br />

Theta Chi .. .. .. _____ _ 18<br />

Thiel, Lynn .. ... .. 128<br />

Thiery, Margaret .. .. _ 128<br />

Tholl, Robert .. •__....... ••... 148<br />

Thomas, Charles ...... 93<br />

Thomas, Clyde • .• •. 174, 243<br />

Thomas, Dickie 50, 54, 55, 184, 187<br />

Thomas, Janet ..... _._________ 2 '2<br />

Thomas, Paula . .__ ..<br />

Thomas, Richard . •__.__ __<br />

_.. _ 14)<br />

93<br />

Thomassen, Jim .•. __.••_ 117, 182<br />

Thomson, Thomas _ _ _ 163<br />

Thompson, Bruce 195<br />

Thompson, Edward _. 199<br />

Thompson, Jack ._ 150, 187<br />

Thompson, Patricia _....... 122, 207<br />

Thompson, Richard _ .__ • _•. 175<br />

Thomure, Thomas .•• _..... _. 93<br />

Thurmond, Richard • ..... 90, 113<br />

Thurston, William .. ... •. 160<br />

Tinker, Lynne .. .. _ 126<br />

Tinning, Merlin ._._ __._. _ _ 233<br />

Tobelman, Ann .... _ ___90, 136<br />

Tobiason, Norma __ •__.. _.......... _ •. 124<br />

Tolle, Muriel. •..... •.•..••• __•. _. 116<br />

Tollefsen, Dorothy _ .._ •• __ .... 206<br />

Tooles, Dorothy __.___ __••. _ 193<br />

Torbert,. Frances .. _ _.. 52<br />

Torik, Mary Lou __ _... _ 191<br />

Torricellas, Lilly _. .. 90, 206<br />

Towne, Milford • _ _ _ _ 93<br />

Towne, Walt __ _.. .. .__....... 204<br />

Towner, Betty •.••._....... 122<br />

Tozer, Thomas _ .__._ .. _ __. __163<br />

Tracey, Paddy .. _.. 124<br />

Track • ._. 234<br />

Tracy, Jo Ann .. ... __63, 115, 140<br />

+~:~k:0~1I~~gre ::~:::::.::::::::::: __.::::::::::: ~~<br />

Treat, Wolcott C. __.. _ 52<br />

Tremaine, Roger 1 00, 162, 202<br />

Triplett, David .... .. _ .. • 166<br />

+~~~t~g~~~y ~~_~!_d ::::::_:::::::::::::::::_ .. :.. : 1 ~~<br />

Tucker, John .. . •.90, 175<br />

Tucker Keith .. __....... __.________ __... 193<br />

]~~f~~t~~=~~~<br />

Tunnell, John ... .. __... 93, 154, 204<br />

~:::~~:1:~:t ._:::::::::::::::::::::::.-=::::-::: ..:Ii~<br />

Tychsen Betty Jane ..... 45, 93, 140, Wilson, Kathryn _.__...... ...... _.__.... 193<br />

, 185, 195<br />

U<br />

Ulloa,<br />

Ulrich<br />

Hope.<br />

Gloria<br />

---------------<br />

..<br />

.. -------<br />

28,<br />

--T26--'<br />

,<br />

J?~<br />

J~~;id :::::::::::::::::::::::=---::::::i ~~<br />

~~?::~~~<br />

Urbach, S'igmund 172, 192<br />

Uyeji, Saburo .. .. 92<br />

V<br />

Van Denburg, Glenn .... __166<br />

Van Denburgh Russell .. _108<br />

Van Dine, Do~een .... 140, 1~3<br />

Van Eaten, Sue -------0------------------- .. --------.933<br />

Van Gessel Wilhelmona -----------.. --------<br />

Vassis, Will'iam H. .. .. .. 196<br />

Vatis Martin Dale __..... .. 93, 160, 198<br />

Verdone, Frank S. • ~~<br />

r:~~~_:.-:.~_:.-_-_~-_~-_~~~~~~~-_-_~~-_--9-f-<br />

~iJaCtR~gY<br />

Vierhus Albert .. 93,<br />

Viettei: Joseph .. 92, 206<br />

J ~g<br />

~~~:~E~~~~I~~-::::::::::::::::::::::::::I:~~:::f~~<br />

W<br />

Wade Audrey 115, 134<br />

X<br />

Wadell, Thomas R. 1 00, 1~~<br />

Waggoner, James .. 162, 9 Xolotl .. .. __183<br />

~ :~~:~' E~~y --:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1~O<br />

Walker: Charlotte ----------------------- ..49-2~~<br />

j1i~1~t~~~~~~;~~~~i~<br />

y<br />

Yale Elizabeth 93<br />

Yamamoto, Kengo .. 233<br />

Yeary, Carl .. .__.. .. 182<br />

Yelvington, Danny R. •__163, 254<br />

Yenrick, Gale 124<br />

Walsh Michaele ------------------ .. --- ---1 4 Ynigo Alexander S. .... . 93<br />

3 Yoing~o, Zenida 191<br />

Walsh: WilHam -----:--------------- 61, 162, 1~5 Yonke Jack E. .. 94, 2')4<br />

Young: John W. .. 174<br />

~i!<br />

~i~~~J~Jjl~~::~~~~~~~:::::~~:::::::::~:::~:::~<br />

Ward; Mary 100, 134, 186, 200<br />

Warde in, Harold 92, 189, °<br />

~ :~~:~: ~i~h~~d-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~<br />

Warriner, Jennie 185, 193, 92<br />

~ H~!~~nJ~~:;~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 ~~<br />

Webb, John 164<br />

Weber, Patricia 121, 131<br />

Wegner, Joan 190<br />

Weinberg, D nial 172<br />

Weiner, M rtin 192<br />

Weiner, Wm. 93, 162<br />

Wining, Joan 12>1,186<br />

Weir, Jam s 2>1, 253<br />

Weismann, R Iph 193<br />

Weldon, Jam s 163, 2>1<br />

Welker, Elizab th 121<br />

Wenb rg, Joann 194<br />

W ndt, William 168<br />

W nlg, Herb rt 172<br />

Wesley Club 194<br />

W stminst r Club 194<br />

W ston] Jo<br />

West, 1m<br />

nn 193, 199<br />

161<br />

S. Alb rt 150, 187, '.8<br />

130<br />

Wherry, L wr nce 92, 116, 192, 194, 196<br />

Whisler, Donald 197<br />

Whisler, Ronald 197<br />

Whitacre, Phil 163, 189<br />

White, Alfr d E. 51<br />

White, Mary 208<br />

White Wilham 170<br />

Whitehill, Grac 92, 13>1<br />

Who's Who 188, 189<br />

Wickens, Patricia 136<br />

Wickham, Donald 148<br />

Weymlll<br />

Wheaton<br />

r,<br />

Joyc<br />

Wlecl'or k, Albert 55, 93<br />

Wlec orek, Alb rt 204<br />

Wier, Bruce 150, 190, 192<br />

Wight, Suzanne 45<br />

Wigley, Jill 111, 12>1<br />

Wilcox, Robert F. 51, 55<br />

Wiles, Carolyn 93<br />

Wilke, Lois 201<br />

Williams, Albert 92<br />

Williams, Ann _ 193<br />

Williams, Barbara 128, 194<br />

Williams, Carlynne 140<br />

Williams, David _ • 92<br />

Williams, George _ '. • 166<br />

Williams, Gerald "._ • 174<br />

Williams, Gerard ••. .. 93<br />

Williams, Joni.. .. •. 102, 114, 126, 205<br />

Williams, Lois ••.• __ .. 93<br />

Williams, Lois _ .._ .... . 124<br />

Williamson, Lynne _ ...... 129<br />

Williamson" Raymond .••.. .. 93, 193<br />

Williford, Lonnie __ .... '._. _ 134<br />

Willis, Gall .. __ .• __ __.121, 122<br />

Wilson, Allan . .. _.. _ __.. __. " 204<br />

Wilson, Donald _.__ _.92, 161<br />

Wilson, Frank __ •.•. __ 207<br />

Wilson, Gail _ •• .... 191<br />

Wilson, Herschel. __.__..... • .•. 110<br />

Wilson, Kenneth •..••_ .. __.... .,, 204<br />

Wilson, Stanton _ .. ••_.__ ... •• 233<br />

Wimer, Arthur ,__".,, __,, __, 41, 52, 55, 112<br />

Winicki, Joseph _ __ .. __ .. 172<br />

Winn Michael __.. __ __ •.••. 158<br />

Winn' Richard __•__ .. __ 161<br />

Winters, Vera ._92, 128, 196<br />

Winzell] Barbara . •__ 131, 208<br />

Wold oan .••__.. __ __.. 138<br />

Wolf: Ernest __.•.•. __ ___,,, __ •__ 53<br />

Wolfe, Donald L. _..__ _100, 150,202<br />

Wolter, Barbara __.. _ _ __109, 126<br />

Wolters, Richard _._ " ,,. __ . _.. _. 148<br />

Women's Recreation Association ... 206<br />

Women's P.E. Majors Club __• .• 205<br />

Woodard, Bill ...... •••• .__ 193, 198<br />

Woodard Joyce •.. __• ._._ .. __._.136<br />

Woodma~see, Ray .. .. .__.. 227, 229<br />

Woods, Judy __•. .. .. _ .. • ..... _ 124<br />

Woodward, William -.- .--- ------ ... ----. ----1 6 6 Wooly, Ives __• .••• --.. --- 1 3 4<br />

Wooley, Shirley __... _.. _ .... 93, 120, 134,<br />

185, 189, 203<br />

Wool fe, Richard __... ... _. __... _..241, 253<br />

Wrestling .. __ .. .. __.,,_ .. 256<br />

Wrenn, Allen .. .168, 187<br />

Wright, David __" __,_,,, , .. 201<br />

Wright, Gene 93, 158, 197,204<br />

Wright, Lois • ._ 92<br />

Wright William ... • 182<br />

Wulbe(n, Jody .. ... 102, 126<br />

Wylie Paul • .. • •__ 158<br />

Wym~n, Susan - .. __.. ...... 29, 140<br />

Wynston, Leslie ... .. 92, 196<br />

Ziegenfuss, George 51, 54, 226, 227<br />

Zouhar, Rita • 205, 206<br />

Watson: Eleanor ------------------------- ----1 2 6 Wayte Janet Sue 93, 1 4 2 Zowada, LaVerne .. _.. .. 124<br />

Weaver, Milt .. 93, 204 Zuehlke, Lowell H. 166<br />

Z<br />

Zaiser, Donna ------------------- .----5-1, f~~<br />

Zamberlan, Ann .. 94, 1 0,<br />

Zeitler, George D. . 164<br />

Zeta Beta Tau -_ 18<br />


-~-- -<br />


HALL'S<br />



6571 EI Cajon Blvd.<br />



645 ELEVENTH AVE., SAN DIEGO, BE-9-8186<br />



AT-1-8157<br />


Keeping up with a rapidly growing student<br />

body and faculty seems to be the main<br />

concern of Aztec Shops. Not content to<br />

serve just adequately, Shops employees are<br />

constantly striving to find new ways to<br />

please Aztecs.<br />

Alterations in both the Bookstore and<br />

the Cafe have resulted in faster and better<br />

service to citizens of Montezumaland.<br />

The work of Shops personnel has a farreaching<br />

effect on campus life. They are<br />

especially proud of their assistance in<br />

boosting Associated Student affairs.<br />

SDSC President Malcolm A. Love is<br />

also president of the Shops Board; Dickie<br />

Thomas manages this non-profit corporation.<br />


CO.<br />



Top-Three Aztec employees of long standing are Cafe Manager<br />

Jerry Bevilacqua, Graduate Manager Dickie Thomas and<br />

Head Cook Andy Randeques.<br />

Harbor at Pacific<br />

402 Fifth<br />

At right-They're happy 'cause they serve Aztecs in the Bookstore<br />

and they are from left to right: Jewel Ollestad, Maxine<br />

Grove, Majorie Baker, Doris Heskitt, Lyall Tucker, Pauline<br />

Kirkpatrick, Gay Macklin, Lovell Baker, Ruby Mayfield, Bernice<br />

Linton and Cliff Asay.<br />

NORBOM<br />

755 Union<br />

SALES<br />


"X" CAFE<br />

Below, right-They cater to Staters in the main cafe and in the<br />

patio. They are from left to right, first row: Dorothy 150m,<br />

Louise Henry, Ruth Petzen and Anne Cavanaugh. Second row:<br />

Millie Stephens, Julie Fillweber, Viola Mowery, Marie Hayes,<br />

Elaine Velasco, Angie Elrod and Ella Fields. Back row: Fannie<br />

rornrn, Ethyl Siegle and Lil Dailey.<br />

WM.<br />




1224 Fourth Ave.<br />

College and Montezuma<br />

Ii<br />




I IPARK~<br />

TI-lURMOND<br />

architectural, salon and cinema type photography<br />

274<br />

Above - This is a bird's eye view of the new cafe patio.<br />

Aztecs see it better from the ground. Built in September, this<br />

sun-soaked spot met with immediate approval.

--U E L sun 0 EST E -<br />

- .--------------;<br />

Printing<br />

by<br />

.<br />

Since 1932<br />

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--------------------------------------------------------------------~<br />

1801 Broadway BE 9-0181<br />


f<br />

/<br />

II<br />

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/<br />

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.><br />

IIII<br />

I I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

\ /<br />

\<br />

\\\<br />

,<br />


Dave Bean<br />

Lester<br />

E. Campbell<br />

Bob Cencelosi Hal Cota Joe Daly Dick Deussen<br />

My ID? But I'm sure I had it when I came in ...<br />

-_!_---~_.<br />

'""<br />

Gerald L. Laudermilk<br />

SIGMA<br />


Pres ident ------ So Ivador Flores<br />

Fred Leonard<br />

Sig Ep's were top in fraternity scholarship for the<br />

Vi ce-P res ident : Fred Leona rd<br />

fall semester ... Founded in Richmond, Virginia,<br />

Ken Polk<br />

in 1901, the local Sigma <strong>Del</strong>ta Epsilon affiliated in<br />

Secretary -- Ronald Morgan<br />

1947 ... sponsored beard-growing contest, not too<br />

Keith<br />

Polk<br />

widely appreciated by the campus coeds, in May ...<br />

T reasu re r<br />

Howa rd H aug h<br />

Ronald<br />

Morgan<br />

maintained their fraternity house on Hardy Way,<br />

being the first to own one there ... The fraternity<br />

sweetheart was crowned at the annual "Queen of<br />

Name of Local:<br />

Hearts Ball" ... Held their annual "Sing Sing<br />

Sigma <strong>Del</strong>ta Epsilon<br />

Swing" and continued the tradition of an annual<br />

Date Local Founded: 1947<br />

luau Sig Ep originated the event in this area ...<br />

Went<br />

National:<br />

November 14,<br />

1951<br />

National<br />

Chapter:<br />

California<br />

<strong>Del</strong>ta<br />

National<br />

Founded:<br />

November 1 1901 ,<br />

164<br />

,<br />

Edward Starr<br />

Dean Zeitler<br />

Richmond,<br />

Virginia<br />

Location: 5712 Hardy Way<br />

'Twas the night before Christmas ...<br />


Jerry Blecksmith Charles Boeh<br />

Garry Butterfield Jim Churchill<br />

I<br />

Russell Condon Melvin Curry Channing Day<br />

Duane Eberhardt Hal Fassett Harry Grow John Halvorsen Harlan Hayden<br />

Robert Hillerman Bob House<br />

SIGMA<br />

PI<br />

Presiden t -- Dean Lept ic h<br />

Vice-President Glenn Vandenberg<br />

Secretary<br />

Bob House<br />

Treasurer ------------- J erry Sui Iivan<br />

Sigma Pi was colonized on State College campus<br />

in 1947 ... activities of the chapter for the year<br />

included open-bid "Moonlight Serenade" in the<br />

spring ... closed-bid sweetheart dance, "Orchid<br />

Boll," held in December ... Founders' Day Banquet<br />

is traditional, as is their Father and Son Banquet<br />

... group presented their basketball trophy for<br />

outstanding team play this year to Tony Pinkins .<br />

Dean Leptich held office of senior class president .<br />

Hal Fassett, parade chairman for Homecoming .<br />

Bob House outstanding as Commissioner of Finance,<br />

Oceotl president, "Who's Who" and Blue Key ...<br />

Art Hayes elected president of C.S.T.A .... Fraternity<br />

had highest scholarship grades for spring, 1954 ...<br />

Name of Local: Sigma Pi Colony<br />

Date Local Founded: 1947<br />

Went National: May 18, 1949<br />

National Chapter: Alpha Omega<br />

National<br />

Founded:<br />

February 19, 1897<br />

Vincennes<br />

University<br />

Vincennes,<br />

Indiana<br />

Location: 8455 Lemon, La Mesa<br />

Chuck<br />

166<br />

Tupper<br />

Henry<br />

Turner<br />

•<br />

Lowell<br />

Zuehlke<br />


Bob Drewery<br />

~!'"""""1I~C---:':"--'_<br />

'<br />

Name of Local: Sigma Lambda<br />

Date Local Founded: 1927<br />

Went National: May 21 1 1950<br />

National Chapter:<br />

Gamma Lambda<br />

National Founded:<br />

January 10 1<br />

1899<br />

Illinois Wesleyan University<br />

Bloominqton, Illinois<br />

Location: 3039 Adams Avenue<br />


President Wa It Bussey School couldn't start without Teke-sponsored first<br />

open-bid dance each year, "Lcmbooqie" ... their<br />

II<br />

I Vice - PresidenL Art N inness<br />

,<br />

I Secretary -- ~---------------------John Ca Ivert<br />

rreasurer Marv Gudmundson<br />

fraternity sweetheart was crowned at "Cornorion<br />

Ccrousel," closed-bid forrnol, in April ... George<br />

Sunga was big man on campus as president of Associated<br />

Students, "Who's Who" and Blue Key ...<br />

Jim McVicar journalized as fall advertising manager<br />

of the Aztec and correspondent for San Diego Union<br />

Allen Wrenn and Ron Gerrard lent distinction<br />

to the group as members of Oceotl ... Homecoming<br />

float, IIMr. Touchdown U.S.A./ I took trophies for<br />

best construction and fi rst in fraternities ...<br />

y<br />

v<br />

Noel<br />

168<br />

\<br />

Smith<br />

George<br />

Sunga<br />

William<br />

Wendt<br />

hall, fellas, and it's the door marked ...<br />

The Lure of the Tropics .<br />


k<br />

Herb Bickley Jim Bishop Bill Branch<br />

Joe Bonin<br />

Those thrilling days of yesteryear ...<br />

Dale Hoffland<br />


Pres ident<br />

Bill Coops<br />

Theta Chi's moved into a new fraternity<br />

house on Hardy Way, budding Fraternity Row<br />

Vi ce-Pres j dent -- John WiII<br />

Sec reta ry Glenn Snyder<br />

Don Prentice<br />

T reasu re r Ron Potts<br />

... Held traditional "Danse des Apache" ...<br />

went Western with open-bid "Circle Bar X"<br />

at American Legion Hall in February .<br />

among community activities was a Christmas<br />

party held for San Diego Children's Home ...<br />

Don Ritchey, an outstanding<br />

man on campus,<br />

was Blue Key, I.F.e. President, A.S. Council<br />

Name of Local: Theta Chi Colony<br />

member and "Who's Who" ... Gamma Theta<br />

Date Local Founded: 1947<br />

Went National: October l O, 1947<br />

National Chapter: Gamma Theta<br />

became first national fraternity on campus<br />

... Dream Girl of Theta Chi crowned at their<br />

Spring Formal ... "Carnation Boll" held at<br />

Town and Country at Christmas annual<br />

National<br />

Founded:<br />

luau comes with the summer months snow<br />

170<br />

William White<br />

April io. 1856<br />

Norwich University, Vermont<br />

Location: 5702 Hardy Way<br />

And this is our Alpine Chapter ...<br />

party was held after fall finals ... Don Prentice<br />

and John Will chosen as members of<br />

Oceotl ... local chapter received scholarship<br />

award from National Fraternity ...<br />


Julian Frank Marty Freedman<br />

••• Ir-----......., Sheldon Golden<br />

"When they called out, 'Change Partners: and ...<br />

ZETA<br />

BETA TAU<br />

Pres ident<br />

AIan M ishne<br />

Noel Fishman<br />

Vice-Presi dent Steve Kirschte I<br />

Donn Kobernich<br />

Sec reta ry<br />

Treasu rer<br />

Noe I Fishman<br />

Edmond Rosenthal<br />

Don Solomon<br />

Harvey Goodfriend<br />

I<br />

I<br />

172<br />

Sigmund<br />

Urbach<br />

Nome of local: Beta Tau<br />

Dote local Founded: 1949<br />

Went Notional: May 21, 1951<br />

Notional Chapter: Beta Lambda<br />

Notional Founded: 1898<br />

C.C.N.Y., New York<br />

-<br />

Zeta Beta Tau was colonized on<br />

State College campus in 1951 ... the<br />

fraternity placed second in scholarship<br />

rating for the fall, after leading for<br />

three semesters ... Bernie Sosna was<br />

on A.M.S. Council and was president<br />

of Oceotl ... also a member of Oceotl,<br />

but on the A.S. Council as Lower Division<br />

Representative, was Harvey Goodfriend<br />

... Art Belenzon was Blue Key<br />

and "Who's Who" ... AI Mishne was<br />

a Council member, Blue Key vice president<br />

and was noted for h is work as<br />

Homecoming chairman ... Founders'<br />

Day dinner-dance held in May ... Initiation<br />

formal dinner and dance held<br />

each semester ... open-bid dance held<br />

in spring semester ...<br />

The maitre-de's in the center? ...<br />

I can't tell a waltz from a rhumba ...<br />


Local chapter won the fraternity Western Chapter<br />

Scholarship Award ... Tony Pinkins was an out-<br />

Pres ide nt------------------<br />

Ron Ande rson<br />

Joseph Ferris<br />

standing basketball player, receiving the Sigma Pi<br />

Vice- Pres iden t------<br />

Ga ry Lande<br />

Julius Campbell August Castille<br />

Irving Crawford David<br />

,t<br />

Evans<br />

Trophy for Outstanding Teamplay ... Julius Campbell,<br />

besides acting as I.F.C. spring treasurer, Won<br />

Kappa Alpha Psi Provincial Scholarship ... chapter<br />

sponsored winning candidate, "Miss Fashionetta,"<br />

in off-campus contest Contributed trophy float<br />

for Homecoming parade Held annual Founders'<br />

Day dinner in January Held closed-bid celebration<br />

at New Year's gave first annual open-bid<br />

"Ba I Canibe"<br />

e ...<br />

Sec reta ry ---------------------------<br />

Pau I Coronado<br />

Bryan Kenion<br />

Treasurer ------- Wm. Richardson<br />

Name of Local:<br />

Phi Sigma Kappa Colony<br />

Dan Morrissey<br />

PHI SIG<br />

Date Local Founded: 1948<br />

Ronnie<br />

Anderson<br />

A<br />

Norvell Freeman Ernest Hartzog<br />


Name of Local:<br />

Kappa Alpha Psi Colony<br />

Date Local Founded: 1951<br />

PSI<br />

Went National: April 23, 1949<br />

National Chapter: Rho Triton<br />

National<br />

University<br />

Founded:<br />

March 15, 1873<br />

of Massachusetts<br />

Paul<br />

Coronado<br />

George<br />

Dixon<br />

Jack<br />

I<br />

Felder<br />

Went National: May 26, 1951<br />

Thomas Pinkins Ray Roberson<br />

Charles Smith Clyde Thomas<br />

National Chapter: <strong>Del</strong>ta Epsilon<br />

National Founded:<br />

January 5, 1911<br />

Indiana University<br />

Bloomington, Indiana<br />

Phi Sig activities in spring semester included<br />

"Tramp Stamp" held April 22 at the North<br />

Park Club ... On March 13, Founders' Day<br />

was celebrated by the fraternity at a banquet<br />

... a dinner-dance was held for spring pledges<br />

at the Streaml iner ... the group planned a<br />

Mothers' Day Breakfast on the appropria!e<br />

day ... Third highest award for scholarship<br />

was given to Phi Sigs" for th~ fall ~er;;ester<br />

... The fraternity Moonlight Girl ~as<br />

crowned at their annual formal ... Pledging<br />

three international students was a noteworthy<br />

event ...<br />

Lewis Johnson<br />

Roy Jones Brian Kenion<br />

Gerald<br />

Williams<br />

I<br />

John Young<br />

Dan Morrissey Fred Palmer Normand Picard<br />

President ------------------ Ernest Hartzog<br />

Vice- Pres ident --------------------- J ul ius<br />

Campbe II<br />

1_<br />

Bill Richardson Don Swift Dick Thompson<br />

Keeper of Records.. Gerord Wi IIiorns<br />

Keeper of Exchequer<br />

Norvell Freeman<br />

174<br />

"Anyone care to dance?"<br />

John Tucker John Vondruska William Walton<br />


•<br />

ra ern1<br />

•<br />

avon es<br />


Miss Shipwreck of Alpha Tau Omega<br />


Dream Girl of <strong>Del</strong>ta Sigma PhI<br />

I .<br />


Dream Girl of Kappa Alpha<br />


Sweetheart of Kappa Alpha PSI<br />

•<br />



Cross and Crescent Girl of Lambda Chi Alpha<br />


Queen of Hearts of Sigma Phi Epsilon<br />


Sweetheart of Sigma Pi<br />

Fraternity<br />

Favorites<br />

,-. _..<br />

Kappa<br />

Alpha<br />


Sweetheart of Sigma Chi<br />


Sweetheart of Tau Kappa Epsilon<br />


Dream Girl of Theta Chi<br />

178<br />


nniza ions

ALPHA<br />


John Atherton Norman Gaskins<br />

I<br />

Gerrie Berkman<br />

Miss Elizabeth Klemer, Advisor<br />

Larry Gregg<br />

N. J. Hein<br />

Andy Brown Dorothy Cox Mary Czaper<br />

Dr. Andrew Olson, Advisor<br />

XOLOTL<br />

Vernie<br />

Holmberg<br />

Morton Picklesimer William Sprague<br />

Harry Swift Jim Thomassen<br />

William Wright Carl Yeary<br />

182<br />

President --------------- Vernie Holmberg<br />

Harry<br />

Swift<br />

Vice-President -------- John Atherton<br />

Secreta ry ------------------<br />

John<br />

Atherton<br />

Ed So leeby<br />

Bob Jorgensen<br />

Treasurer ----------- Jim Thomassen<br />

Jim<br />

Thomassen<br />

National service fraternity ... on San Diego State<br />

campus for twenty-three years ... purpose is to<br />

render service to the campus, community and nation<br />

... members are offered opportunities in leadership<br />

as well as fellowship ... oldest Greek letter fraternity<br />

at S.D.S.C. ... principle service project at present<br />

is the operation of a Lost and Found assists with<br />

the Walk of Dimes, a polio benefit conducts<br />

Ugly Man Contest to raise money for charities ...<br />

once a year, the group publishes a student directory,<br />

the Redbook ... their other publication, Bindex,<br />

appears each semester ...<br />

Organized to advise and counsel all incoming<br />

freshmen in both academic and extracurricular<br />

activities ... the group's main project is sponsoring<br />

and supervising Frosh Orientation Camp ... organized<br />

on San Diego State campus in 1940, and, with<br />

the exception of the war years, active ever since<br />

... to be eligible for membership, a student must<br />

have completed at least fifteen units and must be<br />

recommended by the department chairman in his<br />

major field ... monthly meetings on campus ...<br />

membership is limited to a ratio of one Xolotl<br />

member for every ten entering freshmen ...<br />

Pres ident Andy Brown<br />

Alan Mishne<br />

Vice-President<br />

Secretary<br />

Kay Moran<br />

Ada Picaizen<br />

__________________________ Shi rley Collamer<br />

Lee Lowrey<br />

T reasurer Pat Asquith<br />

Norma Leppert Lee Lowrey Dorothy McCollom<br />

•<br />

Alan Mishne Bonnie Morrison Joyce O'Connor<br />

Bill Walsh<br />

Don Ritchey Doreen Van Dine Bill Walsh<br />


President ----------------------------- . Don Ritchey<br />

Tom<br />

Goodbody<br />

CAP AND<br />

GOW<br />

John Ackley Andy Brown<br />

Vi ce-P res ident<br />

A Ion M ishne<br />

Andy<br />

Brown<br />

Sec reta ry- T reas u re r-- Tom Goodbody<br />

Norman Fleming Virgil Gentzler<br />

Bob House<br />

Shirley<br />

Collamer<br />

Tom Goodbody Marshall Malcolm<br />

Alan Mishne Norm Nygaard<br />

National honorary society for junior and senior<br />

men ... members are selected on the basis of leadership,<br />

scholarship, and service to the students and<br />

faculty ... S.D.S.C.'s chapter organized in 1933<br />

... the group is composed of outstanding campus<br />

leaders in all fields tapping ceremonies are held<br />

three times a year assists with Homecoming and<br />

other campus activities ... strives to foster friendship<br />

and cordial relations among all student groups,<br />

organized and non-organized, and between students<br />

and faculty ... initiation banquets are semi-annual<br />

... holds auction each semester ...<br />


Advisor<br />

Jackie<br />

Merrill<br />

I<br />

Herbert<br />

Peiffer<br />

BLUE<br />

KEY<br />

Senior women's honor society . . . encourages<br />

activities and scholarship of women on campus .<br />

established on San Diego State Campus in 1932 .<br />

group is patterned after Mortar Board, national<br />

honorary on-campus advisor was Dr. Marjorie<br />

Brookshire activities included a tea for student<br />

leaders in the spring and an annual banquet for<br />

alumnae ... selected on the basis of scholarship,<br />

1.5 over-all, and contributions to the college, work<br />

in three extra-curricular fields is necessary . . :<br />

deserving girls are tapped at the fo!l and spring<br />

Associated Women Students' banquet<br />

Margie Montgomery Diann Penry<br />

Don Ritchey Jack Rogers<br />

Pat Razzeto Sue Shearer<br />

President --------------~ . . Pot Razzeto<br />

Jack Roney Ronald Stanton<br />

Vice-President ------- . . Sue Shearer<br />

Adrienne Spore Betty Tychsen<br />

Dr. John Ackley, Advisor<br />

Secretary Carolyn Butler<br />

Diann Penry<br />

T reasu rer ---------- Sh irley Collamer<br />

Betty<br />

T ychsen<br />

George<br />

184<br />

Sunga<br />

Dickie<br />

Thomas<br />

Jennie Jo Warriner Betty Wooley<br />


Marianne Benjamin Gerrie Berkman Jeannette Crouch<br />

J<br />

Bob Beachler Dick Blair Dave Carlson<br />

Marion Da Vanon Beverlee Dee:n Mary Ann Donaldson<br />

Jerry Dawson Harvey Goodfriend Henry Hall<br />

DICKIE<br />

Advisor<br />

THOMAS<br />

OCEOTL<br />

Mary Alice Dorntge Susie Gregory Lois Hebner DR, HARRIET HASKELL<br />

Advisor<br />

Maren Heubach Stephanie Hunt<br />

Barbara<br />

Killian<br />

\<br />

Norma<br />

Lawrence<br />

Frances<br />

Liljegren<br />

President<br />

CETIA<br />

_ __________________ Gerrie<br />

Stephanie<br />

Berkman<br />

Hunt<br />

Vice-President Marianne Benjamin<br />

Jean Satterlee<br />

Secretary.<br />

_ _ _<br />

Stephanie<br />

Barbara<br />

Hunt<br />

Killian<br />

Honorary service organization for sophomore and<br />

junior men ... founded on San Diego State College<br />

campus in 1935 ... the name means "Chosen<br />

Warriors" ... purpose is to promote school spirit<br />

and to render service to the school ... advisor for<br />

the group was Dickie Thomas ... members help<br />

with freshman orientation and sell the Frosh "dinks"<br />

... group assists with the half-time card tricks at<br />

football games ... supervises painting and lighting<br />

of the "5" on Black Mountain ...<br />

Patrick Henry Bob House Jim Hunt<br />

Jim Jacobs Mort Jorgensen Dean Leptich<br />

Treasurer Jecmnette Crouch<br />

Lois Hebner<br />

Pres ident -------<br />

Bob House<br />

Lee Lowrey Janet Luckenbach Dorothy McCollom<br />

Vice- Pres ident.. 0<br />

Jacque<br />

Hart<br />

Sonny Linderman Kay Madsen Paul Phillips<br />

I<br />

,f<br />

Nina McConnell Nancy Page Jean Satterlee<br />

Judy<br />

186<br />

Scott<br />

Mary Ward Joan Weining<br />

Honorary service organization for freshman and<br />

sophomore women ... twenty hours of service to<br />

the school is the requirement for membership ...<br />

the support of school activities and the promotion<br />

of school spirit are the purposes of the group ...<br />

name is Aztec spelled backwards ... activities<br />

include stacking cards for half-time card tricks,<br />

helping during campus elections, serving at banquets,<br />

and other services to faculty and students<br />

... new members are tapped at the semi-annual<br />

A.W.S. banquets ... presidents of the group were<br />

Gerrie Berkman and Stephanie Hunt ...<br />

Secretary Harvey Goodfriend<br />

Treasurer ---------- Mort Jorgensen<br />

Howard Pray Don' Prentice Bernie Sosna<br />

Jack Thompson AI Weymiller Allen Wrenn<br />


WHO'S<br />

WHO<br />

in american colleges and universities<br />

Jackie<br />

Merrill<br />

Noel Mickelsen<br />

Ada Picaizen<br />

Jim Poole<br />

Phil<br />

Prokop<br />

188<br />

Jack Rogers<br />

Ronald<br />

Stanton<br />

Harold Wardein<br />

Phil Whitacre<br />

Betty Wooley<br />


•• study<br />

•• David<br />

• encourages<br />

0 • Dr.<br />

aims<br />

•• holds<br />

meetings<br />

• 0<br />

0<br />




CLUB<br />


Y<br />

Left to right, first row: Gertrude Hunter, Celia Richards, Gloria Hough, Adrienne<br />

Spore. Second row: Gene Grainger, Jean Carmichael, Peg Giddings, The Rev. J. Ogden<br />

Hoffman. Third row: Bruce Wier, Howard Pipes, William Griebner.<br />

0<br />

International organization for Episcopal<br />

students ... started on SoD.SoC.<br />

campus in 1946 .. to provide a<br />

definite program<br />

0<br />

of worship, study and<br />

service holds weekly dinner meetings<br />

speakers, seminars and discussion<br />

groups are a part of the activities<br />

of faith and practices<br />

0<br />

of the Episcopal Church this year's<br />

president was Jean<br />

0 0 0<br />

Carmichael<br />

other officers were Howard<br />

0<br />

Pipes and<br />

Bruce Wier<br />

advisor ...<br />

Henderson was<br />

Left to right, first row: Mary Acord.. Encarnation Apostol, Frankie Harriss, Dee Stroble, Janice<br />

Neil, Nenita Mungcal, Fujiko Ruth Nakao. Second row: Anna Combs, Betty Lou Payne, Donna<br />

Freer, Zenaida Yoingco, Gail Wilson, Jackie Anderson, Eleanor Colaianni, Joann Bauer.<br />

Third row: Patricia Bullen, Af.,igail Patto"o'1, Jon Rpading. Wes Stafford, Robert Sweetwood,<br />

Kay Ellsberg, Shirley Havins, Mary Lou Torik, Judy Little. Fourth row: Chris Washburn, Janice<br />

Cutler, Sally Little, Ken Paschen, Dave Neptune, Oscar Baclagan, Herb Bickley, Hollis Barber,<br />

Craig Starkey.<br />

•<br />

Fellowship of students and<br />

faculty who desire to discover<br />

through study, action and worship<br />

the ideals of Christian<br />

living and service<br />

activities include<br />

0<br />

pot<br />

0<br />

luck<br />

social<br />

suppers,<br />

picnics, and parties . 0<br />

also on the agenda are service<br />

projects, swap shops, international<br />

student programs and<br />

forums David Neptune<br />

served as executive director .. 0<br />

Bob Sweetwood was president 0 0 0<br />



t..<br />

1\It<br />

c.OlltCl<br />

y<br />

Lef.t to right, first row: Nancy Sommers, Myrna Ellis, Carol Karns, Joan We ner<br />

Elaine Sommermeyer. Second row: Gary Albright Tommy Naves S Q.g t<br />

0<br />

Unites Christian Scientists on campus<br />

. 0 holds reception at the beginning<br />

0<br />

of each semester for anyonoe<br />

interested . 0 the opp!icat<br />

ion of Christian Science in the<br />

college experience seminar<br />

during Religious<br />

0<br />

Emphasis Week<br />

presents a lecture on Christian<br />

0 0 •<br />

Science<br />

open to all students .. are<br />

bi-monthly<br />

0<br />

David Kalbfell w~s<br />

presIdents<br />

faculty<br />

0<br />

advisor for the group were Sam Quincey<br />

0 0<br />

and John<br />

Owen 0 ••<br />

One of College Y's many discussion groups.<br />

Third row: Dr. David Kalbfell, Estella Rasmussen, Charles Borum. t<br />

am<br />

urncey.<br />

190<br />




HILLEL<br />


Organized to promote the social,<br />

cultural, rei igious and educational<br />

aspects of Jewish life<br />

. . . activities include pizza parties<br />

bagle and lox breakfasts,<br />

Hebrew singing and dancing,<br />

and Friday evening religious<br />

services ... co-operates in interfaith<br />

programs . . . presidents<br />

were Herb Gross and Martin<br />

Weiner ... the group was advised<br />

by faculty member Dr.<br />

Harry Ruja ...<br />

Left to right. first row: Ed Rosenthal, Ethel Mallinger, Phyllis Mollick, Nadene Feiler, Dr.<br />

Harry Ruja. Second row: Sigmund Urbach, Herb Gross, David Unterman, Harry Tennebaum,<br />

Michael Friedlander. Third row: Adrienne Bernstein, Reitha Stokes, Martin Weiner, Barbara<br />

Sanders.<br />

Inter-denominational religious organization<br />

providing Christian fellowship<br />

for all genuine believers in Christ<br />

... desires to share Biblical Christianity<br />

with any interested student ...<br />

strives to understand and support world<br />

missions ... Bible study groups, lectures,<br />

discussions, mountain conferences,<br />

and parties are included in the<br />

group.'s activities ... meets weeklv on<br />

campus ... leading the group were<br />

presidents Ray Williamson and Jennie<br />

Jo Warriner ...<br />

Left to right, first row: Bonnie Bishop, Elizabeth Culver, Rosie Bareno, J.an Bersher,<br />

Dorothy Cummings, Virginia Hypes, Juanita Belcher, Betty Clary, Lorra!ne Quayle,<br />

Dorothy Tooles. Second row: Joan Gorton, Gwen Jordan, Jennie Jo Warriner, Myrna<br />

Wood, Lona Moon, Allayne Hussong, Sonia Shell strom, Loretta Deeds, Pearl Klovdahl.<br />

Third row: Chuck Cassetv, Leonard Kidd, Gary Flor, John Mackay, Paul Twelker.<br />

Donovan Maley, Robert Neil. Robert Franks, John Twelker, ~Id Watkins, ~ay<br />

Williamson. Fourth row: Joanne Weston, Elsimae Salter Cleeton, Billie Po~ey, Keith<br />

Tucker, Arlest Hall, Dale Cummings, Harold Green, Ernestine Shands, Diana l.oos,<br />

Kathryn Wilson, Yvonne Anderson.<br />



NEWMAN<br />

CLUB<br />

Left to right, first row: Joyce O'Connor, Barbara Massey, Dr. Harry Ruja, Dorothy<br />

Cummings, Mary Sharpe. Second row: Nancy Sommers, Carol Brown, Janice Sears,<br />

Maureen Desselle, Janet Paine, Robert Kinninger. Third row: Dr. Claude Shouse,<br />

Bruce Wier, Dr. William Macinnes, Lawrence Wherry, Herb Gross.<br />

192<br />

Strives to promote understanding<br />

between the many religious groups on<br />

campus . . . meets once each month<br />

... sponsors Religious Emphasis Wee.k<br />

each fall, with guest speakers, seminars<br />

and all-school assemblies ... holds<br />

an inter-faith dinner at which time<br />

scholarships are given for outstanding<br />

inter-faith work ... all religious qroups<br />

on campus are represented in this organization<br />

... presidents were Nancy<br />

Sommers and Bruce Wier; Dr. Claude<br />

Shouse advised . . .<br />

Named in honor of Cardinal Newman<br />

... fellowship for Catholic students<br />

offering religious and moral<br />

gUida'nce ... affiliated with National<br />

Newman Club Federation ... fosters<br />

spiritual, intellectual, and. :o.cial interests<br />

... included in activities were<br />

Communion Sundays, dances, picnics,<br />

hay-rides, study clubs and guest speakers<br />

... weekly meetings on campus ...<br />

presiding officers were presidents Bud<br />

Pearson and Bob Kinninger ...<br />

Left to right, first row: Eddymaria Navarrete, Barbara Massey, Barbara Hood, Ursula<br />

Roney, Joann Bauer, Jeane Lorentz, Suzy Dunn, Betty Au.gustus. Second row: Joyce<br />

O'Connor Mary Ellen Keller Rachel Diaz, Mary Ann QUinlan, Donna Sue Karaffa,<br />

Maureen'Desseile Janice S~ars, Ivy Maccree, Ann Williams. Third row: Anthony<br />

Daleo, Richard B;egante, George Bartosik, Bob Kinninger, Bud Pearson, Joe. Dunn,<br />

Donald Mcintosh, James Carroll, Bill Ascherfeld, ,PatriCia Downey. Fourth. row. Ralph<br />

Weismann, Paul Klotz, Elaine Mihalka, Connie 0 Connor, Bernadette SaPle.n~a, Mary<br />

Iffrig, Carol Brown, Patricia Sharkey, Manuel Hermes, Edward Danner, William Mc-<br />

Cracken, Victor Bareno.<br />





Oldest religious group on campus<br />

. . . purpose is to bring<br />

Christian faith and friends to<br />

colle:Je students. . dinner<br />

meetings every Wednesday evening<br />

followed by a speaker,<br />

panel discussion or movie, a<br />

short worship service and recreation<br />

... group also has service<br />

projects, parties and retreats<br />

. . . presidents were Lawrence<br />

Wherry and Gordon Boyce . . .<br />

advisor was Dr. John Merrill ...<br />

_.<br />

Left to right, first row: Marcella Jepson Barbara Williams Patricia Anderson Devereux<br />

Powell. Second row: Janet Manly, Beth Guy, Charlotte Schrief~r, Jane Hart, Char(otte Engelfried,<br />

Joan Juelson. Third row: Lawrence Wherry, Mary Alice Rail, Janet Paine, Judith Rogers,<br />

Mary Kellett, Marcia Hart, Aileen Schriefer, George Hoyle. Fourth row: Tom Waddell,<br />

Gordon Boyce, Thomas Duncan, Charles Cutchshaw, Bob Tate, Homer Rail.<br />

t<br />

Composed of pre-medical and predental<br />

students ... organized in 1952,<br />

to stimulate and aid those students<br />

interested in or pursuing pre-medical<br />

or ·pre-dental courses ... named for<br />

Aesculapius, Roman god of medicine<br />

... activities include movies and guest<br />

spea ke rs from re Iated fi e Ids . . .<br />

membership is honorary ... bi-monthly<br />

meetings were presided over by<br />

presidents Mort Jorgensen and Bruce<br />

Thompson; advisor was Dr. Robert<br />

Harwood ...<br />

Left to right, first row: Carmen Calescibetta, Nadene Feiler, Sylvia Jennings, Adrian<br />

de la Torre, James Bernardini. Second row: Mort Jorgensen, Dale Kirkendall, Frank<br />

Araiza, Bruce Thompson.<br />


CLUB<br />

ALPHA MU<br />

GAMMA<br />

I<br />

Left to right, first .row: Kay Mogan,. Meda Rosado, James Miller, Chuck McLain,<br />

Chuck MunlOn, Marilyn Sperry, Dr. William Macinnes. Second row: Phyllis Hamilton<br />

Ha.r0ld Bancroft, Rolf. Anderson, Wesley Phillippi, Neil Reasoner, James Frahm:<br />

Third row: Sally McGill, Mary Sharpe, Ann Alderson, Joanne Wenberg, Mary Ver<br />

Steeg, Carolyn Frey, Bonney Lyman.<br />

Presbyterian organization for all interested<br />

students . . . endeavors to<br />

provide opportunities for Christian fellowship,<br />

instruction and inspiration ...<br />

tries to supplement college activities<br />

with a balanced Christian youth program<br />

... guest speakers are a feature<br />

of the weekly dinner meetings . . .<br />

other activities include semi-annual<br />

formal banquet , retreats , seminars and<br />

study groups ... the presidents were<br />

Marilyn Sperry and Charles McLain ...<br />

Left to right, first row: Yolanda Portillo, Edith Flourie, Virginia Rosewaine, Marilyn Bohannan,<br />

Hope Ulloa. Second row: Clifford Baker, Peggy Southard, Joan Ha~d~on, Betty Tychsen,<br />

Leonard Messier. Third row: Stephen Bloyer, Charles Borum, Walter Philllps, Mort Jorgenson.<br />

National honorary language<br />

fraternity ... organized in 1934<br />

to bring together students outstanding<br />

in the field of foreign<br />

language ... the regular meetings<br />

featured speakers or movies,<br />

generally concerning life or travel<br />

in foreign countries ... president<br />

of the group was Betty<br />

Tychsen . . . other officers were<br />

Arthur Todd and Hope Ulloa .<br />

advisor was Dr. Lesl ie Brown .<br />

194<br />






Left to right, first row: Cecelia Cox, Norma File, Sylvia Jennings, Marlene Long, Vera<br />

Winters. Second row: Mort Jorgensen, Ned Harrington, Wallace Rogers, Leslie Wynston,<br />

Dr. John Spangler. Third row: Ray McDonald, Dan Movich, Robert Johnson.<br />

Organized to promote fellowship<br />

among those interested in chemistry<br />

... to better acquaint the students<br />

with the faculty members ... to give<br />

the students a broader view of the field<br />

of chemistry . . . activities included<br />

movies, field trips, guest and student<br />

speakers, social functions, presentation<br />

of Chemistry department's Founders'<br />

Day exhibits and a High School Night<br />

program ... Les Wynston and Bruce<br />

Richardson served as presidents of the<br />

group ..<br />



CIVIL<br />


All students enrolled in the<br />

civil engineering curriculum are<br />

eligible for membership ... purpose<br />

is to promote congeniality<br />

and develop professional spirit<br />

among these students . . . the<br />

year's activities included guest<br />

speakers, field trips, films, picnics<br />

and dances ... formed in<br />

1948, as a branch of Cal's student<br />

chapter ... presidents were<br />

Gail Ruffin and Dick Haelsig ...<br />

196<br />

Left to right, first rdw: Howard Livermore Richard Haelsig Robert Carns Walter Davis, l.ub~rt<br />

Jones,. James .Jacobs: Second row: David Knights, R'ichard Dudley; Randolph Gibson,<br />

Richard Smith, .Vlrgll JaenIcke, Noel Adkins. Third row: Gale Ruffin, Lawrence Wherry, Waiter<br />

Marshall, Richard Johnson, William Vassis, Gordon Furguson, Herbert Cilch.<br />

Members visit Edwards Air Force Base.<br />

Left to right, first row: Ronald Rickey, Dick Blair, Bill Sevier, Samue.1 Freeman, Bob Klein, Terry. Lauritsen, Ken<br />

Johnston Jerry Moss. Second row: Rex Hammock, Don Clark, John SItton, Don Whisler, Ron Whisler, Dick Statler<br />

Doug Brunson Tom Caracciolo. Third row: Capt. Dupont, Ronald Stanton, Jack Rogers, Bob Brooks, Tom<br />

Go~dbody, Bob P~yne, Bevan Brown, Ray Schroeder, Carl Impi~k, Noel Mickelsen. Fourth row: Ed ~tarr, Darryl<br />

Hansen, Tom Slawson, Jim Beasley, Manfred Kifer, Gene Wright, VIctor Long, Arthur Laehr, Bill Holman,<br />

Ken Polk, Oliver Askew.<br />


Honorary fraternity for upper division<br />

Air Science students aims to<br />

further Air Force policy named for<br />

General Hap Arnold, who inspired its<br />

founding ... San Diego State has had<br />

a chapter since 1951 field trip to<br />

Edwards Air Force Base collected<br />

names and presented a plaque in memory<br />

of all the San Diego State men<br />

killed in the Korean War ... provided<br />

a military escort at the Princess Ball,<br />

a polio benefit ... , formal initiation<br />

included a dinner-dance at the Admiral<br />

Kidd Club district and national<br />

conventions Ronald Stanton and<br />

Jack Rogers were presidents; Capt.<br />

Forrest Dupont was the faculty advisor<br />

...<br />






HOME<br />


CLUB<br />

Left to right, first row: Tomaline Lenox, Barbara Schrumpf, Bonnie Smith, Jane<br />

Barta, Mae Hallock. Second row: Isabella Hammack, Sue Shearer, Carol Smith, Norma<br />

Hampson, Phyllis Deyo.<br />

National honorary for students in<br />

the field of childhood education, , ,<br />

members chosen on the basis of scholarship,<br />

leadership, and character, , ,<br />

monthly meetings , , , strives to promote<br />

professional attainment and to<br />

set a high goal of achievement for<br />

graduate and undergraduate students<br />

. , . limited to those interested in early<br />

childhood education. , , faculty member<br />

Isabella Hammack advised , . ,<br />

Phyllis Deyo and Jane Barta<br />

presidents of the group, . ,<br />

acted as<br />

Strives to promote interest in home<br />

economics , , , group is new on San<br />

Diego State campus, .. money-raising<br />

project was a fruitcake sale, . , other<br />

activities were fashion shows, featuring<br />

clothes the members had made; and<br />

teas, .. gave other campus organizations<br />

assistance with their social events<br />

, .. leading the group this year were<br />

presidents Gwen Jordan and Vera<br />

Thaxton .. , faculty member Helen<br />

Dorris served as the advisor for the<br />

group, ..<br />

Left to right, first row: Helen Dorris, Joan Srrople, Vera Thaxton, Mary Kurtz, Anita<br />

Dendle. Second row: Sally McGill, Mary Lou Rader, Norita Comin, Meda Rosado.<br />

Third row: Ruth Talboy, Joanne Weston, Gwen Jordan, Elaine Freedman.<br />




Honorary geologic society, , .<br />

aims to further geologic investigation<br />

of our own region . , .<br />

strives to foster sincere interest<br />

in, and appreciation of, the earth<br />

on which we live, and to promote<br />

fellowship among men with a<br />

common geologic interest . , ,<br />

field trips and guest speakers<br />

, , , Dr, Ellis Roberts and Baylor<br />

Brooks were advisors; Ian Johnston<br />

and George McGarrity presided.<br />

, .<br />

Left to right, first r~w: Harry Grow, Tom Temple, Don Albright, G. F. McGarrity, Ian Johnsto~.<br />

Second row: Jim Hall, Lewis Johnson, Baylor Brooks, Dr. Ellis Roberts, Bill Woodard.<br />

Third row: Gordon McClure, Robert Howell, Ralph Standefer, Dale Vatis, Herbert Cilch.<br />

Left to ri ht, first row: Walter Ford, Dr. Kenneth Phillips, Robert Shields, ~obert Amparan:<br />

Eugene J;urney, Steven Pavka, Lawrence Luce, Wirt Me Loney, Carl Cu~mlns. Second ro",:.<br />

B'II L' d L S ith Donald Boucier Allan McAllister Harry SWift, Don Quatrochl,<br />

I In say, eroy rru , '.' Ed d Th R b t<br />

Frank Finch, James Ecklar, Martin Hunting,

D<br />



S I<br />

AD 0<br />

UTE OF<br />



KAPPA<br />

Left to right, first row: Alan Brengle, Eugene Augustin, Dr. David Kalbfell, Robert<br />

Aaberg, Dale Laney. Second row: Bevan Brown, Hal Wardein, Arnold Senterfitt,<br />

Gene Burns, Dale Dixon. Third row: Edward Starr, John Chaparro, James Beeman,<br />

Zygmund Salomon, Thomas Hutchinson, Duane Eberhardt.<br />

Strives to promote more interestand<br />

better understanding in the fieldof<br />

electronics . . . on-campus meetings<br />

include guest speakers on electronics<br />

and also mo ies on this subject ... field<br />

trips, both locally and in Los Angeles,<br />

are frequent ... visited radio and television<br />

studios and the Naval Electronics<br />

Lob .. , officers for the year wereGene<br />

Burns Eugene Augustin, Dale Laney<br />

and E'd ard S orr ... faculty advisor<br />

for the group was Dr. David Kolbfell..<br />

Left to right, first row: Arthur Hayes, Don Chamberlin, Frank Cole, James Miller, James<br />

Peace, Dr. James Linley. Second row: Leonard Fierro, Irvin McClure, Phil Prokop, David<br />

Wright, James Caballero.<br />

Professional education fraternity<br />

for men ... chapter on San<br />

Diego State campus founded in<br />

1952 membership is by invitation<br />

members are committed<br />

to a life career in education<br />

... sponsor teacher recruitment<br />

conference .. , meets monthly<br />

on education matters, emphasizing<br />

leadership, research and<br />

service president was Irvin<br />

McClure<br />

Dr. James<br />

faculty<br />

Linley ...<br />

advisor was<br />

-LTA<br />

PI<br />

PHI MU<br />


Left to right, first row: Barbara Schrumpf, Sue Shearer K th .<br />

Smith. Second row: Bonnie Smith, Leonard Michell Beverly B a tlennJe hCorbett, Carol<br />

, u er, 0 n Burns.<br />

Honorary educo ion fraterni~Y1'921<br />

established on S.D.S.C., ca~gusl tn in<br />

the<br />

... aims 0 further hiqh I eo seduca'<br />

education profession . , . n~ted eetings<br />

tors are gues speakers at t e m Tea<br />

for<br />

... group gave a Christmas faculty<br />

the educonon department ... vedas<br />

member Ko herine Corbett ser ,<br />

the faculty advisor for tel<br />

h grOUP"<br />

NorrT10<br />

Bonnie Smi h Beverly But er, d Sue<br />

, . k an<br />

Jones, <strong>Del</strong>ores Bloskows y~ ear, .'<br />

Whelan ere officers for this Y<br />

Left to right, first row: Martha Anderson, Mary Andrews, Norma File, Marge McGrew. Second<br />

row: LOis Wilke, Eleanor Grom, Emily Koluvek, Dorothy Cox.<br />

Women's honorary science<br />

fraternity ... organized in 1937<br />

... guest speakers from the<br />

scientific field are heard at<br />

meetings ... sponsored a needy<br />

family at Christmas ... activities<br />

were a camping trip, pizza dinner,<br />

and field trips to Los Angeles<br />

County and Huntington hospitals<br />

... advisor was Dr. Mabel<br />

Myers . . . officers were Norma<br />

F iIe, Jan e Ric hey, on d Em i IY<br />

Koluvek ...<br />

200<br />


[<br />



PA<br />

A<br />

RADIO-TV<br />

GUILD<br />

Left to right, first row: Dr. Robert Benjamin, Dr. Sue Earnest, Anthony McPeak, Ada<br />

Picaizen, Bill Denton, Dr. John Ackley. Second row: Bill McGrath Mary Ward Dorothy<br />

Scully, Harry Steinmetz, Lee Granell, Roger Tremaine, Fra~k Johnson 'Third<br />

row: Mabel Brown, Don Wolfe, Carman Sturak, Jim Hutchens, Jennie Jo Warrm r<br />

Louis Ruby, Margie Montgomery, Andy Brown. '<br />

Orgamzed 0 promote collegiate for.<br />

ensics . . . no ronol honorary speech<br />

ro ern. . S D.S.C. chapter founded<br />

in 9 8 . pa tcipotion in an inter.<br />

collegia e debate tournament is<br />

requi ed or embership ... activities<br />

i elude sponsorrng a hIgh school speech<br />

o rna en and a banquet for oots<br />

ondang ig school s udents in this<br />

a ea ... 0 icers or he year wereAda<br />

Picoizen, preside ; Andy Brownand<br />

Soli Bi . Dr. John Ackley wasthe<br />

ad isor ...<br />

Left to right, first row: Allen Johnson, John Donrielly, Neil Hillier, ~en Jones. Second r~w:<br />

Hal Fassett, Stan Moore, Dale Franzwa, Jack Parrish, Tom Fincher. Third row: Phyllis Molllck,<br />

Carman Sturak, Leah Grigsby, Carolynn Cook, Jody Barlow, Paula Haake._<br />

Unites students interested in<br />

radio and television work ...<br />

produced TV shows for San<br />

Diego's channel 10 toured<br />

studios in Hollywood handles<br />

the publ ic address system on<br />

campus ... does remote on<br />

S.D.S.C. football games ...<br />

meets weekly on campus tape<br />

records campus shows president<br />

was John Donnelly other<br />

officers were Allen Johnson and<br />

Leah Grigsby ...<br />

I<br />

PI<br />


IOTA<br />

Left to right, first row: Gene Hargraves Mildred B d<br />

Verdone, Janet Thomas. Second row: Douglas Kraa~zn

purpose<br />

, "Beautiful<br />

the<br />

•<br />



TAL<br />

SIGMA PI<br />

SIGMA<br />


0 ••<br />

National physics honor society<br />

... field trips, picnics, and dinners<br />

are included in the activities<br />

... bi-monthly meetings feature<br />

distinguished physicists as guest<br />

speakers . . . local chapter organized<br />

in 1940 , . , strives to<br />

promote interest in the physics<br />

profession ... faculty member<br />

Dr. Lester Skolil served as advisor,<br />

, . presidents were Gene<br />

Burns and Robert Sharpless<br />

Left to right, first row: Robert Sharpless Henry Bray Richard Knox Don Poole Bion Hencerson,<br />

Edward Starr, Terry Lauritsen. Seco~d row; Alia'; Wilson, Dr. L~uis E. Smith, Dr. Chesney<br />

M~e, Kenneth Starr, Dr. Herschel Snodgrass, Gene Burns, Dr. Lester Skolil, Richard Eastman.<br />

Third row: Sam Sparck, Ken Paschen Charles Mallon Robert Simmons Ken Wilson, John<br />

Chaparro, Bob Limes, Julian Parker, t r r<br />

Encourages and provides opportunities<br />

for drama students , , . twenty<br />

hours of theatre work is required for<br />

membership ... organized to promote<br />

and produce plays ... "The Lady's Not<br />

for B urnlng ." ,., "I ce boun d" ,.. "L' Ion<br />

of the West" . 0 People"<br />

. , . sponsors one-act play festival ...<br />

this year's officers were Ed Hickok,<br />

president; Walt Stump, Jane Clark,<br />

Leah Grigsby, and Shirlee Johnson<br />

faculty advisor was Don Powell<br />

Left to right, first row: Sally Bird, Leah Grigsby, Carman Sturak, Joni Willia,ms, pn~l.<br />

lis Mollick, Jeanne Curcio Bowers. Second row; Patricia Hansen, Donna Zaiser, Shirlee<br />

Johnson Dale Muchmore, Linden Courter, Paula Haake, Marian Jones, Jan<br />

Skartvedt, Third row; Edward Gould, Edward Hickok, John Donn lIy, Don Pow II,<br />

James Hansen, Tom Lasswell.<br />


WOMEN'S P. E.<br />


Left to right, first row: Claude Joyce John Tuck M'<br />

nie Linscott, Paul Strong, Pablo Ferna~dez. Seconde:~wo'~u w"eaver, Jack Yonke, Jon-<br />

Jack Dunn, Hugh Cawthon James Helms R H S Off g~ne Noms, Gene Wright<br />

Chadwick. Third row: Don' Compton Bill' La~ t to regen, Roy Cameron L E'<br />

Nims, Albert Wiecjorek, M. C. Keithley D M c M er Bob Brent, Walt Tow~e 'Bili<br />

Fourth row: Tommy Naves, Bob Campbell' R b undt, Harold Jordy, Joseph Vietti<br />

cepcion, Bayard Griffin, James Carroll H~r1a~ H t ~nox'J Dhonald Dexter, Phil Con~<br />

gomery, 'ay en, 0 n Bolen, L.eland Mont-<br />

Economics and business fraternity<br />

for men. , 0 is to help me:nb~~<br />

p.repare for a successful care~r In t<br />

fields of economics and business. b Y<br />

adding to their formal college stud~e~<br />

a measure of educational and SOCI~.<br />

~ellowship ... bi-monthly dinner n:~:ss<br />

Ings with speakers from the bus: e<br />

world ... Founders' Day ?inner-do~~e<br />

. , . maintains credit union . " d<br />

presidents were Hugh Cawthon R~Y<br />

Bayard Griffin . advisor was Dr.<br />

Cameron ...<br />

'. . N m Johnson, Claudine Sawyer, Georgia Bunker,<br />

Left to r,g,ht, first row; Margaret Ellis,. or a B<br />

b S on Abigail Patterson Marianne<br />

Patricia Robbins. Second row: Jean Carmichael, ,adr ara. /7 pS H;'e Dorothy Cumm'ings, Mary<br />

Benjamin, Ruth MacGuire, Angela Kitz inqer. Th,r row. u Ie ,<br />

Jane McCawley, Rita Zouhar, Mary Ellen Keller.<br />

0 ••<br />

,<br />

Organized to stimulate professional<br />

interest and help prepare<br />

future teachers ... speakers<br />

from related professions and also<br />

panel discussions are features<br />

social<br />

of<br />

the regular meetings<br />

events are frequent 0 0 officers<br />

for the year were Margaret Sims,<br />

president; Pat Curtis, vice president;<br />

Mary Ellen Keller, secretary-treasurer<br />

. . 0 faculty<br />

advisor was Angela Kitzinger . 0<br />


c<br />


DEPA TME<br />

TA<br />

WOMEN'S<br />



PHI MU<br />

ALPHA<br />

Seated, left to ~ight: Marianne Benjamin, Georgia Bunker, Betty Bennett, Barbara<br />

Sampson. Standing: Mary Jane McCawley, Margaret Sims, Lilly Torricellas, Dorothy<br />

Tollefsen, Rita Zouhar, Abigail Patterson, Julie Hale Jean Carmichael Mary Cave<br />

Jan Gilfillan, Wanda Smith. '"<br />

All women students are membersof<br />

the Women's Recreation Association<br />

... sponsors inter-sorority sports com.<br />

petition ... presents Sham Shuffle,a<br />

St. Patrick's Day dance, highlighted by<br />

the crowning of "St. Pat" ... other<br />

activities include intramural sports,<br />

playdays, and a carnival ... faculty<br />

advisors were Dorothy Tollefsen and<br />

Mary Cave ... the officers for the year<br />

were Georgia Bunker, president; Marianne<br />

Benjamin,<br />

Barbara Sampson<br />

Betty<br />

...<br />

Bennett, and<br />

National honorary music fraternity<br />

for men ... on San Diego State campus<br />

since 1950 ... strives to advance the<br />

cause of music in the United States ...<br />

sponsors American music and Southern<br />

California music concerts ... money<br />

from the latter goes for a scholarship<br />

... any interested student with a gra~e<br />

average of 1.75 in music courses IS<br />

eligible for membership ... Norman<br />

Fleming and Charles Free?ern ~ere<br />

presidents ... Dr. Mervin Snider<br />

advised<br />

Left to right, first row: Ted Carnes, Dick Harvey, Dan S verns, Patrick Jt;'d n<br />

C<br />

} ~_<br />

ond row' Jim Johnson Charles Freebern, Jim N lson, Norman FI mlng, on ar.<br />

Third ro'w: William Lockman, Alan Clos , G raid N grelt, Brltl B rn rd, Ralph<br />

Grossher.<br />



CLUB<br />

Religious organization for Baptist<br />

students ... guest speakers a.nd ente~talnment<br />

are featured at the bl-m

Kitty Gipson<br />


HALL<br />

Home Economics 162-Rug Weaving<br />

San Diego State College's only dormitory ... organized<br />

on campus in 1937 ... named for a sacred bird of the<br />

Pres ident -------------------<br />

Sue Wa Iwi c k<br />

Teddy Minder<br />

Vice-PresidenL_______ _ Barbara Sampson<br />

T onya Romano<br />

Secretary Beverly Moore<br />

Barbara Files<br />

T reasu re r<br />

50 IIy Sakamoto<br />

Carol Stevenson<br />

Aztecs ... won top honors in the independent division<br />

for their Homecoming float, "Hernando's Hideaway" ...<br />

a Christmas tree decorating party and a carolling party<br />

with Sigma Phi Epsilon filled the calendar at Christmas<br />

time ... group was represented in the A.W.S. Fashion<br />

Show and the Harris and Frank Fashion Show ... on the<br />

agenda for March was a dinner party and dancing ... a<br />

"Get-Acquainted" tea was presented in April ...<br />


'..<br />

e Ics

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