1940 - part 2 - Vredenburgh.org

1940 - part 2 - Vredenburgh.org

1940 - part 2 - Vredenburgh.org


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is reported to have opened up gravel of<br />

commercial grade.<br />

The Holmes and Nicholson Mining and<br />

Milling Company, K. A. Holmes, general<br />

manager, Ogilby, California, expects to enlarge<br />

its lOO-ton mill, located five miles<br />

from Winterhaven, California, to 200-ton<br />

daily capacity. The plant will then be used<br />

to handle custom ore in addition to a large<br />

amount of low-grade ore which the company<br />

has already mined. An expenditure<br />

of $5 0,000 is planned on the new construction<br />

progra m which will be started<br />

some time in October. About 100 men<br />

were employed in the mill during the last<br />

season, but, with the completion of the<br />

new addition, the number is expected to be<br />

doubled. Milling operations have been<br />

shut down during the hot summer months.<br />

The King Solomon Mines Company,<br />

Forks of Salmon, California, is making<br />

progress with its development program<br />

started recently. A shaft has been sunk<br />

from the bottom of the pit to the old<br />

Cottrell level. Present work consists of<br />

cleaning out old workings and crosscutting<br />

and drifting in new ground to determhle<br />

the extent of the pay ore. Open-pit mining<br />

and milling have been suspended while the<br />

underground development work is carried<br />

on. Wilbur H. Grant, 582 Market Street,<br />

San Francisco, California, is directing the<br />

operations temporarily.<br />

The Aurora Mining Company is conducting<br />

extensive surface development at it;s<br />

Aurora quicksilver mine near Idria, California,<br />

Dnd 50 flasks of quicksilver monthly<br />

are being produced. J. M. McDonald, Idria.<br />

i.:> superintendent. The company is a subsidiary<br />

of the North American Mines Company<br />

of Boston, Massachusetts.<br />

Martin B. Reed, Sierra City, California,<br />

owner of the Pride mine, has purchased a<br />

new Lorraine-Thew combination dragline<br />

and shovel. Two men have been employed<br />

in testing operations on the property and<br />

a crew is engaged in cleaning out the pit.<br />

Reed is reported to be backed by interests<br />

of the Central Penn National Bank or<br />

Philadelphia, and to have a' working capital<br />

of $100,000 for development of properties<br />

in Sierra County, California.<br />

The La Honda mille has been purchased<br />

by H. D. Cowden of Dawson, Alaska, from<br />

J. W. McKay, Meadow Valley, California,<br />

at a reported price of $50,000. The property<br />

is stated to contain a rich vein 7'2<br />

feet in width. McKay has been working<br />

the mine.<br />

A new 500-horsepower General Motors<br />

Diesel plant with a General Electric generator<br />

will be installed at the Stockton Hill<br />

mine. A new 750-cubic foot Ingersoll-Rand<br />

compressor is to be added to replace the<br />

two ~maller compressors. An extensive construction<br />

program has been under way for<br />

several months, and crews are now engaged<br />

in laying the foundations for the<br />

power, hoist, and compressor building,<br />

which will be 42 by 36 feet. Upon completion<br />

of its building program, the<br />

Stockton Hill Corporation will be entirely<br />

independent in the handling of its orc.<br />

Walter R. Woock, Box 449, Auburn, Cal ..<br />

ifornia, is president and general manager.<br />

The Imperial Smelting and Refinin .q<br />

Company, 811 West Seventh Street, 1..0:'<br />

Angeles, California, has secured an option<br />

to purchase the Darwin lead mine neal'<br />

Darwin, California, from the Wagner<br />

Assets Realization Corporation, 1 Wall<br />

Street, New York City. A crew of 12 men<br />

has been at work sampling and putting<br />

the camp in order preparatory to active<br />

operations. A second shift of men ha:;<br />

been added and development work begun<br />

in the Thompson tunnel. The property consists<br />

of 68 patented claims and includes<br />

many of the old producers originally discovered<br />

in the 1870's. Additional equipment<br />

and men are planned as development<br />

progresses. Harry Kingsbury. Darwin,<br />

is in complete charge.<br />

The Wilbur gold group. comprising six<br />

claims, has been leased to Los Angeles<br />

interests, represented by J. A. McCarthy,<br />

Box 73, Darwin, California, engineer in<br />

charge of operations. The property is<br />

owned by E. J. Wilbur, Darwin. Six men<br />

nre at work developing the Number 4<br />

~ Iaim which is said to show promise of bemg<br />

a large, low-grade deposit of goldbearing<br />

ore. An air compressor. hOist,<br />

pumps, and other equipment have been<br />

moved onto the grounds and new buildings<br />

nre being erected. Construction of a 50.<br />

ton mill is planned for the near future.<br />

According to L. H. Jockmus. presiden t<br />

of the Lava Cap Gold Mining Corporation<br />

the company was forced to pass its last<br />

dividend payment because of the thousand;<br />

of dollars tied up in concentrates. Although<br />

sufficient money was on hand to<br />

make the payment, the directors considered<br />

it advisable to keep funds to meet current<br />

expenses. Resumption of operations at the<br />

Selby smelter is uncertain and the new<br />

Lava Cap plant is not yet ready for<br />

operation. It is expected to be completed<br />

in the near future, but several months will<br />

be required to handle all concentrates now<br />

stored. A total of 400 men is employed<br />

by the Lava Cap company. About 400<br />

tons of ore are being milled daily. Underground<br />

operations include drifting on thE'<br />

the veins, opening new levels, and genel'al<br />

development. Diamond drill activities are<br />

being continued at the Banner mine while<br />

production progresses steadil y. Otto E.<br />

Schiffner. Nevada City, California, is gen·<br />

eral manager of the company.<br />

The Kemmerer Exploration Company oj<br />

Utah has taken over the Arctic mine<br />

owned by L. F. Utter, Washington, California.<br />

Exploration work is reported to<br />

be in progress preparatory to starting<br />

active production. The company plans installation<br />

of a Diesel power plant.<br />

The Wyandotte Gold Dredging Company,<br />

which has been work ing on Greenhorn<br />

Creek near Nevada City, California, is dismantling<br />

its boat and will move to the<br />

Perrin and Pingree properties on Wolf<br />

Creek six miles from Grass Valley, Califo<br />

rnia. Oliver M. Warren and N. M. Gibson<br />

have been directing work at Nevada<br />

City.<br />

The Greenhorn Dredging Company is reported<br />

to have exhausted the profitable<br />

gravel at its location on Greenhorn Creek<br />

Hear Nevada City, California. It is now<br />

testing ground on the Middle Fork of the<br />

Cosumnes River in El Dorado County, Cali·<br />

fornia. The company is composed of Willard<br />

and Devine of the International Truckr.:..~~<br />

"" "1fto't£ ~<br />

A. R. WILFLEY 60 SONS, Inc.<br />


New York Office: 177S Broadway, Ne~ York, N. Y.<br />

means Lower Costs<br />

A completely new standard of EFFICIENCY is created by tne new ~-lnch<br />

Wn.r·<br />

LEY pump illustrated at left. Like ALL Wilfieys. this pump will deliver a highly<br />

eUicient. continuous performance. 24 hours a day without attention. It eliminates<br />

cosUy delays caused by shutdowns. It's the pump to buy if you want to reduce<br />

COSTS. Write for complete d.taila.<br />


cenll:i .... _!.!AND PUMPS<br />

Page 20<br />


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