1940 - part 2 - Vredenburgh.org

1940 - part 2 - Vredenburgh.org

1940 - part 2 - Vredenburgh.org


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The Lookout Mountain Mining Company,<br />

H. L. Parkman, general manager, 163<br />

Second Street, San Francisco, California,<br />

will erect a 500-ton mill at its propertr<br />

near San Andreas, California. A 50-ton<br />

Huntington mill has been on the ground.<br />

The company is working a large body of<br />

low-grade ore blocked out at its Lookout,<br />

Etna, and Golden Hill mines. The Golden<br />

Hill is developed by open cuts, a 100-foot<br />

vertical shaft, and an old 350-foot inclined<br />

shaft. The Lookout claim is developed<br />

by a 50-foot ad it and 100-foot<br />

shaft with about 2,200 feet of drifts. H.<br />

P. Hoyt, construction engineer, 325 Fremont<br />

Street, San Francisco, is president<br />

of the company.<br />

Newmont Mining Corporation, 14 Wall<br />

Street, New York City, has reported its<br />

net asset value per share on 1,063,292<br />

common shares outstanding as $41.32. This<br />

figure compares with $84 .81 a share on<br />

531,646 shares outstanding May 15.<br />

The Coleman and Kingma.n Lease is reported<br />

to be milling 15 to 20 tons of gold<br />

ore a day at a section of the old Jamison<br />

property adjacent to the Plumas Eureku,<br />

Johnsville, California. The ground is practically<br />

unexplored.<br />

The shaft at the property of the Altaville<br />

Mining Company, Inc., has been sunk<br />

to a depth of 300 feet with 50 or 60 feet<br />

yet to go before reaching the objective.<br />

Water was struck at 300 feet and two<br />

large electric pumps are pumping 500 gallons<br />

a minute. The company is buying 130<br />

acres of ground two miles from Altaville<br />

in Calaveras County, California. Luke<br />

Cepanich, Altaville, California, and Ge<strong>org</strong>e<br />

Engelke and J . Cadamorta.ri of Columbia,<br />

California, comprise the company. Cepanich<br />

is in charge.<br />

The cyanide plant for treatment of concentrates<br />

has been completed recently and<br />

is in operation at the Cherokee mine near<br />

Greenvi lle, California. The flotation plant,<br />

which has been in continuous operation<br />

on a two-shift basis 16 hours a day since<br />

October 1, is handl ing 125 tons with a<br />

recovery of 94 per cent. The main shaft<br />

has been sunk to the 350 level, a station<br />

and sump completed, and the four veins<br />

which are being stoped on the 200 level<br />

are being successfull y developed on the<br />

350 level. Alfred L. Merritt, 200 Bush<br />

Street, San Francisco, California, is owner<br />

of the property; Frank Humphrey, Box<br />

215, Greenville, is general manager; and<br />

J. K. Jackson is superintendent.<br />

United State. Chrome Mine •. , Inc., A. H,<br />

Wild, president, 558 Russ Building, San<br />

Francisco, California, plans to work a<br />

chrome deposit at Heifer Camp in Glenn<br />

County, California. The company produces<br />

about 18,000 tons of high-grade chrome<br />

annually at its plant in EI Dorado County,<br />

California, and has extensive interests in<br />

chrome properties in eight other counties<br />

in California and two counties in Oregon.<br />

United States Chrome recently submitted<br />

the lowest bid for supplying domestic<br />

chrome ore to the United States Treasury<br />

De<strong>part</strong>ment in Washington, D. C.<br />

Interests controlled by the Natom ..<br />

Company, Thomas McCormack, president,<br />

Forum Building, Sacramento, California,<br />

are reported to be testing gold-bearing<br />

placers in the Scott's Flat and Quaker HilJ<br />

districts of California. If the results arE"<br />

satisfactory, large-scale dredging operations<br />

are planned.<br />

Alex Rossi, 1021 T'wenty-Second Street,<br />

Sacramento, California, is developing the<br />

Hong-Sing mine at Iowa Hill in P lacer<br />

County, California, and has reported an<br />

expenditure of $6,000, He is considering<br />

application for an RFC loan.<br />

Frank Smith, operator of the Smith and<br />

Black hydraulic mine, Happy Camp, Cali·<br />

fornia, will use a 4,OOO-yard floating plant<br />

to work the Allen ranch on the Klamath<br />

River about six miles north of Happy<br />

Camp. The unit also will work the Mucka-Muck,<br />

Ralph Gordon, and Crumpton<br />

brothers properties. Three shifts of six<br />

men each will be employed,<br />

Bert Austin, Balfour Building, San<br />

Francisco, California, is understood to bl?<br />

conducting testing operations on the Pine<br />

New High EHieieney '\. "'~~AIJ£. ~~<br />

5-ineh WILFLEY PUMP '\.,,,,,, - ~ ........,c--<br />

A. R. WILFLEY 6- SONS, Inc.<br />


New York Office: 1775 Broadway, New York, N. Y.<br />

Hill gold mine in Placer County, California,<br />

near Wolf, and about 10 miles northwest<br />

of Auburn. If the tests prove satisfactory.<br />

a mill is planned. C. H. Bathurst<br />

of Placerville, California, is in charge.<br />

The Red Hill hydraulic mine, Junction<br />

City, California, which has been closed<br />

down for a time, will operate again this<br />

winter. It has been estimated that one<br />

more season of work is possible at the property.<br />

The mine is worked by the Gilzean<br />

brothers, J. A. and W. M., the latter directing<br />

operations.<br />

A new head frame and surface unit arc<br />

under construction at the North Star mine<br />

of Empire Star Mine. Company, Ltd., J. R.<br />

C. Mann, manager, Grass Valley, California.<br />

Three ore bins and a waste bin are to be<br />

erected. Ore will be trucked to the North<br />

Star mill for treatment. The new flota~<br />

tion mill at the company's Pennsylvania<br />

mine at Browns Valley, California, has<br />

been completed and is handling 125 tons<br />

of ore in 24 hours. In addition to ore<br />

from the Pennsylvania, the mill handles ore<br />

trucked from the adjoining Dannebrog •.<br />

Robert J. Hendricks, Nevada City, Califomia,<br />

is manager of the two properties.<br />

All of the assets of the Carlyle Mining<br />

Company, totaling approximately $65,000,<br />

were disposed of at a combination auctior<br />

and liquidation sale by the Markall Machinery<br />

Company, 750 Folsom Street, San<br />

Francisco, California, held at the mine on<br />

October 10, <strong>1940</strong>. The mining, milling,<br />

and assay equipment, together with the<br />

buildings, was sold. The mine is 27 miles<br />

east of Twentynine Palms, California, and<br />

was operated this summer on a short-term<br />

lease by Paul Nett and Pliny Murphy of<br />

Twentynine Palms.<br />

means Lower Costs<br />

The Rubicon Placer Mining Company, D.<br />

M. Austermell, local manager, Box 851,<br />

Auburn, California, is making gravel tests<br />

at its Pigeon Roost mine located along the<br />

Rubicon River in Placer County, California,<br />

about 18 miles east of Ge<strong>org</strong>etown. The<br />

mine is developed by an adit 632 feet<br />

long, and, at a point 412 feet from the<br />

portal, the tunnel enters the gravel channel<br />

which has been exposed for a distance<br />

of 200 feet. Leslie Harris, Suite 301, 1036<br />

South Menlo Avenue, Los Angeles, California,<br />

is general manager of the company.<br />

A completely new standard oj EFFICIENCY is created by the new S~inch WILF­<br />

LEY pump illustrated at left. Like ALL WillIeys. this pump will deliver a biqh1y<br />

eUicient. continuous performance, 24 hours a day without attention. It eliminate.<br />

costly delays caused by shutdowns. It's the pump to buy if you want to reduce<br />

' COSTS. Write for complete details.<br />


cenlli .... aL~AND PUMPS<br />

Pagc 24<br />


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