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<strong>TITLE</strong> 8 – <strong>PUBLIC</strong> <strong>FACILITIES</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>SERVICES</strong><br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-1<br />
APPLICATION FOR <strong>PUBLIC</strong> <strong>SERVICES</strong><br />
Section 8-1.01.<br />
Section 8-1.02.<br />
Section 8-1.03.<br />
Section 8-1.04.<br />
Section 8-1.05.<br />
Section 8-1.06.<br />
Section 8-1.07.<br />
Definitions.<br />
Application for initial service.<br />
Application to resume service.<br />
Payment for previous service required.<br />
Monthly charge: Billing frequency.<br />
Single charge for all services.<br />
Appeals.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-2<br />
Section 8-2.01.<br />
Section 8-2.02.<br />
Section 8-2.03.<br />
System designated.<br />
Display.<br />
Issuance: Enforcement.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-3<br />
HISTORICAL L<strong>AND</strong>MARKS<br />
Section 8-3.01.<br />
Section 8-3.02.<br />
Section 8-3.03.<br />
Section 8-3.04.<br />
Section 8-3.05.<br />
Section 8-3.06.<br />
Section 8-3.07.<br />
Section 8-3.08.<br />
Section 8-3.09.<br />
Section 8-3.10.<br />
Section 8-3.11.<br />
Purpose: Authority.<br />
Landmark Committee established.<br />
Designation application: Designation and confirmation.<br />
Places of historical merit.<br />
Planning commission report and recommendations.<br />
Standards for designation and for removal of designation.<br />
Agreement respecting landmark status.<br />
Guidelines.<br />
Funding petitions.<br />
Appeals.<br />
Remedies.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-4<br />
PARADES <strong>AND</strong> ASSEMBLIES<br />
Section 8-4.01.<br />
Section 8-4.02.<br />
Section 8-4.03.<br />
Section 8-4.04.<br />
Section 8-4.05.<br />
Section 8-4.06.<br />
Section 8-4.07.<br />
Section 8-4.08.<br />
Section 8-4.09.<br />
Section 8-4.10.<br />
Section 8-4.11.<br />
Section 8-4.12.<br />
Definitions.<br />
Permit required.<br />
Exemptions.<br />
Application for permit.<br />
Criteria for approval or denial.<br />
Nondiscrimination.<br />
Notice of Issuance or denial of permit.<br />
Content of permit.<br />
City’s traffic control costs to be paid by person or organization responsible for parade<br />
or assembly.<br />
Interference with parade or assembly prohibited.<br />
Prohibitions.<br />
Violation.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-5<br />
Section 8-5.01.<br />
Section 8-5.02.<br />
Section 8-5.03.<br />
Purpose.<br />
Establishment request.<br />
Public hearing.<br />
Section 8-5.04.<br />
Section 8-5.05.<br />
Recording of resolution.<br />
Reimbursement required for development.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-6<br />
SIDEWALK <strong>AND</strong> STREET-EDGE MAINTENANCE <strong>AND</strong><br />
Section 8-6.01.<br />
Section 8-6.02.<br />
Section 8-6.03.<br />
Section 8-6.04.<br />
Section 8-6.05.<br />
Section 8-6.06.<br />
Section 8-6.07.<br />
Section 8-6.08.<br />
Section 8-6.09.<br />
Purpose.<br />
Applicability.<br />
Definitions.<br />
Maintenance by abutting owners.<br />
Discharge of water to sidewalks.<br />
Improvement/encroachment permit.<br />
Multiple driveway separation.<br />
Improvement acts unimpaired.<br />
Modification of requirements.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-7<br />
Section 8-7.01.<br />
Uniform street grade line.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-8<br />
Section 8-8.01.<br />
Section 8-8.02.<br />
Section 8-8.03.<br />
Section 8-8.04.<br />
Section 8-8.05.<br />
Section 8-8.06.<br />
Section 8-8.07.<br />
Section 8-8.08.<br />
Section 8-8.09.<br />
Section 8-8.10.<br />
Section 8-8.11.<br />
Section 8-8.12.<br />
Section 8-8.13.<br />
Section 8-8.14.<br />
Section 8-8.15.<br />
Section 8-8.16.<br />
Section 8-8.17.<br />
Section 8-8.18.<br />
Section 8-8.19.<br />
Section 8-8.20.<br />
Section 8-8.21.<br />
Purpose and Goals.<br />
Definitions.<br />
Enforcement/Appeals.<br />
Abutting Owner and Occupant responsibilities.<br />
Nuisances: Designated.<br />
Nuisances: Abatement.<br />
Damage or Injury.<br />
Construction work: Protection measures.<br />
Construction work: Displacement of trees.<br />
Recovery of damages.<br />
Permit Application: Tree Maintenance.<br />
Removal of Live Growing Trees.<br />
Removal of Dead, Diseased, or Structurally Hazardous Trees.<br />
Replacement Trees.<br />
Planting of New Trees.<br />
Topping Prohibited.<br />
Tree Root Pruning.<br />
Filled Parkways.<br />
Historic or Heritage Trees.<br />
Public Relations and Education.<br />
Ordinance Valuation.<br />
APPENDIX - Illustrations A-D<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-9<br />
Section 8-9.01.<br />
Section 8-9.02.<br />
Section 8-9.03.<br />
Section 8-9.04.<br />
Section 8-9.05.<br />
Purpose: Qualifications.<br />
Guidelines and standards.<br />
Application: Initiation: Contents.<br />
Application: Filing.<br />
Payment of reimbursement fee.<br />
Section 8-9.06.<br />
Expiration.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-10<br />
Section 8-10.01. Waterworks fund.<br />
Section 8-10.02. Separate metered connections.<br />
Section 8-10.03. Service line installation.<br />
Section 8-10.04. Connections: Ownership: Maintenance.<br />
Section 8-10.05. Connections: Charges.<br />
Section 8-10.05.01. State Water Reimbursement Fee.<br />
Section 8-10.06. Connections: Charges: Changes.<br />
Section 8-10.07. Water rates generally.<br />
Section 8-10.08. Minimum charge.<br />
Section 8-10.09. Metered rates.<br />
Section 8-10.10. Out-of-City consumers.<br />
Section 8-10.11. Load or tank quantities.<br />
Section 8-10.11.1 Supplemental Water Charges.<br />
Section 8-10.12. Water from hydrants.<br />
Section 8-10.13. Annexations Nos. 21 and 32.<br />
Section 8-10.14. Dal Porto Lane area.<br />
Section 8-10.15. Private fire protection.<br />
Section 8-10.16. Large cooling units.<br />
Section 8-10.17. Discontinuing service upon vacation.<br />
Section 8-10.18. Using water after disconnection.<br />
Section 8-10.19. Tampering: Bypasses.<br />
Section 8-10.20. Meter testing: At installation.<br />
Section 8-10.21. Meter testing: At customer request.<br />
Section 8-10.22. Meter error.<br />
Section 8-10.22.1. 3/4” x 3/4” Meter Credits.<br />
Section 8-10.23. Non-registering meter.<br />
Section 8-10.24. Backflow prevention devices.<br />
Section 8-10.25. Nonliability for private facilities.<br />
Section 8-10.26. Right of entry for inspection.<br />
Section 8-10.27. Shutoff for repairs.<br />
Section 8-10.28. Fire hydrant use.<br />
Section 8-10.29. Billing: Delinquency.<br />
Section 8-10.30. Disconnection for nonpayment.<br />
Section 8-10.31. Disputed accounts.<br />
Section 8-10.32. Waste: Leaking facilities.<br />
Section 8-10.33. Waste: Sprinkling.<br />
Section 8-10.34. Automatic annual rate increase.<br />
Section 8-10.35. Rate increase by resolution: Authorized.<br />
Section 8-10.36. Rate increase by ordinance: Required.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-10A CROSS CONNECTIONS<br />
Section 8-10A.01.<br />
Section 8-10A.02.<br />
Section 8-10A.03.<br />
Section 8-10A.04.<br />
Section 8-10A.05.<br />
Section 8-10A.06.<br />
Section 8-10A.07.<br />
Section 8-10A.08.<br />
Section 8-10A.09.<br />
Cross Connection Control - General Policy.<br />
Purpose.<br />
Definitions.<br />
Authority of Director of Utilities.<br />
Installation Requirements.<br />
Testing Requirements.<br />
Record Keeping and Submittal.<br />
Regulations<br />
Enforcement, Violations, and Penalties.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-11<br />
Section 8-11.01.<br />
Section 8-11.02.<br />
Section 8-11.03.<br />
Section 8-11.04.<br />
Section 8-11.05.<br />
Section 8-11.06.<br />
Section 8-11.07.<br />
Section 8-11.08.<br />
Section 8-11.09.<br />
Section 8-11.10.<br />
Section 8-11.11.<br />
Section 8-11.12.<br />
Section 8-11.13.<br />
Section 8-11.14.<br />
Section 8-11.15.<br />
Section 8-11.16.<br />
Section 8-11.17.<br />
Section 8-11.18.<br />
Section 8-11.19.<br />
Section 8-11.20.<br />
Section 8-11.21.<br />
Collection and disposal fund.<br />
Franchise or license.<br />
Hauling permit.<br />
Mandatory service.<br />
Unlawful collection or transport.<br />
Placement for collection: Generally.<br />
Placement for collection: Multiple units and businesses.<br />
Receptacles required.<br />
Tampering with receptacles.<br />
Frequency of collection.<br />
Rules and regulations.<br />
Right of entry for inspection.<br />
Unusual accumulations.<br />
Automated service: Generally.<br />
Additional service.<br />
Bin service.<br />
Solid waste disposal site.<br />
Sanitary animal or vegetable byproducts.<br />
Feed garbage.<br />
Compost heaps: Unlawful accumulations.<br />
Burning.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-12<br />
Section 8-12.100.<br />
Section 8-12.101.<br />
Section 8-12.102.<br />
Section 8-12.103.<br />
Section 8-12.104.<br />
Section 8-12.105.<br />
Section 8-12.200.<br />
Section 8-12.201.<br />
Section 8-12.202.<br />
Section 8-12.203.<br />
Section 8-12.204.<br />
Section 8-12.205.<br />
Section 8-12.206.<br />
Section 8-12.207.<br />
Section 8-12.208.<br />
Section 8-12.209.<br />
Section 8-12.300.<br />
Section 8-12.301.<br />
Section 8-12.302.<br />
Section 8-12.303.<br />
Section 8-12.304.<br />
Section 8-12.400.<br />
Section 8-12.401.<br />
Section 8-12.402.<br />
Section 8-12.403.<br />
Section 8-12.404.<br />
Article 1. General Provisions<br />
Purpose: Objectives.<br />
Use of revenues.<br />
Applicability.<br />
Definitions.<br />
Abbreviations defined.<br />
Article 2. Use of Sewers: Private Disposal<br />
Treatment of wastewater required.<br />
Private systems generally.<br />
Existing private systems: Acceptable.<br />
Existing private systems: Unacceptable.<br />
New private systems.<br />
Maintenance of private systems.<br />
Connection to available public sewer.<br />
Hazardous or nuisance systems.<br />
Separate industrial sewers.<br />
Article 3. Construction and Maintenance of Sewers<br />
Who shall construct.<br />
Standard specifications.<br />
Force mains.<br />
Property owner responsibility.<br />
Article 4. Discharge Restrictions<br />
Waste Discharge Requirement Permit or NPDES permit violations.<br />
Prohibited discharges.<br />
Drainage and other unpolluted water.<br />
Cooling water.<br />
Section 8-12.405.<br />
Section 8-12.406.<br />
Section 8-12.407.<br />
Section 8-12.408.<br />
Section 8-12.409.<br />
Section 8-12.410.<br />
Section 8-12.411.<br />
Section 8-12.412.<br />
Section 8-12.413.<br />
Section 8-12.414.<br />
Section 8-12.415.<br />
Section 8-12.500.<br />
Section 8-12.501.<br />
Section 8-12.502.<br />
Section 8-12.503.<br />
Section 8-12.600.<br />
Section 8-12.601.<br />
Section 8-12.602.<br />
Section 8-12.603.<br />
Section 8-12.604.<br />
Section 8-12.605.<br />
Section 8-12.700.<br />
Section 8-12.701.<br />
Section 8-12.702.<br />
Section 8-12.703.<br />
Section 8-12.704.<br />
Section 8-12.705.<br />
Section 8-12.706.<br />
Section 8-12.707.<br />
Section 8-12.800.<br />
Section 8-12.801.<br />
Section 8-12.802.<br />
Section 8-12.803.<br />
Section 8-12.804.<br />
Section 8-12.805.<br />
Section 8-12.806.<br />
Section 8-12.900.<br />
Section 8-12.901.<br />
Section 8-12.902.<br />
Section 8-12.903.<br />
Section 8-12.904.<br />
Section 8-12.905.<br />
Section 8-12.906.<br />
Section 8-12.907.<br />
Section 8-12.908.<br />
Section 8-12.909.<br />
Section 8-12.910.<br />
Section 8-12.911.<br />
Section 8-12.912.<br />
Section 8-12.913.<br />
Garbage grinders.<br />
Point of discharge.<br />
Holding tank wastes.<br />
Metal and phenol concentrations.<br />
Temperature, solids, chemicals generally.<br />
More stringent limitations.<br />
Lawful permit issuance unimpaired.<br />
Federal pretreatment standards.<br />
Traps required.<br />
Unacceptable wastes: Proper disposal.<br />
Local holding/septic tank wastes only.<br />
Article 5. Volume Determination<br />
Amount of water used.<br />
Amount of water discharged.<br />
Meter type and size.<br />
Article 6. Permits Generally<br />
User classifications.<br />
Applications and fees.<br />
Application review: Permit issuance.<br />
Other requirements unaffected.<br />
Enforcement of permit terms.<br />
Article 7. Wastewater Discharge Permit<br />
Required.<br />
Discharge report.<br />
Application contents.<br />
Terms and conditions.<br />
Expiration and renewal.<br />
Non-transferability.<br />
Revocation grounds.<br />
Article 8. Holding Tank Waste Disposal Permit<br />
Required.<br />
Application.<br />
Terms and conditions.<br />
Expiration: Changes: Renewal.<br />
Nontransferability.<br />
Revocation or modification.<br />
Article 9. Industrial Dischargers: Monitoring, Pretreatment, Reports<br />
Monitoring facilities.<br />
Inspection.<br />
Self-monitoring and notice of discharge changes.<br />
Pretreatment.<br />
Accidental discharges.<br />
Confidentiality.<br />
Initial compliance report.<br />
Biannual compliance reports.<br />
Mass limitations: Sampling procedures.<br />
Public notice of violators.<br />
Enforcement: Notice of hearing.<br />
Enforcement: Conduct of hearing.<br />
City Council order.<br />
Section 8-12.1000.<br />
Section 8-12.1001.<br />
Section 8-12.1002.<br />
Section 8-12.1003.<br />
Section 8-12.1004.<br />
Section 8-12.1005.<br />
Section 8-12.1006.<br />
Article 10. User Charges<br />
Classifications: Purpose.<br />
Scope of schedule.<br />
Sewer rental fund.<br />
Automatic annual increase.<br />
User classification charges.<br />
Southwest trunk sewer line.<br />
Section 8-12.1100A. Article 11. Connection Fees<br />
Section 8-12.1101. Municipal Sewer District No. 1: Amount.<br />
Section 8-12.1102. Municipal Sewer District No. 1: Collection and use.<br />
Section 8-12.1103. New or modified connections.<br />
Section 8-12.1104. Refund.<br />
Section 8-12.1105. Other charges unaffected.<br />
Section 8-12.1106. Annual amendment.<br />
Section 8-12.1107. Use of revenues.<br />
Section 8-12.1108. Extensions of excess capacity.<br />
Section 8-12.1109. Extensions to serve development.<br />
Section 8-12.1110. Average-cost basis: Adjustment of fees.<br />
Section 8-12.1111. Payment under protest.<br />
Section 8-12.1112. Notice of changes.<br />
Section 8-12.1200.<br />
Section 8-12.1201.<br />
Section 8-12.1202.<br />
Section 8-12.1203.<br />
Section 8-12.1204.<br />
Section 8-12.1300.<br />
Section 8-12.1301.<br />
Section 8-12.1302.<br />
Section 8-12.1303.<br />
Section 8-12.1304.<br />
Section 8-12.1305.<br />
Section 8-12.1306.<br />
Section 8-12.1400.<br />
Section 8-12.1401.<br />
Section 8-12.1402.<br />
Section 8-12.1403.<br />
Section 8-12.1404.<br />
Section 8-12.1405.<br />
Section 8-12.1406.<br />
Section 8-12.1407.<br />
Section 8-12.1408.<br />
Section 8-12.1409.<br />
Section 8-12.1410.<br />
Section 8-12.1411.<br />
Section 8-12.1412.<br />
Section 8-12.1413.<br />
Article 12. Other Charges<br />
Service outside City.<br />
Monitoring fees.<br />
Permit application fees.<br />
Wastewater treatment plant impact fee.<br />
Article 13. Wastewater Main Extension Benefit Districts<br />
Eligibility: Intent.<br />
Guidelines and standards.<br />
Initiation: Application contents.<br />
Filing application: Approval: Recordation.<br />
Reimbursement fees.<br />
Expiration.<br />
Article 14. Enforcement<br />
Accidental discharge--Limitation of liability.<br />
Accidental discharge: Informing employees.<br />
Accidental discharge: Prevention.<br />
Cease and desist order.<br />
Correction schedule required.<br />
Appeals.<br />
Nuisance declared.<br />
Injunction to restrain violation.<br />
Charges for facilities damage.<br />
Correction by City.<br />
Civil penalty.<br />
Falsification.<br />
Permit revocation: Termination of service.<br />
Section 8-12A.01.<br />
Section 8-12A.02.<br />
Purposes.<br />
Definitions.<br />
Section 8-12A.03.<br />
Section 8-12A.04.<br />
Section 8-12A.05.<br />
Section 8-12A.06.<br />
Section 8-12A.07.<br />
Section 8-12A.08.<br />
Section 8-12A.09.<br />
Section 8-12A.10.<br />
Section 8-12A.11.<br />
Section 8-12A.12.<br />
Section 8-12A.13.<br />
Section 8-12A.14.<br />
Section 8-12A.15.<br />
Authority of the Director of Utilities.<br />
Prohibited Discharges, Exemptions and Limitations.<br />
Illicit Connections Prohibited; Exception.<br />
Waste Disposal Prohibited.<br />
Compliance Required with Industrial National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System<br />
(NPDES) Storm Water Discharge Permits.<br />
Requirement to Prevent, Control, and Reduce Storm Water Pollutants.<br />
Repealed.<br />
Requirement to Monitor and Analyze.<br />
Notification of Spills.<br />
Authority to Inspect.<br />
Authority to Sample, Establish Sampling Devices, and Test.<br />
Notice of Violation.<br />
Violations Deemed a Public Nuisance.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-13<br />
WELLS<br />
Section 8-13.01.<br />
Section 8-13.02.<br />
Section 8-13.03.<br />
Section 8-13.04.<br />
Section 8-13.05.<br />
Section 8-13.06.<br />
Section 8-13.07.<br />
Section 8-13.08.<br />
Section 8-13.09.<br />
Definitions.<br />
Restricted.<br />
Other provisions unimpaired by permit.<br />
Permit.<br />
Standards: County permit.<br />
Cooling-water wells.<br />
Drainage wells.<br />
Proximity to public water supply.<br />
Sealing.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-14<br />
Section 8-14.01.<br />
Section 8-14.02.<br />
North Blosser Road area and Battles Road area drainage fee.<br />
Orcutt Drainage Plan fee.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-15<br />
Section 8-15.01.<br />
Section 8-15.02.<br />
Section 8-15.03.<br />
Section 8-15.04.<br />
Section 8-15.05.<br />
Section 8-15.06.<br />
Section 8-15.07.<br />
Section 8-15.08.<br />
Section 8-15.09.<br />
Section 8-15.10.<br />
Section 8-15.11.<br />
Section 8-15.12.<br />
Section 8-15.13.<br />
Section 8-15.14.<br />
Section 8-15.15.<br />
Section 8-15.16.<br />
Section 8-15.17.<br />
Section 8-15.18.<br />
Section 8-15.19.<br />
Section 8-15.20.<br />
Purpose and Intent.<br />
Definitions.<br />
Hearing required.<br />
Annual report.<br />
Effective date.<br />
Imposition, calculation, acknowledgement, and collection of growth mitigation fees.<br />
Establishment and accounting of growth mitigation fees.<br />
Reimbursement Agreements.<br />
Credits.<br />
Refunds.<br />
Appeals.<br />
Growth mitigation fees as additional and supplemental requirements.<br />
Conflicts.<br />
Severability.<br />
Repeal of existing fees.<br />
City Hall Mitigation Fee.<br />
Corporation Yard mitigation fee.<br />
Traffic mitigation fee.<br />
Water mitigation fee.<br />
Wastewater mitigation fee.<br />
Section 8-15.21.<br />
Section 8-15.22.<br />
Section 8-15.23.<br />
Section 8-15.24.<br />
Section 8-15.25.<br />
Recreation and Parks mitigation fee.<br />
Police Department mitigation fee.<br />
Fire mitigation fee.<br />
Library mitigation fee.<br />
Exemptions.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-16<br />
<strong>PUBLIC</strong> PROJECTS<br />
Section 8-16.01.<br />
Section 8-16.02.<br />
Section 8-16.03.<br />
Public Projects.<br />
Informal bid procedures.<br />
Wages; Public Works Projects.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-17<br />
Section 8-17.01.<br />
Section 8-17.02.<br />
Section 8-17.03.<br />
Section 8-17.04.<br />
Section 8-17.05.<br />
Section 8-17.06.<br />
Section 8-17.07.<br />
Section 8-17.08.<br />
Section 8-17.09.<br />
Section 8-17.10.<br />
Section 8-17.11.<br />
Section 8-17.12.<br />
Section 8-17.13.<br />
Section 8-17.14.<br />
Section 8-17.15.<br />
Section 8-17.16.<br />
Section 8-17.17.<br />
Loud Electronic Devices Prohibited.<br />
No Harassment of Library Users or Staff.<br />
Proper Hygiene Required.<br />
Proper Supervision of Children Required.<br />
Adherence to Safety Standards Required.<br />
No Photography or Videotaping Without Express Consent.<br />
Persons Engaged in Constitutionally Protected Speech – Restrictions.<br />
No Soliciting of Selling of Items Allowed.<br />
Food and Drink in Library Prohibited.<br />
Restrictions on Use of Restrooms.<br />
Sleeping or Loitering Prohibited.<br />
Animals Prohibited in Library – Exception for Disabled Persons.<br />
Adherence to Library Policy Regarding Use of Public Computers Required.<br />
Penalty for Violation of Rules of Conduct.<br />
Exclusion Process.<br />
Right of Appeal of Warning or Exclusion Notice.<br />
Punishment for Violation of an Exclusion Notice.<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-1<br />
APPLICATION FOR <strong>PUBLIC</strong> <strong>SERVICES</strong><br />
Section 8-1.01. Definitions.<br />
For the purposes of this chapter and Chapters 8-9, 8-10, 8-11 and 8-13, the following words and phrases shall<br />
have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:<br />
(a) "Auto courts and motels" means buildings or spaces provided for the occupancy of human beings for short<br />
periods of time and not as permanent residences.<br />
(b) "Automated container" means a refuse or recycling receptacle used by automated (mechanized) solid waste<br />
collection equipment; refuse must fall freely from receptacle when serviced.<br />
(c) "Bin container" means a refuse or recycling receptacle with cover designed to be serviced by a front-endloader<br />
truck.<br />
(d) "Can container" means a refuse or recycling receptacle of lightweight, galvanized metal or other rustproof<br />
material, with cover, with a capacity between ten (10) and thirty-two (32) gallons, and conforming to the<br />
specifications set forth in this Code.<br />
(e) "Commercial houses" means structures used for retail stores, gasoline and oil distributing stations,<br />
restaurants and other food and drink dispensing businesses, theaters, funeral homes, cleaning and dyeing<br />
establishments, garages, repair shops, wholesale stores, barbershops, beauty shops and any other business<br />
establishment not otherwise defined in this chapter.<br />
(f) "Garbage" means all vegetable, fruit and animal waste, resulting from the cooking, handling, storage, sale,<br />
preparation, use or consumption of foodstuffs.<br />
(g) "Hotels, rooming houses, boardinghouses and rest homes" means structures used for the renting of rooms<br />
for occupancy by human beings which rooms do not offer the complete living facilities usually contained in<br />
apartments and dwellings.<br />
(h) "Industrial waste" means liquids and solids contained in a liquid, or either of them, which are the result of<br />
or a byproduct of or a waste product of any industrial, chemical or mechanical process, or the manufacture or<br />
treatment or the cleansing of any material.<br />
(i) "Industries" means any person or establishment manufacturing, treating, processing or cleaning any<br />
material. The following are expressly excluded from the definition of "industries": cleaning and dyeing<br />
establishments, restaurants and other food-and-drink dispensing businesses, automobile garages, car wash<br />
businesses, gasoline and oil distributing stations.<br />
(j) "Multifamily dwelling" means a structure designed to be occupied as a residence by more than one (1)<br />
family, including duplexes, triplexes, apartments and residential courts.<br />
(k) "Office buildings" means structures in which rooms or suites of rooms are rented or used for business or<br />
professional purposes, excluding spaces rented for industrial or retail purposes.<br />
(l) "Refuse" means all garbage and rubbish.<br />
(m) "Rubbish" means any and all matter other than garbage, as defined in this section, which has been<br />
discarded, rejected or abandoned or has become useless, including brush and garden trimmings, or which by its<br />
presence or accumulation is or may become a menace to health or a fire hazard or otherwise dangerous or offensive,<br />
including, but without limitation, wood, paper, metal, but not including earth, sod, lumber, brick, stone, mortar or<br />
debris incident to the construction or demolition of buildings.<br />
(n) "Sewage" means wastewater together with such industrial wastes, groundwater and surface runoff as may<br />
be mixed with it.<br />
(o) "Sewer service" means the acceptance of sewage into City sewer lines for treatment.<br />
(p) "Single-family dwelling" means a structure designed to be occupied as a residence and actually so occupied<br />
by not more than one (1) family.<br />
(q) "Solid waste service" means the collection and disposal of all garbage, refuse and rubbish.<br />
(r) "Trailer parks" means parks or yards providing space for the parking of trailers containing living<br />
accommodations on either a permanent or temporary rental basis.<br />
(s) "Unit," as used in connection with multifamily dwellings, auto courts, trailer parks, motels, hotels, rooming<br />
houses, boardinghouses and rest homes, shall be any portion of such establishment which is designed to be or is<br />
offered for rent separately from other parts of the establishment. As to hotels, rooming houses, boardinghouses and<br />
rest homes, it is the room which is designed to be or is actually rented to the guest or lodger.<br />
(t) "Water service" means the delivery of water through City water lines to a user. (Prior Code § 20-1; Ord.<br />
89-11 § 1 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-1.02. Application for initial service.<br />
Each applicant for initial water, solid waste or sewage service shall be required to sign an application form<br />
provided by the City or make application by letter showing the date of application, location of premises to be served,<br />
plumbing fixtures and other pertinent uses to be served, mailing address, date applicant desires service and such<br />
other information as may be required. (Ord. 89-11 § 1 (part), eff. 5/4/89: prior Code § 20-1)<br />
Section 8-1.03. Application to resume service.<br />
After water or disposal service has been shut off from any premises, it shall not be resumed until the City has<br />
received written application therefor. Such application shall be on forms furnished by the City and shall be signed by<br />
the prospective consumer or his agent, which consumer shall be liable for all services furnished thereto. (Ord. 89-11<br />
§ 1 (part), eff. 5/4/89: prior Code § 20-3)<br />
Section 8-1.04. Payment for previous service required.<br />
An application for service may not be honored unless payment in full has been made for water, solid waste and<br />
sewage service previously rendered by the City to the applicant. (Ord. 89-11 § 1 (part), eff. 5/4/89: prior Code § 20-<br />
4)<br />
Section 8-1.05. Monthly charge: Billing frequency.<br />
All charges established by this chapter and Chapters 8-9, 8-10, 8-11 and 8-13 shall be on a monthly basis.<br />
Billing and payment may be on a monthly or bimonthly basis as determined by the Council. (Ord. 89-11 § 1 (part),<br />
eff. 5/4/89: prior Code § 20-5)<br />
Section 8-1.06. Single charge for all services.<br />
There shall be no splitting of bills as regards charges for water, solid waste and sewage service; that is to say,<br />
the total charges to any one (1) person for water, solid waste and sewage service shall be considered as a single<br />
charge and shall be billed as such, and nonpayment of any portion of such bill shall be nonpayment of all such bills,<br />
notwithstanding the fact that for administrative purposes such charges may be shown separately on the bill. (Ord.<br />
89-11 § 1 (part), eff. 5/4/89: prior Code § 20-6)<br />
Section 8-1.07. Appeals.<br />
In the event that any user or consumer is aggrieved by any ruling of the Director of Utilities made pursuant to<br />
any of the provisions of this chapter and Chapters 8-9, 8-10, 8-11 and 8-13, such consumer or user may appeal from<br />
such ruling to the Council within the time and in the manner set forth in Section 8-12.1406. The Council's action on<br />
such appeal shall likewise be made and become final pursuant to the provisions of Section 8-12.1406. (Prior Code §<br />
20-7; Ord. 89-11 § 1 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-2<br />
Section 8-2.01. System designated.<br />
All houses, buildings and lots fronting on streets and other public thoroughfares shall be numbered in the<br />
following manner: beginning at Broadway, which shall be used as the starting place for numbering, both east and<br />
west therefrom, and beginning at Main Street which shall be used as the starting place for numbering, both north and<br />
south therefrom, and following for each and every block one hundred (100) numbers, according to the relative<br />
position, each twenty-five (25) foot frontage of each block shall be entitled to one (1) odd or even number,<br />
whichever the case may be. Buildings and lots shall be numbered consecutively, even numbers placed on all south<br />
and east sides of streets and odd numbers being placed on all north and west sides of streets. (Prior Code § 6-28)<br />
Section 8-2.02. Display.<br />
The figures to be used as numbers shall be of metal or other approved durable material, and shall be at least<br />
three (3) inches in height; provided, that where large numbers are painted on windows or other parts of business<br />
houses, they are sufficient. Wherever practical the numbers shall be so placed and maintained as to be readily<br />
discernable from the street in front of the premises served. (Prior Code § 6-29)<br />
Section 8-2.03. Issuance: Enforcement.<br />
The Director of Community Development shall have charge of the matter of numbering houses, buildings and<br />
lots, and shall upon request give any property owner or occupant of any houses or building the number of his<br />
premises, and it shall be his duty to notify householders and others to place proper numbers where required. Such<br />
notice shall state the number required, and upon failure to do so, he may cause the same to be done at the expense of<br />
the person notified, which expense shall be collected from the person liable therefor. Any person failing to place a<br />
number within ten (10) days after being notified so to do is also guilty of a misdemeanor. (Prior Code § 6-30)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-3<br />
HISTORICAL L<strong>AND</strong>MARKS<br />
Section 8-3.01. Purpose: Authority.<br />
The purpose of this chapter, which is adopted pursuant to Section 37361 of the Government Code of the State,<br />
is to promote the general and economic welfare of the City by preserving and protecting those places, sites,<br />
buildings, structures, works of art and other objects having a special historical, cultural or aesthetic character or<br />
interest for the use, education and view of the general public, and to remind all citizens of this City and visitors from<br />
elsewhere of the historical backgrounds of the City. (Ord. 88-18 § 5, eff. 10/20/88)<br />
Section 8-3.02. Landmark Committee established.<br />
The Landmark Committee shall be established by resolution of the City Council, which resolution shall provide<br />
for the number of persons composing the committee, conduct of the affairs of the committee, and assistance to the<br />
committee by officers and employees of the City. The terms of office shall also be set by this resolution and shall<br />
commence and expire on the date of the last regular meeting of the City Council in January. Each member of the<br />
committee shall serve until replaced. (Ord. 88-18 § 5, eff. 10/20/88; Ord. 2001-24, effective 1/18/02)<br />
Section 8-3.03. Designation application: Designation and confirmation.<br />
The Landmark Committee is authorized and directed to receive and act upon applications from any interested<br />
persons to investigate and designate places, sites, buildings, structures, works of art and other objects within the<br />
incorporated limits of the City as having historic, cultural, aesthetic or other special character or interest, and being<br />
worthy of consideration for protection, enhancement or perpetuation as such. Such designation, together with any<br />
agreement entered into in connection therewith, shall remain and be in effect for a period of ninety (90) days only<br />
and thereafter shall be of no force and effect unless prior to the expiration of that period of ninety (90) days the City<br />
Council has set a date for a public hearing, advertised the hearing once in a newspaper of general circulation in the<br />
City at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the public hearing, and has confirmed the action of the Landmark<br />
Committee within the ninety (90) day period as to the designation and agreement entered into in connection with the<br />
designation. In cases where private property is the subject of the hearing notice shall be served by mail upon the<br />
owner and lienholders of record of the property at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the public hearing.<br />
(Ord. 88-18 § 5, eff. 10/20/88; Ord. 2001-24, effective 1/18/02)<br />
Section 8-3.04. Places of historical merit.<br />
The Landmark Committee is further authorized and directed to locate and identify other places, sites, buildings,<br />
structures, and works of art as having historical merit which may satisfy the requirements for designation as an<br />
historical landmark or which may by the application of other standards, or by reason of a unique feature, have, in the<br />
opinion of the committee, special historical, aesthetic or cultural value.<br />
Places, sites, buildings, structures, and works of art may be designated as having historical merit by the<br />
Landmark Committee under the provisions of this section, even though the premises may not qualify for designation<br />
as an historical landmark.<br />
The historic merit designation under the provisions of this section shall not, by reason of such designation,<br />
require the conditions or restrictions on use, improvement or renovation of the premises which are provided for in<br />
this chapter. The Landmark Committee may, however, require maintenance of the premises as a condition for<br />
continued recognition of the historic merit of the premises.<br />
The Landmark Committee may make a designation of historic merit, pursuant to this section, by resolution of<br />
the committee adopted in a regular or special meeting called for that purpose. Prior to the Landmark Committee's<br />
action, however, the committee must obtain the permission of the owner or owners of the premises as appearing on<br />
the latest available county assessor's records. The owner or owners shall be notified at least ten (10) days prior to the<br />
committee action. Following the adoption of such resolution, the Landmark Committee shall mail a copy of the<br />
resolution to the owner or owners of the premises. The Landmark Committee shall maintain a record of all premises<br />
that have been given recognition under the provisions of this section and shall forward to the City Clerk copies of all<br />
resolutions making such designation. (Ord. 88-18 § 5, eff. 10/20/88; Ord. 2001-24, effective 1/18/02)<br />
Section 8-3.05. Planning commission report and recommendations.<br />
(a) Upon receipt of any application for designation of any place, site, building, structure, work of art or other<br />
object within the incorporated limits of the City as an historical landmark by the Landmark Committee, the<br />
committee shall refer the application to the Planning Commission of the City with a request for a report and<br />
recommendations with regard to such designation, which report and recommendations may include any and all<br />
observations, information and recommendations as to an agreement in connection therewith which appear desirable<br />
to the Planning Commission upon consideration of the application. The report may include but shall not be limited<br />
to such matters as compatibility with the General Plan, general public interest, zoning, traffic or other problems<br />
which may appear to be affected by or created by the proposed designation.<br />
(b) No action shall be taken by the Landmark Committee within less than five (5) days following the receipt of<br />
the report from the Planning Commission. Following any action recommending the designation of any place, site,<br />
building, structure, work of art or other object as an historical landmark, the report and recommendation of the<br />
Landmark Committee shall be forwarded to the City Council, which shall thereafter set the public hearing thereon as<br />
provided in this chapter. The report of the Planning Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council, together<br />
with any report or recommendation by the Landmark Committee. (Ord. 88-18 § 5, eff. 10/20/88; Ord. 2001-24,<br />
effective 1/18/02)<br />
Section 8-3.06. Standards for designation and for removal of designation.<br />
In designating or removing from designation any place, site, building, structure, work of art or other object as<br />
being of historical, cultural, aesthetic or other special character or interest, and worthy of protection under this<br />
chapter, the Landmark Committee and the City Council shall be subject to the following express standards:<br />
(a) The landmark designated shall have historical, cultural, aesthetic or special character or interest for the<br />
general public and not be limited only in interest to a special group of persons, and be at least fifty (50) years of age.<br />
(b) The designation of such as a landmark under this chapter shall not be detrimental to the general welfare of<br />
the community.<br />
(c) The designation of such landmark shall not require the expenditure of an unreasonable amount of money to<br />
carry out the purposes of this chapter. In applying this provision it is the intent of this chapter that whenever a<br />
landmark proposed to be so designated is private property, expenditures for its upkeep, preservation, maintenance<br />
and protection shall be made by the owner thereof in all but the most exceptional cases. If upon careful review by<br />
the Landmark Committee it is proposed that public funds be expended for the preservation, restoration, maintenance<br />
or protection thereof, or any other purpose in connection with the designation, the recommendation made by the<br />
committee to the City Council shall set forth that fact, and shall set forth in full the reasons therefor, and shall<br />
include a statement setting forth as accurately as possible the estimated cost in public funds which would be so<br />
involved. The City Council in acting upon the proposed designation shall also determine whether the expenditure of<br />
public funds in connection therewith is justified. In the event that such designation would be ineffective for the<br />
preservation, restoration or protection of the proposed landmark, without such expenditure, and the City Council<br />
determines that the expenditure is not justified, the place, site, building, structure, work of art or other object which<br />
is the subject of the proposal shall not be designated an historical landmark.<br />
(d) The designation of such landmark shall not infringe upon the right of a private owner thereof, if there is<br />
such, to make any and all reasonable uses of such landmark which are not in conflict with the purposes of this<br />
chapter. (Ord. 88-18 § 5, eff. 10/20/88; Ord. 2001-24, effective 1/18/02)<br />
Section 8-3.07. Agreement respecting landmark status.<br />
(a) Upon receipt of the Planning Commission report, if it appears that place, site, building, structure, work of<br />
art or other object within the incorporated limits of the City should be designated as a historical landmark, the<br />
Landmark Committee shall work with the property owner and lienholders to draft and enter into an acceptable<br />
agreement respecting designation. The Committee shall use the guidelines in section 8-3.08 as appropriate in the<br />
agreement. Any such agreement shall be effective for ninety (90) days or until the City Council acts on the<br />
Committee’s recommendation, whichever occurs sooner. If no agreement is reached, or the City Council does not<br />
affirm the agreement, the landmark designation application shall be terminated.<br />
(b) The City Council may set a public hearing to be advertised once in a newspaper of general circulation in<br />
the City at least ten (10) days prior to the date of such hearing. In all cases where private property is the subject of<br />
the hearing, notice of the hearing shall be served by mail upon the property owner and lienholders of record of the<br />
property at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the hearing. The City Council may consider the<br />
recommendation of the Landmark Committee without setting a public hearing and advertising the same in a<br />
newspaper of general circulation, if in its discretion the City Council considers the recommended agreement will not<br />
create impacts so as to justify that procedure. In any case, however, the City Council, before acting on the<br />
recommended agreement, shall give notice to the owner and lienholders of record of the subject property as<br />
provided in this section. After such hearing the City Council may affirm the existing agreement, enter into a<br />
modified agreement or decline to approve an agreement respecting designation. The action of the City Council shall<br />
be final and shall take effect immediately. (Ord. 88-18 § 5, eff. 10/20/88; Ord. 2001-24, effective 1/18/02)<br />
Section 8-3.08. Guidelines.<br />
In developing an agreement respecting a historical landmark, the Landmark Committee and City Council shall<br />
use the following guidelines, as appropriate:<br />
(a) The agreement may require the owner or lienholder to provide written notice to the Landmark Committee<br />
in advance of structural alteration, demolition, removal or destruction, either in whole or in part, of the landmark.<br />
Upon receipt of this notice, the Landmark Committee may schedule a meeting with the owner and lienholder and<br />
use the procedures in this chapter to determine whether or not landmark status shall be continued;<br />
(b) Any agreement may provide that no permits shall be issued by any City department for any alterations,<br />
repairs, additions or changes, other than normal maintenance and repair work, unless and until all plans therefor<br />
have first been reviewed by the Landmark Committee and approved, or approved as modified, and such reasonable<br />
conditions may be imposed as deemed necessary. All such work shall be done under the direction and control of the<br />
Landmark Committee or other qualified persons designated by it for such purpose; provided, that conditions<br />
imposed as a condition of approval of alterations, repairs, additions or changes shall be final when imposed by the<br />
Landmark Committee, and unless they affect conditions imposed by the Council need not be reported to or reviewed<br />
by the City Council as provided in Section 8-3.06;<br />
(c) The agreement may provide that only certain specified uses may be made or that certain specified uses shall<br />
be prohibited;<br />
(d) The agreement may provide that no buildings or structures exposed to public view within a specified<br />
distance may be placed, erected, moved, altered, enlarged or removed, other than normal maintenance and repair<br />
work, without approval and in accordance with reasonable conditions imposed where deemed necessary by the<br />
Landmark Committee;<br />
(e) The agreement may provide that if the landmark to be designated is a building, that the building shall be<br />
open to the public at such reasonable times and intervals as shall be determined by the Landmark Committee;<br />
(f) The agreement may contain any other reasonable requirements, restrictions or conditions deemed necessary<br />
by the Landmark Committee, the owner and the lienholder to meet special or unique circumstances affecting the<br />
subject place, site, building, structure, work of art or other object.<br />
(g) The agreement may provide for disclosure of landmark status upon sale of the property by requiring a copy<br />
of the agreement to be provided to the buyer and lienholder. (Ord. 88-18 § 5, eff. 10/20/88; Ord. 2001-24, effective<br />
1/18/02; Ord. 2008-01, eff. 3/20/08; Ord. 2009-03, eff. 3/5/09)<br />
Section 8-3.09. Funding petitions.<br />
The Landmark Committee, or other interested persons, may petition the City Council for funds necessary to<br />
carry out the purposes of this chapter. The City Council may expend all reasonable sums needed to carry out the<br />
purposes of this chapter or to acquire fee title or such lesser ownership rights, or easements, as it deems necessary or<br />
expedient to carry out the purposes of this chapter. (Ord. 88-18 § 5, eff. 10/20/88; Ord. 2001-24, effective 1/18/02)<br />
Section 8-3.10. Appeals.<br />
(a) Any person may appeal in writing to the City Council from any action of the Landmark Committee by<br />
filing notice of such appeal with the City Clerk within fifteen (15) days from the date of such action, and the City<br />
Council shall set a public hearing, notice of which shall be duly advertised once in a newspaper of general<br />
circulation in the City, at least ten (10) days before the date of such hearing to consider such appeal. In all cases<br />
where private property is the subject of the action which is appealed from, notice of the hearing shall be served by<br />
mail upon the owner and lienholders of record of the property at least ten (10) days prior to the date set for the<br />
public hearing. At the hearing the City Council may confirm, modify or set aside any or all such actions of the<br />
Landmark Committee. (Ord. 88-18 § 5, eff. 10/20/88; Ord. 2001-24, effective 1/18/02)<br />
Section 8-3.11. Remedies.<br />
When the Landmark Committee receives information that a designated landmark has been or will be wholly or<br />
partially demolished, structurally altered, removed, destroyed, or otherwise no longer meets or will meet the<br />
standards set out in Section 8-3-06, the Committee may initiate an application for removal of the designation, using<br />
the procedures in the chapter. The Committee may also make any appropriate recommendations respecting<br />
continuance or discontinuance of the landmark designation to the Planning Commission. (Ord. 88-18 § 5, eff.<br />
10/20/88; Ord. 2001-24, effective 1/18/02)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-4<br />
PARADES <strong>AND</strong> ASSEMBLIES<br />
Section 8-4.01. Definitions.<br />
As used in this chapter:<br />
(a) "Parade" means any march, demonstration, procession, motorcade, or promenade consisting of persons,<br />
animals, or vehicles, or a combination thereof, having a common purpose, design, destination, or goal, upon any<br />
public place, which parade, march, demonstration, procession, motorcade, or promenade does not comply with<br />
normal and usual traffic regulations or control.<br />
(b) “Assembly” means any meeting, demonstration, picket line, rally, gathering, or group other than a parade,<br />
as defined in subsection (a), that substantially inhibits the usual flow of pedestrian or vehicular travel on a public<br />
right of way or in a public place or: (i) is comprised of one hundred fifty or more persons, animals, or vehicles, or a<br />
combination thereof; (ii) has a common purpose, design, or goal; and (iii) is located upon any public street,<br />
sidewalk, alley, park, or other public place or occupies any public area.<br />
(c) "City Manager" means the City Manager of Santa Maria, or a person designated by the City Manager to act<br />
in his or her place. (Ordinance 2007-09, eff. 7/5/07; Prior Code § 15-38 (99) (part))<br />
Section 8-4.02. Permit required.<br />
Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, no person shall engage in, conduct, or carry on the activity of a<br />
parade or assembly without a permit issued under the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2010-03, eff. 5/20/10;<br />
Ordinance 2007-09, eff. 7/5/07; Prior Code § 15-38 (99) (part))<br />
Section 8-4.03. Exemptions.<br />
The permit application provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the following<br />
(a) Funeral processions.<br />
(b) Spontaneous parades or assemblies occasioned by news or affairs coming into public knowledge within<br />
five days of such parade or assembly; provided, however, that the organizers thereof give written notice to the City<br />
at least twenty-four hours prior to such parade or assembly, if it is feasible to do so. If twenty-four hour notice is not<br />
feasible, the organizers of a spontaneous event shall provide as much advance notice, written if possible, as is<br />
feasible under the circumstances. Such written notice shall contain all of the following information:<br />
(1) The name, address and telephone number of the person or persons seeking to conduct the parade or<br />
assembly. This person or these persons shall be considered a permittee for the purposes of this chapter;<br />
(2) The name, address and telephone number of the headquarters of the organization, if any, and of the<br />
organizer or responsible head of such organization by whom or on whose behalf the parade or assembly is proposed<br />
to be conducted;<br />
(3) The name, address and telephone number of the person who will chair the parade or assembly and who<br />
will be responsible for its conduct;<br />
(4) The location and date of the proposed parade or assembly, including the assembly area, dispersal area,<br />
and the route to be traveled;<br />
(5) An estimate of the approximate number of persons who will be participating in the parade or assembly<br />
and an estimate of the approximate number of persons who will be observing the parade or assembly;<br />
(6) The times at which the parade or assembly will start and conclude;<br />
(7) The type of security or other arrangements that will be provided to assure that participants are properly<br />
directed.<br />
(c) The City Manager may deny permission to conduct the parade or assembly within eighteen hours of the<br />
submission of the notice pursuant to subsection (b) of this section if the City Manager makes a finding requiring<br />
denial pursuant to Section 8-4.05. If the City Manager makes a finding requiring denial pursuant to that subsection,<br />
the City Manager shall immediately provide notice of the denial, including the reason for the denial. (Ord. 2010-03,<br />
eff. 5/20/10; Ord. 2007-09, eff. 7/5/07; Prior Code § 15-38 (99) (part))<br />
Section 8-4.04. Application for permit.<br />
(a) A person seeking issuance of a permit pursuant to this chapter shall file an application with the City<br />
Manager, on forms supplied by the city.<br />
(b) The application shall be filed with the City Manager not less than six days prior to the date of parades or<br />
assemblies, except as otherwise provided in this Chapter.<br />
(c) An application shall include the following information and other information requested by the form that the<br />
City Manager determines to be reasonably necessary to allow the City to process the application and to serve the<br />
purposes of this ordinance:<br />
(1) The name, address and telephone number of the person or persons seeking to conduct the parade or<br />
assembly;<br />
(2) The name, address and telephone number of the headquarters of the organization, if any, and of the<br />
organizer or responsible head of such organization by whom or on whose behalf the parade or assembly is proposed<br />
to be conducted;<br />
(3) The name, address and telephone number of the person who will chair the parade or assembly and who<br />
will be responsible for its conduct;<br />
(4) The location and date of the proposed parade or assembly, including the assembly area, dispersal area,<br />
and the route to be traveled;<br />
(5) An estimate of the approximate number of persons who will be expected to participate in the parade or<br />
assembly and an estimate of the approximate number of persons expected to observe the parade or assembly;<br />
(6) The times when the parade or assembly will start and conclude;<br />
(7) The type of security or other arrangements that will be provided to ensure that participants are properly<br />
directed as to the approved parade route or assembly area;<br />
(8) The minimum and maximum speeds that the parade is to travel, if vehicles are included, and the<br />
maximum number of platoons or units, if any, in the parade or assembly and the maximum and minimum distance to<br />
be maintained between the units of such parade or assembly;<br />
(9) The maximum length of such parade or assembly in miles or fractions thereof;<br />
(10) The number and type of vehicles, if any, in the parade or assembly;<br />
(11) Whether the participants in the parade or assembly are expected to wear masks;<br />
(12) Except as provided in subparagraph (d) below, a statement signed by the person seeking the permit that<br />
the permittee agrees to defend, protect, indemnify and hold the city, its officers, employees, agents, and volunteers<br />
free and harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, expenses, loss or liability of any kind or nature<br />
whatsoever arising out of, or resulting from, the alleged willful or negligent acts or omissions of permittee, or its<br />
officers, agents, or employees in connection with the permitted parade or assembly; and the permit shall expressly<br />
provide that the permittee shall, at permittee’s own cost, risk and expense, defend any and all such claims and all<br />
legal actions that may be commenced or filed against the city, its officers, agents, employees, or volunteers, and that<br />
the permittee shall pay any settlement entered into and shall satisfy any judgment that may be rendered against the<br />
city, its officers, agents, employees, or volunteers as a result of the alleged willful or negligent acts or omissions of<br />
permittee or permittees’ officers, agents or employees in connection with the permitted parade or assembly; and<br />
(13) If assembly dispersal area is on or partly on private property, the applicant must submit with the<br />
application proof of the property owner’s permission for the property to be used for that purpose.<br />
(d) An applicant may refuse to provide the indemnity agreement required by paragraph (c)(12) of this section<br />
by providing insurance or by cooperating with the City Manager in establishing standards for the parade or assembly<br />
to reduce the risk of liability against which insurance or indemnity are intended to protect the City as specified in<br />
this paragraph. The amount of insurance required to displace the indemnity requirement shall be based on any<br />
specific, demonstrable history of personal injury or property damage claims awarded against the applicant<br />
attributable to the applicant’s conduct of previous events in the City that are similar in nature to the proposed event<br />
and upon the size and location of the event, but not its expressive content nor any expected reaction to that<br />
expressive content by others. Such insurance shall protect the City and its officers, agents and employees as<br />
additional insureds against any claim to which the indemnity promise set forth in paragraph (c)(12) above would<br />
apply. If an applicant wishes to provide neither insurance nor an indemnity, he, she or it shall agree to redesign or<br />
reschedule the permitted event to respond to specific risks, hazards and dangers to the public health and safety<br />
identified by the City Manager as being reasonably foreseeable consequences of the permitted parade or assembly.<br />
(e) Within twenty-four hours after the submission of the application, the City Manager must notify the<br />
applicant, in writing, whether the application is complete. If no such timely notice is given, the application will be<br />
deemed to be complete. (Ord. 2010-03, eff. 5/20/10; Ord. 2007-09, eff. 7/5/07; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05; Prior<br />
Code § 15-38 (99) (part))<br />
Section 8-4.05. Criteria for approval or denial.<br />
(a) The following criteria shall apply to issuance or denial of a parade or assembly permit.<br />
(b) The permit shall be issued by the City Manager unless s/he finds that:<br />
(1) The information contained in the application is false or intentionally misleading; or<br />
(2) The parade or assembly is proposed for the same time and location as another parade or assembly, with<br />
the first filed of two or conflicting applications otherwise entitled to approval under this chapter to be approved and<br />
the later-filed application denied; or<br />
(3) The proposed route or location of the parade or assembly traverses a street or other public right-of-way<br />
that was scheduled for maintenance, construction or repair prior to the application for that parade or assembly permit<br />
and the conduct of the parade or assembly would interfere with such maintenance, construction or repair or the<br />
maintenance, construction or repair would represent a threat to the health or safety of the participants in the parade<br />
or assembly, in which case the City Manager shall inform the applicant of other suitable routes and invite an<br />
amended application to use such a route; or<br />
(4) The proposed area for the assembly or for the set-up or dispersal of a parade could not physically<br />
accommodate the number of participants expected to participate in the parade or assembly, as reflected in the<br />
application completed and submitted pursuant to the requirements of this chapter; or<br />
(5) The parade would result in a violation of any federal, state or local law or regulation.<br />
Upon making any finding set forth in this subsection, the City Manager shall deny the permit application and<br />
give notice as required by Section 8-4.07 of this chapter.<br />
(c) As a condition of the issuance of a permit under the provisions of this chapter, the City Manager may<br />
require that a parade or assembly be limited to a portion of the width of the street or right-of-way upon which the<br />
applicant seeks to conduct the parade or assembly (such as a particular traffic lane or a sidewalk) or require that the<br />
parade or assembly relocate so as to avoid unsafe conflicts with vehicular travel or other permitted parades or<br />
assemblies; provided, that such limitation does not limit or interfere with the conduct of the parade or assembly or<br />
cause the parade or assembly to violate any other provision of this chapter or any other federal, state or local law or<br />
regulation. (Ord. 2010-03, eff. 5/20/10; Ord. 2007-09, eff. 7/5/07; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05; Prior Code § 15-38<br />
(99) (part))<br />
Section 8-4.06. Nondiscrimination.<br />
The City Manager shall consider each application upon its merits and shall not discriminate in granting or<br />
denying applications, and shall not deny any permit based upon political or religious grounds, the content of any<br />
message associated with the parade or assembly, or any other reason not expressly stated in this chapter. (Ordinance<br />
2007-09, eff. 7/5/07; Prior Code § 15-38 (99) (part))<br />
Section 8-4.07. Notice of Issuance or denial of permit.<br />
(a) The City Manager shall approve or deny the permit application and shall provide notice to the applicant of<br />
the action taken by telephone and by written notice sent via mail and by fax and/or email, if the applicant provides a<br />
fax number or email address, within two days after submission of the application.<br />
(b) If the permit is denied or conditionally approved as provided in Section 8-4.05(c), the notice of denial or<br />
conditional approval shall set forth the reasons for denial or conditional approval. A copy of the notice of denial<br />
shall be delivered to the City Attorney by fax or email.<br />
(c) The decision of the City Manager to approve, conditionally approve, or deny a permit shall be final except<br />
for judicial review. (Ord. 2011-02, 5/5/11; Ord. 2010-03, eff. 5/20/10; Ord. 2007-09, eff. 7/5/07; Prior Code § 15-<br />
38 (99) (part))<br />
Section 8-4.08. Content of permit.<br />
(a) The City Manager shall set forth in each permit the following information if and as that information is set<br />
forth in the approved application:<br />
(1) The name, address and telephone number of the person to whom the permit is issued;<br />
(2) The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the sponsoring organization, if any;<br />
(3) The name, address and telephone number of the chairperson of the parade or assembly;<br />
(4) The date for which the parade or assembly is scheduled;<br />
(5) The assembly area for the parade or assembly;<br />
(6) The starting and ending time for the parade or assembly;<br />
(7) The minimum and maximum speeds at which the parade is to progress, if vehicles are to be used;<br />
(8) The route which the parade or assembly will take;<br />
(9) The maximum number of platoons or units, if any, in the parade or assembly and the maximum and<br />
minimum distance to be maintained between the units of such parade or assembly;<br />
(10) The maximum length of such parade or assembly in miles or fractions thereof;<br />
(11) The dispersal area for the parade or assembly and the dispersal time;<br />
(12) The number and type of vehicles, if any, in the parade or assembly;<br />
(13) Whether any participants in the parade or assembly are expected to wear masks;<br />
(14) The type of security or other arrangements that will be provided to ensure participants are properly<br />
directed as to the approved parade route or assembly area; and<br />
(15) Any condition imposed pursuant to Section 8-4.05(c)<br />
(b) The information requested by Section 8-4.04(c)(11) and required to be reflected in a permit by Section 8-<br />
4.08(a)(13) is for the information of law enforcement only and is not to be construed as permission for, or a<br />
restriction on, the use of masks by any person for expressive purposes.<br />
(c) A copy of each permit shall be kept upon the person in charge of the parade or assembly at the parade or<br />
assembly site at all times during the parade or assembly, including during assembly and dispersal. The permittee<br />
shall advise all participants in the parade or assembly of the terms and conditions of the permit prior to the<br />
commencement of the parade or assembly and shall advise all leaders, monitors or others authorized by the<br />
permittee to guide the parade or assembly participants of those terms and conditions. (Ord. 2010-03, eff. 5/20/10;<br />
Ord. 2007-09, eff. 7/5/07)<br />
Section 8-4.09. City’s traffic control costs to be paid by person or organization responsible for parade or<br />
assembly.<br />
A permittee under the provisions of this chapter shall reimburse the city for all traffic control costs incurred in<br />
connection with diverting traffic due to the closure of streets to accommodate a parade or assembly. These costs<br />
shall be established from time to time by the city council by resolution prior to the date of any event to which those<br />
costs will be charged. No fee shall be charged based upon the need for security or increased police protection due to<br />
the content of any message associated with the parade or assembly. (Ordinance 2007-09, eff. 7/5/07)<br />
Section 8-4.10. Interference with parade or assembly prohibited.<br />
No person shall knowingly join or participate in any parade or assembly conducted under permit from the city,<br />
in violation of any of the terms of said permit, nor knowingly join or participate in any permitted parade or assembly<br />
without the consent of the permittee, nor in any manner interfere with its progress or orderly conduct. (Ordinance<br />
2007-09, eff. 7/5/07)<br />
Section 8-4.11. Prohibitions.<br />
The following prohibitions shall apply to all parades and assemblies:<br />
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to carry any sign, poster, plaque, or notice, unless such sign, poster,<br />
plaque, or notice is constructed solely of a cloth, paper, plastic, cardboard or any similar, lightweight, flexible<br />
material no greater than one-quarter inch in thickness.<br />
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to ride, drive, or cause to be ridden or driven any animal or any animaldrawn<br />
vehicle upon any public street, unless specifically authorized by a permit.<br />
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to carry, possess or wear any gas mask or similar device designed to<br />
filter air breathed and that would protect the respiratory tract and face against irritating, noxious or poisonous gases<br />
lawfully used by public safety officers for the control of unlawful gatherings.<br />
(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to abide by the instructions of a traffic control officer given for<br />
the purpose of accommodating traffic, including emergency vehicles, through and across the route or location of a<br />
parade or assembly.<br />
Nothing in this section shall prohibit a disabled person from using equipment, a service animal or other item<br />
necessary so that the person may participate in a parade or assembly. (Ordinance 2007-09, eff. 7/5/07)<br />
Section 8-4.12. Violation.<br />
Any intentional violation of this chapter or the terms or conditions of a parade or assembly permit by a<br />
permittee or a participant in a parade or assembly is a misdemeanor punishable pursuant to Chapter 1-6 of this Code,<br />
including, without limitation, the authority of the City Attorney to prosecute any violation as an infraction pursuant<br />
to Section 1-6.02. (Ordinance 2007-09, eff. 7/5/07)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-5<br />
Section 8-5.01. Purpose.<br />
It is the purpose of this chapter to accomplish equity in the charges for sewer and water services provided<br />
throughout the City, in that at the present time new development pays the cost of construction of the sewer and water<br />
lines to serve that development, and older developments have done the same, but from time to time the provision of<br />
water and sewer services to all developed and developing areas in the City has necessitated the construction of major<br />
water and sewer lines to and through undeveloped areas on the City’s own initiative and the City’s expense which, if<br />
not reimbursed upon development, would constitute an additional burden upon taxpayers throughout the City, and<br />
an unwarranted benefit to developers, subsequently making connection and receiving the benefit of such sewer and<br />
water lines. This chapter therefore provides for the establishment, by recorded resolution and map, of areas of<br />
benefit in such areas of the City as the circumstances may apply, providing for reimbursement to the City, by future<br />
connectors receiving the benefits of such sewer and water lines, of appropriate pro rata charges, thereby lessening<br />
the burden upon City taxpayers and avoiding an unwarranted benefit to such developers. (Prior Code § 20A-1)<br />
Section 8-5.02. Establishment request.<br />
In any case where the City initiates and accomplishes through the use of public funds the construction of a<br />
major water line or sewer line, the completing of which will substantially benefit undeveloped or underdeveloped<br />
properties, the Director of Utilities shall transmit to the City Manager for placement upon the agenda of the Council<br />
a request for a resolution establishing an area of benefit served by such sewer or water line, and providing for<br />
appropriate charges for future connectors thereto on an equitable pro rata basis. (Prior Code § 20A-2; Ord. 2005-01,<br />
eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-5.03. Public hearing.<br />
The Council shall consider the request at a public hearing and hear any and all protests to the proposed areas of<br />
benefit and proposed reimbursement charges, and shall then adopt a resolution implementing the request, modifying<br />
it or rejecting it. (Prior Code § 20A-3)<br />
Section 8-5.04. Recording of resolution.<br />
The resolution referred to in Section 8-5.03, as adopted, which shall include a schedule of charges, together<br />
with an appended map of the area of benefit, shall be certified by the City Clerk and recorded in the office of the<br />
county Clerk-Recorder. (Prior Code § 20A-4)<br />
Section 8-5.05. Reimbursement required for development.<br />
From and after the date of adoption of the resolution provided for in this chapter by the Council, in the case of<br />
any development of property within the area of benefit, such reimbursement shall be required as a condition of<br />
subdivision within such area. In any event, the building official shall require the payment by the developer of the pro<br />
rata fee prescribed in the development as a condition of, and prior to, the issuance of a building permit for the<br />
property; provided, that payment of the reimbursement shall be credited against the applicable charge required by<br />
the building official. (Prior Code § 20A-5)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-6<br />
SIDEWALK <strong>AND</strong> STREET-EDGE MAINTENANCE <strong>AND</strong> IMPROVEMENT<br />
Section 8-6.01. Purpose.<br />
The provisions codified in this chapter are adopted to implement and supplement the Streets and Highways<br />
Code as it exists as of the adoption of the ordinance from which this section derives and as it may be amended from<br />
time to time. (Prior Code § 22-1)<br />
Section 8-6.02. Applicability.<br />
Except as specifically excluded by the Streets and Highways Code, or this chapter, the provisions of this chapter<br />
shall apply to any work on streets and sidewalks within the public right-of-way within the incorporated area of the<br />
City. (Prior Code § 22-2)<br />
Section 8-6.03. Definitions.<br />
Whenever any words or phrases used in this chapter are not defined in this section but are defined in the Streets<br />
and Highways Code or elsewhere in this Code, such definitions are incorporated in this chapter and shall apply as<br />
though set forth in full in this chapter. The following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively<br />
ascribed to them:<br />
(a) "Any single lot or parcel of land" means any lot or parcel of property or any group of contiguous lots or<br />
parcels of real property which serve one (1) residence or one (1) business or industrial establishment, regardless of<br />
the fact that the several lots or parcels are owned by, or are under lease to, different persons.<br />
(b) "City Public Works Department plans and specifications" means the City’s standard plans and<br />
specifications that are on file in the office of the Director of Public Works and are used for construction of such<br />
items including but not limited to concrete curb, gutter, driveways and sidewalks, street paving, street lights, water,<br />
storm drain and sewer lines and tree wells. Periodic revisions are made on these standard plans and specifications<br />
from time to time as the need arises and copies are available for purchase from the office of the Director of Public<br />
Works.<br />
(c) "Permit" means the public improvement/encroachment permit required for construction or reconstruction of<br />
public improvements and/or encroachment work authorized by Council Resolution 79-4866. "Public improvements"<br />
includes but is not necessarily limited to concrete curb, gutter, driveways and sidewalk, street paving, street lights,<br />
water, storm drain and sewer lines and tree wells. Provisions of the resolution provide for periodic updating of fees<br />
contained therein.<br />
(d) "Streets and Highways Code" means the provisions of the California Streets and Highways Code, Division<br />
7, and such amendments and additions as may have been made to those provisions.<br />
(e) "Width of driveway" means the width of such driveway at the top of the curb and not the width of such<br />
driveway at street or gutter level. (Prior Code § 22-4)<br />
Section 8-6.04. Maintenance by abutting owners.<br />
The owners of lots or portions of lots fronting on any portion of a public street or place, when the street or place<br />
is improved, shall maintain all items including but not limited to sidewalk, parkway, curb and gutter and driveway<br />
located in public rights-of-way in a condition that will not endanger persons or property or will not interfere with the<br />
public convenience in the use of those works pursuant to this chapter and Chapter 22 (beginning with Section 5600)<br />
of Part 3, Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code. If an abutting property owner fails to maintain a sidewalk<br />
in a non-dangerous condition and any person suffers injuries as a result thereof, the property owner shall be liable to<br />
such person for the resulting damages or injury. (Ord. 2006-02, eff. 3/21/06; Prior Code § 22-5)<br />
Section 8-6.05. Discharge of water to sidewalks.<br />
(a) It is unlawful and a public nuisance to permit rainwater and water to be discharged from any building in the<br />
City through a spout or drain or outlet of any kind down upon the sidewalk or any sidewalk in the City. All<br />
rainwater or water spouts, drains or outlets existing as of the effective date of the ordinance from which this section<br />
derives which permit rainwater or water to be discharged from any building on any sidewalk shall be so repaired and<br />
constructed that the rainwater or water is carried under the sidewalk and discharged into the gutter and upon the<br />
street without flowing over or upon the sidewalk.<br />
(b) All rain spouts, drains or other outlets for rainwater or water from any business building in the City which<br />
may be built shall be so constructed that they discharge their water under the sidewalk and into the gutter so that the<br />
water does not flow upon the sidewalk. (Ord. 2007-08, eff. 7/5/07; Prior Code § 17-14)<br />
Section 8-6.06. Improvement/encroachment permit.<br />
It is unlawful for any person to install such items including but not limited to sidewalk, parkway improvements,<br />
underground pipeline, curb or gutter, driveway or to remove or to reconstruct the same on any public street or way<br />
in the City, without first securing a public improvement/encroachment permit from the Public Works Department.<br />
Painting address numbers on curbs shall also require an encroachment permit. Failure to do so is not in compliance<br />
with the requirements specified in this chapter. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to provide all<br />
information necessary for issuance of the permit and to provide all work necessary for the completion of the work<br />
permitted. All work shall be done in accordance with the standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the<br />
Director of Public Works. (Prior Code § 22-6; Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-6.07. Multiple driveway separation.<br />
It is unlawful to construct or cause to be constructed more than one (1) driveway upon a street fronting on any<br />
single lot or parcel of land, unless there is at least twenty (20) feet of unbroken curbing separating the several<br />
driveways and it is in all cases unlawful to construct or cause to be constructed upon a street fronting on any single<br />
lot or parcel of land driveways of an aggregate width greater than fifty percent (50%) of the frontage of the property<br />
upon the street. (Prior Code § 22-7)<br />
Section 8-6.08. Improvement acts unimpaired.<br />
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to work described in this chapter which is done or installed by any<br />
individual person. Nothing provided in this chapter shall prevent proceedings being taken under any improvement<br />
act or prevent work under any improvement act from being done in accordance with plans and specifications which<br />
are different from those provided in this chapter. (Prior Code § 22-8)<br />
Section 8-6.09. Modification of requirements.<br />
Whenever in the opinion of the Director of Public Works, the Planning Commission or the City Council, the<br />
work involved in the repair or maintenance of any streets or sidewalk areas, the discharge of water to sidewalks, or<br />
multiple driveway separation is of such unique location or condition, or is inadvisable or impractical in the particular<br />
case to conform to the regulations contained in this chapter, the Director of Public Works, Planning Commission or<br />
City Council may make modifications thereof as in their opinion are reasonably necessary or expedient and in<br />
conformity with the Streets and Highways Code. The authority granted in this section is limited to modification of<br />
requirements in Chapter 8-6 of this Code, and shall extend to no other requirement of this Code. (Prior Code § 22-3,<br />
Ord. 98-17, eff. 01/14/99)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-7<br />
Section 8-7.01. Uniform street grade line.<br />
(a) The elevation of the centerline of Main Street between the centerline of Vine Street and the centerline of<br />
the right-of-way of the Pacific Coast Railway Company shall be a uniform grade line drawn between the elevations<br />
given in this section.<br />
(b) The elevations of the centerline of Main Street shall be:<br />
(1) At its intersection with the centerline of right-of-way of the Pacific Coast Railway Company, five and<br />
eighty-nine one hundredths (5.89) feet below;<br />
(2) At its intersection with the centerline of Broadway Street, one and ninety-five one hundredths (1.95)<br />
feet above;<br />
(3) At its intersection with the centerline of Vine Street, five and ninety-four one hundredths (5.94) feet<br />
above. (Prior Code § 1-10)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-8<br />
Section 8-8.01. Purpose and Goals.<br />
Intent-Purpose. Provides a basis for a comprehensive urban forest management strategy. The City of Santa<br />
Maria's Urban Forestry Ordinance is enacted to further the following public purposes:<br />
(a) To realize the optimum public benefits and uses of trees, shrubs and vines on City streets, in all public<br />
places and on private property.<br />
(b) To integrate street tree planting and maintenance with other urban infrastructure.<br />
(c) To promote efficient and effective cost benefit management of the City’s urban forest by coordinating<br />
public and private efforts within a comprehensive and professional management system.<br />
(d) To reduce the public hazard, nuisance and expense caused by improper tree selection, planting and<br />
maintenance.<br />
(e) To provide for the creation of an equitable, sustained and reliable means of funding urban forest<br />
management throughout the City.<br />
(f) To create and maintain an integrated, diverse urban forest resource, enhancing the City’s overall character,<br />
health and well-being of Santa Maria citizens.<br />
(g) Encourage citizen involvement in tree related decisions.<br />
Intent-Goals. The urban forest resource serves a wide variety of functions that promote the general health,<br />
safety, welfare and community economics for its citizens. To ensure the public good, the following goals are<br />
established:<br />
• Increase long term forest stability with continued specie and age diversity plantings.<br />
• Mitigate downstream flooding by increasing tree canopy.<br />
• Reduce energy consumption by providing shade and evaporative cooling through evapo-transpiration.<br />
• Balance benefits with cost requirements.<br />
• Reduce local and global air pollution by ingesting carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and<br />
sulfur dioxides.<br />
• Capture particulate matter and produce oxygen.<br />
• Reduce wind speed and direct air flow.<br />
• Reduce noise pollution.<br />
• Provide habitat for birds.<br />
• Reduce run-off and the potential for soil erosion.<br />
• Increase property values.<br />
• Reduce ultra violet light.<br />
• Screen unsightly areas.<br />
• Increase public well-being, relaxation and contentment.<br />
• Enhance visual and aesthetic qualities throughout the City that attracts visitors and businesses and serves as<br />
a source of community pride, image, and economic vitality. (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.02. Definitions.<br />
Intent. To clarify and define key words used in this chapter.<br />
For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed<br />
to them by this section:<br />
(a) "Director" means the City Director of Recreation and Parks, or his authorized representative.<br />
(b) "Drop crotch" means reducing the height of a tree or branch by thinning the terminal to a large lateral, the<br />
lateral being at least one-third (1/3) to one-half (1/2) the diameter of the cut being made. (See Illustration A in<br />
Appendix.)<br />
(c) "Historic or Heritage Tree" means a tree of local historical interest or unusual age, variety, structure or size.<br />
(d) "Maintenance" includes pruning, trimming, spraying, root-pruning, fertilizing, staking, guying, bracing,<br />
cabling, irrigating, planting, transplanting, removing, treating for disease or injury, and any other similar act which<br />
promotes the life, growth, health or beauty of trees, shrubs, flowers or vines.<br />
(e) "Median area" means a planting strip that serves as a traffic island within a public street.<br />
(f) "Parkways" means that open area between the curb and sidewalk.<br />
(g) "Person" includes an individual, firm, association, corporation, partnership, and the lessees, trustees,<br />
receivers, agents, servants and employees of any such person.<br />
(h) "Plant" includes trees, shrubs or any other plant material, (non-woody, annual or perennial), in nature.<br />
(i) "Easement" means a right-of-way, easement, or use restriction acquired for public use by dedication or<br />
otherwise for sewers, pipelines, pole lines, electrical transmission and communication lines, pathways, storm drains,<br />
drainage canals, water transmission lines, light and air and other limited use public easements other than for street<br />
and highway purposes.<br />
(j) "Public places" includes all publicly owned grounds other than streets or parks which are publicly owned<br />
and open to the public.<br />
(k) "Shrub" includes any woody perennial plant, normally low, multi-stemmed, adaptable to shaping, trimming<br />
and pruning without injury.<br />
(l) "Street" means a way or place of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for<br />
purposes of vehicular travel.<br />
(m) "Street tree" includes any publicly owned woody perennial plant which when mature has the following<br />
characteristics: a single main axis or stem commonly achieving fifteen feet (15') in height, and capable of being<br />
shaped and pruned to develop a branch free trunk at least nine feet (9') in height or capable of being pruned in such a<br />
manner that the branching will grow parallel with the sidewalk or street.<br />
(n) "Street tree list" means the officially adopted list for the planting of certain types, varieties and specie of<br />
trees in public right-of-ways within the City.<br />
(o) "Tree" includes any woody perennial plant having a single main axis or stem commonly achieving fifteen<br />
feet (15') in height.<br />
(p) "Tree well" means a cavity of specific shape, construction and dimension per standard plans and<br />
specifications of the City and designated to facilitate the maintenance and existence of a street tree.<br />
(q) "Urban Forest" means all trees, shrubs, flowers and vines within the City Limits of the City of Santa Maria<br />
which are subject to the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Parks Department. (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.03. Enforcement/Appeals.<br />
Intent. To designate the position responsible for this ordinance and allow for property owner objections.<br />
The Director of Recreation and Parks or his authorized representative shall be responsible for the administration<br />
and enforcement this chapter. Under the direction of the Director, the Parks Division shall enforce all of the<br />
provisions specified in this chapter so as to accomplish the purposes and goals contained in this chapter. Any action<br />
of the Director of Recreation and Parks may be appealed and heard by the Recreation and Parks Commission. To be<br />
effective, an appeal must be filed within ten (10) days after the decision of the Director. The appeal shall be in<br />
writing and shall be filed with the Director for placement on the Commission's agenda. The appeal shall clearly<br />
specify the reason for which a hearing is requested. After a hearing, the Recreation and Parks Commission shall<br />
render its decision.<br />
Any action of the Recreation and Parks Commission may be appealed and heard by the City Council. To be<br />
effective, an appeal must be filed within ten (10) days after the decision of the Commission. The appeal shall<br />
clearly specify the reason for which a hearing is requested. After a hearing, the City Council shall render its<br />
decision which shall be final. (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.04. Abutting Owner and Occupant responsibilities.<br />
Intent. To ensure safe public passage on streets, sidewalks, and other public areas, and to cause property<br />
owners or occupants to be responsible for the safe keeping and care of privately owned trees, shrubs and vines.<br />
Nothing in this chapter shall impose any liability upon the City, or upon any of its officers or employees, nor<br />
relieve the owner and occupant of any private property from the duty to keep trees and shrubs upon private property<br />
or under their control, nor to relieve the owner and occupant of any private property from the duty to keep sidewalks<br />
and parkways in front of such private property in a safe condition, nor to relieve the owner or occupant of any<br />
private property from the duty to keep any tree, shrub or other plants in such a condition as to prevent it from<br />
constituting a hazard or an impediment to vision or travel upon any street, sidewalk, park or public place in the City.<br />
(Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.05. Nuisances: Designated.<br />
Intent. To define unacceptable situations which are subject to abatement by the City of Santa Maria. The<br />
following are, for purposes of this chapter, public nuisances that may jeopardize public health and safety.<br />
(a) Any dead, diseased, infested, dying, or structurally hazardous tree on private property so near to any street<br />
tree so as to constitute a danger to street trees, streets, sidewalks or alleys or vehicular or pedestrian traffic.<br />
(b) Any tree, shrub, vine, or flower on any private property that is interfering with, impairing or destroying any<br />
street improvements, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, sewers, water or gas lines, block walls, street trees, or other related<br />
street hardware.<br />
(c) Any tree, shrub, vine, or flower that is deemed harmful on oral or other contact by a person as determined<br />
by the Director of Recreation and Parks or an authorized representative.<br />
(d) Within the thirty foot (30') triangle of private property at the intersection on any street improved for<br />
vehicular traffic, any tree limb, shrub, or other plant reaching a height of more than three feet (3') above the grade<br />
adjacent thereto, except tree trunks having no limbs lower than nine feet (9') above curb grade.<br />
(e) Vines or climbing plants growing into or over any street tree, or any public hydrant, pole, street sign, stop<br />
sign, or electroler.<br />
(f) A publicly owned tree in direct or intermittent contact with any electrical conductor owned by a utility<br />
company, which must be trimmed away from the conductor.<br />
(g) The existence of any branches or foliage which interferes with visibility of, free use of, or access to any<br />
portion of any street, sidewalk, or alley improved for vehicular or pedestrian travel.<br />
(h) Tree houses, ladders, aerials, swings, ropes, or any other material attached to publicly owned trees. (Ord.<br />
95-17, eff. 02/01/96) (See Illustrations B, C and D in Appendix.)<br />
Section 8-8.06. Nuisances: Abatement.<br />
Intent. To set forth procedures for abating public nuisances, provide for public input and recovery of City<br />
costs.<br />
(a) When any public nuisance as defined in Section 8-8.5 exists, a notice shall be placed on the door of the<br />
residence. Utility companies responsible for electrical conductors shall be notified by a documented telephone call.<br />
A follow-up letter notice shall be mailed to the resident property owner by ordinary United States Mail. The notice<br />
shall describe the condition, state the work necessary to remedy the condition, and shall specify the time within<br />
which the work must be performed. Any property owner may, within ten (10) days after the mailing of the notice,<br />
request a hearing before the Recreation and Parks Commission on the issue of whether a public nuisance actually<br />
exists. Appeals shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 8-8.20.<br />
(b) If at the end of the time for correction specified in the notice or order if the matter was appealed, such work<br />
has not been performed, the City may perform such work and the cost thereof shall constitute a charge against the<br />
property owner, and such charge shall be a lien on such property. If the property owner fails to pay such charge<br />
within thirty (30) days after a bill is submitted by the City, such charge shall be assessed against the parcel of land of<br />
the property owner pursuant to Section 38733.5 of the Government Code and shall be transmitted to the tax collector<br />
for collection. The assessment shall have the same priority as other City taxes. (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.07. Damage or Injury.<br />
Intent. To protect negligent or intentional damage to publicly owned and managed vegetation and to ensure<br />
tree health for public benefits.<br />
(a) No person shall abuse, destroy or mutilate any tree, plant, or shrub in a parkway, easement or any other<br />
public place, nor attach or place any rope, wire, (other than one used to support a young or broken tree), sign, poster,<br />
handbill, or other things to or on any tree growing in a public place, or to cause or permit any gaseous liquid or solid<br />
substance which is harmful to such trees to come in contact with their roots, trunk or leaves.<br />
(b) Violation of this section may be handled pursuant to Sections 8-8.3 and 8-8.10. (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.08. Construction work: Protection measures.<br />
Intent. To protect valuable public assets that contribute to public health and well-being.<br />
Plans submitted to the City for the construction, repair or alteration of any building, house or structure shall<br />
include provisions for sufficient guards or protectors to prevent injury to any existing publicly owned trees, shrubs,<br />
flowers, or vines. Such plans for protection shall be approved by the Director of Recreation and Parks ten (10) days<br />
prior to the issuance of permit to proceed. (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.09. Construction work: Displacement of trees.<br />
Intent. To maintain and replace tree canopy coverage that provides cooling, mitigates storm water runoff,<br />
atmospheric pollution, and noise levels.<br />
If construction, repair, or alteration of any building, house, or structure in the City causes a tree to be removed<br />
from public property and there is insufficient space to replace the tree in the parkway, easement, or public area the<br />
property owner shall:<br />
(a) Plant a comparable size tree specie approved by the City Parks Division, minimum eight inch (8") trunk<br />
diameter, in the private landscape area; or<br />
(b) Pay to the City the City’s cost of replacing the removed tree, as provided by Section 8-8.10. (Ord. 95-17,<br />
eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.10. Recovery of damages.<br />
Intent. To recover the original investment of purchase, maintenance costs, cooling, atmospheric pollution,<br />
aesthetics, flood mitigation, and noise reduction values.<br />
(a) Replacement trees shall be a minimum of two (2), each twenty-four inch (24") box size, the combined<br />
canopy of which is approximately ten percent (10%) of the average street tree canopy in the City of Santa Maria<br />
[one hundred seventy-five (175) square feet], or replacement canopy of seventeen (17) square feet. The applicant<br />
shall post a cash deposit with the City in an amount determined by the Director of Recreation and Parks which shall<br />
include labor costs for replanting and removal if the Director determines that the tree is a total loss.<br />
(b) If it is determined that replacement trees cannot be planted in the same frontage, costs for two (2) trees,<br />
each twenty-four inch (24") box size, plus labor for planting shall remain in effect. These replacement trees shall be<br />
planted on specified alternate public property.<br />
(c) Where injury has occurred to the tree, shrub, flower or vine during the erection, repair, construction, or<br />
alteration of any building, house or structure, or by truck and/or car accident, house moving or by acts of vandalism,<br />
the offending party or insurance company shall not be released from liability until the Director of Recreation and<br />
Parks or his authorized representative determines that the tree has fully recovered. (See Section 8-8-14,<br />
Replacement Trees.) (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.11. Permit Application: Tree Maintenance.<br />
Intent. To ensure compliance with appropriate standards and to provide City review.<br />
(a) No person shall spray, root-prune, fertilize, stake, guy, rod, cable, plant, transplant, grade or trench within<br />
the foliage drip line or remove any street tree, vine, shrub, or flower without obtaining a permit from the Director of<br />
Recreation and Parks.<br />
(b) Violation of this section may be handled pursuant to Sections 8-8.3 and 8-8.10. (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.12. Removal of Live Growing Trees.<br />
Intent. To minimize the loss of tree canopy value. Limit removal to dead, diseased, dying or structurally<br />
hazardous trees and reduce costs to the City.<br />
(a) It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to cut down, remove, or destroy any tree growing upon<br />
any parkway, easement, right-of-way, or other publicly owned area without first securing a permit to do so from the<br />
Director of Recreation and Parks, unless the person, firm, or corporation is operating under an approved City<br />
contract or doing work according to plans and specifications authorized by another City department and approved by<br />
the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department.<br />
(b) Application for a permit to cut down, remove, transplant, or destroy any live growing tree on any parkway,<br />
easement, right-of-way, or other publicly owned area within the City shall be filed in the office of the Director of<br />
Recreation and Parks and shall be accompanied by the specific reasons for removal. The Director of Recreation and<br />
Parks shall investigate the application to determine the conditions under which the application may be granted or<br />
denied. The application shall also be accompanied with a permit fee established by the Director of Recreation and<br />
Parks.<br />
(c) The Director of Recreation and Parks or his authorized representative shall submit a report and decision to<br />
the requestor.<br />
(d) If the decision is to grant removal of a live, healthy tree, the costs for removal shall be paid by the<br />
requestor.<br />
(e) The requestor may obtain removal cost estimates from the City or private tree contractor. Removal<br />
specifications and inspection of private contractors work shall be required by the City.<br />
(f) A cash deposit in an amount specified by the Director of Recreation and Parks shall be deposited with the<br />
Recreation and Parks Department to insure job completion and cleanup. (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.13. Removal of Dead, Diseased, or Structurally Hazardous Trees.<br />
Intent. To ensure public safety and maintain canopy levels.<br />
(a) The removal conditions outlined in Section 8-8.12 may be waived by the Director if the tree has been<br />
damaged beyond repair by natural causes or has died by natural causes. In such cases, the tree will be removed and<br />
replaced at no cost to the property owner.<br />
(b) If it is determined that the tree had been damaged or died on unnatural causes, the property owner shall pay<br />
for removal and replacement costs. The property owner will be served with a correction notice to remove. (See<br />
Section 8-8.7.)<br />
(c) The Director of Recreation and Parks shall determine cause of damage and death. (Ord. 95-17, eff.<br />
02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.14. Replacement Trees.<br />
Intent. Replace lost canopy, maintain age and specie diversity, and other environmental benefits which result<br />
from tree replacement.<br />
(a) Replacement trees shall be a minimum of two (2), each twenty-four inch (24") box size, the combined<br />
canopy of which is approximately ten percent (10%) of the average street tree canopy in the City of Santa Maria,<br />
(one hundred seventy-five (175) square feet), or replacement canopy of seventeen (17) square feet. The applicant<br />
shall post a cash deposit with the City in an amount determined by the Director of Recreation and Parks which shall<br />
include labor costs for planting.<br />
(b) If it is determined that replacement trees cannot be planted in the same frontage, costs for two (2) trees,<br />
each twenty-four inch (24") size, plus labor for planting shall remain in effect. This replacement tree shall be<br />
planted on specified alternate public property.<br />
(c) Replacement tree specie shall be determined by the Director of Recreation and Parks. (Ord. 95-17, eff.<br />
02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.15. Planting of New Trees.<br />
Intent. Mitigate negative environmental effects of new or expanded development and population.<br />
(a) New tree plantings that result from use permits, zone changes, subdivisions, and related activity shall<br />
require a one (1) year establishment period to ensure the health and vigor of the tree. Establishment period will<br />
commence upon City’s acceptance of the planting.<br />
(b) Tree replacement shall be required if the tree dies during the establishment period. A new establishment<br />
period will be determined at the time of replanting.<br />
(c) All trees planted by property owners or contractors shall be inspected by a City representative prior to<br />
planting and planted in accordance with current City planting specifications.<br />
(d) Tree specie shall be designated by the Director of Recreation and Parks or his authorized representative.<br />
(e) It shall be the policy of the City to maximize the planting of trees in all public areas. (Ord. 95-17, eff.<br />
02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.16. Topping Prohibited.<br />
Intent. To insure healthy, structurally stable, aesthetically pleasing trees and mitigate public liability.<br />
(a) Topping shall mean the cutting of the branches and/or trunk of a tree in a manner which will substantially<br />
reduce the overall size of the tree areas so as to destroy the existing symmetrical appearance or natural shape of a<br />
tree in a manner which results in the removal of main lateral branches leaving the trunk of the tree in a stubbed<br />
appearance. It shall be unlawful to top or stub trees. (See Illustration A in Appendix.)<br />
(b) Utility line clearing shall be accomplished by the drop crotch method of pruning and shall include side<br />
branches.<br />
(c) All pruning of public trees shall be in accordance with current pruning specifications of the City Parks<br />
Division. (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.17. Tree Root Pruning.<br />
Intent. To preserve and protect trees from future damage or decay.<br />
Where sidewalk or curb damage due to street tree roots occurs, correction shall be made where possible without<br />
damaging or removing the tree, including, but not limited to modifying the curb or sidewalk. (Ord. 95-17, eff.<br />
02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.18. Filled Parkways.<br />
Intent. Protect root systems of existing trees and insure space for future tree plantings.<br />
In the event that any person, firm, or corporation desires to fill in or close the public parkway or tree planting<br />
easement with any material that prevents the entry of water or the exchange of gases to the atmosphere, they shall<br />
make application with the Director of Public Works who will administer the request and coordinate with the<br />
Director of Recreation and Parks . (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.19. Historic or Heritage Trees.<br />
Intent. A program to focus the values of important trees in the City of Santa Maria.<br />
(a) All persons owning property where such trees exist shall be informed as to the status of these trees.<br />
(b) Designation of a tree as an "historic tree" or "heritage tree" shall not confer any maintenance<br />
responsibilities upon the City regarding the tree. (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.20. Public Relations and Education.<br />
Intent. Provide for citizen input, objections, and involvement in tree related decisions.<br />
(a) The Parks Division shall undertake an ongoing program of public outreach and education in order to<br />
promote public understanding of maintenance needs, values, benefits and uses of the City’s urban forest.<br />
(b) Such programs shall include, but are not limited to: Arbor Day, Earth Day, tree care brochures, and<br />
discussions with civic and garden clubs.<br />
(c) A City staff committee, with representatives from relevant departments, as determined by the City<br />
Manager, shall be established to implement and review the success of the programs created by this chapter. (Ord.<br />
95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
Section 8-8.21. Ordinance Valuation.<br />
Intent. To allow for adjustments in a timely manner.<br />
The Director of Recreation and Parks shall collect and maintain all records and data necessary to objectively<br />
evaluate whether progress is being made towards the stated goals of the ordinance. An annual summary and<br />
analysis of the evaluation and recommendations for adjustments and changes shall be prepared and submitted to the<br />
Recreation and Parks Commission for their consideration. The actions of the Recreation and Parks Commission<br />
may include, but are not limited to recommendations for revision or amendment of this ordinance or the adoption of<br />
other resolutions or sections. (Ord. 95-17, eff. 02/01/96)<br />
APPENDIX - Illustrations A-D<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-9<br />
Section 8-9.01. Purpose: Qualifications.<br />
(a) When in connection with a development, it is necessary either (1) to install water main extensions off the<br />
site of the development, (2) to extend oversized water mains on the site of the development, or (3) to install water<br />
main extensions on the site of the development in a location such that the main or mains will be of benefit to<br />
adjacent properties not owned by the developer, a benefit district incorporating the area which may be served from<br />
the main or mains and thereby be benefited, as determined by the Director of Public Works, may be established and<br />
administered as provided in this chapter. The benefit district will be for the purpose of securing reimbursement of a<br />
portion of the applicant's installation costs for the main extension from subsequent users. Oversize water mains are<br />
defined to be water main of ten (10) inch diameter or larger within nonresidential land use areas.<br />
(b) The purpose of this procedure is to provide developers with a method for securing reimbursement for water<br />
main extensions of benefit to independently owned properties. It is not intended that benefit districts be created<br />
where financial equity is possible through private negotiations between the developer and either the original owners<br />
of the development parcel or subsequent purchasers of a portion of the development. (Prior Code § 20-48.4 (A))<br />
Section 8-9.02. Guidelines and standards.<br />
The Director of Public Works shall develop guidelines and standards for the administration of the water main<br />
benefit extension district procedure consistent with the provisions of this chapter. (Prior Code § 20-48.4 (B) (part))<br />
Section 8-9.03. Application: Initiation: Contents.<br />
(a) Application for the creation of a benefit district shall be made to the Director of Public Works prior to<br />
acceptance of the subject public improvement as complete by the City. In the event the City installs and finances a<br />
main extension, the Director of Public Works may initiate the creation of a benefit district.<br />
(b) The applicant shall supply the Director of Public Works with the necessary improvement plans, benefit<br />
district boundary map, technical data, verifiable cost records and other supporting information as he may require to<br />
process the application and to administer the benefit district provisions. (Prior Code § 20-48.4 (B) (part))<br />
Section 8-9.04. Application: Filing.<br />
Application for a water extension benefit district can be made at the office of the Director of Public Works.<br />
After approval of the application by the Director of Public Works, he shall transmit the benefit district map and<br />
appropriate supporting data to the City Clerk and the City Clerk will file the benefit district map and appropriate<br />
supporting data with the county recorder at which time the district will be effective. An information copy shall also<br />
be filed with the Director of Administrative Services and with the Director of Community Development. (Prior Code<br />
§ 20-48.4 (C))<br />
Section 8-9.05. Payment of reimbursement fee.<br />
Any individual connecting to a water main which is the subject of a benefit district will pay the reimbursement<br />
fee established by the benefit district to the Director of Administrative Services at the time of applying for service,<br />
and in any case before making the connection. (Prior Code § 20-48.4 (D))<br />
Section 8-9.06. Expiration.<br />
(a) A water main extension benefit district will automatically expire on the fifteenth anniversary of the date the<br />
district is filed with the county recorder. Any connections to the public facilities after the expiration date will be at<br />
no reimbursement cost to the connector.<br />
(b) A report of the financial status of the benefit district will be prepared by the Director of Administrative<br />
Services and mailed to the applicant at his last known address. Upon his request, any funds due him will be<br />
tendered. If there is no response from the applicant within six (6) months of the final report to him, any funds due<br />
him will be deemed forfeited and these amounts plus any surplus revenues in the account of the particular benefit<br />
district will be transferred to the municipal waterworks fund. (Prior Code § 20-48.4 (E))<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-10<br />
Section 8-10.01. Waterworks fund.<br />
The fund of the City, known and designated as the "municipal waterworks fund" as of the adoption of the<br />
ordinance from which this section derives, is continued and re-established. Except as otherwise required by this<br />
chapter, all receipts of the Utilities division, collected under the terms of this chapter, shall be placed in the<br />
municipal waterworks fund. All expenses incurred by the City in the management, control and operation of the<br />
Utilities division, including but not limited to operating expenses, maintenance and repair expenses, capital outlays,<br />
right-of-way acquisition, debt service, administration and legal expenses, reasonable charges or use of City facilities,<br />
repayment of loans to other City funds, and billing and accounting costs shall be paid out of the municipal<br />
waterworks fund. The City Manager shall determine what portion of joint expenses of salaries and overhead shall<br />
be allocable to the fund. The Council, at its discretion, may transfer any funds from the municipal waterworks fund<br />
to the general fund of the City. (Prior Code § 20-28; Ord. 88-22 § 2 (G), eff. 1/5/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.02. Separate metered connections.<br />
Each occupied structure and any unimproved parcel shall be served water through a separate metered<br />
connection; except, that structures on property under one (1) ownership, office buildings, hotels, motels, apartment<br />
houses, courts and multifamily dwellings may be served by a single metered connection. (Prior Code § 20-29)<br />
Section 8-10.03. Service line installation.<br />
(a) Water service lines will be installed in size and at the location desired by the applicant; provided, that the<br />
minimum size service line and meter shall meet the requirements of the standard plans of the City. Service<br />
installations will be made only for properties abutting upon public distribution mains, and the Director of Utilities<br />
may require the extension of a distribution main or the completion of a distribution main tie-in to a second existing<br />
distribution main to the meter location inside the curb line if on a public street, or at the property line if on an alley.<br />
(b) Charges for the first seventy-five (75) feet of length for new services or the enlargement of existing<br />
services for one (1), one and one-half (11/2) and two (2) inch sizes are payable in advance. The charges are provided<br />
to be amended by resolution of the City Council as set out in the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code and<br />
are subject to annual adjustment as provided in this chapter.<br />
(c) For all service line lengths over seventy-five (75) feet, all service lines larger than two (2) inch, and for<br />
relocating, enlarging or reducing the size of service lines, the applicant will be charged for all costs, plus an<br />
administrative overhead charge as set by resolution of the Council. (Prior Code § 20-30 (part); Ord. 2005-01, eff.<br />
3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.04. Connections: Ownership: Maintenance.<br />
All connections up to and including the meter shall at all times remain the property of the City, and all<br />
connections beyond the meter toward the occupancy shall be the sole responsibility of the property owner or<br />
occupant, both as to the original installation and as to maintenance and upkeep. (Prior Code § 20-30 (part))<br />
Section 8-10.05. Connections: Charges.<br />
(a) Before any structure or any unimproved parcel is connected to the City’s water distribution system for the<br />
first time there shall be charged and collected by the City, from the person requesting such connection, a fee which<br />
is directly proportional to the size of the water meter to which the structure or parcel will be connected, and which is<br />
based on prorated cost estimates developed in the 1977 Water Rate Structure Study by Urban Engineering, or update<br />
thereof. The charges for the various meter sizes shall be in accordance with the Schedule of Fees and Charges set out<br />
following the text of this Code, provided however that such fees shall be subject to annual adjustment as provided in<br />
this chapter.<br />
(b) Before an existing service connection is enlarged, there shall be charged and collected by the City from the<br />
person requesting such connection a fee for the connection in the amount of the difference between the new service<br />
connection charge and the existing connection charge.<br />
(c) Revenues raised by payment of the water connection fee shall be placed in a separate account. These<br />
revenues, and any interest earned on them, shall be used only to:<br />
(1) Pay for the City’s construction of reservoir expansions, transmission and distribution main expansions,<br />
wells, pumps and motors as identified in the above study or update thereof, or to reimburse the City for those<br />
facilities built by the City with funds it advanced from other sources; or<br />
(2) Reimburse the developers who have been required or authorized to install such facilities whose cost<br />
exceeds their connection fee obligation under this section.<br />
(d) As of January 5, 1988, water connection fees shall be as provided in Item 1 of Resolution 88-6. (Ord. 88-22<br />
§ 2 (G)(part), eff. 1/5/89: prior Code § 20-31)<br />
*Editor's Note: Section 8-10.05 was amended by request of the City Attorney during codification.<br />
Section 8-10.05.01. State Water Reimbursement Fee.<br />
(a) At the time of application to connect any structure or parcel to the City’s water distribution system, there<br />
shall be charged and collected by the City, from the person requesting such connection, a reimbursement fee<br />
component which is equal to the proportional amount of capital facilities constructed by the Department of Utilities<br />
(DOU) and financed by the City’s water fund, as calculated by the Director of Administrative Services and the<br />
formula in Section 8-10.05.1(b). The Director of Administrative Services shall calculate the reimbursement<br />
component of the City water connection charge on a regular basis as water fund payments are made to the DOU.<br />
The charges for the various meter sizes shall be in accordance with reimbursement fee text of this Code, provided,<br />
however, that such fees and formulas may be modified from time to time by ordinance.<br />
(b) Reimbursement formula.<br />
RFn = [RFn-1 + (4,900/16,200) Cn] (1 + In-1)<br />
TDUeq<br />
RFn = Reimbursement Fee for one (1) Dwelling Unit Equivalent (DUeq) for the year of calculation.<br />
RFn-1 = Reimbursement Fee for one (1) DUeq for the year prior to the year of calculation.<br />
Cn = Actual SWP cost for the year of calculation. (Includes the sum of DOU capital cost + DOU<br />
fixed O&M costs and CCWA fixed O&M costs + City’s finance costs - any payment to reduce annual capital and<br />
O&M costs.)<br />
TDUeq* =<br />
Total estimated number of new development dwelling unit equivalents.<br />
In-1 = Average Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) interest rate for the year prior to calculation.<br />
NOTES:<br />
* Projected Development average annual water use = 8.48 mgd 1 DUeq=393 gpd.<br />
Therefore: TDUeq = 8,480,000/393 = 21,578<br />
DUeq for various meter sizes:<br />
Meter Size No. of DUeq<br />
5/8” x 3/4” 1.0<br />
3/4” x 3/4” 1.4<br />
1" 2.3<br />
1 - 1/2" 5.5<br />
2" 10.7<br />
3" 30.0<br />
4" 40.3<br />
(c) Reimbursement component of the water connection fees shall be collected at time of application for meter<br />
installation. If a water meter should be removed and monthly service charges discontinued, reimbursement fees for<br />
this period of disconnection shall be collected at time of reconnection to the water system.<br />
(d) Reimbursement Fee paid pursuant to this section shall be segregated and placed in water funds capital<br />
accounts for the facilities for which the fees are collected. Monies from these funds shall be expended solely for the<br />
design, construction, and acquisition of the corresponding Facilities and Equipment, including reimbursement for<br />
such expenditures and any financing mechanism used to finance the cost of capital improvements.<br />
(e) If the City has growth reimbursement fees which are uncommitted within five (5) years of collection, it<br />
shall make certain findings, on a yearly basis, to retain the fees or refund the fees. The findings shall identify the<br />
purpose to which the fee is to be put, and demonstrate a reasonable relationship between the fee and the purpose for<br />
which it was charged. If this finding cannot be made, the portion of uncommitted fees shall be refunded to the<br />
current record owner(s) of the development project(s) on a pro rata basis, according to a refund plan approved by the<br />
City Council. If the administrative costs of refunding exceed the amount to be refunded, the fees may be used for<br />
another project serving the development that was charged the fee. (Ord. 94-7, eff. 4/14/94; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05;<br />
Ord. 2009-22, eff. 11/5/09)<br />
Section 8-10.06. Connections: Charges: Changes.<br />
Prior to adjusting the fee for a water connection, or prior to adding a new water connection charge, notice shall<br />
be given in conformity with Section 2-24.101 et seq. of Title 2 of this Code. (Ord. 88-22 § 2 (G)(part), eff. 1/5/89:<br />
Ord. 83-1061 § 3 (part), eff. 11/17/83: prior Code § 20-31.1)<br />
Section 8-10.07. Water rates generally.<br />
(a) The rates to be charged and collected for quantities of water by the City for all classes of service for every<br />
consumer in the City shall be at the minimum charges and meter rates established as provided in this chapter.<br />
(b) If the amount to be charged for a quantity of water is not a multiple of five cents (5¢), the amount of the<br />
billing shall be either increased or decreased to the nearest multiple of five cents (5¢). (Prior Code § 20-32 (part))<br />
Section 8-10.08. Minimum charge.<br />
The minimum charge per month for the various meter sizes is provided to be amended by resolution of the City<br />
Council, as set out in the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code, and are subject to annual adjustment as<br />
provided for in this chapter. (Ord. 91-32 § 1 (part), eff. 2/6/92: prior Code § 20-32 (a))<br />
Section 8-10.09. Metered rates.<br />
The metered rate charges are provided to be amended by resolution of the City Council, as set out in the<br />
Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code, and are subject to annual adjustment as provided in this chapter.<br />
(Ord. 91-32 § 1 (part), eff. 2/6/92: prior Code § 20-32 (b) (part))<br />
Section 8-10.10. Out-of-City consumers.<br />
Consumers outside the City, when authorized by the Council, shall be charged at two (2) times the rates<br />
provided for in Section 8-10.09; provided, that in the case of governmental entities outside the City, service of water<br />
to such entities, when authorized by the Council, shall be charged only at the single rate provided for in Section 8-<br />
10.09. (Prior Code § 20-32 (b) (part))<br />
Section 8-10.11. Load or tank quantities.<br />
All water sold in load or tank quantities will be delivered at the public works center unless otherwise permitted<br />
by the Director of Utilities, and such quantities shall be charged for and collected at the rate provided for in this<br />
chapter per one thousand (1,000) gallons or one hundred thirty-three and six-tenths (133.6) cubic feet; provided, that<br />
the City shall be under no obligation to sell water as provided in this section. (Prior Code § 20-32 (c); Ord. 2005-01,<br />
eff. 3/3/05)<br />
• Editor's Note: Section 8-10.11 was amended by request of the City Attorney.<br />
Section 8-10.11.1 Supplemental Water Charges.<br />
City residents of projects initially receiving water service from Cal Cities on or after the effective date of this<br />
ordinance shall pay a monthly Supplemental Water Charge based on the amount of water used to allow the City to<br />
recover its ongoing variable costs for supplying State Water Project water for conveyance. The Supplemental Water<br />
Charge shall be in addition to Cal Cities’ Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved water rate for Santa Maria<br />
District water services and shall be collected on Cal Cities’ customer billing and immediately forwarded by Cal<br />
Cities, in full, to the City. The total rate to be paid by City residents subject to this section shall be equivalent to the<br />
City’s water rate as described in Section 8-10.07, less Cal Cities CPUC-approved water rate charge. (Ord. 2004-19,<br />
eff. 12/16/04.)<br />
Section 8-10.12. Water from hydrants.<br />
Permission may be granted by the Director of Utilities to take water from fire hydrants where the water is<br />
needed for construction purposes, and he shall have installed a meter at a fire hydrant, providing the consumer pays<br />
an installation charge as provided by resolution of the City Council, as set out in the Schedule of Fees and Charges<br />
within this Code, and pays for all metered water at the rate set forth in this section. (Prior Code § 20-32 (e); Ord.<br />
2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
* Editor's Note: Section 8-10.12 was amended by request of the City Attorney.<br />
Section 8-10.13. Annexations Nos. 21 and 32.<br />
There are established charges to be paid by users of water within the area of the City known as Annexation No.<br />
21 (Newlove) and Annexation No. 32 (McCoy), in addition to the usual rates and charges of the City for this<br />
purpose, which additional charge shall be billed to the consumers at the time of their regular billings, as provided in<br />
the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code. (Prior Code § 20-32 (f) (part))<br />
Section 8-10.14. Dal Porto Lane area.<br />
(a) The Dal Porto Lane area, referred to in this section, comprises that area within the City bounded by South<br />
Broadway, West Betteravia Road, West Carmen Lane and the Santa Maria Valley Railroad right-of-way.<br />
(b) A charge, as set out in the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code, for a ten (10) year period<br />
commencing July 1, 1977, is established to apply only to the water customers in the Dal Porto Lane area. The charge<br />
is to be combined with the regular billing for the water bills of those consumers connected at the time of the<br />
construction of the Dal Porto Water Line Project, Bid No. 77/14 which was accomplished pursuant to Council<br />
Resolution No. 76-4087 adopted on February 17, 1976. The charge is for repayment of the costs incurred by the City<br />
to install a temporary water system and set meters and provide connection for the consumers. The charge shall be in<br />
addition to the usual rates and charges of the City for this service, as set forth in this chapter.<br />
(c) Redevelopment of any properties in the Dal Porto Lane area connected to the temporary water system will<br />
be required to pay to the City any outstanding payments due for the ten (10) year payback period for their respective<br />
applicable properties in one (1) payment at the time of issuance of any building or plumbing permit.<br />
(d) New connections made after the construction project to the temporary system do not apply in this Code<br />
section. (Prior Code § 20-32 (g) (part))<br />
Section 8-10.15. Private fire protection.<br />
(a) Private fire protection service lines plus the appropriate cross-connection control device with meter shall be<br />
furnished and installed by the property owner in accordance with the most current established standards of the State<br />
and county health departments. Installation shall be in accordance with City standards.<br />
(b) Monthly rates for private fire protection detector meter maintenance, reading, recording and repairs for the<br />
five-eighths by three-fourths (5/8 x 3/4) inch meter shall be as provided in the Schedule of Fees and Charges within<br />
this Code.<br />
(c) No charge will be made for water used in extinguishing accidental fires. Water lost through leakage or in<br />
testing or used other than to extinguish accidental fires, shall be paid for by the applicant at double the rate charged<br />
for water for domestic or general use.<br />
(d) Private fire protection services that are combined with water for domestic or general use shall have the<br />
bypass meter considered the same as a general use water service, with all charges being made according to the<br />
applicable connection charge and rates.<br />
(e) The applicant shall be responsible for the maintenance and testing by a certified tester of the crossconnection<br />
control devices and appurtenant equipment excepting the detector meter, which will be maintained by<br />
the City at the expense of the applicant for recording the water registered.<br />
(f) The City assumes no responsibility for loss or damage because of lack of water or pressure and merely<br />
agrees to furnish such quantities and pressures as may be available in its general distribution system at the time of<br />
use or demand. (Prior Code § 20-33 (part); Ord. 2003-02, eff. 3/6/03; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.16. Large cooling units.<br />
The installation of any air-conditioning, refrigerating or cooling unit larger than three (3) tons rated capacity<br />
and using water to conduct away its heat shall not be permitted unless water re-circulation equipment or other means<br />
of water conservation approved by the Director of Utilities is used. Such equipment having a discharge of more than<br />
one and one-half (11/2) gallons of water per minute per ton of rated capacity will not be permitted. (Prior Code § 20-<br />
34; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.17. Discontinuing service upon vacation.<br />
(a) Whenever a consumer vacates any premises, he shall immediately give written notice to the City. Upon<br />
receipt of such notice, the City shall, as soon as possible and in no event later than seventy-two (72) hours from<br />
receiving the notice, shut off the water from the premises and read the water meter. The consumer shall then be<br />
presented with all unpaid bills for water due the City up to that time. The charge for the final month or portion<br />
thereof shall be computed as follows:<br />
(1) If the water is shut off as provided in this section in the first third of the consumer's billing month, the<br />
charge shall be one-third (1/3) of the minimum charge for the meter size used, plus the regular rates for all water<br />
used over one-third (1/3) of the minimum amount.<br />
(2) If the water is shut off as provided in the second third of the consumer's billing month, the charge shall<br />
be two-thirds (2/3) of the minimum charge for the meter size used, plus the regular rates for all water used over twothirds<br />
(2/3) of the minimum amount.<br />
(3) If the water is shut off as provided in this section in the last third (1/3) of the consumer's billing month,<br />
the charge shall be computed as if service had been rendered for the entire month.<br />
(b) Any water, sanitation or sewage service customer shall be responsible for the charges therefor from the<br />
time such service is commenced until he has notified the City in writing to discontinue such service. (Prior Code §<br />
20-35)<br />
Section 8-10.18. Using water after disconnection.<br />
(a) No person other than an official or employee of the Utilities Department shall turn on water from the City<br />
mains without a written permit from the Director of Utilities.<br />
(b) When the meter registration shows a consumption after the service has been officially disconnected, the<br />
owner of the property shall be held responsible for such consumption, plus a service charge as provided in the<br />
Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code, and the water shall not be resumed to such premises until all bills<br />
have been paid.<br />
(c) Violation of this section is a misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 1-6.01 of this Code. (Prior<br />
Code § 20-36; Ord. 2003-02, eff. 3/6/03; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.19. Tampering: Bypasses.<br />
(a) No person shall interfere with or in any manner tamper with any water meter, pipeline or water service<br />
facility of the Utilities Department, and in the event that any person interferes with or tampers with any of the same<br />
so that repairs or adjustments are necessary, water service to such person shall be discontinued until the cost of<br />
making the necessary repairs or adjustments shall have been paid in advance and, in addition, such person shall be<br />
deemed to have violated this chapter. No bypass or connection between a water meter and a water main shall be<br />
made or maintained without the permission in writing of the Director of Utilities. It is unlawful for any person, other<br />
than the authorized agents and employees of the Utilities Department, to turn on water after it has been turned off at<br />
any meter or connection, or for any reason to take or use water without notifying the Director of Utilities, or to cut in<br />
or make connections with the water mains without permission in writing of the Director of Utilities.<br />
(b) No person other than an employee of the Utilities Department or of the Fire Department shall tie-in to an<br />
existing water main, alter by opening or closing, in total or in part, any valve or blowoff, or in any manner tamper<br />
with the water production, storage and distribution system without a written permit from the Director of Utilities.<br />
(c) Violation of this section is a misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 1-6.01 of this Code. (Prior<br />
Code § 20-37; Ord. 2003-02, eff. 3/6/03; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.20. Meter testing: At installation.<br />
Prior to installation, each meter will be factory tested by and no meter found to vary more or less than set out in<br />
guidelines of the American Waterworks Association under conditions of normal operation will be placed in service.<br />
(Prior Code § 20-38 (A) (1); Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.21. Meter testing: At customer request.<br />
(a) A customer may, giving not less than two (2) weeks' notice, request the Utilities Department to test the<br />
meter serving his premises.<br />
(b) The Utilities Department may require the customer to deposit an amount to cover the reasonable cost of<br />
test, as provided in the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code.<br />
(c) This deposit will be returned if the meter is found to register more than two percent (2%) fast. The<br />
customer will be notified not less than five (5) days in advance of the time and place of test.<br />
(d) A customer shall have the right to require the Utilities Department to conduct the test in his or her presence,<br />
or in the presence of his or her representative.<br />
(e) A written report giving the results of the test will be shown to the customer within ten (10) days after<br />
completion of the test. (Prior Code § 20-38 (A) (2) (part); Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.22. Meter error.<br />
When, upon test, a meter is found to be registering more than two percent (2%) fast, under conditions of normal<br />
operation, the City will credit to the customer the full amount of the overcharge, based on corrected meter readings<br />
for the period, not exceeding six (6) months, that the meter was in use. (Prior Code § 20-38 (B); Ord. 2005-01, eff.<br />
3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.22.1. 3/4” x 3/4” Meter Credits.<br />
When a 5/8” x 3/4” water meter does not provide sufficient flow for a dwelling and the next available meter size<br />
involving a 1” provides more flow then is needed for that dwelling, the Director of Administrative Services may<br />
issue a credit equivalent to the difference between the base rates established by Ordinance No. 77-933 for the 1”<br />
meter compared to the proportionate cost of a 3/4” x 3/4” monthly meter charge if this size meter was currently in<br />
the present rate structure. The credit may be adjusted to reflect the approved water meter rate increases according to<br />
Ordinance No. 2009-10. (Ord. 2009-22, eff. 11/5/09)<br />
Section 8-10.23. Non-registering meter.<br />
The City may bill the customer for water consumed while the meter was not registering. The bill will be<br />
computed upon an estimate of consumption based either upon the customer's prior use during the same season of the<br />
year, or upon a reasonable comparison with the use of other customers receiving the same class of service during the<br />
same period and under similar circumstances and conditions. (Prior Code § 20-38 (C); Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.24. Backflow prevention devices.<br />
Repealed per Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05.<br />
Section 8-10.25. Nonliability for private facilities.<br />
The City shall in no way whatsoever be responsible for any damage to person or property because of any<br />
leakage, breakage or seepage from or accident or damage to any meter or pipe situated within any private premises,<br />
and the City shall not be responsible for any leakage, breakage or seepage from any pipe situated between any meter<br />
properly installed at the curb and the private premises served thereby, nor shall the City be responsible for or on<br />
account of any damage, injury or loss occasioned directly or indirectly by the existence of any meter or pipe situated<br />
upon private property. (Prior Code § 20-40)<br />
Section 8-10.26. Right of entry for inspection.<br />
The Director of Utilities, any officer, or health officer, or his or her designee, shall at all times upon proper<br />
authorization or inspection warrant have the right of ingress and egress to the consumer's premises at all reasonable<br />
hours for any purpose reasonably connected with the furnishing and conservation of water, for the inspection of the<br />
entire water system upon such premises, and for the inspection of all plumbing on the premises relating to sewage.<br />
In the event City access to the customer’s meter is prevented due to tampering or physical obstruction, the<br />
customer may, at the City’s discretion, be charged an average rate based on the customer’s past usage or typical<br />
usage in the City for the time while access is prevented. The customer’s rate shall be adjusted to reflect actual usage<br />
if actual usage is discovered. (Prior Code § 20-41; Ord. 2003-02, eff. 3/6/03; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.27. Shutoff for repairs.<br />
The City reserves the right to shut off the water from any premises, or from any part of the distribution system,<br />
as long as necessary, without notice to the consumer, or interrupt sewer service at any time when the welfare of the<br />
City may require it; but, in all cases of extension or connections, the water or sewer divisions shall notify consumers<br />
of the necessity of shutting off water or interrupting sewer service and of the probable length of time thereof. (Prior<br />
Code § 20-42)<br />
Section 8-10.28. Fire hydrant use.<br />
(a) Public fire hydrants shall be placed, maintained and repaired by the Utilities Department. Any persons,<br />
other than representatives of the City, damaging such hydrants shall liable for such damages.<br />
(b) Fire hydrants are provided for the sole purpose of extinguishing fires, and shall be used otherwise only as<br />
provided for in this chapter, and shall be opened and used only as authorized by the City.<br />
(c) All persons desiring to use water through fire hydrants, or other hydrants owned or controlled by the City,<br />
shall be required to obtain a permit from the Director of Utilities, who shall issue no such permit to any person who<br />
is in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, or whose indebtedness to the City under this chapter is<br />
delinquent; and all such persons having permits for use of water from fire hydrants must provide hydrant wrenches<br />
for the operation of such fire hydrants.<br />
(d) Permits for the use of water through the fire hydrants of the City may be cancelled by the Director of<br />
Utilities on evidence that the holder thereof is or has violated the privileges conveyed under the permit. Such notices<br />
of cancellation shall be in writing officially delivered to the persons to be notified, and shall be immediately<br />
effective and enforced. (Prior Code § 20-43; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.29. Billing: Delinquency.<br />
All bills for any service rendered under this chapter shall be due and payable on the mailing date thereof, which<br />
date shall be plainly stamped upon each bill. If any bill is not paid within fifteen (15) days from the mailing date, the<br />
bill shall thereupon be delinquent. If any bill is not paid within one (1) month after the mailing date thereof, the<br />
water may be shut off from the premises of such delinquent consumer, and may not be turned on again for such<br />
consumer until all arrearages in water bills of the consumer have been paid in full, together with a minimum<br />
reconnection charge as provided in the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code. An additional reconnection<br />
charge of actual costs incurred to reconnect the water service will be assessed to a delinquent consumer who<br />
requests the water to be turned on during other than normal working hours. Water service may be disconnected from<br />
the premises occupied by, or may be refused to, any such consumer whose bills are unpaid more than one (1) month<br />
for service supplied at any other address. (Prior Code § 20-44 (part))<br />
Section 8-10.30. Disconnection for nonpayment.<br />
A consumer's water service may be disconnected for nonpayment of a bill of such consumer for service<br />
rendered at a previous location served by the Utilities Department, provided such bill is not paid within thirty (30)<br />
days after presentation at the new location. (Prior Code § 20-45; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.31. Disputed accounts.<br />
Disputed accounts where a significant excess of water has been metered, and upon investigation by the Utilities<br />
Department, it is found to have been due to hidden leaks or causes not detectable by the consumer in the exercise of<br />
ordinary care, may be adjusted by the Director of Utilities on the basis of the average consumption indicated from<br />
past records for a like period, plus an amount as provided in the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code for<br />
excess water metered or lost; provided, that the consumer shall furnish sufficient evidence to the satisfaction of the<br />
Director of Utilities that corrective measures have been taken. (Prior Code § 20-46 (part); Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.32. Waste: Leaking facilities.<br />
(a) Each and every consumer shall maintain in good repair all his water pipes, faucets, valves, plumbing<br />
fixtures or any other appliances, at all times to prevent waste of water.<br />
(b) Where any consumer willfully neglects to make such necessary repairs, the water shall be shut off and<br />
sealed by the Utilities Department and shall not be turned on again until repairs have been made to the satisfaction<br />
of the Department, and a turn-on fee as provided in the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code is paid by the<br />
consumer to the City. (Prior Code § 20-47 (part); Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.33. Waste: Sprinkling.<br />
Where any consumer willfully and negligently wastes water through the misuse of sprinklers or any other<br />
facilities, the water may be shut off and sealed by the Utilities Department, and shall not be turned on again until a<br />
turn-on fee as provided in the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code is paid by the consumer to the City.<br />
(Prior Code § 20-48; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10.34. Automatic annual rate increase.<br />
The rates provided for in Sections 8-10.07 through 8-10.15, 8-10.18, 8-10.22, 8-10.23, 8-10.29, 8-10.31, 8-<br />
10.32 and 8-10.33 shall be increased five percent (5%) on July 1st of each year commencing with July 1, 1978.<br />
(Prior Code § 20-48.1)<br />
Section 8-10.35. Rate increase by resolution: Authorized.<br />
The rates provided for in Sections 8-10.03 through 8-10.15, 8-10.18, 8-10.22, 8-10.23, 8-10.29, 8-10.31, 8-<br />
10.32 and 8-10.33 may be amended from time to time by resolution of the Council. (Prior Code § 20-48.2)<br />
Section 8-10.36. Rate increase by ordinance: Required.<br />
The rates provided for in Sections 8-10.03 and 8-10.05 shall be amended annually by ordinance approved by<br />
two-thirds of the members of the Council on or prior to the tenth day of January to reflect the increase or decrease of<br />
construction costs on the basis of a factor recommended by the Director of Utilities, which factor shall be based<br />
upon the Engineering News-Record Cost of Construction Index published by McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.<br />
(Prior Code § 20-48.3; Ord. 88-22 § 2 (G)(part), eff. 1/5/89; Ord. 89-4 § 3, eff. 3/23/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-10A<br />
Section 8-10A.01. Cross Connection Control - General Policy.<br />
(Ord. 2003-01, eff. 3/6/03)<br />
Section 8-10A.02. Purpose.<br />
(a) To protect the public potable water supply of the City of Santa Maria from the possibility of contamination<br />
or pollution by isolating within the responsible party's internal or private water system(s) such contaminants or<br />
pollutants which could backflow into the public water distribution system; and<br />
(b) To promote the elimination or control of existing cross connections, actual or potential, between the<br />
responsible party's in-plant potable water system(s) and non-potable water system(s), plumbing fixtures, and<br />
industrial piping system(s); and<br />
(c) To provide for the maintenance of a continuing program of cross connection control which shall<br />
systematically and effectively prevent the contamination or pollution of the publicly owned potable water system.<br />
Section 8-10A.03. Definitions.<br />
(a) Approved. Accepted by the Director of Utilities as meeting an applicable specification stated or cited in<br />
this ordinance, or as suitable for the proposed site.<br />
(b) Approved Backflow Prevention Assembly. A means or manufactured device in full conformance with<br />
the standards established by the California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 17 - Group 4 - Article 1 (June 6, 1987)<br />
or successor section, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) or its successor organization, which has met<br />
the laboratory and field performance specifications of the Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic<br />
Research (FCCC&HR) of the University of Southern California (USC) and have been published in the Manual of<br />
Cross Connection Control – Ninth Edition, or any successor edition.<br />
(c) Auxiliary Water Supply. Any water supply on or available to the premises other than the City of Santa<br />
Maria public potable water supply.<br />
(d) Backflow. The undesirable reversal of the normal flow of water or mixtures of water and other liquids,<br />
gases, or other substances into the distribution pipes of the public potable water distribution system due to<br />
backpressure or backsiphonage from any source.<br />
(e) Backpressure. Any elevation of pressure in the downstream piping system above the supply pressure<br />
which would cause, or tend to cause, a reversal of the normal direction of flow.<br />
(f) Backsiphonage. A form of backflow due to a reduction in system pressure which causes a subatmospheric<br />
pressure to exist at a site in the water system.<br />
(g) Contamination. An impairment of the quality of the potable water by sewage, reclaimed water, industrial<br />
fluids, waste, compounds or other materials to a degree which creates an actual hazard to the public health through<br />
poisoning or through the spread of disease.<br />
(h) Cross Connection. Any unprotected actual or potential connection or structural arrangement of piping or<br />
fixtures between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water and the other nonpotable<br />
or used water, industrial fluids, gas, or substance through which, or because of which, backflow may occur<br />
into the potable water system. Cross connection includes temporary connections such as swing connections,<br />
removable sections, four-way plug valves, spools, dummy sections of pipe, swivel or change-over devices, or sliding<br />
multiport tubes.<br />
(i) Cross Connection Control by Containment. Appropriate type or method of backflow protection at the<br />
service connection, commensurate with the degree of hazard of the consumer’s potable water system.<br />
(i-1) Director of Utilities. The administrator/manager in charge of all aspects of the Utilities Department.<br />
(j) Distribution System. The network of conduits used for the delivery of potable water from the source to<br />
the responsible party's system.<br />
(k) Hazard/Degree of Hazard. Either a pollutional (non-health) or contamination (health) hazard derived<br />
from the evaluation of conditions with a water system:<br />
(1) Health Hazard. An actual or potential threat of contamination of a physical or toxic nature to the<br />
public potable water system or the responsible party’s potable water system that would be a danger to health.<br />
(2) Plumbing Hazard. An internal piping arrangement creating a cross connection in a responsible<br />
party's potable water system that may be a pollution or contamination hazard.<br />
(3) Pollutional Hazard. An actual or potential impairment of the quality of the water to a degree which<br />
does not create a hazard to the public health but which does adversely and unreasonably affect the aesthetic qualities<br />
of such waters for domestic use, constituting a nuisance or causing the water to appear unclean or unclear.<br />
(4) System Hazard. An actual or potential threat of severe damage to the physical properties of the<br />
public or consumer's potable water system, or of a pollution or contamination which would have a protracted effect<br />
on the quality of the potable water in the system.<br />
(5) Thermal Hazard. Any condition, device, or practice which causes the water temperature to rise over<br />
110 degrees Fahrenheit (43.3 degrees Centigrade) as stated in the Uniform Plumbing Code or its successor<br />
publication.<br />
(l) Industrial Fluids System. Any fluid or solution which may be chemically, biologically or otherwise<br />
contaminated or polluted in a form or concentration such as would constitute a hazard if introduced into the City of<br />
Santa Maria public potable water supply. This may include, but is not limited to: polluted or contaminated waters;<br />
all types of process waters and used waters originating from the public potable water system which may have<br />
deteriorated in sanitary quality; chemicals in fluid form; plating acids and alkaline; circulating cooling waters<br />
connected to an open cooling tower and/or cooling towers that are chemically or biologically treated or stabilized<br />
with toxic substances; contaminated natural waters such as that from wells, springs, streams, rivers, bays, harbors,<br />
seas, irrigation canals or systems, etc.; oil gases, glycerine, paraffins, caustic and acid solutions and other liquid and<br />
gaseous fluids used in industrial or other purposes or for fire fighting purposes.<br />
(m) Operational Tests. Backflow assembly tests performed to test the functioning capabilities of the<br />
assembly using a properly calibrated differential pressure gauge and performed as published in the Manual of Cross<br />
Connection Control – Ninth Edition, or any successor edition.<br />
(n) Pollution. The impairment of the quality of the water to a degree which does not create a hazard to the<br />
public health but which does adversely and unreasonably affect the aesthetic qualities of such waters for domestic<br />
use.<br />
(o) Potable Water. Water which is satisfactory for drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes and meets the<br />
requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) or its successor organization.<br />
(p) Premises. Any location, building, structure, residence, garage, room, shed, shop, store, dwelling, lot,<br />
parcel, land or portion thereof, whether improved or unimproved.<br />
(q) Process Water. Water that has been through commercial or industrial procedures rendering it nonpotable.<br />
(r) Public Works Director. Repealed pursuant to Ordinance 2005-01.<br />
(s) Reclaimed Water. Water resulting from the treatment of wastewater that is categorized as houzardous<br />
because it does not meet the requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) or its<br />
successor organization as being safe for human consumption, yet suitable for a direct beneficial reuse or a controlled<br />
use that would not otherwise occur.<br />
(t) Responsible Party. The owner, operator, manager or occupant of a building or property which has water<br />
service from a public potable water distribution system; the owner, manager or operator of a private water system<br />
that has water service from a public potable water distribution system.<br />
(u) Service Connection. The terminal end of a tie-in to the public potable water system; i.e., the location<br />
where the City of Santa Maria loses jurisdiction and sanitary control over the water. If a meter is installed at the end<br />
of the service connection, then the service connection means the downstream end of the meter.<br />
(v) Service Line. A line of private piping extending from the service connection to the responsible party's<br />
point(s) of use.<br />
(w) Used Water. Any water supplied by a water purveyor from a public potable water distribution system to a<br />
responsible party's water system after it has passed through the point of delivery and is no longer under the sanitary<br />
control of the water purveyor.<br />
(x) Utilities Manager. Repealed pursuant to Ordinance 2005-01.<br />
(y) Water System. In the City of Santa Maria, the water system is made up of two parts:<br />
(1) The public potable water distribution system includes all the facilities and the network of conduits used<br />
for the delivery of water that remain under the complete control of the City of Santa Maria up to the point where the<br />
responsible party's system begins.<br />
(2) The responsible party's system includes those parts used for the delivery of water to points of use<br />
located on the responsible party's premises beyond the termination of the public potable water distribution system.<br />
(Ord. 2007-08, eff. 7/5/07; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10A.04. Authority of Director of Utilities.<br />
The Director of Utilities shall have the authority to protect the public potable water distribution system from<br />
contamination or pollution due to the backflow of contaminants or pollutants through the water service connection.<br />
(Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10A.05. Installation Requirements.<br />
(a) No responsible party shall install or maintain a service connection to the City of Santa Maria public potable<br />
water distribution system without first installing one or more approved backflow prevention assemblies as required<br />
in this article. Installation(s) shall be at the expense of the responsible party and shall be performed by a plumbing<br />
contractor licensed by the State of California.<br />
(b) In the event of new property development, re-construction, renovation, or restoration where there is a direct<br />
connection to the City’s potable water system, the responsible party shall seek prior approval from the Director of<br />
Utilities or his/her designee for the backflow prevention assembly(s) intended for installation through the<br />
Community Development Department plan approval and permitting process.<br />
(c) In all cases it shall be the obligation of the responsible party to contact the City of Santa Maria Utilities<br />
Department during any construction involving water service, and in all cases in which the City of Santa Maria has<br />
been made aware of an existing cross connection, an approved backflow prevention assembly is required at the<br />
responsible party's existing water service connection, or within the responsible party's existing private water system.<br />
The Director of Utilities or his/her designee shall give notice in writing to said responsible party to install an<br />
approved backflow prevention assembly(s) at a specific location(s) at the responsible party's own expense.<br />
(d) All backflow prevention assembly installations – including spatial requirements and assembly orientation –<br />
shall be performed according to the FCCC&HR of USC as established in the Manual of Cross-Connection Control –<br />
Specifications of Backflow Prevention Assemblies,, ninth edition, or any successor edition.<br />
(e) All backflow prevention assemblies installed prior to adoption of this ordinance which do not meet the<br />
specific requirements as defined in the section entitled “regulation,” but were approved devices for the purposes<br />
described herein at the time of installation and which have been properly maintained, shall be exempt from the<br />
requirements of this section as long as the assemblies pass all required tests and replacement parts remain available.<br />
When that is no longer the case, the assembly must be replaced by an approved assembly that meets the<br />
requirements set forth in this chapter.<br />
(f) Whenever an existing assembly is moved from the present location or requires more than minimum<br />
maintenance, or when the Director of Utilities or his/her designee finds that the maintenance constitutes a hazard to<br />
the public potable water distribution system, the responsible party shall replace the assembly with an approved<br />
backflow prevention assembly that meets the requirements set forth in this article.<br />
(g) Cross connection control by containment at the service connection shall be utilized by the responsible party<br />
in the case of any premise where there are actual or potential unprotected cross connections within the responsible<br />
party's water system and it is physically and economically infeasible to find and permanently eliminate them.<br />
(h) The responsible party shall install an approved backflow prevention assembly on each service line to a<br />
responsible party's water system at or near the property line or immediately inside any building being provided<br />
water from the public potable water distribution system, but in all cases, before the first branch line leading off the<br />
service line, where one or more of the following conditions exist:<br />
(1) In the case of premises having an auxiliary water supply (including reclaimed water) which is not, or<br />
may not, be safe from bacteriological or chemical contamination, and which is not acceptable as an additional source<br />
by the City of Santa Maria, the public potable water distribution system shall be protected from backflow by the<br />
installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly in the service line appropriate to the degree of hazard.<br />
(2) In the case of premises on which any industrial fluids or any other objectionable substance is handled<br />
in such a fashion as to create an actual or potential hazard to the public potable water distribution system, the water<br />
distribution system shall be protected against backflow from the premises by the installation of an approved<br />
backflow prevention assembly in the service line appropriate to the degree of hazard. This shall include the<br />
handling of process waters and waters originating from the water distribution system which have been subject to<br />
deterioration in quality.<br />
(3) In the case of premises (a) having one or more internal cross connections that cannot be permanently<br />
corrected or controlled, or (b) having intricate plumbing and piping arrangements, or (c) where entry to all portions<br />
of the premises are not readily accessible for inspection purposes making it impractical or impossible to ascertain<br />
whether or not dangerous cross connections exist, the public potable water distribution system shall be protected<br />
against backflow from the premises by installing an approved backflow prevention assembly in the service line.<br />
(i) No responsible party shall remove, alter, repipe, or by-pass backflow prevention assemblies required by<br />
this ordinance or maintain an existing unprotected actual or potential cross connection.<br />
(j) No responsible party shall install or maintain an unprotected takeoff from the service line ahead of any<br />
meter or any backflow prevention assembly located at the point of delivery to the responsible party's water system.<br />
(k) Within ten (10) days after notice of the backflow prevention assembly(s) installation requirements, the<br />
responsible party may submit a written request for review of the requirement with the Director of Utilities or his/her<br />
designee. A meeting with the Director, or Director’s designee, will be scheduled within ten (10) days after receipt<br />
of the request. The Director/designee will issue a written response within ten (10) days after completion of the<br />
meeting. The Director/designee’s response shall be final.<br />
(l) Failure, refusal or inability on the part of the responsible party to install required assembly(s) shall be<br />
grounds to curtail water service to the premises until all requirements have been satisfactorily met. (Ord. 2007-08,<br />
eff. 7/5/07; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10A.06. Testing Requirements.<br />
(a) It shall be the duty of the responsible party at any premises where backflow prevention assemblies are<br />
installed to have operational tests made upon each assembly upon initial installation and at least once per year<br />
thereafter. These tests shall be at the expense of the responsible party and shall be performed by a certified City of<br />
Santa Maria approved backflow prevention assembly tester.<br />
(b) The Director of Utilities or his/her designee may require additional inspections and operational tests if<br />
contamination or the potential to contaminate the public potable water distribution system has been detected.<br />
Additional testing may also be required based upon CCR, Title 17 - Group 4 - Article 1 (June 6, 1987) or successor<br />
section. These inspections and tests shall be at the expense of the responsible party and shall be performed by a<br />
certified City of Santa Maria approved backflow prevention assembly tester.<br />
(c) The responsible party shall notify the Director of Utilities or his/her designee in advance when additional<br />
tests are to be undertaken so that Utilities Department qualified personnel may witness the test(s) if so desired.<br />
(d) All backflow assembly operational tests shall be performed using a properly calibrated differential pressure<br />
gauge. Calibration shall be done on an annual basis, and proof of calibration shall be submitted to the City of Santa<br />
Maria. Operational testing methods used shall be those from the FCCC&HR of USC as established in the Manual of<br />
Cross Connection Control – Specifications of Backflow Prevention Assemblies, ninth edition, or any successor<br />
edition.<br />
(e) The responsible party shall have repaired, overhauled or replaced any backflow assembly which fails to<br />
meet testing requirements without manipulation by a certified City of Santa Maria approved backflow prevention<br />
assembly tester or plumbing contractor licensed by the State of California; the assembly shall be retested by a<br />
certified City of Santa Maria approved backflow prevention assembly tester ensuring it passes all testing<br />
requirements.<br />
(f) Within ten (10) days after notice of the backflow prevention assembly(s) testing requirements, the<br />
responsible party may submit a written request for review of the requirement with the Director of Utilities or his/her<br />
designee. A meeting with the Director or Director’s designee will be scheduled within ten (10) days after receipt of<br />
the request. The Director/designee will issue a written response within ten (10) days after completion of the<br />
meeting. The Director of Utilities/designee’s response shall be final.<br />
(g) Failure, refusal or inability on the part of the responsible party to test and maintain required assembly(s)<br />
shall be grounds for discontinuing water service to the premises until all requirements have been satisfactorily met.<br />
(h) The responsible party shall complete testing within fifteen (15) days after installation of a new device.<br />
(Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10A.07. Record Keeping and Submittal.<br />
(a) It shall be the duty of the responsible party to submit all records and documentation of any and all<br />
inspections, tests, repairs, renovations, rebuilds, restorations, or replacements of backflow assembly(s) to the City of<br />
Santa Maria Utilities Department.<br />
(b) For a period of three years after their creation, the responsible party shall maintain copies of all reports,<br />
records, and documentation in the standard form currently utilized by the Utilities Department. The responsible<br />
party shall supply copies of these documents to the Director of Utilities or his/her designee upon request. (Ord.<br />
2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10A.08. Regulations<br />
(a) An approved air gap separation is a means of preventing backflow by a physical separation between the<br />
free flowing discharge end of a potable water supply pipeline and an open or non-pressure receiving vessel. An<br />
approved air gap separation shall be at least double the diameter of the supply pipe, measured vertically, above the<br />
overflow rim of the vessel, and in no case shall be less than one inch. The approved air gap separation shall meet<br />
performance specifications as determined by the Director of Utilities or his/her designee.<br />
(b) An approved Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker Backsiphonage Prevention Assembly (AVB) shall be an<br />
assembly containing an air inlet valve, a check seat and an air inlet port(s). The flow of water into the body causes<br />
the air inlet valve to close the inlet pert(s). When the flow of water stops, the air inlet valve falls and forms a check<br />
valve against backsiphonage. At the same time it opens the air inlet port(s) allowing air to enter and satisfy the<br />
vacuum. A shutoff valve immediately upstream may be an integral part of the assembly, but the assembly shall not<br />
be subjected to operating pressure for more than twelve (12) hours in any twenty-four (24) hour period. An<br />
atmospheric vacuum breaker is designed to protect against a non-health hazard or a health hazard under a<br />
backsiphonage condition only.<br />
(c) An approved Double Check – Detector Backflow Prevention Assembly (DCDA) shall be a specially<br />
designed assembly composed of a line-size approved double check valve assembly with a bypass containing a<br />
specific water meter and an approved double check valve assembly. The meter shall register accurately for only<br />
very low rates of flow up to 3 gallons per minute (gpm) and shall show a registration for all rates of flow. The<br />
DCDA shall only be used to protect against a non-health hazard and is primarily used on fire sprinkler systems.<br />
(d) An approved Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention Assembly (DC) shall be an assembly composed of<br />
two independently acting, approved check valves, including tightly closing resilient seated shutoff valves attached at<br />
each end of the assembly and fitted with properly located resilient seated test cocks. The DC shall be readily<br />
accessible for in-line testing and maintenance and shall be installed in a location where no part of the assembly is<br />
submerged. The DC shall only be used to protect against a non-health hazard.<br />
(e) An approved Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backsiphonage Prevention Assembly (PVB) shall be an assembly<br />
containing an independently operating internally loaded check valve and an independently operating loaded air inlet<br />
valve located on the discharge side of the check valve. The assembly is to be equipped with properly located<br />
resilient seated test cocks and tightly closing resilient seated shutoff valves attached at each end of the assembly.<br />
This assembly is designed to protect against a non-health hazard or a health hazard under backsiphonage condition<br />
only.<br />
(f) An approved Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly (RP) shall be an assembly<br />
containing two independently acting approved check valves together with a hydraulically operating, mechanically<br />
independent pressure differential relief valve located between the check valves and at the same time below the first<br />
check valve. The unit shall include properly located resilient seated test cocks and tightly closing resilient seated<br />
shutoff valves at each end of the assembly. This assembly is designed to protect against a non-health or health<br />
hazard.<br />
(g) An approved Spill-Resistant Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backsiphonage Prevention Assembly (SVB) shall<br />
be an assembly containing an independently operating internally loaded check valve and independently operating<br />
loaded air inlet valve located on the discharge side of the check valve. The assembly is to be equipped with a<br />
properly located resilient seated test cock, a properly located bleed/vent valve, and tightly closing resilient seated<br />
shutoff valves attached at each end of the assembly. This assembly is designed to protect against a non-health<br />
hazard or a health hazard under a backsiphonage condition only.<br />
(h) In all cases the backflow prevention assembly installed at any location to protect the City of Santa Maria<br />
public water supply shall be on the current List of Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies, which supersedes all<br />
prior lists, published by the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and<br />
Hydraulic Research.<br />
(i) Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer all assemblies are to be installed on cold potable water<br />
applications – below 110˚F. All listed assemblies are approved for the indicated orientation only, and the use of<br />
spare parts other than those of the original manufacturer invalidates approval.<br />
(j) The Director of Utilities or his/her designee shall approve the model and size of backflow prevention<br />
assembly required based upon the degree of hazard, as follows:<br />
(1) In the case of any premises served by an auxiliary water supply which is not subject to any of<br />
subsections (2) through (6) below, the public potable water distribution system shall be protected by an approved air<br />
gap separation or, if acceptable, an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly.<br />
(2) In the case of any premises containing water or substances that would be a pollutional hazard if<br />
introduced into potable water, the public potable water distribution system shall be protected by an approved double<br />
check valve assembly.<br />
(3) In the case of any premises at which there exists any material or practice that would constitute an<br />
actual or potential health hazard to the water distribution system, the water distribution system shall be protected by<br />
an approved air gap separation or an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly. Examples<br />
of premises where these conditions exist are sewage treatment plants, sewage pumping stations, water reclamation<br />
plants, chemical manufacturing plants, hospitals, mortuaries, and plating plants.<br />
(4) In the case of any premises where there are uncontrolled cross connections, either actual or potential,<br />
the public potable water distribution system shall be protected by an approved reduced pressure principle backflow<br />
prevention assembly at the service connection.<br />
(5) In the case where reclaimed water is used on premises which have interconnection with the water<br />
distribution system, the water distribution system shall be protected by an approved air gap separation or, if<br />
acceptable, an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly at the service connection.<br />
(6) In the case of any premises where, because of security requirements or other prohibitions or<br />
restrictions, it is impossible or impractical to make a complete in-plant cross connection survey, the water<br />
distribution system shall be protected against backflow from the premises by an approved reduced pressure principle<br />
backflow prevention assembly on each service to the premises.<br />
(k) The responsible party's system shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times during regular business<br />
hours to authorized representatives of the City of Santa Maria to determine whether cross connections, other<br />
structural or sanitary hazards, or other violations of these regulations exist. (Ord. 2007-08, eff. 7/5/07; Ord. 2005-01,<br />
eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-10A.09. Enforcement, Violations, and Penalties.<br />
(a) A Notice of Violation shall be given to any responsible party found to be in violation of any provision of<br />
this ordinance. The violation shall be corrected within the time frame given in the Notice of Violation. If the<br />
Director of Utilities or his/her designee determines that the violation is creating or contributing to the existence of an<br />
imminent hazard, the responsible party shall be required to correct the violation immediately.<br />
(b) Water service may be terminated after a third violation of the same provision within a one-year period.<br />
Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall pay to the City all expenses incurred by the City in<br />
repairing any damage to the public water distribution system caused in whole or in part by such violation and any<br />
expense incurred by the City in investigating such violation.<br />
(c) In addition to other remedies in this ordinance, any responsible party violating any of the provisions herein<br />
is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof is punishable in accordance with Chapters 1-6 of the Santa<br />
Maria Municipal Code (SMMC). As additional remedies, any responsible party in violation of this code may be<br />
subject to summary abatement proceedings, restraining order, injunction issued by a court of competent jurisdiction,<br />
administrative citation pursuant to Chapter 1-9 of the SMMC, administrative penalty pursuant to Chapter 1-8 of the<br />
SMMC code, or any other remedy provided by law. (Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-11<br />
Section 8-11.01. Collection and disposal fund.<br />
The funds of the City, known and designated as the "municipal collection and disposal funds" as of the adoption<br />
of the ordinance from which this section derives, are continued and re-established. All receipts of the Utilities<br />
Department, collected under the terms of this chapter, shall be placed in the funds. All expenses incurred by the<br />
City in the management, control and operation of the Utilities Department, including but not limited to operating<br />
expenses, maintenance and repair expenses, capital outlays, right-of-way acquisition, debt service, administration<br />
and legal expenses, reasonable charges or use of City facilities, repayment of loans to other City funds, and billing<br />
and accounting costs shall be paid out of the collection and disposal funds. The City Manager shall determine what<br />
portion of joint expenses of salaries and overhead shall be allocable to the funds. The Council, at its discretion, may<br />
transfer any funds from the municipal collection and disposal funds to the general fund of the City. (Prior Code §<br />
20-28; Ord. 88-22 § 2 (G), eff. 1/5/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.02. Franchise or license.<br />
(a) The City may authorize franchises or licenses for the operation of private garbage and refuse companies<br />
within the corporate limits. Areas may be designated for the specific operation of the City Utilities Department or<br />
private operator and may be established in a cooperative manner for the best interest of the City and its inhabitants.<br />
(b) The Director of Utilities may by written permit to a private company authorize the company to provide<br />
interim service within the City service area to specific accounts where a type of service is to be rendered that<br />
presently is not offered by the City. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.03. Hauling permit.<br />
(a) The Director of Administrative Services may issue permits with the approval of the Director of Utilities to<br />
provide that persons may engage in the business of hauling refuse in the City. Any such permits which have been<br />
issued at any time and unless revoked shall run from year to year.<br />
(b) Such permits may specify the type of refuse to be hauled and conditions respecting the manner in which<br />
refuse shall be hauled or disposed of, as that may be necessary for the preservation and protection of the public<br />
health and safety. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.04. Mandatory service.<br />
(a) All premises within the limits of the City which are occupied or which have a water service account shall<br />
have refuse and recycling service, and the election by any person not to accept such service shall not exempt him<br />
from the payment of the minimum charge for solid waste service, except that this requirement for mandatory service<br />
shall not apply to any premises within any areas within the City limits receiving solid waste service provided by a<br />
person, firm or corporation providing such service in such area pursuant to a permit or franchise approved by the<br />
City; provided, that all premises within such an area which are occupied, or which have a water account, shall have<br />
refuse and recycling service from such permittee or franchisee, and such service is mandatory and payment shall be<br />
made therefor to such permittee or franchisee in the same manner and according to the rates prescribed in this<br />
chapter for payment to be made to the City in areas served by the City and not served by such a permittee or<br />
franchisee.<br />
(b) Also excepted from a mandatory solid waste service charge are any unoccupied premises having a water<br />
service exclusively for irrigation purposes. Persons applying for this exemption shall certify to the exclusive use of<br />
their water service for irrigation purposes, and occupancy of the premises or use of water for other than irrigation<br />
purposes is a misdemeanor.<br />
(c) Also excepted from a mandatory solid waste service charge are occupied premises whereon no garbage,<br />
trash or solid waste collection was made or charge made therefor, by the City, prior to the twenty-first (21st) day of<br />
August, 1970, and whereon no garbage, trash or other solid waste of any kind, type or description is or will be<br />
produced, except such as is and will be lawfully disposed of in a manner not contrary to any of the provisions of this<br />
chapter and without constituting any hazard to health, welfare and safety; provided, that the owner, his tenant or his<br />
agent file with the City a certificate that no garbage, trash or other solid waste of any kind, type or description is or<br />
will be produced, except such as is and will be lawfully disposed of in a manner not contrary to any of the provisions<br />
of this chapter and without constituting any hazard to health, welfare and safety on the premises under his control<br />
specifying the location and the reason why that situation is alleged to exist, and acknowledging that if the allegations<br />
of the certificate are found to be untrue that the person executing the same will be liable for payment of all charges<br />
for garbage, refuse or solid waste disposal which would have been payable to the City during the period that any<br />
such charges were not made because of the making and filing of the certificate. The certificate shall be signed under<br />
penalty of perjury, and shall be accepted only from persons owning, occupying or in control of the premises<br />
described in the certificate on the twenty-first (21st) day of August, 1970. Such certificates must be completed and<br />
filed with the City not later than five (5:00) p.m. on the thirty-first (31st) day of December, 1970. The exception<br />
provided in this subsection shall not be allowed, and the certificate shall be void and have no effect if the allegations<br />
of the certificate are found to be untrue or inspection of the premises by responsible departments of the City<br />
demonstrate that garbage, trash or other solid waste is being produced, except that such as is and will be lawfully<br />
disposed of in a manner not contrary to any of the provisions of this chapter, and without constituting any hazard to<br />
health, welfare or safety on the premises, or that the manner of disposal thereof, if any, set forth in the allegations of<br />
the certificate is detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. All such certificates shall be signed in the<br />
presence of and filed with the Director of Administrative Services or his designated representative, and it shall be<br />
the responsibility of the Director of Administrative Services to review each such certificate as filed, and to require<br />
that the responsible departments of the City review the certificate and inspect the subject premises to ensure<br />
compliance with this chapter. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.05. Unlawful collection or transport.<br />
(a) It is unlawful for any person to move or transport through the City any refuse or recycling except in<br />
vehicles owned and operated by the City or approved in writing by the City Manager.<br />
(b) It is also unlawful for any person to collect refuse or recycling within the City, and it is unlawful to bury or<br />
otherwise dispose of refuse or recycling except as provided in this chapter. All collection, transportation and<br />
disposal of refuse and recycling shall be done exclusively by the City except as otherwise provided in this chapter,<br />
and the City reserves unto itself the exclusive right to collect, transport and dispose of all refuse and recycling to be<br />
collected, transported and disposed of, or refuse or recycling produced and found within the City. Nothing contained<br />
in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit persons from collecting or transporting dead animals within the City.<br />
Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the occupants of any property or premises from<br />
transporting or disposing of refuse or recycling belonging to them and produced on the premises occupied by them;<br />
provided, that if such occupant elects to transport or dispose of refuse or recycling belonging to him and produced<br />
on the premises occupied by him, he shall nevertheless be required to pay the charge provided in this chapter for<br />
garbage, refuse and recycling collection.<br />
(c) Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the occupant of any property or premises<br />
from contracting with any person who provides a service to the premises, such as gardening, landscaping, repair or<br />
maintenance, to transport or dispose of refuse or recycling created by such service; provided, that such<br />
transportation or disposal of such refuse or recycling so created is incidental to the primary service rendered to the<br />
premises, as described in this chapter, is limited strictly to the transportation or removal of refuse or recycling<br />
created by the provisions of such service to the premises, and the person contracted with holds a current valid City<br />
business license for the business of conducting such primary service; provided, however, that the occupant so<br />
contracting for the transportation or removal of refuse or recycling so created shall nevertheless be required to pay<br />
the charges provided in this chapter for garbage, refuse and recycling collection.<br />
(d) All refuse, recycling and garbage collected by the City shall become City property when placed in a City<br />
curbside container on a regular service day, and may be disposed of in any manner convenient to the City. (Ord. 89-<br />
11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.06. Placement for collection: Generally.<br />
(a) All refuse and recycling automated, bin or can containers shall be kept on the premises for which they are<br />
provided in a place readily accessible for removing and emptying the same. In case of dispute as to the place where<br />
they shall be kept, the Director of Utilities shall forthwith designate such place, and his decision thereon shall be<br />
final.<br />
(b) It shall be the duty of every occupant of a dwelling, house or a residence in the City, whether such occupant<br />
is the owner, tenant, lessee or otherwise, and of every proprietor, manager, owner or lessee of any other premises in<br />
the City, to place in automated, bin or can containers of the type and number required in this chapter all refuse and<br />
recycling created, produced and accumulated upon the premises so occupied or under his control, unless otherwise<br />
provided in this chapter. It is unlawful for any such person to suffer, allow or permit refuse to collect or remain upon<br />
the premises so occupied or under his control, except as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89;<br />
Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.07. Placement for collection: Multiple units and businesses.<br />
Occupants of apartment houses, motels, hotels or any other multifamily dwellings or business establishments<br />
paying one (1) disposal charge for all units must place all refuse and recycling automated, bin or can containers at<br />
one (1) location on the premises for pickup, such location to be designated by Director of Utilities. If containers are<br />
picked up at individual locations, charges shall be made accordingly. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-<br />
01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.08. Receptacles required.<br />
Every person in possession, charge or control of any premises upon which refuse or recycling is produced shall<br />
provide or have provided refuse and recycling automated, bin or can containers of sufficient number and capacity to<br />
hold the accumulation of refuse between the times fixed for the collection of refuse and recycling. (Ord. 89-11 § 2<br />
(part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.09. Tampering with receptacles.<br />
It is unlawful for any unauthorized person to open or damage any refuse or recycling automated, bin or can<br />
container or to collect, molest or scatter the refuse or recycling stored in such automated, bin or can container or to<br />
deposit any refuse or recycling in such automated, bin or can container.<br />
The cost to replace a lost City-owned receptacle, which is deemed to be the responsibility of that particular<br />
premise, will be billed to that applicable solid waste service account. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-<br />
01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.10. Frequency of collection.<br />
All refuse shall be collected from every occupied dwelling house or residence within the City at least once each<br />
calendar week, and as many times per week from all other premises within the City as may be found necessary by<br />
the Director of Utilities for proper cleanliness. All residential recycling shall be collected every other week on the<br />
same day as residential trash collection, or at such other times as may be determined by the Director of Utilities. All<br />
commercial recycling shall be scheduled for collection as needed, by the Director of Utilities or his/her designee.<br />
(Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.11. Rules and regulations.<br />
The Director of Utilities shall have authority to make necessary rules and regulations concerning the collection,<br />
transportation and disposal of refuse and recycling within the City, and he or she shall provide among other things<br />
for the time and method of collection, subject to the approval of the City Manager, and except as otherwise provided<br />
in this chapter. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.12. Right of entry for inspection.<br />
To facilitate the enforcement of this chapter and to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter, it is<br />
lawful for the Chief of Police, health officer, Fire Chief and any other peace officer of the City to enter any premises<br />
within the City for the purpose of ascertaining the sanitary condition thereof and the unlawful and dangerous<br />
accumulation of refuse or recycling therein or thereon. The Fire Chief and members of the Police Department and<br />
the health officer of the City are, and each of them is, required to enforce the provisions of this chapter, and any<br />
person denying or obstructing any such entry or inspection is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff.<br />
5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.13. Unusual accumulations.<br />
In the case of any unusual accumulation of refuse or recyling; that is to say, an accumulation that cannot be<br />
practicably removed by means of the regular collection service provided, the accumulation shall be collected and<br />
disposed of by the Utilities Department, at the request of the person owning or in charge or control of the<br />
accumulation, at such rates as may be set by the Director of Utilities. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-<br />
01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.14. Automated service: Generally.<br />
(a) Rates. There shall be a charge made to each premises for disposal service for garbage, refuse and (in the<br />
City’s discretion) recycling. The schedules of such charges indicate rates for service at the street or alley right-ofway<br />
line (within public right-of-way) as well as rates for service at a location no more than forty (40) feet from the<br />
right-of-way. Such charges shall be made in accordance with the schedules based on the number of automated<br />
containers serviced and the frequency of pickup per week adopted by resolution of the Council. Amendments to the<br />
rates shall increase or decrease to the nearest multiple of five cents ($.05).<br />
(b) Location for Pickup. Except on the date the City is picking up garbage, and refuse for disposal, all garbage,<br />
refuse and recycling and containers for them shall be kept to the rear of any front yard setback required by the City.<br />
On days of pickup, such containers and refuse shall be placed within the public right-of-way unless a contrary<br />
arrangement has been made with the Director of Utilities.<br />
(c) Special Rates for Unusual Locations. Where pickup is desired other than within the public right-of-way,<br />
containers shall be placed at a location readily accessible for removing and emptying the containers at such locations<br />
as designated by the Director of Utilities. Such locations shall not be more than forty (40) feet from the public rightof-way<br />
unless an arrangement for a different location has been specifically made by the customer with the Director<br />
of Utilities, who is empowered to establish different rates for pickups more than forty (40) feet from the public rightof-way,<br />
which rates shall be calculated so as to cause the customer to pay the City the additional expense incurred<br />
by it for collecting garbage and refuse at such location.<br />
(d) All refuse and recycling receptacles shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition by the owner or person<br />
using the containers and shall be kept tightly covered at all times as proof against access by vectors to the contents<br />
thereof, except when refuse or recycling is being deposited therein or removed therefrom.<br />
(e) Recycling that is contaminated with refuse will be serviced as refuse and a regular extra haul fee will be<br />
charged to the owner or occupant of the premises. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.15. Additional service.<br />
Section 8-11.15 is repealed pursuant to Ordinance 2005-01. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01,<br />
eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.16. Bin service.<br />
(a) Rates. There shall be a charge made to each person receiving disposal service for garbage, refuse and<br />
recycling from the City which shall be applicable where bin-type containers are provided by the City.<br />
(b) Large Quantities. Quantities larger than shown on the schedule of rates shall be charged on the basis of a<br />
proportionate amount as shown for a six (6) cubic yard container.<br />
(c) Compactor Bins. Applicable rates on applicable schedules are doubled if compactor-type containers are<br />
used.<br />
(d) Wet Garbage. All containers holding wet garbage shall be picked up not less than two (2) times a week.<br />
(Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.17. Solid waste disposal site.<br />
(a) It is the policy of the City to charge all users of the solid waste disposal site to dispose of garbage and other<br />
refuse and recycling. Such charges shall be those established from time to time by resolution of the Council.<br />
(b) All refuse, recycling and garbage to be disposed of at the solid waste disposal site becomes City property<br />
after payment of appropriate charges for disposal and unloading it at the disposal site.<br />
(c) No salvaging is permitted by users of the solid waste disposal site. Salvaging can only be permitted by<br />
written authorization of the Director of Utilities. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.18. Sanitary animal or vegetable byproducts.<br />
Animal or vegetable byproducts from packinghouses, factories or creameries which are produced under sanitary<br />
conditions shall not be classed as refuse, but shall belong to and may be removed in a manner acceptable to the<br />
Director of Utilities by the owners or persons in control of such establishments; provided, that such sanitary<br />
byproducts shall be removed at least twice a week and that such removal and disposal shall be in all respects subject<br />
to the terms of this chapter, except that the owners may sell and dispose of such products. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff.<br />
5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.19. Feed garbage.<br />
The Council may from time to time, by resolution duly passed at a regular meeting of the Council, determine<br />
that the garbage from certain premises to be described in such resolution, shall be sold by the City as animal feed<br />
and may provide that the containers for such garbage on such premises shall be marked "For Feed Garbage Only."<br />
After a container is so marked, it is unlawful for any person to place, deposit or keep in any such container any<br />
matter other than vegetable, fruit or animal waste resulting from the cooking, handling, storage, sale, preparation,<br />
use or consumption of food. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89)<br />
Section 8-11.20. Compost heaps: Unlawful accumulations.<br />
(a) It is unlawful for any person to:<br />
(1) Place, deposit or keep any refuse or recycling on any street, alley, sidewalk, public way or any public<br />
place or property, or on any premises other than those upon which it was produced;<br />
(2) Place, deposit or keep any refuse or recycling on any premises, except in containers as provided in this<br />
chapter, except only that brush and garden trimmings may be kept in a small pile or as a compost heap;<br />
(3) Keep any accumulation or refuse or recycling whatsoever, either in or out of a container, if such<br />
accumulation is or may become a menace to health or a fire hazard or otherwise dangerous or offensive;<br />
(4) Place, deposit or keep in any refuse or recycling container any of the following:<br />
(A) Dead animals or fowl;<br />
(B) Human, fowl or animal excreta;<br />
(C) Loose vacuum cleaner contents;<br />
(D Dangerous materials such as poisons, acids, oils, paint products, toxic substances, hazardous<br />
materials, hazardous wastes, caustics or explosives;<br />
(E) Wearing apparel, bedding or other rubbish from any home or other place where any infectious or<br />
contagious disease is or has been present.<br />
(b) The owner or occupant of any premises wherein or whereon are located such items shall forthwith notify<br />
the Director of Utilities, and the same shall be disposed of in accordance with his directions. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part),<br />
eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-11.21. Burning.<br />
(a) It is unlawful for any person to burn or incinerate any refuse or recycling upon any public street, alley or<br />
other public place in the City. It is unlawful for any person to burn or incinerate any refuse or recycling upon any<br />
private premises within the City except such burning or incinerating as is done by such person in a fireproof metal,<br />
brick or concrete furnace or incinerator provided for or capable of being used for such purpose, and which has been<br />
approved by the Fire Chief of the City and the health department of the county.<br />
(b) Nothing contained in this section, however, shall prevent the Fire Chief from allowing the burning of<br />
material for training purposes, for agricultural purposes, or for the abatement of a health or fire hazard when other<br />
means of abatement are impossible, impractical or unavailable. (Ord. 89-11 § 2 (part), eff. 5/4/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff.<br />
3/3/05)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-12<br />
Section 8-12.100. Article 1. General Provisions<br />
Section 8-12.101. Purpose: Objectives.<br />
This chapter sets uniform requirements for the use of the City’s wastewater collection and treatment system.<br />
These requirements enable the City to ensure compliance with administrative provisions of the Clean Water Grant<br />
regulations, discharge requirements as set by the Regional Water Quality Control Board and applicable portions of<br />
the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as well as ensuring that the City’s inhabitants will derive maximum public<br />
benefit of the system. To do this, this chapter regulates the construction and use of the City’s wastewater collection<br />
system, the quality and quantity of wastewater discharged to the system and the issuance of permits to certain users.<br />
Specific objectives of this chapter are:<br />
(a) To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the municipality wastewater system which will interfere with<br />
the operation of the system or contaminate the resulting sludge;<br />
(b) To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the municipal wastewater system which will pass through the<br />
system, inadequately treated, into receiving water or the atmosphere or otherwise be incompatible with the system;<br />
(c) To improve the opportunity to recycle and reclaim wastewaters and sludges from the system; and<br />
(d) To provide for equitable distribution of the cost of the municipal wastewater system. (Prior Code § 20-49<br />
(A) (part) (1--4); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.102. Use of revenues.<br />
Revenues derived from the application of this chapter shall be used to defray the City’s cost of operating and<br />
maintaining an adequate wastewater collection and treatment system and to provide sufficient funds for capital<br />
outlay, bond service costs, capital improvements and depreciation. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code<br />
§ 20-49 (A) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.103. Applicability.<br />
This chapter shall apply to the City and to persons outside the City who are, by contract or agreement with the<br />
City, users of the City POTW. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the Director of Utilities of the City shall<br />
administer, implement and enforce the provisions of this chapter. (Prior Code § 20-49 (A) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1<br />
(part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.104. Definitions.<br />
(a) Unless otherwise defined in this section, engineering terms shall be as adopted in the latest edition of<br />
"Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater," published by the American Public Health<br />
Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation. Waste<br />
constituents and characteristics shall be measured by Standard Methods unless stated expressly or as established by<br />
federal or state regulatory agencies. Definitions as found in Chapter 8-1 of this Code are applicable to this chapter<br />
also; however, definitions in this chapter shall take precedence:<br />
(1) "Act" means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act, as<br />
amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251, et seq.<br />
(2) "Applicant" means the person making application for a permit for the use of the City’s wastewater<br />
collection and treatment system, who shall be the owner of the premises to be served or his authorized agent.<br />
(3) "Approval authority" means the Director in an NPDES state with an approved State pretreatment<br />
program and the appropriate Regional Administrator in a non-NPDES state or NPDES state without an approved<br />
state pretreatment program.<br />
(4) "Authorized industrial representative" means a legally authorized representative of an industrial user,<br />
who may be:<br />
(A) A principal executive officer of at least the level of vice-president, if the industrial user is a<br />
corporation;<br />
(B) A general partner or proprietor if the industrial user is a partnership or proprietorship, respectively;<br />
(C) A duly authorized representative of the individual designated above if such representative is<br />
responsible for the overall operation of the facilities from which the indirect discharge originates.<br />
(5) "Available sewer" means a community sewer within two hundred (200) feet of the property line of any<br />
premises.<br />
(6) "Beneficial uses" means uses of the waters of the State that may be protected against quality<br />
degradation that include, but are not necessarily limited to, domestic, municipal, agricultural, and industrial supply,<br />
power generation, recreation, aesthetic enjoyment, and the preservation and enhancement of fish, wildlife and other<br />
aquatic resources or reserves, and other uses, both tangible and intangible as specified by federal or State law.<br />
(7) "BOD" (biochemical oxygen demand) means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical<br />
oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five (5) days at twenty (20) degrees Celsius,<br />
expressed in milligrams per liter.<br />
(8) "Brine waste" means a concentrated solution of dissolved solids which may be produced as a result of<br />
regeneration of a water softener exchange bed that has been used to soften water from a source that meets State and<br />
federal drinking water standards.<br />
(9) "Building" means a structure used for any purpose which contains a fixture, plumbing system or<br />
sanitary facility of any type.<br />
(10) "Categorical standards": see "Standards."<br />
(11) "Chemical oxygen demand" means the quantity of chemically oxidizable material in wastewaters as<br />
determined by standard laboratory procedure, expressed in milligrams per liter.<br />
(12) "Chlorinated hydrocarbons" means chlorinated organic compounds, insecticides, fungicides and<br />
herbicides that include at least the following: DDT, DDE, DDD, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, aldrin, benzene hexachloride,<br />
chlordane, endrin, heptachlor, lindane, dieldrin, PCB's and arochlors.<br />
(13) "Chlorine demand" means the quantity of chlorine required to produce a given residual at a given<br />
contact time from the City’s wastewater treatment plant expressed in milligrams per liter.<br />
(14) "Class I user" includes all persons discharging wastewater from single-family dwellings, multifamily<br />
dwellings, auto courts, trailer parks, motels, hotels, rooming houses, boardinghouses and rest homes.<br />
(15) "Class II user" includes all persons discharging wastewater from office buildings, commercial houses,<br />
schools, churches, club and lodge buildings, industries and all institutional users where it is determined by the<br />
Director of Utilities that the user discharges primarily sanitary sewage.<br />
(16) "Class III user" includes all industrial dischargers except those where it is determined by the Director<br />
of Utilities that the user discharges primarily sanitary sewage or is classified as a Class IV user.<br />
(17) "Class IV" user includes any user identified as a categorical industry by the Federal Pretreatment<br />
Regulations, and all users that discharge either more than twenty-five thousand (25,000) gallons per day (three<br />
thousand three hundred forty-two (3,342) cubic feet per day) of wastewater, or a flow or pollutant loading of more<br />
than five percent (5%) of the treatment plant design capacity, or has in its waste a toxic pollutant in toxic amounts as<br />
defined in standards issued under Section 307(a) of the Federal Act, or is found by the Director of Utilities to have a<br />
significant impact, either singly or in combination with other contributing industries, on the wastewater collection<br />
and treatment system.<br />
(18) "Community sewer" means a sewer owned and operated by the City or other public agency tributary to<br />
a treatment facility operated by the City.<br />
(19) "Compatible pollutant" means BOD, suspended solids, pH and fecal coliform bacteria, plus additional<br />
pollutants identified in the City’s General Waste Discharge Requirement National Pollution Discharge Elimination<br />
System (NPDES) permit if and when such permit is required and if the City-owned treatment works was designed to<br />
treat such pollutants, and in fact does remove such pollutants to a substantial degree as defined by the Federal Act.<br />
(20) "Connection" means the physical attachment of a building, premises, fixture, plumbing system, trap,<br />
pretreatment facility or any other facility discharging wastewater to a community sewer.<br />
(21) "Consultant" means a registered civil engineer engaged by written contract with the City.<br />
(22) "Contamination" means an impairment of the quality of waters by waste which creates a hazard to<br />
public health through poisoning and/or spread of disease.<br />
(23) "Control authority" means:<br />
(A) The POTW if the POTW's submission for its pretreatment program has been approved; or<br />
(B) The approval authority if the submission has not been approved.<br />
(24) "Director" means the Chief Administrative Officer of a State or Interstate Water Pollution Control<br />
Agency with an NPDES permit program approved pursuant to Section 402 (b) of the Act and an approved state<br />
pretreatment program.<br />
(25) "Discharger" means any person who discharges, causes or permits the discharge of wastewater into the<br />
City wastewater collection and treatment system.<br />
(26) "Dissolved oxygen" means the quantity of oxygen dissolved in water, wastewater or effluent at a given<br />
temperature and atmospheric pressure expressed in milligrams per liter.<br />
(27) "Dissolved solids" means the solid matter in solution in wastewater, as determined by evaporation of a<br />
sample from which all suspended matter has been removed by filtration, in accordance with procedures in Standard<br />
Methods.<br />
(28) "Effluent" means wastewater or other liquid, partially or completely treated, or in its natural state, or<br />
any portion thereof flowing out of a reservoir, basin, treatment plant or industrial pretreatment facility.<br />
(29) "Federal Act" means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, PL 92-500, and any amendments<br />
thereto, as well as any guidelines, limitations and standards promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency<br />
pursuant to the Act.<br />
(30) "Fixture" means lavatory, tub, shower, water closet, garbage disposal or other facility connected by a<br />
plumbing system to a sewer.<br />
(31) "Fixture unit" means the flow-producing effect of different fixtures on the collection system as defined<br />
by the Uniform Plumbing Code, latest edition, published by the International Association of Plumbing and<br />
Mechanical Officials, a nonprofit organization.<br />
(32) "Force main" means a pipe or conduit for holding and carrying wastewater under pressure from a<br />
pumping or lift station to a manhole.<br />
(33) "Garbage" means putrescible animal, fish, fowl, fruit or vegetable refuse or any part thereof resulting<br />
from the preparation, storage, handling, processing or consumption of food.<br />
(34) "Holding tank waste" means any waste from holding tanks such as chemical toilets, campers, trailers,<br />
septic tanks and vacuum pump tank trucks.<br />
(35) "Incompatible pollutant" means any pollutant which is not a compatible pollutant, and cannot be<br />
treated by the POTW treatment process.<br />
(36) "Industrial discharger" means any non-governmental discharger to publicly owned treatment works, as<br />
identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, Office of Management and Budget, as amended<br />
and supplemented, under the following divisions:<br />
(A) Division A. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing;<br />
(B) Division B. Mining;<br />
(C) Division D. Manufacturing;<br />
(D) Division E. Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas and Sanitary;<br />
(E) Division I. Services.<br />
A discharger in the divisions listed may be excluded if it is determined by the Director of Utilities<br />
that it will introduce primarily segregated sanitary sewage.<br />
(37) "Industrial wastewater" means the waterborne waste and wastewater from any industrial discharger.<br />
(38) "Industrial discharge" means the introduction of pollutants into a POTW from any non-domestic<br />
source regulated under Section 307 (b), (c) or (d) of the Act.<br />
(39) "Industrial user" means a source of discharge into a community sewer from a non-sanitary source.<br />
Same as "industrial discharger."<br />
(40) "Industrial waste inspector" means the regulatory compliance specialist who represents of the Director<br />
of Utilities and who is specifically authorized as industrial waste inspector.<br />
(41) "Institutional discharger" means any public or nonprofit school, church, hospital, lodge, club, Fire<br />
Department, library, memorial building or other public or nonprofit activity.<br />
(42) "Interference" means a discharge which, alone or in conjunction with a discharge or discharges from<br />
other sources, both:<br />
(A) Inhibits or disrupts the POTW, its treatment processes or operations, or its sludge processes, use or<br />
disposal; and<br />
(B) Therefore is a cause of violation of any requirement of the POTW's NPDES/WDR permit<br />
(including an increase in the magnitude or duration of a violation) or of the prevention of sewage sludge use or<br />
disposal in compliance with the following statutory provisions and regulations or permits issued thereunder (or more<br />
stringent state or local regulations): Section 405 of the Clean Water Act, the Solid Waste Act (SWDA) (including<br />
Title II, more commonly referred to as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and including State<br />
regulations contained in any State sludge management plan prepared pursuant to Subtitle D of the SWDA), the<br />
Clean Air Act, and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act. (40 CFR 404.3.)<br />
(43) "Manhole" means a structure constructed over and around a sewer extending to the surrounding grade,<br />
to allow access, inspection, sampling, flow measurement and cleaning of the sewer.<br />
(44) "Mass emission rate" means the weight of material discharged to the collection system during a given<br />
time interval. Unless otherwise specified, the mass emission rate means pounds per day of a particular constituent or<br />
combination of constituents.<br />
(45) "National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Waste Discharge Requirement permit," "NPDES<br />
permit" or "permit" means a permit issued to a POTW pursuant to Section 402 of the Act.<br />
(46) ”Natural outlet" means any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body of surface or<br />
groundwater.<br />
(47) "New source" means any building, structure, facility or installation from which there is or may be a<br />
discharge, the construction of which commenced:<br />
(A) After promulgation of pretreatment standards under Section 307 (c) of the Act which are<br />
applicable to such source; or<br />
(B) After proposal of pretreatment standards in accordance with Section 307 (c) of the Act which are<br />
applicable to such source, but only if the standards are promulgated in accordance with Section 307 (c) within one<br />
hundred twenty (120) days of their proposal.<br />
(48) "Nuisance" means anything which is injurious to health or is indecent or offensive to the senses or an<br />
obstruction to the free use of property so as to interfere with the comfort or enjoyment of life or property and which<br />
occurs at the same time in an entire community or neighborhood or any considerable number of persons, although<br />
the extent of the annoyance or damage inflicted upon individuals may be unequal.<br />
(49) "Pass through" means a discharge which exits the POTW into waters of the United States in quantities<br />
or concentrations which alone or in conjunction with a discharge or discharges from other sources is a cause of a<br />
violation of any requirement of the POTW's NPDES permit (including an increase in the magnitude or duration of<br />
violation). (40 CFR 404.3.)<br />
(50) "Permit" means written authorization by the Director of Utilities to connect to and discharge to the<br />
City wastewater collection and treatment system pursuant to this chapter or any ordinance of the City.<br />
(51) "Person" means any individual, partnership, firm, association, corporation or public agency including<br />
the State and the United States of America.<br />
(52) "pH" means the logarithm of the reciprocal of the quantity of hydrogen ion in moles per liter of<br />
solution used in expressing both acidity and alkalinity on a scale ranging from zero (0) to fourteen (14) where seven<br />
(7) represents neutrality, numbers less than seven (7) increasing acidity, and more than seven (7) increasing<br />
alkalinity.<br />
(53) "Phenolic compounds" means a class of organic aromatic compounds characterized by a basic structure<br />
of a monohydroxy derivative of benzene that includes but is not limited to phenol, cresol (m, o and p), pyrogallic<br />
acid, all chlorinated phenols including pentachlorophenol, nitrophenol and 2, 4-dimethylphenol.<br />
(54) "Plumbing system" means the fixtures and fixture traps, the soil, waste and vent pipes; the building<br />
drain and building sewer with their devices, appurtenances and connections within and adjacent to the building.<br />
(55) "Pollution" means an alteration of the quality of the waters of the State by waste to a degree which<br />
unreasonably affects such waters for beneficial use or for facilities which serve such beneficial uses. "Pollution"<br />
may include contamination.<br />
(56) "Premises" means a parcel of real property, or portion thereof, including any improvements thereon,<br />
which is determined by the Director of Utilities to be a single unit for purposes of receiving, using and paying for<br />
wastewater disposal service. In making this determination, the Director of Utilities shall take into consideration such<br />
factors as whether the unit could be reasonably subdivided, number and location of side sewers and whether the unit<br />
is being used for a single activity and if not, what is the principal need for wastewater disposal services.<br />
(57) "Pretreatment" means the reduction of the amount of pollutants, the elimination of pollutants or the<br />
alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise<br />
introducing such pollutants into a POTW. The reduction or alteration may be obtained by physical, chemical or<br />
biological processes, process changes or by other means, except as prohibited by Section 1403.6 (d) of the Act.<br />
Appropriate pretreatment technology includes control equipment, such as equalization tanks or facilities, for<br />
protection against surges or slug loadings that might interfere with or otherwise be incompatible with the POTW.<br />
However, where wastewater from a regulated process is mixed in an equalization facility with unregulated<br />
wastewater from another regulated process, the effluent from the equalization facility must meet an adjusted<br />
pretreatment limit calculated in accordance with Section 1403.6 (e).<br />
(58) "Pretreatment facility" means any works or device for the treatment or flow limitation of wastewater or<br />
industrial wastewater, prior to discharge into a community sewer.<br />
(59) "Pretreatment requirements" means any substantive or procedural requirement related to pretreatment,<br />
other than a national pretreatment standard imposed on an industrial user.<br />
(60) "Promulgate" means the execution of a law, order, ordinance or resolution.<br />
(61) "Publicly Owned Treatment Works," "POTW," means a treatment works as defined by Section 212 of<br />
the Act, which is owned by a state or municipality (as defined by Section 502 (4) of the Act). This definition<br />
includes any devices and systems used in the storage, treatment, recycling and reclamation of municipal sewage or<br />
industrial wastes of a liquid nature. It also includes sewers, pipes and other conveyances only if they convey<br />
wastewater to a POTW treatment plant. The term also means the municipality as defined in Section 502 (4) of the<br />
Act, which has jurisdiction over the indirect discharges to and the discharges from such a treatment works.<br />
(62) "Qualified professional" means an individual properly licensed in the State of California to practice<br />
civil engineering and sanitary engineering.<br />
(63) "Radioactive waste" means wastes that contain chemical elements that spontaneously change their<br />
atomic structure by emitting any particles, rays or energy forms.<br />
(64) "Receiving water quality requirements" means requirements for the City’s wastewater treatment plant<br />
effluent and/or the waters to which such effluent is discharged, established by law or by state or federal regulatory<br />
agencies, for the protection of receiving water quality or receiving water users.<br />
(65) "Revenue program" means a system of charges and fees established for the use of the City’s<br />
wastewater collection and treatment system and all supporting data used in determining these charges and fees. The<br />
revenue program shall meet applicable requirements of the State Clean Water Grant Program and the Federal Act.<br />
(66) "Sanitary sewage" means wastewater and all waste substances, liquids or solids associated with human<br />
habitation, but excluding storm waters, surface waters and ground waters, and industrial wastes.<br />
(67) "Salt efficiency rating" means the efficiency of the use of sodium chloride salt in the regeneration of a<br />
water softening appliance, expressed in terms of hardness removal capacity of the appliance per pound of such salt<br />
used in the regeneration process. The units of salt efficiency rating are grains of hardness removed per pound of salt<br />
used. One (1) grain of hardness per gallon is approximately equivalent to seventeen and one-tenth (17.1) milligrams<br />
of hardness per liter.<br />
(68) "Sewer" means a pipe or conduit for holding and carrying wastewater, including manholes and all<br />
other appurtenant facilities which are necessary or convenient to the holding or carrying of wastewater.<br />
(A) "House sewer" or "building sewer" means that portion of the side sewer from the lateral sewer to<br />
its connection to the building drain.<br />
(B) "Interceptor sewer" means a publicly owned sewer in a public right-of-way receiving the<br />
discharges from local or trunk sewers and conveying the wastewater to the wastewater treatment plant.<br />
(C) "Lateral sewer" means that portion of the side sewer which is within the public right-of-way.<br />
(D) "Local sewer" means a publicly owned sewer in a public right-of-way to which side sewer<br />
connections from private properties are or may be connected for the disposal of domestic or industrial waste and is<br />
less than ten (10) inches in diameter.<br />
(E) "Side sewer" means the privately owned and maintained sewer which connects the plumbing<br />
system of the building or a premises to the main sewer. The side sewer begins at the point of connection to the main<br />
sewer, including the wye, and terminates at the point of connection to the building drain five (5) feet outside the<br />
foundation line or building wall. "Side sewer" includes the lateral sewer and the house sewer.<br />
(F) "Trunk sewer" means a publicly owned sewer ten (10) inches in diameter and larger in a public<br />
right-of-way receiving the discharge from one (1) or more local sewers and conveying the wastewater to another<br />
trunk sewer or to an interceptor sewer.<br />
(69) "Significant industrial user" means, except as provided in paragraph (C) of this subsection:<br />
(A) All industrial users subject to categorical pretreatment standards under Title 40 of the Code of<br />
Federal Regulations, Section 403.6 and Chapter I, Subchapter N; and<br />
(B) Any other industrial user that: discharges an average of twenty-five thousand (25,000) gallons per<br />
day or more of process wastewater to the POTW (excluding sanitary, non-contact cooling and boiler blow down<br />
wastewater); contributes five percent (5%) or more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the<br />
POTW; or is designated as such by the control authority as defined in Section 403.12(a) of Title 40 of the Code of<br />
Federal Regulations on the basis that the industrial user has a reasonable potential for adversely affecting the<br />
POTW's operation or for violating any pretreatment standard or requirement (in accordance with Section<br />
403.8(f)(6)).<br />
(C) Upon a finding that an industrial user meeting the criteria in subdivision (B) of this subsection has<br />
no reasonable potential for adversely affecting the POTW's operation or for violating any pretreatment standard or<br />
requirement, the control authority (as defined in 40 CFR 403.12(a)) may at any time, on its own initiative or in<br />
response to a petition received from an industrial user or POTW, and in accordance with 40 CFR 403.8(f)(8),<br />
determine that such industrial user is not a significant industrial user.<br />
(70) "Significant noncompliance" means that an industrial user's violation meets one or more of the<br />
following criteria:<br />
(A) Chronic violations of wastewater discharge limits, defined here as those in which sixty-six percent<br />
(66%) or more of all of the measurements taken during a six-month period exceed (by any magnitude) the daily<br />
maximum limit or the average limit for the same pollutant parameter;<br />
(B) Technical review criteria (TRC) violations, defined here as those in which thirty-three percent<br />
(33%) or more of all of the measurements for each pollutant parameter taken during a six-month period equal or<br />
exceed the product of the daily maximum limit or the average limit multiplied by the applicable TRC (TRC ' 1.4 for<br />
BOD, TSS, fats, oils and grease, and 1.2 for all other pollutants except pH).<br />
(C) Any other violation of a pretreatment effluent limit (daily maximum or longer-term average) that<br />
the control authority determines has caused, alone or in combination with other discharges, interferences or pass<br />
through (including endangering the health of POTW personnel or the general public);<br />
(D) Any discharge of a pollutant that has caused imminent endangerment to human health, welfare or<br />
to the environment or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its emergency authority (under 40 CFR 403.8<br />
paragraph (f)(1)(vi)(B)) to halt or prevent such a discharge;<br />
(E) Failure to meet, within ninety (90) days after the schedule date, a compliance schedule milestone<br />
contained in a local control mechanism or enforcement order for starting construction, completing construction, or<br />
attaining final compliance;<br />
(F) Failure to provide, within thirty (30) days after the due date, required reports such as baseline<br />
monitoring reports, ninety (90) day compliance reports, periodic self-monitoring reports, and reports on compliance<br />
with compliance schedules;<br />
(G) Failure to accurately report noncompliance;<br />
(H) Any other violation or group of violations which the control authority determines will adversely<br />
affect the operation or implementation of the local pretreatment program.<br />
(71) "Slug" means any discharge of water, wastewater or industrial waste which in concentration of any<br />
given constituent or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period of duration longer than fifteen (15) minutes more<br />
than three (3) times the average twenty-four (24) hour concentration or flows, and any pollutant, including oxygen<br />
demanding pollutants (BOD, etc.) released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration which will<br />
cause interference with the POTW.<br />
(72) "Solid wastes" means the non-liquid-carried wastes normally considered to be suitable for disposal<br />
with refuse at sanitary landfill refuse disposal sites.<br />
(73) "Standard," "Categorical Standard," "Federal Standard," "National Pretreatment Standard," Or<br />
"Pretreatment Standard" means any regulation containing pollutant discharge limits promulgated by the EPA in<br />
accordance with Section 307 (b) and (c) of the Act, which applies to industrial users. These terms include<br />
prohibitive discharge limits established pursuant to Section 1403.5.<br />
(74) "Standard Industrial Classification," "SIC," means a classification pursuant to the Standard Industrial<br />
Classification Manual issued by the Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, 1972.<br />
(75) "Standard Methods" means the procedures described in the latest edition of Standard Methods for the<br />
Examination of Water and Wastewater, as published by the American Public Health Association, the American<br />
Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation. Elements of wastewater strength shall be<br />
measured by standard methods unless otherwise expressly stated.<br />
(76) "Storm water" means waters that shall not be discharged into a community sewer and include, but are<br />
not limited to, rainwater, street drainage, roof drainage or yard drainage.<br />
(77) Reserved.<br />
(78) "Suspended solids," "SS," means solids that either float on the surface of or are in suspension in water,<br />
wastewater or other liquids and which are removable by laboratory filtering.<br />
(79) "Toxic pollutant" means any pollutant or combination of pollutants listed as toxic in regulations<br />
promulgated by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under the provision of CWA Section 307<br />
(a) or other acts.<br />
(80) "Trade secret" means any formula, plan, pattern, process, tool, mechanism, compound, procedure,<br />
production data or compilation of information which is not patented, which is known only to certain individuals<br />
within a commercial concern who are using it to fabricate, produce or compound an article of trade or a service<br />
having commercial value, and which gives its user an opportunity to obtain a business advantage over competitors<br />
who do not know or use it.<br />
(81) "Trap" means any facility designed, constructed and operated for the purpose of removing and<br />
retaining dangerous, deleterious or prohibited constituents from wastewater by differential gravity separation or<br />
mechanical separation before discharge to a community sewer.<br />
(82) "Unpolluted water" means water to which no constituent has been added, either intentionally or<br />
accidentally, which would render such water unacceptable to the agency having jurisdiction thereof for disposal to<br />
storm or natural drainages or directly to surface waters.<br />
(83) "User" means any person that discharges, causes or permits the discharge of wastewater into a<br />
community sewer.<br />
(84) "User classification charge" means a charge established to obtain equitable payment from all<br />
dischargers for the cost of construction, operation and maintenance of the wastewater collection and treatment<br />
facilities.<br />
(85) "Waste" includes wastewater and any and all other waste substances, liquid, solid, gaseous or<br />
radioactive, associated with human habitation, or of human or animal origin, or from any producing, manufacturing<br />
or processing operation of whatever nature, including such substances placed within containers of whatever nature<br />
prior to and for the purposes of disposal.<br />
(86) "Wastewater" means waste and water, whether treated or untreated, discharged into or permitted to<br />
enter a community sewer.<br />
(87) "Wastewater constituents and characteristics" means the individual chemical, physical, bacteriological<br />
and radiological parameters, including volume and flow rate and such other parameters which serve to define,<br />
classify or measure the contents, quality, quantity and strength of wastewater.<br />
(88) "Wastewater treatment plant" means the City’s wastewater treatment facilities designed and operated<br />
to remove compatible pollutants to a degree which renders the effluent acceptable for receiving uses and to meet<br />
permit and all jurisdictional requirements. A "wastewater treatment plant" is the same as a "POTW."<br />
(89) "Watercourse" means a channel in which a flow of water occurs either continuously or intermittently.<br />
(90) "Waters of the State" means any water, surface or underground, including saline waters, within the<br />
boundaries of the State.<br />
(91) "Water softener" means a unit using the ion exchange process designed to remove hardness<br />
(magnesium and/or calcium ions) from a water supply and requiring sodium chloride or any other salt to regenerate<br />
the exchange resin. Units that regenerate on location are referred to as "on-site regeneration units." For the purpose<br />
of this section, "on location" shall mean that the unit need not be disconnected from the fixed plumbing and<br />
relocated to accommodate the regeneration process. On-site regeneration water softener shall further be described as<br />
a water softener which has been manufactured, or appropriately retro-fitted with equipment to enable the unit to<br />
operate with a salt efficiency rating in compliance with a minimum rating as established by Section 4045 et seq. of<br />
the Health and Safety Code, but in no case less than three thousand, three hundred fifty (3,350) grains of hardness<br />
removed per pound of salt applied.<br />
(92) "Demand control" means a system of controlling the periodic automatic regeneration of a water<br />
softener appliance, which is either based on a sensor which detects imminent exhaustion of the exchange bed or<br />
upon measurement of the total volume of water that has passed through the appliance since the last regeneration<br />
cycle. (Prior Code § 20-49 (B) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 90-2 § 1, eff. 3/22/90; Ord. 90-28 §<br />
1 (part), eff. 1/3/91; Ord. 92-4 §§ 1 (part), 2 (part), eff. 4/16/92; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.105. Abbreviations defined.<br />
The following abbreviations shall have the designated meanings:<br />
(a) "BOD" means biochemical oxygen demand.<br />
(b) "CFR" means Code of Federal Regulations.<br />
(c) "COD" means chemical oxygen demand.<br />
(d) "EPA" means Environmental Protection Agency.<br />
(e) "l" means liter.<br />
(f) "mg" means milligrams.<br />
(g) "mg/l" means milligrams per liter.<br />
(h) "NPDES" means National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.<br />
(i) "POTW" means publicly owned treatment works.<br />
(j) "SIC" means standard industrial classification.<br />
(k) "SS" means suspended solids.<br />
(l) "USC" means United States Code.<br />
(m) “WDR” means waste discharge requirement. (Prior Code § 20-49 (B) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff.<br />
6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.200. Article 2. Use of Sewers: Private Disposal<br />
Section 8-12.201. Treatment of wastewater required.<br />
It is unlawful for any person to discharge or permit to be discharged any waste, wastewater or industrial<br />
wastewater, or substance that results in pollution, contamination or nuisance to any public or private property within<br />
the City, an area under jurisdiction of the City, or to any natural outlet or watercourse except where suitable<br />
treatment has been provided in accordance with provisions of this chapter, the county, Regional Water Quality<br />
Control Board and the Federal Act. (Prior Code § 20-50 (A) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83); Ord. 2005-<br />
01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.202. Private systems generally.<br />
It is unlawful to use, construct or maintain any private wastewater disposal system including privies, privy<br />
vaults, septic tanks, cesspools, seepage pits or any other facility intended or used for the disposal of wastewater<br />
except as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-50 (A) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.203. Existing private systems: Acceptable.<br />
Existing acceptable private wastewater disposal systems may be continued to be used and maintained by<br />
property owners for service of existing dwellings and structures only if no available community sewer exists.<br />
Acceptable private wastewater disposal systems include but may not be limited to adequately constructed septic<br />
tanks and leach fields. Determination of the acceptability of the private wastewater disposal system shall be the<br />
responsibility of the Director of Utilities. (Prior Code § 20-50 (A) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord.<br />
2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.204. Existing private systems: Unacceptable.<br />
Unacceptable private wastewater disposal systems including but not limited to privies, privy vaults and open<br />
cesspools shall not be used, constructed or maintained under any circumstances. Owners of such systems shall make<br />
connection to an available community sewer or construct an acceptable private wastewater disposal system only if<br />
no available sewer exists. Either action shall be completed within sixty (60) days of written notification to do so by<br />
the Director of Utilities. (Prior Code § 20-50 (A) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff.<br />
3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.205. New private systems.<br />
New acceptable private wastewater disposal systems may be used, constructed and maintained where no<br />
available sewer exists. The type, location, layout and capacity of the private wastewater disposal system must meet<br />
all requirements and recommendations of the Department of Public Health of the State, Regional Water Quality<br />
Control Board No. 3, health department of the county and the Director of Utilities. (Prior Code § 20-50 (A) (part);<br />
Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.206. Maintenance of private systems.<br />
The owners of acceptable private wastewater disposal systems shall operate and maintain them in a sanitary<br />
manner at all times, at no expense to the City. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-50 (A) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.207. Connection to available public sewer.<br />
When community sewers are made available for the public welfare and at public expense, the City shall require<br />
owners of existing acceptable private wastewater disposal systems to connect thereto. Owners with available sewers<br />
already shall connect within two (2) years of written notification to do so by the Director of Utilities. Other owners<br />
shall connect within two (2) years upon the completion of an available sewer. At the time of connection to a<br />
community sewer, existing septic tanks shall be pumped, demolished and filled with earth, sand or gravel in<br />
accordance with the requirements of the health department of the county and the Director of Utilities. The septic<br />
tank must be completely bypassed. (Prior Code § 20-50 (A) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-<br />
01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.208. Hazardous or nuisance systems.<br />
Whenever State or county health authorities or the Director of Utilities declare an individual private disposal<br />
system, or the systems in the area, to be a health hazard or to be creating a public nuisance, the owners shall connect<br />
to an available public sewer within sixty (60) days. If no available sewer exists, abative and corrective measures<br />
shall be accomplished within a period of time as specified by the City. (Prior Code § 20-50 (A) (part); Ord. 83-1054<br />
§ 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.209. Separate industrial sewers.<br />
The City, at its discretion, may establish separate industrial wastewater collection systems and may require any<br />
industrial discharger to discharge its wastewater only to such designated sewers. The City may further require any<br />
industrial discharger to separate its sanitary sewage from its industrial wastewater and deliver each of them<br />
separately to sewers as designated by the Director of Utilities. (Prior Code § 20-50 (A) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1<br />
(part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.300. Article 3. Construction and Maintenance of Sewers<br />
Section 8-12.301. Who shall construct.<br />
All side sewers, lateral sewers and house sewers shall be constructed by a contractor licensed by the State to do<br />
the work under contract by a private individual and under permit by the City. All local sewers, trunk sewers and<br />
interceptor sewers shall be constructed by the City or a contractor licensed by the State to do the work under<br />
contract by the City. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-50 (B) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.302. Standard specifications.<br />
All sewers shall be constructed in accordance with the Standard Specifications for City of Santa Maria Sewer<br />
Pipelines in the City, on file in the office of the Director of Public Works (Prior Code § 20-50 (B) (part); Ord. 83-<br />
1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.303. Force mains.<br />
In any building to which any portion of the side sewer or plumbing system is too low to permit gravity flow to a<br />
community sewer, the wastewater shall be lifted by artificial means, approved by the Director of Utilities, and<br />
discharged to the community sewer at the expense of the owner. Where the discharge is by means of a force main,<br />
the Director of Utilities may require the owner to secure an easement for the construction from the owner's property<br />
line to a manhole designated by the Director. The owner shall construct and maintain this force main at no expense<br />
to the City and in accordance with all terms of the easement. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-<br />
50 (B) (part); Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.304. Property owner responsibility.<br />
Side sewers, including lateral sewers and wyes, shall be constructed and maintained by the owner of the<br />
property served at no expense to the City. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-50 (B) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.400. Article 4. Discharge Restrictions<br />
Section 8-12.401. Waste Discharge Requirement Permit or NPDES permit violations.<br />
(a) Pollutants introduced into the POTW by non-domestic sources shall not pass through the POTW or<br />
interfere with the operation or performance of the works.<br />
(b) An industrial user shall not cause or significantly contribute to a violation of any requirement of the<br />
POTW's operating permit. An industrial user significantly contributes to such permit violation where it:<br />
(1) Discharges a daily pollutant loading in excess of that allowed by contract with the POTW or by<br />
federal, state or local law;<br />
(2) Discharges wastewater which substantially differs in nature and constituents from the user's average<br />
discharge;<br />
(3) Knows or has reason to know that its discharge, alone or in conjunction with discharges from other<br />
sources would result in a permit violation; or<br />
(4) Knows or has reason to know that the POTW is, for any reason, violating its final effluent limitations<br />
in its permit and that such industrial user's discharge either alone or in conjunction with discharges from other<br />
sources, increases the magnitude or duration of the POTW's violations. (Prior Code § 20-50 (C); Ord. 83-1054 § 1<br />
(part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.402. Prohibited discharges.<br />
(a) No person shall discharge to a community sewer any:<br />
(1) Solid or viscous pollutants in amounts which will cause obstruction to the flow in the POTW resulting<br />
in interference;<br />
(2) Pollutants, including oxygen demanding pollutants (BOD, etc.), release in a discharge at a flow rate<br />
and/or pollutant concentration which will cause interference with the POTW;<br />
(3) Quantities or rates of flow which overload the City’s collection or treatment facilities or cause<br />
excessive proportionate share of the City facilities;<br />
(4) Radiological, chemical or biological warfare agents;<br />
(5) Radioactive waste;<br />
(6) Wastewater containing toxic pollutants in sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with other<br />
pollutants, to injure or interfere with any wastewater treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals,<br />
create a toxic effect in the receiving waters of the POTW, or to exceed the limitation set forth in a categorical<br />
pretreatment standard.<br />
A "toxic pollutant" includes but is not limited to any pollutant identified pursuant to Section 307(a) of<br />
the Act;<br />
(7) Substance which will cause the POTW to violate its WDR/NPDES and/or State disposal system permit<br />
or the receiving water quality standards;<br />
(8) Trucked or hauled pollutants, except at discharge points designated by the POTW.<br />
(b) No person shall discharge to a community sewer materials which cause, or are capable of causing, either<br />
alone or with other substances:<br />
(1) Fire or explosion; at no time shall two (2) successive readings on an explosion hazard meter, at the<br />
point of discharge into the system (or at any point in the system) be more than five percent (5%) nor any single<br />
reading over ten percent (10%) of the lower explosive limit (LEL) of the meter. Prohibited materials include, but are<br />
not limited to, gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethers, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, peroxides,<br />
chlorates, perchlorates, bromates, carbides, hydrides, sulfides, pollutants which create a fire or explosion hazard in<br />
the POTW (including, but not limited to, waste streams with a closed cup flash point of less than one hundred forty<br />
(140) degrees Fahrenheit or sixty (60) degrees Centigrade using the test methods specified by Section 261.21 of<br />
Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations), and any other substances which the City, the State or EPA has notified<br />
the user is a fire hazard to the system;<br />
(2) Obstruction of flow in a community sewer system or injury to the system or damage to the wastewater<br />
collection, treatment or disposal facilities;<br />
(3) Danger to human life or safety of personnel;<br />
(4) A nuisance or prevention of the effective maintenance or operation of the wastewater collection and<br />
treatment system;<br />
(5) Air pollution by the release of toxic malodorous gases or malodorous gas-producing substances; or<br />
pollutants which result in the presence of toxic gases, vapors or fumes within the POTW in a quantity that may<br />
cause acute worker health and safety problems;<br />
(6) Unsuitability of the City’s effluent or any of the following products of the treatment processes,<br />
residues, sludges and scums, for reclamation and reuse;<br />
(7) A detrimental environmental impact or a nuisance in waters or a condition unacceptable to any public<br />
agency having regulatory jurisdiction over the City;<br />
(8) Discoloration or any other condition in the quality of the City’s treatment plant effluent such that water<br />
quality discharge requirements established by law cannot be met;<br />
(9) Conditions at or near the City’s treatment plant which violate any statute or any rule, regulation or<br />
ordinance of any public agency, state or federal regulatory body;<br />
(10) A slug;<br />
(11) Interference or pass through due to petroleum oil, non-biodegradable cutting oil, or products of<br />
mineral oil origin.<br />
(c) No person shall ever increase the use of process water, or in any other way attempt to dilute a discharge as<br />
a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with a pretreatment standard or<br />
requirement. (40 CFR 403.6(d)) (Prior Code § 20-50 (D); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 90-28 § 1<br />
(part), eff. 1/3/91; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.403. Drainage and other unpolluted water.<br />
Storm water, swimming pool water, groundwater, rainwater, street drainage, roof drainage, subsurface drainage,<br />
unpolluted water or yard drainage will not be discharged through direct or indirect connections to a community<br />
sewer. Every private or public wash rack and/or floor or slab drain used for cleaning machinery or machine parts<br />
shall be adequately protected against storm or surface inflow. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code §<br />
20-50 (E))<br />
Section 8-12.404. Cooling water.<br />
Water, including but not limited to cooling water, process cooling water or blow-down from cooling towers or<br />
evaporative coolers will not be discharged through direct or indirect connection to a community sewer. (Ord. 83-<br />
1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-50 (F))<br />
Section 8-12.405. Garbage grinders.<br />
(a) Waste from garbage grinders shall not be discharged into a community sewer except wastes generated in<br />
preparation of food consumed on the premises.<br />
(b) Such grinders must shred the waste to a degree that all particles will be carried freely under normal flow<br />
conditions prevailing in the community sewer and three-eighths (3/8) inch or less in diameter and shall not be used<br />
for grinding plastic, paper products, inert materials or garden refuse.<br />
(c) The installation of any garbage grinder with a motor of three-fourths (3/4) horsepower or greater shall be<br />
subject to the review and approval of the Director of Utilities. (Prior Code § 20-50 (G); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff.<br />
6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.406. Point of discharge.<br />
No discharge of any substances shall be made directly into a manhole or other opening in a community sewer<br />
other than through an approved side sewer or force main connection installed and/or inspected and approved by the<br />
Director of Utilities subject to permit requirements of this chapter. (Prior Code § 20-50 (H); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part),<br />
eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.407. Holding tank wastes.<br />
A user proposing to discharge holding tank wastes into the City wastewater collection and treatment system<br />
must secure a permit to do so. The permit may contain specific requirements for additional holding tanks, flowregulating<br />
devices, flow-measuring devices and pH adjustment as required by the Director of Utilities for the<br />
protection of the system. Discharges from vacuum pump tank trucks shall be made at the wastewater treatment plant<br />
only. (Prior Code § 20-50 (I); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.408. Metal and phenol concentrations.<br />
No person shall discharge wastewater containing in excess of the following concentrations of the pollutants<br />
listed:<br />
Twenty-four-hour<br />
Maximum Limit*<br />
(mg/l)<br />
Maximum<br />
Thirty-day<br />
Average<br />
Limit (mg/l)<br />
Pollutant<br />
As 1.50 1.00<br />
B 1.00 0.30<br />
Cd 1.50 0.70<br />
Cr, total 4.00 2.00<br />
Cr, hexavalent 0.50 0.20<br />
Cu 4.00 2.00<br />
CN 2.00 1.00<br />
Pb 1.00 0.60<br />
Hg 0.50 0.20<br />
Ni 3.00 1.80<br />
Ag 3.00 2.00<br />
Zn 3.00 1.40<br />
Phenols, total 4.00 3.00<br />
Pentachlorophenol 0.10 0.05<br />
Total metals 7.50 4.00<br />
TDS N/A 1820<br />
Na N/A 350<br />
Cl N/A 250<br />
* Designed primarily to prevent industry from discharging entire thirty (30) day average over a two (2) or<br />
three (3) day period. (Prior Code § 20-50 (J)(1); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
* Editor's Note: Ord. 83-1054 contained two Sections 20-50 (J) (1). The other is codified in Section 8-12.409.<br />
Section 8-12.409. Temperature, solids, chemicals generally.<br />
No person shall discharge any wastewater:<br />
(a) Having a temperature higher than one hundred twenty (120) degrees Fahrenheit (forty-eight and nine-tenths<br />
(48.9) degrees Celsius), and heat in amounts which will inhibit biological activity in the POTW resulting in<br />
interference, but in no case heat in such quantities that the temperature at the POTW treatment plant exceeds forty<br />
(40) degrees Celsius (one hundred four (104) degrees Fahrenheit) unless the approval authority, upon request of the<br />
POTW, approves alternate temperature limits;<br />
(b) Containing more than one hundred (100) mg/l of oil or grease of animal or vegetable origin;<br />
(c) Containing more than one hundred (100) mg/l of oil or grease of mineral or petroleum origin;<br />
(d) Having a pH lower than five and five-tenths (5.5) or higher than nine and five-tenths (9.5) or having any<br />
corrosive properties capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment or personnel of the wastewater<br />
collection and treatment system;<br />
(e) Containing in excess of two-hundredths (0.02) mg/l total identifiable chlorinated hydrocarbons which<br />
cannot be removed by the City’s wastewater treatment process;<br />
(f) Having a settleable solids content higher than twenty (20) milliliters per liter;<br />
(g) Containing in excess of five hundred (500) mg/l BOD, five hundred (500) mg/l SS or one thousand (1,000)<br />
mg/l COD, unless specifically allowed in the wastewater discharge permit or, if less than twenty (20) lb/day of COD<br />
or ten (10) lb/day of BOD and SS;<br />
(h) Containing residual chlorine in excess of five (5.0) mg/l;<br />
(i) Containing brine waste which exceeds the equivalent discharge rate of five thousand (5,000) pounds of salt<br />
per month, eighteen (18) months after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section. In the event a<br />
determination has been issued by the Director of Utilities in conformance with Santa Maria Municipal Code, Section<br />
8-12.410(a), the maximum allowable rate of brine waste discharge shall be reduced to a rate of maximum salt<br />
equivalent expressed in pounds of salt per month pursuant to permit conditions as outlined in Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8<br />
of this chapter. (Prior Code § 20-50 (J) (1); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83*; Ord. 92-4 §§ 1 (part), 2 (part), eff.<br />
4/16/92; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
* Editor's Note: Ord. 83-1054 contained two Sections 20-50 (J) (1). The other is codified in Section 8-12.408.<br />
Section 8-12.410. More stringent limitations.<br />
(a) The limitations on wastewater pollutant concentrations set out in Sections 8-12.408 and 8-12.409 may be<br />
supplemented with more stringent limitations pursuant to permit conditions as outlined in Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8 of<br />
this chapter:<br />
(1) If the Director of Utilities determines that the limitations set out in Sections 8-12.408 and 8-12.409<br />
may not be sufficient to protect the operation of the City’s treatment plant; or<br />
(2) If the Director of Utilities determines that the limitations set out in Sections 8-12.408 and 8-12.409<br />
may not be sufficient to enable the City’s treatment plant to comply with wastewater discharge standards established<br />
by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB).<br />
(b) The Director of Utilities shall order implementation of any or all of the following measures subject to<br />
findings and determinations formulated in conformance to subsection (c) of this section:<br />
(1) Prohibit all new sewer connections of on-site regeneration water softeners by Class I, II, III, and IV<br />
users;<br />
(2) Prohibit discharge of brine waste by Class III and IV users; and/or<br />
(3) Prohibit all operation and/or maintenance of on-site regeneration water softeners after January 1, 2007.<br />
(c) The Director of Utilities shall, after January 1, 1995, regularly review the results of the analyses of the<br />
twelve (12) most recent twenty-four (24) hour composite samples for concentrations of total dissolved solids (TDS),<br />
sodium (Na), and chloride (Cl) present in the effluent from the POTW for compliance with water quality discharge<br />
standards. If the running mean (average from twelve (12) most recent samples) of the results from testing for TDS<br />
exceeds in any month the established City threshold to the State Water Quality Discharge Standard, a determination<br />
of such shall be stated to the City Council in a report by the Director of Public Works which details actions which<br />
shall be taken in conformance with Section 8-12.410(b). In the event that the running mean concentration of TDS<br />
exceeds the established City threshold for the State Water Quality Discharge Standard or the running mean<br />
concentration of Na or Cl exceeds the State established water quality discharge standards at any time after the first<br />
twelve (12) months following the implementation of the supplemental water supply project known as the State<br />
Water Project (SWP), the Director of Utilities shall implement, as necessary, all remaining measures detailed in<br />
Section 8-12.410(b) which have not been previously ordered by the Director of Utilities. For the purpose of this<br />
section, the established City threshold to the State Water Quality Discharge Standard for TDS shall be one hundred<br />
(100) milligrams per liter (mg/l) of TDS less than the TDS discharge limit established by the RWQCB. (Ord. 92-4 §<br />
3, eff. 4/16/92; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.411. Lawful permit issuance unimpaired.<br />
No statement contained in Sections 8-12.408, 8-12.409 or 8-12.410 shall be construed as preventing the<br />
Director of Utilities from issuing a discharge permit allowing an industrial waste of unusual strength of character<br />
provided that the discharge does not violate State or federal pretreatment requirements. The discharger shall pay all<br />
extra costs incurred by the City connected with treating such discharge. (Prior Code § 20-50 (J) (3); Ord. 83-1054 §<br />
1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.412. Federal pretreatment standards.<br />
(a) Upon the promulgation of the federal categorical pretreatment standards for a particular industrial<br />
subcategory, the federal standard, if more stringent than limitations imposed under this chapter for sources in that<br />
subcategory, shall immediately supersede the limitations imposed under this chapter. The Director of Utilities shall<br />
notify all affected users of the applicable reporting requirements under 40 CFR, Section 403.12. Users in industrial<br />
categories subject to effluent guidelines issued under Section 304 (b) of the Federal Act are required to adopt best<br />
practicable control technology currently available as defined pursuant to that section.<br />
(b) The pretreatment standard for incompatible pollutants introduced into the City wastewater collection and<br />
treatment system by a substantial industrial discharger not subject to Section 307 (c) of the Federal Act shall be that<br />
established by promulgated effluent guidelines defining the best practicable control technology currently available<br />
pursuant to Section 301 (b) and 304 (b) of the Federal Act.<br />
(c) As a minimum, pursuant to other requirements of this chapter, users in SIC Division D, Major Group 20<br />
(food and kindred products) and in SIC Division I, SIC numbers 7210 through 7219 (laundry, cleaning and garment<br />
services) shall screen their wastewater through a one-eighteenth (1/18) inch or twenty (20) mesh to the inch screen<br />
or hydrosieve prior to discharging to the wastewater collection and treatment system.<br />
(d) The City shall require screening, settling, storage or other pretreatment of any industrial waste prior to its<br />
being discharged into the City’s wastewater collection and treatment system where it is determined by the Director<br />
of Utilities that the requirement is necessary to meet the discharge limitations as outlined in this chapter (Prior Code<br />
§ 20-50 (K) (1); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.413. Traps required.<br />
(a) Grease, oil, lint, hair and/or sand traps shall be provided when, in the opinion of the Director of Utilities,<br />
they are necessary for the protection of the wastewater collection and treatment system from liquid wastes<br />
containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable wastes, sand and other harmful ingredients; except, that<br />
such traps shall not be required for building, used solely for residential purposes. Such traps shall be required, for<br />
example, on discharges from all service stations, restaurants, automotive repair garages, wash racks, laundries,<br />
barbershops and beauty shops, and dry cleaning establishments.<br />
(b) All traps shall be of a type, capacity and design approved by the Director of Utilities, and shall be so<br />
located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection. Restaurant traps shall be gas tight, of a<br />
type approved for restaurant use by the State and/or county health departments.<br />
(c) Traps shall be installed and maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient operation at<br />
all times.<br />
(d) The minimum allowable grease trap size (based on occupancy) permitted for installation is 20 gallons or 40<br />
pounds, and in no case less than the minimum specified by the currently adopted Uniform Plumbing Code. (Prior<br />
Code § 20-50 (K) (2); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.414. Unacceptable wastes: Proper disposal.<br />
Wastes not permitted to be discharged into the community sewer or recovered from pretreatment devices or<br />
traps shall be transported to a state-approved disposal site in accordance with Chapter 8-11 of this Code and all<br />
applicable Codes and regulations. (Prior Code § 20-50 (L); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83)<br />
Section 8-12.415. Local holding/septic tank wastes only.<br />
Section 8-12.415 is repealed. (Ord. 2006-02, eff. 3/21/06; Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; prior Code § 20-<br />
50 (M))<br />
Section 8-12.500. Article 5. Volume Determination<br />
Section 8-12.501. Amount of water used.<br />
User charges and fees for class II, Class III and Class IV users shall be applied against the total amount of water<br />
used from all sources unless, in the opinion of the Director of Utilities, significant portions of the water received are<br />
not discharged to the community sewer. The total amount of water used from public and private sources shall be<br />
determined by means of public meters or private meters. Private meters shall be of a type and size as approved by<br />
the Director of Utilities and shall be installed and maintained at the expense of the user. (Prior Code § 20-51 (A);<br />
Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.502. Amount of water discharged.<br />
For Class II, Class III and Class IV users where, in the opinion of the Director of Utilities, a significant portion<br />
of the water received from any metered source does not flow into the community sewer because of the principal<br />
activity of the user or removal by other means, the user charges and fees will be applied against the volume of water<br />
discharged into the community sewer. The volume of water discharged into the community sewer shall be<br />
determined by a combination of source and diversion meters or a discharge meter. If, in the opinion of the Director<br />
of Utilities, source and diversions will not accurately reflect the amount of wastewater discharged into the<br />
community sewer, a discharge meter shall be required. (Prior Code § 20-51 (B) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff.<br />
6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.503. Meter type and size.<br />
Private source, diversion and discharge meters shall be of a type and size approved by the Director Utilities and<br />
shall be installed and maintained at the expense of the user. (Prior Code § 20-51 (B) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part),<br />
eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.600. Article 6. Permits Generally<br />
Section 8-12.601. User classifications.<br />
For the purposes of this chapter, the following user classifications as defined in Section 8-12.104 are established<br />
to assign appropriate user charges and fees and permit requirements:<br />
(a) Class I;<br />
(b) Class II;<br />
(c) Class III;<br />
(d) Class IV. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-52 (A))<br />
Section 8-12.602. Applications and fees.<br />
Permits for the use of the City’s wastewater collection and treatment system shall be required as outlined in this<br />
article and Articles 7, 8 and 9 of this chapter. Permit applications in a form prescribed by the City and accompanied<br />
by all applicable fees shall be filed with the Director of Utilities. Permit fees shall be used to defray all<br />
administrative costs and shall be subject to periodic revisions. (Prior Code § 20-52 (B) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1<br />
(part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.603. Application review: Permit issuance.<br />
Permit applications shall be reviewed by the Director of Utilities. The Director of Utilities may require the<br />
applicant to provide additional information. After evaluation and acceptance of the data furnished, the City may<br />
issue a permit subject to all terms and conditions provided for in this article. (Prior Code § 20-52 (B) (part); Ord. 83-<br />
1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.604. Other requirements unaffected.<br />
The issuance of a permit for the use of the wastewater collection and treatment system does not alleviate the<br />
user of the permit requirements of any other department of the City. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior<br />
Code § 20-52 (B) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.605. Enforcement of permit terms.<br />
Permits shall be subject to all provisions of this chapter and all other regulations, user charges and fees<br />
established by the City. The terms and conditions of all permits shall be enforced uniformly by the City in<br />
accordance with this chapter and applicable to State and federal requirements. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83:<br />
prior Code § 20-52 (B) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.700. Article 7. Wastewater Discharge Permit<br />
Section 8-12.701. Required.<br />
All Class III and Class IV users proposing to connect to or discharge into a community sewer must obtain a<br />
wastewater discharge permit before doing so. Class III or Class IV users connected to or discharging into a<br />
community sewer must obtain a wastewater discharge permit within one (1) year after the effective date of the<br />
ordinance from which this section derives. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-52 (B) (1))<br />
Section 8-12.702. Discharge report.<br />
Applications for a wastewater discharge permit shall be accompanied by a discharge report. The report shall<br />
include, but not be limited to, nature of process, volume, rates of flow, mass emission rate of BOD, suspended<br />
solids, total dissolved solids, sodium and chloride, production quantities, hours of operation, number and<br />
classification of employees, or other information which relates to the generation of waste including wastewater<br />
constituents and characteristics in the wastewater discharge as determined by sampling and testing methods<br />
approved by the Director of Utilities. Such reports must include chemical constituents and quantity of liquid or<br />
gaseous materials stores on site even though they may not be discharged. In addition to discharge reports, the City<br />
may require information in the form of wastewater discharge permit applications and self-monitoring reports. (Prior<br />
Code § 20-52 (B) (2) (a); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.703. Application contents.<br />
The following information may be required to be submitted in the application for a wastewater discharge<br />
permit:<br />
(a) Name, address and SIC number of applicant;<br />
(b) Volume of wastewater to be discharged;<br />
(c) Wastewater constituents and characteristics as required by the Director of Utilities that may include but not<br />
be limited to those mentioned in Article 4 as determined within the past thirty (30) days by a laboratory approved by<br />
the Director of Utilities;<br />
(d) Time and duration of discharge;<br />
(e) Average and fifteen (15) minute peak wastewater flow rates, including daily, monthly and seasonal<br />
variations, if any;<br />
(f) Site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans and details to show all sewers and appurtenances by<br />
size, location and elevation;<br />
(g) Description of activities, facilities and plant process on the premises including all materials, processes and<br />
types of materials which are or could be discharged;<br />
(h) Each product produced by type, amount and rate or production;<br />
(i) Number and type of employees and hours of work;<br />
(j) Any other information as may be deemed by the Director of Utilities to be necessary to evaluate the permit<br />
application. (Prior Code § 20-52 (B) (2) (b); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.704. Terms and conditions.<br />
Wastewater discharge permits may contain the following terms and conditions:<br />
(a) The average and maximum wastewater constituents and characteristics permitted;<br />
(b) Limits on rate and time of discharge or requirements for flow regulations and equalizations;<br />
(c) Requirements for user installation of monitoring facilities;<br />
(d) Pretreatment facility requirements;<br />
(e) Specifications for self-monitoring programs which may include, but not be limited to, sampling locations,<br />
frequency and method of sampling, number, types and standards for tests and reporting schedule;<br />
(f) Requirements for submission of technical reports or discharge reports;<br />
(g) Requirements for maintaining and retaining, as specified by the City but in no case less than three (3) years,<br />
plant records relating to wastewater discharge, and affording City access thereto;<br />
(h) Mean and maximum mass emission rates, or other appropriate limits when incompatible pollutants are<br />
proposed or present in the user's wastewater discharge;<br />
(i) Other conditions imposed by the City to ensure compliance with this chapter. (Ord. 90-28 § 1 (part), eff.<br />
1/3/91; Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-52 (B) (2) (c) (part) (1) - (9))<br />
Section 8-12.705. Expiration and renewal.<br />
Wastewater discharge permits shall be issued for a specified time period for not less than thirty (30) days and<br />
not to exceed five (5) years or may be stipulated to expire on a certain date. If the user does not notify the City thirty<br />
(30) days prior to the expiration of the permit, the permit shall be deemed to have expired, and the user must make<br />
new application. In any event the permit must be renewed each five (5) year period. The terms and conditions of the<br />
permit may be subject to modification and change by the City during the life of the permit as limitations or<br />
requirements modify and change. The user shall be informed of any proposed changes in his permit at least thirty<br />
(30) days prior to the effective date of change. Any changes or new conditions in the permit shall include a<br />
reasonable time schedule for compliance. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-52 (B) (2) (c)<br />
(part))<br />
Section 8-12.706. Non-transferability.<br />
Wastewater discharge permits are issued to a specific user for a specific operation; wastewater discharge<br />
permits shall not be reassigned, transferred or sold. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-52 (B) (2)<br />
(c) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.707. Revocation grounds.<br />
Any user who violates the conditions of the permit, this chapter or applicable State and federal regulations, or<br />
any of the following is subject to having the permit revoked:<br />
(a) Failure of a user to report the wastewater constituents and characteristics of the user's discharge;<br />
(b) Failure of the user to report and secure advance approval or conditional approval of significant changes in<br />
operations, or wastewater constituents and characteristics;<br />
(c) Refusal of reasonable access to the user's premises, or other premises controlled by the user, for the purpose<br />
of inspection and/or monitoring;<br />
(d) Violation of special conditions of the permit. (Ord. 90-28 § 1 (part), eff. 1/3/91: Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part),<br />
eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-52 (B) (2) (c) (part), (a) - (d))<br />
Section 8-12.800. Article 8. Holding Tank Waste Disposal Permit<br />
Section 8-12.801. Required.<br />
All persons proposing to discharge holding tank wastes into the City wastewater collection and/or treatment<br />
system must obtain a holding tank waste disposal permit before doing so. Persons already discharging into the<br />
system must obtain a holding tank waste disposal permit within ninety (90) days after the effective date of the<br />
ordinance from which this section is derived. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-52 (B) (3)<br />
(part))<br />
Section 8-12.802. Application.<br />
The applicant for a holding tank waste disposal permit may be required to submit the following information:<br />
(a) Name and address of applicant;<br />
(b) The principal activity of the user;<br />
(c) Make, capacity, vehicle license number of all vacuum tank trucks covered under the permit;<br />
(d) Number of registrations of transient trailers, recreational vehicles or any other vehicles with holding tanks<br />
at travel trailer parks;<br />
(e) Volume and constituents and characteristics of waste.<br />
(f) Identity of waste generator and site where waste was generated. (Prior Code § 20-52 (B) (3) (a); Ord. 83-<br />
1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.803. Terms and conditions.<br />
(a) Each holding tank waste disposal permit shall contain at least the following terms and conditions:<br />
(1) Name and address of the user;<br />
(2) The make, capacity, vehicle license number of all vacuum tank trucks permitted to dispose under the<br />
permit;<br />
(3) The specific time of day and location where disposal may be made;<br />
(4) The expected quantity of holding tank wastes to be disposed of in any day; and<br />
(5) The expected wastewater constituents and characteristics.<br />
(b) The permit may also contain specific requirements for metering, sampling, holding and/or other conditions<br />
in accordance with this chapter. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-52 (B) (3) (b) (part), (1)--(5))<br />
Section 8-12.804. Expiration: Changes: Renewal.<br />
(a) Holding tank waste disposal permits shall be issued for a specified time period not less than thirty (30) days<br />
and not to exceed five (5) years or may be stipulated to expire on a certain date. If the user does not notify the City<br />
thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the permit, the permit shall be deemed to have expired, and the user must<br />
make new application.<br />
(b) The terms and conditions of the permit may be subject to modification and changes by the City during the<br />
life of the permit as limitations or requirements are modified and changed. The user shall be informed of any<br />
proposed changes in his permit at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the change. Any changes or new<br />
conditions in the permit shall include a reasonable time schedule for compliance. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff.<br />
6/16/83: prior Code § 20-52 (B) (3) (b) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.805. Nontransferability.<br />
Holding tank waste disposal permits are issued to a specific user for a specific operation; holding tank waste<br />
disposal permits shall not be reassigned, transferred or sold. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-<br />
52 (B) (3) (b) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.806. Revocation or modification.<br />
If, in the opinion of the Director of Utilities, any holding tank waste discharger is found to have a significant<br />
impact on the wastewater collection and treatment system due to the quantity or nature of the holding tank waste, the<br />
permit may be revoked or modified to change the location of discharge, the method of discharge, the quantity of<br />
discharge or the sampling and metering requirements. (Prior Code § 20-52 (B) (3) (b) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1<br />
(part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.900. Article 9. Industrial Dischargers: Monitoring, Pretreatment, Reports<br />
Section 8-12.901. Monitoring facilities.<br />
(a) Any Class III users subject to federal categorical standards, or any Class III users at the discretion of the<br />
Director of Utilities, as well as all Class IV users, shall be required to install and maintain monitoring facilities to<br />
allow inspection, sampling and/or measurements of the building sewer or plumbing systems and may also be<br />
required to provide, install and operate sampling and/or metering equipment at the user's expense. These facilities<br />
shall be normally situated on the user's premises.<br />
(b) When one (1) or more user can discharge into a common side sewer, the Director of Utilities may require<br />
installation of a separate monitoring facility for each user. Also, when in the judgment of the Director of Utilities,<br />
there is a significant difference in wastewater constituents and characteristics produced by different operations of a<br />
single user, the Director of Utilities may require that separate monitoring facilities be installed for each separate<br />
discharge.<br />
(c) If the monitoring facility is inside the user's fences, there shall be accommodations to allow access for City<br />
personnel such as a gate secured with a City lock. There shall be ample operating area in or near such sampling<br />
points and equipment to allow accurate sampling and compositing of samples for analysis. The user shall assure that<br />
access and sampling and measuring equipment are maintained in a safe and proper operating condition at all times at<br />
no expense to the City.<br />
(d) The sampling and monitoring facilities shall be provided in accordance with the City’s requirements and all<br />
applicable construction standards, safety devices and specifications. Construction shall be completed within ninety<br />
(90) days following written notification to do so by the City. (Prior Code § 20-52 (B) (3) (d) (part); Ord. 83-1054 § 1<br />
(part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.902. Inspection.<br />
(a) The City shall inspect the facilities of any user to ascertain whether the purpose of this chapter is being met<br />
and all requirements are being complied with. Persons or occupants of premises where wastewater is created or<br />
discharged shall allow the City or its representative ready access at all reasonable times to all parts of the premises<br />
for the purposes of inspection, sampling, records examination, copying or in the performance of any of their duties.<br />
(b) The City, approval authority and, where the NPDES state is the approval authority, EPA shall have the<br />
right to set up on the user's property such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling, inspection, compliance<br />
monitoring and/or metering operations. Where a user has security measures in force which would require proper<br />
identification and clearance before entry into their premises, the user shall make necessary arrangements with their<br />
security guards so that upon presentation of suitable identification, personnel from the City, approval authority and<br />
EPA will be permitted to enter, without delay, for the purposes of performing their specific responsibilities. (Ord.<br />
90-28 § 1 (part), eff. 1/3/91; Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-52 (B) (3) (d) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.903. Self-monitoring and notice of discharge changes.<br />
(a) Upon adoption of the revenue program, all Class III users and all Class IV users subject to federal<br />
categorical standards which require self-monitoring or as required at the discretion of the Director of Utilities shall<br />
be required to conduct a self-monitoring program to demonstrate that the terms and conditions of his permit are<br />
being met and to establish appropriate user charges. Class III and Class IV users shall sample according to the terms<br />
of their discharge permit, and according to applicable federal standards.<br />
(b) The samples shall be analyzed for BOD, suspended solids and other constituents and characteristics as<br />
stated in the permit. Samples shall be analyzed in accordance with 40 CFR 136 as discussed in Section 8-12.909 of<br />
this article and by a laboratory approved by the Director of Utilities. The City may conduct the monitoring program<br />
at the request of the user and the approval of the Director of Utilities. All costs for sampling and analysis shall be<br />
borne by the user.<br />
(c) Class IV users shall submit a monthly summary of the self-monitoring program to the Director of Utilities<br />
by the fifteenth day of the month following the month of report. Class III users subject to federal standards requiring<br />
self-monitoring shall submit the results of their monitoring program twice per year in June and December to the<br />
control authority or more frequently according to the terms of 40 CFR 403.12 (e) (1). The summary shall include<br />
results of all analyses, records of flow from metering facilities, comments regarding accidental spills,<br />
malfunctioning of pretreatment devices, and any other information pertaining to the terms and conditions of the<br />
permit, and required by applicable federal categorical standards.<br />
(d) In addition to any other requirement of this Code, all industrial users shall provide notice of changes in<br />
substances or wastes discharged into a community sewer as follows:<br />
(1) To the Environmental Protection Agency, Regional Water Quality Control Board and City (as<br />
specified in Section 8-12.905(c)) when the substance would, if otherwise disposed of, be a hazardous waste;<br />
(2) To the City as specified in Section 8-12.707(b) when the user will make a change in its discharge of<br />
wastes, including hazardous waste. (Prior Code § 20-52 (B) (3) (e); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 90-28<br />
§ 1 (part), eff. 1/3/91; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.904. Pretreatment.<br />
Class III and Class IV users shall treat wastewater to make it acceptable under limitations established in this<br />
chapter before discharging it to any community sewer. Facilities required to pre-treat, sample, monitor and test<br />
wastewater to a level acceptable to the Director of Utilities or to meet federal categorical standards shall be provided<br />
and maintained at the user's expense. Detailed plans showing the facilities, describing operating procedures and<br />
proposing a compliance schedule shall be submitted to the Director of Utilities for review and, if found acceptable,<br />
will in no way relieve the user from the responsibility of meeting a compliance schedule specified by the Director of<br />
Utilities and of modifying the facility as necessary to produce an effluent acceptable to the Director of Utilities<br />
under this chapter. Any subsequent changes in the pretreatment facilities or method of operation shall be at the user's<br />
expense and reported to and be acceptable to the Director of Utilities.<br />
Class III and Class IV users who install a new or replace an existing on-site regeneration water softener shall<br />
install a unit with regeneration initiated by demand control. (Prior Code § 20-52 (B) (3) (f); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part),<br />
eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 90-2 § 2, eff. 3/22/90; Ord. 90-28 § 1 (part), eff. 1/3/91; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.905. Accidental discharges.<br />
(a) Class III and Class IV users shall provide at their expense facilities for the protection from accidental<br />
discharge of prohibited materials or other wastes regulated by this chapter. Detailed plans showing facilities and<br />
operating procedures to provide this protection shall be submitted to the Director of Utilities for review at the time<br />
of permit application and shall be acceptable to the Director of Utilities before construction of the facility.<br />
(b) The review of such plans and operating procedures will in no way relieve the user from the responsibility<br />
of modifying the facility as required by the Director of Utilities to provide protection necessary to meet requirements<br />
of Articles 5, 6 and 7 and this article.<br />
(c) Within twenty-four (24) hours following an accidental discharge, the user shall notify the Regulatory<br />
Compliance Division, 925-0951 x7270, of the occurrence. Within five (5) days after the occurrence, the user shall<br />
submit to the Director of Utilities a detailed written report describing the cause of the discharge and the measures to<br />
be taken by the user to prevent similar future occurrences. Such notification shall not relieve the user of any<br />
expense, loss, damage or other liability which may be incurred as a result of damage to the POTW, fish kills or any<br />
other damage to person or property, nor shall such notification relieve the user of any fines, civil penalties or other<br />
liability which may be imposed by this chapter or other applicable law. (Prior Code § 20-52 (B) (3) (g); Ord. 83-<br />
1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 90-28 § 1 (part), eff. 1/3/91; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.906. Confidentiality.<br />
(a) All information and data on a user obtained from reports, questionnaires, permit application, permits and<br />
monitoring programs, and from inspections shall be available to the public or other governmental agency without<br />
restriction unless the user specifically requests and is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City that the<br />
release of such information would divulge information, proprietary data, processes or methods which would be<br />
detrimental to the user's competitive position.<br />
(b) When requested by the person furnishing a wastewater discharge report, the portions of the report which<br />
might disclose trade secrets or secret processes shall not be made available for inspection by the public but shall be<br />
made available upon written request to governmental agencies for uses related to this chapter, the National Pollutant<br />
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, State disposal system permit and/or the pretreatment programs,<br />
and for use by the State or any state agency in judicial review or enforcement proceedings involving the person<br />
furnishing the report. Wastewater constituents and characteristics will not be recognized as confidential information.<br />
(c) Information accepted by the City as confidential shall not be transmitted to any governmental agency or to<br />
the general public by the City until and unless prior and adequate notification is given to the user. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1<br />
(part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-52 (B) (3) (h))<br />
Section 8-12.907. Initial compliance report.<br />
Within ninety (90) days following the date for final compliance with applicable pretreatment standards or, in the<br />
case of a new source, following commencement of the introduction of wastewater into the POTW, any user subject<br />
to pretreatment standards and requirements shall submit to the Director of Utilities a report indicating the nature and<br />
concentration of all pollutants in the discharge from the regulated process which are limited by pretreatment<br />
standards and requirements and the average and maximum daily flow for these process units in the user facility<br />
which are limited by such pretreatment standards or requirements. The report shall state whether the applicable<br />
pretreatment standards or requirements are being met on a consistent basis and, if not, what additional operation and<br />
maintenance and/or pretreatment is necessary to bring the user into compliance with the applicable pretreatment<br />
standards or requirements. This statement shall be signed by an authorized representative of the industrial user, and<br />
certified to by a qualified professional. (Prior Code § 20-53 (A); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01,<br />
eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.908. Biannual compliance reports.<br />
Any user subject to a pretreatment standard, after the compliance date of such pretreatment standard or, in the<br />
case of a new source, after commencement of the discharge into the POTW, shall submit to the Director of Utilities<br />
during the months of June and December, unless required more frequently in the pretreatment standard or by the<br />
Director of Utilities, a report indicating the nature and concentration of pollutants in the effluent which are limited<br />
by such pretreatment standards. In addition, this report shall include a record of all daily flows which during the<br />
reporting period exceeded the average daily flow reported as required in this chapter. The report shall be signed by<br />
an authorized representative of the industrial user, and certified to, by a qualified professional. At the discretion of<br />
the Director of Utilities and in consideration of such factors as local high or low flow rates, holidays, budget cycles,<br />
etc., the Director of Utilities may agree to alter the months during which the reports required in this section are to be<br />
submitted. (Prior Code § 20-53 (B); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 90-28 § 1 (part), eff. 1/3/91; Ord.<br />
2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.909. Mass limitations: Sampling procedures.<br />
(a) The Director of Utilities may impose mass limitations on users who are using dilution to meet applicable<br />
pretreatment standards or requirements, or in other cases where the imposition of mass limitations are appropriate.<br />
In such cases, the report required by Section 8-12.908 shall indicate the mass of pollutants regulated by pretreatment<br />
standards in the effluent of the user. These reports shall contain the results of sampling and analysis of the discharge,<br />
including the flow and the nature and concentration, or production and mass where requested by the Director of<br />
Utilities, of pollutants contained therein which are limited by the applicable pretreatment standards. The frequency<br />
of monitoring shall be prescribed in the applicable pretreatment standard. All analysis shall be performed in<br />
accordance with procedures established by the Administrator pursuant to Section 304 (g) of the Act and contained in<br />
40 CFR, Part 136 and amendments thereto or with any other test procedures approved by the Administrator.<br />
Sampling shall be performed in accordance with the techniques approved by the Administrator.<br />
(b) Where 40 CFR, Part 136 does not include a sampling or analytical technique for the pollutant in question<br />
sampling and analysis shall be performed in accordance with the procedures set forth in the EPA publication,<br />
Sampling and Analysis Procedures for Screening of Industrial Effluents for Priority Pollutants, April, 1977, and<br />
amendments thereto, or with any other sampling and analytical procedures approved by the Administrator. (Prior<br />
Code § 20-53 (B) (2); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.910. Public notice of violators.<br />
(a) The City will comply with the public participation requirements of 40 CFR Part 25 in the enforcement of<br />
national pretreatment standards. These procedures shall include provisions for at least annually providing public<br />
notification, in the largest daily newspaper published in the municipality in which the POTW is located, of industrial<br />
users which, during the previous twelve (12) months, were significantly violating applicable pretreatment standards<br />
or other pretreatment requirements. For the purposes of this provision, a significant violation is a violation which<br />
remains uncorrected forty-five (45) days after notification of noncompliance, which is part of a pattern of<br />
noncompliance over a twelve (12) month period, which involves a failure to accurately report noncompliance or<br />
which resulted in the POTW exercising its emergency authority under Section 11403.8 (f) (1) (iv) (B) of the Act.<br />
(b) All information submitted to the City pursuant to this chapter which is not considered confidential<br />
information by Section 8-12.906 of this article shall be public information. All effluent data is to be considered<br />
public information. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-54 (A, B))<br />
Section 8-12.911. Enforcement: Notice of hearing.<br />
The City may order any user who causes or allows an unauthorized discharge to enter the POTW to show cause<br />
before the City Council why the proposed enforcement action should not be taken. A notice shall be served on the<br />
user specifying the time and place of a hearing to be held by the City Council regarding the violation, the reasons<br />
why the action is to be taken, the proposed enforcement action, and directing the user to show cause before the City<br />
Council why the proposed enforcement action should not be taken. The notice of the hearing shall be served<br />
personally or by registered or certified mail (return receipt requested) at least ten (10) days before the hearing.<br />
Service may be made on any agent or officer or a corporation. Public notification in the City’s largest daily<br />
newspaper shall also be made no later than four (4) days before the hearing, so that interested parties may attend.<br />
(Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-54 (C) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.912. Enforcement: Conduct of hearing.<br />
(a) The City Council may itself conduct the hearing provided for in Section 8-12.911 and take the evidence, or<br />
may designate any of its members or any officer or employee of the assigned department to:<br />
(1) Issue in the name of the City Council notices of hearings requesting the attendance and testimony of<br />
witnesses and the production of evidence relevant to any matter involved in such hearings;<br />
(2) Take the evidence;<br />
(3) Transmit a report of the evidence and hearing, including transcripts and other evidence, together with<br />
recommendations to the City Council for action thereon.<br />
(b) At any hearing held pursuant to this chapter, testimony taken must be under oath and recorded<br />
stenographically. The transcript, so recorded, will be made available to any member of the public or any party to the<br />
hearing upon payment of the usual charges thereof. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-54 (C)<br />
(part), (1, 2, 3))<br />
Section 8-12.913. City Council order.<br />
After the City Council has reviewed the evidence, it may issue an order to the user responsible for the discharge<br />
directing that, following a specified time period, the sewer service be discontinued unless adequate treatment<br />
facilities, devices or other related appurtenances have been installed on existing treatment facilities, devices or other<br />
related appurtenances are properly operated. Further orders and directives as are necessary and appropriate may be<br />
issued. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-54 (C) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.1000. Article 10. User Charges<br />
Section 8-12.1001. Classifications: Purpose.<br />
All users shall be assigned to a user-class category by the Director of Utilities as outlined in Section 8-12.601<br />
based on the user's principal activity and typical wastewater constituents and characteristics. The purpose of such<br />
classification is to facilitate the regulation of wastewater discharges to provide an effective means of source control,<br />
and to establish a system of user charges and fees that ensure equitable distribution of costs among all users. The<br />
system of charges to be established must, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Act and the State Clean<br />
Water Grant Program, provide for the following items:<br />
(a) Sufficient financing for an adequate operation and maintenance program, including competent operating<br />
personnel and the industrial waste program;<br />
(b) Funds to be reserved for necessary future replacements, improvements and expansions to the facilities.<br />
(Prior Code § 20-55 (A); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1002. Scope of schedule.<br />
(a) The City may adopt and/or amend from time to time a schedule of charges and fees by resolution, as<br />
provided in the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code, to include:<br />
(1) Sewer service charges;<br />
(2) User classification charges;<br />
(3) Other user charges;<br />
(4) Connection fees;<br />
(5) Fees for monitoring;<br />
(6) Fees for permit applications;<br />
(7) Appeal fees;<br />
(8) Disposal of treated waste water or holding/septic tank wastes.<br />
(b) The schedule may be amended annually by resolution of the City Council to reflect increases or decreases<br />
in costs. The schedule of charges shall be as determined in the annual revision of the revenue program. (Ord. 2006-<br />
02, eff. 3/21/06; Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-55(13))<br />
Section 8-12.1003. Sewer rental fund.<br />
(a) There is established a special fund to be known as the "sewer rental fund." Except as specified in<br />
subsection (b) all receipts of the wastewater enterprise collected under the terms of this chapter shall be placed in the<br />
sewer rental fund. Monies of the sewer rental fund shall be used for the purposes authorized and/or required by<br />
Section 5471 of the Health and Safety Code of the State as the same presently provides or may provide as amended<br />
from time to time by the Clean Water Grant Program regulations, and the Federal Act.<br />
(b) An allocation for the reasonable value (not to exceed five percent of the receipts of the wastewater<br />
treatment plant) for the wastewater treatment plant use of the City of Santa Maria sewer transmission line easements<br />
shall be transferred from the sewer rental fund to the general fund on an annual basis. The amount of the allocation<br />
shall be $.02 per gallon of septage received, and shall sunset on June 30, 1996. (Prior Code § 20-55 (C); Ord. 83-<br />
1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 94-24, eff. 8/18/94; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1004. Automatic annual increase.<br />
The rates established under the authority of Section 8-12.1002 shall be increased five percent (5%) on July 1st<br />
of each year commencing with July 1,1983. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-55 (K))<br />
Section 8-12.1005. User classification charges.<br />
The following system of user classification charges shall become effective upon adoption of the revenue<br />
program. The charges shall be as provided in this section or approved by resolution of the City Council.<br />
(a) Class I Users. User charges for Class I users shall be based on a monthly flat fee as set by the City Council.<br />
All single-family dwellings shall pay a flat rate per month. Each multi-family dwelling unit shall pay a flat rate in<br />
accordance with the number of rooms in the dwelling. Units with three (3) or more rooms shall pay one schedule;<br />
units with less than three (3) rooms shall pay a second schedule. In computing the number of rooms in a multifamily<br />
dwelling, bathrooms, service porches, unenclosed exterior porches, garages, closets and hallways shall not be<br />
counted as rooms. Auto courts, trailer parks, motels, hotels, rooming houses, boardinghouses and rest homes shall<br />
pay a flat rate per unit.<br />
(b) Class II Users. User charges for Class II users shall be based on a fee as set by the City Council for each<br />
hundred (100) cubic feet of water delivered, or where applicable, each hundred (100) cubic feet of wastewater<br />
discharged.<br />
(c) Class III Users. User charges for Class III users shall be based on fees set by the City Council for each<br />
hundred (100) cubic feet of water delivered or, where applicable, each hundred (100) cubic feet of wastewater<br />
discharged. User charges for Class III users shall be established as outlined in the revenue program for individual<br />
users, groups of users conducting the same principal activity, or major groups as outlined under the SIC divisions.<br />
For class III users whose waste consists of treated waste water, user charges for a particular load shall be equal to<br />
the per gallon fee set pursuant to Section 8-12.1002 for disposal of holding/septic tank wastes, provided however<br />
that the Director of Utilities may decrease this fee by up to 33 1/3% (thirty-three and one-third percent) based on a<br />
user’s submission of analytic results that establish acceptable levels of BOD and total suspended solids for that load.<br />
(d) Class IV Users. User charges for Class IV users shall be billed as provided in this chapter and shall be<br />
calculated according to the formula:<br />
Cu = (Vc X Vu) + (Bc X Bu) + (Sc X Su) + X where:<br />
Cu = the monthly user charge (dollars per month)<br />
Vc = the cost of collecting and treating each one hundred (100) cubic feet of wastewater<br />
Vu = the total monthly quantity of wastewater discharged by a user (hundreds of cubic feet per month)<br />
Bc = the cost of treating a pound of BOD<br />
Bu = the total monthly quantity of BOD discharges by a user (pounds per month)<br />
Sc = the cost of treating a pound of suspended solids<br />
Su = the total monthly quantity of suspended solids discharged by a user (pounds per month)<br />
X = special assessments for violating any provisions of this chapter (such as TDS, Na, Cl, etc.)<br />
(Ord. 2006-02, eff. 3/21/06; Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-55 (E))<br />
Section 8-12.1006. Southwest trunk sewer line.<br />
There are established the additional following charges, which are to be paid by all users lying within the areas<br />
of benefit as described in this section. The charges shall be in addition to the sewer service charges or user<br />
classification charges as applicable:<br />
(a) Those users lying within the areas comprising the area of benefit of the Southwest Trunk Sewer Line as<br />
described in Ordinance No. 611 shall pay the additional charges outlined in this section. The charges per month and<br />
the manner of their determination shall be as provided in the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code.<br />
(b) The charges, being additional charges to the established rates and charges of the City for that purpose, shall<br />
be paid by each such person making connection for a period of twenty (20) years from the date the connection is<br />
made.<br />
(c) All persons making such connection from and after the first day of January, 1965, may at their option<br />
which must be exercised by a notice in writing addressed to the Director of Administrative Services of the City, pay<br />
the total amount of such additional monthly charges as set forth in this section from the first day of January, 1965, to<br />
the date the connection is made by that person, so that the twenty (20) year period during which such person is<br />
required to pay the additional charges provided in this section will expire at the same time as though that person had<br />
made the connection on or before January 1, 1965. Upon receipt of the notice in writing, the Director of<br />
Administrative Services shall compute the amount of total additional monthly charges required for such connection<br />
charge and shall forthwith bill the applicant therefor.<br />
(d) If the option provided for in subsection (c) of this section is not exercised within the time and in the manner<br />
provided in subsection (c), then the person making such connection, as stated, within the area shall pay the<br />
additional charges as provided in this section for twenty (20) successive years following the date of connection.<br />
(e) None of the provisions of this section are to be construed as repealing or altering any other provision of this<br />
chapter except as specifically provided in this section. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-55 (F)<br />
(part), (1) (part), (2-5))<br />
Section 8-12.1100A. Article 11. Connection Fees<br />
Section 8-12.1101. Municipal Sewer District No. 1: Amount.<br />
Section 8-12.1101 is repealed pursuant to Ordinance 2005-01. (Prior Code § 20-55 (G) (1) (a) (part), (b, c); Ord.<br />
83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1102. Municipal Sewer District No. 1: Collection and use.<br />
Section 8-12.1102 is repealed pursuant to Ordinance 2005-01. (Prior Code § 20-55 (G) (1) (a) (part); Ord. 83-<br />
1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1103. New or modified connections.<br />
Section 8-12.1103 is repealed pursuant to Ordinance 2005-01. (Prior Code § 20-55 (G) (2) (a); Ord. 83-1054 §<br />
1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 85-1094 § 1, eff. 3/21/85; Ord. 86-1 § 1, eff. 2-20-86; Ord. 88-22 § 2 (A), eff. 1/5/89;<br />
Ord. 89-4 § 1 (part), eff. 3/23/89 and 4/22/89; Ord. 90-2 § 3, eff. 3/22/90; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1104. Refund.<br />
Section 8-12.1104 is repealed pursuant to Ordinance 2005-01. (Prior Code § 20-55 (G) (2) (b); Ord. 83-1054 §<br />
1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 88-22 § 2 CF) (part), eff. 1/5/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1105. Other charges unaffected.<br />
Section 8-12.1105 is repealed pursuant to Ordinance 2005-01. (Prior Code § 20-55 (G) (2) (c); Ord. 83-1054 §<br />
1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1106. Annual amendment.<br />
Section 8-12.1106 is repealed pursuant to Ordinance 2005-01. (Prior Code § 20-55 (G) (2) (d); Ord. 83-1054 §<br />
1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 85-1094 § 2, eff. 3/21/85; Ord. 86-1 § 2, eff. 2-20-86; Ord. 88-22 § 2 (F) (part), eff.<br />
1/5/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1107. Use of revenues.<br />
Section 8-12.1107 is repealed pursuant to Ordinance 2005-01. (Prior Code § 20-55 (G) (2) (e); Ord. 83-1054 §<br />
1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 88-22 § 2(F) (part), eff. 1/5/89; Ord. 90-2 § 4, eff. 3/22/90; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1108. Extensions of excess capacity.<br />
In the event that a developer constructs a trunk sewer extension that would be a portion of a sanitary sewer<br />
basin's deficiencies, in order to serve his property, pursuant to annexation, subdivision, use permit or other<br />
requirements of this Code, he shall be eligible for reimbursement through the reimbursement map procedure, or<br />
through a credit from the City for the trunk sewer construction in the amounts set forth as provided in this section. If<br />
the reimbursement map procedure is not followed, the reimbursement or credit in the amounts would be paid from<br />
or credited to the developer's obligation to pay the impact fee collected by the City pursuant to this article; provided,<br />
that the amounts provided for in this section for such reimbursement or credit shall annually be adjusted by the same<br />
factor and upon the same basis as the impact fee. The reimbursement or credit shall be based upon a schedule<br />
established by City resolution and set out in the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code. (Prior Code § 20-55<br />
(G)(2) (g); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1109. Extensions to serve development.<br />
In the event that a developer constructs local sewers in order to serve his property, pursuant to annexation,<br />
subdivision, use permit or other requirements of this Code, he shall be eligible for reimbursement through the<br />
reimbursement map procedure only. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-55 (G) (2) (g))<br />
Section 8-12.1110. Average-cost basis: Adjustment of fees.<br />
Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions in this article, it is found and determined that the rates<br />
established by this article to be paid for the wastewater collection and treatment system are based on average costs<br />
of full usage for the various uses set forth as provided in this article, and the literal application of the rates in all<br />
situations, without regard to the intensity of the waste water usage and burden created by the proposed connection,<br />
might result in inequities to individual connectors and an inequitable imposition of the fees charged to connectors<br />
throughout the City, unless due consideration is given to the particular factors involved in each proposed connection.<br />
The Director of Utilities is, therefore, authorized to exercise his or her discretion in adjusting the rates to be paid in<br />
unusual cases, having due regard for the true amount of wastewater generated and burden involved in each<br />
application. In exercising the discretion the Director of Utilities shall consider, among other things, for example, the<br />
amount of wastewater generation and burden created thereby, having regard for all conditions pertaining to the<br />
particular connection, so that the actual rates imposed, in particular situations, will be in accordance with the amount<br />
of usage and the burden upon the wastewater collection and treatment system proposed under the conditions of the<br />
particular connection. (Prior Code § 20-55 (G) (2) (h); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff.<br />
3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1111. Payment under protest.<br />
Upon the payment of the rates to any connector, pursuant to the provisions of this article, the connector may, at<br />
his or her option, pay the same under protest, which protest must be in writing, and delivered to the City at the same<br />
time that the fee is paid, as to any and all such rates assessed prior to the annual review of the rates for such rates by<br />
the City Council, as provided in this article. In the event that such rates are so paid under protest and the rates, as<br />
amended by the City Council, pursuant to the annual review as provided in this article, provide for a lower rate and<br />
hence for a lower fee in the particular case of the protestant than that actually paid under protest, the fees shall be<br />
recomputed in accordance with the new rates established by the City Council pursuant to the annual review, and any<br />
portion in excess of the new rates shall be refunded to the connector who has protested. (Prior Code § 20-55 (G) (2)<br />
(i); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 88-22 § 2 (F) (part), eff. 1/5/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1112. Notice of changes.<br />
Section 8-12.1112 is repealed pursuant to Ordinance 2005-01. (Prior Code § 20-55 (G) (2) (j); Ord. 83-1061 §<br />
1 (part), eff. 11/17/83; Ord. 88-22 § 2(F) (part), eff. 1/5/89; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1200. Article 12. Other Charges<br />
Section 8-12.1201. Service outside City.<br />
(a) Connections to community sewers may be rendered to premises outside the limits of the City with the<br />
authorization of the City Council.<br />
(b) Impact fees and user classification charges shall be at least those as outlined in this chapter and may be<br />
increased to reflect the actual benefits received by the users. The connection fees and user classification charges<br />
shall be as determined by the Director of Utilities and shall take into account the capital value, methods of finance<br />
and circumstances affecting the operation and maintenance of the City wastewater collection and treatment system.<br />
(Prior Code § 20-55 (H); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1202. Monitoring fees.<br />
(a) Monitoring fees shall be set by the Director of Utilities to recover all costs associated with monitoring<br />
Class III and Class IV users. Monitoring fees may include but not be limited to:<br />
(1) Fees for sample analysis;<br />
(2) Fees for metering;<br />
(3) Fees for monitoring facilities.<br />
(b) Fees may be charged for actual costs incurred plus an administrative overhead charge as set by resolution<br />
of the City Council in lieu of set rates. (Prior Code § 20-55 (I); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01,<br />
eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1203. Permit application fees.<br />
Fees for processing permit applications shall be as set by the Director of Utilities to defray all administrative<br />
costs. Fees shall accompany the permit application and shall be refundable once the permit application is submitted<br />
to the Director of Utilities. (Ord. 2006-02, eff. 3/21/06; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05; Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff.<br />
6/16/83; Prior Code § 20-55 (J))<br />
Section 8-12.1204. Wastewater treatment plant impact fee.<br />
(a) There is hereby re-established a wastewater treatment plant impact fee of three dollars and sixty-two cents<br />
($3.62) per additional gallon of wastewater flow generated by future re-zonings which authorize increased density<br />
and by future annexations insofar as annexations will be serviced by the wastewater treatment plant. In the case of<br />
re-zonings, the fee shall be on the total potential density increase authorized. In the case of annexations, the fee shall<br />
be based on the total density authorized by pre-zoning of that acreage which will be served by the wastewater<br />
treatment plant. The fee shall be determined using estimates of wastewater flow generation specified by the Santa<br />
Maria Project Assessment Manual, as that manual may be amended from time to time.<br />
(b) Impact fees shall be collected from the applicant at the time of processing applications for a building permit<br />
or as otherwise required by Section 53077.5 of the California Government Code. If the City will not issue a building<br />
permit for the project, the fee shall be collected at the time of processing an application for encroachment permit to<br />
connect to the City’s sewer system.<br />
(c) Revenues raised by payment of impact fees shall be placed on a separate account. These revenues, and any<br />
interest earned on them, shall be used only to pay for the City’s construction of facilities described in the City of<br />
Santa Maria Future Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Expansions study dated April, 1982, or to reimburse the<br />
City for those facilities built by the City with funds it advanced from other sources.<br />
(d) The impact fee shall be adjusted once yearly by ordinance of the City Council to reflect the increase or<br />
decrease of construction costs, on the basis of a factor recommended by the Director of Public Works, which factor<br />
shall be based on the Engineering News Record Cost of Construction Index published by McGraw-Hill Publishing<br />
Company. Prior to adjusting the fee, notice shall be given in conformity with Section 2-24.101 et seq. of Title 2 of<br />
this Code. (Ord. 88-22 §2 (B), eff. 1/5/89)<br />
Section 8-12.1300. Article 13. Wastewater Main Extension Benefit Districts<br />
Section 8-12.1301. Eligibility: Intent.<br />
(a) When, in connection with a development, it is necessary either (1) to install wastewater main extensions off<br />
the site of the development, (2) to extend oversized wastewater mains on the site of the development, or (3) to install<br />
wastewater main extensions on the site of the development in a location such that the main or mains will be of<br />
benefit to adjacent properties not owned by the developer, a benefit district incorporating the area which may be<br />
served from the main or mains and thereby be benefited, as determined by the Director of Public Works, may be<br />
established and administered as provided in this article. The benefit district will be for the purpose of securing<br />
reimbursement of a portion of the applicant's installation costs for the main extension from subsequent users.<br />
Oversize wastewater mains are defined to be wastewater mains of ten (10) inch diameter or larger.<br />
(b) The purpose of this procedure is to provide developers with a method for securing reimbursement for<br />
wastewater main extensions of benefit to independently owned properties. It is not intended that benefit districts be<br />
created where financial equity is possible through private negotiations between the developer and either the original<br />
owners of the development parcel or subsequent purchasers of a portion of the development. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1<br />
(part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-58 (A))<br />
Section 8-12.1302. Guidelines and standards.<br />
The Director of Public Works shall develop guidelines and standards for the administration of the wastewater<br />
main extension benefit district procedure consistent with the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff.<br />
6/16/83: prior Code § 20-58 (B) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.1303. Initiation: Application contents.<br />
(a) Application for the creation of a benefit district shall be made to the Director of Public Works prior to<br />
acceptance of the subject public improvement as complete by the City. In the event the City installs and finances a<br />
main extension, the Director of Public Works may initiate the creation of a benefit district.<br />
(b) The applicant shall supply the Director of Public Works with the necessary improvement plans, benefit<br />
district boundary map, technical data, verifiable cost records and other supporting information as he may require to<br />
process the application and to administer the benefit district provisions. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior<br />
Code § 20-58 (B) (part))<br />
Section 8-12.1304. Filing application: Approval: Recordation.<br />
Application for a wastewater extension benefit district can be made at the office of the Director of Public<br />
Works. After approval of the application by the Director of Public Works, he shall transmit the benefit district map<br />
and appropriate supporting data to the City Clerk, and the City Clerk will file the benefit distinct map and<br />
appropriate supporting data with the county recorder at which time the district will be effective. An information<br />
copy shall also be filed with the Director of Administrative Services and with the Director of Community<br />
Development. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-58 (C))<br />
Section 8-12.1305. Reimbursement fees.<br />
Any individual connecting to a wastewater main which is the subject of a benefit district will pay the<br />
reimbursement fee established by the benefit district to the Director of Administrative Services at the time of<br />
applying for service, and in any case before making the connection. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior<br />
Code § 20-58 (D))<br />
Section 8-12.1306. Expiration.<br />
(a) A wastewater extension benefit district will automatically expire on the fifteenth anniversary of the date the<br />
district is filed with the county recorder. Any connections to the public facilities after the expiration date will be at<br />
no reimbursement cost to the connector.<br />
(b) A report of the financial status of the benefit district will be prepared by the Director of Administrative<br />
Services and mailed to the applicant at his last known address. Upon his request, any funds due him will be<br />
tendered. If there is no response from the applicant within six (6) months of the final report to him, any funds due<br />
him will be deemed forfeited and these amounts plus any surplus revenues in the account for the particular benefit<br />
district will be transferred to the municipal wastewater fund. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-<br />
58 (E))<br />
Section 8-12.1400. Article 14. Enforcement<br />
Section 8-12.1401. Accidental discharge--Limitation of liability.<br />
A user's discharge due to an upset, as described by Title 40, Section 403.16 of the Code of Federal Regulations,<br />
is an affirmative defense to noncompliance with this chapter. "Upset" does not include noncompliance caused by<br />
operational error, improperly designed or inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventive maintenance or careless<br />
or improper operation. (Ord. 90-28 § 1 (part), eff. 1/3/91)<br />
Section 8-12.1402. Accidental discharge: Informing employees.<br />
In order that employees of Class III and Class IV users be informed of City requirements, these users shall make<br />
available to their employees copies of applicable portions of this chapter and together with such other wastewater<br />
information and notices which may be furnished and permanently posted on the user's bulletin board advising<br />
employees whom to call in case of discharge in violation of this chapter. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior<br />
Code § 2056 (A) (2))<br />
Section 8-12.1403. Accidental discharge: Prevention.<br />
Any direct or indirect connection or entry point of persistent and/or deleterious wastes to the user's plumbing or<br />
drainage system shall be eliminated. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-56 (A) (3))<br />
Section 8-12.1404. Cease and desist order.<br />
When the City finds that a discharge of wastewater has taken place in violation of prohibitions or limitations of<br />
this chapter or the provisions of any permit, the Director of Utilities may issue an informal cease and desist order to<br />
such violator and direct that those persons not complying with such prohibitions, limits, requirements or provisions:<br />
(a) Comply forthwith;<br />
(b) Comply in accordance with a time schedule set forth by the City; or<br />
(c) Take appropriate remedial or preventive action. (Prior Code § 20-56 (B); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff.<br />
6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1405. Correction schedule required.<br />
When the City finds that a discharge of wastewater has been taking place in violation of prohibitions or<br />
limitations prescribed in this chapter, or wastewater source control requirements, effluent limitations or pretreatment<br />
standards, or the provisions of any permit, the City will require the user to submit for approval, with such<br />
modifications as it deems necessary, a detailed time schedule of specific actions which the user shall take in order to<br />
prevent or correct a violation of requirements. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-56 (C))<br />
Section 8-12.1406. Appeals.<br />
(a) Any user, permit applicant of permit holder affected by any decision, action or determination, including<br />
cease and desist orders made by the City, interpretation or implementation of the provisions of this chapter or any<br />
permit issued in this chapter, may file with the Director of Utilities a written request for reconsideration within ten<br />
(10) days of such action, or determination, setting forth in detail the facts supporting the user's request for<br />
reconsideration and shall put up bond in the amount of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). The Director of Utilities<br />
shall respond within thirty (30) days.<br />
(b) If the ruling made by the Director of Utilities is unsatisfactory to the person requesting reconsideration, he<br />
may within ten (10) days after notification of such action, file a written appeal to the City Council. The written<br />
appeal shall be heard by the body within thirty (30) days or the next City Council meeting, from the date of filing.<br />
The City’s governing body shall make a final ruling on the appeal within thirty (30) days of the close of the meeting.<br />
The City’s decision, action or determination shall remain in effect during such period of reconsideration, and should<br />
the Council find for the City, the two hundred fifty dollar ($250.00) bond is forfeit. The action of the City Council<br />
shall be final. (Prior Code § 20-56 (D); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1407. Nuisance declared.<br />
Discharges of wastewater in any manner in violation of this chapter or of any order issued by the Director of<br />
Utilities as authorized by this chapter, is declared a public nuisance and shall be corrected or abated as directed by<br />
the City. Any person creating a public nuisance is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Prior Code § 20-57 (A); Ord. 83-1054 §<br />
1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1408. Injunction to restrain violation.<br />
When a discharge of wastewater is in violation of the provisions of this chapter or otherwise causes or threatens<br />
to cause a condition of contamination, pollution or nuisance, the Director of Utilities may petition the Superior Court<br />
for the issuance of a preliminary or permanent injunction or both, as may be appropriate in restraining the<br />
continuance of such discharge. (Prior Code § 20-57 (B); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83; Ord. 2005-01, eff.<br />
3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-12.1409. Charges for facilities damage.<br />
When a discharge of wastes causes an obstruction, damage or any other impairment to City facilities, the City<br />
may assess a charge against the user for the work required to clean or repair the facility and add such charge to the<br />
user's charges and fees. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-57 (C))<br />
Section 8-12.1410. Correction by City.<br />
In order to enforce the provisions of this chapter, the City may correct any violation of it. The cost of such<br />
correction may be added to any charges and fees payable by the person violating this chapter or the owner or tenant<br />
of the property upon which the violation occurred, and the City shall have such remedies for the collection of such<br />
costs as it has for the collection of charges and fees. The City may also petition the Superior Court for the issuance<br />
of a preliminary or permanent injunction, or both, as may be appropriate, restraining any person from the continued<br />
violation of this chapter. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-57 (D))<br />
Section 8-12.1411. Civil penalty.<br />
(a) Any person who violates any provision of this chapter, requirements or conditions set forth in permits duly<br />
issued, or who discharges wastewater which causes pollution, or violates any cease and desist order, prohibition,<br />
eminent limitation, discharge limitation, national standard of performance, pretreatment or toxicity, is liable civilly<br />
to liabilities imposed by the City against which the violation occurs. The civil liability may be in a sum of not to<br />
exceed six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) for each day in which such violation occurs.<br />
(b) The City may petition the Superior Court to impose, assess and recover such sums. In determining such<br />
amount, the court shall take into consideration all relevant circumstances, including but not limited to the extent of<br />
harm caused by the violation, the nature and persistence of the violation, the length of time over which the violation<br />
occurs, and corrective action, if any. (Ord. 90-28 § 1 (part), eff. 1/3/91: Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior<br />
Code § 20-57 (E))<br />
Section 8-12.1412. Falsification.<br />
Any person who knowingly makes any false statements, representation, record, report, plan or other document<br />
filed with the City or who falsifies, tampers with or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method<br />
required under this chapter, is in violation of this chapter and subject to the civil liabilities imposed under Sections<br />
8-12.1307 through 8-12.1313. (Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff. 6/16/83: prior Code § 20-57 (F))<br />
Section 8-12.1413. Permit revocation: Termination of service.<br />
(a) The Director of Utilities may revoke any permit, or terminate or cause to be terminated wastewater service<br />
to any user if a violation of any provisions of this chapter is found to exist or if a discharge of wastewater causes or<br />
threatens to cause a condition of contamination, pollution or nuisance as defined in this chapter. This provision is in<br />
addition to other statutes, rules or regulations authorizing termination of service for delinquency in payment.<br />
(b) Before or after termination of service the Director of Utilities shall notify in writing, the owner and tenant,<br />
if any, of such property that service is intended to be so terminated. Such notice shall be mailed to the owner at the<br />
address shown on the records of the assessor of the county, or as otherwise known, and a copy shall be delivered to<br />
the tenant or posted conspicuously on the property. The notice shall state the date of proposed termination of service<br />
and the reasons therefor. Users may then file appeals as outlined in this chapter.<br />
(c) Notwithstanding any contrary language in subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the Director of Utilities<br />
may terminate service to a user immediately upon informal advance notice, where necessary to effectively halt or<br />
prevent a discharge of pollutants into a community sewer which discharge reasonably appears to present an<br />
imminent endangerment to the health or welfare of persons. (Prior Code § 20-57 (G); Ord. 83-1054 § 1 (part), eff.<br />
6/16/83; Ord. 90-28 § 1 (part), eff. 1/3/91; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-12A<br />
Section 8-12A.01. Purposes.<br />
The purposes of this Ordinance are to:<br />
(a) Protect the City's storm water collection system and receiving waters from pollutants;<br />
(b) Comply, and require compliance with Federal and State laws concerning storm water. (Ord. 2009-20, eff.<br />
10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.02. Definitions.<br />
(a) Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall mean schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices,<br />
maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the United<br />
States; also treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control site runoff, spillage or leaks,<br />
which are consistent with the California Storm Water Quality Association Best Management Practice Handbooks or<br />
equivalent.<br />
(b) Discharge shall mean any release, spill, leak, pump, flow, escape, leaching (including subsurface migration<br />
to groundwater), dumping, or disposal of any liquid, semi-solid, or solid substance.<br />
(c) Illicit Connection shall mean any unauthorized, man-made conveyance or drainage system pipeline,<br />
conduit, inlet or outlet, or condition of property whether on the surface or subsurface through which the discharge of<br />
any pollutant to the storm drain system occurs or may occur. Illicit connections include, but are not limited to:<br />
(1) Any conveyances which allow sewage, process wastewater, or wash water to enter the storm drain<br />
system and any connections to the storm drain system from indoor drains and sinks, regardless of whether said drain<br />
or connection had been previously allowed, permitted, or approved by a government agency; or<br />
(2) Any drain or conveyance connected from a commercial or industrial land use to the storm drain system<br />
which has not been documented in plans, maps, or equivalent records and approved by the City of Santa Maria.<br />
(d) Pollutant shall mean anything that causes or contributes to pollution including but not limited to:<br />
(1) Artificial materials, chips, or pieces of natural or man-made materials such as floatable plastics, wood,<br />
or metal shavings;<br />
(2) Waste including trash, paper, plastics, lawn clippings and yard wastes; animal fecal materials;<br />
pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers; used oil and fluids from vehicles, lawn mowers and other common household<br />
equipment;<br />
(3) Metals including cadmium, lead, zinc, copper, silver, nickel, and chromium and non-metals including<br />
phosphorus and arsenic;<br />
(4) Petroleum hydrocarbons such as fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, surfactants, waste oils, solvents,<br />
coolants and grease;<br />
(5) Soil sediment and particulate materials;<br />
(6) Animal waste including animal fecal material from any property, residence, yard, kennel, pen, park,<br />
dog park, animal show, animal confinement facility; or any activity involving an animal including keeping, riding,<br />
exercising, showing, recreating, walking, or transporting;<br />
(7) Substances having characteristics such as a pH less than 5.5 or greater than 9.5, unusual coloration,<br />
turbidity, or pathogens;<br />
(8) Waste materials including those incidental to construction and development activities; those produced<br />
by any activities of commercial or industrial businesses, whether mobile or stationary; painting, staining, use of<br />
sealants, glues, limes; application of pesticides, fertilizers or herbicides; use of wood preservatives and solvents;<br />
disturbance of asbestos fibers, paint flakes or stucco fragments; application of oils, lubricants, hydraulic, radiator, or<br />
battery fluids; concrete pouring and cutting slurry wastes; sand blasting residues; or use of chemical degreasing or<br />
diluting agents;<br />
(9) Wastewater including any runoff generated by construction and development activities; the activities<br />
of any commercial or industrial businesses, whether mobile or stationary; pressure-washing of cars, buildings,<br />
walkways, or driveways; application of pesticides, fertilizers or herbicides; use of oils, lubricants, hydraulic, radiator<br />
or battery fluids; concrete pouring and cutting slurry wastes; sand blasting residues; use of chemical degreasing or<br />
diluting agents; concrete washout or use of concrete detergents or construction equipment washing; or chlorinated<br />
water generated by swimming pools;<br />
(10) Materials causing an increase in biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, or total<br />
organic carbon; or which contain base/neutral or acid extractable organic compounds; and<br />
(11) Pollutants as defined in § 502 (6) of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1362 (6) or incorporated into<br />
California Water Code § 13373.<br />
(e) Receiving water shall mean “waters of the United States” as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations<br />
§122.2 into which the regulated storm water discharges.<br />
(f) Responsible Party shall mean any owner, operator, occupant, developer, contractor or sub-contractor of a<br />
building, facility or property that emits storm water into the City of Santa Maria storm drain system; or the person(s)<br />
identified in and responsible for compliance with the provisions of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan or<br />
Storm Water Management Plan.<br />
(g) Storm Drain System shall mean the publicly-owned facilities operated by the City of Santa Maria, or<br />
within the City of Santa Maria but owned and operated by Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water<br />
Conservation District, by which storm water collected and/or conveyed, including but not limited to any roads with<br />
drainage systems, municipal streets, gutters, curbs, inlets, piped storm drains, terminal and detention basins, natural<br />
and man-made or altered drainage channels, reservoirs, and other drainage structures, which are within the<br />
jurisdictional area and are not part of a publicly-owned treatment works as defined in 40 CFR Section 122.2.<br />
(h) Storm water shall mean surface runoff and drainage associated with storm events. (Ord. 2013-02, eff.<br />
4/4/13; Ord. 2012-02, eff. 4/5/12; Ord. 2009-20, eff. 10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.03. Authority of the Director of Utilities.<br />
The Director of Utilities or his/her delegate shall have the authority to administer, implement and enforce this<br />
Ordinance in order to affect its purposes, whether or not the authority is spelled out specifically elsewhere. Any<br />
order of the Director of Utilities may be appealed in the manner specified by Section 8-12.1406. (Ord. 2009-20, eff.<br />
10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.04. Prohibited Discharges, Exemptions and Limitations.<br />
(a) Discharges prohibited. No person shall commence or continue, and no responsible party shall permit, any<br />
direct or indirect non-storm water discharge to public or private property. Moreover, no person shall commence or<br />
continue, and no responsible party shall permit, any discharge of storm water unless the discharge is in conformance<br />
with each of the following:<br />
(1) This Code;<br />
(2) The terms of the State of California Department of Water Resources Phase II Small MS4 General<br />
Permit;<br />
(3) The terms of Post-Construction Stormwater Management Requirements for Development Projects in<br />
the Central Coast Region dated July 12, 2013, as modified by approved Alternative Compliance;<br />
(4) The terms of a permit or other approval given by the City of Santa Maria under authority of<br />
subsections (i) through (iii), above.<br />
Provided however, that no person and no responsible party shall be in violation of this Code under subsections<br />
(2), (3) or (4) above without first being given notice and the opportunity for an administrative interpretation of the<br />
terms alleged to be violated using the procedure set out in Section 12-41.06 of this Code.<br />
(b) Exemptions from discharge prohibition. Subject to the limitation in subsection (c), the following activities<br />
shall not be a prohibited discharge under this ordinance:<br />
(1) Water line flushing;<br />
(2) Landscape irrigation that does not exceed incidental runoff, as defined by the State of California<br />
Department of Water Resources Phase II Small MS4 General Permit;<br />
(3) Diverted stream flows;<br />
(4) Rising ground waters;<br />
(5) Uncontaminated groundwater infiltration (as defined at 40 CFR §35.2005[20]) to separate storm<br />
sewers;<br />
(6) Uncontaminated pumped ground water;<br />
(7) Discharges from potable water sources;<br />
(8) Foundation drains;<br />
(9) Air conditioning condensate;<br />
(10) Springs;<br />
(11) Water from crawl space pumps;<br />
(12) Footing drains;<br />
(13) Individual residential car washing;<br />
(14) Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands;<br />
(15) Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges;<br />
(16) Discharges and flows from emergency fire fighting activities.<br />
(17) Any non-storm water discharge permitted or approved under a National Pollutant Discharge<br />
Elimination System permit, waiver, or waste discharge order issued to the discharger and administered by the State<br />
of California under the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency, provided that the discharger is in full<br />
compliance with all requirements of the permit, waiver, or order and other applicable laws and regulations and<br />
provided that written approval has been granted by the City of Santa Maria for any discharge to the storm drain<br />
system.<br />
With written concurrence of the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, the City of Santa Maria<br />
may exempt in writing other non-storm water discharges which are not a source of pollutants to the storm drain<br />
system or Waters of the U.S.<br />
(c) Limitation. No person shall take any action that may result in contamination, pollution, or unauthorized<br />
discharge of pollutants or fail to take any action that may prevent contamination, pollution, or unauthorized<br />
discharge of pollutants. This Ordinance shall not create liability on the part of the City of Santa Maria, any agent or<br />
employee thereof for any damages that result from any discharger’s reliance on this Ordinance or any administrative<br />
decision lawfully made under it. (Ord. 2013-02, eff. 4/4/13; Ord. 2009-20, eff. 10/15/09; Ord. 2014-02, eff. 4/17/14)<br />
Section 8-12A.05. Illicit Connections Prohibited; Exception.<br />
(a) No person shall establish, use, maintain, or continue illicit drainage connections to the storm drain system.<br />
(b) This prohibition expressly includes, without limitation, illicit drainage connections made in the past,<br />
regardless of whether the connection was permissible under law or practices applicable or prevailing at the time of<br />
connection.<br />
(c) Exception. If, subsequent to eliminating a connection found to be in violation of this Ordinance, the<br />
responsible person can demonstrate that the offending illicit discharges will no longer occur, said person may<br />
request City approval to reconnect. The reconnection or reinstallation of the connection shall be at the expense of<br />
the responsible party. (Ord. 2009-20, eff. 10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.06. Waste Disposal Prohibited.<br />
No person shall throw, deposit, leave, maintain, keep, or permit to be thrown, deposited, left, or maintained, in<br />
or upon any public or private property, any refuse, rubbish, garbage, litter, or other discarded or abandoned objects,<br />
articles, and accumulations, so that the same may cause or contribute to pollution. It is a violation of this Ordinance<br />
to cause or permit any dumpster, solid waste bin, or other waste receptacle to leak such that any pollutant may enter<br />
public property or the storm drain system. (Ord. 2009-20, eff. 10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.07. Compliance Required with Industrial National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System<br />
(NPDES) Storm Water Discharge Permits.<br />
Any person subject to any industrial NPDES storm water discharge permit shall comply with all provisions of<br />
such permit. Proof of compliance with said permit may be required in a form acceptable to the Director of Utilities<br />
upon submittal of improvement plans prior to issuance of any grading, building, occupancy, or operating permits,<br />
upon inspection of the facility, during any enforcement proceeding or action, or for any other reasonable cause.<br />
(Ord. 2009-20, eff. 10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.08. Requirement to Prevent, Control, and Reduce Storm Water Pollutants.<br />
(a) Requirement to Implement Best Management Practices (BMPs). All responsible parties shall implement<br />
appropriate BMPs adopted by the City of Santa Maria for any activity, operation, or facility, which may cause or<br />
contribute to pollution or contamination of the storm drain system or receiving waters.<br />
(b) New Development and Redevelopment. All responsible parties shall implement City of Santa Maria BMPs<br />
to control the volume, rate, and potential pollutant load of storm water runoff from new development and<br />
redevelopment projects to minimize the generation, transport, and discharge of pollutants.<br />
(c) Responsibility to Implement BMPs. Notwithstanding the presence or absence of requirements promulgated<br />
pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) above, any person engaged in activities or operations, or owning facilities or<br />
property which will, or may, result in pollutants entering storm water, the storm drain system, or receiving waters<br />
shall implement BMPs to prevent and reduce such pollutants to the maximum extent practicable.<br />
(1) Activities, operations, and facilities include, but are not limited to: operation, maintenance, and repair<br />
of vehicles; use and disposal of chemicals such as paints, pool chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers;<br />
parking lots, gasoline stations, and loading docks; trucking, transportation, manufacturing, and processing facilities;<br />
waste disposal, recycling, scrap and used parts operations; mobile steam or pressure washing operations;<br />
construction projects, and car washing other than individual residential car washing.<br />
Prior to conducting a car wash event, the responsible party shall obtain, either from the City’s website<br />
(santamariacleanwater.org) or from the Utilities Department, the current BMPs for Car Wash Events. The<br />
responsible party shall sign and post the current BMPs in a clearly visible location at the car wash event.<br />
(2) Construction activities which may result in the release of pollutants to storm water include, but are not<br />
limited to: grading, paving, pouring concrete, painting, and landscaping. Pollutants to be controlled at construction<br />
sites include in particular, but are not limited to, soil sediments released by tracking and erosion during and<br />
immediately following construction. (Ord. 2013-02, eff. 4/4/13; Ord. 2009-20, eff. 10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.09. Repealed.<br />
Section 8-12A.09 is repealed, and supplanted by Section 8-12A.14. (Ord. 2013-02, eff. 4/4/13; Ord. 2009-20,<br />
eff. 10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.10. Requirement to Monitor and Analyze.<br />
The Director of Utilities may require by written notice of requirement that any person engaged in any activity<br />
and/or owning or operating any facility which may cause or contribute to storm water pollution, illicit discharges,<br />
and/or non-storm water discharges to the storm drain system or Waters of the U.S., to undertake at said person’s<br />
expense such monitoring and analyses and furnish such reports as the Director deems necessary to determine<br />
compliance with this Ordinance. Such information shall be required in compliance with the Homeland Security Act<br />
or any other federal law that concerns security in the United States. The burden, including costs, of these activities,<br />
analyses, and reports shall be borne by the responsible party. (Ord. 2013-02, eff. 4/4/13; Ord. 2009-20, eff.<br />
10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.11. Notification of Spills.<br />
Notwithstanding other requirements of law, if any person responsible for a facility or operation, or responsible<br />
for emergency response for a facility or operation has information of any known or suspected release of materials<br />
which are resulting, or may result, in illicit discharges or pollutants discharging into the storm drain system, said<br />
person shall immediately take all necessary steps to ensure the discovery, containment, and cleanup of such a<br />
release. In the event of a release of materials, said person shall notify the City of Santa Maria in person at 2065 East<br />
Main Street, Santa Maria, or by phone to 805-928-3781, ext. 277, or 805-925-2631, no later than 5:00 p.m. the next<br />
business day. Notifications shall be confirmed by follow-up correspondence addressed to the City of Santa Maria,<br />
Department of Utilities, 2065 East Main Street, Santa Maria, CA, 93454 within three days of the initial notification.<br />
(Ord. 2013-02, eff. 4/4/13; Ord. 2009-20, eff. 10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.12. Authority to Inspect.<br />
Whenever it is determined to be necessary to inspect or enforce any provision of this Ordinance, or whenever<br />
the Director of Utilities has probable cause to believe that there exists, or potentially exists, in or upon any premises<br />
any condition which constitutes a violation of this Ordinance, the Director, with permission from the responsible<br />
party, may enter such premises at all reasonable times to inspect the same and to inspect and copy records related to<br />
storm water compliance. In the event the responsible party refuses entry after a request to enter and inspect has been<br />
made, the Director is hereby empowered to seek assistance from any court of competent jurisdiction in obtaining<br />
such entry. (Ord. 2009-20, eff. 10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.13. Authority to Sample, Establish Sampling Devices, and Test.<br />
During any inspection as provided herein, the Director of Utilities may, with permission of the responsible<br />
party, take any samples deemed necessary to aid in the pursuit of the inquiry or to record site activities. Subject to<br />
the access provisions of Section 8-12A.12 of this chapter, the Director may establish on any property such devices<br />
as are necessary to conduct sampling or metering and may perform smoke or dye tests to determine the source of a<br />
discharge. (Ord. 2009-20, eff. 10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.14. Notice of Violation.<br />
Whenever the Director of Utilities finds that a person has violated a prohibition or failed to meet a requirement<br />
of this Ordinance, the Director may order compliance with this Ordinance by written Notice of Violation to the<br />
responsible person that:<br />
(a) Requires monitoring, analyses, and reporting be performed;<br />
(b) Illicit connections or discharges be eliminated;<br />
(c) Violating discharges, practices, or operations cease and desist;<br />
(d) Source control or treatment BMPs be implemented; and/or<br />
(e) Any storm water pollution or contamination hazard be abated and remediated and any affected property<br />
restored;<br />
(f) Requires compliance with laws, regulations, permits or approvals set out in subsection (a) of Section 8-<br />
12A.04.<br />
In issuing a notice of violation ordering a responsible party to cease and desist discharging, the Director shall<br />
have the authority to order abatement within a specified time; to perform the clean-up and abatement work and bill<br />
the responsible party; to order cessation of activities causing pollution when the responsible party fails to abate; to<br />
impose modified timeframes for abatement; to impose administrative fines, costs and penalties according to Chapter<br />
1-8 and 1-9 of this Code; and to seek more substantial civil or criminal sanctions. (Ord. 2013-02, eff. 4/4/13; Ord.<br />
2009-20, eff. 10/15/09)<br />
Section 8-12A.15. Violations Deemed a Public Nuisance.<br />
In addition to the enforcement processes and penalties herein provided, any condition caused or allowed to exist<br />
in violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance is a public nuisance and subject to abatement as otherwise<br />
provided in this Code. Any person creating a public nuisance is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. 2010-03, eff.<br />
5/20/10; Ord. 2009-20, eff. 10/15/09)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-13<br />
WELLS<br />
Section 8-13.01. Definitions.<br />
As used in this chapter:<br />
(a) "Drainage well" means a well whereby water is returned from the surface to the underground water<br />
reservoir.<br />
(b) "Supply well" means a well by which water is removed to the surface from its natural position in the<br />
ground below.<br />
(c) “Public Agency” means the state, a county, city and county, city, district, community college district,<br />
school district, joint powers authority, or other entity designated or created by a political subdivision, and any other<br />
political subdivision of the state. (Prior Code § 20-48.5 (A), Ord. 2003-12, eff. 6/3/03)<br />
Section 8-13.02. Restricted.<br />
The construction of wells in the City, except by the City, or by Santa Maria public agencies to reconstruct or<br />
replace a previously existing well, for any other purposes than for furnishing water for commercial agricultural<br />
purposes, including other necessary uses and purpose incidental to a commercial agricultural operation, is<br />
prohibited, except the Director of Utilities may issue a permit for a well for domestic, commercial or industrial use<br />
for temporary use only, under the following conditions:<br />
(a) City water mains are not in place adjacent to the property involved;<br />
(b) The Director of Utilities has determined that it is not economical, feasible or desirable to extend City water<br />
mains to serve the property at the time that request for such service is made by the owner or lessee;<br />
(c) The owner of the property or lessee has executed an agreement for the destruction of the well within ninety<br />
(90) days of notice by the Director of Utilities. Such notice shall be given immediately following installation of<br />
water mains adjacent to the property on which the well has been constructed. Destruction shall comply with the<br />
water well standards of the State Department of Water Resources. (Prior Code § 20-48.5 (B) (1); Ord. 88-3 § 1, eff.<br />
3/3/88, Ord. 2003-12, eff. 6/3/03; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-13.03. Other provisions unimpaired by permit.<br />
Issuance of a permit for a temporary well shall not nullify or affect any provisions of this Code or resolutions of<br />
the Council which provide a method of installation of a water main or lateral and the payment therefor. (Prior Code<br />
§ 20-48.5 (B) (2))<br />
Section 8-13.04. Permit.<br />
No well shall be constructed within the City by any person without first securing a permit from the Director of<br />
Utilities. Before the construction has commenced, persons constructing the well shall pay the sum provided for in<br />
the Schedule of Fees and Charges within this Code to the Director of Administrative Services and file an application<br />
with the Director of Administrative Services for such a permit, the application to set forth the location of the well,<br />
the purpose for which the water from such well will be used, and constructed based upon the specific City of Santa<br />
Maria standard with a detailed sketch of the proposed installation. The Director of Utilities shall thereupon<br />
investigate the proposed construction of the well to determine whether the proposed construction of the well will<br />
pollute or impair the public water supply of the City, and will conform to the requirements of law and of this Code.<br />
If the Director of Utilities finds that the construction of the well as proposed will not pollute or imperil the water<br />
supply of the City, and the location of the proposed well meets the requirements set forth in this chapter, he or she<br />
shall issue a permit, but otherwise he or she shall withhold the permit. The fee shall cover the cost of this<br />
investigation and shall not be returned to the applicant whether the permit is granted or refused. (Prior Code § 20-<br />
48.5 (C) (part); Ord. 2003-12, eff. 6/3/03; Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
Section 8-13.05. Standards: County permit.<br />
Every person who constructs or destructs a well shall comply with the provisions of this title and the water well<br />
standards of the State prepared by the State Department of Water Resources, and as amended from time to time,<br />
which standards are incorporated in this chapter by reference in their entirety. No person shall do any act regulated<br />
by the provisions of such standards without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Director of Utilities. The<br />
Director shall notify the County Health Officer of the proposal. A county permit shall be obtained and the well shall<br />
be constructed or destructed under the supervision of the County Health Officer and shall conform to all regulations<br />
made by the County Health Officer to prevent the pollution of or imperiling of the public water supply of the City.<br />
(Prior Code § 20-48.5 (D); Ord. 2005-01, eff. 3/3/05)<br />
* Editor's Note: Section 8-13.05 was amended by request of the City Attorney.<br />
Section 8-13.06. Cooling-water wells.<br />
No well shall be constructed in the City for the purpose of furnishing, in whole or in part, water for refrigeration<br />
or air-conditioning purposes for the purpose of furnishing water to cool on property that is less than three thousand<br />
feet (3,000') from a public water main.(Ord. 95-13, eff. 12/07/95)<br />
(Prior Code § 20-48.5 (E))<br />
Section 8-13.07. Drainage wells.<br />
No drainage well shall be constructed in the City. Any existing drainage well which is not used for a period of<br />
one (1) year, or which has been abandoned, shall be destroyed in compliance with the water well standards of the<br />
State Department of Water Resources. (Prior Code § 20-48.5 (F))<br />
Section 8-13.08. Proximity to public water supply.<br />
No well constructed in the City after the effective date of the ordinance from which this section derives shall be<br />
closer than one thousand (1,000) feet to the nearest well of the public water supply system of the City. (Prior Code §<br />
20-48.5 (G))<br />
Section 8-13.09. Sealing.<br />
All wells shall be sealed in compliance with the water well standard of the State Department of Water<br />
Resources. (Prior Code § 20-48.5 (H))<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-14<br />
Section 8-14.01. North Blosser Road area and Battles Road area drainage fee.<br />
(a) There is re-established a fee to defray actual or estimated costs of building planned drainage facilities that<br />
will remove surface and storm waters from certain local drainage areas known as the North Blosser Road drainage<br />
area and the Battles Road drainage area.<br />
(b) This fee requirement was initiated in Ordinance No. 441 of the Santa Maria City Council, in which the<br />
following findings were made and actions taken, each of which is confirmed:<br />
(1) The master drainage report of the City Engineer of the City, dated February, 1960 was adopted as the<br />
drainage element of the General Plan;<br />
(2) Subdivision and development in drainage areas shown in the report was found to require construction<br />
of identified drainage facilities:<br />
(3) Per the master drainage report, the North Blosser Road area facility was found to cost an estimated one<br />
hundred ninety-one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine dollars ($191,939.00) and the Battles Road facility an<br />
estimated forty-three thousand five hundred seventy-eight dollars ($43,578.00), in 1960 dollars, those facilities<br />
being in addition to existing local facilities serving the area;<br />
(4) The County of Santa Barbara was found to have no county-wide general drainage plan.<br />
(c) Unless otherwise required by State law, drainage fees shall be payable, in cash or other consideration of<br />
equal value acceptable to the City Attorney, upon approval of a final subdivision map in either of the described<br />
areas. Fees shall be a per-acre-or-fraction-thereof charge, calculated as follows:<br />
(1) The total area of undeveloped land within said planned local drainage area shall be added to the total<br />
area of undeveloped land within said drainage area which is zoned for commercial, industrial or planned community<br />
development or shown on the City’s General Plan as planned for commercial or industrial development. This total<br />
shall then be divided into the total estimated cost of construction of new facilities to serve said planned local<br />
drainage facilities and the resultant figure shall be termed the "unit of drainage cost."<br />
(2) The fee for the subdivision of each acre of land for residential use shall be one unit of drainage cost.<br />
The fee for subdivision of each acre for commercial, industrial and planned community use shall be two units. The<br />
terms “residential”, “industrial”, “commercial” and “planned community” use shall mean the same as they are<br />
defined in Ordinance No. 360 of the City.<br />
(3) Notwithstanding anything else herein contained, said fee shall not exceed an amount equal to the pro<br />
rata share of the amount of the total, actual or estimated costs of all facilities, existing or planned, within the local<br />
drainage area which would be assessable to such subdivision if such costs were apportioned uniformly on a per-acre<br />
basis.<br />
(d) Revenues raised by payment of drainage area and fees shall be placed in a separate account. These<br />
revenues, and any interest on them shall be used only to:<br />
(1) Pay for the City’s construction of facilities described in the master drainage report dated February,<br />
1960, and any updates thereto, or to reimburse the City for those facilities built by the City with funds it advanced<br />
from other services; or<br />
(2) Reimburse developers who have been required or authorized to install such facilities whose cost<br />
exceeds their drainage fee obligation under this section.<br />
(e) Cost estimates in the master drainage report shall be adjusted once yearly by resolution of the City Council<br />
to reflect the increase or decrease of construction costs, on the basis of a factor recommended by the Director of<br />
Public Works, which factor shall be based on the Engineering News Record Cost of Construction Index published<br />
by McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. Prior to adjusting the fee, notice shall be given in conformity with Section 2-<br />
24.101 et seq. of Title 2 of this Code. (Res. 90-143 § 4, eff. 10/16/90; Ord. 88-22 § 2 (c), eff. 1/5/88)<br />
Section 8-14.02. Orcutt Drainage Plan fee.<br />
(a) There is established a fee to defray estimated costs of building the storm drainage projects identified by the<br />
Orcutt Drainage Plan (June, 1960), as modified by the supplement (September, 1964).<br />
(b) The fee shall be paid by the developer of original construction or subdivider of property, whose property is<br />
located within the City limits, the planned local drainage area and all of the area within the watershed served by the<br />
Orcutt Area Drainage Element of the Santa Barbara County General Plan. A map designating this area is on file in<br />
the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department, and is incorporated by reference into the ordinance<br />
codified in this section.<br />
(c) The fee shall be paid at the earliest time allowed by State law, in the following amounts:<br />
(1) One hundred dollars ($100) per residential lot;<br />
(2) Five hundred dollars ($500) per acre or fraction thereof for property to be developed as commercial,<br />
industrial, school, church, shopping center or other similar uses which substantially cover the ground or which<br />
decrease the permeability of the soil; or<br />
(3) One hundred dollars ($100) per acre or fraction thereof for property to be developed as park, golf<br />
course, green belt, agricultural or other similar uses which substantially preserve the permeability of the soil.<br />
(d) The drainage facilities planned in the Plan and supplement were in addition to existing local drainage<br />
facilities serving the area at the time the Plan was adopted.<br />
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the fee established by this section shall not exceed an<br />
amount equal to the pro rata share of estimated costs of all planned facilities located in the area covered by the Plan.<br />
(f) This section shall not apply where building permits are issued for alterations or additions to existing<br />
buildings or structures. If a developer contributes cash or other valuable consideration toward the construction of the<br />
facilities identified in the Plan or any updates thereto, the developer shall receive credit for the contribution against<br />
the fee otherwise to be paid under this section.<br />
(g) Revenues raised by payment of drainage fees shall be placed in a separate account. These revenues, and<br />
any interest on them, shall be used only to:<br />
(1) Pay for the City’s and/or Santa Barbara County Flood Control District's construction of facilities<br />
described in the Orcutt Drainage Plan dated June 1960 and any updates thereto, or to reimburse these entities for<br />
those facilities they built with funds advanced from other sources; or<br />
(2) Reimburse developers who have been required or authorized to install such facilities whose cost<br />
exceeds their drainage fee obligation under this section.<br />
(h) Cost estimates in the Orcutt Drainage Plan may be adjusted once yearly by resolution of the City Council to<br />
reflect the increase or decrease of construction costs, on the basis of a factor recommended by the Director of Public<br />
Works and/or director of the Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, which factor<br />
shall be based on the Engineering News Record Cost of Construction Index published by McGraw-Hill Publishing<br />
Company. Before adjusting the fee, notice shall be given in conformity with Section 2-24.101 et seq. of this Code.<br />
(Ord. 91-31 § 2, eff. 2/6/92)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-15<br />
Section 8-15.01. Purpose and Intent.<br />
It is the purpose and intent of this Section to implement a unified growth mitigation fee program to fund the<br />
acquisition, design and construction of certain public facilities and related equipment necessary to serve new<br />
development within the City. The Growth Mitigation Fee Program is not intended to duplicate any existing<br />
mitigation fees. The facilities to be funded by the growth mitigation fees are the facilities and equipment, as defined<br />
herein. The requirements of this section are in addition to any other requirements imposed by City ordinances,<br />
resolutions, rules or regulations. The fees required by this Section are in addition to any other means of financing<br />
facilities or improvements which may be available under State law, this Code or City policy. (Ord. 93-10, eff.<br />
09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.02. Definitions.<br />
Whenever the following terms or phrases are used in this section, they shall have the following meanings:<br />
(a) "Applicant" means the owner, or duly designated agent of the owner, of property as to which a request for<br />
development approval is received by the City.<br />
(b) "Benefit area" means the geographic area within which growth mitigation fees are collected and expended<br />
for a particular type of capital improvement serving development projects within such area.<br />
(c) "Calculate" means to determine the amount of growth mitigation fees to be collected, based on the need for<br />
capital improvements related to a particular development project.<br />
(d) "Capital Improvements" means public improvements, such as land and facilities for the storage, treatment,<br />
or distribution of water; for the collection, treatment, reclamation, or disposal of wastewater; for the collection and<br />
disposal of storm waters or for flood control purposes; for transportation and transit, including, but not limited to,<br />
streets and supporting improvements, roads, overpasses, bridges, and related facilities; for parks and recreation<br />
identified in the City’s adopted Capital Improvement Plan or Master Plans, or the Growth Mitigation Fee Program<br />
dated April, 1993.<br />
(e) "Capital Improvement Plan" means the Plan for capital improvements adopted or updated annually by the<br />
City Council. The Capital Improvement Plan indicates the approximate location, size, time of availability and<br />
estimated cost of capital improvements to be financed with growth mitigation fees and appropriate money for capital<br />
improvement projects.<br />
(f) "Collection" means the time when the growth mitigation fee due is actually paid by the applicant to the<br />
City.<br />
(g) "Commitment" means earmarking, budgeting, or appropriating of growth mitigation fees to fund or<br />
partially fund capital improvements serving new development projects.<br />
(h) "Development" means any building or other alteration of, or change in use. Changes in use may include,<br />
but not be limited to, conversion of general office to medical office, or conversion of retail space to<br />
restaurant/laundry/entertainment.<br />
(i) "Development Application" means any formal application submitted to the City, required as a prerequisite<br />
to a development project.<br />
(j) "Facilities and Equipment" means (1) administrative facilities, (2) traffic/circulation facilities, (3) water<br />
infrastructure facilities, (4) wastewater infrastructure facilities, (5) park and open space land and facilities, (6) Police<br />
Department facilities and related equipment, (7) fire stations and related equipment, (8) library facilities and related<br />
equipment, as described in the Study.<br />
(k) "Growth Mitigation Fee" means a monetary exaction imposed as a condition of or in connection with<br />
approval of a development project for the purpose of defraying all or a portion of the cost of capital improvements<br />
related to the development project.<br />
(l) "Imposition/Impose" means the determination that a particular development project is subject to the<br />
condition of payment of growth mitigation fees and the attachment of such requirement to the project as a condition<br />
of development approval.<br />
(m) "Master Plan" means a plan adopted by the City Council for a specific type of public facility, including<br />
drainage facilities, wastewater facilities, water facilities, and traffic circulation facilities. A master plan includes,<br />
but is not limited to, an estimate of the total costs of constructing the type of facilities required by the plan and a<br />
map of the area covered by the plan, showing the location of the facilities and the benefit areas.<br />
(n) "Study" means the Growth Mitigation Fee Program prepared by the City, in conjunction with the adoption<br />
of this Section, and may be amended from time to time. (Ord. 93-10, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.03. Hearing required.<br />
(a) Prior to the establishment or increase of any growth mitigation fee, the City shall hold a public hearing at<br />
which oral or written presentations may be made, as a part of a regularly scheduled meeting.<br />
(b) Notice of the time and place of the hearing, including a general explanation of the matter to be considered,<br />
shall be published in accordance with State law. (Ord. 93-10, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.04. Annual report.<br />
At least once every two years, the City Manager shall prepare a growth mitigation fee report to the City Council<br />
proposing any changes to the AB1600 fee program and any adjustments to the AB1600 growth mitigation fees. The<br />
report shall include, but not be limited to:<br />
(a) Recommended amendments to this chapter and to ordinances and resolutions establishing growth<br />
mitigation fee amounts. The growth mitigation fees, as specified in this chapter, may be set by ordinance or<br />
resolution. Growth mitigation fees shall be adjusted using the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index as<br />
a guide, as well as other cost issues affecting the acquisition, design, and construction of capital facilities;<br />
(b) Recommended changes to the Capital Improvement Plan and to Master Plans, identifying capital<br />
improvements and estimated costs to be funded by growth mitigation fees; and<br />
(c) Recommended changes to the boundaries of benefit areas, and reimbursement allocations.<br />
Based on the report and any other relevant factors, the City Council may change, amend or adopt growth<br />
mitigation fee rates or schedules, or the identification of capital improvements to be funded by growth mitigation<br />
fees. Nothing herein precludes the City Council or limits its discretion to change, amend or adopt such enactments<br />
at any other time. (Ord. 93-10, eff. 09/04/93; Ord. 97-11, eff. 10/16/97)<br />
Section 8-15.05. Effective date.<br />
An ordinance or resolution establishing a new growth mitigation fee or increasing an existing fee shall take<br />
effect no sooner than sixty (60) days following the final action by the City Council on the ordinance or resolution.<br />
(Ord. 93-10, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.06. Imposition, calculation, acknowledgement, and collection of growth mitigation fees.<br />
(a) Growth mitigation fees shall be imposed as a condition of approval of a development project. No tentative,<br />
final, or parcel map, grading permit, building permit, final inspection, final approval, or certificate of occupancy<br />
shall be approved, made or issued, unless the provisions of this section have been fulfilled.<br />
(b) The calculation of the fees imposed, as identified in paragraph (a) above, shall be at the time of approval of<br />
a development project, except for subdivisions, which shall be at the time of building permit issuance. In no case<br />
shall the calculation be later than the date a building permit is issued. The fee shall be based on the growth<br />
mitigation fee schedule in effect at the time the fee is calculated.<br />
(c) The applicant for a building permit shall be required to execute an acknowledgement, in a form approved<br />
by the City Attorney, to pay the fees in cases where the fees are not fully paid at fee imposition, as a condition to<br />
development approval.<br />
(d) Growth mitigation fees for residential construction shall be paid upon request for a final inspection, except<br />
that growth mitigation fees for residential addition construction shall be paid upon issuance of the building permit.<br />
In the event that a project is constructed, but exempt from the building permit process, those fees shall be imposed,<br />
calculated, and paid prior to approval for final utility connections to structures completed for the project.<br />
(e) For all development projects already connected to the utility system, the water and wastewater fees, based<br />
solely on an increase in water meter size or a change in use, shall be calculated and collected prior to installation of<br />
the larger meter or making a change in use. The State Water Reimbursement Fee shall be collected concurrently<br />
with the Growth Mitigation Fee.<br />
(f) City Council may consider allowing qualifying commercial and industrial development the ability to pay<br />
growth mitigation fees as outlined in the current fee schedule over a period of time. The maximum amount of time<br />
for payback shall be five (5) years. The payments shall be made yearly, and interest shall be paid. Interest<br />
calculations shall be based on the average annual interest rate for the Local Agency Investment Fund. Qualifying<br />
companies who wish to pursue this option shall sign an agreement, in a form approved by the City Attorney, and<br />
shall provide financial security guaranteeing payment. (Ord. 2007-06, eff. 7/14/07; Ord. 2005-07, eff. 7/7/05; Ord.<br />
93-10, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.07. Establishment and accounting of growth mitigation fees.<br />
(a) Growth mitigation fees paid pursuant to this section shall be segregated and placed in special funds for the<br />
facilities for which the fees are collected. Monies from these funds shall be expended solely for the design,<br />
construction and acquisition of the corresponding facilities and equipment, including reimbursement for such<br />
expenditures. Any financing mechanism used to finance the cost of capital improvements identified as eligible for<br />
funding under the Growth Mitigation Fee Program may be charged to growth mitigation fees, if the City Council<br />
adjusts the growth mitigation fees to accommodate the financing costs.<br />
(b) Project exemptions from payment of growth mitigation fees were identified by the City Council at the<br />
January 19, 1993 City Council meeting by minute order.<br />
(c) Reconstructions of existing dwelling units or additions to a single-family residential dwelling unit not<br />
constituting the addition of another dwelling unit, as defined by the Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the City<br />
Council, shall not pay any growth mitigation fees for the addition only. (Ord. 93-10, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.08. Reimbursement Agreements.<br />
(a) An owner or developer of a parcel/lot or parcels/lots within the City may be considered eligible to enter<br />
into a reimbursement agreement with the City to reimburse the owner for the developer's approved cost of installing<br />
or acquiring one or more of the facilities and equipment. The agreement shall be in a form approved by the City<br />
Attorney. In order to qualify for any reimbursement, an applicant has to have constructed infrastructure<br />
improvements that meet two criteria: 1) the improvements must be on the adopted growth mitigation capital<br />
improvement list; and 2) the improvements must be of a size greater than that required to mitigate the impact of the<br />
development. The source of reimbursement may be growth mitigation fees from the same fee component collected<br />
in the future. The applicant shall be reimbursed only for those costs incurred over and above growth mitigation fees<br />
paid and credited. Unless otherwise agreed to between the parties to the reimbursement agreement, the City’s<br />
estimate for the facility, as set forth in the Study, shall be the maximum reimbursement. The facilities and<br />
equipment for which reimbursement is provided must be dedicated to the City.<br />
(b) The City shall not reimburse the owner for any costs related to financing any facilities and equipment,<br />
unless the City Council adjusts the growth mitigation fees to accommodate the financing costs.<br />
(c) Any reimbursement agreement entered into under this section shall require the City to provide<br />
reimbursements for a period of up to five (5) years. Reimbursements shall only be provided from the proceeds of<br />
the growth mitigation fees collected by the City for the same type of facility for which reimbursement is being<br />
made. Until all the facilities and equipment of the same type as the facilities and equipment acquired pursuant to the<br />
reimbursement agreement have been constructed or acquired, only twenty-five percent (25%) of the growth<br />
mitigation fee proceeds collected by the City for the same type of facility for which the reimbursement is being<br />
made shall be paid in reimbursements. The remaining seventy-five percent (75%) shall be held by the City for use<br />
to construct and acquire facilities and equipment.<br />
(d) In the event the City enters into reimbursement agreements with the owners of different parcels which<br />
obligate the City to make reimbursement payments at the same time for the same types of facility, the owner which<br />
has executed the earliest reimbursement agreement with the City shall be entitled to growth mitigation fee proceeds<br />
before any other owner.<br />
(e) As used in this section, facilities which are of the same "type" are those facilities identified in the same<br />
section/fee component of the Study.<br />
(f) All reimbursements under this section shall be provided on an annual basis at the time determined by the<br />
City.<br />
(g) None of the provisions in this section shall affect reimbursement maps which were previously recorded.<br />
(Ord. 93-10, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.09. Credits.<br />
(a) Any applicant subject to a growth mitigation fee, imposed pursuant to this chapter, who dedicates real<br />
property or interests therein, to the City, for the construction of capital improvements or who constructs, deposits<br />
money with the City for the construction of, participates in an improvement district for the construction of, or who<br />
otherwise contributes funds for capital improvements, may be eligible for a credit for such dedication, construction<br />
or contribution against the growth mitigation fee otherwise due.<br />
(b) Any applicant subject to a growth mitigation fee imposed pursuant to this chapter, who is redeveloping a<br />
lot or parcel which has been improved and the existing structures have been used to house a residence or business<br />
duly licensed to operate in the City of Santa Maria within the fifty (50) years preceding the adoption date of this<br />
chapter, may be eligible for a credit against the fee otherwise due.<br />
(c) Eligibility for, and the amount of, the credit shall be determined by the City Engineer, based on adopted<br />
City standards and procedures including, but not limited to, whether the dedication, construction or contribution<br />
meets capital improvement needs for which the particular growth mitigation fee has been imposed, as provided in<br />
this chapter and the Capital Improvement Plan, applicable Master Plan, or the Growth Mitigation Fee Program dated<br />
April, 1993; whether the dedication, construction or contribution will substitute for or otherwise reduce the need for,<br />
or cost of, capital improvements anticipated to be provided with growth mitigation fee funds; the value of the<br />
dedication, construction or contribution; or in the case of redevelopment, a credit amount for an existing or<br />
previously existing use can be calculated as a part of a suitable mitigation study prepared by an appropriate design<br />
professional in conformance with guidelines established by and subject to review and approval by the City Engineer.<br />
Credit shall be based upon the value of the improvement as established in the growth mitigation capital<br />
improvement list. In no event, however, shall the credit exceed the amount of the otherwise applicable growth<br />
mitigation fee.<br />
(d) The City Council may consider granting credits or fee reductions for traffic fees only for industrial or<br />
commercial uses which cause little or no impact on traffic congestion. The City Council may also consider granting<br />
credits or fee reductions for residential uses which reduce vehicle trips by their design.<br />
(e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize credits for the cost of improvements that benefit the<br />
development on a single parcel. (Ord. 93-10, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.10. Refunds.<br />
If the City has growth mitigation fees which are uncommitted within five (5) years of collection, it shall make<br />
certain findings, on a yearly basis, to retain the fees or refund the fees. The findings shall identify the purpose to<br />
which the fee is to be put, and demonstrate a reasonable relationship between the fee and the purpose for which it<br />
was charged. If this finding cannot be made, the portion of uncommitted fees shall be refunded to the current record<br />
owner(s) of the development projects(s) on a pro rata basis, according to a refund plan approved by the City<br />
Council. If the administrative costs of refunding exceed the amount to be refunded, the fees may be used for another<br />
project serving the development that was charged the fee. (Ord. 93-10, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.11. Appeals.<br />
(a) The applicant may appeal any decision of a City official to the City Council including, but not limited to,<br />
calculation of the amount of the growth mitigation fee, the number of development units, reimbursement due,<br />
applicability of an exemption, and eligibility for, and amount of, a credit or refund.<br />
(b) The City Council may consider an appeal to allow credits to commercial or industrial uses which provide<br />
economic benefits to the City, or to local non-profit agencies.<br />
(c) In order to perfect an appeal, the applicant must file a notice of appeal with the City Clerk within ten (10)<br />
days following the action of the City official that is the basis of the appeal. The notice of appeal shall include, at a<br />
minimum:<br />
(1) Name and address of applicant/agent;<br />
(2) Description, location and size of the affected property;<br />
(3) Land use proposed for the affected property;<br />
(4) Number of residential units proposed, by type and/or number of square feet of non-residential<br />
development by type;<br />
(5) The particular circumstances giving rise to the appeal;<br />
(6) The City official whose action is being appealed;<br />
(7) The grounds for the appeal, i.e. why the City official's decision is erroneous;<br />
(8) Such other relevant information as may be requested by the City.<br />
(d) If an appeal will have an adverse effect on the beneficiaries of a previously filed reimbursement map, the<br />
beneficiaries shall be notified of the appeal.<br />
(e) The burden of proof shall be on the appellant to establish that the decision of the City official is erroneous<br />
pursuant to the express terms or intent of this article and applicable State law including, but not limited to,<br />
Government Code Section 66000 et seq.<br />
(f) The City Council shall schedule the appeal to be heard at a regular or special meeting to be held not more<br />
than forty-five (45) days after the filing of the notice of appeal by the appellant. At least twenty (20) days prior to<br />
the hearing date, the City shall notify the appellant of the hearing date by certified mail, return receipt requested, at<br />
the address stated on the notice of appeal.<br />
(g) The hearing on the appeal shall be administrative. Evidence may be submitted by the appellant and by the<br />
City. Testimony shall be under oath. The City Council shall make written findings of fact and conclusions of law<br />
after the close of the hearing. However, if it is determined from the notice of appeal, or from relevant City<br />
documents, that the appeal is improper, the City, within twenty (20) days after receipt of the notice of appeal, shall<br />
reject the notice of appeal, stating the grounds therefor and notifying the appellant by certified mail, return receipt<br />
requested.<br />
(h) A request for a continuance of the hearing may be made by the City Council on its own motion or at the<br />
request of the appellant. If requested by the appellant, the City Council shall determine whether a continuance<br />
should be granted.<br />
(i) Within thirty (30) days after the close of the administrative hearing, the City Council shall render its<br />
decision, in writing, and notify the applicant of such decision by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the<br />
address listed on the notice of appeal.<br />
(j) The findings of fact and conclusions of law shall be completed no later than ten (10) days following the<br />
decision of the City Council and shall be filed with the City Clerk. Upon the request of the applicant, the findings of<br />
fact and conclusions of law shall be sent to the applicant.<br />
(k) Upon the filing of the findings of fact and conclusions of law with the City Clerk the decision of the City<br />
Council shall be deemed to be final.<br />
(l) Any petition for judicial review of the City Council's final decision shall be filed not later than the 90th day<br />
following the date on which the decision becomes final, and shall be made in accordance with Sections 1094.5 and<br />
1094.6 of the Code of Civil Procedure.<br />
(m) If the growth mitigation fee has been paid in full or if the notice of appeal is accompanied by a cash<br />
deposit, letter of credit, bond or other surety acceptable to the City Attorney, in an amount equal to the growth<br />
mitigation fee calculated to be due, the application for development project approval shall be processed. The filing<br />
of a notice of appeal shall not stay the imposition or the collection of the growth mitigation fee calculated by the<br />
City to be due unless sufficient and acceptable surety has been provided.<br />
(n) If, as a result of an appeal pursuant to this section, a growth mitigation fee is reduced or waived, the City<br />
Council may determine whether and how such reduction or waiver may affect the growth mitigation fee calculation<br />
methodology. If the City Council determines that capital improvement needs are correspondingly reduced, the City<br />
Council may amend the Capital Improvement Plan, the applicable Master Plan, the growth mitigation fee calculation<br />
methodology, the applicable growth mitigation fee, or take such other action as it may deem appropriate. (Ord. 93-<br />
10, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.12. Growth mitigation fees as additional and supplemental requirements.<br />
Specific growth mitigation fees imposed by Chapter 15 reflect a development's proportionate share of the cost<br />
of providing improvements necessary to meet demands created by such development at established City service<br />
level standards. As such, growth mitigation fees are additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, either<br />
on-site improvement requirements or off-site improvement requirements imposed by the City pursuant to zoning,<br />
subdivision or other ordinances and regulations. (Ord. 93-10, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
(a) Exception: The intensification or enlargement of a commercial use per Section 12-32.07A shall not be<br />
subject to the City’s adopted Growth Mitigation Fee Program (except required water and sewer mitigation fees).<br />
The City Council finds and determines that the commercial intensification or enlargement allowed by Section 12-<br />
32.07A will not be significant and will not have an adverse impact on the Growth Mitigation Fee Program. (Ord.<br />
2001-21, eff. 12/19/01)<br />
Section 8-15.13. Conflicts.<br />
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this ordinance and the provisions of any other ordinance or<br />
resolution establishing or amending development fees, the provisions of this ordinance shall govern. (Ord. 93-10,<br />
eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.14. Severability.<br />
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be<br />
invalid or unconstitutional by the final decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect<br />
the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council declares that each section, subsection,<br />
sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof would have been adopted regardless of the fact that any one or more<br />
sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions thereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. (Ord.<br />
93-10, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.15. Repeal of existing fees.<br />
The following fees in the Schedule of Fees and Charges of the Santa Maria Municipal Code are hereby<br />
repealed: Broadway and Roemer Way Traffic Signal Improvement Area, Carlotti Drive/Donovan Road Circulation<br />
Improvement Area, Casa del Cielo Development Transportation Improvement Fee, Miller Street Corridor Area<br />
Transportation Improvement Fee, and Skyway Drive and McCoy Lane Traffic Signal Improvement Area. (Ord. 93-<br />
10, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.16. City Hall Mitigation Fee.<br />
The growth mitigation fees established pursuant to Chapter 15 of Title 8 of the City’s Municipal Code shall be<br />
comprised of a City Hall mitigation fee.<br />
(a) The base amounts for the calculation of the City Hall mitigation fee are outlined in the study on file in the<br />
City Clerk's office.<br />
(b) The formula for calculation of the City Hall mitigation fee shall be as follows:<br />
(1) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x number of dwelling units = total City Hall mitigation fee.<br />
(2) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x area in square feet = total City Hall mitigation fee. (Ord. 93-12,<br />
eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.17. Corporation Yard mitigation fee.<br />
The growth mitigation fees established pursuant to Chapter 15 of Title 8 of the City’s Municipal Code shall be<br />
comprised of a Corporation Yard mitigation fee.<br />
(a) The base amounts for the calculation of the Corporation Yard mitigation fee are outlined in the study on<br />
file in the City Clerk's office.<br />
(b) The formula for calculation of the Corporation Yard mitigation fee shall be as follows:<br />
(1) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x number of dwelling units = total Corporation Yard mitigation<br />
fee.<br />
(2) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x area in square feet = total Corporation Yard mitigation fee.<br />
(Ord. 93-13, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.18. Traffic mitigation fee.<br />
The growth mitigation fees established pursuant to Chapter 15 of Title 8 of the City’s Municipal Code shall be<br />
comprised of a traffic mitigation fee.<br />
(a) The base amounts for the calculation of the traffic mitigation fee are outlined in the study on file in the City<br />
Clerk's office.<br />
(b) The formula for calculation of the traffic mitigation fee shall be as follows:<br />
(1) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x number of dwelling units = total Traffic mitigation fee.<br />
(2) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x area in square feet = total Traffic mitigation fee.<br />
(3) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x number of beds = total Traffic mitigation fee.<br />
(4) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x number of guest rooms = total Traffic mitigation fee.<br />
(c) "Heavy Industrial" means general heavy industrial facilities, mini-warehouses, and agricultural-related<br />
industrial uses. This definition is in contrast to that in the zoning ordinance, and is for the purpose of traffic fee<br />
calculation.<br />
(d) "Light Industrial" means general light industrial facilities, industrial parks, warehouses, and manufacturing<br />
plants. this definition is in contrast to that in the zoning ordinance, and is for the purpose of traffic fee calculation.<br />
(e) The City Council may consider granting credits or fee reductions for traffic fees only for industrial or<br />
commercial uses which cause little or no impact on traffic congestion. The City Council may also consider granting<br />
credits or fee reductions for residential uses which reduce vehicle trips by their design.<br />
(f) Credit shall not be granted for improvements directly related to the property. Specifically, development of<br />
roadway adjacent to the developed site, from the property line to the first twelve (12) feet of paving shall not be<br />
eligible for credit.<br />
(g) The developer shall have the option to perform an independent traffic study. This separate study shall be<br />
performed under the auspices and control of the City Engineer. The developer shall pay for the study and all related<br />
costs. The developer shall have the option of paying the traffic fee as generated by the City’s study or as generated<br />
by the separate study. (Ord. 93-11, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.19. Water mitigation fee.<br />
The growth mitigation fees established pursuant to Chapter 15 of Title 8 of the City’s Municipal Code shall be<br />
comprised of a water mitigation fee.<br />
(a) The base amounts for the calculation of the water mitigation fee are outlined in the study on file in the City<br />
Clerk's office.<br />
(b) The formula for calculation of the water mitigation fee shall be as follows:<br />
(1) Size of meter x fee per meter = total water mitigation fee.<br />
(2) Annexation areas have development fees, in addition to connection fees, for water infrastructure that<br />
provides direct benefit to the annexation areas only. These areas and their fees are outlined in the study on file in the<br />
City Clerk's office. The annexation areas shall be charged the development fees as outlined in the study on file in<br />
the City Clerk's office in a manner set by the City Council. All other provisions of Chapter 15 shall apply, including<br />
the sections on reimbursements and credits. (Ord. 93-17, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.20. Wastewater mitigation fee.<br />
The growth mitigation fees established pursuant to Chapter 15 of Title 8 of the City’s Municipal Code shall be<br />
comprised of a wastewater mitigation fee.<br />
(a) The base amounts for the calculation of the wastewater mitigation fee are outlined in the study on file in the<br />
City Clerk's office.<br />
(b) The formula for calculation of the wastewater mitigation fee shall be as follows:<br />
(1) Size of meter x fee per meter = total wastewater mitigation fee. (Ord. 93-18, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.21. Recreation and Parks mitigation fee.<br />
The growth mitigation fees established pursuant to Chapter 15 of Title 8 of the City’s Municipal Code shall be<br />
comprised of a recreation and parks mitigation fee.<br />
(a) The base amounts for the calculation of the recreation and parks mitigation fee are outlined in the study on<br />
file in the City Clerk's office.<br />
(b) The formula for calculation of the recreation and parks mitigation fee shall be as follows:<br />
(1) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x number of dwelling units = total recreation and parks mitigation<br />
fee.<br />
(2) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x area in square fee = total recreation and parks mitigation fee.<br />
(c) Credit for AB 1600 Recreation and Parks Mitigation Fee shall be set by the "AB 1600 Recreation and Parks<br />
Mitigation Fee Credit Policy" as approved by the Recreation and Parks Commission. (Ord. 93-14, eff. 09/04/93;<br />
Ord. 97-10, eff. 10/16/97)<br />
Section 8-15.22. Police Department mitigation fee.<br />
The growth mitigation fees established pursuant to Chapter 15 of Title 8 of the City’s Municipal Code shall be<br />
comprised of a Police Department mitigation fee.<br />
(a) The base amounts for the calculation of the Police Department mitigation fee are outlined in the study on<br />
file in the City Clerk's office.<br />
(b) The formula for calculation of the Police Department mitigation fee shall be as follows:<br />
(1) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x number of dwelling units = total Police Department mitigation<br />
fee.<br />
(2) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x area in square feet = total Police Department mitigation fee.<br />
(Ord. 93-15, eff. 09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.23. Fire mitigation fee.<br />
The growth mitigation fees established pursuant to Chapter 15 of Title 8 of the City’s Municipal Code shall be<br />
comprised of a fire mitigation fee.<br />
(a) The base amounts for the calculation of the fire mitigation fee are outlined in the study on file in the City<br />
Clerk's office.<br />
(b) The formula for calculation of the fire mitigation fee shall be as follows:<br />
(1) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x number of dwelling units = total fire mitigation fee.<br />
(2) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x area in square feet = total fire mitigation fee. (Ord. 93-16, eff.<br />
09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.24. Library mitigation fee.<br />
The growth mitigation fees established pursuant to Chapter 15 of Title 8 of the City’s Municipal Code shall be<br />
comprised of a library mitigation fee.<br />
(a) The base amounts for the calculation of the library mitigation fee are outlined in the study on file in the<br />
City Clerk's office.<br />
(b) The formula for calculation of the library mitigation fee shall be as follows:<br />
(1) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x number of dwelling units = total library mitigation fee.<br />
(2) Value of the fee from paragraph (a) x area in square feet = total library mitigation fee. (Ord. 93-19, eff.<br />
09/04/93)<br />
Section 8-15.25. Exemptions.<br />
An exemption from growth mitigation fees imposed by Section 8-15.06 shall be provided as follows:<br />
(a) No new growth mitigation fees except new AB 1600 water and wastewater fees shall be charged for a<br />
project if the project is within any subdivision which has a tentative map approved or parcel map recorded within<br />
seven (7) years prior to the growth mitigation fee becoming due and payable.<br />
(b) Discretionary permits, including but not limited to, conditional use permits, planned development permits,<br />
and project review permits, which have not expired prior to September 7, 1993, and which do not contain a<br />
provision for the payment of traffic mitigation fees shall be exempt, except for new AB 1600 water and wastewater<br />
fees. Discretionary permits which have been previously conditioned to pay a traffic mitigation fee shall pay the fee.<br />
A request for a time extension for discretionary permits shall be denied if the permit has not been previously<br />
conditioned with a traffic mitigation fee.<br />
(c) Existing subdivisions for which improvements have been constructed which are of a regional nature shall<br />
have the value of those improvements credited against their growth mitigation fees. This provision applies to<br />
subdivisions until September 7, 1998. (Ord. 93-27, eff. 09/02/93; Ord. 95-18, eff. 04/07/95)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-16<br />
<strong>PUBLIC</strong> PROJECTS<br />
Section 8-16.01. Public Projects.<br />
Expenditures for public projects, as defined by Public Contract Code Section 22030 (hereinafter “Act”) and in<br />
accordance with the limits listed in Section 22032 of the Act, may be let in accordance with Sections 22000 et seq.<br />
of the Public Contract Code. (Ord. 2007-03, eff. 4/19/07)<br />
Section 8-16.02. Informal bid procedures.<br />
(a) Informal bidding. Public projects as defined by the Act and in accordance with the limits as set forth from<br />
time to time by the State Controller pursuant to Public Contract Code §22032 or successor section, may be let to<br />
contract using the informal procedures specified in Section 22032 and following.<br />
(b) Contractors list. A list of contractors shall be developed and maintained in accordance with the provisions<br />
of Section 22034 of the Public Contract Code and criteria promulgated from time to time by the California Uniform<br />
Construction Cost Accounting Commission (hereinafter “Commission”).<br />
(c) Notice inviting informal bids. Where a public project is to be performed which is subject to the provisions<br />
of this section, a notice inviting informal bids shall be mailed to all contractors for the category of work to be bid, as<br />
shown on the list developed in accordance with subsection (b), and to all construction trade journals as specified by<br />
the California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission in accordance with Section 22036 of the Public<br />
Contract Code. Additional contractors and/or construction trade journals may be notified at the discretion of the<br />
department/agency soliciting bids; provided, however:<br />
(1) If there is no list of qualified contractors maintained by the City for the particular category of work to<br />
be performed, the notice inviting bids shall be sent only to the construction trade journals specified by the<br />
Commission.<br />
(2) If the product or service is proprietary in nature such that it can be obtained only from a certain<br />
contractor or contractors, the notice inviting informal bids may be sent exclusively to such contractor or contractors.<br />
(d) Award of contracts. The City Purchasing Authority and the Director of Public Works are each authorized<br />
to award informal contracts pursuant to this section. (Ord. 2007-03, eff. 4/19/07; Ord. 93-34, eff. 1/20/94; Ord.<br />
2002-05, eff. 7/18/02)<br />
Section 8-16.03. Wages; Public Works Projects.<br />
(a) In every contract for the performance of labor on public works projects, eight (8) hours shall constitute a<br />
day’s work, and the contractor and all subcontractors under him shall pay their employees for the work, a salary or<br />
wage at least equal to the prevailing salary or wage for the same quality of service rendered to private persons, under<br />
similar employment in the City.<br />
(b) The City may, consistent with law and as a municipal affair, award contracts for tenant improvements to a<br />
City facility or budgeted maintenance of public works to the lowest responsible bidder without following<br />
requirements of state law applicable to general law cities and otherwise applicable to chartered cities; provided,<br />
however, that the City shall comply with the provisions of Section 1782 of the California Labor Code and<br />
amendments to that section. (Ord. 2014-02, eff. 4/17/14; Ord. 2013-02, eff. 4/4/13; Ord. 2007-03, eff. 4/19/07; Ord.<br />
2000-09, eff. 7/18/00; Ord. 2004-01, eff. 2/20/04)<br />
<strong>CHAPTER</strong> 8-17<br />
MARIA <strong>PUBLIC</strong> LIBRARY<br />
Section 8-17.01. Loud Electronic Devices Prohibited.<br />
Loud or unreasonable noises or other disturbances are prohibited, including but not limited to, noises caused by<br />
loud or disruptive voices or behavior, electronic devices, or phones. Cell phones are to be used in designated areas<br />
only. (Ord. 2008-30, eff. 1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.02. No Harassment of Library Users or Staff.<br />
Harassing of library users or staff is prohibited. “Harassing” includes, but is not limited to, verbal and nonverbal<br />
expression such as staring at, or following library users or staff. (Ord. 2008-30, eff. 1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18,<br />
eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.03. Proper Hygiene Required.<br />
Users of the library must observe proper hygiene by not offending others with unreasonable odor, including<br />
bodily or personal property. Library users must also wear shoes and shirts while in the library. (Ord. 2008-30, eff.<br />
1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.04. Proper Supervision of Children Required.<br />
Children should be supervised in the library by parents or guardians. Proper supervision of children in the<br />
library by parents or guardians includes, but is not limited to, accompanying children less than thirteen (13) years<br />
old to, in and from the library at all times. (Ord. 2008-30, eff. 1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09; Ord. 2014-02,<br />
eff. 4/17/14)<br />
Section 8-17.05. Adherence to Safety Standards Required.<br />
Library uses must adhere to all safety standards in the library, for example not impeding movement by others in<br />
the library or creating a safety hazard by the inappropriate placement of personal belongings. (Ord. 2008-30, eff.<br />
1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.06. No Photography or Videotaping Without Express Consent.<br />
Taking photographs of any type or videotaping in the library is prohibited except with the express consent of the<br />
City Librarian or his/her deputies. (Ord. 2008-30, eff. 1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.07. Persons Engaged in Constitutionally Protected Speech – Restrictions.<br />
Persons engaged in constitutionally protected speech, such as requesting signatures for petitions and other<br />
expressive activities, are not permitted to harass library patrons or block access to the library. (Ord. 2008-30, eff.<br />
1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.08. No Soliciting of Selling of Items Allowed.<br />
Unless otherwise authorized by the City Librarian, soliciting or selling items inside the library or in the area<br />
immediately outside and around the library is prohibited. (Ord. 2008-30, eff. 1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.09. Food and Drink in Library Prohibited.<br />
No eating or drinking is allowed in the library, except in designated areas. (Ord. 2008-30, eff. 1/15/09; Ord.<br />
2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.10. Restrictions on Use of Restrooms.<br />
Unreasonable use of restrooms, including laundering and bathing, is prohibited. (Ord. 2008-30, eff. 1/15/09;<br />
Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.11. Sleeping or Loitering Prohibited.<br />
Sleeping or loitering in the library, including lying on the floor or furniture is prohibited. (Ord. 2008-30, eff.<br />
1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.12. Animals Prohibited in Library – Exception for Disabled Persons.<br />
No person shall bring an animal into the library, except a disabled person is permitted to bring an animal trained<br />
to assist the disabled person into the library. (Ord. 2008-30, eff. 1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.13. Adherence to Library Policy Regarding Use of Public Computers Required.<br />
All library users who use public computers shall adhere to the Library Policy for Patron Use of Public<br />
Computers. This policy is posted in the library and is available from library staff upon request. (Ord. 2008-30, eff.<br />
1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.14. Penalty for Violation of Rules of Conduct.<br />
Any person violating any provision of this Chapter, except for Section 8-17.17, is guilty of an infraction and<br />
upon conviction thereof is punishable in accordance with Chapter 1-6. (Ord. 2008-30, eff. 1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18,<br />
eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.15. Exclusion Process.<br />
In addition or as an alternative to a criminal or administrative citation for a violation of this Chapter, a library<br />
user is subject to the Exclusion Process.<br />
(a) General Provision. A library customer is subject to exclusion from the library or may otherwise have his or<br />
her library privileges restricted or suspended if he or she (or a person under his or her control or direction) violates<br />
any of the provisions of this Chapter within ninety (90) days after he or she was given a verbal warning for a<br />
violation of the rules of conduct and a subsequent written warning notice of a violation of the rules of conduct.<br />
Serious violations of the rules of conduct may result in the issuance of a written warning notice without a verbal<br />
warning.<br />
(b) Persons Authorized to Issue Warning or Exclusion Notices. The City Library shall designate those library<br />
staff employees who are authorized to issue warning and exclusion notices.<br />
(c) Issuance of Warning or Exclusion Notices.<br />
(1) Warning Notice. After the issuance of a verbal warning to a library user for a violation of the rules of<br />
conduct set forth in this Chapter or immediately upon the occurrence of a serious violation, a City Librarian<br />
designated employee may issue a written warning notice for a violation. The warning notice shall specify that the<br />
recipient must leave the library for the remainder of the day, and that in the event a second violation of the rules of<br />
conduct occurs within ninety (90) days of issuance of the warning notice, that person shall be subject to exclusion<br />
from the library or the loss of some or all of his or her library privileges as the City Librarian designated employee<br />
may determine to be appropriate. The warning or exclusion notice shall also contain information concerning the<br />
right to appeal to the City Librarian. The person to whom the warning notice is issued shall sign a written<br />
acknowledgment of its receipt. If the recipient refuses to sign, the person issuing the warning notice shall make a<br />
written record of the refusal.<br />
(2) Exclusion Notice. If a library user has received a warning notice and again violates a rule of conduct<br />
within ninety (90) days of the date of issuance of the warning notice, a City Librarian designated employee may<br />
issue a written exclusion notice excluding the person from the library or losing some or all of his or her library<br />
privileges as the City Librarian designated employee may determine to be appropriate. If the person is excluded<br />
from the library, the exclusion shall be for a period of no less than one month and no more than twelve months. The<br />
exclusion notice shall specify the person that is to be excluded from the library, the period of the exclusion, the time<br />
the exclusion is to commence, any library privileges being lost and the specified period of loss, and information<br />
concerning the right to appeal the exclusion notice to the City Librarian. The person to whom the exclusion notice is<br />
issued shall sign a written acknowledgment of its receipt and allow his or her photograph to be taken. If the recipient<br />
refuses to sign, or allow his or her photograph to be taken, the person issuing the exclusion notice shall make a<br />
written record of the refusal. (Ord. 2008-30, eff. 1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.16. Right of Appeal of Warning or Exclusion Notice.<br />
(a) The individual to whom a warning or exclusion notice is issued shall have the right to an appeal from the<br />
issuance of the notice.<br />
(b) A notice of appeal of a warning notice or an exclusion notice must be filed, in writing, with the City<br />
Librarian within five (5) calendar days of the issuance of the warning or exclusion notice. The notice of appeal shall<br />
state the following:<br />
(l) The appellant’s name;<br />
(2) The appellant’s address and a telephone number where he or she can be reached;<br />
(3) A concise statement as to why the appellant believes that the issuance of the warning notice or the<br />
exclusion notice was invalid or unjustified; and<br />
(4) A copy of the warning notice or exclusion notice shall be attached.<br />
(c) A hearing on the appeal shall be held no more than fifteen (15) calendar days after the filing of the appeal,<br />
except the City Librarian may postpone the hearing date at the request of the appellant or library staff for good<br />
cause. The appellant shall be provided notice of the hearing date, time, and location at least five (5) calendar days<br />
prior to the hearing date. The hearing shall afford a reasonable opportunity for the appellant to be present and<br />
present evidence that the warning notice or exclusion notice is invalid or unjustified. The appellant shall have the<br />
right to cross-examine library staff witness(es). The decision of the City Librarian shall be final and in writing.<br />
(d) At the hearing, library staff shall have the burden to show by a preponderance of evidence that the warning<br />
notice or exclusion notice was based on and justified by a violation of the rules of conduct described in this Chapter.<br />
(e) Copies of all library staff documents to be used by the library staff at the hearing shall be made available to<br />
the appellant at least five (5) calendar days prior to the hearing. (Ord. 2008-30, eff. 1/15/09; Ord. 2009-18, eff.<br />
10/1/09)<br />
Section 8-17.17. Punishment for Violation of an Exclusion Notice.<br />
Any person who violates a provision of an exclusion notice to stay away from the library by physically entering<br />
the City Library during the exclusion period is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ord. 2008-30, eff. 1/15/09; Ord. 2009-<br />
18, eff. 10/1/09)<br />