Sales Tax Update - City of Santa Maria
Sales Tax Update - City of Santa Maria
Sales Tax Update - City of Santa Maria
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September 20, 2012<br />
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<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Maria</strong> – <strong>Sales</strong> <strong>Tax</strong> <strong>Update</strong><br />
In the June 5, 2012 election, <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Maria</strong> voters approved Measure U,<br />
establishing a temporary quarter-cent transaction (sales) and use tax. As a result, the<br />
sales tax rate in <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Maria</strong> will increase from 7.75 percent to 8.00 percent beginning<br />
October 1.<br />
It is estimated that the quarter-cent tax will generate about $4 million in annual local<br />
revenue for <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Maria</strong>. The additional revenue will be used to maintain, restore,<br />
and/or improve essential <strong>City</strong> services such as neighborhood police patrols, fire<br />
protection, 9‐1‐1 emergency response, gang suppression, <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Maria</strong> River Levee<br />
repairs, and other essential services.<br />
The new transactions (sales) and use tax (also called a "District <strong>Tax</strong>") must be charged<br />
on all taxable sales delivered or placed into use within the <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Maria</strong> <strong>City</strong> limits. The<br />
additional quarter-cent sales tax will be equivalent to one penny on a $4 taxable<br />
purchase, or 25 cents on a $100 taxable purchase.<br />
The tax is imposed on the seller, and the seller is responsible for collecting the correct<br />
amount <strong>of</strong> tax. They are responsible for programming the new rate into their cashiering<br />
equipment.<br />
Businesses within the <strong>City</strong> limits recently were mailed a special notice about the 8.00<br />
percent rate from the State Board <strong>of</strong> Equalization (BOE), the agency responsible for<br />
administering and collecting the transactions and use taxes for the <strong>City</strong>. A copy <strong>of</strong> this<br />
special notice is posted online at<br />
If you are a seller or a purchaser and need to confirm or determine if your business<br />
address is within the <strong>City</strong> limits <strong>of</strong> <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Maria</strong>, please click on the following links.<br />
<strong>City</strong> Address Listing<br />
Street Index<br />
<strong>City</strong> Street Map (zoom-in: Press Ctrl+Plus)<br />
County Treasurer’s Website Property <strong>Tax</strong> Search<br />
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Accurate tax area coding is critical to the allocation process because it is the basis for<br />
distributing tax revenue collected to the place <strong>of</strong> sale or use. Each <strong>City</strong>, or other<br />
jurisdiction, is identified by the BOE with a 12-digit area code assigned to the business<br />
address. As a result <strong>of</strong> the June 2012 Measure U election, the updated 12-digit <strong>Tax</strong><br />
Area Code (TAC) assigned to <strong>Santa</strong> <strong>Maria</strong> is 42-002-295-0000. Some businesses may<br />
need this code for their financial s<strong>of</strong>tware.<br />
The following information can also be found on the State Board <strong>of</strong> Equalization's<br />
website:<br />
<strong>Tax</strong> Tips for District <strong>Tax</strong>es<br />
District <strong>Tax</strong>es and Delivered <strong>Sales</strong><br />
For more information specific to a business or industry, review the BOE’s<br />
publication list:<br />
The BOE’s Local and District taxes website also has helpful information for<br />
sellers and purchasers:<br />
Training Opportunities<br />
Please click on the following link to search for training sessions <strong>of</strong>fered on how to<br />
complete the <strong>Sales</strong> and Use <strong>Tax</strong> form(s).<br />
Training Sessions for <strong>Sales</strong> and Use <strong>Tax</strong> Preparation<br />
More Information<br />
If you need additional information, please contact the California State Board <strong>of</strong><br />
Equalization toll-free <strong>Tax</strong>payer Information Center at (800) 400-7115 (TTY: 711)<br />
between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays, except State holidays.<br />
Department:<br />
<strong>City</strong> Manager’s Office<br />
Contact Person:<br />
Mark van de Kamp, Management Analyst II<br />
Telephone Number: (805) 925-0951 ext. 372<br />
E-mail Address:<br />