Chapter - 08 Bon Po Religion - Jain Library

Chapter - 08 Bon Po Religion - Jain Library

Chapter - 08 Bon Po Religion - Jain Library


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Shri Ashtapad Maha Tirth - II<br />

ways represent the Causal Vehicles (rgyu'i theg-pa), while those which follow are<br />

known as the Fruitional Vehicles.<br />

e. The Vehicle of the Primordial <strong>Bon</strong> of Pure Conduct and Ritual Activity (bya-ba<br />

gtsangspyod ye bon gyi theg-pa): Focusing on ritual activity (bya-ba, Skt. kriya) and<br />

purity of conduct, this vehicle corresponds to the Kriyatantrayana in the Nyingmapa<br />

system. In terms of method, the Wisdom Being (ye-shes-pa) is invoked into one's<br />

range of vision and treated as a great lord being petitioned by a humble servent, and<br />

thereby the practitioner receives the knowledge (ye-shes) and the blessings (byinrlabs)<br />

of the deity.<br />

f. The Vehicle of the Clairvoyant Knowledge that possesses all of the aspects (rnam-par<br />

kun-Idan mngon-shes kyi theg-pa): The focus is equally on external ritual action<br />

and internal yoga practice. This vehicle corresponds to the Charyatantrayana in the<br />

Nyingmapa system. Together with the practice of the ten Paramitas and the four<br />

Recollections, the presence of the Wisdom being is invoked, but this time the deity<br />

is regarded as an intimate friend rather than as a superior lord. These two vehicles<br />

represent the Outer or Lower Tantras (phyi rgyud), while the vehicles that follow<br />

represent the Inner or Higher Tantras (nang rgyud).<br />

g. The Vehicle of Visibly Manifestating Compassion in terms of the Actual Generation<br />

Process (dngos bskyed thugs-rje rol-pa'i theg-pa): This vehicle corresponds to the<br />

Yoga Tantra and to a certain extent to the Mahayoga Tantra and the Anuttara Tantra<br />

in the Buddhist system of classification for both the Nyingmapas and the Newer<br />

Schools. Establishing oneself in the higher view of the Ultimate Truth and remaining<br />

in the original condition of the Natural State, one engages in the Generation Process<br />

(bskyed-rim) and transforms oneself into the meditation deity, thereby realizing the<br />

qualities attributed to that manifestation of enlightened awareness.<br />

h. The Vehicle wherein Everything is Completely Perfect and Exceedingly Meaningful (shin<br />

tu don-Idan kun rdzogs kyi theg-pa): Becoming established in the Ultimate Truth and<br />

the original condition of the Natural State as was the case above, here one places the<br />

emphasis on the Perfection Process (rdzogs-rim) rather than the Generation Process<br />

(bskyed-rim), so that Space and Awareness are realized to be inseparable (dbyings<br />

rig dbyer-med). And particularly in terms of the meditation deity, the practitioner<br />

comes to realize the gnosis or pristine awareness of the inseparability of bliss and<br />

emptiness (bde stong ye-shes). This vehicle corresponds to the Mahayoga Tantra and<br />

especially the Anuyoga Tantra classifications of the Nyingmapas.<br />

i. The Unsurpassed Vehicle of the Highest Peak of the Primordial Great Perfection (ye<br />

nas rdzogs-chen yang-rtse bla-med kyi theg-pa): This vehicle comprises the Dzogchen<br />

teachings in terms of the Mind Series (sems-sde) which emphasize the awareness side<br />

of the Natural State and the Space Series (klong-sde) which emphasize the emptiness<br />

side, as well as the Secret Instruction Series (man-ngag sde) which emphasize their<br />

inseparability.<br />

On the Central Treasures, see John Myrdhin Reynolds, Yungdrung <strong>Bon</strong>: The Eternal<br />

The <strong>Bon</strong> <strong>Po</strong> Traditions of Dzogchen<br />


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