Chapter - 08 Bon Po Religion - Jain Library

Chapter - 08 Bon Po Religion - Jain Library

Chapter - 08 Bon Po Religion - Jain Library


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Shri Ashtapad Maha Tirth - II<br />

retreat according to Shardza Rinpoche, see the monograph, John Myrdhin Reynolds, The<br />

Instructions of Shardza Rinpoche for the Practice of Vision and the Dark Retreat, <strong>Bon</strong> <strong>Po</strong><br />

Translation Project (privately printed), New York 1992.<br />

52. On the rDzogs-chen sems-sde, see Reynolds, The Golden Letters, ibid, and also Namkhai<br />

Norbu, The Crystal and the Way of Light: Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen, Arkana Penguin<br />

Books, London 1993.<br />

53. sNya-chen Li-shu stag-rings was said to a contemporary of the Tibetan king Khri-srong<br />

Ide'u-btsan and was actively involved in the concealing of Terma texts. See Karmay, Treasury,<br />

ibid. On Li-shu stag-rings, see also <strong>Chapter</strong> Four below. The text of the rDzogschen yangrtse'i<br />

klong-chen was reprinted in India in 1973.<br />

References<br />

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1987 The Tibet Guide. London: Wisdom.<br />

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1971 Le Lha 'dre bka' than. In Etudes tibetaines dCdiees a la memoire de Marcelle Lalou, pp. 29-126.<br />

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