Front Page & Index - MEDIMOND

Front Page & Index - MEDIMOND

Front Page & Index - MEDIMOND


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ISSN 2039-4632<br />

Updates from<br />

Angiology<br />

Microcirculation<br />

Psychotherapy<br />

vol. 3, n. 1.2012

an International Journal of Medical Sciences<br />

ISSN 2039-4632<br />

ISBN 978-88-7587-634-0<br />

Director and editor-in-chief<br />

Musiani Irio<br />

Medimond s.r.l. - Via G. Verdi 15/1, I-40065 Pianoro (Bologna)<br />

e-mail: info@medimond.com - www.medimond.com<br />

This journal was printed in February 2012 by EDITOGRAFICA s.r.l.,<br />

www.editografica.com.<br />

© 2012 - Medimond s.r.l., Via G. Verdi 15/1, I-40065 Pianoro Bologna.<br />

All rights reserved. Single photocopies of single articles may be made for personal use.<br />

Written permission from the publisher is required for all other photocopying. Subscriber<br />

may reproduce tables of contents or prepare list of articles including abstracts for<br />

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<strong>Index</strong><br />

<strong>Front</strong> page ...........................................................................................................................<br />

I<br />

Angiology<br />

The role of vascular surgery in management of patients with critic chronic<br />

limb ischemia (CLI)<br />

Flis V .................................................................................................................................... 1<br />

New development in endovascular technologies: the multilayer stent<br />

Henry M., Benjelloun A., Henry I., Polydorou A. ................................................................... 5<br />

Renal angioplasty and stenting: is it still indicated after astral and star studies?<br />

Henry M., Benjelloun A., Henry I. ......................................................................................... 15<br />

Etiopathogenesis and risk assessment in the management of venous thromboembolism.<br />

Kalodiki E. MD BA DIC PhD FRCS; Fareed J. PhD DSc DHC FAHA ........................................ 21<br />

Endovascular Treatment of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis<br />

Kipshidze N., Rukhadze I., Archvadze A., Kipiani V., Kipshidze IV N., Lapiasvili E., Kaloiani V. 25<br />

Diagnostic access to the patient with suspected deep vein thrombosis<br />

Kozak M ............................................................................................................................... 31<br />

Deep vein thrombosis and stenting- diagnostic criteria<br />

Kuhelj D ............................................................................................................................... 35<br />

Conservative Management in Patients with Critical Leg Ischemia<br />

Martini R. MD, Andreozzi G.M. MD ....................................................................................... 39<br />

New scoring system for coronary artery disease diagnosis based on doppler<br />

and duplex markers<br />

Chabok M, Aslam M, Farahmandfar M R, Jha P K, Kooner J ................................................ 43<br />

Comparison of carotid endarterectomy, carotid stenting and current best medical<br />

treatment in patients with moderate asymptomatic carotid stenosis<br />

Flis V, Tetičkovič E, Matela J, Mrdža B, Milotič F, Štirn B, Kobilica N, Bergauer A .................... 49<br />

©2012 by <strong>MEDIMOND</strong> s.r.l. III

IV<br />

ScienceMED, vol. 3, 1.2012, Bologna<br />

What is the number of patients with critical chronic ischemia (CCLI) in Slovenia?<br />

Kobilica N, Flis V .................................................................................................................. 53<br />

Microcirculation<br />

Characterization of multifocal cerebral ischemia-induced microvascular changes<br />

with multimodal imaging technique in the cerebral cortex of the rat<br />

Bere Zs., Bari F., Obrenovitch T. P., Farkas E. ....................................................................... 57<br />

Arterial hypertension: precapillary or postcapillary level of vascular resistance?<br />

Fedorovich A.A. .................................................................................................................... 63<br />

New Aspects of Vascular Actions of Polyphenols<br />

Verbeuren T.J., Xu S., Hou X., Bachschmid M.M., Jiang B., Li Y., Zang M., Rupin A.<br />

and Cohen R.A. .................................................................................................................... 69<br />

Novel steroid-based strategy to restore blood brain barrier integrity after ischemic<br />

brain injury<br />

Kleinschnitz C., Blecharz K., Kahles T., Schwarz T., Kraft P., Göbel K., Meuth S.G., Burek M.,<br />

Thum T., Stoll G. and Förster C.Y. ......................................................................................... 75<br />

Psychotherapy<br />

Practice and philosophy of psychoeducation: Towards sublation between evidence<br />

and narrative<br />

Uehara Toru, M.D., Ph.D. ...................................................................................................... 85<br />

Author <strong>Index</strong> ........................................................................................................................ 91

Author <strong>Index</strong><br />

Andreozzi G.M., 39<br />

Archvadze A., 25<br />

Aslam M, 43<br />

Bachschmid M.M., 69<br />

Bari F., 57<br />

Benjelloun A., 5, 15<br />

Bere Zs., 57<br />

Bergauer A, 49<br />

Blecharz K., 75<br />

Burek M., 75<br />

Chabok M, 43<br />

Cohen R.A., 69<br />

Farahmandfar M R, 43<br />

Fareed J., 21<br />

Farkas E., 57<br />

Fedorovich A.A., 63<br />

Flis V, 1, 49, 53<br />

Förster C.Y., 75<br />

Göbel K., 75<br />

Henry I., 5, 15<br />

Henry M., 5, 15<br />

Hou X., 69<br />

Jha P K, 43<br />

Jiang B., 69<br />

Kahles T., 75<br />

Kalodiki E., 21<br />

Kaloiani V., 25<br />

Kipiani V., 25<br />

Kipshidze IV N., 25<br />

Kipshidze N., 25<br />

Kleinschnitz C., 75<br />

Kobilica N, 49, 53<br />

Kooner J, 43<br />

Kozak M, 31<br />

Kraft P., 75<br />

Kuhelj D, 35<br />

Lapiasvili E., 25<br />

Li Y., 69<br />

Martini R., 39<br />

Matela J, 49<br />

Meuth S.G., 75<br />

Milotič F, 49<br />

Mrdža B, 49<br />

Obrenovitch T. P., 57<br />

Polydorou A., 5<br />

Rukhadze I., 25<br />

Rupin A., 69<br />

Schwarz T., 75<br />

Štirn B, 49<br />

Stoll G., 75<br />

Tetičkovič E, 49<br />

Thum T., 75<br />

Uehara Toru, 85<br />

Verbeuren T.J., 69<br />

Xu S., 69<br />

Zang M., 69<br />

©2012 by <strong>MEDIMOND</strong> s.r.l. 91

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