JVI-873 SeptOct'03 PT Mag - Jack Van Impe Ministries

JVI-873 SeptOct'03 PT Mag - Jack Van Impe Ministries

JVI-873 SeptOct'03 PT Mag - Jack Van Impe Ministries


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JACK<br />

VAN IMPE<br />


JANUARY/<br />

FEBRUARY 2004<br />

Lighting New fires of Revival, Redemption, and Reconciliation<br />

Are you headed for a Protestant Purgatory,<br />

and don’t even know it?!<br />

The powerful new video teaching from Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

Don’t miss what’s inside<br />

Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s<br />

Message for You.............Page 2<br />

International Update<br />

& Prophecy News.........Page 12<br />

From Rexella’s Heart<br />

to Yours..........................Page 18<br />

Letters We Love............Page 24<br />

Special offer extended!<br />

FREE shipping to<br />

USA & Canada!<br />

Call or write today for best<br />

selection and FREE shipping!

Years ago, Dr. Jerry<br />

Falwell and I were<br />

both members of the<br />

Baptist Bible Fellowship<br />

under the leadership and<br />

guidance of the powerful<br />

leader, Dr. G. B.Vick who<br />

was also my pastor.<br />

At our national<br />

convention held in<br />

<strong>Jack</strong>sonville, Florida, Dr.Wendell<br />

Zimmerman, the keynote speaker, began<br />

the week-long gathering of ministers<br />

from around the nation with one of the<br />

most shocking statements a Baptist leader<br />

ever made. He said,“Our Catholic friends<br />

have a place called purgatory and I wish<br />

we Baptists had such a place to purify us,<br />

because God knows we need more holiness<br />

within our ranks.”<br />

In recent days, a book crossed my desk<br />

documenting the fact that for over 100<br />

years, and even to the present moment,<br />

a teaching has infiltrated scores of<br />

Protestant churches that entails more<br />

suffering, and for a much longer period<br />

of time, than the “purgatory” of the<br />

Catholic faith.<br />

Even though I had read over 10,000<br />

volumes in my lifetime, I had never heard<br />

of such a theory until this book was sent<br />

to me entitled: The Rod,by J. D. Faust. In<br />

my new video entitled, The Protestant<br />

Purgatory,I deal with this 400-page<br />

volume extensively. Here are a few of<br />

the opinions and quotes it contains.<br />

Dr. George W. Dollar, author of A<br />

History of Fundamentalism in America,<br />

who promotes the book states:“God’s<br />

going to send all the wicked, lazy, unprofitable<br />

Christians … to outer darkness for<br />

1,000 years and there shall be a gnashing<br />

of teeth.”<br />

Watchman Nee warns:“To lose the<br />

crown is to lose Kingdom entrance.”<br />

W. F. Roadhouse (1875-1951) and<br />

D. M. Panton (1870-1955) both declared:<br />

“Christians (who do not repent before<br />

they die) will be briefly punished at the<br />

judgment seat and then excluded from<br />

Christ’s future 1,000-year kingdom.”<br />

Panton openly taught that some<br />

Christians who miss the millennium will<br />

be temporarily punished in the fiery<br />

underworld according to their works.<br />

Paul Rader, founder of the Great<br />

Tabernacle in Chicago, said:“…<br />

Everything that has to do with the thousand<br />

years must meet the most terrific<br />

fires of testing. Only that which can pass<br />

through the fiery test at the judgment<br />

seat will be admitted into this thousand<br />

years of Millennial splendor.”<br />

To me this teaching is nothing more<br />

or less than a Protestant Purgatory.<br />

Nevertheless, as wrong as this material is,<br />

some 300 religious leaders, named in the<br />

book, and some for whom I preached,<br />

proclaimed this doctrine for over 100<br />

years in America and Canada.<br />

J. D. Faust in his book, The Rod again<br />

writes — and personally I believe this<br />

teaching to be in total error: “Christians<br />

are warned about the danger of being<br />

temporarily ‘hurt’ by this Lake of Fire ….”<br />

He continues:“The fires of the underworld<br />

are real and terrible and the disobedient<br />

Christian that does not repent<br />

in time may temporarily experience these<br />

fires … for 1,000 years.”<br />

He adds,“The underworld is the dark<br />

realm in the heart of the earth that the<br />

Lord uses as a prison until after the millennium.<br />

It is under the earth. It is the<br />

same as hell or outer darkness, and all<br />

unfaithful Christians will be imprisoned<br />

in this underworld until after the millennium,<br />

or after the thousand years. The<br />

suffering there will be according to<br />

works. There will be differing degrees<br />

of chastisement.”<br />

David Reagan calls this teaching “a sort<br />

of Protestant Purgatory.”<br />

The Catholic church has been dishonored<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> January/February 2004<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> 3<br />

Every man’s<br />

work shall be<br />

made manifest:<br />

for the day<br />

shall declare<br />

it, because it<br />

shall be<br />

revealed by<br />

fire; and the<br />

fire shall try<br />

every man’s<br />

work of what<br />

sort it is. If<br />

any man’s work<br />

abide which<br />

he hath built<br />

thereupon, he<br />

shall receive<br />

a reward. If<br />

any man’s<br />

work shall<br />

be burned,<br />

he shall suffer<br />

loss: but he<br />

himself shall be<br />

saved; yet so<br />

as by fire.

y a twisted interpretation of<br />

Purgatory by some Protestant<br />

leaders and, by the way, both<br />

Catholics and Protestants use<br />

the same text:<br />

I Corinthians 3:11-15, For<br />

other foundation can no man<br />

lay than that is laid, which is<br />

Jesus Christ. Now if any man<br />

build upon this foundation gold,<br />

silver, precious stones, wood,<br />

hay, stubble; Every man’s work<br />

shall be made manifest: for the<br />

day shall declare it, because it<br />

shall be revealed by fire; and the<br />

fire shall try every man’s work<br />

of what sort it is. If any man’s<br />

work abide which he hath built<br />

thereupon, he shall receive a<br />

reward. If any man’s work shall<br />

be burned, he shall suffer loss:<br />

but he himself shall be saved;<br />

yet so as by fire.<br />

Purgatory has nothing to do<br />

with one’s salvation. Catholics<br />

have been devastatingly misinterpreted.<br />

Let me document the<br />

facts.<br />

The Catholic Catechism, point<br />

#1030 concerning Purgatory,<br />

states:“All who die in God’s grace<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> January/February 2004<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> 4<br />

and friendship are indeed assured<br />

of their eternal salvation; but after<br />

death they undergo purification,<br />

so as to achieve the holiness<br />

necessary to enter the joy of<br />

heaven.” Father Charles M. Carty<br />

and Father L. Rumble add:<br />

“Purgatory is not a final destiny.<br />

Every soul that goes there is<br />

saved … Purgatory is not a place<br />

for repentance, but for purification.”<br />

This cleansing occurs to<br />

prepare Catholics for their marriage<br />

to Christ (Revelation 19:7).<br />

Here’s added proof that<br />

Purgatory is totally misrepresented<br />

by some Protestants. On page<br />

408, in the book entitled The<br />

Rod,J.D.Faust states:“People in<br />

Rome’s purgatory suffer to<br />

become a child of God — untrue.<br />

This denies the Gospel. Yes, if it<br />

were so, but it isn’t. On the other<br />

hand, the doctrine of millennial<br />

exclusion protects and guards the<br />

Gospel, since the various warnings<br />

to believers are not applied<br />

to eternity, but only for 1,000<br />

years.” Big deal — only 1,000<br />

years of suffering.<br />

In this video study, I answer<br />

such questions as:<br />

• When is one placed into the<br />

Protestant purgatory?<br />

• How long does one remain<br />

there?<br />

• Where is it located?<br />

• Why do Protestants enter this<br />

place of fire?<br />

After dealing with this seldom<br />

discussed subject within the<br />

ranks of Protestantism, I then<br />

move ahead with the accurate<br />

Biblical presentation regarding<br />

the Bema Seat Judgment for all<br />

believers.<br />

The following material is just a<br />

portion of my doctrinal position<br />

on the “Bema Seat” judgment:<br />

Romans 14:10 states, We shall<br />

all stand before the judgment<br />

seat of Christ.<br />

II Corinthians 5:10 adds, For<br />

we must all appear before the<br />

judgment seat of Christ; that<br />

every one may receive the things<br />

done in his body, according to<br />

that he hath done, whether it be<br />

good or bad. Millions of God’s<br />

children think they can live nominal<br />

Christian lives and still be<br />

fully rewarded. They think they<br />

can play “fast and loose” with<br />

the world without suffering loss.<br />

This is wishful thinking! The<br />

day is coming when every<br />

blood-bought believer must<br />

stand before a holy God for a<br />

scrutinizing investigation. This<br />

becomes clear when one traces<br />

the English term “judgment seat”<br />

to its Greek origin. There the<br />

term is “bema seat.”<br />

When Paul used this phrase in<br />

the first century, every educated<br />

mind immediately knew the<br />

severity of the warning, because

their thinking took them to the original<br />

Olympics in Athens, Greece. It, like modern-day<br />

sports stadiums, contained thousands<br />

of seats. But one seat was different<br />

from the rest in that it was uplifted and<br />

elevated. The judge of the contest, who<br />

occupied this seat, had no obstruction to<br />

mar his view of the racing participants.<br />

He could see every movement clearly.<br />

Does this not picture the God of<br />

Holiness elevated upon His throne, watching<br />

the Christian’s race of life? He sees<br />

where we go, hears what we say, and<br />

watches our every move. Yes, for the eyes<br />

of the Lord run to and fro throughout<br />

the whole earth (II Chronicles 16:9). God<br />

cried, Mine eyes are upon all their ways<br />

(Jeremiah 16:17) and because of it, all<br />

things are naked and opened unto the<br />

eyes of him with whom we have to do<br />

(Hebrews 4:13).<br />

God is watching His people and keeping<br />

records for the day when we must all<br />

appear before the judgment seat of<br />

Christ; that every one may receive the<br />

things done in his body, according to<br />

that he hath done, whether it be good or<br />

bad (II Corinthians 5: 10). Therefore, each<br />

one of us should put Christ first in our<br />

daily walk. We cannot live for the flesh<br />

and self and hear Christ say in that day,<br />

Well done, thou good and faithful servant<br />

(Matthew 25:21). A battle must be<br />

fought and won. Scars will be traded for<br />

crowns. Rewards must be earned. Paul<br />

who [bore] in [his] body the marks<br />

[scars] of the Lord Jesus (Galatians 6:17),<br />

was [pressing] toward the mark for the<br />

prize of the high calling of God in Christ<br />

Jesus (Philippians 3:14). Salvation was his<br />

as a gift, but only works of hardship, suffering<br />

and perhaps death could bring him<br />

the crown to lay at Jesus’ feet (see<br />

Revelation 4:10,11). This is true for every<br />

Christian.<br />

God also will investigate the motives<br />

behind a Christian’s work. In other words,<br />

the question will be,“Why did you do<br />

what you did, when you did it? Why were<br />

you a pastor, an evangelist, a missionary?<br />

Why did you hold the office of deacon,<br />

elder, or Sunday school teacher? Why did<br />

you sing or perform solos? Many of<br />

today’s presentations are filled with carnality.<br />

We forget that God has called us to<br />

run a lifeboat not a showboat. What was<br />

your motive in being a counselor, an<br />

usher, a bus driver? What purpose did you<br />

have in desiring to be a full-time Christian<br />

worker? Was it for power, prestige, or<br />

pride? Was your motive to be noticed,<br />

lauded, and applauded?”<br />

If there is an iota of self-glorification<br />

behind any act of service, the rewards<br />

will be sparse — if any! Listen to the<br />

Savior in Matthew 6: 1-6: Take heed that<br />

ye do not your alms before men, to be<br />

seen of them: otherwise ye have no<br />

reward of your Father which is in<br />

heaven. Therefore when thou doest<br />

thine alms, do not sound a trumpet<br />

before thee, as the hypocrites do in the<br />

synagogues and in the streets, that they<br />

may have glory of men. Verily I say unto<br />

you, They have their reward. But when<br />

thou doest alms, let not thy left hand<br />

know what thy right hand doeth: That<br />

thine alms may be in secret: and thy<br />

Father which seeth in secret himself shall<br />

reward thee openly. And when thou<br />

prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites<br />

are: for they love to pray standing<br />

in the synagogues and in the corners of<br />

the streets, that they may be seen of men.<br />

Verily I say unto you, They have their<br />

reward. But thou, when thou prayest,<br />

enter into thy closet, and when thou hast<br />

shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is<br />

in secret; and thy Father which seeth in<br />

secret shall reward thee openly.<br />

Christ continues in verses 16-18:<br />

Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the<br />

hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for<br />

they disfigure their faces, that they may<br />

appear unto men to fast. Verily I say<br />

unto you, They have their reward. But<br />

Therefore<br />

judge nothing<br />

before the<br />

time, until the<br />

Lord come,<br />

who both will<br />

bring to light<br />

the hidden<br />

things of<br />

darkness,<br />

and will make<br />

manifest the<br />

counsels<br />

[or motives]<br />

of the heart.<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> January/February 2004<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> 5

thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine<br />

head, and wash thy face; that thou<br />

appear not unto men to fast, but unto<br />

thy Father which is in secret: and thy<br />

Father, which seeth in secret, shall<br />

reward thee openly.<br />

There is no doubt about the meaning<br />

of Christ’s startling words. He declares<br />

that there are two places to be rewarded<br />

— here upon earth as a person seeks the<br />

praise of men, or later in heaven when<br />

the Father who saw the works performed<br />

in secret, without notoriety, rewards<br />

those who did the job simply out of love<br />

for Him. When Jesus returns to call His<br />

people unto himself and the judgment<br />

begins, what will be the verdict about<br />

your motives in the Christian race? The<br />

motives issue will then be made manifest.<br />

I Corinthians 4:5 declares, Therefore<br />

judge nothing before the time, until the<br />

Lord come, who both will bring to light<br />

the hidden things of darkness, and will<br />

make manifest the counsels [or motives]<br />

of the heart.<br />

I trust I have increased your desire to<br />

know even more about this event that<br />

occurs immediately after the Rapture.<br />

Further questions answered are:<br />

• Is this judgment only for believers?<br />

• Will all of God’s servants have some<br />

form of works (good and bad) to be<br />

tested?<br />

• Will there be a difference in the<br />

quality and quantity of one’s service?<br />

• Will “burned works” bring eternal loss?<br />

• What works come under the heading<br />

of gold, silver, precious stones, wood,<br />

hay and stubble?<br />

• Will there be sorrow in heaven as<br />

works are burned into ashes?<br />

• Will there be weeping in heaven, and<br />

for how long?<br />

• Can one lose rewards, previously<br />

earned, because of living carelessly<br />

and satisfying fleshly desires?<br />

• What are the five crowns for service<br />

that believers will place at Christ’s<br />

throne?<br />

• What must one do to hear Jesus say:<br />

“Well done thou good and faithful<br />

servant?”<br />

•How near is this great event?<br />

This video is a must in the light of<br />

Christ's imminent return. Order it today.<br />

This information could turn you around<br />

spiritually before you face the greatest<br />

moment in history — seeing Christ face<br />

to face.<br />

This video will help you strive for one<br />

of the five crowns, especially the<br />

“Watchers Crown” bestowed on all who<br />

look for His return. II Timothy 4:8 states,<br />

Henceforth there is laid up for me a<br />

crown of righteousness, which the Lord,<br />

the righteous judge, shall give me at<br />

that day: and not to me only, but unto<br />

all them also that love his appearing. ■<br />

See page 16 for more information<br />

on The Protestant Purgatory.<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> January/February 2004<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> 6

The insightful video from Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

answers your questions about what happens<br />

Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> have released Beyond the<br />

Grave in order to make sure all our ministry partners<br />

know the biblical truth about eternity and where you will<br />

spend it — plus, we want you to share this powerful teaching<br />

with unsaved friends. Get the biblical facts on:<br />

• Heaven, Hell, Hades, and Gehenna<br />

• The previous and final locations of heaven<br />

• How many heavens there are<br />

• Where <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> gets his view of<br />

three heavens<br />

• The Holy City that literally comes down<br />

from heaven to earth<br />

• Whether saints in heaven can come to the<br />

Holy City during Christ’s millennial reign,<br />

or must stay in the third heaven<br />

• And much more<br />

Share this best-selling video with your<br />

Christian friends and family for education<br />

and comfort, and share it with non-believers<br />

in order to bring them closer to Christ.<br />

“I have just finished watching Beyond<br />

the Grave and I just wanted to let you<br />

know how helpful this tape was. It<br />

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Thanks so much for this tape and may<br />

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W. D.<br />

Beyond the Grave<br />

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$24.95 ($29.95 Canada)<br />

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Running time: 85 minutes

One of the most requested and widely distributed teaching videos ever<br />

from Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

Running time: 3-1/2 hours<br />

Don’t Forget! Free Shipping &<br />

Handling to USA and Canada.<br />

Insure that you<br />

and your family<br />

are ready for the<br />

prophecies unfolding<br />

internationally<br />

right now — and<br />

for the return of<br />

the Savior, which<br />

could be at hand<br />

any moment by<br />

sending for<br />

Faith for the<br />

Final Hour.<br />

This 3-1/2 hour 2-tape video teaching<br />

comes straight from the heart of Dr.<strong>Van</strong><br />

<strong>Impe</strong> and presents a perfect “crash<br />

course” in Bible prophecy as it pertains<br />

to you and your family, living in these<br />

final days of human history.<br />

You will understand the predictions<br />

concerning the Rapture, the Great<br />

Tribulation, the rise of the antichrist (and<br />

whether he could be waiting in the<br />

wings right now), the Mark of the Beast,<br />

the coming one-world government, and<br />

much more.<br />

All these things most pertinent for you<br />

and your family to know in these critical<br />

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“The Rapture Hope or Hoax video is<br />

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Everything you say, the Bible backs you up.”<br />

J.B.<br />

Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s potent video<br />

teaching brings you the answers you need<br />

about the Rapture, the Second Coming, the 1000-<br />

year reign of Christ called the Millennium, and<br />

much more! You will get the facts concerning:<br />

• The Rapture — what is it and when will it happen?<br />

• “Left Behind” — what does it mean, and who<br />

will experience it?<br />

• Pre-Tribulation Rapture — Is it in the Word of God?<br />

• The “big lie” — who started the notion that the<br />

pre-Trib Rapture is a 19th century invention?<br />

• Catholic priests and scholars — do any of them<br />

believe in and teach the Rapture doctrine??<br />

• A-Millennialism — What is it, and who<br />

created the idea that there will be no 1,000-<br />

year reign of Christ upon the earth?<br />

• The Millennium — Is it one of the most<br />

predicted events in the Bible, with some 456<br />

biblical references?<br />

• “Heretic” — that’s a harsh word for the<br />

originator of a-Millennialism. Why does<br />

Pope John Paul II call him that?<br />

• And much more!<br />

The Rapture: Hope or Hoax<br />

VIDEO (VTRV) or DVD (DTRV)<br />

Yours for a gift of $24.95 ($29.95 Canada)<br />

Running time: 120 minutes

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<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> for the special price of<br />

just $39.95 U.S./$49.95 Canada<br />

Running time: 120 minutes<br />

Volume 1 answers such questions as:<br />

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Get the astounding<br />

answers to<br />

these startling<br />

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Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s<br />

new teaching video<br />

series, You Asked<br />

For It: Volumes<br />

I and II.<br />

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• Where is the Arab alliance against Israel mentioned in the Bible?<br />

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Volume 2 reveals:<br />

• If the Bible prophesies human cloning and<br />

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• What happens when a Christian dies and why<br />

bodies are called up in the Rapture.<br />

• Whether cremation or burial has any effect on<br />

the body you will have in heaven.<br />

• What it’s going to be like for the people left<br />

behind, not taken in the Rapture – and what’s<br />

going to happen to them during this time.<br />

• Where in the Bible the 7-year tribulation is predicted.<br />

• The truth about 666 and if there will be any way to<br />

beat the mark of the beast system set up by the<br />

Antichrist and False Prophet during the tribulation time.<br />

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($49.95 Canada) Running Time: 240 minutes<br />

Running time: 120 minutes

The single most important collection of teachings by<br />

Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> ever assembled!<br />

A combination of three of the most requested videos:<br />


Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and<br />

Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

answer your<br />

questions such as:<br />

• Is the Antichrist alive today?<br />

• What will life be like under the rule of the Antichrist?<br />

• Where and when will the Battle of Armageddon be fought?<br />

Is it about to happen?<br />

• What are the signs pointing to the one momentous sign<br />

— Christ’s return?<br />

• What can you say to someone who refuses to believe in the<br />

Rapture because they say it is not mentioned in the Bible?<br />

• What does the Bible mean when it talks about Satan being “loosed”?<br />

• Will there be a way to beat the “666” system?<br />

• How long will the cleanup operation take after the<br />

21 judgments of Revelation 6-18 are completed?<br />

• How will the world’s armies try to prevent the Lord from<br />

returning to earth to set up His kingdom?<br />

• And more!<br />

THE PROPHECY TRILOGY VIDEO (V<strong>PT</strong>V)<br />

A $75 value for your gift of<br />

only $49.95 ($59.95 Canada)<br />

Also Available: Each of the 3 VIDEOS separately<br />


21st CENTURY<br />


(VPRV)<br />

Send a gift of<br />

$24.95<br />

($29.95 Canada)<br />

Running time: 110 minutes<br />



YEARS<br />

(VMYV)<br />

Send a gift of<br />

$24.95<br />

($29.95 Canada)<br />

Running time: 108 minutes<br />

DAY EIGHT:<br />



(VEDV)<br />

Send a gift of<br />

$24.95<br />

($29.95 Canada)<br />

Running time: 113 minutes




WorldNetDaily.com reports:<br />

“Osama bin Laden's al Qaida network<br />

has purchased at least 15 ships in the<br />

last two years — creating, perhaps,<br />

the first terrorist naval force, reports<br />

Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.<br />

Lloyds of London has reportedly<br />

helped Britain’s MI6 and the U.S. CIA<br />

trace the sales made through a Greek<br />

shipping agent suspected of having<br />

direct contacts with bin Laden, the<br />

online intelligence newsletter reported.<br />

The ships fly the flags of Yemen<br />

and Somalia — where they are registered<br />

— and are capable of carrying<br />

cargoes of lethal chemicals, a ‘dirty<br />

bomb’ or even a nuclear weapon,<br />

according to G2 Bulletin’s sources.<br />

British and U.S. officials worry that<br />

one or more of these ships could hit<br />

civilian ports on a suicide mission.<br />

The freighters are believed to be<br />

somewhere in the Indian or Pacific<br />

oceans. When the ships left their<br />

homeports in the Horn of Africa<br />

some were destined for ports in Asia.<br />

The U.S. Department of State<br />

warned citizens overseas that the<br />

threat of terror attacks did not end<br />

with the passing of the September<br />

11 anniversary — specifically<br />

mentioning the threat of maritime<br />

terrorism…” (Matthew 24:7;<br />

Malachi 4:1 – Global biological<br />

and nuclear warfare)<br />



WorldNetDaily.com<br />

reports:“As a<br />

two-day conference<br />

of major<br />

religions ended<br />

in Kazakhstan,<br />

key leaders of<br />

18 faiths agreed<br />

to meet regularly<br />

under the<br />

banner<br />

‘Congress of World and<br />

Traditional Religions.’<br />

One delegate hoped<br />

the group would translate<br />

into a ‘United Nations of<br />

Religions.’ Speeches<br />

touched on how to address<br />

differences between religions,<br />

the need for more<br />

dialogue, and the issue of<br />

terrorism.<br />

The secretary-general of<br />

the Muslim World League,<br />

Sheikh Abdullah Al-Turki,<br />

from Saudi Arabia, said the<br />

Koran prohibits any acts<br />

of violence.<br />

He told the delegates,<br />

‘Islam is against all killing<br />

that is without a just cause.<br />

We cannot accept those<br />

who say that Islam is a<br />

religion that kills or harms<br />

others.’ Sheikh Al-Turki said<br />

Muslims also oppose those<br />

who use religion for political<br />

purposes.<br />

The senior Jewish representative<br />

at the conference<br />

was Jonah Metzger, the<br />

chief rabbi of Israel. He<br />

spoke of the need for<br />

greater understanding<br />

between faiths, directing<br />

his remarks to the delegations<br />

from Saudi Arabia,<br />

Iran, Pakistan,<br />

and Egypt, who<br />

were sitting just<br />

a short distance<br />

away. Metzger<br />

invited all of<br />

those present<br />

to come to<br />

Jerusalem, which<br />

he called by its Islamic<br />

name of ‘Al-Quds.’ He told<br />

the conference that the<br />

invitation applied to<br />

everyone, even those with<br />

whom Israel does not have<br />

diplomatic relations.<br />

During the conference<br />

there were private meetings<br />

between delegates<br />

from the Catholic and<br />

Russian Orthodox churches,<br />

which have spiritual<br />

differences going back<br />

centuries as well as more<br />

recent disputes over<br />

property in the former<br />

Soviet Union.<br />

Hindus from India also<br />

had a chance to talk with<br />

their historical Muslim<br />

adversaries from Pakistan.<br />

Representatives of other<br />

faiths at the congress<br />

included Taoists and<br />

Buddhists from China, and<br />

a Shinto delegation from<br />

Japan…” (A One World<br />

Religion precedes the<br />

return of Christ to the<br />

earth – see Revelation<br />

13:1-15)<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> January/February 2004<br />

World Report 12



The Associated Press reports:“Shivering and<br />

sweating feverishly, Felicia Egbuchue took the<br />

malaria medicine her doctor prescribed.<br />

Although it had cured her in years past, this<br />

time it didn’t. She was rushed to the hospital,<br />

and hooked up to an intravenous drip. ‘I have<br />

no inner strength. I feel like I'm dying,’ the<br />

30-year-old university student said from her<br />

hospital bed.<br />

Malaria, the ancient mosquito-borne disease<br />

that was rolled back by medical advances in the<br />

mid-20th century, is making a deadly comeback.<br />

Strains of the disease are becoming increasingly<br />

resistant to treatment, infecting and killing<br />

more people than ever before — sickening as<br />



many as 900 million last year, according to<br />

estimates by the U.S.Agency for International<br />

Development.<br />

More than one million people — and as<br />

many as 2.7 million by some estimates — of<br />

those victims died. The vast majority of the<br />

deaths were in Africa.<br />

After three days in a private hospital in<br />

Nigeria's commercial capital of Lagos, Egbuchue<br />

recovered from what doctors said was a strain<br />

that had become resistant to many of the<br />

standard treatments. ‘Malaria is something that<br />

we thought we had conquered years ago. But<br />

more and more of our people are dying from it<br />

every day,’ said Patrick Dike, a malaria specialist<br />

at the Lagos hospital. Only AIDS kills more<br />

people worldwide. Among children, malaria<br />

kills even more than AIDS…” (Revelation 6:8,9)<br />

BBC News reports:“Civil<br />

rights campaigners have<br />

expressed concerns about the<br />

new smart travel cards introduced<br />

for London commuters.<br />

Under the new system,<br />

Transport for London will be<br />

able to track a commuter's<br />

movements and it plans to<br />

retain information on journeys<br />

made for ‘a number of years.’<br />

Each card has a unique ID<br />

number linked to the registered<br />

owner’s name, which is<br />

recorded together with the<br />

location and time of the<br />

exchange every time the card<br />

is used. The data, retained<br />

for business purposes, could<br />

be released to law enforcement<br />

agencies under certain<br />

conditions.<br />

Anyone hoping to use a<br />

monthly or annual season ticket<br />

will have to register their<br />

details with Transport for<br />

London, although anonymous<br />

cards will be available to those<br />

willing to pay per journey.<br />

The civil rights group Liberty<br />

told BBC News Online that<br />

commuters should be able to<br />

opt out of the system if they<br />

had privacy concerns. The new<br />

system uses the Oyster smart<br />

card, which Transport for<br />

London began distributing to<br />

commuters in the summer.<br />

The smart card is ‘contact<br />

less,’ meaning customers do not<br />

have to insert their cards into a<br />

card reader. Instead, the new<br />

card must be quickly placed<br />

on top of a reader and does<br />

not even need to be removed<br />

from its holder to work.<br />

A small amount of data<br />

about the commuter holding<br />

the card, including a unique ID<br />

number, is stored on it. When<br />

the card is presented at a tube<br />

station or on a bus, the ID<br />

number, together with information<br />

including the location<br />

and time of the transaction, is<br />

sent from the card reader to a<br />

central database.<br />

In time,Transport for<br />

London will have a database<br />

with the exact movements of<br />

a significant number of the<br />

people who live or work in<br />

London…” (Preparation for<br />

the approaching “Mark of<br />

the Beast” – Revelation<br />

13:16-18; 14:11; 20:4)<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> January/February 2004<br />

World Report 13

All eyes are on the Middle East because of the focus<br />

on radical Islamic terrorism, and what is the one<br />

subject that seems to inflame passions? The nation of<br />

Israel: its existence as a state and its ownership of the<br />

holy city of Jerusalem, which has a special place in the<br />

hearts of Muslims, Jews and Christians alike.<br />

Why are the nation of Israel and the city of<br />

Jerusalem the key around which the entire final days<br />

drama seems to revolve? Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

show you the powerful truth from the Scriptures in<br />

this exciting and timely video!<br />

Get the answers to intriguing questions such as:<br />

• Why has the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem been sealed<br />

since the early 16th century?<br />

• What will the Antichrist do in Jerusalem?<br />

• How do prophecies about Armageddon involve<br />

Jerusalem?<br />

• What does the word “Jerusalem” really mean during<br />

these end times?<br />

• How did the first moon landing fit into Bible<br />

prophecy about Jerusalem?<br />

• And more!<br />

Running time: 75 minutes<br />

Jerusalem: War or Peace? VIDEO (VWPV)<br />

Yours for a gift of just<br />

$19 .95 ($24 .95 Canada)

Rumors of Another World<br />

By Philip Yancey<br />

Is the visible world around us all there is? Is faith in<br />

an unseen world wishful thinking? What on earth are<br />

we missing when we fail to listen to the rumors of a<br />

life beyond?<br />

In this exciting book from Philip Yancey, you will join<br />

the author on a journey of discovery and consider<br />

“rumors of another world” that could point the way to<br />

a new life of beauty, purpose and freedom.<br />

Yancey grapples honestly with major life questions,<br />

and when you walk with him through the borderlands<br />

of belief — a place between doubt and faith — you will<br />

find a hopeful new perspective for life.<br />

Rumors of Another World Book (B179)<br />

Send a gift of $22.95<br />

($27.95 Canada)<br />

Don’t Forget! Free Shipping & Handling to USA and Canada.<br />

Prophecy teachers Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye,<br />

John Hagee and more explain the facts about<br />

One World: Globalism, the<br />

Anti-Christ & Planet Earth’s Last Days<br />

This dynamic video features many Bible prophecy<br />

teachers and experts offering startling insights<br />

into the turbulent days in which we live. They reveal<br />

compelling evidence that these are the Latter Days!<br />

This riveting and hard-hitting video presents a clear<br />

and concise scenario of the earth-shattering events<br />

which are about to unfold across our planet. Their thesis:<br />

a fast-moving political and spiritual conditioning process<br />

has come into full swing since the events of 9/11, and<br />

we are now closer to seeing the fulfillment of more<br />

ancient prophecies than ever before!<br />

ONE WORLD Video (V656)<br />

Yours for a gift of $24.95<br />

($29.95 Canada)<br />

Running time: 60 minutes

Don’t Forget!<br />

Free Shipping &<br />

Handling to USA<br />

and Canada.<br />

Did you know that for<br />

over 100 years, 300<br />

Protestant theologians and<br />

ministers have propagated<br />

Millennial Exclusion, which<br />

amounts to the Protestant<br />

Purgatory? Many of these<br />

men for whom I preached,<br />

never uttered a word to<br />

me concerning their erroneous<br />

views on a coming fiery world.<br />

Believe me when I say this<br />

subject is shocking because the<br />

Protestant Purgatory is much more<br />

stringent, painful and lengthy than<br />

the Catholic version.<br />

Our powerful new video exposes<br />

this Protestant fallacy and shows<br />

what Bible prophecy scripturally<br />

reveals about the Bema Seat<br />

Judgment. Should you and your<br />

family — if saved — fear future<br />

loss for 1,000 years? NEVER!! This<br />

video proves it.<br />

This is a great addition to your<br />

prophecy library and a must for<br />

every believer who wants the facts.<br />

Running time: 102 minutes<br />

Running Time: 102 minutes<br />

The Protestant Purgatory<br />

VHS (VPPV) or DVD (DPPV)<br />

Send a gift of $ 24 .95<br />

( $ 29 .95 Canada)

Can it really work?!<br />

Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> was contacted by the Office<br />

of Public Liaison from the Whitehouse to<br />

give his thoughts on President Bush’s “Roadmap<br />

to Peace” for the Middle East. Now the video<br />

Dr. and Mrs.<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> prepared for the National<br />

Security Advisor is available to you, and here is a<br />

list of just some of the topics covered:<br />

• Latter day secrets revealed<br />

• The European Union<br />

• Hitler’s “final solution”<br />

• Hitler’s occult involvement<br />

• Atlantis and the master race<br />

• Martin Luther<br />

• Henry Ford<br />

• Israel’s statehood<br />

• The six-day war of 1967 – a final sign?<br />

• 1,900 years of global “death squads”<br />

• President Bill Clinton warned<br />

• Who’s land? Jews or Arabs for 1,000<br />

generations<br />

• The shocking prophecies of Rabbi Hagaon<br />

• The 7-year peace plan. Will it last?<br />

• Russia, Gog, <strong>Mag</strong>og, Meshech,Tubal and Rosh<br />

• Egypt and the Arab federation<br />

• China<br />

• Word War III<br />

• Peace at last. When? Where? Why?<br />

• Are we the generation to see the 7th day<br />

prophecy fulfilled?<br />

This is a great video for you and your family,<br />

and especially interesting to any non-believer<br />

who wants to know the facts on the future<br />

and importance of events in the Middle East<br />

today. Call or write for it now!<br />

The Roadmap to Peace<br />

VHS (VRMV) or DVD (DRMV)<br />

“This video leaves no stone unturned. God’s Word<br />

explicitly predicted, centuries in advance, the<br />

upcoming Mid East Peace Program and its outcome<br />

— down to the tiniest detail! Beloved, every<br />

sign and every nation involved in the ‘Mid East’<br />

prophecies is presently in place for the first time in<br />

world history. If this is the hour for the fulfillment of<br />

God’s peace plan as outlined by the prophet<br />

Daniel, then Christ could return at any moment!”<br />

Send a gift of $24.95 ($29.95 Canada)<br />

Running time: 85 minutes

Since America and its coalition<br />

allies went to war with Iraq,<br />

all of us have been focused<br />

on the events of that conflict.<br />

Not only did we rejoice for the<br />

military victory won, but we<br />

also grieved over the casualties<br />

suffered during the war and in<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> January/February 2004<br />

Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> 18<br />

the continuing campaign to<br />

establish a peaceful Iraq.<br />

Many of our soldiers have been<br />

wounded or slain in the ongoing<br />

terrorism there. In trying to stop<br />

terrorism worldwide, our president<br />

feels that it is necessary to<br />

stay and try to win the peace in<br />

this violence-ridden nation.<br />

Every day the deadly conflict<br />

reminds us that political freedom<br />

comes at a terrible price.<br />

I’m sure we cannot begin to<br />

understand how a soldier must<br />

feel when he comes under<br />

attack, is wounded, and falls. Can

you imagine the shock, pain, fear,<br />

and dread that sweeps over him<br />

(or her)? How awful to be hurt<br />

and lost, not knowing which<br />

way to go. Worse still, to be<br />

injured and disabled, not able to<br />

move, not knowing who is out<br />

there … or approaching!<br />

What great comfort it must be<br />

when someone comes to that<br />

fallen soldier and says simply,<br />

“Hold on — help is on the way!”<br />

Understand, the person who<br />

delivers that message may not be<br />

the one who can actually help<br />

the sufferer. Perhaps it’s a fellow<br />

soldier or a civilian onlooker —<br />

not the medic who administers<br />

drugs for pain, starts an IV, and<br />

calls for transport to a hospital.<br />

Yet how welcome — how vital<br />

— the gift of the messenger who<br />

simply assures the suffering<br />

soldier that help is on the way.<br />

Blessed assurance<br />

Too often we discover that<br />

our own world is a frightening,<br />

confusing place of adversity and<br />

conflict, and we can find ourselves<br />

in trouble, stricken with<br />

grief, unable to save ourselves.<br />

How good it is to know that we<br />

have promises from God in<br />

heaven that assure us we are not<br />

alone and that help is coming.<br />

Psalm 46:1 says, God is our<br />

refuge and strength, a very<br />

present help in trouble.<br />

When we have a covenant<br />

blessing like that, we can appropriate<br />

it without feeling any kind<br />

of apprehension — divine protection,<br />

strength, and deliverance<br />

is assured. When we are in trouble<br />

or stricken with grief, we<br />

have more than just a friendly<br />

encouragement that aid is<br />

coming. We know that our Best<br />

Friend is on the way to help us,<br />

and it is none other than Jesus!<br />

That’s what the songwriter was<br />

talking about when she penned<br />

the words,“Blessed assurance,<br />

Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste<br />

of glory divine!”<br />

The psalmist surely was keenly<br />

aware of the divine resource that<br />

is ours when he looked to heaven<br />

in the midst of a trying time and<br />

cried out, Help, Lord (Psalm<br />

12:1). I believe that he expected<br />

God to come to his aid.<br />

One of the worst forms of suffering<br />

people endure is the icy<br />

fear of the unknown — the paralyzing<br />

anxiety over what might<br />

happen. Have you ever experienced<br />

that unsettling uncertainty<br />

that shatters your composure<br />

and ruins your peace of mind?<br />

We don’t<br />

have to heal<br />

the fallen or solve their<br />

problems, but simply<br />

point them to the One<br />

who can — a powerful<br />

God, a powerful Savior,<br />

a powerful<br />

Holy Spirit.<br />

Sometimes people are so hurt,<br />

so fearful, so anxious that in the<br />

long, dark night of the soul, they<br />

lose all hope. Not knowing<br />

where to turn for solace and<br />

help, they sink into the desperate<br />

quagmire of despair.Without<br />

anything to hold on to, people<br />

can literally become so lost that<br />

they die.<br />

In both the above cases, the<br />

ministry of the messenger who<br />

simply reports that help is on<br />

the way can actually make the<br />

difference between life and<br />

death. “Don’t give up! You’re not<br />

alone! Help is coming” can be a<br />

light in the darkness of fear and<br />

a beacon of hope to someone<br />

deep in the abyss of desolation.<br />

How remarkable that the messenger<br />

may<br />

not be able<br />

to solve the<br />

crisis, but what<br />

a valuable gift<br />

he shares<br />

simply by<br />

dispelling<br />

apprehension<br />

and restoring<br />

hope. Could<br />

you do<br />

something<br />

as simple as By Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

being a voice<br />

of encouragement to those<br />

around you who may have fallen<br />

from an enemy attack?<br />

That is what we try to do every<br />

week on our television program,<br />

“<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> Presents.”We keep<br />

reaching out to those who are<br />

hurting and afraid with a message<br />

of hope and encouragement that<br />

the help they need is available …<br />

pointing them unto him that is<br />

able to keep (them) from falling,<br />

and to present (them) faultless<br />

before the presence of his glory<br />

with exceeding joy (Jude 24).<br />

Trouble and tribulations<br />

You see, Christians sometimes<br />

labor under the illusion that<br />

when they accept the Lord,<br />

they’ll never have a heartbreak<br />

or disappointment, never have a<br />

broken friendship or financial<br />

setback, never falter or go astray,<br />

but that’s not true. Jesus said, In<br />

the world ye shall have tribulation<br />

(John 16:33). Have you<br />

found this to be true? Do you<br />

know what it is to have trials,<br />

temptations, and trouble?<br />

I thought so. We are not<br />

immune to the bad things that<br />

can infect our lives. But while<br />

Jesus acknowledged the world<br />

of tribulation we live in, He didn’t<br />

stop there. He went on to<br />

declare, but be of good cheer;<br />

I have overcome the world.<br />

And Psalm 34:19 declares,<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> January/February 2004<br />

Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> 19

Many are the afflictions of the<br />

righteous: but the Lord delivereth<br />

him out of them all.<br />

Have you discovered the<br />

reality of this promise? Do you<br />

believe it? Then this is the message<br />

you are called to share with<br />

the fallen soldiers around you!<br />

The Lord is very near to us —<br />

as the song says,“He’s as close as<br />

the mention of His name.” So it<br />

is perfectly accurate and true to<br />

tell someone in need that help is<br />

available … on the way!<br />

The Bible tells about a blind<br />

man in Jericho who heard that<br />

Jesus was passing by and cried<br />

out to Him for help. Did Jesus<br />

ignore his cry? Did He pass on<br />

by and go His way? That’s not<br />

what Luke 18:41 says. That<br />

verse says that Jesus said to the<br />

blind man,“What do you want<br />

Me to do for you?”<br />

Don’t limit God<br />

I love that! “What do you<br />

want?” If we don’t ask, we are<br />

limiting what God can do to<br />

meet our need. We are carrying<br />

needless pain, disappointment,<br />

setbacks, and trouble. In a day<br />

and time when the pressures of<br />

the world can cause us to falter,<br />

how good to know that we can<br />

look to heaven and say,“Help,<br />

Lord!” And He is always there.<br />

I got such a blessing as I<br />

thought of this, because we are<br />

beginning a New Year now.<br />

While we are anticipating all<br />

sorts of good things and not<br />

expecting problems or turmoil<br />

in our lives, it is good to know<br />

that if afflictions come, we can<br />

run straight to God. The Answer<br />

we need is always there … and<br />

His name is Jesus!<br />

In Handel’s great masterwork,<br />

“The Messiah,” one choral selection<br />

paraphrases Isaiah 40:9 and<br />

urges — “O thou that tellest<br />

good tidings to Zion … say unto<br />

the cities of Judah, behold your<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> January/February 2004<br />

Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> 20<br />

God!” I believe that is what we<br />

all have been commissioned to<br />

do — to tell good tidings — to<br />

proclaim the good news of the<br />

Gospel to those who need to<br />

hear it the most.<br />

I wish you could see the<br />

many letters we get every week<br />

from people who watch our<br />

weekly telecast and say,“We just<br />

couldn’t get through our week<br />

without the message you bring<br />

to us.” You see, we’re offering<br />

hope to them — we say,“The<br />

Lord is available, He will help<br />

you! It doesn’t matter if you’re<br />

on drugs, living on the street,<br />

cast out from home, shattered<br />

by divorce, brought low by<br />

illness and disease — whatever<br />

it is, disappointment or heartbreak,<br />

the Lord says,‘I am with<br />

you. What do you want Me to<br />

do for you?’”<br />

Other people say they turn<br />

to “<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> Presents”<br />

because they can’t stand to<br />

view the TV news anymore,<br />

with its incessant reports of<br />

calamity, destruction, fear, evil,<br />

and disturbing problems with<br />

no answers. It may sound<br />

simplistic, but our answer to<br />

the daily news is to point people<br />

to God. Again and again, my<br />

husband, <strong>Jack</strong>, reminds us all that<br />

it is better to trust in the Lord<br />

than to put confidence in man<br />

(Psalm 118:8).<br />

When the outlook is<br />

dark, try the uplook!<br />

Instead of relying on earthly<br />

things and human wisdom —<br />

even other Christians — we can<br />

trust in the Lord. The Word says,<br />

Be careful for nothing; but in<br />

every thing by prayer and<br />

supplication with thanksgiving<br />

let your requests be made<br />

known unto God (Philippians<br />

4:6). That’s where we are to<br />

have our confidence.<br />

If God is, in fact, omnipotent,<br />

infinite, all wise, then we can rely<br />

on Him. He’s our rock. He’s our<br />

fortress. He’s our deliverer. In<br />

Him shall we trust! Oh, I love<br />

this. What a foundation to stand<br />

firmly upon in the day and age in<br />

which we are living, and the New<br />

Year into which we are coming.<br />

Who can we turn to when the<br />

storms of life are raging? We<br />

have a powerful God, a powerful<br />

Savior, a powerful Holy Spirit —<br />

a loving Father, a faithful Friend,<br />

and a compassionate Comforter.<br />

How powerful is our God?<br />

He is the One who flung the<br />

universe into orbit, who created<br />

all life, who keeps everything in<br />

order. Such power is too much<br />

for my mind to comprehend, and<br />

yet this powerful being is so<br />

approachable and near to us that<br />

we are allowed to talk with Him,<br />

one on one, and address Him as<br />

our Father! Wow!<br />

Then we have God the Savior,<br />

the One who is truly called our<br />

best Friend. This merciful One is<br />

touched by the things that touch<br />

us, and He understands because<br />

he was in all points tested as we<br />

are, yet without sin. He hears<br />

whatever we confess and cleanses<br />

us from all sin (see Hebrews<br />

4:15, 1 John 1:7).<br />

How could we ever survive<br />

without God the Holy Spirit, who<br />

is our comforter, teacher, helper.<br />

He convicts us of our shortcomings,<br />

reads our hearts when we<br />

can’t even put into words what<br />

we need to say, and goes to the<br />

Father on our behalf with groans<br />

that cannot even be uttered.<br />

When we cry out in fear and pain<br />

— like a fallen soldier — the Holy<br />

Spirit knows exactly what we are<br />

feeling and needing.<br />

Because our great and powerful<br />

God is one — the Father, the<br />

Savior, and the Holy Spirit cannot<br />

be separated from each<br />

other … or from us! And that’s<br />

Who comes to bring help to us

when we have been wounded<br />

and are fallen on the battlefield<br />

of life.<br />

Don’t be afraid<br />

of tomorrow<br />

So we can walk boldly into<br />

the untracked territory of the<br />

New Year and put our hand into<br />

the hand of God. What better<br />

companion and resource could<br />

we have? Tomorrow may be<br />

new territory for us, but God is<br />

already there. Why should we<br />

worry?<br />

How often we try to fret and<br />

worry our way through life<br />

instead of walking in the victory,<br />

joy, and peace that is ours. My<br />

husband, <strong>Jack</strong>, says that too often<br />

the attitude of some people<br />

seems to be: why pray when you<br />

can worry? But we have been<br />

called out of darkness into God’s<br />

marvelous light!<br />

Let us not go into 2004 with<br />

the false illusion that because we<br />

are Christians we will never be<br />

disappointed or have setbacks,<br />

hardships, or trials. We will<br />

encounter challenges and trouble,<br />

I assure you. But we have a<br />

source of ever-present help —<br />

that means it’s always available.<br />

We don’t even have to make an<br />

appointment for it — I like that<br />

part. We don’t have to call and set<br />

a date. Our God is always there.<br />

One of the first American<br />

casualties in Iraq was a young<br />

woman named Jessica Lynch.<br />

She was wounded and captured<br />

— imagine her terror, pain, and<br />

despair. But in her darkest hour,<br />

someone—an Iraqi citizen, I<br />

believe — said to her,“I will send<br />

help to you.” What a great hope<br />

and consolation those words<br />

must have been. And before long,<br />

this young woman was rescued.<br />

Mission Possible<br />

As you and I go into the New<br />

Year, could it be that the greatest<br />

mission we could have is to look<br />

for fallen soldiers? We can tell<br />

them that we are sending help if<br />

they’ll just receive it. For, you<br />

see, we don’t have to heal the<br />

fallen or solve their problems,<br />

but simply point them to the<br />

One who can — a powerful<br />

God, a powerful Savior, a powerful<br />

Holy Spirit.<br />

By the way, just when we think<br />

that our world — the whole<br />

world — is so messed up that it is<br />

totally out of control, we need to<br />

be reminded that God is still in<br />

control. He has the whole world<br />

in His hands and nothing has happened<br />

or is going to happen that<br />

He doesn’t already know about.<br />

He’s already prepared for every<br />

situation. Because our God is so<br />

powerful, He wins every time.<br />

And we’re on His team … the<br />

winning team. So don’t be afraid<br />

of tomorrow — God’s already<br />

there.<br />

That’s what “<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

Presents” is all about. As we<br />

encircle the globe every single<br />

week, we’re giving hope in the<br />

Lord that the world cannot give.<br />

The world is in a mess, but we<br />

have a message for the “message”!<br />

And as our friend and partner,<br />

you share in all that is being<br />

accomplished.<br />

This year, will you join us in<br />

saying to all who need a voice of<br />

encouragement,“Help is on the<br />

way!” What a great way to enter<br />

the New Year.<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> January/February 2004<br />

Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> 21

Inside Out<br />

By Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s<br />

latest book is a<br />

remarkable look at some<br />

of the everyday issues<br />

of Christian living, and it<br />

shows you how to look at<br />

them not from the limited<br />

human point of view, but<br />

from God’s perspective!<br />

“I am sharing my heart<br />

with you on these<br />

pages in the hope that<br />

you, too, will catch the<br />

inside out vision and<br />

become as excited as<br />

I about the privilege<br />

we have to walk with<br />

Jesus. Take my hand<br />

then in Christian<br />

fellowship, and let<br />

us go on together!”<br />

Inside out BOOK (BIS)<br />

Send a gift<br />

of $14.95<br />

($19.95 Canada)<br />

Soul Food<br />

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread<br />

Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> has created a daily devotional<br />

that will uplift, inspire, educate and<br />

enlighten you and your family all year long. Each<br />

day, straight from the heart of the man known<br />

as “The Walking Bible,” you get:<br />

• A Scripture reading<br />

• A memory verse from that day’s reading<br />

• A profound one-page message from Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />

This devotional book will quickly become an<br />

integral part of your daily quiet time with God,<br />

as you embark on a year of spiritual discovery<br />

with practical guidelines from Dr. <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>.<br />

Call or write today for your Daily Bread!<br />

Soul Food devotional BOOK (BSFD)<br />

Send a gift of $14.95<br />

($19.95 Canada)

Important video from Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella<br />

<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> for all Americans and friends of America<br />

America’s Future<br />

In these incredible days of Bible prophecy at hand,<br />

many wonder if America will survive to play a role in<br />

the latter days. In this powerful video, Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and<br />

Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> examine what it will take for America<br />

to be spared the horrendous judgment soon to be<br />

poured out on the world.<br />

This video is a must for you and your family, a great<br />

addition to your prophecy library, and a wonderful way<br />

to present the Gospel to a friend who has fears about<br />

the future and the country. Call or write for it today!<br />

America’s Future VIDEO (VAFV)<br />

Yours for a gift of $24.95<br />

($29.95 Canada)<br />

Running time: 105 minutes<br />

Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> help<br />

you free the power of the Holy Spirit<br />

to work through you!<br />

Baptism of the<br />

Holy Spirit<br />

In these latter days of human history,<br />

you should have the power to stand<br />

for Jesus, and that power comes<br />

through the Holy Spirit. In this video<br />

teaching, you will learn:<br />

• The Person of the Holy Spirit —<br />

separate and distinct yet an eternal<br />

part of the Godhead Trinity<br />

• The Presence of the Holy Spirit —<br />

He seals, strives, restrains,<br />

regenerates, comforts and more<br />

• The Power of the Holy Spirit —<br />

Discover how the Spirit empowers<br />

you with God’s gifts!<br />

• And much more!<br />

Running time: 91 minutes<br />

Baptism of the Holy Spirit<br />

VIDEO (VHSV) or DVD (DHSV)<br />

Yours for a gift of<br />

$24.95 ($29.95 Canada)


“Let him that is taught in the word share or give<br />

unto him that teacheth in all good things.”<br />

Galatians 6:6<br />

7%<br />

5%<br />

88%<br />


Fundraising<br />

General & Administrative<br />

<strong>Ministries</strong><br />

Praise<br />

God With<br />

Us For<br />

Changed<br />

Lives!<br />

Life has new meaning<br />

Thank you for being on<br />

TV. It was in 1989 and I<br />

had just been released from<br />

prison on a drug charge<br />

and was living with my<br />

mother. At 40 years old,<br />

when flipping through the<br />

channels I came across<br />

your program and prayed<br />

with you. To make a long<br />

story short, my life has a different<br />

meaning today. I am<br />

a minister of the Gospel.<br />

R.A.<br />

Saved from drinking<br />

and drugs<br />

Just wanted to write you<br />

and let you know that<br />

you’re doing a very great<br />

job and you have reached<br />

me and many people I<br />

know in a way that no<br />

other preacher has. I pray<br />

that your television broadcast<br />

stays on the air all the<br />

way up until the Rapture,<br />

because you are the only<br />

one I’ll listen to concerning<br />

Bible Prophecy. I also wanted<br />

to let you know that it<br />

was because of you that I<br />

know God and am saved.<br />

Thank you for being there<br />

on TV, because seven years<br />

ago when my whole life<br />

revolved around drinking,<br />

doing drugs, and partying,<br />

you and Rexella were there<br />

for me.<br />

D.B.<br />

Instrumental vehicle<br />

Praise the Lord <strong>Jack</strong> and<br />

Rexella. I was just saved<br />

last week and I feel the<br />

light of the Lord and the<br />

Holy Spirit moving through<br />

every ounce of my being.<br />

I had always considered<br />

myself an agnostic. But,<br />

I know now that I was<br />

caught in the devil’s snare.<br />

With help from my wife<br />

and my in-laws and through<br />

the grace of God, I have<br />

been shown the way. My<br />

father-in-law would send<br />

tapes of your program<br />

home with my wife and<br />

I would reluctantly view<br />

them with a hardened<br />

heart. I had so convinced<br />

myself that I was such an<br />

intellectual that nothing<br />

beyond my understanding<br />

could possibly be true.<br />

Thank you so much for<br />

being such an instrumental<br />

vehicle for me on my road<br />

to salvation. God bless<br />

you all!!!!<br />

D. H.<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> January/February 2004<br />

Letters We Love 24

Ten minutes was enough!<br />

My name is C. M. from<br />

Indiana. I was browsing<br />

through the stations tonight<br />

and I came across your program.<br />

I only saw about ten<br />

minutes of it but it made me<br />

start thinking. I follow politics<br />

and I understand most of<br />

the stuff that goes on in the<br />

world today. To be honest<br />

with you, I am not a very<br />

good person. Sure on<br />

Sundays I act like a perfect<br />

angel but I’m not. In my life<br />

I swear every other word. I<br />

act like I own everything and<br />

everyone and I do not like<br />

listening to anything that<br />

involves church. Tonight<br />

when you started that prayer<br />

I thought this is the way I<br />

should be. I accepted Christ<br />

tonight. I just hope that I can<br />

now end my evil ways. I<br />

sincerely believe I can change.<br />

C. M.<br />

Completely turned around<br />

Ever since I started to listen<br />

to your program on Radio<br />

Newspaper in<br />

Panama, my life has<br />

completely turned around,<br />

and I have accepted Jesus<br />

Christ as my Savior. Thank<br />

you for bringing the Word to<br />

our homes.<br />

M. R.<br />

Shared Jesus<br />

I just want to say my<br />

beloved father, Joseph, died in<br />

November 1999. He worked<br />

as an electronics engineer<br />

and physicist for the USAF for<br />

30 years. He went to<br />

Princeton and his hero was<br />

Albert Einstein. My father<br />

liked to listen and watch Dr.<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> because <strong>Jack</strong> is<br />

a doctor … a brilliant and<br />

educated man. This kept<br />

(held) my father’s interest. By<br />

faith, I believe when <strong>Jack</strong><br />

gave the invitation to receive<br />

Jesus ... that my father did so.<br />

I shared Jesus too … the best<br />

I could when I cared for him<br />

at home before he died. God<br />

bless you <strong>Jack</strong> and Rexella.<br />

Brother John<br />

Spoke to my heart<br />

Thank you for your faithfulness<br />

to our Lord and your<br />

ministry. It was when listening<br />

to your album The<br />

Coming War With Russia that<br />

the Lord really strongly spoke<br />

to my heart and showed me<br />

that His Word is true and real.<br />

Within approximately two<br />

weeks after listening to your<br />

album, I asked the Lord to<br />

save me and trusted in Christ<br />

as Savior! My life changed<br />

drastically and my close lost<br />

friends thought I had<br />

“flipped.” Today most of<br />

these friends are saved —<br />

Praise God! Thank you Dr.<br />

<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>.<br />

E.W. O.<br />

<strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> January/February 2004<br />

Letters We Love 25



Beloved in Christ Jesus Our Lord,<br />

Rexella and I need Partners —<br />

men and women of God who will<br />

pray for us and stand with us.<br />

Your monthly Partnership<br />

commitment will make it possible<br />

to bring another million souls to<br />

the foot of the cross.<br />

With your monthly gift of<br />

$20 or more, I will send you, as<br />

my Partner, the <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong><br />


acclaimed newsletter chock-full<br />

of prophecy news which is often<br />

ignored, distorted or suppressed<br />

by the media.<br />

It will mean so much to<br />

Rexella and me if you join us<br />

as a faithful monthly partner.<br />

Thank you! God bless you!<br />

P.S. Become a Partner today,<br />

and let me send you some<br />

thank-you gifts, and the<br />

Intelligence Briefing every<br />

month. Thank you!<br />

Monthly Intelligence<br />

Briefing<br />

Perhaps Today<br />

Lapel Pin<br />

Bible Bookmark<br />


Inner Circle Report<br />

• Faith for the Final Hour video teaching with a $20 monthly gift<br />

• Daniel: Final End Times Mysteries Unsealed video series with a $50 monthly gift<br />

• Revelation Revealed 10-hour video teaching with a $100 monthly gift<br />

Call or write<br />

today to the<br />

Inner Circle<br />

with your<br />

first monthly<br />

Partnership<br />


Israel, Islam and<br />

Armageddon<br />

Powerful video by Dave Hunt<br />

With more than 3,000 years of history, Jerusalem is<br />

mentioned an astonishing 800 times in the Bible<br />

and prophesied to play a key role in world destiny. Many<br />

of the prophesies have already been fulfilled!<br />

This exciting video shows how the current peace<br />

process is fraught with peril, why it is impossible for<br />

Jerusalem to know true peace in our age, how the anti-<br />

Christ will lead the world’s armies to destroy Israel, the<br />

truth about the Palestinians, and much more.<br />

This is a must for any prophecy library and a great<br />

video for non-believers who are interested in prophecy,<br />

because it corrects the misinformation and propaganda<br />

aggressively advanced by today’s media.<br />

Islam, Israel and Armageddon Video (V701)<br />

Yours for a gift of $24.95<br />

($29.95 Canada)<br />

Running time: 60 minutes<br />

Everlasting Hatred<br />

A new book from Hal Lindsey<br />

Hal Lindsey explains how, on 9/11, an ancient fight-tothe-death<br />

conflict exploded on the shores of the<br />

USA. Although most Americans didn’t realize it, we were<br />

already involved in a struggle driven by hatred that<br />

dates back over 4,000 years.<br />

• Why have Islamic fundamentalists branded the<br />

USA as the “Great Satan”?<br />

• Why would terrorists want to sacrifice their own<br />

lives to kill innocent Americans?<br />

• Is Islamic terrorism a fundamental threat to the<br />

future survival of America?<br />

• Why do Muslims hate Jews?<br />

These and many other important questions are<br />

answered in this great read from a prophecy expert — and<br />

the book also brings a fresh breath of hope for the future!<br />

It’s great for Christians and a good witnessing tool, too.<br />

Everlasting Hatred Book (B273)<br />

Yours for a gift of $19.95<br />

($24.95 Canada)<br />

Don’t Forget! Free Shipping &<br />

Handling to USA and Canada.

International best-selling author and expert<br />

Grant Jeffrey video and book combination<br />

Unveiling Mysteries of the Bible<br />

Unveiling Mysteries of the Bible is an easy to<br />

understand video and book combination from<br />

prophecy expert Grant Jeffrey that comprehensively<br />

answers compelling questions such as:<br />

• Who were the giants impregnating the daughters<br />

of mankind?<br />

• How did Noah get all those animals into the ark?<br />

• How and why did the Wise Men follow a star in<br />

the sky to locate the Christ child?<br />

• How did the sun stand still for Joshua — and why?<br />

• How could Jonah be swallowed by a fish and live?<br />

•Where was the Garden of Eden located?<br />

•Where and how did the ark of the covenant vanish?<br />

•Why the darkness at noon during Christ’s crucifixion?<br />

• And many more!<br />

Unveiling Mysteries of the Bible<br />

VIDEO AND BOOK (V620P)<br />

Yours for a ministry gift<br />

of only $34.95<br />

($39.95 Canada)<br />

The End Times Controversy:<br />

The Second Coming Under Attack<br />

By Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice<br />

Tim LaHaye, author of the best selling<br />

Left Behind series, teams up with fellow<br />

prophecy expert Thomas Ice in<br />

response to a growing controversy about<br />

the last days.<br />

This powerful book gives guidelines for<br />

interpreting Bible prophecy, a concise looks<br />

at what the Bible says about the future, and<br />

a clear plan for refuting errors taught by<br />

those who say the 7-year tribulation and<br />

return of Christ have already happened!<br />

You deserve the truth in a storm of<br />

controversy, and this book explains where<br />

we stand now in God’s prophetic time-table,<br />

what the Rapture is and why you can believe<br />

in it, and much more. A must for your<br />

prophecy library, it is also a great book<br />

of explanation for non-believing friends.<br />

The End Times Controversy BOOK (B430)<br />

Send a gift of $15.95<br />

($19.95 Canada)

Prophecy of Israel<br />

Stunning video presentation on DVD<br />

explains the roadmap to peace and<br />

underscores its chances according to Bible<br />

prophecy — in this one-hour documentary,<br />

you will take a look at the perplexing<br />

problems in the Middle East and come into<br />

a greater understanding of both world history<br />

and Bible history.With fresh insight and a new<br />

perspective on current day problems, the<br />

teaching shows<br />

which prophecies<br />

have been fulfilled<br />

and points toward the<br />

exciting future just<br />

around the corner.<br />

Prophecy of Israel<br />

DVD (D642)<br />

Send a gift of<br />

$19.95<br />

($24.95 Canada)<br />

Complete Book of Bible Promises<br />

By Ron Rhodes<br />

Now you can find promises from God’s<br />

Word that apply to every area of your life<br />

quickly and easily! Discover what God wants<br />

you to know about His faithfulness, goodness<br />

and love, fear, doubt and temptation, your<br />

emotions and all the challenges that face you!<br />

With handy alphabetized tabs, one-line<br />

summaries of each verse and additional insights<br />

from the original<br />

Bible languages,<br />

this book will<br />

become a treasured<br />

companion and<br />

makes a great gift!<br />

Complete Book of Bible<br />

Promises book (B397)<br />

Send a gift of<br />

$10.95<br />

($15.95 Canada)<br />

War in Heaven<br />

By Derek Prince<br />

The last book Prince authored before his<br />

recent death in Jerusalem, this powerful work<br />

shows a keen understanding of the prophetic<br />

impact of recent world events, and gives you a<br />

clear explanation of how God has equipped you<br />

to live in these latter days. In its pages, you will<br />

discover why there is evil in the world, and how<br />

at the same time victory has been assured to you<br />

as a child of God! The book brings to life God’s<br />

epic battle with evil, and<br />

is an amazing volume<br />

that reveals the shocking<br />

truth about spiritual<br />

warfare in your home,<br />

your church, and your<br />

own heart and mind!<br />

God and the Nations<br />

By Henry M. Morris<br />

In Bible poetry and prophecy,“the nations”<br />

of the world are frequently mentioned.<br />

While Israel plays a prominent role, many<br />

other powerful nations have shaped world history<br />

in addition to being part of Bible history<br />

and prophecy. Discover what God’s Word says<br />

about “the nations,” including the USA.A must<br />

for any prophecy library.<br />

God and the Nations<br />

book (B171)<br />

Send a gift of<br />

$14.95<br />

($19.95 Canada)<br />

War in Heaven book (B367)<br />

Send a gift of<br />

$14.95<br />

($19.95 Canada)

Incredible New Offer:<br />

The entire APOCALYPSE film series<br />

— now available together for the first time ever!<br />


explores a world caught in the time of ultimate deception.<br />

Faced with compelling and conflicting interpretations,<br />

the heroes must choose in whom they will place their<br />

faith! <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s salvation invitation at the end of<br />

this film has led thousands to faith in Christ in theatres<br />

and homes!<br />

APOCALYPSE II: REVELATION was called by many<br />

Hollywood insiders, “the best treatment of Christian<br />

themes ever put into movie form”! Three Hollywood<br />

stars appear in the film, plus two actors continuing<br />

their roles from APOCALYPSE I. The director of<br />

photography — a Christian and a Hollywood<br />

professional — has shot 37 Hollywood features.<br />

This is, simply put, a “world class” film!<br />

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($34.95 Canada)

After 85,000 hours of study, memorizing 14,000<br />

verses, and devouring 10,000 study books, Dr. <strong>Jack</strong><br />

<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> pours out his work of a lifetime for you!<br />

In the <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> Prophecy Bible,Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> has created<br />

an important edition of the Bible that may be the only Bible you ever<br />

need! Along with the majestic King James Version of the Bible, between<br />

the bonded leather covers of this Bible, you also receive:<br />

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• A verse-by-verse explanation of the entire<br />

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as an entire Bible class in Revelation!<br />

• Dr. <strong>Jack</strong> <strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong>’s own personal Bible<br />

memorization plan, so that you can have the<br />

same kind of command of Scripture possessed<br />

by the man many call “the Walking Bible.”<br />

• Supplemental guides and studies of<br />

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• And much more!<br />

This great Bible comes with a presentation page so it<br />

can be personalized for gift-giving, and has traditional<br />

touches, such as the Words of Christ in red. You will find<br />

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Prophecy BIBLE (BIB3)<br />

Send a gift of<br />

$<br />

59 95 ( $ 69 95 Canada)<br />

The Holy Spirit told me, “You have something<br />

special in your mailbox from your mother<br />

today.” That was the day I received the <strong>Jack</strong><br />

<strong>Van</strong> <strong>Impe</strong> Prophecy Bible ... I have found it to<br />

be of superior quality to all other Bibles. I<br />

have another Prophecy Bible which just does<br />

not have the personal touch of excellence of a<br />

single man’s hard work as the <strong>JVI</strong> Bible does.<br />

—John<br />

Contact JACK VAN IMPE MINISTRIES ® at Box 7004,Troy, Michigan 48007. In Canada: Box 1717,<br />

Postal Station A,Windsor, ON N9A 6Y1. For immediate attention, call us at(248) 852-5225 or<br />

fax (248) 852-2692.Thank you for your love and generosity ... and God bless you!<br />

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