Lion Brewery (Ceylon) PLC Annual Report 2011 - Carson and ...

Lion Brewery (Ceylon) PLC Annual Report 2011 - Carson and ...

Lion Brewery (Ceylon) PLC Annual Report 2011 - Carson and ...


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39<br />

Notes to the Financial Statements contd.<br />

2.5.1 Assessment of Impairment<br />

The Company assesses at each Balance Sheet date whether there is objective evidence that an asset or portfolio of<br />

assets is impaired. The recoverable amount of an asset or cash generating unit is the greater of its value in use <strong>and</strong><br />

its fair value less cost to sell.<br />

In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to present value using appropriate<br />

discount rates that reflects the current market assessments of the time value of money <strong>and</strong> risks specific to the<br />

asset.<br />

2.5.2 Employee Retirement Benefits<br />

The liability as at Balance Sheet date was actuarially valued based on the assumptions set out in Note No 21 to<br />

these Financial Statements.<br />

3. Significant Accounting Policies<br />

The accounting policies set out below have been applied by the Company consistent with the previous year.<br />

3.1 Foreign Currency Transactions<br />

All foreign currency transactions are converted at the rate of exchange prevailing at the time the transactions were<br />

effected. Monetary assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities denominated in foreign currencies have been translated to Sri Lankan<br />

rupees at rates of exchange prevailing at the Balance Sheet date. The exchange differences arising there from have<br />

been dealt within the Income Statement.<br />

Assets <strong>and</strong> Bases of Their Valuation<br />

Assets classified as Current Assets in the Balance Sheet are cash <strong>and</strong> those which are expected to be realised in<br />

cash during the normal operating cycle of the Company’s business or within one year from the Balance Sheet date<br />

whichever is shorter. Assets other than Current Assets are those which the Company intends to hold beyond a<br />

period of one year from the Balance Sheet date.<br />

3.2 Property, Plant & Equipment<br />

(a) Recognition <strong>and</strong> Measurement<br />

Items of property, plant & equipment are measured at cost or valuation less accumulated depreciation <strong>and</strong><br />

accumulated impairment loss , if any, provided on the basis stated in Note No 12. Cost of property, plant &<br />

equipment is the cost of acquisition or construction together with any expenses incurred in bringing the asset to its<br />

working condition for its intended use.<br />

The Company applies the revaluation model for freehold l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> buildings while cost model is applied for other<br />

categories of Property, Plant <strong>and</strong> Equipment.<br />

Expenditure incurred for the purpose of acquiring, extending or improving assets of a permanent nature by means<br />

of which to carry on the business or to increase the earning capacity of the business has been treated as capital<br />

expenditure.<br />

(b) Revaluation of L<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Buildings<br />

The freehold l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> buildings of the Company have been revalued <strong>and</strong> revaluation of these assets are carried out<br />

at least once every five years in order to ensure that the book values reflect the realisable values. Any surplus or<br />

deficit arising there from is adjusted in the revaluation reserve.<br />

(c) Subsequent Expenditure<br />

Expenditure incurred to replace a component of an item of property, plant <strong>and</strong> equipment that is accounted for<br />

separately is capitalised. Other subsequent expenditure is capitalised only if it is probable that the future economic<br />

benefits embodied with the item will flow to the Company <strong>and</strong> the cost of the item can be measured reliably. All<br />

other expenditure is recognised in the Income Statement as <strong>and</strong> when an expense is incurred.

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